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ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Víctor

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  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by

    Innovative changes in air transport

    research for universally designed services

    D6.2 Dissemination plan (Version 1)

    Project Acronym ICARUS

    Grant Agreement Number FP7-314563

    Deliverable No. D6.2Work package No. WP6

    Work package Title Dissemination and NetworkingAuthors Technosite

    Status DraftDissemination Level Private

    Delivery Date 31/08/2012Number of Pages 15

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 1

    Keyword List

    Dissemination, Icarus Project, targeted audience, Channels, Stakeholder Network, elderly,disabled people, associations, air transport sector, social media.

    Version HistoryTable 1. Version History

    Revision Date Author Organisation Description

    1 22/08/2012

    Vctor Manuel


    Technosite First Draft

    2 22/08/2012 Alvaro Meco Organization Second Draft


    Organization Third Draft

    n 31/08/2012 Author Technosite Final Version

    Statement of originalityThis deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise.Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been madethrough appropriate citation, quotation or both.

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 2

    Table of contents

    1. Summary .............................................................................................................. 4

    2. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4

    3. Overall dissemination strategy ................................................................................ 5

    3.1. ICARUS general dissemination objectives ............................................................. 6

    3.2. Dissemination methodology ................................................................................ 93.3. Dissemination tools and materials ..................................................................... 10

    3.4. Dissemination Targeted Audience ..................................................................... 11

    ICARUS StakeHolder Network ..................................................................................... 12

    The Advisory Committee ............................................................................................. 13

    4. Dissemination plan design .................................................................................... 14

    4.1. Classification and identification of dissemination channels (CH) ........................... 14

    5. Procedures for the implementation of the dissemination plan .................................. 16

    5.1. Dissemination methods and strategies .............................................................. 16

    Project Website .......................................................................................................... 16

    Social Media: 2.0 Communication Strategies ................................................................. 17

    5.1..1. Objectives ............................................................................................. 17

    5.1..1. Target Audience Groups: Strategic areas, influencers, sites and communities. 17

    5.1..2. Analysis ................................................................................................. 18

    5.1..3. Tracing .................................................................................................. 18

    5.1..4. Channels ............................................................................................... 18

    Publications ............................................................................................................... 18

    5.1..5. ICARUS corporate identity kit .................................................................. 18

    5.1..6. A brief project presentation in English of approximately two to three pagesunder the following headings ............................................................................... 18

    5.1..7. Project Leaflet and posters ...................................................................... 18

    5.2. Procedures focused on the dissemination activities ............................................. 18

    Procedure for the publication in scientific events and journals ........................................ 19

    Procedure for the publication in specialized blogs forums websites and general media ..... 19

    Procedure for the publication of news and events into the ICARUS website ..................... 195.3. Overall success indicators in year 1 ................................................................... 20

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 3

    6. Dissemination activities for year one ..................................................................... 22

    7. Challenges and Risk Management ......................................................................... 25

    8. Current Status and Future Work ........................................................................... 26

    9. References .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    10. Annexes .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    List of figuresFigure 1 ...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    Figure 2 ...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    List of tablesTable 1. Version History ...................................................................................................... 1

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 4


    This document accounts the dissemination plan for the first year in ICARUS project.Considering the main objectives of the project which ultimately deal with theimprovement of air transport accessibility, a specific dissemination vision and procedure,was pertinent. Following an inductive approach where the project objectives are drawn,the dissemination plan attempts to drive the communication, publicity and positioningfrom those objectives to their execution.

    Due to the multidisciplinary and multi-level nature of this project, and the need to

    conform a Stakeholder Network, a segmentation of audiences has been made from thebeginning. This means that the dissemination objectives have been segmented in order toseparate what different public can expect from this project.

    The descriptive methodology used in the plan starts by showing the overall disseminationstrategy based on certain aims and targeted audiences in order to clarify what are themain messages and channels to be used. An account for the dissemination materials of allkinds is made so that this document results in a useful toolkit and reference for the wholeconsortium.

    In order to systemize and clarify the daily process of dissemination within the project

    members, publications procedures have been set up. These procedures along with aschedule of dissemination activities for the first year, represent a root map for the successof this task within the project scope. More importantly a quantified success criteriapresented on the document enables us to benchmark our progress.

    Being aware of the main unexpected contingencies that normally come across whendeveloping and implementing a project, a risk assessment template is presented at theend of the document in order to forecast possible deviation, challenges and problems notplanned in a first stage.

    2.IntroductionThis is the first version of the dissemination plan which intends to set the main strategies,targets and activities in order to spread the developments and results of this project. It coversfirst year strategy to promote the widest dissemination of knowledge from the project. The planis expanded in two directions towards the enlargement of the Stakeholders Network andtowards the notification of projects results in the scientific and general Air Transport Sector and

    target users groups. During the second year of the project a new direction will be added

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 5

    towards the marketing activities in order to enhance both the commercial potential of theresults and middle and long term research and development lines of innovation.

    ICARUS aims to identify barriers in air transport when used by elderly and disabled people andpropose the solution areas, in the medium and long term, with the greatest achievablecontribution to ensure access for the aforementioned groups to the air transport. The bestpractices results and guidance to emerge from project work will be of relevance to an array ofstakeholder within EC and beyond and will be of value across international air transport sectorand for people with disabilities and elderly people.

    According to the Document of Work, the general objective of ICARUS is to identify,characterize, justify and prioritize research and analysis approaches in those solution areas withthe greatest potential towards improving access to air transportation for people with disabilitiesand elderly people.

    Whenever feasible, it should also strive to initiate actual change, specifically throughawareness and knowledge dissemination among the main players in the accessibility chain thatfosters adoption of effective solutions.

    Through the following paragraphs the general strategy to broadcast ICARUS project isdescribed, bringing in the dissemination objectives, the methodology to gather the aims and thedissemination tools and materials.

    It is important to remark that this is an initial plan where the main hypothesis are presented inorder to start with a framework and a root map. Nonetheless, an iterative process of learning

    by doing will be followed. All hypotheses will be tested on the course of the project,undermining the ones that do not produce expected results and experimenting with newadditions of items not fore planned. The project is expected to last for two years, and aseveryone should be aware, new tools and paradigms in terms of communications are beingdiscovered, used and develop every month. Therefore, this is not a tight manual but anapproximation to what the consortium considers nowadays dissemination should be. Alldeviations from the plan will be documented and properly justified.

    3.Overall dissemination strategyThe ICARUS dissemination strategy is designed to make the results of our up to date research

    and solution areas and recommendations available to targeted groups; to enlarge and activestakeholder network that might consider ICARUS as additional sources for their marketapproach; and to prepare for a possible, future adoption of the developed technological andnon-technological solutions in the application domain. For achieving this goal it is imperative toraise awareness for the ICARUS approach and project results, to activate the involvement ofstakeholder network in the evaluation and usage of the ICARUS reports and solutions anddiffusion through publication and communication of results. The consortium has to bear in mindthe aftermath and continuation of ICARUS mission. The ultimate aim of ICARUS is to givesolutions for accessibility in the ari transportation and its effective implementation. This involvesengaging policy makers, industry key players , users and the general public. The main raison detre of dissemination is to drive that process.

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 6

    3.1. ICARUS general dissemination objectives

    ICARUS aims to identify, justify and prioritize research and analysis solutions with the greatestpotential of improving universal access to air transport. It also strives to initiate change among themain players in the accessibility chain that fosters adoption of effective solutions. To achieve thisobjective, the ICARUS consortium unites organizations with the knowledge, expertise and networkof contacts required to produce planned project outcomes, results and impacts. Moreover, ICARUShas a Stakeholders Network composed of key actors in the entire value chain of accessible airtravel, providing information, feedback, and outcome dissemination.

    Based on this background, the underlying goals of the Dissemination Plan appear in thefollowing table.

    Table 2.General Dissemination Objectives

    Objective DescriptionSub-


    O1 To propagate ICARUSdevelopments, interactions,

    results and conclusions.



    Keep all stakeholders updated and

    fully informed of ICARUS

    developments, results and


    Identify key media communicators

    and maintain a continuous flow of

    updates, information and feedback

    on ICARUS developments, results

    and conclusions with them.


    Position the ICARUS project as

    a leading multi-scope

    accessibility cluster in Air




    Identify existing Air

    transportation clusters in order

    to integrate ICARUS updates on

    their ecosystem

    Bring to together organizations of

    different nature and scopes in

    order to strengthen relations

    around air transport accessibility.

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 7

    Objective DescriptionSub-




    To attract key players and

    stakeholders for the

    reinforcement of the project




    Show the value of the project for

    the key players in order to foster

    the involvement.

    Use of key players

    communication channels and

    messages in order to make

    ICARUS attractive to them.


    To set the air transportation

    issue in the institutional

    agenda for multi-level policy




    Use the agenda-setting channels

    and methods in order to raise

    awareness among policy makers

    and public institutions on the


    Communicate issues and

    solutions in air transport

    accessibility so that they can beimplemented clearly.

    In order to be more specific, four more tables were elaborated. The aim was this was to be ableto point out the main dissemination objectives per segment. Primarily, four segments wereidentified, Industry, Scientific Community, End Users and Policy Makers.

    Table 3.


    O1To incorporate accessibility as a priority due to itsadded value concerning consumer base.

    O2A more fluid intra industry relations when consideringaccessibility, following the chain concept

    O3The strengthen of the accessibility market within thepassenger air transportation sector

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 8

    O4To point out what are the main problems for theimplementation of accessibility within industry

    Table 4.Title

    Objective Scientific Community


    Communication of accessibility concepts in air

    transportation following an integral approach based onthe accessibility chain, for their unification.

    O2Communication of a clear view on the costs andbenefits of having an air transportation accessible.

    O3Communication of a clear view on the R&D accessibilitysolutions applied to every stage of air transportation

    Table 5.Title

    Objective End users

    O1Raise awareness among users of the importance ofaccessibility in air transportation

    O2Getting feedback from accessibility issues and solutionsfrom disabled users

    O3Communicating users their importance as agents ofchange for air transport accessibility

    Table 6.

    TitleObjectivePolicy Makers

    O1Raise Awareness among policy makers and publicinstitutions about the socio-economic benefits ofaccessibility in air transportation

    O2Present technical solutions easy to be implemented in

    in policy and legislation.

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 9

    O3Position ICARUS as a valid interlocutor for accessibilityin air transport for policy and regulatory matters.

    O4Identify the scope of action of every government layer(EU, national, regional and local) in order to clarify themessage sent and define the channel used.

    In order to achieve those goals, a specific dissemination methodology has been defined.Different target groups and specific channels have been considered to overspread ICARUSproject in order to gain the expected objectives. Procedures for gathering information throughquestionnaires, to elaborate reports, to publish information, to develop meetings, to showpresentations in events and to collect feedback from the dissemination targets, are described in

    the following statements.

    3.2. Dissemination methodology

    The dissemination approach for ICARUS is accomplished through activities encompassed by aspecific work package. The approach to dissemination is designed to fulfill the following actionitems, which are considered crucial for further exploitation of the ICARUS project results. Thedifferent stages included in the dissemination methodology are as follow:

    Planning. Careful develop of a strategic plan for effectively widespread dissemination ofthe project results.

    Design. A comprehensive branding of ICARUS project (including logo, color scheme,style sheets, leaflet and web site) and targeted activities and actions to ensure a widevisibility and identification of the project for marketing-driven dissemination.

    Create. Creation of above promotional materials for content-driven dissemination,including leaflet, web site, fora and social media accounts.

    Distribute. Extensive use of social media channels, fora, web site, specialized blogs andweb sites, including related projects, and the stakeholder network to distribute projectinformation and materials.

    Represent. Organization of workshops and meetings. Participation in workshops,scientific conferences and specialized international meetings and/or submission ofarticles to journals.

    Evaluate. Development of strategic evaluation goals through.

    Scaling. Marketing and scaling up of specific technological and non-technologicalsolutions uncovered throughout the project.

    In order to effectively raise awareness and target appropriate audiences, some questions mustbe analysed: Who can benefit from the results of this project and how? Why this project is

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 10

    important for the target audience? When can significant results of the project be shown? Howcan ICARUS team enlarge Stakeholder Network and contact potential end users?

    In the interest of extending the scope of disseminating efforts, ICARUS intends to establishsynergies with other projects in the accessibility field and with the air transport sectorenterprises.

    Planning the effective dissemination of the project progress and results requires from thepartners sharing guidelines and planning strategy. Among those guidelines some funtions canbe highlighted:

    Help contact and refer potentially new Stakeholder Network members.

    Communicate with partner responsible for dissemination with requests/suggestions for

    new dissemination materials and/or needs.

    Contribute to the population public website and fora.

    Produce and distribute press releases.

    Organise opportunities for the involvement of external actors in the projects activities.

    Promote the organization of focused events by publicizing them on their own websites.

    Moderate online discussions, mailing lists and fora.

    Assist in the timely and detailed response to technical inquires.

    3.3. Dissemination tools and materials

    ICARUS leaflet and brochure: The project brochure is a basic element of ICARUS brand. Leafletswill be produced to be distributed during meetings, workshops and other dissemination events.It will be available at ICARUS web site.

    ICARUS web site: The site www.icarusproject.es contains the information on the project and its

    main findings available for target audience groups. Special attention will be paid to web contentaccessibility guidelines in order to follow directive 2000/43/CE but chiefly because of the specialcharacteristics of elderly and people with disabilities.

    ICARUS fora: Two online forum have been developed, open to all end-users and keystakeholder upon registration on the website. One is an internal project tool for stakeholder forargument and discussion. The other is an external tool for air transport sector professionals andthird age and disability sectors professionals with a double purpose merge the air transportaccessibility debate to pinpoint needs and possible solutions and widespread the projectidentifying new possible stakeholder.

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 11

    ICARUS social media and press realeases: The social media strategy includes actions to showand highlight the project through the World Wide Web and on printed magazines. Partners are

    publishing news, opinions and comments in specialized web sites, forums and blogs. It is alsobeing developed a blog in order to disclose the day to day tales and anecdotes of the project,real-life stories and good practices as well as opinion articles about project findings and newsrelated with accessibility in air transport. Media attention will be given at specific points duringthe project lifecycle. ICARUS partners will take advantage of the media managed by them todisseminate project results.

    ICARUS meetings: Through this tool reunions among partners and stakeholder have beenplanned to gather information, enlarge the stakeholder network, obtain feedback from theindustry and users organizations and purvey ICARUS outcomes.

    ICARUS workshops: Two workshops will be hold in Madrid, in FONCE accessible facilities topresent project results and gather feedback from experts.

    ICARUS scientific publications: The project will take advantage of existing air transportconferences and seminars to address the different target audiences. Scientifically publishableresults will be submitted for publications as papers, posters or presentations.


    Dissemination Targeted Audience

    ATG1. Industry organizations and service providers: within this group it can be foundcompanies related to the air transport from airport management services, engineersolutions, air operators, aircraft builders, etc.

    ATG2. Scientific Community: research and academic organizations, scientificjournals, Committees, Internet Forum and other working groups in fields related tothe ICARUS. The range of actors within this group goes from traditional academicdepartments and scientific journals to technical consultants designing solutions forindustry.

    ATG3. End-user groups and their Associations: disability and elderly organizations.The scope of these organizations is national as well as European.

    ATG4. Policy Makers and Public Institutions: composed by High-level Governmentalemployees and/or law makers (local, national and European).

    ATG5. General Public/Public: this is the widest group addressed by generalmainstream media.

    ATG6 End-users: this group is composed by individuals (disabled or not) who arealso air passengers.

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 12

    ICARUS StakeHolder Network

    This network will help ICARUS consortium partners to cover all areas of expertise, to puttogether an international representation of relevant organizations (potentially adopters orbeneficiaries of the project results) thus reaching a deeper impact on all the activities carriedout in ICARUS. This stakeholders have provided a signed letter (available for the project officersif the project is awarded) specifying their contribution to ICARUS (mainly sharing informationand providing feedback on the project results). This SN will be consulted in several steps alongthe project (see section1.2.3.4 Detailed WPs description) and their contribution (in avoluntary basis) will be incorporated in the project results, and they will be invited to the yearlyworkshops. The organizations members of the SN will increase along the project execution, alist of the organizations that have provided a signed letter with their commitments is provided insection 2.3.2 StakeholderNetwork. These organizations contribute with ICARUS in a voluntary

    and free of charge basis.

    Several research projects have been identified as with strong synergies with ICARUS results.Their coordinators will be involved as members of the SN. ICARUS and these projectscollaborate by (more information in section 3.1.3 Complementarily with Other National orInternationalActivities):

    Exchanging information and results of our respective efforts wherever they intersect orcan support each other.

    Reviewing interim and final results of the ICARUS project and providing feedback onbest ways to advance and to coordinate with our efforts.

    The projects coordinators in the SN may increase along the project execution. Currently

    we have letters from:

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

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    o CARDIAC (http://www.cardiac-eu.org/)

    o APSIS4all (led by Technosite, http://www.apsis4all.eu/)

    o eAccess+ (http://www.eaccessplus.eu/)

    The Advisory Committee

    Advisory Committee (AdC). The AdC is a sub-group of the Stakeholders Network (SN)composed by organizations with the potential to become early adopters of the project results orrepresenting the end-users. The organizations members of the AdC are:

    AENA (http://www.aena.es/). The AENA Group is devoted to airport managementandthe provision of air navigation services.

    EDF (http://www.edf-feph.org/). The European Disability Forum is an independent

    NGO that represents the interests of 80 million Europeans with disabilities.

    AGE (http://www.age-platform.org/). AGE Platform Europe is a European network ofaround 165 organizations of and for people aged 50+ which aims to voice and promotethe interests of the 150 million senior citizens in the European Union.

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 14

    4.Dissemination plan design

    This section outlines which results of the project will be communicated to each of the groups inthe aforementioned ecosystem (areas of accomplishment). The dissemination objectives arerelated to the expected impact that each specific objective will

    The following table shows dissemination means that are being used to supply the information

    needed for the purposes of the project.

    Table 7. Main dissemination means addressing the desired targets



















    Public body organizations(focus on EC officers)

    X X X X X X X X

    Industry organizationsand service providers

    X X X X X X X X X X

    User organizations X X X X X X X X X

    Research centers, univer-sities and technologicalor.

    X X X X X X X X X X

    End-users X X X X

    Source: ICARUS Document of Work

    4.1. Classification and identification of dissemination channels (CH)

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 15

    The following are the main channels by which the ICARUS project intends to direct itsdissemination efforts:

    Channel Description



    CH2-Dissemination Material

    Project Leaflet

    Project presentation in English



    officialchannels and


    Helice foundation, Aerpolis, Alitalia1, Aeroconseil2 ,Universidad Carlos III3, Via Libre4

    Portalento (FONCE)5, Discapnet (Technosite)6


    blogs, forumsand websites

    ICARUS Blog,e-Practice portal.7 Disabled PersonsTransport Advisory Committee8,NAT (European Networkfor Accessible Tourism)9,Air Transport News10


    ICARUS Facebook page, ICARUS Twitter, ICARUSLinkedin, ICARUS Slideshare


    Servimedia Press (FONCE)11

    CH7- Airport Exchange12


    This press agency is closely linked to ONCE foundation and deals with all kinds of media. It within the top 5press agencies in Spain

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

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    Channel Description

    Meetings,conferences andworkshops

    Passenger Terminal13

    , International Conference onIndustrial Engineering and Management.


    Aeronutica Andaluza

    Journal of Air transport management

    Journal of Transport, Economics and Policy14

    Transport Policy15, Air Transportation ResearchInternational Forum (ATRIF)16

    Transport Research Forum17

    5.Procedures for the implementation of thedissemination plan

    5.1. Dissemination methods and strategies

    Project Website

    The project website icarusproject.eu serves as a place where all the information on the projectand its main findings are available to all in form of publications, deliverables and disseminationmaterial. In this sense all the publications, news, events performed in the context of the project willbe reported through the project website. The project website is expected to be the main onlineoutlet for the network documents. An essential requirement of the dissemination strategy is to make

    this information available to all users regardless of their special needs. The projects Web siteconforms to Conformance Level Double-A of the W3C-WAI WCAG 2.0 (Web Content AccessibilityGuidelines). It includes both static information such as an overview of the project (objectives,consortium, contact, etc.) and access to the resulting deliverables, and dynamic information such asregularly updated news and related events.



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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

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    Social Media: 2.0 Communication Strategies

    One of the first steps in designing and devise a strategy 2.0 is to establish what objectivesforbe on social networks? Determine the target audienceand what will be the main channels.

    5.1..1. Objectives

    Generate an open dialogue with potential end users and stakeholders

    Increase interaction and proximity.

    Accelerate the diffusion process (compared to traditional media) and viralizar

    project actions. Always be aware of the latest developments and news.

    Promote the dissemination on a budget.

    Foster direct impact.

    Make professional networking

    Strengthen and build new connections


    Target Audience Groups: Strategic areas, influencers, sites and communities.

    Before starting a social media strategy, is necessary to evaluate who we are heading and what canwe do to attract that community.

    People with Disabilities

    Sector Influencers

    Professional Community

    5.1..1.1. People with disabilities

    Participation in different disability groups related to activism, removing barriers, ICT, innovation,accessibility and personal autonomy. An important action is to link disability entities, as ICARUSspecific branding prescriber. They will be the firsts to expand, among the rest of the community 2.0of disability, the ICARUS topics.

    5.1..1.2. Sector Influencers

    In social media, there are people who are more influential and trend setting over the rest, theinfluencers.

    2-step strategy to leverage an influencer:

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

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    5.1..2. Analysis

    Analyze each influencer, and their audience. Monitoring the conversations around topics of interest,to realize who is who and who is leading these discussions, bloggers, etc.

    5.1..3. Tracing

    It is important to not only capture and filter the information that they generate. It is also interestingto know the events organized within the industry as they are often the first guests.

    Professional Community

    For help identify online community ICARUS target, you can use the tools How Sociable, Deliciousand Google Trends, all available online for free



    For generating the user participation, expert stakeholders and, as channels of direct communicationand for disseminate information, will created different social media accounts on platforms like,Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.


    5.1..5. ICARUS corporate identity kit

    The dissemination material include: a project brochure, posters, postcards and so on to be

    distributed at the different dissemination events. More specifically, the following have beenscheduled so far:

    5.1..6. A brief project presentation in English of approximately two to three pagesunder the following headings

    This brief project presentation serves as an introductory presentation to the project, essential whenopening new contacts. This material will be a usefull attachment in order to put in context ICARUSfor partners, users and institutions on what they are dealing with.

    5.1..7. Project Leaflet and posters

    As it was explained previously the project brochure is a basic element of ICARUS brand. Leaflets willbe produced to be distributed during meetings, workshops and other dissemination events. It will beavailable at ICARUS web site. The leaflet gives some basic information on actual paper serving as abusiness card for conferences and events

    5.2. Procedures focused on the dissemination activities

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

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    The dissemination activities will be oriented to achieve the main success criteria of ICARUSproject. These main dissemination activities are: participation in scientific events and journals,

    participation in specialized blogs forums websites and general media and frequent updates ofthe project website.

    Based on success criteria, a set of procedures focused on the main dissemination activities havebeen developed:

    Procedure for the publication in scientific events and journals.

    Procedure for the publication in specialized blogs forums websites and generalmedia.

    Procedure for the publication of news and events into the ICARUS website.

    Procedure for the publication in scientific events and journals

    1) Identification of the main scientific results developed during the project:

    2) Identification of priorities on the scientific events in the area of ICARUS

    3) Selection of the main scientific events in the area of ICARUS

    4) Preparation of the scientific publication

    The publication in journals will be done preferably extending previous papers presentedto scientific events in order to take advantage of the feedback provided by theattendants

    Procedure for the publication in specialized blogs forums websites and general media

    The procedure to prepare a publication in specialized blogs, forums and websites is asfollowing:

    1) Setting up the main events schedule: This information is common to theaforementioned Procedure for the publication of news and events into ICARUSwebsite.

    2) Identification of specialised blogs, forums and websites in the area of ICARUS.

    3) Publication in specialised blogs, forums and websites in the area of ICARUS.

    Procedure for the publication of news and events into the ICARUS website

    The procedure to publish a new event into ICARUS website is as following:

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 20

    1) Setting up the main events schedule: Each partner must participate in setting upa calendar identifying the main milestones of the project such as the beginning or end of

    a work package, scientific events or journals where they are going to participate. Thisinformation must be provided by each partner responsible of the event in an internaldocument and updated into the WIKI. Also every partner that has participated in anscientific event, journal, blog, forum or website, or other relevant event in the area ofICARUS has to add this information to the Schedule.

    2) Publication in ICARUS website: Every scheduled event/piece of news will beincluded into the ICARUS website by the Project Management Office following thestructure defined in 1). The grammar revision of the news/ events must be done beforebeing published by a reviewer assigned by the dissemination coordinator.

    Procedure of interaction with the end user participation, conversation, community.

    1) Creating social media accounts to generate the active user participation, expertstakeholders as a channel of direct communication with the reference target.


    Overall success indicators in year 1

    The following table intends to benchmark the success criteria in order to measure achievement.These indicators will be reviewed on monthly basis. In the following versions of the dissemination

    plan, follow-up comments with be in an attached column.



    Method of measurement

    SC12 of presentations in conferences/Workshops

    SC2 2 of Publications in scientific journals

    SC315 of external participants in EuropeanUser forum

    SC415 of participants in ProjectInternational Conference

    SC51 of Published papers in ProjectInternational Conference

    SC6 4 Press releases in on.-line media

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 21


    NumberMethod of measurement

    SC71 Press release on printed generalmedia

    SC8100 of web visits per month (onaverage)

    SC910 members to the StakeholdersNetwork

    SC1010 meetings with relevant Stakholdersin order to disseminate results


    1 International Conference inviting keyplayers (From the Advisory Committee,Stakeholder Network and ExternalParticipants)

    SC12 4 monthly entries on ICARUS blog

    SC13 2 Presentations in relevant national andinternational events.

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 22

    6.Dissemination activities for year one

    DO Dissemination activity ATG Month

    ICARUS partners

    contributors (and


    Channels (CH)

    Project Web site available to all 3All,Technosite



    End Users


    Stakeholder3 Fonce, Technosite


    People with







    4 All, Technosite(responsible)

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 23

    DO Dissemination activity ATG Month

    ICARUS partners

    contributors (and


    Channels (CH)

    Social Network

    People with






    4 All




    Project Leaflet

    All audiences,especially the




    and meetings

    2 Technosite

    Press release General Public 5 TechnositeMainstream


    International Conference

    Stakeholders an


    organizations7 Technosite,Fonce

    Scientific PublicationScientific

    Community 8 UC3M

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 24

    DO Dissemination activity ATG Month

    ICARUS partners

    contributors (and


    Channels (CH)

    Project presentation in


    Scientific Community,

    Policy makers,

    industry, user


    6 All partners

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed servicesEuropean Commission, FP7 Project 314563www.icarusproject.eu

    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 25

    7.Challenges and Risk Management

    ID Description of possible RiskProjectImpact



    Prevention Actions


    Some stakeholders (e.g.big corporations) may bedifficult to reach toobtaininformation and feedback.

    Major Medium Serious The ICARUS consortium includeleading organizations with largnetworks of contacts and the capacitto influence and persuade. In addition

    ICARUS encompasses a network ostakeholders composed of highlrecognized organizations (see sectio2.3.2) which will further increaseovethe project execution (see activitA6.2.Enlargement of the StakeholderNetwork and collaboration projects foscaling ICARUS impact), thuensuring a large pool of stakeholderto provide information and feedback.


    Recruitment actions takenfail to secure enough usersfor the interviews, onlineforum or real-lifeobservations.

    Major High Unacceptable ICARUS coordinator FONCE has direc

    contact with the organizations opeople with disabilities and aoutstanding recognition as referencin the disability field. Since itcreation, in 1988, until Decembe2007, the FONCE has created 71,00jobs of which 45,000 for persons witdisabilities. Therefore, ICARUconsortium is in with an excellenposition. Moreover, we will use socinetworks among potential users t

    locate and inform the participantneeded for the project of the potentibenefits and ease of participation.

    R3Due to business interests,strategic reasons, etc.,some stakeholders maypresent opinions thatcontradict

    Moderate Medium Tolerable In case such discrepancies emerge, iaddition to the main conclusions oICARUS partners, the conflictinopinions and their specific supporterwill be mentioned in the deliverables.

    R4The partners do notachieve to develop enough

    dissemination activities

    Major Medium Serious The consortium will increase thimpact of dissemination activitie

    enhancing the level and number o

  • 8/10/2019 ICARUS_D6 2_DisseminationPlan(Pre-final Draft) Vctor


    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed services


    Funded by EUs FP7 Led by 26

    ID Description of possible RiskProjectImpact



    Prevention Actions

    under the DisseminationPlan


    R6Participation is notachieved in the workshopwith a significant numberof participants (whethermembers of theStakeholder Network ornot)

    Major High Serious The consortium will increase theimpact of dissemination activitiesenhancing the level and number ofthem. Also, will also increase actionsoriented to expand de StakeholdersNetwork.


    Exposure to contradictionswhen disseminating results

    or other kind of data

    Major Medium Serious It is essential that whencontradictions emerge, a properexplanation will be given in order toclarity them. Weekly update andreview of outcomes will tackle thisproblem


    Current Status and Future WorkAs it can be seen on the planned activities for year one, some efforts have been made regarding theproject leaflet, protect presentation, website and blog. Concerning the Stakeholder Network, fourmeetings have been held with positive results. In this first three months, the consortium has beendiscussing about the communication and dissemination strategy in order to maximize ICARUSimpact. In the following months a further assessment of the activities carried out will be done aswell as a revision of the planning in order to enrich the dissemination activity.

    The iterative process announced in the introduction will consist on following and reviewing the planconstantly in order to assess what actions are successful. New channels and even targetedaudiences might be added in order to improve our results. We will be vigilant about the new ways ofcommunication 2.0 in order to use state of the art technology and channels. The following task is toconcrete this plan into actions and enlarge this plan with possible feedback from reality.

    As the project develops, an simplification of dissemination activities is expected. As different tasksare evolving, a more automatize idea on what dissemination means to this project will emerge.Linking communicating channels properly with targeted audiences will simplify efforts and tasks. Insummary these first months of the project will consist on introduce ICARUS into the public with theaim of getting audience fidelity and established a solid partner network.

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    Innovative changes in air transport research for universally designed services

