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IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

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Page 2: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

,,..,-:. -.~;;r-

Technique of to-morrow? Yes! Available to-day from SRT!

Automatic up-dating of flight plans on elec- Handl ing D Visible Transfer of control between tronic Tabular Disp lays D Automatic Tracking adjacent centres D Narrow-Band rada r picture D Symbol- and Alpha-numeric lndentification t~ansmiss ion D . System . Concept taking any of all aircraft under control D Daylight D isplay kind of ATC s1tuat1on into consideration o on ordinary PPl's D Exact Electronic Maps Technique of tomorrow, avai lab le to-day from stored on tape or in data memories D Conflict Standard Rad io & Telefon AB, Barkarby Search and Prediction 0 Flight plan Data Sweden. '

ITT 5fandard l?adlo & lelefon AE

Page 3: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Marconi S264 Mk II 50cm terminal and approach control radar

High perfor111ance, low potNer, lotN cost

Crystal controlled transmitter with 50-60 kW power output

Built-in parametric receiver of high sensitivity

Adjustable pulse recurrence frequency (500-800 p.p.s.)

Optional p.r.f. stagger

Capable of unattended operation for long periods- remote control facilities are provided

Fully coherent and easily maintained MTI system of permanent-echo suppression

Conventional or 'broad daylight' display systems

~ I

' I I

\ \

' ' '

A target echo area of 3 sq. metres is seen from 80 miles out to touchdown

' .... .... .....

Marconi air traffic control systems The Marconi Company Limited. Radar Division, Chelmsford, Essex, England LTD/554

Page 4: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

The Marconi Myriad Computer is the most powerful tool avail­able to Air Traffic Control today.

V ersatile - Myriad's sophi sticated interrupt fac1l 1ty and exceptional high speed make it idea l for Flight Plan Process ing o r Rad ar Data Processing or both simultaneously. Econom ic - Myriad rental scheme saves high capital outlay and enables economic updating of equ ipment. Small size saves space.

Software Service - Complete programmes prepared - programme advice service - customers· program­mers trained - programme library.

The new London Air Traffic Control Centre is to have a triplicated Marconi Myriad computer Flight Plan Process­ing system with instant access touch displays, which will mal<e it the most advanced centre in the world.

Secar + Myriad Secondary Radar System­Completely automatic presentation of 1dent1ty. height. position and cour"e of all ai rcraf t to ranges of up to 2 50 miles. giving max imum effect iveness to secondary radar system.

Myriad Controlled AFTN Systems- Automatic message switching speeds transfer of vital information for air traff ic control.

Marconi air traffic control systems The Marconi Company Limited. Radar Division, Chelmsford, Essex, England


Page 5: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967


THE CONTROLLER Frankfurt am Main, January/February 1967 Volume 6 · No. 1

Publisher: International Federation of Air Traffic Con­trollers' Associations, 40 Park House Gardens, East Twickenham, Middlesex, England.

Officers of IFATCA: L. N. Tekstra, President; G. W. Monk, Executive Secretary; Maurice Cerf, First Vice President; Roger Sade!, Second Vice-President; Her­bert Brandstetter, Hon. Secretary; Bernhard Riithy, Treasurer; Walter Endlich, Editor.

Editor: Walter H. Endlich, 3, rue Roosendael, Bruxelles-Forest, Belgique Telephone: 456248

Production and Advertising Sales Office: W.Kramer&Co., 6 Frankfurt am Main NO 14, Bornheimer Landwehr 570, Phone 434325, 492169, Postscheck Frankfurt (M) 11727. Rate Card Nr. 2.

Printed by: W.Kramer&Co., 6 Frankfurt am Main NO 14, Bornheimer Landwehr 570.

Subscription Rate: DM 8,- per annum (in Germany).

Contributors are expressing their personal paints of view and opinions, which must not necessarily coincide with those of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA).

IFATCA does not assume responsibility for statements made. a_n~ opinions expressed, it does only accept re­spons1b1lity for publishing these contributions.

Contributions are welcome as are comments and criti­cism. No payment can be made for manuscripts submitted for publication in ·rhe Controller•. The Editor reserves the_ right ta m_ake any editorial changes in manuscripts, which he believes will improve the material without altering the intended meaning.

Wrilten permission by the Editor is necessary for re­printing any part of this Journal.

Advertisers in this Issue: The Decca Navigator Company Ltd. (Back Cover); Marconi Company Ltd. (l, 2); Selenia S.p.A. (14); Standard Radio and Telefon AB (Inside Cover).

~icture Credit: Cossor Electronics Ltd. (29); Federal Avia. lion Agency (10, 21); Miami Herald (20); Standard Radio and Telefon AB (17, 18, 19); Telefunken AG (29).


Human Factors in Air Traffic Control Displays ........ · · · 4

by V. D. Hopkin

Medical Factors involving Air Traffic Control Information Displays ................................... · · · · · · · · · · · · · 8

by Dr. G. Castle

Route Experience Flight to Stockholm Arlanda .. · ...... · · . 11

Five Years of THE CONTROLLER, Survey of Contents 15

by J. Gortz

New Phase of Search for Collision Avoidance Systems 19

Sixth European ATC Conference Meets 19

by A. M. Waldin

Miami Report .......................... . ....... . 20

by Tirey K. Vickers

Annual Meeting of the German Air Traffic Controllers Asso-ciation 24

Regional Meeting of the Yugoslavian and Austrian Air Traffic Controllers at Zagreb and Belgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

by H. Brandstetter

Movie Review "Adult Western" 28

ATC Displays 29

Book Review .. . ...... . ... . 30

IFATCA Addresses and Officers 31


Page 6: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Human Factors in Air Traffic Control Displays by V. D. Hopkin RAF Institute of Aviotion Medicine, Fornborough, Honts

Poper to the Annual Convention of the Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers,

Bornemouth, 4th -6th October, 1966.

From the title of my paper you will realise that I think that the discipline which I have called Human Factors is relevant to air traffic control displays. In this paper, I pro­pose to try and show this under three headings. The first describes what Human Factors is and what it includes. The second indicates how its techniques are being applied to air traffic control problems at the moment, particularly to display problems. The third discusses some of the probable future trends in the development of displays which ore likely to beco:ne more apparent in the future.

Human Factors

The discipline of Human Factors is concerned with human beings, mainly but not exclusively in their working environment. It includes the interrelations between people, interactions between people and the things they work with, mel·hods for fostering the effectiveness of their work, and lhe creation of congenial working environments. It is not easily distinguished from several allied disciplines with which it overlaps. For example, ergonomics is con­cerned with the study of the relationships between man and his working environment, and some would argue that it is nearly synonymous with Human Factors. Applied ex­perimental psychology takes the findings of psychological experiments and applies them in some practical contexts. Industrial psychology seeks efficiency and job satisfaction in working conditions. Time and motion study examines

the effort expended in task performance and aims to minimise effort and hence increase productivity. Often the techniques and the find ings from these other disciplines can be subsumed under the heading of Human Fac~ors, which is a broader concept, both in its content and in its

techniques and disciplines. From general and rather woolly statements-of this kind

it is possible to deduce some of the more specific situa­tions which Human Factors must deal with. For example, it touches on systems analysis and job analysis. Starting by defining the purpose of the system and the functions which it must fulfil!, it suggests how the purpose can be achieved, and what tasks and responsibilities are entailed. Then, more detailed job descript ions can be written, spe­cifying the information required for each task, !·he displays needed the methods of communication which should be adopted, and so on . This procedure can be validated by using experimental methods to check that the whole system

and each job within it are practical.

Almost every task requires some information displays.

Th ese may be either general displays, intended to be viewed simultaneously by several people, or displays de-


signed for a single operator conveying information spe­cific to one task. The following Human Factors principles influence the design of displays: -

firstly, determining what information is necessary for

the task; secondly, the optimum layout for the various sources of information; thirdly, the best format for each source; and fourthly, the ease of assimilation and lack of ambiguity of each item of information in each format .

Displays should always be designed to remain clearly visible to the poorest operator under his most adverse working conditions.

Human Factors is also concerned with the design of contro ls, both by selecting the most suitable type of con­trol and by optimising the one selected in terms of ease of use, sensitivity, and so on. The original design of the system should envisage what sort of communications net­work is necessary, in terms both of verbal communications between operators and of the communication of infor­mation by various methods of transmission and display. Information which is redundant should be excluded. The transmission process should never distort the information itself.

To the Human Factors specialist all men are not equal. They differ physically in factors which are related to their !asks, such as their eyesight, their ability to work irregular hours, and their propen~ity to illness. They change as they become older and as they gain experience. An operator

doing a ~artic.ular job may n~t be typical of other people around him, either because his task demands special abi­lities and aptitudes, or because he has been through 0

particular selection or training procedure. His mental cha­racteristics differ from those of other people, in obvious ways such as intelligence and personality, and in rather less obvious ways such as stability. Normally a man does not work. in isol~tion, and factors such as his ability to work amicably with others can affect greatly his own and others ' efficiency and job satisfaction. It follows from all

this th~t it is unwise to equate all tasks within a system. Some 1obs need. special training . Certain jobs of equal status may require completely different abilities . The re­cognition of this may conflict with considerations of role and status and promotion.

Human Factors is concerned with the environment in whic~ the man works . This includes the amenities provided, the size and layout of the room, the effects of noise and distractions, the influence of ventilation and humidity, and

all the problems associated with the l ighting of the task and of its immediate surroundings.

Page 7: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Application of Techniques

After the above brief indication of what Human Fac­tors encompasses, I want now to suggest how it works in practice. I have already mentioned that experiments can be used to ensure that a job is feasible and can be per­formed efficiently. The same considerations apply to the evaluation of any new display or piece of equipment, but it is important that the experimental situation validly si­mulates the operational one, for otherwise the experiments may produce misleading answers. One of the practical problems encountered in Human Factors work therefore is to decide how far an operational situation must be simulated before experimental findings can be accepted

with confidence.

Touch Display

To illustrate how Human Factors techniques can be applied to air traffic control in current experimental work, I propose to use as an example recent work on the John­son Touch Display. This device presents information on a cathode ray tube which incorporates a number of touch wires. Associated with each touch wire is an electronically generated label, and the touch wires function as a key­board. The labelling of each wire, and hence its function, changes for each input. This device is used to input infor­

mation heard over RT into a computer. In order to use this input device efficiently the operator must learn the sequence in which different sets of labels, or keyboards, occur. This is a new device which may be used in future systems. Althought it is interesting to ask how good the device is, the most important question is how it compares with other alternative devices in performing the same function in future systems. Hence the experimental eva­luation of a device of this kind is at frrst by comparison with other similar devices. This avoids the pitfall of assum­ing that just because something is new it must be better. The evaluation of this display is not simply a matter of presenting it to a few control officers and finding out how well they can use it. It is important to note how easy it is to learn to use the device, how long the learning process takes, and what accuracy can be achieved. It should not be assumed that because one device can be used more efficiently than another after half an hour's practice it will still keep its advantage after 5 years' experience. Hence in the evaluation it is advisable to separate que­stions about learning to use the device from questions about the ultimate level of proficiency attainable with it by a fully practised operator. If a new device is better in one respect it does not follow that it must be better in other respects.


In learning to use this device the operator becomes familiar with the sequence in which various sets of touch wire label ling will be presented. The greater the number of_ possible alternative procedures, the more complex, de­tailed and enduring will be this learning process. A task of this type depends on what the psychologist calls short t~;·m memory. If the operator cannot key in the informa­tion as fast as it comes over the RT, he must remember it lo:- a brief period, perhaps while further information is bei.:g given. One can draw on basic principles for gui-

dance in predicting the consequences of this situation. It is known that man's short term memory deteriorates with age. Therefore, one would expect younger people to learn more easily than older people a new task which depends heavily on short term memory.

Many of you will think that I am forgetting about the factor of experience; but I am not. I know that in a fully practised operator the factor of experience may out­weigh any disadvantage that the older operator may have. What I am suggesting is that on first acquaintance with a new device of this kind the older operator is likely to be at a disadvantage, which may not necessarily be re­flected in his ultimate level of performance. This can be taken a step further by suggesting that it is perhaps a mistake to assume that a single method of training to use a new device may necessarily be most suitable for all operators. A training method which relies very heavily on short term memory may be suitable for younger ope­rators, but older operators may learn the task more easily and quickly by adopting a method of training which relies less on short term memory and more on other attributes which do not deteriorate with age to the same extent.

A further point is worth mentioning with regard to learning to use the Touch Display. A device of this lends itself to the use of programmed instruction in the form of what are commonly called teaching machines. These present a learning programme which in itself corrects any errors which the operator may make while he is learning the task and shows him the reasons for any error he makes so that he will not repeat the same mistake. This is not to suggest that teaching machines should usurp the func­tions of instructors, but that in certain tasks of this type the sheer grind involved in detailed explanations and instructions can be avoided by some automation, rn that the instructor is freed to devote his time to concentrating on teaching when a basic amount of knowledge has al­ready been acquired.


The Touch Display is a display and a keyboard, with both on the same plane surface. It thus incorporates two features whose optimum positionings are incompatible. Normally a keyboard is horizontal or nearly so, and a display is positioned so that its plane is at right angles to the line of sight, or nearly so. A compromise is neces­sary, and the best compromise seems to be to position the Touch Display surface at an angle about 30 from the horizontal. When this has been done many environmental problems have still to be solved. In most working envi­ronments in an air traffic control context the problem of ambient illumination is a serious one, largely because the lighting is often considered as an afterthought and not discussed in detail when the system itself is frrst designed. Very often there are questions about the colour a radar display should be or the colour a working surface should have, or the colour codings which should be used in a display, without a full realization that the optimum colour depends on the colours and the lighting of associated equipment and on the general lighting provided in the working area. Controversies arise in relation to ambient illumination, on the merits of broad blue band or white minus amber lighting, whereas their merits depend con­siderably on their compatibilty with the other lighting and


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colour coding in the room. Some of the most fundamental problems of room lighting have often not been faced until a very late stage in the final specification of the working environment. Glass and perspex fronted general displays is usually cause lighting problems, since however the lighting is placed it will cause glare and reflections from somewhere.

To return to the Touch Display and its relevance to the lighting problem; as soon as it becomes clear that it is not possible to use this device efficiently without tilt­ing it further back than displays normally are, the prob­lem arises that the operator looking at the display will sGe reflected in it either part of the ceiling or part of the wall behind him. As soon as this situation exists there must inevitably be ambient lighting problems. A bright wall or ceiling will cause unacceptable glare reflected in the disp~oy as well as degrading the displays itself. A cowling round the display may alleviate the problem somewhat, but a cowling which is large enough to solve the problem completely will be unacceptably big and cumbersome and probably interfere with viewing other displays. One solution is to darken the ceiling and the walls by giving them a dark matt finish . This in turn may reduce the levels of ambient lighting to a quite unaccep­table level. Attempts may be made to alleviate this situa­tion by making the floor instead of the ceiling light and reflecting. This in turn may lead to the tube being viewed

against an unacceptable b.right back?r?und (t~e floor). The cure for this may be 1n terms 01 introducing local

lighting; but at this stage I hope my point hos been ~a?e. Ii· is possible to embark on an endless series of P?ll1ot1.ve m 8 asures to solve a problem which would not arise with adequate foresight . It is often safe to assume that a ~ew device, such as the Touch Display, will require rather diffe­rent ambient illumination from the device it is intended to

replace. If this is not acknowledged at the. outset, but the Touch Display is substituted for a conventional k.eybo.ard without regard to its interactions with the o~b1ent illu­mination of the room, then many of its potential. odvan­oges may remain unfulfilled because the illumination was never considered as a whole as it should have been. The moral is not that new pieces of equipment should not ?e · t d d It is that pieces of equipment interact with 1'1 ro uce . . their environment, and that the advantages of a n.ew piece of equipment may be realized only if the associated ~n­vironmental changes are made. This is the sort ~f point ihat the Human factors approach tries to emphasize.

Future Trends

I would like to turn now to the third top ic and consider where some of the existing trends in the design and use of displays may lead. In air traffic control systems~ as with all other complex man/machine systems, there is a tendency to rely more on computers to make calculations, to store relevant data, and to select information for the operator's attention. Some displays are therefore con­cerned with monitoring inputs to the computer, and out­puts from the computer. A computer usually brings with it a change of emphasis in displays . A common fault of rnony disploys in the past has been to present what the operator wants rather than what he needs. A vast ar:iount of display space may be occupied permanently to display relatively unimportant information which is seldom used. A cleorly discernible tendency is towards displaying per­rnonently far less information and having far more avai-


!able on calldown, generally at the discretion of the con­troller. This simplifies greatly some of the display pro­blems, although it may bring its own problems in terms of stating completely unambiguously the exact nature of certain called down information and providing adequate call down facilities.

There is a tendency towards designing displays with a greater emphasis on their exact functions . For example, the controller on the one hand and personnel concerned with rectifying faults in the system on the other may both require certain elements of information in common, but the technicians need to know less about the details of the operational situation and the controller needs to know less about the technical details of any given fault. This change of emphasis is being reflected in displays designed for particular functions which take cognisance of the needs of specialist operators.

A tradition with radar displays is that they require sur­rounding gloom for optimum use. This has generalised iowords almost all displays requiring a cathode ray tube. Twenty years ago this point of view could be justified. Nowadays the trend is to have progressively higher levels of ambient illumination in rooms where the operators use CRT displays. This is partly because of technical advance!; in the displays but partly for another reason. The assump­tion has always been made that if an operator has both a radar display and, for example, a digital wall display, although the ambient illumination should be adjusted so that he can use both, the main concern is with the radar display and efforts should be concentrated on optimizing the conditions for its use. It is for only a limited number of functions that this is necessary. If an operator is using a raw radar disp!ay to perform a search task, then if the ambient illumination is not optimum his efficiency at the task will suffer, but in most situations the data he uses on the radar display are far above his viewing threshold and remain completely unambiguous when the ambient illumination is higher than the optimum. There is therefore a trend to introduce levels of illumination more compa­tible with general comfort and more pleasant to work in, provided that there is no penalty to be paid by intro­ducing inefficiency in a particular task.

From time to time the idea is put forward of intro­ducing some form of 3-dimen:;ional display to provide information for air traffic control tasks in a pictorial form, comparable with the actual traffic situations. There ore technical difficulties in this - the equipment tends to be bulky for example - but there are also other pro­blems. Any 3-dimensional display must be viewed from several positions if its main advantage is to be gained. This limits the types of coding which can be used to indi­cate the position of any aircraft. In principle, different colours can be used but that is expensive. In principle, shapes can be used, but there are not many shapes which remain recognisable when viewed from many angles. Often it is desirable to present information in digital form, but it is difficult to do this in any way with a 3-di­mensional display. If digits are incorporated in a 3-dimensional display, this restricts the viewing positions of the display and the outcome may be little better than digital information on a 2-dimensional display. There are thus serious practical difficulties in implementing what at first sight seems a sound idea.

There is a tendency, discernible not only in the con­text of air traffic control displays but also in displays for

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the pilot in flight and in displays for various industrial uses, to attempt to improve the presentation of visual in­formation by integrating various sources of information into a single presentation. The intention is to reduce the need for the controller to collate information from diffe­rent sources. Many efforts to design integrated informa­tion displays are well-intentioned but often they achieve less spectacular improvements than had been anticipated. Usually the reason is that the display sources have not been fully integrated but have merely been combined so that a single display incorporates in close proximity seve­ral items of information which still require some collation by the controller. Many of these attempts at integration have involved the use of digital displays, which can pro­vide information about a given factor and con also in­clude other information, for example, positional infor­mation by their relative spacings. This trend towards inte­grated information may be expected to continue, but its successful implementation often implies a complete recast­ing of the whole format in which the information should be displayed, and this hos not always been recognised.

One of the problems when a system becomes more automatic is that the decisions about which features of the sylem should be automated are usually token on the grounds of technical feasibility and cost. The question of whether a task is best performed by a machine or by a man often does not arise. Commonly a task which is diffi­cult for a man to perform is also difficult and costly to automate. Therefore, in a partly automated system the man may be left with the tasks which are difficult for him to perform, and which, because of limitations in his innate abilities, he cannot perform very efficiently. This situation is often aggravated by a failure to change the content and format of displayed information to make it more compatible with other changes in the system. It is a simple solution to display essentially the same information in the same format when a task becomes automatic, but it may not be the best solution and the question may not even be posed that a change in the display of information is


When a new method of displaying information is de­vised, much of its assessment refers to its acceptability in isolation. This means that the new display features may work well by themselves, yet remain incompatible with other features of the system to which they are added. This problem arises from i-he common tendency to modify systems piecemeal instead of evaluating new systems as an entily, designed to function as such. A future trend will be to question the traditional divisions of tasks within a system which may become irrelevant when partial auto­mation is introduced. This in its turn leads to problems of a different kind relating to demarcations, responsibili­

ties, status and so on.

The era of vast general purpose wall displays would seem to be nearly over. They fulfilled their function with systems designed to deal with what by modern standards were small numbers of aircraft. Future systems deal with so many aircraft and include so muc.:h information about each and about the interactions be:ween them that it is neither possible nor desirable to provide all the infor­mation in a large general display. Apart from being unacceptably cumbersome such a solution leads to pro­blems in finding relevan; information. Where general displ~ys are retained - and they may remain useful in certain contexts such as fault finding procedures or even

to impress visitors - then the display is likely to be much more representative of the actual system than displays of this type have been in the past. It is possible to use these displays to show the interactions between system compo­nents and hence indicate the probable operational con­sequence of a particular fault. Much information of this type can be provided by such simple means as the relative positioning of items and colour and shape codings.


This paper has suggested what Human Factors in­cludes and how its techniques are applied with reference to certain displays. It has also discussed some of the trends in the development of air traffic control displays. Some of these trends are typical of displays in general; some reflect the particular needs of air traffic control problems. In summary I think some of the main points are the following: -

Future visual displays are likely to demand less colla­tion of data and interpretation by the controller, and this may lead to more pictorial information, possibly in a 3-dimensional form . More adequate cross referencing of data will be necessary to maintain the controller's effi­ciency and to reduce the need to interpret the data. As tasks become automated their traditional divisions may become less well defined . The relationship between a controller's local display and other displays for general use will be more carefully considered so that the informa­tion from several display sources provides a coherent and unambiguous assessment of the total operational si­tuation. The need to have visual displays which are fle­xible enough to cater for great extremes in traffic density will become more fully recognised. Displays will be de­signed with more specific reference to their exact func­tions, and information on a single display will not serve several purposes regardless of its suitability or relevance. Data which are not used regularly will be available on call down rather than permanently presented. Equipment modifications will not be introduced so readily without a thorough rethinking about their interactions with the remainder of the system. New display facilities will be evaluated more on a comparative basis and less by show­ing that they function satisfactorily in isolation. Many of the current problems in the integration of various types of light sources will be recognised and solved at the planning and design stages of a system, rather than being treated in an ad hoe fashion when the system is nearly operational and the lighting has been found to b<'! un­satisfactory. There will be greater appreciation that the general room lighting, the local lighting, the layout of consoles, the design of general and local displays, and the colour and reflecting properties of all the surfaces in the room are interacting factors, and that a good work­ing environment can be achieved only by treating them as such . There may be innovations and completely new methods of displaying information and of relating it to a computer, as exemplified in the Touch Display, but these innovations will be related more c!osely to the func­tioning of the rest of the system and the main reason for their acceptance will be that they compare favourably with alternatives. It seems certain that air traffic control will continue to pose many display problems in the fore seeable future, and that the solution of these problems will remain a challenging but rewarding task .


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Medical Factors involving Air Traffic Control information Displays

by Dr. G. Castle U. K. Boord of Trade Civil Aviation Deportment

Paper to the Annual Convention of the Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers, Bournemouth, 4th-6th October, 1966.

Introduction The efficient operation of an Air Traffic Control service

is dependent upon the well organised distribution and display of information which can be readily assimilated by the personnel concerned. It is then mentally processed, to use a manufacturing term, and the end product is the safe and rapid direction of aircraft.

Since prehistoric times man has endeavoured to im­prove the way in which he can record and transmit in­formation. There is therefore nothing new about infor­mation displays but in historically more recent times we have by the use of letters and symbols been able to achieve not only brevity but greater clarity. We have also progressed from making records of what has already taken p!ace to the recording of what is currently hap­pening.

The methods whereby information is recorded and displayed have changed but it is of paramount impor­tance to realise that the most vital component involved in a procedure which uses information has not changed very much in comparison. I refer here to man himself. He has the same eyes and ears as his forefathers and what he has lost in acuity he has probably gained by his vision and hearing being better trained and more experienced. What his hands have lost in strength they have gained in skill. His brain, to be more specific his intelligence and personality, have probably changed for the better. Mon today, it is postulated, is fractionally more clever than he was in the past, but only fractionally. We are better trained and organised and so seem to have increased more in intelligence than is probably the case. The perso­nality of man is I think more complex, resilient ~nd is tougher, as we hove developed a greater capacity t? contend with the stresses and strains of life. Be all this as it may, we have not developed or improved to such an enormous extent as has the machine. Technical deve­

lopment has made such vast strides that man now becom~s the weak component in many procedures. Although this is realised we continue to overlook this point and to pro­duce systems and equipment which surpass the capacity of man to adequately utilise. As for instance, in the de­sign and lay-out of flight decks, where we continue to install instruments which man finds he is unable to use and controls which he finds difficult to manipulate. Conse­quently man often fails to cope with the situation which is presented to him and only by God's grace is he kept

out of mischief.

In Air Traffic Control the same kind of situation today confronts us. We are in danger of not paying sufficient attention to the weaker component and more time must be devoted to human factors if true advance is to be made. Otherwise, systems and equipment may ~e de­signed which add nothing to the efficient completion ~f the controller·s work and might even adversely affect his

competence. Is it not possible that examples ~'. compli­cated equipment may be cited which under critical ana­lysis might be exposed to have no greater efficacy than

lhe humble pencil and paper?


Some Medical Factors to be considered The efficient assimilation and use of information by

Air Traffic Control Officers is profoundly affected by a number of factors in which there is a medical aspect. I do not propose to bore you with a complete list of all the factors which might be discussed but to mention some of those which are more relevant to A.T.C. displays and in some instances I will go into greater detail.

We can divide these factors into four groups, l personnel 2 equipment 3 environmental 4 social

Here I would emphasize that to obtain optimum efficiency in A.T.C. all these groups should be considered together, as you cannot isolate one from the other because they inter-dependently can determine how well the job is ulti­mately done.

Under the heading Personnel I include the selection and training of staff, and their medical supervision and welfare. Air Traffic Control Officers are selected at pre­sent in the United Kingdom on the basis of their academic qualifications and past experience. The performance of the tasks in A.T.C. is however determined by intelligence, personality and aptitude and I think it is now being gene­rally accepted that although academic qualifications and past experience provide useful parameters, more signi­ficant guidance can be given by medical and applied psy­chologists. As you know it is essential to carefully assess the physical fitness of applicants for ATC work. It is not only a matter of attaining a series of standards, but the assessment of the individual's physical capacity for train­ing, and proficient work in a career which necessitates the completion of shift duties and the endurance of stress. We also aim to maintain the fitness of the individual by medical supervision throughout his career. This can be achieved by regular medical examination and by encou­raging consultation with physicians whose jobs it is to care for the medical needs of A.T.C. personnel. The faci­lities of a welfare organisation also make an important contribution and often the resolution of a difficult problem which affects a man's working capacity, is only achieved by their intervention. The design of an efficient shift system is a matter in which Medicine has an important bearing. It is essential to take into account man's physiological needs and to cater for his circadian rhythms. Man must eat, sleep and excrets, and during the daylight hours his body can work harder than is possible during night-time. We cannot ignore the fact that our bodies make demands and will only suffer stress or abuse up to a limit.

The system and the equipment put into operation in Air Traffic Control must be so designed as to be with in the range of man's known capabilities and capacity. If we do not think in terms of vision, hearing and manual dexterity when planning, we are unlikely to achieve im­proved performance. Unless the information displayed on a screen, or whatever medium is used, is not clear and precise we hinder progress. If we are thinking about letters or symbols they must be the right size in relation

Page 11: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

to lhe reading distance, they must be clear cut, with good colour or light and dark contrast. Uniform illumination of the display and of each letter is needed and if the display is projected on a screen the print should be sta­tionary and not vibrate. The display should be such that it is not necessary for the eye to be continually re-focus­sing so that the amount of visual accommodation is re­duced to a minimum. The lighting, both focal and ambient should not only be adequate but such that distracting glare or brilliance is not produced. This leads on to the question of the placing of the equipment and the ergono­mic considerations which require detailed study. It must be emphasized that when planning a system and it's equipment, it is the long-term use by the average opera­tor, possibly under adverse conditions, which must be borne in mind constantly, and not sporadic use under the best circumstances by the most brilliant.

The importance of the environmental conditions have long been recognised in Air Traffic Control but it has also been realised that they are difficult to regulate. Many of the problems have arisen because of the rapid growth and change in Air Traffic Control and the introduction of new systems and equipment. There is however a wealth of technical knowledge which is available for the con­trol of lighting, heating, ventilation and noise. If engi­neers are given a specification they are able to provide satisfactory working conditions. Thus we can ward off the early onset of fatigue for instance, which significantly affects working efficiency. If you single out the tempera­ture and humidity of a room, these two factors alone can utterly make or mar the competent operation of a proce­dure. The space allotted to Air Traffic Control work is also a matter for careful thought but we run into diffi­culties here because we are often faced with the operation of a system and it's equipment which dictate the size of

area required, and the design of the visual cont~~I room in an airport tower is a good example. The amen1t1es pro­vided for Air Traffic Control staff should not only be comprehensive but better than those provided for office workers whose mode and pressure of work do not make the same demands. The provision of lavatories, canteens, accommodation for rest periods and so on all need care­

ful attention Under th~ heading of social factors can be included

matters which in this context relate to family, finance, transport and so on. A number of points may sometimes appear to be irrelevant or hardly the concern of an em­ployer, but further reflection or investigation will often reveal the exrtaordinary impact which any one of these factors can have on the working capacity and competence of a controller. The man who arrives on duty having left a serious domestic crisis at home, having been obliged to park his car in a rainstorm, due to a flat tyre, a mile from the control tower, is hardly well prepared for a period of arduous duty. Depending on the individual's mental stamina, he might react in such a way as to be transiently unfit for duty. Such is the potency of many .of the factors in this social group, that ill health can be in­duced at a very early stage.

Practical Illustrations

. I wish now to mention two examples which I think well illustrate some of the points discussed.

We were called in to advise on the conduct of an experiment in which difficulties were being encountered.

The personnel concerned found that they suffered from early fatigue and eye-strain and it was to some extent fortuitous that these complaints arose. I would like to emphasize that this was only an exp8riment using an item of new equipment and that the people concerned had volunteered for the job. Accommodation being at a pre­mium it was necessary to set up the equipment in a room which was already in use for another purpose and there was no air conditioning. As a result the placing of the equipment was not ideal, heat was emitted, there was distraction, the lighting both ambient and local was very difficult to arrange and unsatisfactory. It so happened that the majority of the personnel in the experiment wore spectacles for the correction of hypermetropic astigma­tism and they were thus visually vulnerable. The spectacle wearers were the frrst to complain of eyestrain to be followed by the others after a longer period of exposure. This was caused by the continual need for the re-focusing of the eye on a disp!ay which was not only lacking in clarity but which was incorrectly illuminated. Also because additional equipment had to be used at the some time it was not possible to place the display in the ideal situa­tion. The room become very hot and dry and it was not surprising that headaches and early fatigue were expe­rienced. We were taught a very useful lesson in this case and it afforded an eloquent demonstration of the neces­sity of paying due attention to human factors. How much more serious would be the reaction of Controllers to such equipment, were it to be used in operational practice without adequate trial.

The second example which I would like to discuss briefly is the task of the "D" controller. A large propor­tion of controllers in the National Air Traffic Control Service are thus employed, working in Control Centres, completely isolated from the aircraft which they direct. The "D" controller sits at his desk being continually sup­plied with information, some of which he must constantly mentally retain in order to create a kind of vision - on

everchanging picture - which he must maintain intact

for the making of rapid and accurate decisions. These de­

cisions must be right as only perfection is acceptable in

Air Traffic Control. The ability of the "D" controller to

hold this vision and at the same time to assimilate new

information, in order to modify the vision and react ac­

cordingly will vary. His aptitude, capacity for concentra­

tion, medical fitness (physical health and mental stabili­

ty), all play their part. Information must be presented to

him in such a way as to signify its importance i. e. an adequate degree of arousal by an effective mode of

presentation. Working in this way, the controller must have ideal conditions so that he is not diverted or distrac­ted, otherwise his vision might be shattered. Even when

this particular aspect of A.T.C. changes in the future and

the "D" controller becomes what we might eventually de­

scribe as a "Radar Supervisor", there will still be an

element remaining of the vision which I have described.

If we aim however, in the design of new systems and the

installation of new equipment, to reduce collation of in­

formation, the resultant ease and rapidity with which the

work is completed will be a measure of our success.

This brings me to the stage where I would like to indi­

cate an approach which I think should be adopted in order

to odvance.


Page 12: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

The Future

I hope that I have left no doubt in your minds as to the futility of planning and designing without adequate regard for the needs of the human being. Because man is the weaker but essential component in A.T.C. procedures he is the governing factor in the determination of true advance when modification or innovation is proposed. If we submit new systems and new equipment to pilot studies in conditions closely simulating normal operational prac­tice we will be able to, not only assess their efficacy but to expose the shortcomings of what might prove to be a faulty man-machine relationship. There should be no attempt to put any idea into widespread practice unless we have completed such simulated trials for otherwise we cannot be sure of making any real progress. Even after we have done everything possible to demonstrate the value of a new idea we should still be prepared to modi-

DENALT Performance Computers

In recent years in the USA, about 100 aircraft accidents a year are caused by failure of the pilot to consider pro­perly the effects of air temperature and pressure altitude on the takeoff and climb performance of his aircraft. A large number of these accidents are fatal; nearly all are

preventable. Alarmed by this record, the Operations Division of the

Flight Standards Service, FAA, recently initiated a two­pronged program, to acquaint as many pilots as possible w ith the hazard, and to assist invidual pilots in making proper allowance for existing temperature and altitude

conditions. To carry out the pilot-education objective, the FAA

produced a new safety movie, "Density Altitude". To carry out the pilot-assistance objective, the FAA designed a lo":' ­cost computer which any pilot can easily learn to use i_n calculating the combined effects of temperature and alti­tude on his takeoff distance and rate of climb.

The DENALT (density alt i tude) computer is produced in two models. One is for aircraft with fixed-pitch propel­lers; the other is for aircraft with variable-pitch propellers . The computer is circular, with a diameter of 4 inches


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fy when criticism comes from wider practical experience. The responsibility for the success of new concepts should therefore be shared by all sectors of Air Traffic Control and not left entirely on the shoulders of the planners and designers, who welcome constructive criticism based on experience in the operational field. The wider co-operation which is engendered by meeting and discussing projects at a convention such as this, is invaluable.

As for the working conditions in Air Traffic Control these are currently the subject of thorough investigation by a working party which aims at the promotion of the ideal environment. The specifications are being defined and the next phase will be implementation.

With enthusiastic determination we can look to the future with optimism.

(about 10 centimeters) . There is a place on the back to record the standard sea-level performance of the air­craft, in terms of takeoff distance and initial rate of climb.

The DENALT computer is actually a simple table look­up device. On the computer face, the pilot sets in the outside air temperature (which incidentally is in Fahren­heit) and opposite the pressure altitude on one scale he finds the takeoff factor. Multiplying the standard sea-level takeoff distance by the takeoff factor gives the expected takeoff distance. Opposite the pressure altitude on the other scale, the pilot finds the percentage rate of climb (ROC) . Multiplying the standard sea-level rate of climb by the percentage ROC gives the expected rate of climb.

The DENALT computers are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing­ton, D. C. 20402 U.S.A. When ordering, be sure to specify whether the fixed-pitch or variable-pitch model is wanted. At 50 cents each, the gadget would make a useful little gift for a _pilot friend. Someday, it might even keep him from running out of runway on takeoff, or running out of absolute altitude on climbout. Either way it shouid be worth 50 cents. -TKV

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Page 13: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Route Experience Flight to Stockholm Arlanda

In late October 1966, the Germon Air T roffic Control­lers' Association hod organised o route experience flight par exce llence. Following on invitation from Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG (SEL) and Standard Radio and Tele­fon AB (SRT), some 30 contro llers from Munchen, Stutt­gart, Frankfurt, Rhein Control, and Hannover visited the new Air Traffic Control Centre at Stockholm Arlondo and the laboratori es and production p lants of SRT at Borkorby

near Stockho lm.

The Germon contro llers shored the fl ight in o F 27 com­pany aircraft with SEL engineers, so there was ample opportun ity to talk shop for those who d id not prefer to fo llow the fl ight progress in the cockpit or to benefit from the excellen t v is ibi l ity to do some visual navigation. The

topics: radar and automation.

The SRT plants ore located not very for from Arlondo, and after a short bus ride the party arrived from the ai rport at Borkorby. Messrs. lngvor Persson, He ino l ong, and Goren Uden o f Standard Radio and Telefon AB wel­comed the v isitors and showed them around in the fac­tory. Due to the short t ime avai lable, the schedule was tight and precise as the countdown for the launching of o satellite. There were so many things to see. Production line and final testing of the SRT equipment were some o f the sta tions on this excursion, but the most interesting port was undoubted ly o demonstra tion of the capabiliti es of the SRT automatic ATC System a t o simula ted working

posit ion. The SRT philosophy is mainly orientated towards the

development of automatic systems for sma ller and me­dium sized centres, which does, however, not prevent their extension to large systems or systems groups. The bui ld­ing b lo ck principle is applied to enable on evolutionary ond economic implementation of automatic data process­

ing in air traffic control. The SRT system accepts any kind of basic ATC data:

primary and secondary radar information, loca l and re­mote direction finder information, loca l and remote track and control transfer data from adjacent ACCs, a irc ra ft position reports, aircraft performance variations, teleprin­ter input, meteorological information, operational status of naviga tion aids, etc. If necessary, the input data ore converted from analogue to digital form. Primary radar signals ore converted into digital form and onalyzed by a video correla tor contained in the data extractor. Secon­dary radar information is digitalized and preprocessed by defruit ing, degorbling, and decoding . Rodar bearing and distance data ore converted into digital form in an azi­mutha l digitize r a lso contained in the data extractor.

Information can be presented on digital PPls and lo­bular displays, or fed into a high speed data processor

(Censor Computer) for the following functions: - General Administration of the system - Automati c tracking - Updating of flight pion data - Conflict search - Storage of current information.

Position and identification data ore displayed on PPls, flight pion data is shown on electronic data di5plays and may, if requi red, a lso be printed on flight progress strip5.

The PPI presentation includes the following possibili­ties: -

- Non-processed primary radar (raw radar) - Clutter-free primary radar (processed radar) - Simultaneous displays of processed radar information

from severa l radar statio ns (composite display) - Synthet ic presentation of computer-derived information

nn aircraft movements outside radar coverage - SSR information - Video map

- D/ F lines for position fixing which are automatically displayed when on aircra ft is transmitting

- Vector lines, which con be controlled by the rolling boll, to facilitate the determination of distance and bearing

Symbols for identification, automatic tracking, and interconsole marking.

Rolling boll unit and key board , the operators means of communico l ion wilh !he computer ond handling symbols for oulomohc !rocking and visible l ronsfcr of control


Page 14: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Day I ight presentation of processed and composite pic­tures, as well as other information, can be achieved by displaying the data at a high repeti tion rote from an addi­tional digital storage system.

Th o application of digital techniques permits inter­sector co-ordination ta be achieved by automatically t ransferring flight date between control positions a nd by displaying such data on Electronic Data Displays. Key­boa rds and rolling balls are the controllers ' devices for communication with the computer.

For a positive transfer of control, for instance, an in­te rconsole marking symbol would appear on the PPI of the receiving controller, designating the aircraft to be

.A. Electronic tabular disploy. Flight informa­tion stored in the central computer is con­tinously updated and on the operator's choice presented o n hi s elect ronic tabular display. Completed wi th automatic tracking in an advanced stage of automated ATC , these tabu lar displ a ys would eliminate the procedure wit h handwritten fl ight progress strips. Such a system would imply r ecord­ing of all the rada r information (synthetic in formation) as we ll as verbal information ond a grea t flex ib ility should be invo lved as for as modes of operation, choice of information etc. ore concerned .

The domestic problem s for oround-the-clock­service at the Stockholm International Air- ... port A rlondo , Sweden , are well taken co re of. Comfortable sleeping rooms, a "sitti ng" room wit h TV a nd wireless contribute to create a sort o f home-feeling i n this highly

technical centre. The p icture shows the com­mon kitchen, where everybody hos his own private box and access to mo d ern ki tchen



Daylight PPI d i splay of radar information, photographed under norma l ambient lighting. The rada r information is digitalized, filtered accord­ing to present criteria and stored in a memory. This memory is then sca nned at a rate of 16 times per second and the information is present­ed on the PP I screen. The alphanumeric information a n the screen represents identification and height information achi eved from SSR or ASR (he ight on ly fr om SSR or pil ot repor ts).

transferr.ed, and the corresponding flight p lan data would auto'.11~ttcally be sh.own on the Electronic Data Display.

Sim ilarly, coordina tion w ith adjacen t centres can be

e~ecte~, by exchangi ng in d igi ta l form flight in formation via ordi nary telephone lin es.

For long dis tance transmission of radar pictures, the N A TRAP (NAr~ow Band Transmiss ion of RAdar Pictures) system is appl ied, and data links are used for the trans­miss ion of tracki~g data and D/F information, as well as for the automatic exchange of flight plan and transfer messages .

Page 15: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

The processed radar picture informat ion, synchronized with the recording of current voice commun ication, con be stored on conventio nal audio tape. This facilitates post flight investigation o f incidents and ana lysis of traffic patterns.

Most of the a bove features ore already introduced at the Arlonda ACC, which was the next intermediate stop on the fl igh t pion. Upon returning from the S RT fac­tories at BARKARBY, the controllers were met at Arlonda airport by Director I. G. Karlsson, the Chief of the Royal Swedish Boord of Civil Aviation.

Director Karlsson extended a friendly welcoming ad­dress to the group, and then he gave a brief introduction to the Swedish Air T ro ffic Control System. There ore three Area Control Centres in Sweden: Malmo, Goteborg, and Stockholm. A further ACC is planned lo be established at Sundsvall for the cont rol of IFR traffic in Northern Swe­den, which is presently being provided by Sundsvoll Ap­proach. By 1973, the Goteborg and Molmo FIRs wi ll pro­bably have been joined togethe r, with the new Malmo Area Control Centre having token over the functions of Goteborg ACC.

Automat ic data processing will not re main restricted to Arlanda centre; the next ste p will be the automatic ex­change of standa rd ised fl ightplons throughout the country. Important aspects in p lanning the new system ore en­vironmental factors and working condi tions of ATC staff, Director Karl sson said. Molmo and Goteborg ACCs were not ye t such showpieces a s Arlondo, but the new Molmo ACC wi ll probably be operational in the early seventies.

The Arlondo centre we found to be o real gem. The contro l room lay-out is functiona l, with comfortab le light­ing and a very efficient air conditioning system.

Arlondo Chief Controller M. von Sivers explained the centre arrangements. The Arlondo ACC comprises a civi l

unit which is responsible for the traffic in the Stockholm FIR, and o civil/ milita ry unit which is responsible for the control o f traffic in the Stockho lm TMA. These units and Arlondo Approach Contro l ore located in the some room, with one group of control positions for the civil and one for the mil itary controllers. They are controll ing the entire c ivi l and military traffic within control led airspace, which extends up to FL 300 in one sector and FL 380 in the o ther sector. The problem of c ivi l/military integration seems to be solved quite satisfactorily at Arlondo.

Control is p rocedura l, with extensive radar back-up. Each procedura l controller is assisted by one radar con­troller. The radar controllers hove al their disposal row and processed information of a 10 cm Decca radar, lo­cated at Arlondo, and a 23 cm Selen io radar, located at Brommo. The Brommo radar information is transmitted lo Arlondo by microwave link. Secondary radar and on eight channel D/ F equipement is also a vailable.

The display of the radar information con be in various manners, as described above. At the t ime of our vis it, ex­periments were mode with au tomatic tracki ng; this facili ty wi ll be insta lled at a later date.

Attached to the centre there ore training facilities fo r classroom and simulator training, a nd nicely furnished and comfortable restrooms ore at the d isposal o f the staff.

One would wish to stay for severa l days a t Arlondo, lo gain more detai led knowledge of the system and even­tually to sit down and hove a go a t the push button and rolling boll operation, just to get the feel of automation in air traffic control. But unfortunately, time passed too quickly. After a quick visi t to the Tower, it was high time to ask for our outbound clearance.

A great big thank you to a ll who have helped to make this route experience flight such a pleasant and most in­teresting event. -or

Over-oil view of the ACC at the Stockholm lnternotionol Airport Arlan do, Sweden . The left row of consoles o re for military operators and the right row for civil controllers . A(( ond APP ore situa ted in the some room . The mul titude of military a irpor ts oround Stockholm TMA hos mode it practical to hove on orgonisolion with military controllers in the some centre 05 the civil ATC


Page 16: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Selenia products are tNarking for safety in the air

ATCR systems and METEOR radars from SELENIA have be.e~ chosen and ar~ in operation for the Air Traffic and Weather Bureaus Authorities of 15 Countries.

It is not by chance that these high ly specialized pro?ucts, oft~n connect~d into large systems, have been designed by Selenia for so many exacting users and operate m such different e~v1ronmen~al conditions. Selenia has a staff of engineers working on the problems conn~cted with safety m the air: all the experience acquired by years of research and production in the military and professiona l electron ic field is put to good use to reach one basic goa l : Keep the Air Traffi~ safe. . . . . Selenia is prepared to give a~I .kind of assistance m solving the probler:is concerning. Air Traffic: from the study of the best system to the training of. personnel , through research, design, construction and installation of complete networks, including Terminal and Air Route Contr?I . radars, . Weather radars, data hand ling and display systems, microwave links, remote control and data tra nsm1ss1on equipment, etc.



Page 17: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967


I FAT CA Journal of ATC A Survey of Contents

Compiled and edited by J. Gertz

1 Air Traffic Control

1.1 General ATC and Flight Safety Problems 1.2 ATC Procedures and Equipment

1.2.1 Radar Procedures and Equipment 1.2.2 Other Procedures and Equipment

1.3 Automation in ATC 1.4 Man in ATC

2 Aircraft Operations

2.1 Aircraft Handling 2.2 Aircraft and Aerodrome Equipment

3 Meteorology

4 Air Traffic Services Organisations

4.1 IFATCA 4.2 National Air Traffic Controllers' Organisations 4.3 National and International Bodies

5 Miscellaneous

Articles have been listed in chronological order under the appropriate heading. Articles covering more than one subject appear at two or more appropriate places.

1 Air Traffic Control

1.1 General ATC and Flight Safety Problems

Fligh: Plans and Flight Programmes by J. E. D. Williams - Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1961/62). p. 17 f.

Great Problems in Air Traffic Control (Resolution adopted at the 1_96~ Annual Conference of. the Germon Air Traffic Controllers' Assoc1at1on) - Vol. 1, No. l (Winter 1961162).

p. 31

Air Traffic Control in the Netherlands - Vol. l, No. 2 (April 1962),

p. 10 ff.

The Name of the Game - Vol. 1, No . 3 (July 1962). p. 40 f.

Towards a common understanding of ATC by Anthony Martienssen - Vol. 1, No. 4 (October 1962), p. 11 f.

. . 1 Liability in National and International Law Air Traffic Contro . Vol 2 No 1 (January 1963), p . 3 f.

by Werner Guld1mann - . ' .

. S ce for General Aviation Problems of Air pa _ Vol 2, No. l (January 1963). p. 7 ff

by Peter G. Masefield ·

Air Traffic Control into the 1970's by D. W. Watkins - Vol. 2, No . l (January 1963). p . 12 ff.

. f European Airspace Co-ordination NATO and the Committee or

by K. Birksted - Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 1963). p . 23 f.

FAA Plans for Air Traffic Control by Lyle H. Ditzler - Vol. 2, No. l (January 1963), p. 25 ff .

I ressions of an American Observer Springtime in Europe - mp ~ (J

1 1964) p. 15 ff . by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 3, No. " u Y '

S f R eh Pro1"ects in the Field of Aviation Safety - Vol. 3, urvey o esear No. 4 (October 1964). P· 56

Air Navigation and Air Traffic Control by E.W. Anderson - Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 1965), p. 18 ff.

Air Traffic Control, Navigation, and Communications - the next ten

Years by E. A. Johnston - Vol. 4, No. l (January 1965), p . 21 ff.

Problems of Civil/Military Integration in the German Air Traffic Services by K. Stieglitz - Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 1965). p. 34 f.

ATS at the IVA - Vol. 4, No . 4 (October 1965), p . 16 ff .

International Symposium on Air Traffic Controller Training, Paris, May 1965

by Maurice Cerf - Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1966). p. 9 ff.

Analysis of the Processes involved in the Treatment of Information by the Air Traffic Controller

by J. Leplot and A. Bisseret - Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan./Feb . 1966), p . 13 ff.

The Third International R & D Symposium by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 5, No . l (Jan ./Feb. 1966), p. 25 ff .

The Law and the Controller by John G. Wilson - Vol. 5, No . 1 (Jon ./Feb . 1966). p. 27 f.

International Symposium on Civil Aviation Safety by Roger J. Sadet - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966). p. 26 f.

The Problem of Air Traffic Control by Roger J. Sadet - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966). p. 27 ff.

1.2 ATC Procedures and Equipment

Survey: Modern Equipment, Installations and Systems for Air Traffic Control and Air Navigation - Vol . l, No . 1 (Winter 1961 162) , p . 32 ff

Survey: Modern Equipment, Installations and Systems for Air Traffic Control and Air Navigation - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p 23 ff .

1.2.l Radar Procedures and Equipment

First Civil Secondary Radar for Continental Europe - Vol. 1 No (Winter 1961/62). p. 16

Beacon: 5-Ycar ATC Plan - Vol . 1, No . 1 (Wintc1· 1961 '62) . p . 26 f

Project Beacon - Evaluation and Summary - Vol. l. No . 2 (Ap1 ii 1962:1

p. 15 ff.

Long Range Radar by G . N . S. Taylor - Vol. l , No . 4 (Octobc 1 1962), p 5 ff


Page 18: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Radar Spacing Techniques for the Final Approach Path by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. l, No. 4 (October 1962), p. 22 ff.

Marconi Tracker Ball Controller - Vol. 2, No. 3 (July 1963), p. 16

Transradar FAB 6072 - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p. 29 f.

Secondary Surveillance Radar - the next ten Years by R. Shipley - Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 1965), p. 25 f.

Making Use of Radar by 0. Abarbanell - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1':65), p. 9 f.

The Evolution of a practical Secondary Radar System for Air Traffic Control

by B. R. Newman and W. E. Webb - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. ll ff.

High Resolution and other Improvements in Video Mapping by R. N. Harrison - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 16 ff.

Secondary Radar Implementation Dates in Europe - Vol. 4, No. 2

(Apri I 1965), p. 18 ff.

Speed Control by R. Solinger - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 24 ff.

Factors involved in the Choice of SSR Ground Radar by R. Shipley - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 32 ff.

The Operational Use of Primary and Secondary Radar in the United

States by George M. Waller - Vol. 4, No. 3 (July 1965), p. 60 ff.

Bright Radar Displays by G. N. S. Taylor - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965), p. 11 ff.

Implementation of Secondary Radar - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965),

p. 14

ATC Transponder Performance Pre-Flight Test Set by Tirey K. Vickers and Edward M. Hunter - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October

1965), p. 19 ff.

Status of Airline Radar Beacon Transponder Capability, based on January, 1966, ATA Survey - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), P· 13 f.

Airborne TV tested as ATC Aid by Max K ;rant - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p. 18 f.

SIF/SSR Systems and the Customer by R. Shipley and F. J. Crewe - Vol. 5, No. 3 (July/Aug. 1966), P· 62 ff.

The Marconi Distance from Threshold Indicator by Horst Guddat - Vol. 5, No. 3 (July/Aug. 1966), P· 66 f.

The S.R.T. Daylight Display System for ATC by S. Skaroeus - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966), P· 23 ff.

1.2.2 Other Procedures and Equipment

ACCESS - Down-to-Earth Air/Ground Communications by Jesse Sperling - Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1961/62), p. 19 ff.

Separation of Aircraft in the Approach and Departure Phases by W. C. Woodruff - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), P· 2 ff.

Must the VHF Omni-Range make Way for a Hyperbolic System?

Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p. 19 f.

Doppler VOR in Service in the United States - Vol. 1, No. 2 {April

1962), p. 20

Several Results of Researches on the Problems of Flight-Sequence in

the Terminal Arca of Airports by H.J. v. Villiez - Vol. 1, No. 3 (July 1962), p. 12 ff.

HARCO _ A Hyperbolic Arca Coverage Navigation System for Air

Traffic Control by W. E. J. Groves - Vol. l, No. 3 (July 1962), p. 19 ff.

An IFR Sight Plan by J. E. Grambart - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p. 5 ff.

The Control Load and Sector Design by Bar Atid Arad - Vol. 3. No. 3 (July 1964), p. 7 ff.


Notes on the Employment of Dual Runways by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1964), p. 21 ff.

Restriction of VFR-Flights on Dutch Airways - Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1964}, p. 26

ATIS - A recorded Assist to Controllers by Joseph A. Gascoigne - Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 1965), p. 16 f.

FAA revised NOTAM Procedures - Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 1965), p. 27 ff.

Altimetry at High Altitudes with a View to the Vertical Separation of Aircraft

by H.J. v. Villiez - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965), p. 35

Radio Communication Failure Procedures Reviewed - Vol. 5, No. 2 (Apri I 1966), p. 20 ff.

Separation Minima Reviewed - Vol. 5, No. 2 {April 1966), p. 28 ff.

North Atlantic Lateral Separation - Vol. 5, No. 3 (July 1966), p. 61

1.3 Automation in ATC

The Philosophy behind and some Details of the Apollo Computer System at the Prestwick Oceanic Air Traffic Control Centre

by H. S. Bray - Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1961162), p. 5 ff.

On the Automation of the Air Traffic Control Services in the German Federal Republic

by Roland Maier - Vol. 1, No. l (Winter 1961162), p. 12 ff.

Beacon: 5-Year ATC Plan - Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1961/62), p. 26 f.

Project Beacon - Evaluation and Summary - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p. 15 ff.

Controllers and Conversing Computers

by James E. Grambart - Vol. 3, No. 1 (January 1964), p. 3 ff.

Data Processing applied to Air Traffic Control by F. J. Crewe - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 20 f.

Progress with HARCO and the Digital Data Link by W. E. J. Groves - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 22 f.

Operation and Applications of the Hazeltine Alpha-Numeric Generator by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 27 ff.

Lessons learnt in nine Years of SATCO by J. Smit - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965), p. 10

The S.R.T. Philosophy on ATC Automation

by J. Edwards - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965), p. 22 ff.

General Purpose Computers and the CRT Displays in ATC by R. Arnolds - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965), p. 27 ff.

The Approach to Automating ATC in France by J. Villiers - Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1966), p. 29 ff.

1.4 Man in ATC

Psychological Aptitude Tests for Air Traffic Control Officers by H.J. Zetzmann - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p. 5 ff.

The Importance of the so-called "Human Factor" for the Reliability of Collision Prevention in the Terminal Area

by H. v. Diringshofen - Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1961/62), p. 28 f.

Human Factors Analysis of Voice Communication Practices in Air Traffic Control - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p. 8 f.

Man as Data-Processing Link in the Air Traffic Control Service by H.J. Zetzrnann - Vol. 1, No. 4 (October 1962), p. 14 ff.

Stress and Performance in Air Traffic Control by K. G. Corkindale - Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 1963), p. 20 ff.

Civil Aeromedical Research - Responsibilities Aims and Accompl ishmcnts

by Stanley R. Mohler, M. D. - Vol. 2, No. 3 (July 1963), p. S ff.

University of Birmingham to commence new Graduate Courses in October - Vol. 2, No. 3 (July 1963), p. 15

Page 19: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Conditions of Employment in Air Traffic Control Service by Jacob Schenkman, - Vol. 2, No. 4 (October 1963), p. 5 ff.

Fatigue and the Controller by John G. Wilson - Vol. 4, No. l (January 1965), p. 14 f.

International Symposium on Air Traffic Controller Training, Paris, May 1965

by Maurice Cerf - Vol. 5, No. l (Jan./feb. 1966), p. 9 ff.

2 Aircraft Operations

2.1 Aircraft Handling

The Name of the Game - Vol. l, No. 3 (July, 1962), p. 40 f.

Cockpit Laxity "Overdramatized" - Vol. 2, No. 3 (July 1963), p. 15 f.

Recent Development in Helicopter IFR Operations by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 3, No. l (January 1964), p. 6 ff.

Controller's Gossip - T-Bird Route Experience Flight - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p. 31

Living with Vortices by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 4, No. l (January 1965), p. 6 ff.

Making Use of Radar by O . Abarbanell - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 9 f.

The United States Supersonic Transport by Raymond B. Maloy - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965), p. 6 ff.

We're learning more about Clear Air Turbulence by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p. 6 ff.

Wind Shear Problems in Terminal Operations by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p. 24 ff.

Wake Turbulence - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966), p. 14 ff .

2.2 Aircraft and Aerodrome Equipment

The Flarescan Instrument Landing System - Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter 1961/

62), p. 26

Sensitive Aircraft Altimeter with Linear Subscale calibrated in Values

of Altitude Units by E. Roessger and G. Raenicke - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p. 13 f.

International Aviation takes great Interest in Hannover Air Show 1962 _ Vol. l, No. 2 (April 1962), p . 20

Some Remarks Concerning the Possibilities of Calibrating the Subscale

of an Altimeter in Terms of Altitude by E. Roessger and G. Raenicke - Vol. 1 No 3 (July 1962), p. 27 ff .

A rapid scanning infra-red system for avoiding collisions in the air by c. M. Cade - Vol. 1, No. 4 (October 1962), p. 27 ff.

VASI _ Visual Approach Slope Indicator - Vol. 2, No . 3 (July 1963),

p. 17 f .

PEEP _ Pilot's Electronic Eyclevel Presentation by Fred Keating - Vol. 2, No. 3 (July 1963), p. 19

Model and slide rule to demonstrate the relative vertical position.s. of the flight levels, the QNH altitudes, the QFE heights, the trans1t1on altitude, the transition level and the transition layer

by G. Raenicke - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p. 25 ff.

Farnborough 1964 - Vol. 3, No . 4 (October 1964), p. 51

ATC Transponder Performance Pre-Flight Test Set by Tirey K. Vickers and Edward M. Hunter - Vol. 4, No . 4 (October

1965), p. 19 ff.

Some News on Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems - Vol. 5, No . 2

(April 1966), p. 12 f.

Status of Airline Radar Beacon Transponder Capability, based on January, 1966, ATA Survey - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), P· 13 f .

Airborne TV tested as ATC aid by Max Karant - Vol. 5, No . 2 (April 1966), p . 18 f.

Considerable Foreign Participation in 1966 German Air Show - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p . 19

New Control Tower and new Runway at Orly Airport - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p. 31

3 Meteorology Sensitive Aircraft Altimeter with Linear Subscale calibrated in Values of Altitude Units

by E. Roessger and G. Raenicke - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p . 13 f . Some Remarks Concerning the Possibilities of Calibrating the Subscale of an Altimeter in Terms of Altitude

by E. Roessger and G. Raenicke - Vol. 1, No. 3 (July 1962), p. 27 ff.

Model und slide rule to demonstrate the relative vertical position of the night levels, the QNH altitudes, the QFE heights, the transition altitude, the transition level and the transition layer

by G. Raenicke - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p. 25 ff .

High Level Air Turbulence - Vol. 3, No. 4 (October 1964), p. 52

Living with Vortices by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 1965), p . 6 ff.

Long Range Detection of Thunderstorms by G. Heydt and H. Volland - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p. 35 f.

Altimetry at High Altitudes with a View to the Vertical Separation of Aircraft

by H.J. v. Villiez - Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1965), p. 35

We're learning more about Chear Air Turbulence by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p . 6 ff .

Wind Shear Problems in Terminal Operations by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p. 24 ff.

Rapid Dissemination of Information on Marginal Weather Conditions at Airports - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p . 32 ff .

The ARSR Weather Surveillance System by T. J. Simpson - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct.!Nov. 1966), p. 9 ff.

Wake Turbulence - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966) , p. 14 ff .

4 Air Traffic Services Organisations 4.1 IFATCA

Editorial by Walter Endlich - Vol. l, No. l (Winter 1961 /62), p. 4

1962 Annual Conference of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations to be held at Paris-Orly - Vol . l , No. l

(Winter 1961/62), p . 31

IFATCA Member Associations - Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1962), p. 22

IFATCA Annual Conference 1962 - Vol., No. 3 (July 1962), p. 4 ff.

International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations Draft Recommendation on Familiarization Flights - Vol. l , No . 3

(July 1962), p. 44, and Vol. 2, No . l (January 1963), p. 33

London Report - Highlights of the Second Annual IFATCA Conference by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 2, No. 2 (April 1963), p . 5 ff .

Conference Report of the 2nd Annual IFATCA Conference - Vol. 2, No. 2 (April 1963), p. 9 ff .

G. W. Monk appointed Executive Secretary of the International Fede­ration of Air Traffic Controllers Associations _ Vol. 2, No . 4 (October

1963), p . 21

Brussels, future Capital of Europe, invites you! - Vol. 3, No. l (Ja­nuary 1964), p. 12

IFATCA Annual Conference 1964 - Provisional Programme - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p . 8

Report of the Third Annual IFATCA-Conference - Vol. 3, No . 4 (Oc­tober 1964), p . 6 ff.

Welcome to Vienna - 4th Annual IFATCA Conference, April 12th - 15th, 1965 - Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p . 6 f


Page 20: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Highlights of Addresses to the Conference (Welcome Addresses to the 4th IFATCA Conference, Vienna 1965)

Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 1965), p . 8

Report of the Fourth Annual IFATCA Conference - Vol. 4, No . 3 (July

1965), p . 8 ff .

Report of the Fifth Annual IFATCA Conference, Rome 18th-21st April 1966 - Vol. 5, No. 3 (July/Aug. 1966), p . 6 ff.

Austrian Controllers visit Budapest by Herbert Brandstetter - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966), p. 12

IFATCA Annual Conference 1967 Geneva, 17th-21st April by Herbert Brandstetter - Vol. 5, No . 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966), p. 18 f.

4.2 National Air Traffic Controllers' Organisations

Great Problems in Air Traffic Control - Vol. 1, No. l (Winter 1961/62),

p . 31

ATC News from the U.K. - Vol. l , No . 2 (April 1962) , p. 21

Fourth Convention of the British Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers to be held in Bournemouth - Vol. l, No. 3 (July 1962), p. 17

Annual Dinner of the British Guild of Air Traffic Officers - Vol. 1,

No. 3 (July 1962), p . 35 f .

Fourth Air Traffic Control Convention Bournemouth - Vol. l, No . 4

October 1962), p. 26

Seventh National Meeting of the Air Traffic Control Association -

Vol. 1, No . 4 (October 1962), p . 34

Seventh National Meeting, Air Traffic Control Association, Las Vegas by Maurice Cerf - Vol. 2, No. l (January 1963), p. 5 f .

Greek and Japanese ATCA's founded, ATCO's in Central Africa found an Assoc iation, too - Vol. 2, No . l {January 1963), p . 31

Report on the Eighth Annual ATCA Convention by Helmut Elsner - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p . 21 f.

Fifth Convention of the British Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers held at Bournemouth - Vol. 3, No. 4 (October 1964), p . 54 f.

The Air Traffic Control Association's Ninth Annual Meeting Atlantic

City - October 1964 by Maur ice Cerf - Vol. 4 , No . l (January 1965), p . 30 ff.

Address of IFATCA President L. N. Tekstra at the Ninth Annual Meeting,

ATCA - Vol. 4, No. l {January 1965), p . 32 f.

1964 Annual Conference of the Verband Deutscher Flugleiter e. V. -

Vol. 4, No . l (Janua ry 1965), p . 34 ff .

The Air Traffic Controllers' Guild of Ind ia - Vol. 5 , No. l (Jan./Feb .

1966), p . 41 f.

ATCA - an Inspiration by Wil iam F. McKee - Vol. 5, No . 1 (Jan./Feb . 1966), p . 43 f.

6 th Annual Conference of the Austrian Air Traffic Controllers ' Asso­

ciation - Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 1966), p . 19

ANACNA, the Italian Air Traffic Controllers' Association - Vol. 5, No . 2 (April 1966), p . 37

Sixth Convention of the United Kingdom Guild of Air Traffic Control

Officers - Vol. 5, No . 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966), p . 6

Austrian Controllers visit Budapest by Herbe rt Brandstette r - Vol. 5, No . 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966), p . 12

4.3 National and International Bodies

ITA - The lnstitut du Transport Acricn - Vol. l , No . l (Winter 1961/62),

p . 18 ff .

ICAO Communications Division completes work - Vol. 1, No . l (Win­

ter 1961 /62), p . 24 f

New International Aviation Organization formed - Vol. 1, No . 2 (April

1962), p . 18


Projects and Developments of Eurocontrol by R. M. Soward - Vol. 1, No. 3 (July 1962), p . 37 ff.

NATO and the Committee for European Airspace Co-ordination by K. Birksted - Vol. 2, No. l (January 1963), p . 23 f .

FAA Plans for Air Traffic Control by Lyle H. Ditzler - Vol. 2, No. l (January 1963), p . 25 ff .

Symposium on Electronics Research and Development for Civil Aviation, Part I

by G. W. Monk - Vol. 2, No. 4 (October 1963), p. 21 f.

ICAO RAC/OPS Meeting, Montreal, May 1963 by Maurice Cerf - Vol. 3, No . l (January 1964), p. 11 f.

Symposium on Electronics Research and Development for Civil Aviation, Part II

by G. W. Monk - Vol. 3, No. 1 (January 1964), p . 13

Flight Safety Symposium, Royal Aeronautical Society London, 31st October 1963, resumee of the papers presented


by E. W. Pike - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p . 10 ff.

Supersonic Transport Symposium by G. W. Monk - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964) , p. 13 ff.

lntrodution of Eurocontrol Services - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p. 20

New ICAO Secretary General appointed - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p . 22

Eurocontrol ATC Simulator - Vol. 3, No. 2 (April 1964), p . 23 f.

ICAO reports on Air Transportation in 1963 - Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1964), p. 19

Foundation stone for Eurocontrol Experimental Centre laid _ Vol. 3, No . 4 (October 1964), p. 52

Important Eurocontrol Decisions - Vol. 3, No. 4 (October 1964), p . 54

ICAO - Twentieth Anniversary of Chicago Convention _ Vol. 4, No. l (January 1965), p . 17 f.

FAA revised NOTAM Procedures - Vol. 4, No. l (January 1965), p . 27 ff .

Site for Maastricht UAC handed over to Eurocontrol _ Vol. 4, No. 3 (July 1965), p . 63

General William F. McKee, FAA Administrator _ Vol 4 No. 4 (Oc-tober 1965), p . 9 · '

14th Session of Eurocontrol Permanent Commission _ Vol. 5, No. l (Jon./Feb. 1966), p . 38

Results of the ICAO Air Navigation Conference Montreal 1965 -Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1966), p . 39 f. '

Outstanding FAA Performance in Power Failure - Vol. 5 , No . 1 (Jan .I Feb . 1966), p. 40 f.

16th Annual Conference of the International Airline Navigators' Council - Vol . 5, No . 2 (April 1966), p . 10

"Green Light" for Eurocontrol International Upper Area Control Centre Maastricht - Vol. 5, No . 3 (July/Aug. 1966), p. 64

Dr. Werner Guldimann Director of the Swiss Federal Office of the Air - Vol. 5, No . 3 (July/Aug . 1966), p . 65

ATC Highlights of the lowan 1.0.N. Meeting by Tirey K. Vickers - Vol. 5, No . 4 (Oct./Nov. 1966), p. 4 ff.

Laying the Foundation Stone of the Eurocontrol Upper Area Control Centre at Beek-Maastricht Airport

by R. J . Sode! - Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct./Nov . 1966), p . 20 ff .

5 Miscellaneous

Aviation Writers meet with Avion ics Industry - Vol. 2, No . l (January 1963), p . 33

Bo Lundberg received Monsanto Aviation Safety Award _ Vol. 3, (July 1964), p . 14 No. 3

Pioneer Award for Dr.-lng. Ernst Kramar - Vol. 3, No . 3 (July 1964), p . 20

Page 21: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Airlines begin new Phase of Search for Collision Avoidance System

The Air Traffic Control (ATC) Committee of the Air Transport Association (ATA) has formed a Technical Working Group to study details of proposed collision avoidance systems (CAS). Chairman of the new CAS Tech­nical Working Group is Howard J. Mehrling, director, electronics-electrical engineering for Eastern Air Lines. Beside Eastern, five other airlines have already named representatives to the working group: American, Braniff, Pan American, Trans World and United.

Composed primarily of electronics experts, the CAS Technical Working Group will examine proposed methods of applying time and frequency techniques to CAS for the purpose of developing suggested technical characte­ristics of a practical common system CAS.

In their work, the CAS Technical Working Group will consult frequently with manufacturers of airborne electro­nics equipment and those with CAS design concepts. The ATA will continue to keep manufacturers, organizations and government agencies with primary interest in CAS fully informed about progress of the CAS Technical Working Group.

Stanley L. Seltzer, director, air navigation and traffic control, ATA, and secretary of the ATC Committee, de­scribed the work of the Technical Working Group as providing the catalyst in a national effort to achieve a workable collision avoidance system. "The airline goal", said Seltzer, "is to get a common system CAS - one where airline CAS equipment will work cooperatively with CAS equipment carried by other users, both civil and military. While they recognize that the system design standards produced by airline effort may need modifi­cation to meet the needs of other users, the airlines be-

Sixth European ATC Conference Meets

Blue skies, sunshine, and interesting ATC topics were the order of the day during the Sixth Annual European ATC Conference held November 14-18 in Athens, Greece. Co-sponsored by the Greek Government and the U. S. Air Force, Europe, the agenda covered a wide variety of


Former conferences have emphasized the USAF avia­tion role in Europe and aimed at easing coordination problems resulting from USAF exercises in the Central European and North Atlantic areas. With many of these problems resolved, the conference elected this year to i~­clude subjects which would be of general interest to air traffic control organizations throughout Europe.

Some 82 conferees, representing 55 organizations and 15 countries, listened to briefings on topics including North Atlantic Traffic Flow and Patterns, Pictorial Display/Course Line Computer Equipment in ATC, ATC Systems in Greece, Automation in the French ATC System, and Old and New IFF/SIF Systems. Military organizations briefed conferees on the v. K. Emergency Organization, Flight lnforma~ion Publications, Military Training Airspace, SAC Refuelmg/ Training Requirements, Military Airlift Command and th.e C-141, U.S. Army Air Operations in Europe, U. S. Air Force Communications Service, and other timely subjects.

lieve the advent of an operational common system CAS will be speeded by developing a proposed standard as quickly as possible."

Beside establishing the CAS Technical Working Group, the recent 27th meeting of the ATC Committee also de­voted a full day to a presentation by Collins Radio of a proposed collision avoidance system. It meets the basic operational requirements for an airline collision avoi­dance system, prepared by the ATC Committee and distri­buted to potential users or makers of CAS equipment last October.

The ATC Committee now has heard two proposed CAS design concepts, one by Collins Radio, the other by McDonnell Aircraft. Both meet basic airline requirements, but in important respects, each company has chosen diffe­rent ways to apply time and frequency techniques in designing a CAS. These design choices result in systems that are not compatible, i. e., the proposed McDonnell system will not work with the proposed Collins system. Determining which methods are most likely to be suitable for common system use is one of the tasks of the ATA's CAS Technical Working Group. Logically, this determi­nation should be made before prototype hardware can be prepared for test and evaluation.

When a common system standards is finally developed and agreed upon, airborne equipment characteristics (for interchangeability and interconnection) will be prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) of Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC). To assure continuity in the various phases of the airline search for a suitable CAS, an ARINC/AEEC representative will be on the ATA CAS Technical Working Group.

by A. M. Waldin

An interesting question-and-answer period followed the brief! i ngs.

The Federal Aviation Agency of the U.S., sponsors of the Pictorial Display/Course Line Computer (PD/CLC) brie­fing, also provided flight demonstrations of the equipment throughout the week aboard an FAA Convair-240. Fifty­five ATC experts operated the PD/CLC equipment while aloft and saw "area navigation" achieved using the Mt. Hymmetos VOR/DME as the navigational aid input. The FA~ sp?kesman pointed out that the requirement for area nav1gat1on capability is now "coming of age" in certain areas. T~e briefing recognized the various equipments now evadable or on the planning boards which provide area navigation capability from the cockpit while making use of !CAO-approved VOR/DME aids.

Among the conferees were several IFATCA members including Horst Guddat of the German ATCA and Nick Gones and G. Aslanides of the ATCA of Greece. Two old friends of IFATCA - George Waller and Al Waldin of the Brussels FAA Air Traffic Staff - were present as members of the FAA briefing team.

Next years 's conference, site as yet undetermined, will see a return to the name North Atlantic/European .A.TC Conference, as it was felt this better expresses the primary areas of interest covered in the meetings agenda .


Page 22: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Highlights of the 1966 ATCA Convention

by Tirey K. Vickers

-------- ----------- ------=------------- .

The International Party at the ATCA Confe rence. Left to right : Lu is Rodriguez, M oyor Chuck Holl, Mrs. Rodr iguez , Beaut y Queen, Aviation Editor o f Hero ld, Beauty Queen, Berti I Rydin , Jeon­Daniel Manin , Antonio Sequero, Aubrey Aronson , Beauty Queen, El ias Petroul ios, Jacob Wachtel , Marco Navorro, N ick Ganas, Jose Araujo, Bob Henderson, Woller Tonner, Ed Day Herbert Brandstetter, Ma naging Editor of Herold .


Page 23: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

The U.S. Air Traffic Control Association's e leventh onnuol convention was held October 10-12, 1966, at Miami, Florido. A goodly number of IFATCA controllers from Austria, Canada, Greece, Israel, Norway, Sweden, Switzer­land, and Venezuela were present; and the theme of the meeting, "Accepting The Cha llenges Ahead", provided o live ly springboard for constructive discussion of the things to come in ATC. ·

The Aging Controller. Jomes D. Hill , ATCA's new Ge· neral Counsel, pointed out the plight of the controller who fails his medical examina tion and hos to look for o second career, armed only w ith his highly-specia lized ATC skills wh ich are largely non-transferable to any other occupation. Mr. Hill repo rted that in the last seven cases of thi s type which have come to his attention, on ly o ne controller was able to transfer into an FAA administra· live job. This ratio is not expected to improve.

Mr. Hill e mphasized the need for a loss-of-license in­surance plan for ATCA me mbers. Before such a plan could be established, however, it will be necessary for ATCA to obtain up-to-date statistics on the number of controllers w ho have been forced to retire for medical


Robert H. Willey, FAA's Associate Administrator for Personnel and Training, advised that a total of 239 FAA e mployees were reti red dur ing Fiscal Year 1966; however, he did not know how many were air traffic contro lle rs, nor how many control lers were ret ired for medical rea­

sons. Mr. W illey reported that 990/o of the employees w ho

have taken the FAA's Psychological Screening Test hove passed. Although o numbe r of people have criticized this program as an invasion of privacy, Mr. Wi lley said that he didn't cons ider it so; bu t hod even taken the test him­self. A lthough he didn't report how he came out, he said that the test had been helpful in identifying a number of individuals with extreme anxie ties. In a typical case, Mr. Wi lley reported, the individual was thankful at being able to unburden h is load to the physicia n.

Mr. Willey assured his au dience that the psychological test wi ll not form the basis for any personnel action s. La­te r, however, he mentioned that five contro llers have been removed from control duties as a result of the test.

Tomorrow's Traffic. Air traffic forecasts presented at Miami were descr ibed by J. D. Smith of United Air Lines as "fantastic, sob e ring , and frigh tening". Archie W. Lea­gue, FAA's ATS Directo r, reviewed the last te n years ' growth figures a nd pred icted that by 1975, twelve US ARTC Centers wil l each be ha ndling 1,000,000 operations per year, while seven others wi ll hit the 600,000 mark. Mr. League reported that the US is now p rod uc ing 60 new aircraft pe r day; th is rate is expecte d to increase to 100 per day by 1975, a t which time the US should have about 140,000 g ene ra l aviation aircraft.

Jeff Cochra n of FAA reported tha t the ,,Big Five" Me trop lex Areas (Ch icago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Washington) together account for 1/ 4 of al l IF R operations, and 370/o of oil la ndings and tokeoffs ha ndled by FAA tower facilities. They also account for 830/o of a ll lawsui ts due to aircraft accidents. Mr. Cochron said that by 1985 some of th ese a reas would encounter insta nta neo us traffic counts (ITC) of 1000 a irborne aircra ft w ithin o 50-mi le radius, w hile the Los Angeles 50-mi le ITC 1s forecas t at 1350 aircraft!

FAA head, General William F. McKee, a l the Administrato r"s Banquet at Miami.

Bock for another return engagement, Ted Bonner of Decca Navigator Company Ltd. se rved as Moster of Ceremon ies al the ATCA Awards



Page 24: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Such swarms of aircraft may require quite different concepts of air traffic control from that presently used, or even envisioned in the future NAS (National Airspace System) operation. Gil Quinby of NARCO said it was time someone was thinking about applying the manage­ment principle of control by exception, in ATC.

Airports. Reflected at the Miami Meeting was the growing realization that airports hold the key to increased ATC system capacity, and that ATC automation cannot, by itself, significantly increase the present I FR capacity of our busiest terminal areas. What is needed is not just more runways, but more independent runways which can be operated simultaneously with the existing layout.

Archie League complained that the ATC system should not be blamed for aircraft delays which are caused by airport deficiencies. He said that the FAA has received 700 applications for airport aid, totalling 8 275 million -but the maximum congressional appropriation for such improvements is not expected to exceed S 70 million. Meanwhile, he urged control personnel to review present terminal area procedures and flight patterns for possible improvements, to squeeze the maximum possible capacity from present facilities.

Landing Aids. Dave Sheftel of FAA RDS showed some interesting, th..:>ugh necessarily foggy, movies of actual Category 111 approaches being completed under different profiles of altitude versus visibility. He also showed pic­tures of the FAA's new low-cost ILS which, at S 80,000, is only l /4 as expensive as the old type. Happily, it also presents less of an obstruction hazard to an aircraft in trouble.

Commander William E. Tucker outlined the US Navy's need for a variable-glide-slope, portable, accurate, and reliable approach and landing system. He also said that the Navy is interested in the development of a supple­mentary, easy-to-read GCA radar indicator. This presen­tation, known as the "bullseye" display, would show a cross-sectional view of the approach course, looking down the glide slope toward the runway. The aircraft symbol would appear in relation to the approach course and glide slope center lines, as shown in Fig. 1. A circle, cen­tered on the desired path, and indicating safe vertical and lateral tolerances, would gradually shrink in size as the aircraft proceeded toward the runway.

SSR. Mr. League said that 6000 SSR transponders, with 4096-code Mode A capability, ore now installed in general aviation aircraft. In a recent 19-day survey of IFR traffic at Washington National Airport, it was found that 90% of the air carrier, and 500/o of the general aviation, air­craft were using transponders. Mr. League said that the FAA's high-altitude fleet would have Mode C altitudere­porting capability by March 1967.

Gil Quinby of NARCO said that by 1970, 500/o of all transponders would hove Mode C capability. However, he expressed anxiety that very few FAA ground installa­tions would be ready to accept Mode C altitude replies by that time. At present, only two FAA operating facili­ties, Atlanta Tracon (Terminal Radar Approach Control) and New York Center, are equipped for Mode C; the Jacksonville Center may be equipped by April, 1968, fol­lowed by the "Big Five" Metracons (Metropolitan Termi­nol Radar Approach Control facilities) .

Automation. Mr. League announced an accelerated program (not yet approved) to equip all ARTC Centers


with computers, within the next three years. Only five centers presently have computers; these machines are now overloaded and will be replaced with newer models. The Cleveland Center is expected to have its new com­puter in operation by May, 1967. Mr. League added that, if the accelerated computer program goes through, all center computers will be on line, talking to each other, within four years.

Gordon Hurst of FAA reviewed the results of the ARTS (Advanced Rodar Traffic System) Field Appraisal at At­lanta. He said that the program had been forced to work under two handicaps. Controllers using the experimental alphanumeric system still had to keep their flight pro­gress strip markings up to date; this virtually doubled the total bookkeeping workload. In addition, the fact that ARTS was not connected with any outside ARTC Center precluded the use of silent hondoff procedures, and also required that all data be entered into the ARTS computer locally and manually. This required on extra data man during peak hours.

In spite of these handicaps, Mr. Hurst reported, the ARTS Field. Appraisal proved the feasibility of eliminating the old flight progress boards, in automated terminal

Fig. 1 Proposed "bullseye" GCA indicator showing aircraft target above . glide path and lo the left of the approach course, but within prescribed tolerance for this range.

facilities. The program also proved the usefulness of tar­get tags which show continuous identity and altitude data. It was also found that less than a dozen different com­puter-control messages accounted for 90% of the control actions. These message types are listed below ranked in their order of popularity: Initiate track, termtnate track change tag position, enter assigned altitude, correlat: track and radar target, tab data entry, select desired tracking mode, assign beacon code, transfer data. Mr. Hurst said that the size of the alphanumeric characters create.d a clu~ter pr.oblem, as each computer target tag occupied a 8 X 8-mile area on a 40-mile scope.

The final proof of ARTS usefulness was shown recently when the Atlanta controllers requested that the system be

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retained in operation, at 1he end of the Field Appraisal program. It is now used operationally 16 hours per day. An expanded and updated version of the system is being readied for checkout in the New York Metracon fOcility, which is scheduled for commissioning in December, 1967.

Jeff Cochran said that the forthcoming NAS program will profit greatly from the lessons learned in the ARTS program. He said that the Jacksonville Center's NAS Stage A computer program is now 800/o complete and that this equipment installation will begin actual operations in April, 1968. He stated that terminal area automation is very important, and that he would like to see simultaneous installations of associated center and tracon equipment, to eliminate "automation islands" with their resulting data entry and handoff problems.

European Progress. Mr. G. 0 . Hansson, of Standard Radio and Telephon A. B., showed movies of the Swedish air defense system, and the automated ATC display system which has evolved from it. The Stockholm Center is now equipped with the new ATC system, which uses narrow­band radar remoting techniques and computer-processed PPI and tabular displays. Each target symbol is tagged with one alpha, and one numeric character. The controller can interrogate any PPI target, using a probe positioned by a slew ball, to obtain a readout of identity, altitude, and flight plan data on a small rectangular tabular display. The tabular scope can display the data for up to six selected targets simultaneously.

Navigation. Ed Baur of New York Airways described his company's use of the Decca Navigator System, which permits the establishment of low-altitude helicopter air­ways three miles wide, and helicopter holding airspaces 3.9 miles long by 2.6 miles wide, using pictorial navigation procedures.

Satellite Communications. The higher the orbit alti­tude, the longer it takes a satellite to go clear around the Earth. Finally, at an altitude of about 22,400 statute miles, it takes 24 hours to complete the circle. As the Earth i tself takes 24 hours to make a complete eastbound rota­tion, a satellite on an eastbound orbit over the Equator at 22,400 miles altitude would appear to be parked in space, standing still in relation to the Earth. Here it would make a handy platform for a VHF communications relay station, as its altitude would be high enough to put nearly a third of the entire Earth's surface within its line of sight.

At Miami, Oliver J. DeZoute of FAA RDS presented a progress report on the FAA's plans to use such satellites for over-ocean communications in the future . The pro­posed setup would permit long-range pilot/controller com ­munications, or !rans-oceanic controller/controller commu­nications, as shown in Fig. 2. Both voice and digital com­

munications are planned.

Mr. DeZoute reported that one of the worst difficulties revealed in the system studies so far is the multipath pro­blem, wherein the satellite signal bounces off the ocean and arrives at the ai rcraft out-of-phase with the direct signal from the satellite, thus tending to cancel out the desired message. It is planned to alleviate this problem by installing a directional tracking antenna on the top of the aircraft, to look directly at the satellite at all times .

Another problems is the inherent delay in signal trans­mission due to the great distances involved. A complete round trip to the satell ite and back requires three tenths

of a second; if a controller listens to his own feedback this amount of delay is psychologically rather disturbing'.

Weather Radar Contours. Roy Paro of Raytheon re­viewed the ARSR Weather Surveillance System, which was described in the last issue of THE CONTROLLER. He sug­gested that the controls for the adjustable contour thres­hold levels be remoted to the controller, who would then be able to probe large storm areas to locate individual cells and determine the zones of steepest gradient; these should correspond closely to the zones of greatest tur­bulence.

VTOL Aircraft. Ed Baur of New York Airways stated that the next generation of commercial helicopters would

F.ig . 2 Controll er-pilot link (A) ond tron soceanic cont rolle r- cont roller link (BJ via communications sate l lite.

have to be. larger (40-60 seats) in order to provide ade­quate terminal connections with the jumbo jets. He an-nounced that NYA · I · h . Kennedy Airport.

is p onning t ree rooftop terminals al

ATC St · · · ahshcs. Executive Director Cliff Burton reported that the ATCA roster has bounced back to a total of 5035 indi:'idual members, and 69 corporate members. In com­parison, the FAA has about 12 729 A TC personnel in enroute and terminal area facilities.

Final.e. As usual, the Awards Banquet concluded the conv;ntion program. This time, Major William A. Anders, a U AF astronaut, narrated a spectacular new NASA color. ~Im which covered the highlights of all the manned Gemini space fl ights to date. Archie League made the an~ual award presentations, except for the AOPA Award which was presented by Roys Jones. Ted Bonner flew in from the old country, to be Master of Ceremonies and to bring us another progress report on Christine Keeler ("She is married now, if one can use the te rm loosely"). Afterwards, a lot of sleepy people said goodbye to each other for another year.


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Annual Meeting of the German Air Traffic Controllers Association (VD F)

The German Air Traffic Controllers Association held its 1966 Annual Meeting from 25th till 27th October at Hannover airport.

This was the first time since the preparatory conference for the foundation of IFATCA that the VDF had combined its Annual Conference with a public meeting. The topic of the meeting was "Air Traffic Control - Today and Tomorrow", and several well known German aviation experts enlarged on that subject as Guest Speakers. The whole event was fully covered by press, radio, and tele­vision.

Close Cooperation between Controllers' Associa­tions and Air Navigation Authorities encouraged

Ministerialrat Gustav Glunz, Director of Air Naviga­tion Services at the German Federal Ministry of Transport, delivered the Opening Address:

A considerable amount of work has been done by this Association in the past years. The initiative to form an International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Asso­ciation came mainly from your side. In the meantime, this international federation has gathered momentum by the association of numerous national controllers' guilds and has earned considerable recognition through its activities.

It is of personal interest to me and I attach great im­portance to the fact that close cooperation is maintained between the competent air traffic services authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany and this professional organisation. The fact that you are employees of the air traffic services on the one hand, and on the other side members of a federation whose opinions need not neces­sarily coincide with those of the Government authorities, should not be a hindrance.

It is within your terms of reference as a professional organisation to take a critical position and to make pro­posals for further development of the air traffic services. May I emphasize that we are grateful for every positive contribution serving the matter; for all concerned with the air traffic services are interested in a continuous im­provement of these services, in accordance with the re­quirements of the future. This task can only be performed by an authority if suggestions are put forward in a distinct and competent manner by all parties concerned. Po I e -mics help us little and detain us from o u r re a I ta s k . After all, it is the objective of the air traffic services to serve aviation, i. e. as laid down in Annex 11 to the ICAO Convention: to guarantee a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic.

Every Airspace User deserves his Share of the Service

It is wrong to believe that the air traffic services im­pede aviation by regulations. Much educational work and good will are necessary to make this clear to all aviators. Some wish to benefit as much as possible from air traffic control but are very reluctant to accept in return their



Aviation in Europe is undergoing a remarkable change. In a few years, air transport will be completely converted to jet aircraft. Traffic density is growing rapidly. To an ever increasing extent the aircraft is used by the tourist trade and is thus becoming a means of transport not only for a limited class of people but for the general public. Business and sports flying, which I should like to include in the term "General Aviation", is still in its flrst develop­ment stages but will, in the course of the economic inte­gration of Europe, considerably expand during the next ten years. Already today many large industrial flrms are using their own executive aircraft.

In my opinion, all traffic forecasts made today are below the figures we have to expect in the foreseeable future. The task with which the air traffic services authori­ties will be confronted will be of great dimensions; great efforts and the cooperation of all will be necessary to keep in step.

The Future Tasks

T_oday's. air traffic control system with its airways, re­porting points and fixed routeings stems from the years before world i.:ar_ II. Although having been improved over and _over again rn the Fifties, it will not be capable of meeting the future challenge. Not without reason the Fe­d.~ral lns~itute for Air Navigation Services (Bundesanstalt fur Flugs1cherun~ - BFS) departed from this system in its long-term planning. From discussions at international level we know that ~ur policy is not wrong. A considerable amount of detail work and technical development has yet to be done, so that system changes may be introduced in a manner which will ensure the greatest possible effect for ~II concerned: Above all, the staff employed in this ser~1ce mu~t be given the proper tools to carry out their duties, which hold great responsibilities. To name but

one ~f the ~a.ny subjects involved: the tools which will be require~ wrll inevitably include extensive automatic data processing, so that the requirements for an expeditious air/ground and ground/ground data exchange can be t The naive belief that one could solve all ATC probl:~~ solely by the use of radar appears to me to be complete! out of place. y

lnspite of the fact that the Eurocontrol Organisation has not qu~te progressed at the rate expected, we want to state quite frankly our opinion that on this Continent with its many small countries there is still a long-term re­quirement for an air traffic control system which can ope­rate independent of national boundaries.

I appreciate very much that the papers to be read at this Conference have as their general topic "Air Traffic Control - Today and Tomorrow". These papers will main­ly deal with the requirements of airspace users in respect of _air traffic control. We shall also hear from represen­tatives of the _BFS ~bout th.eir ideas and intentions. I hope that many fruitful ideas wrll be originated by the lectures now to follow, ideas that are useful for our work as well as for the work of your association.

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Air Traffic Services at Landing Sites to be improved

The first speaker, Ltd. Ministerialrat Dr. Diehl, re~re­sented the Ministry of Transport of the Land Northrhme­Westfalia. He was not so much concerned with the large scale, international problems but "those which are dear to the heart of a man who is responsible for the safety of General Aviation and aerodromes in a highly indu­

strialised Land". Dr. Diehl reported about the problems encountered in

his endeavours to provide better ATS facilities for General Aviation. Northrhine-Westfalia was one of the first Lander which had attempted to install ground radio and direction finding equipment at landing sites. Initially the BFS had refused to permit the operation of that equipment by avia­tion personnel of the Lander, on the grounds that their staff did not have the proper ATC qualifications and that, in any case, there was no legal basis for the Lender to provide air traffic services 1). On the other hand, the BFS did not have the budgetary means to provide air traffic services at small aerodromes and landing sites.

Meanwhile, 40 aviation staff of Northrhine-Westfalia have attended a three weeks basic course at the ATC school at Munich, but even now the services they ore allowed to provide ore only limited: on the R/T they con give some kind of information service, and the D/F equip­ment is to be used for QDMs only, no triangulation fixing.

A Working Group, chaired by the BFS and representing all interested parties, has established the criteria for the provision of Air Traffic and Meteorological Services at landing sites and smaller aerodromes. The Working Group recommended, inter alia, that nine domestic aerodromes be classified in the highest priority group and that the above services should successively be introduced at these locations. These recommendations were made more than two years ago, but the nine aerodromes were still without

ATS and MET Services. Dr Diehl then quoted the expenditure budgeted for

in the. 10 years plan of the BFS and contrasted thi~ with the figures of 1,3 Million DM earmarked for the ms~al­lation of ATS equipment at small aerodromes and landing sites. This modest percentage (0.4% of 319 Million DM), he said, should well be justified for the safety of General


More Operational Freedom for General Aviation

Dr. Diehl also demanded that the lower limit of c~n­trolled airspace be raised to 4.000 feet, in order to give more operational freedom to Genera.I Aviation a'.rcraft2). In the same context the speaker mentioned potent1~I d~n­gers to General Aviation resulting from low Aymg 1et


As a measure to increase safety and expedience of General Aviation which would neither require staff nor any investment, Dr. Diehl suggested to publish suitable

approach procedures for those airfields whicl~ or~ locate? in the vicinnity of terminal or enroute nav1gat1on fa:1-lities . Many smaller aircraft, he said, are already equip-



According to the Germon aviation legislation , only the. BFS is

entitled to orovide air traffic services, and the coses rn which such

powers con. be delegated ore strictly reglemented . Meanwhile the BFS hos announced that a gene ral raise of the _lower

limit of the Control Areas to 2500 feet is intended to be imple­

mented on l st Apri I 1967

ped with the proper instruments and could thus make a safe landing when suddenly encountering marginal weather conditions. Any details about airfields and land­ing sites should be published in o third volume of the AIP.

ATC Career Prospects to be made more attractive

An interesting statement was mode by the speaker in respect of the training and carreer of air traffic control officers (Dr. Diehl is also a member of the Administrative Council of the BFS). This is a translated summary of his remarks: ... Without any doubt, the air traffic control service is one of the most attractive and most responsible activities in the civil service. An open mind and quick wit, exceptional devotion to service, the ability to take split second decisions and a well developed sense of responsi­bility for air transport and for the general public ore but some of the basic requirements demanded from an air traffic controller.

These facts are generally agreed and they are mani­fested in the importance that is internationally placed on theoretical and practical training of ATC staff. The addi­tional requirement for a controller to continuously update the knowledge and experience gained in the classroom and in the field is hardly encountered in any other pro­fessional branch. This extensive training produces, of course, a corps of highly qualified experts. As far as I know, there is no equivalent for such a permanent drill of advanced training and examination in any other branch of the civil service. Whilst a general civil servant has to take an examination only once and is then promoted in accordance with his career scheme, the air traffic con­troller has to prove his profiency and knowledge conti­nuously by tests and examinations until he has reached the highest ATC qualifications.

And yet, the civil servant career that has been esta­blished for air traffic control staff in the Federal Republic of Germany has unfortunately be limited to category "B" grades (Gehobener Dienst). It has been neglected to make provisions for the most qualified air traffic control officers to advance to category "A" management posts (Hoherer Dienst) . A certain complicity in this situation can probably be attributed to the older and more senior German con­trollers . Ranking in the "A" scheme as former employees they accepted, for their personal temporary benefit, a lower grade plus a compensation allowance (which is not granted to the newly employed control staff anymore), when they had the choice to become civil servants a few years ago.

I am of the opinion that such a particular profession as air traffic control should have a special career scheme and should not be pressed into the administrative civil service system.

One could well consider that in every ATC unit at least ihe Chief Controller should hold a category "A" post. This would be an incentive for the most qualified staff, and va­luable expertise would become available for management positions . Isn't it striking that the BFS has to be repre­sented by category "B" staff at national and international meetings, when highly complex !asks are involved .

These circumstance do, of course, create a feeling of dissatisfaction among the staff, which may have negative influence on the quality of the service. In view of today's tremendous tasks and, even more so, the ones that have to be mastered in the future , the greatest efforts should be made to rectify the situation .


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ATC University required

Furthermore, I think that the steady increase of air traffic and its future demands on the ground organisation will require top level management staff with University or similar qualifications on the subject of air navigation. To my knowledge, no academic education does presently meet the requirements for this vocation, at least not as far as air traffic control is concerned. It is about time, therefore, to open suitable possibilities for instruction, be it at a university, a technical institute, or initially with the BFS, to overcome this deficiency.

The young talents for management positions could be chosen from particularly qualified air traffic control staff. I am convinced that among the ATC personnel a suffi­cient number of people could be found who posses the entry qualifications for a University, if they should be re­quired.

The BFS should make every effort in this matter, be­cause otherwise the time may come when older manage­ment staff retire and cannot be replaced by qualified per­sonnel who have been properly prepared for the task. The Verband Deutscher Flugleiter, too, should consider these questions and work out suitable proposals for a solution of this problem. In view of your international activities, your association should well be in a position to work out useful proposals.

Dr. D iehl then stressed the importance of flying train­ing for air traffic control staff; route experience flights, although a necessary part of controller train!ng, . co~ld never be a substitute for personal experience in piloting

an aircraft. The speaker concluded by pointing out that all parties

concerned with air navigation should work together har­moniously, and that air traffic controllers should always bear in mind that it was their task to provide an important

service to air transport.

Pictorial Displays and Course Line Computers

Dr. Karl E. Karwarth, Chief Navigator and Head of Operations at Deutsche Lufthansa AG, spoke about picto­rial displays for the pilot. He indicated that it was not his intention to outline the requirements of Lufthansa or IATA but to discuss the poss ibilit ies for a better utilisation of ar


ea navigation systems based on the aids which are presently available .

Lufthansa aircraft carry topographical charts for emer­gency purposes only . Good flight preparation should make the use of charts on the flight deck superfluous. DLH have introduced a well designed flight plan copy in which all navigational reference data are entered in tabular form .

The most interesting information to the pilot are head­ing and distance to a station ; data that is. provi~ed by VOR/DMET. Course Line Computers make 1t poss1bl~ ~o introduce ghost or phantom beacons anywhere within the coverage of the navigation aid used . An.y tr~cks coul.d thus be flown ; parallel routes for opposite direction traffte could be established without any difficulties. Such a system would require less navigation facilities and would help to reduce congestion on the navaid frequency band. It could also be applied for operations off the n.orm~l route nelwork for instance flights lo and from landing sites.

Dr . Ka rwarth thought that if a piece of equipment would have to be chosen , the Decca OMNITRACK computer ·Nould probably be suitable . The question, however, was


whether the investment for such expensive equipment would be justified. In the Terminal Area, the ATC system was quite flexible, and there was also the problem that unless all aircraft were equipped with course line com­puters, only restricted use could be made of them.

The arrangement of the pictorial display in the cockpit is another problem. Both pilots must have parallax-free view of the display, which is not easy to achieve, as the space is limited. On long distance flights, the scale of the charts might become restrictively small, this would reduce the legibility of the information displayed. Furthermore, there was the question of updating the charts. ATC inform­ation is subject to frequent changes, which means that a considerable number of charts might have to be exchanged quite frequently.

Summarizing, Dr. Karwarth thought that there were many pros and cons, and that he was not yet certain whether the benefits that could be derived from PD/CLC or OMNITRACK and associated pictorial displays would justify the relatively high cost for such equipment.

A TS Planning and Systems Development

RR Breidenbach reported about the ideas and inten ­tions of the BFS in respect of ATS planning and systems development.

A broad outline was first given of the present ATS system in Germany, and this was then related to long­term planning. The speaker emphasized the necessity for constant updating of their 10 years plan, and in this con­text he stated that the predicted rote of increase of air traffic, (6%) that had been taken into account sofar would be too low. '

Airspace organisation would be an important factor in ATS planning, RR Breidenbach said, and compromises would be inevitable, as the BFS had to serve all airspace users; no party can claim the whole airspace for itself.

Aiming at an increase of the system capacity, the BFS plans to introduce improved radar displays, synthetic traf­fic displays, and more suitable presentation of control data at some working positions, for instance by means of closed circuit television. A further objetive is the esta­blishment of gap-free radar coverage to enable a deve­lopment towards what the speaker called "pure radar control" . This can only be achieved by a sufficiently re­liable system (dual channel installations, etc.).

As to the actual ATC operation in the field, new work­ing positions will be implemented, for instance that of the radar coordinator. His sole task will be to deal with radar handoffs and the identification of radar targets. The radar controller proper will be freed from all functions which are not directly related to radar control.

The radio failure procedure will lose significance in the future, as nearly all aircraft are equipped with stand-by R/T equipment and a complete radio failure seldom oc­curs.

The final aim is a quiet control system, where inter­ventions by the controller will be reduced to the absolute minimum. Position reports and identification procedures will become unnecessary with the advent of secondary su rveillance rada r. Flight progress strips will disappear completely, they will be replaced by synthetic displays and automatic tracking of radar targets .

One problem that will have to be overcome is a cer­lain scepticism on the part of the controllers as to the reliability of automatic data processing equipment.

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The new system will be implemented by 1972. RR Breidenbach then discoursed upon certain planning

concepts: strategic planning, tactical planning, and col­lective planning, which was stated to be a combination of both. Collective planning, as the speaker said, was to comprise air traffic prediction, determination of workload and the corresponding distribution of tasks among the various working positions. Collective planning will be ap­plied in regional and supraregional control centres.

There was considerable interest from the floor on this latter subject, but unfortunately no more than a very ge­neral explanation of the proposed concept emerged from

the discussion.

General Aviation - a Stepchild?

The last speaker, Wilhelm Sachsenberg, member of the board of officers of the German Aero Club and German representative in IAOPA, soon revealed himself a fearless warrior for the private and executive aircraft pilots. He introduced a paper by W. Lill "The Problems of General Aviation", which was later read by K. Siebenwurst, as the author of the paper was unable to present it himself.

Despite the great number of small type and executive aircraft in the FRG, the speaker said, General Aviation was still a stepchild in the aviation family. Rules and re­gulations, it was claimed, do not take full account of the present situation. Many sections of the air traffic law date back to the time before world war II. Although aviation legislation has already been revised several times it was

still considered to be too restrictive as far as General Aviation vas converned. What is more, the regulations have become so involved and complicated that a foreign pilot in Germany has a pretty hard time finding his way through that jungle of paragraphs. Particular examples mentioned were the obligation to file a flight plan for certain categories of VFR flights, the ADIZ regulations, and the criteria for licensing R/T and navigation equip­ment for small type aircraft.

Instead of all these restrictions, better air traffic and MET services should be provided at landing sites, accord-

ing to Mr. Sachsenberg, who, after an enthusiastic battle for General Aviation, had words of praise for the activi­ties of the German ATC. Lectures and courses on air traffic control, held by members of the German Asso­ciation at flying clubs, were highly appreciated.


Summarizing the event, it can safely be stated that it was a very interesting meeting and a full success for the organizers.

Among the participants were representatives of all na­tional aviation interests, and such international organi­sations as Eurocontrol were also represented. Headed by General Gralka, who is in charge of communications, electronics, and control services at the Office of the Air­force, also many military controllers attended the Con­ference, and it was very pleasant to find among that group a great number of former colleagues of the civil c~ntrol­lers, who had been working with them on the same watches for years at terminal and en-route facilities.

As to the administrative part of the Conference, it was resolved that the Working Group "Man in Air Traffic Con­trol" should continue its work, with particular emphasis on the environmental factors affecting the air traffic con­troller and the career and training of ATC staff.

In addition, a new Working Group "Operations and Equipment" should be established.

The new Board of Officers was elected as follows

President Vice President (ATC) Vice President (AIS) Vice President (MIL) Secretary Editor and PRO Treasure Auditor

W. Kassebohm H. Guddat H. W. Kremer E. v. Bismarck D. Rosse L. Goebbels K. Piotrowski D. Osterroth

The next Annual Conference of the Verband Deutscher Flugleiter will be held at Cologne. -or

* * * Regional Meeting of the Yugoslavian and Austrian Controllers at Zagreb and Belgrad by H. Brandstetter

An air traffic control working meeting was arranged between the Austrian and the Yugoslavian ATCAs and held at Zagreb and Belgrade from 11 th to 14th September 1966. The meeting was organised by Aleksandar Stefano­vic, the Secretary of the Yugoslavian Air Traffic Control­lers' Association, and was attended not only by Austrian and Yugoslav controllers but also from representatives of Jugoslovenski Aero Transport and Austrian Airlines.

The purpose of this conference was to discuss possibi­lities of improving the handling of en-route traffic by the use of primary radar, the development of SSR, and the

introduction of parallel airways. These subjects may probably be old hat to some of

our colleagues who are working in computer-equipped centres, on horizontal bright-displays, and who have at

their disposal automatic strip printers and other fancy gadgets.

It should not be overlooked, however, that a ir traffic control, inspite of the same basic rules all over the world, has many different faces. Local or regional problems may not look so significant at first sight, and yet ihey are often quite a menace to both pilots and controllers . At the boundary between Austria and their Eastern neigh­bours, for instance, controllers have to deal with two cliffe­rent units of altitude and flight level measurement, one based on feet the other on meters. As a result misunder­standings and


coordination difficulties have been reported to occur. In essence, our problems in Eastern Europe can be summed up with two words : coordination and sepa­ration.


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Of course, all concerned are trying hard to guide the traffic safely through the area, and the improvements so far achieved, for instance by the application of radar, are not insignificant. Like many countries, however, we are now faced with a continous increase of traffic, and another difficulty stems from the fact that most flights are climbing or descending when they are crossing the Vien­na/Zagreb FIR boundary.

The meeting therefore recommended to continue the present efforts and to introduce an uninterrupted radar service for all aicraft. Three resolutions were passed by the meeting for submission to IFATCA: -

- that the difficulties arising from the meter/feet con­version at the FIR bounderies be investigated;

- that the efforts be increased to introduce on a world-

wide basis a compatible high professional standard among ATC staff;

- that provisions be made available for more control­lers to participate in IFATCA conferences and other ATC working meetings. The participants of this regional meeting were ho­

noured by the invitation of the Director General of the Yugoslav Civil Aviation Board, Dir. Batric lvanovic, who took great interest in the problems discussed.

The Yugoslav ATCA had arranged visits to the Zagreb and Belgrade air traffic control facilities; and an excellent hospitality was extended to all participants of the con­ference.

Thus the meeting not only proved to be very sucessful from the professional point of view, it was also a very pleasant and enjoyable social event.

Austrian Air Traffic Control Displays Awarded to Selenia

The Austrian Bundesamt fUr Zivilluftfahrt (CAA) has awarded Selenia S.p.A. of Rome a S 283,000 contract for digital radar displays consoles and associated equipment for Air Traffic Control. Last year the same agency bought almost S 1 million worth of Selenia Air Traffic Control Radars model ATCR-2 and microwave link equipment.

Movie Review

Adult Western

If you have seen very many old aviation movies on television, you are undoubtedly conditioned to the fami­liar situation where the pilot roars off into the wild blue yonder, leaving his teddy bear or other good luck charm behind. As the camera zooms in on it, you know that the owner is in for deep trouble.

The FAA has a new safety film, "Density Altitude", which opens with the pilot leaving his Denalt Computer behind on the car seat, as he heads his new Bonanza out of New Orleans on his first trip into the mountains and deserts of the wild and wooly west. Actually he has never used this computer anyway, as he knows very little about the density altitude problem. Instead, he naively expects his new aircraft to deliver standard sea-level takeoff and climb performance regardless of air tempe­rature or airport elevation. "This baby will take us any­where we want to go", he says at each airport, as he piles in the baggage, up to the maximum allowable gross load.

The suspense builds up as we follow him into the highly elevated and photogenic terrain of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Wyoming. We watch as he lands and takes off his fully-loaded aircraft at various high-altitude landing fields, including Leadville, Colorado, the highest in the USA (elevation 9927 feet). Although he realizes that the aircraft isn't performing as well as it did back home in the Louisiana bayou country, he isn"t fully acquainted with the density altitude problem. Time after time he gets by because the temperature and the elevation aren't both

high simultaneously. Finally on a hot day he overshoots a high-altitude

lancl:ng strip. As he pours on the power for his climbout, he 1:01 .ces that the rate of climb is only 350 feet per


Radar raw video from the ATCR-2's and an approach control radar will be displayed to the controllers on the consoles in PPI form, together with symbols, ADF conven­tional and synthetic video maps. These consoles will be located at the Vienna Air Traffic Control Center.


minute, while the terrain seems to be going up at the same rate. There are some painfully twitchy moments before the Bonanza finally staggers clear of the treetops.

Visibly shaken, our hero lands at the first available airport, a sort of Ponderosa with runways. Here he meets a kindly old ranch pilot who explains to him, over a Denalt Computer and a bottle of Coca-Cola, the mysteries of mountain flying and density altitude. Next day, we find our hero passing along his new knowledge to another neophyte pilot who has just run into the same problem. We co~ldn't decide whether he was trying to be helpful, or was 1ust exercising his ego. However, this episode gives the movie audience a change to hear the safety message again before the final fadeout.

"Density Altitude" is probably, from the professional standpoint, the best safety movie that the FAA has ever produced. All in color, the photography is superb, and the scenery is the most spectacular the USA has to offer. Incidentally, the movie is worth seeing as a travelogue whether or not one is interested in the safety message. However the technical explanations are made in a few simple, well-chosen words, so the message comes through as visibly as the gorgeous background.

We recommend the film highly for flying clubs, avia­tion schools, and flight safety forums. It could be a life­saver for a new pilot about to make his first flight into the high country.

"Density Altitude" (16-millimeter color with sound running time 29 minutes) may be borrowed through th~ FAA Administrative Service Division, Film Library AC 43.1, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or through the Office of In­ternational Affairs, Federal Aviation Agency, Washing­ton, D. C. -TKV

Page 31: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

ATC Displays Digital Information Display System DIDS/400

The DIDS/ 400 comprises a series of low cost units which con be interconnected in various ways to form o Digital Information Display System. DIDS/402 is a free standing CRT unit, fo r desktop operation, presenting 520 charac­ters on 13 lines. The Digita l Information is stored within the uni t, and the screen is refreshed 70 times per second, with interlace. Keyboard entry and editing is provided, and the unit interfaces directly to a GPO Dote) Modem 1 o for Line T ronsmission.

The DIDS/ 400 system is ideally suited to handling flight schedules and airline ticketing information and wi ll vastly simplify the entire passenger check-in operation by per­mitting immediate call-up of seating p lans, passenger lists, special service requirements, baggage charges, and Cossor DIDS 402 Viewing Un it.

other associated information . Individual display units spread over a wide geographic area and interconnected by standa rd te lecommunication li nks can be integrated, into o system tai lor-mode to meet the particular needs of each customer. A modest initial insta llation con be phased into on existing system with minimum incon-ven ience, and can be expanded at any time to meet in­creased volume or to include new data such as load p lans, cargo dist ribution, fuel handling, weight and ba­lance analysis, crew schedules, or inventory records. Every insta llation is engineered to match any computer em-ployed. CR

Screen Display Console for Digital Computers

Telefunken AG, Germany, hove recently delivered the first Screen Display Console "SAP 200-4". This new input/ output device will considerably expand the range of peri­pheral equipment for th e Telefunken general purpose computer TR 4. Its application ranges from the use of one computer centre by several remote units to the handling of special scientific/technicols tasks, particularly in con­nection with complex real -time systems such a s, for in­stance, air traffic control.

As a matter of fact, the present version of the SAP 200-4 hos beeen specifically designed for air traffic con­trol purposes. Hence it comprises a number of particular features which, after having been tested in operational trials, might la ter also be made available for more gene­

ra l applications. One of the future applicat ions wi ll be in conjunction

with the new Telefunken computer TR 440, where SAP 200-4 equipment will be used to provide multiple access to the centra l computer complex. The cathode roy tube used with the SAP 200-4 hos o working d iameter of 50cms; 63 different alphanumeric groups and symbols con be di splayed on the screen, as well as such graphical pre­se ntations which consist of straight e lements.

The information displayed on the screen is renewed 50 times per second . The high scanning rote and the use of low-persistent phosphor cooling result in o fl icker-free daylight picture ond make it possible to display dyna mic processes wi thout any "smearing" of symbol contours . The contro l unit is separated from the co nsole proper. It con­tains, among others, a video repeater store with o capa­city of 1024 24-bit words. The ce ntral computer is thus freed from the video repe tion process, hence the possi­bil ity to operate the SAP 200-4 remote from the computer.

Scrccndisploy-Conlrol SAP 200-4 for Digital Computer. The equipment shown hos been designed specifically for automatic air-traffic control.

photo- telcfunken

In air traffi c control, the SAP 200-4 will mainly be used for the presentation of a synthetic traffic disp lay and fo r the input o f fl ig ht pion and control information. Rolling boll control and keyboard ore ovoilobl e fo r data input. An interes ting feature is the possibi lity to di sp lay scon ­converted row radar, which can be superimposed by computer-derived data during the flyback . -n


Page 32: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Book Review

Flugmechanik and Flugregelung

by Prof. Bernard ETKIN [German tran~lation by Prof . Dr.-lng . Ernst MEWES], 591 pages, with 273 figures. Clothbinding; DM 88,- ; published by Berliner Union GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.

Professor ETKIN 's book on Dynamics of Flights, firs! published in 1958, is a classic in its field . The systematic and scientific way in which the problem of aircraft stability and control is approached makes it also valuable as a textbook for instruction purposes. The German translation departs only slightly from the English version. The major alteration is in the chapter devoted to electronic computer applications and simulators which needed updating and was reworked by Prof. R. Ludwig . The information it provides is of technical nature and, by lack of space, too scanty to be of real use on its own . A chapter dealing with the pilosophy of computer applications in this domain would have been more useful. As the author himself recognizes, the chapter de­voted to oeroelastic deformations is barely an introduction which does riot justice to the importance of their effects on stability and control.

Indeed this additional complicat ion to the behaviour of modern aircraft, which ore either fast or big or both, has completely altered the picture . To our knowledge the stability and control problem of the complete elast ic airframe and the various special aeroelastic pheno· mena like divergence, control reversal, flutter and reaction to gusts have never been satisfactorily married within a comprehensive analy­t ical study. It is to be hoped that some day a man of Professor ETKIN's scientific standing finds the time and energy to produce a correspond­

ingly satisfactory synthesis . B. FRAEIJS de VEUBEKE .

Jahrbuch der Luft- und Raumfahrt 1967

by Dr. K. F. Reuss . 470 pages with pictures, tables , and orga­nigrammes ; plastic cover; DM 24,80. Published by Sudwest­

deutsche Verlagsanslalt, Mannheim.

In the Federal Republic of Germany the • Jahrbuch fUr Luft- und Raumfahrt" is often referred to as I h e German aviation yearbook, and it seems to gain a similar reputation beyond the German bounda ­ries, for the "Jahrbuch" is becoming increasingly popular with inter· national aviation authorities and also with foreign aviation industry

and management staff. This can probably be related lo the fact that the FRG constitutes a good market for aircraft and for any kind of airborne and ground equipment . Furthermore, the information published is not restricted to the Federal Reµublic, but it extends far into the international sphere, for instance in the chapters on aviation legislation,

space research, and International Organisations.

A different type of print has been used in the 1967 issue, which

facilitates read ing and better accentuates headings and subtitles . Otherwise the proved lay-out has been maintained , and as in the previous issues, the information is presented under the following head­


- Aviation legislation - Civi l and military aviation administration in the FRG - Aviot1an and space research

Scientific institutes and their activities in 1967 Space flight Air transport Aviation and space industry

Club der Luftfahrt (Aviation Club)

General Aviation Aviation press International aviation Aviation statistics Who 's who in Germon aviation .

Timely reporting on oil ma1or aviation activities is a m~tler. of concern to the editor ; in this respect the chapters on aviation legislation, scientific institut es, and aviation research and development ore parti ­

cularly noteworthy .

A thumb reaister detailed index sections, cross references and in­dications of the- original sources (for instance reports on ICAO meeiings , e tc.) odd to the ease and efficiency with which this reference book

con be handled and certainly contribute to its popularity . Summary :

0 wcolth of topical and timely information , cleverly arranged and well EH presented


Fachworterbuch der Luftfahrt (Aviation Dictionary)

In six languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portu­guese and German. Compiled and edited by A. F. Dorian and J. Osenton. 842 pages, clothbinding; 5919 basic words in the main reference section . Published 1964 jointly by R. Olden­bourg Verlog, Munchen-Wien; American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc. New York; Elsevier Publishing Company, Ltd. Barking, Essex; Dunod Editeur, Paris; and Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam; DM 80,-.

The progress of aviation after the war has been quite remarkable, and its influence on related sciences such as meteorology, electronics, and material research is probably unequalled by any other economical and scientific activity. Not the least contributive factor lo this specta ­cular development hos been on ever increasing international colla­boration in the field of air navigation and this, in turn, hos emphasized the importance of communication.

Advanced technology and novel procedures hove led to the creation of completely new words, and there is a continous process of inte­grating "aerospace· terminology into the modern languages . Even for an aviation expert it is not easy lo keep abreast with this rapid pace, particularly if he is working in a multilingual environment.

So far, there hos been little reference material . The older aviation dictionaries ore seldom published in more than two or three languages, mostly English, French, and German and, what is more, they do not contain the new terms.

The Elsivier/Oldenbourg Companies have therefore decided to publish a multilingual aviation dictionary, comprising not only words which ore directly pertaining lo aviation, for instance aerodynamics, jet and piston engines, hull, air navigation etc. but also terms used in related sciences like meteorology, electronics, mathematics.

The first port of the book contains a basic table of 5919 English/ American words. Each word is followed by a proper definition; thus where the same word may hove two or more meanings in another language, the possibility of misinterpretation or ambiguity is greatly reduced.

The English words are listed in alphabetical order, and they are heading word groups which contain the equivalent French Italian Spanish, Portuguese, and German terms. Where several wor'd comb i ~ nations ore possible, these are all indicated in the appropriate langua­ges. The word groups ore prefixed by reference numbers.

The second part of the dictionary is subdivided into French, Italian, Span ish, Portuguese, and German sections, each containing an alpha­betical index . The individual words are followed by the appropriate reference number from part one .

In order to keep the volume of the dictionary within reasonable limits, the publishers hove deliberately excluded such terms which are solely used in military aviation, air defence, etc . This might be con­sidered as a disadvantage as far as the universal use of the book is concerned . On the other hand, there would probably be only a small group of users interested in military terminology, the inclusion of which would have made the dictionary much more expensive . With the ex­ception of this minor point, the Elsevier/Oldenbourg "Fachworterbuch der Luftfahrt" will prove to be a useful and reliable working aid ta all staff in a multilingual aviation environment. EH

Die Schlecht um England

German translation of "The Battle of Great Britain ", by Edward Bishop. 190 pages with many photos; clothbinding ; DM 22,-. Published by J . F. Lehmanns Verlog, Munchen .

Twelve most decisive weeks of Second World War are described in this German translation of Edward Bishop ' s book "The Bottle of Great Britain " , which is based on historical war documents, log entries , reports of British and German witnesses, and interviews of the author with authorities of the Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe .

Aside of military aspects, the author takes account of the political situation in England and Germany, as it existed more than 25 years ago .

By weaving together a multitude of individual events, Bishop pro­vides a detailed report on the developments from July till October 1940 and paints an illustrative picture of the first air battle in world history .


Page 33: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

lhe h'llteirnational Federation

of Air Traffic Controllers Associations

Addresses and Officers


Verband Osterreichischer Flugverkehrsleiter A 1300, Wien Flughafen, Austria

President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Secretary Deputy Secretary Treasurer


H. Brandstetter A. Nagy H. Kihr R. Obermayr W.Seidl W. Chrystoph

Belgian Guild of Air Traffic Controllers Airport Brussels National Zaventem 1, Belgium

President Vice-President Vice-President Secretary Secretary General Treasurer Editor


A. Maziers R. Sadet M. van der Straate C. Scheers A. Davister H. Campsteyn J. Meulenbergs

Canadian Air Traffic Control Association 56, Sparks Street Room 305 Ottawa 4, Canada

President Vice-President Managing Director Secretary-Treasurer IFATCA Liaison Officer


J. D. Lyon J.C. Conway L. R. Mattern E. Bryksa J. R. Campbell

Danish Air Traffic Controllers Association Copenhagen Airport - Kastrup Denmark

Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer


E. Larsen A. Frentz F. Fagerlund P. Breddam

Association of Finnish Air Traffic Control Officers Suomen Lennonjohtajien Yhdistys r.y .

Air Traffic Control Helsinki Lento Finland

Chairman Fred. Lehto

Vice-Chairman Voino Pitkonen

Secretary Treasurer IFATCA Representative Deputy


Heikki Nevaste Aimo Happonen Andre Remy Viljo Suhonen

French Air Traffic Control Association Association Professionnelle de la Circulation Aerienne Northern Area Control Centre Paris Orly Airport France

President First Vice-President Second Vice-President General Secretary Treasurer Deputy Secretary Deputy Treasurer


Francis Zammith J.M. Lefranc M. Pinon J. Lesueur J. Bocard R. Philipeau M. Imbert

German Air Traffic Controllers Association Verband Deutscher Flugleiter e. V. 3 Hannover-Flughafen, Germany Postlagernd

Chairman Vice-Chairman Vice-Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Editor


W. Kassebohm H. Guddat E. von Bismarck H. W. Kremer D. Rosse K. Piotrowski L. Goebbels

Air Traffic Controllers Association of Greece Mersisis St. 8 Athen, N. Filadelfla, Greece

President Vice-President General Secretary Treasurer


N . Gonos E. Petroulias E. Karagianides C. Theodoropoulus

Air Traffic Control Association of Iceland Reykjavik Airport, Iceland

Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer

Valdimar Olafson K. Simonarson Einar Einarsson Guolaugur Kristinsson


Page 34: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967


Irish Air Traffic Control Officers Association Air Traffic Control Cork Airport Cork, Ireland

President Vice-President IFATCA Secretary Treasurer


D. J. Eglington P. J. O'Herbihy J. Grey P. P. Linahan

Air Traffic Controllers Association of Israel P. 0. B. 33 Lod Airport, Israel

Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer


Jacob Wachtel W. Katz E. Medina

Associazione Nazionale Assistenti e Controllori della Civil Navigazione Aerea Italia Via Cola di Rienzo 28 Rome, Italy

President Chairman Secretary


Senator P. Caleffi C. Tuzzi L. Belluci

Luxembourg Guild of Air Traffic Controllers Luxembourg Airport

President Alfred Feltes Secretary Andre Klein Treasurer J.P. Kimmes


Netherland Guild of Air Traffic Controllers Postbox 7531 Schiphol Airport, Netherlands

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Member Member


J. van Londen J. L. Evenhuis J. Thuring G. J. Bakker F. J. Stalpers L. D. Groenewegen van Wijk

Air Traffic Control Association Dept. of Civil Aviation, 8th Floor, Dept. Bldgs. Stout Street Wellington, New Zealand

President Hon. Secretary


Lufttrafrkkledelsens Forening Box 135 Lysaker, Norway

Chairman Vice Chairman


E. Meachen R. G. Roberts

F. O;e K. Christiansen

Secretary Treasurer


P. W. Pedersen A. Torres

Swedish Air Traffic Controllers Association Luftvartsverket Brom ma 10, Sweden

Chairman Secretary Treasurer


E. Dahlstedt B. Hinnerson C. A. Starkman

Swiss Air Traffic Controllers Association V. P. R.S. Air Traffic Control Zurich-Kloten Airport Switzerland

Chairman Secretary


J. D. Monin Walter Tanner

Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers 14, South Street Park Lane London W l, England

Master Executive Secretary Treasurer


L. S. Vass W. Rimmer E. Bradshaw

Asociac;i6n de Controladores Aeropuerto Nacional de Carrasco Tor re de Control Montevideo, Uruguay

Chairman Secretary Treasurer


U. Pallares J. Beder M. Puchkoff

Asociacion Nacional de Tecnicos en Transito Aereo Venezuela Avenida Andres Bello, Local 7 8129 Caracas, Venezuela

President Vice-President Seer. Public Rei. Seer. Organisation Seer. Documentation Seer. Finance Vocal Vocal Vocal


Manuel A. Rivera P. Luis E. Lamela del Noga! Rafael Reyes Barreto Luis Bronchi Gonzales Alejandro Pena Luis R. Dominguez G. Jose Ramon Garrido Antonio Sequera Antonio J. Ducarte

Jugoslovensko Udruzenje Kontrolora Letenja Direkeija Za Civilnu Vazdusnu Plovidbu Novi Beograd Lenjinov Bulevar 2 Yugoslavia

President Secretary

I. Sirola A. Stefanovic

Page 35: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

Corporation Members

of the International Federation

of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations

The Air Traffic Control Association, Washington D. C., U.S.A.

Cessor Radar and Electronics Limited, Harlow, England

The Decca Navigator Company Limited,


ELLIOTT Brothers (London) Limited Borehamwood, Herts., England

IBM World Trade Europe Corporation,

Paris, France

ITT Europe Corporation, Brussels, Belgium

Jeppesen & Co. GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany

The Marconi Company Limited

Radar Division Chelmsford, Essex, England

N.V. Hollandse Signaalapparaten Hengelo, Netherlands

N.V. Philips Telecommunicatie lndustrie

Hilversum, Holland

The Plessey Company Limited Chessington, Surrey, England

Selenia - lndustrie Elettroniche Associate S.p.A.

Rome, Italy

The Solartron Electronic Group, Ltd. Farnborough, Honts., England

Telefunken AG, Ulm/Donau, Germany

Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas 22, Texas, USA

Whittaker Corporation, North Hollywood, California, USA

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations would like to invite all corpora­tions, organizations, and institutions interested in and concerned with the maintenance and promo­

tion of safety in air traffic to join their organization as Corporation Members.

Corporation Members support the aims of the Federation by supplying the Federation with technical information and by means of an annual subscription. The Federation's international journal "The Con­troller" is offered as a platform for the discussion of technical and procedural developments in the

field of air traffic control.

------------~---- --- ---~-~---- --------------------~---------

Page 36: IFATCA The Controller - January/February 1967

The answer to increasi ng air traffic confusion is an accurate, comprehensive, automatic and reliable Nav 1 A TC system. Decca-Harco is the only system that can meet the navigation and A TC demands of both sub­and supersonic air traffic. And only Decca-Harco can provide the flexibility and accuracy that permits close lateral separation of aircraft throughout the route structure.

ON THE FLIGHT- DECK Decca Omnitrac- the world's most advanced lightweight digital computer- provides the pilot with undistorted pictorial presentation and automat ic chart chang ing. The 'ghost beacon' faci l ity gives him bearing and distance to any point. Omnit rac also

rovides auto-pilot coupl ing and automat ic alt itude control which maintain

specti vely any requ ired flight path and flight profil e. The ET A meter indicates either time to destinat ion or ET A .

AT THE CONTROL CENTRE The Decca Data Link provides the controller with accurate displays of the identity, altitude and precise posit ion of all co-operating aircraft, using the common reference of a high accuracy area coverage system. The use of speech is reduced and routine reports are eliminated by means of unambiguous, high­speed two-way signals. It is only th rough an in tegrated system, operating from a common reference, such as Decca-Harco, that a great many aircraft of different types fl yi ng at various speeds and altitudes can be effi ciently co-ord inated into a single disciplined traffi c pattern .

DECCA-HARCO The comprehensive Nav/ ATC system

The Decca Navigator Company Limited · London
