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Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet

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  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet



    Anglian Coastal Network

    Events Programme



  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Anglian Coastal Network

    WelcomeOn behal o the Anglian Coastal Committee, I would like to

    present the latest programme highlighting the activities planned

    or the coming months. As in the past it is a mixture o lectures,

    visits and induction events to welcome new members to the IET.

    I would also like to thank all those o you who supported the

    events held in the rst hal o the year, together with the

    speakers and organisers who made them possible.

    We hope you enjoyed the events we have organised so ar

    and will continue to support us.

    Over the next ew pages we present the events and visits

    organised or the coming months. We also have plans or

    a ew more visits and activities which have yet to be nalised.

    So or the latest event listing, please visit the Anglian

    Coastal Network website.

    I look orward to meeting more o you at the events/visits

    planned or the rest o the year.

    A. Francine, MIET.

    [email protected]


  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Decommissioningo North SeaAssetsDate: 18 September 2012Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: Holiday Inn, Norwich, NR4 6EP

    Organiser: Kevin Magee

    Speaker: Keith Tucker, Perenco

    LectureA small but increasing number o oshore

    North Sea oil and gas assets are reachingthe end o eld lie. The decommissioning

    o structures such as production wells, steel

    jackets, concrete gravity-based structures,

    subsea production systems and pipelines

    has presented the industry with a new

    set o challenges in terms o commercial,

    technological and environmental solutions.

    This embryonic sub-sector o the energy

    sector represents opportunities orengineering & technological innovation and

    ingenuity almost on a case by case basis as

    the sector develops and learns.

    The orum amongst operators and services

    providers is co-operative as eective

    solutions are sought or what is estimated

    to be a 35bn industry over the next 30

    years. With only a handul o installationsdecommissioned to date, this presentation

    gives an insight into the wider sector

    challenges and specic experience rom a

    successully executed project.

    Group Visit:Snellings MuseumDate: 25 September 2012

    Time: 10:00-12:00Venue: Blofeld Heath, Norwich, NR13 4SQ

    Organiser: Keith Smith

    VisitA trip down memory lane. For anyone who

    is intrigued by technology or mesmerized

    by nostalgia , a visit to our new museum is

    not to be missed. Located in a new building

    on the same site as our showroom, themuseum really is a wonderul step back

    in time, displaying over 100 radio and TV

    products rom down the decades.All have

    been collected and where necessary lovingly-

    restored by a small team o retired Snelling

    TV engineers to ensure the history o TV and

    Radio is shared and celebrated rather than

    orgotten that is why admission is ree o

    charge to everyone. Feature items include

    a real working Crystal set wireless, the rstEkco portable TV (you wont believe the size

    or weight o it) and some amazing advertising

    signs rom way back. Most o the exhibits

    are rom British manuacturers, with a ew

    American and one or two Japanese, where

    they have invented a product such as VHS

    and Beta Video recorders.

    Registration is essential or this event.



  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Anglian Coastal Network

    A FearsomeWeapon: TheEnglish Long BowDate: 4 October 2012

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: Holiday Inn, Norwich, NR4 6EP

    Organiser: Alex Barrett

    Speaker: Willy Rackham

    LectureThe English Longbow - the most eective and

    eared weapon o late mediaeval Europe.

    Bowyer and fetcher Willy Rackham shows

    us the characteristics o longbows, the wide

    variety o arrows developed to be used with

    them and how both were made.

    He also explores how tactics were developed

    to maximise the eectiveness o the weapon,

    the demands it made on the archers and the

    social changes which accompanied its use.

    Smart WaterNetworksDate: 16 October 2012

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 startVenue: Hethel Engineering Centre,

    Hethel, Norwich, NR14 8FB

    Organiser: Kevin Magee

    Speaker: Paul Linord, Syrinix

    LectureThe world has as much water now as it

    has ever had; we will not run out o water.

    However, we can run out o clean drinkingwater and increasing numbers o people

    around the world are living in water poverty.

    Water supply is the ultimate silent service

    and none o us really pay it any attention -

    until it is not there.

    Business as usual will not meet the short

    all in demand and enable water networks to

    deliver the water we all need in the comingdecades. Smart Water Networks are one

    solution track and this talk will present

    an overview o the development o this

    technology and showcase a ew examples.


  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    CurrentDevelopments inHydrogen uel cell

    and energy storagetechnologyDate: 18 October 2012

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: Cameo Hotel, Copdock, IP8 3JD

    Organiser: Mick Mehler

    Speaker: Pro Robert Steinberger-Wilckens

    LectureFuel cells are gathering momentum currently

    with early commercial and industrial

    developments targetting the automotive and

    distributed generation markets up to 2015.

    On many o these developments Europe is

    taking a lead, but competition rom the US,

    South Korea and Japan is catching up.

    The talk will pick examples rom current

    progress and explain how hydrogen and

    uel cells merge into the picture o a uture

    sustainable energy system based on security

    o supply, avoidance o carbon emissions and

    o hazardous wastes.

    Group Visit:Radar MuseumDate: 1 November 2012

    Time: 13:00-17:00

    Venue: RAF Air Deence Radar Museum,

    Horning, NR12 8YB

    Organiser: Mark Ward

    VisitA private visit to the RAF Air Deence Radar

    Museum in North Norolk has been arranged

    exclusive to members o the Anglian Coastal

    Network. This museum traces the history o

    the UKs air deence systems (including the

    nearby ormer Neatishead station), Command

    and Control reporting networks and includes

    exhibits on Cold War topics, nuclear bunkers,

    radar technology and missile systems.

    There is a recently added set o rooms

    dedicated to the nearby Coltishall base

    which closed in 2006. The visit will include

    a guided tour which lasts 60-90 minutes.The remaining time can be spent viewing

    the large collection o exhibits and restored

    control rooms. This is a ree event where

    visitors will be able to purchase ood and

    drink or bring your own ood. Find out more

    at www.radarmuseum.co.uk.

    Registration is essential or this event.



  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Anglian Coastal Network

    Design oSizewell CDate: 15 November 2012

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 startVenue: Cameo Hotel, Copdock, IP8 3JD

    Organiser: Trevor Branton

    Speaker: Mike Lavelle

    LectureMike Lavelle, Head o Operational

    Development or Nuclear New Build, will give

    a presentation on the emerging proposals or

    Sizewell C.

    This will include an overview on the need

    or new nuclear energy, the type o power

    station that could be built and the wider

    developments that EDF Energy will propose as

    part o their planning application to develop

    Sizewell C. Mike will also provide an update

    on the progress o EDF Energys plans or a

    new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point

    in Somerset.

    And also i required: Tom McGarry,

    Communications Manager or Sizewell C, will

    also provide an overview o the orthcoming

    public consultation on the Sizewell C


    SheringhamShoal windarmDate: 29 November 2012

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 startVenue: Cameo Hotel, Copdock, IP8 3JD

    Organiser: Alex Barrett

    Speaker: Roger Fredheim, Scira

    LectureScira Oshore Energy Limited will provide

    a presentation about the development and

    operation o the Sheringham Shoal Oshore

    Wind Farm. Sheringham Shoal is owned

    equally by Statoil, the major Norwegian

    integrated Oil and Gas Company, and Statkrat,

    the major Norwegian Utility Company, through

    the joint venture company Scira Oshore

    Energy Limited. Statoil is the manager or

    Scira during the project development and

    construction phase, while Scira will be

    responsible or the operations and maintenance

    o the wind arm with maintenance services

    provided by Siemens UK, the supplier o thewind turbine generators. The wind arm area

    covers 35 square kilometres and will consist)

    and 2 oshore transormer substations.

    The turbines generate electricity when the

    wind is stronger than 4 metres per second

    (close to 9 mph) and shuts-in in order

    to protect the machine at wind speeds

    exceeding 25 metres per second (56 mph).

    Once completed and in ull operation the

    Sheringham Shoal wind arm is estimated to

    produce enough electricity to supply 220,000

    British households every year. Completion is

    scheduled or late summer 2012.


  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Making andImpact withYour CVDate: 6 December 2012Time: 17:30 - 20:00

    Venue: Holiday Inn, Norwich, NR4 6EP

    Organiser: Alex Barrett

    Speaker: Louise Tythe

    LieskillsGetting your CV noticed amongst the

    hundreds o other applicants is vital toyour success in being selected or interview.

    So how do you make your CV more appealing

    than the others? This practical workshop

    provides hints and tips on how to make your

    CV stand out rom the crowd. Do bring along

    your current CV or appraisal.

    Registration is essential or this event.

    History oIpswich AirportDate: 17 January 2013

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: Cameo Hotel, Copdock, IP8 3JD

    Organiser: John Grifths

    LectureIpswich Airport Remembered Aviation

    started in the Ipswich area in 1912 but the

    rst aireld was not created until 1927,

    ollowed by the Nacton Heath aireld in 1930.

    Civil aviation fourished there until its takeover

    by the RAF or the duration o the war.

    It was thereater used or fights to the

    continent and as a centre or private fying.

    The sad end came in 1996 with development

    or housing.



  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Anglian Coastal Network

    PATW briefngDate: 31 January 2013

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: DArcy Thompson Room,

    School o Computing Sciences, UEAOrganiser: Mick Mehler

    PATWAn opportunity to nd out more about the

    competition on the 6th February 2013 which

    oers a First Prize o 150 and a Runner-up

    prize 75 (subject to 4 or more entries).

    Also get advice on presenting, what the

    judges will mark based on, an opportunity to

    practice a quick presentation in a riendly

    environment and to ask questions. Contact

    [email protected] or urther details.

    Networkingor SuccessDate: 7 February 2013

    Time: 17:30 - 21:00

    Venue: Cameo Hotel, Copdock, IP8 3JD

    Organiser: Alex Barrett

    Speaker: Louise Tythe

    LieskillsIts not what you know but who you know that

    makes the dierence Anon.

    Networking is crucial or both our personaland proessional development and in todays

    climate it is more relevant that ever.

    This practical workshop aims to provide you

    with the tools to develop a strong support

    network to assist you in your development.

    Registration is essential or this event.

    PATW CompetitionDate: 6 February 2013

    Time: 7 or 7:30pm start

    Venue: DArcy Thompson Room,School o Computing Sciences, UEA

    Organiser: Mick Mehler

    PATWFirst Prize 150 Second Prize 75 i 4 or more

    entries. An opportunity or those in the north

    o the region to enter the competition and

    possibly take home some cash. Bring yoursupporters along too! For more inormation see

    ull rules and details on the Anglian Coastal

    website www.theiet.org/anglian or contact

    Mark Fisher at [email protected].


  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Energy romWasteDate: 21 February 2013

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 startVenue: Cameo Hotel, Copdock, IP8 3JD

    Organiser: Trevor Branton

    Speakers: Cli Matthews and

    Jean-Claude Sartenaer o SITA UK

    LectureThe Construction Division o SITA will be

    providing a presentation on the technical

    aspects o Energy rom Waste plant.

    The inormation given in this presentation will

    be typical o the Suolk Energy rom Waste

    Facility which is currently under construction

    at Great Blakenham near Ipswich.

    IPv6Date: 28 February 2013

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: Cameo Hotel, Copdock, IP8 3JD

    Organiser: John AmesSpeaker: Philip Sheldrake

    LectureIPv4 address space will soon all be ull so we

    will need ull-scale adoption o IPv6 within the

    year weve been hearing statements like

    that or some years now, but is 2012 the year

    when it becomes true?

    All things connected to the Internet need

    a unique identiying address and Internet

    Protocol version 4 has provided or this need

    since the Internet began. Addresses are

    rapidly running out and the new protocol

    IPv6 will provide enough addresses or

    every grain o sand on the planet, enough

    or the uturologists vision o the Internet o

    Things and then some. This talk discusses

    the technical dierences between v4 andv6, the truth behind the stories o v4 address

    exhaustion and, perhaps more importantly,

    the commercial and regulatory issues that will

    probably determine the long-term uture o

    the Internet.

    This is a hot topic and our speaker will give an

    insight into these issues suitable or both the

    layman and the Internet technologist.



  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Anglian Coastal Network

    PATW briefngDate: 6 March 2013

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: University o Essex, Colchester

    Organiser: Mick Mehler

    PATWAn opportunity to nd out more about the

    competition on the 13th March 2013 which

    oers a First Prize o 150 and a Runner-up

    prize o 75 (subject to 4 or more entries).

    Also get advice on presenting, what the

    judges will mark based on, an opportunity

    to practice a quick presentation in a riendlyenvironment and to ask questions.

    PATW CompetitionDate: 13 March 2013

    Time: 19:00 or 19:30 start

    Venue: University o Essex, Colchester

    Organiser: Mick Mehler

    PATWThis represents your opportunity to win some

    hard cash courtesy o the IET with rst prize

    o 150 and a second prize o 75 (i there are

    4 or more entries).

    Just talk or 10 minutes on an Engineering

    or Technology subject o your choice and be

    prepared to answer questions or a urther veminutes! You can cover a subject studied or

    your degree or a project youre involved in at


    The judging is split 25% Technical Content,

    75% presentation skills enabling younger

    Members o varying levels o their studies or

    career to participate. Either enter or come

    and watch.

    For more inormation, please contact

    Dr Palaniappan Ramaswamy

    ([email protected]).


  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet


    Lie can change suddenly or anyone so i you are acing a diculty,

    nancially or otherwise, IET Connect may be able to help.

    Legal helpline

    Benets advice

    Financial assistance

    Unemployment support

    Care and independence


    support or lie.

    Contact the IET Connect Helpline:

    0845 685 0685 or +44(0)20 7344 5498

    (Monday to Friday 9.30am 5.30pm)

    Email [email protected] or visit


  • 7/30/2019 Iet Anglian 12 13 Programme Booklet



    Head Ofce

    Michael Faraday House

    Six Hills Way, Stevenage,

    Herts, SG1 2AY

    T: 01438 765575

    F: 01438 767339

    E: [email protected]

    The IET is a world leading proessional organisation sharing and advancing knowledge to promote science, engineering and technology

    across the world. A proessional home or lie or engineers and technicians, and a trusted source o essential engineering intelligence.

    The Institution o Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no 211014) and Scotland (no SC038698),

    Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2AY, United Kingdom.

    The committee can be contacted via

    the Secretary:

    Mr Alex Barrett

    Anglian Coastal Network Secretary

    T: 01603 879000

    E: [email protected]

    Committee contact details
