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ICDE Chairs UNESCO Chairs in OER International Meeting Report

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ICDE report Gard Titlestad, Secretary General International Council for Open and Distance Education UNESCO Chairs in OER International Meeting Krakow, Poland April 11th, 2016
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Purpose• Thepurposeof this reportisto:– Beopen forquestionson ICDEassuch– Inform on the statusof the ICDEOERChairsscheme– Give examples andoverview on how ICDEandICDEmembers contribute tothe OERwork

– Inform on ICDEs generalagendaandpriorities (morethan OER)

– InviteOERchairs tocontribute totwo importantupcoming initiatives

– Inform on the process foranew ICDEStrategicPlan2017– 2020

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• Tobetheleadingglobalnetworkformakingqualitylearningaccessible throughout theworldusingonline,open,distanceandflexibleeducation.

• Toconnectinstitutions,organisationsandprofessionalsfromacrosstheglobesothattheycanshareideas,resourcesandbestpractices,partneronmajorprojectsandadvocatetogether.

• TobetheofficialpartnerofUNESCO,thatsharesthatagency’skeyaiminclusiveandequitablequalityeducationandlifelong learning forall.

• ICDEbelievesthatinpursuingeducationasauniversalright, theneedsofthelearnermustbecentral.

• Toorganizemembersinallregionsoftheworld– globalbalance.



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Guidelines for ICDE Chairs

1.ICDE Chairs are restricted to a closely defined set of subject areas within the scope of ICDE’s mission.2.ICDE Chairs in OER is chosen as the first theme. The number of Chairs within this theme should as a guideline not exceed ten in total.3.For each subject area, in this case OER, Chairs should be well-distributed around the globe.4.Applications for an ICDE Chair can be made only for an expert at an ICDE member institution who has a Chair at thatinstitution and who has an outstanding record for his/her work and achievements in the subject area. The researchproject portfolio of the institution and its Chair holder in the subject area in the past, as well as envisaged for the future, should be significant.5.UNESCO Chairs for the given subject area, in this case OER, that are ICDE members are invited to also becomeICDE Chairs.6.The ICDE Chair label is not a funded position, but awarding it provides extra profile to the Chair holder, expressingICDE interest in his/her research, underlining his/her reputation, and probably contributing to better conditions to acquire funding for research projects in the given subject area, in this case OER.7.In each subject area, in this case OER, ICDE Chair holders are bound to establish a network in which they and theirteams collaborate and to which experts in the subject area from other universities may be admitted.8.ICDE Chair holders are not only expected to do research and to report and publish on the work done, but also to contribute through reports and presentations to the utilization/valorization of the outcomes of their work for the furtherinnovation of ODL and Lifelong Learning in general.9.ICDE Chair holders are expected to be prepared to play a role – generally on invitation or request – at e.g. ICDE World Conferences, SCOP Meetings, Regional Conferences, or Expert Seminars.10.There is no formal hierarchical relation between the ICDE Chair holders and ICDE. The ICDE Chair holders have an independent position and will inform ICDE of their activities through a light-version annual report.11.The ICDE Chair label will be awarded for a limited term of 4 years. It can be extended, after evaluation, with a second term but not beyond that.

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ICDE Chairs in OERThe network of ICDE Chairs in Open Educational Resources (OER) currently consists ofseven distinguished and internationally recognized academics in the field of OER.•Prof. Martin Weller, The Open University, UK•Dr. María Soledad Ramírez Montoya, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México•Dr. Rory McGreal, Athabasca University, Canada, who is a UNESCO-COL Chair in OER•Dr. Wayne Mackintosh, Open Education Resource Foundation and Otago Polytechnic, who is a UNESCO-COL Chair in OER•Dr. Daniel Burgos, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), Spain•Dr. Tolly S.A. Mbwette, Pan-African University Council, Tanzania

During the Presidents' Summit in Bali in 2014, five general aims were endorsed for theICDE Chairs in OER initiative:1Lead high impact events that give profile to ICDE.2Help shape proposals for new related projects aimed at attracting funding.3Demonstrate thought leadership through publications, videos and teaching by highlighting the link to ICDE and their position as ICDE Chairs in OER.4Provide ICDE with advice on policy and other areas.5Challenge the thinking about the future.

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Asha Singh KanwarPresident & ChiefExecutive OfficerCommonwealth ofLearning, Canada

Belinda TynanPro-Vice-Chancellor

(Learning andInnovation)

Open University UK

Onits firstMeeting26/1:

”TheECwillneed annualforward-orientedreportsfromthe OERChairs.TheECwill discussthe possibilitytohaveChairson othertopics inafuture ECmeeting.”

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ICDEmembers:Example UMUC

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OERintegrated inICDE´s work

AsintegratedpartofICDEś work





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ICDEandpartners:Policy,influencing the future:

20November2014:OpenEducationKeyissues inpolicyforgovernmentsandseniormanagement inhigher education

ICDEHighLevelPolicyForum17October 2015:“Higher education forthe sustainable future wewant.Theway ahead forOnline,OpenandFlexible learning:Opportunities andActions.”Inpartership with UNESCO,CoL andOEC

Interventions, fromUNESCO,ICDEandkey experts andseniormanagement:TheBaliMessage

GlobalHighLevelForuminParis9– 11JUNE2015:Online,open andflexible highereducation forthe future wewantUNESCO– inpartnership with ICDE

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20November2014:OpenEducationKeyissues inpolicyforgovernmentsandseniormanagement inhigher education

ICDEHighLevelPolicyForum17October 2015:“Higher education forthe sustainable future wewant.Theway ahead forOnline,OpenandFlexible learning:Opportunities andActions.”Inpartership with UNESCO,CoL andOEC

Interventions, fromUNESCO,ICDEandkey experts andseniormanagement:TheBaliMessage

GlobalHighLevelForuminParis9– 11JUNE2015:Online,open andflexible highereducation forthe future wewantUNESCO– inpartnership with ICDE

ICDEandpartners:Policy,influencing the future:

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SURVEYRESULTSWhatWeHeard– PerspectivesandExperiencesfrom105Educational



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Which new technological and content approaches have been tried and/or integrated into one or more courses at your institutions in response to student demand?

Responses in Order of Significance Response Percent

Open Educational Resources (OER) 72.7% Blogs/discussion boards 69.3% Mobile learning 69.3% Personalized learning 48.9% Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) or segments of them


Simulations/Virtual Reality 42.0% Online Peer Assessment 34.6% Gamification 26.1%


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Target3,point 43.:Awell-established,properly-regulatedtertiary education systemsupported bytechnology,OpenEducational Resources(OERs)anddistance education modalitiescan increase access,equity,quality andrelevance, andnarrow the gapbetweenwhat istaught attertiary educationinstitutions andwhat economies andsocieties demand.Theprovision of tertiaryeducation should beprogressively free,inlinewith existing international agreements.



Adopted 4November2015.

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ICDE´songoing andinthe pipelinework on OER

• LangOER:2013– 20163yearsEUfundedproject,ICDEpartner.– WorkshopinpartnershipwithOEC

• SuggestionforastudyonImpactofOER:InpreparationwiththeICDEOERChairsandOEC.– Background:USGov.WhiteHouseWorkshoponOpenEducation,New

York28/9-2015• BERTABringingEducationalResourcesforTeachersinAfrica:2013–


• Considersuggestinginitiative:OutstandingTeachinginAfrica,inpartnershipwith

• Considerfeasibility:Global,virtualcollaborationonqualityOERforPostSecondaryEducation.

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Mainpriorities 2016

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Invite OERchairs tocontribute to

• Inpreparation:UNESCOinitiative forQuality(assurrance)inHigher Education – ICDEone ofthe core partners - ICDEwill invite chairs tocontribute

• Possible feasibility study on:Global,virtualcollaboration andaccess toquality OERforPostSecondary Education (focus formaleducation)– ICDEwill invite chairs tocontribute,e.g.asreference persons.

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NewICDEStrategicPlan2017- 2020

ICDE 2020: The global facilitator for connected, quality learning

FocusGroups:Webconsultation May– JuneFirstdraftbySeptember2016Launched atthe President´s Summit November

Questions fordiscussion:1.TrendsrelevantforOnline,OpenandFlexibleEducation.2.Thesituation andstate of playforICDE(SWOT).3.HowICDEcan increase relevance forthemembers.4.Thespecific role/activities ICDEshould havetomakeadifference fromothers.5.Thewanted future forICDEandthe foursuggestedstrategic objectives.6.Summarizing what ICDEshould dotomove inthe wanted direction.

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Sustainable DevelopmentGoal4:Education2030

THANK [email protected]


Seize digitalopportunities,leadeducation transformation

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