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Identifying Facility Siting Raw Risk and the Risk ...

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©2016 aeSolutions Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication Oct 21, 2012 Page 1 Identifying Facility Siting Raw Risk and the Risk Reduction Decision Process Craig Shell Director of Process Safety [email protected] aeSolutions, Greenville, South Carolina, USA Stephen W. Kelly Senior Process Engineer [email protected] Huntsman Corporation, Conroe, Texas, USA Abstract One of the outcomes of a facility siting study is the presentation of information to the facility site leadership team so they can recognize all of the hazards that can impact buildings intended for occupancy. It is this hazard recognition and risk reduction process that will be discussed in this paper. The authors will present a methodology for completing a facility siting assessment that starts with identifying a MCE, followed by breaking the MCE into additional credible events, and identifying likelihood and additional safeguards needed to manage the risk. The authors will present examples to illustrate this process and how different models affect the results. Hazard scenarios to be presented include leaks from flammable storage and transfer systems resulting in outdoor vapor cloud explosions as well as explosions within a building. Through these examples, differences in hazard impacts will be presented. Various likelihood references and resultant risk rankings will be shown. Based on these risk rankings and a tolerable risk criteria, proposed safeguards necessary to close a gap will be described. Presenting information in this manner allows the site leadership team to better allocate resources more effectively in minimizing facility siting risks. Introduction Since the BP Texas City incident, facility siting studies have been identified by regulators as being one of the more deficient process safety requirements based on OSHA’s Refinery & Chemical National Emphasis Programs (NEP). One reason for this may be that some facility siting studies in the past have been conducted by applying a methodology based on a fixed and limited number of hazard event scenarios that are generally of very high severity and low likelihood (i.e. MCE). In these studies, a limited effort was expended to review the critical plant process conditions and define all of the maximum credible event(s) (MCE) and credible event scenarios for those hazards with reasonable probability of occurrence. These scenarios generally have lower severity with higher likelihoods but can still impact occupied buildings. The consequence of these fixed number of hazard event scenarios were then quantified to assess impacts to buildings intended for occupancy. Owners and Operators of these facilities were then left with trying to determine the true risks at the facility and what could be done to

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 1

Identifying Facility Siting Raw Risk and the Risk Reduction Decision Process

Craig Shell Director of Process Safety

[email protected] aeSolutions, Greenville, South Carolina, USA

Stephen W. Kelly Senior Process Engineer

[email protected] Huntsman Corporation, Conroe, Texas, USA


One of the outcomes of a facility siting study is the presentation of information to the facility site

leadership team so they can recognize all of the hazards that can impact buildings intended for

occupancy. It is this hazard recognition and risk reduction process that will be discussed in this paper.

The authors will present a methodology for completing a facility siting assessment that starts with

identifying a MCE, followed by breaking the MCE into additional credible events, and identifying

likelihood and additional safeguards needed to manage the risk.

The authors will present examples to illustrate this process and how different models affect the results.

Hazard scenarios to be presented include leaks from flammable storage and transfer systems resulting

in outdoor vapor cloud explosions as well as explosions within a building. Through these examples,

differences in hazard impacts will be presented. Various likelihood references and resultant risk rankings

will be shown. Based on these risk rankings and a tolerable risk criteria, proposed safeguards necessary

to close a gap will be described. Presenting information in this manner allows the site leadership team

to better allocate resources more effectively in minimizing facility siting risks.


Since the BP Texas City incident, facility siting studies have been identified by regulators as being one of

the more deficient process safety requirements based on OSHA’s Refinery & Chemical National

Emphasis Programs (NEP). One reason for this may be that some facility siting studies in the past have

been conducted by applying a methodology based on a fixed and limited number of hazard event

scenarios that are generally of very high severity and low likelihood (i.e. MCE). In these studies, a limited

effort was expended to review the critical plant process conditions and define all of the maximum

credible event(s) (MCE) and credible event scenarios for those hazards with reasonable probability of

occurrence. These scenarios generally have lower severity with higher likelihoods but can still impact

occupied buildings. The consequence of these fixed number of hazard event scenarios were then

quantified to assess impacts to buildings intended for occupancy. Owners and Operators of these

facilities were then left with trying to determine the true risks at the facility and what could be done to

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 2

mitigate these risks. A facility siting study that includes MCE scenarios, as well as other more likely

scenarios that can significantly impact buildings intended for occupancy will generate a hazard map that

best reflects the site’s risks of concern.

Facility personnel need to be able to look at a facility siting plot plan and recognize hazards that can

impact buildings intended for occupancy. When temporary or new buildings intended for occupancy are

sited or a new process with new hazards is located, plant personnel must take the hazard into

consideration to minimize unwanted consequences if things go wrong. In Andrew Hopkins book, Failure

to Learn, he states:

“There is, however, as one commentator has said, a “depressing sameness” about major accidents.

The causes are remarkably similar and it is apparent that companies have not learnt the lessons of

earlier disasters. This is particularly evident in the Texas City case. Almost every aspect of what went

wrong at Texas City had gone wrong before, either at Texas City or elsewhere. Some of these earlier

failures had been extensively documented and publicized, yet BP had failed to learn from them. It

exhibited a quite striking inability to learn.”

To help learn the lessons of earlier disasters, The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) has

published Guidelines for Evaluating Process Plant Buildings for External Explosions, Fires, and Toxic

Releases and is a good source for guidance. The Objective includes:

“The purpose of this book is to provide the methods to address the explosion, fire, and toxic impacts

to process plant buildings and occupants occurring as a result of hazards associated with operations

external to the building.”

Identifying hazard scenarios starts like a process hazard analysis by identifying initiating causes

applicable to the type of processing units at a facility. These causes must be quantifiable in terms of

frequency rates. Scenarios can encompass a small leak with a high initiating cause frequency or a large

leak at a very low initiating cause frequency. The next step is to collect process conditions around the

hazard scenario. This information is then used as inputs into an appropriately selected model to assess

the severity of the consequence. Available models include, but are not limited to: Dow F&EI and CEI,

EPA’s Aloha, PHAST, scaled blast curves, and CFD models such as FLACS. Once modeling results are

validated, the impacts to buildings intended for occupancy are hazard ranked in terms of severity. With

reference to the product of the initiating cause frequency and the hazard scenario severity, the

unmitigated risk can be documented.

Once the unmitigated (without safeguards) event frequency has been defined, existing safeguards can

be identified (independent protective layer (IPL)) with the associated probability of failure on demand

(PFD) (likelihood), and used as a basis to determine if the current system meets the companies tolerable

risk criteria. If a gap exists, then additional means of reducing the likelihood and/or reducing the severity

will need to be identified by a competent hazard assessment team. Safeguards can be classified into

passive, active, and procedural with preference based in this order respectively.

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 3

Identifying Hazard Scenarios

The facility siting example presented in this paper involves the receipt, unloading, storage and transfer

of ethylene oxide (EO). Figure 1 is a plot plan showing the overall layout of the plant. EO is received on

the east side of the plant primarily from railcars. The material is unloaded by use of an unloading pump

into a 20,000 gal horizontal storage tank that is located nearby. An unloading operator shelter

constructed of a steel frame sheet metal building is located just south of the EO storage tank. From the

storage tank, EO is pumped to batch reactors in Area A located in the center of the plant, and Area B

located on the west side of the plant.

The EO unloading and storage area is outdoors while the reactors in Area A and B are located inside a

steel frame sheet metal building. In addition, each reactor area has a control room next to the reactor

buildings constructed of cement block. Several buildings intended for occupancy are located on the

south east and south side of the plant. These buildings are constructed of cement block and steel frame

sheet metal.

To understand what facility siting hazards may exist, a review of the company and industry incidents was

conducted. Incident reports collected by the facility and discussions during team meetings added to the

list of hazard scenarios reviewed. Many raw material manufacturers compile and issue guidance

documents to assist facilities that receive and handle their chemicals. For EO, an Ethylene Oxide Product

Stewardship Guidance Manual1 (EO Manual) was published and contains various historical incidents that

can be used as a guide for developing facility siting hazard scenarios. This EO Manual includes the

following statement:

“Note that in most EO contamination incidents and EO decomposition incidents, the majority of the

damage has resulted from an EO vapor cloud explosion.”

It is the loss of containment of EO that will be discussed in this paper. Many hazards associated with

facility siting studies involve leaks from transfer operations. In the CCPS book, Guidelines for Evaluating

Process Plant Buildings for External Explosions, Fires, and Toxic Releases, Table 8.1 Frequency and

Probability Assessment lists factors that can be used to determine explosion frequencies.

Examples of different types of piping leaks that may be appropriate in a facility siting study are listed in

Table 1. This table also includes several Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice

(RAGAGEP) resources that are available for use in setting initiating cause frequencies for the listed

hazard scenarios.

1 The Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance Manual was prepared by the American Chemistry Council's Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycols Panel, third edition.

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 4

Hazard Scenarios Raw Risk and Resultant Severity

CCPS in Guidelines for Evaluating Process Plant Buildings for External Explosions, Fires, and Toxic

Releases, Analysis in the Approach Selection section notes:

“… An owner/operator may opt for a phased approach to building siting evaluation with the level of

detail increasing with each step. This phased approach may consist of a consequence-based

assessment using conservative assumptions as an initial step. More detailed consequence analysis

that use process specific information may be used as a subsequent step to sharpen the pencil.”

A typical MCE may involve the full bore rupture of a transfer pipe or rupture of a tank. If the hazard does

not impact buildings intended for occupancy, then no further assessment is required. However, if

buildings intended for occupancy are impacted, then a further assessment is required to ensure the

individuals inside these buildings are adequately protected. CCPS has published a very useful

compilation of models that can be used for facility siting, Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure

Vessel Burst, BLEVE and Flash Fire Hazards. A list of various modeling tools that were used to model

hazard consequences can be found in Table 2.

EO has both toxic and flammable properties of concern. In this paper, the authors will present facility

siting issues generated from the flammable characteristics of EO. Conservative TNT modeling was used

for the MCE scenarios, which included pipe and tank ruptures. Based on this modeling several buildings

intended for occupancy were impacted therefore additional more detail modeling was required.

For overpressure impacts due to releases of EO at the unloading, storage, transfer, and reactor areas,

several different refined explosion models were used to assess nearby buildings intended for occupancy

and to assess inherently safer designs. The results of the dispersion modeling for hazard scenarios are

listed in Tables 3 and 4.

For the existing plant configuration, several issues appeared. The first concern is associated with

outdoor releases during low wind speeds. Figure 2 depicts a wind rose diagram and shows calm (< 0.5

m/s) periods of up to 10% of the year. This amount of time was considered sufficient to be of a concern.

The second concern involved potential releases of flammables inside the reactor buildings. Based on

dispersion modeling, the concentration indoors could reach the lower flammable limit (LFL) and

therefore result in an overpressure hazard and impact buildings intended for occupancy. Indoor releases

are of particular concern because of a lack of natural ventilation that aids in the dispersion of flammable


To assess flammable cloud size for various hazard scenarios, PHAST was used to assess the mass in the

cloud above the LFL for outdoor releases. Table 3 shows that the leak hole size has a significant effect on

the size of the flammable cloud. Of particular concern is whether the flammable cloud size is sufficiently

large to generate an overpressure hazard. Lees10 looked at historical overpressure incidences from

outdoor releases and noted that a certain amount of material is required to be release before a credible

overpressure hazard exists. In the FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 7-42, Guidelines for

Evaluating the Effects of Vapor Cloud Explosions Using a TNT Equivalency Method, flammable materials

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 5

are classified into three categories and each category has a listed minimum mass. These classes and

associated minimum mass above the LFL for outdoor releases are:

Class I materials, 5 tons

Class II materials, 1 ton

Class III materials, 1000 lbs

In the FM Global guidance document, EO is considered a Class III material. Based upon the information

in Table 3 and FM Global guidance, scenarios at low wind speeds were an area that warranted further

investigation. It should be noted that PHAST dispersion software is limited to >1 m/s and so

overpressure hazards below 1 m/s could not be accurately modeled with this software.

Because of this limitation, CFD modeling was conducted to assess flammable cloud size and resultant

overpressure hazards for outdoor releases at low wind speeds as well as indoor releases in the reactor

buildings. Figure 3 shows Reactor Building A area with buildings located near reactors. In this area one

can see that the sides of the building facing the release point are the short sides of the buildings. Figure

4 shows Reactor Building B area that only has one building, the control room, located near the reactors.

In this area one can see that the side of the building facing the release point is the long side of the


The results of the CFD dispersion modeling are presented in Table 4. Also included in Table 4 are the

wind directions that resulted in the maximum and minimum flammable cloud sizes. Overpressure

hazards are shown in Figures 5 and 6 for the three areas of concern: Unloading Area, Reactor Building A,

and Reactor Building B. It should be noted that the control room building orientation in reference to the

release point and wind direction has an impact on the flammable cloud size and therefore the resultant

overpressure hazard distances. These results indicate:

Unloading Area – This area of the plant has low confinement and congestion, which results in the

lowest flammable cloud size and overpressure distances compared to the other two reactor areas.

The results from this scenario are presented in Figures 5 and 6.

Reactor Building A and B – These two areas of the plant have a high degree of confinement due to

being indoors, which results in unacceptable damage to buildings intended for occupancy.

Reactor Building A with walls removed below 15’ elevation – In order to improve natural

ventilation in this area, the sheet metal walls, starting at grade up to 15’ elevation, were removed.

CFD modeling results indicated that removing walls below 7’ did not decrease the flammable cloud

size and damage to buildings intended for occupancy. This area of the plant has moderate

confinement and congestion which results in the next lowest flammable cloud size and overpressure

distances compared to the other areas. The results from this scenario are presented in Figures 5 and


Reactor Building B with walls removed below 15’ elevation – These results mirror Reactor Building

A. This area of the plant has moderate confinement and congestion, which results in the highest

flammable cloud size and overpressure distances compared to the other areas. This can be

attributed to the building’s orientation near the release point. The Reactor Building B control room

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 6

is perpendicular to the wind direction for the largest flammable cloud case whereas buildings near

Reactor A have no large face area perpendicular to the wind direction even though the Reactor A

area has more objects around the release point. The results from this scenario are presented in

Figures 5 and 6.

Risk Ranking and Identifying Safeguards

After having identified the hazards and severity, API RP-752 recommends that a mitigation plan be

developed that includes both mitigation measures and schedule for completing them. Safeguards can

be classified into three categories as presented in API RP-752 2009, Table 1 Hierarchy of Mitigation

Measures. Listed in order of priority they are:




To evaluate what mitigation opportunities can be implemented, a PHA team was assembled and a list of

recommended safeguards was identified to meet the company’s tolerable risk criteria (see Table 5). Of

most importance are the passive mitigation measures that represent inherently safer design:

Replace with reinforced gasket (inner and outer rings)

Replace or reduce any bleeder to < ½” port diameter

Remove Reactor Building panels below 15’ elevation

Relocate Control Rooms operations away from the hazard or upgrade the Control Room to

withstand the overpressure hazard

Design and Upgrade Buildings Intended for Occupancy based on Overpressure Hazards

Barricade around Exposed Piping and Equipment

The PHA Team presented these recommendations to the Site Leadership Team (SLT) for acceptance and

assigned a responsible individual to track closure of the accepted recommendation. The facility siting

study will be kept current through the site’s Management of Change (MOC) program and will be

revalidated in five years.

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 7


Based on this facility siting study, several key factors were identified:

1) Facility siting studies should be used as a tool to help companies learn the lessons of earlier disasters

to minimize the risk of future major accidents.

2) Review of company and industry incidents can aid in the selection of the MCE and more refined

credible hazard scenarios that have the potential to impact buildings intended for occupancy.

3) A phased approach to building siting evaluations with the level of detail increasing with each step

will focus a company’s resources on the hazards of concern.

4) Each hazard scenario identified must be assessed with the appropriate modeling tool. Individuals

tasked with completing a facility siting evaluation must be aware of the basis and limitations of each

tool to ensure that it is being applied appropriately.

5) Outdoor releases during periods of low wind speed can be a hazard of concern and should be

investigated based on local weather conditions for the plant.

6) Indoor process units handling flammable materials can present a significant hazard of concern.

7) The location of walls and building orientation near a flammable release point can affect the

dispersion and associated hazard consequence.

8) Identifying safeguards in priority order starting with ones that are passive, and then active, followed

by procedural to meet a company’s tolerable risk will result in reducing the chances of an unwanted

major accident. Once these safeguards are accepted by the site leadership team, they will be

assigned to a responsible individual who will track the recommendation to closure to ensure that

the safeguard is implemented in a reasonable amount of time.

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 8

Table 1

Summary of Potential Leak Scenarios and Initiating Cause Frequencies

Initiating Cause Size of Release Frequency Range from Literature (per year)

Full Bore Rupture:

Pump Capacity

Mobile Equipment Impact3

10-2 to 10-4

Crane Drop of Heavy Equipment2

10-3 to 10-4 per lift

Piping residual failure – 100 m – Full Breach2

10-5 to 10-6 per 100m

Nominal diameter < 75 mm per m of pipe length4

1x10-6 per m

75 mm < nominal diameter < 150 mm per m of pipe length3

3x10-7 per m

Nominal diameter > 150 mm per m of pipe length3

1x10-7 per m

Human error:

1” Pipe Bleeder w/Standard Ball Valve, or ¾” Pipe Bleeder w/Full Port Ball Valve

¾” Pipe Bleeder w/Standard Ball Valve

d1 = ¾”

d1 = ½”

Human Factor for general error of omission4

Human Factor for error in routine simple operation4

Piping Leak (10% section)2

10-3 to 10-4 per 100 m

Leak with an effective diameter of 10% of the nominal diameter, up to a maximum of 50 mm


Nominal diameter < 75 mm per m of pipe length3

5x10-6 per m

75 mm < nominal diameter < 150 mm per m of pipe length3

2x10-6 per m

Nominal diameter > 150 mm per m of pipe length3

5x10-7 per m

2 LOPA, Table 5.1, pg 71, CCPS 2001 3 Bevi Risk Assessments version 3.2, 2009 4 Human Reliability Analysis, AIChE Journal Vol 20 No.2 March 1974

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 9

Summary of Potential Leak Scenarios and Initiating Cause Frequencies

Initiating Cause Size of Release Frequency Range from Literature (per year)

Pump Seal Failure2

Centrifugal pumps and centrifugal compressors3

10-1 to 10-2

Canned (without gasket) Catastrophic failure

Leak (10 % diameter) 0.1



With gasket

Reciprocating pumps and reciprocating compressors3

Catastrophic failure

Leak (10 % diameter) 0.1

Catastrophic failure

Leak (10 % diameter) 0.1





Non-Metallic Leak – Gasket Leak2 10-2 to 10-6

Hole size based on raised face gap between bolt holes

Hole size based on small diameter pipe (<3”) and ¼ gasket

Reinforced Gasket/Packing Blowout2

Reinforced Gasket Leak between Adjacent

Bolt Holes, =1.5mm

10-2 to 10-6

Hole size based on raised face between bolt holes

Hole size based on small diameter pipe (<3”) and ¼ gasket

= equivalent hole diameter of leak (in), = pipe diameter (in), = flange bolt hole diameter (in), = number of

flange bolts, = pipe flange raised face diameter (in), = bolt diameter (in), = width of flange gasket (in)

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 10

Table 2

Modeling Tools for Toxic and Flammable Hazards

CEI5 Toxic Impacts

Aloha6 Toxic and Radiant Thermal Impacts

F&EI7 Radiant Thermal Impacts

PHAST8 Toxic, Radiant Thermal, and Explosion Impacts

API9 Jet Fire Impacts

Cone10 Jet Fire Impacts

TNT11 Explosion Impacts

Tang12 Explosion Impacts

Baker-Strehlow-Tang13 Explosion Impacts

TNO Multi-Energy14 Explosion Impacts

FLACS15and FACET3D16 Explosion Impacts

5 Chemical Exposure Index (CEI) Method, Dow, 2nd Edition 6 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emergency Management 7 Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI) Method, Dow, 7th Edition 8 DNV Technica’s Process Hazard Analysis Software Tool (PHAST) 9 Cook, J., Bahrami, Z., Whitehouse, R.J., 1990, A comprehensive program for calculation of flame radiation levels, J.

Loss Prev. Process Ind. v3 (1990) pp150-155. 10 Johnson, A. D., Brightwell, H. M., and Carsley, A. J., 1994, A model for predicting the thermal radiation hazard

from large scale horizontally released natural gas jet fires, Trans. IChemE., Vol. 72, Part B (1994) pp 157-166 11 Lees, F. P., 1996, Loss prevention in the process industries, 2nd Edition 12 Tang, M.J., Cao, C.Y., and Baker, Q.A., “Blast Effects from Vapor Cloud Explosions”, International Loss Prevention

Symposium, Bergen, Norway, June 1996 13 Tang, M. J. and Baker, Q. A., 1999, A New Set of Blast Curves from Vapour Cloud Explosion, Process Safety

Progress, Volume 18, No. 4, pp 235 - 240, Winter 1999 14 TNO "Yellow Book", 1997, Methods for the calculation of physical effects due to releases of hazardous materials

(liquids and gases), Eds: van den Bosch, C. J. H. and Weterings, R. A. P. M. (1997), Chapter 5: Vapor Cloud Explosions, Mercx, W. P. M. and van den Berg, A. C.

15 Flame Acceleration Simulator (FLACS), Version 9.1 release 3, GexCon, Bergen, Norway, April 2011. 16 Facility Assessment and Consequence Evaluation Tool (FACET3D), Version 11.8.1, ABS Consulting, 2011

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 11

Table 3

PHAST Modeling Results

Cloud Mass above the LFL at Various Low Wind Speeds

Leak Scenario dl


0.5 m/s17


0.7 m/s17


1.0 m/s


1.5 m/s


Reinforced gasket 2" pipe 150 class 0.1175 0.18 0.14 0.11 < 0.1

Gasket 2" pipe 150 class or Bleeder with standard ball vale

0.5 1,185 680 374 194

2” Piping Leak, 10% section 0.682 1,475 838 518 262

1” Pipe Bleeder w/Standard Ball Valve or Full Bore Rupture, Pump Capacity

0. 75 3,243 1,733 974 559

Table 4

FLACS/FACET3D Explosion Modeling Results for ½” hole leak18

Model Leak Direction

Wind Speed


Direction from

Flammable Cloud Size


Unloading Area Down


0.45 North




Reactor Building A Down


3.6 South West




Reactor Building A - w/walls removed below 15’ elev.



3.6 North West




Reactor Building B Down


3.6 North




Reactor Building B - w/walls removed below 15’ elev.



3.6 North

South West



17 Wind speed below validated model. 18 Confidential Client, US Based Consulting Firm, Consequence Analysis using CFD modeling, Final Report Revision

2, March 29.

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 12

Table 5

Risk Reduction Options by Hazard Scenario

Hazard Scenario Independent Protection Layer (IPL)

Gasket Leak Passive - Inherently safer design:

Replace with reinforced gasket (inner and outer rings)

Active - Consequence Mitigation System (CMS)

Gas Detection, Isolation, and Deluge

Bleeder Vale Left Open Passive - Inherently safer design:

Replace or reduce any bleeder to < ½” port diameter

Remove Reactor Building Panels Below 15’ Elev.

Relocate Control Rooms Away from Hazard

Design and Upgrade Buildings Intended for Occupancy based on Overpressure Hazards or relocate to buildings away from the hazard area

Active – Consequence Mitigation System (CMS)

Gas Detection, Isolation, and Deluge

Procedural - Administrative:

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)LOTO Checklist and Diagram of Valves to be Manipulated

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Open Ended Line Inspection prior to Restart

Piping Leak due to Corrosion

Procedural - Administrative:

RAGAGEP review of Piping for Chemical Service

Mechanical Integrity (MI) Program

Pipe Rupture due to impact Passive - Inherently safer design:

Barricade around Exposed Piping and Equipment

Procedural - Administrative:

Crane Lift Evaluation Program

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Oct 21, 2012 Page 13

Figure 1 – Facility Plot Plan

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Figure 2 – Wind Rose

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Oct 21, 2012 Page 15

Figure 3 - Reactor Building A (Looking North West)18

Figure 4 - Reactor Building B (Looking South West)18

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Oct 21, 2012 Page 16

Figure 5 - Site Free-Field Pressure Contours18

Figure 6 - Site Free-Field Positive Impulse Contours18

©2016 aeSolutions

Craig Shell & Stephen W. Kelly aeSolutions Publication

Oct 21, 2012 Page 17


The following paper is provided for educational purposes. While the authors have made reasonable

efforts in the preparation of this document, aeSolutions makes no warranty of any kind and shall not be

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