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ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000...

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ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina C. Mondino Foundation - Pavia
Page 1: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America

From Colombo 2000 experiences

to COMOESTAS Project

G. Nappi – S. Cristina

C. Mondino Foundation - Pavia

Page 2: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

Progetto COLOMBO 2000

Italia - Argentina

Page 3: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

Progetto Colombo 2000Progetto Colombo 2000Ethnic-genetic and socio-environmental factors interaction in Ethnic-genetic and socio-environmental factors interaction in neurodegenerative diseases and ciclic neurobehavioural disordersneurodegenerative diseases and ciclic neurobehavioural disorders

It sprouts at the end of the 80’s, as shared research project between Italy and Latin American Countries in the field of clinical epidemiology of nervous system diseases

– Migrant’s model- CIRNA FOUNDATION Onlus: the “engine” of Progetto Colombo 2000- COMITES

From the 1996 was officially insterted in the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Programme between the Italian and Argentine Government, until 2005.

Main partners besides C. Mondino Foundation:– Universities of Pavia, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, La Plata, Montevideo, Santiago of Chile– The Italian Hospitals of Buenos Aires, Cordoba e Montevideo, – National Research Council, – Calabria Discrict

one-third of Italian migrant workers in Argentina originated from Calabria

Page 4: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

Main Sub-Projects(1996-2005)

Establishment of a 40.000 Italian cohort resident in Argentina in order to do epidemiological studies

Mortality study on Italian population in Argentina

Neuropidemiological studies

Seeking Italian migrant families in Argentina with genetic neurological diseases Study upon ApoE genetics in Alzheimer’s disease patients of Calabrian


Study on different temporal incidence of cluster headache in different hemispheres

Validation Programme of the new IHS headache classification – italian version: Epidemiological project on menstrual migraine prevalence Connection between sleep disoders and hypnic headaches

Neurogenetic studies

Headache studies

Progetto COLOMBO 2000

Page 5: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

Events (1)Events (1) 2001-19952001-1995

2001 Aprile: Cordoba -1° Jornada Interdisciplinaria binacional Italo-Argentina sobre cefaleas del pre-mestruo

2000 Ottobre: Pavia Meeting interuniversitario Progetto COLOMBO 2000: Interazione genetica-ambiente

Ottobre: Gerace - Locri (CZ) "Progetto Colombo 2000" - Ambiente e genetica in neuroscienze.

1999 Maggio Copanello (CZ) "Progetto COLOMBO 2000“

1998 Ottobre - Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires - " Jornadas argentino-italianas sobre enfermedad de Alzheimer, enfermedad cerebrovascular y Mortalidad en enfermedades Neurologicas ". Enfoque Epidemiologico.

1997 Luglio - Edizione del volume: Italia & Argentina Sistemi Sanitari a Confronto curato dal Prof G. Nappi (Pavia) e dalla Prof.ssa L.M. Bonomi (Cordoba)Settembre – Buenos Aires Simposio speciale “COLOMBO 2000”, inserito nel XVI World Congress of Neurology.

1996 Settembre - Maratea (PZ) Seminario di epidemiologia clinica e descrittiva delle malattie del sistema nervoso

1995 Ottobre - Presentazione ufficiale del Progetto a Buenos Aires (Hospital Italiano), Cordoba (Università/Rettorato) e La Plata (Facoltà di Medicina dell'Università)

Page 6: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

Progetto COLOMBO 2000 Progetto COLOMBO 2000 and CIRNA Foundation Onlusand CIRNA Foundation Onlus

CIRNA DEL PLATA-AUSTRAL (Buenos Aires 2002):– Main aims:

To establish an eternal contact channel between Italy and Latin America in the field of research, diagnosis and care, training and information

To make easier the represantation of the affiliated Groups to the international scientific events

To make easier to get at international funds To extend projects of “e-health” and “e-learning”(management

technologies /training and tele-medicine) Human resources exchange

Page 7: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

In the track of Progetto Colombo 2000 In the track of Progetto Colombo 2000 IHS Latin linguistic SubcommitteeIHS Latin linguistic Subcommittee

International headache classification 2004 2nd edition:– Italophon (G. Nappi)– Hispanic (M. Lainez)

Buenos Aires 2002

Roma 2003

Colonia Sacramento


Page 8: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

Quando la scienza parla italiano(IHC Roma 2003)

• Nulla più nella vita di oggi può essere circoscritto all’ambito nazionale, tanto meno i sistemi di comunicazione linguistica

•Purismo, nazionalismo, “anglofobia” !

•Lingua veicolare (di lavoro) inglese

•Lingua effettiva dei popoli (nazionale/locale)Divulgazione/informazione scientifica Formazione scolastica/universitaria Dialogo medico-paziente

Nota: vi sono 50 individui al mondo che non possono parlare con nessuno poiché sono gli unici sopravvissuti parlanti un determinato idioma

Page 9: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

2008 30 ottobre: Viña del Mar - Asolac15-17 Ottobre: Varese - Advanced Course Neuropharmacology of Medicinal Plants –

Prof. F Dajas 12 giugno: Pavia – Seminario: Epidemiologia descrittiva della cefalea in Sudamerica – Prof. F. Buonanotte / Prof. C Perez

2007 7-8 settembre: Rosario – XI Jornadas Nacionales de Cefaleas 20-21 aprile: Rio de Janeiro – II Encontro Brasil-Italia de Cefaleia

2005 19/20 maggio: Pavia - Diagnosing Headache in 2005: Current Tools and a Glipmse of the Future 28 aprile: Buenos Aires: IX Jornadas Interncionales de Cefaleas: actualizaciones y controversias.

2004 13-14- settembre: Buenos Aires – Hospital Italiano - Qualification Board on Headache

11 settembre: Colonia Sacramento - III Joint Meeting of the Italian and Hispanic Linguistic Subcommitee of the IHS

2003 9-10 ottobre: Santiago del Cile – XI Congresso Panamericano di Neurologia12 settembre: Roma - II Joint Meeting of the Italian and Hispanic Linguistic Subcommittees of the IHS

2002 Settembre: Buenos Aires - I Joint Meeting of the Italian and Hispanic Linguistic Subcommitees of the IHS

Events (2) 2008-2002

Page 10: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

In the track of In the track of Progetto Colombo 2000 Progetto Colombo 2000

The “Consorzio di Bio-ingegneria e Informatica Medica” (CBIM) of Pavia Argentinian Experience (2001)

Agreement between Universities of Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Pavia and CBIM

“Prima carrera” of Bioengineering in an Argentinian University Training of technical and nursing staff (e-learning) “Quaderni di cooperazione Italo-Argentina in Sanità” (e-health)

(Nr. 0 anno 2007)

Page 11: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

In the track of Progetto Colombo 2000 In the track of Progetto Colombo 2000 Italian Hospitals abroadItalian Hospitals abroad

IPOCM Project of Health Ministry (2004)– Integrazione e Promozione degli Ospedali e Centri

sanitari italiani nel Mondo – Alleanza Ospedali Italiani nel Mondo

Referential National Health Centers World’s Italian Health Centers

– Tele-counseling– E- learning

Page 12: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

COMOESTASCOMOESTASCOntinuous MOnitoring of Medication

Overuse Headache in Europe and Latin America: development and STandardization

of an Alert and decision support System

Project Coordinator: Giuseppe Nappi

Project Manager: Cristina Tassorelli

Technological Manager: Andrea Stoppini

Page 13: ICT in Medicine: latest steps in a long-standing collaboration with Latin America From Colombo 2000 experiences to COMOESTAS Project G. Nappi – S. Cristina.

Metafora di un progetto

Al progetto illusorio del “COLOMBO – SCOPRITORE”

che propone il divenire, la ricerca, la spinta inesauribile all’evoluzione,

fa da contraltare la figura di “ULISSE – L’ASTUTO” ,

che propone un ritorno alla tranquillità, alla serenità della “domus”.

In questa dimensione il Progetto Colombo 2000 esprime

la metafora della crescita e della trasformazione:


Ulisse Colombo

Colombo 2000
