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IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY 2009 1629 CMOS RF Biosensor Utilizing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Nan Sun, Student Member, IEEE, Yong Liu, Member, IEEE, Hakho Lee, Member, IEEE, Ralph Weissleder, and Donhee Ham, Member, IEEE Abstract—We report on a CMOS RF transceiver designed for detection of biological objects such as cancer marker proteins. Its main function is to manipulate and monitor RF dynamics of protons in water via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Target objects alter the proton dynamics, which is the basis for our biosensing. The RF transceiver has a measured receiver noise figure of 0.7 dB. This high sensitivity enabled construction of an entire NMR system around the RF transceiver in a 2-kg portable platform, which is 60 times lighter, 40 times smaller, yet 60 times more mass sensitive than a state-of-the-art commercial benchtop system. Sensing 20 fmol and 1.4 ng of avidin (protein) in a 5 L sample volume, our system represents a circuit designer’s ap- proach to pursue low-cost diagnostics in a portable platform. Index Terms—Biosensor, CMOS integrated circuit, low noise amplifier, nuclear magnetic resonance, RF transceiver. I. INTRODUCTION S ILICON radio frequency (RF) integrated circuits (ICs) have been at the center stage of various wireless chip developments over the past years. Here we report on a silicon RF IC designed for a different application, that is, sensing biological objects. In a disease development, biomolecules characteristic to the disease, such as viruses and cancer marker proteins, emerge. The ability to sense these biomolecules would facilitate disease detection. Researchers from many areas of science and engi- neering are developing a variety of biosensors, aiming at in- creased sensitivity or low-cost diagnostics [1]. Our RF biosensor is a “circuit designer’s way” to pursue low-cost diagnostics in a portable platform. Fig. 1 shows our RF biosensor, central to whose operation is the silicon RF transceiver IC. The underpinning physical phenomenon of our sensing method is nuclear magnetic reso- nance (NMR), the resonant interaction between RF magnetic fields and protons in water, which is altered by the presence of target biological objects. This NMR-based biosensing was de- veloped in 2002 [2] and has been used within a state-of-the-art commercial benchtop NMR system [3] which, however, is bulky and heavy (120 kg). The main contribution of our work is to drastically shrink the entire NMR system by devel- Manuscript received July 28, 2008; revised December 08, 2008. Current ver- sion published May 01, 2009. N. Sun and D. Ham are with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA (e-mail: [email protected] vard.edu; [email protected]). Y. Liu was with Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA, and is now with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA. H. Lee and R. Weissleder are with the Center for Systems Biology, Massa- chusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02114 USA. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2009.2017007 Fig. 1. CMOS RF biosensor (this work) utilizing NMR. The entire system weighs 2 kg, where the commercial magnet dominates the weight. Prior to this work, we built an intermediate miniature NMR biosensor [4] where we used the same magnet and in-house fabricated microcoil with discrete electronics. oping the RF transceiver IC, hence enabling the NMR-based biosensing in the portable form of Fig. 1. Occupying only 2.5 liters and weighing only 2 kg, our system is 60 times lighter, 40 times smaller, yet 60 times more mass sensitive than the state-of-the-art benchtop NMR system: our system is actually the smallest complete NMR system ever built. As a biosensor, it detects 20 fmol, 1.4 ng of avidin (protein) in a 5 L sample volume. This detection threshold can be even further improved, for it is currently limited not by our transceiver sensitivity, but by the specific bioassay used [4], [5]. Our system might offer a new way to pursue low-cost diagnostics in a portable platform. After part of this work was briefly reported in the IEEE ISSCC [7], new key experiments ensued to complete this work. The goal of the present paper is to describe this entire work (design of, and experimentation with, the RF IC) in Sections IV–VII. We add two perspective sections, Sections III and VIII, to explain how our RF IC facilitated the dramatic miniaturization, and how this work is differentiated from existing miniaturization efforts. All of this would be best understood with some familiarity with NMR, so we start by reviewing the NMR basics. II. REVIEW OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE Although NMR is a well-established subject [6], we provide this review to quickly introduce the basic concepts of NMR rel- 0018-9200/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE
Page 1: IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY …ham.seas.harvard.edu/upload/papers/2009/cmos.pdf · 2014-07-16 · IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 44, NO.


CMOS RF Biosensor Utilizing NuclearMagnetic Resonance

Nan Sun, Student Member, IEEE, Yong Liu, Member, IEEE, Hakho Lee, Member, IEEE, Ralph Weissleder, andDonhee Ham, Member, IEEE

Abstract—We report on a CMOS RF transceiver designed fordetection of biological objects such as cancer marker proteins.Its main function is to manipulate and monitor RF dynamics ofprotons in water via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Targetobjects alter the proton dynamics, which is the basis for ourbiosensing. The RF transceiver has a measured receiver noisefigure of 0.7 dB. This high sensitivity enabled construction of anentire NMR system around the RF transceiver in a 2-kg portableplatform, which is 60 times lighter, 40 times smaller, yet 60 timesmore mass sensitive than a state-of-the-art commercial benchtopsystem. Sensing 20 fmol and 1.4 ng of avidin (protein) in a 5 Lsample volume, our system represents a circuit designer’s ap-proach to pursue low-cost diagnostics in a portable platform.

Index Terms—Biosensor, CMOS integrated circuit, low noiseamplifier, nuclear magnetic resonance, RF transceiver.


S ILICON radio frequency (RF) integrated circuits (ICs)have been at the center stage of various wireless chip

developments over the past years. Here we report on a siliconRF IC designed for a different application, that is, sensingbiological objects.

In a disease development, biomolecules characteristic to thedisease, such as viruses and cancer marker proteins, emerge.The ability to sense these biomolecules would facilitate diseasedetection. Researchers from many areas of science and engi-neering are developing a variety of biosensors, aiming at in-creased sensitivity or low-cost diagnostics [1]. Our RF biosensoris a “circuit designer’s way” to pursue low-cost diagnostics in aportable platform.

Fig. 1 shows our RF biosensor, central to whose operationis the silicon RF transceiver IC. The underpinning physicalphenomenon of our sensing method is nuclear magnetic reso-nance (NMR), the resonant interaction between RF magneticfields and protons in water, which is altered by the presence oftarget biological objects. This NMR-based biosensing was de-veloped in 2002 [2] and has been used within a state-of-the-artcommercial benchtop NMR system [3] which, however, isbulky and heavy (120 kg). The main contribution of our workis to drastically shrink the entire NMR system by devel-

Manuscript received July 28, 2008; revised December 08, 2008. Current ver-sion published May 01, 2009.

N. Sun and D. Ham are with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

Y. Liu was with Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA, and is nowwith the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA.

H. Lee and R. Weissleder are with the Center for Systems Biology, Massa-chusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02114 USA.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2009.2017007

Fig. 1. CMOS RF biosensor (this work) utilizing NMR. The entire systemweighs 2 kg, where the commercial magnet dominates the weight. Prior to thiswork, we built an intermediate miniature NMR biosensor [4] where we used thesame magnet and in-house fabricated microcoil with discrete electronics.

oping the RF transceiver IC, hence enabling the NMR-basedbiosensing in the portable form of Fig. 1. Occupying only 2.5liters and weighing only 2 kg, our system is 60 times lighter,40 times smaller, yet 60 times more mass sensitive than thestate-of-the-art benchtop NMR system: our system is actuallythe smallest complete NMR system ever built. As a biosensor,it detects 20 fmol, 1.4 ng of avidin (protein) in a 5 L samplevolume. This detection threshold can be even further improved,for it is currently limited not by our transceiver sensitivity, butby the specific bioassay used [4], [5]. Our system might offer anew way to pursue low-cost diagnostics in a portable platform.

After part of this work was briefly reported in the IEEEISSCC [7], new key experiments ensued to complete thiswork. The goal of the present paper is to describe this entirework (design of, and experimentation with, the RF IC) inSections IV–VII. We add two perspective sections, Sections IIIand VIII, to explain how our RF IC facilitated the dramaticminiaturization, and how this work is differentiated fromexisting miniaturization efforts. All of this would be bestunderstood with some familiarity with NMR, so we start byreviewing the NMR basics.


Although NMR is a well-established subject [6], we providethis review to quickly introduce the basic concepts of NMR rel-

0018-9200/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE

Page 2: IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 44, NO. 5, MAY …ham.seas.harvard.edu/upload/papers/2009/cmos.pdf · 2014-07-16 · IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 44, NO.


Fig. 2. (a) Water in a magnetic field � . (b) Excitation (top) and reception (bottom) phase in NMR. (c) Motion of magnetic moment� in NMR.

evant to this work, so that readers less familiar with NMR canrapidly access the main contribution portion of this paper.

A. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Atomic nuclei with spin act like tiny bar magnets. These nu-clear magnets are the main actors in the NMR phenomenon. Weexplain NMR using protons, the simplest nuclei. Proton NMRis observed with as common a substance as water, for it containsnumerous hydrogen atoms whose nuclei are protons.

Let water be placed in a static magnetic field [Fig. 2(a)].After several seconds, the system reaches an equilibrium, wherethe proton magnets preferentially line up along the direction of

, just like a compass needle lines up along the Earth’s field.Macroscopically, in the equilibrium, the water exhibits a mag-netic moment along the direction of , which we take asthe -axis. This equilibrium state is the lowest energy state thesystem assumes.

Now if one wraps a coil around the water and sends an RFcurrent into the coil, one can produce an RF magnetic field

across the water [Fig. 2(b), top], where andare the amplitude and angular frequency of the RF field. If isnot the Larmor frequency, defined as


where is a proton-specific constant yielding MHzfor , the proton magnets stay indifferent to theRF field and remains along the -axis. But for ,proton magnets absorb energy from the RF field, raising the po-tential energy of by misaligning from with an in-creasing angle between them. In other words, is tippedaway from the -axis. As shown at three time instants , ,and in Fig. 2(c), this downward motion of is superposedwith a much faster precession of at the Larmor frequencyabout the -axis. Overall, exhibits a spiral downward motion,when absorbing energy from the RF field. This absorption of RFenergy at by the proton magnets is termed nuclear magneticresonance (NMR). During the energy absorption, the time taken

for to enter the -plane [ ; , Fig. 2(c)] from itsalignment along the axis [ ; ] is


Typically , which is why the downward motion of(growth of ) is much slower than its precession at .

How does one figure out if was tuned to and NMRtook place? One can cease the RF transmission at ,connect the coil to an RF receiver, and observe the coil outputafter [Fig. 2(b), bottom]. If , NMR did notoccur and stayed along the -axis. Thus, nothing registersat the receiver after . If , NMR took placeduring the RF field transmission and is inthe -plane at [Fig. 2(c)]. After , there is nomore RF field for protons to absorb energy from, and hence,will stay in the -plane, maintaining with a constantpotential energy.1 , however, continues to precess withabout the axis in the plane. Therefore, the coil experiencesa periodic magnetic flux variation that induces an RF voltage

of frequency across the coil. registers at the RFreceiver. Note that the RF excitation is stopped atbecause in the -plane induces the largest signal across thecoil.

is actually an exponentially damped sinusoid [Fig. 2(c)]with characteristic decay time called . The damping arisesbecause the precession of an individual proton magnet is ran-domly perturbed by tiny magnetic fields produced by nearbyproton magnets (proton-proton interaction). Due to the pertur-bation, each proton precesses at but with its own phase noise.Consequently, precessions of a large number of individual pro-tons, which were initially in phase, grow out of phase over timein the -plane. As phase coherence is lost, the vector sumof individual proton magnetic moments exponentially decays,yielding the damped signal. For water, 1 and the quality

1As mentioned, after several seconds,� will lose energy to the environment,aligning along � to reach equilibrium. The time considered here in the maintext, however, is far shorter than the equilibrium restoration time.

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Fig. 3. (a) � damping due to the basic proton-proton interaction. (b) �damping due to the static magnetic field inhomogeneity. (c) Echo technique.

factor of the damped sinusoid with MHzis about .

Through the NMR experiments described above, one obtainsthe values for and , which carry information on the com-positions and properties of the substances in study. In this way,NMR has found applications in fields such as chemical spec-troscopy, medical imaging (MRI), and biosensing.

B. Echo Technique

We have so far assumed a uniform static magnetic fieldacross the water. In this case, all protons precess at the same fre-quency with phase noise caused by proton-proton in-teractions, yielding the -damped sinusoid at the receiver[Fig. 3(a)]. In reality, any magnet suffers a spatial variation ofthe field magnitude around the intended value . When suchfield inhomogeneity is present, is damped much faster withdecay time , overriding the damping [Fig. 3(b)]. The fasterdamping arises because protons at different positions precessat different Larmor frequencies due to the field inhomogeneity,making them rapidly grow out of phase. To estimate ; as-sume that the field inhomogeneity is 50 parts per million (ppm)around . If we denote this fractional variation as ,then the precession frequencies range from to

, and hence, the damped sinusoid of Fig. 3(b)has a bandwidth of around . Thus,

, or 200 s 1 :even with 50 ppm inhomogeneity, the -damping completelymasks the -damping.

Since field inhomogeneity is deterministic, one can effec-tively remove the damping. Such a technique is important,as , which carries useful information, would be immeasur-able otherwise. Fig. 3(c) illustrates one widely used technique[6]. The RF pulse is followed by repeated RF transmis-sions, each of duration . After the initial pulse, theproton magnets brought down to the -plane precess at dif-ferent Larmor frequencies: those at a stronger field positionprecess faster and ahead of those at a weaker field position,resulting in the damping [ , Fig. 3(c)]. Now thepulse performs the same function as the pulse, but twice,

Fig. 4. NMR-based biosensing [2].

changing by 180 . Thus, after the pulse, the proton mag-nets return to the -plane, but with the faster precessing pro-tons now lagging the slower ones (this inversion in relative po-sitions may be difficult to grasp without detailed explanation,but let us accept it and move on, as the goal here is to becomefamiliar with basic characteristics of the resulting signal, ).The former will catch up the latter, regaining phase coherence,hence showing the growing sinusoid [ , Fig. 3(c)]. After allprotons acquire the same phase, the faster precessing protonsagain get ahead of the slower ones, once again resulting in de-phasing and the damping [ , Fig. 3(c)]. As the pulserepeats, multiple such “echoes” register at the receiver. Sincedamping arising from random proton-proton interaction cannotbe removed, the envelope of the echoes slowly decays with ,allowing its measurement despite field inhomogeneity.

C. NMR-Based Biosensing

Consider detecting certain proteins (e.g., receptors of circu-lating cancer cells, or soluble cancer biomarker proteins such asVEGF, PSA, CEA, and AFP) in a blood sample. Nanoscale mag-netic particles [8] coated with antibodies that specifically bindto the target proteins are suspended in the sample (Fig. 4). If theproteins exist, the magnetic particles self-assemble into clustersaround the proteins [2]. This self-assembly can be detected byperforming proton NMR: a significant portion of blood is water,so we may regard the blood sample as water containing manyprotons for our purpose.

Fig. 4 illustrates the echo signal from precessing pro-tons in water in three different cases. In Fig. 4(a), water withno magnetic particles yields due to the basic proton-protoninteractions. Fig. 4(b) shows the case of water containingmono-dispersed magnetic particles in the absence of targetproteins. The magnetic particles incessantly move around dueto inevitable Brownian motion and produce fluctuating localmagnetic fields, perturbing precessions of proton magnetsand causing more phase noise than is expected from the basicproton-proton interactions. Thus, phase coherence is lost morerapidly, reducing . In Fig. 4(c), due to the presence of target

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proteins, the magnetic particles self-assemble into larger mag-nets, which are even more efficient in increasing phase noise inthe proton magnets’ precession, further accelerating dephasing,yielding the smallest . Thus, by monitoring , one candetect target objects [2].


The NMR-based biosensing requires an NMR system thatcan faithfully measure . To this end, the 120 kg commercialbenchtop system [3] [Section I] has been used. The main focusof this work is the drastic miniaturization of the NMR system,enabling the NMR-based biosensing in the portable form ofFig. 1. Here we describe challenges that lie in such miniatur-ization, and how we met them through our RF IC design.

As seen in Fig. 2, any NMR system consists of a magnet,a coil, and an RF transceiver. By far the largest component isthe magnet (e.g., the 120 kg weight of the benchtop system islargely due to a large magnet). Therefore, any effort to shrink anNMR system should start with using a small magnet. An NMRsystem with a small magnet, however, suffers from a reducedsignal at the input of the receiver.

To see this, we note that , induced in the coil due to theperiodic variation of magnetic flux caused by the precession of

, is proportional to the rate of change of flux, , and thetotal magnetization : the volume factorsin here because is measured per unit volume. Sinceat room temperature2 and , we have


This equation explains why a small magnet yields a small. Firstly, in general a small magnet tends to produce a weak

field , and is reduced with quadratic dependence on .Secondly, a smaller magnet exhibits a more pronounced fieldinhomogeneity. In the presence of field inhomogeneity, protonsat different positions of the sample have different Larmor fre-quencies, and thus, they are excited at different frequencies. Al-though the RF pulse has other frequency components than

due to its finite duration of , it still has a limitedbandwidth 1 . Therefore, the pulse can efficientlyexcite only protons in the region where their Larmor frequenciesfall within the bandwidth of the pulse. If the field inhomo-geneity is increased with a smaller magnet, the spatial extent the

pulse can excite is reduced, effectively reducing the samplevolume in (3) thus decreasing , regardless of the physicalsample size. One may increase the bandwidth of the excitationpulse by decreasing the signal duration , but this requires alarger [see (2)] and thus a larger transmitted signal power,which is electronically limited.

In summary, with a small magnet, is substantially re-duced and its detection requires a highly sensitive RF trans-ceiver. For facile NMR experiments avoiding the stringent re-quirement for the RF transceiver, people have used large mag-nets, leading to the existing bulky NMR instrumentation.

2This well-established relation is derived from the Boltzmann’s law, whichwe will use without showing the derivation.

To achieve the drastic miniaturization, we took the oppositeapproach: we use a very small magnet the size of an adult fist(Fig. 1), and to detect the resulting, substantially reduced signal

(amplitude: 130 nV; available power: 0.5 fW), we designa highly sensitive RF transceiver. By opting to use a very smallmagnet for miniaturization, we shifted the entire system designburden onto the RF transceiver design, which we successfullycarried out. Furthermore, we integrated the RF transceiver ontoa CMOS IC. As a very small, low cost magnet is used, the cir-cuit integration makes sense: in a conventional system where alarge, expensive magnet dominates the system size and cost, in-tegration of the RF transceiver would hardly reduce either thesystem size or the cost.

Our design also uses a planar microcoil on a glass substrate(Fig. 1), having in mind mass production of the coil via stan-dard microfabrication techniques. As compared to commonlyused solenoidal coils, the planar coil’s geometry does not alloweffective induction of from precessing protons, which waspartly the reason for the weak signal amplitude of 130 nV. Onceagain, we overcame this undesirable effect by the design of thehighly sensitive RF transceiver.


Fig. 5 shows the architecture of our NMR RF transceiver IC,which we describe now. As our magnet has , the RFdesign is based at the Larmor frequency of 21.3 MHz.

A. Receiver Path

Let us first focus on the receiver path in Fig. 5. The signalappearing at node is a weak echo signal whose availablepower is 0.5 fW. The bandwidth of the echo signal is determinedby the faster -damping due to the field inhomogeneity, insteadof the slower -damping due to the proton-proton interaction.As discussed in Section II-B, the bandwidth corresponding tothe -damping is where signifies the fractional fieldinhomogeneity. As we have , the echo signal in thefrequency domain (Fig. 5) is centered at the Larmor frequency21.3 MHz, with a bandwidth of kHz.

The echo signal is amplified by a low noise amplifier, andthen frequency down-converted using mixers and a local oscil-lator. Choosing the proper frequency for the local oscillator isa critical task in dealing with the weak echo signal. Let us de-note the oscillator frequency as . If is set to zero, thedown-converted signal at node is swamped by noise. Onthe other hand, if is too large, rejecting noise outside the signalbandwidth of 1.1 kHz after the frequency down-conversion isdifficult, as it requires a high quality factor for the bandpassfilter. Since the signal is very weak, rejecting out-of-band noisein order not to corrupt the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a crit-ical task. We select kHz, with which the down-con-verted signal is not centered at , but very close to (Fig. 5),facilitating out-of-band noise rejection using a bandpass filterwith a moderate quality factor.

As in any heterodyning receiver, image noise would add 3 dBto the receiver noise figure, unless suppressed. We incorporatean image rejection algorithm in the digital domain after the

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Fig. 5. The architecture of our NMR RF transceiver IC.

down-converted signal is digitized using analog-to-digital con-verters (ADCs) (Fig. 5). A Hilbert transformer shifts the phaseof the signal down-converted by the quadrature-phase local os-cillator by . Addition of the Hilbert transformer output tothe signal down-converted by the in-phase local oscillator nullsimage noise.

B. Transmitter Path

Consider the transmitter path in Fig. 5. To produce the RFmagnetic field in the coil for excitation of proton magnets, weuse the same local oscillator used for the frequency down-con-version in the receiver. The frequency of the local oscillator,

, is not the Larmor frequency , but this arrangement isstill effective in causing NMR, as we will explain shortly. TheRF signal produced by the local oscillator is gated by the digitalpulse generator, in order to generate the pulse followed byrepeated pulses [Fig. 3(c)], which is to obtain the echosignal at the receiver.

How can the pulse with the off-tuned frequencyexcite proton magnets in the sample? On one hand, the band-width of the pulse may be taken as 30% (15 kHz) of(shaded region in Fig. 6) centered about . Onthe other hand, across our 5 sample, the static field inho-mogeneity is 50 ppm, and thus, the Larmor (excitation) fre-quencies of various positions of the sample range within thebandwidth of kHz (hashed region in Fig. 6)centered about . Combining, the entiresample is excited, as the range of the Larmor frequencies ofthe sample lies well within the bandwidth of the pulse.Of course, this scheme is possible because our sample is verysmall and the corresponding field inhomogeneity (and the re-sultant Larmor frequency variation) is relatively small.

We could use a separate oscillator for the transmitter, butin such a scenario, we would have to tune the frequencies

Fig. 6. Fourier transform of the � pulse with � � � excitation frequency.

of both transmitter and receiver oscillators separately in theprocess of finding the frequency for NMR. In contrast, in ourstrategy sharing the same oscillator between the transmitter andreceiver, we can just tune this single oscillator to find the rightfrequency for NMR, until the maximum signal appears at theoutput of the bandpass filter of Fig. 5.


The planar microcoil (Fig. 1) is modeled as an inductor,nH, in series with parasitic resistance, (Fig. 5).

Its quality is . Although the coil is inherentlyan inductor while a radio antenna assumes a 50 impedance,the coil is analogous to the antenna in that it emits power andpicks up signals. Just like in radios, the matching of the trans-ceiver to the coil and the low noise design of the receiver ampli-fier are crucial, especially in our case where is diminutive.Here we describe the front-end design.

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Fig. 7. 50 � impedance matching. (a) PA-coil. (b) LNA-coil.

A. Power Matching

The RF excitation pulses are sent to the coil through apower amplifier (PA). For maximum power transfer, the PAwhose output impedance is (real number, e.g., 50 ) isto be impedance matched to the coil. Two capacitors and

arranged next to the coil in Fig. 7(a) form an impedancematching network widely used in NMR system design. Withsuitably chosen and , the real part of becomeswhile ’s inductive reactance is resonated out by , leadingto .

B. Noise Matching via Passive Amplification

In the receiving stage of NMR experiments, the coil is con-nected to a low noise amplifier (LNA) to amplify the signalacross the coil induced by precessing proton magnets. To mini-mize the noise figure, the LNA should be connected to the coilcautiously. In the widely practiced discrete design of the NMRRF transceiver, an off-the-shelf discrete LNA with a 50 inputimpedance is impedance matched to the coil using the same

network discussed above. See Fig. 7(b), wherein the coil’s model is the rms value of and is thepower spectral density of the thermal noise generated by thecoil’s resistance . This predominantly used strategy will worksatisfactorily, as long as the LNA’s noise figure is small at thesource impedance of 50 .

Here we will seek a different LNA-coil connection option toobtain minimum noise figure, without demanding a priori ei-ther the 50 input impedance for the LNA or the impedancematching condition. To this end, consider a general passive net-work between the coil and the LNA [Fig. 8(a)]. The passive net-work has a voltage transfer function , which includes theeffect of LNA’s input impedance, . Define .If noise in the passive network is ignored, or equivalently, if thepassive network has negligible loss (this crucial assumption willbe justified shortly), the passive network will “amplify” both

the voltage signal and noise of the coil by the same factor ,while maintaining the SNR: at the output of the passive net-work, the signal is and the noise power spectral densityis .

If is large enough to put far beyond the LNA’sinput referred noise [Fig. 8(b), left], the SNR is notdegraded appreciably by the LNA, and the noise figure is small.In contrast, if is not large enough and is compa-rable to, or smaller than, [Fig. 8(b), right], the SNRis degraded considerably by the LNA, resulting in a high noisefigure. Therefore, noise figure minimization entails two tasks:maximization of and minimization of the LNA’s input referrednoise, . We defer the discussion of the second task tillSection V-D, and here discuss how to maximize .

We can immediately note that should be infinite tomaximize , as any finite will only lower the voltage atthe output of a given passive network. Now with , wedesign a passive network that returns the maximum . Varioustopologies may be worked out, and here we use the net-work: Fig. 8(c). The aim is to choose and that maximize

. should be infinite (short circuit), as any finite impedancein the path will lower the voltage at the passive network’soutput. With , we choose that maximizes , whichis given as a function of :


where is the coil’s . becomes maximum




that is, when resonates with at .We have found that for a fixed LNA input referred noise, a

shunt capacitor that resonates with the coil inductor atmaximally amplifies the input signal and noise with a gain of

, minimizing the noise figure. We assumed no noise (no loss)in the capacitor. This is to be justified, as any significant noisedirectly translates to noise figure, defeating the purpose of ourtechnique. The assumption is indeed valid, for the quality factorof the capacitor is on the order of several hundreds, while thecoil’s is 16. In this connection, the resonator in the min-imum noise figure configuration may be understood as a passivepreamplifier with a gain of 16 but with almost zero noise figure,which is unattainable with active amplifiers. Forming theresonator as a preamplifier naturally exploits the intrinsic in-ductor already available in the coil.

Note that the minimum noise figure configuration does notinvolve impedance matching: the impedance looking into thepassive network is , while [Fig. 8(c)]. Not thepower, but the voltage is maximally delivered to the LNA, inachieving the minimum noise figure.

Numerical examples may help appreciate this tech-nique. The maximum amplitude of is 130 nV,thus . The noise generated in the coil is

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Fig. 8. (a) General passive network between a coil and an LNA. (b) Passively amplified signal and coil noise, and LNA’s input referred noise in frequency domainfor a large (left) & small (right) �. (c) Maximum passive amplification. (d) Maximum passive amplification in the presence of a transmission line.


, and the input re-ferred noise of our LNA is[Section V-D]. From these values, we created Table I where thepassively amplified rms signal power , passively am-plified coil noise over the signal bandwidth kHz ,

, and LNA’s input referred noise overthe bandwidth, , are given for threevalues of . For each , it also shows the noise figure, whichwas calculated using .

From Table I, we note:• : In this optimum case [Fig. 8(c)], the pas-

sively amplified coil noise dominates the LNA’s input re-ferred noise, yielding a noise figure of only 0.4 dB.

• : This is the case where the coil is directly connectedto the LNA with with no passive network.The LNA’s input referred noise dominates the passivelyamplified coil noise. Consequently, a large noise figure of14 dB results.

• : If one uses the configuration of Fig. 7(b) withand yielding 50 but with an LNA with ,

. This is a scenario where the networkalready designed for the impedance matching for the PA isdirectly connected to the LNA with . The noisefigure is 4.9 dB.

As seen, the noise figure varies substantially with , as it de-termines the relative difference between the passively amplified

coil noise and LNA’s input referred noise. The point of our tech-nique is to maximize the passively amplified coil noise so thatit is far larger than LNA’s input referred noise.

C. Generalization of Passive Amplification

As NMR transceivers have been realized mostly at the dis-crete level, the 50 matching with abundantly available 50off-the-shelf LNAs [Fig. 7(b)] has been the dominant choicefor the LNA-coil connection. Regarding the resonance noisematching with the infinite impedance LNA [Fig. 8(c)], we sus-pected that this simple yet powerful technique might have beenused during the 60 years of NMR, but there are very limitedpublications on the technique, and it is difficult to know the ac-tual degree of its awareness and usage. It appears that the tech-nique has been rarely conceived because custom design of anLNA (to produce non-50- impedance) is seldom exercised inthe conventional discrete NMR system design. We found onlytwo papers [9], [10] reporting the technique, where it was em-pirically demonstrated but with no explanation of its underlyingmachinery. We also found a patent [11] that discusses it, butwrongly disqualifies it as the optimum option. In this connec-tion, our foregoing elucidation of the resonance noise matchingmay help its further recognition and appreciation, and clarify itsconcept.

The reader may be concerned that the resonance noisematching may not work in the case the high impedance LNAis connected to a coil through a 50 coaxial cable [Fig. 8(d)],due to impedance mismatches at both ends of the line (this is alegitimate concern in that even at 21 MHz, a line length of, say20 cm, introduces a wave effect). This concern may be anotherreason for the dominance of the 50 matching: when a 50cable is used, “everything 50 ” offers the most convenientdesign choice. Contrary to the concern, however, the resonance

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noise matching works well with a more general passive networkcontaining a transmission line.

To show this, let us work out the resonance noise matching inFig. 8(d), based on our articulation of it from the previous sub-section. The parameters of the transmission line are; character-istic impedance: , wave velocity: , length: , wave number:

. We seek to find that maximizes for a fixed . As-sume , although we can solve the problem generally.and in Fig. 8(d) are related through

. The impedance issince . Therefore, the transmission line

behaves like a capacitor at the coil end. Thus,to maximize , should resonate with at :


The resulting maximum is again . This design is valid,as the line has a negligible measured loss (less than 0.05 dB fora 30 cm cable).

D. Design of the Low-Noise Amplifier

As discussed in Section V-B, to minimize noise figure,should be maximized and the LNA’s input referred noise shouldbe minimized. We have just discussed the former task. We nowdescribe our LNA design to perform the latter. Asis a prerequisite for maximum , a common source topology ischosen for the LNA. It has a capacitive input impedance, whichmay be regarded as infinite at low enough frequencies.

Fig. 9 shows the schematic of our LNA. Since the designfrequency, 21.3 MHz, is smaller than the noise corner( 50 MHz) of nMOS transistors in 0.18 m technology used,we use pMOS devices with the smaller noise corner ( 1MHz) [12] as input transistors and . pMOS transistorsbring an additional benefit, the mitigation of the coupling of thesubstrate noise produced by the digital pulse generation circuitsinto the LNA input: the substrate noise would otherwise inter-fere with the weak signal at the LNA input, which is 4 evenafter the maximal passive amplification. On the same token,we must minimize the coupling of the strong local oscillatorsignal into the LNA input: it occurs first through the mixer,then, through the LNA’s input-output coupling capacitors. Tominimize the latter coupling, cascode transistors andare used. Finally, to suppress the common mode noise, theamplifier is designed in a differential form and a common modefeedback circuit (CMFB) is employed. The capacitor andthe resistor are for frequency compensation.

With the arrangement above, the total noise of the LNA isdominated by the channel thermal noise of the transistors. Theinput referred noise of the LNA calculated through the standardsmall-signal analysis is given by


where ( , 3 and 5) is the transistor ’s gate-sourcereferred channel thermal noise. We have ignored the noise ofthe CMFB, and assumed perfectly matched differential pairs,to obtain the general guideline for how to size the transistors.

Fig. 9. LNA schematic.

The third term is negligible as . To minimize thesecond term, active loads and are made much smallerthan input transistors and : this leads toand the total input-referred noise is dominated by the first term,

where is the transconductance of theinput transistors. To reduce this first term, a large tail current (4mA) and wide input transistors (900 m) are used to maximize

. From SPICE simulation, the input-referred noise of theLNA at 21.3 MHz is 1.3 and its voltage gain is 41 dB.Its input impedance, even with the wide input transistors, is stilllarge enough at 21.3 MHz to guarantee .

E. Comparison With the Inductively Source Degenerated LNA

The passive amplification to minimize the noise figure isalso employed in the inductively source degenerated LNA[Fig. 10(a)] widely used for wireless RF design [13], [14]although configured differently. As many designers are familiarwith this LNA, here we compare it to our LNA.

In the inductively source degenerated LNA of Fig. 10(a) de-signed for a wireless receiver, and are the input signaland noise from an antenna, while is the gate-source referredchannel thermal noise of the transistor. is the an-tenna impedance. Inductors and and capacitor ar-ranged around the transistor are chosen such that they resonateat the design frequency, and also present 50 to the antenna:in Fig. 10(a), . This 50 matching isrequired in wireless RF design, often reinforced by the band se-lection filter positioned between the antenna and the LNA. Withsuch inductor and capacitor values, the network passivelyamplifies the input signal and noise, returning their amplifiedversions across the gate and source of the transistor [Fig. 10(b)][13], [14]. The gain is , the effective

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Fig. 10. (a) LNA with inductive source degeneration. (b) Passive amplificationin this LNA. (c) Use of this LNA in Fig. 7(b).

quality factor of the tank including the antenna resistance(the factor 2 is because ). If is large enough to put

far beyond the transistor noise , the noise figure ofthe LNA will be small, as the SNR is minimally affected by thetransistor noise. This is clearly the same passive amplificationidea.

Passive amplification is realized differently between our LNA[Fig. 8(c) or 9] and the inductively source degenerated LNA(Fig. 10). In the wireless RF design where 50 matching is re-quired, the source degenerated LNA is well suited, as it simul-taneously offers passive amplification and 50 matching. Incontrast, NMR system design does not demand 50 matching.This, in conjunction with that the NMR coil has an inherent in-ductance, makes the implementation of passive amplification forNMR systems much simpler: the “free” inductor of the coil isused as an integral part of the passive amplifier, withoutadding extra inductors.

Note that the inductively source degenerated LNA with a50 impedance can be used for the widely used 50 matchedfront-end of the NMR receiver [Fig. 7(b)]: such a design isshown in Fig. 10(c). Here although is only 1.7, the noise figureis small because the LNA’s input referred noise at node is sig-nificantly reduced, as it is the transistor’s gate-source referredchannel thermal noise divided by : this is another way oflooking at passive amplification in the source degenerated LNA.This design, however, does not exploit the free inductance of

Fig. 11. Noise/power matching (a) with and (b) without a switch in the receiverpath. (c) Transmitting mode. (d) Receiving mode.

the coil. It instead transforms the coil impedance to 50 , thenperforms passive amplification, introducing extra inductors. Ourdesign [Fig. 8(c) or 9] is thus a simpler choice as far as NMRsystem design is concerned.

F. Simultaneous Noise and Power Matching

We have seen that the receiver noise matching [Fig. 8(c)]and the transmitter power matching [Fig. 7(a)] require dif-ferent passive networks. We may arrange the two networksseparately, and to switch the coil to the LNA through the noisematching network during the receiving mode, and to the PAthrough the power matching network during the transmissionmode [Fig. 11(a)]. This strategy, however, suffers from the lossassociated with the switch. In the receiving mode, the turn-onloss of the switch will directly translates to noise figure.

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To avoid the use of a switch in the receiving mode, we de-vised a new, differential matching network of Fig. 11(b). In thetransmission mode, the switches next to the PA are turned on,and the PA is connected to the coil through the inductorsand capacitors [Fig. 11(c)]. In the receiving mode,the switches are off, effectively making the inductors disappear,and the LNA is connected to the coil, whose impedance is mod-ified by the capacitors [Fig. 11(d)]. The first pointof this circuit is that the LNA in the receiving mode and the PAin the transmitting mode see two different impedances, that is,

in Fig. 11. Thus, one can choose capacitorsand inductors appropriately to provide power matching for thePA and noise matching for the LNA. Note that the differencebetween and arises not merely from the fact thatthe transmitting path has additional inductors, but more impor-tantly from the fact that the impedance of the network of capac-itors and the coil seen from the left is completely different fromthat seen from the right, that is, in Fig. 11. Thesecond point is that neither lossy switches nor lossy inductorsare present in the receiving mode [Fig. 11(d)], and hence, thematching network hardly degrades the receiver noise figure.

We now consider how to select capacitor and inductor valuesquantitatively. For simplicity, we introduce the following nota-tion: , , , and

. in Fig. 11(d) is given by


that is, when seen from the coil, the capacitors in Fig. 11(d)behave like one effective capacitor, whose impedance is to theright of the symbol. The noise matching condition [see (6)]for is that the effective capacitor resonates with at .This condition may be written as


In the transmitting mode, of Fig. 11(c) is expressed as


For power matching, the real part of should equal theoutput resistance of the PA, while its capacitive reactanceis to be resonated out by the inductors :



If three conditions (10), (12) and (13) are simultaneously met,noise and power matching are simultaneously obtained. Sincethere are four unknown design parameters ( , , , and ),we have a large degree of freedom in choosing them.


A. Receiver Linearity

Although the planar microcoil is the ultimate part of oursystem, it is desirable for the system to be able to accommodatea variety coils for varying experimental needs. The coil’svaries widely depending on its geometry and construction:e.g., while for the planar microcoil, for asolenoidal microcoil we built. The signal grows with the coil

, especially with the resonance noise matching. To providemore amplification for a smaller signal, but to ensure that alarger signal does not enter the nonlinear regime of the mixer,3

we designed a variable gain amplifier (VGA) following theLNA (Fig. 5). The receiver linearity is important, as we seek toaccurately extract .

The VGA is depicted in the middle of Fig. 12. It is a dif-ferential common source amplifier with two tunable loadsshown within the two dashed boxes. The VGA’s gain is alteredby tuning the load impedance. Each load has three branchesin parallel. Consider the branch built around transistor .As the control voltage is increased from zero, the oper-ation regime of undergoes transitions from turn-off topinch-off to triode, decreasing its drain-source resistance,

. Therefore, the first branch serves as avoltage-controlled load. The second branch behaves essentiallythe same way, with decreasing of with increasing ,but this time, the gate of sees a voltage lower than due to

, thus, the impedance-versus- curve for the second branchis that for the first branch, but translated along the axis. Thethird branch involving three transistors, , , and , alsoexhibits the same impedance-versus- curve, but even moreshifted along the axis. By combining the three branches inparallel, the load impedance is tuned more smoothly over awider range of , as compared to the case any single branch isused alone. The voltage gain tuning range of the VGA is from0.8 to 22. The VGA’s noise hardly contributes to the receivernoise figure, as the LNA’s gain is large (41 dB). Therefore, littlenoise minimization effort is required for the VGA.

B. RX-TX Switching Scheme

As discussed in Section V-F, to avoid the use of lossy switchesin front of the LNA, in our design the LNA stays connected tothe coil during the and pulse transmissions, e.g.,Fig. 11(b). In this approach, the large RF signal from the PAwill saturate the receiver during the transmission mode. If thereceiver is saturated during the transmission mode, restorationto its normal operation at the transition to the receiving phase(e.g., at ) will exhibit a settling behavior over the char-acteristic time of the receiver, compromising the initial recep-tion of the signal.

To address this issue, during the transmission mode, we re-duce the gain of the LNA by closing switch in Fig. 12, pre-venting its saturation, and disconnect the rest of the receiverfrom the LNA by opening switches and of Fig. 12. Al-though and lie in the RF signal path, they come after the

3The input to our mixer can be as large as 10 mV within 5% gain reduction.

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Fig. 12. Schematics of the LNA, VGA, and mixer, and their connections through a set of switches.

LNA substantially amplifies the signal, thus, their turn-on re-sistances hardly contribute to the overall noise figure. Sinceand are not perfect switches and some of the large RF signalcould leak to the VGA via their parasitic capacitors during thetransmission mode, we also place switch to reduce the VGAgain during the transmission phase, and switches and tocut-off the mixer from the VGA.

C. Mixer

As shown at the left of Fig. 12, we use a double-balanced ac-tive mixer. Although the RF signal is down-converted to a lowfrequency of kHz, noise in the mixer doesnot interfere with the down-converted signal to any significantdegree because the signal is amply amplified before the mixerand the LO generates a square wave. This is quantitatively con-firmed, resorting to the study in [15]. The voltage gain of themixer is 26 dB. The cascode transistors and are usedto mitigate the undesired feed through from the LO to the LNA’sinput path, which could otherwise interfere with the weak signalfrom the coil.


We implemented the NMR transceiver in 0.18 m CMOStechnology. The IC occupies an area of 2.0 mm by 1.9 mm(Fig. 1). It contains, among components of Fig. 5, digitalcircuits for the pulse transmission, and most components asso-ciated with the heterodyning, that is, the LNA, VGA, mixers,and local oscillators including the frequency dividers. Thematching network, PA, and ADCs were implemented withdiscrete components.

As we deal with weak echo signals, the most importantaspect of our design is the receiver noise figure, which weobtained by directly measuring the receiver input referrednoise. After feeding an RF signal to the receiver input (node

, Fig. 5), we measured the output at node using a spec-trum analyzer. From this, we extracted the gain and outputnoise of the receiver. By dividing the output noise by the gainwhile factoring out image noise, we obtained the input referred

noise of 1.8 . Since the LNA has a voltage gain of41 dB, the input referred noise is primarily contributed by theLNA. This measured input referred noise is larger than theSPICE-simulated value of 1.3 . The extra amountoriginates mostly from the power supply and substrate noise,which were not taken into account in the simulation.

From the measured input referred noise and the measuredimpedance of the coil, we obtain the noise figure of the receiver.For the resonance noise matching with [Fig. 8(c)],the noise figure is only 0.7 dB. If we use the configurationof Fig. 8(c) but with and arranged for 50 matching,

and the noise figure is 7.0 dB. These results agreewell with our time domain measurements of the echo signal. For

, we averaged 64 echo signals to obtain a clean echosignal. In contrast, for the resonance matching with ,only 4 time averaging was sufficient to obtain a clean echosignal, from which we were able to reliably extract . This isan unequivocal proof of substantial reduction of the noise figurevia the maximum passive amplification.

We assembled the entire NMR system of Fig. 1 by puttingtogether the RF IC with auxiliary electronics on the printed cir-cuit board, along with the planar microcoil and the magnet. Themagnet and planar microcoil shown in Fig. 1 are borrowed fromanother work of ours [4], where the microcoil and its interfacewith sample were fully developed with extensive biosensingexperiments but the electronics were at the discrete level withlower sensitivity and larger size. The magnet is a commercialproduct. The planar microcoil was in-house fabricated usingstandard photolithography. A 5 water sample is held on themicrocoil inside a microfluidic container fabricated on top. Inthe following, we present NMR and biosensing experiments per-formed with the system.

A. NMR Experiments

We first performed proton NMR experiments in a phosphatebuffered saline (PBS) solution, which is essentially biocompat-ible water. The top of Fig. 13 shows a down-converted echosignal measured at the output of the ADC of Fig. 5, which is

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Fig. 13. Measured, down-converted echo signals: (top) pure PBS; (bottom)PBS with magnetic nanoparticles (0.17 mM).

directly interfaced with a computer. From the exponentially de-caying envelope of the echoes, shown as a dotted line, we ex-tract . The repeated large spikes are couplingof the transmitted RF sequence through unidentified couplingpaths, but they do not compromise the observation of the con-spicuous echo signal, as they occur at different times. As mag-netic nanoparticles [Fe] (diameter: 30 nm) are suspended in thePBS with a concentration of 0.17 mM, the measured is de-creased to 60 ms (Fig. 13, bottom), as discussed in Section II-C.We remark that the data presented here and in what followswere obtained using an external signal generator instead of theon-chip local oscillator. Although the on-chip oscillator yieldedecho signals from which values could be extracted, they werenoisier as the on-chip oscillator was a free running oscillator.

We discussed that decreases ( increases) withan increasing concentration of the magnetic nanoparticles[Section II-C]. The NMR theory tells more specifically that

increases linearly with the concentration [16]. Measuredwith a varying concentration of the magnetic particles

in Fig. 14 conform to the theory, affirming our system’sfunctionality.

While the planar microcoil used to obtain Fig. 13was ultimately part of our system due to its fabrication ad-vantage, we performed NMR experiments using a higher-solenoidal microcoil to show the echo signalsmore clearly, far beyond the spikes, as shown in Fig. 15. Asthe magnetic particle concentration changes from 0.1 mM to1 mM, is reduced from 150 ms to 15 ms.

Fig. 14. Measured ��� versus magnetic nanoparticle concentration in PBS.

Fig. 15. Measured, down-converted echo signals for two different concentra-tions of magnetic nanoparticles; with a solenoidal microcoil.

B. Biomolecular Sensing

Our NMR system with the planar microcoil can be used tosense biomolecules, as described in Section II-C. Consider, forexample, the detection of avidin (protein) in the PBS. Mag-netic nanoparticles with surfaces coated with biotin (vitaminH) that specifically bind to avidin are suspended in the sample(Fig. 16). When avidin was absent in the sample, the magneticparticles were mono-dispersed, yielding of 73 ms (Fig. 16,top). When avidin existed in the sample with concentration of320 nM, the magnetic particles self-assembled into clusters [2],reducing to 31 ms (Fig. 16, bottom), thus indicating the pres-ence of avidin.

We repeated the experiment with a decreasing concentrationof the avidin. The minimum detectable quantity of avidin was20 fmol and 1.4 ng in the 5 L sample volume (Fig. 17). Incomparison to the state-of-the-art commercial benchtop NMR

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Fig. 16. Experimental avidin detection.

Fig. 17. Measured �� for various avidin concentrations.

system [3], our system is 60 times more sensitive in terms ofthe absolute detectable quantity (20 fmol), thus, our system isfar more advantageous in desired mass-limited sensing applica-tions. Even a better detection threshold can be attained via im-provement in the bioassay, for our current detection threshold islimited not by our transceiver, but by the specific bioassay used[4], [5]. We also successfully carried out the detection of anotherbiomolecule, folic acid, whose presentation is omitted here dueto page limitation.

For more extensive biosensing experiments, we refer readersto another work of ours in [4], where the same magnet and planarmicrocoil are used while the transceiver electronics are imple-mented in a discrete form with a lower receiver sensitivity.


Before concluding, we compare this work to other NMRsystem miniaturization efforts [4], [9], [17]–[20]. As shownin Table II, these works miniaturized only parts of the NMRsystem, but not the entire NMR system as we did. Thus, theyare all much larger than our system.


For the works that (partially) integrated the transceiver [9],[18]–[20], none of them performed the NMR experiment withthe small magnet that would substantially reduce the NMRsignal as in our case, and thus, the circuit performance opti-mization was not the major issue. The integration level in [9],[19], [20] is low. The integration level in [18] is the highestamong them, and this work represents a significant advancein art. Their target application is the measurement of variousmagnetic field strengths, and due to the difficulty of broadbandnoise matching, they directly connected their LNA to the coilwith , inevitably degrading the noise figure performance.

Overall, in terms of the entire system size, integration level,and circuit performance, our work is a step forward from theexisting NMR miniaturization works.


Combining RF microelectronics and biotechnology in theunifying framework of NMR, this work showcases how sil-icon RF ICs can be used not only for cell phones, but alsofor biosensing aimed at improving human health care. Theportable, low-cost NMR system, made possible by the devel-opment of the highly sensitive CMOS RF transceiver with anoise figure of 0.7 dB, is an addition to the growing library ofemerging biosensors aimed at early disease diagnosis and/orat personalized medical care. We are now developing an evensmaller, handheld NMR system by using an even smallermagnet: this increases the associated burden on the transceiverIC design, thus more joy for circuit designers.


The authors thank M. Cole of Oxford University, W. Hill,W. Andress, and K. Donoghue of Harvard University, andD. Ricketts of Carnegie Mellon University for their valuablesuggestions.


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Nan Sun (S’06) received the B.S. degree inelectrical engineering from Tsinghua University,Beijing, China, in 2006, where he ranked the topfirst out of 160 students in the Electrical EngineeringDepartment every single year, and graduated withthe highest honor and outstanding undergraduatethesis award. He is currently working towards thePh.D. degree in electrical engineering at HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA.

His Ph.D. research is twofold. First, he hasdeveloped several CMOS RF biomolecular sensors

utilizing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to pursue early disease detectionand low-cost medicine. These systems can be used not only for low-costmedical diagnostics, but also for oil detection and quantum computing onsilicon. Second, he is developing digital background calibration techniquesfor pipelined analog-to-digital converters. In addition to these two works, hehas also made a key contribution to proving the chaotic nature of uncontrolledsoliton oscillators by performing a Lyapunov analysis.

Mr. Sun received the first-class Tsinghua University Outstanding StudentAward in each year from 2003 to 2006. He won the Top Prize in the Intercol-legiate Physics Competition in 2003. He is the recipient of the Samsung Out-standing Student Award in 2003, Hewlett Packard Outstanding Student Awardin 2006, and Analog Device Outstanding Student Designer Award in 2007. Hewon the Harvard Teaching Fellow Award in 2008. He has filed 4 US provisionalpatents.

Yong Liu (S’03–M’07) received the B.S. and M.S.degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in2000 and 2003, and the Ph.D. degree from HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA, in 2007, all in electricalengineering. He is currently with the IBM T. J.Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.His Ph.D. work examined applications of CMOSICs in medicine and biotechnology, by directlyinterfacing CMOS ICs with biological systems.Specifically, his work consisted of two projects.First, he developed CMOS ICs in conjunction with

microfluidic systems to magnetically manipulate individual biological cells forcell sorting applications. Second, he developed a CMOS RF biosensor utilizingNMR for medical diagnostics in a portable platform. Additionally, he workedon RF and mixed-signal ICs for communication and computation systemsduring his stay at Harvard, including autonomic PLLs for multi-domainsynchronous clocking. His current research at IBM is on wireline transceiverdesign. He has 14 publications, two U.S. patents, and three provisional patentsfiled.

In 2001, he was with Tsinghua Tongfang Microelectronics Co., working onthe second-generation Chinese RF ID card. In 2005 and 2006, he was with theMixed-signal Communications IC Group at IBM T. J. Watson Research Centeras a summer intern. He was the recipient of the Seagate Scholarship, MotorolaScholarship, Second Prize in the China National Graduate EDA Competition,and Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award. He is a co-winner ofthe Beatrice Editorial Excellence Award in the 2009 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).

Hakho Lee (M’05) is an Instructor in BiomedicalEngineering program at the Center for Systems Bi-ology at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)and Harvard Medical School (HMS). He received thePh.D. degree in physics from Harvard University in2005, and joined the Center for Molecular ImagingResearch at MGH/HMS as a Research Associate. Hehas contributed to developing a new type of micro-total-analysis-systems by combining integrated cir-cuits and microfluidics and developed the miniatureNMR system. Dr. Lee’s research topics include the

synthesis of novel magnetic particles and the development of microelectronicsystems for medical diagnosis.

Ralph Weissleder is a Professor at Harvard Med-ical School, Director of the Center for Systems Bi-ology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Di-rector of the Center for Molecular Imaging Research,and Attending Clinician at MGH. Dr. Weissleder isalso a member of the Dana Farber Harvard CancerCenter, an Associate Member of the Broad Institute(Chemical Biology Program), and a member of theHarvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI). Dr. Weissleder’sresearch interests include the development of novelmolecular imaging techniques, tools for detection of

early disease detection and development of nanomaterials for sensing and sys-tems analysis. His research has been translational and several of his develop-ments have led to advanced clinical trials with anticipated major impacts whenthese methods become routinely available. He has published over 500 originalpublications in peer reviewed journals and has authored several textbooks. Hiswork has been honored with numerous awards including the J. Taylor Interna-tional Prize in Medicine, the Millennium Pharmaceuticals Innovator Award, theAUR Memorial Award, the ARRS President’s Award, the Society for Molec-ular Imaging Lifetime Achievement Award, the Academy of Molecular Imaging2006 Distinguished Basic Scientist Award, and the 2008 RSNA Outstanding Re-searcher Award.

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Donhee Ham (S’99–M’02) is John L. Loeb Asso-ciate Professor of the Natural Sciences and AssociateProfessor of Electrical Engineering at Harvard Uni-versity, Cambridge, MA, where he is with the Schoolof Engineering and Applied Sciences (Programs:Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics).

He received the B.S. degree in physics fromSeoul National University, Korea, in 1996, where hegraduated summa cum laude with the ValedictorianPrize as well as the Presidential Prize, ranked top 1stacross the Natural Science College, and also with the

Physics Gold Medal (sole winner). Following 1.5 years of mandatory militaryservice in the Republic of Korea Army, he proceeded to California Institute ofTechnology, Pasadena, CA, where he received the M.S. degree in physics in1999 working on general relativity and gravitational astrophysics, and Ph.D.degree in electrical engineering in 2002 winning the Charles Wilts DoctoralThesis Prize, Best thesis award in Electrical Engineering. His doctoral workexamined the statistical physics of electrical circuits. He was the recipient ofthe IBM Doctoral Fellowship, IBM Faculty Partnership Award, IBM ResearchDesign Challenge Award, Li Ming Scholarship, Silver Medal in NationalMath Olympiad, and the fellow of the Korea Foundation of Advanced Studies.

He shared Harvard’s Hoopes prize with William Franklin Andress. He wasrecognized by MIT Technology Review as among the world’s top 35 younginnovators in 2008 (TR35), for his group’s work on CMOS RF biomolecularsensor using nuclear spin resonance to pursue early disease detection andlow-cost medicine.

Dr. Ham’s work experiences include Caltech-MIT Laser InterferometerGravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), IBM T. J. Watson Research Center,IEEE conference technical program committees including the IEEE Interna-tional Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) and the IEEE Asian Solid-StateCircuits Conference (ASSCC), advisory board for the IEEE International Sym-posium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), international advisory board for theInstitute for Nanodevices and Biosystems, and various U.S., Korea, and Japanindustry, government, and academic technical advisory positions on subjectsincluding ultrafast electronics, science and technology at the nanoscale, and theinterface between biotechnology and microelectronics. He was a guest editorfor the IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS (JSSC, January 2009) and aco-editor of CMOS Biotechnology with Springer (2007).

The research focus of his research group at Harvard University is on: 1) RF,analog and mixed-signal ICs; 2) GHz/THz 1-dimensional electronic and plas-monic transport in quantum wires; 3) soliton and nonlinear wave electronics; 4)applications of CMOS ICs in biotechnology.
