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IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3

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  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5:Features and benefits

    Michael TunnicliffeSoftware Engineer

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 2

    Please nte

    IBM's statements regarding its plans directions and intent are su!"ect to change orwithdrawal at IBM's sole discretion#

    Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product

    direction and it should not !e relied on in ma$ing a purchasing decision#

    %he information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitmentpromise or legal o!ligation to deli&er an material code or functionalit# Information a!out

    potential future products ma not !e incorporated into an contract# %he de&elopment

    release and timing of an future features or

    functionalit descri!ed for our products remains at our sole discretion#

    (erformance is !ased on measurements and pro"ections using standard IBM !enchmar$sin a controlled en&ironment# %he actual throughput or performance that an user will

    e)perience will &ar depending upon man factors including considerations such as the

    amount of multiprogramming in the user's "o! stream the I*+ configuration the storage

    configuration and the wor$load processed# %herefore no assurance can !e gi&en that an

    indi&idual user will achie&e results similar to those stated here#

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 3

    A little bit abut !e

    Michael Tunnicliffe is a Software Engineer with IBM at the,ursle -a!s near .inchester /#

    ,e currentl wor$s in the a&a Support %eam and has o&er 10

    ears e)perience in roles related to de&elopment and support ofthe IBM #

    ,e is responsi!le for supporting IBM a&a #04 dealing !oth with

    difficult to diagnose pro!lems and issues in the use of the !

    IBM products 3rd parties and applications#

    %his has led to significant e)posure to &aring &ersions of

    .e!Sphere 5pplication Ser&er in the conte)t of sol&ing client


  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 6

    A little bit abut "u

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation

    What I#! $in$ t tal% abut

    A little bit abut !e

    A little bit abut "u

    What I#! $in$ t tal% abut

    Java 77 .hat is it8 .hat's new8 Base features# IBM features#

    WAS 8.57 a&a 9 in .5S# :a&a &ersion switch; feature# Migration tool$it#


  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation >

    What I#! $in$ t tal% abut

    A little bit abut !e

    A little bit abut "u

    What I#! $in$ t tal% abut

    Java 77 .hat is it8 .hat's new8 Base features# IBM features#

    WAS 8.57 a&a 9 in .5S# :a&a &ersion switch; feature# Migration tool$it#


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 9

    Java 77.hat is it8

    Ma'r (latfr! release) tuchin$ n all as(ects f the lan$ua$eand J*M. Incorporating the following themes7

    @ Compati!ilitA :5n program running on a pre&ious release of the platform must also run

    unchanged on an implementation of a&a SE 9;

    @ (roducti&itA :###promote !est coding practices and reduce !oilerplate### minimal learning cur&e###;

    @ (erformanceA :###new concurrenc 5(Is### ena!le I*+intensi&e applications ! introducing a true

    asnchronous I*+ 5(I##;

    @ /ni&ersalitA :###accelerate the performance of dnamic languages on the a&a irtual Machine#;

    @ IntegrationA :a&a SE 9 will include a new fle)i!le filesstem 5(I as part of SD 203###;

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation

    Java 77.hat's new8

    Base featuresS!e lar$er features

    @ SD 336 A Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    @ SD 203 A More new I*+ 5(Is for the a&a platform FHI+#2G

    @ SD 22 A Hew in&o$ednamic !tecode

    @ SD 1>> A Concurrenc and collections updates

    Plus s!e s!aller features +T,S -.) /0I1234 .6

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation

    Java 77 Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    9al7 Impro&e programmer (rductivit"with small enhancements

    to the a&a language and class li!raries

    @ Strings in switchstatements

    switch(myString) {caseone: /* do something */break;casered: /* do something else */break;default: /* do something generic*/;


    @ Impro&ed tpe inference for generic instance creation FdiamondG


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 10

    Java 77 Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    @ Better support for literals

    A binar" literalsfor integral tpes Fbyte short intand longG7

    %&'%%''%'%A underscresin nu!eric literals to help &isual !loc$ing 7

    %+% -'%%." Fonl !etween digits thoughG

    @ Simplified varar$smethod in&ocation

    A Mo&es warnings to method declaration rather than on each use#

    Deduces una&oida!le warnings#

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 11

    Java 77 Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    @ ,andle multiple e)ception tpes in a single catch


    } catch(0arse12ception a) {handle(a);

    } catch(34m&er5ormat12ception &) {handle(&);




    } catch(0arse12ception634m&er5ormat12ception a) {


    In this new constructa will act as if declared finalwith tpe hro7a&leHone of the e)ception classes used ma !e a su!class of an of the others

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 12

    Java 77 Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    5utomatic resource management

    A ealing with all possi!le failures is hard

    A Closing resources is hard

    Idea7 Jet the compiler to help

    A efine an interface on resources that $nows how to tid up automaticall

    @ %he new interface is called 84to9losea&le@ Dele&ant a&a SE classes ha&e !een retrofitted with this interface

    A 5dd new snta) to ma$e using this interface con&enient

    @ %he new snta) is referred to as tr";ithresurces

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 13

    Java 77 Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    5utomatic resource management

    meaning this7

    public voidprocess5iles() throws12ception { np4tStream in # n4ll; 4tp4tStream o4t # n4ll;

    try{ in # new5ilenp4tStream(a5ilename); o4t # new5ile4tp4tStream(&5ilename);

    } finally{ if(in # n4ll) { try{ in-close(); } catch(12ception e) { } }

    if(o4t # n4ll) { try{ o4t-close(); } catch(12ception e) { } } }}

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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 16

    Java 77 Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    5utomatic resource management


    public voidprocess5iles()throws12ception { try(np4tStream in # new5ilenp4tStream(a5ilename); 4tp4tStream o4t # new5ile4tp4tStream(&5ilename)) {


  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 1

    Java 77 More new I*+ 5(Is for the a&a platform FHI+#2G

    9al: Ena!le a&a programmers to unloc$ the more powerful

    I*+ a!stractions

    @ 5snchronous I*+

    A Ena!le significant control o&er how I*+ operations are handled ena!ling

    !etter scaling

    A Soc$et K file classes a&aila!le

    A 2 approaches to completion notification

    @ =a>a-4til-conc4rrent-Future

    @ =a>a-nio-channels-CompletionHandler


  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 1>

    Java 77 More new I*+ 5(Is for the a&a platform FHI+#2G

    @ Hew file sstem 5(I

    A 5ddress longstanding usa!ilit issues and !oilerplate

    @ Modeling of more file sstem concepts li$e smlin$s


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 19

    Java 77 More new I*+ 5(Is for the a&a platform FHI+#2G

    E)ample7 irector &isit

    5iles-7al?5ileree(my0ath, newSimple5ile@isitorisit5ile(0ath "ile,

    Basic5ile8ttri&4tes attrs) { try{ // do some processing o" "ile } catch(12ception e) { // "ailed, do error handling } return5ile@isitAes4lt-933C1; }});

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 1

    Java 77 Concurrenc and collection updates

    9al: (ro&ide a&a programmers with more powerful tools to

    ta$e ad&antage of the pre&alence of multicore

    @ Ma"or new a!straction7

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 1

    Java 77 Hew in&o$ednamic !tecode

    9al: Ena!le dnamic languages to run more efficientl on the M

    %he M is now home to man languages !ut it lac$s some fundamentals that

    help ma$e those languages go fast#

    @ ecouple method loo$up from method dispatchA Jet awa from !eing purel a&a language centric

    @ 5pproach

    A 5dd a new !tecode to directl e)ecute a method

    A 5llow this to !e updated at run time7

    @ Change which method is e)ecuted@ (ro&ide a framewor$ for mutators Fadd*remo&e parameters etcG

    A Ensure the I%compiler can continue to generate efficient compiled code

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 20

    Java 77 Smaller features

    @ Class-oader changesA Ena!led parallel classloading capa!ilit &ia new :safe; 5(I

    A /D-Class-oader gains a close#$method

    @ I1HA /nicode >#0 -ocale enhancement Separate user locale and userinterface locale

    @ %-S 1#2 A Securit updates

    @ BC 6#1 A 5DM awareness

    @ Client F/IG updates

    A Create new platform 5(Is for >u10 graphics features

    A Him!us loo$andfeel for Swing

    A Swing laer component

    A ODender support

    @ /pdate the OM- stac$

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 21

    Java 77.hat's new8

    IBM features

    @ (erformance K platform e)ploitation A N1> (+.ED 9 L

    @ Jar!age Collector updatesA Jeneral impro&ements

    A Hew !alanced JC polic

    @ %echnolog e&aluation of .e!Sphere Deal %ime

    @ Ser&icea!ilit and consuma!ilit impro&ements

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 22

    Java 77(erformance K platform e)ploitation

    @ :6 out of pu!lishers prefer ;A http7**www#spec#org*"!!200*results*res20106

    A P S(EC"!!200 pu!lishes in 2010 with @ 6 with with ,otSpot with roc$it

    @ (+.ED9 e)ploitationA Hew prefetching capa!ilitiesA E)tended di&ide instructions

    A Con&ersion !etween integer and float

    A Bit permutation and popcount instructions

    A BC assist e)ploited through a&a Bigecimal

    @ Sstem NEnterprise 1> e)ploitationA 904 new instructions

    @ ,ighword facilit@ Interloc$update facilit@ Hondestructi&e operands@ Conditional load*store

    A a$$re$ate i!(rve!ent

    @ Some from &2> M ma"orit from hardware

    P7 -.? faster than 0ehale! 4?

    +8 sc%ets




    0ehale! 4? P2W4A7

    BC2S 1P/ Intensive Java






    N10 > SD

    N1> > SD


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 23

    Java 77 Jeneral JC impro&ements

    @ efault JC polic changed to $encn

    A Jenerational and concurrent collection algorithm pro&ides !est out of the

    !o) performance for most applications

    @+!"ect header siNe reductionA +!"ect headers are 61> !tes depending on o!"ect tpe and reference siNe

    A Deduces JC freuenc and pro&ides !etter o!"ect localit

    @ Scala!ilit impro&ements across all policiesA JC pauses reduced on large nwa machines FQC(/ R >6G

    A ,ighl parallel applications !enefit from impro&ed allocation scala!ilit

    @ 5s a result sub(lJC polic now an alias for (tthru(ut

    @ Hew format &er!ose7gc logsA E&ent!ased instead of summar!ased

    A (ro&ides more detailed information for deeper analsis

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 26

    Java 77Hew JC polic added7 balanced

    Address neDt $eneratin hard;are challen$es

    @ Meet need for scaling to large heapsA E)isting policies e)hi!it

    @ a mi)ture of freuent short pauses and long pauses

    @ pause times that increase with heap siNe

    @ (ro&ide strong adapti&e performance without e)pert ad&iceA

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 2

    Java 77Hew JC polic added7 balanced

    @ Incrementall collect areas of the heap that meet our needsA (artial Jar!age Collect F(JCG

    @ Deduced pause times@

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 2>

    Java 77Hew JC polic added7 balanced

    @ Suggested deploment scenariosA -arge heaps FR6JB in siNeG


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 29

    Java 77 %echnolog e&aluation of .e!Sphere Deal %ime

    @ .e!Sphere Deal %ime is a a&a Duntime !uilt with

    technolog that pro&ides consistent performanceA Incremental JC means consistentl short F3msG JC pause times

    A I% compilations cannot !loc$ application threads

    A 5lso a ,ard Deal %ime fla&or that runs on Deal%ime -inu) Fe#g# D,E-

    MDJ Ho&ell S-ED%G

    @ IBM a&a 9 includes an e&aluation &ersion of .D%3A Hew pause time target option lets ou configure JC pause times

    A %hroughput performance impro&ements

    A 32 and >6!it -inu) on )> 32 and >6!it 5IO on (+.ED

    @ ust add ?$c(lic":!etrn!e to our a&a 9 command

    line to tr it out=

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 2

    Java 77 %echnolog e&aluation of .e!Sphere Deal %ime

    Tms Tms

    10ms A 16 ms


    Jencon pause times

    2#ms 3#2ms

    Metronome (ause %imes F%argetU3msG

    Metronome (ause %imes F%argetU>msG

    Metronome (ause %imes F%argetU10msG

    #ms >#2ms

    #ms 10#2ms

    Most JC policies ha&e pause times

    ranging upwards of 10 A 100 ms Metronome controls pause times to

    as short as 3ms

    %hroughput impact &aries !


    91 (auses: $encn and !etrn!e

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 2

    Java 77 Ser&icea!ilit and consuma!ilit impro&ements

    @ ump agents FOdumpGA Hati&e stac$ traces in "a&acore

    A En&ironment &aria!les and /-IMI%s in "a&acore

    A Hati&e memor usage counters in "a&acore and from core dumps &ia %6 !it sstems

    @ %race engine FOtraceGA %racepoints can include a&a stac$s F"stac$traceG

    @ Message logging FOlogGA Messages go to the E&ent log on .indows sslog on -inu) errlog or

    sslog on 5IO MS console on N*+S

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 30

    Java 77 Ser&icea!ilit and consuma!ilit impro&ements

    0ative !e!r" usa$e cunters

    NATIVEMEMINFO subcomponent dump routine=======================================

    JRE: 555,69,!6" b#tes $ %!& '((oc'tions)*++VM: 55!,9,66" b#tes $ 56 '((oc'tions) )) *++-('sses: %,9"9,66" b#tes $ 9! '((oc'tions

    ) )) *++Memor# M'n'.er /0-1: 5",&5," b#tes $ %"6 '((oc'tions) ) )) ) *++J'2' 3e'p: 546,5,&& b#tes $ % '((oc'tion) ) )) ) *++Oter: %&,4&,"& b#tes $ %"5 '((oc'tions) )) *++Tre'ds: !,66&,&" b#tes $ %&" '((oc'tions) ) )

    ) ) *++J'2' t'c7: 6",9"" b#tes $ 9 '((oc'tions) ) )) ) *++N'ti2e t'c7: !,5!4,%46 b#tes $ %% '((oc'tions) ) )) ) *++Oter: !,!" b#tes $ " '((oc'tions) )) *++Tr'ce: 9!,"6" b#tes $ !& '((oc'tions) )

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 31

    Wait) ;here did ;e $et tE

    A little bit abut !e

    A little bit abut "u

    What I#! $in$ t tal% abut

    Java 77 .hat is it8 .hat's new8 Base features# IBM features#

    WAS 8.57 a&a 9 in .5S# :a&a &ersion switch; feature# Migration tool$it#


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 32

    WAS 8.57 a&a 9 in .5S

    @ 9als

    A Ena!le de&elopers to use a&a 9 features immediatel without forcing

    glo!al migrations

    A ecouple a&a SE &ersion from .5S &ersion

    @ (otentiall decrease ser&er migration costs

    @ 5llow customer fle)i!ilit in technolog choices

    @ 5c$nowledge future a&a &ersions might !e added to e)isting product


    A StandardiNe a&a SE &ersion switching across platforms

    @ .5S for N*+S and i+S alread supported some mi)ing


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 33

    WAS 8.57 a&a 9 in .5S

    @ 1aveat7 does ntsupport :!ring our own; a&a SE


    @ Suggested implementation pattern7

    1# Install .5S

    2# Install a&a 9 optional pac$age3# /se 'managesd$' to set all defaults to a&a 9

    6# Create a profile

    @ 5lternati&e pattern options

    A 5dd a single a&a 9 node

    A 5dd a&a 9 to specific ser&ers in a node migrate onl some apps

    A Mo&e profile ! profile

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 3

    WAS 8.57 :a&a &ersion switch; feature

    @ Ena!ling the a&a 9 S

    A Set new profile default

    --D8ppSer>erD&in! managesdk %setnewprofiledefault %sdkname '(,*)+9ESFG'%..: 3e7 pro"ile creation 7ill no7 4se SFG name '-J-9ESFG'%%': S4ccess"4lly per"ormed the reI4ested managesd? tas?-

    A Ena!le sd$ in all profiles

    D8ppSer>erD&in! managesdk %enableprofileall %sdkname '(,*)+9ESFG'%%': S4ccess"4lly per"ormed the reI4ested managesd? tas?-

    @ (otential pro!lems

    A Between Ms ensure the consistenc of7

    @ Command line options@ (roperties files

    @ /seradded e)tension and endorsed "ars

    @ HI --s

    @ Monitoring Feg7 I%C5MG

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 3>

    WAS 8.57 a&a &ersion compati!ilit

    Write 2nce) un An";hereG what does this mean8

    @ a&a commits to binar"compati!ilit not surcecompati!ilitA E)isting !inaries Fie7 class filesG continue to wor$ on newer a&a &ersions

    A But7 e)isting a&a source ma not compile

    @ Bac$wards compati!le !ut not forward compati!leA Build #"a&a on old run on new UR wor$s

    A Build #"a&a on new run on old UR fails

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 39

    WAS 8.57 a&a &ersion compati!ilit

    4Da!(le surce c!(atibilit" (rble!

    public class5 { public static int en4m # H;}

    ! =a>ac Kso4rce '- Ktarget '- 5-=a>a5-=a>a:.: 7arning: as o" release H, Len4mL is a ?ey7ord, andmay not &e 4sed as an identi"ier' warning

    ! =a>ac Kso4rce '-H Ktarget '-H 5-=a>a

    5-=a>a:.: as o" release H, Len4mL is a ?ey7ord, and may not&e 4sed as an identi"ier(4se Kso4rce '- or lo7er to 4se Len4mL as an identi"ier)' error

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 3

    WAS 8.57 a&a &ersion compati!ilit

    @ .hat $inds of change should we watch for8

    A -anguage snta)

    A 5(I enhancements

    A /nspecified !eha&iour changes

    A /nspecified class changes

    A Bugs Ffi)ed and introducedG

    @ Ensure 3rdpart li!raries wor$ on a&a 9A 5lmost all will due to !ac$wards compati!ilit !ut a small minorit ma ha&e some

    ha&e &er specific issues# Fe#g#7 &ersion chec$ingG

    A Most !tecode instrumentation li!raries need new &ersions

    @ 5SM R &ersion 6#0

    @ BCE- R %B A under de&elopment

  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 3

    WAS 8.57 Ca&eats %ric$s and %ips

    @ %o use a a&a 9 runtime ou do H+% need to re!uild our code#

    @ ,ow to remain a&a > compati!le8

    A .arning7 :Kso4rce '-J target '-; does H+% wor$#A Can use :Kso4rce '- target '-; !ut !eware use of new classes * methods#

    A +ptional practice7 compile against !oth > K 9 to !e sure#

    @ +ld tric$ of :!uild at new le&el target old; does H+% wor$# 5DM in particular

    reuires significant M plum!ing to support#

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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 60

    WAS 8.57 Migration tool$it

    @ Migrate .e!Sphere applications from older releases to .e!Sphere

    5pplication Ser&er &9#0 or

    A Migrate applications from &>#0 &>#1 &9#0 and

    @ Migrate

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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 61


    @ a&a 9 !ase features

    A Base features

    @ SD 336 A Small language enhancements F(ro"ect CoinG

    @ SD 203 A More new I*+ 5(Is for the a&a platform FHI+#2G

    @ SD 22 A Hew in&o$ednamic !tecode

    @ SD 1>> A Concurrenc and collections updates

    @Some smaller features F%-S 1#2 /HIC+E >#0LG

    A IBM features

    @ (erformance K platform e)ploitation A N1> (+.ED 9 L

    @ Jar!age Collector updates

    @ %echnolog e&aluation of .e!Sphere Deal %ime

    @ Ser&icea!ilit and consuma!ilit impro&ements

    @ .5S #A a&a 9 in .5S

    A :a&a &ersion switch; feature

    A a&a &ersion compati!ilit

    A Ca&eats tips and tric$s

    A Migration tool$it

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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 62


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    2013 International Business Machines Corporation 63


    @ a&a 9A (ro"ect Coin

    @ https7**www#i!m#com*de&eloperwor$s*mde&eloperwor$s*!logs*"a&aee*entr*VminuteVgui

    deVtoVpro"ectVcoin8langUenA HI+#2

    @ http7**www#i!m#com*de&eloperwor$s*"a&a*li!rar*"nio21*inde)#html


  • 8/12/2019 IBM Java 7 and WAS v8.5 - Features and Benefits3


    1("ri$hts and Trade!ar%s

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    IBM the IBM logo i!m#com are trademar$s or registered

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    5 current list of IBM trademar$s is a&aila!le on the .e! at

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