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Icd 10 volume-1

Date post: 16-Jan-2015
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  • 1. to oltra in in g!"#$%&'"()*)+# ,+-./"&0&rusew ith&1223&45)$)+#Foon lyICD-10!"#$%"'("&) *#'+#',&) -)&++'.','(" (./0'+$&+$+/&"1 2$)$1/3$&)#4 5%(6)$7+

2. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems. - 10th revision, 2008 edition.on ly3 v. Contents: v. 1. Tabular list -- v. 2. Instruction manual -- v. 3. Alphabetical index.1.Diseases - classification. 2.Classification. 3.Manuals. I.World Health Organization. II.ICD-10. (NLM classification: WB 15)to olISBN 978 92 4 154766 6!"#$%&'"()*&+,"-%.*/01*+0$/"2334" "tra in in g!""#$%&'()#$*)*$+*,-#./0"%12(%34)#35#('*#63$",#7*2"('#8$&24%92(%34#124#0*#30(2%4*,#5$3:#678# .$*));#63$",#7*2"('#8$&24%92(%34;#>%2;#?
