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Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs

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Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs
Prepared By: Sara Robson and Jim Kingery Project Advisors: Cathy Ford and Bill Nance Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs
Page 1: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs

Prepared By: Sara Robson and Jim KingeryProject Advisors: Cathy Ford and Bill Nance

Native Plants forIdaho RoadsideRestoration and


Page 2: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs

Idaho Native Plantsfor

Roadside Restorationand


Prepared by: Sara Robson and James Kingery

Project Advisors:Cathy Ford and Bill Nance

Cover Art by: Jennifer Peterson and Sara Robson

District 4-snowbrushDistrict 5-Indian ricegrassDistrict 6-western yarrow

District 1-blanket flowerDistrict 2-common snowberry

District 3-bluebunch wheatgrass

Idaho Transportation DepartmentHighway District cover-photo insets


Page 3: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs

The preparation of publication was financed in part throughfunds provided by the Idaho Transportation Department. Theopinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publicationare those of the authors and not necessarily those of the IdahoTransportation Department

The use of this material may be freely produced anddistributed as long as proper authority and ownership (orattribution) is given to ITD and University of Idaho.

Copyright 2006. Sara Robson M.S., James Kingery Ph. D.,Cathy Ford, and Bill Nance. The Idaho TransportationDepartment, The National Institute for AdvancedTransportation Technology, and The University of IdahoDepartment of Rangeland Ecology and Management.

Page 4: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs

Table of Contents

Introduction .........................2-3

Maps ...................................4-7

Plant Profiles.........................8-75

Forbs ..............................8-37

Grasses ...........................38-53

Shrubs ............................54-75

Glossary ..............................76-77

Cross Reference Chart ...........78-79


Research Materials ................81-83

Page 5: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs



This guide profiles a selection of plants native to the state ofIdaho. It is intended for the benefit of Idaho Transportation Department(ITD) roadside managers, native plant enthusiasts and travelers throughoutthe state interested in the use of native plant species along Idaho roadways.The goal is to incorporate more native plant species into futurerevegetation and restoration programs along Idaho roadsides. The plantsdescribed in this guide have the capacity to increase road cut stability,decrease soil erosion, and diminish the presence of weedy species.

When new roads are built, or old roads improved, the roadsideand adjacent lands are drastically altered. This physical disturbance of thelandscape requires awareness of, and attention to the biological, ecological,and engineering requirements necessary for successful construction of aproperly functioning roadway. When road cuts are left bare, these areascontribute to soil loss and play a key role in the establishment of weeds(Tyser and Worley 1992, Hobbs and Humphries 1994). Native vegetationimparts greater soil strength and requires less maintenance than weedycompetitors. Incorporating native plants with existing roadside maintenanceand road construction strategies promotes sustainability and biodiversitywhile simultaneously improving roadway stability and roadside aesthetics.

The successful inclusion and establishment of native vegetation intoany restoration project requires detailed consideration of site specifics.Each plant species is adapted to specific soil characteristics, including pH,texture, moisture, and nutrient content (Goodwin and Sheley 2003). Wateravailability and uptake also determine a plant’s capacity to germinate,establish, and compete for nutrients and space on road cuts. Accordingly,knowledge about climatic variables, such as temperature and precipitationtrends, is important when selecting suitable native plant species for anyrevegetation program.

Idaho is biologically diverse, with rugged topography and a broadrange of climatic regions and unique habitats. This guide highlights nativegrasses, forbs, and shrubs that exhibit attributes specifically adapted to thesoils, terrain, and climate in Idaho. The species descriptions in this guide areintended to facilitate easy recognition of the plants while providing practicalinformation of when, where, and how to cultivate these native plants forrestorative use.

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Species Selection Criteria

The plants in this guide were chosen primarily because they arenative to Idaho, and often native to our neighboring states. In each case,seed and other plant materials can be collected in the wild or purchasedfrom a variety of reputable native plant nurseries throughout the state.None of the species in this guide are listed as threatened or endangeredunder the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973. Populations of ESA-listed species are often challenged, and grow only in very specific habitats. Inorder to help protect these challenged species from collection andwidespread sale, they are not included in the guide. It is critical to verify thestatus, origin, and nativity of each seed or cultivar prior to planting, and touse seed/plant propagules collected or cultivated in close proximity to theproject area. The species described in this guide have a high likelihood ofestablishment, and many have considerable longevity. Probability ofestablishment aside, these plants also maintain characteristics that improvesoil stability, and withstand drought, flood, or extreme temperatureswithout obstructing roadway visibility.

Using the Guide

The plant species in this guide are arranged in sections of grasses,forbs, and shrubs. Each of these growth forms are then arrangedalphabetically using the accepted scientific name currently used by theNatural Resources Conservation Service Plants Database. Each descriptionoffers tools for identification, along with information about the plant’secology, natural history, cultural use, and propagation techniques. The guidealso specifies appropriate environmental settings for each plant. A quick-reference chart, arranged alphabetically by common name, is located at theback of the guide, listing significant plant attributes such as root form anddrought tolerance. A small Idaho Highway District map is included witheach species description to depict suitable regions for planting. Detailedmaps of Idaho Highways, Highway Districts, precipitation trends, andecological regions are located in the front of the guide.


A map section is included for spatial reference. A road map showsthe main arteries of Idaho’s highways and byways. A highway district mapis included to illustrate the boundaries for jurisdiction and delineate areassuitable for specific species. A map of Idaho’s precipitation trend isincluded because water availability is often one of the most limiting factorsfor native plant establishment. Additionally a map of Idaho’s ecoregionsdefines areas that have similar climatic and ecological traits such as soils,elevation range, annual precipitation, and area geology. Omernick (1987)coined the term ecoregion, and the concept of combined landscape scaleattributes is very useful in the restoration and revegetation arena.

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Federal & State Highways

Scenic Byways

Idaho Road Map


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Idaho Transportation DepartmentHighway Districts

LegendIdaho Highway Districts


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Idaho Annual Precipitation Trend

Ledend (in inches)

Under 1010 to 2020 to 3030 to 4040 to 5050 to 6060 to 7070 to 8080 to 9090 to 100above 100

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Idaho Ecoregions withIdaho Highway Districts

LegendIdaho Highway Districts

Blue Mountains

Columbia PlateauIdaho BatholithMiddle Rockies

Northern RockiesSnake River PlainWasatch and Uinta MountainsWyoming Basin

Idaho Ecoregions

Northern Basin and Range

Central Basin and Range

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Achillea millefoliumWestern yarrow, Milfoil

Ann Debolt

Cathy Ford Sara Robson

Growth Habit: Erect, aromatic, rhizomatous, perennial forb, growing to 2feet, with a fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Inflorescences are compound corymbscomprised of numerous radiate flowers with small white to cream-coloredray flowers, and tiny white to pink disk flowers. Leaves are fernlike andhighly dissected, alternate, and pinnate, up to 6 inches long. Stems are erectup to 40 inches with some side branching.

Jennifer Peterson

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Western yarrowThe Sunflower Family:Asteraceae

Bloom Time: May to August

Ecology: Western yarrow has abroad ecological extent, rangingfrom 200-9,000 feet in elevation andhas the ability to colonize multiplehabitat types and climatic zones,especially areas of disturbance.While western yarrow has a lowpalatability rating, it is eaten bydomestic and wild grazers early inthe season.

Cultural History: Several NativeTribes used western yarrow for painrelief, and some used it for astimulant or fever reduction. Thegenus name is derived from Achillesof Greek mythology, as in Achilles’heel. Dried and ground westernyarrow flowers and seed can also beused as a seasoning that is similar topepper.

Seed Collection: Collect globe-like seedhead from mid-August tomid-September into paper bags. Theseed is very small, flat and gray.

Seed Treatment: Separate seedfrom inflorescence by rubbingtogether and sifting chaff. Small seedlots can be cleaned by hand, whilelarge amounts of seed requirespecialized equipment such as an aircolumn separator for effectivecleaning. Western yarrow requiresno pre-planting seed treatment.

Planting: Plant seeds shallow in thesoil from March through April.Permanent establishment may takeup to two growing seasons.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-20+ inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on a variety of weaklydeveloped, well-drained soils.

Uses in Restoration: This specieshas fibrous roots, is extremelydrought tolerant, and grows well inareas of disturbance making it anexcellent species for roadsiderevegetation.

Idaho Highway Districts:Western yarrow is suitable for partsof Idaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, and 6.

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Artemesia ludovicianaPrairie sage, Western mugwort, Wormwood,White sage

Sara RobsonMary Ellen (Mel) Harte,www.forestryimages.org

Sara Robson

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte,www.forestryimages.org

Growth Habit: Aromatic, rhizomatous, ground-covering, perennial forb/sub-shrub, growing to 3 ¼ feet, with a coarse fibrous root system and aprominent taproot.

Botanical Description: Numerous small flower heads are composed ofpale yellow disk flowers. Lower leaves are deeply pinnate with pointedsegments. Upper leaves are lanceolate and entire. Foliage is whitened andemits distinct sagebrush odor when crushed.

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Prairie sageThe Sunflower Family:Asteraceae

Bloom Time: July to August

Ecology: White sage occursthroughout the western U.S. in adiverse ecological range, from dryopen grasslands and shrublands toforested communities, ranging from3,000-10,000 feet in elevation.Although a late seral species, itestablishes quickly followingdisturbance. White sage providescover for small mammals and foragefor many species of rabbit and deer.

Cultural History: “Ludoviciana”is Latin for Louisiana. The smokefrom this plant was used by NativeTribes in ceremonies to purifypeople or animals, spaces, andinanimate objects. This plant wasused medicinally by numerousNative Tribes for ailments rangingfrom headaches and stomachaches.

Seed Collection: Collect seed byhand in early autumn. Strip seedhead at maturity, or cut with a sickleinto cloth seed bags.

Seed Treatment: Allow seed todry in cloth bags, separate fromseed head by rubbing together andsift to clean. A two week coldstratification at 35-40 0F is requiredto break seed dormancy.

Planting: Sow seed in fall or springby direct broadcast seeding.Container plants or greenhouseplugs transplant well in spring or fall.Permanent establishment may takeup to three years.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-20+ inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on dry, rocky soils,with sandy clay textures, and cantolerate slightly acidic to basic soils.

Uses in Restoration: With aminimum rooting depth of 18inches, white sage is droughttolerant and plays an important rolein initial soil cover and slopestabilization. Because it is quick toestablish, it thrives in disturbed areasand dry open sites, and forms arhizomatous mat. It is an excellentcomponent for roadsiderevegetation programs.

Idaho Highway Districts: Whitesage is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Balsamhoriza sagitataArrowleaf balsamroot

Sara RobsonSara Robson

Jennifer Peterson

Growth Habit: Erect, unbranched, rhizomatous, aromatic, perennial forb,growing to 3½ feet, with a deep taproot.

Botanical Description: Radiate inflorescences are comprised of yellow,ovate ray flowers toothed at the apex, approximately 1 inch long; diskflowers are yellow and tube shaped. Leaves are basal, approximately 12inches long, heart-shaped with entire margins and fine silvery hairs onunderside. Flower stems are pubescent, growing to 30 inches with fewreduced leaves. Seed is a glabrous achene.

Unversity of Idaho StillingerHerbarium,Moscow, Idaho

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Arrowleaf balsamrootThe Sunflower Family:Asteraceae

Bloom Time: April to July alongan altitudinal gradient

Ecology: Arrowleaf balsamroot isdistributed across the westernUnited States, in open dry areaswith a southern exposure. It haswide ecological amplitude occurringthroughout Idaho from sagebrushto forested areas and ranging inelevation from 3,500-8,000 feet.Balsamroot can withstand grazingpressure, but has a low palatabilityrating and is not readily selectedforage.

Cultural History: Arrowleafbalsamroot was integral in NativeTribes diets; leaves and stems wereeaten raw, seeds were roasted andground, and roots were baked.Medicinally, it was employed toalleviate pain from burns, cuts, insectbites, and was used to treat illnessessuch as tuberculosis, arthritis, andheadaches.

Seed Collection: Collect seed inlate summer when flowers are dry,and seeds are dark brown or black.

Seed Treatment: Crushflowerheads to remove seed and siftto clean. Store seed in paper bags at40 °F and 40% humidity. Extendedcold and moist stratification arerequired to break seed dormancy.

Planting: Sow seeds in October toDecember for direct seeding. Thegermination period will extend fromMarch to April. Tubelings have ahigher establishment rate than directseeding. Plant tubelings in late fall toover-winter outside and adapt tospecific environmental conditions.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-25 inches of annual precipitation,best suited in areas with greater than10 inches.

Soils: Occurs on well-drained, fineto medium-textured soils.

Uses in Restoration: Arrowleafbalsamroot is extremely droughttolerant, and once established, has alarge taproot that provides forincreased sub-surface soil stability,making it an excellent species forroadside revegetation.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Delphinium bicolorLittle larkspur

Sara Robson

Sara Robson Sara Robson

Botanical Description: Flowers are large, irregular, and blue and/white,with 5 petal-like sepals; the upper sepal has a ¼-½ inch spur. Two pairs ofsmall petals are nested inside the sepals, where the top pair often exhibitsprominent white or blue veins, while the lower petals are cupped. Leaves aresimple, alternate, and mostly basal; the linear dissections of each leaf give apalmate appearance. Stems are hollow, and glabrous to slightly scabrous,with little branching. The fruit is a three-sided, pod-like follicle containingnumerous winged seeds. Sometimes difficult distinquishing from closerelative Delphinium nuticaulis, which has similar characteristics but its leavesare more deeply lobed and thinner, and grows in the northern latitudes.

Growth Habit: Weakly erect, low growing, cool season, perennial forb,growing from 4-24 inches, with a fleshy, fibous root system.

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Little larkspurThe Buttercup Family:Ranunculaceae

Bloom Time: May to early July

Ecology: Larkspur is found inmoist areas, on varying slopes, fromelevations ranging from 3,000-10,000feet. It is a late seral species and isgrazed by wildlife including elk,pronghorn, upland game birds, andsmall mammals. It is also grazed bydomestic livestock, but is consideredtoxic to cattle, and can also beharmful to horses and sheep.

Cultural History: Some NativeAmerican Tribes used a larkspurpoultice to ward off lice and otherinsects. “Delphinium” is a Latinderived word meaning “dolphin”which the flower shape resembles.

Seed Collection: Clip entire seedpod when flower color fades andallow to dry in the pod.

Seed Treatment: Crush pod toremove seed and sift to removechaff. Larkspur seed requires coldstratification to break seeddormancy and promotegermination.

Planting: Direct seeding in fallincorporates natural coldstratification. It is difficult tosuccessfully transplant this species.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-12 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on well-drained,loamy soils.

Uses in Restoration: Fibrousroots help stabilize upper soilhorizons and the species adds bothcolor and biodiversity whenincorporated into a restorative seedmix. Little larkspur readily colonizesdisturbed areas such as roadsides.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Eriogonum umbellatumSulpher flower buckwheat

Sara Robson

Growth Habit: Long-lived, low-growing, semi-evergreen, ground-coveringforb, growing from 6 -12 inches, with a fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Tiny flowers are white to bright yellow arrangedin dense clusters (umbels). The flowering stems have a whorl of small leavesbelow the flowering clusters. Basal leaves form large mats up to 3 feet indiameter. Leaves are green on upper surface and pubescent and grayish onleaf underside.

Stillinger Herbarium

Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Ann Debolt

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Sulfer flower buckwheatThe Buckwheat Family:Polygonaceae

Bloom Time: June to August

Ecology: Sulfur flower buckwheatgrows in sagebrush desert, ongravelly ridges, talus slopes, foothills,and mountainous areas throughoutthe Intermountain West, ranging inelevation from 3,000-8,000 feet. Somebirds eat the seeds of this species,and may help with seed dispersal.

Cultural History: Teas andpoultices made from this specieshave a variety of medicinal valuesincluding eyewash, intestinalproblems, hip and back pain, anddiscomfort during childbirth.

Seed Collection: Remove wholeflowers when rust colored and dry.Seeds fall out of the achene byrubbing flowers together.

Seed Treatment: Soak seeds in acold water bath for 24 hours priorto planting. Alternatively, soak seedin a 1:500 mixture of gibberellic acidand water for 5 hours prior toplanting.

Planting: Sow seed directly intosoil in the spring, covering seedlightly with soil. Seed can begreenhouse germinated andtransplanted as containers or plugsin spring or fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areaswith 14-40 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Occurs on weakly developed,well-drained soils. Sulpher flowerbuckwheat also has a high tolerancefor salinity.

Uses in Restoration: Because thisspecies is very cold and droughttolerant, it is an excellent additionto roadside seed mixes.

Idaho Highway Districts:Sulphur flower buckwheat is suitablefor parts of Idaho Highway Districts1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Eurybia glaucaGray aster

J.S. Peterson @ USDA-NRCS PLANTSDatabase

Sara Robson

Growth Habit: Perennial, cool-season, multi-stemmed, highly branched,perennial forb, growing from 15-24 inches with a fibrous root system.

Botanical Description: Composite flowers are violet (occasionally white)borne in corymbs. Leaves are linear to oblong, 1-2 inches in length withentire margins and are pale green in color. Stems are glabrous and highlydissected. Fruit is an achene.

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Gray asterThe Sunflower Family:Asteraceae

Bloom Time: June to July alongan altitudinal gradient

Ecology: Gray aster is found inarid and semi-arid habitats, openareas, north-facing slopes, and openwoodlands, ranging in elevationfrom 3,000-10,000 feet. This species isnot palatable to domestic or wildgrazers.

Seed Collection: Hand collectseeds when achenes are fully mature.Store seed under refrigeration insealed containers.

Seed Treatment: Gray astergerminates well without pre-plantingscarification.

Planting: Direct seeding in the fallincorporates needed temperaturestratification.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with10-20 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Commonly found onmedium-to coarse-textured dry soilswith neutral pH.

Uses in Restoration: With aminimum rooting depth of 10inches, gray aster works well tostabilize surface soils. This species isalso extremely cold tolerant andmoderately drought tolerant.

Idaho Highway Districts: Grayaster is suitable for all or parts ofdistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, especiallyat higher elevations.

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Gaillardia aristataGaillardia, Indian blanketflower, Brown-eyed-Susan

Sara Robson

Cathy Ford

Growth Habit: Slender, erect, moderately branched, cool-season,bunched, perennial forb, growing up to 2½ feet, with a taproot.

Botanical Description: Showy flower-heads are about 1-1 ½ inches wide,with ray flowers red at base yellowing towards a broad toothed apex; diskflowers are small and dark in color. Leaves are alternate, entire (occasionallytoothed). Stems are branched and leafy toward the base. Both leaves andstems have coarse silvery hairs.

Sara Robson

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GaillardiaThe Sunflower Family:Asteraceae

Bloom Time: May to September

Ecology: Native to the UnitedStates and found along roadsides. Ittolerates heat and dryness, andthrives in sandy plains and desertsranging in elevation from 5,000-9,000feet. Gaillardia is considered poorgrazing forage, but Schinia masoni, amoth, is able to use gaillardia forcamouflaged protection frompredators. Like many members ofthe Asteraceae family, gaillardia hascomposite flower heads comprisedof ray and disk flowers.

Cultural History: Gaillardia isone of the notable species found byLewis and Clark’s Corps ofDiscovery.

Seed Collection: Collect seed byhand from mid-July to late August.The prickly seedhead can be clippedfrom stems; spread seedheads outto dry in a protected environment.

Seed Treatment: No pre-plantingseed treatment is required.

Planting: Sow seed shallowly intosoil in the spring. Seed can also begerminated in the greenhouse andtransplanted from containers orplugs in spring or fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areaswith 16-30 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Commonly occurs on coarse-textured, well-drained soils.

Uses in Restoration: Gaillardia isa brilliant, late-season roadsideflower with quick-rooting capacityand moderate drought tolerance.When mature, the taprootpenetrates to depths greater than 16inches.

Idaho Highway Districts:Gaillardia is suitable for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5and 6, especially the northerndistricts.

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Geranium viscosissimumSticky purple geranium, Crane’s-bill geranium

Growth Habit: Erect, low-growing, aromatic, perennial forb, growing to 2feet, with a taproot.

Botanical Description: Flowers have five petals, are white to pinkish-purple, appearing in open clusters on forked stems about 2-3 inches abovethe leaves. Leaves are typically basal, palmate with toothed tips, pubescent,and range in size from 1-1 ½ inches.

Cathy Ford

Sara Robson Sara Robson

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Sticky purple geraniumThe Geranium Family:Geraniaceae

Bloom Time: May to August

Ecology: Sticky purple geranium isone of the most widely distributedflowering plants of westernrangelands, found in a variety ofhabitat types, ranging from lowelevation grasslands of 1,000 feet toopen forests at 10,000 feet. Thisspecies is a food source to smallmammals, wild grazers, and bears.

Cultural History: Herbalists haveemployed many members of theGeranium family to diminishbleeding, and treat ailments suchdiarrhea, sore eyes, mouth sores,and chapped lips. This species wastraditionally used by Native Tribesto treat colds and sore throats.

Seed Collection: Collect seed byhand in mid-August before thecapsules split, placing seed intopaper bags. Spread to dry underfine mesh to capture seed ascapsules open.

Seed Treatment: Scarify seedwith fine-grit sand paper followedby a 24-hour cold water soak.

Planting: A greenhouse settingprovides greater germinationsuccess. Transplant seedlings intopots in spring, and permanentlytransplant in the fall when roots areestablished. If direct seeding, sowseed in fall covering lightly with soil;germination will be sporadic andestablishment may take up to 3years.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with10-20+ inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Commonly occurs on dry,well-drained soils, but grows in avariety of soil textures.

Uses in Restoration: Stickypurple geranium exhibits rapid rootformation and subsequentestablishment, adding color anddiversity to a restoration project.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Hedysarum borealBoreal sweetvetch, Northern sweetvetch,Western sweetvetch

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte, ,www.forestryimages.org Sara Robson

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte, ,www.forestryimages.org

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte,www.forestryimages.org

Growth Habit: Erect, sparsely branched, aromatic, perennial forb growingto 2 feet, with a deep, fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Inflorescence is pink to purple arranged inelongated flower clusters called racemes. Flowers are perfect, irregular wherethe keel is longer than the banner and wing petals. Leaves are compoundpinnate with 9-15, 1/3 inch leaflets. Stems bearing flowers are leafless.

Dave Skinner

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Boreal sweetvetchThe Pea Family: Fabaceae

Bloom Time: July to August

Ecology: Boreal sweetvetchtypically occurs on grassy slopes,rocky hillsides, and shrublands,ranging in elevation from 4,000-9,500feet. This plant is palatable to mostgrazing animals.

Cultural History: Appropriately,the scientific name is derived fromthe Greek root “hedys” meaningsweet, and “arum” for smell, asmost plants of this genus arefragrant.

Seed Collection: Collect seedsfrom pods in late August into clothor paper bags; allow to dry prior tocleaning.

Seed Treatment: Remove seedsfrom pods by rubbing together, siftto remove chaff. Soak seeds in acold water bath for 24 hours priorto planting.

Planting: Sow seed directly intosoil in the spring, covering seedlightly with soil. Seed can begreenhouse germinated andtransplanted from containers orplugs in spring or fall. Inoculationwith bacteria increases the nitrogen-fixing capacity of this legume.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with12-18 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on well-drained,acidic, sandy or loamy soils, andprefers sunlight and moist soilconditions.

Uses in Restoration: Like manyspecies of the pea family, Borealsweetvetch forms relationships withsoil microbes that enhance its abilityto fix nitrogen in the soil. The deeptaproot establishes quickly andresists disturbances and disease.

Idaho Highway Districts: Borealsweetvetch is best suited for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, and 6.

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Ipomopsis aggregataScarlet gilia, Skyrocktet, Skyrocket gilia

Sara RobsonSara Robson

Growth Habit: Erect, unbranched, short-lived, biennial or perennial forb,growing to 3 ½ feet, with a taproot.

Botanical Description: Flowers are scarlet or occasionally whitish withscarlet spots, trumpet shaped and showy ranging from ½-1 ½ inches longand clustered at branch apex. Leaves are mostly basal, but become smallerhigher on the stem, approximately 1-4 inches long, pinnate and welldissected.

Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

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Scarlet giliaThe Phlox Family: Polemoniaceae

Bloom Time: June to August

Ecology: Scarlet gilia is found inmountainous areas throughout theIntermountain West from foothillelevations of 2,000 feet tomountainous zones up to 8,000 feet.This phlox family member prefersdry meadows, open woodlands, andgrows in rocky or cliff areas.Hummingbirds, bees, and butterfliesall flock to the vibrant red flowers ofthis species. Scarlet gilia issusceptible to fungal attack in dampareas.

Cultural History: Native Tribesvalued this plant’s medicinal value. Itwas employed for multiple medicalailments. Tea was brewed to treatchildren’s colds and for bloodtroubles. It was also used to makeglue and a blue dye from the roots.Interestingly, when crushed, leavesand flowers have a skunk-like odor.

Seed Collection: Hand collectseeds in fall.

Seed Treatment: Soak seed in a 1:500 mixture of gibberellic acid withwater for 5 hours. Rinse with water.

Planting: Sow in fall; rake in lightly.Germination is sporadic and plantsgenerally do not bloom until thesecond season.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-20 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on fertile, well-drained, sandy-textured soils.

Uses in Restoration: Scarlet giliais drought tolerant, has minimalrequirements for germination andestablishment, and is relatively easyto grow. This species is also an easilyrecognized, colorful plant thatoccurs naturally along Idahoroadsides, making it an excellentaddition to roadside seed mixes.

Idaho Highway Districts: Asuitable plant for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Linum lewisiiBlue flax, Prairie flax

Sara Robson

Idaho Transportation Department

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Growth Habit: Semi-evergreen, perennial forb growing to 2½ feet, with ataproot.

Botanical Description: Showy blue flowers are displayed in looseclusters. Flowers have five petals, five sepals, and five stamens. Leaves arealternate, simple, and smooth.

Sara Robson

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Blue flaxThe Flax Family: Linaceae

Bloom Time: May to July

Ecology: This species is highlyadaptable and suitable for elevationsranging from 800-10,000 feet. Thisplant grows in open, hot, dry sites,as well as in sagebrush, juniper, andmountain brush communities. Blueflax has fair forage value for wildlifeand livestock. Linum perene, anaturalized European flax biotype, iscommonly associated with its nativecounterpart.

Cultural History: MeriwetherLewis described this plant in 1805.Many flax species are used in textilesbecause the stems have strongnatural fibers, and oil can be pressedfrom its seed. Although blue flaxdoes not produce fiber or oil, it isextremely hardy and often has twoannual blooming flushes.

Seed Collection: Hand collectseed from July to mid August.Tennis rackets work well to beat theseed from the plant into a bucket orseed bag.

Seed Treatment: No pre-plantingseed treatment is required.

Planting: Sow seed directly intosoil in the spring, covering seedlightly with soil. Seed can also begerminated in the greenhouse andtransplanted from containers orplugs.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with10-24 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Commonly occurs in well-drained soils with moderately basicto slightly acidic pH.

Uses in Restoration: This speciesis extremely drought and coldtolerant. It is useful for increasingroadside soil stability, enhancingplant diversity, and improvingroadside aesthetics.

Idaho Highway Districts: Blueflax is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Page 33: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Lupinus sericeusSilky lupine, Blue bonnet lupine

Sara Robson

Growth Habit: Showy, erect, cool-season, perennial forb, growing to 2feet, with a deep, fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Irregularly shaped sweet-pea-like (bilabiate)flowers are ¼-¼ inch long, and arranged on stalks in 3-5 inch racemoseinflorescence. Flower color ranges from shades of blue to purple, yellow, orwhite. Leaves are palmately compound and alternate, reducing in sizefurther up the stem. Flat hairs appear on leaves and stems lending to silveryappearance. Typically there are several sparsely-branched stems. Silky pods,approximately 1-inch long produce small brown seed.

Sara Robson

Sara Robson

Sara Robson


Page 34: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Silky lupineThe Pea Family: Fabaceae

Bloom Time: May to August

Ecology: Silky lupine occurs ondry, rocky, and varied slopes rangingin elevation from 1,500-10,000 feet.This plant is very toxic to sheep andmoderately toxic to other livestock,and can cause birth defects in cattle.After fire or other repeateddisturbance, this plant often re-sprouts from a woody stem justbelow the soil surface called thecaudex. Lupine flowers tend tochange color after pollination, whichis why a single plant can have multi-colored inflorescence. Additionally,the roots have a nitrogen-fixingcapacity, allowing silky lupine togrow in areas deficient in nitrogen.

Cultural History: The commonname “silky lupine” originates fromits Latin roots; “sericeus” meaning“silky.” This species was used bysome Native Tribes to treat eyeirritations.

Seed Collection: Collect seedinto paper bags when pods are tan.Lupine can be challenging to collectdue to staggered seed maturity.Spread collected seed pods out todry and cover with a fine mesh tocapture seed as it erupts from pods.

Seed Treatment: Sift seed toremove chaff and store in paperbags. Soak seeds in hot water for 1-3 minutes; follow directly with a 24-hour cold water soak. After waterscarification, seed requires a 30 daycold/moist stratification.

Planting: Sow seed in late fall toincorporate natural coldstratification during the wintermonths. Although it can survivetransplanting, it establishes best withdirect seeding. Inoculate lupine seedwith Rhizobium when planting topromote nitrogen-fixing capacity.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-14 inches of annual precipitation;best suited for areas with 10-20inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Commonly occurs on avariety of well-drained soils.

Uses in Restoration: A verylong-lived, showy perennial, with soilnitrogen-fixing capacity and asubstantial taproot, excellent for soilstabilization.

Idaho Highway Districts: Silkylupine is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Penstemon venustusVenus penstemon, Lovely penstemon, Beardtounge

Sara RobsonDave Skinner

Growth Habit: Medium-lived, erect, perennial growing to 2 ½ feet, with afibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Pink to purple flowers are tubular with distinctupper and lower parts of the corolla, and arranged in loose clusters. Leavesare opposite, decussate (pairs are perpendicular to each other above andbelow), and finely toothed.

Dave Skinner

Page 36: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Venus penstemonThe Figwort Family:Scrophulariaceae

Bloom Time: May to August

Ecology: Venus penstemon growsat elevations ranging from 1,000-6,000feet in elevation. This penstemonspecies is predominantly found inwestern parts of Idaho. Venuspenstemon may be an indicator ofprevious disturbance when found onadjacent, more favorable sites.

Cultural History: The term“penstemon” is derived from theGreek words “pente” meaning fiveand “stemon” meaning stamen,referring to the five stamens.

Seed Collection: Hand harvestby stripping seed capsules when dry,usually in late summer. Clean seedshould be dried and stored in a cooldry place.

Seed Treatment: No pre-plantingseed treatment is required.

Planting: Shallowly broadcast seedin spring or fall. Early spring seedingwill emerge the following season,flowers will establish during thesecond growing season.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with20-40 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on a variety of well-drained, disturbed soils.

Uses in Restoration: Venuspenstemon is an excellent soilstabilizer, and it is very cold anddrought tolerant. This speciesimproves roadside aesthetics and isan excellent component of roadsideseed mixes.

Idaho Highway Districts: Venuspenstemon is suitable for IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, and thewestern half of 4.

Page 37: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Symphyotrichum spathulatumWestern mountain aster

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte, ,www.forestryimages.org

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte, ,www.forestryimages.org

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte, ,www.forestryimages.org

Growth Habit: Erect, showy, perennial, growing to 2½ feet with ataproot.

Botanical Description: Blue to purple ray flowers and yellow disk floretscompose a large compound inflorescence. Leaves are blade-like andpubescent. Stem is highly branched with a single inflorescence on eachterminal branch.

Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte, ,www.forestryimages.org Sara Robson

Page 38: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Western mountain asterThe Sunflower Family:Asteraceae

Bloom Time: July to September

Ecology: Western mountain asteris found in open moist areas, northfacing slopes and open woodlands,ranging in elevation from 3,000-10,000feet.

Cultural History: The Latin word“aster” means “star”. When used inplant names, it often refers to theappearance of the flowerhead whichis an arrangement of many rayflowers and disk florets. Together,the multiple flowers comprise acompound inflorescence. Scientificnames continually change to reflectnew-found genetic relationships inthe plant kingdom; S. spathulatum isno exception and was once calledAster occidentalis.

Seed Collection: Collect seed inSeptember using a rechargeablehand-held vacuum. This methodgathers only mature seed, leavingundeveloped seed to ripen. Storeseeds in paper bags at roomtemperature.

Seed Treatment: Separate seedfrom pappus by rubbing over a finemesh screen and sifting the chaff.Larger amounts of seed may requireusing a hammermill and air screenequipment. Store clean seed at 40 °Fprior to planting. No pre-plantingscarification or temperaturestratification is required.

Planting: Sow seed in early spring,germination will occur within 3-4weeks. Greenhouse germinationcombined with transplanting in theearly spring is an alternativepropagation method for westernmountain aster.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with10 to 20 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Adapted to deep well-drained soils.

Uses in Restoration: Westernmountain aster is an excellentaddition to roadside seed mixes.Once established, it is a prolific seedproducer and readily reseeds itself.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is appropriate for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, and4, especially the northern districts.

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Thermopsis montanaMountain goldenpea, Mountain golden banner,False lupine

Sara Robson

Dan Bryant

Growth Habit: Erect, rhizomatous, colony-forming, perennial forbgrowing to 3 feet, with a deep, fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Flowers are yellow, sweet-pea-like (bilabiate),forming an erect and dense raceme. Three smooth leaflets comprisealternate, trifoliate leaves on branched stems. Branches have distinct largestipules. Seed pods are 2-3 inches long with 3-7 seeds per pod.

Sara Robson

Sara Robson

Page 40: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Mountain goldenpeaThe Pea Family: Fabaceae

Bloom Time: May to August

Ecology: Occurs in moistmeadows, open forests, anddisturbed areas, ranging in elevationfrom 2,500-7,000 feet. The rootshave a nitrogen-fixing capacity,allowing them to thrive in areas withdisturbed or degraded soils.Mountain goldenpea is highlycompetitive, can withstand heavygrazing, and can regenerate after fire.

Cultural History: “Thermopsis”is derived from the Greek originwhich translates to “like a lupine.”There is evidence that thequinolizidine alkaloids in this speciesare potentially hazardous to cattleand horses.

Seed Collection: Collect seed inJuly and August when dry podsfirst split. Pods can be collected andstored in paper bags until cleaning.

Seed Treatment: Crush pods inhand to remove seed, and sift toclean. Scarify seed in a 180 °F hotwater bath and allow to cool inwater for several hours. Inoculateseeds with the appropriateRhizobium to enhance nitrogen-fixing properties.

Planting: Sow seed into tubes in agreenhouse in January, keeping seedamply watered for best germinationresults. Transplant well-rootedvegetative propagules in spring orfall. If seeding, sow seed in fall forspring emergence; direct seeding hasvery low germination percentage.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with10-16 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Adapted to well-drained,sandy soils, but grows in a variety ofsoil textures.

Uses in Restoration: Mountaingoldenpea is a nitrogen-fixing specieswith a strong underground rootsystem, excellent for soil-slopestabilization.

Idaho Highway Districts:Mountain goldenpea is suitable forparts of Idaho Highway Districts 1,2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, especially thenorthern districts.

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Achnatherum hymenoidesIndian ricegrass, Sand bunchgrass

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Growth Habit: A medium lived perennial, cool season grass that formsdense clumps and grows to heights ranging from 4 in. to 2 ft. tall. Willreproduce via seeds and tillers

Botanical Description: Inflorescence is a spreading panicle with singleterminal flowers on each hair like branch. Flowers are perfect, producinground, black seeds covered with short, white hairs. Leaves are slender andtightly rolled; growing from clump’s base

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org Sara Robson

Page 42: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Indian ricegrassFamily: Poaceae

Tribe: Stipeae

Bloom Time: May (lowerelevations) to July (higher elevations)

Ecology: Indian ricegrass occurs atelevations ranging from 2,000 to10,000 feet. Indian ricegrass anextremely palatable plant fordomestic livestock and wildlife yearround, but is not considered a hayspecies.

Cultural History: The seed ofIndian ricegrass is very nutritiousand was once a staple food of manyNative Tribes.

Seed Collection: Collect seed inlate June or early July into paperbags. Although the seed is verysmall, when ripe, it falls readily fromplant.

Seed Treatment: Requires a coldstratification or scarification

Planting: Seed Indian ricegrass invery early spring or late fall. Standscan take up to five years to fullyestablish.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with7-20 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Adapted to sandy, welldrained soils, course-textured soils,and does not tolerate poorlydrained soils. Indian ricegrass is adrought tolerant species.

Uses in Restoration: Veryeffective soil stabilizer for areasaffected by wind erosion and lowrainfall.

Idaho Highway Districts: Indianricegrass is suitable for IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Page 43: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Carex nebrascensisNebraska sedge

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Growth Habit: Densely tufted, cool season, rhizomatous, fibrous rooted,perennial sedge growing from 8-36 inches.

Botanical Description: Inflorescence is a narrow terminal spike; terminalspikes are staminate (male), lateral spikes are pistilate (female). Staminatespikes are comprised of several flowers with dark scales, pistilate spikes arecomprised of many small florets with dark brown or black scales. The fruit isan achene. Leaf blades are alternate, flat, linear, and channeled near the base.Stems are triangular and erect.

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Sara Robson

Sara Robson

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

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Nebraska sedgeThe Sedge Family: Cyperaceae

Bloom Time: May to July

Ecology: Nebraska sedge grows inwet meadows, wetlands, alongstream banks, springs, fresh marshes,lake shores, and in ditches, and ishighly palatable forage for domesticand wild grazers. It has an altitudinalrange from mid-elevations up to9,000 feet. This species is one of thesedges associated with sagebrushcommunities. Because Nebraskasedge is a common riparian species,its presence or absence is anindicator of grazing effects onriparian areas.

Cultural History: The stems ofthis species were eaten by NativeTribes in times of famine.

Seed Collection: Collect seeds infall by clipping inflorescence into apaper bag.

Seed Treatment: Clean seed byrubbing against fine gauged screen,and sift or fan to remove chaff.Scarify seeds with 100 gritsandpaper. Stratify seeds for 30days at 37 °F.

Planting: Sow seeds in fall toinitiate natural cold stratification.Plant plugs or containerized plantsin early spring or early fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with3+ inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on moist clay loams,grows in a wide variety of soiltextures, and tolerates moderatelyacidic pH values.

Uses in Restoration: The dense,deep, root structure enhances soilstability and compaction resistance.This species is very useful forroadways along water bodies.

Idaho Highway Districts:Nebraska sedge is appropriate forparts of Idaho Highway Districts 1,2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Deschampsia caespitosaTufted hairgrass, Tussock grass

Growth Habit: Native, cool season, erect, long-lived, dense perennialbunch grass growing to 48 in.

Botanical Description: Panicle inflorescence is generally narrow, andoften nodding. The whorled branches bear spikelets at or near the tips.Spikelets are comprised of 2 to 3 flowers, each with two basally awnedflorets. Stems (culms) are hollow, erect and smooth. Leaves are flat,sometimes folded. Blades have tiny angled hairs (magnification required toview) on the margins and the top of the blade, hairs are absent on the lowerblade.

Sara Robson

Sara RobsonSara Robson

Sara Robson

Page 46: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Tufted hairgrassFamily: Poaceae

Tribe: Aveneae

Bloom Time: July to September

Ecology: Tufted hairgrass is foundfrom sea level to 14,000 ft, fromgrassland to open forestcommunities. Tufted hairgrass alsothrives in wetter areas, although itrarely occurs in dense shade. It isconsidered a component of climaxcommunities, and is a facultativewetland species in Montana.

Cultural History: Tufted hairgrassis important in wetland communitiesfor filtering sediments andpollutants, and providing food andnesting cover for a variety of birdsand rodents.

Seed Collection: Seeds arecollected from mid-August to mid-September when the seed is tan,mostly hardened, but not yetshattered. The seeds can becollected by shaking theinflorescence into a paper bag.

Seed Treatment: Spread seed ona sheltered tarp to dry for 3 to 5days, until no moisture is present.Because the seed is so small, cleaningthis seed is difficult. Large amountsof seed can be cleaned withmechanical equipment, while smallamounts of seed can be sifted byhand, but takes considerable manuallabor. Tufted hairgrass seed requiresa 10-day cold stratification between32 °C to 34 °C followed by awarm stratification between 72 °Cto 77 °C.

Planting: Direct seeding in thespring or late fall is best. If possible,keep the area moist for 14 days toenhance germination andestablishment.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with20-40 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Tufted hairgrass is adaptedto a variety of soil types such assandy loams, silt loams, and clays. InIdaho it is generally found ongranitic material.

Uses in Restoration: Tuftedhairgrass is adaptable to a variety ofenvironments, and is an excellentcompetitor, especially on disturbedsites.

Idaho Highway Districts: Tuftedhairgrass is appropriate for areas indistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Elymus elymoidesSquirreltail, Bottlebrush squirreltail

Jennifer Peterson

Sara Robson

Growth Habit: A short-lived, cool season, bunchgrass growing up to 20inches with a fibrous root system.

Botanical Description: Erect spike inflorescence have 2-3 spikelets pernode, each having 2-6 florets. Florets have ¼-½ inch awns which spread asthe plant matures, forming a bristly “bottlebrush” appearance. Leaves areflat or slightly rolled inward (involute) and grow 2-8 inches long.

Jennifer Peterson

Stillinger Herbarium

Page 48: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


SquirreltailThe Grass Family: Poaceae

The Wheat Tribe: Triticeae

Bloom Time: May to July

Ecology: Squirreltail is commonthroughout the Intermountain Westwith an elevation range between3,500-9,000 feet. This is a dominantgrass species in Idaho’s shadscalecommunities. This species is often anincreaser in areas of disturbance.

Cultural History: “Elymus” isderived from the Greek word“elymos,” meaning “millet.” Thebushy nature of the inflorescenceprovides the common names“bottlebrush” and “squirreltail.”Scientific names change due toadvances in genetic studies; thepreviously accepted name for E.elymoides was Sitanion hystrix.

Seed Collection: Collect seedfrom late July to September priorto seed shatter. Hand harvest ispossible, but challenging. If wildharvesting, collect seed into tubs orlarge paper bags to accommodatethe bulky, awned seedheads. Storeseed in a cool, dry environment, inplastic bags.

Seed Treatment: Spread seed ona sheltered tarp to dry. Turn seeddaily for 3-5 days until completelydesiccated. Once dry, thresh andsift to clean. Large amounts of seedare efficiently processed withmechanical cleaning equipment, whilesmall seed can be processed byhand. No pre-planting scarificationor temperature stratification isrequired for germination.

Planting: Sow seed in early springor late fall. Some weed control maybe necessary to promote goodestablishment.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with6-18 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on well-drained soilshaving a variety of textures and cantolerate moderate salinity.

Uses in Restoration: Squirreltailis a priority species for restoringnative plant communities in theGreat Basin and the Columbia Riverplateau. This species thrives ondisturbed sites and is an excellentcomponent in restoration andrevegetation seed mixes. Squirreltailcan be very effective for preventingwind erosion due to the extensiveroot system that reaches depthsbeyond 40 inches and spreadslaterally 16 inches.

Idaho Highway Districts:Squirreltail is appropriate for partsof Idaho Highway Districts 3, 4, 5,and 6.

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Elymus trachycaulusSlender wheatgrass, Slender wildrye

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Growth Habit: Erect, cool-season, short-lived, bunchgrass growing to 2 ½feet with a fibrous root system.

Botanical Description: Inflorescence is a long spiked raceme, rangingfrom 2-10 inches, with one spike per node. Overlapping spikelets have 3-7small florets. Round stems are tinged reddish-purple near base. Leaves areslender and flat with a pointed apex; auricles are very short or absent.

Sara Robson

Dave Powell,USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Page 50: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Slender wheatgrassThe Grass Family: Poaceae

The Wheat Tribe: Triticeae

Bloom Time: Late May to earlyAugust

Ecology: Slender wheatgrass isfound throughout the NorthAmerican continent with theexception of the southeasternUnited States. It ranges in elevationfrom 4,500-12,000 feet. It isconsidered a pioneer species inmany habitats and disturbed areasand has wide ecological amplitude;it is often a component ofrestorative seed mixes.

Cultural History: “Elymus” isderived from the Greek word“elumos,” which was an ancientgrain.

Seed Collection: Collect seed inlate July when inflorescence is dry,but not yet shattered, and seed isnot fully hard. Clip the inflorescenceor strip seed from the spike intopaper bags for transport andstorage prior to cleaning.

Seed Treatment: Separate seedfrom inflorescence by rubbingtogether, sift to remove chaff. Smallamounts of seed can be handprocessed, while large amounts ofseed may require threshing and airscreening equipment. No pre-planting seed treatment is requiredfor germination.

Planting: Sow seed in fall in drierareas, if area annual precipitationexceeds 16 inches, sow seed inspring.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-25 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on a variety of dry,well-drained soils, but will grow inmoist areas.

Uses in Restoration: Slenderwheatgrass germinates andestablishes rapidly, exhibiting densefibrous roots useful for soil erosioncontrol in roadside revegetation andrestoration programs. This specieswill persist long enough for slowergrowing species to establish.

Idaho Highway Districts: Slenderwheatgrass is suitable for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6.

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Festuca idahoensisIdaho fescue, Blue bunchgrass

Growth Habit: Densely tufted, cool-season, perennial bunchgrass growingto 3 feet with a fibrous root system.

Botanical Description: Inflorescence is a slim, 3-6 inch panicle withascending branched spikelets comprised of 5-7 florets. The lemma is robustand straight with a short awn. Fine basal leaves have a bluish tint and grow5-7 inches long and roll inward (involute).

Jennifer Peterson

Jennifer Peterson

Sara Robson

Page 52: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Idaho fescueThe Grass Family: Poaceae

The Bluegrass Tribe: Poeae

Bloom Time: May to July

Ecology: Idaho fescue growsthroughout North America’srangelands ranging from 1,300-10,000feet in elevation; it is especiallyabundant on northern exposures.This species is one of the West’smost important grasses because ithas excellent forage value. Idahofescue is a late seral species found inrelic landscapes relatively free fromdisturbance, but is also well suitedfor seeding on disturbed sites dueto its wide ecological amplitude.

Cultural History “Festuca” is anancient word meaning “straw” or“nothing much.”

Seed Collection: Collect seedfrom mid to late-August, prior toseed shatter, when spikelets are lighttan. This species is easily handharvested, by stripping seed orclipping the entire inflorescence intopaper bags.

Seed Treatment: Spread seed ontarps to dry. Separate seed frominflorescence by rubbing and sifting.No pre-planting seed treatment isrequired, but seed exposed to coldstratification has a highergermination rate.

Planting: Sow seed in early springor late fall. Planting establishedplugs is an additional technique toachieve rapid soil stabilization.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with6-30+ inches of annual precipitation,but is more vigorous in areas with14+ inches.

Soils: Commonly occurs on well-drained loams, but grows in avariety of soil types.

Uses in Restoration: An excellentsoil stabilizer on multiple soil types,slopes, and aspects.

Idaho Highway Districts: Idahofescue is appropriate for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6.

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Poa secundaSandberg bluegrass

Growth Habit: Erect, densely tufted, long-lived, cool season, bunchgrassgrowing to 12 inches with a fibrous root system.

Botanical Description: Panicle inflorescence is narrow, loosely branchedand grows up to 8 inches long. Spikelets have 2-5 flowers and no basal hairs.Stems (culms) are wiry and erect with 1-3 reddish nodes bearing leaves. Basalleaves are 1-3 inches long. Leaf blades are blue-green, flat, folded, or rolledslightly inward, with a prominent double midrib on the top leaf surface.

Dave Skinner

Dave Skinner

Sara Robson

Page 54: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Sandberg bluegrassThe Grass Family: Poaceae

The Bluegrass Tribe: Poeae

Bloom Time: April to June

Ecology: Sandberg bluegrass isprominent in the arid and semi-aridregions of the West, ranging from1,000-12,000 feet in elevation. It is awidely-distributed component ofthe western United Statessagebrush-grassland vegetationcommunity. This species greens upin early spring and is an importantforage species because it is highlypalatable and has good grazing valuefor wild and domestic grazers. TheTownsend’s ground squirrel(Spermophilus townsendii) helpswith propagation because about halfits dietary intake is Sandbergbluegrass seed.

Cultural History: The scientificname change from Poa sandbergiito Poa secunda was initiated due tothe priority of the speciesdescription.

Seed Collection: Collect ripe seedin early June when inflorescence isdry, but not yet shattered, and seedis not completely hardened. Toharvest, strip the seed from theinflorescence or clip the entirepanicle. Collect and store seeds inpaper bags.

Seed Treatment: Small amountsof seed can be rubbed free from theinflorescence and sifted clean; largeamounts of seed require threshingand air screening equipment. Seedgerminates well without pre-plantingtreatment.

Planting: Sow seed 2 months priorto the wet season depending onarea precipitation rate.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-20 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on deep, sandy tosilty loams, and is adapted tomedium- to fine-textured soils.

Uses in Restoration: Sandbergbluegrass has an extensive andshallow fibrous root system forincreased surface-soil stabilization.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Pseudoroegneria spicataBluebunch wheatgrass

Growth Habit: Long-lived, cool-season, densely-tufted, perennialbunchgrass growing up to 4 feet, with a fibrous root system.

Botanical Description: Erect spike inflorescence are comprised of 4-8spikelets (one per node) born on an elongated hair-like stalk. Spikelets oftenhave awns ¼-½ inches long. Leaves have a bluish hue and are flat or rolledslightly inward (involute) with a prominent mid vein on upper leaf surface.

Sara RobsonDave Skinner

Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Page 56: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Bluebunch wheatgrassThe Grass Family: Poaceae

The Wheat Tribe: Triticeae

Bloom Time: May to June

Ecology: Bluebunch wheatgrass iscommon throughout theIntermountain West, recoversrapidly after low to moderategrazing, and is one of the westernrangeland’s most important foragespecies because it is highly palatableto wildlife and livestock. Bluebunchwheatgrass has wide ecologicalamplitude, ranging in elevation from300-10,000 feet. Seasonaldevelopment varies with differentsite characteristics.

Cultural History: Some NativeAmerican Tribes used bluebunchwheatgrass as a medicinal plant forarthritis and sores. It was alsospread on floors of pit houses andstuffed in moccasins for insulation inthe cold seasons.

Seed Collection: Collect seed byclipping the entire inflorescence intopaper bags for transport andstorage prior to cleaning.

Seed Treatment: Separate seedsfrom inflorescence by rubbingtogether and sift to remove chaff.An air column separator may beneeded to clean large seed lots.Store clean seed in paper bags at 40°F at 40% relative humidity. No pre-planting seed treatment forgermination is required.

Planting: Sow seed in late fall, orplant plugs or container stock in thespring or fall. Expect plants toflower in the second growing season.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with6-35 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on well-drained soils,and grows in a variety of soiltextures.

Uses in Restoration: Bluebunchwheatgrass is extremely droughttolerant. Its extensive fibrous rootsystem can reach depths greaterthan 4 feet, making it an excellentspecies for roadside soilstabilization.

Idaho Highway Districts:Bluebunch wheatgrass is suitable forparts of Idaho Highway Districts 1,2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Amelanchier alnifoliaServiceberry, Pacific serviceberry,Saskatoon serviceberry

Growth Habit: Large, erect, clustered, stoloniferous, cool-season shrub orsmall tree growing from 3-40 feet in height, with a 6-12 inch diameter trunkand a deep fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Simple, alternate, deciduous leaves, 1-2 inches long,oval, with prominent veins extending to leaf margins. As with most members ofthe Rose family, five sepals unite at the base of the flower to form a tube orcup, to which the petals (also usually five) and stamens are attached. Flowers arewhite with strap-like petals about 1 inch long. Fruits are ¼-½ inch dark-blueberry-like pommes that ripen from June to July.

Ann Debolt

Stillinger Herbarium

Jim Kingery

Sara Robson

Page 58: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


ServiceberryThe Rose Family: Rosaceae

Bloom Time: May to June

Ecology: Serviceberry is abundantacross the Rocky Mountains in dryforests, open hillsides and rockyslopes of drier regions at elevationsranging from 200-10,000 feet. It is animportant shrub in juniper-woodlandcommunities, and is common inponderosa pine forests. Serviceberryis a valuable browse plant for livestockand wild ungulates. Additionally,numerous birds and small mammals eatthe fleshy fruits and find shelter amongthe branches. This species is able toresprout after fire. It may be difficultto differentiate Prunus virginiana(chokecherry) from serviceberry whenneither is flowering nor fruiting. Theleaves of both are toothed, butserviceberry leaves are toothed onlytowards the top half of the leaf.

Cultural History: Serviceberrybears small, dark-red to deep-blueberry-like fruits, which are edible,although they have little taste. Theberries were an important plantfood used by the Native Tribesthroughout the northwesternUnited States and western Canada.Native Peoples made pemmican bypounding dried serviceberries withdried meat. Arrow shafts and tee-pee poles were made from the hard,straight-grained wood.

Seed Collection: Collect seedwhen fruits are very ripe or dry,during late summer months.Refrigerate seed until cleaning andpre-planting treatment. Notably,wild collected seed is often notviable and/or infested by insects.

Seed Treatment: Seeds should besoaked in a 3:1 water solution with3% hydrogen peroxide for 20minutes, followed by a 48-hourwater rinse. After pre-treatment,seeds should undergo a 120-daycold/moist stratification.

Planting: Sow seeds in early fall afterproper stratification treatments;germination and establishment will besporadic. Due to extensive warm andcold stratification requirements,planting plugs, cuttings, or pottedplants yields higher establishment thandirect seeding. Plant vegetativepropagules from early spring to late fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with12-30 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on a variety of well-drained soils.

Uses in Restoration: Serviceberryis excellent for moist areas androadsides along rivers or streams.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6,especially in the northern districtsand areas with high precipitation.

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Arctostaphylos uva-ursiKinnickinnick, Bearberry, Pinemat manzanita,Mountain cranberry

Growth Habit: Prostrate, creeping, evergreen, growing to 1 ½ feet tall,with a deep fibrous taproot allowing individual plants to form mats up to 6feet in diameter.

Botanical Description: Urn-shaped flowers are pinkish-white and appearin terminal clusters. The fruit is a bright red drupe about ¼ inch long,containing approximately 5 seeds. The leathery leaves are oval, simple,alternate, and born on a twisted leaf stalk. Leaves turn deep red to purplein the fall. Stems are short, trailing, and have a reddish bark with a velvetytexture when young.

Jim Kingery

Steve Hurst @ USDA-NRCSPLANTS Database

J.S. Peterson @ USDA-NRCSPLANTS Database

Page 60: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Heath Family: Ericaceae

Bloom Time: May to June

Ecology: Kinnikinnick is widespreadin the north and Intermountain West,from low elevations to alpine tundra.It is commonly found on sunny openareas to semi-shaded forests rangingfrom 2,000-11,000 feet elevations. Thisspecies is a shade intolerant, early tolate seral species. The foliage is grazedby deer, elk, moose, and sheep, whilethe berries are eaten by various birds,rodents, and bear.

Cultural History: The scientificname is derived from the Greek andLatin languages. “Uva” and “ursi”are Latin words meaning “grape” and“bear,” while “arctos” and“styaphyle” are Greek for bear;kinnickinnick fruits are a favoriteforage of bears. The berries are ediblebut can be extremely bitter. Bothsettlers and many coastal NativeTribes used the dried leaves as atobacco substitute by combining driedleaves with the dried inner-bark of redosier dogwood. Tannin was alsocollected from kinnickinnick leaves.

Seed Collection: Collect wholefruits from August to October intoplastic bags when fruits are deep redor brown. Refrigerate fruits untilcleaning and pre-planting treatment.

Seed Treatment: Separate seedsfrom fruit by maceration, sift, andrinse. Allow seed to dry and store ina cool, dry place. Pre-plantingtreatment requires a 30-120 minutesoak in sulfuric acid (time varies withseed coat thickness). After removalfrom acid, cover seeds in lime andsoak in water for 48 hours. Followingscarification, seeds need extendedwarm/moist and cold/moiststratification.


Planting: Due to the extensive pre-planting seed treatment, it is oftenmore cost effective and time efficientto plant purchased plugs or pottedplants of kinnikinnick. It transplantswell in the early spring or middle fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-45 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on a variety of soiltypes including sandy, acidic, and well-drained to excessively-drained soils.

Uses in Restoration: Kinnikinnickis useful for steep slope stabilizationbecause it will form a dense mat andrequires little to no maintenance onceestablished.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6,especially the northern districts andhigher elevations.

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Artemisia cana

Growth Habit: Aromatic, branching, rhizomatous, evergreen shrubgrowing from 1-3 feet from a deep taproot with lateral roots.

Botanical Description: Flowers are perfect, yellow, and disk-like, borneon leafy, terminal panicles. Leaves are alternate, simple, linear with entiremargins and are 1-2 inches in length, and often 1-2 lobed with lower leavesbeing tri-lobed. Stems, when young are green and rigid; when mature, stemsare brown to gray and glabrous. The trunk bark is grayish and peels intolong strips. The fruit is a light brown achene that bears one tiny seed.

Silver sagebrush, Hoary sagebrush

Steve Garrity

Steve Garrity

Sara Robson

Page 62: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Sunflower Family:Asteraceae

Bloom Time: July to September

Ecology: Silver sage growsthroughout the Great Plains and theIntermountain West on rocky opensites, uplands, and floodplains atelevations ranging from 4,000-8,000feet. This species spans the seralgradient and can be seen growingwith early and late seral species.Silver sage is important winterforage for livestock and wildungulates and provides critical coverfor wildlife. This species is also oneof the primary components of thesagebrush grasshopper (Melanoplusbowditchi) diet.

Cultural History: Native Tribesused a decoction of silver sage toaleviate coughing and remedy hairloss.

Seed Collection: Collect seeds byhand in late fall.

Seed Treatment: Silver sage seedsgerminate well without pre-plantingscarification or temperaturestratification.

Silver sagebrush

Planting: Direct seed in fall onmoist sites, or transplantcontainerized stock in early spring.Transplants do especially well inmoist areas.

Precipitation: Grows in areas witha minimum of 8 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Commonly occurs on deep,well-drained, coarse-textured soils,but also grows in variety of soiltextures.

Uses in Restoration: Silver sage isan excellent species for soil erosioncontrol.

Idaho Highway Districts: Silversage is suitable for all or part ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6.

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Artemisia tridentataBig sagebrush

Growth Habit: Long-lived, aromatic, woody, evergreen, growing between5-20 feet, with a fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Tubular disk flowers are very small and yellow incolor, 3-12 flowers are born in narrow panicle like clusters. Silvery greenleaves are fragrant, softly pubescent on both sides, alternate, simple, andwedge-shaped with three lobes at the apex. Young stems are thin, silverygray, and pubescent. Older stems are woody and bark appears shredded.

Jennifer Peterson

Sara Robson

Sara RobsonJennifer Peterson

Page 64: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Sunflower Family: Asteraceae

Bloom Time: July to September

Ecology: Big sagebrush is a dominantshrub found in elevations rangingfrom 2,500-10,000 feet throughout theNorth American West. It occurs onopen plains, foothills and mountainslopes. There are a number of bigsage brush subspecies. Those commonin Idaho are: basin big sagebrush (A. t.spp. tridentata), foothills big sage (A. t.xericensis), mountain big sagebrush (A.t. vaseyana), and Wyoming bigsagebrush (A. t. spp. wyomingensis). Itis often difficult to distinguish amongthe subspecies without chemicalanalysis or color wavelength emission,noticeable only with black light.Across North American rangelands,big sagebrush is a nutritious foodsource on winter game ranges, andprovides cover for wild and domesticanimals. Increased fire frequency hascompromised many natural sagebrushcommunities through heightenedcompetitive pressure from increasedinvasive species such as cheatgrass(Bromus techtorum).

Cultural History: Native Tribesused big sagebrush leaves and twigs tomake medicinal teas and tinctures.The leaves were burned forceremonial purposes, while bark waswoven into textiles

Seed Collection: Collect the entireinflorescence into paper bags fromAugust to October.

Seed Treatment: Remove seedsfrom inflorescence with tweezers.Although no seed treatment isnecessary for germination, thegermination rate increases when seedis exposed to sunlight and coldtemperatures.

Big sagebrush

Planting: Sow seed in early fall toincorporate natural exposure to lightand seasonal temperatures.Greenhouse propagated plants can bepermanently transplanted in earlyspring or late fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-30+ inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on well-drained, coarseto fine-textured soils, and grows insoils with neutral to mildly alkaline pHvalues.

Uses in Restoration: Excellent forsoil stabilization, with roots reachingdepths greater than 6 feet. The fibrousroot system allows the plant to extractmoisture throughout the soil profile,improving competitive ability. Allsubspecies are extremely droughttolerant, and easily propagated undervarying conditions and climates.

Idaho Highway Districts: Thisspecies is suitable for parts of IdahoHighway Districts 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Redstem ceanothusCeanothus sanguineus

Growth Habit: A long lived, erect, deciduous, loosely branched, growingfrom 3-10 feet, with a fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Small white flowers are borne in panicleinflorescence. Dark green leaves are ovate to elliptical, alternate, withserrated margins; three prominent veins originate from the leaf base. Leavesare glabrous on the upper surface and finely scabrous on the under surface.Stems are erect, round, greenish, and glabrous.

Dave Skinner

Dave Skinner

Sara Robson

Page 66: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Buckthorn Family:Rhamnaceae

Bloom Time: May to June

Ecology: Redstem ceanothus growson moist, partially-shaded slopes,from 2,400-4,000 feet. This species isimportant winter browse, and year-round shelter for many wildlifespecies, especially deer and elk; it isalso grazed by livestock. Redstemceanothus also provides cover forbees, birds, and many smallmammals. All ceanothus specieshave nitrogen-fixing potentialthrough a symbiotic relationshipwith root-dwelling actinomycetes.

Cultural History: This species wasused extensively by Native Tribes.The flowers were brewed for tea andused as an ingredient in soap, reddye was made from the roots, andstems were woven into baskets.

Seed Collection: Collect ripeseeds in June and August, usingspecially spun polyester UV-resistant bags; tie bags onto fruitclusters. The bag catches the seedsas they are ejected from the plant;extremely clean seed is obtainedusing this method.

Seed Treatment: Clean by rubbingseed over a fine-gauge screen. Theseseeds are small, and also have aphysical and physiologicaldormancy. Scarify seed in a boilingwater bath for 5 to 10 seconds,directly transfer to a cold waterbath to avoid seed damage ordeath. Leave seeds in cool water for24 hours. Follow scarification with a90-day cold stratification.

Planting: Sow treated seeds in midto late fall to incorporate naturaltemperature stratification andenhance germination. Tubelings andpotted plants can be planted inearly spring; when plantingvegetative propagules, deep wateringmay be necessary for establishment.

Precipitation: Grows in areas witha minimum of 13 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Occurs on well-drained,medium-textured soils, rockyoutcrops, and areas with shallowsoil.

Uses in Restoration: Redstemceanothus forms a deep rootsystem that serves in soilstabilization. This species is also anitrogen fixer that aids in nutrientcycling and increased soil fertility.

Idaho Highway Districts:Redstem ceanothus is suitable forparts of Idaho Highway districts, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Redstem ceanothus

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Ceanothus velutinusSnowbrush, Deer brush

Growth Habit: Densely erect, sprawling, evergreen, growing from 2-9 feetwith a fibrous taproot that penetrates beyond 18 inches.

Botanical Description: Small, 5-petaled, white flowers appear in large,dense clusters up to 5 inches long. Leaves are simple, 1½-2½ inches long,thick, alternate, ovate to ovate-elliptical with serrated margins, dark-greenand shiny above, pale on underside; three prominent veins originate fromleaf base. Leaves are notably sticky and have a sweet odor when rubbed orcrushed. Stems are smooth and green in color with grayish brown bark.

Sara Robson

Sara RobsonSara Robson

Sara Robson

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The Buckthorn Family:Rhamnaceae

Bloom Time: May to June

Ecology: Snowbrush occupies openrocky hillsides and favors south-facingslopes ranging in elevation from 3,800-9,000 feet. It commonly establishes inareas where winter snow accumulates.It is also prominent in draws and onopen slope faces, exhibiting rapidestablishment on burned-overmountain slopes. Snowbrush exhibitsbrowsing tolerance, and is a chiefyear-round shelter and food sourcefor livestock and wild game.Snowbrush seeds have considerablelongevity; germination has occurredafter 200 years in the soil profile.

Cultural History: Snowbrush leavescontain saponins which are soap-likesubstances used to wash the skin. Theleaves are also good for treating skinirritations.

Seed Collection: Collect seed inJune and August prior to seed shatter.Seed collection can be challengingbecause it is difficult to extract fromthe fruits. Harvest stem cuttings in lateApril to early June; cuttings should besemi-hardened stems, 8-10 inches long,and ¼ inch in diameter.

Seed Treatment: Treat seeds inboiling water for 4-5 minutes, followby a warm water soak for 12 hoursprior to planting. The seed can also bescarified using a sulfuric acid soak.After scarification, seeds require coldstratification at or below 40°F for upto 90 days. Cuttings are excellentpropagules for snowbrush; treat witha rooting hormone to promote rootproduction.


Planting: Sow seeds in a greenhouseand transplant seedlings in the spring.Cuttings should be placed in a holeslightly larger in diameter than thecutting, and about half as deep. Bothcuttings and seedlings should beinoculated with nitrogen-fixingorganisms.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with aminimum of 11 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Occurs on coarse textured,well-drained soils, shallow, rocky areas,with slightly basic and/or non-salinesoils.

Uses in Restoration: Snowbrushhas a large taproot with an extensivespreading root system reaching depthsof 8 feet. Snowbrush can live for 25years or more. Its longevity and rootsystem contributes greatly to soilstabilization and increases soil nitrogenthrough root nodules formed byactinomycetes.

Idaho Highway Districts:Snowbrush is suitable for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6.

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Growth Habit: Rapid growing, multi-stemmed, loosely spreading,deciduous shrub/tree, growing from 6-9 feet, with a deep fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Flowers are small and white, appearing in flat-topped clusters (cymes) about 2½ inches in diameter. Dark green leaves areopposite, simple, ovate or lance-shaped, 2-4 inches long, with prominentmid vein and 4-7 lateral vein pairs. Leaves turn deep red in the fall. Stemsare bright red, occasionally pubescent, often with tiny green spots. The fruitis a white drupe containing a single light-colored seed with 8 yellow stripes.

Cornus sericeaRed osier dogwood, Red stem dogwood

Brother Alfred Brousseau @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

Dave Skinner

Dave Skinner

Sara Robson

Page 70: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Dogwood Family: Cornaceae

Bloom Time: May to July

Ecology: Dogwood grows in wetlocations along stream banks, ponds,or lakes. It is also found in mixedopen forests, riparian areas, andflood plains ranging in elevationfrom 1,500-9,000 feet. It is notpalatable to large game or domesticlivestock, but many bird species eatthe berry-like fruits. This shrub alsoprovides valuable cover for smallmammals and birds.

Cultural History: NativeAmerican Tribes had many uses fordogwood. Bark extract was used fortreating coughs and fevers, dyeswere prepared from stems, and teabrewed from roots and stems wasused to prevent and treat malaria.Some tribes smoked the inner layersof the bark as a tobacco substitute.

Seed Collection: Collect seeds byhand in early fall when fruit turnsblue. Collect fruits into plastic bagsand store under refrigeration priorto cleaning.

Seed Treatment: Separate seedfrom fruit by maceration and cleanby screening and rinsing. The seedhas a physiological dormancy thatrequires scarification with sulfuricacid for 30 minutes, followed by a48-hour cold water soak, and a 90-day cold/moist stratification in peatmoss.

Red osier dogwood

Planting: Dogwood does well whenplanted via cuttings. Soak cuttings inhormonal root inducer, drill a 2 by18-inch-hole and plant in early springor late fall. If seeding, fallapplications are best; germinationmay be unpredictable and seedlingestablishment is slow.

Precipitation: Grows in areas witha minimum of 18 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Commonly occurs on moist,organic soils, but grows in a widerange of soil types.

Uses in Restoration: A superbsoil stabilizer; especially useful forroadsides along streams and rivers.Red osier is adapted to disturbedareas, is quick to establish, andspreads rapidly.

Idaho Highway Districts:Dogwood is appropriate for partsof Idaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, and 6.

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Growth Habit: Erect, medium-lived shrub growing from 1-8 feet, with afibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Small yellow disk flowers are born in roundedterminal clusters. Leaves are gray to white, alternate, linear, and simple, with1-3 veins. Stems are erect and yellowish with dense wooly hairs; bark onolder stems is fibrous and shredded.

Ericameria nauseosaRubber rabbitbrush, Gray rabbitbrush

Sara Robson Sara Robson

Jennifer Peterson

Page 72: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Sunflower Family: Asteraceae

Bloom Time: mid-June to mid-September

Ecology: Rubber rabbitbrush is ahighly variable species that grows onmesic sites throughout the sagebrushsteppe. It is adapted to the high plains,valleys, and foothills, and is consideredan increaser species followingdisturbance. It grows best in openingswithin sagebrush, juniper andponderosa pine regions ranging from2,000-9,000 feet in elevation. Rubberrabbitbrush is not highly palatable towild and domestic grazers, and isconsidered mildly toxic to livestock. Itprovides good cover for groundnesting birds, including sage grouse(Centrocercus urophasiansus). Thereare six subspecies of rabbitbrush. Theprominent subspecies for Idaho are:E. n. spp. albicaulis, and E. n. spp.leiospermus. The species name“nauseosa” describes the sickeningodor emitted from all varieties of theplant. Rubber rabbitbrush isdistinguished from green rabbitbrush(Ericameria teretifolia) by the leaves;green rabbitbrush has twisting leaveswhile rubber rabbitbrush leaves arelinear.

Cultural History: During WorldWar II, this species was tested as asource for quality rubber production;there is a recent renewed interest inthe species as a source for rubber andits overall chemical composition.There is potential for medicalapplications such as anti-malarialdrugs. Cultivation of rubberrabbitbrush began in the late 1800’sand today many subspecies are usedornamentally. Some Native AmericanTribes used the bark as chewing gum.

Rubber rabbitbrush

Seed Collection: Collect seed infall, separating specific ecotypes byelevation and site.

Seed Treatment: Rubberrabbitbrush seed germinates withoutpre-planting scarification ortemperature stratification.

Planting: Sow seed by hand in earlyspring, or transplant tubelings orcontainerized plants in early spring orearly fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with aminimum of 6 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Occurs on a variety of coarse-textured soil types. Specific soiladaptations vary with subspecies.

Uses in Restoration: A goodspecies for erosion control and soilstabilization. The root systemestablishes quickly, and throughoutthe growing season, a large volume ofleaf litter is produced, which aids innutrient cycling.

Idaho Highway Districts: Rubberrabbitbrush is suitable for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6, especially in the southerndistricts.

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Growth Habit: Prostrate, creeping, stoloniferous, evergreen growing to 12inches, with a fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Flowers are a whorled yellow perianth (corollawith calyx) borne in racemes. The leathery, holly-like leaves are toothed,alternate, and pinnately compound. The evergreen leaves turn deep red inthe fall. Stems are woody and inner bark is yellow. Fruits are dusty blueberries encasing one to several seeds.

Mahonia repensCreeping Oregon grape, Creeping barberry

Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Dave Skinner Sara Robson

Page 74: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Barberry Family:Berberidaceae

Bloom Time: March through June

Ecology: Oregon grape is foundthroughout Idaho in a wide range ofplant associations, from forests tograsslands to shrublands ranging inelevation from 2,500-11,000 feet.Oregon grape grows in full sun andsemi-shade, and occurs on steep slopesin mountains and canyons. The leavesand berries are poor forage forlivestock, but are a prime food sourcefor many birds, rodents, and wildungulates. Oregon grape is host to aserious pathogen to cereal crops andshould not be planted in closeproximity to these crops.

Cultural History: Native Tribesused the roots and yellow bark tomake dyes for clothing and basketfibers. The sour berries were eaten asfood. Teas were brewed to treatstomach ailments, heal infections, andtreat kidney problems. Contemporaryherbalists use it to reduce fever anddecrease inflammation. The alkaloidberberine found in the twigs hasantibiotic qualities that affect a broadrange of bacteria.

Seed Collection: Collect seeds inAugust when fruits are dark blue;mature seeds are brown. Harvestwhole berries, allow to dry, store inplastic bags and refrigerate prior tocleaning.

Seed Treatment: Macerate berriesto extract seed. Soak seeds in waterfor 48 hours, then transfer to finemesh bags and cover with moistenedpeat moss for 6-8 weeks. This processis called warm/moist stratification.Additionally seeds must also gothrough a cold/moist stratification forapproximately 5 months.

Creeping Oregon grape

Planting: Germination from directseeding in fall may be sporadic, butthis method incorporates a naturalcold stratification required by Oregongrape, making it a viable option forroadsides. Due to the extensive seedstratification requirements,greenhouse germination followed byseedling plantings in the early spring ishighly recommended.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with aminimum of 15 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Commonly occurs on moist,well-drained soils, but also grows indry, stony, shallow areas.

Uses in Restoration: Oregon grapeworks well for roadside restorationand revegetation because, onceestablished, it is both drought andheat tolerant. This species also spreadsvia stolons which form a dense, deep,soil stabilizing mat.

Idaho Highway Districts: Oregongrape is useful for Idaho HighwayDistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, especiallydistricts 1 and 2.

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Penstemon fruticosusShrubby penstemon, Bush penstemon

Growth Habit: Perennial, mat-forming, evergreen sub-shrub growing to 2feet, with a fibrous taproot.

Botanical Description: Flowers are bilaterally symmetrical comprised of2 identical halves. Distinct upper and lower parts form the fused tubularcorolla. The lower lip is wide with 3 lobes, providing a “landing pad” forinsect pollinators, while the upper lip has 2 lobes. Light blue to purpleflowers are arranged in loose clusters. Elliptic leaves are opposite, with pairsarranged at right angles to the pair above it (decussate), shiny, and finelytoothed. Fruits are capsules bearing narrowly winged seeds.

Stillinger Herbarium

Dave Powell, USDA Forest Service,www.forestryimages.org

Sara Robson

Sara Robson

Page 76: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Shrubby penstemonThe Figwort Family:Scrophulariaceae

Bloom Time: May to August

Ecology: Shrubby penstemon isfound on rocky open or woodedareas ranging in elevation from 4,000-8,000 feet. Penstemon is the largestflowering plant genus endemic toNorth America, with over 42 speciesnative to Idaho alone.

Cultural History: “Penstemon” isderived from the Greek words“pente” meaning five and “stemon”meaning stamen, referring to the fivestamens. The Lewis and Clarkexpedition collected samples ofshrubby penstemon in 1806, nearpresent-day Weippe, Idaho, onceknown as Quawmash Flats.

Seed Collection: Hand collectwhen capsules are dry and seed isdark. Multiple collections may benecessary because flowers areindeterminate, causing seeds tomature at different rates. Clean seedby sifting or with a hammer mill andstore in a cool dry place in paperbags.

Seed Treatment: Seed requirescold stratification for 2 months at39 °F, and 1 to 2 months at 50 °F.

Planting: Sow seed in fall to initiatethe natural stratification process.Seeds will germinate; however,emergence is sporadic. Vegetativepropagules transplant well in earlyspring or fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with8-18 inches of annual precipitation.

Soils: Occurs on rocky, dry, well-drained soils.

Uses in Restoration: Shrubbypenstemon is a great addition toseed mixes for erosion control andaesthetics. This species is also coldand drought tolerant.

Idaho Highway Districts:Shrubby penstemon is a suitableplant for parts of Idaho HighwayDistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

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Growth Habit: Small, deciduous, shrub growing to 4 feet with arhizomatous taproot.

Botanical Description: Small bell shaped flowers are white to pink andcan be solitary or in loose clusters of 2-5 flowerheads. Petals are lobed andpubescent. Opposite leaves are simple, oval, and generally longer than wide.Leaves are pubescent on leaf underside; top surface is glabrous and darkgreen. Stems are slender, usually hollow, with thin reddish bark, oftenpubescent when young. Fruits are waxy-white, berry-like drupes bearing 2seeds called nutlets.

Symphoricarpos albusSnowberry, Common snowberry, White coralberry,Corpse berry

Jim Kingery

Dave Skinner Sara Robson

Page 78: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


The Honeysuckle Family:Caprifoliaceae

Bloom Time: May to Septemberalong an altitudinal gradient; flowerspeak in June and July.

Ecology: Snowberry is found fromdry to moist areas, rocky slopes, riverterraces, and open forests, ranging inelevation between 2,500-6,500 feet,indicating broad ecological amplitude.Snowberry is common in northernbunchgrass communities while itscousin, mountain snowberry(Symphoricarpos oreophilus) is morecommon in sagebrush communities.Snowberry resprouts readily after fire.It is also an important forage andcover species for birds and smallmammals; however, it is not preferredby most livestock.

Cultural History: Some NativeAmerican Tribes produced stomachtonic from snowberry roots; otherplant parts such as leaves and barkwere crushed and applied to wounds.The leaves contain a substance calledsaponin, which when mixed withwater creates a soapy substance.Ingesting vast quantities of fruits is notrecommended and may causediarrhea; in fact some indigenouspeople believe the fruits are toxic andcan cause death lending to thealternative name of “corpse berry”.

Seed Collection: Collect seed inlate fall or early winter by strippingthe fruit from the branches. Separateseed from fruit using a rubbing boardafter fruit has dried.

Seed Treatment: Seeds require upto 3 months of warm stratificationfollowed by a cold stratificationperiod between 3-12 monthsdepending on specific area conditions.


Planting: Sow seeds in early fall toinitiate natural stratification;germination and establishment will besporadic. Due to extensive warm andcold stratification requirements,planting plugs, poles, or potted plantsyields higher establishment than directseeding. Plant vegetative propagulesfrom early spring to late fall.

Precipitation: Grows in areas with aminimum of 12 inches of annualprecipitation.

Soils: Occurs on coarse textured,well-drained soils. This speciestolerates moderate salinity, and canwithstand low-nutrient conditions.

Uses in Restoration: Becausesnowberry thrives in a wide range ofecological conditions, this species isvery appropriate for manyrevegetation and restorative programs.The fibrous, shallow root system isgreat for binding upper soil layers,making snowberry an excellent choicefor roads adjacent to riparian areas.

Idaho Highway Districts:Snowberry is suitable for parts ofIdaho Highway Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6.

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Glossaryachene ~ a one sided, indehiscent fruit in which the seed coat is not fused to

the ovary wall.actinomycetes ~ a mycelium-forming, rod-shaped, bacterium of the order

Actinomycetales.alternate ~ leaves are located singly at each node, not whorled or in pairs.

apex ~ tip, distal end, uppermost point.bilabiate ~ having two lips, as in irregular flowers.calyx ~ the green outer whorl of leaves surrounding the flower in a cup-like

structure.caudex ~ a short, woody base of a perennial plant, located just below the soil

surface.clay ~ the smallest particulate component of soil, lending to a fine and/or

sticky texture.corolla ~ the collective petal structure, fused or separate.corymb ~ an indeterminate, flat-topped inflorescence, where flower stalks rise

from different levels on the main stem but reach the same height.decussate ~ leaves arranged in pairs and alternately perpendicular to leaf pairs

above and/or below.dehisce ~ split along a lateral seem to discharge contents by splitting.disk flower ~ a tubular flower of an Asteraceae species inflorescence; also

called disk floret.drupe ~ a one-seeded indehiscent fruit with a hard seed surrounded by a

fleshy fruit, like a cherry.ecoregion ~ an ecological region having broad similarities with respect to

climate, topography, soil, and dominant vegetation.entire ~ a continuous margin without indentations.floret ~ a single, small flower as a part of a larger composite flower-head.glabrous ~ a smooth surface, without hairs or projection.habitat type ~ classification of land based on plant association.indehiscent ~ closed at maturity (like a sunflower seed)indeterminate ~ growth is not inhibited by a terminal budinflorescence ~ the type of development and arrangement of flowers on an

axisinvolute ~ leaf edges are curled or cured inward over the upper leaf surface

toward the midrib.irregular flowers ~ inflorescence with an irregular shape; asymmetrical or

bilateral.lanceolate ~ narrow leaf tapering at both ends; lance-shaped.lemma ~ the lower bract of a floret that subtends a grass flower.loam ~ a soil consisting of fairly equal portions of clay, silt, and sand.maceration ~ to soften and separate by soaking in water.nutrient cycling~ mixing of inorganic nutrients through the soil, organisms,

air, or water.opposite leaves ~ two leaves directly across from each other borne on the

same node.palatability ~ a rating (high, medium, low) given to a plant based on

nutritional value and animal preference.palmate ~ a leaf with lobes radiating from a common point.

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Glossarypanicle ~ inflorescence with a main axis and branches; a pyramidal branched

flower cluster.pappus ~ a group of hairs, scales, or bristles borne on the crown of an achene

in an Asteraceae flower.perfect flowers ~ the term for flowers with both male and female

reproductive structures.perianth ~ the combined flower parts that surround the reproductive

structures, generally consisting of the petals and sepals.pinnate ~ a compound leaf structure resembling a feather, where leaflets grow

in a row on either side of a mid-rib.pome ~ a fruit with a fleshy outer layer and central core with multiple seeds

enclosed in a capsule.prostrate ~ lying flat on the ground; having ground trailing stems that do not

root.pubescent ~ covered with fine, short hairs.raceme ~ inflorescence in which flowers are borne on stalks along a rachis,

and open upward toward the apex.racemose ~ growing in the form of a racemerachis ~ vertical axis of a raceme.radiate flowers ~ term to describe Asteraceae flower heads comprised ray

flowers and disk flowers spreading from a common center.ray flowers ~ petal like flower component of Asteraceae flowers.restoration ~ the process involved in returning a disturbed area to a

functional ecosystem.revegetation ~ incorporating vegetation to a disturbed area which was

previously vegetated.rhizome ~ thickened, branching, creeping, lateral stems producing roots from

nodes.rhizomatous ~ the term to describe a plant bearing rhizomes.sand ~ largest particulate component of a soil, associated with course-textured

soils.scabrous ~ a rough surface with scales, or short hairs.scarification ~ the process of scratching, cutting, or softening the protective

seed coat.sepal ~ one of the small modified leaves that comprise the calyx.silt ~ mid-size particulate component of soil that gives soil a silky texture.spike ~ a long, narrow, unbranched cluster of flowers on a central axis.spikelet ~ a secondary spike, usually applied to grass structures.stamen ~ male reproductive structure of a flower.stolons ~ horizontal branch from the plant base that gives rise to new plants

from buds or nodes.stolon ~ a horizontal stem that produces roots or plants at the tip.stoloniferous ~ the term to describe a plant bearing stolons.stratification ~ the process of exposing seeds to extreme high or low

temperatures.talus slope ~ slope formed by the accumulation of rock debris.trifoliate ~ a leaf compound comprised of three leaflets.tubelings ~ seedling grown in a small tubular greenhouse cone.

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Common Name Cross Reference Chart

Page Common Seed Idaho Highway Bloom Month # Name Treatment Districts Early Late12-13 Arrowleaf balsamroot X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 4 760-61 Big sagebrush 3, 4, 5, and 6 7 1052-53 Bluebunch wheatgrass 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 628-29 Blue flax 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 724-25 Boreal sweetvetch X 1,2 and 6 7 870-71 Creeping Oregon grape X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 3 620-21 Gaillardia 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 918-19 Gray aster 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6 6 748-49 Idaho fescue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 738-39 Indian ricegrass 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, and 6 5 656-57 Kinickinick X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 614-15 Little larkspur X 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 736-37 Mountain goldenpea X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 840-41 Nebraska sedge X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 710-11 Prairie sage X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 7 966-67 Red osier dogwood X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 762-63 Red stem ceanothus X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 668-69 Rubber rabbit brush 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 6 950-51 Sandberg’s bluegrass 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 4 626-27 Scarlet gilia X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 6 854-55 Serviceberry X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 672-73 Shrubby penstemon X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 830-31 Silky lupine X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 858-59 Silver sagebrush 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 7 946-47 Slender wheatgrass 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 874-75 Snowberry X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 964-65 Snowbrush X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 644-45 Squiretail X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 622-23 Sticky purple geranium X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 816-17 Sulpher flower buckwheat X 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 6 842-43 Tufted hairgrass 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 732-33 Venus penstemon 1, 2, 3, and 4 5 834-35 Western mountain aster 1, 2, 3, and 4 7 98-9 Western yarrow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 5 8

3=March 7=July4=April 8=August5=May 9=September6=June

Page 82: Idaho; Native Plants for IdahoRoadside Restorationand Revegetation Programs


Season Drought Roots Elevation (feet) Precipitation (inches)Seeding Planting Tolerant T A Min. Max. Min. Max. A/W A X X 3500 8000 8 25 A S/A X X X 2500 10000 8 30 A S/A X X 300 10000 6 35 S S X X 800 10000 10 24 S S/A X 4000 9500 12 18 A S X X X 2500 11000 15 45

S/A X X X 5000 9000 16 30 A S/A X X 3000 10000 10 20 S/A S/A X X 1300 10000 6 35 A S X X 2000 10000 7 20

S/A X X 2800 11000 8 45 A N/A X 3000 10000 8 12 A/W S/A X X 2500 7000 10 16 A S X 3000 9000 3 30 A/S S/A X X 3000 10000 8 40 A S/A X X 1500 9000 18 60 A S X X 2400 4000 13 35 S S/A X X 2000 9000 6 20 S/A S/A X 1000 12000 8 20 A N/A X 2000 8000 8 20

X X 200 10000 12 30 A S/A X X X 4000 8000 8 18 A S/A X X 1500 10000 10 20 A S X X 4000 8000 8 40 A/S S X 4500 12000 8 25 A S/A X 2500 6500 12 45

S/A X X 3800 9000 11 40 S/A S X X X 3500 9000 6 18 A A X 1000 10000 10 20 S S/A X X 3000 8000 14 40 S/A S/A X 1000 12000 20 40 S/A S X X X 1000 6000 20 40 S S X 3000 10000 10 16

S X X X 200 9000 8 60

Page # 12-13 60-61 52-53 28-29 24-25 70-71 20-21 18-19 48-49 38-39 56-57 14-15 36-37 40-41 10-11 66-67 62-63 68-69 50-51 26-27 54-55 72-73 30-31 58-59 46-47 74-75 64-65 44-45 22-23 16-17 42-43 32-33 34-35 8-9

Common Name Cross Reference Chart

A = Autumn T = TaprootW = Winter F = Fibrous rootsS = Spring F+T = Fibrous-Taproot

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Project Supervisors:Bill Nance, Idaho Transportation DepartmentCathy Ford, Idaho Transportation DepartmentJames L. Kingery Ph. D., University of Idaho, Rangeland Ecology and ManagementPaul McDaniel Ph. D., University of Idaho, Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences/PSESStephen Bunting Ph.D. University of Idaho, Rangeland Ecology and Management

Photographers:Ann Debolt, United States Forest ServiceCathy Ford, Idaho Transportation DepartmentDan Bryant, Idaho Transportation DepartmentDave Powell, USDA Forest Service, www.forestryimages.orgDave Skinner, Pullman Plant Materials CenterJennifer Peterson, University of IdahoJim Kingery Ph. D., University of IdahoMary Ellen (Mel) Harte, , www.forestryimages.orgSara Robson, University of IdahoSteve Garity, University of IdahoStillenger Herbarium, University of Idaho

Editors:Angie Freeman, University of IdahoBrenda Guetler, University of IdahoElayne Hovde, University of IdahoEllis Cucksey, Washington State UniversityEric Carpenter, University of IdahoJennifer Peterson, University of IdahoLovina Roselle, University of Idaho

Project Contributors:Aberdeen Plant Materials CenterDepartment of Rangeland Ecology and Management, University of IdahoEva Strand, University of Idaho GIS LabIdaho Transportation Department Insty-PrintsNational Institute for Advanced Transportation TechnologyPlants of the WildPullman Plant Materials CenterRoss Appelgren, University of Idaho Experimental ForestThe Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute


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Coombes, A.J., Dictionary of Plant Names: Botanical Names and TheirCommon Name Equivalents. 2002, Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.

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Internet Databases:

Fire Effects Information Systems: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Unites States Department of Agriculture Native Plants Database: http://plants.usda.gov/

Native Plant Network Propagation Protocol Database: http://www.nativeplantnetwork.org

Environmental Protection Agency:


National Atlas:


