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IABC presentation selecting social media platforms

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Presented by Jenna Rutschman on behalf of Terralever at the Phoenix Chapter of IABC. Selecting Social Media Platforms that Meet Business Goals and Client Expectations This presentation will explore the proper use of consumer segmentation, the importance of carefully crafted content and how to engage your intended audience by choosing the most appropriate social media platform. You will learn: • How to utilize simple consumer insights to help select the best social media platform(s) for your business • How to identify your business’s key segments and how to find those individuals on social media • How to utilize social media platforms as a way to achieve business goals and obtain actionable results.
That meet business goals and client expectations FEB / 21 / 2013 Selecting Social Media Platforms Presented by Jenna Rutschman to IABC Tuesday, February 26, 13
Page 1: IABC presentation selecting social media platforms

That meet business goals and client expectations

FEB / 21 / 2013

Selecting Social Media Platforms

Presented by Jenna Rutschman to IABC

Tuesday, February 26, 13

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

Tuesday, February 26, 13

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

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Overview for Today

DescriptionThis presentation will explore the proper use of consumer segmentation, the importance of carefully crafted content, and how to engage your intended audience by choosing the most appropriate social media platforms.

Key Takeaways:• How to utilize simple consumer insights to help select the best social media platforms

for your business• How to identify your business’ key segments and how to find those individuals on

social media• How to utilize social media platforms as a way to achieve business goals and obtain

actionable results

Tuesday, February 26, 13

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

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Let’s do social media? Facebook? Pinterest? Twitter? Linkedin? SlideShare? Instagram? Google+? Yelp?

• What is your goal?• What will success look like?• How will you measure success?• What will be considered successful execution

of social media?• Where is your content coming from?• What is the level of comfort with social media

within your organization?• Who are your resources?• How long to you have to achieve your goal?• Has everyone mutually agreed on the goal(s) of

the social media campaign?

Social Media | Setting Up A Campaign

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• Determine goals for each platform• Ensure each stakeholder agrees on goals• Set timeline to achieve goals• Set benchmarks to measure goals against• Set reporting guidelines • Determine available (and willing) resources• Set target audiences and personas• Develop brand voice guidelines • Create and curate content

Social Media | Determine Goals

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

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Identifying your target audience is the foundation for any business’ sales and marketing plan

• You can’t afford to target everyone• Focus on a specific market that is more

likely to buy from you• Look for common interests and behaviors• What problem are they trying to solve• Who are your competitors targeting• Define demographics and psychographics• Determine the right channels and marketing

messages that will resonate with them• Content efforts will be fundamentally

flawed if you do not pinpoint the audience you are producing content for






Total Population

Target Audience | Understanding Your Audience

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Target Audience | Persona Example B2B



32-42Digital Habits

• Highly educated women are likely to use social media platforms for both work and personal use - 65%

• As part of Gen X she is an information seeker

• Quicker to make online purchases than women. Purchase is more of a tactical decision for men


BSMasters of Science



ProfileJill has 10 years of experience in all aspects of drug development for biologics, pharmaceuticals and devices. Her experience includes 5 years of data management experience as as well as several years within domestic clinical trial management. Her areas of expertise include oncology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, dermatology and infections diseases. Jill is responsible for defining the clinical trial strategy and management of all clinical studies being conducted by her company. She manages moth the operational and logistical tasks of clinical development to ensure efficient execution of trials within established budgets and timelines including partner relationships / management.

She is comfortable with technology, and frequently uses the Internet for networking, industry related conversations and to keep up-to-date regarding industry guidelines. She uses Linkedin to keep up-to-date for networking and within important groups such as Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals.

JillDirector of Clinical Affairs

• 51% search information for their job

• 90% use a search engine to find information daily

• 84% research products

• 94% use emailSource - Pew Research Center, comScore, Linkedin

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Target Audience | Persona Example B2C



18-24Digital Habits

• 59% of Millennials own smartphones

• 60% rate brands online

• 42% watch TV online


Eller Schoolof Business

Universityof Arizona



ProfileCody is a junior at the University of Arizona he is an active member in his fraternity, is a dedicated student and takes every opportunity to soak up the Arizona sun with outdoor activities. Cody enjoys skateboarding, mountain biking, snowboard, wake skating, road biking and hiking.

He spends most of his free time outside and prefers to stay connected on the go with his mobile iPhone and his iPad. For school he focussed on getting his work done on time and efficiently often using the campus computing center and his laptop to stay on top of his busy coarse load.

Cody relies heavily on other outdoor enthusiasts recommendations for equipment and what brands to buy on his tight college budget.

CodyCollege Student

• “I am a social creature both online and offline”

• 53% will explore brands socially

• 79% use social media

• Highly influenced by user-generated contentSource - Pew Research Center, comScore

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• Get inside the consumer mindset• Be observant• Use available research and resources• What is their “want” or “need”• Develop and use a persona(s) model• What is your indented goal for each persona?

Target Audience | Understand Your Consumer

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

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Content | Mix N’ Mingle

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Content | Unified Message

Content Strategy ensures that all brand executions have a unified message across the platforms where consumers search for information.

As Bryan Eisenberg states do the “sucking wind” checklist:

• Do you offer a clear and valuable message?• Have you established trust and credibility?• Have you answered all the main objectives?• Have you addressed the emotional “ownership” of

the sale?• Have you substantiated your claims?• Have you made the next steps clear?• Could you have said the same thing in one-third of

the words?

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Overview

• What is the right platform for your brand?

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0 30 60 90

Percentage of B2B Marketers Who Use Various Social Media Sites to Distribute Content

2011 2012

Creating A Social Ecosystem | B2BSource: 2013 Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | B2C

0 30 60 90

Percentage of B2C Marketers Who Use Various Social Media Sites to Distribute Content


Source: 2013 Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs

Tuesday, February 26, 13

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Usual Suspects

Facebook is changing, goals must be detailed and marketing dollars are likely needed for growth. Content is king (and queen) on Facebook so is understanding what makes your audience tick. Goals and results must be mutually agreed and tracked diligently.

Personally I think Twitter is best used as a content syndicator and for customer service listening and responses.

Videos are not all made equal. YouTube is a huge search engine and video should be arranged properly and your channel needs attention. YouTube is not a set-it and forget-it.

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Usual Suspects

Your virtual rolodex. It is worth investing your time into Linkedin especially for B2B marketers but also for recruitment. Be part of the conversation. A great way to curate content and link SlideShare.

The “dark horse” behind Facebook. Google+ has grown in engagement 50% from 2011 to 2012. Purely for the SEO play it can’t be ignored. For B2B and B2C Google+ has some unique and great features using Hangouts and optimizing content for your Circles. Don’t underestimate the power of Google.

Share your documents, PDFs, powerpoints and webinars within SlideShare. Companies like NASA and the US Army and Navy are hip to it. So is IBM and Cisco. Great for SEO benefits and easy to link to partner sites like Linkedin.

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Usual Suspects

Pinterest! Who doesn’t love Pinterest. Pinterest is a fantastic way to reach your target audience, seed content and get quality leads to your site....IF....Your target demo matches the Pinterest demo and your product is visual. Very visual.

tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything and thusly lets you also effortlessly indulge in content effortlessly. Similar to Pinterest, tumblr is very visual in nature and is also best if your brand and company like to disperse rich but small snip-its of content.

What feels like the “it” application right now. The Millennial generation is eating up Instagram. Since their parents have ruined Facebook Instagram is there to hotspot. Rich visually, creative and just enough voyeuristic to get the audiences ticking. Fantastic for brands that have avid employees who can snap using instagram as the brand voice.

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Overload

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | B2B Overview

Company: Statistics & Data Corporation

Goals:• Get involved in the conversation • Connect with rolodex online• Utilize momentum from trade shows

within social media• Lead generation

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YouTube is a Future Secondary Platform Recommendation

Creating A Social Ecosystem | B2B Recommended

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32-42Digital Habits

• Highly educated women are likely to use social media platforms for both work and personal use - 65%

• As part of Gen X she is an information seeker

• Quicker to make online purchases than women. Purchase is more of a tactical decision for men


BSMasters of Science



ProfileJill has 10 years of experience in all aspects of drug development for biologics, pharmaceuticals and devices. Her experience includes 5 years of data management experience as as well as several years within domestic clinical trial management. Her areas of expertise include oncology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, dermatology and infections diseases. Jill is responsible for defining the clinical trial strategy and management of all clinical studies being conducted by her company. She manages moth the operational and logistical tasks of clinical development to ensure efficient execution of trials within established budgets and timelines including partner relationships / management.

She is comfortable with technology, and frequently uses the Internet for networking, industry related conversations and to keep up-to-date regarding industry guidelines. She uses Linkedin to keep up-to-date for networking and within important groups such as Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals.

JillDirector of Clinical Affairs

• 51% search information for their job

• 90% use a search engine to find information daily

• 84% research products

• 94% use emailSource - Pew Research Center, comScore, Linkedin

Creating A Social Ecosystem | B2B Persona

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Plan of Attack

• LinkedIn • Finish and optimize profile• Connect with rolodex• Test Paid Marketing Campaign

• Google+• Set up Google+ profile and start creating and curating content• After speaking engagements invite a select group of qualified and interested

prospects and industry thought leaders to a hangout surrounding specific topic

• SlideShare • Set up SlideShare account and upload past speaking engagements• Link SlideShare to LinkedIn

• Quora• Consider having staff monitor and answer questions within Quora• Helps create content ideas, interest and awareness of SDC

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Recap

• Understand your target audience and how they consume social media• Relate all activities and tactics back to strategic pillars and goals• Be results driven even if your client isn’t• Measure, test and refine • Don’t be afraid to...fail

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | B2C Overview

Depth of TrialIncrease closed-toe awareness amongst loyalists from 56% to 75%

New ProspectsIncrease brand awareness from 19% to 25%

Young UpIncrease consideration of younger outdoor consumer (16 to 24) from 10% to 15%

Build Online CommunityIncrease Facebook following - 100k+

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Teva social media ecosystem

MeasureFacebook fans – Tra!c to teva.com – Tra!c to Teva blog –

Facebook advertising click through rate – Facebook

engagement per post – Facebook "Talking About This"

engagement number – Facebook demographic: Youngin' Up the

Brand – Teva loyalist awareness of closed toe shoes – Teva social

engagement with outdoor enthausists – Teva social audience

embracing brand promise of “Live Better Stories”

GoalsContinue to increase fan following by 20,000 for the first quarter and 10% each

additional quarter while maintain a “Talking About This” rating average of 4,000 or

above. (Terralever recommends reassessing the goals quarterly to account for

unknown changes within Facebooks Algorithm and provide the most concise goal as

possible.) – Increase closed-toe awareness among loyalists – Increase brand awareness –

Increase consideration of younger outdoor consumer (18 -34)

Under the microscopeAnalyzing your social situation

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18-24Digital Habits

• 59% of Millennials own smartphones

• 60% rate brands online

• 42% watch TV online


Eller Schoolof Business

Universityof Arizona



ProfileCody is a junior at the University of Arizona he is an active member in his fraternity, is a dedicated student and takes every opportunity to soak up the Arizona sun with outdoor activities. Cody enjoys skateboarding, mountain biking, snowboard, wake skating, road biking and hiking.

He spends most of his free time outside and prefers to stay connected on the go with his mobile iPhone and his iPad. For school he focussed on getting his work done on time and efficiently often using the campus computing center and his laptop to stay on top of his busy coarse load.

Cody relies heavily on other outdoor enthusiasts recommendations for equipment and what brands to buy on his tight college budget.

CodyCollege Student

• “I am a social creature both online and offline”

• 53% will explore brands socially

• 79% use social media

• Highly influenced by user-generated contentSource - Pew Research Center, comScore

Creating A Social Ecosystem | B2C Persona

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Goals: Depth of TrialIncrease closed-toe awareness amongst loyalists from 56% to 75%

Creating A Social Ecosystem | Goals

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Goal: New ProspectsIncrease brand awareness from 19% to 25%

Creating A Social Ecosystem | Goals

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Goal: Young UpIncrease consideration of younger outdoor consumer (16 to 24) from 10% to 15%

Creating A Social Ecosystem | Goals

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Goal: Young UpIncrease consideration of younger outdoor consumer (18 to 34) from 10% to 15%

Creating A Social Ecosystem | Goals

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Creating A Social Ecosystem | Recap

• Showcase new products in a non-invasive way• Sandbox content • Speak their language• Understand your brand voice and be willing to poke fun • Agree on strategies that map to tactics that track to goals and relate them all

together with results• Measure, test and refine

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Agenda 01 What we are Talking About Today

02 Setting up a Campaign

03 Target Audience

04 Content

05 Selecting Platforms

06 Case Study

07 Off the Beaten Path

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Off the beaten path....

• Creative & Light• Simple content• Connect with brand advocates • A few doing it well:

• Madewell & JCrew• Anthropology • Vans• Whole Foods• Target• Coca-Cola• Land Rover

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Off the beaten path....

• Vine Twitter’s new video app• Similar to GIF-like looping video

experience (6 seconds)• Great for early adoption

(launched end of Jan, 2013)• Set benchmarks and continue to

test and refine• Perfect for the age of expression• Using Vine: Buffalo Exchange,

Urban Outfitters, Red Vines, The Daily Beast, Buzzfeeed

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Off the beaten path....

• Largest network for local groups• Easy to organize • Revitalize local community and

help people self-organize • A few using MeetUp:

• Instagram• The Sims Social• Nintendo 3DS • Foursquare • Etsy• Mashable

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Off the beaten path....

• deviantART was created to entertain, inspire and empower the artist in all of us

• Founded August 2000• 25 million registered members• 65 million unique visitors • Millennial’s (Gen Y) are all over this site• Ways to use deviantART

• Dr Pepper tapped into the tool for crowdsourcing art

• Red Bull (illustration)• Partners with Google+ to easily curate

contentTuesday, February 26, 13

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Jenna RutschmanAccount Strategist

[email protected]

Thank You

Tuesday, February 26, 13
