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IEEE/PES TRANSFORMERS COMMITTEE Fall 2016 Meeting; Vancouver, CANADA Administrative Subcommittee Agenda Sunday, October 23, 2016 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM, Port McNeil Room Chair: Stephen Antosz Vice Chair: Sue McNelly Secretary: Bruce Forsyth Treasurer: Greg Anderson Awards Chair/Past Chair: Don Platts Standards Coordinator: Jim Graham 1 of 8 10. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE STEPHEN ANTOSZ 10.1 Introduction of Members and Guests The Chair called the meeting to order and asked attendees to introduce themselves and their affiliation. Consultants were asked to identify the company they were representing if they were not representing their own consulting interest. Introductions were made by members and guests. Members and Guests Present: Chair.................................................................................................................. Stephen Antosz Vice Chair ......................................................................................................... Susan McNelly Secretary ........................................................................................................... Bruce Forsyth Treasurer/ Meetings Planning SC .................................................................... Gregory Anderson Standards Coordinator....................................................................................... Jim Graham Awards/Past Chair ............................................................................................ Donald Platts Bushings ........................................................................................................... Peter Zhao Dielectric Tests ................................................................................................ Ajith Varghese Distribution Transformers ................................................................................ Stephen Shull Dry Type Transformers .................................................................................... Casey Ballard HVDC Converter Transformers & Reactors .................................................... Michael Sharp Instrument Transformers .................................................................................. Ross McTaggart Insulating Fluids ............................................................................................... David Wallach Insulation Life .................................................................................................. Sheldon Kennedy Performance Characteristics ............................................................................ Ed teNyenhuis Power Transformers ......................................................................................... Joe Watson/Bill Griesacker Standards ........................................................................................................... Jerry Murphy Underground Transformers & Network Protectors .......................................... Dan Mulkey Guests: Peter Balma (by phone, partially), Erin Spiewak, IEEE, Malia Zaman (IEEE), Natasha Alvarado (IEEE), Gary Hoffman, Paul Jarmin (TC14 Chair) 10.2 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes The Chair asked for comments of the minutes from the Spring 2016 Administrative Subcommittee meeting in Atlanta. There were no comments and objections to unanimous approval, therefore the minutes were approved.
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Administrative Subcommittee Agenda Sunday, October 23, 2016

2:00 PM – 5:30 PM, Port McNeil Room

Chair: Stephen Antosz Vice Chair: Sue McNelly Secretary: Bruce Forsyth

Treasurer: Greg Anderson Awards Chair/Past Chair: Don Platts Standards Coordinator: Jim Graham

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10.1 Introduction of Members and Guests

The Chair called the meeting to order and asked attendees to introduce themselves and their affiliation. Consultants were asked to identify the company they were representing if they were not representing their own consulting interest. Introductions were made by members and guests.

Members and Guests Present: Chair .................................................................................................................. Stephen Antosz Vice Chair ......................................................................................................... Susan McNelly Secretary ........................................................................................................... Bruce Forsyth Treasurer/ Meetings Planning SC .................................................................... Gregory Anderson Standards Coordinator....................................................................................... Jim Graham Awards/Past Chair ............................................................................................ Donald Platts Bushings ........................................................................................................... Peter Zhao Dielectric Tests ................................................................................................ Ajith Varghese Distribution Transformers ................................................................................ Stephen Shull Dry Type Transformers .................................................................................... Casey Ballard HVDC Converter Transformers & Reactors .................................................... Michael Sharp Instrument Transformers .................................................................................. Ross McTaggart Insulating Fluids ............................................................................................... David Wallach Insulation Life .................................................................................................. Sheldon Kennedy Performance Characteristics ............................................................................ Ed teNyenhuis Power Transformers ......................................................................................... Joe Watson/Bill Griesacker Standards ........................................................................................................... Jerry Murphy Underground Transformers & Network Protectors .......................................... Dan Mulkey Guests: Peter Balma (by phone, partially), Erin Spiewak, IEEE, Malia Zaman (IEEE),

Natasha Alvarado (IEEE), Gary Hoffman, Paul Jarmin (TC14 Chair)

10.2 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The Chair asked for comments of the minutes from the Spring 2016 Administrative Subcommittee meeting in Atlanta. There were no comments and objections to unanimous approval, therefore the minutes were approved.

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10.3 Additions to and/or Approval of the Agenda

The Chair reviewed the draft agenda and noted the addition of a new item under New Business (IEEE/IEC issue regarding dual references) since the initial preliminary agenda was sent to members. In addition, the Chairs asked that the issues involving Peter Balma be covered first since Peter was calling in and had other commitments. There were no additional changes requested and no objections to unanimous approval of the revised agenda, therefore the following agenda was approved.

Approved Agenda:

1. Introduction of Members and Guests (:05) ............................................. All 2. Approval of Fall 2015 Minutes from Memphis (:03) .............................. Stephen Antosz 3. Additions to and/or Approval of the Agenda (:02) ................................. Stephen Antosz 4. Chair’s Report (:05) ................................................................................ Stephen Antosz 5. Vice Chair’s Report (:05) ........................................................................ Sue McNelly 6. Secretary’s Report & New Committee Membership Approval (:10) ...... Bruce Forsyth 7. Treasurer’s Report (:05) .......................................................................... Greg Anderson 8. Recognition & Awards Report (:05) ....................................................... Don Platts 9. Standards Report (:30) ............................................................................ Jim Graham 10. IEEE Staff Update (:10) .......................................................................... Erin Spiewak 11. Meeting Planning (:10) ........................................................................... Greg Anderson

11.1. Vancouver Meeting Update 11.2. Future Meetings

Time Check (3:30 pm) & Break (20 min max)

12. Old Business 12.1. Status of TC O&P Manual and WG P&P Manual (:05) ............ S. Antosz/P. Balma 12.2. IEEE Fellows Representative (:03) ............................................ S. Antosz/P. Balma 12.3. New C57 Compilation CD (:03) ................................................ E. Spiewak/G. Anderson

13. New Business 13.1. Emeritus Membership (:10) ....................................................... S. Antosz/P. Balma 13.2. 100 Year Anniversary of Transformers Committee (:04) .......... S. Antosz/P. Balma 13.3. IEEE/IEC issue regarding dual references ................................. Paul Jarmin

Time Check – 4:15 PM 14. Subcommittee Reports – Roundtable (not intended to indicate order of reporting)

Bushings (:03) ............................................................................... Peter Zhao Dielectric Test (:03) ....................................................................... Ajith Varghese Distribution Transformers (:03) .................................................... Steve Shull Dry Type Transformers (:03) ........................................................ Casey Ballard HVDC (:03) ................................................................................... Mike Sharp Instrument Transformers (:03) ...................................................... Ross McTaggart Insulating Fluids (:03) ................................................................... David Wallach Insulation Life (:03) ....................................................................... Sheldon Kennedy Performance Characteristics (:03) ................................................. Ed teNyenhuis Power Transformers (:03).............................................................. Joe Watson/Bill Griesacker Standards (:03) .............................................................................. Jerry Murphy Underground Transformers & Network Protector (:03) ................ Dan Mulkey

15. Adjourn

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10.4 Chair’s Report – Stephen Antosz

Refer to Section 5.0 of the Main Minutes for a complete “Chair’s Report.”


• Topics from the last Technical Council meeting were reviewed. • The Chair will be attending the upcoming Technical Council Retreat. • New and recent Transformer Committee Subcommittee Chair appointments – Ajith Varghese

(Dielectric Test), Bill Griesacker (Power Transformers), Sheldon Kennedy (Insulation Life). • Liaison representatives updates – David Brender (Standards Coordinating Committee No. 18 –

NFPA/NEC)) • The C57 collection CD is complete and some have been mailed already.

10.5 Vice Chair’s Report – Sue McNelly

Refer to Section 6.0 of the Main Minutes for a complete “Vice Chair’s Report.”


• Joint Technical Committee meeting on January 8-12, 2017 in New Orleans. • General Meeting on July 16-20, 2107 in Chicago.

10.6 Secretary’s Report – Bruce Forsyth

Refer to Section 7.0 of the Main Minutes for a complete “Secretary’s Report.”


• There were eight applications for Committee Membership since the last meeting. One application was from a Past Committee Member (Saurabh Ghosh). Mr. Ghosh was reinstated since his status was changed to Past Committee Member less than two years ago. SA membership for one applicant (Shankar Nambi) has not been verified, and he has been notified. A motion was made by Bruce Forsyth (seconded by Stephen Antosz) to approve all new applications except Shankar Nambi’s. The motion was approved unanimously.

• There were 10 positive responses to the essential patent claim question on the registration form. Of those, only 3 provided any further detail and are noted in the full report.

• SC Chairs are asked to submit their minutes not later than December 4.

10.7 Treasurer’s Report – Gregory Anderson

Refer to Section 8.0 of the Main Minutes for a complete “Treasurer’s Report.”


• It has become tricky to show funds for certain advance payments for future meetings. Some venues require payments so far in advance that they get mixed in with the timing of previous meeting costs.

• Overall our funds are in good shape. • Greg noted challenges related to predicting foreign exchange rates.

10.8 Recognition & Awards Report – Don Platts

Refer to Section 9.0 of the Main Minutes for a complete “Recognition & Award’s Report.”

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• 6 WG awards will be handed out during the Tuesday luncheon. • 7 WGs had awards mailed but will also be recognized. • A candidate for the young engineer award has been identified. • Don asked for any recommendations or suggestions for award recipients. • A question was asked about the process to notify award recipients in advance to ensure they show up

for the awards luncheon. Should recipients be notified in advance? Don stated he would take this under consideration.

10.9 Standard’s Report – Jim Graham

Refer to Section 11.0 of the Main Minutes for a complete “Standards Report.”


• All PARs expiring this year are either complete or extensions have been requested, so none will be administratively withdrawn.

• 3 new standards have been approved. • Several PARs for revision have been submitted. • October 17, 2017 is next year’s deadline. • Will be seeking input from SC Chairs for updates on activity leaders. • Working on guides for WG leaders (and SC Chairs).

10.10 IEEE Staff Update – Erin Spiewak

Erin Spiewak introduced Malia Zaman who will be taking over Erin’s current responsibilities as program manager for the Transformers Committee.

The current patent policy followed by the Transformers Committee does not strictly adhere to IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual requirements. The patent policy will be discussed during the Monday luncheon. Moving forward, the patent question will continue to be asked at registration, but the patent question (IEEE-SA SB 6.3.2) must be asked at each Working Group meeting with the results documented in the minutes. This process is necessary since some meeting attendees may not see the patent question (e.g. people who do not register online). A discussion related to past practice and current requirements took place. Further discussion took place regarding what is required versus what is recommended with respect to the patent slide presentation. Attention was made to IEEE-SA SB 6.3.2. which states:

“6.3.2 Call for patents The chair or the chair's delegate of an IEEE standards-developing working group or the chair of an IEEE standards Sponsor shall be responsible for informing the participants at a meeting that if any individual believes that Patent Claims might be Essential Patent Claims, that fact should be made known to the entire working group and duly recorded in the minutes of the working group meeting. This request shall occur at every standards-developing meeting once the PAR is approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board.

“The chair or the chair's delegate shall ask any patent holder or patent applicant of a Patent Claim that might be or become an Essential Patent Claim to complete and submit a Letter of Assurance in accordance with Clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws. Information about the draft standard will be made available upon request.”

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It was noted that showing the patent slides that have been shown in the past does not comply with the requirements stated in 6.3.2. Working Groups must make the verbal call and record the results in the WG meeting minutes. Note that the WG Chair is not responsible for resolving any patent issues, only to ensure potential patent claims are documented and requesting a Letter of Assurance from patent holders. Stephen Antosz stated that he, Bruce Forsyth, Gary Hoffman, Erin Spiewak, and Don Platts will put together and instruction for WG Chairs to provide them with the correct question to ask and instructions regarding actions based upon response. Since this won’t be completed for this meeting, the issue will be discussed in the main Committee tomorrow and WG Chairs will be asked to make a good faith effort to ask the question and record the results. Gary Hoffman will provide a set of PowerPoint slides for that purpose.

IEEE has withdrawn its seat on the US National Committee (USNC) in an effort to be viewed as more global. This does not affect its current dual logo agreement with IEC. As a result, IEEE cannot adopt IEC documents and a process to include IEC content in our documents will have to be developed. A question was raised regarding getting access to IEC information for use in our standards. Erin noted we would go through ANSI since we are still accredited by ANSI.

10.11 Meeting Planning Report – Gregory Anderson

No written report provided.


• Preliminary registration shows about 570 registrants, with about 126 companions • The Spring 2017 meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 2-6, 2017. The meeting

will be hosted by Marnie Roussell (Entergy). • The Fall 2017 meeting location has not been determined, but the date will likely be October 29 –

November 2, 2017. • The Spring 2018 meeting will be held in Pittsburgh, PA on March 25-29, 2018.

10.12 Old Business

10.12.1 Status of TC O&P Manual and WG P&P Manual – Stephen Antosz & Peter Balma

Stephen Antosz noted that the Committee will be voting on proposed changes to the Transformers Committee Organization and Procedures (O&P) Manual and the WG Policies and Procedures (P&P) Manual during Monday’s meeting.

Peter Balma gave an overview of the proposed WG P&P Manual. First item for discussion is related to the timing required for minutes to be completed. After some discussion, Steve Schull moved that the WG meeting minutes be submitted within 15 days (seconded by Dan Mulkey). Stephen Antosz noted this is what is currently in the WG P&P proposal up for vote. The motion was unanimously approved.

Peter reviewed a few other changes and clarifications in the WG P&P proposal. Regarding quorum, the question of whether quorum should be 50% or not less than 50% of the membership took place, but no decision or action was taken.

Peter went on to discuss the proposed TC O&P Manual. Some of the more significant changes were presented. Some concerns raised by Gary Hoffman based upon the direction the IEEE-SA is currently moving. AudCom may have has some concerns that certain items related to standards development in the TC O&P manual may need to be moved into the sponsor P&P. Gary mentioned that after reviewing the TC O&P in more detail he believes the document really defines roles within the TC and not standards development, and as such does not oppose the document as written.

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A discussion related to who initiates reappointments of SC Chairs, Vice Chairs, Secretaries, etc. Stephen Antosz noted the RC Chair appoints and reappoints SC Chairs.

A change for the scope of the Insulation Life Subcommittee was discussed. The proposal is to change “safe” to “recommended” and this will be discussed during the main Committee meeting on Monday.

10.12.2 IEEE Fellow Representative – Stephen Antosz & Peter Balma

Someone from the TC needs to serve on the PES committee that evaluates people associated with transformers. Bob Degeneff served during a recent review process. Sheldon Kennedy has agreed to serve for the coming year.

10.12.3 New C57 Compilation CD – Erin Spiewak & Greg Anderson

The CD compilation was published and copies have been mailed those who made advanced purchases during registration.

10.13 New Business

10.13.1 Emeritus Membership – Stephen Antosz & Peter Balma

Our adherence to rules related to emeritus membership has not been great. We need to follow the rules in the sponsor P&P or recommend revisions that should be made. Stephen Antosz announced he has formed a Task Force to review and resolve. Bruce Forsyth will chair the TF, and the members shall be Don Platts, Stephen Antosz, Sheldon Kennedy, Steve Shull.

10.13.2 100 Year Anniversary of Transformers Committee – Stephen Antosz & Peter Balma

Peter’s research found the first reference to a Transformers Committee in 1918, making 2018 the 100 year anniversary. A proposal has been made to make the spring 2018 a special celebration with special speakers and events. Greg Anderson has assembled a small group to plan the meeting.

10.13.3 IEEE/IEC Issue Regarding Dual References – Paul Jarmin

Paul Jarmin discussed a problem related to dual logo documents with specific reference to the phase shifting transformer standard. The IEC Standardization Management Board (SMB) raised a question regarding listing normative references for both IEEE and IEC even though there is language in the document stating that one or the other (IEEE or IEC) standard must be selected but not both. TC14 members met recently and have informed SMB they are satisfied with the document the way it is, but this introduces the possibility that SMB could reject the document. If that occurs the likely resolution will be to split the document into two – one for IEEE and one for IEC.

10.14 Subcommittee Reports Subcommittee Report/Hot Topic

Bushings (S. Shull)

No pressing issues reported.

Dielectric Test (A. Varghese)

3 new topics to be discussed this week, one of which is from China (SGCC) related to filed measurement of partial discharge.

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Subcommittee Report/Hot Topic

Distribution Transformers (S. Shull)

No pressing issues reported. One regulator document going through the balloting process.

Dry Type Transformers (C. Ballard)

2 main standards have PARs approved. 12.60 (thermal issues) now in TC14 and PC112.

HVDC (M. Sharp)

2 groups meeting this week. HVDC converter transformer standard (dual logo) is in comment resolution. 12.77 HVDC smoothing reactor standard – putting together a scope for a PAR.

Instrument Transformers (R. McTaggart)

A draft for a PAR for CCVT standard is under review. A recent proposal was made by CSA to make the station service voltage standards a dual logo document or to adopt it as is. This will be discussed.

Insulating Fluids (D. Wallach)

C57.104 work will continue (new WG Chair). C57.147 needed an extension for ballot resolution. No response to request for LOA has been received. A presentation on “Where Does The Air Go?” will be made by Don Platts at the SC meeting.

Insulation Life (S. Kennedy)

C57.162 work in process. 1276 requesting PAR extension. C27.119 in recirculation balloting process. New groups on Guide for Transformer Temperature Measurements needs a PAR approval. Jeff Ray raised a question related to interpretation of cooling curve requirements.

Performance Characteristics (E. teNyenhuis)

4 guides in various stages of balloting. 7 more in 2018 or beyond. New group on short circuit design criterion. 2 Chairs stepping down.

Power Transformers (J. Watson)

Bill Griesacker taking over as SC Chair. Kip Yule raised questions about minutes – too many variations; suggestion for new template and possibly a TF do develop the template.

Standards SC (J. Murphy)

Need to update website data. A few corrigenda under way.

Underground Transformers & Network Protectors (D. Mulkey)

4 standards in progress. 2 in balloting stage. 2 working through changes.

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10.15 Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM.

Submitted by:

Bruce Forsyth, Secretary, Transformers Committee

January 1, 2017

Attachments (3): Annex 1 – Peter Balma’s Presentation to the Administrative Subcommittee Annex 2 – IEC-SMB Decision 156/26 on IEC/IEEE Dual References Annex 3 – TC 14 Response to IEC-SMB Decision 156/26 on IEC/IEEE Dual References

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Annex 1

Peter Balma’s Administrative Subcommittee Presentation

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IEEE Administrative Committee Meeting

Fall 2016

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Organization and Procedures Manual Submitted our last draft of the Operations Manual to the

PES Technical Council for review. Feedback received, suggested two changes which were

made: To remove Chapter 10, our discussion and step by step instructions

on how to prepare and get an IEEE Standard approved. (Will be published by Jim Graham as separate guide.)

A clarification of the scope of the insulating fluids committee to make sure it only focused on transformers not other equipment (concern was that in the past we documented oil requirements for circuit breakers, in discussion with the Switchgear committee we eliminated this from our standards). Therefore the words “ “ could be removed from our scope

Both of these changes were made and the manual was re-submitted to the Technical Council and was discussed at their July 2016 meeting and approved by PES.

Will be presented to membership for a vote at Monday’s meeting

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Policies and Procedures for: Working Groups

Working group P&P was revised based on the following: Updated guidelines from the IEEE-SA Input from Steve Schull’s task force last year to clarify our

procedures Input from Administrative committee on removal of officers and

other concerns Two reviews and a conference call by the Administrative


Will be presented to membership for a vote at Monday’s meeting

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Fellow Nominations Process Update After a difficult scramble over three weeks we were able to enlist Bob

Degeneff’s help at the last minute so that we were able to evaluate the four PES nominations that focused on accomplishments in transformers

The problem was that the Transformers Committee’s representative cannot be part of any nominations.

Sheldon Kennedy had graciously volunteered to be our representative this year; but unfortunately he was a reference for a nomination and this disqualified him.

Resolution was that we formed a fellows evaluation committee, Peter Balma, Sheldon Kennedy, and Bob Degeneff reviewed all four nominations (pertaining to transformers); each only doing those they were not part of as a reference or nominator. The results were collected and submitted by Bob Degeneff and we avoided a near disaster.

Sheldon Kennedy has agreed to be our representative next year; and as a result will not be part of any nominations, and will not serve as a reference. Therefore, we will not have this problem next year. Evaluation by technical experts of the Transformers committee, for the PES evaluation of fellows, is a very important part of the process!


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Emeritus Membership Our Sponsor P&P indicates we can have Emeritus members Emeritus members are to be “individuals who have made

longstanding and notable contributions to the Committee, but because of a change of personal situations are unable to attend meetings”.

These members can be designated by “the Chair, with concurrence of the Administrative Subcommittee.”

Documentation and selection of Emeritus members has been inconsistent, as perhaps has the process.

Should they be listed on website for this recognition? Is this something the committee wishes to continue??? If so, we all need to be aware of this; and the next time an Emeritus

member is confirmed by AdCom it has to be reflected in the minutes.

What is decision, action, or motion by AdCom, on Emeritus members (see also next slide for discussion)?


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Emeritus MembershipWith the help of Bruce, Greg and Peter; the following appears to be our list of Emeritus members back to early eighties (still reviewing):Does anyone have any changes or corrections to this list???

Hanus Kenneth Fallon Donald Patel Bipin Dudley Richard Vaillancourt Georges Lundquist Tom Wagenaar Loren 2014 Pierce Linden 2003 Veitch Bob Compton Olin Ebert John dec. Kappeler Carl Koenig E.

dec. = deceased

Allustiarti Raymond Arnold James 2001 Kennedy William 2002 Smith Jerry 2004 Stensland Leonard Ebert John 2000 dec. Bennon, Sal dec. McMillen Chuck dec. Foster Sam (resigned) Easley John(resgn. 2003) Bonucchi Joe Brown Charles Cambre Max

Some also resigned from being Emeritus members 6

Grubb Bob Johnson David Smith Jim Thomas Ray Templeton Jim Long Leonard McGill Jack Mutschler Bill Pearce Pedro

Only those with dates, have been found in minutes so far.

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100 Year Celebration of the Transformers Committee - 2018

Based on research of AIEE and IEEE, the first recorded meeting of a transformers committee was in 1918, making 2018 the 100 yr. anniversary of our committee

There will be a special meeting Spring 2018 in Pittsburgh to celebrate the occasion

Formal banquet on Sunday Special guests and speakers Best efforts to get our former members together ‘re-union’ Significant honors and awards A sumptuous all out feast and reception Band & dancing Special commerative event publication, history, honors, awards,

and more Will need volunteers to help plan and organize event (task force to

meet later in the week)7

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Annex 2

IEC-SMB Decision 156/26 on IEC/IEEE Dual References

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JRS/JLA page i of (i + 1) pages

SMB/5965/INF For IEC use only 2016-09-23

INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION STANDARDIZATION MANAGEMENT BOARD SUBJECT SMB meeting 157, agenda item 14.6, Frankfurt Follow-up to SMB Decision 156/26 – IEC/IEEE dual references BACKGROUND In view of the SMB Frankfurt meeting, and following the SMB decision below, TC 14 wished to submit a preliminary reply to SMB as regards the IEC/ IEEE dual references. TC 14 will be convening after the SMB. “SMB Decision 156/26 – IEC/IEEE dual-logo standard with alternative requirements SMB agreed that standards with many alternative requirements were an unsatisfactory response to the objectives of international standardization and invited IEC TC 14 to work with IEEE to develop standards including a single set of requirements to enable interoperability of products at a global level. TC 14 was invited to provide an initial response to SMB in time for review at SMB 157 meeting in October 2016.” ACTION This document is for information and discussion at the meeting.

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To IEC/SMB Meeting October 2016


INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 14 POWER TRANSFORMERS Follow up to SMB Decision 156/26 IEC/TC 14 notes SMB Decision 156/26 and the request for an initial response to SMB in time for review at SMB 157 meeting in October 2016. Unfortunately the next meeting of IEC/TC 14 will not be held until 11th and 12th October, when we will have a full discussion of the matter. However discussions among the project leaders of the documents concerned have come to the following conclusions. We accept that the approach taken in our joint IEC/IEEE projects developing standards for particular types of specialist transformers so far is to present normative references to the IEC or IEEE base standards as alternatives. This means that two transformers conforming to the same standard could in fact be somewhat different, depending on whether IEC or IEEE references are used. We are achieving mutual recognition and a considerable reduction in volunteer efforts in preparing one rather than two standards, but not necessarily complete interoperability. In effect we have the appearance of two different standards written in one document, but in practice the base standards are similar enough for all practical purposes relating to the special transformers covered by the proposals. In fact we have a single set of requirements in the standards, but with alternatives when normative references are made. This in itself is not unusual, standards will often give alternative test methods when the results are equivalent or one is more suitable in a given set of circumstances than another. However in our case, once reference is made to a particular set of references (either IEC or IEEE) we require that all the other references are to the same set. This is to avoid conflicts and ‘cherry picking’ leading to unintended complications and consequences. Although they may be technically equivalent, the interrelationship between the two sets of standards is so complex that no other solution is currently practical. It is hoped that over a period of time we will be able to further harmonise technical requirements, possibly enabling reference to a single set of reference documents in the future. As a temporary solution we would like to keep the separate references in the first edition of these standards with a view to revising this approach in the next edition. It is still possible it may take more than on iteration to reach full harmonization, however without publishing this first stage it might never be achieved at all. As a first step and as an example we propose the following clause is added to IEC/IEEE 60076-157-1202 and if acceptable, the other documents concerned:

Phase Shifting Transformers may be specified to meet the requirements of either IEC 60076-1 or IEEE™ Std. C57.12.80 as well as the requirements of this standard. Differences between these two standards mean that the requirements of IEC 60076-1 or IEEE™ Std. C57.12.80 cannot be mixed. Note Functionally the requirements of IEC 60076-1 and IEEE™ Std. C57.12.80 are very similar and the requirement not to mix the requirements is primarily for clarity and simplicity of compliance with this standard.

It would be appreciated if I could informally receive the response from the SMB to inform our own discussions on the 11th and 12th. Yours sincerely

M Maghar Secretary IEC/TC 14


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Annex 3

TC 14 Response to IEC-SMB Decision 156/26 on IEC/IEEE Dual References

Page 21: IEEE/PES TRANSFORMERS COMMITTEEgrouper.ieee.org/groups/transformers/meetings/F2016...IEEE standards Sponsor shall be responsible for informing the participants at a meeting that if

Resolution 1 option 1 (references are alternatives and not to be mixed)

TC 14 has considered in detail the issue raised about the FDIS of IEC 60076-57-1202 regarding the use of alternative IEEE or IEC normative references. The committee confirms the approach taken in the document and considers that in the context of standard practice within the transformer industry where transformers are individually specified according to a range of options, this will not cause any issues. There are a number of technical alternatives already provided for in the transformer standards and the industry is fully conversant with this approach. It is important to note that the IEC and IEEE references used are functionally very similar but it is considered confusing to mix them in this standard.

TC14 requests that the SMB approve the issue of the FDIS as soon as possible particularly as the issue of the dual logo IEEE document is also being held up.

Should the SMB decide that the preferred approach of TC14 is not acceptable then it is the opinion of TC14 that the only way forward would be to produce separate documents issued under IEC and IEEE covers which would differ only in the references used. This would potentially have significant consequences for other joint standards under development within TC14 and future collaborative work.
