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Identifize Consulting & Coaching Brochure

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IDenTiFize Consulting is a specialized boutique that develops talent within the recruiting industry on-site & remotely using social media, webinars, and training capsules to deliver measurable results within months rather than years. We offer interactive recruitment coaching, training, and development solutions that not only expedites recruiter development, but we teach leaders how to implement expedited leadership development within their space. Our platform is and will always be focusing on building personal relationships, and showing recruiters how to become successful by building honest, genuine relationships.
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IDenTiFize Consulting & Coaching Recruiter Training | Entry-Level Recruiter Training | Multinational Training | MaxHire Training | Social Media Training | Recruiter Coaching | Consulting Services Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness Banner of Accomplishments On February 16, 2012, the Entry-Level Recruiter Boot Camp record was broken! Only 4 days after completing the boot camp, a trainee made her 1 st placement! Congratulations Hanne!
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IDenTiFize Consulting & Coaching

Recruiter Training | Entry-Level Recruiter Training | Multinational Training | MaxHire Training | Social Media Training | Recruiter Coaching | Consulting Services

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

Banner of Accomplishments

On February 16, 2012, the Entry-Level Recruiter Boot

Camp record was broken! Only 4 days after completing

the boot camp, a trainee made her 1st placement!

Congratulations Hanne!

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7 reasons why it’s important that your recruiting staff is in constant training mode (it affects your business): 1. More than 50% of working employees are in

an active job search right now.

2. 81% of workers are planning or would be open to change jobs if presented with the right opportunity.

3. 34% of workers switched jobs in 2011, with

many citing overwork and/or insufficient compensation as their reason for jumping ship (many joining their competitors).

4. Highly skilled professionals receive about 23

recruiting solicitations, on average, per week. (What sets your recruiters apart?)

5. 88% of professionals say that if a recruiter's

message includes detailed information about the job, it compels them to return a recruiter's solicitation.

6. 69% of professionals say they are compelled

to respond if the recruiter is very professional.

7. 65% of workers say they would feel

compelled to give their recruiter a referral if they had a positive experience with that recruiter.

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

Investing In Recruiter Training Is Smart Business

Invest In Your People Today!

Managing a recruiting team is not so different from managing a major league basketball

team. The tenured manager understands how to get rookies off to a good start by

developing the proper habits to achieve big league success. Once a rookie gets seasoned,

the focus shifts to other skills that continue to be worked on based on specific

achievements, or lack thereof. IDenTiFize Consulting is your number one resource for

training your recruitment staff.

IDenTiFize Consulting is a specialized boutique that develops talent within the recruiting

industry on-site & remotely using social media, webinars, and training capsules to deliver

measurable results within months rather than years. We offer interactive recruitment

coaching, training, and development solutions that not only expedites recruiter

development, but we teach leaders how to implement expedited leadership development

within their space. Our platform is and will always be focusing on building personal

relationships, and showing recruiters how to become successful by building honest,

genuine relationships.

The goal for our company is to develop a new breed of recruiters whose foundation will

be based upon enthusiasm, ethical recruiting practices, innovation, and solid relationship

building skills. I’m talking about a breed of recruiters who ROCK!

Flexible solutions for your recruitment needs

Our Training Programs Immediately Impact Your Bottom Line


The success of our core recruiter training solutions has been nothing short of

phenomenal. These core training solutions immediately impact profitability, production,

and overall bottom lines.

Here at IDenTiFize, we offer a number of recruiter training courses specifically customized

for your business. Each course is derived from one of our six core training solutions:

Entry-Level Recruiter Training (and placement)

Recruiter Training

Recruiter Coaching

Multinational US Cultural Recruiter Training

Social Media Recruitment Training

MaxHire Applicant Tracking System Training

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Our three most popular recruiter training programs are:

You’re a Recruiter; Now What (Entry-Level Training Boot Camp)

Ditching The Old & Creating New Habits - From Good to Great Recruiter Training

The Multinational Recruiter – Recruiting in the US Cultural Training


Our four most popular recruiter training programs are:

Social Media for Recruiters

Social Media Boolean Searches

How To Build A Social Media Community

The Social Media Mobile Platform


Our three most popular recruiter training programs are:




Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness


If you hire an entry-level recruiter, we will get them up to speed within a weeks’ time. If you already have a good recruiting team we can make them better. How does one more placement per recruiter per month look to your bottom line? ~ Technology Training, “Pick Up The Phone” Training (Authentic Recruiter Training Boot Camp), You’re a Recruiter; Now What Training (Entry-Level Training Boot Camp), Social Media Recruiter Training, Research & Sourcing Training, The Rule of Persistence Training, Building Effective Relationships Training, Applicant Control Training, Partnering with Your Hiring Manager Clients, Convert Cold Passive Candidates into Hot Leads, and much more…

Multinational/Cross-Cultural Training & Recruiter Training It is estimated that almost 90% of the calls IT candidates receive are from Indian recruiters. Here at Identifize, we focus our Multinational Recruiter training on the Synergy Strategy concept, which is based on the assumption that cultural differences can be overcome or be constructively used for competitive advantage. (English for Multinational Recruiting Professionals, Selling for Multinational Recruiters, Cultural Sensitivity Training Multinational Recruiters, Professional Email Writing for Multinational Recruiters, Speech Training: Accent Reduction & Recognition, and so much more).

~We also provide Multinational/Cross-Cultural Training not specific to recruiting ~

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Course Overview: This is an intensive 3 - 5 day boot camp training focused on developing the participant’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to learn the art of basic recruiting including: techniques to source, assess, and recruit top active and passive candidates. There is a strong emphasis on niche & technology (depending on the niche), using the phone as the first and main source of connecting with candidates and clients and establishing trust based relationships. Our Entry-Level Recruiter Boot Camp will help you meet these new challenges head-on by providing the latest tools, techniques, and ideas on what it takes to hire top people. You'll be able to apply these principles on your very next search assignment.

Who is this course for? Designed for both corporate and third-party recruiters, this training is for the “green” recruiter who has little to no knowledge of the recruiting process. Our courses are of great interest to individuals, hiring managers, and sales professionals who simply want to know more about the recruitment process or who want to discover all things recruitment.

How is it presented? This course is presented in an engaging, motivating, flexible manner and we take pride in providing training according to your needs and can be delivered as a full classroom interactive workshop or seminar, webinar, training capsule, training gym, or one-on-one Interaction. Whatever your need, there is a solution created specifically for you and your budget. We lead participants through a process of interactive dialogues and boot camp drills to develop the skills and understandings of fundamental recruiter tasks, tools, terminology, and challenges. Throughout the entire boot camp training, the student is exposed to and is excited about the tremendous positives of our business and are continually motivated by the wonderful career they have chosen and the tremendous opportunities that await them.

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

What You'll Learn:

How to Pick Up The Phone The Recruitment Search Process Industry Specific Vocabulary, Terms,

or Technology Basic Recruiter Ethics How to Analyze & Review Resumes How to Establish a Trust-Based

Relationship with a Candidate and/or Client

How to Partner with a Client/Hiring Manager

How to Take a Job Order/Requisition How to Qualify a Candidate How to Handle Objections &

Responses How to Source, Research, & Find

Candidates How to Conduct Boolean Searches

for Beginners How to Conduct a Face-to-Face

Interview How to Conduct a Reference Check How to Package & Present a

Candidate How to Brief & Debrief a Candidate

and/or Client How to Close a Candidate and/or

Client/Hiring Manager How to Present & Negotiate a Job

Offer How to Prevent Counter Offers How to Manage a Daily Recruiter



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Our Entry-Level Recruiter Boot Camp is taught in five distinct days that take you through every step of the hiring process. These days can be condensed or trained individually. Each day is fully customized specifically to each class.

Day 1 – Recruiter Basics (The Overview)

Why The Need For Recruiters

Types Of Recruiters/Recruiting & How We Make Money In This Business

Markets & Industries

Personnel & Employment Types

How To Succeed

Professionalism & The Image You Exhibit


Professional & Work Recruiter//Recruiting Ethics

Relationship Building

Listening Skills

Time Management

Planning & Organization

Goal Setting Understanding Recruiting

The Placement Process

The Profile Of A Successful Recruiter

Proactive Versus Reactive Recruiting

What you want to accomplish versus what you need to accomplish

Introduction to “pick up the phone”

Day 2 – Vocabulary, Technology, & Terms (Customized based on the niche of the recruiting professional) & The Recruiting Process

“Pick Up The Phone”

Terminology & Definitions (½ Day) The recruiting process (½ day)

Candidate types

Develop your recruiting plan

Reasons to call: reasons not to call

Who are you and what can you do for me?

Telephone versus email contact?

Dealing with candidate objections

Telephone versus In-person interviewing

Candidate interviewing

The introductory statement

In-person interviewing

“pick up the phone”

Day 3 – The Recruiting Process – Cont’d Understanding Marketing (depending on corporate or staffing recruiter)

What Makes A Successful Marketer?

Types Of Marketing

Determining Your Target Market

What You Want To Accomplish Versus What You Need To Accomplish

Develop Your Marketing Plan

Develop Your Target Market

Telephone Contact Versus Email

Developing Your Presentation Script

Dealing With Hiring Manager Client Objections

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness


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Day 3 – The Recruiting Process – Cont’d

The Job Order When should a job order be written

The MUST HAVE information

Defining the recruiting process

Qualifying the job order

What is an excellent job order

Candidate matching and submittals Guidelines In Candidate Matching

Presenting The Job To The Candidate

Preparing/Packaging The Resume For Submittal To The Hiring Manager Client

Submitting/Presenting Your Candidate To The Hiring Manager Client

The Hiring Manager Client Interview Arranging And Confirming The Interview

Candidate Preparation

The Interview Hand-Out

Interview Follow-Up

Candidate References When to Get References From Your Candidate?

When To Check References?

Authorizations And Disclosure Statements (The Right To Represent)

Calling The Reference

The Offer and Resignation Receiving, Extending And Closing The Offer

The Resignation

Beware Of The Counter Offer

It’s Not Done Until The Guarantee Is Up

Deal Breakers And How To Handle Them

Day 4 – Sourcing: Finding Active & Passive Candidates Sourcing Basics

Developing Basic Search Strings

Boolean Basics

Your ATS

Job Boards

Social Media

Networking & Referrals

“Pick Up The Phone”

Day 5 – Recruiter Resources & Extras and The Review Fee Agreements And Guarantees (Depending On Corporate Or Staffing Recruiters)

Equal Employment And The Law

Don’t Take It Personally

Determining Your Strengths

Timesaving Tricks & Tools

Recruiter Resources


“Pick Up The Phone”

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness


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Course Overview: Habits are worse than mistakes, as they doom us, to an endless cycle of failure. The lost arts of recruiting talent are still very priceless activities that aren’t being trained these days. Most companies use a shadowing process for junior recruiters, and unfortunately, the “senior” recruiter which is the “mentor”, has bad habits that transfer down the blood line. Bad habits breed bad habits. This is an intensive 3 - 4 day training focused on developing the participant’s knowledge, skills, and abilities of creating new recruiter habits. This training course enhances good recruiter’s skills to greatness. There is a strong emphasis on research, planning, partnerships and value. Our From Good to Great Recruiter Training will help you meet these new challenges head-on by providing the latest tools, techniques, and ideas on what it takes to hire top people. You'll be able to apply these principles on your very next search assignment.

Who is this course for? Designed for both corporate and third-party recruiters, this training is for the average recruiter who has been on the desk for a while, but has become complacent, a skilled recruiter who is going into an environment of complacent recruiters, or for a recruiter who has the potential of being great and just needs that extra refresher or push. This course is also great if your recruitment strategy has gone soft and you’re just going through the motions, or if you’re trying to recruit blindfolded with your fists up. Whatever your challenge, this course will result in immediate impact for your recruiting business. Our courses are of great interest to recruiters, recruiting leads, recruiting managers, trainers, and sales professionals who simply want to take their recruiting careers or staff to the next level, get an advantage over the competition, and increase production.

How is it presented? This course is presented in an engaging, motivating, flexible manner and we take pride in providing training according to your needs and can be delivered as a full classroom interactive workshop or seminar, webinar, training capsule, training gym, or one-on-one interaction. Whatever your need, there is a solution created specifically for you and your budget. We lead participants through a process of interactive dialogues and boot camp styled drills to start the process of reprograming the subconscious mind to get rid of old habits and create new positive recruiting habits.

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

What You'll Learn:

The Importance Of Research & Understanding

The Benefits Of And How To Plan Your Day The Night Before

The Essence And Importance Of Picking Up The Phone First

Making Calls Before & After Hours How To See Opportunity In Every Call Utilizing Your ATS First How To Build And Manage A

Candidate Pipeline How To Source, Research, And Find

Candidates How To Conduct Boolean Searches

For Beginners Gaining Candidate And Client/Hiring

Manager Control And Rapport The Art Of The Takeaway How To Effectively Assess The Value

Of A Candidate How To Partner With A Client/Hiring

Manager How To Package & Present A

Candidate How To Anticipate Who And What

May Be Competition How To Embrace New Emerging

Practices, Tools, Techniques, & Technologies And Increase Your Competitive Value

How To Become A Strategic Resource

Ditching the Old & Creating New Habits - From Good to Great Recruiter Training

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Our Ditching The Old & Creating New Habits - From Good to Great Recruiter Training is taught in four distinct days that will increase your productivity through every step of the hiring process. These days can be condensed or trained individually. Each day is fully customized specifically to each class.

Day 1 – Research & Phone Time

The Importance of Research & Understanding – A great recruiter always looks up the position, researches the industry, and does

their homework. They don’t let their ability to “talk to anyone” be an excuse for not learning anything new about their jobs and their profession. A great recruiter is always excited about a job requisition because of the newness and challenge. A good recruiter may not really understand the industry or position their recruiting for and have a hard time figuring out who to look for and 9 times out of 10 their job advertisements draw in the wrong sort of people. This module will focus on building excellent researching habits.

The Benefits of Organizing and How To Plan Your Day The Night Before – A great recruiter knows exactly which 10 calls

they will make first thing in the morning, and takes the time needed to develop an effective plan that allows a minimum of 80 calls to be made the next day. Most successful Recruiters have 100-125 calls ready before they show up for work the next day, with a goal of having 20 – 25 conversations every day. A good recruiter doesn’t plan at all, they come in ready to search and make as many calls as they can based on whatever comes across their desk during the day. This module will focus on building excellent organization and planning habits.

The Essence and Importance of Picking Up The Phone First – Hopefully, one of the first skills taught to your recruiter was to

learn to love the phone. Great recruiters use it as a means of introduction, a door opener; they use it to keep in touch with people, and to build relationships. Great recruiters use the phone whenever the urge comes to email. There is a direct correlation between phone time and production. It’s a fact: Great recruiters “the top players” in the recruiting world average between 3.5 hours and 5 hours of phone time each day – the average being closer to 4.0 hours. The ones that average 4.0 hours of connect time are the ones that stay in the big leagues and have the ability to continue to improve their game.

A good recruiter spends less than 50% of their recruiting/sourcing time on the phone, and their results show it daily (including their paychecks). They are also the ones that do not succeed in their connect time and usually end up a casualty of the game. Calling and talking to candidates is an opportunity to the candidate on the phone immediately, and to make an impression that is dissimilar than the competition’s, because the competition is emailing rather than calling. Email is a send and wait game, which injects time into the recruiting process. Email is also a passive way to avoid direct communication with the candidate. This module will focus on building better phone/connect time habits in a boot camp style format.

Making Calls Before & After Hours – Great recruiters schedule interviews after hours and are highly motivated to reach candidates

no matter when the timing is right. Good recruiters work with candidates only between the hours of 9-5 and are getting killed by their competition. This module will focus on managing your schedule for success with better work/life planning habits.

How to See Opportunity In Every Call – Good recruiters are single threaded in their discussions with candidates. Great recruiters

utilize a more integrated discussion with candidates, which can obtain golden nuggets of information in a more conversational exchange. Gaining information on candidate referrals & new business and passing it to the team in a timely fashion is a sign of being a great recruiter. This module will focus on guiding integrated discussions with candidates and hiring manager clients.

Day 2 – Research and Sourcing

Utilizing Your ATS First - A great recruiter spends time organizing their ATS with every transaction they make. They are constantly

seeking training on how to utilize it properly so that they can streamline their search process and create a more efficient workflow. It is also the first place they go when sourcing and searching for candidates because it is the hub of their well-developed candidate pipeline. This module will focus on building efficient habits within your current ATS.

How To Build and Manage A Candidate Pipeline – A great recruiter can tap into a network of people within a few calls. They

have a base of people that are in their circle of trust and are perceived as respectable and equals to the base of candidates that they work with. This module will focus on building and managing candidate pipelining habits.

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

Ditching The Old & Creating New Habits - From Good to Great Recruiter Training – Cont’d

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How to Source, Research, & Find Candidates – There are three main characteristics that every recruiter should have when

looking for candidates: (1) never take “No” for an answer, (2) have a “Research” mindset and the ability & hunger to learn and find new things in their own area of expertise, and (3) be willing to dig deep into the end of the earth to find the best match for your job opportunity. This is a skill that can be mastered, there is a process, and there are tools. This module will focus on building habits that go beyond the basics of sourcing.

How to Conduct Boolean Searches for Beginners - A Boolean expression is a complex query that uses Boolean operators to

combine keywords. When searching for a great candidate, you can only retrieve what you explicitly search for. If you use the same query terms when searching for resumes using a job board as you would when sourcing LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc., you will certainly find people, but will you find the exact people that you need to fill that requirement?

In the world of 2012 and social media platforms, you will find people that stray from the norm when it comes to titles and even company names. If you are just using key words to finds candidates on resumes and social networks, you are living in the pass. It’s time to step up your recruiting game and learn to source beyond the basics. Here is a small example: Looking for a Software Developer on Pinterest.com (Site: pinterest.com “Profile picture*****sw engineer”) or maybe looking for a Ruby Developer on Pinterest.com (Site: pinterest.com “Profile picture*****rubyist”). When conducting searches such as this, you will find other titles that professionals are using that are clearly not the norm such as “UI Cowboy”, “all-around geek”, and “coder”. This course is all about using Boolean searches to create and develop great sourcing & discovery habits via not only job boards, but by using social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twittter, Google+, Pinterest, Indeed, and more…).

Day 3 – Becoming a Partner to Your Candidate and Hiring Manager Client

Gaining Candidate and Client/Hiring Manager Control and Rapport – Great Recruiters set the rules of the game up front,

and communicates expectations from both ends. Communication is the cornerstone of any successful sale or transaction, whether it’s through email, face-to-face, or over the phone. If you sound unenthusiastic when you communicate, hiring managers and prospective candidates are going to think you just don’t care. This module will focus on building and delivering the “Authentic” you habits in all of your communication efforts.

The Art of the Takeaway – A great recruiter knows that the takeaway should be used throughout the entire recruiting process in a

number of ways, so that by the time they get to the close, they don’t have to worry about a deal going sour. Good recruiters will play it by ear and go through the hiring process with their fingers crossed. A recruiter that isn’t afraid to pull the deal away from or for the candidate is playing the position exactly the way it should played. Great recruiters will stop the process and yank the candidate if things aren’t lined up the way they should be. This module will focus on knowing how and when to use the art of the takeaway.

How To Effectively Assess The Value Of A Candidate - Speed to submittal is important, but a great recruiter understands that

finding ways to meet a candidate provides a personal touch that lasts much longer than one recruiting process. Long term relationships are more easily built when a candidate has some kind of face-to-face interaction with you (mobile interviewing, video interviewing, coffee meetings, lunch, or in-person interview); which usually equates to more hires. This module will focus on building habits that pertain to assessing the value and building relationships.

How to Partner with a Hiring Manager Client – A great recruiter knows the single best way to become a more effective recruiter

is to become a true partner with their hiring manager clients. Know the job, throw away the job description and probe with the proper questions (example: what does the person needs to do to ace the performance review? What do the best people do differently than the average people in the department? Why would a top performer want this job?). Ultimately, it’s about conducting a focused discussion that goes beyond the written job description. When a recruiter asks a hiring manager what the new employee needs to do rather than what the person must have, the recruiter gains instant credibility. This not only helps build the recruiter/hiring manager relationship, but aids the recruiter's ability to find people who actually meet the job requirements. This module will focus on building excellent relationships with hiring manager clients.

How to Package & Present a Candidate (Resume preparation and the client submittal) - Increasing influence and

strengthening a recruiters and their candidate’s reputation is all about the package and the presentation. A part of that presentation is not so much what you say but how you say it. As a recruiter, it’s your job to be an expert at presenting your candidates' bestselling points. A Great recruiter is always perfecting a resume’s visual presentation and understands the importance of writing up a custom presentation for each candidate resume that is submitted. If you're not careful, all of your work can be in vein. This module will focus on maximizing your likelihood of a successful send-out/submittal.

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

Ditching The Old & Creating New Habits - From Good to Great Recruiter Training – Cont’d

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Day 4 – Becoming a Valued Resource

How to Anticipate Who and What May Be Competition – A great recruiter knows that the most dangerous habit is not

anticipating who and what may be competition. These recruiters are neither afraid to try out new approaches nor are they afraid to experiment with and leverage technology. They are writing exciting blogs, using search engine optimization techniques, and experimenting with interactive websites and tools like Ning, etc. Many experienced recruiters who are not able to learn from this competition will end up being displaced and replaced. This module will focus on building habits that foster innovation.

How To Embrace New Emerging Practices, Tools, Techniques, & Technologies and Increase Your Competence Value – A great recruiter can see that the dominant skills of the recruiting profession are changing. They embrace emerging practices such

as video/mobile interviewing, online assessments, social networking, candidate relationship management, and can able to build an online relationship, to create a social network, or to enhance an employment brand to show an increase in competence value. It is a fact that more than 80% of the skills that made a recruiter successful in 1997 are of less value today. Great recruiters who have a Facebook or LinkedIn profile and who experiment with building online relationships already have an advantage over the good recruiter who is tied to geography and to face-to-face meetings. Labor markets are not confined to single countries, work can increasingly be done anywhere, and recruiting is a virtual, global game.

A good recruiter is competent at interviewing and then focus on getting even better at it instead of on developing skills that might be more useful. A great recruiter has the ability to write a blog, influence a hiring manager and a candidate, and identify the value proposition of an offer are the skills that will make the biggest impact. It is very easy to rely on the competencies that made recruiters successful and not notice that times change as do the skills we need. This module will focus on building competence value habits.

How To Become A Strategic Resource – A great recruiters understands the need to engage in meaningful conversation with a

hiring manager and be equipped with knowledge about the organization's strategic business objectives, the needs of the hiring manager, and the state of the talent marketplace. A great recruiter has no problem presenting numbers and data and making a clear case for hiring the competencies and skills that will be most effective. They act as a resource and consultant to hiring authorities and show a deep knowledge and understanding of the needs of the business. And, on top of this, they are able to fill a position from a talent community they have built in anticipation of the need.

A good recruiter is obsessed with filling slots because that is what they have been taught to do without regard to need or effectiveness. They have a hard time discussing the value of positions with hiring managers. They are given a requisition to fill and they dutifully go forth and do so, even if it is a poorly defined job or one that might be done by someone with a different skill set. This module will focus on creating new habits of becoming a strategic resource and becoming a great recruiter.

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

Ditching The Old & Creating New Habits - From Good to Great Recruiter Training – Cont’d

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Course Overview: To succeed in the US requires organizations and individuals alike to be competitive on all levels and requires an understanding of how culture impacts on the management and development of recruitment and human resources. This is an intensive 3 day training focused on developing multinational professionals and teams who need to build more successful business relationships with US colleagues, candidates, and clients. Our Multinational Recruiter – Recruiting in the US Cultural Training will help you gain a clear understanding of the key drivers that motivate American candidates while learning practical strategies for attracting top talent that you'll be able to apply on your very next search assignment.

Who is this course for? Designed for both multinational corporate and third-party recruiters who are non-native speakers working in an English speaking environment. If you are looking to become a more effective communicator in a wide range of recruiting-related scenarios and contexts, this is the perfect training course for you. Our courses are of great interest to multinational recruiters, multinational recruiting leads, multinational recruiting managers, or multinational sales professionals who simply want to remove the multicultural disconnect and take their recruiting careers or staff to the next level, get an advantage over the competition, and increase production.

How is it presented? This course is presented in an engaging, motivating, flexible manner and we take pride in providing training according to your needs and can be delivered as a full classroom interactive workshop or seminar, webinar, training capsule, training gym, or one-on-one Interaction. Whatever your need, there is a solution created specifically for you and your budget. We lead participants through a process of interactive dialogues, drills, and role plays to increase the key interpersonal skills required to achieve necessary or desired results. Throughout the entire training, the student is exposed to and is excited about the tremendous positives of our business and are continually motivated by the wonderful career they have chosen and the tremendous opportunities that await them.

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

What You'll Learn:

US Business Etiquette (Do's And Don'ts)

English For Multinational Recruiting Professionals

US Cultural Awareness Selling For Multinational Recruiters Cultural Sensitivity Training

Multinational Recruiters Negotiating In English For

Multinational Recruiters Customer Service Skills For

Multinational Recruiters Professional Email Writing For

Multinational Recruiters How To Create Rapport And Warmth

Through Email Writing Grammar And Punctuation For

Recruitment Communication Simple And Complex Sentence

Structure Punctuation Rules And Trends Commonly Confused Words Proof Reading For Grammar,

Punctuation And Spelling Errors Speech Training: Accent Reduction &

Recognition Rhythm And Stress Patterns Using Intonation For Attitude And

Emotion The Relationship Between Spelling

And Pronunciation Accent Familiarization And Extended

Listening Practice Interpersonal Effectiveness: calling

candidate’s with the correct matching jobs, writing job descriptions, Technology Training, etc.

The Multinational Recruiter – Recruiting in the US Cultural Training

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Our Recruiting in the US Cultural Training courses are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients depending on their particular requirements and existing skills set. Tailored materials will be used throughout your Recruiting in the US Cultural Training course and your trainer will provide a balance of structured input and discussion of case studies and scenarios relevant to your own particular context. A Recruiting in the US Cultural Training course will typically include:

American culture and values including religions, beliefs and customs

American cultural values and attitudes in the workplace: hierarchy, time, individualism

Management and working styles for doing business in the US

American communication and negotiation styles when doing business

Negotiating in English for Multinational Recruiters

US Business Etiquette (Do's and Don'ts)

English for Multinational Recruiting Professionals

US Cultural Awareness

Selling for Multinational Recruiters

Customer Service skills for Multinational Recruiters

Cultural Sensitivity Training Multinational Recruiters

Professional Email Writing for Multinational Recruiters

Effective Recruitment Writing Training

Grammar and Punctuation for Recruitment Communication

Speech Training: Accent Reduction & Recognition

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

The Multinational Recruiter – Recruiting in the US Cultural Training – Cont’d

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About Your Principal Trainer & Coach

Dee Williams is a Recruiter/Career Coach & Trainer who has been a Freelance Headhunter and IT Staffing Recruiter for more than 17 years. In the past, her specialty has been in IT Recruitment, Healthcare IT Recruitment (HIT), Executive Search, Passive Recruitment (hard-to-fill) Search, Mobile & Wireless, “Big 4”, DoD/Intel, and Telecommunications industries. Specialties: * Recruiter Coach & Trainer * MaxHire Trainer * Executive Search * Recruiting Strategy Advisor * Executive Recruiting Operations * Sourcing Process Consultant * Recruiting Process Consultant (RPO) * Recruiter Branding & Training * MaxHire Training * LinkedIn Profile Configuration * Contract Recruiter * Social Media Recruitment * Corporate Recruitment * International Recruitment * Recruitment Plans * Sourcing Strategies * The Art of Passive Recruiting

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deewilliamsga

Training & Coaching Recruiter Seeds of Greatness

Identifize Consulting, LLC

http://www.identifizeconsulting.com Dee Williams, Managing Director & Principal Trainer [email protected] Office: 866.432.8801 | Mobile: 678.644.3507
