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IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil....

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Frm S. F.i : Korea, April 10. Manchuria. Apr. 11. Frta TuctiTfrt MAknra, Apr. 22. Far TaicoiTert Niagara, Apr, 2L r Hawaiian Evening Bulletin. Star. Vol. Est XXI, 1882, No. No. 6864. 6824. 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1914. 12 PAGES. PRICH FIVE CENTS IE POLITICAL iRiiiimiiis Membership Now 1600 Ex- pected to Reach 3000 by End of This Week PLAN TO CONTROL NEXT . MUNICIPAL ELECTION . m UCmOCratS and ReDUDfXanS - A Hmif II Will ' Ro Pnu0r ' ' nuuiii ii nut i unwi To Reckon With . . A ;new. political party, so far un- - No. 1." - ; named, has sprung into , life and" itaj Under - the provisions of the i two membership Is Increasing with pho-- ; direct frontare tax statutes, It is plan-noroen- al rapidity. Springing ' up l-- s ned to rut In ft romniete, avstem 1 moat over- night, this new party,' storm drains.. jnd follow this with j which asks' for the support of the Ha extensive rennnnent street improve-wallan- s, is reported to have recured Vent, tnrn'ne th d'strlc Into on o( 1600. members In live days; on this P(, mMt mVdid.. In point of thor- - ... Island. y : ' ; - ' cvhfare a. In the Htv. ' , By tbe end of the week, tne ieaa- - ers expect tne tnemDersnip to De. m- - creased to ; 3.000, v which would put them in control, of the next munlci-- J . vicvhuu.-,.iUI- U m .vw reached the plan is to organize for- mally, adopt a name for the - party, rules and regulations, and get ready for the coming primary. ' . . it 11.1. . 1 .. eiur .mi Introduced f n tJ1 en1ne. a fn 11 ai, uui.vuue 1B ito rw.i,TTei o' own- - of everr nlAca two meeting twice m rr n'ooertv n tn week .with Hawaiian to u m T i I'n', It, Is also anow ytha uuiuua uio vuuviuuauva vi uic uirur - bership campaign. For their , ambl 1 4lnrt f!nA. haI '. .Inn vtfVl -- kv. w they expect to spread over the ' to tM the of snv In cn for th are thA In tire ; V - P : .r-l- A small pamphlet has been Issued .sva eche xbv and sent to every Hawaiian on In other cases Jt Is only the Island, a. few4 who are "w . N!-- 'f ' . thought to too 1 Th creation this district .U the or? reearded as em'nentlv Tl party to available for rnfn.l first ; of that a modern the new and in 'rtr be pamphlet the and devel- - nd aftr that, areet nvd as the are ,v vs8hle.' Jh news rf the stiwr. lined. : ? ji'on be received by, th "We want to get for lour member- - lmnrovement r:iub with chip Hawaiian - oieanre. no doubt for Is and so that can put. has been working th hetf wimi In rflra ond V cri Cfin square deal." says thV'iianiphlet, lib - i erally- translated ; v , ElKewhere In th same namnhlet 'It - men ror o2ce. If theV are fit,' and have thown in the pasi a w uciii .uu- - uc inuiui; 1 iui yie lis- - j ' It ; became known yesterday after- - D. twKahaulelio and David Kahaleaahu, both of whom are HacaHVia1 e Vtanff 'a Vaaa ' tolAnf and political J- yir proposed party is the manner in which Is to be distributed. , iTererence ror a joo is to ne given. 10 the man of the largest Say five men are candidates . for an4 ap- - . . - ' m .poinure piace; say me man 01 tne largest lamiiy snouia get it. as highly for launching the With the Hawaiians and whites for. that, matter, complaining against the board and the mayor, particularly. Elnce the re-- , trenchment movement started; they say that their 1600 members were se- - , 1 1.- 1- tt. nnn ..v. new party promises to be a power to Vbe reckoned with at the next election. J and may put a few wrinkles , brow ot His Honor. Mayor Fern. - of the men acUve in the party has put the case In this wise: " "We Hawaiians have had both Re- - publican and adralnistra- - ; tlona, and nothing has been done for . us. TUe only tnlng we have left, to i ' do. in to orfmni nnr own nrt. iind control the situation mit men office who will the right they were at tuna- - Ke-- 1 publicans or. Democrats,1 TAX EQUALIZATION V; V ' LEAGUE C0MF.1inEE OUTLINES CAMPAIGN Rapid were made last even ins at the meeting of the committee named by Prof.' Wm. A Bryan, to out- - Juie a constitution and by-la- for proposea uzaiion eaucauonaj organi- - ration, .planned at a meeting several weeks ago. : ... Hawaii was by the com mittee as name for organiza- - , ft 1 ft 1 JI 1 . LIU Li oiiu uiv vuusuiuuuu uii uaan . lay tne tounaaiion ror a inorougn edu- cational in scientific taxa- tion. It is the purpose -- of the organi- zation to disseminate 'gathered near and far, on this subject sent data before the public In an in- teresting and easily digestible man- ner.- ' - . a meeting, to be held " early next week by the committee a general meeting will be called when the plans of the committee come up for alteration if deem- ed advisable and adoption. The committee is composed of Prof. Win. A. Bryan, Marston Campbell, Prof. 3. S. Donaghho, E. V. Wil- cox, Will Wayne, Chas. R. Merriam, Allan Herbert and Ed. Towse. MONUMENTS At Lowest Prices. H. E. HENDRICK, LTD. Large Improvement is Planned For Manoa Under Frontage Tax SUPERVISORS CREATE GIANT DISTRICT AND PRO- POSE DRAINAGE AND BETTER ROADS FOR WHOLE VALLEY A giant imnrovement district , em. brar'ng all of Manoa valley, and ex- tending rntbe east the College of Hawaii, and from there beyond the fork of the Oahn valley road, and up-jr- er ; and on the-othe- r far nVDv , n Rns1rv Mill fi fty n ' o JUA.RJ x anil. wm rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman the roads commit-tw- . : a resolution entitled Maw Valley Improvement District a tPr world e for - period of fnnr rnon'bv !" rfuF the ni nd data r, ; this district K M. Whitehouse; ,.rv, county Is In fv Btfon now to ' rnr rnt - street Imn'fwfmfnt work :rKiti rM 'the drW without a da ' delay. ; Tn this new ma which now the the cit- - and cotmtv. ra? ownr on the eovem- - i i ,t.A m . ml s itt r ik 11 1. wny. lue con 'trim . t- - s . . .. v : .' I wuu number, are o'Strrt are snown; supporters Jn several ' "l territory.? Vwne-- a several almost ; f ftftt- - . except - be closely "Identified of new with Republican ImnortaoL be membership , aH.. in organization;' this svtem 'to Installedt origin, plans raDld-opmen- ts Of new party out- - : isors wfll Manoa Valley all the ; RepuMicans this one of Democrats, , we the things the club a f 't willingness . 1 leaders are - sagacity.". patronage family.' - - - mey , auspicious party.'. of supervisors la;the . One , . Democratic W will in do whetner one strides the, designated the the ' campaign' information, - Following will discussion, Dr. Manna-road- , ofclal Democratic The resolution crea aB we can, go jwss Introduced -- and passed on :st rtght after jU Of course,, first the rrnAlne, vith .HMJ. rnmm'pnL 'Jt ia'dralnage systems ' should be laid,; 80 not realize what it meant. This lafup a"pavement at some later time to 'the first big district ever created by put.? drainage, plfiesin,,- - BELIE? ED TO BE A DEAD ISSUE dent ; Is Not Believed To- - Be Likely Action : - By C. SJ ALBERT. s WASHINGTON. D.? C.,: March , 30. , The application of the literacy test to Immierranta mav be reearded as a dead proposition .unless , both branches of Congress Pass.the pending bur over vto of President Wilson. , There ; sufficient votes to make that course possible, but party expediency (probably will prevent such drastic ac-- ' ' tlon; . ( ; - The president sought to be extreme- - ly feentle in handling the literacy test f He implored memoers 01 me senate tnmltiPA on lmmlerratlon. to mod II V . thr. Mt-rs- ev test, or eliminate it. but with no degree of success. The meas- - tho provision exactly as passed by tne ,,uuocV. ' ' i 1 . ' Finding pleading; and persuasion of . , . . - 1 j . . . no ar&ii iae presiaem sen. oecreiaij tor Smith of South Carolina, chairman ofrthe. immigration committee. The secretary made It perfectly plain to the , senator- - . that President Wilson would veto the Immigration bill, when Presented to him, if it contained the literacy test, along tne present lines. me inauer w uiscusseu ai teutu. No possibility of doubt was left In the (mind of Mr. Smith as to what course would be followed by the president when the objectionable measure came before him for approval. j As the situation stands it seems cer- tain th president will have to exer- cise his veto power on the immigra- tion . bill. There is no doubt what- ever but that the senate will concur In . the house literacy test provision and leave it in the bill when passed and sent to the president There is no chance of its rejection or modifica- tion by the.senate unless the president can exert sufficient influence to ac- complish that unexpected result A large proportion of senators predict the retention of the obnoxious clause ' Senator O'Gorman is almost alone in ' : Engineer L. 3L Whitehouse, who has prepared map and data for lm?roiements. the board under the provisions of the two statutes. There Is, to be. sure, a Nuuanu valley district, for the im- provement of three small streets in the valley beginning with Pulwa; this dis- trict was created last night also, at the Instance of James T. Taylor. But the Manoa district is the only one thus far created which offers extensive pos-6lMntl- es of road improvements. - . I have been working on this map and data," said . Mr. Whitehouse - last night, "for four months. We have been going along quietly, getting ev- erything in readiness so that when the afstrict was made we would be in a pcsiUon1 to advance the work with speei Manoa residents wish such a district Almost all the residents there own th property on which they live and can afford to have the streets improved. 'That Is why I believe this resolution will be of such . importance. AlLthey have to do now Is to tell us SlSl ISPQOR FOR YEAR 1913 ; Low Sugar Prices and Lack of Water Combine to Hold Down Profits Copies of the annual report of the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Com- - f , haye Deen. received from K, Wronic,.n whom th :. annual . ,i nrr today; Low gugar prices, combin ed,witn lack Df water and some other difficultieSp mado the showing for Jagt T comparatively poor. Al- - totter dividends to the amount ot m or 9g cent on the stock. were paid, during the year, it wftg necessary to draw on tne 8urpius JS& 58- - S7 - 'finanHal statement as given, ..W8 . . Si J l"oss ccouru- - $960,000.00 $960,000.00 Net Trofit on Sugar $794,745.60 RnnriI V xv prnfitt S4.673.0S Surplus 80.S81.37 $960,000.00 Statement of Assets and Liabilities, December 31st, 1913: ASSETS. ReaJ pr0Derty $ 3,703,926.30 Di.chgS , reservoirs . .. 90S,7i0.31 ..... 710,000.00 Buildings 275,900.00 Pumps and Oil Tanks. .. . 552,000.00 Railroad and rolling stock 70,000.00 Steam plows; tools, etc . . . 114.000.00 Fences, wagons, etc 34.305.00 Livestock 99,467.00 Investments 956,339.00 Growing crops 2,016,940.33 Inventories 395.732.57 Accounts receivable 696,489.96 Investment bonds 1.015,000.00 Cash 34,475.40 $11,581,325.87 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $10,000,000.00 Surplus 501,102.81 Five per cent bonds 998.000.00 Maui R. R. & S. S. Co... 27,239.41 Accounts Payable 54.983.65 declaring that the paragraph will be I eliminated when action is taken in the j $11,581,323.37 senate. ' Manager's Report. There is much speculation as to! The report of President and Man-whethe- r the immigation bill will be ager Frank F. Baldwin in part is as passed over the president's veto. It is follows : accepted as certain that the requisite Puunene. Maui. T. H., Feb. 9. 1914. two-third- s vote exists in the senate, To the Directors and Stockholders of and house. If the president's disap-- ! the Hawaiian Commercial and Su-prov- al is not nullified It will be be-- j gar Company, cause jsOme Democrats in each branch Gentlemen : of Congress consider it bad jwllttcs tnj Following istbe annual report for rap ..the president over the knuckles! ' j : 1 . .. t -- - ,,r , . fl..tt...4 . .J. THEMES mCAiCASETO SUPREME COURT Affidavits Made by Himself and Dr. Herbert, and Photo- graph of Receipt Shown MALPRACTfcils CHARGE 1 AGAINST U.S. ATTORNEY Handling of Divorce Case Ba- sis of ActiorH-Wom- an Since Is Declared Insane Another move was made yesterday afternoon by George P. Thielen in his, undertaking to. have U. S. District At- torney Jeff McCarn prohibited from practicing law in any of the courts of the territory, when he laid, his formal charges of "malpractice and unprofes- sional conduct" before the justices of the supreme court of Hawaii Accompany bis charges were copies of two affidavits, one made by him self and-th- e other by Dr. George Her- - iK-r- t, both relating to the alleged un- ethical acta of Mr. McCarn in, filing a l!bcl cn behalf of Mrs. Thielen for clivcrce; ana also Thielen transmitted a photographic copy of a receipt giv en Mrs. Thielen. by the district attor ney. Tne receipt mentions a diamond ring given as security for the agreed fee. , ' ' - Shortly after the divorce proceed ings were instituted, Mrs. Thielen was declared insane by the circuit court One of the allegations made by Thie- len against Mr. McCarn is that he; in- formed the district attorney that his wife was mentally unbalanced; and that Mr. McCarn was given the same information by Dr. Herbert, but pro- ceeded, notwithstanding, to file the libel in which' Thielen .Is accused of having, and transmitting to his wife' a vicious disease. The following are the charges : "Honolulu. H. T Aorll 7, 1914.. ; To the Honorable Chief Justice and Associate ' Justices of the Supreme ' Court of the .Territory of Hawaii. ' : t"The undersigned, 3eo. P. Thielen, of the city, and county of Honolulu, territory ' of 'Hawaii, hereby ; charges one Jeff McCarn, a person licensed to practice law; in; all the courts of the territory. 'tritb inalDractice and tinDro- - ilonrcondaeliased on two affi davits, certified Copies of which; are hereto attached and made a part here- of, : The originals of these af fldavita, one : by Dr. George - Herbert, and one by the , undersigned, . are now in the STiEDONvS Miss Emily Farley Compelled to Flee When Attacked by 1 Hoodlums of District To be made a target for stones thrown by hoodlums while engaged in making a personal Investigation of the home conditions ef several of Ho- nolulu's unemployed, is the unique ex- perience which befell Miss Emily Far- ley, second assistant manager of the Associated Charities, at Camp 2, Mon- day evening. According to the de- tails, the actions of the hoodlums made It necessary that Miss Farley and the member of the detective de- partment who accompanied her leave the vicinity at once in order to es- cape injury. In accordance with a new policy re- cently adopted by the charities, Miss Farley was authorized to visit the homes of a number of persons in Camp 2 in order to ascertain their status. In company with a member of the detective department and a friend, Miss Farley started her investigation Monday evening. They visited sev- eral places, it is said, and were de- scending the stairs ot a tenement when they were met at the bottom by a negro, who demanded of the police The Makai the Young is an busy place this week fact that roon in Holy Week, by the are intenss Inter- est. "The Last topic an address today by Dr. pastor Cen-tia- l Union which was listened to by large of both and wemen. L. Tenney assisted in services Mrs. G. K. The has itself as being greatly the success the series. sort are in vogue in all large cities on the and have set a new . the HIDE LOSES Il EFFORT TO MAKE SENSATION Endeavors to Connect Jeff Mc- Carn Judge Whitney FREEMAN SYLVisTER DEFENDANT IN to A- ctionIncident Occurred in December IL . to inject' U. S. . Jeff in the course of a civil suit before a Jury in Circuit Judge W. L. court this In hi3 sta I ement to the Jury to narrate the federal with the case, but was and by. the court to do;so it was held, the federal action had do with the suit In The trial which began in Judge court is suit, over from Hilo, wnicn a girl. said to be 15 years old,' and her moth- er, Maria are the and and his wire, Rose are the C.W. the and and Judge Alex ander are for the From the nature of most of the details of the tes are unprintable. ; ; - ; of the young girl, guilty in the cir- cuit court at Hilo some time ago to a charge and served a month In. jaiL His wife is held in the civil suit as an At the of. the crime she was not to but was a widow. ; filed the , this couple some ago, and the, U. S. r on page two) ; - of the attorney-genera- l of the - ';.:! rAcwminyinghls Complaint; are also two photographic of a the and , to in one of ths affidavits.' i j; J ij ' ..;'. .'- - "V' ' , "Respectfully , . GE0. P. officer what (they were doing there. The officer told the man to mind his own It is said. They for a few and then the negro said, "Let's see who can shoot the best; you or I." He drew from his pocket and, ltwas quite dark, there was a glint of steeL Miss Farley said to the police "Look out he's go- ing to and the officer "I guess he is." ' Then a deluge of rocks by the party. The., two who had been the party where some of the people lived, ran in front and held their hands in the air, say- ing that thef would keep off the stones. Miss Farley says that she then told the officer that he would have to her. out of the place. They started out and, as they neared the end of the camp, other rocks thrown at them, which struck a fence which they were The officer hailed an ' which was near the end of the camp, and they got into this and went away. The police believe that now they have the negro located. In spite of the Miss Farley is her investigation, but now with more ample sage of Easter and what it has in store for the man. At the Rev. Robert E. Smith spoke on the "The Last now are being held each at the cathedral, Fort street. wili be at 7 o'clock in the high mass with Holy and the of holy oils, will be At 3 o'clock in the the cere- mony of the of the feet will be held, while at 7:30 o'clock In the a sermon will be in At St this at 8 the choirl will render Sir John "Crucifixion,, at which time an offer- - Holy Week Service Young Hotel "The Last will be the of an address which Rev. D. C. Peters, pastor of the Christian Church, will deliver in makai of the Young hotel at neon, the being the fourth of a series of Holy Week being under the of the Inter-Churc- h of The are held 12 until 12:30 o'clock, there being each day a musical program aside from ' the address. pavilion of hotel proving from the the services observation of Inter-Churc- h Federation, creating furnished the of delivered Doremirs Scudder, of church, a men Peck the and Tacka-bur- sang. Inter-Churc- h Federation ex- pressed with of Meet- ings of this now the mainland, standard in with Civil Suit Before CASE Wife Also Made Party Hilo Last Attorney Claudius McBridc sought, sensational charges against District Attorney XlcCarn Whitney's morning. opening Attof-ne- y McBride endeavored attorney's indirect connec- tion checked forbidefen because, of- ficial's alleged nothing to progress. AVbitney's a'$10,000 seduction brought in Florinda .Frcitas. Portuguese Freitas, plaintiffs Freeman Sylvester Sylvester, defendants. Attorney Ashford represents plaintiffs McBride Lindsay appearing defendants.- - tne charges timony Sylvester, accused ruining pleaded statutory accomplice. time married Sylvester, Ashford com- plaint against "weeks district attorney (Continued custody territory.' attached copies" receipt giveif.by said'Jeff Mc- Carn referred submitted, THIELEN,' conversed minutes something al- though officer, shoot" replied, whizzed Russians showing take were against passing. automobile standing incident, continu- ing protection. pre3ent-da- y yesterday subject Miracle." Services morning Catholic Maundy Thursday tomorrow and morning pontifical Communion bless- ing the afternoon washing evening delivered Portuguese. Andrew's cathedral evening o'clock, augmented Stainer's at Supper" subject the pavil- ion tomorrow occasion services enducted auspices Federation Honolulu. meetings from special unusually conducted Parable" gathering pleasad Attorney business, gathering afternoon. observed celebrated. J;-;'3:?0.:- . SIX P!ILLED,iSEliI Horrible Accident Occurs When Steam Shovel Strikes' a Mis- fired Dynamite Cartridge at -- The Dalles, Oregon, -- Where U. S. Is Engaged in the Construction of Waterway v ; rAmoclatcd lrrss Cable -:- - i .THE DALLES. Oregon, April 8. Seven men were killed and tlx more seriously Injured, one fatally, when a steam shovel struck a misfired dynamite cartridge charge on the government eanal works here, today." 16 Counties, 11 And 200 ' . . , ' . t Associated Prejw Cabfc .:;': ; CHICAGO, 'April . . The Illinois election returns . show that the wo- men's vote'net only closed 10CO saloons. In this city but also made 18 coun- ties and 200 townships dry and put-1- 1 Important towns on. the list of the prohibitionists. Vt'W: ;" K-V' This victory for the cause of temperance Is considered one of tht great- est thus far accomplished In the United States. It is generally believed that tri mnvfmtnt aoa n i fluor w ii Da 'stand taken1 in'thls state. ;r.,V, Uolorobia-U- . 5. Treaty is m -- Signed But Not Ratified :'. .;,' . . . ; . ' t Ansoctatod Press Cable ' . . ' '''''' BOGOTA, Colombia, April 8. The treaty between' Colombia and ths UnKed States has been signed by the plenipotentiaries of both countries, but is still uaratlfled by either nation. ; . ;. '':-- ? V,--- Colombia Allowed $25,000,000 for'Canai Zone C - v WASHINGTON,. D..C, April has awarded Colombia 000.000 for the Panama canat zone. ' , . - - . ' Divorce Decree Signed on : ; r .Request Frorn This City 1 .Associated ; SAN FRANCISCO, April 8 Responding to an urgent .mesiaje from Mrs. Marie King, at present residing In Honolulu, Judge Waste of Oak- land signed htr final decree of divorce, thus permitting her to remarry. y All efforts to locate Mrs. King, th is ' afternoon, proved useless and up to 'the time of going to press no marriage license had been'granted to any- one of that name. : : ' 'r-- i- Aviators and Passenger Are '4 :: RABATt Morocco Aprlt 8. CapUl n Herve anrf a passenger in his aero- plane. were murdered and hacked to pieces by the Moors the 'aviators hav- ing been compelled to alight from a flight owing, to engine troubles. The airship was totally destroyed, r..;, ; . "'.' Ex Hacked to reconnoiterlng belled Spaniards Their Attitude Was Neutral given belief James should :. Press .' ;'. v ? April 8 Spaniards expel have tMs'city. their neutral them Mexico. t ; Prp gressives Vtrm !able) i Dow James Whitehead, carried Fighting ; f Fress'CablT t V April indecisive rebels being taken board f A Mrvlntf-r- t LONDON, April House cabi r FOR a Committee" J7M Towse and George G. Guild wers chos represent organization nomination committee, composed delegates from Club, ; Commerce, chants' Association directorate, which will.draw slate 17 name from which seven elected to board which will manage 1915 Mid-Pacifi- c Carnival. meatins: the stockholders Mid-Pacif- ic Carnival Ltd., has been called "to".. at wnlch time the of nominating commit have been notified to meet tomor- - Illinois Towns Dry imoeiui inrouon decisive "' -- ;?." rresw Cable J -- 7" by Mc oro Maintain Lose Ground Tampi CO rapidly as possible. Cablel THAYFR LATEST OF " ' ', 1.' Stainback. of firm of Stanley is latest "tip" among , political "dope8ters" the office of attorney-genera- l. While the - of Mr. Stainback as a probable successor Wade Warren Thayer did become particularly" prevalent yesterday afternoon, it has been consider- able credence among the "insiders" and general that Gover- nor Pinkham make the appoint- - Mr. said to capable if filling position and in " is a loyal Democrat- - - Chamber Commerce to complete slate. ;- - .i:y: '. The ' promotionists meeting 1 afternoon expressed tbemsel as being in favor of securing D.Dougherty to serve as: director-genera- l the 1915 celebration, of the members making statement that any plan of securing, an outside man-'fo- r this position dis- couraged.. .The statement also made that," during the'next ) diy Prom oticn Ccrr.r:!;t-- ' r- - - v ' ; ;',:: ; r Associated Cable . '', -- ' EL PASO, Tex 6tC leJ from Torreon reached protesting-th- at attitude was and blanv ing General Villa for forcing to leave ; . - ' . 1 fAiwociated , . : . PATERSON. N. April 8. Complete returns from this congressional district give H, Drukker, Republican O'Byrn, Demo- crat, 5240, and J. Progressive,, 611. In 1912 , Roosevelt this district. : 'y,:r:W:: :y::''y-y:drr'-j'- : Near ' Associated ; w TAMPICO, Mex 8. Sharp ard fightfng between the federals and on this coast is reported in this vicinity and refugees are on the ' warships Asquith Wins Unopposed Herbert Asquith to the of Commons today unopposed. " vtAdditlonal e page twelve) v v WOULDSEGURE DOUGHERTY 1915 CARNIVAL At siec!al meeting the Promo- tion ths afternoon, en to the on the of the the Chamber of the Mer and the, present Carnival up a will be form the of directors the A of of tha Monday, directors will be elected. The members the tee Townships oivtn mi Pieces as PrM TP Ingram M. member the Holmes. .& Holmes, the for. rumor not until the Is will Stainback la be the addition of the at. the his ve of one the be was the' The "V" J.. 10,620: was on of Ad of to
Page 1: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman

Frm S. F.i :Korea, April 10.

Manchuria. Apr. 11.Frta TuctiTfrt

MAknra, Apr. 22.Far TaicoiTert

Niagara, Apr, 2L r

HawaiianEvening Bulletin.

Star. Vol.Est





iRiiiimiiisMembership Now 1600 Ex-

pected to Reach 3000 byEnd of This Week



UCmOCratS and ReDUDfXanS- A Hmif II Will ' Ro Pnu0r '' nuuiii ii nut i unwi

To Reckon With

. . A ;new. political party, so far un-- No. 1." - ;

named, has sprung into , life and" itaj Under - the provisions of the i twomembership Is Increasing with pho--; direct frontare tax statutes, It is plan-noroen- al

rapidity. Springing' up l-- s ned to rut In ft romniete, avstem 1

moat over- night, this new party,' storm drains.. jnd follow this withj which asks' for the support of the Ha extensive rennnnent street improve-wallan- s,

is reported to have recured Vent, tnrn'ne th d'strlc Into on o(1600. members In live days; on this P(, mMt mVdid.. In point of thor--

... Island. y :' ; - ' cvhfare a. In the Htv. ' ,

By tbe end of the week, tne ieaa- -

ers expect tne tnemDersnip to De. m- -creased to ; 3.000, v which would putthem in control, of the next munlci-- J

.vicvhuu.-,.iUI- U m .vwreached the plan is to organize for-mally, adopt a name for the - party,rules and regulations, and get readyfor the coming primary. ' .

.it 11.1. . 1 ..

eiur .mi


f n

tJ1 en1ne. a



ai, uui.vuue 1B ito rw.i,TTei o' own- - of everr nlAcatwo meeting twice m rr n'ooertv n tnweek .with Hawaiian tou m

Ti I'n', It, Is also anow ytha

uuiuua uio vuuviuuauva vi uic uirur -

bership campaign. For their , ambl1

4lnrt f!nA. haI '. .Inn vtfVl --kv. w

they expect to spread over the '





cn for

th are


tire ; V - P : .r-l-A small pamphlet has been Issued .sva eche xbv

and sent to every Hawaiian on In other cases Jt Is onlythe Island, a. few4 who are "w . N!-- 'f '


thought to too 1 Th creation this district .Uthe or? reearded as em'nentlv Tl

party to available for rnfn.l first ; of that a modernthe new and in 'rtr be

pamphlet the and devel- - nd aftr that, areet nvd asthe are ,v vs8hle.' Jh news rf the stiwr.

lined. : ? ji'on be received by, th"We want to get for lour member- - lmnrovement r:iub with

chip Hawaiian - oieanre. no doubt for Isand so that can put. has been workingth hetf wimi In rflra ond V cri Cfinsquare deal." says thV'iianiphlet, lib-

i erally- translated ; v ,

ElKewhere In th same namnhlet 'It -

men ror o2ce. If theV are fit,' andhave thown in the pasi aw uciii .uu- - uc inuiui; 1 iui yie lis-- j

' It ; became known yesterday after- -

D. twKahaulelio andDavid Kahaleaahu, both of whom areHacaHVia1 e Vtanff 'a Vaaa ' tolAnfand political J- yirproposed party is the manner inwhich Is to be distributed.

, iTererence ror a joo is to ne given. 10the man of the largest Sayfive men are candidates . for an4 ap- -

. . - ' m.poinure piace; say me man 01tne largest lamiiy snouia get it.

as highly for launchingthe With the Hawaiians andwhites for. that, matter, complainingagainst the board andthe mayor, particularly. Elnce the re--

, trenchment movement started; theysay that their 1600 members were se- -

, 1 1.- 1- tt. nnn ..v.new party promises to be a power to

Vbe reckoned with at the next election. Jand may put a few wrinkles ,brow ot His Honor. Mayor Fern. -

of the men acUve in the partyhas put the case In this wise: "

"We Hawaiians have had both Re- -

publican and adralnistra- -

; tlona, and nothing has been done for .us. TUe only tnlng we have left, to i

' do. in to orfmni nnr own nrt. iindcontrol the situation mitmen office who will the right

they were at tuna- - Ke--1

publicans or. Democrats,1



Rapid were made last evenins at the meeting of the committeenamed by Prof.' Wm. A Bryan, to out--

Juie a constitution and by-la- forproposea uzaiion eaucauonaj organi- -

ration, .planned at a meeting severalweeks ago. : ...

Hawaii was by the committee as name for organiza- -,ft 1 ft 1 JI 1. LIU Li oiiu uiv vuusuiuuuu uii uaan

. lay tne tounaaiion ror a inorougn edu-cational in scientific taxa-

tion. It is the purpose --of the organi-zation to disseminate

'gathered near and far, on this subject

sent data before the public In an in-

teresting and easily digestible man-ner.- '-

. a meeting, to be held" early next week by the committee a

general meeting will be called whenthe plans of the committee comeup for alteration if deem-ed advisable and adoption.

The committee is composed of Prof.Win. A. Bryan, Marston Campbell,Prof. 3. S. Donaghho, E. V. Wil-cox, Will Wayne, Chas. R. Merriam,Allan Herbert and Ed. Towse.

MONUMENTSAt Lowest Prices.


Large Improvement is PlannedFor Manoa Under Frontage Tax





A giant imnrovement district , em.brar'ng all of Manoa valley, and ex-tending rntbe east the College ofHawaii, and from there beyond thefork of the Oahn valley road, and up-jr- er

; and on the-othe- r

far nVDv, n Rns1rv Millfi fty n ' o JUA.RJ x anil. w m

rreate'l last night by board ofUumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor LesterPctri chairman the roads commit-tw-.

: a resolution entitledMaw Valley Improvement District

a tPr world e for - period of fnnrrnon'bv !" rfuF the ni nd datar, ; this district K M. Whitehouse;,.rv, county Is In fvBtfon now to ' rnr rnt - streetImn'fwfmfnt work :rKiti rM 'thedrW without a da ' delay. ;

Tn this new ma which now thethe cit- - and cotmtv.

ra? ownr on the eovem- -i i ,t.A m . mls itt r ik 11 1. wny. lue con

'trim . t- - s . . .. v : .' I

wuunumber, are o'Strrt are snown;supporters Jn several

' "lterritory.?Vwne-- a several

almost ; fftftt-- .except -

be closely "Identified of newwith Republican ImnortaoL

be membership , aH..in organization;' this svtem 'to Installedt

origin, plans raDld-opmen- ts

Of new party out--: isors wfll

Manoa Valleyall the ; RepuMicans this one of

Democrats, , we the things the cluba



. 1

leaders are-




- -mey

, auspiciousparty.'.

of supervisors





W willin do

whetner one



designatedthe the'










The resolution crea aB we can, gojwss Introduced -- and passed on :st rtght after jU Of course,, first therrnAlne, vith .HMJ. rnmm'pnL 'Jt ia'dralnage systems ' should be laid,; 80

not realize what it meant. This lafup a"pavement at some later time to'the first big district ever created by put.? drainage, plfiesin,,- -



dent ; Is Not Believed To- -

Be Likely Action

: - By C. SJ ALBERT. sWASHINGTON. D.? C.,: March , 30. ,

The application of the literacy test toImmierranta mav be reearded as a deadproposition .unless , both branches ofCongress Pass.the pending bur over

vto of President Wilson. , There; sufficient votes to make that

course possible, but party expediency(probably will prevent such drastic ac--

' 'tlon; .(

; - The president sought to be extreme- -

ly feentle in handling the literacy test fHe implored memoers 01 me senate

tnmltiPA on lmmlerratlon. to mod II V .thr. Mt-rs- ev test, or eliminate it. butwith no degree of success. The meas- -

tho provision exactly as passed by tne,,uuocV. ' ' i


. ' Finding pleading; and persuasion of. , . . - 1 j . . .no ar&ii iae presiaem sen. oecreiaij

tor Smith of South Carolina, chairmanofrthe. immigration committee. Thesecretary made It perfectly plain tothe , senator- - . that President Wilsonwould veto the Immigration bill, whenPresented to him, if it contained theliteracy test, along tne present lines.me inauer w uiscusseu ai teutu.No possibility of doubt was left In the

(mind of Mr. Smith as to what coursewould be followed by the presidentwhen the objectionable measure camebefore him for approval. j

As the situation stands it seems cer-tain th president will have to exer-cise his veto power on the immigra-tion . bill. There is no doubt what-ever but that the senate will concurIn . the house literacy test provisionand leave it in the bill when passedand sent to the president There isno chance of its rejection or modifica-tion by the.senate unless the presidentcan exert sufficient influence to ac-complish that unexpected result Alarge proportion of senators predictthe retention of the obnoxious clause 'Senator O'Gorman is almost alone in


Engineer L. 3L Whitehouse,who has prepared map and datafor lm?roiements.

the board under the provisions of thetwo statutes. There Is, to be. sure, aNuuanu valley district, for the im-provement of three small streets in thevalley beginning with Pulwa; this dis-trict was created last night also, atthe Instance of James T. Taylor. Butthe Manoa district is the only one thusfar created which offers extensive pos-6lMntl- es

of road improvements. -

. I have been working on this mapand data," said . Mr. Whitehouse - lastnight, "for four months. We havebeen going along quietly, getting ev-erything in readiness so that when theafstrict was made we would be in apcsiUon1 to advance the work withspeei Manoa residents wish such adistrict Almost all the residentsthere own th property on which theylive and can afford to have the streetsimproved. 'That Is why I believe thisresolution will be of such . importance.AlLthey have to do now Is to tell us



; Low Sugar Prices and Lack ofWater Combine to Hold

Down Profits

Copies of the annual report of theHawaiian Commercial & Sugar Com--

f , haye Deen. received fromK, Wronic,.n whom th :. annual

. ,i nrrtoday; Low gugar prices, combined,witn lack Df water and some otherdifficultieSp mado the showing forJagt T comparatively poor. Al- -

totter dividends to the amount otm or 9g cent on the

stock. were paid, during the year, itwftg necessary to draw on tne 8urpius

JS& 58-- S7-

'finanHal statement as given,..W8 . .

Si J l"oss ccouru- -$960,000.00

$960,000.00Net Trofit on Sugar $794,745.60RnnriI V xv prnfitt S4.673.0SSurplus 80.S81.37

$960,000.00Statement of Assets and Liabilities,

December 31st, 1913:ASSETS.

ReaJ pr0Derty $ 3,703,926.30Di.chgS ,reservoirs . . . 90S,7i0.31..... 710,000.00Buildings 275,900.00Pumps and Oil Tanks. . . . 552,000.00Railroad and rolling stock 70,000.00Steam plows; tools, etc . . . 114.000.00Fences, wagons, etc 34.305.00Livestock 99,467.00Investments 956,339.00Growing crops 2,016,940.33Inventories 395.732.57Accounts receivable 696,489.96Investment bonds 1.015,000.00Cash 34,475.40


Capital stock $10,000,000.00Surplus 501,102.81Five per cent bonds 998.000.00Maui R. R. & S. S. Co... 27,239.41Accounts Payable 54.983.65

declaring that the paragraph will be Ieliminated when action is taken in the j $11,581,323.37

senate. ' Manager's Report.There is much speculation as to! The report of President and Man-whethe- r

the immigation bill will be ager Frank F. Baldwin in part is aspassed over the president's veto. It is follows :

accepted as certain that the requisite Puunene. Maui. T. H., Feb. 9. 1914.two-third- s vote exists in the senate, To the Directors and Stockholders ofand house. If the president's disap-- ! the Hawaiian Commercial and Su-prov- al

is not nullified It will be be--j gar Company,cause jsOme Democrats in each branch Gentlemen :

of Congress consider it bad jwllttcs tnj Following istbe annual report forrap..the president over the knuckles! ' j : 1


.. t -- - ,,r , . fl..tt...4 . .J.



Affidavits Made by Himselfand Dr. Herbert, and Photo-

graph of Receipt Shown



Handling of Divorce Case Ba-

sis of ActiorH-Wom- an SinceIs Declared Insane

Another move was made yesterdayafternoon by George P. Thielen in his,undertaking to. have U. S. District At-torney Jeff McCarn prohibited frompracticing law in any of the courts ofthe territory, when he laid, his formalcharges of "malpractice and unprofes-sional conduct" before the justicesof the supreme court of Hawaii

Accompany bis charges were copiesof two affidavits, one made by himself and-th- e other by Dr. George Her- -iK-r- t, both relating to the alleged un-ethical acta of Mr. McCarn in, filing al!bcl cn behalf of Mrs. Thielen forclivcrce; ana also Thielen transmitteda photographic copy of a receipt given Mrs. Thielen. by the district attorney. Tne receipt mentions a diamondring given as security for the agreedfee. , ' ' -

Shortly after the divorce proceedings were instituted, Mrs. Thielen wasdeclared insane by the circuit courtOne of the allegations made by Thie-len against Mr. McCarn is that he; in-

formed the district attorney that hiswife was mentally unbalanced; andthat Mr. McCarn was given the sameinformation by Dr. Herbert, but pro-ceeded, notwithstanding, to file thelibel in which' Thielen .Is accused ofhaving, and transmitting to his wife'a vicious disease.

The following are the charges :

"Honolulu. H. T Aorll 7, 1914.. ;

To the Honorable Chief Justice andAssociate ' Justices of the Supreme

' Court of the .Territory of Hawaii. ':

t"The undersigned, 3eo. P. Thielen,of the city, and county of Honolulu,territory ' of 'Hawaii, hereby ; chargesone Jeff McCarn, a person licensed topractice law; in; all the courts of theterritory. 'tritb inalDractice and tinDro- -

ilonrcondaeliased on two affidavits, certified Copies of which; arehereto attached and made a part here-of, : The originals of these affldavita,one : by Dr. George - Herbert, and oneby the , undersigned, . are now in the


Miss Emily Farley Compelledto Flee When Attacked by

1 Hoodlums of District

To be made a target for stonesthrown by hoodlums while engagedin making a personal Investigation ofthe home conditions ef several of Ho-nolulu's unemployed, is the unique ex-

perience which befell Miss Emily Far-ley, second assistant manager of theAssociated Charities, at Camp 2, Mon-day evening. According to the de-tails, the actions of the hoodlumsmade It necessary that Miss Farleyand the member of the detective de-partment who accompanied her leavethe vicinity at once in order to es-cape injury.

In accordance with a new policy re-cently adopted by the charities, MissFarley was authorized to visit thehomes of a number of persons inCamp 2 in order to ascertain theirstatus. In company with a member ofthe detective department and a friend,Miss Farley started her investigationMonday evening. They visited sev-eral places, it is said, and were de-scending the stairs ot a tenementwhen they were met at the bottom bya negro, who demanded of the police

The Makai the Youngis an busy

place this week fact thatroon in Holy

Week, by theare intenss Inter-

est. "The Lasttopic an address today byDr. pastor Cen-tia- l

Union which was listenedto by large of bothand wemen. L. Tenney assistedin services Mrs. G. K.

The hasitself as being greatly

the success the series.sort are in vogue in

all large cities on theand have set a new . the




Endeavors to Connect Jeff Mc-

CarnJudge Whitney


to A-ctionIncident Occurred in


IL .to inject'U. S. . Jeffin the course of a civil suit

before a Jury in Circuit Judge W. L.court this In hi3

sta I ement to the Juryto narrate

the federalwith the case, but was

and by. the court to do;soit was held, the federal

action haddo with the suit In

The trial which began in Judgecourt is

suit, over from Hilo, wnicna girl.

said to be 15 years old,' and her moth-er, Maria are theand and his wire,Rose are the

C.W. theand and Judge Alex

ander are for theFrom the nature of

most of the details of the tesare unprintable. ; ; -

; of theyoung girl, guilty in the cir-cuit court at Hilo some time ago toa charge and served a monthIn. jaiL His wife is held in the civilsuit as an At theof. the crime she was not to

but was a widow.; filed the ,

this couple someago, and the, U. S.

r on page two) ; -

of the attorney-genera- l of the- ';.:!

rAcwminyinghls Complaint; arealso two photographicof a the

and , to in one of thsaffidavits.' i j; J ij ' ..;'. .'- - "V' '

, "Respectfully , .

GE0. P.

officer what (they were doing there.The officer told the man to mind

his own It is said. Theyfor a few and then

the negro said, "Let's see who canshoot the best; you or I." He drew

from his pocket and,ltwas quite dark, there was a

glint of steeL Miss Farley said tothe police "Look out he's go-

ing to and the officer"I guess he is." '

Then a deluge of rocks bythe party. The., two whohad been the party wheresome of the people lived, ran in frontand held their hands in the air, say-ing that thef would keep off thestones. Miss Farley says that shethen told the officer that he wouldhave to her. out of the place.They started out and, as they nearedthe end of the camp, other rocksthrown at them, which strucka fence which they were Theofficer hailed an ' whichwas near the end of thecamp, and they got into this andwent away.

The police believe that now theyhave the negro located. In spite ofthe Miss Farley is

her investigation, but now withmore ample

sage of Easter and what it has instore for the man. At the

Rev.Robert E. Smith spoke on the"The Last

now are being held eachat the cathedral,

Fort street. wilibe at 7 o'clockin the high masswith Holy and the

of holy oils, will beAt 3 o'clock in the the cere-mony of the of the feet willbe held, while at 7:30 o'clock In the

a sermon will be in

At St thisat 8 the

choirlwill render Sir John"Crucifixion,, at which time an offer--

Holy Week Service Young Hotel"The Last will be the of an address which Rev. D. C.

Peters, pastor of the Christian Church, will deliver in makaiof the Young hotel at neon, the being the fourth of

a series of Holy Week being under the of theInter-Churc- h of The are held 12 until12:30 o'clock, there being each day a musical program aside from

'the address.

pavilion ofhotel proving

from the theservices observation of

Inter-Churc- h

Federation, creatingfurnished the

of deliveredDoremirs Scudder, of

church,a men

Peckthe and Tacka-bur-

sang.Inter-Churc- h Federation ex-

pressedwith of Meet-ings of this now

the mainland,standard in

with Civil Suit Before


Wife Also Made Party

Hilo Last

Attorney Claudius McBridcsought, sensational chargesagainst District AttorneyXlcCarn

Whitney's morning.opening Attof-ne- y

McBride endeavoredattorney's indirect connec-

tion checkedforbidefen

because, of-

ficial's alleged nothing toprogress.

AVbitney's a'$10,000 seductionbrought in

Florinda .Frcitas. Portuguese

Freitas, plaintiffsFreeman Sylvester

Sylvester, defendants.Attorney Ashford representsplaintiffs McBride

Lindsay appearingdefendants.- - tnechargestimony

Sylvester, accused ruiningpleaded


accomplice. timemarried

Sylvester,Ashford com-

plaint against "weeksdistrict attorney



attached copies"receipt giveif.by said'Jeff Mc-

Carn referred


conversed minutes

something al-


officer,shoot" replied,







incident, continu-ing


pre3ent-da- y



morning CatholicMaundy Thursday

tomorrow andmorning pontifical

Communion bless-ing the


evening deliveredPortuguese.

Andrew's cathedralevening o'clock, augmented


atSupper" subject

the pavil-ion tomorrow occasion

services enducted auspicesFederation Honolulu. meetings from









gathering afternoon.





Horrible Accident Occurs When Steam Shovel Strikes' a Mis-

fired Dynamite Cartridge at -- The Dalles, Oregon, -- WhereU. S. Is Engaged in the Construction of Waterway v

; rAmoclatcd lrrss Cable -:-- i

.THE DALLES. Oregon, April 8. Seven men were killed and tlx moreseriously Injured, one fatally, when a steam shovel struck a misfireddynamite cartridge charge on the government eanal works here, today."

16 Counties, 11And 200

'. . ,

'. tAssociated Prejw Cabfc .:;': ;

CHICAGO, 'April . .The Illinois election returns . show that the wo-

men's vote'net only closed 10CO saloons. In this city but also made 18 coun-

ties and 200 townships dry and put-1- 1 Important towns on. the list of theprohibitionists. Vt'W: ;" K-V'

This victory for the cause of temperance Is considered one of tht great-est thus far accomplished In the United States. It is generally believed thattri mnvfmtnt aoa n i fluor w ii Da'stand taken1 in'thls state. ;r.,V,

Uolorobia-U-. 5. Treaty ism-- Signed But Not Ratified

:'. .;,' . . . ; .

' tAnsoctatod Press Cable ' . . ' ''''''BOGOTA, Colombia, April 8. The treaty between' Colombia and ths

UnKed States has been signed by the plenipotentiaries of both countries, butis still uaratlfled by either nation. ; . ;. '':--

? V,---

Colombia Allowed $25,000,000 for'Canai ZoneC -v WASHINGTON,. D..C, April has awarded Colombia

000.000 for the Panama canat zone. ' , .- - . '

Divorce Decree Signed on: ;

r .Request Frorn This City1 .Associated

; SAN FRANCISCO, April 8 Responding to an urgent .mesiaje fromMrs. Marie King, at present residing In Honolulu, Judge Waste of Oak-

land signed htr final decree of divorce, thus permitting her to remarry.

y All efforts to locate Mrs. King, th is ' afternoon, proved useless and upto 'the time ofgoing to press no marriage license had been'granted to any-

one of that name. : : ' 'r-- i-

Aviators and Passenger Are

'4 ::

RABATt Morocco Aprlt 8. CapUl n Herve anrf a passenger in his aero-plane. were murdered and hacked to pieces by the Moors the 'aviators hav-

ing been compelled to alight from a flight owing, to enginetroubles. The airship was totally destroyed, r..;, ; . "'.'


Hacked to


belled SpaniardsTheir Attitude Was Neutral





:. Press .' ;'. v ?

April 8 Spaniards expelhave tMs'city. their neutral

them Mexico. t ;

PrpgressivesVtrm !able) i

Dow JamesWhitehead, carried

Fighting; f Fress'CablT t V

April indecisiverebels

being taken board

f A Mrvlntf-r- t

LONDON, April House

cabi r


aCommittee" J7M

Towse and George G. Guild wers chosrepresent organization

nomination committee, composeddelegates from Club, ;

Commerce,chants' Association

directorate, which will.drawslate 17 name from which

seven elected toboard which will manage

1915 Mid-Pacifi- c Carnival.meatins: the stockholders

Mid-Pacif- ic Carnival Ltd., hasbeen called "to".. at wnlchtime the

of nominating commithave been notified to meet tomor- -

Illinois Towns Dry

imoeiui inrouon decisive"'

-- ;?."

rresw CableJ

-- 7"

by Mc oro


Lose Ground


rapidly as possible.



" ' ', 1.'

Stainback. offirm of Stanley

is latest "tip" among , political"dope8ters" the office of attorney-genera- l.

While the - of Mr.Stainback as a probable successorWade Warren Thayer did becomeparticularly" prevalent yesterdayafternoon, it has been consider-able credence among the "insiders"and general that Gover-nor Pinkham make the appoint- -

Mr. said to capableif filling position and in


is a loyal Democrat- - -

Chamber Commerce to completeslate. ;- - .i:y: '.

The ' promotionists meeting1 afternoon expressed tbemselas being in favor of securingD.Dougherty to serve as: director-genera- l

the 1915 celebration, ofthe members making statementthat any plan of securing, an outsideman-'fo- r this position dis-couraged.. .The statement alsomade that," during the'next ) diy

Prom oticn Ccrr.r:!;t-- ' r-- - v

' ; ;',:: ; rAssociated Cable . '', --'

EL PASO, Tex 6tC leJ from Torreonreached protesting-th- at attitude was and blanv

ing General Villa for forcing to leave ;.

- '.


fAiwociated , . : .

PATERSON. N. April 8. Complete returns from this congressionaldistrict give H, Drukker, Republican O'Byrn, Demo-

crat, 5240, and J. Progressive,, 611. In 1912 , Rooseveltthis district. : 'y,:r:W:: :y::''y-y:drr'-j'- :

Near'Associated ; w

TAMPICO, Mex 8. Sharp ard fightfng between thefederals and on this coast is reported in this vicinity and refugeesare on the ' warships

Asquith Wins UnopposedHerbert Asquith to the of

Commons today unopposed. "

vtAdditlonal e page twelve) v v




At siec!al meeting the Promo-

tion ths afternoon,

en to the on

theof the theChamber of the Mer

and the, presentCarnivalup a

will be form theof directors

theA of of


directors will be elected. Themembers thetee


oivtn mi





Ingram M. memberthe Holmes. .& Holmes,




the Iswill

Stainback la bethe addition


at. thehis ve

of onethe












Page 2: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman



2. . i , 1

- ornmrr in& uLiiVibL la

mmma. a iiwisiv dArviru dot u .)in fiicrf!Hound and the Hawaiian Islands

mow planned with the completion efjn-.lugle- d freely u the vut crowa .nai

trailing of steamers over the Mataofii - Navigation Company's triangular' route.

rW'ltb the addition of the chartered3 steamer Honolulan to the number utA' cf :he ship, the mission of ther. vessels now making Seattle and Ta

coma ports of call, the Matson - lineoperates three --passenger and freight

and thence to several island p6rU.The Hyades and Hiluclau, already lu

I ina service, win airoru me sieamsnip. - . ..company every lacuuj lor me proper

jcare of freight trod' paasanger bual--

; Jcnlau operated ofr'a 2i-da- y schedule,. 1ut now the Honolulan must be duve--

failed Into the tlnfe card.While the Hottblulan Is a chartered

liner owned by the 'Americaa-Hawaii- -

.sr ffl Kt aamshln am ni n a. si TtAa ihnrma wvcuioui wiu au; auu uci vua' -

- itir expires' ext. August, it is' confi-- ,denUf believed that the servlc willte permanent The Honoiulaa is

-- merely nf trial ship and C. B. Warren,2 1 teamship manager of ; Alexander &

r Ualdwin at Seattle, has stated that ifjlrtisinesa front that port at the expira-

tion of the Honolulan's charter should' warrant, it Is more than probable thati (ither vessels of the- - fleet will be en- -'

tered ' in permanent - service betweeni Seattle and Hawaii , y; i v.;

r Tat years a passenger ' lerrlce 'tothe' islands from the Sound ' has bam!?oked for and the Matson NavIsra'JonCompany has long considered entering

,:' this field.; Such a demand frts teenmade upon the vessels of the Matson

' Heet in the San . Francisco-Honolui- u

' direct service, however, that, steam-- .

f hips , could not be spared for theNorthern experiment Juntil --he "newv liners, Matsonla and JManoa recentlycompleted, were ready, for senrlce,

Korea NcaHng the Port.; If alt goes well with the arrival oftbe Pacific Mail liner Koreafrora SanFrancleco that vessel now reportedtlue from San Francisco on Fridaymorning will be dispatched for thecoast of : Japan and China about 5o'clock that evening.' The Korea isli ringing 250 tbnr of freight --from themainland for. discharge at Honolulu.The vessel is to be supplied with 600tons of coal during the stay at the

Csptaln Rice Has Rare Work.; i v.Captain Emery. Rice of the sPacIflc

jMafl steamer Mongolia has exhibiteda rare work on navigation. - This was

,'k copy of maritime work published In,lTfiO,and said to be bne of tbe oldest

- works of - thfvklnd inwnvWUn entryon one of the pages explained that

- the , volume had been the property ,.of .

a John Savage. It also noted that on.September 19,. 1770. Savage had sailedfrom Manchester, and.theh it went on

..is follows; "Bound for God KnowsWhere. " - ,: ,f-

i It Is interesting to note" that sincetbe publication came from the, pressand v received the. Imprint'press

. and Teceiveid the : imprint fromthe wobden type two-an- d a half cen--tunes ago, mere naa . oeen out caghtrhange in the rules of navigation, andnice said he could have abided by allof the ancient rules and .brought theMongolia sarely into port and through

..." the ' ' 'dangerous gales.', v--

.t:-'-- '


IPS.- 'V' --'v h- - V : ;'i''"MannJnotry Ready' for Departure; ' V

The British,, freighter Mairalngtry.following the discharge of4700' tonof . Australian, coal at this ort.; has- heen prepared -- for ; sea and if is' eHpccieaTatcfied for Eureka Cat, or anothernorth Pacific port this evening." The--Manningtry is stated .to have been

-- chartered to take' lumher from the.United State destined for. Australia.

Repeat. May;Sait Tertfiy. pV:w, rThe schooner Repeat, having been

discharged, of a hiMhent of lumberexpected will be dispatchtd for. Pu-g- et

Sound this fternoon, fthe vesselmailing hr ballast The Repeat arrlv-c- d

here Ctt.March 30 from Gra-- s Har.

, The barkentine J. M. Griffiths maypo to --he local drydock for" a, cleaningsnd general, repair before ? proceedingto. the Souiid In ballast,.

. , 1 't In sailing for Hilo and way portsthis morning, the Intersland steamerMauna Kea carried a fair-slxe- d list ofcabin and deck passengers.

--To call MauL also Konaynji .o vii mr toioiiu ui iianaii, mr ill- -

- 4er-isla?- id cteatner 1 Mafuna . Loa hasleen placed on the berth to sail at' toon Friday.

;;With the discharge of the last of

jscnooner ivepeai. inai vessel ui pro--,

teed to The North Pacific coast in"i DallasV The Repeat sail by thf

Taking cargo and fate mail, the Tn-- -

ter-Islan- d steamer Helene was dis-r- 'patched today for Kawaihae, Mahii-;,kbna- ,

Hakalau. Peieelopo and Papai-'- 'kou. The vessel is expected to return

' to the port with sugar.

, ,::lh event of the Matson NavigaMon..steamer sainn-- or ranuui

; on Thursday evening, that vessel mayreturn to Honolulu to complete a car

'go of sugar by Saturday or Sunday' morning. The Lurline is schedule torail , for 'the coast at 6 o'clock Tues-- .

cay evening." v



ormnirn rnndiMMU) run


.i niiiri lur'j ru iiotu v vi o

inducers in iarger aumbers thau usual

witness ihe departure of the ilarjuiNavigation liner Mataouia for SanFrancisco. On board the vessel a dele-cafie- n

cf detectives visited all por- -

ci"f!ers being withheld from those whohad engaged passage, in the vel,though their appearance caused con-

siderable commentSheriff Jarrptt had beeu1 advised to

keep a close watch for a man allegedto have recently disappeared from theisland of Hawaii, who is declared tobe wanted upon a serious . charge.Deputy Sheriff Rose;, led the policeAdvance to the, wharf. While, big;l.andsome, Sergt Fred Iaukea held theforward gangway, and scanned thefaces of all who ".passed before" hlnr.Harbor Officer Carter and several menIdentified with the police departmentdelved Ihto the fire-roo- engine roomand crew quarters ;. of.- - the Matson la.

The much-wante- d individual was notfound, but the official dragnet broughtto light a half-doze- n youths who hadsucceeded In secluding themselves Inremote parts of the steamer, r

the search was in progress,a frantic, woman, who claimed v to bethe mother of a lad, ap-pealed to the officers to find her son,who she had every reason to Believehad. succeeded in Blowing away. Justcs the crew were attempting to swingoff the gangway, a crestfallen youthwas ushered down- - the w harf, a neatbundle tucked under his arm whichcontained his scant wardrobe. The re-

union between mother and the boy wasa touching yet strenuous one,

'tTaking . 175 cabin 4 and 76 steeragepassengers the big .Matsonlaj vWlthCapt" Charles Peterson; on the bridge;halUd a few moments after 10 o'clockthis morning td permit the Inter-Isl-nn- d

steamer Mauna Kea to gain suffi-

cient headway in steaming from outharbor !intok the channel :

. ,Peneath the hatches more than

7000 .' tons of sugar had . been placed.Other items of cargo included ship-merit- s;

of rice, coffee, bananas andfresh pines J- - A large percentage of thepassengers "included tourists, whohaving spent a nuaiber.of weeks Inthe islands, took, passage In thej Mat-soni-a

for the mainland. Four private-l- y

. owned automobiles were taken ascarga . .: - ''


t it is seldom that ; ' larger crowdhas assembled at the wharf than thatga thered there this ; morning. ; Withthe melody from the Royal Hawaiianband and the, gaily bedecked;; passen-gers who lined the rail, the departureproved spectacular as it .was . pleasingand untque'i rv.v ;v.;- j. A hg utgohig '. malic wts disnatchedto Sap Fjranclsco jnthlsjvesseL' V

BRIDAL COUPLES- t i it ? '

t-- . Sitmma atPEillL. CITY

v- - Speial Star-Bullt- ia Corrfapondence'.; PENINSULA, PEARl CITY. Apr. 6.

Bridal couples! seem to be all therAge at" the PeninsuBl just now. , Thdflrstto arrive was JiTxi: and Mrs. MarionA. Hawley, who werje married in Ho-holul- n

'f fljrh 281 ank who are sDend- -

cottage. Last night Mr. and Mrs.Hawley were informed 6t the expectedarrival of Mr. ap.d Mrs. Mowry, andwere not "disappointed ' as the Mdw-ry- s

now are estahltehed in the nextcottage. , V ' ;

Today, Mr. and Mrs. Hawley wereagreeably surprised jby the arrival ofJlr and Mrs. Ecksfrand,' whose mar-riage in Honolulu a --few days ago wasthe culmination pf a romance begun ayear agaMr. nd 51rs. Hawley hadthe honor of sarvin the newlywedstheir,first luncteoni Mr. and Mrs.Eckstand. procededlSshortly after forHalelwa, fwhere they will spend theirhoneymoon. . On; thelrvreturn- to Hono-lulu, they will take up their residenceat their bungalow ony Tenth avenue,KairowkL' i Mrsj EckStrand formerlywas Miss MableRcs ,4V


Divided in two Camps, between Ewaand Red Hill, the.' 1st Infantry is get-tin- g

down to the? strenuous businessof field training almost as soon as theseason opened. April 1 marked theend of the garrison period, and thecommencement of rear outdoor workfor the soldiers, on the 6th theFirst Foot the grit" for a monthin camp, during which there will bea lot of general instruction, andplenty of combat exercises and ma-neuvers appropriate to the terrain.

The 2ml battalion, commanded byCaptain Win. Newman, is near EwaMill while headquarters, and the 1stand "rl battalions are at Red Hill.Colonel O. K. McGunnegle commandsthe regiment and Majors C. E. Tay-ma- n

and Joseph Frazier. the 1st and3rd battalions respectively.

General Edwards, the brigade com-mander, watched the regiment march

mat ne vessel win be distifjig . their honeymoda at the Forbes


at and Ksti







(Contlnaed from pace one)

last week issued a warrant for theyoung man's arrest on virtually thesame charge. Sylvester was broug'atto Honolulu from Hilo yesterdaymorning, and at the same time anumber of witnesses was subpoenaedand brought over at the instance ofthe U. S. district attorney, to be usedin the federal investigation of thecase. Sylvester was released by thefederal authorities on his personalrecognizance.

When the civil suit in Judge Whitrney's court was called for trial thismorning the jury was quickly select-ed, and Attorney Ashford then aaked that a recess be taken for aboutan hour, until he conoid bring down lh$witnesses, which he expected to findat the federal ' court building. Therecess was accordingly granted, andat 10 o'clock the hearing was renew-ed. ,

Shortly afterward, tz his openingEtatement to the Jury, Attorney Mc-Brid- e

sought to comment on the pointthat the prosecution, was obtaining itswitnesses from the federal government On Attorney Aahtord's objec-tion the court ruled that this matterwas alien to the case at hand, but inhis discussion to the court McBridecommented hotly on what he seemedto think unwarranted action on thefederal court official's action-- . V

. The jury sitting in the case con-Eist- a

of S. F. Notx, R, L. Auerbach,William E. Heine. A. L. Bushnell.William H. Stone, John C. Evans, F.E.' Steere, R. W. Perkins. S. A. Baldwin, R. G. Moore, J. B. Searte and L.Hi Underwood.

The parties' actively interested aroneighbors, living, as Attorney Ash-ford expressed it, "on that well-know- n

boulevard. Mud Lane, in the environsof the city of Hilo." The; charge Isthat after a party at the horn a of Mrs.Husman. who is now Mrs. Sylvester,on the night of December 26 last FIo-rind- a

Freitas was induced to remainovernight, Mrs. Husman' and 'FreemtuiSylvester remaining there alsoV thatwith the widow's knowledge and con-nivance the man wronged the girl iih-de- r

promise, of marriage. ;' The defense is -- based, apparentlyupon an attack: upon the1 girl's char,acter, previous reputation and her con-8u- ct

during that night ;



Entered of Record A pr. 7t 1914,from. 10:30 a. m. f 4:80 p. mJ

Charlotte A Carter by Atty et als' to Manuel M Botelho . ..... . J D

John Walfcer and wf to HerbertDunsbee . 1 .. .. ........... DV

Herbert Dunshee to Sophie ,K v

Walker V, :. .. ....... ..4. DCecil Brown to City and County

of Honolulu .... DJames T Taylor and wf to City

and ounty of Honolulu ...... DPercy K . Mossman-- to PER

Strauch ... .. DBank of Hawaii Ltd to A B In- - '

galls .. ParRelAmalie W Tschudi (widow) et al

to Eben K Paauhau ...... DHenry L. Hoi stein and wf to Trs

of Protestant Ch of N KohalaFrank: Caetano and wf to Trs of

Protestant Ch of N,Kohala ...Samuel Hoolohe to Hakalau Plan-- :

tation Co3 v . i . , .

Antone Crivela and wf to' Hakalau' Plantation Co . . ... .Fanny s Straucir: and -- hsb to Mrs,t Kaehv Kauhane . . v. v . ....... DSamuel Kalllikane to Trs of Sing-- -

- Chong Co-- . . . LY Arfmura to Allen & Robinson

v Ltd .. .. .. .... . . . . . i . . CMManuel M Rapozd and wf to Jas

E Jaeger .. .. .. DGeorge Waipa and wf to William

P Louis .. .. Dvon Hamm-Youn- g po Ltd. tpiC '

Minamishin .. .. .. f. Relon Hamm-Youn- g Co Ltd to R WOlsen '.. .. .. . Rcl

K Takimoto to von" Hamm-Youn- g

Co Ltd .. ..CMU Ono et al to von Hamm-Youn- g

Co Ltd .... CMEst of Louisa B Brickwood by-T-r

to Hawaiian Trust Co Ltd Tr.... . . . . . ,i ...... AppmtTrEstered of Rfrord Apr. 8, 1914,from 8:30 a. m, to 10:30 a. ni.

Cressaty Cottage' Co Ltd et al toLewers & Cooke Ltd M

John Kuokoa by Gdn et als toYee Hop Aoe j . . L

American Brokerage Co Ltd to FE Thompson et al Trs TrSale

U Kobayashi to K Haida LKatsugoro Halda to Kokichi Ka- -

wakaml . . CM

by on the way down from Schofieldon Monday, afterwards visiting bothcamps. Yesterday he spent the en-

tire day between the two commandsand he expects to put in much of histime actually in the field with the1st, and later with the 2nd and 25th,when they have their turn in camp.

The regiment came through In fineshape, and considering that it was thefirst march of the year, the showingwas quite remarkable. Only one manhad to fall out on-th- e hike down, andthat owing to a cut foot, injured be-

fore the start. ;


SAN FRANCISCO, April 7. Beets'88 analysis, 9s 2 Parity, 3.92cents. Previous quotation, 9a 1

Gordon Prown was today electedcaptain .? the Oahu College 191".

track team.

"ou think the American peopleluck a sense of humor?" "Yes." re-

plied the frank visitor from abroad;"otherwise you wouldn't find so manypeople weighing over 200 pounds whodance the tango."



WASHINGTON. D. C. Mar. 2o Ft.Schofield. Hqnolulu. probably will bethe post which Rfv. Ignatius Fealy,for nine years curate at St Joseph'sChurch, will be assigned when hetakes up his duties as chaplain inthe Cnited States Array. Father Fea-ly left Washington yesterday for avacation f a few days, before as- -

"suniing his new duties at Fort Myer.Va where he is to bp stationed priorto his regular assignment He islikely to remain at the Virginia postjust across the Potomac about amonth.

Plans for a big reception and publicdemonstration on tbe occasion ofFather Fealy's formal leavetake arebeing made by a number of hisfriends, no definite date for the affairhaving yet been fixed. It was statedtoday that a priest from the Apostolic

(Mission House at Brookland s to beassigned temporarily to fill the vac-ancy occasioned by Father Fealy'sdeparture from St. Joseph's

38" SB-Arm-or

plate made out of cottoncounterpart of car wheels made out otpaper is the dream an inventor-capitnJii- t.

Col. Marcellu E. Thorntonof Hickory, N. O. told of in a ictierto Secretary Daniels of the naw de-

partment. Col. Thornton, an old ac-

quaintance of his fellow-8tatosraa- n,

Secretary Daniels, is sure that it Hthe right Idea and that it can be ac-

complished. .

The resistant power of cotton Iswell estsbllshed by practice in war- -

fare. During the civil war the con-jop- en to public Saturday after-federat- es

used cotton bales as an ef- -noOM from 2 until 4 o'clock,

fective rampart against cannon balls. , -

Col. Thornton has a plan for "mak- - Ralph Rearns. territorial immi-in- g

armor plate out of cotton, to dls- - gratton . commissioner, will leave forplace steel, now exclusively used for ,Hfl1VJ, aatllPHav n th firt wnfhi.that purpose. He writes to SecretaryDaniels about it, in the expectation

ifor the sheathingi 'TLi of naval vessels. i

"I know it can be done," he writes.,-- i inieaa u ao . v uevwuarmor plate would bp sin ef--)IlClCllVjr W BUJ llll toil UC UCTIKUfrom any process."

Col. Thornton does not reveal anyef the details, of his secret for manu- -

facturinr armor fr?,e impossible to fSM'rnation as to how he would go aboutit J

Armor plate .made out of rubberj

was the idea of an earlier inventor,

pecte-that-suc- h a defensive deviceo mcHi, of oiasH.tvTrJZZL cannon .balls and shells

would bounce off and fall into the water harmless., . 1 -

38" JBF",.

store of knowledge fi the cadets.

frs.iE ,Tla"j

Honolulu many times in company

. . . j , a nAn .jt01 oocn services, ine w.wwof the bigdreadnought Florida- - has1hn- - fnt ,iiriwi wuuatedW-- mm " ' I " - "

Academy py order ofSecretary Dan--aA tNa Vv- - n.rMirmlt . SOW

Jtary Garrtson of the War Department'expects - U return, the compJimentby

sending t the Annapolis Naval Acad-emy a mo iel of one of the coast artil-lery stations.; The, superintendent of the MilitaryAcademyj has been' charged with res--

fnit th a morlol a nf the TMnr- -it Mearns

result invesU-- ;'



superintendent issister,


Presidentbottom, Hdnolula.

the lighthouse district headquar- -ters at wo specine. cnargewas ' against

his dismissal it iswas . said, to ,the desire. to improve- -menv- - cne service. ,




bids for caaato construct an addition to theschool training building openedat the office the superintendent of;pubjjc works at noon today. The firstfigure following the name of each;bidder Is total figure offered for thcientire


whichpromises to the job.


H. F. $7."i. 1230.to; n. .iin.70; Alden. $199.. $120, 3.";Rahe & $;". $17.".; .".0,

Freitas & $3274, $100, S500.50; Henry Defries. $3122.."0, $172,

J. $300.


Special Cable to Mertkaati'Exchange

VrilSAN Arrived. April

p. m.. S.S. Manoa. hence Marchu I .

April l :4." in.. .S.Ventura, for Honolulu.

SALINA CRFZ Arrived.. AprilHilo Man n J4

S'DNEY April S.S. So-noma, Honolulu

marked increase in amount of.freight for Hawaii ports was no;ed in

shipment that left theforInter-Islan- d

rSU) 1


Will be delivered to aM part? ofis to make them than ever


members of Damien Council NoY. Mi L, will meet at 7:50 o'clock

this evening in the C. B. U. haltI

A special meeting . of HawaiianLodge Na 21, F. and A. M., has been .

called 7:30 o'clock this evening.will be work in the second


A meeting of the members of theKapahulu Improvement Club has beencalled for 7:30 o'clock this evening I

at the residence of J; Arcia, 3350 ?

Campbell avenue, r .

Arthur F. Wall of the. firm: of .Wall ,

& Dougherty has notified the Promo- -

tlon Committee his fernery at hisrpsiHenrp at. 1793 . YCownlrk fcfroot- -

aunua, In8pectlon of the planUtion I

th t laland Ffl1lavh,. h,Jinvestigation on the .Big Island, the icommissioner will visit Maui snd thenreturn to. Honolulu..', A trip to Kauaiwill follow and afterof b,8 Kearns wW lookicto the condition of the camps onOahu. ;.' . , 'A

Flans are .being made for a

. Wto-.o-. of the: local churchesnArf.Mir n .ca

! "rpices of the Honolulu branch of theAnti-Saloo- n League, of which Dr.-Joh-

W. Wadman is chairman. The churches wnicn nave entered into the meet--

:FjKnl' "l eJh- -

UIBl ana t irsi v;nnsiian.program each. day will include

and addresses.

Mrs. F. W. Dohrmanrf. wife of the

uciuuuruHiuaRer vi th e iochi orannn

I arlflM t AM'H'lVAlMVt 1 A K JW w- -. V 1:""ow""JICU, Willi ,Mr, VOOrmann will artlve in April 28in theMatsonis; - i - '


Funeral services will be this



The federal grand Jury has contin-ued ht busy session all day today, ex-amining, it is witnessessupposed to be in position to shedlight upon alleged illicit liquorbusiness in the vicinity of SchofieldBarracks. The jury probably conelude its business tomorrow mornins.and make Its final report, although itmay require most of tomorrow befort

work can be w(mndAmong the witn.-isse- s before the

vestlgating body this morning wereCharles S. Crane and Miss Emily Far-ley, the latter being affiliated witlithe Charities

reiort be ready.


An Old and Well Tried RemedyjUMS. VYimOWS SOflTHLYG SYRlTw

hat been uaed bf Bullions wothew (or theirwinle wtth perfect uccim. It tofteos the fftuna,aUavt pam, cures nod coac. and is rite best remedy fordwrrbea. Sold DrugsiiO. Be sure end ask JotMrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup

L'ccd for more than litre veneration.- -



Iady's lavender rashmer"s'.v eater on Waikiki road betweentown Daimond Heuii. Wednes-day morning. Reward. Cassidy'.Waikiki.

5824-2- L

ida, and Twill see that is handled afternoon over the remains of Thomaswith cars. The cadets will be .

of 4o9 Queen street, who pass-ampl-e

opportunity te examine it e1na.w"y lf evening funeral'

i . ' 35" ' pKce Catholic cathed- -

AS one of the recent ral Dterment being at the Catholicgation into the lighthouse by cemetery.

Redfleld and a committee Mr Mearns had been a resident ofof other officials of the Department Honolulu for the past 22 andof Commerce. George Warrington, , bad made a number of close friends

of nayal construction during his residence. He survivedof the service has been dismissed and by a Mrs. Marcella HIggin-Edwar- d

C Gillettee, engin-- , bottom of Maddenstown, County Kil-ee- r

in the service has been appointed Ireland, ;thebirthplace of de-b- y

Wilson to succeed him. ceased and a nephew; .Thomas Hlggiu--

Mr. Gillette, a native of Philadel- - i resident ofDhfa." Pa..' was formerly inspector of '


"preferred Mr. Warring-ton, being due,



The following the ;Normal












'""""'Vthe next two are the ? wa

ants each ' offers deduc forrV? but adjourned un- -

certain omissions, and the last figure J 10n ,ock tomorrow morning, whenbe to receive theprepared re- -each,'1is the mrmber of days in

finish Theibidawere:

Bertelmann. $3728.

i. rernanaez, 501.G. F. 540.

Andrews. $3900.Fernandez.

$40,90. and Fernandez, $3800. $100,



Sailed. 7. i. j7.

S.S. Virginian, fromSailed. 4.


A the

,the port totiayHonokaa and Kukuihaele in the

steamer Wailele.















of duldres






- v. e--.li

mthe city on Good Friday, April 10.' Send

this year. - !

LOME'SBMCERY(Space Reserved


Shortly after the Lurline dockedyesterday, Stanley Stephenson and

w-- wcre iu..r w.v.Methodist church. Rev. R-- l'n'rSmith ierforming the ceremony. MlsaofValpey having been a passenger on,u" "uc r,,m 3Wannouncement or. tne marriage cameas no litUe surprise tcr the manyfriends of the couple in Honolulir.-an- d

day enrfcbeno the amount of w'' fol lowing the sale of a laj-g- e quantity

unclal7ned anr confiscated property.snri,.Jnti11-.-i- h nrrumniation nf a.

it Is whispered that the ceremony waa'Im bm i- -- ,,rt. nr rt-- rthe culmination of a romance wrhich ,had its beginning on the .mainlandabout a year ago.

The bride formerly was a residentof San Francisco, where she was wellKnown m social circles. Alter a oncihonevmoon. Mr. and Mrs. SteDhenson'will be at home in Honolulu.

Wny MIS Unn laaea. , , '

Amateur AClor-r-rio- w wa JOU, likCmy Hamlet last night? :i , .


vf!Htlw --TJV. ft rtAnr ftllrkW I'can honestly say that in the openingscene of the fourth act you wore asgood as Forbes-Robertso-n. ' ; , ;

Amateur Actor But I don't appearin that scene.--,

Critic No; neither does Forbes-Rob- -

ert8on. v ''.t-- .


I- -'



- . . . . .PEALING-OKJJmAIvUJfc- S tiKf. ZS uif,u"wu muui, ui iciiuwiu weawiwuTHE CITY AND. COUNTY OF.HO, center lines on; the aforesaid , Grado

tr it AonitMpn ov rnff ppftw--OF THT!I CITY AND; COUNTY OFHONOLULU t ; iter8ecuon or tne masai side oz fuiwaSECTION l.r Definition Tenement ?J?et V?0? f 329M,4na

ti mv- - -- .wr.., u,in this Ordinance shall be taken tomeaa every, house building, structure:. j, annmma t w nnranr - iw ri c ia i w ii'ii mii

for use or adapted to be used or usedas a dwelling by a more than three '

ifamilies vlnff lndnendentlv of oneanother and. having a common - rightin the stairways, verandas, yards,. wa - ,fter supply, or privies, or by more than

living and having a right in common. 5.oi use the conveniences aforesaid'

SECTION 2. Nd ersod shall construct or' erect cr cause to be constructed or erected In the City and g"

County of Honolulu,, any building orfstructure- - designed or Intended to be ?usea , ior a tenement .nouse. orshall - keep5 or maintain any ; tene-ment house within ; five hundred(500) feet or ' any premises up--

r r".scnooi, orpnanage i reiorm or , mans -

triaL school, or upon whlclt is maln-- t ;

rtThlcl noVleTtlto twenve ppils are 1n attendance; provided, however, that this section shall not ap-

ply to cases in which such tenementsare existing at the. time of the estab-lishment Of SUCh School. I; r


SECTION 3. Any person violating... .1. i. ij tut- -hiv air ins iii ii v iHiinm in liiih i ii f


punishedoi nut mure live- uuuuieu uui- -

($00.00), or by imprisonment forterm not exceeding six months., or

by both such fine and imprisonmentSECTION 4. The continuance of

any violation of this Ordinance shallbe deemed a new offence for each dayon which the same is so continued.

SECTION .5. Ordinance No. 22 ishereby repealed: r

SECTION 6. This Ordinance shalltake effect from and after theof approval.

IntroducedEDW. H. F. WOLTER,

SupervisorDate of Introduction, March 17th.


Approved this 7th day of April, A.114.

J03EPH J. FERN.Mayor. City and County of Honolulu,

T. H.824-3- t.




City and County of Honolulu:Section 1. Grades. Datum Plan.?.

That the grades of Park. andPurwa Streets, in the District of Ho-

nolulu. Ciy and County of Honolulu.Territory of Hawaii, being portion ofNmianM Valley, as hereinafter sottorth. are established in toa datum plane being mean tide at said

.k- ,

r r

early. Owr aim:



The ciy and county coffers --are to--

ral years, held at the police staUon.r WaSto the nowamous' McDufnof nng. which ': brought 22i . nnder. lh

k-- v .

Weed, the auction of a joWot ofof eVrr descripUon from the

latest model roadster, to the "mUr, otL vintage popular a score of years ago,'netted a goodly sunu The sale of the

1 numbering about 10Q,; addeditThe sale was continued until a late

lmilmt tnr mnv bnftlM &nd dAmllohn inrnvAd fnr frnm hrlat nnrt aftpf Minfllagging bidding from large crowd orPh!no nit JananMP t Inf nf rnlainers was knocked down at less thin


i Teacher What 13 conscience, Wal-ter? LTttre "Walter Conscience is Ui

fear that some one will find- --out.

district of Honolulu and being located ;

'A bench: mark at the foot of pillar

Building In said District of Honolulu,is 16.5 feet above said datum plane

uvuw icv.i.icu. u mm.vwhich .Is on , file ui the office of .1 ha

?Clty: and .County Enrineer of the CItv-- t - - -

county of Honolulu, and is mark-- ,

it Grade Map N. 9. 4 .. , ...iSet,tt 1-- ; The sidewalk lines ofsaid Fark.-Lalm- l aud PuIwa.Streets.

' muw,oe parallel; .with, and ' tbe distance

u - r. t iu. 11 ul M jx 11 1

Park Road; Commencing at a point-

a the center of Park Street at the; in

f603 Styet Monument in

North ifil'J1?-

;L'om ?ovmen Survey Trig Slatioit.

XT .uiu.43 W A- --- ". feet; ;,v.

? ,t VtZ I -'

- lfv ":'? 22 202"2 t, to the point of

Thence curvmr. to the right witha-- muiuB.oi ii3i.j loei; uircci

: ; azimuth andv distance belnif;.,74 5IM72.J feet; to the point

i 'ofngeni. v, V ... .tt-r- on c i msi ... 4ri jma lux.? w point ot curve'. 'r-- . ,Thenr rtirvlw tn.tha ton wlHi 4

V radius, of -- 287.9 feet, the direct'azimuth and .distance be4nc

joftangenu?8.-- 5V 26L9. ttV ta.a: nine nnar

Mt: M' j. S- - -


&Jroxlma tely. an acre of IandLaimi' StTeetr . Chmmenclnff at k'

point which vrtnarks the proposed center-lin- e intersection of Lairat Roadwith; the south curb. line- - of Nuuaiij


-- v. w.... . m

1. 308 39 4 43.0 feet t Thence on acurve" to the lef haying a of

64.8 feet and directv . bearing and. distance being

2. 278' 30' 64.9 feet; Thenca t3, 248 25' 228.0f faat j .

Commencing at point which marksthe proposed cent" lifte Intersectionof Pulwa Street and the south curbline of Nuuanu Avenue,, the

'of which are; as referred to theGovernment Triangulation Survey Sta-tion "Rosebank;" -- North 3067.5 feet,and East 'fll2.9 feej; aird running asfollows by true Azimuths:1. 334 18' 203.0 feetj,2. , 328 50' 157.0 feet)3. 320' 2$' 188.0 feetj

westerly Hnejof Park Street.j Ml streets, avenues and roadway'nct soeciaUv described in this ordl- -

r-n- ce. as well as the arades and de- -

'tails of the curb lines, shall be In ac- -'

cordance with drawings on file in the(office of the City and County , En?i-- j

neer. 4Clty and County of Honolulu.Marked Grade Xfap No. 0, which ishereby approved and made a part of.this ordinance.

IntroducedL. PETRI E.Supervisor.

Date of Introduction: April 7, 1914.At a regular meeting: of the Board

of Supervisors of the City and Couniycf Honolulu, held on Tuesday. April7. 1914. the foregoin? Bill was passexlon First Reading and ordered to printcn the following vote of said Board:

Ayes: Cox.' Hardesty. Markham,Patneco, Petrie. Woltcr. Total 6.

Noes : None.Absent and not voting: McClellan.


Deivuty City and Couniy Clerk...... ... 5824-3L- .. , v

uance shall be guilty vol ' a survey Station .Roscbank;rmisdemeanor, and upon convict on North 1987 J. and East 12&.0 feetr anathereof shall be by a fla,tuimlnr-,a-follft- ferirn--"Arimtith-











Page 3: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman

ty$V$2l ReacL to 2IVfSt' Top of Doom and v


Flor corners, door corners high mold-ings, stairways cud


other ut-of-the-way

place all readied in a jiffy with the

WIZARDTriangle Polish Mop

Thm Mcp that "Ccti'ln-lh- e. Corner"Fine for floors nod Easy

on the back and arras. No stooping.Handle now has a "human elbow," MopRrts At Any . desired anfie ' instantly.Comes already treated with Wizard Pol-ish. Price complete, $1,50. , .

WIZARD PolishVart lhao a fumitnre polish. Dust with It

Contain! a cret Oriental oil --our own dinoor-ery-.

Can't harm finkbe. .Saw your furniture.All le 25c Bp. iet bottle and learn bow toobtain a splendid WlrxJto" theatre aod fannyjiagte book for tbe cbUOrea.". -- . v. "''..,""- - , , v

Barrere Sales Company89 Merchant ,St

Phone 3297.

GUinthCornersUnder Beds

Tablet 'v III r

v&ri- - us). V


M EARNS At his residence. .453

Queen Street, Honolulu, Thomas- Mearns, April 7. 1914. V : ; :

m At a f meeting - of the membershipcommittee of the. Young .Men's ChrisHan Association this noon : 16 -- 'menand boys "were voted Into1 member-- ,

ship In the association!'-- . This Is ma-

terial gain over the number admittedIn March of last year.' ' r' --.TV.

, C4 Yea Hop &, Co,, Uie well-kno- wn

meat 8nd produce firm, has de- -

elded to, on Thursday of every week,give a special price Qn,'pne particularcommodity. The newspapers wH tellof a special- - bargain ere ry Thursday- -


? - - - Fort: St, above King. ;.

! ?

-- . i

Electricl Lights andFixtures Installed




Wall & Dougherty7 RARE JEWELS.' SILVER AND

, ; ' GOLD WARE r - rS. IAlexander Young'Building "

t IUng Street Auto Stand'i' (llabuka Site) :.'p7vt i'

i 'C ? '


"N; .:, y -- CJhaafleuri:

Henry T. Hughes Frank BakorJno. Vlerra ;J V ; : Sam McMillanBilly Aylett M. F MillarAntonio Rodriguez ' ' "W. B. HarrubDan Nee r : Johnny Frazier. (Former Young Btaad Chauffeurs),

Careful Operators Best Machines

Easter ShowThis display is noteworthy and

should not be overlooked. The.as-cortmc- nt

of S2 oen-stoc- k patternsgathered from the famous chinacenters of the world.

Quality guaranteed and pricesabsolutely right

Come in and let us show youthrough the department. You will

W. W. DimondThe House of Houaewarea.



19 1 5 JOURNEY

Company H. 1st Infantry. N. G. H.,uas inspected last night by Mat ( W.Ziegler. inspector-genera- l of the na-

tional guard, and IJeut. A. L. Bump,2Stb 1. S. Infantry, inspector-instruc-to- r

n duty with the local militia.The company turned out 72 men. 80per cent of the total enlisted strengtho." !0, and the two officers on duty

h the company, ('apt. 1. W. Ued-lrgto-

and 2d ieut. John C. !. Themajority of the 18 absentees wereeither absent from the city, or bad avalid excuse for .non-appearanc- e.

Owing to the fact that a stage isbeing built across one end of the drillhall, with eight squads in line theccmpany drill floor was taxed to y,

there not being room enoughto form skirmish line, although sev-

eral movements In extended orderwere made, in order to show the com-pany's familiarity with the mechanismof deployment. The outfit was drill-ed In close order for some time bythe captain, and the men made a verycreditable showing.

San Francisco 1915," Is now thewatchword of the Chinese-America- n

soldiers, and if Company H attains ahigh state of efficiency this year,shows a good percentage at drill, andmakes good in the field, it will besent to the big fair next year; It isup to the men themselves, whether ornot they get the chance of represent-ing Hawaii, and its Chinese residents,according to a statement made by thecompany commander.

Regular army' of Seers are much in-

terested In the proposed trip of Com-pany, H,' and Are offering encourage-ment to the scheme. ,

.- "A" first ' rate plan, , and a. decided

novelty." said Brig.-Ge- n. Clarence Ed-wards this morning. ; T will do every-thin- g

Jn , my power, to help, it along."


A letter received thla morning bythe Young Men's Christian Associationfrom Paul' Super, general secretary ofthey organization, contains the firstnews of what Mr. Super is doing inHilo toward Investigating th6 feasibil-ity cf ' the establishment of an asso-ciation In that; city - '


Writing unaer date of April 6 Mr.Super saysr .. ; '4'5-.- 7 J-

"I J spoke yesterday morning In theJSOiscopal church. and last night in thechurch corresponding to CentraF Un-

ion.. The biggest bifslness man I thusfar have met hi the father 'of a boyIt , was my privilege to lead In tochurch membership.; He has reasonto, beUfiy JniJLhe. association. TheHilo men seem; eager to have an

started at an early date.": Since his arrival on Hawaii, ' Mr. Su-ne- r,

judging.., from the remainder ofhis letter, has become somewhat of aHilo booster. ; f ": :' '

MHIlo is a good place and I like itho writes. 'It is a much finer, placethen we Honolulu - people suppose.There tare dee streets, buildings andsidewalks, and good pepple. I mustsayM rim well impressed with theCrescent City." y -; , '




Dr. James M. Taylor, formerly pres-ident of; Vassal Col lege, will give anaddres at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrowevening cn the . subject of - "Sicily."Dr. Taylor baa traveled extensivelyin Italy and Sicily and has consentedto tell thefY, M. a A. audience ofhis impressions of ;that island. Traveltalks have been among the most inter-esting : of the manv lectures .whichhave been given at the association andDr. Taylor .will undoubtedly be greet-ed by a large audience tomorrow ev-enin- g.

The Thursday night lecturescommence-a- t 8 o'clock and are 'heldin' Cooke hall. Ther are free to mem-bers of the association and their meniriends.



89 Merchant St

of Dinnerwareenthuse with us. for such beautyand effect, yet within the boundsof simplicity have never beforebeen seen here.

Specials in semi-porcelai- SO pc.sets, $6.75, $9.75, $13.85, etc.

Specials in China 50 pc. sets.$7.50, $1975, etc.


& Co., Ltd.,S3. 65 King Street




For the purpose of nominating aslate of directors to be voted uponby the members f the Mid-Pacifi- c

Carnival, Ltd., which will bold theirannual meeting next Monday morn-ing, the present board of directorshas asked the presidents of the sev-eral commercial organizations toname two delegates to form suchnominating committee.

The bodies which have been askedto help in this way, are the Cham-ber of Commerce, the Merchants' As-sociation, the Ad Club and the Pro-motion Committee. Two members ofthe present board of directors of theCarnival company, will meet' in theChamber of Commerce rooms in theStangenwald building at 3 o'clock to-

morrow afternoon, and if possible de-termine a list of suitable names tohead next year's big carnival.

Of course the slate which may beprepared by this committee Is entirely subject to the will of the generalmembership, and it may be that oth-er nominations will be made at thetime of the annual meeting.



This being Holy Week there will "be

no dance at the Moana or Young hotelsThursday evening.

The next dance will take placeThursday, April 16, at the Moana.advertisement

Fort Shafter Notes

Special Etar-Bullet- tn CorrespondenceFORT SHAFTER. April 8. With

the headauarters and two battalionsof the 1st Infantry in camp at RedHill, the vicinity of Shatter is wellfilled with trooDs and many are thevisitors from the camp to the garri-son. Last night, at the local pictureshow house seating room was at apremium owing to the number of menof the 1st who had come in for anevening's diversion from camplife. ;

The athletic officers of the '2nd Infantry and 1st have arranged for abaseball game on next Saturday aft-ernoon on the Shafter dlamonct Thegame will be in the nature of a,warm--

up for the regular regimental . seriesfor the department championship thatbegins on ' May 2nd according to theschedule "arranged at ,the meeting ofrepresentatives oi.tne various orgam-zation- s

last Saturday. - Full details ofthe series and dates as arranged maynot! be announced" definitely aM yetowing to The fact that " departmentheadquarters has not given v formalapproval of the plans as recommended; but It is .known that the schedule calls for. two games - betweeneach of; the teams with a total v ofthirty eames In the series and matthe games will be played on the postdiamond.

The authorities have not decided asyet as to the ' actjdh to " be taken inthe case of Private Herman Lewis,the soldier charged by the police withhiehway robbery and now held inclose confinement at this post. Lewisis liable to lose both tbe civil anamilitary authorities for his offensesand. in view of the fact that the manwas arrested by the local police, it isqtute pro cable tnat tne military winallow the civil, courts to take precedence and await the result beiore pro-ceeding ' with the charge of desertionand other military offenses.

Chanlaln William R. Scott Is holding daily services during the presentweek appropriate to the season ana onSunday there will be special serviceat 10:30 a. m., In commemoration ofEaster. The Easter services will embrace ppecially prepared music .andthe post assembly nan, wnere auservices are held, will be suitablydecorated for the occasion.

While the attendance at the religious services during the week hasnot been large it has been sufficiently so to encourage the church people.rn the garrison and the hope that theattendance will increase is well found-ed.

Recent promotions and appointments in the 2nd Infantry are as fol-

lows: Corporal John A. Cody, to besergeant in company C, vice Frazee,reduced and Prlvrte Edgar Combs, tohe corporal, vice Cody, promoted. InCompany G Private Nealey V. Hen-sle- y

has been appointed sergeant,vice Crowley, discharged.

3ET SB--Today's band- - concert will take

place at 6:45 p. m., and the programis as follows:Grand Fantasia Tanhauser. .WagnerPolka capriccisEO "why Not?" ..

GruenwaldSelection Fantana HubbelDomino Gavotte OlschlegelTwo Step You've Got Your Moth

er's Blue Eves Berlin

With Judge Lyle A. Dickey sittingin place of Associate Justice E. M

Watscn the supreme court heard argutnent yesterday mcrning and afternoonn the suit of Ripley & Davis, arcbi

tects, against the Kapiolani estate.The architects are suing for a $10S0fee. Justice Watson was barred fromsitting because the legal firm ofThompson. Wilder. Watson & Lymer.nf which he was a member, appearsas ccunspl for the plaintiffs.

"What is a 'Chinese wall.' pa?"' "Oneof those high cellars after it has beento the Chinese laundry."

ft. 1. l lIJ.lt: is making a businesstrip to the coast as a passenger in theMatsonia.

(. V. ASKFOK1) is planning to de-part for .Maui in the Claudine. leav-ing the port on Friday evening.

M M. HOLMES, a Hilo businessman. sailed for the coast in the Mat-so- n

steamer Matsonia this morning.

VIRGINIA COFZSNS is listed as apassenger in the ueamer Mauna Loato sail for Kona and Kau ports onFriday.

W. G. OGG, the Hawaii plantationmanager, and Mrs. Ogg. were passen-gers for San Francisco in the Matsonsteamer Matsonia this morning.

N. T. PUTNAM is. among the pas-sengers booked for the coast in theMatson steamer Lurline, scheduled todepart on next Tuesday evening.

MRS. C. G. BOCKUS and four chil-dren- were numbered among the pas-sengers departing for the coast in theMatson steamer Matsonia this morn-ing.

MISS H. K. WILDER is expectingto visit the coast as a passenger Inthe Matson steamer Lurline, departingfrom Honolulu on next Tuesday even-ing.

C. H. NIEPER, formerly engagedin the express business in this city,departed for the Pacific coast thismorning.' He was a Matsonia passen-ger.

P. A. SWIFT of Henry May andCompany will visit the coast on abusiness and pleasure trip. He de--"parted for the mainland In the Matsonia.

REV. and MRS. H. P. JUDD havedeparted for the mainland on a vaca-tion trip to extend for some months.They were passengers in the Mat-sonia. 1

CHARLES H. BROWN has departedfor the mainland on a business andfraternal . mission, to ,be absent , forsome weeks. , He was a passenger inthe Matsonia.


da newspaperman, departed for Hiloin the steamer Mauna Kea this morn-ing.V Accompanied by x his family hewill remain on the big island for someweeks. : ' .,:' w,:

PSBm.. r'Met-Vllege- d

to be two .enlisted men; are held atthe; police, station' today, it beingchargad' that they --stole two bicyclesleft standing near the Y. M. C. Abuilding, the property of E. R. Tracyana Clarence Suva. Special OfficertJarry Sizemore also alleged that themen are responsible for tho removalof a wheel from in front of the premises of the Star-Bulleti- n.

As G. F. Lanze carelesslv louneedin one of the steamer chairs provid-ed by the Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Company on' the Mauna Kea onme return rrom Hilo to Honolulu, heIs alleged to have fallen to the deckwith the result that he suffered adislocated . shoulCer which necessitat-ed his immediate removal to the hospital for treatment

A collision has been reported to thepolice in which Frank Lewis driver ofmachine 311 and jJ. P. Cooke of auto-mobile number 503, figured at mepalace ground. It is stated that auto311 entered the grounds at the ma- -

uka gate and in turning met machine503, bom cars being considerablydamaged through the wrecking offenders, lamps and radiators. Theoccupants were not injured.

R. C. Curtis was brought to policestation last night it being allegedthat he had entered the premises ofa Chinese tailor, and before leavinghad attempted to do considerabledamage to property mere, by throw-ing a sewing machine into the street

A.'Blumberg, an enlisted man, arraigned before District MagistrateMonsarrat this morning charged withhaving been involved in an assaultupon C. Mitchell was discharged, itbeing established by the prosecutionthat in this instance Blumberg wasnot the aggressor.

Several Japanese and Hawaiians,who were placed under arrest somedays ago by Captain of DetectivesMcDuffie, charged with being impli-cated in the operation of a che-f-a

bank in this city, were granted moretime in which to defend the charges,when arraigned before District Mag-istrate Monsarrat this morning.

Kapahnln Improvement Club JleetincThe April meeting of the Kapahulu

Improvement Club will be held to-

night, commencing at 7:30 o'clock, atthe residence of J. Isaac Arcia, Camp-bell avenue, near Diamond Head road.

A large attendan2e is requested.

Central Union church will hold thefirst of two special Holy Week serv-ices at 7:o() o'clock this evening inthe parish' house. The topic of thesermon will be "The Most Impressive.Moments of Our Lord's Last Week."The second service will be held at7:30 o'clock Friday evening, the topicto be ' The Great Sacrifice."'


(Continued from page one)

the year ending December 31st. 1913.The past year had its difficulties. Theprice of sugar was low, the crop har-vested was small, and we passedthrough another year of drought.

From the records you will note thatit rained more in 1912 than in 1913

at Honomanu and Keana?, whichplaces are right in the heart of thoditch country. However, the rainfallwas greater on the plantation in 1913.Crop of 1913.

Grinding was commenced for thiscrop on December 2d, 1912, and waafinished on June 20th, 1913. with meresult that we bagged 50,310 tons of.sugar.

The total weight of cane was 362,-48- 3

tons, and it took 7.20 tons or caneto make a ton of sugar. Had thejuices been as good as they were forthe 1912 crop, when ' it only took 6

tons of cane to make a ton of sugar,the 1913 crop would have reached 52,--

840 , tons. However, the drought in1912 was the principal reason for thesmall crop, andt as predicted in lastyears report, the crop of J.913 lost noless than, 5000 tons jof sugar on account of dry

'weather. " f

Crop of 1914. ; w:Milling was commenced in Novem-

ber 11th, 1913. Tassellng was unus-ually late, consequently the cane wasslow in maturing, and it was. decidedto jrun only one mill until the,mlddleof December, after which two millshave been in operation. ;

Up to date we have harvested 2C50acres , of : cane, which have yielded 19,-19- 6

tons of sugar; with 3995 acres yetto harvest, it is safe, to say that wewill bag 54,000 -- tons of sugar for thecrop. , - :(;.;:-;i:- :

This would have been another ban-ner crop had it not suffered from lackof water during the summer and fallof 1912 and during most of 1913. ThereIs no question but Ithat we lost 4000or 5000 tons of sugar on account ofdrought- - - . . . ,

Crop of 1915. '.

' '".

v Planting was commenced on March10th and finished on the 15th of Au-gust The total area of plant and ra--

toons Is aa follows:Plant cane t... 2,236.2 acres


Short ratoons rt... J 240.0 acres save s . venu .mwsuu .

Short ratoons 4456.3. acres year in our fee4 bill.: .The supply ofis plentiful that can eas--

Total ' 6,632;5 acres ily ""PpV the stables withneVer robbing cattleWe a crop

better The ratoons are b? are Prac"hUled-f.- j in good summe

as a whple, in spite, the dry. fall,! &rf beans. ; r .

has, a very fair: start and if fa-- j Mbor J K r. V

yored with - good ; growing conditions J

during this year, should give us a bi.yield.. : : ; ;0S--

During the last two months heavy ,

ralna have fallen o nthe plantation,which have ' greatly :, "theyoung canes. -

of 1916, ; : :x , ,;: :

The steam plows , were started oathe 13th of October, nearly, monthearlier than usual,, and, up to date, wehave first plowed 1100 acres, "iyn- - j

We are clearing 'off; algaroba trees,on about 250 acres land, , which weexpect to take in for mis crop. Eachyear we have taken in some of thisland that has .lain fallow, for manyyears, and the results obtained havebeen excellent ",'v

.:'. ''ri

Sugar Factory. , .

On account of the small crop harvested last year, it was net necessary,to crowd the mills. The average tonsof cane ground per hour was 96.05, aiagainst 103 tons for me crop.

During the next off season It hasbeen decided to insalf six additionalcrystallizers. to replace the old hous- -

Ings on the first set of mills with "Puhousings, add a fifth body

to our evaporator, making It a qulqtuplo effect and to Install two Hersey

pdryers. These are much-neede- d improvements.Pumps.

After an unusually busy season, thepumps are now boing thoroughly, over-hauled and will soon be in good re-

pair for me coming pumping season.As the old Worthington pumps at

Well No. 1, KiheL have about outlive Jtheir usefulness, have decided to,replace them with a new, up-to-d- ate

centrifugal pump, driven by a Dieselengine, which will be operated withCalifornia crude oil. This change willcut down our fuel bill at this stationvery considerably. I

We are enlarging the ditch, leadingfrom the outlet this pump to theCamp Six reservoir; this ditch will


lined with a plaster coat, reinforcedwith chicken wire.Ditches. j

All of the tunnels on th New Hai-ku Ditch have been completed, withthe exception of Nos. 10 and 42; and,although there are only 900 feet lefto dig, it will take several months tofinish the work, as me material toremoved is unusually hard.

At the end of the year, 21.467 feetof this ditch had been lined, and as.the work is progressing nicely, it isexpecteM that by the end of ihe pres-ent year, water will running ihroughthe entire length of the ditch.

It will be necessary to consider- -' able work on the "Lowrie" Ditch thisyear, as the concrete on both the in-- I

takes and outlets of the pipes is inI such a condition that immediate repairs are necessary.

On the old "Waihee" Ditch, severaltunnels have been run to take theplace of sections of the old ditch. j

New Hospital. I

The new hospital was opened inMarch of last year and Is one of the ,

most up-to-da- te hospitals in this ter-ritory, and is a credit to Puunene.New Dairy.

The dairy was moved from Spreck-elsvill- e

to a new location about halfway between Kahului . and Puunene


4 - - '

an ALFRED BENJAMIN Suit, andthat's why I hired him. The othershad clean faces and clean nails, tob---hutHEjhidJAMIN suit,! and that gave me a lineon his good judgment and good taste!"


... :

building this new dairyr. we includ-ed many s

; of ' the r modern r dairy. . , '4 'Algaroba Bean Mill. V

' '

During ? the past - year we haveground . 377 'tons of algaroba beanswith a sand machine that we had onhand. The meal ta equally as goodas barley as a livestock food,' and will

. . .i

- , ' . ? beans so we"

plantaUonhave had under, the and

thecultivation. ,pastu';?'time tbm'cropA9 to

of D ; .

had 'V

benefited'X ;vy'-Cro- p

,' ,




unene"; to










r :

v .2r.

2, your


,1, ji. j : -

... .; .- 1 I -

'but it WAS


We have sufficient labor to canyall branches of work.": T ; 5

' ' 'General.- - . -'Having passed through a try !

year, the hearty ani '

alty to the company of the diff :

departments on the plantation 1

been particularly appreciated,expenses were held down to a r.mum during 1913t and It U our ir.!tion to follow the same policy dur;1914,-- It Is to b.-- ) that It vfound; necessary .to reduce the !;

dend3 with July 5th, ".It is to kr

that the present dividend can anJ.all probability, will bemaiatalneJ C.Ing the present yea?";-;- . .


I 1 w

vj Vt ' r I,

NeiSKadow IjaceFlouncirigsEmbroideries :

GlovesWIuteGloves in Silk and Dressed Kid

A complete lina of new styled 5 garments,..-

-'. .. ; just received 5 - -

SpringEvery authentic style now 'being shown




beginningHowever,. rea33uri"5

' t4


J, f:Best in. :

32.".--. Ct:.

. 22,'- - 22"

2': :'2;:2-'22xS2j-'' ii2t2


.dm m(w;Go







Sundallorrgorders Early 2:22;':

Phtoe'.2124M M1129f Fort street-

Page 4: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman

f if if


WEDNESDAY U'IMI. 1014. the of tin' tourist

lie flwxl to the depth of U'tti. and you trill V th exprvssive parlance of slan, ''velvet."corrr that thoe tcho xu no it ad you will he ipmdeven to the name depth. Maeterlinck.




One thousand aaloons "were wiped off the with a gain of aJout two millions, andhy taken at the Chicago on 'other manufactures, good for more

imlayl jVoini voters are with the I a In the latter case, an increase of

good work praise for the women. It is'export to the Philippine Islands of $550,804 is

claimed a woman's .instinct is and 'undoubtedly due to the mill plant made in

more accurate than inanV judgment,

relative importance



Though Hawaii lias; not woman's suffrage,there is suggestion for Honolulu this int-ir-. federal expenditure, tourist traffic,dent";' v: '

Tackle the. evil of intemperance by mincing'

the number, of the saloons. v

There bet honet differences of opinionon the advisability of contesting for prohibitioh

Federal legislation, but we doubt if seriousantagonisms, exist anions any great; ofpeople on the inhaler cusscYlness of the saloon.No one, more especi allymen ii daily touch withits sordid life, believes there is any respeci-ubilit- y

in saloon. It clop not add to the goxlname of any mau Jior is there anything aboutjt



rote thanhalf





r Honolulu





doubt, that

that ninewith



Mrhich helps rwri;'elf:est( appears to;ri?fejr, to respectability

I rows." have in mfn.r the 7, good - sorsT; seeing 011 uievery-da- y man whol)elieves hi hoiiYe

a tolerant "attitude- toward(ali(hU lIovmcn;lWman vho

. '' r .'!. ' 1 ' .. ...a j' tm 1 i j 1 i. V! ark itani ana light ior exigence, rimenuonx 01 ior rt-firc--utui.

:ch men Jiave no , ior a saloon ' pver, raciieco nas aspiranons. 1 iiere is: aigh they: le found hi;one; more ..OuViMistbf f hwir.'wjnaiLfailjng that

ly than they gi:oc(gniziiig tliis baUcmmctioh ?

a minds of 90 jxr ceiit of men and


:nnefy:nine anttt-hal- f nt owhy is it not advisalde tlu interj a less seri)us;lossto-tlie:llmis- e of

( stod center "their' efforts 6u stives thajLof saloons in city of Hono:

lulu and outlying districtn under the juris("iction Oahu IJquor (mmissi()n?,;r


Here is that ,wijl j cold facts of whether an should he de--;

it and cooperation from Ijelievere in tem-- J xtrtyel Jegislationi ! " : '

: it ,i t ;The, ' :'". -- V

hsMiiiii fMfor, mi-annu- rfnd jdate t thej can or to

nice of -: the ireneral welfare Honolulu nei.


For instanccevVmenit; mase-u-p ieiiev. iiiamiraaiiyu i Also thev might what theyloons in to tne nsiimarker. a details of the government, espech

: an den's not have to a or a crank or nnicihal rnment as it is beingto exjeriertce a deep feeling dis- -

:: :st and resentment. of work-;:ne- n

a very, large share theirv ( k's wages at a saloon while wife fam-- ;

! y wa i t across t he st reet ' for t h e thati rcmaiiV for nom-ishing:fHVi.-

If - you are in doubt about snclii.rtually staged, spend a little your

"time at fishmarket, ; especially on ni : a t urday 'a ftcrrioon. l 0::U'B i

So it apjeais to many tha.t there, are; many jir.(s oi practical acuviiy ior ine aim women

Laving a sincere' desire help their fellow-me- n

and wipe evil of iutennranceVA;k3j;iKetluction in number "of saloons is a prolv

lem right the soles of fet't, so tospeak and what is very much to point, it isone which there is very little ofo pi nion. ':y---,b:''-- A'V.


''r '



of Hawaiian ti-ad- e for twelvemonths ended 1 KmlxT 31, 1 1)1 3, do not show,

enormous of ratio U't ween vselling and luiying done by,wjuch for tne t welve numths end-

ed June 30, 1 9 d id. . shown 1 y t h is paperupon receipt of statistics in &ptemlKr,the : exports of 1 lawai i deel i nea rlyt welve

iiniku-t- s incmisedmillion iuc v.ns na-- j

waiian exjwrts declineil 9,20(4!45,' while the,imports incivasel .'f2,5ti8,4!)2.' with

the buying M)wen of au .agriculturalcountry like Hawaif haturaily sought itsexports of buying

UUU1UUUU1 iiiiiinrtiiwithout quttion designatetl. federalexpenditure navy and service

other is the; prof of tourist business."-?- . considerable to the



iliA TkPofit ff-ni- tt totll-iv- t 111

matter of declined exports last vear,two .'things saved the record being inmhwon than is. One of these of

meaning natural productsother than sugar, which, roughly, may he cwnl- -

map itedthe election that of



for that group



Therefore; it the four factorsin

diversified industries and manufacturesout a condition of Hawaii notworse than figures of its commerce indi-

cate;! with millions lessof apparentbuying-power- , .compared 11)12, in-

creased its pu rchases by two and one-hal- f mil-

lions, and jthat decline in value of more thanand millions oh its

shipments should partly byamountiug to niore than t wo- - million dojlars injther shipments.

his thatWe do not the

We Square Appareniiy naimwrmngiji

kindly and race. "3Iessi:

,1.,.:. II.....a conuorianie 1101 siumriug now- -

reav respfct; uigiiermay frequent- - ice't6lw:thfnkis

the averagejer the aTera

for IJtmentemperance to rcst

the thethe

of the


tiv the result iis of wurse?that better iitanwiii and the adjustment

ring tt the" front ainmn study tliepractical work enlist'sup- - industry

"ly ,2::nce. Furthermore, imeyffiiil

the consideration onwha do; proposelicences. for of

ineir )v uie tell reallclose proximity 0f

lx? purist jiowhigh-bro- w of

Hpend.hig ofthe and


exhibitionsleing. of



out thethe


ort difference

Figures the

the dismiritv thethe the Territory

the statement13, As

the the


innatural incmiml'

One thenjoii

and the theAn of amount



the di-

versified industries,




one-quart- er



tallwilling to






JlhCview; ot: tlie terrible things hasdeclared will happen to the pineapple in-itust- ry

if Hawaii plants more, the action of thepalm way in extending its proves thatthe pessimists are not absolutely in control.

If sufficient confidence not amojigtlie snippers tQ place the shippersthe hands of the Greater ChamlK r of (Commerce,there 1m?" mighty little confidence in the(li-eate- r ChamWr of Commerce.

notmaking any let ween Vil-

la and Carranza, but In'fort? the jxiceher Swings in Mexico, we look to see one

of these ':'lecorate the other the or-

der of the Cross7

If Uuerta's armv makes anoth.er detvVniinedfight, suspicion may le aroulto cut its way through to

a dav.



Kail lims

does, exist

must- -




FortthatBliss three

Ir. Hol)son, having defeat home, willhave' to take another fall out of the Japanesewar logey.






muium umnu .a u r F.hl .,im ini Ualnun wnis ti lost si.rht nf tlmt own.while the by nion. than six ;fntorv that bf? uwl so Mlmwfnnv a fvxf- H. 1

uoiinrs.. r.ur rau'iMiaryrar

as1912. t As







ears ago.

now the time to take correspond-ence course in home-boostin- g promotionwork.

w Koin.t4ho.i;v1.rvf rttwiJ We're glad they that battleicon it easv sixmI,.

- the mam resources.- - There aiv just two.of thfse.iiu mi.--i i null 11 jw- -

. . . .. , . . .; ; 1 . ,



' , ill !





'". ....




which it


j ;

wharf in



. ;

it isand

met at

jm.mini, linvi

rI.'.. ..... rvr--r- -

is a


had last at Tor- -

s to





Wilson holds among others the rirord forWhite House weddings.

For dogs delight to bark and bite. And 'tisfederal exrndituroin Hawaii exis in; federal their nntuiv'to.taxation through customs,: in terjial men ue, in A







come tax and postal service, ; . Tliis fact enhances iThis silence from Soapbox" is so sudden.



(There is r.o record for the event?o this day. Jesus syent it in retire-wen- t,

almost certainly in the home of

his friends at Beibany.)

MediUtiont for Wednesday.The Bethany Silence.

in the last week of the life of ourLord, there were two days of silence.One was Wednesday, the Silnca of

ihe Bethany home; the other wasSaturday, the Silence of the Tomb.These two days were nc days of in-

activity but cf recuperation, one forthe Tr!al of the Cross, the oiher forthe Glcry of Easter.

The power of Silence is not alwevgreeogimed. Great souls have gener-ally been horn and reared !n the . re-

gions of Silence. Wednesday was nota waste-day- . but a prayer day. wlv hthe soul of the Lord took fi'-mc- r rootin the unseen and the eternal.

The invitation to prayer. unacc:i-e- d

by the multitude, is an :nvitat!onto power. -

Onr Lord was wuch in Silence.Thirty years out of the 3.1 of His lifeare appropriately named Jhe years o?Silence. Even durins th.T three yearaof His public ministry He is offen re-

ported into sWitude.going' into a mountain or a desertplace to be by himself. He went notonly for rest but to gain power.

If any, a? ever needed Ihe Sahbdthday fcr rest and silence, it is our a?e.Wonderful its activity and achieve-ment, its creature comforts and com-

mercial enterprise yet there is frarthat it will be classed as an age ofsuperficial cirtlization. The one whohas learned to hear has more powrtrcrten ihan the one who has learned tospeak. Thought has more force thanaction. --The phHosnph- - will a'wtvjhave more battalions st h's commandthan the m-rh- ant. ran - who

.lies on his bed an JuvaMd pxi "inore-ly.prav- s"

may contrflute more to the( fetrencth and wel'are o' f h cnnmnn--

ltr han the man who film's largelyin tbe',maTket-p!icir- . They boreafesentiment and sones do wore for' anation than these who tr.ake lawst Asmen cannot give until they Yeceive,

- FERN: People who livein grass houses shouldn't smoke cig-

arettes.-- '';

r--A. L, C, ATKINSON: .BrotherBreckonsr should remember what apoor political prophet be was in 1912--:

"HOMER CROY: I galled on Mayor

Fern yesterday. - He didn't j offer f me .

a cigar." or Invite me ,lo, r.. Juau; butho proved ' a . mighty ; interesting per.tfson , to talk to. y', ; css ' 1: : '.'

'.JOSEPH . B. , UGHTSOT " I amnot a candidate for judicial or anyother 'position. If the.iudgeshf p. shouldbe offered - to me --I '.wowld feel com,

'pelled to refuse It.

TAX COLLECTOR- WILDETJ:.The' delinquent list will b. publishedehortly, and those liable, to appear onit will have to settle qu'ckly to avoidthe unenviable distinction.'

A. A. WILDER: It the time evercomes when reputable attorneys willnot feel like practicing law in Honolulu, one Abraham Stephanus Hum-phreys will again come into his own.

JOHN H. DREW: ,. The MatsonNavigation steamer Matsonia carrieda banner .list of cabin and" steeragepassengers to the Coast In. departingfrom ' Honolulu this: morning. TheA'essel was well filled with freight.

SPENCER BOWEN; A specialfinance committee of , the AssociatedCharities is now at , work devisingway3 and means to. relieve the finan-cial, stress now being experienced bythe organization. .We are looking for-

ward to an early solution of the

ALLAN HERBERT; Samoa is asplendid example of the value of theabsence of alcoholic beverages. Noneis allowed In American Samoa andthe natives are a. healthy, contentedlot, while the white residents appearto have no craving for the contra-band stuff.

C. H. BROWN: When I rethrnfrom the Coast, ia' the Pacific Mailliner China I may be able to give outsomething o? an interesting natureconcerning tie dissension in theranks of the local Moose. My tripto the mainland is on business hs wellas pleasure, however.


certainly condemn the practice of ee- -

ForManoa Valley, 2 bedrooms, fimrished. .,Beretania St., 4 bedrooms, furnished.. ..Nuuanu Valley. 2 bedrooms furnisheil .

Anapuni St.. 3 bedrooms, unfurnished .

Waikiki Beach. 4 bedrooms, unfurnished

205 Bank of

neither can they speak: until th-"- J

hear. ,

Instead cf med!tatloa and prayer be-ing waste-tim- e it is the time bestspent Prayer and provender hinder-et- h

no man on his journey." The 10iriuutes devoted to family woiship,nay do the fa roiiy, more good in thlong run than 10 hours spent in busress of housekeeping. It is true now.as it was :hen in Bethany, that Mary(ho1! the better part whea she sat atthe feet of her Lord instead of beingburdened with much serving.

Wednesday the day of BethanySilence has no recorded history. Itis not. therefore, unimportant Kay.of all the days, fhts day of prayerand silence, of recuperation from yes-

terday's toil and of preparation fortomorrow's trial, could not be omitted.The best prayer Is the prayer of si-

lence. Man is prone, however, tothink that much talking will granthim a hearing. Oar Lord clearlywarns against this. He aa rauch assays that the one who wins the ear ofthe Father must pray in secret; thatit is heathenish and therefore vain tothink that one shall be heard for hismuch speaking; that it is hypocritical"to stand and pray In; the synagoguesto be seen cf men" The prayer ofDower Is the prayer of silence. On?brief ejaculation of the publican,"Lord, be merciful to me as a ' sin-ner." has infinitely -- imore power thanthe recital by the Pharisee. .

How much of the Bethany Silenceis needed in the daily Iif.s The soulhas been up to Jerusalem engaged inits tasks and returns home wearywith the world's opposition., misunder-stood, misinterpreted. The BethanvSilence-- Is like the shadow of a rockin a weary land. The soul faces thetask of tomorrow, knows that it mustgo up to Jerusalem to be crucified bycruel mem The Bethany SHenc islike a refreshing drink from the foun-tain of life.'. y;.- --"


The lsrdr the task thev mor 1m-rorta-

It Is to pray. The mo- - ambt-ticji- s

the ni?n is to wield powe'." themere yealonsly lie must Incllno h's eato catch the word of Hod. Prayer I

the wav to peace.. The tTethsnr Si-

lence is the soul's tlme cf waltinar dnfore the descent of.the'Holv Spirit ofpower power with. . God, power overmen. f;;' :Vv''t v-.'



Honolulu, HT April 7, 1914, '

Editor Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n, v . '- Sir: The old ghost ot the dead pastthe spectre of all the ages of hu-

man strife is 'still i extanC - ' - fThat goblin; Is the definition that a

great many people , persist in givingto the word "servlcs." . ':;yf:::-.:- -

This word service Involves every-thing that man is heir to. It has astrong positive meaning and as equal-ly strong negative meanfng. v

'. ;

Since the reformation from the daysoV plutocracy, ;,r however, 'Americanshave interpreted the word by, the pos-itive definition, -- 1 e;. They "serve"principle!' --, '...:;. '. T-'- : "',:

Give us light - unlimited lightthat will distinctly draw the line be-

tween service and 8lavei7, and. Inci-dentally, show up the human "ghoulsend bloodsuckers that puslllanimous-l- y

preach the doctrine of nnman chat-tels!



ELIGEU KIRK,1st Class Pvt. Co. M, Signal Corps,

U. S. Army. - '



Honolulu has now a new' traffic orrdinance. It passed final reading atthe meeting of the board I of supervi-sors last night, and so it la law now.Amendments will be. made, to It lateras several spots . have been foundwhich, need correcting, such as theprovision which- - requires an automo-bile to keep its lights going at allhours of day and night The amend-ments Will be probably taken up atthe next meeting.

One suggested amendment is toopen Tantalus . road for automobiles,and another one is to allow a machineto stand in the shopping district long-er than 20 minutes. The entire ordi-nance was read last night.

The ashes of-th- e late Mrs.- - LeihuluKapena Clark, who died in San Fran-cisco March 23 arrived in Honoluluyesterday on the. steamer Lurllne, ac-companied by Henry Clark, husbandrf the deceased. Interment will be inthe family plot in Kawaiahao

cret service men or detectives inject-ing themselves into a fight,i3ing theirhlaekjacks and drawing a gun withoutfirst having announced their author-ity as officers, as alleged by one wit-ness brought before the district courttoday.





Desirable home on Willtelaiina Rise, only two years old. Beautifulview. Price $37.".rt. On terns.

Guardian Trust Co., Ltd.,Hawaii Building.


JL .


The Necklacercatchmay

or perhaps there is one stone mlssinf; ; rpzfrom a several-ston- e -;

one linkjs broken in the bracelet--- ' ' ?

Whatever ncels r cpairin 1 as ' long :r

as' it. c)mes u nler t he head of Mewel ytx" . sbould be brought ; to the place ,

where workmen d o a well 'for patrons:X;Z

as thev would do '. were the . piece of V


Wl CH MA W-- k C CO; :


0 Stevenson says, "There should benothing so much. a man's bujlness ashis amusements." r. '$X?MX?.

Make It your business on Tuesdayeveningthe 21st 6t April, to cometo, the.roof garden ot the Voung Hotel


1235 Matlock Avenue1020 Aloha Lane1646 King Street1205 Alexander Street ...1915

823 Beretania Street

Cr. TM d MrBSit



Jewelrytlieir.-iiiviC'- '-

WXjewelers; ' - ': l

and be amused by "April Follies."- - Itisi a double gain when amusementserves the cause of beauty, and 'theOutdoor Circle .who. have planned thefete, will further the cause of beautyIn helping to Improve the grounds of

j the old palace and court house. CometwitiWight hearts ana help the jo;-'lit- r.

':"Xr:':. . . X .

xxx. 1-

mxA price; $1500

r '.i-- v'.

'(15 oood condition. TlLot i$;curbed - ' "

gwconcrete sidewalk is already;Terms easy.;

Fort, bet King and Merchant



viEIRA. JEWELRY CO., Ltd. 115 Hotei

.Real IEstate fiiHSale

Far Rent-Furni- shed

2S50 Puunul 2 bedrooms (garage)7. .1454 Kewalo Street, 2 bedrooms (garage) .

Park Ave. and llth, Kalmukl, 2 berooms;...College Hills, 3 bedrooms (garagje) ,iUii,.t,

For Rent-Unfomi- shed


Kalakaua Avenue . . .



. ... ...2 "bedrooms2 bedrooms

...... 2 bedrooms3 bedrooms

.3 bedroomsCor. Ena Road and Kalakaua Ave 5 oedrcoms


f; .X:- -




Avenue,..i. 50.00,X .; 40M ;..... 50.0C


...... 32.5033.00

...... 33.50... 50W)

...3 bedrooms 30.00

Henry Waterhonsei Tru st Go.Limited, J - - - , - '. x x

WOtiOtfTIV, T. H.





Page 5: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman




r -

I'll A c- -

I y - ' . . T t . . .

a Por noro than a. quarter of a cen-tury SHAC fcaa "boonthe favorito ronodyXU4 UU HMVMW

. Taotolooo-Corta- in '12 dososr25 centoAofe your drogis

for SE&O ' ;: '

( - !

.v fv

THELTD-- Honolulu.


City Taxi StandPHONE 3433


At Mainland

RlftMDA (0.,Hotel St, cori Bijou Lan.i

lift FOR A.taUAttti. Mwii vCHOP DINNER AT .

:i XTe7 Yorlt Gafo- --Ho. 10 N. Hotel St nr. Nuoaiu

S. Kelilnol, Mpr.t ;TI.

Agents for Firing Merkel and De; Luxe, and Motor SuppUea. ;





itv r.iotor Co.EklHed Ilecbanlca tar aU .Jiepair.... , v " ' Work. . ,..: .


pau&tl "or. Fort St rftLtOCT

' P. H, BURNETTE; : .

Commltsloner cf Deeds ' for Californiaand New York: NOTARY PUHLrCJDraws Mort;ajea, Deeds, V CisC. of"Sale, Leases, Wills, etc Attorney forthe District Courts, 79 MERCHANTSTREET, HONOLULU, Phone 184&.

if you wish to advertise in. ;.; newspapers

Anywhere, at Any Tlmv CjLlToa cr' ' . '

t :.


124 Sansomt Street San Francisco

New Line cf

K Table FrniU and VegeUble.

KA1MUK4 GROCERY CO.Cor. Wal ae Road and Koko HeadAvenue.

CHINESE R EST A UflANJChop Suey and other Chinese dishesV aerred at reasoanble pricea. r ,t

119 Hotel Street, Near Maunakea. (upstairs) - -

' "



Bethel PC nr,-- ' Hotel. Phone SI 26

Spicial Sale Eistej Hats

Nuuanu. bet King and Hotel Streets.

PLATING.Gold, Silver, Nickel and Copper Plat--

inn. OxldlTlna m SDecIaltvl: r

HONOLULU ELECTRIC CO.Rates Moderate, Work Unsurpassed,,- tim

- ' txpenencea men. --

Cor.. Bishop and King Sta.


Cor. Kukul and NuuanTiSQI.Tel. 1179 night call 2514 or 2160


SPOTSImperfection on your mirrorcan be removed by resilvering.

OLDand worn out mirrors made tolook"

NEWPhone 1697 --Silvering Depart-


Sharp Signs186 Merchant Street


Broken lenses replaced quick andaccurate work. . :

: : Special lenses ground ' to order.Broken frames promptly repaired.

Factory.on the premises.' ;

If :' optician. V

Boston Building r : " : : Fort Stret'. - Over May & Co.

ly' linilll I -- .f, Mi MS, (


Dont Ciy!when" you shave yourself. Bring yourdull razor to the Honolulu Cutlery 4Grinding Co Masonic Temple, opp.Y. M. C A Alakea and Hotel Sta.V We sharpen safety blades. -

H. HIYAKE' ; Oriental Goods, Dresi Patterns, i

w Embroidered and Silk Kimonos''1248 Fort St, above Beretanla- -

. Do not Forget to I nclude .




!15t Hotel Street Phone 231tTUNINQ GUARANTEED.


Automobile '." deliveries all overcity; center of city on Sundays


King St, nr. Flshmarketix , Phone 1505

OUR SERVICE and the ---


v ELIMINATE your tire troubles.


V 840 Alakea St Phone 4688


Largest Assortment



Fort St Opp. Catholic Church

Honolulu Diy Gccs

Hotel St.

" St.




Opp. Theater

J. W. KershrerVulcanlzer

Correct Prices

Onn. Lfbrarv,

Parsifal Recital.


1 SRl 'mwwM

1 1




was announcedthe Matsonia an

theof a stewards' Mrs.

her to her on the! to the up;

got anon and get cau--

f For a year Miss Evelyn Uoned the brjde uon

cred drama of "Parsifal," which she Is . A gpejy limousine dash to the wa-goi- ng

present to the of Ho-- ! terf ront followed, but even then Misstomorrow evening in the f gummerhayes would not have made

cf an Easter of work. U'cnnectlcns with the had notMiss MacDcugal will it, a William Matson,-preside- nt ofdramatization of Wagner's Immortal was at the pier,opera, should appeal to everyone gallantly ordered the liner held a fewas an expression of the aacredness, longer.the divinit7-o-f Week. , Mrs. , . Tbe arrtral ot Miss SummerhayesElsa Cross Howard will interpret the ; greeted with cheers by the pas-the- me

of the work on the piano, .rs anjj the two girl chums madeIws the prelude and other selections a rHanf nicture at the rail as thefrom the opera.List of Patronf and Patronesses.' Her Majesty Queen LiliuokalanL

His Excellency Governor Plnkham.Ma!.-gei- u and Mrs.'W. H. Carter.Judge and Mrs. San ford B. Dole.Dr. and Mrs. Doremus Scudder.Rev. . and Mrs. Leopold Kroll.Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wadman.Rev. and Mrs.: Robert E. Smith.Rev. and Mrs. David Cary" Peters.Rev. and Mrs. Amos A, Eberaole.Mrs; Walter F. Frear.Mr. and Mrs. Isaac' Cox.Mr. James Wilder.Mrs.;F. M. Swantv.Mrs. J. W. DowsettMrs. F. A. Schaefer. 'Mrs; John .McCandless. -

Katherfne Yates.Mrs. Harriet Castle Coleman.Mrs, L, Glfford.. .

' Mrs. A. Love, r

Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Whitney. t' , v;:Dr. and Mrs." Arthur T. Andrews.; Mrsi Thoma.s trick.'Mrs. Henry Blcknell.f A,.R. Gurrey...H. P. Wood. ' .; W, D..Miss Mabel Bosher.

: Miss Ida ,

yMiss Itertha Young. - '' Miss Esther Erickson.


Paul Super. -V- - 'K'' 4ft Jt

and friend. When itthat would be halfhour late in clearing pier because

strike, Kennedyi rusneu iu(begged friend joinJaunt Islands. "Hurryyou've just half hour to put

hat down here,"nearly Mac- - lorgei jour

to peoplenoluiu form

fertng. The steamerread is captain

company. whoand

mmuteathis Holy




Pope.- -

etpamr drew out of the sun anaheaded for seai ; -

Mrs. Kennedy, Is a Visalia girl,and Teputed to be worth $1,000,000 inher own right. Is the wife of ThomasKennedy, secretary of the Santa Ve-net- la

Company, r She formerly" was El-in- nr

HarrelL The youne couple firstmet while attending the State Unlverrsity and are now on a belated honey-

moon. Miss; Summerhayes, who also

Is an hftresa, is the niece of Georgev Luchsinger, .

president of the Hum-boldt Bank. , '. ', '





guerite of Barbara. Rev.William K. Guthrie perform theceremony. Roth will arrive hereMay Miss Matson's friends,who are legion, postpone

honor until hisarrival. San Francisco '

Chronicle. "


An affair of unusual interest tookplace in Paso Robles Saturday lastwhen ; Kalanianaole, Isresting at resort 'from the stren-uous congressional activity Wash-inato- n.

D. assisted by his charmingPrinces? Kalanianaole, a

golf picnic. Smart traps conveyed theparty golf where a, gamewas enjoyed, followed by an elaboratebanquet the trees in a field

flowers. Those enjoyedthe outing were and Mrs. Tho-mas F. Graham Albert F. Zipf

Mrs. Avery of SanFrancisco, H. Levey of Honolulu andMr. and Mrs. Charles of Mon-

tana. Snatches and songs ac-companied the strains ; of. Hawaiianmusic which completed the festivity.

S. F. Chronicle. :.

, : A

A satisfactory ; ofthe College of ; Hawaii play occurredat the of Mrs.' A Uv Andrews,

valley, last evening. ' theJplay is scheduled .the

are getting ;T to business

now and as, muchthe production their work, . atcollege . will . permit Mrs. s An

drews, however, reports progressthe girls are expecting

I 1 rw. hA 'An!Mt hmiu nuriM fit perfect by the next rehearsal, whichby r. ocenra. on Friday eventnp v The menthis past week was .that given

and R..T. ChristoffnTsen on the of the college are contributeweek end at their Kahuku home.,TKfiSS5!!!5.t lZLtom fS, fnr Ma" Although limited as to numbers, theySn?ndy ifXf J Th?tab?e was very make a Tery creditable showlng

Joyment of the performance. , ;?ck basket filled.being a Urge glasswith , and maidenhair -- '-

V '

fern. The hand-painte- d place-card- s ; Among those arriving -- from- thewere popular "grinds-o- n different Coast onthe last Matsonia werMheguests and caUed forth much Jestins ' Misses Emily, and : Hannah Du Bols,

'and amusement .During the dinner. 7S m:yootyv they were serenaded by the Lale quln- - Francisco ; On the day .theirtet from Its hidden posiUon on departure for the island these young

lanal. pouredN toM est'and most captfvattofotinetodte

farewell luncheon. vThe . table - wasIter the coffee was served, the hiddenmusicians burst Into some cf , thelatrfng .iJtl:'noDular music, .whereupon thedODn - f?3e? ac.lntwhi(

I On the last day;of,April a most nc of the green room townovucvtable soctety event will take place up the EuesU spent the remainderthe Hudson, the marriage of the head the evening dancing I the Ne w , York'Ji'ISmihofone of the' gntest; American cnetep, the grapevine and other of'houses, Vincent Astor; and Helen Dins- - the new dances. . - 11 Tritffnn an!?MmoreCHunUngtonr daughter of an; Manyrand,varied; weother -- line which ; has Ion?, been emi-- mente arranged for he guests until Ktnel "iramaier or xvewv x or. , ,nent in American affairs: : . "j'the time of their departure late Sun-- j i 0 V

The recent : arrival : from ; Europe of day afternoon: Thdsis present 'were; Many round-tneslan- d auUnnobiIethe mother of ? the' brideCTcom-to-bevHh- e, Misses ElizabeUMrs. Alva .Wllling'Astor; the reflttins Mary; K: : Christoffersen.i Maude - E.' darin the past week-en-d on accountor, the' famous acht .Noma; Tand an-- Kelso, Frances Henry Foster. :Marga Pt the muddy condition .of, the roads,nouncement ot the wedding so shoe' ret D.' Smith 'and Dagmar B. Olsen; : aTnd' I?seIe)SWv P'a.WVv TOt3;ly before: the atsetare . concenl Messrs! Richard Carton; Walter F. H-o- Heavy; rams - id .the mountains haJtrating- - the ; attenUon of; society folk B. B. . Henderson. Herbert E. causea or me sireams 10 Becomeupon the young couple. ; v Clemens, Edward I. Lyon8,W. Le Roy -- ww w irensiwmea juui- Through : the : winter, there was Johnson and Mr. Mrs. Christof- - raging torrents. Especially was thistnnrh ' nvatrir aTimir j,Air fnuTK , . " so of one of the streams near Hauula,Many Jiinted at. a secret wedding. It . , ' v 4 , . which was. pracUcally impassable, ne--

was thought that the Noma was to be c Preparations are going rapidly for- - ?cesItaUns;;r-tte.jretara.orMvera- l

used for a mysterious purpose. ward for Mrs. Arthur BurdetteIngallaPieaaureThe Idea was foetered lately br recital which Uk

ihd slmnle tastes of the young couple, day evening &t the 'Hawaiian Opera through became stuck in mid-chann- el

The brtfe-to-b- e extracted House, and society in genera Is show ttnd had to be pulled out In one case,her Detrothed a promise they a very active interest in the event11 very, serious accident was , barelywill spend most of their lives on the The proceeds from the same will go avoided. .: .

1"" vbeautiful banks of the Hudson; where to :the aid off the King's Daughters' i x VK ''j.' i.- - r i' S? "

she was brought ; up and where; Home,; which institution is at present .Miss Ruth Valentine . y and DudleyAstor's 5000-acr- e - Ferncliffe T" estate much in need or funds.' Although Ho- - Valentine, who" have been visitors 'inlies. s She is-no- t unsociable nor at all nolulu ; folk are ever Teady to help . Honolulu for the past six weeks, haveignorant or ' ballrooms, ' theaters . and along so worthy a cause,: Mrs. . IngallS returned to Oakland, Cal. : presentdoings, but she not a whit for is , offering such a splendid ent.-jrtaln-- they, residing Mrs. Joha.J.the formal side Of society ! 1 - v v ment that no urging will be necessary. Valentine. , '

The wledding will be in th'e Besides -- the . several selections The visit to the Islands of Miss Crls-countr- y

church at Staatsburg: , she will give herself which are 6ie Taft Miss Dorothy Taft daugh- -

From the' life Miss Huntington has' being eagerly- anticipated by the Hc ters of Mr. and Mrs., Henry Clay Taftled so far;' It Jsr to be ntpected that toolulu' folk." will be assisted by" or Oakland, has' finally; taken place,the and her husband will spend much: Mr. D.1 P. R. Isenberg. the well-know- n and the young ladies are with us. Thatime in the open. The tall, blonde baritone; by . the Ladies String Quar- - trip was originally , planned for thegirl of 20 was brought up almost en- - tet of which Mrs. Ingalls Is. a winter, but at the moment of sailing,tirely on the big Huntington and Dins- - ber and which is to be a treat it was decldad to postpone It At pres-icor- e

places along the Hudson, which and by Mrs. Elsa Cross Howard, the tnt the Misses Taft are guests at thewere' once: held-b- y her grandfather, brilliant pianiste,' is sure to bs an Moana hotel.; :William B. Dlnsmore, late president of important factor in the success of the --ft "

the Adams Express Company. - affair. Mrs.' Ingalls is being endorsed On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. HenryHer first quarrel with Vincent came and supported by the leaders of both Foster Dutton' and Miss Virginia Jo-a- tthe age jiine he being then 11. the musical and charitable circles, and Ue sailed from San Francisco for

Shf had planted an oak tree when the recital is certain to be a hug9.suc- - Honolulu. While here they will be thethree years old with the aid of her cess. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Macfar--

.grandparents, Mr. and Mrs .Robert P. 4 lane, Mrs. Dutton's brother-in-la-w andHuntington. The tree had grown fori Mrs. Bessie Abbott Howland, who lister. After a short visit the Dut-si- x

years and she proudly .took her as Bessie-Abbot- t Is famed in Eu- - ton will return San Francisco andlittle visitor from up the road out to rope and America her wonderful rrom will go Europe,

.look at It Astor remarked.: with a voice, Is spending a couple of months -;


critical eye it. would take some years in Honolulu visiting her aunt Mrs. E.' General John ; McClellan, TJ. S. A,, for the tree to be big enough to climb B. Derby of Manoa valley. Those who retired, family, recentlyIn. The visit ended abruptly right have been rotunats enough hear spent several months in the islands,there, but the next day Vincent, Mrs. Howland know and appreciate are spending time at the Palacesought and obtained pardon over the the exceptional quality of her rich. Hotel, San Francisoci Before returningtelephone. j powerful voice, and these with her their home In San Diego.

At the time the Island Shin-- many, new friends here. have, baenbuilding Company rip out eagerly urging her to give a concert.' Mr- - Jonn Biggins Is being enter-th- e

fittings of the Noma it was natur-'A- t first Mrs. Howland demurred, say- - tained in Sacramento, Cal.,' as theally surmised thai she was to be the ing that she had intended to rest her house guest of Mr. Mrs. William"honeymoon Then it was under-- voice while b.-sr- but she has last A- - Weightstood that the swift little craft was to' weakened under their repeated en- -

t made a pre-cuptla- l cruise across the treaties and will probably us - Colonel Sam Parker and his son,i Atlantic, through he Mediterranean with a concert within the month. As Ernest arr reported, as registered aiand up the Nile with the young couple Honolulu' people of a lne Stewart Hotel, San Francisco,and their mothers. This would have void this spring, which last year was mbeen following course taken by filled" by the Lores bardi Graad Opera' TYPEWRITERS.the late Colonel John Jacob Astor. on Company, they will undoubtedly wel-- 'his honeymoon trip, which ended with come the announcement of Mrs. How-- ' RinS UD No- - 4060 k "or Mr-- Owens,the sinking of the ill-fat- Titans land's concert the most marled expert typewriter rep?.lrer of allTint vrinrr l.fn. on I A 'wtn K.u , AntttiiQiaam

j these reports, and set the gossips stillfurther speculating. S. F. Chronicle,






Elaborate preparations are makingfor the wedding of Miss Lurline Mat- -

It was by means of mere good for- -. son, the daughter of Captain and MrsKpiuQ two WEEKS' SALE NOW tune that Mrs- - Thomas "Kennedy, a (William H. Matson, and William Roth

.recent bride San francisco. was of Honolulu, which will place on


able to bring her clearest friend 'the evening of May 27th in the Firsther on her voyage to Honolulu on the Presbyterian. Church. and whichlast Matsonia. If the stewards on the promises to be one of the most beau- -

.liner had not decided to strike and If 1 church affairs ever seen in thiswuiiam Matson had not held cuy. miss Matson nas cnosen as her

the boat Miss Alys Summerhayes maids seven charming belles, one ofwould never have gotten to wharf ! whom. Miss Wllhelmina Tenney, willIn time and Kennedy must needs all the way from Honoluluhave come alone. The San Francisco ' for the Miss Metha MeMahonChronicle tells story as follows: I will be the maid of honor and the

The Matsonia was to have left pier .other bridesmaids, besides Miss .Ten -28 at noon, but up to this time Mrs. will be Miss Franc Pierce, Miss

STA X GIVES YOU Kennedy had failed to make final ar-- 1 Jane Hotaling. Miss Grace Gibson,

l i,. -- TODAY'S SEWS TODAY rangements with her old schoolmate Miss Lillian Vorst and Miss Mar

Doe Santawill

on12th and

will theirentertainment In her

Prince whothat



to the links,

under oakof wild who


and William

Dailyof verse

very rehearaal

homeManoa As,

for next week;girls down

are .putting timeon asthe

andto be letter- -





-- wereand


vey, some


has fromthat ing

Atcares are" with

little whichand and


mem- -




both tofor there to

and whoto



began to

andship." at


are conscious











manes oi rypewruers. our work guar-anteed. Wall, Nichols Co.,


will be closedv'

Friday, April 10th.


; V'- ; t-




Thongs tv thuinieriiC, bifc: whpiii : u li J : twa v

horses are rtuiml tin strips ofy Hcmoluln 1ay ny day ; : . v ; ' ; ;

Ami on it. ml ami shiny, (liko a swimmer in I ho

hnnr) squata a tank an awful mnnsttTv "

mt they ,r. .:. y ; :

Yet the chiUImi l not fcap it ami hnsin-me- n

eo near it even ladies; lo hot fleewhjn it wwHn ' ;

For tho it may look ftmrful it doesn't Ions staymsrr full, for


(lawdine. v


-v . : ! ... u..;-

'.:';:'-'"';';i--- fpf

Young Bldg. '."

wukn: ix nkkd of

Honolulu ConstrueQUEEN STREET.

i nree

U if V 71 -- 1:


WatcKfor theBig Red Wagon

new pnoneunder your hat

C3 S. .

. v - ; .' . ,;- - V ; - ; ':; .. . . J ;. . ; ;, y .. ' j ,"

'" r-



v,- - - .;. v. -

r '. ''







See Our Window..






"', n 1 . m rt .

X '.!"' ;' ;

- ,


; Bishop Street


For use in kitchen, nursery, sJck ,

room, camp or outing. For hair-drea-s

Ing, shaving, etc., - laboratory work,hasty luncheon," heating bgbiea' food,theatrical makeup, etc. -

Price i.;..,..A.:.V;;.;.;.,..:.63c .

Refills ' , .' ! 5c

'Phone ;

Fort and King St. .

Page 6: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman



Castle &Ag

;ir nBANKofKM7A1I

"V-- ; Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts.

v - ':: oala , fronx 7 litUe... w- - - - .' t II J

: f v it'H ' true " " A " little, money, ;C i&ved regularly and often, i

that, will be very handy ' in V

' an emergency. ' v

, : Savft a' little, often.



, , Acenta for .f , .

CairaUa Commercial A Sugar-- . Co." ..

- ' :

Iaika Sugar Cpmpany.v



Pala plantationMaul Asrlcultural Company.Ila-sralia- Sugar Company.;,.-Kahu- ku

Plantation CompanyCapital subscribed:.... 48,000,000

Kaiulul; Raliioad CompanyHaual Railway Company . . . r

' Ilonclui Ranch ;

Haiku Fruit & Packing CaKauai Fruit Land Co.

tire rinsiirance.THE.,

B; F, Dlllinrlhcin D:;: ; UMITJECy

General Agent for Hawaii: -' Atlas Aasuriince Company ; of :

. London, New York Unden' writers' Agency! Providence

Washington Insurance C9.4th floor Stangenwald Building.

Agents wanted for the Western StatesLife Insurance ; Co. Coupon Savings


Frt St - -



r' : .' ' :,, Ten,, Capital subscribed . . A 8.000,000 ;

Capital 'paid up. V... --.50.000.000leserve Fund . . w. .18.5 00,000. AWOKI.....; Local Manager



.. Hv Calls fever.lDa!

j. Pv. VVflson,t2S Fort St v

f v Phone S8

Bolhtangenwald Bidtf 1.C2' Merchant " St.

STOCK. AND DUN P1; BROKERSMembers Honolulu Stock 'and Bond

V Exchange';





Cooke, Ltd.ents

Established In 1851.

BISHOP & CO.r i. ,M ;


Commercial and Travelers' Let- ters of Credit Issued on the

(r Bank of California and: (he . London ; Joint "

.V.V' ."; Stocks' Bank,

'l Lt, London

" Correspondents for the- - AmerWcan .express company ana

: Thos. Cook A Son'i:

Interest Allowed on Term andSavings Bank Deposits ' .'i

":''!, ;


TO;i s 1 ur :; LIMITED i'

Issues K. N. ft K Letters ofCredit and Travelers Checksavailable throughout the world. V

r Lowest Rotcs1 31

C. Brewer & Co.,(Limited)': ; ' ;

SUGAR- - FACTORS, COM M I SIi usioN l merchants;; ship; ' PING - AND.."-- ; INSURANCEV : AGENTS FORT ST HONO. -'; LULU, T. H. r ;:'r'

List of (Officers and Directors:E. F. Bishop ' . . ; . . . President

y L- Hi Robertson' .'il i& .:


: v Vice.Prealdent ; and ' Manager7 R. 'Iverr--, Secretary

E. A. R.' Ross .(.".;ViTre'aaurer

"C H. Cooked'. ... ) . ; '


J. R. : Gait;--.'. : . ..V, Directors .

- R. A. Cooke ....)'A. Gartley '.......) ?J :

. D. G. May ........ .. . ...Auditor

FOR POTNew, for4i&he4 cottage:

ecreene;-ga- si electricity i 535.Two nev hou&s ; 2 and S " bedrooms ;

air improvements: $23 and $30.Neat cottage In town; $22.

Represented! during absence by F.Schnack, Attorney t-ia-w,. 5 Brewer

"Building, j Telepbo-n- SCSS."


Taxi SharesSptenlJid feature foK Mature-- Fawali.

Opportanlty of KnfektTme.Become a Shareholder In this

' WHITE LINE TAXICAB CO.now being incorporated.

For Further,. Particulars Apply" tof' ' GEO.:'S. IKEUA'

; 77 Merchant --SL 'r-- f


Honolulu StoeK ExchangeWednesday, April 8.

MERCANTILE Bid AskedAlexander & BaldwinC. Brewer & Co

SUGAREwa Plantation Cq 15

Haiku Sugar Co 90Hawaiian Agricul. Co...H. C. & S. Co 21 22

Hawaiian Sugar Co 21 23

Honokaa Sugar Co. 1 2Honomu Sugar Co. 30Hutchinson Bug. P1L Co . . 4

Kahuku Plantation Co.. 12 13

Kekaba Sugar Co 80Koloa Sugar CoMcBryde Sugar, Co., Ltd. 1 1

Oahu Sugar Co 12 12Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd 1 1

Onomea Sugar Co 15

Paauhau Sug. Pit Co...Pacific Sugar MillPaia Plantation Co 90Pepeekeo Sugar CoPioneer Mil Co 15 16

Waialua Agricul Co r,2 55Wailuku Sugar CoWaimanalo Sugar Co.Waimea Sugar Mill Co...

MISCELLANEOUSHaiku FL&Pkg. Co., Pfd. 22 23Haiku Ft.&Pkg. Co., Com.Hawaiian Electric Co . . .Hawaiian Irr. Co., Ltd... 1 2

Hawaiian Pineapple Co.. 34 35HJlo R. R. Co, PfdHilo R. R. Co., Com . 2 3

H. B. & M, Co., Ud...... 18 19

Hon. Gas Co., Pfd 107Hon. Gas Co., Cook 107H. R. T..A Lv Co 160I. --I. S. "N. Co..Mutual Telephone Co. . 14 15s30C R. & L. Co. .... 123Pabang Rubber Co. .... .Tanjong Olck Rubber Co 20i- - BONDS.Hamakna Ditch Co. 6s..H. C & 8. Co. 5s.......Hawaiian Irr. Co. 6sHaw.: Ter. 4b; Ref. 19C5 . . r

Haw, Ten' Ba, Pub. Imp..Haw. Ter. Pub. Imp. 4s . .Haw. Ter. 4s... . . .Hawv Ter. 4s. . ..... ...Haw. Ter. 3s.. ........H.R.R.CO. 1901 6s 85H.R.R.C0. R.&F.Con. 69 75Honokaa' Sug." Co, 6s ... . . . . . 70Hon. Gas. Co Ltd. 5s.. J 98 100H. R. T. & L. Co. 6s. . . . . .... . v.Kauai Ry Caes.;; .v.... 100Kohala Ditch Co. 6s..... ....McBryde Sugar Co. 5s... .... 95Mutual TeL 6s.7 ,V;, , . . 101


Natomas Con. 6a........ ... . ...0;R.A'L. Co 5s ....... 101Oahu Sugar Co; 5si .. ....Olaa Sugar Ca 6a....... 48 ....Pac- - Guano&Fert' Co.i 6s 101 ....Pacific, Sugar Mill Co., 6s : . ....Pacific Sugar: Mill Co.- - 6s .... 90PioneeriMlllfCp, 5s.;iiSan: Carloa Milling Co; cs. 100 ......Waialua Agricvl.Ca ; 95 v . ...

Between Boarda-lOl- 5A 5 lwa

Session Sales 15 H. C. & S. Co. 22;100 Olaa 1; 10 Pioneer 16.

Latest sugar quotation 2.92 cents or

ar z.yzctsBeets 9s 2 l-4-d

Henry Vaierhouse Trust

Members': Honolulu .8tock and : Bondi j - txenange

FORT AND M ERCHANT 8TREET8Telephone .1203 - ,v--' t-

For Sale$160 Lots on 11th Ave., Kalmukl, 50x

100. Easy terms. ' i ":':$ 400 and up Lots near Emma and

SchooL .--


? 300.00 Lot in Walkoae ;TracL Gu--

?Uek Ave., 50x100.12500 Large dr. House at Kalla,

I nr. Waikikl'Beach, 17,000 sq ft Gar-age, etc Bargain.

3000 11,389 sq.-fL-, cor. Luso and

Pali Stsw 2 small cottages.$1400 3 bedr. house and lot 0x100,r - Gulick.. Ave., nr. Kins.$1000 Lot 75x150 at Puunnl, nr. U- -

; 'liha car. "

P. E. B. STBAUCHjWalty Bldg. 74 8. Ktn St

!J. F. Morgan Co., Ltd.STOCK. BROKERS

Information Ffcfnisried and Loan'sM4de:


. Merely Logical."Boss," complained the famous twiri- -

rr, "I'm all run down!""I don't wonder," sharply answered

the manager of the team. "You'veeen trying to save your arm by pitch

ing without winding up."

Icelandic settlers have played nosmall 'part in the progress and prosperity of the Province of Manitoba.Canada. The Icelander has set thepace.forthe incoming race. In Win-

nipeg there are Icelanders worth from$100,000 to $500,000. Outside the cityt is not unusual to find Icelanders

with farms of 1000 acres, all of whichthey have earned in that country, forfew of them possessed $100 when theyarrived.

Father (left in charge) No, you cannot have any more cake. (S'ery seri-ously.) Do you know what I shallhave to do if you go on making thatdreadful noiset Little Girl (sobbing)

Yes. Father Well, what is it? Lit-

tle Girl" Give rne some more cake.And she was quite Hght.


Get manicured while being slavedat the Union barber shop. Cunba'aalley. advertisement.

New Victor records came oa theLurline. Tango tunc 5. new songs andinstrumental piece- - Bergstrom Mu-

sic Co.. Ltd.Charles Reynolds Is back at the

Young Hotel Auto Stand with his new1915 Packard No. 500. Phone 2311.

advertisement.Wanted Two more passengers for

round-the-islan- d trip in 1914 Pierce-Arro- w

or Locomobile. Lewis Stables,phone 2141. advertisement.

Henry May & Ca, Ltd., will closetheir store at 12 noon on Good Friday.There will be one delivery in themorning. Phone your orders quiteearly using 1271. advertisement.

Arrange with Mrs. E. M. Taylor,leading florist, for that Easter bou-quet. Then you will be sure to getthe freshest flowers, the best, varie-ties, and they will be delivered quick-ly by auto. Hotel street, opposite theYoung Cafe.

A. B. Arleigh & Co., the agents inHawaii for the Saturday EveningPost, wish to announce that they donot employ any solicitors or canvas-sers for this publication. Place yourorders and subscriptions direct withthe agents, A. B. Afleigh & Co., oryour news-deale- r. advertisement

Fix up your bathroom. Overhaul its,contents, and add those specialtiesand fixtures that are necessary.These fixtures mirrors, soap andsponge Holders, cabinets, glassshelves, etc., etc., etc. should bebought at Lewers & Cooke, Ltd.,where there is an immense assortment to choose from. King street

Who enjoys having a headache? Nocne, of course, and yet there are people who continue to suffer, when ifthey would but take "Shac" they mighthave quick and sure relief. Even themost delicate stomach can retain"Shac and, being tasteless, it Is easyto take. Insist on "Shac." adver-tisement r




Tickets for "Down In . Dixie," theCivil war drama to b& given at the na-tional guard: armory on the eveningsof April 15 and 18 by the: membersof Company D. may "be exchanged atthe rooms of the Promotion. Committee,- - Bishop street : for reserved seatchecks. Ticket Manager. Merlon G.Emmans will be at. the , PromotionCommittee each-da- from 10 o'clockuntil 5; o'clock and reservations maybe ;made with him either by callingin oerson. orby telephoning 2223. t

Thus ; far . the ticket ) sale has beenheavy and , reserved,, seats doubtlesswill be aU : premium after Saturday.There are'a large number of excellentseats to choose from, 'but' holders oftickets should make their reservationsat once. ' Arrangements fwenV:: com-pleted last night for several more musical "and"; vaudeville stunts to whileaway the time between the four acta.The entire performance will covermre than 4wo hoSra of keen entetamment ,;:i :3V .'' - rdrug house:jnjoined V


.'' -- ;' '

,' ' 'T

Judge Jeremiahif Neterer, of ' theUnited , States 'district court todaygranted a . permanent injunction ' r Inbehalf ' oithe Centaur Company ofNew' York, the.' manufacturers ofFletcher's; Castoria against the Stew-art '& Ilolmfs Drug Company of this

The .controversy arose from thesimulating of the labels of this well-know- n

preparation, and- - from the evi-dence filed : in the case it was Rhnwnthat the Infringing-labe-l was first discovered on sale in Honolulu, and wastraced to its origin here in Seattle., The defendant, company js one ofthe oldeet and largest concerns of itskind in the Northwest ,, The decree carries with it an orderthat the Stewart & Holmes Companyrecall the goods which are on themarket under the infringing label,and to pay all' costs in the suit anddamages assessed at $400. Seattle,W .. Tims. .


Experienced harness maker would likeposition with some good company atplantation where a man can workall the year around; 17 years in thatrade; sober arid honest worker.

, knows where to buy goods at thelowest wholesale prices. Address D.PuchalskI, Gridley, Cak

. : 5824


Two cool. rrosiuUo-prco- f rooirs forgentlemen, 254 King St.

5824-- 1 m




P. O. Box 44f : : : Telephone 203

Suggestions given for simplifyingor systematizing . office work. A)'

business confidential.

Conducts all etaate of Audits anoInvestigations, and furnishes Reportsen all kinds of financial work.


BVOOVEIORv e i . i v

Thirty-si- x special homestead agreesments. which include 86 homesteadand residence lota at Manowaiopae,near Laupahoeboe, North Hilo. Ha

wait, were signed oy tne governoryesterday. Th residence lots borderthe government' road and the privllege was given takers of the homestead tracts, which ara higher up, oftaking one or two residence lots atthe same time.

Following Is a list or tne agree-ments signed, by nambers, the firstfollowing the name of each home-steader being the number of 'the residence and the second Or second andthird being those of his homesteadlots: . ,

Aiona Aka, 2 and 63 ; Alfred Awong,17 and 91; Abel Ah Yoca, 33 and 80;Edward J. Barringer, 16, 96 and 97;Jose do Rego Coelho, 5 and 56; Man-ue- l

da Costa, 35 and 83; John Carval-ho- ,

43: Jose L. Feliciano, 13 and 56;Ramon Feliciana, 25. 54 and 55 ; MariaFernandes. 21, 70-- and 71; James ; DFraser, 15, 88 and89; Manuel Freitaa,Z and 62; Frank Gonsalves, 20, 94, and96; Manuel, Gonsalves,. Jr, 31, 112 and114; David Kamai, 36; Tatsuo Komine,34, 98 and 99; Ismal Knnishige, 10, 61and 52; Marianno Lopes, Jr., 11,. 101and 102; Abe Maluo, 37 and 86Jeremiah vMaluo, 4 and 90; FrankMedeiros, 4, 5T and 58; Seichi MukaL32, 59 and 60; - Antonio Nobriga, 47, 64and 65; Carlos Nobriga, 18 and . 87;Mary N. Cabral. 19 and 72; Tristan E.M. Osorio, 44, 92 and 93; Torao Otake,38 and 118; Anna E, Pung, 14, 68 and69 ; George Spencar, 46, 83 and 84 ;Shunsaku Sunakoda, 9, 116 and 117;Edmund Todd. 1 and 61; 'David KaheaAkau, 8 and 73; James Thomson, 12and 115; Caroline Swain, 50r and Josede Mello'Paulos,''S and 67.- -



States in and for the District 'andTerritory of Hawaii. In the matter ofShuhei Nakahara, doing business aaThe Banzai Shoe Store, a bankruptIn Bankruptcy No. 258. ' Bankrupt'sPetition for Uischarge. r To the Honor-able Charles F. Clemons, Judge of.theDistrict Court ot the United States Inand for; the District and Territory; ofHawaii ; Shuhei ' Nakahara ; of Hono-lulu, in-th- City and County of Hono-

lulu and Territory df HawaiL';;in saiddistrict" respectfully v represents thaton the 17th day of May last past, hewaa duly adjudged ; bankrupt - underthe acts of . Congress relating to bankruptcy; ? that be . has duly , surrenaoreaall his . property . and rights of prop-erty, and ' has fully complied with allthe requirements of said acts and . of

te orders of the court; touching, hisbankruptcy.'; Wherefore :he prays thathe may be decreed 'by the.: court tohave full . discharge from all debtsprovable against his estate under saidbankrupt acts, except' suck, debts: aare excepted, by law from such dis-

charge: ; (Sgd.) SHUHEI NAKAHARA.Bankrupt Dated this 3rd day of April,A- - D. 1914.: Territory of Hawaii, Cityand ; County of : Honolulu, ss. I, Shuhei Nakahara; the. petitioner, mention-ed and described in the foregoing. potion

do Thereby make solemn s oaththat the statements-o- f fact thereincontained are true according to thebest of my knowledge, information andbelief.,; (Sgd.)SHUHEI NAKAHARA.Subscribed and sworn to before methis 3rd: dayj of April, A .D: 1914.(Seal) (Sgd.) CATHERlNEyM,CLARK,-- Notary Public, ' 1st JudicialCircuit Territory of. Hawaii. t . v ;

IN THE DISTRICT "COURT OFthe United States In and for the Dis-

trict and Territory of Hawaii. In thematter of Shuhei Nakahara, doing bus-iness as the Banzai Shoe Store; bank-rupt In Bankruptcy No. 258. ' Districtand Territory of 'Hawaii, ss. 'On this4th day of April, "A: D. 1914, on ready-

ing the foregoing petition, it , is Or-

dered by ihe Court that a hearing behad upon the same on the 23th day ofApril. A. D. 1914, before said Court,at Honolulu, In said ; district, at 10o'clock in the forenoon; and that no-

tice thereof be published in the Star-Bulleti- n,

a newspaper printed in saiddistrict and that all known creditors

Land other persons in interest may appear at the said time and place andshow cause, if any they have, why thoprayer of the said petitioner shouldnot be granted. And it 13 further or-

dered by the Court that the clerkshall send by mail to all known credi-tors copies of said petition and thisorder, addressed to them at theirplaces of residence as stated. Wit-ness the Honorable Charles F. Clem-ens, judge of the said court, and theseal thereof, at Honolulu, in said dis-trict, on the 4th day cf April. A. D.1914. (Seal) A. E. MURPHY. Clerk. By(Sgd.) F. L. DAVIS. Deputy Clerk. A


true copy. Attest: A. E. MURPHY.Clerk. By F. L. ITAVIS, Deputy Clerk.

5824-l- t.


Pursuant to an agreerrent of salemade by Kou Kin and E. L. Conkling.tated lv:arch 30. 1914, the underpinnedagreed to purchase all the leaseholdof th. said Kou Kin and E. L. Conk-lin- g

in and to all th taro land situ-ated in Manca Valley, Honolulu, be-

longing to the said Kou Kin and E. L.Conkling on or before the 29th day ofApril. 1914. Notice :s hereby giventhat the undersigned will not be re-

sponsible for any deb's of tile saidKou Kin and E. L. Conkling. Cr;h-tor- s

take notice.Y. M. WEE.

Honolulu. April S, 1S14.5S24 2t.

SAL VET,Y; fforir i '


Clob StablesLimited

Tel. 1100.

Headquarters-fo- r

Camp Furniture

Coyne Furniture Ca.Alexander Young Bids.

1C53 to' 1059 Bishop St

Have you bought' herthat Easter Hat?

Miss Power' Leading Milliner,

Boston. Block

I Dont Miss This Chance.CROWN BICYCLES ONLY $39


Itt Bout Kin St

y- - MONUMENTS? and all kinds t of ' cartla wort1 cleaned and repaired by expertvorkmen at reasonable prices '

: COT for. Zlsaaeraan at '

r:-- - S4.CJ AXTELL'3 "

V Tf i- -i Alakea Etreef' J .

'.t l"

? HOTEL1 corner iBnTirnii -(


Glass Linen and Pongee Waistr:y'f''k : Patterns , : -l:J, XEZ, CHAN & CO.''-- ,

Cor., King and Bethel Stt,: ;

; -- ' . An Unexcelled Line of 5 v

Smokes' Requisites ;

FITZPATRICK BROS, LTD.'' ; V925 Fort Street' :.


? )At" Woc'd-Workt- n j : Operationepossible;-wJthXw:;?","--


yXfr .Write to f i?

Honolulu Iron Wcrka XJcC

IMIuCKfeld & Co.i;';---:- . LiniL :

? tugar. Factors, Importare aTt: : '

.. . Commission Merchants. , .

: v HONOLU LU. l.


Co.,Hotel and Bethel 8 treeta




601 Fort St Phone 2171


SHOES"'r '' Just ArrivedNEW YORK SHOE CO,

Nuuanu. SW nr. Hotel




Bergstrom Tviusic Co.,Ltd.


Arrange withMRS. E. M. TAYLOR, Florist

Hotel St., opp. Young Cafe.


Ideal Clothing Co., Ltd.Pantheon Bldg.




" i ': prepared solely by f -

Honolulu Dairymen'sAssociation'


' Phone ,1542,: I:

- THE 1914 . i


s .





Choose while the assortment'satlU'bett .".

;,Dm72ilnnn2v;s Co.,'

V: :"'' 'j Limited. ;

l ttn.'tte? Ycung" Sultilns.-- - ' '' ,


;fe;riKnUn:r:!::;lfrfT-- Pi'--T r .."I r


i. d



. ;.G:o. C. C:c::h;v

f.l NVEfiTORY 8 A L E .

. necord-Breakl- nj Prices 5

Yat toy Co.S' 1?--1 Kins? St, Near Nuuami St

iuoiui3 xunana Bt v v

: Successor' to 'fyt v



Jams, Jellies; . Preserves, Pineapple, ;.1- .... 1 .1. IT .' .' f..

: ' --,


Grocers. r Fort Street


" UU fii rAri T 9 L I u. ..:- Consulting, Designing and Cob- - '

fW etrnctlBg Fnglneers. . vronoges, iiuAiaiags, oucreio cirac--

curesr Steel Structures, Sanitary. Sys-- .

terns. Reports and Estimates on Pro--')eeta Phone 1045. , '

The Gigantic.Slaughter Saleli Still on at 152 Ho'tel Sn-ow-t

M. R. BEN N 5

No Iron-ru- st

on work done at the

FRENCH L A U NO R YPhone' 1491.





Page 7: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman

AOUR: Speci&l 301T0V7

Vrvv I iitii i') iiri i itiiviito r Of

0' .


MlBuy at these prices

A 'great chance to buy tableand dresser scarfs at a tremend-

ous reductions, also beautifulscarfs for women.'


Reduced from 10c, 12c an 13c yd. to 5c yd. Other reg-

ular 20r and '25c Values ' K&Vprtcci at lSc yd.- -

Flouncings, 42 In. wide, Reg. $U0 and $1.23 yd NOW 90c

yd. 1 , ,..:..''; ..""'.. '; : .' ' '" 'v :' " ' '' ,; v.. v ': :' -

; i.. r r j. : ., 3 :v:;'.v

Flouncings, 22 in. Vide, Keg. 75c and ?1.00 ytfNOW" Co ;

yl ..- ... :.

Wt are showing an exceptionally fine aetortment of table and dresser

lea rfa also beau$iful acarf .fo r vvernen. All at greatly redMCed pricea


v.- -



We the so thatget the full value of

1 '

give exact care 'and,

You get all thattlon, experience .training

.and the,jrnost and" complete

prescription stock


','.'U : :0,i.S-- ' H



in pric LaiSome lines .will soon be rieaneJou$.stock. You? may miss the very article


r- i- ."? v

his services. We v

expert attention.

pride of rtputa"- -

jJT . I


abd Hotel4 f

fill prescriptions you


backed; by

.jnodernv'-:- , j . ; -

- can possibly. afford.






find" Velvetever bffer--

prices.Don't. delay; looking over the

you require.;

Corner King and ATakea Sts


Kmt,- - FIREWOOD A5H.COAL. --.

tt crcrrN street , .j . . , o. box nt


Bishop Trust Co, Ltd.



Tbe Modern Order of Phoenix Is thename which, has been adoited by. theHonolulu lodge ot Moose that waaThe. formal adoption of the new name

t' took .place, at a. apecial meeting heldlast evening in the lodge rooms ofthe organization. A great deal of en--

thasiasm ha been aroused, and themember feel certain that in their neworder they haYa the nucleus of a greatnational orgaci?ation. .

I With the adoption. oC the organiza-tion, committees were . appointed' --. tohave . emblems designed and stationeryprinted r'TheA committee: which, wasappointed. last week to. draft consti-tution, land bytiwa, announced - lastnightjthat.lt wilt make Ua-repo-

rt atthe regular .meeting ontFriday-eve- n

lngv It; i anticipated. that thesflr regurlation, .wiU be adopted - at ,tbat , time.and ihati-t- entire membership f willbubscrihe-- : them as charter membersof the oxigijml lodge of the new order,and: will take the oath which has beeprescribed.

- The committee whioh is working onthe constitution consists of the1 follow-ing gentlemen: J. J. Sullivan, J. C.Cohen, G. S. Leithead. Chas. Hustace,Jr Julius W. A8Ch, Harry Whitcomb,A. T. Henderson.Brown to Coast

. C. H. Brown,-distri- ct deputy of thegrand dictator of the Loyal Order ofMoose of America, for,Hawaii, depart-ed this.mornlnjr by the.Matsohia forSan Francisco, where it Is understoodthat he will make a report in personto the grand lodge officers regardingthe troubles which led to the disrup-tion of, the local Moose lodge. ; ?

we. bellsve it entirely possible tomake the Modern Order of Phoenix j

















productionswill be Ad


ly the M.


full of

itnhard up

one theexciting genuine

gh uM chOccasionsImpression

relaUonship.ot pf such be y.

and 17.It. ali.cUasea, lIm,ted aUttor- - tb


strong siaxea jjjogjtion DUtenthusiastic- - of the pro--. the until; finally,

Ject, this morning.. "The biggest announces that long societydem in United today start-.refuse- s. be satisfied with.the debted good deal promise. for a crime she did not

w shall be to, draw to commit, and. refuses as,20 or, 30- - In different anTthlne but a thief: thief she will

of the? mainland; are alr she do her thieving "With.-- ;disgusted the in . will. In her own

which thft Moose has been hand- - original way, . of -- therather.. mishandled by ' millionaire

'group ha gotten control of the lawnational organization: In anyjtectlon. Matching her wlta. and

event we are of 14 or 15 branch against the brutality of police,. right in- - the-- ; she develops Into woman of inge-rfa-ct

that the.'.Phoenix limit; its nulty. and who preysmembership r only by . ..standards of clety at will and punishment

. manhood personal notlhv employment of the intricacies ofby race, ; creed, certain vtotbe law to he? questionablemaXe exceedingly strong Hawaii, , She also - avenges .herself

;tdo peneuctary , leamresjsicK, i

the old Moose . lodge, also makethe newiodge popular." t -- J "

Won't I Become;, Deer,' 'i--v.-- - , ;' V

C Phoenix disclaimor"unlUng: .the benevolent Orderof Deerr the new national order which

to here upon thaof an organizer rrom the Coast In

a few weeks. Most of the: membersoppose Idea, it lis certainthat others have been quiety

to bring this ,!


Roberto Ewa, pino. . .25Moreto, Ewa, Filipino,, ...21n Honolulu,

Ameriah .. . .53Mary Alice Vaipey, Honolulu, Amer: .u .31Kim Kyung Eok. Honolulu, Korean. 35Kim AkI,:iTS. I. Sta., Korean .18 ;

Kim Suk Won, Honolulu, Korean. .35Hy Honolulu, Kpr. . . 25 j

Eikichi Arakt, Olaa, Japanese. 47 .

Suma Jmamura, U. S. I. Sta.,' Japa- - (

i nese .....26Gisuke Yuuki, Paauhau. Japanese. .26Shin U. S. I. Sta., Japa-

nese 21Mat8ujiro Seto, Napoopoo, Japanese. 49 .

Yuku Fujimoto, U. S. I. Sta Japa- - )

nese 23Kiahei Okuda, Pah la. . . .34

Nakamura. U. S. I. Sta.,' Japa- - I

nese . . .27 jShlchizo Miyasakl, Pahala, Japa-- I

nese 30 '

Suye Nishimura, U. S. I. Sta.,nese , zu

Kamekichi Ichikawa, Japa--

- neseMika Fujimoto, U. S. I. Sta., Japa-

nese 33Takuzo Ogusuku, Waipahu, Japa- -

nese 2oGoji U. S. 1. Sta., Japa-

nese 22


Time Tape's Dia makesyoar upset, bloated stomach feel

fine Ib fire mintites

"Really does" put bad stomachs inordei' "really does" overcome indi-gestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn andtourness in five minutes that justthat makes Pape's Dia pepsin thelargest selling stomach regulator inthe world. If what you eat ferments

stubborn you gasnd eructate sour, undigested food andcid; head is dizzy and aches; breath

foul; tongue your insides fill-ed with bile indigestible waste,

the moment "Pape's Diapep-sln- "comes in the stora-a'ic- h

all such distress vanishes. It'stfuly astonishing almost marvel-Mi- S,

and the joy is itsA large fifty-cen- t cate of

Mill give you a hundred dollarsworth of - satisfaction or your druggisthands you your money back.

It's weight in gold to menand women who get their stom-rkh- s

regulated. It belongs in yourhpme should always be kept bandy

; i$ case of a sick, sour, upset stomachdV.rins the day or nijrht. It's flic

- (ttiicke? t, Ktin':t most hariuU'ssfctomacli doctor in the world.

$ l i

'A season of high-clas- s


Will soon begin at the Bijou thetter banquet handled, a la ClubIs now an assured fact. R. Far-wit- h

Oeorsi vsbb. iiwwwias ,K. vPlayers tn the very Jatest anawst h(geu toastmaster yes--

e?ttriri SniSS terday Y. C. A. committee

vvlS;8 bHTb.l:t"eI.Mrr!f.

The W. who attend this year willned ftS t

hmaa and W their dadsdon. and Positively the first Ume re- -

waQt hmvenlrflXrffJ oi,y evenUl8 their 8008 aad?f

will presentP SSqCf ' u ti. wbrklne to get a, program

Webb a corker," as offax ;this - ,djja of fathera expressed t a. father andthe Law,buman .J M b

credited having made awhich is on eSLTih like this Fathermore lasting thaa any and gon banquet d mucfl to bringstageoffenng jf recent .years, is one about thia Jdeaithise pUya tremen- -

Tne banouet wllt held atdcns.power ua versar. M c Fridar nighVAprU . It isinterest aUke the. rich fcct to members and the

and,' Wghand the low, older boy8. who w,sh to attend , withrnd-a- e the criUewrote, 'hasn audi- - thelr fathers, shquld hand their names

there ,J8u a hamn to CharlesP0! F..Looms, boys' wprk sec-hear- t.Mary Turner, heroine, por- - retary at , -

'trayed by Miss Oakley. Is an attrac-- ,"

tive young woman, who, early in her ."-.-..- .

a nauonai organization, in each instance she Isan promoter --hounded" by police,

or-- Une eo asthe States to

with a less - Ifche has paidbelieve , able to accept herus Moose lodges a

J parts, which .be-.b- ut willready .with ; manner iB the Law." She

. order, play the gameled or . i the lawbreakers who literally

that, Into break under the law's pro- -cour--'

sure ase thelodes here: islands. The . a

will daring upon so--'.defies

and .worthy andolor, or is safeguard

It i j ventures.

willi :; '''

t i.


Is launched arri-val

the although


Mahigas, .



jun Kyon Woon,

a Jaianese.





into lumps belch


contact with

Pape's Dia-pepsi- u



dra- -

rareappeal that



uicci a a iui . nuiKuie fell jo uur-- 1

1 J lV.(. J - M II.. I

if iiccuseu oa men ui govus iruui uic aMarge , dry goods emporium In w hich

sfce is employed. She vehemently deClares her innocence, but the greed-obfesse- d

hypocrite who employs her,and the judge before whom she istried, insist that she should be madeto stand as an example for. all other

iShop girls similarly tempted. She,therefore, is sentenced to serve threeyears in. prisoni When released, sheseeks honorable employment ; Duringher Incarceration she has . made - useof the prisotr library and has becomeeducated. She seeks and Jmds many

upon tne canung hypocrite who sent

almost breaking heij heart, .through hisson and heir, whom ahe lures inta marriage. , ,The. personnel of the company I

seen here, including Florence Oakley, .

Inez Ragen, Olga Qrey, Marie Baker, iMaxle-Mitchell- , .George Webb, Guy j

HJttne'cFrank Bonner, Geofge BerriU, '

RayPryor. Jach Belgrave; and others.

i AFTER X1EACI&DVHioopina-CouG-h

crCpcrlcf(Feverfr o critical priodwakiafdthroat, dtUeatm bronchial tubes mndutiBound long often follow; omtime impaired tight of hearing.

But if SCOTTS EMULSION istaken promptly and regularly after,the fever subsides it quickly re-stores pore blood and strengthensthe longs. Its nourishing force re-stores appetite,strength and energy; I SCOTTS EMULSION contains

just the elements naturerequires to restore soundhealth: it: is totally freefrom alcohol or harmful'drugs. Children reluh it



That this year's Father and Son


CLARK In San: Francisco. March- - 23,1914, Alexandrlna Leibulu KapenaClark, wife of Henry Jtf. Clark of Ho-nolulu, aged 47 years, 7 months and j

19 days. . Friends . and Daughtersof Hawaiian Warriors are in tedto ttend the funeral services whichwilj take place at St Andrew Ca;thedral at 3:3ff o clock this after-- .doon. Mr.-- ,'

. ICWhy should a . woman , who , can

siteak but one language talk, enough 'for two? y ': - - ..- .-

' '

T:--"wi- -.

In onr yem will w

'. v (Hik

IJatlitnb'Mate of Itubbcr: 3Iediciii Cabinets,

' , :." Vv.:

Lumter and Building

Big Seven-Passeng- er

AALAPhone 2137

0Imported Edam Cheeses 65c e&ch

Guaranteed Fresh

C.Q. YeeButchers

King Street


; Seat Equipment la the city for

TeL ;tt.v-;-:::r;:,;;,t.-'- ' :

Opposite LtwerrA Cookt



', : ;

V: ; :

- ... ..j -


this Line ef Work.

-r-.r-v74 C Klna CL



.ft i i

177t Hr- - w.


'iz : ;n:"'- --

iiiaiiy & in your lipme

WJiite-Enam- vl I?atIituUSponge-lioldcr- s

with Olirror




Eiopl' Co.and Grocers

Phone 3451


Tunibler-Uolder- s

SoKinjr Street


Necessary tmm


atTouring &rs rlfew, Speedy' and Comfortable


AUTO STAi, vThe Bst Service in Town Beretania Street

Page 8: IE POLITICAL Large is Planned LOSES For Manoa …...fi far nVDvfty, n n'o Rns1rvJUA.RJ Mill x anil. w m rreate'l last night by board of Uumrrlsnrs. when Fnpenrfaor Lester Pctri chairman



r ... tv. 1




y-- f

! V ! 'rlk W w- w p

. I )) r FV: J 1,


V r Wiv V



twp ttrteniin rtiiABTfr ' J

In Singig and Dancing Specia'tie

CEORGC S PAULDING AND COMPANYs. In a areat : i ketch , r.'

- Tin p


Tfie lafeest evf i 1 : i

TWO 8H0W8 NICHTLY.'ilS anjj;8:4S Prce-40c- i 2Cc, 30c' Re..

; The Only, Sanitary Picture Mouse in the City.

evening (Two shows) ;;;,;;,::;;;;;':;;;'if; "Paths Weekry" Every Priday (Current Events.)


And,Sturthe Good Pictures Come.

Drama iVltaaraDhV 'I 1 1 i"! 1 iTha diniv Wav

Comedy (Edison) ;;' . . . . . ,, . ,k. . ..iJli. I'

"1 . iThe : New Pupils

; :, -,. , . .,.'. , v. , kj,r t,"! b?5Jy j .. ji, ). f f .' i ne v c er Return RoadI Western (Lubin) iJ,'. ', '; .V;'. I.'rKlv. i'iHTne Rusiie Hlijci.

Coming Thursday (Vitagraph Two-Re- el Feature) Lv

' V A REGIMENT OF TWO ' :: :. - : tEvery Courtesy Is Shown Ail Patrons and Pictures Are Personally

jv '..

' Selected by tbe Management ' ' ;. : v

:( ;t B t I NIN I N G ; F R I D A Y, A p I L t Oth. ' :. V :

A crest Mexican. War pictureSOOO feet of Hln-'-- t 'i'.Vl :T--:

Prices, -- (1Cc, 20c, 30c' .".



1 I



The last reek 8f 6uf

'T 7P Tin TT

v JULcro q ono scat buy

Men's Shifts : '

Regular 50c and 7oc values


C LLC i lLl i!i'y p'C G d37 Hotel St. P.

Phone 1151 -


'.'.v 1

wi upp. bijou Theater,

iioies in a vault tt at is protected against anil 'burg--

tdiB wrau tuva.i mom iniuv ttfcaiu&t wuriy

Box 401


1 HAWAnAN TRUST CO:, LTD.923 Fort Street ",


I jmMvhMieEverPh6rie 3451 ; :

4 tjC.. YEllaOI&rCOr.lPANY'" w

! I

. I ' i






, ,

.. .

" ' ""i



nOK6LDL0 , 10.14



i ,At Mra. Ingalls4 recital for the tenc-- ,Ct .oC Tlie King's DaugJitcrs home on ,Tuesday evening April '14. Paul Isen-- 'j

ber . will b . the asglstiiiR. soloist' ,

Mr. IsenberB wili;slrif Das Grab aafdef Kelde (Tbe Grav on the Heath-er) by WJ Hclscr, a Germaa song thatCirca ilrv Ieenberg'g splendid drama-tic tenor 'oice an opportunity to beheard at, it's best. . . t ,. . , I

i In the; second part -- f the program; SlrIsenherg .wmglTe a group of ;

ell known t. EhglUh; songs; --.though'when he reads into . thetn " his own .


sympalheMc Interpretations ,,; theyeecm new. .ThU lovely group Is com-posed.- of

Arihur F. , Tate's .,3omo-- V

where a Voice Is Calling.' MAl Dawn-lug,- ",

by Cha&: W. Cadman' and Tours,;rMother.oMine.,,-r- ; ; .


i Xteserred seats for, the concert, winbe en sate froi. Saturday ' Aprilthe Promotion rooms.'J" . . .


SUMMER:SCHt)0L Afjnone

system Inif.:y v..-- ... wonaerruL senesTOT lone piciurei nai yeracuy wnicn no oiner musi-- ,

inis; is ,wee ior. im; ? cian, ccjuia evernave Bixaineajnis, unnvaiecr power ot conserving me anasummer firm VM-C- ; A,; night in, terms' of music Is triumphantly, showrt frt suth figures as Par-scho- ol;

which 'opens Monday April 13.) slfalKuhdfy andAmreftas; and l revealed by Mrs. Howard with g-h-

Classes, in boo Itkee ping,'- - typewriting . apprcijatlon, and exquisite touch wholly Jri harmony ..with the spirit ef theand other. .comm.'ircial subjects ; will drama., Above, Is reproduced. Gurnemani; with the Shield-bearer- s.

bave an unusually large - enrollment, "i". Cait of characters and, program will be given tomorrow. -

according , to .the Indications ; at- - tbN jtime.Iast,.yearvwas-the-firs- t thatfeummef. work was carried oft at llie

to any extenf and that term ;

proved to. bn vcry popular.', :vr ., ., j j

There will be kri addition to the num-- ,I her, Of subjects , ouered th's , year, andj geyerat lnstructors ha ve hern, added to jthe f faculty to ,teach these classes,nookkeepingf lipewriting; ; ' busines,iEnglish, r.advsuiced. English," ;cdmmei-iia- l

;i arithmetic1 .:vand . employed boysplastes are among those which .will becarried on. . Jay A:, Uricp educationalFecretaty. : Is;. planning, to conduct aweekly , student , assembly

. In conhec--

j Ubn with the program bf.classes.




sir Xa


-- :!


ASdUllAlcU kllAIl tSr

ftetrericHmefit t

severalI Associated,

PATUBHSfili l tcants hbticeaoje during V the; ; past


JJe temporarily fgETohighl at Ko'clocfe ai ludie Sffii! ffi

cr P ,musc. Js W elthat.the

f5.cml .r I ttpnt-- i lip itaWfri Mnrt

known all .lhe English-speakin- S:

..M-vri,t;- u J a,v.' rw famine now, from

thedra Viirbe augmented arid.in;bp 4Jf.f CJ 5 Al?rportunity, 'will be given .htahis TSVK'A&??h5tional service for hearink the hew 'brM Vmm3.gan, . ., j v.; , ,'

, An offering will be taken for theat.the clospf, the sen-Ice-;



say Vofnclof;

TflMhhft iSOilR Sink?, Suh.to.see feigns of. It" Bald Managerj Sjpencer BOWen. ;lh his annual , re:

ri the supervisors; aud.Couii-1- 1iSi? 1 Physician Wsch prophesied;; Ish, ratjncrfeeWillnen jyears

cnildk if 4ngU9 s coated: Uhis fs Jf his prophecy is going,

is a sure sign jm umc.wmawi, r.;. l ;ki aiwcr--

ire rlo'srtred- - feour i uiS'Wj" mean aaauionai.. e- -

waBte. ..,. ' .; "' "r

VTien,. listless, paie; feverish, full ofcold,. breath,, bad, throat sore, uoe6hteat,; sleep act . naturally; : stom-ach-ach- e,

Iffdigestion. .'diarrhoea; giveft) teaspoonfuVof, California .Syrup ,oflgsr" and la a few hours alt he foul

waste, ;the sour,,,, bile ahd. fermentingfood passes, out of .the how'ejs, and younave : a. well. and. playful child again.Children love this TruIt.laxV

Jayve, ind ;mothcr;can;rQst:'ea8yaf--- 'i ter; giving; ; tt,;. because ,tt never,. fails; to, make, their tittle "Insides" cleanana swfes.: .... K ,. , , .i

Keep jt handy, Mothnr! A nttlc giv-e- n.

tocUy sayes a Bck'chrid.i'dmorrpW,but ge.t the: genuine., V, Ask your drug'gist for a ,50-ce- nt hottle of. "California

. Syrup of Flg which has directionsfor. babies, children of ,'all ages arid for.grown-up- s plainly , on the hottle.: ; Bemember, there are counterfeits sold

surely look, and ."see thatyours Is made by the "California. FigSyrup Company." p Iland back , with '

fix)ntempi any otaer ogjjyrup. aaver



. In. response, to. a request from thecouncil ...of the Inter-Churc- h, Federa-tion, the. members of the religiouswork committee of the Ypurig Wo- - J

paen's Christian Association have ar-ranged for a special Holy Week serv-Ic- e

Thursday, afternoon to which allwomen of the city are invited Theservices. will be held In. the rooms ofthe association, Boston building, from12:15 unUI 12: 45 o'clock.

.The services will be. led by Mrs.Doremus Scudder, chairman of thereligious work committee of the as-sociation. The afldress will be.'de-'-tllvered by Mrs. .TValter F. Frear, pres--;

of the association, and MissBertha Tv Kemp will The serv-- ;Ice will be the : only one Of its kindto be held Honolulu during Holy

AVeete-'rS-S-.- ..;.:...;- -' ;r - u-

m':- 'f


: Skinr;j."

Sulphur:.;;'U4i- 1-Clears the complexion,whitens, the bands and.is a time-teste- d remedyfor skin diseases.

r Uack r brMra, Sc





Ir of Wagner's music dram has he carriedf eui his musicalwith greater, skill or Certainty of touch th art "Parsifal." This

J . .'1 " i i i . a . ' if. a.- - - i - ..-- a - . r .4. i 4. a.

-; I .

.enrollment..of flhe charactec.








, ,




.. iii .. .j m ; . . i. . iim m m m, ... , .j , , k . . ... . . ,L. . j m

Ihf FiinHs

Plan vof for

uays .at

For ihe present this e or fordays at ; least; r th ' Chari-ties cfth, giie no mbre relief ; tocases;; The increasing number of ap- -


, , i


i .This ;

, J0.; ,


of five can life, it has .been ascertained;, and,, as k result, cf this cut; in ;

great many cases starvation will begin, the tte ; chkritle?:"in the wake bf starvation sickness

is sure to foUovi e already hate hej

. .

"w to City50, the

, See ; 1 ; to me

uei iT-v- -. ;

an'rl hwPli , with C, an

.,,-'.- :







ident '





penditur'e ;to. the city and county, ofHonolulu for the - year 1914

asas . alone '61







1 x



.' ;

; :

$7500, In spfte of . th fact that fe--trehchraent is tawng place m. tne cJiyand county arid, that it now is consid-erably In' debt" ; ' 1

The association can handle hd morehew cases v for. it bnly has sufficientmoney ori hand to care for the casesalready under its Jurisdiction; and sec-ondly: there is not the office force tddo it : It has been found impossible to jkeep the records hecessary; and to do;the necessary work of investigation.;


.Crucifixion.' 4 fh






will give a. public mboriiight concert fttAala park .this evening, beginning at31:30". o'clock. : The, following programhas beenarrarigcd:'-;- . ;..'' ;.'-''.-..

MkfcnThe; Brave Mah";;l;;nAhareedvertd'rfrt-Th-e Road to Glory. ; KlingBallad-rMoHiI- ng y: i BeethovenSelQctioh Ernani it; . : , ; .'.VerdiVocalHawaliah Songs 1; i'. ;'v--

v . t i t.VKV ;.Arrangea by BergerSelection My , Old Kentucky Home :, - a , 't tilDyWait2t001 Nights 'v.Vi-.V.;;- i Straussfrnale--Tre- s Mcutafd f, , V.i Asche; The Star Spangled. Banner.- - :, v

KAU---At. illlo;: HaVaU, ; March 31,1914,6 Mr.: and Mrs; John Akau, a

lighter j;-,?.jisit-

brothMlfivorl'tcs vith yVu ng men til stylish

LLE GIi nieh like -- these tlotlies; tiigW 1 1 11Vchb 61 men prefer ihem; diing rnehin business appreciate the fact t

such quality arid style arc ue ecdrimVVVhtrre ver the young spirit int heres w here H art Sch affn & M a rx clothesare in the lead.

You should 'see what we can show you In a suit orah overcoat at $25; let that price be a starting pointfor you; ive can offer you the greatest possible economy

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;;:Vhat did heir father say. when you - "There have been Iwenty-sl- x Iiwtu.. mm mai, jcu manieu io marryher" He asked me if 1 really lovedher, or If I wai merely trying for aCarnegie medal." v ; ; ; - :



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tjjyi ill;;;

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sldent3 of the United States, but onlytwo of tbem nre alive now." NewsItem. ; it's, almost, certain death. Isn'tIt?



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