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Identified practice based on information system for achieving objective

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International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013) 195 INNOVATIVE FOURTEEN ITERATIVE STEPS (IFIS) MODEL: IDENTIFIED PRACTICE BASED ON INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR ACHIEVING OBJECTIVE IN INDIVIDUALS’ LIFE & BUSINESS SUCCESS Dr. Sharad Raghuvansh, Asst.Professor, Sharda University, Knowledge park-III, Greater Noida, U.P. ,India ABSTRACT This article creates an innovative model for successfully achieving objective based on effectiveness of Information System. In the article four different cases are studied of renowned individual achievers in different fields. The reason for taking highly successful famous achievers from four different fields/streams for ones’ awareness in whatever field one may choose may follow onto their footsteps to become an achiever may not be up to that stature however can be up to certain extent. Through such achievers taken in this article as cases studied to derive common phenomena between their practices which existed to generate the model for success also keeping in mind their derived lessons to learn from them. The whole comparative study on cases on certain common parameter is made to understand their journey from their background till experiences of struggle in not only achieving objectives in their professional and personal life but also how much they had balanced their both aspects of life. This article formulates to practice the innovative fourteen iterative steps (IFIS) model to successfully achieve objectives in both aspects of life and flow chart generated as pictorial representation of this IFIS model, this also should be implemented in the business world for success. Key Words: Information, Information System, Personal Life, Professional Life & Objective of Life 1. INTRODUCTION This article is formulated in making individual to realize the importance of Information System (IS) in their life as the only weapon in developing their life for achieving their targeted goal or objective. Information System has been elaborated in detail to make one understand from all aspect how information plays vital role and a key tool for which system INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM) ISSN 0976-6502 (Print) ISSN 0976-6510 (Online) Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013), pp. 195-223 © IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijm.asp Journal Impact Factor (2013): 6.9071 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com IJM © I A E M E
  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)





    Dr. Sharad Raghuvansh, Asst.Professor,

    Sharda University, Knowledge park-III, Greater Noida, U.P. ,India


    This article creates an innovative model for successfully achieving objective based on effectiveness of Information System. In the article four different cases are studied of renowned individual achievers in different fields. The reason for taking highly successful famous achievers from four different fields/streams for ones awareness in whatever field one may choose may follow onto their footsteps to become an achiever may not be up to that stature however can be up to certain extent. Through such achievers taken in this article as cases studied to derive common phenomena between their practices which existed to generate the model for success also keeping in mind their derived lessons to learn from them. The whole comparative study on cases on certain common parameter is made to understand their journey from their background till experiences of struggle in not only achieving objectives in their professional and personal life but also how much they had balanced their both aspects of life. This article formulates to practice the innovative fourteen iterative steps (IFIS) model to successfully achieve objectives in both aspects of life and flow chart generated as pictorial representation of this IFIS model, this also should be implemented in the business world for success.

    Key Words: Information, Information System, Personal Life, Professional Life & Objective of Life


    This article is formulated in making individual to realize the importance of Information System (IS) in their life as the only weapon in developing their life for achieving their targeted goal or objective. Information System has been elaborated in detail to make one understand from all aspect how information plays vital role and a key tool for which system


    ISSN 0976-6502 (Print) ISSN 0976-6510 (Online) Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013), pp. 195-223 IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijm.asp Journal Impact Factor (2013): 6.9071 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com

    IJM I A E M E

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    has developed to manage and can critically help for development. Information from definition, generation, generators, need, importance, role of IS and till technologies used in IS as (IT) has been covered and elaborated in such a way that one has to focus on IS to be an achiever. Personal Life is identified as family life which private life a line which differentiates personal life with professional life. Professional life is related to outside world where one has to contribute to the world as for their existence in the world. Mainly in the modern era through professional life one has to earn for their family life development. This article derives how one can be achiever in both professional life and personal life success through Innovative Fourteen Iterative Steps (IFIS) model. This IFIS which is formulated through study of case studies in this article based on information System. This article itself provides information for individual as highlighting seven effective habits and lessons to be learned from the cases discussed. Cases in this article are of those world fame Indian personalities of different fields such as Sports (of Cricket), Film Industry (of Acting), Business Industry (founder & mentor) and Politician (non-comparable leader) are the information provided as the vital tool which could be utilized for ones growth, development and be successful in life by achieving objectives, similarly followed by the business world. This study through all dimension of comparative analysis among the cases brought out a common phenomenon which occurred between their achievements. The lessons one should learn from the four diversified stream cases discussed in this article from their personal family life background to the professional and personal development indicated their struggle of experiences in development and come out to be achievers in their both aspects of life. Reason for ach famous personality from different streams have been picked up for this study is to make one understand no matter what the stream is one could achieve success by following what was common practice between them which was followed. This is how this article created innovative model as best practice for any individual to be a best performer. Through such cases studies this article has formulated innovative model to be known as Innovative Fourteen Iterative Steps (IFIS) as algorithm which is also represented through flow chart that one could follow to be an achiever, this is the main part of this article that one must focus.

    1.1 Introduction to Information System Information System constitutes of two entity words. One entity is Information which has various definitions as by Oxford Dictionary 1. facts provided or learned about something or someone: a vital piece of information, 2. what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things: genetically transmitted information . Other definitions by Dictionary.com 1.knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news, 2. Knowledge gained through study, communication, research, instruction, 3. The act or fact of informing, 4. An office, station, service, or employee whose function is to provide information to the public One of the most common ways to define information is to describe it as one or more statements or facts that are received by a human and that have some form of worth to the recipient. The recipient is responsible destination to receive applicable information at the right time for their productivity. System also has various definitions as by Oxford Dictionary 1. a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole, 2. a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method, 3. (the system) the prevailing political or social order,

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    especially when regarded as oppressive and intransigent. By Dictionary.com 1.an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole: a mountain system; 2. any assemblage or set of correlated members; 3. an ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, doctrines, or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought; 4. a coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme; 5.any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure. From Encyclopedia Britannica Information System is defined as an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, processing, and communicating information. Business firms, other organizations, and individuals in contemporary society rely on information systems to manage their operations, compete in the marketplace, supply services, and augment personal lives. For instance, modern corporations rely on computerized information systems to process financial accounts and manage human resources; municipal governments rely on information systems to provide basic services to its citizens; and individuals use information systems to study, shop, bank, and invest. There are certain habits on which individual has to keep in mind for their own personal growth as information to develop themselves.

    1.2 Introduction to Business Information System Business Information System is a combination of people, hardware, software, communication devices, network and data resources that processes (can be storing, retrieving, transforming information) data and information for a business purpose. The operation theory is just similar to any other system, which needs inputs from user (key in instructions and commands, typing, scanning). The inputted data then will be processed (calculating, reporting) using technology devices such as computers, and produce output (printing reports, displaying results) that will be sent to another user or other system via a network and a feedback mechanism from business contributors that controls the operation to meet the business objectives. In business there are four major types of Information System are used as Expert Support System (ESS) at top strategic decision making level , Decision Support System (DSS) at top tactical decision managerial level, Management Information System (MIS) at middle managerial level, Transaction Processing System (TPS) at lower managerial level. Such kind of Information system are implemented in business information system achieve business goals according to business plans [1].


    With information and business services now the fastest growing sectors of the service economy and with the enhancement of commoditized business process, service oriented architectures, service oriented infrastructures, on demand computing, cloud computing and self-service systems, there is a strong, promising relationship between the study of computational systems [3]. The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has the imminent to facilitate the digital transformation of service activities into service models and computational service components, but these technologies can be advanced through novel intelligence techniques, models and methodologies to compete in the emerging knowledge-based economy. Growing knowledge of ICT design, execution, storage, transmission and reuse is creating opportunities to configure these technologies into service relationships that create new value [4]. More specifically, ICT provides the means to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and innovativeness of service systems. A services research

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    agenda requires addressing service and technology management strategy that can integrate the heuristic nature of designing, modeling, representing, and warehousing best practice business processes. [5] More significant part of information is how the information technology through e-Business being utilized for business contributor satisfaction and to increase their volume as one of the prominent objective of any business today on one-to-one basis. Encompassing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is one of the ways that add up profitable signs on business processes adding up success stories with effective customer focus, process change, right product to the right customer and best service support provided individually. The best tools for e-business success and link building, that it involves selling products and services online. This enables a business to easily reach a greater number of customers than before.[6]

    1.3 Information Generation

    Figure 1.0: Source [2]

    Information generation begins and ends with questions. To generate information, we need to: Formulate precisely the question we are trying to answer. Collect the data and facts relating to that question. Analyze the data to determine the factual answer to the question. Present the data in a way that clearly communicates the answer to the question. [2]

    The above Fig.1.0 with consecutive points mentioned indicates not only for the business but for the individuals as the communication part also can be considered as actions based on the analysis being done on depends upon individual capabilities.

    1.4 Information Generators (Data/Information & Data/Information Sources) Information generators in industries depend on internal sources and external sources. The internal sources are the middle managerial level reports which are based on the data collectors which are performed by the lower managerial level. Middle level in business managerial hierarchy utilizes management information system to generate crucial significant information for the top level for effective decision making either strategic or tactical depending onto the information. The external sources are the business contributors which help the business world for collecting productive/useful information. [6] For individual as the above definitions mentioned for information knowledge is all around and it depends how one takes up for their achievable objectives in life and should

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    have the capabilities to identify the proper source for effective and productive information. The individual capabilities depend upon psychology, hitting the right area for collecting information, perception for taking action and managing reaction. One needs to develop their own framework similar to managerial hierarchy in business organization according to relevant data collection, information generation to satisfy decision makers and decision making to achieve the objectives/goals of business. For individual a one should follow almost the same pattern as mentioned above collecting information instead of data as availability of related knowledge/information is available through multiple sources all around the individual. Ones arrangement of how and from where the information is collected for their requirement, the sources availabilities as news papers, magazines, books, internet, etc. only these sources are not good enough one always need guide/mentor and trainers for better understanding, effective analysis and for proper action and reaction according to reach to their goal. As a decision maker one is responsible for exactly understand needs, identifying source of information, analysis and action to be taken with the help of guide/mentor or specialist/trainers. The information generators for individual are the source and guide/mentor or specialist.


    2.1 System required by Information Information by the dictionary meaning it is all over but it depends how it is formulated and designed by the business organization or individual for analysis and to fulfill the requirements in achieving their target. This article emphasis on not only ones professional life but personal life all together for balance between them. Business world has already identified their system to handle their information according to the general or customized business model. For individual there is no such model but one has to go by their instinct, intuitions or experiences which must have some logics for their every action starting from data collection, analysis and actions. All the components or sub-system are arranged and integrated according to their work-functionality(processes) as BPM and achieve their objectives in generating output which is utilized by another sub-system for their objective to achieve according to overall vision mission of business or individual.

    Need of IS in business streamlining The information is generated within any enterprise through assured precise techniques by each subsystem taking up inputs from one subsystem(e.g. procurement) and deliver output to another subsystem as interrelated till it reaches to the final subsystem(e.g. sales & distribution) which act together to outside world or for taking decisions. Information in its most restricted technical sense is an ordered sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message also can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being conveyed. This concept has numerous other meanings in different contexts. Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to conceptions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and especially entropy. There are managerial hierarchies which are responsible in taking up inputs, processing and generating outputs as reports to another respectively which are broadly known as system, where there is work flow and command flow streams. [7] This provides effective measures in streamlining business work functionalities.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    2.2 Information to meet the requirement The critical part is information to meet the requirement is very sensitive, extensive and challenging research area for both business and individual. To receive proper information to meet the requirement one has to go through the research of what exactly is the need in identifying the problem to be solved. For this one of the general method is the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) this is not only for the business system but individual set up for their smooth functionality in satisfying their needs respectively. In Business, business process components/units and their interrelationship, technologies used for transformation by implementing business process based transformation development life cycle (BPBTDLC). [8]

    2.3 Prospects of Information System for future generation Prospect is very high as demand of in-depth information and within time framework i.e. speed and technologies and management domains where there is endless demand in creating proper way of information to be generated, handled and managed in reaching out to those who are in need. Definitely future is of those who have the skill-set in both the domains are known as Techno-Managers. The dependency of scope in technology and management is through information required by business world and individuals.[8]


    3.1 Identifying System & Sub-System Information generated by each level within system and sub-system depends on business logics, which is converted into business processes and sub-processes as for system and sub-system. The collaborative measures in coordinating systems process along with sub-systems sub-processes as metrics to be designed and understood with ease. Interlinking and Interdependency of sub-systems are the relevant features in creating system. Business Process Management (BPM) offers a solution and helps business organization visualize a business process, define the process workflow and integrate the process into an existing infrastructure. Adding intelligence into BRM with business rules and BRM capabilities enhances the value of the technology dramatically by allowing business analysts to play a larger role in accurately defining the business requirements, business processes and managing the sophistication and complexity of real world business perplexities.[1] Similar situation occur in individual life.

    3.2 Cohesiveness of Info. to Integrate sub-system The above mentioned identifying System & Sub-System should be tightly coupled for cohesive information to bring out the perfection, authentic and reliable reports generated for the decision makers to get the clear picture of achievement compared to the business plan. This cohesiveness is the reflection of potential strength of any organization. The success of any business organization directly depend on the cohesiveness of their internal arrangements of the system using technology as their tool for speedy information generation, quick decision making and fast action to be taken up.[6] Business take up business intelligence which comprises of data warehousing and data mining in maintaining the cohesiveness of information which integrates all the subsystems data processed to generate the required information.[8] In individual one should intact oneself with patience to apply self-creativity in integrating the relevant information they gather from various source for their own productivity as discussed further within cases in this article.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)



    4.1 Effect on Organization In business mission, vision and objectives are effectively planned keeping in view of predicted or estimated changes which might affect the business sooner or later known as future or exceptional plans. Similar to individual business organization has to keep monitoring for change to occur and take effective measures through their innovative ideas based on experiences they analyze and take proper steps in bring up new changes for business growth/productivity. Fundamentals Performance of Technology is a practical how-to guide designed to help users such as practitioners and students understand the science of performance technology and successfully implement organizational change. Using the Human Performance Technology (HTP) model, the authors explain step-by-step how to spot performance indicators, analyze problems, identify their underlying causes, and create workable solutions, and perspective on change management.[13] Though this article emphasizes on individual success professionally and personally.

    4.2 Effect on individual To have balanced successful professional and personal life one needs to have abundance of versatile quality to maintain the balance between the two aspects of life. One has to be prompt in receiving information as the changes in the environment/factors are very frequent as in government policies, business world, population growth, etc.. The effect of frequent changes to keep oneself abreast and adjust, manipulate or modify according to their vision, mission and objectives to achieve and successfully balance in both aspects challenges in individuals life as shown in the Flow Chart below in figure 1.0. Though there are certain habits given by learned people who have given their view onto succeed in life as this article covers as much as possible.

    The Seven Habits of Highly Effective. (Mentioned in Table No. 3) Although they werent completely original thoughts, the catchy labels he gave the habits made them memorable by Stephen Covey [9] Below are 10 quotes from Stephen Covey that have the power to completely change the direction of ones life. [9] 1) The key is not to prioritize whats on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. 2) The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. 3) Live out of your imagination, not your history. 4) Trust is the glue of life. Its the most essential ingredient in effective communication. Its the foundational principle that holds all relationships. 5) Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important. 6) I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. 7) You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the couragepleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically, to say no to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger yes burning inside. The enemy of the best is often the good. 8) I teach people how to treat me by what I will allow. 9) Love is a verb. Love the feeling is the fruit of love the verb or our loving actions. So love her. 10) Live, love, laugh, leave a legacy.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    Developing Habits [9] Stephen has done this by teaching principles he calls timeless and God-given. These principles are so universal, in fact, that they can be considered laws, like gravity, says his longtime business partner Boyd Craig. He teaches that if you put these principles at the center of your life, youll have security, guidance, wisdom, and power. These principlessuch as be proactive, think win/win, and sharpen the sawhave resounded with diverse groups across the world, all starting with the publication of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. When 7 Habits climbed to the top of best-seller lists, the demand for a conversation with Stephen skyrocketed. He began consulting big-time business and political leaders worldwide who had read his bookOprah, Nelson Mandela, both George Bushes, Victor Frankl, Desmond Tutu, Vicente Fox, Mikhail Gorbachev.

    Putting First Things First [9] Covey coined the idea of abundance mentality or abundance mindset, a concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and success to share with others. He contrasts it with the scarcity mindset (i.e., destructive and unnecessary competition), which is founded on the idea that, if someone else wins or is successful in a situation, that means you lose; not considering the possibility of all parties winning (in some way or another) in a given situation (see zero-sum game). Individuals with an abundance mentality reject the notion of zero-sum games and are able to celebrate the success of others rather than feel threatened by it.[10] Covey contends that the abundance mentality arises from having a high self-worth and security (see Habits 1, 2, and 3), and leads to the sharing of profits, recognition and responsibility. Organizations may also apply an abundance mentality when doing business.[11] Covey explains the "Upward Spiral" model in the sharpening the saw section. Through our conscience, along with meaningful and consistent progress, the spiral will result in growth, change, and constant improvement. In essence, one is always attempting to integrate and master the principles outlined in The 7 Habits at progressively higher levels at each iteration. Subsequent development on any habit will render a different experience and you will learn the principles with a deeper understanding. The Upward Spiral model consists of three parts: learn, commit, do. According to Covey, one must be increasingly educating the conscience in order to grow and develop on the upward spiral.[12]

    4.2.1 Effect on individual in Personal & Professional life on famous four Cases Effect on individual this article has collection of study literature(biographical sketch) on Four Cases of Achievers of different Streams in their Personal and Professional Life is in Appendix-I and lessons learned from their achievements for the study literature is in Appendix-II. The Cases which this article discusses is of four world fame Indian achievers in four different streams (field) are of as follows:

    1) Case I : Mr. Sachin Tendulkar from Sports; 2) Case II : Mr. Amitabh Bachchan from Film Industry; 3) Case III : Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani from Business Industry; 4) Case IV: Mr. M. K. Gandhi from politics.

    The Comparative Study is made through tabular form (Table No. 1 & 2) of Personal and Professional performances made in certain identified parameters for further comparison analysis in two stages. The third stage comparison is through Table No.3 which is of lessons to learn from them. The comparative analysis from all dimension are explained after the tabular form of comparison. This study has helped to understand the IFIS model with clarity as described further below as represented in figure 1.0 in this article.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    Table No. : 1: Category I: Personal Life Performance*

    *Cases Literature Refer to Appendix-I

    CASES/ Personal


    Type of Family (Background)

    Background of Family

    Matches with profession

    Education Struggle Failure Achievement

    Case I: Mr. Sachin Tendulkar (Cricketer)

    Mediocre Father school teacher & one


    Low-Not matched with


    Very Low- struggled to

    pass 10th Class

    Low - not much of

    struggle in family life

    Very Low -No failure in establishing family life

    till now

    Very High -Successful on

    family developing

    healthy family

    Case II : Mr. Amitabh

    Bachchan (Actor)

    High Well establish

    professor father & rich mother

    with one brother

    Low - Not matched with


    High Very well

    educated as he is M.Sc.

    in Chemistry

    High From injuries & to

    balance personal to professional

    life, even financial

    crunches & downfall in

    profession & controversies disturbed his personal life

    Low - Not Failed as he has managed even after all

    kinds of disturbances

    Very High - Successful after high

    struggle on professional


    Case III : Mr. Dhirubhai

    Ambani (Industrialist)

    Mediocre father school

    teacher 5 siblings

    Low - Partially

    matches as relatives were

    involved in business

    Mediocre - struggled

    throughout in studies -Graduated

    Low - As his skills did not

    let much disturbance to his family life,

    managed it very well as

    his professional


    Very Low - Not failed,

    He managed it very


    Very High- established his family as his empire with

    equal (balanced) priority.

    Case IV : Mr. M. K.

    Gandhi (Politician)

    Very High- Well

    established, Father was

    diwan (equivalent to

    chief minister)& very


    High Political

    background from before grand father

    Mediocre Went to on to become barrister in

    London after

    struggle through school studies

    Very High - very much disturbed

    family life as sacrificed

    personal life for his


    Very High - Totally failed as involved his family

    according to his sacrifices

    Very Low Family went


  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    Table No.: 2: Category II: Professional Life Performance*

    *Cases Literature Refer to Appendix-I

    CASES/ Professional Parameters

    Objective Clarity Initial Start

    Education or Training Struggle Failure Achievement

    Case I: Mr. Sachin Tendulkar (Cricketer)

    Very High To dedicate

    Mediocre- Not very


    Very High-Educated through rigorous training

    High Faced many fluctuations-

    manly injuries and out of form

    High As a captain of team poor


    Very High Won too many

    awards and achieved too many records

    named after him. Too many

    commercial endorsement

    Case II : Mr. Amitabh

    Bachchan (Actor)

    Very High Continuous

    effort as Struggled too

    much to become actor

    Low- as a radio

    announcer, then

    dubbing and deaf and mute as starting


    Low -No training as such only through

    thirteen flop films trained


    Very High From

    initial start to serious injury and multiple


    High- Failed many times two major slag period

    had occurred; 1) after

    injury; 2) joined politics

    Very High Won too many

    awards and record breaking

    career. Too many commercial endorsement

    Case III : Mr. Dhirubhai

    Ambani (Industrialist)

    Very High- To make/ generate money

    Moderate- Slow initial start from

    small job to small


    Low No education or

    training related

    business, only through

    self observations & experience

    Low Struggle was not much

    believed in his vision &


    Very Low No failures as wherever & whatever

    he did he kept on

    rising, hard work was his

    struggle in managing finance for his business

    as High Struggle

    Very High Honored with several awards

    and build his own business empire

    Case IV : Mr. M. K.

    Gandhi (Politician)

    Very Low- No big

    objective as such just kept

    on moving fighting with

    Odd situations occurred (not clear whether

    it will be achieved or


    Moderate start As a civil right movement in south Africa

    Low- Not good in school studies

    though got idea of law

    while training as barrister

    Very High Sacrificed his life for

    the struggle of freedom for India.

    Moderate As India got freedom but

    could not save its


    Very High Freedom to India and Honored as Father of the

    Nation i.e. India and got the title as Mahatma

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    Table No.: 3: Category III: Lessons to be learned by the Cases Along with effective Habits**

    Serial No.

    Seven Highly Effective Habits:

    Mr. Steven Covey

    CASE I : Mr. Sachin


    CASE II : Mr.Amitabh


    Case III: Mr. Dhirubhai


    Case IV : Mr.M.K.Gan dhi

    1. Be Proactive

    No matter how big you

    become, you still have to do

    the basics

    His different roles teaches Keep


    Roll up your sleeves and help. You and

    your team share the same DNA

    Always Act

    2. Begin with the End in Mind A mistake can cost you dearly

    Calm and Composed Amitabh Bachchan teaches Never to

    Lose Control

    Be a safety net for your team and they

    will perform wonders Self-Control

    3. Put First Things First Stay on top of the situation

    Always keep your promises Lalsingh jaan de dega magar jabaan nahin jaane


    Be a silent benefactor


    4. Think Win-Win Stay grounded He believed that Life and Entrepreneurship is like a boxing ring



    5. Seek First to Understand Survive


    His bond with Amar Singh teaches

    Goodwill Outlasts Passion

    The arm-around-the shoulder leader


    6. Synergize Dont worry about records

    Big B in KBC teaches Repetition is the

    essence of business

    Supply creates demand


    7. Sharpen the Saw -

    Crorepati maker teaches Being

    humble keeps you grounded

    Money is not product by itself. It is a by-product, so dont

    chase it


    8. - - Coolie Amitabh teaches to Pick yourself up from


    Leave the professional alone


    9. - - His 13 flop stints

    teaches Keep trying until you succeed

    Change your orbit , constantly Change

    your orbit -

    10. - - - OPTIMISM, THE



    11. - - - You can find a friend in every human being -

    12. - - - Think Big -

    13. - - - Hold on to your dreams -

    14. - - - Bet on your people Bet on your people -

    15. - - - BE POSITIVE -

    **Lessons Literature Refer to Appendix-II

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    4.2.2 Comparative Analysis of the above mentioned three Categories of these Four Cases are as Follows:

    First Stage of Comparison

    Category I: In this category of Personal details and Performances Sachin Tendulkar compared to mediocre background still managed to get very high performance in developing a healthy family of hes own as a high achievement even with only Low education in his personal life with less of struggle and without failure. This is similar with the in case of Dhirubhai Ambani a mediocre family background and had struggled only with professional life lead to build high profile family as a remarkable achievement even with mediocre education. Whereas Amitabh Bachchan had a high family background and high education had few struggle in family because of controversies and slag in his profession life but maintained his high profile healthy family as of today. But in case of Gandhi he sacrificed his family life and family member even today are unnoticed as a total failure as he was from very high profile family background though he was a mediocre in education.

    Category II: In this category of Professional details and Performances Sachin had highly remarkable achievement as success in his profession even though he had low performance initial start but was very highly trained with only one objective of dedication to achieve. He had struggled very hard and got through those failures which he had to face with unbeatable performances dedication was his only objective and became an achiever Cricket God. Amitabh Bachchan had achieved very high unbeatable success without any training even though which was not easy as he had low initial start and very high struggle throughout his life with one objective of making continuous effort without loosing hope and he has created in the film industry outstanding achievement as Star of the Millennium. Dhiribhai Ambani had his visions, missions very clear in achieving objective with less struggle and all efforts to generate money. Though he had no training or education related to his profession and had a very moderate initial start and without any failure he achieved a great success in materializing his dream. Gandhi had very low objective clarity to whatever he has achieved because this achievement looked like unachievable. So, he has achieved the unachievable objective though he had moderate start in South Africa and highly struggled throughout to each and every milestone which became history for the country and declared as Father of the Nation and called as Mahatma.

    Second Stage of Comparison This is the comparison between the two categories in which to derive how much balancing the cases are in their personal and professional life. It has been observed that all of them had very effectively balanced their personal and professional life except of Gandhi who had to sacrifice his personal family life though he could have manage it because of his high profile family background but his professional achievement is beyond comparison with other cases. Whereas Sachin and Dhirubhai had started with low family background and reached to develop high profile family from their extraordinary achievements in professional life. In case of Amitabh had a high profile family background but went to different stream to high struggle and balanced both the aspect of life as an outstanding achievement.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    Third Stage of Comparison through lessons derived from Cases achievements & effective Habits: The clarity of lessons to learn from those four cases of different streams is given there in Category III. These lessons one should to take it as the basis before going into those fourteen iterative steps derived by this article through these studies of cases designed on the basis of Information System.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)



    This article has covered detail definition, need, importance, role and effects of Information System (IS) to make one understand how IS plays an effective role not in only business but to individual. One has to realize that there is no short cut to achieve their effective objectives/goals for success in both the aspects of life. Sub-consciously or unconsciously each individual is following this model which this article discussed through the cases studied. Famous successful personality cases of different streams were studied and been identified that they were also going through the common phenomena which lead to create this innovative fourteen iterative steps (IFIS) model for achieving objective to be successful in their life. Further study of research is to focus on comparison between creativity and discipline to achieve success in life. This article though emphasized on one should follow IFIS model to struggle and be an achiever as those personalities cases achievers discussed.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)



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    [17]Sachin Tendulkars Fifty Hundreds 6 Lessons For An Entrepreneur An Article By Abhijeet Makhijani 21 December 2010. Http://Www.Pixelonomics.Com/Sachin-Tendulkar-Fifty-Hundred-Lessons-For-Entrepreneur/ [18]Bal, Sambit. "Sachin TendulkarCricinfo Profile". Cricinfo. Retrieved 14 December 2007. [19]"Htcricket.Com: A Special Htcricket Section Celebrating Sachin Tendulkar's 100th Test". Hindustantimes.Com. Retrieved 18 December 2012. [20]Baliga, Linah (1 April 2011). "Shivaji Park Prays For Famous Son". The Times Of India. Times News Network. [21]Somak Sen (17 October 2008). "Sachin Tendulkar: The Last Word In Cricket". Merinews. Retrieved 3 June 2009. [22]Williams, Richard (15 May 1999). "Tendulkar's Genius Inspires Awe". The Independent. Retrieved 17 February 2012. [23]Booth, Lawrence. "Strange Innovations Cricinfo.Com". Cricinfo. Retrieved 3 August 2009. [24]"Statistics, Australia In India ODI Series, 2007/08". Cricinfo. Retrieved 1 June 2008. [24]"List Of ODI Captains". Cricinfo. Retrieved 25 April 2012. [25] "A Tale Of Two Captains". Rediff. Retrieved 1 June 2008. [26] "Match Report AUS V IND 3rd Test 26 December 30, 1999". Cricinfo. Retrieved 1 June 2008. [27] "Tendulkar Suggested Dhoni's Name: Pawar". Hindustan Times. India. 21 March 2008. Retrieved 18 July 2010. [28]Badrinath, Raghuvir (4 January 2006). "Sachin To Bat For Sanyo-BPL". Business Standard. Retrieved 26 April 2012. [29] "Sachin Tendulkar Is The New Face Of Toshiba". Business Standard. 1 July 2010. Retrieved 17 March 2012. [30] "Sachin Tendulkar Makes Money Faster Than Runs". The Indian Express. 19 May 1999. Retrieved 3 March 2008. [31]"Sachin To Bat For Castrol". Castrol India. Retrieved 25 January 2011. [32] "Clark And Reynolds Extend Contracts". Sport Gnome. 12 January 2012. Retrieved 26 April 2012. [33]"A Brand Name Called Sachin Tendulkar". The Times Of India (India). 7 August 2002. Retrieved 21 March 2007. [34] "$17 Mn Deal For Sachin". Rediff. 16 May 2001. Retrieved 21 March 2007. [35]"Tendulkar Signs $40-Million Contract". Mail & Guardian Online. 4 May 2006. Retrieved 26 April 2012. [36]"Sachin Opens Restaurant, Plans Chains". Rediff. 19 July 2002. Retrieved 21 March 2007. [37] "Tendulkar Expanding Restaurant Business". The Economic Times. 17 October 2004. Retrieved 26 April 2012. [38] "Sachin Tendulkar Becomes Stakeholder In A Joint Venture". The Indian Express. India. 7 February 2007. Retrieved 21 March 2007. [39] "Sachin Tendulkar Becomes Stakeholder In A Joint Venture". London: BBC. 7 February 2007. Retrieved 21 March 2007. [40] Prabhakar, Binoy (1 April 2012). "No New Endorsement After Century Of Centuries; Is Sachin Tendulkar's Brand Aura On The Wane?". The Economic Times. Retrieved 26 April 2012.

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    [41] "Pepsi Celebrates Sachin At 29". The Hindu Business Line. 25 April 2002. Retrieved 21 March 2007. [42]"Hatching A New Game Plan". The Hindu Business Line. 2 December 2010. Retrieved 26 April 2012. [43]"Sachin & BCCI To Spread AIDS Awareness Message". Thatscricket. 22 March 2005. Archived From The Original On 30 September 2007. Retrieved 21 March 2007. [44]"Luminous Signs The Legend Sachin Tendulkar As Brand Ambassador". Technics Today. 3 May 2010. Retrieved 17 March 2012. [45]"Indian Legends, Dhirubhai Ambani. Accessed Oct, 28. 2006". Muraleedharan.Tripod.Com. Retrieved 2010-12-31. [46]Dhirubhai Ambani From Dhirubhai.Net Http://Www.Dhirubhai.Net/Dhapp/Virtualpageview.Jsp?Page_Id=227 [47]Entrepreneurial Lessons From Gandhiji By Siliconindia | Monday, 01 October 2012, [48] Chadha, Yogesh (1997). Gandhi: A Life (Illustrated, Reprint Ed.). John Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-24378-6. Retrieved 8 February 2012. [49] Hatt, Christine (12 April 2002). Mahatma Gandhi. Evans Brothers. ISBN 978-0-237-52308-4. Retrieved 26 February 2012. [50] Wikipedia.


    Study Literature (biographical sketch) collected and elaborated on four cases of successful famous Indian achievers on their personal and professional life are as follows [References are included in the article]

    CASE I: Mr. Sachin Tendulkar

    Brief Personal Life Background of Mr. Tendulkar[16] Tendulkar was born on 24 April 1973 into a Rajapur Saraswat Brahmin family in Bombay (now Mumbai) His father Ramesh Tendulkar was a reputed Marathi novelist and his mother Rajni worked in the insurance industry. Ramesh named Tendulkar after his favourite music director, Sachin Dev Burman. Tendulkar has three elder siblings: two half-brothers Nitin and Ajit, and a half-sister Savita. They were Ramesh's children from his first marriage.He spent his formative years in the Sahitya Sahawas Cooperative Housing Society, Bandra (East), Bombay. As a young boy, Tendulkar was considered a bully, and often picked up fights with new children in his school He also showed an interest in tennis, idolising John McEnroe. To help curb his mischievous and bullying tendencies, Ajit introduced him to cricket in 1984. He introduced the young Sachin to Ramakant Achrekar, a famous cricket coach of Bombay and a club cricketer of repute, at Shivaji Park, Dadar, Bombay.

    Training of Mr. Tendulkar[17,18,19] Achrekar was impressed with Tendulkar's talent and advised him to shift his schooling to Sharadashram Vidyamandir (English) High School, a school at Dadar which had a dominant cricket team and had produced many notable cricketers Prior to this, Tendulkar had attended the Indian Education Society's New English School in Bandra (East). He was also coached under the guidance of Achrekar at Shivaji Park in the mornings and evenings. Tendulkar would practice for hours on end in the nets. If he became exhausted, Achrekar

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    would put a one-rupee coin on the top of the stumps, and the bowler who dismissed Tendulkar would get the coin. If Tendulkar passed the whole session without getting dismissed, the coach would give him the coin. Tendulkar now considers the 13 coins he won then as some of his most prized possessions. He moved in with his aunt and uncle, who lived near Shivaji Park, during this period, due to his hectic schedule.

    Development of Mr. Tendulkar[20,21] Meanwhile at school, he developed a reputation as a child prodigy. He had become a common conversation point in Mumbai cricketing circles, where there were suggestions already that he would become one of the greats. Besides school cricket, he also played club cricket, initially representing John Bright Cricket Club in Bombay's premier club cricket tournament, the Kanga League, and later went on to play for the Cricket Club of India. In 1987, at the age of 14, he attended the MRF Pace Foundation in Madras (now Chennai) to train as a fast bowler, but Australian fast bowler Dennis Lillee, who took a world record 355 Test wickets, was unimpressed, suggesting that Tendulkar focus on his batting instead. A couple of months later, former Indian batsman Sunil Gavaskar gave him a pair of his own ultra light pads. "It was the greatest source of encouragement for me," Tendulkar said nearly 20 years later after surpassing Gavaskar's world record of 34 Test centuries. His season in 1988 was extraordinary, with Tendulkar scoring a century in every innings he played. He was involved in an unbroken 664-run partnership in a Lord Harris Shield inter-school game against Anjuman-E-Islam High School in 1988 with his friend and team-mate Vinod Kambli, who would also go on to represent India. The destructive pair reduced one bowler to tears and made the rest of the opposition unwilling to continue the game. Tendulkar scored 326 (not out) in this innings and scored over a thousand runs in the tournament. This was a record partnership in any form of cricket until 2006, when it was broken by two under-13 batsmen in a match held at Hyderabad in India.

    Struggle of Mr. Tendulkar[22] Tendulkar was dismissed seven times in 2007 between 90 and 100, including three times at 99, leading some to suggest that he struggles to cope with nerves in this phase of his innings. Tendulkar has got out 23 times between 90 and 100 in his international career. On 8 November 2007 he got out on 99 against Pakistan in an ODI at Mohali to the bowling of Umar Gul. In the fourth ODI, he got out on 97 (off 102 balls with 16 fours) after dragging a delivery from Gul on to his stumps, falling short of another century in ODIs in 2007.

    Failure as Captain[23,24,25,26] Tendulkar's two tenures as captain of the Indian cricket team were not very successful. When Tendulkar took over as captain in 1996, it was with huge hopes and expectations. However, by 1997 the team was performing poorly. Azharuddin was credited with saying "Nahin jeetega! Chote ki naseeb main jeet nahin hai!", which translates into: "He won't win! It's not in the small one's destiny!". Tendulkar, succeeding Azharuddin as captain for his second term, then led India on a tour of Australia, where the visitors were comprehensively beaten 30 by the newly crowned world champions. Tendulkar, however, won the player of the tournament award as well as player of the match in one of the games. After another Test series defeat, this time by a 02 margin at home against South Africa, Tendulkar resigned, and Sourav Ganguly took over as captain in 2000.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March Tendulkar remains an integral part of the Indian team's strategic processes. He is often seen in discussion with the captain, at times actively involved in building strategies. Former captain Rahul Dravid publicly acknowledged that Tendulkar had been suggesting movas the promotion of Irfan Pathan up the batting order which, although only temporary, had an immediate effect on the team's fortunes. In 2007, Tendulkar was appointed vicecaptain Rahul Dravid. During the Indian team's 2007 tour of Englaresign from the captaincy became known. The BCCI President Sharad Pawar personally offered the captaincy to Tendulkar. However, Tendulkar asked Pawar not to appoint him captain, instead recommending Mahendra Singh Dhoni to take over revealed this conversation, crediting Tendulkar for first forwarding the name of Dhoni, who since achieved much success as captain.

    Commercial Endorsements of Mr. Tendulkar[27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40]

    Sachin Tendulkar has been sponsored by several brands throughout his career including Boost (1990present),Pepsi (1992Adidas (200010), Britannia (2001Sports (2002present), Sunfeast (2007(2007present), G-Hanz (2005Colgate-Palmolive Philips, VISA, Castrol India (2011Cola (201113). Tendulkar's immense popularity has led him to be an early pioneer in India on cricket business dealings when he signed a record sports management deal with Worldtel in 1995, the value of the deal being 30 crore (US$5.5WorldTel in 2001 was valued at signed a contract with Saatchi and Saatchi's ICONIX values at over three years. Tendulkar has opened two restaurants: (Mulund, Mumbai) and Bangalore. Sachin owns these restaurants in partnership with Sanjay Narang of Mars Restaurants. In 2007, Tendulkar also announced a JV with the Future Group and Manipal Group to launch healthcare and sports fitness products under the brand name 'S Drive and Sach'. A series of comic books by Virgin Comics is also due to be published featuring him as a superhero. Mr. Tendulkars Contribution towards Society[41,42,43] He has also been a spokesperson for 05), AIDS Awareness Campaign (2005) and Luminous India (2010Tendulkar sponsors 200 underprivileged children every year through Apnalaya, a Mumbaibased NGO associated with his motherTwitter raised 1.025 crore (US$190,000) through Sachin's crusade against cancer for the Crusade against Cancer foundation. Sachin Tendulkar spent nine hours on the 12Cola-NDTV Support My School telethon on 18 Septemb

    2 crore more than the target for from the creation of basic facilities, particularly toilets for girl students, in 140 government schools across the country.

    Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    remains an integral part of the Indian team's strategic processes. He is often seen in discussion with the captain, at times actively involved in building strategies. Former captain Rahul Dravid publicly acknowledged that Tendulkar had been suggesting movas the promotion of Irfan Pathan up the batting order which, although only temporary, had an immediate effect on the team's fortunes. In 2007, Tendulkar was appointed vice

    During the Indian team's 2007 tour of England, Dravid's desire to resign from the captaincy became known. The BCCI President Sharad Pawar personally offered the captaincy to Tendulkar. However, Tendulkar asked Pawar not to appoint him captain, instead recommending Mahendra Singh Dhoni to take over the reins. Pawar later revealed this conversation, crediting Tendulkar for first forwarding the name of Dhoni, who since achieved much success as captain.

    Commercial Endorsements of Mr. Tendulkar[27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40]

    has been sponsored by several brands throughout his career including present),Pepsi (19922009), Action Shoes (19952000), MRF (199910), Britannia (200107), Fiat Palio (200103), TVS (200205), ESPN Star

    ent), Sunfeast (200713), Canon (200609), Airtel (200406), Reynolds 07) Sanyo BPL (2007present), Toshiba (2010

    VISA, Castrol India (201112), Ujala Techno Bright and Coca

    Tendulkar's immense popularity has led him to be an early pioneer in India on cricket business dealings when he signed a record sports management deal with Worldtel in 1995,

    crore (US$5.5 million) over five years. His next WorldTel in 2001 was valued at 80 crore (US$15 million) over five years. In 2006, he signed a contract with Saatchi and Saatchi's ICONIX values at 180 crore (US$33

    Tendulkar has opened two restaurants: Tendulkar's (Colaba, Mumbai) and (Mulund, Mumbai) and Bangalore. Sachin owns these restaurants in partnership with Sanjay

    In 2007, Tendulkar also announced a JV with the Future Group and Manipal Group to orts fitness products under the brand name 'S Drive and Sach'. A

    series of comic books by Virgin Comics is also due to be published featuring him as a

    Mr. Tendulkars Contribution towards Society[41,42,43] He has also been a spokesperson for National Egg Coordination Committee (2003

    05), AIDS Awareness Campaign (2005) and Luminous India (2010present). Tendulkar sponsors 200 underprivileged children every year through Apnalaya, a Mumbaibased NGO associated with his mother-in-law, Annabel Mehta. A request from Sachin on

    crore (US$190,000) through Sachin's crusade against cancer for the Crusade against Cancer foundation. Sachin Tendulkar spent nine hours on the 12

    NDTV Support My School telethon on 18 September 2011 that helped raise for from the creation of basic facilities, particularly toilets for

    girl students, in 140 government schools across the country.

    6502(Print), ISSN 0976

    remains an integral part of the Indian team's strategic processes. He is often seen in discussion with the captain, at times actively involved in building strategies. Former captain Rahul Dravid publicly acknowledged that Tendulkar had been suggesting moves such as the promotion of Irfan Pathan up the batting order which, although only temporary, had an immediate effect on the team's fortunes. In 2007, Tendulkar was appointed vice-captain to

    nd, Dravid's desire to resign from the captaincy became known. The BCCI President Sharad Pawar personally offered the captaincy to Tendulkar. However, Tendulkar asked Pawar not to appoint him

    the reins. Pawar later revealed this conversation, crediting Tendulkar for first forwarding the name of Dhoni, who

    Commercial Endorsements of Mr. Tendulkar[27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40]

    has been sponsored by several brands throughout his career including 2000), MRF (19992009),

    05), ESPN Star 06), Reynolds

    present), Toshiba (2010present), 12), Ujala Techno Bright and Coca-

    Tendulkar's immense popularity has led him to be an early pioneer in India on cricket business dealings when he signed a record sports management deal with Worldtel in 1995,

    million) over five years. His next contract with million) over five years. In 2006, he

    crore (US$33 million)

    (Colaba, Mumbai) and Sachin's (Mulund, Mumbai) and Bangalore. Sachin owns these restaurants in partnership with Sanjay

    In 2007, Tendulkar also announced a JV with the Future Group and Manipal Group to orts fitness products under the brand name 'S Drive and Sach'. A

    series of comic books by Virgin Comics is also due to be published featuring him as a

    National Egg Coordination Committee (2003

    Tendulkar sponsors 200 underprivileged children every year through Apnalaya, a Mumbai-a. A request from Sachin on

    crore (US$190,000) through Sachin's crusade against cancer for the Crusade against Cancer foundation. Sachin Tendulkar spent nine hours on the 12-hour Coca-

    er 2011 that helped raise 7 crore for from the creation of basic facilities, particularly toilets for

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)



    National honours

    Padma Vibhushan, India's second highest civilian award, 2008. Maharashtra Bhushan Award, Maharashtra State's highest Civilian Award in 2001. Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian award, 1999. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India's highest honour given for achievement in sports,

    199798. Arjuna Award, by the Government of India in recognition of his outstanding

    achievement in sports, 1994.

    Other honours

    Wisden Leading Cricketer in the World: 2010. ICC Award-Sir Garfield Sobers trophy for cricketer of the year 2010. LG People's Choice Award: 2010. ICC World Test XI: 2009, 2010, 2011. ICC World ODI XI: 2004, 2007, 2010. Player of the tournament in 2003 Cricket World Cup. Rajiv Gandhi Awards Sports: 2005. Wisden Cricketer of the Year: 1997. In October 2010, he was awarded for Outstanding Achievement in Sport and the

    Peoples Choice Award at The Asian Awards in London. On 28 January 2011, he won the 'Castrol Indian Cricketer of the Year' award. 'BCCI Cricketer of the Year' award on 31 May 2011. On 3 September 2010, he was made a Honorary Group captain by the Indian Air

    Force. On 11 June 2012, he was given Wisden India Outstanding Achievement award. Honorary Member of the Order of Australia, given by the Australian government on 6

    November 2012.

    Successful Personal Life On 24 May 1995, at the age of 22, Tendulkar married Anjali, a paediatrician and daughter of Gujarati industrialist Anand Mehta and British social worker Annabel Mehta. Anjali is six years his senior. They have two children, Sara (born 12 October 1997) and Arjun (born 24 September 1999). Arjun, a left hander batsman, has recently been included in under-14 probables list of Mumbai Cricket Association for off-season training camp. In January 2013 he was selected in mumbai under-14 team for the west zone league.

    CASE II: Mr. Amitabh Bachchan

    Breif Background of Mr. Bachchan.[15] The trademark deep baritone voice, the tall, brooding persona, and intense eyes, made Amitabh Bachchan the ideal "Angry Young Man" in the 1975-84. The son of the late poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan, he was born in Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. After completing his education from Sherwood College, Nainital, and Kirori Mal College, Delhi University, he moved to Calcutta to work for shipping firm Shaw and Wallace. Later,

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    he moved to Bombay and struggled for a while to get his foot in the door of the Hindi film industry. The lanky, dark, and intensely brooding persona did not go down well with directors who were looking for wise-cracking, fair person - the trademark of the Indian hero in the 1960s.

    Struggle by Mr. Bachchan.[15] Bachchan struggled through many roles and was relegated at times to doing voice-overs and in one instance playing a deaf-mute. He broke through with Zanjeer (the Chain) in 1973 playing opposite his real-life love interest and future wife Jaya Bhaduri. His persona seemed apt for the post emergency period, capturing the resentment of underemployed youth and the increasing cult of violence. Bachchan was dubbed the Superstar, sharing that title with Rajesh Khanna, from 1975 until the mid 1980s.From 1985-1999 he had many flops and people criticized for playing same roles repeatedly. At the height of his popularity he was injured in an accident while shooting for the film Coolie - long lines of people prayed for his recovery at the Breach Candy hospital, underscoring his mega-star status. He left films in 1985 to become a Member of Parliament from Allahabad constituency as a Congress party candidate, as a favor to his family friend Rajiv Gandhi - the new Prime Minister of India. A report of involvement in financial irregularities (of which he was completely cleared later) made him decide to step down as MP. His return in 1987 was lukewarm as the Hindi film industry had moved on and newer, younger heroes essayed the part of Angry Young Man with more conviction. Bachchan seemed to have lost his heart in making films as his later roles did not show the flicker of passion that had marked earlier efforts in the 1970s. In 1984, for the first time since 1976, his film flopped and in 1989 3 films could not recover their money (in the Hindi film industry a flop is a film that does not recover a distributor's price, not the producer's cost). A series of lackluster films in the 1990s pointed to a long overdue exit, common to many other stars. A seemingly well-thought out venture to start a production company ABCL landed him in immense debts. Astonishingly, he burst back with a double act: one, playing the stern patriarch and two, reinventing himself as a brand that in turn, could market anything. He began the latter by hosting the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Kaun Banegaa Crorepati). At seventy, Amitabh Bachchan is a greater icon than he was at the height of his popularity three decades ago.

    Awards, Honors and Recognitions [50]

    1. National Award as best voice narrator in 1969, in the film Bhuvan Shome. 2. First National Film Award for Best Newcomer in 1969 for film Saat

    Hindustani. 3. Filmfare Best Supporting Actor Award in 1971 for film Anand. 4. Filmfare Best Supporting Actor Award in 1973 for Film Namak Haram. 5. Filmfare Best Film of 50 Years in1975 for film Dewaar. 6. Filmfare Best Actor Award in 1977 for film Amar Akbar Anthony. 7. The Padma Shri in 1984. 8. National Film Award for Best Actor in 1990 for film Agneepath. 9. Filmfare Best Actor Award in 1991 fo film Hum. 10. Superstar of the Millennium in 2000 at the Filmfare Awards. 11. The Padma Bhushan in 2001

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    12. The Actor of the Century award at the Alexandria International Film Festival in Egypt in recognition of his contribution to the world of cinema in 2001.

    13. The Legion of Honour, highest civilian honor of France was conferred upon him by the French Government in 2007.

    14. The Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2010 Asian Film Awards. 15. In June 2000, he became the first living Asian to have been modelled in wax at

    London's Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Another statue was installed in New York in 2009, Hong Kong in 2011, Bangkok in 2011 and Washington, DC in 2012.

    16. The Honorary Citizenship of the French town of Deauville in 2003. 17. The Honorary Doctorate was honored by so many universities as follows :

    the University of Jhansi, India, in 2004, The University of Delhi in 2006, The De Montfort University in Leicester, UK, in 2006, The Leeds Metropolitan University in Yorkshire, UK, in 2007, The Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, in 2011.

    18. On 27 July 2012, Bachchan carried the Olympic torch during the last leg of its relay in London's Southwark.

    Personal Life Achievement Mr. Bachchan has even highlighted his fathers poems as he was writer and poet wherever the right platform was available. Mr. Bachchan is married to the famous actress where she had her own success and space in the film industry; they were blessed with one son and daughter. Daughter is married in one of the renowned industrialist family and son has been pulled and made his career in the film industry by all the help and formulation from his father Mr. Bachchan. Mr. Bachchan son is married to one the famous Ms.World, Model and Actress. Mr. Bachchan has created his personal life through his skills as successful balanced life with his professional career.

    Case III: Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani;

    Famous Quotes for success from Mr. Ambani for individual to excel. [14] One needs to have big dream, higher ambition, deeper commitment and with great effort. Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no ones monopoly. Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties, and convert adversities into opportunities. Give the youth a proper environment. Motivate them. Extend them the support they need. Each one of them has infinite source of energy. They will deliver These are the words from the founder and creator of Indian conglomerate multinational Reliance Industries Mr. Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani. The company, has been featured on the Fortune 500, is a conglomeration of communications, petrochemicals, power, and textiles. Dhirubhai Ambanis life is a real rags-to-riches success story.

    Breif personal life background of Mr. Ambani .[14] Born to a school teacher, he was the third of five siblings, three brothers and two sisters. Ever since childhood, Dhirubhai was more keen on work than studies and repeatedly bunked classes and roamed in streets, watching people work and making money. Hed once

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    said his mother to stop lamenting about the hardships and that he would make heaps of money one day. His entrepreneurial career began in his early school years by selling bhajias to pilgrims in Mount Girnar over the weekends. On completion of his school studies, his brother Ramnikbhai sent him to Aden, Yemen, which was the second busiest oil banking and trading port of the time.

    Key Note for individuals from Mr. Ambani .[45,14] Dhirubhai once said, More than anything else I learnt that nothing big can ever be achieved without money, influence and power and I also learnt that money, influence and power alone cannot achieve anything in life, big or small, without a certain soft, delicate, sensitive, understanding human touch in all ones deeds and words. The biggest breakthrough in his life came in the year 1977, when he managed to attract over 58,000 investors in the very first IPO of Reliance Commercial Corporation; and he never looked back ever since. A humble beginning helped him to stand his empire worth $64 billion. He has been honored for several times for his significant contributions. In 1998 The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania honored him with Deans Medal for his excellent leadership. In 1996, 1998, and 2000 Asiaweek magazine featured him among Power 50 the most powerful people in Asia. In 2001 Economic Times honored him with Economic Times Awards for Corporate Excellence for Lifetime Achievement and many more. Dhirubhai built up a textile and Petrochemicals Empire with his dedication, ability to recognize new business opportunities, dare to take risk, never-give-up attitude and intelligence to handle people.


    October 2011-Awarded posthumously the ABLF Global Asian Award at the Asian Business Leadership Forum Awards.

    November 2000Conferred Man Of The Century award by Chemtech Foundation and Chemical Engineering World in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the growth and development of the chemical industry in India.

    2000, 1998 and 1996 Featured among Power 50-the most powerful people in Asia by Asiaweek magazine.

    June 1998 - "Dean's Medal" by The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, for setting an outstanding example of leadership. Dhirubhai Ambani has the rare distinction of being the first Indian to get Wharton School Dean's Medal

    August 2001 Economic Times Awards for Corporate Excellence for Lifetime Achievement.

    Dhirubhai Ambani was named the "Man of 20th Century" by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

    A poll conducted by The Times of India in 2000 voted him "Greatest Creator of Wealth In The Centuries".

    Personal Life Achievement Mr. Dhirubhai is blessed with two highly skilled two sons and two daughters, daughters are now happily married and two sons have taken up the Ambanis business empire

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    very well even though they have mutually partitioned their business and running them as per legacy of Mr.Ambani has given to them.


    Brief Personal Life Background [48, 49] Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, a coastal town which was then part of the Bombay Presidency, British India. He was born in his ancestral home, now known as Kirti Mandir. His father, Karamchand Gandhi (18221885), who belonged to the Hindu Modh community, served as the diwan (chief minister) of Porbander state, a small princely salute state in the Kathiawar Agency of British India. His grandfather was Uttamchand Gandhi, also called Utta Gandhi. His mother, Putlibai, who came from the Pranami Vaishnava community, was Karamchand's fourth wife, the first three wives having apparently died in childbirth. The Indian classics, especially the stories of Shravana and king Harishchandra, had a great impact on Gandhi in his childhood. In his autobiography, he admits that they left an indelible impression on his mind. He writes: "It haunted me and I must have acted Harishchandra to myself times without number." Gandhi's early self-identification with truth and love as supreme values is traceable to these epic characters. In May 1883, the 13-year-old Mohandas was married to 14-year-old Kasturb Makhanji (her first name was usually shortened to "Kasturba", and affectionately to "Ba") in an arranged child marriage, according to the custom of the region. In the process, he lost a year at school. Recalling the day of their marriage, he once said, "As we didn't know much about marriage, for us it meant only wearing new clothes, eating sweets and playing with relatives." However, as was prevailing tradition, the adolescent bride was to spend much time at her parents' house, and away from her husband. In 1885, when Gandhi was 15, the couple's first child was born, but survived only a few days. Gandhi's father, Karamchand Gandhi, had also died earlier that year. Mohandas and Kasturba had four more children, all sons: Harilal, born in 1888; Manilal, born in 1892; Ramdas, born in 1897; and Devdas, born in 1900. At his middle school in Porbandar and high school in Rajkot, Gandhi remained a mediocre student. He shone neither in the classroom nor on the playing field. One of the terminal reports rated him as "good at English, fair in Arithmetic and weak in Geography; conduct very good, bad handwriting." He passed the matriculation exam at Samaldas College in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, with some difficulty. Gandhi's family wanted him to be a barrister, as it would increase the prospects of succeeding to his father's post.

    Chronicle order of Gandhis Activeness towards political movement [48, 49] 1. Civil rights movement in South Africa (18931914) 2. Struggle for Indian Independence (191547)

    2.1 Role in World War I 2.2 Champaran and Kheda 2.3 Khilafat movement 2.4 Non-cooperation

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    2.5 Salt Satyagraha (Salt March) o 2.5.1 Women o 2.5.2 Gandhi as folk hero o 2.5.3 Negotiations

    2.6 Untouchables 2.7 Congress politics 2.8 World War II and Quit India 2.9 Partition and independence, 1947

    All of the above chronicle order could not be elaborated as it is available in various sources and it is widely known to people about his various kinds of political movements. Such vast movements of Mr. Gandhi sacrificed his personal life, though he could have a healthy personal life by remaining barrister as his first profession but could have been deprived from creating such a memorable world history and not known to the world as his famous name Mahatma Gandhi and Father of the Nation of India.

    AWARDS [50] 1. Time magazine named Gandhi the Man of the Year in 1930. 2. Gandhi was also the runner-up to Albert Einstein as "Person of the Century" at the

    end of 1999. 3. The Government of India awards the annual Gandhi Peace Prize to distinguished

    social workers, world leaders and citizens. 4. Gandhi did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize, although he was nominated five times

    between 1937 and 1948. 5. When the 14th Dalai Lama was awarded the Prize in 1989, the chairman of the

    committee said that this was "in part a tribute to the memory of Mahatma Gandhi." 6. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared Gandhi's birthday 2 October

    as "the International Day of Non-Violence." First proposed by UNESCO in 1948, as the School Day of Non-violence and Peace (DENIP in Spanish),

    7. 30 January is observed the School Day of Non-violence and Peace in schools of many countries. In countries with a Southern Hemisphere school calendar, it is observed on 30 March.

    Gandhis Influence, as rare Honor to Him by renowned personalities from around the world. [50]

    8. Gandhi influenced important leaders and political movements. Leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States, including Martin Luther King. King said "Christ gave us the goals and Mahatma Gandhi the tactics." King sometimes referred to Gandhi as "the little brown saint."

    9. James Lawson, and James Bevel, drew from the writings of Gandhi in the development of their own theories about non-violence.

    10. Anti-apartheid activist and former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, was inspired by Gandhi.

    11. In his early years, the former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela was a follower of the non-violent resistance philosophy of Gandhi. Bhana and Vahed commented on these events as "Gandhi inspired succeeding generations of South

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    African activists seeking to end White rule. This legacy connects him to Nelson Mandela...in a sense Mandela completed what Gandhi started."

    12. In Europe, Romain Rolland was the first to discuss Gandhi in his 1924 book Mahatma Gandhi.

    13. Brazilian anarchist and feminist Maria Lacerda de Moura wrote about Gandhi in her work on pacifism.

    14. N 1931, notable European physicist Albert Einstein exchanged written letters with Gandhi, and called him "a role model for the generations to come" in a letter writing about him. Einstein said of Gandhi: Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood.

    15. Lanza del Vasto(was a philosopher, poet, artist, catholic and nonviolent activist) of Italy went to India in 1936 intending to live with Gandhi, founded the Community of the Ark in 1948 (modelled after Gandhi's ashrams).

    16. Madeleine Slade (known as "Mirabehn") was the daughter of a British admiral who spent much of her adult life in India as a devotee of Gandhi.

    17. The British musician John Lennon referred to Gandhi when discussing his views on non-violence. At the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival in 2007.

    18. Former U.S. Vice-President and environmentalist Al Gore spoke of Gandhi's influence on him.

    19. President of the United States Barack Obama in an address to a Joint Session of the Parliament of India said that:"I am mindful that I might not be standing before you today, as President of the United States, had it not been for Gandhi and the message he shared with America and the world."Barack Obama in an address to a Joint Session of the Parliament of India, Obama in September 2009 said that his biggest inspiration came from Mahatma Gandhi. His reply was in response to the question 'Who was the one person, dead or live, that you would choose to dine with?'. He continued that "He's somebody I find a lot of inspiration in. He inspired Dr. King with his message of nonviolence. He ended up doing so much and changed the world just by the power of his ethics."

    20. Time Magazine named The 14th Dalai Lama, Lech Wasa, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Aung San Suu Kyi, Benigno Aquin, Jr., Desmond Tutu, and Nelson Mandela as Children of Gandhi and his spiritual heirs to non-violence.The Mahatma Gandhi District in Houston, Texas, United States, an ethnic Indian enclave, is officially named after Gandhi.

    PERSONAL LIFE SACRIFICED It has been observed that Mr. Gandhi did not had a successful personal life as his four sons went on without recognition because of too much disturbed life of Mr. Gandhi making sacrifices for the nation lead his personal life to be sacrificed. Though, his long list of family hierarchy still exists but unnoticed.

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)



    Study Literature collected and elaborated on lessons to be learned from those success Indian famous achievers are as follows:

    Lessons to learn from CASE I: Mr. Sachin Tendular[17] The man, the GOD, the run-scoring machine and more have been the words used to describe the man Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. It is a brilliant achievement indeed and is today an inspiring example for a lot of us young Indians and for that matter, youngsters all over the world! The man, the GOD, the run-scoring machine and more have been the words used to describe the man Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. It is a brilliant achievement indeed and is today an inspiring example for a lot of us young Indians and for that matter, youngsters all over the world! For entrepreneurs I believe there is so much to learn from this. It is not just about having talent but having the ability to nurture it to achieve greatness. No matter how big a batsman is, he needs partners at the other end. Sachin has nurtured many a player under his wing in a very subtle fashion to create such big innings. He has had to be a mentor, a student, a team player, a tough opponent, a patient and yet an aggressive person, among other things to get to where he is today. He is a classic example of the things one needs to do beyond possessing basic talent.

    1. No matter how big you become, you still have to do the basics 2. A mistake can cost you dearly 3. Stay on top of the situation 4. Stay grounded 5. Survive adversity 6. Dont worry about records

    In a world so full of opinions, you cant keep everyone happy at all times. Having watched Sachin from his early days in cricket, I have seen both the good press and the bad press. Sachin has stood tall through it all. As an entrepreneur, you will face challenges day after day and minute after minute. Sachin has showed that it is doable, through 21 years of battling it ball by ball. Running up and down the pitch literally, wearing the complete batting kit and wielding a heavy bat have been the odds for this otherwise small-built man. Practice, commitment, the hunger to succeed, a fearless and yet respectful attitude have been the hallmarks that have taken the man to great heights. Talent is of course essential, but it is just one of the ingredients. If you disagree, take a look at the record books of cricket and try finding a man called Vinod Kambli. He started playing cricket at the same time as Sachin and was then hailed as the more talented one of the two batsmen. But success has come to Sachin because of his ongoing efforts as lessons he teaches us.

    Lessons to learn from CASE II: Mr. Amitabh Bachchan[16]

    "Struggles and uncertainties, successes and disappointments, accusations and controversies, ill health and months in hospital, all such a vivid kaleidoscope of moments, events, and images simply unbelievable and unimaginable" writes Amitabh Bachchan in one of his blogs. In this long successful career of Big B, he has emerged from the trials and sufferings, a stronger person. His success story has a lot to teach entrepreneurs in establishing a great business. Like many entrepreneurs, Amitabh Bachchan had a continuous streak of 13

  • International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013)


    flop movies after the first success. In this long successful career of Big B, he has emerged from the trials and sufferings, a stronger person. Below mentioned are the lessons which are to be learned not only by the entrepreneurs but also in personal skill development learning:

    1. His different roles teaches Keep Experimenting 2. Calm and Composed Amitabh Bachchan teaches Never to Lose Control 3. Always keep your promises Lalsingh jaan de dega magar jabaan nahin jaane

    dega 4. He believed that Life and Entrepreneurship is like a boxing ring 5. His bond with Amar Singh teaches Goodwill Outlasts Passion 6. Big B in KBC teaches Repetition is the essence of business 7. Crorepati maker teaches Being humble keeps you grounded 8. Coolie Amitabh teaches to Pick yourself up from disaster 9. His 13 flop stints teaches Keep trying until you succeed

    Lessons to learn from CASE III: Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani [45, 46]

    Dhirubhai Ambani is an example of one of the greatest Indian Entrepreneurs,who was responsible for a NEW & CHANGED INDIA.I think we can write one entire blog on Dhirubhai and still we could get new articles , day after day however, this article is about a book Dhirubhaism by A G Krishnamurthy , which is a must read for every Indian Entrepreneur.The book lists the 15 lessons from Dhirubhais life and straight from the authors desk: Dhirubhaism is an attempt to capture those unique insights that Dhirubhai shared with him in several interactions during their long association

    a. Roll up your sleeves and help. You and your team share the same DNA b. Be a safety net for your team and they will perform wonders c. Be a silent benefactor d. Dream Big But Dream With Your Eyes Open e. The arm-around-the shoulder leader f. Supply creates demand g. Money is not product by itself. It is a by-product, so dont chase it h. Leave the professional alone i. Change your orbit , constantly Change your orbit j. Optimism, The Core Of Dhirubhaism k. You can find a friend in every human being l. Think Big m. Hold on to your dreams n. Bet on your people Bet on your people o. BE POSITIVE

    Lessons to learn from CASE IV: Mr. M.K. Gandhi [47] Looking back into time, you can find great success stories which can all be credited to the leadership wisdoms of the leader. The greatest example being that of Mahatma Gandhi, who alone took the responsibility of the nation and with his principles of non-violence, truth, and justice helped propel India to her independence in 1947. He did what he claimed or asked others to do. This remains one of the finest qualities of an entr
