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  • 8/8/2019 ICE3003_RoutetoAssociate


    Routes to


    (AMICE) andChartered


    ICE 3003A

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    Routes to membership

    Award o MICE5 andChartered Civil Engineer

    (option to register as CEng)

    Chartered Proessional Review (CPR)or Chartered Proessional Review

    Progressive (CPRP)

    Award o MICE5(option to register as IEng)

    Award o MICE5 Award o AMICE6(option to apply orCEnv at same time)


    Review (MPR)

    Technical Report Route(TRR) includes

    Academic Reviewand CPR3

    Technical ReportRoute (TRR) includes

    Academic Review andMPR3


    Review (MPR)

    Associate MemberProessional

    Review (AMPR)

    Initial ProessionalDevelopment(IPD) based onengineeringprinciples2

    Initial ProessionalDevelopment(IPD) based onengineering


    Initial ProessionalDevelopment(IPD) based onengineeringprinciples2

    Initial ProessionalDevelopment(IPD) based onengineering


    Initial ProessionalDevelopment(IPD) based onengineeringprinciples2

    Initial ProessionalDevelopment(IPD) based on




    Other MEngBEng


    or BEngHND Other

    Any UKbachelors


    With urther learning

    (Optional)progressive route

    1 For details o various types o individual routes, see ICE 3004A. Further Learning and IPD can take place in parallel, but both must be completed beore review.2 For details o ICE Approved Employer Training Schemes and sel managed schemes leading to Career Appraisals, reer to this document.3 For details o TRR, see ICE 3004A.4 For details o the Progressive Route to the CPR via the Member Proessional Review (MPR), reer to this document.5 For details on the Chartered Environmental (CEnv) qualication see ICE 3008A.6 For details on the award o AMICE combined with CEnv see this document.

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    1. Introduction 42. Educational Base 53. Initial/Environmental Proessional

    Development (I/EPD) 54. Proessional Reviews 65. Continuing Proessional Development (CPD) 76. Regional Support Teams (RST) 7

    7. Detailed guidance 7

    Appendix (A)

    A1 Attributes o Associate Member (AMICE) andChartered Environmentalist (CEnv) 8

    Appendix (B)B1 Proessional Review Process 10B2 Application Process 10

    B3 Sponsorship 11B4 The AMICE/CEnv Proessional Review Reports 11B5 The Presentation 12B6 The Interview 12B7 The Written Test 12B8 Summary o Review Requirements 13B9 Review Results 13

    Appendix (C)

    C1 Matrix o units 10

    Table o contents

    ICE values the diversity that individuals with diering backgrounds and abilities bring to the Institution; itrespects all members and applicants through airness, tolerance and consistency o proessional standards;ensuring that proessional qualication and membership o ICE is open to all who meet its standards.

    To supplement this document ICE has placed on itswebsite www.ice.org.uk a number o MembershipGuidance Notes (MGNs) which give more detailedpractical advice on a number o issues regardingmembership. A list o current MGNs appears in MGN 0.


    Revision A no criteria has been modifed, changes

    relate to procedures and the principal changes are:

    Explanation o how CEnv registration can now, i desired, be

    sought at the same time as AMICE; reerence to EDOs and

    EPD; CPD in hours and minimum beore Review; reerence to

    diversity issues; change in timing o submission o reports to

    Reviewers; additional duties o Lead Sponsors; clarication o

    requirements o a Re-sit Review.

    ... it is accordingly o importance thatthere should be a ready means heretooreo ascertaining persons who by propertraining and experience are qualied...

    Extract rom Royal Charter

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    Associate Membership o the Institution o CivilEngineers (AMICE) can be awarded to a wide rangeo people who are engaged in a proession thatdirectly supports or is closely allied with the work ocivil engineers operating in the built environment. Forull details o the grades o membership available,see ICE 3000A. Registration with The Society o the

    Environment (SocEnv) as a Chartered Environmentalist(CEnv) is possible at this grade o membership.However, registration with the UKs EngineerRegulating Authority, the Engineering Council, is not.

    The stages in qualiying at any grade are:

    the achievement o the required educational base

    a period o responsible work experience underearly guidance and decreasing supervision,known as Initial Proessional Development (IPD)while ollowing the systematic maintenance,

    improvement and broadening o knowledge,skills and competence known as ContinuingProessional Development (CPD). I you are seekingCEnv registration, Environmental ProessionalDevelopment (EPD) as described in section 2 oICE 3008A, also needs to be undertaken

    success at a Proessional Review.


    Educational BaseInitial Proessional

    Development (IPD)1

    Proessional ReviewAssociate


    Continuing Proessional Development (CPD)

    Figure 1- Route to Associate Membership. The achievement of the educational base and IPD1 cantake place at the same time, but both need to be completed before the review

    1 I seeking CEnv registration the EPD will also need to be achieved

    1. Introduction

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    The diagram below shows the principal routes orIPD and EPD. The Institution strongly recommendsthat you enter into a ormal Training Agreement withone o the Institutions Approved Employers. Yourdevelopment and training will then be structuredand you will have the benet o guidance rom amentor called a Supervising Civil Engineer (SCE)1

    appointed by your employer. For a list o ApprovedEmployers, see ICEs website.

    I you have completed a bespoke in house trainingand development programme, subject to ICEsapproval, you may use this to show completion inlieu o all or part o the Objectives. Your SCE will stillhave to certiy completion o your Objectives andyour overall IPD/EPD.

    I you have completed a Scottish/NationalVocational Qualication (S/NVQ) in an ICE approvedoccupation, this will provide substantial evidenceor achievement o the DOs and i seeking CEnv,or the EDOs. However, you will still need to certiycompletion o any DO/EDO not explicitly coveredby the S/NVQ. Details o ICEs approved S/NVQs,including their coverage o the Objectives and othe certication required, are given in Membership

    Guidance Notes.




    I it is not possible or you to enter into or tocomplete an Agreement, you must applyto ICE or a Career Appraisal in order to haveyour IPD and CPD, and i seeking CEnv your EPD,authenticated.For inormation on Career Appraisal see relevant

    Membership Guidance Notes.



    1 The mentor does not have to be a civil engineer; SCE is a descriptive term used by ICE

    2 I seeking CEnv registration, then EDOs will also need to be achieved

    Figure 2- IPD options. In certain circumstances the completion of the educational base and IPD can take placeat the same time, but both need to be completed before the Review

    Training Agreementusing DO or AMICE

    3Training Review

    by employer

    Educational Baseor AMICE (and

    CEnv i applied or)

    Sel managedIPD using DOs or

    AMICE2Career Appraisal

    by ICE




    Award o AMICEand CEnv

    Registration(i applied or)

    To qualiy as an Associate Member you must meetthe Institutions requirements, outlined in AppendixA, at the Associate Member Proessional Review

    (AMPR). I you are seeking registration as CEnv,you must additionally meet the requirements oThe Society o the Environment, also outlined inAppendix A. However, i you do seek both CEnv andAMICE but only meet the requirements o AMICEyou will only be awarded AMICE. You cannot beawarded only CEnv.

    The Review consists o three parts:

    the submission o reports and other documents

    an interview with two experienced civil engineers

    a Written Test.

    For urther details see Appendix B.



    4. Proessional Reviews

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    5. Continuing ProessionalDevelopment (CPD)

    Continuing Proessional Development (CPD)is dened as the systematic maintenance,improvement and broadening o knowledge andskills, and the development o personal qualitiesnecessary or the execution o proessional andtechnical duties throughout your working lie.

    As part o your Proessional Review you will beassessed on your commitment to CPD both to dateand in the uture. This can be demonstrated byregular use o a Development Action Plan (DAP) anda Personal Development Record (PDR) during theperiod o your IPD. Further details o how to planand record your CPD are set out in ICE 3006A withblank orms available in ICE 3190.

    You should plan to achieve a well-balancedprogramme o CPD, including technical, managerial

    and proessional topics. To ensure this, no singleelement or topic, eg course, higher degree or urthereducation, may count or more than 30 hours oeective learning time, irrespective o the number orlength o units studied.

    At the AMPR, you must show, through yourDevelopment Action Plan (DAP) and yourProessional Development Record (PDR) or similar,that you have achieved ve CPD days per year. Youmust achieve at least 30 hours o eective learningtime beore your Training Review or Career Appraisaland at least 90 hours beore your ProessionalReview. These must include current ormal trainingrelated to the Health and Saety DevelopmentObjectives E2 in ICE 3005A. Membership GuidanceNotes on ICEs website provide details o this.

    I seeking CEnv registration, you must also showbeore your Proessional Review through your PDRthat you have achieved a urther 30 hours o CPD

    paying specic attention to environmental issues.

    As a guide, a CPD can be considered as six hours oeective learning time.







    6. Regional Support Teams (RSTs)

    In the UK and in Hong Kong the Institution employsa network o Regional Support Teams (RST) whocan be contacted by you and your SCE or mentor oradvice and guidance on all aspects o proessionaldevelopment. The teams contact details are given inMembership Guidance Note 44.

    For members not covered by the above, guidanceshould be sought rom ICEs ProessionalDevelopment Manager.

    During any contact, ICE sta will expect yourtraining records to be available and up to date. Thiswill enable a positive discussion o your progress totake place and an assessment made o the generaleectiveness o your development training.

    ICE sta will make regular contact with Approved

    Employers to ensure that commitments entered intoare being honoured. I you have any doubts aboutthis you should contact your RST.





    7. Detailed guidance

    For ull details o the application procedure or allgrades see Appendix B.


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    Appendix (A)

    Attributes o an Associated Member(AMICE) and a CharteredEnvironmentalist (CEnv)

    At any Proessional Review you must have hadresponsible and relevant experience at a level such thatyou can demonstrate the attributes shown in the table

    on the ollowing page. I seeking AMICE you need todemonstrate the attributes in the let hand column only;i seeking registration as CEnv you need to demonstratethe attributes in both columns.

    As an Associate Member, whilst you will be required todemonstrate an understanding o technical or scienticrather than engineering principles, you will still berequired to demonstrate all the other attributes o aMember (MICE).

    The interpretation o attributes 1 and 2 will relate toyour eld o work as indicated to the Reviewers onyour application orm. You must demonstrate a soundunderstanding o core technical and scientic principlesin those elds. The Reviewers will judge your level oattainment o attributes 3 to 9 with regard to theirrelative importance within your elds o work.

    As a prospective proessional seeking a recognisedqualication with ICE, in order to ull your obligation

    to society and to meet the requirements o Health,Saety and Welare legislation you must have a soundknowledge and understanding o the constructionprocess together with the activities connected to it. Youmust have an appreciation o and be able to identiy andmanage risks arising as a consequence o your actions.For those whose experience includes the constructionprocess, site experience will ordinarily be required.





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    Appendix (A)

    Attribute GroupAttributes o CEnv AMICE to be demonstrated at Associate Member Proessional Review (AMPR)

    Attributes o AMICE to be demonstrated at AMPR Additional attributes i CEnv registration required

    1. Technical /ScientifcKnowledgeandUnderstanding

    A Ability to maintain and extend a sound theoretical approachto the application o science and technology.

    B Ability to use a sound evidence based approach to problemsolving and to contribute to continuous improvement.

    C Ability to understand sustainable undamentaldevelopment principles in particular the environmentalmanagement component.

    D Ability to contribute to sustainable development in their workE Ability to engage in maintaining and enhancing natural

    cycles and biodiversity in achieving sustainability.2. Technical /


    A Ability to identiy, review and select techniques, proceduresand methods to undertake scientic/technical tasks.

    B Ability to contribute to the development o scientic/technical solutions.

    C Ability to implement solutions and contribute to their evaluation.

    D Ability to identiy, review and select techniques, proceduresand methods to analyse and evaluate environmental andsustainability issues.

    E Ability to engage in the creative, innovative developmentand environmental management o sustainability issues.

    3. ManagementandLeadership

    A Ability to plan or eective project implementation.B Ability to manage the planning and organization o tasks,

    people and resources.C Ability to manage teams and develop sta to meet changing

    technical and managerial needs.D Ability to manage quality processes.

    E Commitment to positively infuence others in environmentalissues, eects and sustainable development.

    F Ability to promote a positive sustainable environmentalculture and move towards sustainability.

    G Ability to plan, direct and control people and resourceswithin the elds o environmental management andsustainable development.

    4. IndependentJudgementandResponsibility

    A Ability to identiy the limits o personal knowledge and skills.B Ability to exercise sound independent scientic/technical

    judgement and to take responsibility.


    5. CommercialAbility

    A Ability to prepare and control budgets.B A sound knowledge o statutory and commercial rameworks

    within own area o responsibility .


    6. Health, Saetyand Welare

    A A sound knowledge o legislation, hazards and sae systemso work.

    B Ability to manage risks.C Ability to manage health, saety and welare in own area o


    D. Commitment to leading improvement in health, saety andwelare.

    7. SustainableDevelopment

    A A sound knowledge o sustainable development bestpractice.

    B Ability to manage activities that contribute to sustainabledevelopment.

    C Commitment to leading continuous improvement inenvironmental management and sustainable development.

    8. InterpersonalSkills andCommunication

    A Ability to communicate well with others at all levels.B Ability to discuss ideas and plans competently and with

    condence.C Demonstrate personal and social skills.D Ability to deal with diversity issues.

    D Ability to develop and communicate the environmental case.E Ability to identiy, engage with, and respond to an

    appropriate range o stakeholders and discuss environmentaland sustainable development ideas and plans competentlyand with condence.

    9. ProessionalCommitment

    A Understanding and compliance with the ICE Code oConduct.

    B Committed to current and uture CPD o sel and others.

    C Support ICE activities.D A personal commitment to proessional standards,recognising obligations to society, the proession and theenvironment.

    E Commitment to current and uture CPD o sel and othersand work towards and secure change and improvements ora sustainable uture.

    F A personal commitment to ensuring individuals andorganisations are accountable and understand theirresponsibility or environmental damage and improvement.

    G Understanding and compliance with the Society or theEnvironment Code o Ethics.

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    Appendix (B)

    Detailed guidance

    Proessional Review Process

    The Review requires you to:

    submit an Experience Report and a Project Report,see section B4 or details o lengths and content

    submit CPD documents

    attend an interview with two experienced memberso the Institution (Reviewers) which commenceswith a iteen-minute presentation delivered by yousitting across the table rom your Reviewers, seesection B5 and B6 and the ICE website or details.

    the interview will be ollowed by a Written Test, thesubject o which will be set by the Reviewers, seesection B7 and Membership Guidance Notes 22.

    Application Process or Reviews

    Review interviews are held twice a year at regionalcentres throughout the UK and annually at certaininternational locations. Details o available Reviewcentres, Review dates, application deadlines andapplication documents are available on ICEs website.

    Your application should include:

    an application orm

    a non-reundable ee

    completed sponsors orms or AMICE (plus, i

    applying or CEnv, an additional letter rom eachsponsor commenting on how additional attributesor CEnv have been met)

    evidence to demonstrate ull attainment o theEducational Base or the required grade omembership (unless this has already beenapproved eg by acceptance as a Graduatemember)

    evidence o IPD completion, one o the ollowing:

    - ICE Approved Training Scheme Completion

    Certiicate- an ICE Career Appraisal letter or letters






    i seeking CEnv AMICE, evidence o the completiono EPD should be shown on the ICE CompletionCerticate or noted in the Career Appraisal letter

    a one-page prcis o each o your proposedreports to assist in selection o the Reviewers3

    evidence o any special requirement which youwould like ro be taken into account at Review.

    You will be given approximately our weeksnotice o your Review date and the names o yourReviewers. I you know a Reviewer or eel there maybe confict o interest, you should advise the ReviewsOce at ICE immediately. Reviewers are similarlyadvised.

    Having been told your Review date, you will need to

    orward the documents listed below to each o yourReviewers:

    one copy o each o the reports, signed by yourlead sponsor

    one copy o your Personal Development Recordand Development Action Plan (see ICE 3006A)

    a passport size photograph (with your name andmembership number, i applicable, written on thereverse) attached to each copy o your ExperienceReport.

    I you require conrmation o receipt o yourdocuments, please enclose a stamped and addressedpostcard. The package sent to each Reviewer mustnot exceed one kilogram in weight.

    These will need to be delivered to them not less than10 working days beore your interview. Failure to doso may result in your Review being deerred.



    3 Every endeavour will be made to ensure that at least one Reviewer is amiliar with the report subject matter or employment category indicated on the application orm

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    The Institutions Royal Charter and By-laws requireyour application to be sponsored. Sponsors will berequired to conrm in some detail your suitabilityor Associate Membership and i applicable, yoursuitability or registration as CEnv.

    You need to select one o your sponsors as a LeadSponsor. The Lead Sponsor, who must be an ICEMember at a membership grade equivalent or higherthan the one or which you are applying, has a dutyto act as a mentor during your Review submissionprocess and co-ordinate the other sponsors reports.Whilst all sponsors should know you and beconvinced through direct experience that you are at and proper person to be elected to Membership,Lead Sponsors should additionally be amiliar with

    the current Review process and the current standardsrequired at Review. Lead sponsors must sign theReport prcis and the submitted CV and Reportsand conrm that they have satised themselves thatyou have taken note o any comments made by ICEon your IPD. I you are seeking registration as CEnv,the Lead Sponsor must additionally conrm that theReports are your own work.

    The choice o a good Lead Sponsor can otencontribute to a successul Review. The Institutionrecommends that Lead Sponsors are Members whowere involved in your IPD process (and i applying orCEnv, in your EPD process), or example your SCE.

    The scope o the Lead Sponsors involvement shouldextend to constructive criticism o reports, advice onpresentation and arranging practice interviews.






    The Associate Member/CharteredEnvironmentalist Proessional Review Reports

    For AMPR you will need to submit an Experience Reporto up to 2,000 words. It should describe the structuredtraining and responsible experience you gainedduring your IPD. It must describe the tasks which you

    undertook. It must not be a mere inventory, althoughit should set out the precise positions you haveoccupied in your career and the degree o responsibilityassigned to you. You should give an indication o thesize and nancial value o the work undertaken. It isessential that you emphasise your personal experienceand contribution. You should enlarge on any specialproblems you have met and occasions when yougained unusual or extensive experience or learnedvaluable lessons. The report should include a one-pageoreword in the orm o a brie curriculum vitae this

    will not be included within the 2,000 word limit. Iseeking CEnv registration both your CV and yourReport should emphasise how your work experienceand career to date have led to a level o all-roundproessional competence in environmental matters.

    You will also need to submit a Project Report o upto 2,000 words which should demonstrate yourcompetence as a potential Associate Member andi applicable as a CEnv. I seeking CEnv at the sametime your Project Report may be up to 4,000 wordsand should include an emphasis on environmentalmatters. It should describe a particular project (or partso projects) in which you played a major part, includingtaking the lead in some or all o the elements. Youmust indicate clearly your role in the development andmanagement o the project(s) by giving the backgroundto the important decisions or which you made asignicant contribution. Above all you must showwhere you have exercised independent proessional





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    Numerical analyses, cost data and drawings orother illustrations should be included as appropriateto support decisions described in the reports. Anyappendices are not included in the word-count, butshould be bound into the appropriate report.

    The Presentation

    You will be asked to make a presentation at thestart o your interview. This is carried out sittingopposite the Reviewers at a table. You may usevisual aids such as fip portolios, not larger thanA3, to illustrate the presentation. Whilst the use o alaptop computer is permitted, experience has shownthat you will need to plan the practicalities o yourpresentation with great care.

    The presentation should be based on the Project

    Report. It should seek to expand this rather thanrepeat the inormation already given to yourReviewers.

    The Interview

    Reviewers will be seeking to conrm that theevidence o competence that you have provided issupported by your responses to their questioningand meets the requirements o Appendix A. I youhave not demonstrated sucient evidence o aparticular attribute, Reviewers may rame specicquestions to try to draw out your knowledgeand experience in that area. However, it is yourresponsibility to demonstrate the required attributesas well as that o the Reviewers to see i you possessthem. This does require considerable communicationskill on your part, both in the compilation o thereports and in discussion.







    Written Test

    The purpose o the Written Test is to ascertain thatyou can produce straightorward documents withoutassistance rom others. Details o the ormat can beound in Membership Guidance Note 22.

    The subject o the Written Test will be set by yourReviewers. The Reviewers will set two questions andyou will only be required to answer one in theallotted time.

    Whilst they will choose a subject on which youshould have sucient knowledge to answercondently, you will need to prepare by acquiringindustry related knowledge by experience and study.

    You may, i you wish, use a laptop computer or

    the Written Test. Details o the current process areprovided in Membership Guidance Note 23.





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    Summary o Review Requirements

    The summary gives the submission requirements o theRoute to Associate Membership, and i seeking CEnvregistration, the additional requirements.



    AMICE CEnv

    AMICE Additional or CEnvExperience report 2,000 words Must include emphasis on environmental matters

    CV Attached to experience report Must include emphasis on environmental matters

    Project report 2,000 words Option or an additional 2,000 words must includeemphasis on environmental matters

    Interview Required (max 60 mins) Additional 30 mins

    Presentation 15 mins

    Written test 120 mins

    CPD requirement A minimum o 30 hours oeective learning time per year

    CPD beore review A minimum o 90 hours o eective learningtime, with at least 30 hours per year in the

    three years preceding your application

    An additional 30 hours paying specicattention to environmental issues

    Review Results

    Time is required or Reviewers to assess the Reviewresult, to compile returns, and or quality control,audit and approvals processes. The results will beposted to you. The names o successul candidateswill then be published on ICEs website ve days laterand subsequently published in New Civil Engineer/New Civil Engineer International.

    A Review may result in the award o AMICE or iregistration was sought, the award o CEnv AMICE.It may also result, even i registration was sought,in the award o only AMICE. It will not result in theaward o only CEnv.

    I the Review results in a ailure, you will be

    provided with an indication o where your Reviewwas satisactory as well as the reasons or ailure.The holistic nature o all ICEs Reviews requires youat a Re-sit Review to undertake all o the Review





    process again. You should thereore prepare in thesame way you did or the original Review, takingcare to show in your new submission how you haveaddressed the concerns o the original Reviewers.During a Re-sit Review you will have to satisy thenew Reviewers that you can demonstrate ALL therequired attributes and not just those that causedconcern during previous Reviews. You are advised todiscuss this with your sponsors/SCE and with yourRST. This should help you prepare a strategy or anyuture application.

    There is a right o appeal in cases o error in processand unoreseen events. Appeals are only acceptedi received within two months rom the date o the

    ailure letter.

    To be valid a non-reundable ee must accompanyany appeal.



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    Appendix (C)

    Matrix o units

    Qualifcation/level General Vocationally related

    Doctorate Full time three years = 6 unitsPart time4 is one year = 2 unitsPro-rata

    Masters Degree Full time one year = 2 unitsFull time two years = 4 unitsFull time our years = 8 units5

    Part time4 two years = 2 unitsPost graduate certicates/ diplomas oneyear =2 units

    Honours Degree(including Ordinary Degrees)

    Full time our years = 8 units5Full time three years = 6 unitsSandwich4 our years = 6 units

    Graduate certicates andDiplomas one year = 1 unit

    Intermediate HND/HNC4 count as one year ulltime = 2 unitsLevel 4&5 S/NVQ4 are not timelimited = 2 units

    4 Part o these qualications can also be assessed or relevant units o experience as long as periods o study and relevant experience are not double counted.

    5 Maximum number o units or any academic study is eight, see paragraph 1.2.

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    Useul Contacts

    Admissions and Processes+44 (0)20 7665 2344

    Education and Learning+44 (0)20 7665 2247

    ICE Areas+44 (0)20 7222 2006

    ICE Events+44 (0)20 7665 2293

    Initial and Continuing Proessional Development+44 (0)20 7665 2200

    Library Enquiries

    +44 (0)20 7665 2251

    Proessional Development Manager+44 (0)20 7665 2014

    Subscriptions+44 (0)20 7665 2227

    Thomas Telord+44 (0)20 7987 6999

    Application dates and dates o interviews can be oundat ice.org.uk/membership

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    One Great George Street

    WestminsterLondon SW1P 3AAt +44 (0)20 7222 7722 +44 (0)20 7222 7500e [email protected]

    Registered charity number 210252Charity registered in Scotlandnumber SC038629

    Printed on paper made romsustainable sources.

    ..it is accordingly of importance that thereshould be a ready means heretofore ofascertaining persons who by propertraining and experience are qualied...

    Extract from Royal Charter