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ICAO - ETSI · 2008-12-17 · ICAO – SARPs and other Documents ICAO publishes a number of types...

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ICAO ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation 1 Presented by: David Bowen, EUROCAE December 2008
  • ICAOICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organisation


    Presented by: David Bowen, EUROCAE

    December 2008

  • Caveat

    � This presentation is given for information only. The statements made do not reflect ICAO policy.

    � David Bowen is not representing ICAO in the giving of this presentation.

  • Global Standards

    ICAO SARPs and other

    publications set the

    context for



    context for other aviation

    standards developments

    and rulemaking







    European Commission

  • Standards in Civil Aviation

    Standard type Domain of application

    Standardisation body

    Global Requirements Operations, Concepts and Systems


    High level Systems Systems and complex EUROCAE,


    High level Systems Systems and complex environments


    Installation and interchangeability


    Components and other appliances

    Connectors, supports, fixing elements…

    CEN, ASD-Stan, SAE

  • ICAO

    � The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is an agency of the United Nations and defines the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth.

    � The Convention on International Civil Aviation (also � The Convention on International Civil Aviation (also known as the Chicago Convention), was signed on 7 December 1944 by 52 States and sets forth the purpose of ICAO.

    � The ICAO Council adopts standards and recommended practices (SARPS) concerning air navigation for international civil aviation and publishes them as Annexes to the “Convention”.

    � There are currently 190 contracting states.

  • ICAO – Organisational Structure

    – The ICAO Assembly , composed of representatives from all Contracting States is the sovereign body of ICAO. It meets every three years, reviewing in detail the work of the Organization and setting policy for the coming years.

    – The ICAO Council , the governing body which is elected by the Assembly for a three-year term, is composed of 36 States. As the governing body, the Council gives continuing direction to the work of ICAO. It is in the Council that Standards and Recommended Practices are adopted and incorporated as Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The Council is assisted by the Air Convention on International Civil Aviation. The Council is assisted by the Air Navigation Commission on technical matters

    – The ICAO Secretariat , headed by a Secretary General, is divided into five main divisions: the Air Navigation Bureau, the Air Transport Bureau, the Technical Co-operation Bureau, the Legal Bureau, and the Bureau of Administration and Services.

    – ICAO works in close co-operation with other members of the United Nations family such as the World Meteorological Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the International Maritime Organization and others. Non-governmental organizations which also participate in ICAO's work include the International Air Transport Association, the Airports Council International, the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations, and the International Council of Aircraft Owners

  • ICAO – SARPs and other Documents

    ICAO publishes a number of types of document related to civil aviation:

    – Conventions and Related Acts (The legal framework)

    – ICAO Rules of Procedure and Administrative Regulations

    – Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (SARPs)

    – Procedures for Air Navigation Services

    – Technical Manuals and Circulars

    – ICAO Air Transport Publications (Economic, environmental etc)

  • ICAO Annexes (SARPs)– Annex 1 Personnel Licensing

    – Annex 2 Rules of the Air

    – Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation

    – Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts

    – Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations

    – Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft

    – Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks

    Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft– Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft

    – Annex 9 Facilitation

    – Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications

    – Annex 11 Air Traffic Services

    – Annex 12 Search and Rescue

    – Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation

    – Annex 14 Aerodromes

    – Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services

    – Annex 16 Environmental Protection

    – Annex 17 Security: Safeguarding International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference

    – Annex 18 The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air

  • How do we coordinate the development of

    specifications, guidance material and standards?

    ICAO – Key Issues

    • ICAO policy concerning international standards development coordination

    • Current practices• Opportunities for improvement

  • Assembly Resolution A1-10

    � Pertains to relations with public international organizations in the advancement of international civil aviation

    � Authorizes technical collaboration, exchange of � Authorizes technical collaboration, exchange of information, attendance at meetings

    � Informal working arrangements, where practicable

  • International Aviation standards-making organizations

    � ARINC

    � European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE)Equipment (EUROCAE)

    � RTCA

    � SAE International

  • Assembly Resolution A36-13

    � Statement of continuing policies related to air navigation, including procedures for the development of SARPs

    � SARPs consist of “…broad, mature and stable provisions specifying functional and performance requirements…”

    � Objectives: safety, efficiency and interoperability

  • Assembly Resolution A36-13 (con’t)

    � ICAO should utilize, to the maximum extent possible, and subject to the adequacy of a verification and validation process, the work of other recognized standards-making organizationsother recognized standards-making organizations

    � Where deemed appropriate by the Council, this work should be referenced in ICAO documentation

    � Provides a connection between the SARPs and implementation

  • A Global Vision

    � To achieve an interoperable global air traffic management system, for all users during all phases of flight, that meets agreed levels of safety, provides for optimum economic operations, is environmentally sustainable and meets national security requirements.national security requirements.

    � Resolve to add value at the right time and the right place

    A time for all organizations to review their place in the world to keep pace

  • Lots of work to do….

    � ICAO Business planning processes

    � Coordinated project management globally

    Re-focusing our efforts towards � Re-focusing our efforts towards development of Performance-based SARPs

  • Fostering greater collaboration in the development of standards (1)

    � ICAO initiative to work more closely with technical aviation standards bodies

    � Mechanisms being considered by the various � Mechanisms being considered by the various Secretariats to determine how ICAO and technical standards-making organizations could best support each others work.

    � Informal round-table discussions on current standardization work programmes as well as future standardization needs

  • Fostering greater collaboration in the development of standards (2)

    � Discussions took place in September in Montreal

    � Formation of an "Informal Standards Coordination Group” which includes ICAO, EUROCONTROL, the FAA, and the four aviation standards organizations ARINC, EUROCAE, RTCA and SAE.

    � The Group will meet twice a year. One meeting would include all these organisations, while the other meeting will be limited to ICAO, EUROCAE and RTCA and focus on technical standards development issues.

    � Key issues to be addressed:– Identify gaps and overlaps in standards development

    – Standard roadmap coordination for NextGen and SESAR

  • Interoperability begins with good partnerships

    www.icao.int www.icao.int

