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ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low...

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1 ICP Test Report Certification Packet Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: In Line Fuse Holder Product #: FHACxxx Issue Date: May 2, 2012 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components. Issued by: <Global EHS Engineer> (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. Raw Materials Used Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1 RemarksForm 585-047 Rev. A 2/21/06
Page 1: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,


ICP Test Report Certification Packet

Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: In Line Fuse Holder Product #: FHACxxx

Issue Date: May 2, 2012 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components.

Issued by: <Global EHS Engineer>

(1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used

Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1


Form 585-047 Rev. A 2/21/06

Page 2: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,


Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report

Total Parts Raw Material Part Number Raw Material Description Page(s) 1 NA Body 3-11 2 NA Terminal 12-15 3 NA Wire 16-30

Page 3: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

rfla*E+Test Report

ft4(No ) : cE/2orrlc2356f l H ( D a . e ) : 2 0 l r / t l . l 9 E * ( p a a e ) : r o r 9

Validit nownFor Ques-liPlease Co irh scs

r[1[rr|| tim]lta*wbl6 fLi' aIIGJ COMPAry LTD.


aTr'l||.*t s6 S*P Bl*, s*Ap+*n|tFp**{rT (Thei d e n t i f i e d b y l o n b e h a l f o f t h e c l i e r t a s ) :

fo l lo r in t sarp les ra . / re r€ subo i t ted a t rd

S."%Ztf (sanpre Des.r ipr ion)

&"""418(style/r re. No. )4 i ' l+ E* (sanpLe Rece iv i ns Da le)

' r ,1$* E1(resr ins P€riod)


: 257-40W232

, 2 0 l l / 1 2 / L 3

. 2 0 l l / 1 2 / L 3 T O 2 0 1 1 / 1 2 / L 9

t0H,g;R(Test Re.u l ts)

gt . (co!c lus io ! )

; fET' -q (pt . . " . reter ro nerr pases) .

)ef*P fi&e$ +*.e, *$.16,*.. ^t*t!, t.&&t-& t )^nsii@ 6i;F1i{13 *.6 aR6HsiF+2002/e5 lEc6t l * t rJe '+?ot t /65 /Eua* , t . (Based on rhe per fo rhed resrs onsubmi t ted sanp les , ihe tes t resuLts o f Cadn i !m, Lead, l te .cury , Heravaten tCnromiun C. (V l ) , PBBS ,nd PBDES conp ly r i th rhe L ih i ts as se i by RogSD i r e c t i v e 2 0 l t l 6 5 / E U A n n e x l l ; r e c a s r i . s 2 A A 2 / 9 5 / E C . j

pslslbded ftc re$ rcpon 6iio1be] ' r r . , r r J i l a j l , i . . r i i r i l . l r , 1 r . r i i : r r ' ! t r


Sgrd fara

Ch.r|bd bbor.tort - TdDd

Page 4: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,fla*F.+Test Repoft

tA'4(N" ) ' cE/2orr/c23s6 as(D.t.) ' 2011/12/B e*(pase) :2 ot s

t$ilrtDf,rE,r;1IYGJ @MFtrII LAO.


iar**(Tesr a.!ur rs)j!,Ji{$,I.i(PART NAIIE)NO. 1

pet3)16sred tu6 re$ rcpod €^nolb.compady i t . l , r / S r l , r ! - ' i l , { r r i l l ; i l l l r ! I . I i : + i . l r , 1 " . . r ' . | i r t ' ! !

spo6b q sb r c,.d aid ri s doe

I r:* i::Iri14..:rt+s61olxer

ll] [tlt |llttt]l

TAOI,I]iN l{StE\' 333, TAIW!]I

6 afi*,i (rxrTE PEU-Ers)

Jr{ld{ e +.ti(Uni t )


tnd l&rE{t(mL)

€ *(R€5ul t


N o . l, i / cadniun (cd) 487r9 ++ror 6n21, zooetti, ur ]S.&llAE

{,f ? *r+ rt r*&}fttrl . / sith rererenceto IEC 6232r: 2008 and P€rfofned byICP-I.ES.

1 0 0

g / Lead (Pb) mg/ (g ++lrc. 6232r, 2oo8tt*, ,x&^*A€*,h+&*tt:*&&jrl. / { irb r€rerenceto IEC 62321: 2008 and per fo rned byICP-AES.

? 3 3 1 0 0 0

* / Yercu iy (H8) ++rFr 6232rt 2oo8ti i , ' l*,6*tA{X.6+**f , t*d,id,r i . / { i th rererenceto IEC 62321: 2008 and per fo rb€d byICP-AES.

2 I 0 0 0

^ ' l l r * / Hexava len t chron iumc r (v l )

+*IE a 6232t: 2oo8tii, rtw-vrslgjtl/ l i t h . e f e r e n c e r 6 I E C 6 2 3 2 1 : 2 O 0 8and p . r fo rn€d by W-VIS.

2 1000

r.'&*+:-re /g€xabronocycl ododecane (tBcDD)( C { S N o . : 2 5 6 3 7 - 9 9 - 4 )

t+us EPA 354octii. ,,fu{aEifr /F.;** , ld t i l . / wi rh r€f€rence to us EpA3540C nethod. Analys is was per formedbv @/VS.


*+:Y6F*TT& / BBP(Benzyi buryr phthalat€) (c I€N o . : 8 5 - 6 8 - 7 )

+a0t{ 1437 2,'\ *A n ift / f .;Et &nlz_./ W i t ! r e f e r e n c e t o E N 1 4 3 ? 2 . A n a l y s i swas per fo roed by GC/MS.

0 . 0 0 3

Sf :P&: (z -L t l ' t )& /DEHP (Di- (2-erhylh€xy1)p h t h a l a t € ) ( c A s N o . : I l 7 - 8 1 - 7 )

t+EN 143?2, /f,,&,?fi /l{*.li*x!la./ O i t h r e f e r e n c e t o E N 1 4 3 ? 2 . A . a l y s i s

was per lo rned by cClMS.

0 . 0 0 3

{ffia:F&:*rS!6 / DrDP (Di-i sodecy l ph t la la te ) (cAs No. :

2 6 7 6 1 - 4 0 - 0 )

+tB.t 1 437 2,,xfi,{F.&fi ,/lf l*dA;FlZ./ t i t h . e f e r e n c e t o E N 1 4 3 7 2 . A n a l y s i s

{as p€r fo rmed by rc /VS.

0 , 0 1

Page 5: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

rflfi#+Test Report

!t€(No ) : cD/20r1lc2356 E*(Date) | 2o\l/r2/1s E*.(pase) :3 of e

l&*Mtti ff.'!: AIIGJ @MP, IY LTD.

dt,Ei e a,! q i & itrFSllnfi.sR5, TINGFU sTH ST., TAXANC VILLAGE, KflEISITAN HS]ANG

rt] tttl ttl


dd,{ c +&(u r i r )

j{d,t*( Ietbod)


srF(Re!ur t )


(L io i t )N o . 1*f:F*:*+G / DrNP oii sonony l ph tha la te ) (c {S No. :2 8 5 5 3 - 1 2 - 0 )

t-*EN 1,4372. ,tfi"#nfr / F.*&.*.A2,/ $ i t ! r e f e r e r c e r o E N 1 4 3 7 2 . A n a t y s i svas pelford€d by cc/),ts.

0 . 0 1

*f:Yff':,r+6 z uqop or*octy l phthalate) (cr ' 'S No. : 117,8 1 - 0 )

% t-+EN |4372, "t lag'frf *&*;Az-

/ $ i r h . e f e r e n c e t o E N 1 4 3 2 2 . A . a l y s i sras per fo rned by m/MS.

0 . 0 0 3

*f:P*:Tg / DBP (Di brt,lphtha la te ) (CAS No. : 84-74 -2 )

++EN !a3?2, i&nfr /f*&&.r,!z./ g i t h r e f e r e n c e t o E N 1 . ! 3 ? 2 . A n a t y s i seas per fo re€d by GC/MS.

0 , 0 0 3

en+H,r**. / Perrruorooctanesrl f onates (PIOs-Acid, Metat

mg/ Kg ++us EpA 3b4oc, tee6t*, zRrBElf-/trt*&la;rtat1.+H,4*6t. / si rhreference ro us EPA 3510C: 1996 methodfor Pms Content . A ia lys is wasperforE€d by LC/MS.


4n+& (rf) / PFIA (cAs No.3 3 5 - 6 7 - 1 )

t+us EPA 3s40C: r999t*, ,tltfrE fr/F*d,tf j en+6(J*)Ag. / nithre fe rence to IJS EPA 3540C: 1996 methodfor P IPA Content . Ana lys is sasp€r fo .ned by L /VS.

t 0

t illll'*1' / s@ or PBB3

++rEc 6232rt 2o08riL r\^iln&6./f + f l , i * ; t l . / { i th .eference to IEc62321t 2004 and pe. fo.ned by @/MS.

1 0 0 0- d j . l . f / $onob rodob ,phenyL 5:* t lS / Di b ' . . .b ,ph."yr 5: * * : l / T r i b ro i ob iphen tL 54* l l l * / r e t r ab rooob iphe i r l 5nAl l$ / Peotabramoh, pheny I 5n; l t f * / s€xabronob iphe iy r 5t i * l i+ / leprahronob ipheny l 5^ iqd* / o . ta6rondb ipheny l 5i,;{#* / NonabronobipLeiyl 5+t l#* / D.cabronobipheiy l 5

npr.G)rasbd rtubsrcpon6nid bc o h p a n y t t , , , ' . i r l , i d i l i r r i l I i l , t . n l l 1 1 . 1 l . I : r . . 1 . , i , , t , ! ! .Th 5 eomsnl s 'sued by $e co6p'

$bjed b t€m6 sd coid{ons ior E

-r i1:ii r .rr-.iirl :l + &6o,)'ts rD r+ s610?)rre nr @*lxqr

Page 6: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,r{'d,+E+Test Report

ffq(i 'Jo ) : cE/2orrlc2356 Es(Date) :20rr/r2/1s F*(Pase) : a of e

l&*wttlfi,'r 4WCJ @MP!I\Y LTD.

dt,Ei l&&,,rSn&$rr&-trfi 5ff5, TINCFU sTH ST., TA(NNG VILLAGE, I(WEISIi,d\ HSIANG , TAOYUTN HSIEIi 333, TAIS,AN

lll ||f, Itt]||l

r { {E +{,i(U! i t )

td q,t)*(l[ethod)


, .*(Resu I t )

N o . l


( L i r i t )t*t*.t*+ / s{! or PBDEs

+4rEc 6232tt 2oo8: i . , \^4a?+t&/l ( *&,}A ' r l . / l l l i ih r€rerence to rEc62321: 200A and pe. forned by rc /MS.

1 9 1 0 0 0- A S * 4 / M . " . b , " , . d i p h e n y t e r h e r 5: t t$ : iad / D ib ronod iphcny l € th€ . 5: , *#XaS / T r ib ioaod iph .n t l e ther 5€)*Sf6 t / Te t .abroood ipheny l € rher 5t&r t t r ia t / Pe f t rb ronod ipheny l e th€r 5it!S*6{ / fierabronodip[enyl cther 5+A4f* / Heptabronod ipheny l e rher 5\ * + s 4 / o . r , b . o , . d i P h € n y r e r h e r 5/ t *#Xat / Nonahronod ipbe.y l e rher

+ * $ f { / D e " " b , . ' . d i r h e n y t . , h e ! 4 9

* l t ( N o r e ) :1 , n g l k g = p p n ; 0 . 1 $ r % : 1 o 0 0 p p n2 . n . d - : N o r D . t e . t . d ( ^ l h * )

3. VDL = Merhod Derecr ioo Lini t ( t* lAxlErF, ld.)

4. , ' - = Nor Resular.d ( i* ;ZiAy' ,A.)

(r) Jtlrf TirE.,if i4ta,&n^l+*kq A.ffi d.'g!,XA+,ifd.djifo.00s%.( M a y n o t b e p l a c e d o n t h e n a r k e t o r u s e d a s a s u b s r a n c e o . c o n s t i t u e i t o f D r e D a r a r r o n s r n ,c o n c e n t r a r i o n e q u a l t o o r h i s h e r t h a ! 0 . 0 0 5 % b y n a s s . )

(2) Jn4rIf T-rE+fr jt}.{t+d.s*.fie4.*{r+, t1* 61+ La,1*!&,9.ApFlsjt4p3_t*A}&&.r€}f €}.i}SPFos€ttl.,4+,i4*.riifo.r%,6tr4sd.*1utt*&f. {"*pFosaAS+,tr t 6!S,i!d. zt,;{rusz,:.( V a y n o t b € p l a c e d o n t h e n a r k e t i n s e n i - f i n i s h e d p . o d u c t s o r a r r i c l e s , o r p a r r s t h € r e o f , i f t h econcen t ra t i on o f PPCS i s egua l t o o r t r i ghe r i han 0 .1% by nass ca l cu l a red s i t h r e f€ r€nce t o t ne mass

o f s t r ! c t o r a l l y o . n i c r o s i r ! c t u r a l l y d i s t i n c r p a r r s t ! a r . o n r a i . P I O S o r , t o r t e x r i t e s o . o t ! e .

c o a t e d n a t e . i a l s , i f t h e a m o u n t o f P F ! 6 i s e q u a l t o o . h i g t e . t l a n l U s / n 2 o f t b e c o a r e d n a r e . i a t . )

mp€19 r8sd ftE rad rspoi €nior bconpany f " ! r , : r l L i ' : 1 i l J j r l i : rU ' 1 . . ! r l i ; i j , l i 1 . . r ' i r i r l l ! .

spons h y s to k C €d aid rh6 d@

Page 7: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

tr{'d,*[+TeSt RepOft

*6(No ) : cE/201rlc2356 a*(Date) ' 2orr/r2/rs F*(Pase) :5 or e

fr*r,*4t6&2 aWGJ COMI]ANY LTD.


ilia'T''aaEal*li ' *9 e i|rg* . ( ,\1trtd {z;i 6-rt ) rTh6es.mdsEedEslred ioralty oy pF@nd tEnrng met[d €@dri! lo bd* i@ cha( r Cl iEst relfd eetudedri rl(A I : trt 6il / N@e of he p.@n vho m.de msuEm.d Ctmbge.r yan!jrl{llr'\: il4* /Naneor$epeM n chaae ot n€asuEmsr Troy chanq

ll ||| fl||t|lflrr

1 )


6rll'ae {4 +mi i,:+& / rcP-AEs

npre(s)bsbd rh 3 &! Gpod €nnor b. n i ' i r | i r ; r J r t r i : , . t t i i r . r l . ' ' r . - ' . n ! ! ; 1 .r[sdofumenlA's!edb'$ecdhparor srsdroic iomal dooneits slt ro h€ I m rar on oi riab 'ry

s p o n s b ' t y c l o 6 c L s i l a n d s s d f u

t{'' tfi*e / Cutins .PBDaBion

j|ilit,stl / SamF,L ilssuGment

,il{,r a{,c{tii{e',14t*t*4ri)61u(nTtti) /A.id dige6iion by suiLble acrd deocndod ond'reeni s.mple mateiat (as b€td rabte)

4r{/ltlitlaftSAt}ft /M c|@w digesrion litl HNOS/HCUHF

,,{er4f, ;r,ti!.ti.ti jb+

t*tBtl / HCI to di$olve fllier diqstate lhEugh lihef

'tX tl h-a ljL:}",}n , t,li1.x**As,(0nh ri4

S.s il r / s€md6 Mar€ial ,Altra,{t* / D a$lion Aaid

Sel. @DDer.luminum solder.a,|r, 4rt. ta, i.r..t, !ti.,]( /A{u. @ia. HNO. HO. HF. H,O.

Gold, Dlalinm. D€li.dilm. @Emic

&e tt.+ 4jrt, t& / H,SO.,ll,O, HNo3. HCI&^r+1ra{'i}84 / Any acid ro total dis6t@n

Page 8: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,F{a#+TeSt RepOft

i t6(No') i cE/2011/c2356 EJk(Date) | 2ai/12/1s Fa(Pas€) :6 'r e

&*Me>a $^ aWGJ COi,IPA}IY LTD.


ih{+*+fiaal /Analytical flow chart of Soxhlet extracflon (LC/MS) procedure

r nlitl,F i fr&ry / N€m€ of the person who made measurement Roman Wonor jdll\. & t ( : Ji+F / N€me of the person in charge of measurement: Troy Cha-ng

[ri&{ E: Al"+f,**/an+*.(e) . f.it:4t{bat /T€6t ltems: PFOS/PFOA, Benzotdazole I

*6 / Data

p8(sJ tsdod rh6bd repd€nmrbsconpanr ; r , i r I t r j . r r t ' r r , f J i ln t l l i i r : r i . r . : ! . l j t lTBeomdB s$dbyh.comF

p f f s b l t i E l o b c | a d a n d i h 3 d o mn,,i* DRe 3 sciion

!hdsnErzom N4rlF.vriieiorr. I r.r !! !1r1ih.,:l 's6ror)re

llllfirr ||ttulr

rtsd'&&i+*' /Sample pretreatmenvseparation

&,s+4{*n *;i+t }* iSample extraction by soxhlet method

+*r{r&sB/fitq /Concentrate/Dilute Exlracted solution

tl *-h E fr ,i j& &'i ]n +4*i IAnalysi6 was performed by LC/MS

Page 9: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,r{a+E+TeSt RepOft

!t6(No ) : cE/2011/c2356 as(Date) :2011/12/1s a*@aee)

ia,i6trrla PF,r 61WGJ COMPAM LTD.

dbEi *t,Lsd&inG*tnfi5fr5, TINGFIJ sfi ST,. TAX,{\'C VILLACE, (SEISHAN HSTANC , TAOWAN l{StEN 333, TAIS,AN

r i , i l l :1 r : *$ : i+e6 io ) r$ r r r+sror r re r r * - ! , - -

l [[ll||||tttt

**,+*+fi.fi,af /Analyticalflow cha.t of Soxhtet extrac on (GC/MS) proc.dure

I tFliil^F : Ai!,# / Nam€ ofthe p€rson who made measurement: Roman WonoI jqdft t\: Ji+q / Name ofthe pe6on in charge of measurement: Troy Cha;g

ttiA{l E: lrail ' X.&:4i{bA&. i**+:}t. +|}, + ?tL:il:*.&Fri, ,4 **lY+lt / Test hems: Phthalate, Benzotrtazote. HBCDD, Np, DBBT. Oryantcphospho.us compoundsl

1{f / Data

mpbc) bsEd rh3 be.sPoi €nnor bc o m p a n y + r | , : l r l : _ i ' i r r i J i l i : r r i : ! . I 1 1 * , , t i , . | 1 - 1 , i ! : .Th s 6fuhei1 5 '93d b! b. compa

eq.d rc rems ad coidlons ror E

#.siiArE/++*. /Sample pretaealmenuseparation

&s+&*E *Ji+Fri /Sample extraction by soxhlel method

+4q{rl*/4rf /Concentrate/Dilute Extrac.ted solution

^tlnfif *&,+fr |Analysis wa6 perfomed by GC/MS

Page 10: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

xl-d,+E+Test Report ftr5(N' ) ' cE/2ott/c2356 aS ( D a t e ) , 2 o r r l 1 2 l r 9F l & . ( P a g . ) : 8 " f e




t,ttrti!/r / Fi6r bsri! [email protected]+ it*E6*aF / opfdd @n pDess ___. *4a4 /cnfmriono@ss_. r

n ,l+fi / Screen analysls

+fifief / Analytlcal flow chartr jdi\,r\F: ii&# / Name ofthe person who made measu€ment Roman Wongr iiJ a' q l,/. : tF&q / Name of the person in drarge of measurement Troy Chang

(jrlll{ aOsst ltem3): t*t*'/titt*3. q;ttd|1q-l / PBB/PBDE, rBBp-alrb )

#I *tr"+t(t* / sample extraction method I- - - - - - - - . . - . - - ' -

. . . . . , r .a i i i ; i ; iar i -D.

| +nri,txrtra . con""n,*"oi,,o eooo"o "or,**


^+a?&F*d,tlFr / Analysis by Gc/Ms

lssue Reporl / i*Jtl[.5

sG) rsd€d rh 3€d Gpon enior b,c o i p a i y ; r : : r j r 1 r t . . : N ' i r i l r , i ! 1 i . t z i t t i l t : t ; ; i . t , - r ! | j t ! r t .rhsdooF.d6s3sdbyhecompa

3 p o . s b ' | y E b l g c l d . n d t B d r u

r r*rirr "i:rr.- '

Page 11: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

rnl-d,+t+Test Report

ffi4(No ) : cE/2011/c2356 Es(Date) : 2 0 1 1 / 1 2 1 1 9 F & ( P a s e ) : 9 o f e


tt 6l tr ft.,!6^&ilrF*ri55tE5, TINCFU sTH ST., TA&ING VILLAGE, (WEISiIA}I HSIANG , TAOYUAN HSIE\'333, TAIIiIT{]{

tl! || llmu||

. rqAf$trft*ft, Fl*.+.6lF.tt t*-*s/$ra. .(The te . ted saap le / ?ar t i s la rked by an a l ro r i f i t ' s shor ! on tbe pboto , )

" # + * } . € ( E n d o f R € p o r r ) . .

company !: , 7 rl.ri_ i' : ,.rr . lLrrtr. . 1,i .:,1r jl 1r i rr. i.,jr,r!! .

q l dpe . r y r r es i f ! i r . t : 1 t i { 4 . . . r 1 } s6 {o? )2ee r r f } s

Page 12: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,
Page 13: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,
Page 14: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,
Page 15: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,
Page 16: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

&i6(No.) : cE/2012l3oa2e At l(Date) | 2ar2/t3/a8 F*.(Pase) : I of l5

Validit nownFor QueatiPlease Co ith scs

lfll [|l tllllI

fi{fi,+E+Test Report:?€R€&e?rlArEa 43A PVC \IIRE & CABLE CO., LTD.

*t E *,\{ifit"r\r&1&3fiNO. 3, LANE 3I. IIECHENG RD., &qDE CITY, TAO YIJAN HSIEN, TAII{AN' R. O' C.

:6.F--F-F (pt . . " . .€ fer to next Pases) .

t rT j f l g,* l SG**P,t&, g6+P'+*j f ,cEP*gleT (rh' Iol lo ' i ls saEPles'ashere suboi t ted ald

i d e r t i f i e d b y l o r b e h a l f o t t h . c l i e r t a 6 ) :

**tr"?**(sa.pr. Description) : HooK LrP srm, ALTToMoBILE IIRE, AC ELECTRIC {IRE, SPEMER \vlRE, RAINBO{


i* . .s4! t (s ty1e/ I ten No.) ' f t4-+*roa (PLElsE REFER m PAGE l0)

t (4aS(sabple Receiv ins D2te) . 2012/03/02

,r i l { '$ lq(Te=t i "c Per iod) | 2012/03/02 To 20L2/43/aa

t ' lg,g*(re3t Results)

Char|rh.l llc.to.y-fCpd

i:f"[.".., ";.*;";"; '::,",,",".i'" **i,"i"" "rh''"'*"- '."r' "**'"i *"*. ": i:,;..",f"1";g:..r"rg;t b;;iitnr; oindda.J-{- noF ; r3rd cmd,dib', ar1 . o6Jru ibd,lw{ otu3' rF,-: r d co d imr"i ; ; ; i6 ' | i .6 i ;Gn;bn ;^d i . : . i . !d6$ ,esdd*d i l . . ' ; ' ; yhda.dhsdmadi .adv$ddai". ft;;r,i; ;":; ;.t;i" ;t : ii; .d6 ;i. !+5 ft ndd(,i m i - . * r " . s , a , o r o l i l " , . o n a o o u g o r o " s * o . . " ' , " i i l . l d d ; ; ' d f t e a m o t 6 [com€f r sJna. t ro r lo r .q ro i d n . , . : :1 i ; i ;d i ; , ed tue" ,_s 'L rL ,J r " ;o+o"a .B


llgNrd 6r lrd

Page 17: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

filH,+E+Test Report t i r { ( N " . ) , c E / 2 0 1 2 / 3 A 1 2 9E * ( D a t e ) : 2 0 1 2 l 0 3 / 0 8 Er*.(Pase) : 2 oI 15

aY x&t{twh6 $'r a

l t * * (Test Resul ts l

t]|||!f,|llflil]llll3A PVC SIRE & CABLE CO., LTD.

*t ffi '*^{ifi t' d.t*3 1S,3*tNO. 3, LANE 31, HECHENG RD. B,ADE CITY, TAO YUAI\I IISIEN, TAII'AN, R. O. C.

jall'\Sli (PARr N!'vE)No. I

irlit${a(PAlr N,$E)No. 2jllt{$'&(P,cxT NAME)No. 3

;!,l3t SIa(PART NAUE)N".4

td!i${n(PART NAIE)N6.5jrl3tS,&(PART NAME)No. 6

:tSlt(PARr N,{vE)No.7

irl*l:s{n(PART NAME)No. 8

ifl ilql1'(PART NiME)No.s

ttl*lcF{A(PART N!"\E)No. 10

,rl;{,S{n(Pnr NAIE)No. 11

tfl A$ii(PARr NAVE)No- 12









&@,gBtlll^XL&erp&l (cRE$- Pl-Asrlc JACKEI' \!lTH GRAY PRINTED)




rt{ € *4n(Uni t )

lrirtt ,ii.fi jElLL-(UDL)

, * + ( R e 6 u l t )

N o . l N o . 2 N o . 3

JA / cadniun (cd) ++rFE 6232r, 2oogtiE, r:,t6A*BA€*.F+A*t:*&ei ! ' j . / s i rh re fe rence to IE€

6232\. 200A and perfo.med bY


,S / L€ad (Pb) t-+rFr 6232r, 2oo9r)*, r\aE*sa{t&+&4f,b*4,&i l l . / [ i th reference to lEc

6232r. 2008 and per forn€d bY


Page 18: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,r{a#+Test Report f i45(No.) : cEl2012130429A S ( D a t e ) : 2 0 1 2 1 0 3 / 0 8 F * ( P a s e ) : 3 o f 1 s

iP€r*€flqrlA PEa 613A PVC XIRE & CABLE CO., LTD.

ttF *,\€fr&.dLtA3183ttNO. 3, I-ANE 31, HECHENC RD.,

It][tt]]|Il llll


! w!.hcotu.Nevh'F ndsti itu, .;r -4j:: l !r.]x$

rlJt{ E +{i(Ut r i t )

r{t* t*linl*[ rEttoDL)

S * ( R e s u l t )

N o . t N o . 2 N o . 3

i / Ntercr .y (Hg) 4+rBc 62321t 20081i+ ,t6&*t+€*.f;i'dt#rt r*d#'j l l . / N i t h r e f e . e . c e i o I E c62321: 2AAB and per forn€d byICP-AES.

;<'lJiJ8 / Hexavalent chroniuncr(vI )

n8/k8 +*\F 6232r' 2oo8l'ik, r).Ury_vls* i i l . / I i th ref€renceto IEC 62321: 2008 andDerformed bv W-VIS.

t*t*|l* / su or PBB.

4+rEc 6232r. 2008)ti*. ,)<ftiqaf &,/10+4,{*'rl. /x i th re fe rence ro lEc 62321

2008 and per fo rned by rc /MS

- i * f f / I o l oh robob ipheny l 5

=4#21 / D ib rohob iph€ny l 5

: *# f / T r ib ronob ipheny l

€ t l t tX / Te ! rahroaob ipheny l 5

. ' 'A#+ / Pe i tabronob ipreny l 5

n*d* / l t€xabronob iphery l 5

+;+dS / Hepr :b robab i pheny l 5

^* l iX / oc tzbronob ipheny l 5

, L *4 f / Nonab ronob iph€ny l 5

+i *#* / Decahronob iphe iy l 5

tiltt **& / s0 of PBDI.- r ldX5{ / : ionobroncd ipheny l e ther 5

:AdrF l t / D ih ronod ip leny l e r le r

: t tn f 1 i6 { / T r ib ro iod ipneny l e iher

@i ! * f id / Te t rabronod ipheny l e tner

' . t l$S! { / Pentab !onod ipheny l e ther 5

^*$r ide / l caabronod iphenYl e lher 5

.L&# +6t / Heptab ,omod,pheny l e ihe f 5

, \A$*aA / oc tabrosod iPhcny l e t ie r 5

, t ; t# fE t / Nonab.onod ipnenYl e the i 5

+t*#{aA / Decab!onod ip leny l e ther 5

Page 19: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

x{H,+E+Test Report f i ,6(No.) : cE/2012l3012e ES(Dat") : 2012/03/08 F&.(Paee) : a of 15

: Y €S€!t&?)f, rE,r 43A PVC {IRE & C4BLE CO., LTD.

{tfr *{,\LiF&!t i&3r+3fiNO. 3, LANE 31. HECHENG RD., B,\DE CITY, TAO YUAN HSIEN, TAI{AI,I, R. O. C.

|l||[] [||[tt]lI

rlrt{ E +{i(Un i t )

'l{t* tii{tdEtr4i(mL)

S*. (Resul t )

N o . 4 N o . 5 N o . 6

,S / cadniu' (cd) 4-+1Ec 6232r. 2oo8)ri1, ,lA,tB6€t,F+*4i;br*d,*i ! ,1 . / iY i th re fe rence to IEc

62321: 2004 and per fo rned by


,6 / Lead (Pb) ++rv. 6232r. 20081'!t, Dr&ElEa6*.F+64r,t.*d,ti;d . / $ i rh ref€r€n.€ to IEc6?3?1: 2008 and per formed byICP its.


* . / Mercury (Hg) nslkg +*Lw 6232.r' 2oo8r)l, ,).aa**+€*-F+*4r't;*6,&t l l . / Ui th referen.e to lEc62327. 2008 and p€r formed byICP-AES.


^'ll9& / ilexavalent chroniunc . (v r )

mg/Kg ++rFa 623zrt zoo9t' i\, t\W-vIsf i ; l l . / i i ! i th referenceto IEC 6232I : 2008 a.dperform€d by W-VIS.


ttt*t+ / sub of PBB3

++\EC 6232r, 2008ri*, '^*.iBafi-A,/f tffr,A)rl. /S i t h r e f e . e n c e t o I E C 6 2 3 2 1

2008 and per lo rned bY C€/MS

- i *#S / l ' l onobromobipheny I 5

: i l t f t * / D ib romobiph€ny l

: r l # f / T r i b roEob iPheny l

Ele#f , / Te i rahronob ipheny l

i A *F / Pe i t a6 !onob iph€ny l

i A # * / R e x , b r o n o b , p h e n y l 5

-L l f ISA / Heptabronob iph€ny l 5

\A# :F / o . iab ,onob phenyL 5

,,1*tfA / NonabrdnobiPhcnYl 5

+*#? i / D€.ahronob ipheny l 5

Page 20: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,F||a#+T e s t R e p o r t i t 4 ( N . . ) . c E / 2 I J | 2 / 3 a 1 2 9 E J g ( D , t " ) . 2 0 1 2 / 0 3 / 0 8 F j * ' ( P a g e ) : 5 o f 1 5

: P €4trE&rlA B'r:4 r llllllll lllllllllll3A PVC SIRE & CABLE CO., LTD.

,t E *,\1gf t"4.t63I83fiNO- 3, LANE 31, HECHENG RD., BADE CITY, TAO YUAN HSIEN, TAIS.AN, R. O. C.

jddq E +ls(Uni t )



S R ( R e s u l t )

N o . t N o . 5 X o . 6

t*t*E*ft / su! of PBDEs

++rEc 62327t 2008,, i4, t.ft{q.8fi*,/tr*d,A;nl. /I i r h r e f e r e n e e t o I E c 6 2 3 2 1

2008 and Fer fo rmed by C{ /MS

-*d+6t / uonohronod ipheny l e ther

- t *+ tae / D ih romodipheny l e rher

:A#S& / T r ib ronod iph€ny l e th€r

tsA# l t6 t / le t rab tonod iphenyL e iher

t t *d : r *d / Pentabromodipheny l e ther

n*#r i6d / I lexabrondd ipheny l e t le r

+&!s l& / leprab .onod iphenyL e ther

^ , l4 i i6 t / oc tabronod ipheny l e ther

,L;*d?ie / Nonabrofrodiphenyl ether 5

J_; *# f f f l I oecat ro ' .a ipheny l e ther 5

r1*,{ E +dir(Uri t )

;drttii tiili,{EEti(!{DL)

* + * ( R e s ! 1 t )

N o . 7 N o . 8 N o . 9

iE / cadniun (cd) +4IEC 623211 2oo9t )E, tl

6&*a€*,F+A4r,b:*&i*i l l . / V i th reference to IEC62321: 2008 and per forned byICP-,{ES.


,6 / Lead (Pb) +alrc 6232ri 2aa9t )1, ,)r64fi+€*.4+**trbt*&ej t l . / s i th reference to IEC

62321: 2008 and ter forned bY



* / Mercury (Hs) ng/ka tjarFc 62321, 20a9,)L ,:,r'A,.t*+€*.4+44t5*&ei l l . / s i t l re fc fence to IF ,c

6232\t 2008 and perfo.hed bY


Er;li:i"li': :I*' ;li-,tJ.,;t;#;; j: i; ;i-."[il.ffi #ffi ".'d;r* ;#ffi ;il ;;.e*-mmi,a**;;r;5.ilir":fri:i1::]lp1lijiffliliii"i';i,rffif;.?"ffhilklll'*iil"r;"*;:i:i*::xi;l;";'ili#iij*ff3,1Tit#*#qf,'rffi$,:,:'i:{iifiir,x;}#''j{i;{r"#l*:x;rjr.t"+"."'""r:J;rj:;T}"jY::j"a"r*l$ r:

. c i r : r i l t r i r !

Page 21: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

rr{fi,+E+Test Report t i r 4 ( \ o . ) : c F 2 0 r 2 1 0 4 2 9 E q ( D a r e ) : " 0 1 / 0 3 / 0 8 F & { P a e e ) : 6 o r l s

:F€*€S&rld fB'r a3A PVC IIRE & CABLE @., LTD.


l|| ||[||It]|ltt]l

ir'trdt E +,fn( U ! i t )



,*jf,.(Resul t)

N o . 7 N o . 8 N o . 9

n' f iJA / Hexavalent chroniunc r ( v l )

++lEc 62327t 2009ri4, tt,Uv-vls*tFl . / I i th referenc€to IEC 6?321: 2008 and

pe. fo .ned 6y Lry -V lS .

t*l+** / sui or PBB.

++rEc 62321' 2oo8r)l, t\f.iEn&d,/ FF*d,&jri. /\ r i th re fe rence ro IEC 62321

2008 and per fo rned 6y GC/ IUS

-* l t l f , / uonobromobiFheny l 5

: - , * tE / D ib ronob i pheny l 5

: * * ; / T r i b . onob ipheny l 5

€*S f / Te t r ab ronob iFheny l 5

t * * :F / Pentabro f rab ipne.y l 5

<&S* / Hcxab ronob ipheny l 5

- t i *# f / Hep l2bronob ipheny l 5

^&#A / oc tabronob ip te .y l

/L i *#+ / Nonabronob ipheny l 5

+; tSX / Decabro f rob iphcny l 5

t tlt*.lllt' / suo ot PBTDEg

- , *#*a t / onobrosod ip leny l e rn€r 5

: *# f6€ / D ib ronod ipheny l e the . 5

: ; *$ fae / T . ib ronod iph€nYl e ther

€ t *# *6 { / l e f t ab ramod i t heny l e the r

5,AtF ! * / Penrabronod ipheny l e the .

nA|n*6{ / l l exabronod iphe ly I e ther 5

+A$rFe l / Heprab.o4od ipheny l e ther 5

,'.itf {*t r o.tabromodiplenyl eiher 5

)d^4*e / Nonabronod iphenYl e th€r 5

+i *Sfa t / Decab!o f rod ipheny l e ther 5

Page 22: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,r{'d,#+Test Report f r 'F,(N..) , cE/2ar2/3042e EJk(o"t .) , 2012l03/08 Fjk.(Pase) , 7 " f l5

1Y $&tst€$A E 't a34 PVC qIRE & CABLE @. , LTD.

'g F * ^€ fr {' d.t43 1*.s #[NO. 3, LANE 31, IIECIDNG RD., &ADE CITY. TAO YUAN HSIEN, TAIIVN, R. O. C.

|||| l||tl[rurrr

r'lit{ E +{r(U! i t )

ir!*t*( [e thod)


* * ( R . s r r t )

N o . 1 0 N o . l l N o . 1 2

,fr / cadniun (cd) *+rEc 6232rt 2oogtr)t, ,AdA*54€*,F +64lrbr*d,Si l { . / l v i th re fe rence ro IEc

62321| 2AA8 and Fer fo rn€d by



t3 / Lead (Pb) ng/kg *tIEc 6232r: 2008iti*, rl

6ft**A€X.F+**rt**,Fi l l . / r i i th reference to IEc62321: 2AAa and per forned byICP-AES.


* . / I {ercury (Hg) ne/ka ++rEL 6232r' 2oo9)tii, ,^&E*A€f.f +**ijbr*&a;11 . / t r i th re fe rence to IEC

62321: 2008 and per fo . tued 6y



n1l$ / Hexavalent ch.oniumc r ( v r )

++\FL 6232!t 2oo8)ri*, ,tw \ ' ls iFiFj . / ni th referenceto IEC 62321: 2008 and

per fo rned by l l v -V IS,

ltrEc 6232r. 2aaal)+, ,\*i(+EtilA,rl. / {i rhre fe rence to IEC 62321: 2008

and le r fo rned by Bo i I ina

N a t e r e x t r a c t i o n M e r h o d , #

Page 23: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

rr{a+E+Test Report i t 4 ( N o - ) : c r / 2 0 r 2 l 3 0 4 2 9 A S ( D a r e ) 2012103/08 F*. (Pase) : I o f 1s

:FSet,t&tlaB2 43A PVC SIRE & CABLE @., LTD.

't E *,\1i4t'.d.t431+3ffNO. 3, LANI 31, HECHENG RD., BADE CITY, TAO YUA}I IISIEN, TAIS'AN, R. O. C.

ul[ [ l||lt |ltl

llt{ E +.lc'(Uni r)



I t * (Resul t )

N o . 1 0 N o . t r N o . l 2

t;li**& / sm or PBB.

++rEc 6232r. 2aa8)t)*. ,./.fi.1€A;44,/€*4,**,t1. /S i t h r e f e r e n c e t o I E C 6 2 3 2 1 1

2008 and per lo rmed by GC/MS.

--;!#* / uonohronobi phenyl 5

: i l *F / D ib rohob iph€nyr 5

: i i t l f / T r ib ronob ipheny l 5

et iA#* / Te t ra6 .onob iFheny l 5

t t *#x t / Pent :6 ronah ipneny l 5

- ;4# ' t / Hex ,bronob ' phe iy r 5

' k -A#* / f i€p tabrahob ipheny l 5

^ i *#+ / oc rabronob 'pheny l 5

/L*nE / Non,b .onob ipneny l 5

+- l#X / De.ab iomobiphe.y l

t*tfr|l* / su ol PIDEg- t *#* !e / Uonobronod ipheny l c lhcr

: i * ' l t s6 t / D ib romodiphenyr e the .

:A#fAt / T r ib ronod ipheny l e r ie r

@t*d f6& / Te t rab !osod iphent l e ther

t * f i *a i / Pentabrorod iph€n l l e rher 5

-A l iXR / I {ex2b.onod iPheny l e ther 5

+t* tA. t / Heprabronodipr lenyl ethe! 5

, \ ' *#1 i6 t / oc tab .onod iphe ly1 € ther 5

/ L i * * * * / Nonab ionod ipheny l e l he r 5

+,1#XrS / D .cab.onod ipheny l € the . 5

Page 24: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

n{'d,*t+Test Report f i r5(No.) : cEl20r2 l30429 E S ( D a t e ) ' 2 0 1 2 1 0 3 / 0 8 F * ( P a s e )


f i l i (Note):1. nglkg : pp6 i 0. lut% = t000ppn

2 - n . d . = N o t D e t e c t € d ( * . & * )

3. IDL = et lod D€te. t ion L in i t ( t *1Fx{ in lFG)

4. - : Not R€sulated (* f i , r&r6)

5 . ' - - , : \ o r c " i d " c r e d ( , * . x l € E )

6 . * * : e u , l i t a t i v € a n a t y s i s ( N o u " i r ) € , 1 E r > * 4 ( * $ l z )

7 . # = a . P o s i r i v e m e a n s r h € l r e s e n c e o f C r V l o n t l e t e s t e d a r e a s(p.

" i t i ". *.,F;sl :il E,j,.tA xl rl n ll lt )b . Nega t i ve neans t he absence o f C iV I on t he l es ted a re , s

( Nesa r i !" i+ nl d, E 4. *14 ,rl t,j ,rjflt )T h e d e t e c t e d c o n c e n r r a r i o n i n b o i l i n s _ r : t e . - e x k a c t i o n s o L u t i o n i s € q u a l o r s r e a t e r t h a n 0 . 0 2 n s / k s

s i rh so cm: rested areas. / l *Bt t iAA=o.02 ns lks wi th 50 cm, ( iested areas)

s. +t"'"6t,!1:lt€*,r!f :i^**rg+,rl*, ' +F+ i'6iEAflnt*t*6R e* +1Et'l +-+ilf 6i5&. (rhe sanpre=s a s / w e r e a n a l y z e d o n b e h a l f o f t h e a p P l i c a n t a s n i x i n g s a n P l e i n o n e r e s r i n A . T h e a b o v e r e s u l t s

s a s / w e r e o n L y s i v € n a s t n e i n f o r n a l i t y v a l u e . )

:Y€*€Et&Bld &' 43A PVC {IRE & CABLE CO., LTD.

,b 6 tf ,\€ 6 + it t*31 8s ttNO. 3, I"\NE 31, HECIIENC RD., BNDE CITY, TAO YUAN HSIEN, TAIIi!AN, R. O. C.

Page 25: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

n{a+E+Test Report ! f , r 6 ( N . . ) , c E / 2 0 1 2 / 3 0 4 2 9 , q ( D a t e ) : 2 0 1 2 l 0 3 / 0 8E&(Pase) : 10 of 15

t-q t&€]fi.hkttd t9' a3A PVC IiIIRE & C,4BLE CO., LTD.

dt 8 16,\1t fit d.t63r+314NO. 3, I-ANE 31, HECIjENG RD., BADE CITY. TAO YU.,\N HSIETi, TAI{AN, R. O. C.


* l s 4 l t ( s i y r e / I t e n N o . )

100 7 (LF) 1011(LF) 0r 3(i-F) r 0r 5(LF) 101?(LF) 1024( rF) 1027(LF) lo23(LF)

1037(LF) 1056(rF) 106r(LF) r095(LF) r135(tF) 1r95(LF) r2o3(!r) 1230(LF) 1275(LF)

1233 ( r . ! ) 1234(LF) 1316(LF) l3r7(LF) r346(LF) 135{(rr) 1365(LF) 1129(rF) 1, r30(LF)

1 , r31(LF) r1?2(LF) 1,197(I-F) r500(LF) 1503(LF) rs33(LF) 1569(LF) 1570(LF)

r5?1(LF) 153r(La) r605(LF) 1650(LF)r671(l-F) 1692 u.t) r777(LF) 1789(r- f ) 1792(L!)

r803( ! t ) 1950(LF) r953(LF) 10027(LF)r0038(LF)10097(Lr) 10235(LF) 10236(LF) 14272\LA)

10132 (LF) 10599(LF)r0953(LF)10965(LF)1 t t09(LF) ?095(LF) 2161(LF) 2468(LF) 254?(LF)

27 25\rF) 2735(LF) 2?39(r l ) 2335(LF) 285r( ! ! ) 2354{LF) 2919(L ! ) 2960( ! ! ) 2990(LF)

200r3(LF) 3443(LF) 3475(LF) 3610(LF) iPI l(LF) iPT-2(!!) ;PT 3(LF)

AVS(LF) {vls(LF) {vssx(LF) AVSS!(r-F) AXSSI(LF) \tx(LF)


Nl(lF) srT(LF) SGT(LF) mf(r-l) |rE(LF) ;TE(LF) ;TE(LF)


FLY(I-F) FIYiI(LF) FLl1t(LF) IL]"Y(LF) rLRBY(LF) tt\Br r \ (LF)

EB(IF) iEB(r-r) IIBX(LF) {YB(!F)

os' 1'r '!Fi eponrcreLo rrgr?'ano€f hh ls drEFr€f

H] f . i ] ; " ; . l ' . * . . ' . . J "1" : ' ' " . " ' ; . " " * ' " " ] . " ; . " " . * " * j . . " ; " * * "da 'ao€dLFo"so '^a !@';d i;:;li ;ii;;;; ;;'ioleu,iiiiii"o;Jrmst uo;;bi"" .r r'bir'b ."6mn,i calq ,{ ru.* oc ,sc. ert ru J,i,i,i' rr co-p' ts rrd rs! aline i r i r 'eor t ' " i '+ r 'moYdrowi t rde 'm6o l (4 ! 'ns rd ; ; : id ; -h"o .p .J " ' .F - 'i-,'Ia;ol: i..-ii;.iJ"s .ri+e,.sls rro ou sa,en' Jndl' ip 6nqcomo'neA.vunatunddare,a!on.b,s",y-Ers,t@ro"o,th"*;a;i;ppermmo hbdodms'bml

Page 26: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

,rl'd,#+T e s t R e p o r t f r 4 ( r q o . ) : c E / 2 a | 2 / 3 o 4 2 9 E J q ( D a t " ) ' 2 0 1 2 / 0 3 / 0 8 F * ( P a g e ) : 1 r o r 1 5

aY t&ttE,No6&2 43A PVC {IRE & CABLE CO., LTD.

*,tEls,\€fr+n r*31*3!ENO. 3, I-ANE 3], HECHENC RD., BADE CITY, TAO \UAN HSIEN. TAIqIAN, R. O. C-

frlr._Filrta&:G+ , *sc448*.( ifiiljrtatt+r*rt ) / rrEs€ sampres reedrssolved torally by prg{ordnioning merhod a@Eing ro bdN n@ chad. Cf €$ merhod erduded .j{it^ F : *€.il / Name of tl€ person s+F ffide medu€rent crimbsrst Yansnlri Q l'/. : n-** / Name of the peBon in charge ol medument Troy Chang

t|[tt|| t| ||t|l

1 )


6 R*r+t t /F +d4|*,ltA / lcP-AES

*"sl"i{ / sample Maiedal ,Att,c{li{ / Disestion Acid

s1el. @DDer, aluminum. solder.r+, 4t, t*, !.fi.ti, !fi.+ /A.UE €diA HNO1 HCI, HF. H4

Gold. Dlalinum. Dalladium. ceramic

dt.{, tt"+, rid t* / H,so., H,q, HNor HCI," \+lfi&tZ4|AE I A^y acid to total dig€ston

' . I - j ' '-* i".i.-. g *,ao 6ivii ca;rn;,ib*iia niam-timdot or s.tu :n, _d o*;r dva,rbh o

"no h'.kd6n( r.mor odo-q 6. 'rdFfl ir'e-srE' ond{o e'or L e

tmGlid;i6]1V'"d"."fi*I-jndi'jIkdidbdi5eesdeiienuerehkybd€lo|[email protected]$edlh'heLmds d.iwi,'on on, and dnd rre _,tsotcr"{. 't,cto-8 anr De

comDr ry &yL ra l r o l i d rF ro i r oT " r yo t r } . d o ' o ' oe6 .e l r o

q*. .f$1f,,c / Culting PreFralron

tjtti[sli / Sample Meas'iremenl

rila?. rEl lts rtJltf, 6 rtr it*,t&i6fifi 1E({,T ifi n) / rod dig€6lion by suilable ac,id dsp€nd€d ondmerent sample maie.ial (as belowtable)

,ts/{*/fi.n*fia&jfiE /lMicloMw dig*iim wilh HNOJhCVHF

,!*4ntfra4{iiitb+4 / Heal lo appmpriale

1) iiit&ti /AlkaliFusid2) j1&** / HClto dissd\,€

+tlEr&*il,c / Cool,filler digestate ihrcugh lilter

," \*ef i*e / Add

tr*+Jt,-{l-rhJb:*l ' ntj}ls,8*E540nm al4,

absorban€ at 540 m byuv-vts

Page 27: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

r{a*E+Test Report lE6(No.) | cE/2012l30.r2e EIF(Date) : 2a12/a3/aa F*.(Pase) : 12 of 1s

:Y€3t€4x{B}A r&,r 43A PVC SIRE & CABLE CO., LTD.

tt E ffi^&6i!ri'&31+3fiNO. 3, LANE 31, IECHENG RD., BADE CITY, TAO YIJAN HSIEN, TAI$AN, R. O. C.

|l][]|| [|lrlll

+rfft€f / Analytical flow cha

a nl&,r.F : tirrd / Name oflhe person who made measuremenl: Roman Wongr i ag *,/, : *.*R / Name of lhe peEon in cha€e of measurcment Troy Chang

I ri:d{ E Fesfltems): r*t+Jt*t*.a ' q*il}-a4 / PBB/PBDE, TABP4ris)t^Iji{art /Fiarhtngpm*s-----f {4t.&*Et /[email protected] ---. *ilfrr /codmaronprcF$ - , >

irri,tli / Screen analys8

| *ga*x r s"rpt" "d.raion

r"th;t l

+*,{iai;/6# / Concentrate/Dilute Extracted solutlon

+*i{'e / Filter

i,&Efi' f i+d.r|& / Analysis by Gc/l,ts

lssue Repod / Xlrrt+

t ^ i t f l i t : r t J J : ii ;di;m ^ s.& tnia cori;in subd n is ords ( o fftm. o{no o '€e( rc r ( ona ddumcn ' ' ,d r d r "d rcco t io r ro Eeid;,;'itin''b memnncdon .nd 'id$ d n sGs rft"'tad,edilr'n e l m s o ' B n k i w n L o r q ' . r d { , ' ' ' F . . d . p , r ' \ 5 o t s e 5 p o 1 ! ' b i '6nsd'on rrom oreu'ro ride, ocomoan/ Atuuna,tro ud".q"toib'laro' t.fiwro drton'e1o

r , , i r t l i r " i r !4

Page 28: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

SGSx{'d,*t+Test Report f t6( lo . ) : cE/2a12/30429 Elq(Date) : 2012l03/08 F*(Pase) : 13 of l5

3i5a#-:TT,1:,ri r-",Hir;tt?yt:-::rfflEw" {ejil,!iili:1'i.1"r1':e".!ii1!:'***dF4dud dedniu'i i . ; ; c : * { " . " B o d \ . h . c o f e ' ' , ' q & h . G q e J c m d ' o 1 o s . " a y r o o * i " a ' . a : n . o

,iaio, dr' ";,|; "*- "@,*-".$'.,i*'**,de

- tr";:,$;;;;t:,li ddid ;- !uo

L:.'.ii:;t;':xi;;l;rjlr.i:ihnli:ilr"l+il*':.;i1;J*""T""+:ff:ri:r; l;:4:;,:"i""l"5i;ei.Ti"1G:e',:j:i:s1""'.:;""r:c6.ei.rlvi *,,iftia;re;1""i ba;t;, d" i-b" d b" -;;i;,;pp€Bne drh* d@umqd b m&tu and otrende.s mai be prc*ered b I

||] ||t]||tutt=F€6€Cxt&Af&',r 434 PVC SIRE & CABLE CO. , LTD.

*,E rK,\1i,it".q\.t&1+3*NO. 3, LANE 31, HECHENG RD., B,qDE CITY, TAO YUAN IISIEN, TAI\\'AN, R. O. C.

r RE+r'Aft*ft ' 4ifrfi iF*na&S/Sie. .( T b e t e s t e d s a D p l e / p a r t i s B a r k e d b y a t r a r r o { i f i t ' 6 s h o r b o n t h . P h o t o . )

30429 NO.l 30429 NO.2

30429 r{O.3 30429 NO.4

Page 29: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

rF{a+R+T e s t R e p o r t # J f i ) ( N o ' ) : c I / 2 0 ] 2 / 3 0 1 2 9 E i i ( D a t . ) : 2 0 1 2 / 0 : ] / 0 8 F j t ( P , g . ) . l a o l l 5

: P € 3j1€ ii: lt lr'tr lEa 5l3A PVC l \ I tU & CrBI - l t CO. . LTD.

.trLE ti,\l rF4'.,,\!33 r &3fi\0 . 3 , L$ lE 31 , HI :CHF] \C Rt ) . , BnDU Ct fY . ' ,1 , \O ! fA \ lS lD\ , TAI ' :AN- R. O. C.

cEl2oL2l3O429 NO.5

cEl2ot2l30429 NO.7

I l l U l l l t I | l

cEl2oL2l3O429 NO.6

cEl2oL2l3O429 NO-8

Page 30: ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/files/littelfuse/... · This document covers the Low Profile /ATO P.C. Board Clips RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse,

IscsrF{'d,*t+Test Report &86(No_) : cE/2012l30129 E S ( D a t e ) : 2 0 1 2 l 0 3 / 0 8 F j R . ( P a s e ) , 1 5

" f 1 5

r* *&+J+.€, (End of Repo.r ) , *

3isa:y,:ji Ti5fi f i slli!9i3yi,i!1i:il:nl tJg"1,p:f.:uq0Fe ksEr rrL:.Fi.'e@d€mdb

" ' " , " o r c " u " " " ' . - " - " " s " * " w , j ' a " " - . * " " 1 s 0 ! e { o - 4 e r ' o * r t s { '

o * r . r u - ' - 0 . - " . " * r - d ' : d i ; ; ; ; ; i ; s ; - " ' a i ' . ' o . o1a ro - "m ' "Dn " ' - r aF - l o r \ o ' a r ' o r

;H-""r*rLl"".";"ir*l**.*:r:r"*t:"n i:,11:;" r;;.: e.;"r#l,:l;; ;"; &.;,rs,;1rHjy.t,1l.n.f't.:ij:":,:;;'tr "T:i:;;Tl&'i"li , i , . l J J " : n : e . . n j . r i ; ' n l d . f o d , ' g a l o J - F . d o , ' ; ' , d t r o i t oa;';"; a" d;dh--id dk.L,": ioEeto o, ia s hcron orbe onre o

I tf,||t|||||l|]l:P€3F€Sxr{r}Aft a 43A PVC 1IIII & CABLE CO., LTD.

*tEi {t,\{€fi 4"d.t&3r+3*NO. 3, LANE 3I, HECHENG I!., BADE CITY, TAO YUAN HSIEN, TAI1IA]{, R. O. C.

30429 ilO.g 30429 NO.ro

30429 NO.ll 30429 NO.12
