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IAP What's In It For Me?

Date post: 11-Feb-2022
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IA www IAP AX RU BE SU Impr Prog Expo redu FLE Fletc appro supp by-pr 100% and a uses cons Mana Intern expo ‘Aust qualit Intern grazi rema main efficie THE ‘Our work also includ produ expe P Wha w.tca.gov.au P FACIL XLE ACC URAL EX ENEFITIN UPPLY C roved access gram (IAP) ha orts operate cing commu ETCHER cher Internatio oximately 40 plier of sheep roducts to the % Halal slaug are being exp state of the a ignments by aging Directo national Expo orter based in tralia has an e ty of its meat national Expo ers in the she ain internation tain high qua ent logistics c E FREIGH company has ks with us to m enjoy excelle ding those w ucts get to m ectations.’ Mr Processing at's In u LITATES CESS F XPORTE NG THE CHAIN s under the I as helped Fl e more efficie unity exposu INTERNA onal Exports, years ago, is meat, skins, e global mark ghtered, in ac ported to ove art cold chain either air or s or, Mr Roger orts is an imp Dubbo. excellent inte t and meat by orts is commi eep and woo nally competi ality standard chain.’ Mr Fle HT CHAL s a loyal and maintain the r ent relationsh ho supply log arket in acco Fletcher said g sheep and It For S QUAD OR MAJ ER, E ENTIR ntelligent Ac etcher Intern ntly, while a ure to truck n ATIONAL which was e s a leading pr wool produc ket. All Fletch ccordance wit er 90 countrie n logistics to m sea. Fletcher, said portant local e ernational rep y-products. F itted to suppo ol industries b tive. This me s at our abat etcher said. LENGE dedicated w reputation of hips with our s gistics service ordance with d. d lamb skins r Me? D- JOR RE ccess national lso noise. EXPORT established rocessor and cts and assoc her products a th Islamic Rit es. The comp move export d Fletcher employer and putation for th Fletcher orting farmers by ensuring w eans we need ttoirs and hav workforce whic our products service provid es to ensure customer s for export TS d ciated are es any d he s and we d to ve an ch s. We ders, our t W mi Mr be wh co W sh of tra ‘Du ton inv ad AN TH ‘Be co de the op Mr ‘Th Ya Du ha alte ‘It m go the to Lamb We also have a nimise the im r Fletcher said tween the co hich is also co mmunity ben We used to tra eep by-produ Dubbo for sh ailer, however ubbo City Co nnes gross us volved transp vice, were no N INNOVA HE FREIG ecause the C nstructed to a cided to build e Council bec erating on th r Fletcher exp his means the arrandale Roa ubbo’s indust s led to a sig ernative.’ means we ca ods to marke e local comm port.’ s resting at Exports a responsibil mpact of our o d that allowin ompany’s aba ompany owne nefits. ansport 40 foo ucts to the ra hipment to Po r we could no ouncil gave us sing a quad-a port over loca ot built for suc ATIVE AP GHT CHA Council advise a higher stan d our own inte cause it no lo e back roads plained. e truck trip is ad to the new rial precinct. nificant paylo an operate m et while at the munity to the n t Fletcher In s Dubbo plan ity to the loca operations.’ ng a quad-axl attoir and an ed, generate ot containers il terminal loc ort Botany us ot fill those co s approval to axle semi-tra l roads which ch loads.’ Mr PPROAC ALLENGE ed us that Ya ndard in terms er-modal rail onger had the s of Dubbo to a 750 metre w intermodal r Using the qu oad increase more efficiently e same time n noise of truck ternational nt al community le semi-traile inter-modal te s significant of export me cated near th ing a tri-axle ontainers.’ operate to 5 iler, however h, based on C r Fletcher con H TO SO E arrandale Roa s of its pavem terminal. Thi e tri-axle sem o the old rail te journey alon rail terminal w uad-axle sem over the tri-a y in transport no longer exp ks taking our p 1 y to r to run erminal, eat or e centre semi 55 r this still Council’s ntinued. LVE ad was ment we is suited i-trailers erminal.’ ng within i-trailer axle ting posing products




FLEFletcapprosuppby-pr100%and auses cons



THE‘Our workalso includproduexpe

P Wha



roved accessgram (IAP) haorts operate cing commu

ETCHER cher Internatiooximately 40

plier of sheep roducts to the% Halal slaugare being expstate of the aignments by

aging Directonational Expo

orter based in

tralia has an ety of its meatnational Expoers in the she

ain internationtain high quaent logistics c

E FREIGHcompany has

ks with us to menjoy excelleding those wucts get to m

ectations.’ Mr


at's In


LITATESCESS FXPORTENG THECHAIN s under the Ias helped Flemore efficie

unity exposu

INTERNAonal Exports,years ago, ismeat, skins,

e global markghtered, in acported to oveart cold chaineither air or s

or, Mr Roger orts is an imp Dubbo.

excellent intet and meat byorts is commieep and woonally competiality standardchain.’ Mr Fle

HT CHALs a loyal and maintain the rent relationshho supply logarket in accoFletcher said

g sheep and

It For


ntelligent Acetcher Internntly, while a

ure to truck n

ATIONAL which was es a leading prwool produc

ket. All Fletchccordance witer 90 countrien logistics to msea.

Fletcher, saidportant local e

ernational repy-products. Fitted to suppo

ol industries btive. This mes at our abat

etcher said.

LENGE dedicated w

reputation of hips with our sgistics serviceordance with d.

d lamb skins

r Me?



ccess national lso


EXPORTestablished rocessor and

cts and assocher products ath Islamic Rit

es. The compmove export

d Fletcher employer and

putation for thFletcher orting farmersby ensuring weans we needttoirs and hav

workforce whicour products

service provides to ensure customer

s for export


d ciated are es any



s and we d to ve an

ch s. We ders, our




‘Wshof tra




‘It mgotheto


We also have animise the im

r Fletcher saidtween the co

hich is also community ben

We used to traeep by-produDubbo for sh

ailer, however

ubbo City Connes gross usvolved transpvice, were no

N INNOVAHE FREIGecause the Cnstructed to acided to build

e Council becerating on thr Fletcher exp

his means thearrandale Roaubbo’s industs led to a sigernative.’

means we caods to marke

e local commport.’

s resting atExports

a responsibilmpact of our o

d that allowinompany’s abaompany ownenefits.

ansport 40 fooucts to the rahipment to Por we could no

ouncil gave ussing a quad-a

port over locaot built for suc

ATIVE APGHT CHACouncil advisea higher stand our own intecause it no loe back roadsplained.

e truck trip is ad to the newrial precinct. nificant paylo

an operate met while at the

munity to the n

t Fletcher Ins Dubbo plan

ity to the locaoperations.’

ng a quad-axlattoir and an ed, generate

ot containers il terminal locort Botany usot fill those co

s approval toaxle semi-tral roads whichch loads.’ Mr


ed us that Yandard in termser-modal rail

onger had thes of Dubbo to

a 750 metre w intermodal rUsing the quoad increase

more efficientlye same time nnoise of truck

ternational nt

al community

le semi-traileinter-modal tes significant

of export mecated near thing a tri-axle


operate to 5iler, however

h, based on Cr Fletcher con

H TO SOE arrandale Roas of its pavemterminal. Thi

e tri-axle semo the old rail te

journey alonrail terminal w

uad-axle semover the tri-a

y in transportno longer exp

ks taking our p


y to

r to run erminal,

eat or e centre semi

55 r this still Council’s ntinued.


ad was ment we is suited i-trailers erminal.’

ng within i-trailer


ting posing products



‘The movetermiapproquadan asand tassuMr Fl

IAPASSDubbinnovand ipotenboos


‘YarrMasswhetunit boutwtear o

‘In apeconCounconsdefindesigCoun


P Wha


trucking conte products froinal was requoved IAP Ser

d-axle unit. Wssurance thathat the IAP prance to Couletcher said.

P PROVIDSET OWNbo City Councvative quad-anter-modal rantial of the IAst export mark

ording to Couked with Roadcher Internatiore strict cond-trailer were

andale Roads Limits routether or not thebetween the aeighed any inon that road.’

pproving this omic and com

ncil needed totructed to wites as an ‘ind

gnated Freighncil’s Road H

Councillor A

at's In


tractor engagom the abattouired to instalrvice Provide

We appreciatet its truck woprovides the nuncil that acce

DES THE ANERS NEcil’s decision

axle semi-traiail terminal in

AP to deliver iket potential.

ncillor Allan Sds and Maritimonal Exports ditions in the dmet.’

d had alreadye by Council. e economic babattoir and tncreased cos’ Councillor S

application, Cmpliance criteo be satisfiedthstand loadin

dustrial develoht Vehicle Roierarchy.’

Allan Smith

It For

ged to undertoir to the intel satellite tele

er before it coe that the locauld only use necessary coess condition

ASSURAED to approve aler to run bet

n Dubbo demnnovative fre

Smith, ‘Dubbme Services and their trucdesign and c

y been approvCouncil’s tas

benefits of runthe inter-modsts associatedSmith said.

Council set seria. In terms

d that this roangs applicabopment area’oute in accord

of Dubbo S

r Me?

take the task r-modal rail

ematics with aould operate tal Council waYarrandale R

ompliance ns would be m


access for antween an aba

monstrates theeight solutions

o City Councstaff as well cking contracconstruction o

ved as a Highsk was to assnning a quaddal terminal d with wear a

strict engineers of engineeriad must have le to what Co’. It must be odance with th

Shire Counc


an the nted




n attoir e s and

cil staff as

ctor to of this

her sess d-axle


ring, ing been

ouncil on a he



‘In thisIAPtecbe




‘I ecoeff

Mr Roger Fl

terms of coms vehicle wouP provided thchnology waslieve Council

ouncillor Smit industrial prepose restrictiise concerns

RANSPOUSTOMENLOCK IMr Chris Konidertification AuP said, ‘We nnovative logisoductivity, effvironmental c

CA is delightele semi-trailey in order to beat and alliedovide a road w heavy veh

encourage trauncils to consficiency and s

etcher of Fl

mpliance, Couuld operate ohe assurances not availabll would have

th said, ‘As thecinct at all tions on opera



ustralia Limiteneed to suppostics solutionsficiency and sconcerns.’

ed to see the er operating obenefit sheep

d industries. Tasset owner icle combina

ansport operasider similar safety of the f

letcher Inter

uncil wanted only on this ape Council wase to use in thapproved thi

his vehicle wames, there wating hours b


ED ACCESf Executive Oed (TCA), whiort our exports which delivesafety while a

IAP applied on a local roadp and wool prThis shows howith the assu


ators, their cusolutions to ifreight task.’

rnational Ex

an assurancpproved routes looking for. his way, I do nis application

as operating wwas no need tased on safe


Officer of Tranich administet industries ther higher addressing

to monitor a d in a major rroducers andow the IAP curance to app

ustomers andmprove the Mr Koniditsio



ce that e. The If this not


within to ety or


nsport ers the hrough

quad-regional d the an prove

d local

otis said.



FURFor fuwww

TranABNT +6

P Wha


RTHER INurther inform



The information cocase study may nocircumstances befoInformation in this cPhotos of processi

nsport CertifN 83 113 37961 3 8601 46

at's In


NFORMATation, visit th

xle semi-trai journey f

ontained in this caseot be true for all tranore enrolling in IAPcase study has beeng sheep and lamb

fication Aus9 936 00 E tca@tc

It For

TION e TCA websi

iler approverom Fletcheintermodal

e study is intendednsport operators. T

P. en provided by Fletb skins for export a

stralia Ltd


r Me?

ite at

ed to operater Internatiol rail termina

to convey the experansport operators

tcher International nd lambs resting a

e to 55 tonnonal Exportsal within Du

eriences of the transhould consider th

Exports and the Dut Fletcher Internatio

nes gross, ts along Yarrubbo’s indus

nsport operator/s cohe appropriateness

ubbo City Council.onal Exports, are b


high leoperataccess

• Increathe saemissi

• The lothe nomodal

• IAP Se

ransportingrandale Roastrial precin

oncerned. The ben of IAP to their bus

by Alf Manciagli Gec

ANCE AP provided Devel of assurator would coms only approv

ase in payloadme freight taions and redu

ocal communoise of trucks rail terminal

ervice Provid

g goods on aad to the newnct

nefits of IAP mentiosiness operations, o

cko Photographics


Dubbo City Cance that themply with conved routes

d means fewsk, less enviruced fuel con

ity is no longetaking produfor export

der – Transtec

a 750 metrew

ned in this objectives and

Orange. uary 2012

Council with a transport

nditions to

wer truck trips ronmental nsumption

er exposed tocts to the inte

ch Driven





o er-
