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Idus IS – simple, flexible and cost-effective
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Idus IS – simple, fl exible and cost-effective

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Idus IS offers you many advantages

Idus has since 1992 developed the software for information, documentation and maintenance. Today we have over 2,500 satisfi ed users.

Our philosophy is to make user-friendly software for all types of industries and for everyone within an organization.

You have much to gain from using Idus IS. You get full control of your maintenance and can save you big money for your business.

In this brochure you can read more about the key benefi ts of Idus IS.

Welcome to Idus IS - a simple, fl exible and profi table maintenance system.

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Idus IS handles all industries!Idus IS has fantastic fl exibility and works equally well in almost any industry. Idus IS is the most widely used system for the control of water and wastewater plants in Sweden. Our users also include ports, a biscuit factory and the ultra-modern corvettes of the Swedish Navy. To name just a few.We specialise in particular in the process in-dustry, power plants, manufacturing industry, food industry, water and wastewater plants and real estate. But Idus IS’s fl exible and modular

solution means that it works well for just about any industry.We at Idus are also known for being receptive to the needs that exist and constantly develop new functions in close cooperation with our customers. This means that we can adapt the system to the specifi c needs of every industry.


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Idus IS can easily be linked to other systemsIdus IS can be easily interconnected with your other systems, for example business systems, fi nancial systems and monitoring systems. Sta-tistics and other information from operation can thus be quickly and easily transferred in both directions and be of benefi t.A manufacturing company, for example, can link Idus IS to its business system and base its maintenance on reality instead of static in-tervals. As a result, both unnecessary break-downs and unnecessary maintenance are avoi-

ded, which can save large sums of money.Another example is automatic transfer of costs per cost centre for working time, spare parts etc. to the fi nancial system.


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Idus IS can be expanded according to your needsIdus has several different add-on applications that simplify, improve and expand the system. • Idus Pocket is a mini-version of Idus IS in-tended for PDAs. This application can handle maintenance functions, value reading and stock functions, for example.• Idus Web handles fault reports over the In-ternet and is ideally suited to companies whose employees need to report faults without other-wise making use of the maintenance system.• Idus Import is a great add-on when you need

to gather information from other applications, such as contacts from Excel or data from Excel fi les.• Idus Message means that the fault report reaches the right person directly. An automatic fault report or work order is sent by printout, e-mail or SMS text message.• Idus Doc can save documents with automatic linking to work order and object.• DUSiFIX is a direct link between Idus IS and iFIX. The same interface is used for both

systems, and you have access to all the main-tenance functions directly on your process screen.• Idus Valuereader enables you to link your mo-nitoring program to Idus IS and, for example, transfer operator signals automatically to Idus IS.• Idus DataServer can be used for transfers for example of worked time, maintenance costs and stock transactions to your fi nancial system, business system or any other system.


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Anyone can learn how to use Idus IS quicklyOne of the greatest benefi ts of Idus is its sim-plicity. Anyone can learn quickly how to use the system, even people who do not work with computers on a daily basis. Different levels of authorisation mean that individual users only see what is relevant to them, and all data is entered in the same way by all users. Idus can, if necessary, offer tailored training courses for you and your staff. We also regularly arrange training courses at various levels.

With the add-on application Idus Web employ-ees can report faults over the Internet without needing to use the maintenance system.


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Idus IS image navigation makes it easy to fi nd what you are looking for

Navigating in Idus IS is very simple. With the in-tuitive image navigation, you can point and click your way through the plant. You obtain simple and natural search paths to objects, functions, external applications containing information or other images. You choose for yourself whether you wish to have drawings, maps, photographs or graphic illus-trations. A great advantage is that production personnel, for example, can very easily create a fault report directly from an image.

Image navigation can be expanded so that you can navigate down to the smallest screw if you wish to do so. One example is using CAD ima-ges, for example PI diagrams, to complete the search path down to the smallest sensor. It is thus very simple to fi nd parts in the plant th-rough the CAD drawings.


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Idus IS gives you exactly the right informationWith Idus IS you always obtain the right informa-tion. With a few simple clicks you can fi nd out many things, for example:• What does a particular measure cost?• How long does a particular measure take?• What faults are most common on different machines?• Which machines cause most trouble, and which least?• Which spare parts should always be in stock?• What intervals are optimal for different types

of maintenance?The statistics and information from Idus IS pro-vide you with an ideal basis on which to take sensible and long-term decisions, for example with regard to major investments and renova-tions, taking on new staff or reducing staffi ng levels.


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You can get started in three daysMany of our customers are surprised how quickly they are able to get started with Idus IS. Depending on size it takes 3-10 days – then you’re ready for the off. The Indus Remember package helps you to start working effectively with Idus IS without delay. To ensure that implementation of the system runs smoothly, we have personnel on site to act as project managers and provide in-spiration.

Our staff have years of experience and talk plain language so that you, as our customer, see the whole cost picture and need for resources. We tailor the package to your particular needs and guarantee that the software can start to be used directly after the project. The principle is based on the most important functions being started up very quickly.


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Idus IS keeps a check on more than maintenanceIdus IS can be used for much more than just maintenance. Continuous supervision and in-spections are administered in the same data-base as other maintenance. Using different modules you can enter many different func-tions, for example:• Stock. Idus gives you complete control of your stock. You can optimise your stock so that you always have the things you need and are not left with a mass of unnecessary and costly items gathering dust.

• Purchasing. Handle all the company’s purcha-sing through Idus, regardless of whether it is pens, machine parts or consultancy services. The great advantage is that everything beco-mes more secure. All purchasing is certifi ed and ready before the order is placed.• Environmental and quality work. Administer environmental and quality routines in the same database as other activity.• Continuous Monitoring. Idus IS handles CM, for example for pressure vessels and lifting

equipment.• Safety rounds. Gain control over your safety rounds by scheduling them in Idus IS. Just as for maintenance, you report any non-confor-mances and the action taken.• Fire safety checks. You can carry out safety checks in the same way.• Logbook. With the Logbook, operating per-sonnel in control rooms, for example, can do-cument events in a very simple way.


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Idus IS from A to ZAccount registerA fi nancial transaction can be handled in seven different dimensions, e.g. account, cost centre.

ActivitiesThe calendar in Idus IS can also be viewed in the form of a list that can be sorted as desired. It is also possible to click on the various activities in the list to carry out a number of functions.

CalibrationsIdus IS keeps a very simple and quick check on all your scheduled calibrations, for example of pressure sensors, temperature sensors and va-rious instruments.

Cost follow-upCost follow-up is done simply for all types of tran-sactions, spare parts, work times etc.

Crystal ReportIdus IS uses Crystal Report as a report generator. This means that there are no restrictions at all on presenting data.

Data serverIdus Dataserver links Idus IS to other types of applications.

Fault reportsWith a few simple clicks a fault report is created directly from an image. With Idus Web a fault re-port can also be made through the Internet. Em-ployees can thus report faults without otherwise having to make use of the maintenance system.

Fire safety checksFire safety checks can be performed in Idus IS.

Gantt diagramA Gantt diagram is used for precise planning of Planning and Work Orders with times, recipients etc.

GraphsThere are a large number of graphs in the system for fi nancial history etc.

HistoryAll data can be presented in various types of his-tory.

Image navigationA picture says more than a thousand words. By using pictures, drawings or similar, a natural search path is created for the user. The images linked very simply to the database, and the user can zoom down to an object in the database, an external object or directly to a maintenance func-tion on the “right” function for all functions.

ImportIdus IS contains ready-made modules for im-porting, for example from Excel.

InspectionsAll types of inspections can be handled in Idus IS.

KPTA dynamic analysis tool that shows key fi gures.It can be fi nancial or technical data displayed as dashboard or graphs.

LogbookWith Logbook you can log different events in the system, events which can then go on for example to fault reports and work orders. The number of logbooks is unlimited.

MaintenanceIS can handle all types of maintenance, e.g. PM, RM, TOOL, EMERGENCY, CM, FIRE etc.

MakesIdus IS contains a function for processing infor-mation on different makes etc.

MessageWith Idus Message, Fault Reports and Work Or-ders are sent automatically to the correct reci-pient by e-mail, SMS text message or printout.

ObjectThe objects represent the basis of the plant re-gister. Based on your own reality you create the different types of objects you need, with your own customised fi elds. By searching on indi-vidual objects or groups of objects you quickly obtain the information you want. Spare parts, documents and drawings are linked to the object concerned.

PlanningPlanning of a preventive maintenance (PM) me-asure can be done directly from an image by linking the object to the PM measure planned. Planning can consist of a time interval, numeri-cal value (e.g. operating time) and occasion (e.g. summer shutdown) or a combination of these.

Plant registerThe structure of IS is easily created with a level tree consisting of a number of folders. These fol-ders may consist of almost anything and provide the basis for the plan register.

PocketIdus Pocket is an application for handling Mainte-nance and Stock Management in a PDA.

Purchasing systemIdus IS contains a complete purchasing system containing functions such as internal request, verifi cation, inward deliveries to stock with com-plete cost control.

Rounds listCreate a rounds list to gather a number of jobs under a rounds list name. Each job in the list has a mutual sequence and a number of performan-ce dates.

Self-inspectionAll types of self-inspection can be administered in Idus IS.

Signal managementDifferent signals can be used to store values, giving you guidance and control over condition-based maintenance. You can enter the system at any time and see when it is time for a maintenan-ce measure. Examples of signals are operating times, fl ows, switching on/off etc.

SimpleIdus IS is fantastically simple as individual users only see the tabs and fi elds relevant to them. The system is very simple to use, for example for feedback.

StockThere is a complete module for administering spare parts and consumables. Inward deliveries take place automatically from the Purchasing System or by direct inward delivery. Ordering points, currencies etc. can be handled in the module.

Stop timeWith a simple click of the mouse, start and stop times can directly registered in an image. You thus gain complete control of down times for dif-ferent machines in a plant.

SuppliersSuppliers who are in a separate register can be used by both stock management and plant do-cumentation.

Time reportingTime spent is reported to the system. This can be done against a WO or without a WO. Diffe-rent types of time reports that can be costed are created for each person.

Web modulesFor certain types of Maintenance and for Purcha-sing there are Web-based modules.

WishesIdus is constantly developing the system on the basis of the needs and wishes of our customers. This work takes place in close cooperation with our customers.

Work order (WO)A WO contains the information needed to carry out a job, for example when and where it is to be carried out and by whom. The time and spare parts used are linked to the relevant WO.

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SINCE 1992 IDUS HAS been developing software for information, documentation and maintenance and

today has more than 2,500 satisfi ed users. The philosophy is to create user-friendly applica-tions matched to different types of industries and

everyone in an organisation.

Would you like to know more? www.idus.se +46 (0)611-275 30 • [email protected]

