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If i stay review analysis

Date post: 15-Feb-2017
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The image shown here is a mid shot of a girl in a lift with other people who are in a hospital. This shot could have been used to show most of the characters body, allowing the audience to see their costume, positioning and facial expressions well. This could also have been used to show majority of the girl who seems to be the main character, as she is centrally positioned and focused on in the image. This kind of shot may have also been used to represent the setting to emphasise the small space of the hospital lift. Showing how the girl may feel trapped and panicked in the environment she’s in, which seems to be conveyed through her expression. Within the shot we also see hospital staff that are talking to each other over a hospital bed. Due to their facial expressions we see that the man and woman are laughing with each other. This could have a contrast of meaning and juxtapose the situation there seems to be in the image. As we see a hospital bed and a young girl looking afraid we understand a sad meaning is being conveyed. However having the hospital staff laughing shows how this creates a light hearted and humorous meaning which is the binary opposite of the overall meaning. This could be used to represent how the main character is the only one who is deeply affected by what’s going on. And how the hospital staff aren’t as involved with the story and are seen to be calm and positive. Additionally, we can see the girl at the front of the image and in front of the hospital bed by the shot used. Representing how she may be protective over who’d in the hospital bed and is the most significant character in the narrative. The angle of the shot is a straight on and central angle, which could have been used to represent a state of shock that the character is in through the camera work as well as her expression. The shot, angle and framing of this image could represent the film as a quite serious and fast paced film, as this image conveys this and makes the audience think why it’s been chosen in the review. Furthermore, the costumes of the people show that the people in the background have scrubs and doctor coats on. This highlights how they are most likely doctors and nurses, conveying that the setting is in a hospital. We also see the hospital bed with IV drips and the stainless steel elevator in the image. This also tells us the setting is a hospital and the shot allows readers to see the small space the people have to fit into. Also the girl is seen to wear a dress with a cardigan and slightly curled hair. Portraying her innocence and purity maybe and that she is relatively young by how she’s aged with little makeup on her. This represents how the film could focus on her innocence and vulnerability and signifies how the hospital setting could make her feel that way. Lastly, bright lighting is used to maybe show a surgical and hygienic environment of the hospital, with mainly pale colours used to signify bleakness and harshness.

At the top of the information box the company Empire magazine has icons for their social networking sites of Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. These when clicked on are hyperlinks to their sites, giving readers more detail into their company and other things they offer as a company. By having these icons with the sites logo creates a cultural allusion for readers who know of, have accounts and use these social networking sites. As they will understand what they mean when they see these icons, and could be drawn to click on them to find out more. The information box on the side of the review incudes additional information about the film such as the director, release date, certificate, running time and the title of the film. This is to give extra background knowledge of the film before people have watched the film. Or even people afterwards that didn’t know some of the information. The font size is smaller than the main review font, showing how it’s additional information and not the dominant part of the review. The font is also bold showing how it’s a heading, with the information below which isn’t bold.

In the first paragraph the readers are given a brief summary of the film, with some information on the actors and actresses who play the characters in the film. Uses adjectives to create a image of the character and what their like in the film. Uses punctuation of commas to separate the long, complex sentence and create an easy reading flow for readers. In brackets the actors or actresses names are included, but shows a low level of formality as their surnames seem to be only included. Syntax is commonly an adjective or a few words to describe the character, with the actors name in brackets. The order of the story is briefly explained as the most significant characters are introduced. By having ‘Moretz’ the actresses name and the character in the first few words of the reviews opening. Highlights how she is the main character in the film and is the most significant due to the syntax. The words used such as ‘journey’, ‘past love’ and ‘handsome’ could have been selected to attract the audience to watch the film. It could also have been included to appeal to its target audience which would probably be female teenagers aged 14-18 as it’s a female main character with a love story narrative.
