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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · I’OIt TIIE SPECTATOR. BIG GUNS SPIKED. Mr. Smart, in liis...

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I’OIt TIIE SPECTATOR. BIG GUNS SPIKED. Mr. Smart, in liis speech at tho Ahgnst Court, trad the letters ol Gen. Washington to Eincoln and llarrimm, Injuring date <Jili and 11tit of March, l/Sil, in which he unqualifiedly slated that “l.e had determined, should it bo his inevitable fate to J occupy tho Presidential Chair, to go into it free Iroiu any pre-existing engagement of any nature | %oluitsoi verin order to show that (Jen. Taylor now occupies the same platform erected by III© Fa- ther of his Country. Air. Rives, after consultation with tho Hon. An- j drew Stevenson and Mr. John I.etcher, arose from liis seat and “with a great flourish of trumpets” j expressed his Yegtet that Mr. Stuart had beert com- pelled to leave, (that gentleman having left inline dialely after closing his speech for an adjoining conn- 1 ty on urgent professional business.) as it would he 1 necessary to notice some of his remarks in a way that might bo regarded unfair, and not very pleasant cither to himself or his friends, lie then referred to tho Jutes of the letters above alluded to, being of thc'Jth and 1 Ithof March, 1780.several dnys.as Mr. Rives said, after the iiuiw^urulion of Washington, and therefore there can be no similarity between the position of Taylor and Washington. He more-- t»V6r thought the letters were calculated to mislead the people, and in conseipienco ought not to la* used. After Mr. Rives had concluded liis speech. Mr. Jartirs B. Dorman, the youthful and talented Elec- tor of Rockbridge county, took the stand and re- plied to Mr. Hives by asking if it was left for him, an obsemo and huinhln individual, to inform these distinguished gentlemen, who had occupied high yitblic stations both at Innne and abroad—M,r. Sic- I tbenson, Ex-minister at tlio Court of St. .lames, Ir. Francis E. Rives, Ex-member of Congress, and Mr. John Lotchor, Elector of the Rockbridge Electoral District, that Gen. Washington was nut inaugurated until the 30th of April, 1780,—that the letters must ha Ve been Written upwards of a I sYiohth prior to that event, and gave as liis authori- ty tho Statesman’s Manual, and repelled the in- ! Vdhuatioh of impropriety in using those letters.— The s'liuctdcut of the young orator was hailed by a ! shout that went up from tho immense concourse of people, which shook the Court house to its centre, I nod created such a crtntmhtion and fluttering among •the Cassites as has not, I Vent iff n to assert, been i witnessed in the State since the opening of the •campaign. 1 lie next morning, Mr. Rives, after having lmcn : closeted during the night with his distinguished j friends, came into the Court-house, his arms full •of books, and “a look like late,” fully prepared to I shift bis position, lor lie proceeded to show from ojark s life ami writings of Washington, States- I ‘man's Manual, aid another work, that the letters in question were written, not as before, after the inauguration, but of ter the election if Gen. flash 1 ington, a fact which no one denied. To that position of the gentleman, Mr. Dorman replied In- a statement of foots, and quoting Gen. Washington’s (leclaration,that ‘-he had determined, should it bo his inevitable fate to occupy the Presi- dential Chair, to go into it free from any pro existing •engagement of any nature whatsoeverasked if the gentleman would dare to insinuate that George AN ashington’s answer would have been different if it had been pennt d prior to his election. Mr. Rives was mum. HOUGH AND READY CLUB. A rheeting of the NYhigs of the Greenville Pre- cinct was held on the IGlh inst., for the purpose of forming a Rough and Ready Cl&b.—Moved and carried that Col. NVM. WILSON ho appointed Chairman and Col. VVm. P. Tate, Secretary. Bolivar Christian, Esq., in a lew appropriate re- marks explained the olrjects and advantages of the proposed Association; NVIicrciijion Major John X. Brown offered the following resolutions, which were adopted : Resolved, 1st. That we, the NVItigs of Green- 1 villc 1 rccinet, Augusta Co., do cordially’ respond ♦o the nominations of General /,. Taylor for the i Presidency, and of Millard Fillmore lor the Vice Presidency of the United States. 2d. That for the purpose of promoting the elec- tion of these nominees, we form ourselves into an association to he called the Rough and Ready Club of Greenville. 3d. 1 hat the officers of this Club shall consist of a President, 2 Vice Presidents, 1 Corresponding and 2 Recording Secretaries, whose duties shall Ik; such as usually belong to such officers, respectively. 4th. That there shall he an Executive Commit- tee of five members, whosq duly it shall he to pre- j serve a general vigilance over this electoral pre- 'cinct, and to perform the necessary executive busi- ness of the Club. 5th. That the ordinary meetings of this Club he held on the first Saturday of every month, till the Presidential election. Gilt. That flu; President shall have power to call extraordinary meetings of the Club, whensoever in his own or the opinion of a majority of tho Execu- tive Committee, it shall be expedient. The meeting proceeded to tlie election of officers tinder these resolutions, with tile following result: Col. VVm. NVilson, President, Sam’l Days and Adam Ilawpc, Esqs., Vice Presidents, Bolivar Christian, Corresponding Seereta'ry, \Vm. P. Tale arid \laj. J. X. Brown, Recording Secretaries. The Executive Committee to consist of Dr. Isaac Hall, John A. 'Pate, John F. Merritt, Col. Jas. AI. Lilley, and Capt. NVin. S. .Jackson. On motion, the chairman appointed the following slelegaieJ to ihc Lexington Convention, viz ; Jno. .A.Tate, Dr. I*'h, James Bnmgardner, JohnS. Thompson, MatUn.w I’ilson, Sam I Ila)’s, Major Brown, NArm. S. Jackso.t, j.olivar Christian, Capt. Jah.Henry, A. T. Gilkcson, Col. A. M. Moore, Schuyler Bradley, A. A. McPi.C’C'ers, Jolm M. Humphreys, B. F. McClung, S. F. (_ hi.’stian, NV. Cochran, C. O. Merritt. NVm. Brown, Geo. Mc- Clure, John Newton,and on motion the Prcsillerif and Secretary of this meeting. All invifrafirm \\XT rmtlirtn ivno /vit*An Christian, Rsq., who ably and eloquently addressed the meeting on the topics at isstfo in the canvass. An invitation \v,is extended to any Democrat who ‘rKitrb t chbose to reply ; tliis not being accepted, the 'following resolution was adopted,— That the cordial thanks of this meeting be re- ; tVirned to Mr. Christian for the able and eloquent manner in which he presented the claims of liefi. Taylor and Millard 'Fillmore. Moved that the proceedings of ibis meeting lie \>ffered for publication to the Staunton Spectator. On motion, the Club adjourned to meet in Green- I Ville 6t the 1st Saturday in Oct., at | o’clock, i> m. ^ VVM WILSON, Pres. I Wm. P. Tatb, Sec’y. Wo the Common Council of Staunton: Gents—I wish to suggest to you the propriety of Establishing better regulations St the Market house, or to repeal the market law altogether, if peoples' ttcrvanla tire to be held, and fruit taken from them by persons who have neither sense of justice or propriety. A CTIT/RN OK THE COT'NTV. [We would respectfully suggest to our cones ,pendent that the proper course for him Intake in'he above ease, is to bring the offenders lie Tore one of the Corporation Magistrates.—If he knows who they are, the law provides adequate redress. ]«—Rn. Ex-G«>Ternor Seward, of New York, in reply to an invitation to address a public meeting, says— “For myself, I shall cast my suffrage for (Jen. Tayeor and f>r Mii.r.ARD Kir.t more, freely and conscientiously, on precisely the same grounds on which I have hitherto voted for Whig candidates, because they arc Commended to me by ihe Whig party, and their success is necessary for its eon tinned and increasing usefulness. In the name and character of the. latter we have every guaranty that a Whig can desire. In the moderation of ihe other, and his desire to administer the (Government as the President <>f ibe whole people, not fir mere pnMi 7,an ends, I recognize claims to public confidence w hich I b'tvc no fear will ever be disappointed.’* tOK THY. si*ROTATOR. My little Lai ! that bright !,luc uY, I l<rn na sic anilher; She’s aye sac Ini’ and sweet to me, I loc her like a Iirilher. An’ how it gies my heart delight To see her sac improvin’; I’ll loe her till my head is whim, An' thou I’ll die * lovin’, O! ilka blcssin’ bo her due, Wi’ ilka joy an’ pleasure. An’ cares, ifony, light an’ few', 0,1 her, rity sweetest treasure. An’ when at last she sinkVtusleep, A faithfu’, true believer, lie Angels there, her soul to keep. An dostis’ arms receive her ! ._'C. 'J. M. Moveaui.e Bakkicauks.—Owing to tbo terri lile slaughter of the National GuardsTat the hnrri eadcS Ot Paris, during iho lategreat insurrection, a new invention has been made, which are called Moveable Barricades. This is a strong solid thick wall of oak. lined with sheet iron. Holes are pierced for the guns of the guards |x,sted behind it. l’lic machine is pushed forward on wheels. Buffalo Hunt.—A notice to the Buffalo Hon lers, in the New Orleans Delta of the 31st nil., states that “tho Chieftains of the Logouts of the order will assemble in that city during the Comitoi week, to make the necessary arrangements prena" ratory to the llttffala Hunt upon the bank oftht Rio Grande, this Fall." MARRIED, At Capt. J. F. Hottt-I’x, Mount Solon, pA Tuesday Tn"M the Rev. J. A. Van T er Mr. \V illiawi II. Seitncn, of Grccdbrier c»., to Mis- iia^cts IM. (iIiiijonA, ol this county. At Middlebrook. on Monday evening tbc mb insl. by Rev. Francis McFarland, I). I)., Mr. William F\ “.M"."* of Greenville, to Miss Lutitia It. Rand>jli*ii daughter of Jului Randolph, Ksq. On Sunday tbc 10||, i„st., in Huntor*Vil!c, by tb. Rev. Mr DU,day, Capt. .Ions XV. Wakwi. k, to Mi*, t ARinr. KLi/.AOETii.d-.URbtcrortbc late Geo. Fi. Cm.- dec cl., all ol Pocahontas co. In Frederick.sburir, on tbo 13th inst., by the Rcy, porval Wilson, Mr. Wiieki.kii Minnis, of Wayne?- boro,’ Au<rsi»tn county, n> Mr*. Lucy A. Pui.lkn *c- coml daughter of Hite late Capt. John Aim*, of Fridc- rickbburg. Oil tbc btb iiist., by tbc Rev. .Tames Clark, Mr. Wm. Vis Hamilton, all of PocahoMas CO. h In Rappahannock county, on Thursday the 7th inst hy the Her. Cumberland George, Mr. Tiio.m as Nhikon t. keen of Staunton, to Miss Kli.f.n Walkkh, daugh- ter ol J- D. Latham, esq., of Washington city, I), (j. OBITUARY. DIED, in this city, on (he Dili nit., at the residence ol her son-in-law, Mr. Samuel I). Morgan, Mrs. Sally McIntosh, in her 75th year. In the removal ol ihis eminently pious mother in Is- '"»ny tender ties have been broken to which mauv “[*•' ll,u?t1 r> spoud, for many years to come. While to those of her immediate kindred, no written memorial is needed to perpetuate her memory, a regard to others or her acquaintance and friends, may well demand n brief expression ol her worth Of the latter, many both in her early, as well as her later places of residence, still remain to revert with fondness to the interchange ol their endeared associations with her. To them all ns evinced almost with her dying breath, she cherished recollections at Once so deep and tender. Hint no bodily pain, nor even the near approach of death itself, could ‘.'vi” '? ,ur heaving bosom. The place of her birth, ( W inchester, \ a.,) together with that of her youthful days, (Staunton, o| the same State,) were both endeared to her hy man v pleasing reminiscences— the latter peculiarly so, by her union in marriage, and lyunion there also, with the Church of the faithful lit V.TtflSt JCMIS. the former, her name from being that of Sally V l‘,zoll« " !,s changed to that of McIntosh, hy her mar- nag.; with Dr. George Grant McIntosh, an eminent Scotch physician, educated at Kdinburgh, and indue,., to emigrate to America by his medical class-mate and friend, the late l)r. Samuci Brown. By flic lulln-. she became united with the Presbyte- rian Church at Staunton, to which, till her death, she clung with all the verdant freshness of a “first love to hrLt and his people. Left a widow with two children, while the youngest /Matilda,) Was too young o feel that she was fatherless, she eventually, upon the marriage ol tint only daughter will, Mr. S. I) Mor- gan, our worthy townsman, first resided with them, during many pleasant years at Huntsville, Ala., and more recently, for a like term, and with like happi- ness, in this city. 11 ller last illncSs, though protracted through a Ion- pg- r.od ol great bodily sulK-ring. was home without a .iiur- m"V- Am,ds* al1 «* iryin- demands on her faith and patience, one uniform reliance on the grace and mercy ol God, was habitually manifested in her speech and be- haviour. riiankfiilness filled her heart for the t-irr,.itn- stances of support and comfort with which she was con- tinually surrounded. Thankfulness, first of all to God and then to the beloved relatives hy whom she vn so assiduously and alfcctionatoly attended. Gratitude, in- deed. was one of the crowning virtues of her kind and faithful heart; and it never ceased to be revealed, not only to her immediate kindred—than whom no mother, or mother-m-law, or grand-mother, was ever more richly blessed than she, in all those endearing relations hut likewise to (lie many dear Irieii.ls, includin- her physician and pastor, who all felt it to be a great privi- lege to minister to her aid and comfort in those sinking day s and nights of suffering preceding her descent to the silence and solitude of the -rave. She rests from her labors and her stifle rings, and her Works do follow her “high in salvation and the climes of bliss.” j.. [Christian (Nashville Tenn.) Krmui. DIED, at Mi Solon, on the night of the lOtfl jflst .ions GlnnoNs, infant son of Mr.'Daniel Al. Hardin, of the city qt Richmond. Only two months since this in- terest.,,- little hoy- was bereft of a fond and tender mo- her, and after receiving every attention which n kind grand-mother and other relatives could render, lie has been called home by that Saviour who said, “Sutter little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” May Hr. who tem- pers the winds to the sliornc l imb, sustain the afflicted father, under this unexpected and afflictive YisitMiort of Providence. y DIKIJ, recently, in Scnttsville. Albemarle county, Jr. I iirsTON Brown, in the 2f»tli year ol his ago. Th-deceased was a private in the Lt. Infanli-y-com- pany of the Virginia Regiment of Volunteers hir the IM. XI. ,u; " .. »«« uiwuargid ironi tlic service on llie l*t of August, Is 17, nt Sitliillo, Mexico, on account of ill health. Poor fellow, he came home hut to die._His return to his native land had no effect in arresting his disease, and he continued to waste away until he sunk into an early grave. I lie soldier’s hardships and sufferings arc over, his enri'iune marches are ended, ami lie sleeps, never more lo be disturbed, until the last great ••rcvcllic” wakes up the encampments of the dead. DIED, at his residence in Charlottesville, on the Oth inst., I)r. Hardin Massib, in the oOtli year of his age. I)K M’DANK’S I.IVKit PII.I.S _TI,«- great ** and increasing demand for the.so Pills, is tin: surest evhlcnce of their excellence. People try them and then recommend (l ent to their neighbors. No one who has ever suffered from tile I,iter com plaint, or from any of the diseases arising from a disordered state of that organ, failed in obtaining relief if lie tried l)r. M’Dane’s Pills; and thus they have worked their own way into popularity by the astonishing cures which they are every day |M:rforrning. Ili ad the following certificate : "Mtr.F.sp.i ko. Centre Co., Pa.,? April 28ifi, 1847. $ "Messrs. .J. Kidd fk Co.— Cenllcmen—I write lo inform roil of the heeefli f have received from the use id Dr !\| Dane’s Diver Pills. I have Ix-en severely afllicted with I.iver etiinplaint fora liiim In r of years, and have been very much relieved by the nlmvc named pill, f *trn rinxiotts to use mine ;if them, as I think they will effect an entire cure ; mil I am Confident that I can sell a good many of 'hem. A Voting lady, an .vijuniiitailcc of mine, said they relieved her more than any pill she had ever used. She is afllicted with consumption, or liver complaint. \V. ft. BCTDK.lt Prepared for the Proprietor and sold wholesale tml retail by D KIDD & CO.. No. GO, A\ nod street, Pittsburg, Pa. Cor sale also by RSKtllDGI) & CI'Sffl.VG, Wavnton, fr„. 'i N. B. Purchasers will please It particular ■nd impure for “/>. M lAvcr Mlt” and ^ik(’ no other* September 20, 1848. VT’IROINI A At rules held in the (Hrrk’* Of- fice of lho Circuit Superior (’onit of Law ami Chancery for Augusta County, July the 3rd, 1818. Janc’R. Thompson, widow mul rcliet of William Thon.|>son, dec’d—Plaintiff, Ac; VINST 1 hoinas YV. Brokcnhrongh, administrator nfTlios. II. Blair, dee’d, William It. Blair. Matthew Blair, James A. R. Blair, and others-- Defen da ills, IN CHANCERY. TTie Defendants, Jeremiah Cullcm and Margaret his wife, David I'roul and Rebecca his wife, Wil- liam C. Snapp and-, the ohildron of Wil- liam I lionipton, dee’d, not having entered their ap- pearance and given security,According to the act of Assembly, and the rules of this Court, and it ap- jiearing by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth : It fa ordered, I that the said Defendants do appear before the Judge ot raid Court at tho Court house, oil the 10th day el tho November Term next, and answer tho hill o( tin' Plaintiff; ami that a copy of this order lie forthwith inserted in some uewsp;i|H'r printed in Staunton,To> ‘4 mouths successively, and posted at the Iront door of the Court-house. A Copy—Teste, N. C. KINNEY, c. c. Sept. 20, 1843—2tn. RICHARD SEWEIIj, NO. 315 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, 1VOIJLD respectfully call the attention of the T Merchants of Staunton and the surrounding country to his large and desirable Slock of embracing all art ides usually kepi iu ati extensive wholesale establishment, as follows: 325 pieces assorted French, English Sk American Cloths. 150 assorted Beavers & other cloth for over- coat ii'.g. 1 **0 assorted English, Flench & American Cussi meres. 400 *• assorted Sallinetts. A splendid assortment of Vestings at prices to suit all customers. 500 pipers Plain ik, Fancy Alpacas. 15 eases JJrilliantine and other richdressgoods. " English, I rench ik American prints. 35 hales Wbite,Scarlet,Creen & Yellow Flan- nels. 20 Blankets, assorted. 3500 Shawls, some rich ami splendid. A complete assortment of Cambrics, Jar inets, Swiss ami other while goods, with a large stock of ; Blenched ami Brown Mtislins at Factory prices. ljuenung n unnecessary to furtlit-r particularise. ; I respectfully ask an examination of my stock alul i pledge myself to show as desirable ah assortment j as any house in this city of elsewhere, and sell up- | on as favorable terms. Baltimore, Sept. 26, 1848. j SV«v\\nto'.\, Sey\. 1848, A SPLENDID STOCK. ol FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, N the Sloro occupied lately hy Green &, Co., op- * posite Morris is. Goode’s, above the Court house, consisting of the most beautiful Needle Wrought Collars, in every variety of style, ‘both single and double; Cliotnizeltes; frock W aists, of exquisite needle-work ; Wrought Sleeves; l.awn,Handker- chiefs; Broclic l iider Handkerchiefs, ol the most beautiful and fashionable patterns; Insertions and Trimmings, &.c., &c. Also, a largo invoice of Blurk {silk Drtni Veils, Of the richest and most fashionable pattern will l>e sold. mer The above goods are all in perfect order, and have been received hy the lam Steamer, from 1* ranee, and are recommended as particularly Wor- thy the notice and patronage of the Ladies. Ladies arc invited to call and examine the Goods. j Fancy and Hat and Cay STttltE. 'I'MIK subscriber is opening in the Store-room be tween J. 13. Breckinridge’s and A. I). Wren’s m Staunton, a stock of Fancy articles of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s wear, and a fine assortment pf HA 1 S and CAPS, which he is determined to sell low, for cash only, llo invitesthe attention of pur- chasers. WM. CRAIG, Agent for S. Jamksoft fe Cli. Sept. 20, IRIS.—tf. E©r> A Constant supply of Cotton Yarns, its-i j 9orl»‘(l Nos., will he kept on hand, which will be sold at Factory prices. 180\1\ Ucg. \a. O R I) F. It S No. 7. j A VACANCY' haVing occurred in the office of Lieutenant Colonel of the lu-<nmonl; hV the | resignation of l.t. Col. Wm. A. Bell, it is ordered j j that the commissioned officers of the several com- panies com|M>sing Ihe Regiment, and others there- to attached. assemble in the town of Staunton, the place of training for the officers of the regiment orl Monday the. 23d da v of October, lR 18, Tor the pur- pose of holding an election to si,|q»!y said v’caucy. j In the absence of Major MeCue, Cnpt. Burke j will lurnisli a copy of l his order to each oilicor com- manding a company in the 2d Battalion, and Capt Slf>rr..ll ,.-,11 _ <1... l.l .. J _ .. .. wmw hi lilt! 1SI Bill fa I ion. | Officers commanding companies will give notice I of this order to the commiss’otied officers attached to llieir respective companies. By order of the Colonel. J. L. PF.V'l'ON, Adj. 100th Reg. Sept. 20, 1818. b ; ______ WANTED, rjPO hire a good FEMALE COOK, frorrl 15 to •>() years of age. If, upon tHal, she proves i satisfactory, she will bo purchased at a fair price j if the owner is disposed to part with her. En- ipiire at tliis office. | Sept. 20.—3w l.OnK SHARP! j FOREWARN alt persons front trading fora Rond, executed by me. to Elias I). Lawrence for One Hundred Dollars, hearing dale April 20, 1818, six months after date, given in consideration of a patent rigltf, w hich Bond wrts fraildulerttly oh- tained. Said Bond I am determined not to pay iirt- I less compelled Iry law. WM. It. RL'RCII. (ireenville. Sept. 10, 1848.—3l. 'I'LAKEN op Iry Samuel Itrcneman. in Augusta " county, on ilnr 21th of August, |8|8, a Heif- er of pale red color, some white abonl the lrelly a lid legs, no marks or brands.—Appraiser) to ,f,0. Sept. 0. A. KINNEY, Clc-k. fiOTiCK. \\r ANTED immediately, ten thousand feet of White Pine inch Plank fot ttllicli ;i liberal price in cash will he given. IU DSON & LITSlIltAEGH. Siauntrm, Sept. 13, 1818.—3w. .x/ci: ('■ lsTi.XftS. •> TONS Superior Hollow Ware, for sale Ion by Aug. 1(5. WHITE N CO. / b N I', TON^tr BAR IRON, assorted, just | received ami for sale by Aug. 10.—3t A. S. KINNEY. ! ! TAILORING JLM’Sfi'ff 'WJLBmW&B* | 'IMI B under**igneil beg?;leave to inform MirHilomrri j ,1 ami the public generally, tlial lie lias ctilpluyc* Mr. James <) Hear, (an experienced anil cninpeteii bund in lip* art ol Culling, Sti'.,) recently from tin Eastern t itics, as the foreman of his simp, ami some o tin* best workmen to aid him. Having recently rccoi* veil all the latest Fail and 11'inlrr Fashions front New York anil Philadelphia, he is now prepared to exrcbtf all work in hi** lino in the most sitperioi style and at llu* shortest notice. Mri Rear, s h\yrits in his line of business are not surpassed. ’I he snriiyriT'er hits neittly fitted np hit shop and made every other arrangement tocontiuue his business on a more enlarged anil much improved scale. He is pleased to acknowledge Ilia gratitude for the for- mer putruungcof his friends and a gejicrous public, and respect Indy solicits a continuance of the same. Per* sons are respvrtIhlly invited to call and examine bis work and I* astiionx, specimens of u hirli are always oil hand, one door West of Win. Kyle’s, Emi. Mains!., opposite the PostOtlicc. I>. W> ARNOLD. Scanniott, Sept 13. IS48. EDWARD DUDLEY, TAILOR, AT TUB SIGJi OK THE USB, fl.AIN ST REFT, IJ K*Sl,KCiHlI,l,V inliirtns bis friends and llte public that |,e lias received the FALL AND WINTF.R FASHIONS, and i**. prepared to make to order any garment that may Ik; entrusted to him. lie will endeavor, by executing bis work in a neat and substantial man ner, aful accbWirg to llu* most approved style, to merit a share of tlio public patronage. I le returns bis thanks to those who have here- tofore favored hint with their custom, and hopes, hy diligent attention to business, to merit and re- ceive a continuance of tlic'iY support. Staunton, Sept. 13, 1818. VALUABLE TAVERN AND WAREHOUSE FOR safe:. iVf ft* ISAAC 4'ALL, of Winchester, having A determined to contract his business ojierations, lias authorised the subscriber to sell at private sale his TAVKUN AND \Y ARKill)USE, situated in the northern part of Staunton on the AIcAdani- ized Street, known as the Valley Hotel, with the Warehouse adjacent thereto. The I Intel is now occupied hy Mrs. Cooper at an : <»"!iial rent of $250, and the Warehouse is leased to Mr. Siriderat $125 per annum. Hoth buildings aroot brick, and have been rc- ! contly finished in the best style, and are eligibly I muiju.’u iot uusiiitos. Tlie terms will bn accommodating—aucli as to oiler strong inducements to persons wlm may wish a safe and profitable investment, to purchase ALEX. H. II. STUART. Sept. 13,1843. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE. I N pursuance of a decree of iho Circuit Superior Court ol I »TA\V and Chancery for Augusta coun- ty ■" eaust! therein depending of John Arm- strong, sen.. Administrator, vs. John Armstrong, jnn., Administrator, tbi! undersigned, who were ap- pointed Commissioners for that purpose, will pro- ceed, on Tuesday the 17th day of October next, on tlie premises, to.sell at public auction to the high- est bidder a certain tract or parcel of Land describ- | ed in the decree as Containing 75 ARES, be I the same more less. The Land lies near the North Mountain on Whiskey Creek, being the same that was purchased by John Armstrong, jun., dec’d, partly from Archibald Coy her and wife, and partly from Jacob A cord, jun. and wife. I lie terms of stile will lie, so much cash in band as will be requisite to defray the expenses of.sale And the residue in six, twelve and eighteen months, the purchaser giving bond and approved security, and the title retained till the purchase money is ful- I) paid. 1 he title is believed to be unquestionable, 1 but we will only convey as Commissioners of the C(rt,rt- WM. FRAZIER, It. I*. KINNEY. Sopt 13. ISIS.—Ids. Cm NOTICE. rPl IE subscriber, grateful for the patronage here- tofore extended to him as Saddle,- and Ihvncss maker, Would respectfully inform his friends and ! the public generally, that ho continues the above- mentioned business at his old stand, where he will always he prepared to furnish all articles in his line, made of the best materials, and in the neatest manner. He would likewise inform the public that he lias become t ho proprietor of the 'I’AN YARD former ly owned by his Father, and will carry on the | Tanning i£u*ine** on an extensive scale. 1" mm his knowledge of the business, ahd a de- termination to keep the l**st workmen, lie can 1 safely promise (lie public with good leatlior of all kinds. He will bo pleased to exchange Jfather. Shoes, Saddlery and Harness, for Hides and Hark. (IFORCE VV. DEAL. Wayntisboro’, Sept. 1!!, Ib is.—2m. | I Jem. cop}'. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. COACH MANUFACTORY. r|M1E subscribers have located themselVr* nppu- 1 site the Rank, in Staunton, and intend manu- facturing all kinds of work in their line—such as! I’hnriolnrs, Roekaways, Pliartoiis and Bnsreirs, i in the most fashionable style, of the best materials, : and on terms to suit the purchaser. Especial at ........... I, •U.III ni'Mis ui |I’|UH IMJJ. I liry 1100111 it Unnecessary to say more, ns they have commenc- I ed hiisiness with a determination to make COOI) j WORK, and the public shall have no cause of dis- ! satisfaction on their part—with this assurance they respectfully solicit n portion of t||c pit hi in patron age. IIAlVDY & .MAK.STKI.I-F.lt. N- B.—Cash paid for dry Spokes, Mute, Ash and Poplar Planks. (Sept. 13, 1818.—if. I N 1)1 AN A.—Side of l)r. M'l .nun's Vermifuge! ! —Among the hundredsol letters,certificates and ordets received hy Ihc proprietors of this medicine, ‘he following is selected to show its character, and the effect of its use in a distant part of the. West. I he .Messrs. Coltons are dry goods’ merchants, but are also agents for the sale of the choicest rrtodi cidcs 1 AVimcuF.sTF.fi, Ian., Sept. 20, 1817. "Messrs. Kidd ft Co.—VA’e happened to get a lot ol M I .ant: s \ ertnifuge last spring, prepared hv yourselves. So soon as the vermifuge was intro diierd in our community, the demand became so great for it that our stock was soon exhausted. It has produced the best, effect wherever, it has been used in this section, and is very jmpuiarstinollgonr people. AVn are deflrous of obtaining the medi cine hereafter direct frorti J'ottfsr'I’T'S, ds it sells more rapidly than any other medicine we keep.-— •’lease send us a gross immediately. p.& .1. W. cm -TON. I'l-epari'd lor tiro Proprietor arid sold wholesale and retail by J. KIDD ft CO. No. fiO. Wood street. I’iltshurtr. Pa. For sale also hy ESKAlUtiK \ ( l S7//.AY;. Slnunton, l 'a. 87" N. H.—Purchaser* will please he particular a fid inquire for "Hr. ,1/7/t/ir’j If mot X]>rrijic, or l rrntifo'xr, and take nothing else. Sept. 13. 1848. )/| BUI'S. fcxlra Flour for sale hv *’yy 9 T. MKIDF.R. Aug. 0. Adjoining A". Motel.i COMMISSIONERS SALE. pursuance of a decree of tlio Cifcflit Sxlperio Court ot Law ami Chancery fur the county o 1 Augusta in tlie case of Jesse 'Dold’s Adiniiiistrato noaiuSl Mathew llelinsaiid others, rendered at tin June term, ISIS, the undersigned Commission er will, on Monday the thh day of" October next expose to sale at public auction, on the premise*: in the village of I' isliersville in tin? county afore- said. a lot of ground w ith the appurtenances, eon laming ONK-KOURTII OF AN ACRE AND I I ^ l,jN I Y—NINE POLES, which was convey- i cd to William Craig in trust on the 8th of April, IS.IJ, being the residue of three-fourths of an Acre and twenty-nine Poles, purchased hy Matthew I Helms of the said Jesse Oohl, after taking off the quarter acre lot sold to Andrew Helms, ami hy him I *" Firehaugli. and the quarter aere lot sold hy Mat- thew Helms to l>. fa. Coiner, which said lot is di- ! recit'd to be sold on the following terms, to wit: ; So much ol the purchase money to he paid in hand as will lie siillicient to pay the expenses ami cliar- ; ges el sale, ami the residue in nine months there- alter. Il tlie nroccodsut the sale of the above men- tioned lot shah lie inadequate to the payment of the claim under the decree aforesaid, then will lie ; (xised to sale, on the satire day.on tlie premises, the quarter acre lot whit h Was sold ami cenvcVed by ! Matthew Helms to 1). f>. ('oilier; ahd should the proceeds ol this lot w hen added to those of the pre- ceding sale, still he inadequate to satisfy ami dis- charge‘.lie decree aforesaid, then will lie exposed to sale, on the same day, on the premises, the quar- ter acre lot conveyed by the said Matthew Helms to Peter 1' in faugh. For the deferred pavment a- j toresaid, bond with approved security will he re- quired and the conveyance withheld till payment. JOHN T. A UN AI Aj, Cotntn’r. fataunton, Kept. 0, 1818. VIRGINIA :—At RuKs held in tha Clerk’s uf* | fiee of t he Circuit Superior Court el* La\Y ahd | Chancery for Augusta County, Monday the 4th I <lay of September. 1848, I Jacob C. Roler and John Crawford. Into partners under the Style of Role r ami Crawford—PPiill's. AGAINST David D. Iloslionr, ulministrator of Michael Cline- dinst, dec’d, Wm. Morrison and Elizabeth his , wile,Jno. Clincdinst, Jacob Clinedinst, Win. \V. ClineditiSl, David I). 1 loshour and Rebobca J., his wife, Andrew 11. Clincdinst and James A. Clincdinst and infant heirs at Law of said Mi- chael Clincdinst, decM, and Samuel llamsbar- ger—Del" is. IN CHANCERY. The Defendant Win. W. Clincdinst, t'.ol having | entered bis appearance, and given security, accord- ing to the net ol* Assembly, and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence tint lie is no inhabitant of this Common wealth : It j is oruere<i, mat me said iJcleiulunl do appear here on the first day of Novcmlier Term next, and an- ! S'vcr the bill of the plaintiff; anti that n copy of this [ order lie forthwith inserted in some newspaper printed in Staunton, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Court-house. A Copy—Teste, N. C. KINNEY, c. c. ! Sept. G, 1848.—2m. i VIRGINIA:—At rules lieid in the Clerk’s Of- five of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Augusta County, Monday the 4th day of September, ISIS, William Craig, and Matthew Blair,—Plaintiffs, ar. ainst—Upon a bill of Review, John Blair, and Edwin 11. Jordan, trustees of Wil- liam Dunoho, William C. Adams. I rancis M. Goolsby, James Points, assignee in Bankruptcy, ol said \\ illintn Domiho. Benjamin II. McGru- dcr, Janies \\ Mason tc Co., Michael Garber, William W. Donaghe, Armstead M. Mosbv, John B. Breckinridge, Alexander II. II..Stuart, I resident of (be Board ol \ isitors id the Virgin- ia Institution for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb and of the Blind, and Sampson Eagon,— Defen- dants, I a VN CHANCERY. i lie Defendant I’ rancis M. Goolsby, not having j entered his appearance and given security, accord" ing to the act of Assembly, and the Rules of this ; Court, nnd it appearing by satisfactory evidence that he is not :tn inhabitant of ibis Commonwealth: It is ordered, that the said Defendant do appear here on the tirst day of the November Term next, and answer the lull of the plaintiff: and that a copy 1 ol this order he forthwith inserted in some newspa- per printed in Sintiutnn, tor I wo months successive- ly, ai,d posted at the front door of the Court house. A Copy—Teste. NICH. C. KINNEY, c. c. September G, 1848.—2m. y IRGINIA:—At rules held i.i the Clerk's Of- ! lice of the Cireuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Augusta County, Monday the 4th day of September, 1848, Nicholas C. Kinney, Receiver of the Circuit Su- perior Court of Law a ml Chancery for Augusta County,—Plaintiff, AGAINST John Kautzman Defendant, IN CHANCERY. I he Defendant, John Kautzman, not having rn- lered his appearance and given security, according lo the act of Assembly, and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that lie is no inhabitant ot this Commonwealth : It is ordered, that the said defendant do f.ppbnr here on the first 1 day ot tile November Term next, and answer the hill of the Plaintiff; and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper printed in Staunton, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Cottri-hotlSb. A Copy—Teste'. NICH. C. KINNEY, c. c. September G, 1848.—2m. LOOK HERE ! \y E have opened a Lumber I 'mil at the Valley Mills, where all persons in want of PLAN K and SI 1 INGLES can he accommodated with de- N|Mirii <iiHi on reason.!tile lerins i>y calling on Mr. Philip O. Polrner at said Mills. TEMPLETON & JOHNSTON. Sept. 0. IMS.—(im. NOTICE.. r|MlE subscriber having returned from Mexico. R offers his services to the public in the .SAD- DLING 111 SIN ESS. 11n will always have on i hand a supply to meet the witrits ol’rtll. I |( offers great inducements to purchasers. 11 is establish- ment is at May’s old store.—Call and see him. CHARLES II. BALL. August 30, ! 8 IP. ? (j I’KLS. I us. \\ hiskey ,of superior nunliiy for sale by T. STUIDEH. Adjoining V. Ilotel lillOS. I’urto Rico Sugar, just received and, for sale low by T. STRIDKH. Aug. 9. Adjoining V. Hotel. soli: u:.rrrn:ii. SIDES “good" and “damaged” S:de Lc.atli- 'J\r rr> j,„t received and for sale cheap. Aug. 10. WHITE &. CO. \ V HITE l/EAD in Oil, pure extra and No. I, I' Irtx Seed Oil, Class and Polly, iusl receiv- ed and for .mile by TllOS. STRIDER, August 9. Adjoining V Hotel. \l/r. WT’.ltS’ HEEDS. VI eons, „f the her* kind, for sale hy WHITE &, CO. Aug. 23, I PIPr /iHOCKS! CHOCKS!! -fiOO well burnt, and i assorted for salt' l»v V 10, I I WHITE -x CO. 9ALT. SAI kS Sail expected <!ai!v. ,)Xf Aug 16. WHITE k CO. f [■ MU CLAY ON THE NEW YORK MAL- i CONTENT MOVEMENT. vhom tii* fcfiw vonk express. FROM ASHLAND AND IlfcNKY CLAY. \\ hen we first heard of the intended so-called Cloy movement in this city, we addressed a pri- vate letter to Mr. Clay, not expecting in retttrft Sny answer which we could put in print, but we have received an answer, in which wo are authorised to say as follows: “I have given, and shall give, no countenance I «r encouragement to nny movement to bring my name as a candidate for that of)iee'(the Presidency) j before the public.” # » » » "On one |H»iiitl desire no secrecy, and that is, that I am utterly op- posed to the nae of my name as a candidate for tho Presidency. “My warm regards lo your brother. “I ain, truly, your friend and obedient servant, H. CLAY. "James Brooks, Es<|.” HAMPDEN SYDNEY COLLEUD, Medical Department, RICHMOND, VA. rjiilK ELEVENTH ANNUAL COURSE OF LEC ^ ^ UIt KS in thin Institution \vill commence oil Mon- tlav» the ‘2 id ot October, and continue to the 19th I of March. .John Cullen, M. D., Theory ami Practice of IV!edi- cmo. Uoiiannan, M. I)., OhstftucV and Diseases of >\ omen and Children. t W-Chambkulavne, M. D., Materia IMi-dica and j 1 herapeutics. Socrates Maupin, M. I)., Chemistry and Pliarma- cy. Charles Hell Chiton, M. 1)., Surgery am) Surgical Anatomy. ° Carter P. Johnson, M. D., Auatomy and Phisiolo- gy. Benjamin I*. Lockett, M. D., Demonsirator of Aiialomy. In addition to the usual Lectures, Mulicul ami Sur- fficul Cliniynrx will lie regularly given ut the t'ollegO Infirmary and itichmonri Alms House, to which the students will bo admitted free of expense. In these in- stitutions the student will have opportunities of ohserv- ing the disease incident to the South, and of witnessing very many surgical operations. '1 tic study of anatom) may he prosecuted with the most ample facilities, and with very trifling expense. Matriculation ticket, $$ Prolessors’ fee, I0j Practical Anatomy, 10 («radiiating fee, 25 fjuarn, including IUC1, lights, servants’ alUixt.uice, &c. can lie obtained as cheap in II ichinniifl as in any eitv on the Atlantic seaboard—say from £3 to 05 per week. S. At A i’IMN, INI. I)., Dean of the Faculty. August 30, IS IS. V omv’nvg awv\ Yavcv-Ilawgmg. <T. W. ABELL \\ OULl) respectfully inform the citizens of *T Staunton and vincinity, that he has located liimsell in this place, where he will carry on the HOUSE, SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL PAINT INI* 4k PAPER HANGING, in all their various branches. Mr. A. is also prepared to manufacture Block Letter, Plain, Ornamental and Transparent Signs, at the shortest notice, ami in the most exquisite style. I' nun a long experience in the above named bu- siness, he feels confident in offering himself for the patronage ofthc public. All kinds of Paper Hang- ing and Glazing done on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. The best reference given if required. Room op- posite the Virginia Hotel. Staunton, Aug. 30, 1818._lm. S Uvgc Avv «\wgcA\\cn\. rpiIE subscribers respectfully inform the Public that they will hereafter run llieir line of Sta- ges between Scottsvillc arid Charlottesville, as fol- lows, viz : They will leave Seettsville on Teus- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8 o’clock. A. M., and reach Cliarlottesvillo to dinner. They " * 11 leave Charlottesville on Aloud.iys, VVednes- days and I’ ridays at 8 A. AI., and reach Scottsvillc by dinner. Fare only $,| r,0 Going and Returning 2 50 Ever}’ arrangement lias heed made to insure the comfort ;ind accommodation of passengers. 1 h.mkiul for the liberal encouragement they have received, they respectfully solicit a coniiiiu- anco of public patronage. TYLER & LITTLE. t S. \\ e also keep 1 lorses, Buggies atid Car rnges to hire by the day. Our charges shall bd moderate. August 30, 18IS.—It. Wee::, SiiSysflB!SJ9 Forwarding and Commission AND IJEAtiP.ftS tit GROCERIES AM) PRODUCE GENERALLY* VVINCHSTKH DEPOT, WtMcitF.sTF.n, Va. REFER TO— 11. Al. Brent, esq., 5 .... •Jos. IF. Shcrrard, J " .nel.estcf Dr. .1. \V. Rice. New -Market, V:i. I It it...„i w Walter &, Co., ^ C. i). Hulks 8*. Co.', v. Baltimore. S. K. Burkholder &. Co.', ) Jii1)t 20, 1848. Took to von*, interest. —r<S GREEN & CO., (Si<rn of the Flap:, below ft bile S,- Co.'s.) 4 III', ottering ( alienee, t,awns and Brown Cot tons at Cl I’i Pit ICRS, and will continue t<t J ( OS 1 until I'flh September, ;il alxiUt which lime they will receive a large and splendid assortment of/ //,/,.AW/ UlJS'TEU GOODS Conic mid see." Staunton, Aug. 23, 1848. WAYNESIIOROIUH. I I ST received a barrel of Klasfteed Oi|_a|*n a barrel of Sperm do., the latter a prime article f>r Machines, (.amps, (Tc. Arrangements have oecn made for keeping constantly on hand, a sup- ply of these Oils, and they will be sold as low as they can begotten in the county. Agdin_tve have received another lihd. Brown Sugar, of excellent •piality, and have on hand a verf beautiful article of Cracked (,oaf Sugar. All very cheap. And by the Way, tlte very best bargains can |>n bad in ( lotha and Cassinicre*. of which we h'***'1 * '*.hhi vari«*ty. JiAMKI, FISHftlTtN. Sept. f>, 1848. -3t. 'SiiDotSiy Scol. \\l I1, want 20 Bushels, lor an order. V WHITB & c<;. Sept, f>, 1848. 03/‘KN ( ine i willed Bags, .1 pieces Virginia Bagging for sale low by T. S'flllDKft. Aug. 0. Adjoining Valley Hotel.
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · I’OIt TIIE SPECTATOR. BIG GUNS SPIKED. Mr. Smart, in liis speech at tho Ahgnst Court, trad the letters ol Gen. Washington to Eincoln and llarrimm,



Mr. Smart, in liis speech at tho Ahgnst Court, trad the letters ol Gen. Washington to Eincoln and llarrimm, Injuring date <Jili and 11tit of March, l/Sil, in which he unqualifiedly slated that “l.e had determined, should it bo his inevitable fate to J occupy tho Presidential Chair, to go into it free Iroiu any pre-existing engagement of any nature | %oluitsoi verin order to show that (Jen. Taylor now occupies the same platform erected by III© Fa- ther of his Country.

Air. Rives, after consultation with tho Hon. An- j drew Stevenson and Mr. John I.etcher, arose from liis seat and “with a great flourish of trumpets” j expressed his Yegtet that Mr. Stuart had beert com-

pelled to leave, (that gentleman having left inline dialely after closing his speech for an adjoining conn- 1

ty on urgent professional business.) as it would he 1

necessary to notice some of his remarks in a way that might bo regarded unfair, and not very pleasant cither to himself or his friends, lie then referred to tho Jutes of the letters above alluded to, being of thc'Jth and 1 Ithof March, 1780.several dnys.as Mr. Rives said, after the iiuiw^urulion of Washington, and therefore there can be no similarity between the position of Taylor and Washington. He more-- t»V6r thought the letters were calculated to mislead the people, and in conseipienco ought not to la* used.

After Mr. Rives had concluded liis speech. Mr. Jartirs B. Dorman, the youthful and talented Elec- tor of Rockbridge county, took the stand and re-

plied to Mr. Hives by asking if it was left for him, an obsemo and huinhln individual, to inform these distinguished gentlemen, who had occupied high yitblic stations both at Innne and abroad—M,r. Sic- I

tbenson, Ex-minister at tlio Court of St. .lames, Ir. Francis E. Rives, Ex-member of Congress, and Mr. John Lotchor, Elector of the Rockbridge Electoral District, that Gen. Washington was nut

inaugurated until the 30th of April, 1780,—that the letters must ha Ve been Written upwards of a I sYiohth prior to that event, and gave as liis authori- ty tho Statesman’s Manual, and repelled the in- ! Vdhuatioh of impropriety in using those letters.— The s'liuctdcut of the young orator was hailed by a ! shout that went up from tho immense concourse of people, which shook the Court house to its centre, I nod created such a crtntmhtion and fluttering among •the Cassites as has not, I Vent iff n to assert, been i witnessed in the State since the opening of the •campaign.

1 lie next morning, Mr. Rives, after having lmcn :

closeted during the night with his distinguished j friends, came into the Court-house, his arms full •of books, and “a look like late,” fully prepared to I shift bis position, lor lie proceeded to show from ojark s life ami writings of Washington, States- I

‘man's Manual, aid another work, that the letters in question were written, not as before, after the inauguration, but of ter the election if Gen. flash 1 ington, a fact which no one denied.

To that position of the gentleman, Mr. Dorman replied In- a statement of foots, and quoting Gen. Washington’s (leclaration,that ‘-he had determined, should it bo his inevitable fate to occupy the Presi- dential Chair, to go into it free from any pro existing •engagement of any nature whatsoeverasked if the gentleman would dare to insinuate that George AN ashington’s answer would have been different if it had been pennt d prior to his election. Mr. Rives was mum.


A rheeting of the NYhigs of the Greenville Pre- cinct was held on the IGlh inst., for the purpose of forming a Rough and Ready Cl&b.—Moved and carried that Col. NVM. WILSON ho appointed Chairman and Col. VVm. P. Tate, Secretary. Bolivar Christian, Esq., in a lew appropriate re- marks explained the olrjects and advantages of the proposed Association; NVIicrciijion Major John X. Brown offered the following resolutions, which were adopted :

Resolved, 1st. That we, the NVItigs of Green- 1

villc 1 rccinet, Augusta Co., do cordially’ respond ♦o the nominations of General /,. Taylor for the i Presidency, and of Millard Fillmore lor the Vice Presidency of the United States.

2d. That for the purpose of promoting the elec- tion of these nominees, we form ourselves into an association to he called the Rough and Ready Club of Greenville.

3d. 1 hat the officers of this Club shall consist of a President, 2 Vice Presidents, 1 Corresponding and 2 Recording Secretaries, whose duties shall Ik; such as usually belong to such officers, respectively. 4th. That there shall he an Executive Commit- tee of five members, whosq duly it shall he to pre- j serve a general vigilance over this electoral pre- 'cinct, and to perform the necessary executive busi- ness of the Club.

5th. That the ordinary meetings of this Club he held on the first Saturday of every month, till the Presidential election.

Gilt. That flu; President shall have power to call extraordinary meetings of the Club, whensoever in his own or the opinion of a majority of tho Execu- tive Committee, it shall be expedient.

The meeting proceeded to tlie election of officers tinder these resolutions, with tile following result: Col. VVm. NVilson, President, Sam’l Days and Adam Ilawpc, Esqs., Vice Presidents, Bolivar Christian, Corresponding Seereta'ry, \Vm. P. Tale arid \laj. J. X. Brown, Recording Secretaries.

The Executive Committee to consist of Dr. Isaac Hall, John A. 'Pate, John F. Merritt, Col. Jas. AI. Lilley, and Capt. NVin. S. .Jackson.

On motion, the chairman appointed the following slelegaieJ to ihc Lexington Convention, viz ; Jno. .A.Tate, Dr. I*'h, James Bnmgardner, JohnS. Thompson, MatUn.w I’ilson, Sam I Ila)’s, Major Brown, NArm. S. Jackso.t, j.olivar Christian, Capt. Jah.Henry, A. T. Gilkcson, Col. A. M. Moore, Schuyler Bradley, A. A. McPi.C’C'ers, Jolm M. Humphreys, B. F. McClung, S. F. (_ hi.’stian, NV. Cochran, C. O. Merritt. NVm. Brown, Geo. Mc- Clure, John Newton,and on motion the Prcsillerif and Secretary of this meeting.

All invifrafirm \\XT rmtlirtn ivno /vit*An

Christian, Rsq., who ably and eloquently addressed the meeting on the topics at isstfo in the canvass. An invitation \v,is extended to any Democrat who ‘rKitrb t chbose to reply ; tliis not being accepted, the 'following resolution was adopted,— That the cordial thanks of this meeting be re- ;

tVirned to Mr. Christian for the able and eloquent manner in which he presented the claims of liefi. Taylor and Millard 'Fillmore.

Moved that the proceedings of ibis meeting lie \>ffered for publication to the Staunton Spectator. On motion, the Club adjourned to meet in Green- I Ville 6t the 1st Saturday in Oct., at | o’clock, i> m.

^ VVM WILSON, Pres. I Wm. P. Tatb, Sec’y.

Wo the Common Council of Staunton: Gents—I wish to suggest to you the propriety of Establishing better regulations St the Market

house, or to repeal the market law altogether, if peoples' ttcrvanla tire to be held, and fruit taken from them by persons who have neither sense of justice or propriety.

A CTIT/RN OK THE COT'NTV. [We would respectfully suggest to our cones

,pendent that the proper course for him Intake in'he ■

above ease, is to bring the offenders lie Tore one of the Corporation Magistrates.—If he knows who they are, the law provides adequate redress. ]«—Rn.

Ex-G«>Ternor Seward, of New York, in reply to an invitation to address a public meeting, says—

“For myself, I shall cast my suffrage for (Jen. Tayeor and f>r Mii.r.ARD Kir.t more, freely and conscientiously, on precisely the same grounds on which I have hitherto voted for Whig candidates, because they arc Commended to me by ihe Whig party, and their success is necessary for its eon tinned and increasing usefulness. In the name and character of the. latter we have every guaranty that a Whig can desire. In the moderation of ihe other, and his desire to administer the (Government as the President <>f ibe whole people, not fir mere pnMi 7,an ends, I recognize claims to public confidence w hich I b'tvc no fear will ever be disappointed.’* •


My little Lai ! that bright !,luc uY, I l<rn na sic anilher;

She’s aye sac Ini’ and sweet to me,

I loc her like a Iirilher.

An’ how it gies my heart delight To see her sac improvin’;

I’ll loe her till my head is whim, An' thou I’ll die * lovin’,

O! ilka blcssin’ bo her due, Wi’ ilka joy an’ pleasure.

An’ cares, ifony, light an’ few', 0,1 her, rity sweetest treasure.

An’ when at last she sinkVtusleep, A faithfu’, true believer,

lie Angels there, her soul to keep. An dostis’ arms receive her !

._'C. 'J. M.

Moveaui.e Bakkicauks.—Owing to tbo terri lile slaughter of the National GuardsTat the hnrri eadcS Ot Paris, during iho lategreat insurrection, a new invention has been made, which are called Moveable Barricades. This is a strong solid thick wall of oak. lined with sheet iron. Holes are pierced for the guns of the guards |x,sted behind it. l’lic machine is pushed forward on wheels.

Buffalo Hunt.—A notice to the Buffalo Hon lers, in the New Orleans Delta of the 31st nil., states that “tho Chieftains of the Logouts of the order will assemble in that city during the Comitoi week, to make the necessary arrangements prena" ratory to the llttffala Hunt upon the bank oftht Rio Grande, this Fall."

MARRIED, At Capt. J. F. Hottt-I’x, Mount Solon, pA Tuesday Tn"M the Rev. J. A. Van T er Mr. \V illiawi II. Seitncn, of Grccdbrier c»., to Mis- iia^cts IM. (iIiiijonA, ol this county. At Middlebrook. on Monday evening tbc mb insl.

by Rev. Francis McFarland, I). I)., Mr. William F\ “.M"."* of Greenville, to Miss Lutitia It. Rand>jli*ii daughter of Jului Randolph, Ksq.

On Sunday tbc 10||, i„st., in Huntor*Vil!c, by tb. Rev. Mr DU,day, Capt. .Ions XV. Wakwi. k, to Mi*, t ARinr. KLi/.AOETii.d-.URbtcrortbc late Geo. Fi. Cm.- dec cl., all ol Pocahontas co.

In Frederick.sburir, on tbo 13th inst., by the Rcy, porval Wilson, Mr. Wiieki.kii Minnis, of Wayne?- boro,’ Au<rsi»tn county, n> Mr*. Lucy A. Pui.lkn *c- coml daughter of Hite late Capt. John Aim*, of Fridc- rickbburg.

Oil tbc btb iiist., by tbc Rev. .Tames Clark, Mr. Wm. Vis Hamilton, all of PocahoMas CO.


In Rappahannock county, on Thursday the 7th inst hy the Her. Cumberland George, Mr. Tiio.m as Nhikon t. keen of Staunton, to Miss Kli.f.n Walkkh, daugh- ter ol J- D. Latham, esq., of Washington city, I), (j.

OBITUARY. DIED, in this city, on (he Dili nit., at the residence ol her son-in-law, Mr. Samuel I). Morgan, Mrs. Sally McIntosh, in her 75th year. In the removal ol ihis eminently pious mother in Is-

'"»ny tender ties have been broken to which mauv “[*•' ll,u?t1 r> spoud, for many years to come. While to those of her immediate kindred, no written memorial is needed to perpetuate her memory, a regard to others or her acquaintance and friends, may well demand n brief expression ol her worth Of the latter, many both in her early, as well as her later places of residence, still remain to revert with fondness to the interchange ol their endeared associations with her. To them all

ns evinced almost with her dying breath, she cherished recollections at Once so deep and tender. Hint no bodily pain, nor even the near approach of death itself, could

‘.'vi” '? ,ur heaving bosom. The place of her birth, ( W inchester, \ a.,) together with that of her youthful days, (Staunton, o| the same State,) were both endeared to her hy man v pleasing reminiscences— the latter peculiarly so, by her union in marriage, and lyunion there also, with the Church of the faithful lit V.TtflSt JCMIS.

the former, her name from being that of Sally V l‘,zoll« " !,s changed to that of McIntosh, hy her mar- nag.; with Dr. George Grant McIntosh, an eminent Scotch physician, educated at Kdinburgh, and indue,., to emigrate to America by his medical class-mate and friend, the late l)r. Samuci Brown.

By flic lulln-. she became united with the Presbyte- rian Church at Staunton, to which, till her death, she clung with all the verdant freshness of a “first love to hrLt and his people. Left a widow with two children, while the youngest /Matilda,) Was too young o feel that she was fatherless, she eventually, upon the marriage ol tint only daughter will, Mr. S. I) Mor- gan, our worthy townsman, first resided with them, during many pleasant years at Huntsville, Ala., and more recently, for a like term, and with like happi- ness, in this city. 11

ller last illncSs, though protracted through a Ion- pg- r.od ol great bodily sulK-ring. was home without a .iiur- m"V- Am,ds* al1 «* iryin- demands on her faith and patience, one uniform reliance on the grace and mercy ol God, was habitually manifested in her speech and be- haviour. riiankfiilness filled her heart for the t-irr,.itn- stances of support and comfort with which she was con- tinually surrounded. Thankfulness, first of all to God and then to the beloved relatives hy whom she vn so assiduously and alfcctionatoly attended. Gratitude, in- deed. was one of the crowning virtues of her kind and faithful heart; and it never ceased to be revealed, not only to her immediate kindred—than whom no mother, or mother-m-law, or grand-mother, was ever more richly blessed than she, in all those endearing relations — hut likewise to (lie many dear Irieii.ls, includin- her physician and pastor, who all felt it to be a great privi- lege to minister to her aid and comfort in those sinking day s and nights of suffering preceding her descent to the silence and solitude of the -rave.

She rests from her labors and her stifle rings, and her Works do follow her “high in salvation and the climes of bliss.” j.. [Christian (Nashville Tenn.) Krmui.

DIED, at Mi Solon, on the night of the lOtfl jflst .ions GlnnoNs, infant son of Mr.'Daniel Al. Hardin, of the city qt Richmond. Only two months since this in- terest.,,- little hoy- was bereft of a fond and tender mo- • her, and after receiving every attention which n kind grand-mother and other relatives could render, lie has been called home by that Saviour who said, “Sutter little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” May Hr. who tem- pers the winds to the sliornc l imb, sustain the afflicted father, under this unexpected and afflictive YisitMiort of Providence. y

DIKIJ, recently, in Scnttsville. Albemarle county, Jr. I iirsTON Brown, in the 2f»tli year ol his ago. Th-deceased was a private in the Lt. Infanli-y-com-

pany of the Virginia Regiment of Volunteers hir the IM. XI. ,u; " .. »«« uiwuargid ironi tlic service on llie l*t of August, Is 17, nt Sitliillo, Mexico, on account of ill health.

Poor fellow, he came home hut to die._His return to his native land had no effect in arresting his disease, and he continued to waste away until he sunk into an early grave.

I lie soldier’s hardships and sufferings arc over, his enri'iune marches are ended, ami lie sleeps, never more

lo be disturbed, until the last great ••rcvcllic” wakes up the encampments of the dead.

DIED, at his residence in Charlottesville, on the Oth inst., I)r. Hardin Massib, in the oOtli year of his age.

I)K M’DANK’S I.IVKit PII.I.S _TI,«- great ** and increasing demand for the.so Pills, is tin: surest evhlcnce of their excellence. People try them and then recommend (l ent to their neighbors. No one who has ever suffered from tile I,iter com plaint, or from any of the diseases arising from a disordered state of that organ, failed in obtaining relief if lie tried l)r. M’Dane’s Pills; and thus they have worked their own way into popularity by the astonishing cures which they are every day |M:rforrning. Ili ad the following certificate :

"Mtr.F.sp.i ko. Centre Co., Pa.,? April 28ifi, 1847. $

"Messrs. .J. Kidd fk Co.— Cenllcmen—I write lo inform roil of the heeefli f have received from the use id Dr !\| Dane’s Diver Pills. I have Ix-en severely afllicted with I.iver etiinplaint fora liiim In r of years, and have been very much relieved by the nlmvc named pill, f *trn rinxiotts to use mine ;if them, as I think they will effect an entire cure ; mil I am Confident that I can sell a good many of 'hem. A Voting lady, an .vijuniiitailcc of mine, said they relieved her more than any pill she had ever used. She is afllicted with consumption, or liver complaint. \V. ft. BCTDK.lt ”

Prepared for the Proprietor and sold wholesale tml retail by D KIDD & CO..

No. GO, A\ nod street, Pittsburg, Pa. Cor sale also by RSKtllDGI) & CI'Sffl.VG,

Wavnton, fr„. 'i N. B. Purchasers will please It particular ■nd impure for “/>. M lAvcr Mlt” and

^ik(’ no other* September 20, 1848.

VT’IROINI A At rules held in the (Hrrk’* Of- fice of lho Circuit Superior (’onit of Law ami

Chancery for Augusta County, July the 3rd, 1818. Janc’R. Thompson, widow mul rcliet of William

Thon.|>son, dec’d—Plaintiff, Ac; VINST

1 hoinas YV. Brokcnhrongh, administrator nfTlios. II. Blair, dee’d, William It. Blair. Matthew Blair, James A. R. Blair, and others-- Defen da ills,

IN CHANCERY. TTie Defendants, Jeremiah Cullcm and Margaret his wife, David I'roul and Rebecca his wife, Wil-

liam C. Snapp and-, the ohildron of Wil- liam I lionipton, dee’d, not having entered their ap- pearance and given security,According to the act of Assembly, and the rules of this Court, and it ap- jiearing by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth : It fa ordered,

I that the said Defendants do appear before the Judge ot raid Court at tho Court house, oil the 10th day el tho November Term next, and answer tho hill o( tin' Plaintiff; ami that a copy of this order lie forthwith inserted in some uewsp;i|H'r printed in Staunton,To> ‘4 mouths successively, and posted at the Iront door of the Court-house.

A Copy—Teste, N. C. KINNEY, c. c.

Sept. 20, 1843—2tn.


BALTIMORE, 1VOIJLD respectfully call the attention of the T Merchants of Staunton and the surrounding

country to his large and desirable Slock of

embracing all art ides usually kepi iu ati extensive wholesale establishment, as follows:

325 pieces assorted French, English Sk American Cloths.

150 assorted Beavers & other cloth for over- coat ii'.g.

1 **0 assorted English, Flench & American Cussi meres.

400 *• assorted Sallinetts. A splendid assortment of Vestings at prices to

suit all customers. 500 pipers Plain ik, Fancy Alpacas.

15 eases JJrilliantine and other richdressgoods. " English, I rench ik American prints. 35 hales Wbite,Scarlet,Creen & Yellow Flan- nels.

20 Blankets, assorted. 3500 Shawls, some rich ami splendid.

A complete assortment of Cambrics, Jar inets, Swiss ami other while goods, with a large stock of

; Blenched ami Brown Mtislins at Factory prices. ljuenung n unnecessary to furtlit-r particularise.

; I respectfully ask an examination of my stock alul i pledge myself to show as desirable ah assortment j as any house in this city of elsewhere, and sell up- | on as favorable terms.

Baltimore, Sept. 26, 1848.

j SV«v\\nto'.\, Sey\. 1848,



■ N the Sloro occupied lately hy Green &, Co., op- * posite Morris is. Goode’s, above the Court house, consisting of the most beautiful Needle Wrought Collars, in every variety of style, ‘both single and double; Cliotnizeltes; frock W aists, of exquisite needle-work ; Wrought Sleeves; l.awn,Handker- chiefs; Broclic l iider Handkerchiefs, ol the most beautiful and fashionable patterns; Insertions and Trimmings, &.c., &c.

Also, a largo invoice of Blurk {silk Drtni Veils,

Of the richest and most fashionable pattern will l>e sold.

mer The above goods are all in perfect order, and have been received hy the lam Steamer, from 1* ranee, and are recommended as particularly Wor- thy the notice and patronage of the Ladies.

Ladies arc invited to call and examine the Goods.

j Fancy and Hat and Cay STttltE.

'I'MIK subscriber is opening in the Store-room be tween J. 13. Breckinridge’s and A. I). Wren’s

m Staunton, a stock of Fancy articles of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s wear, and a fine assortment pf HA 1 S and CAPS, which he is determined to sell low, for cash only, llo invitesthe attention of pur- chasers. WM. CRAIG,

Agent for S. Jamksoft fe Cli. Sept. 20, IRIS.—tf. E©r> A Constant supply of Cotton Yarns, its-i

j 9orl»‘(l Nos., will he kept on hand, which will be sold at Factory prices.

180\1\ Ucg. \a. O R I) F. It S No. 7.

j A VACANCY' haVing occurred in the office of Lieutenant Colonel of the lu-<nmonl; hV the

| resignation of l.t. Col. Wm. A. Bell, it is ordered j j that the commissioned officers of the several com-

panies com|M>sing Ihe Regiment, and others there- to attached. assemble in the town of Staunton, the place of training for the officers of the regiment orl Monday the. 23d da v of October, lR 18, Tor the pur- pose of holding an election to si,|q»!y said v’caucy. j In the absence of Major MeCue, Cnpt. Burke j will lurnisli a copy of l his order to each oilicor com- manding a company in the 2d Battalion, and Capt Slf>rr..ll ,.-,11 _ <1... l.l .. J

_ .. ■ .. wmw hi lilt! 1SI

Bill fa I ion.

| Officers commanding companies will give notice I of this order to the commiss’otied officers attached

to llieir respective companies. By order of the Colonel. J. L. PF.V'l'ON, Adj. 100th Reg. Sept. 20, 1818. b

; ______

WANTED, rjPO hire a good FEMALE COOK, frorrl 15

to •>() years of age. If, upon tHal, she proves i satisfactory, she will bo purchased at a fair price j if the owner is disposed to part with her. En- ipiire at tliis office.

| Sept. 20.—3w

l.OnK SHARP! j FOREWARN alt persons front trading fora ■ Rond, executed by me. to Elias I). Lawrence for One Hundred Dollars, hearing dale April 20, 1818, six months after date, given in consideration of a patent rigltf, w hich Bond wrts fraildulerttly oh- tained. Said Bond I am determined not to pay iirt- I less compelled Iry law.

WM. It. RL'RCII. (ireenville. Sept. 10, 1848.—3l.

'I'LAKEN op Iry Samuel Itrcneman. in Augusta " county, on ilnr 21th of August, |8|8, a Heif-

er of pale red color, some white abonl the lrelly a lid legs, no marks or brands.—Appraiser) to ,f,0.

Sept. 0. A. KINNEY, Clc-k.

fiOTiCK. \\r ANTED immediately, ten thousand feet of

White Pine inch Plank fot ttllicli ;i liberal price in cash will he given.

IU DSON & LITSlIltAEGH. Siauntrm, Sept. 13, 1818.—3w.

.x/ci: ('■ lsTi.XftS.

•> TONS Superior Hollow Ware, for sale Ion by Aug. 1(5. WHITE N CO.

/ b N I', TON^tr BAR IRON, assorted, just | received ami for sale by

Aug. 10.—3t A. S. KINNEY. !


| 'IMI B under**igneil beg?;leave to inform MirHilomrri j ,1 ami the public generally, tlial lie lias ctilpluyc* Mr. James <) Hear, (an experienced anil cninpeteii bund in lip* art ol Culling, Sti'.,) recently from tin

Eastern t itics, as the foreman of his simp, ami some o ■ tin* best workmen to aid him. Having recently rccoi*

veil all the latest

Fail and 11'inlrr Fashions front New York anil Philadelphia, he is now prepared to exrcbtf all work in hi** lino in the most sitperioi style and at llu* shortest notice.

Mri Rear, s h\yrits in his line of business are not surpassed. ’I he snriiyriT'er hits neittly fitted np hit shop and made every other arrangement tocontiuue his business on a more enlarged anil much improved scale. He is pleased to acknowledge Ilia gratitude for the for- mer putruungcof his friends and a gejicrous public, and respect Indy solicits a continuance of the same. Per* sons are respvrtIhlly invited to call and examine bis work and I* astiionx, specimens of u hirli are always oil hand, one door West of Win. Kyle’s, Emi. Mains!., opposite the PostOtlicc.

I>. W> ARNOLD. Scanniott, Sept 13. IS48.


fl.AIN ST REFT, IJ K*Sl,KCiHlI,l,V inliirtns bis friends and

llte public that |,e lias received the FALL AND WINTF.R FASHIONS,

and i**. prepared to make to order any garment that may Ik; entrusted to him. lie will endeavor, by executing bis work in a neat and substantial man

ner, aful accbWirg to llu* most approved style, to merit a share of tlio public patronage.

I le returns bis thanks to those who have here- tofore favored hint with their custom, and hopes, hy diligent attention to business, to merit and re- ceive a continuance of tlic'iY support.

Staunton, Sept. 13, 1818.


FOR safe:. iVf ft* ISAAC 4'ALL, of Winchester, having A determined to contract his business ojierations, lias authorised the subscriber to sell at private sale

his TAVKUN AND \Y ARKill)USE, situated in the northern part of Staunton on the AIcAdani- ized Street, known as the Valley Hotel, with the Warehouse adjacent thereto.

The I Intel is now occupied hy Mrs. Cooper at an : <»"!iial rent of $250, and the Warehouse is leased

to Mr. Siriderat $125 per annum. Hoth buildings aroot brick, and have been rc-

! contly finished in the best style, and are eligibly I muiju.’u iot uusiiitos.

Tlie terms will bn accommodating—aucli as to oiler strong inducements to persons wlm may wish a safe and profitable investment, to purchase

ALEX. H. II. STUART. Sept. 13,1843.

COMMISSIONERS’ SALE. I N pursuance of a decree of iho Circuit Superior Court ol I »TA\V and Chancery for Augusta coun- ty ■" eaust! therein depending of John Arm- strong, sen.. Administrator, vs. John Armstrong, jnn., Administrator, tbi! undersigned, who were ap- pointed Commissioners for that purpose, will pro- ceed, on Tuesday the 17th day of October next, on tlie premises, to.sell at public auction to the high- est bidder a certain tract or parcel of Land describ-

| ed in the decree as Containing 75 ARES, be I the same more less. The Land lies near the North Mountain on Whiskey Creek, being the same that was purchased by John Armstrong, jun., dec’d, partly from Archibald Coy her and wife, and partly from Jacob A cord, jun. and wife.

I lie terms of stile will lie, so much cash in band as will be requisite to defray the expenses of.sale And the residue in six, twelve and eighteen months, the purchaser giving bond and approved security, and the title retained till the purchase money is ful- I) paid. 1 he title is believed to be unquestionable, 1 but we will only convey as Commissioners of the C(rt,rt- WM. FRAZIER,


Sopt 13. ISIS.—Ids. Cm

NOTICE. rPl IE subscriber, grateful for the patronage here-

tofore extended to him as Saddle,- and Ihvncss maker, Would respectfully inform his friends and !

the public generally, that ho continues the above- mentioned business at his old stand, where he will always he prepared to furnish all articles in his line, made of the best materials, and in the neatest manner.

He would likewise inform the public that he lias become t ho proprietor of the 'I’AN YARD former ly owned by his Father, and will carry on the |

Tanning i£u*ine** on an extensive scale.

1" mm his knowledge of the business, ahd a de- termination to keep the l**st workmen, lie can 1

safely promise (lie public with good leatlior of all kinds.

He will bo pleased to exchange Jfather. Shoes, Saddlery and Harness, for Hides and Hark.

(IFORCE VV. DEAL. Wayntisboro’, Sept. 1!!, Ib is.—2m.

| I Jem. cop}'.


r|M1E subscribers have located themselVr* nppu- 1 site the Rank, in Staunton, and intend manu- facturing all kinds of work in their line—such as! I’hnriolnrs, Roekaways, Pliartoiis and Bnsreirs, i in the most fashionable style, of the best materials, :

and on terms to suit the purchaser. Especial at ........... I, •U.III ni'Mis ui |I’|UH IMJJ. I liry 1100111 it Unnecessary to say more, ns they have commenc- I ed hiisiness with a determination to make COOI) j WORK, and the public shall have no cause of dis- ! satisfaction on their part—with this assurance they respectfully solicit n portion of t||c pit hi in patron age. IIAlVDY & .MAK.STKI.I-F.lt.

N- B.—Cash paid for dry Spokes, Mute, Ash and Poplar Planks. (Sept. 13, 1818.—if.

I N 1)1 AN A.—Side of l)r. M'l .nun's Vermifuge! ! —Among the hundredsol letters,certificates and

ordets received hy Ihc proprietors of this medicine, ‘he following is selected to show its character, and the effect of its use in a distant part of the. West. I he .Messrs. Coltons are dry goods’ merchants, but

are also agents for the sale of the choicest rrtodi cidcs 1

AVimcuF.sTF.fi, Ian., Sept. 20, 1817. "Messrs. Kidd ft Co.—VA’e happened to get a

lot ol M I .ant: s \ ertnifuge last spring, prepared hv yourselves. So soon as the vermifuge was intro diierd in our community, the demand became so great for it that our stock was soon exhausted. It has produced the best, effect wherever, it has been used in this section, and is very jmpuiarstinollgonr people. AVn are deflrous of obtaining the medi cine hereafter direct frorti J'ottfsr'I’T'S, ds it sells more rapidly than any other medicine we keep.-— •’lease send us a gross immediately.

p.& .1. W. cm -TON. I'l-epari'd lor tiro Proprietor arid sold wholesale

and retail by J. KIDD ft CO. No. fiO. Wood street. I’iltshurtr. Pa.

For sale also hy ESKAlUtiK \ ( l S7//.AY;. Slnunton, l 'a.

87" N. H.—Purchaser* will please he particular a fid inquire for "Hr. ,1/7/t/ir’j If mot X]>rrijic, or l rrntifo'xr, and take nothing else.

Sept. 13. 1848.

• )/| BUI'S. fcxlra Flour for sale hv *’yy 9 T. MKIDF.R.

Aug. 0. Adjoining A". Motel.i

COMMISSIONERS SALE. ■ pursuance of a decree of tlio Cifcflit Sxlperio

Court ot Law ami Chancery fur the county o 1 Augusta in tlie case of Jesse 'Dold’s Adiniiiistrato

noaiuSl Mathew llelinsaiid others, rendered at tin June term, ISIS, the undersigned Commission er will, on Monday the thh day of" October next expose to sale at public auction, on the premise*: in the village of I' isliersville in tin? county afore- said. a lot of ground w ith the appurtenances, eon

laming ONK-KOURTII OF AN ACRE AND I I ^ l,jN I Y—NINE POLES, which was convey- i cd to William Craig in trust on the 8th of April, IS.IJ, being the residue of three-fourths of an Acre

and twenty-nine Poles, purchased hy Matthew I Helms of the said Jesse Oohl, after taking off the quarter acre lot sold to Andrew Helms, ami hy him

I *" Firehaugli. and the quarter aere lot sold hy Mat- thew Helms to l>. fa. Coiner, which said lot is di-

! recit'd to be sold on the following terms, to wit: ; So much ol the purchase money to he paid in hand

as will lie siillicient to pay the expenses ami cliar- ; ges el sale, ami the residue in nine months there- alter. Il tlie nroccodsut the sale of the above men- tioned lot shah lie inadequate to the payment of the claim under the decree aforesaid, then will lie e»

; (xised to sale, on the satire day.on tlie premises, the quarter acre lot whit h Was sold ami cenvcVed by ! Matthew Helms to 1). f>. ('oilier; ahd should the proceeds ol this lot w hen added to those of the pre- ceding sale, still he inadequate to satisfy ami dis- charge‘.lie decree aforesaid, then will lie exposed to sale, on the same day, on the premises, the quar- ter acre lot conveyed by the said Matthew Helms to Peter 1' in faugh. For the deferred pavment a-

j toresaid, bond with approved security will he re-

quired and the conveyance withheld till payment. JOHN T. A UN AI Aj, Cotntn’r.

fataunton, Kept. 0, 1818.

VIRGINIA :—At RuKs held in tha Clerk’s uf* | fiee of t he Circuit Superior Court el* La\Y ahd | Chancery for Augusta County, Monday the 4th I <lay of September. 1848, I Jacob C. Roler and John Crawford. Into partners under the Style of Role r ami Crawford—PPiill's.

AGAINST David D. Iloslionr, ulministrator of Michael Cline-

dinst, dec’d, Wm. Morrison and Elizabeth his , wile,Jno. Clincdinst, Jacob Clinedinst, Win. \V.

ClineditiSl, David I). 1 loshour and Rebobca J., his wife, Andrew 11. Clincdinst and James A. Clincdinst and infant heirs at Law of said Mi- chael Clincdinst, decM, and Samuel llamsbar- ger—Del" is.

IN CHANCERY. The Defendant Win. W. Clincdinst, t'.ol having

| entered bis appearance, and given security, accord- ing to the net ol* Assembly, and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence tint lie is no inhabitant of this Common wealth : It

j is oruere<i, mat me said iJcleiulunl do appear here on the first day of Novcmlier Term next, and an-

! S'vcr the bill of the plaintiff; anti that n copy of this [ order lie forthwith inserted in some newspaper printed in Staunton, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Court-house.

A Copy—Teste, N. C. KINNEY, c. c.

! Sept. G, 1848.—2m.

i VIRGINIA:—At rules lieid in the Clerk’s Of- five of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and

Chancery for Augusta County, Monday the 4th day of September, ISIS, William Craig, and Matthew Blair,—Plaintiffs,

ar. ainst—Upon a bill of Review, John Blair, and Edwin 11. Jordan, trustees of Wil-

liam Dunoho, William C. Adams. I rancis M. Goolsby, James Points, assignee in Bankruptcy, ol said \\ illintn Domiho. Benjamin II. McGru- dcr, Janies \\ Mason tc Co., Michael Garber, William W. Donaghe, Armstead M. Mosbv, John B. Breckinridge, Alexander II. II..Stuart, I resident of (be Board ol \ isitors id the Virgin- ia Institution for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb and of the Blind, and Sampson Eagon,— Defen- dants,

I a VN CHANCERY. i lie Defendant I’ rancis M. Goolsby, not having

j entered his appearance and given security, accord" ing to the act of Assembly, and the Rules of this

; Court, nnd it appearing by satisfactory evidence that he is not :tn inhabitant of ibis Commonwealth: It is ordered, that the said Defendant do appear here on the tirst day of the November Term next, and answer the lull of the plaintiff: and that a copy

1 ol this order he forthwith inserted in some newspa- per printed in Sintiutnn, tor I wo months successive- ly, ai,d posted at the front door of the Court house.

A Copy—Teste. NICH. C. KINNEY, c. c.

September G, 1848.—2m.

y IRGINIA:—At rules held i.i the Clerk's Of- ! lice of the Cireuit Superior Court of Law and

Chancery for Augusta County, Monday the 4th day of September, 1848, Nicholas C. Kinney, Receiver of the Circuit Su-

perior Court of Law a ml Chancery for Augusta County,—Plaintiff,

AGAINST John Kautzman Defendant,

IN CHANCERY. I he Defendant, John Kautzman, not having rn-

lered his appearance and given security, according lo the act of Assembly, and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that lie is no inhabitant ot this Commonwealth : It is ordered, that the said defendant do f.ppbnr here on the first 1

day ot tile November Term next, and answer the hill of the Plaintiff; and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper printed in Staunton, for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Cottri-hotlSb.

A Copy—Teste'. NICH. C. KINNEY, c. c.

September G, 1848.—2m.

LOOK HERE ! \y E have opened a Lumber I 'mil at the Valley Mills, where all persons in want of PLAN K

and SI 1 INGLES can he accommodated with de- N|Mirii <iiHi on reason.!tile lerins i>y calling on Mr. Philip O. Polrner at said Mills.



r|MlE subscriber having returned from Mexico. R offers his services to the public in the .SAD- DLING 111 SIN ESS. 11n will always have on i hand a supply to meet the witrits ol’rtll. I |( offers great inducements to purchasers. 11 is establish- ment is at May’s old store.—Call and see him.

CHARLES II. BALL. August 30, ! 8 IP.

? (j I’KLS. I us. \\ hiskey ,of superior nunliiy for sale by T. STUIDEH.

Adjoining V. Ilotel lillOS. I’urto Rico Sugar, just received and,

for sale low by T. STRIDKH. Aug. 9. Adjoining V. Hotel.

soli: u:.rrrn:ii. SIDES “good" and “damaged” S:de Lc.atli-

'J\r rr> j,„t received and for sale cheap. Aug. 10. WHITE &. CO.

\ V HITE l/EAD in Oil, pure extra and No. I, I' Irtx Seed Oil, Class and Polly, iusl receiv-

ed and for .mile by TllOS. STRIDER, August 9. Adjoining V Hotel.

\l/r. WT’.ltS’ HEEDS. VI eons, „f the her* kind, for sale hy WHITE &, CO.

Aug. 23, I PIPr

/iHOCKS! CHOCKS!! -fiOO well burnt, and i assorted for salt' l»v

V 10, I I WHITE -x CO.

9ALT. SAI kS Sail expected <!ai!v.

,)Xf Aug 16. WHITE k CO.




vhom tii* fcfiw vonk express.


\\ hen we first heard of the intended so-called Cloy movement in this city, we addressed a pri- vate letter to Mr. Clay, not expecting in retttrft Sny answer which we could put in print, but we have received an answer, in which wo are authorised to

say as follows: “I have given, and shall give, no countenance

I «r encouragement to nny movement to bring my name as a candidate for that of)iee'(the Presidency)

j before the public.” # » » » "On one |H»iiitl desire no secrecy, and that is, that I am utterly op- posed to the nae of my name as a candidate for tho Presidency.

“My warm regards lo your brother. “I ain, truly, your friend and obedient servant,

H. CLAY. "James Brooks, Es<|.”


RICHMOND, VA. rjiilK ELEVENTH ANNUAL COURSE OF LEC ^ ^ UIt KS in thin Institution \vill commence oil Mon-

tlav» the ‘2 id ot October, and continue to the 19th I of March.

.John Cullen, M. D., Theory ami Practice of IV!edi- cmo.

Uoiiannan, M. I)., OhstftucV and Diseases of >\ omen and Children.

t W-Chambkulavne, M. D., Materia IMi-dica and j 1 herapeutics.

Socrates Maupin, M. I)., Chemistry and Pliarma- cy.

Charles Hell Chiton, M. 1)., Surgery am) Surgical Anatomy. °

Carter P. Johnson, M. D., Auatomy and Phisiolo- gy.

Benjamin I*. Lockett, M. D., Demonsirator of Aiialomy.

In addition to the usual Lectures, Mulicul ami Sur- fficul Cliniynrx will lie regularly given ut the t'ollegO Infirmary and itichmonri Alms House, to which the students will bo admitted free of expense. In these in- stitutions the student will have opportunities of ohserv- ing the disease incident to the South, and of witnessing very many surgical operations.

'1 tic study of anatom) may he prosecuted with the most ample facilities, and with very trifling expense. Matriculation ticket, $$ Prolessors’ fee, I0j

Practical Anatomy, 10 («radiiating fee, 25

fjuarn, including IUC1, lights, servants’ alUixt.uice, &c. can lie obtained as cheap in II ichinniifl as in any eitv on the Atlantic seaboard—say from £3 to 05 per week.

S. At A i’IMN, INI. I)., Dean of the Faculty.

August 30, IS IS.

V omv’nvg awv\ Yavcv-Ilawgmg. <T. W. ABELL

\\ OULl) respectfully inform the citizens of *T Staunton and vincinity, that he has located liimsell in this place, where he will carry on the HOUSE, SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL PAINT INI* 4k PAPER HANGING, in all their various branches.

Mr. A. is also prepared to manufacture Block Letter, Plain, Ornamental and Transparent Signs, at the shortest notice, ami in the most exquisite style. I' nun a long experience in the above named bu- siness, he feels confident in offering himself for the patronage ofthc public. All kinds of Paper Hang- ing and Glazing done on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice.

The best reference given if required. Room op- posite the Virginia Hotel. Staunton, Aug. 30, 1818._lm.

S Uvgc Avv «\wgcA\\cn\. rpiIE subscribers respectfully inform the Public

that they will hereafter run llieir line of Sta- ges between Scottsvillc arid Charlottesville, as fol- lows, viz : They will leave Seettsville on Teus- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8 o’clock. A. M., and reach Cliarlottesvillo to dinner. They " * 11 leave Charlottesville on Aloud.iys, VVednes- days and I’ ridays at 8 A. AI., and reach Scottsvillc by dinner.

Fare only $,| r,0 Going and Returning 2 50

Ever}’ arrangement lias heed made to insure the comfort ;ind accommodation of passengers. 1 h.mkiul for the liberal encouragement they have received, they respectfully solicit a coniiiiu- anco of public patronage.

TYLER & LITTLE. t S. \\ e also keep 1 lorses, Buggies atid Car

rnges to hire by the day. Our charges shall bd moderate.

August 30, 18IS.—It.

Wee::, SiiSysflB!SJ9 Forwarding and Commission



REFER TO— 11. Al. Brent, esq., 5 ....

•Jos. IF. Shcrrard, J " .nel.estcf

Dr. .1. \V. Rice. New -Market, V:i. I It it...„i w

Walter &, Co., ^ C. i). Hulks 8*. Co.', v. Baltimore. S. K. Burkholder &. Co.', ) Jii1)t 20, 1848.

Took to von*, interest. —r<S

GREEN & CO., (Si<rn of the Flap:, below ft bile S,- Co.'s.)

4 III', ottering ( alienee, t,awns and Brown Cot tons at Cl I’i Pit ICRS, and will continue t<t

J • ( OS 1 until I'flh September, ;il alxiUt which lime they will receive a large and splendid assortment of/ //,/,.AW/ UlJS'TEU GOODS

Conic mid see." Staunton, Aug. 23, 1848.

WAYNESIIOROIUH. I I ST received a barrel of Klasfteed Oi|_a|*n a

barrel of Sperm do., the latter a prime article f>r Machines, (.amps, (Tc. Arrangements have oecn made for keeping constantly on hand, a sup- ply of these Oils, and they will be sold as low as they can begotten in the county. Agdin_tve have received another lihd. Brown Sugar, of excellent •piality, and have on hand a verf beautiful article of Cracked (,oaf Sugar. All very cheap. And by the Way, tlte very best bargains can |>n bad in ( lotha and Cassinicre*. of which we h'***'1 * '*.hhi vari«*ty. JiAMKI, FISHftlTtN.

Sept. f>, 1848. -3t.

'SiiDotSiy Scol. \\l I1, want 20 Bushels, lor an order. V WHITB & c<;. Sept, f>, 1848.

03/‘KN ( ine i willed Bags, .1 pieces Virginia Bagging for sale low by T. S'flllDKft.

Aug. 0. Adjoining Valley Hotel.
