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ifc Mfcltlir pountain gruwepi - Chronicling America · turesof Sing prison exceed liyfar the...

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ifc - Mfcltlir pountain gruwepi KEW SERIES JxltSSi. I PLACEEVILLE, EL DORADO CO., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19,1860. 1 WHOLE No. 370. Th* tlcapcrldaa. The rltssiral mythology contains many beautiful fables. The blessed isles of the west, where the gardens of the Ilesperidea lay, were probably the dream of that hap- py Eden where the first parente dwelt “The Ilesperidvs, or ‘The Western Maidens,’ were three celebrated nymphs. They are said to have been tho daughters of Night, and to hare had no,father. Their home was ‘beyond the bright ocean.' Wtlen the bridal of Jupiter and Juno took plae<', all the deities came, bearing nuptial presents for the bride ; among them came the Goddcsa of earth, bringing with her branches haring golden apples growing thereon. Juno, being greatly pleased with the branches of golden fruit, begged of Earth to plant them in her gardens, which extended as fir as Mount Atlas. Tho re- quest wss granted, and the Hesperides.or * The Western Maidens,’ were set to watch and guard the trees. Rut, alas! the Iruit was 100 tempting, and, like our first mo- ther, they put forth their hands and pluck- ed for themselves. Juno was so enraged at this act, that she sent a great dragon to guard the precious fruit. Hercules was sent by Eurysthencs to bring some of this golden fruit. On his way in quest of it, he came to the river Eridanus, and inqui- red of some nymphs where the apples were to ho obtained. They directed bini to Nereus, whom he found asleep; him he bound and held fast till he told where the golden apples were. Having obtained this information, he si t out on bis jour- ney. He visited Egypt, roamed through Arabia, over the mountains of Lybia —be then reached the eastern course of the ocean,which he crossed in the radiant cup of the Sun-Cod. He nos’ came to where Prometheus lay chained, with a bird feed- ing on his liver; ho shot the bird and de- livered Prometheus,who, outol gratitude, warned him not to go himself after the apples, but to send Atlas after them, and, in the meantime, support the heavens in his stead. Allas, accordingly, went for the apples; and when he returned, pro- posed to carry them to Euysthones him- self, leaving Hercules to hold up the heav - ens. This Prometheus seemingly acce- ded to, but asked Atlas to take hold of the heavens while ho put a pad upon the head of his friend Hercules. The unwa- ry Atlas threw down the apples and re- sumed his burden, when Hercules snap- ped up the fruit and went on his way.’’ Tns Touttkes or Sisrt Sis«.—The tor- tures of Sing Sing prison exceed liy far the punishment* inflicted in Neapolitan dungeons, if the details of the shower- ing" of one desperado there, recently, arc true. It was Tom Kelly, a noted ruffian, who suffered. It is said he only took ad- wos recaptured, and the keeper, actuated by revenge, punished him beyond reason. Kelly was placed naked in a bath, his feet, hands and head being firmly pin- ioned. The water was allowed to trickle down bis face and warm body for a few minutes before the haHTlell upon bis head. At length it fell. Tom bore it well, nota shiver of the legs, not a muscular move- ment of the bands or fingers, not a single cry of distress, although he was actually being drowned for about five minutes. You bear it well, Tom,” said one of the keepers, after the first five minutes had elapsed, and time had been given him to recuperate. “It's awful,” was Tom’s reply ; but I can’t ask for mercy.” Down came the water again, and for five min- utes longer the gurgling sounds of a strangling man were audible, and, when he was exhausted, the cord was let up and the water stopped. A few minutes of release was granted, and down came the water again, and the scene was more terrible Ilian the worst execution. At length, congestion of the brain was threat eued, and a hiss” from tbo physician brought the third scene to a close, ile had been fifteen minutes under the shower but had twenty-five minutes of the same to endum; and for the next forty days the same punishment will bo meted out to him, unless he dies under the hands of the keeper. It is described as an awful spectacle to witness'tills man under the bath. Every muscle contracted and be- came corded ; sometimes the hands would become convulsed, and every nerve strain- ed, when there would follow a relaxation. After Kelly had been showered, and taken to his cell, the keeper turned round, and with a malignant smile, exclaimed We’ll aubdue him.” Outsiders, from that single expressive sentence, may guess at the rule in Sing Sing. Home Affections.—The heart has affec- tions that never die. The rough rubs of the world, its deceitfulness and treachery, the neglect of friends whom we trusted, their false-hearted ness and hollow profes- sions cannot obliterate them. They are the memories of home—only home. All other memories may grow dim, all other affections may be rooted from the heart, the warmest loro may die awav, the brightest hopes may take wings, but the affection and lore with which we regard our homo can never, no never, be oblit- erated. There is the old tree under which the light-hearted boy has swung many n day; yonder is the stream in which he learned to swim ; there is the house in which he knew a parent's protection nay, there is the room in which he romped with brother and sister, long since, per- chance, laid in the yard in which he ton, soon must be gathered, overshadowed by yonder old church, whither, with a joy- ous troup like himself, he iiad often fol- lowed his parents to worship God. Even the old school house, associated in youth- ful days with thoughtsof tasks, now coma to bring pleasing remembrance of many occasions that called forth some generous exhibition of noble trails in human char- acter. There ia where be learned to feel some of bis first emotion*. There, per- haps, ho first met the being who, by her love and tenderness in lite, has made home for himself happier than that which his childhood knew. His spirit yearns for all these, and lie may be separated from them forever, yet memory brings them often before him, and to them are his heart's best affections given, when worldly friends have proved unkind. Tna vote of Texas, so far, ia about 44,- 000 for Breckinridge to 14,000 for Bell—- a majority of 30,000 for the former—by far the largest majority be had received in any State in the South. A fellow that doesn't benefit the world by his life, does it by his death. Oaavral JMk«n>i Wlft-Btr U«« |lt«ri-H«r Tank. The new rollinone of Mr. Parfon’s “Life of Andrew Jackson" ha* the following account of the General's wife : On Monday evening, the evening before the twenty-third, her disease appeared take a decided turn for the better and she then so earnestly entreated the Gene- ral to prepare for the fatigues of the mor- row, by having a night of undisturbed sleep, that he consented, at last, to go into an adjoining room and lie down upon n sofa. The doctor was still in the house. Hannah and George were to sit up with their mistress. At 0 o’clock the General bade her good night, went into the next room, and took off his coat, preparatory to lying down, lie had been gone but about live minutes. Mrs. Jackson was then, for the first time, removed from her bed, that it might be re-arranged for the night. While sitting in a chair, sup- ported in the arms of Hannah, she uttered a long, loud, inarticulate cry, which ivas immediately followed by a rattling noise in the throat. Her head fell forward up- on Hannah's shoulder. She never spoke nor breathed again. There was a wild rush into the room of husband, doctor relatives, friends, and servants. The General assisted to lay her upon the bed. Illecd her,” he cried. No blood flowed from her arm. Tri- tile temple, doctor.” Two drops stained her cap, and no more followed. It was long before he would believe her dead. Ho looked eagerly into her face, as it still expecting to see signs of returning life. Her hands and feet were cold. There could be no doubt, then, and they prepared a table for laying her out. \\ r ilh a choking voice, the General said : “‘Spread four blankets upon it. If she docs come to, she w ill lie so hard on the table.’ “He sat all night long In the room by her side, with his face in his hands, grieving,’ *aid Hannah, and occasionally looking into the face, and feeling the heart and pulse of the form so dear to him. Mojor Lewis, who had been immediately sent for, arrived just before daylight, and found him still there, nearly speechless and wholly incomo’able. He sat in the room nearly all the next day, the picture of despair. It was only with great diffi- culty that be was persuaded to take a little coffee. ‘And this is the way,’ concluded Han- nah, that old mistus died ; and we al- ways say that when wo lost her wo lost a mistus and a mother too ; and more a mother than a mistus. And we say the same of old master, for he was more a father to us than a master, and many’s the time we've wished him back again, to help us out of our troubles.’ ‘‘The remains of Mrs Jackson still lie in the corner of the Hermitage Garden, next those of her husband, in a tomb pre- pared by him in these years for their re- ception. It resembles, in appearance, an open summer house—a small while dome supported by pillars of white marble. The tablet that covers the remains of Mrs. Jackson reads as follows; ‘Hero lie the remains of Mrs. Rachel Jackson, wife of President Jackson, who died the 22d of Dec. ’2B, aged 61 Her face was fair, her person pleo*ing, her temper amiable, her heart kind ; she de- lighted in relieving the wants of her fel- low creatures, and cultivated that divine pleasure by the most liberal and unpre- tending methods ; to the poor ahe was a benefactor ; to the rich an example ; to the wretched a comfort ; to the prosper- ous an ornament ; her piety went hand in hand with her benevolence, and she thanked her Creator for being permitted to do good. A being so gentle and so virtuous, slander might wound but could not dishonor. Even death, when he tore her from the arms of her husband, could but transport her to the bosom of her God.’” Tiihii.i.iko Incident—Recoonition of a Body Forty Years After Biriau— Not many yearn since, certain miners who were working far under ground, came up- on the hody of a poor fellow who had perished in the suffocating pit forty years before. Some chemical agent to which the body had been subjected—an agent prepared in the laboratory of nature —had effectually ai rested the progress of decay. They brought it to the surface, and for a while, till it crumbled away through ex- posure to the atmosphere, it lay an image of a tine sturdy young man. No convul- sion had passed over the face in death—- the features were tranquil ; the hair was black as jet. No one recognised the face ; a generation had grown up since the day on which the miner went down his shaft for the last time. But a tottering old woman who hod hurried from her cot on hearing the news, came up, and she knew again the face which through all these years she had never quite forgot The poor miner was to have been her husband the day after that on which he died. They were rough people, of course, who were looking on—- a liberal education and refined feelings are not deemed essential to the man whose work is to get up coal or even tin —but there were no dry eyes when the grey-headed pilgrim cast herself on the youthful corpse and poured out to its deaf ear many words of endearment un- used for forty years. It was a touching contrast—the one so old, and the other so young. They had both been young these long years ago, but time had gone on with the living and stood still with the dead.— Frazer'i Magazine. The CnrcimioN.— Tertullian says that the crucifixion occurred on the 251 h of March. Lsctantius gives the same day. St. Augustin asserts the same in at least three places. St. John Chrysostom says the same in his sermon on the nativity of St. John the Baptist, and St. Gregmy of Tours the same ; and.our venerable Bede the same. St. Thomas of Aquinas, St. Antoninas, Platina and Usuard are quo- ted for the same opinion by Snarer., who agrees with them. The Church seems to favor this opinion in her Martyrology, by appointing March 25th for the feast ol the good thief called St Dismas. Pedagogie : “What are the properties of licatf" Pupil—“ Heat expands and cold contracts, and that's what ma»esthe days longer in summer and shorter in winter, sir." mopntais demochat. Miiimi ■■■■•tiiui, WEDNESDAY AND SATI'BDAT MORMNOS, BY OELWICK3 & JANUARY. ». W. DUTII'U. V. A. JaXCARV. Tarma— Invariably In Addano*: On* year Jlx Month*. » mi Throe Month* 1 •« One Month IpayaM* to the Carrier) gingie Copio» IO Tana* of Advertising : One Sonar», IS tino», trd Insertion $ 3 01) K*eh SnlMqnont t»»*rtion IS HaalsfV CarAa, of I# lln»r or lm, one year. .*) 00 fcaaiara* Card*, of IO linea or I*»a, 1 montili .. 10 00 A Überai dtaeonst nini» mideontbe above ratei Tor all yearly and quarterly adrertliementi vrl.lrh rireed ana iqnar». the mountain democrat Book ant 3ob Printing Office It replete with ad the nmdern Improvement» fur Ua XKAT, CURAI* AND RAPID aacentUnof erary variety af PRINTING—»neb at Bonhi, Pamphlata, Brinb, roller,. Handbill*. Circular», halt TtakvU, Praavianan, Certiftaate* of Htnrk nr Depaait, BHlhaad*. Cheek». Receipt», Card», la- bel», et*., altkar la plain or fancy colored ink». JUSTICES’ BLANKS. Mash ASdarl'i. I’ndertakinr* and Writ» of Attachment, under Ihe saw t aw, fur a.vle at Ihi» OOtee ; ala*. Rank HrrUratinn» of llomettead—- the moat enarrai» at bra in nee. Ofirr an rWemo .«reel Ftarerrllle. Ih P, FIBHIIR, ITI Wi«Wnytnn street, •ffMHc Nafilrt'i Opera llffllhe «nlv author- lsr«l Affmtfnrthf Mnrerim Ds«nca%T in thr rlty «f Ran franrlarn. All «Hen for the p<ip*»r or adver- tising left «Uh him, «111 He promptly attended 10. J. O. KEBLET I* ludwrlKvd to retrivi* mo- tirai dar Ihl» oPr». T. B. DORSEY li authorised In «nllr't «uh. srrlptlnns and retrive moiifjr* for the >l<»r*rua Dmociai. W. T. 01888 Ulhe aiithAriml Aeent of thè DnaJCIAT al Oenrfrtnra. Order* for the paper, adrertisinff ar ter Joh «urie, Irfl «Uh litro, vili he promptly attended to. GRAS. P. JACKSON I* the* «*iihoria**<l Arni al thè Mommi* Donnea it al Kl Dorado. Orders teli villi him «111 he promptly allrrolrd In. D. STBUABT SMITH. PII YMI r I A !• ANI» HI'ROKON, (Ute of the lion. Kast India Company*# Smirr.) Orncc, Ma. Wmits’s Dat a Stubs, Mam St., yeJS l'laerrrillr. * ly O. D. HALL. a. YAUB. PI4H4TtW*, S tH /’/•IlNt /i.-ft, Prarllre U«v in all the Court* of I'tah. Otters, st Carson and Virginia City. Je.HI If jobs wins, n. r. slows. HUMS * BLOSS, ATTORNEYS AT I. AW, Ottre la City Bh«rk. PUerrvèlL Will prartire Law In the Court* of Kl Onradn and a«lp»it inf Cofintirs—in thr Hupreme f«w»rt, and thr t uoidof Utah Territory. mil sons const. t. *. fin*. DBS. COOKE * TITUS, .fIITfICIANS ANO SCRII KONA, Otter, Main Street, third danr aKore the “Old Rnnad Tent,** opposite do. W*. tc’i corner hulldlns on the Itasa. au« H. X. BTOWB. MUTAET PUBLIC AND CONVET ANCE*. Unl.nl.*., El Dnrni. Conniy. A. A. VAJf GUILDER, attoikbt-at-i. aw. Pl.cvt.Ul., El Bnrn*laCnnnly, California. OETICK, ..r».f CJw. nn4 M.ln Hcwk If D. W. BANDBBSOW, ATTOENE T-AT-LAW. Olct. la !).«#.’ BuMlag (a. Main), M.ln Amt, Pln.irrlßr, if T H HARMON, KOTABT PUBLIC AND CONVEY.INCUR. IVnli, Mortem,-. Ac, covrtrlljr .riltrn nd nc- ko«.M|!4. Dvr»«Ulan. tnkvn. Noi.-- (iralnt.l. Otte.—Front ran—, Mnnninln Damoer.i k«>Mlug. EAOAUOI. NOTABT PUBLIC AND CONVEY ANCE*. (Ml) Q#cf WKA tin Croat y limHit. (tf] OHAa r IBWI>i NOT A I T PUBLIC, la tal far O Pnriii Ciaat; —Oftct al PiaMl ■ait Bpiingi. tf E. BDCIMACT, M. X>„ Oia«»Ìl«hia,nnm(V.aai A C«*. loolilwt ntcaanua. IT MM* inaila roM I. Primi. Mmm. A lan. Um iMar* «I I* atri II,». a.. Dr. litt roann sN «tend lo aR pemans who are at present nnuhle to pay Mm mml tees. ntl-tm* CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING Cn to band at JAMBS OHR’B. Xmtoal Tallar, Mala lu •mailt PmIOM», Piaceri tUe. HE ku Jaat iMlnd a atolc« Ui »f bar Claiha aad Caaalaarm, of Ito laical aijr Wa. and la pre- pared la atato lo arder (nod Caarlnacrw paata. Prom 1150 to $lO 00 por ?tir! Warranted la H and nat rip. Ilnuae lining atw. d al attori aollrt. Wa|aa Coverà ararle Id on ire. amt «Il kladraf EkUm Sewing done arllh areata-.» ami dlapalck. otldn Til OLD PLABA BOOK STORE MIO cantinata la diapente all kliada of MISOBLLAHBOUB BOOKS. BIaABX BOOKS, STATIONERY. CUTLBBY, MUSICAL XNBTHUMENTB, Stc. At Ike naaaljr low ratea. HR] CESERAI. MR IT» AOKNCT (II L. T. CARR, S B. PHILIJW. CARR ft PHILLIPS, Fwmsusssssssss K—Odd rdlaw,' Eire- I, Placare die, CalHurnla. J. 11. Coabiti A Co, I. P..iA. 11. Carroll, Sacramento, C. Rradatow A Co.. <kt J. B. Dayton, do Pnltlyan A Cnahman do Wm. Perkin*. Eelanm. A. A M. Ptolan do L. A. t'|w»n A Co., Piacile, A. 0. Horan A Cn. An W. A, Rorwall, do Piantoni A Rena., »ac. W. M. Donohue, do Cmaking A Scldca do T. Wilcox. Upper PUctlle. fiatiti Arnold do 1 Hark OAF Paitlealar altatillon pulii lo Iha aklpmenl nf ..ftooaaadu Waakoo. att-al PLACERTILLE BAKERY, Hlh dirai, tkreodnarftolew OMaAdoaee En,iae BCMCU doaWa tTlpfkna tto «111- \T MtoodWaeorrlUothatko laaww norma aentlr loealad la JOSES' SEW IU'II.DI NO.oaa Main *,r rv«,wtora baia preparedtoforatakttoai wiik BBKAB, 0J Bada at tto atotaaat —tarlala, and wamatrd «*■» toy»—«attorto. dla Crfa city. R. »iu raß addìi aadrvrd aC Mat, txaawypart of wbIHI ISo •Sita It BTKSVBKRO, BEOXE&, «TREET, Racer* IDa. Soar to AtrldiMD’iJtvdlry Star#. MONEY LOANED. ['W lyl OLD ARCADE RESTAURANT, ■hat lrion a co., Mn lo Inform IMr frtonda\ and tk« Publio at large, that they kart, al oonaldrmMe npenw.milnlrm-l «lai and remodeled Ibn •• OLD amt are now prepared lo fornirli Meni, in aunerlor •Irle, al all hnnra of Ih, dar or nielli. KT tVCRY DELICACY of Umboom may be had al all Homi. Potilo and gentlemanly attantion may horellrd upon, tW Tlio DAKRRT Ir anpplled. al all llmea, «Uh a choice yarlety of BREAD, PIER, OAKKM, ale., which «111 bo rold, wboletalo or rotali, al loweal mark.l rater. Halli. Parliei, eie., furnlrhed «Uh Bup.iera, In im- perlar rtyle, al abort notice, odi-dm HENRY BY HONS t CO., Proprietor!. * WEB The nnderaigwed ber leave to Infuna " Iheir Diradi, and the public generally, that they have token the abore named Hand, and are at all limn prepared to furnlrh to order, at the r boli eat aotiee, GAME AND OYSTER SUPPERS. Meal, at aR hmirr. Pork. Dref, XI niton, Qiiaila. Hare, rlc., alwayi on hand. Arkare of patronage larollrited. CARTHECHEfc RCIMTADT, On the Plata, Ptarcrrllle. PKOCLA[NATION ! HOPS AID HEPTtTNE Jf RESTAURANT. rnaaiutiT Dinif»ttT. I Main rtrrrt, Place mile, Got. 11, litio. | Til K KING OP MINCH KATKIIS, to I,l.Sub- irete. (reeling : Know ye, that our old friend, XIIKK RKOWMKV, in the liberality of hia heart, haa re Sited, rr-jnrranted and re-arranged hia popular Saloon, for Ike Winter campaign ; and hai aim poaltlrrly delerwdkedtoipread n tram twice a uay (morning and errnlng,) for the benrAt of liii legion of patroni— of whom we are undoubtedly ■■• orno.” Know ye, aim, tkaIMIKR her pi none but the Snt quality, magnum bonnm I.IIJI.’OItS andI'IGAKM, and therefore we command you to inic.t with him all your lume " bin,” that be may be enabled to keep up the annply. Hone at liaeertille. Itila llth day of Oetulicr, A. n. IMI, and the IOWIh year of nor reign. WINNKMUCCA, King, p. V—Poor bit." «ID alwaya forniah you, at XIIKK’S, with a choice re|iall of thoae rtcellent bivalve. veleni CIYSTEUS—and the 11 Sain..'* ol» If VISSE. .il (GIOII Ai , HAIR ITIIIf, ruriißviu». Alci. Ilaatrr 4 Pat. Lynch, Propr'a. LODGING*, BY Til K SIGHT OR WEEK. Our I.iijnora will rccimncnJ Thaiaicli ci. We are Aerati la risero kite (»i LUDLUM’S OYSTERS, Which «f «re preporrd lo Airnlth, who! etale or retail, on Ibe most accommodating terms. Wr « ili •Itotene them up, fir Cienllenun or Ladies. in our privale rum, in every known style. dH 3m TUE CARV HOUSE, Three -Story Fireproof Hotel, Main Ft , ftacerville, CTI.I.KN * LANI>EBH.......Y’ROI’BIRTOItft. JA>. w, riLL«x, DUI. S. UXDIKV TN all thè Improvements and convenirne**» whirh modern hotel-keeping hat renderei! potential, the Cary Monte «InihU pre-eminent. It it lighted with cat. and farnithrl in every department In the moti approved atylc. If ••riipl«'.r« tin* best talent in every ilrpartment, and the futile alwny* supplivi! with (he choicest of everything to be had in the If 1 * The Cary Mouse Is the depot for every tf a fi- line to and from tbs city, and is kept open Ihrmicb* out (he night. YOUNG’S HOTEL, 'aK rllllH viaML iRi built on the site of «he old Wash* ington Motel,l Dl A MOND FPRI NOS. * The undersigned desires to Inform the I Traveling Public*, and his old friends. I that he hat Just completed and opened* hit Motel, for the FKi'OND TIME and It determini d. drtpite the elementt, »o try to “keep a Hotel” aec- ond to none on (he road. Hit Furniture and Red- ding are aH new. and of the Heat quality ; his Table will at all limes he supplied with the rholee of the Market; and attention to the comfort of hit gui-tt* •hall alwavs he a primary consideration. N, M—The house is plastered ihruugliout. and the deeping apartments are large and well ventilated There i «al«o a ine DANCING HALL attached the House. Trema moderate. NATHAN YOUNG. Good STOCK Y All DP attached to the limite. Diamond Springs, May to, I>*l. «id Hm BIRD’S HOTEL, Fire-Proof Building, Diamond Springs. HIE Prnffl-t»r wilt .aatn ihc Public I hai in- . tend* to forniah bis 1 «Uh the bet» the mar- ket afford* Ilia beds are new aad clean and rooms comfort- able and well Ventilated. OFFICE OF THE PIONCU STAGE COMPANY. JOHN A. UIUO. Diamond Springs, Jan. tSth, 1Add. jnnTH HASH A McBHIAH GREY HOC !f D BALOOS, MAIN STREET, PLACERVH.EE. LIQUOBS AMD OIOABS, ONB BIT. olndai .J-Ai HABVOHT HALL! Main «ml. two doari Weal at lb. Car, lliv. PLACRRVILI.K. NgAIMHJARTERS OF THE Placsrrlll* Valaa Brusi and String Band. Malic rrery Earning—Vocal and Inttrunenul. The proprietor» of tho nhore mlooa will br hippy to »t their frlendt «I all time», when they feel tike hen Hoy a ft mil gonf nit Iwklnf * nocini nip " An order# for mnnlc for lull». Cicamlana, Parndee, Polii leni Meeting» nod Funerali, mlitmneil to the rullili llnnd, Harmony H»l, «IN munire prompt at- tentino. PIU COUPON. JOK Minimi-, mm. MKT ERA. otr-Tm lIANNT OUtPON. BANK EXCHANGE. OABT HOUSE, HAIR STREET. nil Leant. inn» la*»«tt. JOHN LYNCH ft CO.. T \ CAIRN u Inform their friends nnd the public \J generally, that they baro pur ohneed the a bore well known aad popular daloon; ami. pi edging Ihemselraa to keep nothing but the raar am In their lina, respectfullynallcit public patronage. |u!o QUINCY HAIL! Ttta VLABOtITja CLOTHING EMPORIUM n I!t CALirOtMA! 147.140 and 151 Washington Strait, o*7] lAN PNAMCIiOO. [ftm W. M. DONAHUE, WEOLUALB IMUI.1» IN roßEicnr aid domestic wanes, LIQUORS, STO., MAIN STREET, PLACERVIM.E. NEW STORE! ABBIVAL OV VBBSH GOODS ! AT WALKER Sl rUM4G.IK f S « HOUMAUt AMD MKTAIL Grocery and Liquor Store, ON THI PLAZA, (Next door to Crandall A Co.*a Bookstore,) Who offer better Inducements to purchnsers to buy Goods cheap Id their Store than any other Store In Placerellle. We hare an Ayent In Sun Francisco purchasing Goods, and forwardlny them at the lowest cash prices. The Public are Invited to yive them a call. CARSON VALLEY TRADERS Supplied with the best of articles, at lowest rates. Placervllle, March 81st, ISfr». NEW YEAR'S NIGHT! BABSB A WARWICK’S «■inn PRESENTATION kxtkrtainmknt: Will take pine, at Plurervlllr, Ob Tur.day ET«ala|, Jan. 1, ISSI, On which occasion THREE HUNDRED MAGNIFICENT GIFTS! Vallici! at ar N,OOO DOLLARS ! Will be distributed, AS A FREE GIFT! Among the Audit nee. In addition to the above List, $3OO IH GOLD OR SILVER COIN, Will be the Sec >nd Gift. Tlie raoft fplcuilltl assortment of JEWKI.RY IV II SKKN IN TUE STATI, I* tu he found In OIR LIST OF PRIZES^: SPLENDID GOLD WATCHES. ELEGANT DIAMOND BINGS, HANDSOME BRACELETS, MAGNIFICENT JEWELS'*, (Coral, Cameoand other style*,) BICH LOCKETS, HANDSOME NECKLACES, RARE PEARL SETS. SUPERB SILVER WATCHES. Crosses,Locket*, Rings, Ruckles, Thimbles, Chain*, Charms, etc.. And countleft other article* of rirtm and ornament. IV Etery article li warranted as represented. VJ" A Committee will he selected by the audience, nnder whose superintendence the Presents wilt be distributed. TICKETS. OKS DOLLAR. To he had at all the prtncipol Saloons in the County, and at (he Store of V. V. ttARSst, Bain street, Pia* cerellle. A All orders from the Country promptly at tended to. dSMd NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery, Provision andLiquor STORK, MAIN BTBEBT. Oppn.lt. the Car, Mon PLACKRVILLR. THE I'NDKRMONRO Unir» I* Intona Ut. am- arai of PUctrTlU._aD<ljrkloliy Ih.l !>.(>«« >atl a canMe idMtn) Hnrnnl fraalhe Rap CkT.vHk i aMartmantaf Orooorios, Prensioni, Liquors, CROCKERY. clc, ct«., «kick Ik,, arc impanilo dfepoaa of, wknlrt.lcorrcl.il, at lo«e.i aiarfcct rale*. CARSON VALLEY TRADERS «111 Sulk la IlMir Interni In riamine our .took before punhailn,. at «c ara aalliM va can offer tiara taaperior Induce- ment!. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BOSINKSB prrmptly at Irani W 10. Mark' Good a 11. * *•■(**■ «W Ik. B ) Hacerrllto—W. LP„ toatonm. IF Good. dctlTcreai la aia, part *f Ik. Cl If free. *d »aa HURT * SYR. CITY SSTTOH and UZBEEIAKKR t:+ b^t % JOHN ROT» Malik is MijrrrAcmn « Furniture, Metre»—, Bedding, età, Wklek ha k«fC cenatami? to hlkl, nr mMkenrti to ordfr, it abort allo, nato h tomi. UpkolaMrini Httllr BnanM. er JOIBI.NO PBOMPTIT ATTCNDKO To. ja OOIiOMA BTB nr, Kait door to Ik* OSoc if Um Umani, oSSm Placenrllli IMPOSTANT TO TUB FAMILIES AID CITIZENS Of Flaearrillß and Vicinity. on brau- WM. DONAI! CK, Whakoala Lienor d coler tin Hto, Main atteri, Haa on band a b< alt»and atoek of Gordon Bharry Wine, do do Port Winn, Whiaky. Bua. Tk« attention mpoetkafly called to tka abavo aaanrtaoant. 8T W.B.D. barine hmd, foe *o that kadnr, kti kakon. bla okila atteattoa arUltknaiaea to ft no to kla Wkoleaale departaent. W. M. DONAHOB. aid Main aunt, Racerelite. AUo a too aatMo of ran add akU| i ol IkatHca It karttealarly aad L aaaaauo, PLAZA COMJTMM, PLACMM V/LLM, IB reoelrlaf, by erenr Btaaair, tkilateat Allan- Usaml Kmiqmii Nmnimn ViotAriàli and Maaaainea. Alio!Canforata! Wtikly Newt- -1 magasin i pijin and Mifi Marailnea, for ralr at rtdnoedpric S. HARRIS. B. t. hunt. h. A. oner HIMfT & CÌIACC, WCCBSftM TO 1.. A. rraw A CO. Til UNDRHPIOUKD. harlnpr purchased the entire lntrn*t or L. A. UP4OMA CO. in the GROCERY, PROVISION and LIQUOR BUSINESS. will continue the nume, et their old eland The.» Invite the attention of the public to their MAMMOTH STOCK, which 111. v «re «ffrrln» «I (really reduced prleen. HUNT A CM ACE. Placervtlle, Nut. 17. 1». n*t 3m 0T «15.000 DOLLARS I -®a m u nunuiCTD it iy gifts i ja Salurdaj-, January oth, IRCI. OEOROE O. BRIOOB’ «-a ixu VOCAL AND DRAMATIC GIFT ENTERTAINMENT ! Will be (Wen al Ihe KÀBTBVILLI THEATER. JANUARY STII, IMI, On which oeeaalon the following MAGNIFICENT PRIZES will be distributed among the Ticket-Holder*. 41 8 PRIZES! TICKETS TWO DOULARS. LIST or PRIZES : FIRST PRIZE—RRTGGS* OI.D -OR- CHARD. Tbla property consists of IBS «ere» of Vliha river bottoni land, hi orchard.lnyethrr with the home known aa Brian** Hotel," and the barn* and •beds attached thereto. The orchard numhera «Vomì tree», all of the eluderai rarlellea, and la the largest orchard In the «arid, and probably the moat pro- dnellre properly In the Slate. The fruit from Hit. orchard brought In IW, (To.Oimi ; In lnJ!t, (lihi.inO; In lidio, ♦li.Vmu—valued at $910,000 SECOND PRIZE-SACRA MENTO RIVER tIUCIIA RD— Containing 140aerra ; 24,- laai Fruit tires. In variety; planted In I hit lit, most of which will lie in good mini It lon for bearing (mil Hie coming jear—valued at 190,000 THIRD PRIZE -OROVII.LE ORCHARD —Containing *u>) itr»: It,nun Fruit Tree*. In variety—valued at 00,000 POt'RTH PRIZE -PAXTON ORCHARD —Nem Mar.rtrille ; TO n.rest of (anil ; 13. inni Fruii Treet; beuta nnd barn—- raltu'tl al 72,000 FIFTH PRIZE Il AU N ORCHARD- * Near Maryarll'e ; 6-1 nere» ; SAKAI Fruii Tree»;*.i,nuodrape Vinci—Taluni at.. 53,000 SIXTH PRIZE —COI.RORCHARD—Near MarytvUle; «I arret ;T,IKKI Fruit Treet -ralaed al 42,000 SEVENTH PRIZE-VINEYARD on the old Ranci; ‘.liy mllct from MarytvUle; 111 aere* ;>*,uuu vinti— valued at 8,000 KTOIITH PRIZE —DRAIN FIELD-Parl ©fold Ranch ; IS" arret—valued at... 0,000 NINTH PRIZE -«RAIN FIELD —Part of ©ld Uancli ; 13*1 aerea— valued al 4,000 TENTH PRIZE -SACRAMENTO RIVER R A N Cll— 3.V*arret—<meadow) vai- “«* »• 3,000 ELEVENTH PRIZE—PAXTON RANCH —|meadow)—So aim—valued at 3,000 TWELFTH PRIZE-FEATHER RIVER R A N C ll (meadow)— Ido arret— vai- 2,000 Four hundred CASH GIFTS of |S etch, from Nut. 13 to 413 2,000 2015,000 Compritlng altogether I AM arret of Land, 101,. (hai fruit treet, *>,uuu Grape Vine©,and t>,M«ln rath. The lan.lt upon which tlie«r orchard* are planted are all bottoni landa, and aa good at ran la' fouud in tha Slate. Apple*, Psachea, Aprlcota, Nectarine*. Pear*. Plum*. Fly*, Quince, lllaek Walnut, Alinomi, Ac.. Ac., Ac , will be found In Ihet© orchard* In treat variety and of the cholcvtl kind*. The character of the Fruit It well known throuifhaut Hie Northern and central portion of the Put». All of the Vlnet, and nearly all of Hie Fruit Tree* will be of age to baar a garni crop Ihe coming year. We append the following certificate for the benefit of portoni not will acquainted with the raise of the properly ; We. the nndrrrignrd. hereby certify that we are acquainted with moat afille aboee deeortbed propcrle, and ihnl we do not believe In value, a* above tlatcil, la ever teHmattil : J. 0 Pal', W. R. Radano; J. A. Paxton, *. P. Well*. B, p. Aeery, editor App*nl; C. Cewtfiaod, Mary, ville; Ree. O. 0. Wheeler, Corre*, ponding Secretary California Bute Agricultural So- elvty. Sacramento ; J. Bryant URI A Co., Knapp, Bur- nii A Co., Ran Franclten : Hon. 8. M. BMtv, 11. W. 0. Rice, Jno. Q. Packard, J. II Humphrey, Marytellle; i. F. LiolMceia. editor Brprtm; John R. Rllge, editor Itrmofml ; Hen. John A. Sutler, Hock Farm ; A. P. ftetllh, fitter Satini, Sacramento ; J. L. San- ford, Ran Francltco. The dtatrtoatlon of the GIR* will be under the dl- reelH Ilia Oammlllee of gentlemen elmten by the audl< new on the evening of the Concert. R. J. CUMMINGS, Agent at Placerville. Office at Hie Gary 11suae. Order* from the country promptly attrndrd to. GEORGE 0. DRIORS, Proprietor. MaryerUle, Oct. 18, IMP. nIT-M A. ■. L. MAM, 11. GLAUBER. DIAS ft GLAUBER, OOLOHA BTBIBT, Two door* below ike Dueciu OSce, Placerrllle, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. Every »rllcl« required for Family nee, In the GROCERY AND PROVISION LINI, *nd WARRANTED to be _ >n- part of HTPRRIOR QUALITY. A there of pahlle patron eie le eolkclted. BT Goode delivered, in any par or the eby. fore of chary*. od-Sm W. L. KABFLE * CO.. HOUSE. SIGH AID ORHAKENT AL paint: /~1 ARRIAORB, Banano, Tinge,Traneparencle V (aline, fee., Painted at price# to anlttheU lea, Re- nerà. WINDOW GLASS. Jnst Received end for dele, CHEAP POR CANI. lO,*#* FccurwMßwCllßM, AR etnea, foofoUKURMW.' Atee.PTTTT, end ell ktada of , . PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ■matte. Turpentine, Brnehea, Gill Mealdtny, Gold Leaf. Brenne, an. Order* foam the country, for work or ma- terial, promptljr attended to: W. L. HARPt E A CO., deal Mala at., naarßtaayPaint, Piatetene. a FOR SALE. THE andereifaed* oWr* for aale, hla dwelling bona* and let, and Blaokamlth’a Shop, on Smith** Plat, thru mllee from Placer.ill., In one of the beet mining locatine* la the Slat*. E. H. MEREDITH. Smith’s Fist, Nov. 10th, IS6O. norlo-3m
Page 1: ifc Mfcltlir pountain gruwepi - Chronicling America · turesof Sing prison exceed liyfar the punishment* inflicted in Neapolitan dungeons, ifthe detailsofthe “shower-ing"ofonedesperadothere,recently,

ifc - Mfcltlir pountain gruwepiKEW SERIES—JxltSSi. I PLACEEVILLE, EL DORADO CO., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19,1860. 1WHOLE No. 370.

Th* tlcapcrldaa.The rltssiral mythology contains many

beautiful fables. The blessed isles of thewest, where the gardens of the Ilesperidealay, were probably the dream of that hap-py Eden where the first parente dwelt

“The Ilesperidvs, or ‘The WesternMaidens,’ were three celebrated nymphs.They are said to have been tho daughtersof Night, and to hare had no,father.—Their home was ‘beyond the bright ocean.'Wtlen the bridal of Jupiterand Juno tookplae<', all the deitiescame, bearing nuptialpresents for the bride ; among them camethe Goddcsa of earth, bringing with herbranches haring golden apples growingthereon. Juno, being greatlypleased withthe branches of golden fruit, begged ofEarth to plantthem in her gardens, whichextended as fir as Mount Atlas. Tho re-quest wss granted, and the Hesperides.or* The Western Maidens,’ were set to watchand guard the trees. Rut, alas! the Iruitwas 100 tempting, and, like our first mo-ther, they put forth their hands and pluck-ed for themselves. Juno was so enragedat this act, that she sent a great dragonto guard the precious fruit. Hercules wassent by Eurysthencs to bring some of thisgolden fruit. On his way in quest of it,he came to the river Eridanus, and inqui-red of some nymphs where the appleswere to ho obtained. They directed binito Nereus, whom he found asleep; him hebound and held fast till he told where thegolden apples were. Having obtainedthis information, he si t out on bis jour-ney. He visited Egypt, roamed throughArabia, over the mountains of Lybia —bethen reached the eastern course of theocean,which he crossed in the radiant cupof the Sun-Cod. He nos’ came to wherePrometheus lay chained, with a bird feed-ing on his liver; ho shot the bird and de-livered Prometheus,who, outol gratitude,warned him not to go himself after theapples, but to send Atlas after them, and,in the meantime, support the heavens inhis stead. Allas, accordingly, went forthe apples; and when he returned, pro-posed to carry them to Euysthones him-self, leaving Hercules to hold up the heav -ens. This Prometheus seemingly acce-ded to, but asked Atlas to take hold ofthe heavens while ho put a pad upon thehead of his friend Hercules. The unwa-ry Atlas threw down the apples and re-sumed his burden, when Hercules snap-ped up the fruit and went on his way.’’

Tns Touttkes or Sisrt Sis«.—The tor-tures of Sing Sing prison exceed liy farthe punishment* inflicted in Neapolitandungeons, if the details of the “ shower-ing"of one desperado there, recently, arctrue. It was Tom Kelly, a noted ruffian,who suffered. It is said he only took ad-

wos recaptured, and the keeper, actuatedby revenge, punished him beyond reason.Kelly was placed naked in a bath, hisfeet, hands and head being firmly pin-ioned. The water was allowed to trickledown bis face and warm body for a fewminutesbefore the haHTlell upon bis head.At length it fell. Tom bore it well, notashiver of the legs, not a muscular move-ment of the bands or fingers, not a singlecry of distress, although he was actuallybeing drowned for about five minutes.“ You bear it well, Tom,” said one of thekeepers, after the first five minutes hadelapsed, and time had been given him torecuperate. “It's awful,” was Tom’sreply ;

“ but I can’t ask for mercy.” Downcame the water again, and for five min-utes longer the gurgling sounds of astrangling man were audible, and, whenhe was exhausted, the cord was let upand the water stopped. A few minutesof release was granted, and down camethe water again, and the scene was moreterrible Ilian the worst execution. Atlength, congestion of the brain was threateued, and a “ hiss” from tbo physicianbrought the third scene to a close, ilehad been fifteen minutes under the showerbut had twenty-five minutes of the sameto endum; and for the next forty daysthe same punishment will bo meted outto him, unless he dies under the handsof the keeper. It is described as an awfulspectacle to witness'tills man under thebath. Every muscle contracted and be-came corded ; sometimes the hands wouldbecome convulsed, and every nerve strain-ed, when there would follow a relaxation.AfterKelly had been showered, and takento his cell, the keeper turned round, andwith a malignant smile, exclaimed“ We’ll aubdue him.” Outsiders, fromthat single expressive sentence, may guessat the rule in Sing Sing.

Home Affections.—The heart has affec-tions that never die. The rough rubs ofthe world, its deceitfulness and treachery,the neglect of friends whom we trusted,their false-hearted ness and hollow profes-sions cannot obliterate them. They arethe memories of home—only home. Allother memories may grow dim, all otheraffections may be rooted from the heart,the warmest loro may die awav, thebrightest hopes may take wings, but theaffection and lore with which we regardour homo can never, no never, be oblit-erated. There is the old tree under whichthe light-hearted boy has swung many nday; yonder is the stream in which helearned to swim ; there is the house inwhich he knew a parent's protectionnay, there is the room in which he rompedwith brother and sister, long since, per-chance, laid in the yard in which he ton,soon must be gathered, overshadowed byyonder old church, whither, with a joy-ous troup like himself, he iiad often fol-lowed his parents to worship God. Eventhe old school house, associated in youth-ful days with thoughtsof tasks, now comato bring pleasing remembrance of manyoccasions that called forth some generousexhibition of noble trails in human char-acter. There ia where be learned to feelsome of bis first emotion*. There, per-haps, ho first met the being who, by herlove and tenderness in lite, has madehome for himself happier than that whichhis childhood knew. His spirit yearns forall these, and lie may beseparatedfrom them forever, yet memory bringsthem often before him, and to them arehis heart's best affections given, whenworldly friends have proved unkind.

Tna vote of Texas, so far, ia about 44,-000 for Breckinridge to 14,000 for Bell—-a majority of 30,000 for the former—byfar the largest majority be had receivedin any State in the South.

A fellow that doesn't benefitthe worldby his life, does it by his death.

Oaavral JMk«n>i Wlft-Btr U««|lt«ri-H«r Tank. •

The new rollinone of Mr. Parfon’s “Lifeof Andrew Jackson" ha* the followingaccount of the General's wife :

On Monday evening, the evening beforethe twenty-third, her disease appearedtake a decided turn for the better andshe then so earnestly entreated the Gene-ral to prepare for the fatigues of the mor-row, by having a night of undisturbedsleep, that he consented, at last, to go intoan adjoining room and lie down upon nsofa. The doctor was still in the house.Hannah and George were to sit up withtheir mistress. At 0 o’clock the Generalbade her good night, went into the nextroom, and took off his coat, preparatoryto lying down, lie had been gone butabout live minutes. Mrs. Jackson wasthen, for the first time, removed fromher bed, that it might be re-arranged forthe night. While sitting in a chair, sup-ported in the arms of Hannah, she uttereda long, loud, inarticulate cry, which ivas

immediately followed by a rattling noisein the throat. Her head fell forward up-on Hannah's shoulder. She never spokenor breathed again. •

There was a wild rush into the room ofhusband, doctor relatives, friends, andservants. The General assisted to lay herupon the bed. “ Illecd her,” he cried.—No blood flowed from her arm. “ Tri-tile temple, doctor.” Two drops stainedher cap, and no more followed.

“ It was long before he would believeher dead. Ho looked eagerly into herface, as it still expecting to see signs ofreturning life. Her hands and feet werecold. There could be no doubt, then,and they prepared a table for laying herout. \\

rilh a choking voice, the Generalsaid :

“‘Spread four blankets upon it. Ifshedocs come to, she w ill lie so hard on thetable.’

“He sat all night long In the room byher side, with his face in his hands,‘ grieving,’ *aid Hannah, and occasionallylooking into the face, and feeling theheart and pulse of the form so dear to him.Mojor Lewis, who had been immediatelysent for, arrived just before daylight, andfound him still there, nearly speechlessand wholly incomo’able. He sat in theroom nearly all the next day, the pictureof despair. It was only with great diffi-culty that be was persuaded to take alittle coffee.

“ ‘And this is the way,’ concluded Han-nah, ‘ that old mistus died ; and we al-ways say that when wo lost her wo lost amistus and a mother too ; and more amother than a mistus. And we say thesame of old master, for he was more afather to us than a master, and many’sthe time we've wished him back again, tohelp us out of our troubles.’

‘‘The remains of Mrs Jackson still liein the corner of the Hermitage Garden,next those of her husband, in a tomb pre-pared by him in these years for their re-ception. It resembles, in appearance, anopen summer house—a small while domesupported by pillars of white marble.The tablet that covers the remains of Mrs.Jackson reads as follows;

“ ‘Hero lie the remains of Mrs. RachelJackson, wife of President Jackson, whodied the 22d of Dec. ’2B, aged 61 Herface was fair, her person pleo*ing, hertemper amiable, her heart kind ; she de-lighted inrelieving the wants of her fel-low creatures, and cultivated that divinepleasure by the most liberal and unpre-tending methods ; to the poor ahe was abenefactor ; to the rich an example ; tothe wretched a comfort ; to the prosper-ous an ornament ; her piety went hand inhand with her benevolence, and shethanked her Creator for being permittedto do good. A being so gentle and sovirtuous, slander might wound but couldnot dishonor. Even death, when he toreher from the arms of her husband, couldbut transport her to the bosom of herGod.’”

Tiihii.i.iko Incident—Recoonition of aBody Forty Years After Biriau— Notmany yearn since, certain miners whowere working far under ground, came up-on the hody of a poor fellow who hadperished in the suffocating pit forty yearsbefore. Some chemical agent to whichthe body had been subjected—an agentprepared in the laboratory of nature—hadeffectually ai rested the progress of decay.They brought it to the surface, and for awhile, till it crumbled away through ex-posure to the atmosphere, it lay an imageof a tine sturdy young man. No convul-sion had passed over the face in death—-the features were tranquil ; the hair wasblack as jet. No onerecognised the face ;

a generation had grown up since the dayon which the miner went down his shaftfor the last time.

But a tottering old woman who hodhurried from her cot on hearing the news,came up, and she knew again the facewhich through all these years she hadnever quite forgot The poor miner wasto have been her husband the day afterthat on which he died. They were roughpeople, of course, who were looking on—-a liberal education and refined feelingsare not deemed essential to the manwhose work is to get up coal or even tin—but there were no dry eyes when thegrey-headed pilgrim cast herself on theyouthful corpse and poured out to itsdeaf ear many words of endearment un-used for forty years. It was a touchingcontrast—the one so old, and the other soyoung. They had both been young theselong years ago, but time had gone onwith the living and stood still with thedead.— Frazer'i Magazine.

The CnrcimioN.—Tertullian says thatthe crucifixion occurred on the 251 h ofMarch. Lsctantius gives the same day.St. Augustin asserts the same in at leastthree places. St. John Chrysostom saysthe same in his sermon on the nativity ofSt. John the Baptist, and St. Gregmy ofTours the same ; and.our venerable Bedethe same. St. Thomas of Aquinas, St.Antoninas, Platina and Usuard are quo-ted for the same opinion by Snarer., whoagrees with them. The Church seems tofavor this opinion in her Martyrology, byappointing March 25thfor the feast ol thegood thief called St Dismas.

Pedagogie : “What are the propertiesof licatf" Pupil—“Heat expands andcold contracts, and that's what ma»esthedays longer in summer and shorter inwinter, sir."

mopntais demochat.Miiimi ■■■■•tiiui,



Tarma—Invariably In Addano*:On* year *«

Jlx Month*. » miThroe Month* 1 •«

One Month IpayaM* to the Carrier) 7»gingie Copio» IO

Tana* of Advertising :

One Sonar», IS tino», trd Insertion $ 3 01)

K*eh SnlMqnont t»»*rtion ISHaalsfVCarAa, of I# lln»r or lm, one year. .*) 00fcaaiara* Card*, of IO linea or I*»a, 1 montili .. 10 00

A Überaidtaeonst nini» mideontbe above rateiTor all yearly and quarterly adrertliementi vrl.lrhrireed ana iqnar».

the mountain democrat

Book ant 3ob Printing OfficeIt replete with ad the nmdern Improvement» furUa XKAT, CURAI* AND RAPID aacentUnoferary variety af PRINTING—»neb at Bonhi,Pamphlata, Brinb, roller,. Handbill*. Circular»,halt TtakvU, Praavianan, Certiftaate* of Htnrk nrDepaait, BHlhaad*. Cheek». Receipt», Card», la-bel», et*., altkar la plain or fancy colored ink».

JUSTICES’ BLANKS.Mash ASdarl'i. I’ndertakinr* and Writ» of

Attachment, under Ihe saw t aw, fur a.vle at Ihi»OOtee ; ala*. Rank HrrUratinn» of llomettead—-the moat enarrai» at bra in nee.

Ofirr an rWemo .«reel Ftarerrllle.

Ih P, FIBHIIR, ITI Wi«Wnytnn street,•ffMHc Nafilrt'i Opera llffllhe«nlv author-lsr«l Affmtfnrthf Mnrerim Ds«nca%T in thr rlty «fRan franrlarn. All «Hen for the p<ip*»r or adver-tising left «Uh him, «111 He promptly attended 10.

J. O. KEBLET I* ludwrlKvd to retrivi* mo-tirai dar Ihl» oPr».

T. B. DORSEY li authorised In «nllr't «uh.srrlptlnns and retrive moiifjr* for the >l<»r*ruaDmociai.

W. T. 01888 Ulhe aiithAriml Aeent of thèDnaJCIAT al Oenrfrtnra. Order* for the paper,adrertisinff ar ter Joh «urie, Irfl «Uh litro, vili hepromptly attended to.

GRAS. P. JACKSON I* the* «*iihoria**<lArni al thè Mommi* Donnea it al Kl Dorado.Ordersteli villi him «111 he promptly allrrolrd In.


(Ute ofthe lion. Kast India Company*# Smirr.)

Orncc, Ma. Wmits’s Data Stubs, Mam St.,yeJS l'laerrrillr. * ly

O. D. HALL. a. YAUB.PI4H4TtW*, S tH /’/•IlNt /i.-ft,Prarllre U«v in all the Court* of I'tah.

Otters, st Carson and Virginia City. Je.HI If

jobs wins, n. r. slows.HUMS * BLOSS,

ATTORNEYS - AT - I. AW,Ottre la City Bh«rk. PUerrvèlL .

Will prartire Law In the Court* of Kl Onradn anda«lp»it inf Cofintirs—in thr Hupreme f«w»rt, and thrt uoidof Utah Territory. mil

sons const. t. *. fin*.DBS. COOKE * TITUS,

.fIITfICIANS ANO SCRII KONA,Otter, Main Street, third danr aKore the “Old

Rnnad Tent,** opposite do. W*. tc’i corner hulldlnson the Itasa. au«


Unl.nl.*., El Dnrni. Conniy.

A. A. VAJf GUILDER,attoikbt-at-i. aw.

Pl.cvt.Ul., El Bnrn*laCnnnly, California.OETICK,..r».f CJw. nn4 M.ln Hcwk If



Olct. la !).«#.’ BuMlag (a. Main), M.lnAmt, Pln.irrlßr, if


IVnli, Mortem,-. Ac, covrtrlljr .riltrn nd nc-ko«.M|!4. Dvr»«Ulan. tnkvn. Noi.-- (iralnt.l.

Otte.—Front ran—, Mnnninln Damoer.i k«>Mlug.


(Ml) Q#cf WKA tin Croaty limHit. (tf]


la tal far O Pnriii Ciaat;—Oftct al PiaMl■ait Bpiingi. tf

E. BDCIMACT, M. X>„Oia«»Ìl«hia,nnm(V.aaiA C«*. loolilwt

ntcaanua.IT MM* inaila roM I. Primi. Mmm.

A lan.Um iMar* «I I* atri II,». a.. Dr. littroannsN «tend lo aR pemans who are at present nnuhleto pay Mm mml tees. ntl-tm*


JAMBS OHR’B.Xmtoal Tallar, Mala lu •mailt

PmIOM», Piaceri tUe.

HE ku Jaat iMlnd a atolc« Ui »f bar Claihaaad Caaalaarm, of Ito laical aijr Wa. and la pre-

pared la atato lo arder (nod Caarlnacrw paata.Prom 1150 to $lO 00 por ?tir!

Warranted la H and nat rip. Ilnuae lining atw. dal attori aollrt. Wa|aa Coverà ararle Id on ire. amt«Il kladraf EkUm Sewing done arllh areata-.» amidlapalck. otldn


MIO cantinata la diapente all kliada of




At Ike naaaljr low ratea.HR] CESERAI. MR IT» AOKNCT (II


CARR ft PHILLIPS,FwmsusssssssssK—Odd rdlaw,' Eire-

I, Placare die, CalHurnla.

J. 11. Coabiti A Co, I. P..iA. 11. Carroll, Sacramento,C. Rradatow A Co.. <kt J. B. Dayton, doPnltlyan A Cnahman do Wm. Perkin*. Eelanm.A. A M. Ptolan do L. A. t'|w»n A Co., Piacile,A. 0. Horan A Cn. An W. A, Rorwall, doPiantoni A Rena., »ac. W. M. Donohue, doCmaking A Scldca do T. Wilcox. Upper PUctlle.fiatiti Arnold do 1 Hark OAF

Paitlealar altatillon pulii lo Ihaaklpmenl nf..ftooaaadu Waakoo. att-al

PLACERTILLE BAKERY,Hlhdirai,tkreodnarftolew OMaAdoaee En,iae

BCMCU doaWa tTlpfkna tto «111-\T MtoodWaeorrlUothatko laaww normaaentlrloealad la JOSES' SEW IU'II.DI NO.oaa Main*,rrv«,wtora baia preparedtoforatakttoai wiik

BBKAB, 0JBada at tto atotaaat —tarlala, and wamatrd«*■» toy»—«attorto. dla Crfa city. R. »iu

raß addìi aadrvrd aC Mat, txaawypart of• wbIHI ISo •Sita


A» «TREET,Racer* IDa.

Soar to AtrldiMD’iJtvdlry Star#.MONEY LOANED.['W lyl


■hatlrion a co.,Mn lo Inform IMr frtonda\and tk« Publio at large, that they

kart, al oonaldrmMe npenw.milnlrm-l«lai and remodeled Ibn •• OLDamt are now prepared lo fornirli Meni, inaunerlor •Irle, al all hnnra of Ih, dar or nielli.

KT tVCRY DELICACY of Umboom may be hadal all Homi. Potilo and gentlemanly attantion mayhorellrd upon,

tW Tlio DAKRRT Ir anpplled. al all llmea, «Uha choice yarlety of BREAD, PIER, OAKKM, ale.,which «111 bo rold, wboletalo or rotali, al lowealmark.l rater.

Halli. Parliei, eie., furnlrhed «Uh Bup.iera, In im-perlar rtyle, al abort notice,

odi-dm HENRY BY HONS t CO., Proprietor!.

*WEB The nnderaigwed ber leave to Infuna"

Iheir Diradi, and the public generally,that they have token the abore named Hand, andare at all limn prepared to furnlrh to order, atthe r bolieat aotiee,

GAME AND OYSTER SUPPERS.Meal, at aR hmirr. Pork. Dref, XI niton, Qiiaila.Hare, rlc., alwayi on hand. Arkare of patronagelarollrited. CARTHECHEfc RCIMTADT,

On the Plata, Ptarcrrllle.



rnaaiutiT Dinif»ttT. IMain rtrrrt, Place mile, Got. 11, litio. |

Til K KING OP MINCH KATKIIS, to I,l.Sub-irete. (reeling: Know ye, that our old friend,

XIIKK RKOWMKV, in the liberality of hia heart,haa re Sited, rr-jnrranted and re-arranged hiapopular Saloon, for Ike Winter campaign ; and haiaim poaltlrrly delerwdkedtoipread n tram twicea uay (morning and errnlng,) for the benrAt of liiilegion of patroni—of whom we are undoubtedly■■•orno.” Know ye, aim, tkaIMIKR herpi nonebut the Snt quality, magnum bonnm I.IIJI.’OItSandI'IGAKM, and therefore we command you toinic.t with him all your lume " bin,” that be maybe enabled to keep up the annply.

Hone at liaeertille. Itila llth day of Oetulicr, A.n. IMI, and the IOWIh year of nor reign.

WINNKMUCCA, King,p. V—Poor “ bit." «ID alwaya forniah you, at

XIIKK’S, with a choice re|iall of thoae rtcellentbivalve. veleni CIYSTEUS—and the 11 Sain..'*

ol» If VISSE.“ .il (GIOII Ai ,

HAIR ITIIIf, ruriißviu».

Alci. Ilaatrr 4 Pat. Lynch, Propr'a.

LODGING*, BY Til K SIGHT OR WEEK.Our I.iijnora will rccimncnJ Thaiaicli ci.

We are Aerati la risero kite (»i

LUDLUM’S OYSTERS,Which «f «re preporrd lo Airnlth, who!etale orretail, on Ibe most accommodating terms. Wr « ili•Itotene them up, fir Cienllenun or Ladies. inour privale rum, in every known style. dH 3m

TUE CARV HOUSE,Three-Story Fireproof Hotel, Main Ft , ftacerville,


TN all thè Improvements and convenirne**» whirhmodern hotel-keeping hat renderei! potential,

theCary Monte «InihU pre-eminent. It it lightedwith cat. and farnithrl in every department In themoti approved atylc. If ••riipl«'.r« tin* best talent inevery ilrpartment, and the futile 1« alwny* supplivi!with (he choicest of everything to be had in the

If 1* The Cary Mouse Is the depot for every tfa fi-line to and from tbs city, and is kept open Ihrmicb*out (he night.


iRi built on the site of «he old Wash*ington Motel,l Dl A MOND FPRI NOS. *

The undersigned desires to Inform the ITraveling Public*, and his old friends. Ithat he hat Just completed and opened*hit Motel, for theFKi'OND TIME and It determini d.drtpite the elementt, »o try to “keep a Hotel” aec-ond to none on (heroad. Hit Furniture and Red-ding are aH new. and of the Heat quality ; his Tablewill at all limes he supplied with the rholee of theMarket; and attention to the comfort of hit gui-tt*•hall alwavs he a primary consideration.

N, M—The house is plastered ihruugliout. and thedeepingapartments are large and well ventilatedThere i «al«o a ine DANCING HALL attached t« theHouse. Tremamoderate. NATHAN YOUNG.

Good STOCK YAllDP attached to the limite.Diamond Springs, May to, I>*l. «id Hm

BIRD’S HOTEL,Fire-Proof Building, Diamond Springs.

HIE Prnffl-t»r wilt .aatn ihc Public Ihai h» in-. tend* to forniah bis 1

_«Uh the bet» the mar-

ket afford*Ilia beds are new aad clean and rooms comfort-

able and well Ventilated. •


Diamond Springs, Jan. tSth, 1Add. jnnTH



.J-AiHABVOHT HALL!Main «ml. two doari Weal

at lb. Car, lliv.PLACRRVILI.K.

NgAIMHJARTERS OF THEPlacsrrlll* Valaa Brusi and String

Band.Malic rrery Earning—Vocal and Inttrunenul.The proprietor» of tho nhore mlooa will br hippy

to »t their frlendt «I all time», when they feel tikehen Hoy a ft mil gonf nit Iwklnf * nocini “ nip "

An order# for mnnlc for lull». Cicamlana,Parndee,Polii leni Meeting» nod Funerali, mlitmneil to therullili llnnd, Harmony H»l,«IN munire prompt at-tentino. PIU COUPON.

JOK Minimi-,mm. MKT ERA.



nil Leant. inn» la*»«tt.

JOHN LYNCH ft CO..T \ CAIRN u Inform their friends nnd the public\J generally, that they baro purohneed the aborewell known aad popular daloon; ami. piedgingIhemselraa to keep nothing but the raar am Intheir lina, respectfullynallcit public patronage. |u!o







147.140 and 151 Washington Strait,

o*7] lAN PNAMCIiOO. [ftm


roßEicnr aid domestic wanes,LIQUORS, STO.,





Grocery and Liquor Store,ON THI PLAZA,

(Next door to Crandall A Co.*a Bookstore,)Who offer better Inducements to purchnsers to buyGoods cheap Id their Store than any other Store InPlacerellle.

We hare an Ayent In Sun Francisco purchasingGoods, and forwardlny them at the lowest cashprices. The Public are Invited to yive them a call.

CARSON VALLEY TRADERSSupplied with the best of articles, at lowest rates.

Placervllle, March 81st, ISfr».






Will take pine, at Plurervlllr,

Ob Tur.day ET«ala|, Jan. 1, ISSI,

On which occasion



Vallici! at


Will be distributed,


Among the Audit nee.

In addition to the above List,

$3OO IH GOLD OR SILVER COIN,Will be the Sec >nd Gift.

Tlie raoft fplcuilltl assortment of JEWKI.RY


I* tu he found In




(Coral,Cameoand other style*,)




Crosses,Locket*, Rings, Ruckles,

Thimbles, Chain*,Charms, etc..

And countleft other article* of rirtm and ornament.

IV Etery article li warranted as represented.

VJ" A Committee will he selected by the audience,nnder whose superintendence the Presents wilt bedistributed.

TICKETS. OKS DOLLAR.To he had at all the prtncipol Saloons in the County,and at (he Store of V. V. ttARSst, Bain street, Pia*cerellle.

A All orders from the Country promptly attended to. dSMd

NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAILGrocery,Provision andLiquor


Oppn.lt. the Car, MonPLACKRVILLR.

THE I'NDKRMONRO Unir» I* Intona Ut. am-arai of PUctrTlU._aD<ljrkloliy Ih.l !>.(>«« >atl

a canMe idMtn)Hnrnnl fraalhe Rap CkT.vHk iaMartmantaf

Orooorios, Prensioni, Liquors,CROCKERY. clc, ct«., «kick Ik,, arc impanilodfepoaa of, wknlrt.lcorrcl.il,at lo«e.i aiarfcctrale*.

CARSON VALLEY TRADERS «111 Sulk la IlMirInterni In riamine our .took before punhailn,. at«c ara aalliM va can offer tiara taaperior Induce-ment!.FORWARDING AND COMMISSIONBOSINKSB prrmptly at IraniW 10. Mark' Gooda 11.* *•■(**■ «W Ik. B ) Hacerrllto—W. LP„ toatonm.IF Good. dctlTcreai la aia, part *f Ik. ClIf free.*d »aa HURT * SYR.


% JOHN ROT»Malik is a» MijrrrAcmn «

Furniture, Metre»—, Bedding, età,Wklek hak«fC cenatami? to hlkl, nr mMkenrtito ordfr, itabort allo, nato h tomi.

UpkolaMrini Httllr BnanM.er JOIBI.NO PBOMPTIT ATTCNDKO To. ja

OOIiOMA BTBnr,Kait door to Ik* OSoc if Um Umani,

oSSm Placenrllli


FAMILIES AID CITIZENSOf Flaearrillß and Vicinity.

onbrau-WM. DONAI! CK, Whakoala Lienor dcoler

• tin Hto, Main atteri, Haa on band a b<alt»and atoek of

Gordon Bharry Wine,do do



Bua. Tk« attentionmpoetkafly called to tka abavo aaanrtaoant.8T W.B.D. barine hmd, foe *o that kadnr,

kti kakon. bla okila atteattoa arUltknaiaea toftnotokla Wkoleaale departaent. W. M. DONAHOB.

aid Main aunt, Racerelite.

AUo a too aatMo of ran add akU|i ol IkatHca It karttealarly aad


IBreoelrlaf, by erenr Btaaair, tkilateat Allan-Usaml Kmiqmii Nmnimn ViotAriàli

and Maaaainea. Alio!Canforata! Wtikly Newt--1 magasin ipijinand MifiMarailnea, for ralr at rtdnoedpric


B. t. hunt. h. A. onerHIMfT & CÌIACC,

WCCBSftM TO 1.. A. rraw A CO.

Til UNDRHPIOUKD. harlnpr purchased the entirelntrn*t or L. A. UP4OMA CO. in the

GROCERY,PROVISION and LIQUORBUSINESS. will continue the nume, et their old eland

The.» Invite the attention of the public to theirMAMMOTH STOCK, which 111. v «re «ffrrln» «I(really reduced prleen. HUNT A CM ACE.

Placervtlle, Nut. 17. 1». n*t 3m

0T «15.000 DOLLARS I -®am u nunuiCTD it

iygifts i ja

Salurdaj-, January oth, IRCI.


«-a ixu



Will be (Wen al Ihe


On which oeeaalon the following MAGNIFICENTPRIZES will be distributed among the


41 8 PRIZES!



FIRST PRIZE—RRTGGS* OI.D -OR-CHARD. Tbla property consists of IBS«ere» of Vliha river bottoni land, hiorchard.lnyethrr with the home knownaa " Brian** Hotel," and the barn* and•beds attached thereto. The orchardnumhera «Vomì tree», all of the eluderairarlellea, and la the largest orchard Inthe «arid, and probably the moat pro-dnellre properly In the Slate. Thefruit from Hit.orchard brought In IW,(To.Oimi ; In lnJ!t, (lihi.inO; In lidio,♦li.Vmu—valued at $910,000

SECOND PRIZE-SACRA MENTO RIVERtIUCIIA RD— Containing 140aerra ; 24,-laai Fruit tires. In variety; planted InIhit lit, most of which will lie in goodmini It lon for bearing (mil Hie comingjear—valued at 190,000

THIRD PRIZE -OROVII.LE ORCHARD—Containing *u>) itr»: It,nun FruitTree*. In variety—valued at 00,000

POt'RTH PRIZE -PAXTON ORCHARD—Nem Mar.rtrille ; TO n.rest of (anil ;13.inni Fruii Treet; beuta nnd barn—-raltu'tl al 72,000


Near Maryarll'e ; 6-1 nere» ; SAKAI FruiiTree»;*.i,nuodrape Vinci—Taluni at.. 53,000

SIXTHPRIZE —COI.RORCHARD—NearMarytvUle; «I arret ;T,IKKI Fruit Treet-ralaed al 42,000

SEVENTH PRIZE-VINEYARD on theold Ranci; , ‘.liy mllct from MarytvUle;111 aere* ;>*,uuu vinti— valued at 8,000

KTOIITH PRIZE —DRAIN FIELD-Parl©fold Ranch ; IS" arret—valued at... 0,000NINTH PRIZE -«RAIN FIELD —Part of

©ld Uancli ; 13*1 aerea—valued al 4,000TENTH PRIZE -SACRAMENTO RIVER

R A N Cll— 3.V*arret—<meadow) vai-“«* »• 3,000

ELEVENTH PRIZE—PAXTON RANCH—|meadow)—So aim—valued at 3,000

TWELFTH PRIZE-FEATHER RIVERR A N C ll(meadow)— Ido arret—vai-

2,000Four hundred CASH GIFTS of |S etch,

from Nut. 13 to 413 2,0002015,000

Compritlng altogether I AM arret of Land, 101,.(hai fruit treet, *>,uuuGrape Vine©,and t>,M«ln rath.

Thelan.lt upon which tlie«r orchard* are plantedare all bottoni landa, andaa good at ran la' fouud intha Slate. Apple*, Psachea, Aprlcota, Nectarine*.Pear*. Plum*. Fly*, Quince, lllaek Walnut, Alinomi,Ac.. Ac., Ac , will be found In Ihet© orchard* In treatvariety and of the cholcvtl kind*. The character ofthe Fruit It well known throuifhaut Hie Northernand central portion of the Put». All of the Vlnet,and nearly all of Hie Fruit Tree* will be of age tobaar a garni crop Ihe coming year. We append thefollowing certificate for the benefit of portoni notwill acquainted with the raise of the properly ;

We. the nndrrrignrd. hereby certify that we areacquainted with moatafille aboee deeortbed propcrle,and ihnl we do not believe Invalue, a* above tlatcil,la ever teHmattil : J.0 Pal', W. R. Radano; J. A.Paxton, *. P. Well*. B, p. Aeery, editor App*nl; C.Cewtfiaod, Mary, ville; Ree. O. 0. Wheeler, Corre*,ponding Secretary California Bute Agricultural So-elvty. Sacramento ; J. Bryant URI A Co.,Knapp, Bur-nii A Co., Ran Franclten : Hon. 8. M. BMtv, 11.W. 0.Rice, Jno. Q. Packard, J. II Humphrey, Marytellle;i. F. LiolMceia. editor Brprtm; John R. Rllge,editor Itrmofml; Hen. John A. Sutler, Hock Farm ;

A. P. ftetllh, fitter Satini, Sacramento ; J. L. San-ford, Ran Francltco.The dtatrtoatlon of the GIR* will be under the dl-

reelH Ilia Oammlllee of gentlemen elmten by theaudl< newon the evening of the Concert.

R. J. CUMMINGS, Agent at Placerville. Office atHie Gary 11suae. Order* from the country promptlyattrndrd to. GEORGE 0. DRIORS, Proprietor.

MaryerUle, Oct. 18, IMP. nIT-M

A. ■. L. MAM, 11. GLAUBER.

DIAS ft GLAUBER,OOLOHA BTBIBT,Two door* below ike Dueciu


Every »rllcl« required for Family nee, In theGROCERY AND PROVISION LINI,


WARRANTED to be_ - - '


of HTPRRIOR QUALITY. A there of pahllepatroneie le eolkclted. BT Goode delivered, in any paror the eby. fore of chary*. od-Sm



/~1 ARRIAORB, Banano, Tinge,TraneparencleV (aline, fee., Painted at price# to anlttheU

lea, Re-nerà.

WINDOW GLASS.Jnst Received end for dele, CHEAP POR CANI.

lO,*#* FccurwMßwCllßM,AR etnea, foofoUKURMW.' Atee.PTTTT, end ellktada of , .

PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES,■matte. Turpentine, Brnehea, Gill Mealdtny, GoldLeaf. Brenne, an.

Order* foam the country, for work or ma-terial, promptljr attended to:

W. L. HARPt E A CO.,deal Mala at., naarßtaayPaint, Piatetene.

a FOR SALE.THE andereifaed* oWr* for aale, hla dwellingbona* and let, and Blaokamlth’a Shop,on Smith** Plat, thru mllee from Placer.ill.,

In one of the beet mining locatine* la the Slat*.E. H. MEREDITH.

Smith’sFist, Nov. 10th, IS6O. norlo-3m
