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CATSKnX MOOlfMJy: Ngws DO IT NOW * r . ■ Winter Service Your Qu* Be Safe Davidson’s Phone 1191 M argaretville SARAH A. HULL < Republican Candidate Asks for Your Vote for TOWN CLERK Town of Middletown I Qnalificaiioiis: Business courses in Margaretville Hig^ School and Spencra*- Business College In Sdienectady, - Kept books and recoirds four years in a. general store and seven years for Stout-Craft Motors. - '. ^ Since 1 ^ secretary of Delaware County Pomona Grange No. 18, which comprises 24 subordinate Granges virith a member- ship of more than 2,500 in the county. This office requires the keeping of records of meetings and dues of the members. Was elected to this office in December, 1933, and reelected ecudi.tram. since. Was reelected again for two years ’(1956-57) at the last ' election of officers. Secretary of Wawaka Grange No. 1486 for several years. Also vras lecturer of the same Grange unit. » Treasurer of the Women’s Republican Club of the Town of Middletown for two years. Was a member of the ^Jxecutive Committee of the Delaware County Home Bureau. ' ' Made a'Farm Survey of Delaware County in 1948 for the United States Department of A^culture, Vote Row A All the Way NOVEMBER SPE C IA L S! IXECTBIC DRYERS from $149 WESTINGHOUSE WHIRLPOOL BENDIX KELVINATOR ASK US ABOUT OUR FREE TBIAI> OFFER CHEST UPRIGHT FREEZERS from $325 KELVINATOR ^ • WESTINGHOUSE AMANA PHILCO DEEPFREEZE FREEZERS and REFRIGERATORS T A IT ’S Home Appliemce Center Grand Gorge, N. Y. Phone 4391 Stajte Democrat Leaders !^?eak at Coqnty Dinner Left to right, Commissioner Joseph Kelly of the Bureau of Motor Vehides; Harold Finch of Mar- garetville, director of the Bureau of Food Control; Alexander Falk of Margaretville, chairman of the Civil Service ccHnmission; IVDchael Prendergast, chairman of the srate Democratic committee; Paul Williams of Walton, chairman of the coimty Democratic committee; Fred Smith of Marga- retville, town of Middletown committee chakman. Party leadeis spoke Friday evening at the county rally at the Kass inn. Mrs. Mai^aret Pfarrer is en- joying a week of vacation in New York from her duties vwth the Margaretville Telephone exchange. ,Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberts and son, Alan, were Sunday din- ner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs*. Ward Roberts, Halcottville. Mr. and Mrs. George-W. Harris and‘sons, Marc and Jeffrey, at- tended the Dartmouth-Harvard football game at Hanover, N. H„ Saturday. The W^estminister junior high Youth Fellowship Halloween party has been postponed^ to Saturday evening, Oct. 29, at' 8 o’clock at the Presbyterian church. Clarke* ' Sanford, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roswell R. Sanford, underwent an operation for hernia at Margaretville hos- pital Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boudrieau and. sons, Paul and Richard, of Garwood, N. J., were weekend guests of her brother-ih-law and siste^ Mr. and Mrs. Don Conine. and Mrs. Mike Cerquozzi left Saturday to be guests over the weekend of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Levo, and daughter, Jennie, at Saratoga. The Westminister Junior Hi Youth Fellowship will have Halloween party at the iTrst Presbyterian churdi Saturday, Oct. 29, at S p. m. This date has been dianged fnmi Friday, O^. 28. Principfd Elton F. S. Shaver of Margaretville and Roderick C Dorrance of Roxbury attended a regional meeting of the New York State school boards association at Syracuse from Sunday through Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sper- ling had as weekend gueats her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Elihu Payne, of Binghamton and the Paynes’ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Salak, formerly of Bii^am ton. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Blair There will be. sevwng at the hospital Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. / Miss Josephine Turrell of One- onta was a weekend guest of Miss Anne Holdridge. Mrs. E. J. Hager of Stamford spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bell. Mrs. Mary McCOurt, RN, of Brooklyn was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Buck. John Clark, who is a student at Albany College of Pharmacy, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Qark. By L^aad TItch of Lebanon, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marriott of Delhi called Sunday on Dewitt G. Day, a patient at Margaretville hos- pital and on Mrs. D ^ . Both fam- ilies are former residents of the village. Dr. and Mrs. Glbert M. Palen, Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gbbs and Dr. and Mrs. Wllam C. GaUo were in Elmira Wednesday to attend a meeting of the New York state Medical society. Sixth district. The ladies attended- the Auxil- iary meeting at the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Smith and sons, Arthur Jr. and Gordon, of Canton were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Smith. Miss June Litzel, Miss Susan Butler and Michael Bram- ley, all of Ridgewood, N. J., were weekend guests at the Smitli home. ‘ ' Mrs. Otto H. Spehr of Arkville returned Monday. She was called to Brooklyn by the sudden death' of her brother-in-law, Gustave Munch. Mrs. Munch was a pa- tient at Peck Memorial hospital, Brooklyn, and was not able to be discharged until after the death of her husband. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. BrueU have returned from a six-week vacation in Europe. The Pan-American Airways plane in which they flew ftx)m New York to Paris on Sept. 9 made a record hqp of nine hours 37 minutes. This was bet- tered 17 minutes a week later by Capt. Bruce Mead of Roxbury. Dr. and Mrs. Bru^ll spent most of their vacation at Baden Baden in the Black Forest visiting rela- tives and friends. Miss Edna Hawkins, m ^ o is stationed at Boebling^ near Stuttgart, was one of the guests. Archie Bryden of Perch lake has been a patient at Margaret- ville hospital since Oct. 18. He is a brother of Mrs. Ward Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bryden of Sidney Center and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bryden of Frdnklin called Monday on Mr. Biyden in the hos- pital and on the Ward Shavers. Sunday callers were Mr. rad" Mrs. Shavertown, Oct. 24^ George Hoag has been putting a Hunder block foundation under the little house by the Shaver- town (diurcdi. The btiilding was formerly the garage on the Adam Finkle place. Mr. Hoag had the Halliday Co. move it to this site. A large load, of cinder blocks was delivered to the site of Sam- my Conldin’s new house. Mr. Conklin is planning to move his house trailer permanently to this dte and erect a substantial addi- tion. Much of the lumber for his buildtog came from the Arena area and houses he help^ de- molish there. Uoydrick Butler helped- Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Adickes and, Winner with his bulldozer last children of Kingston spent Sun-j week, building an entrance road day with his parents, Mr. and and water system. Mrs^ W n n e r’s Mrs. Richard J. Adipkes, | brother has been helping them on Mrc ® sizcaWe vwng recently added to iJL w n K ^ ! , t h e south end of the new house, and fnend, Mre. WoUaber, spent - ^ime next week, Nov. H M 6, of the hour of worship to 2 and Mrs. Douglas KeUy. 4p ^ the place of the evening The Presbyterian Missionary servire at the Shavertown Pres- society wiU meet Wednesday eve- byterian church. ning, Nov. 2, at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. H. Gladstone. ci Ernest Polley of Rockland county is enjoying a two-week vacation at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cedi Polley. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bellows and Orvil Rosa are enjoying a vacation. The men will hunt in the Adirondacks. Mrs. Bellows will visit relatives. At the home - of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Cowan f6r the weekrad were their daughters, Betty of Potsdam Teachers college and Mary Frances of Bingh^ton, eilso H arry Koloski of Chenemgo Bridge. The WSCS of the Methodist church will meet Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the home of Mrs. Dewey Bell instead of the home of Mrs. Eu- gene Crabb. Mrs. Everett Platt will have the program. Meeting, time, 1:30. Reguleu: meeting of DUV, Fan- nie Gordon tent, will be held to- day at 8 p. m. Department pres- ident Della Burchard is making her offided visit. Dinner in her honor will be served at 6 p. m. at the lodge rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bell of Schenectady spent the weekend at the home of his brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have returned after spending the summei; in Colorado^ and California. After the Rebekah lodge Mon- day night there was a surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynn, who were celebrating their 50th wed- ding anniversary. Ice cream and cake were served. October birth- days were also observed. Mrs. Elmer Davis made the birthday cake. A fdlhily birthday dinner for George M erritt was enjoyed by all at the home-of Mr. and Mrs. Herman-Wickham Oct. 20. Those who helped him celebrate were Mr. and Mrs.. Odell Rose' and Mr. Rose’s sister, Mrs. William Gag- non, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. George Rose and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M erritt and daughter, Nancy, Blake M erritt of Middletown and Harvey Wickham. Mrs. Lottie Winnie, Mrs. LueUa Felfer, Mrs. Carrie Germond, Mrs. Helen Wiliams, Mrs. Mary'Rae- der, Mrs. Mabel George, Mrs. Ella Lawrence, Mrs. Lillian Griffin, Mrs. Doris Gray, Mi«. Florence Wynn, Miss Katharyn Ackerly, Mrs. Mary Odell, Mrs. Lizzie Davis and Mrs. M ildr^ Barringer visit- ed Rorf)ury Rebekah lodge Mon- day night. The ladies are mem- bers of the Arkville Rebekah’ lodge. The general committee of the Girl Scouts of Margaretville met m the sdiool cafeteria Oct. 19. Miss Virginia Smith of Walton was guest speaker. Miss Smith attended the Edith Macy training school for leaders in Westchester coimty for two weeks this sim - mer. She brought many worth- while suggestions on troop organ- ization, troop activities, handi- crafts, hiking equipment and or- ganization. After a question- and discussion period, cookies and Ronald Biedecap of Third Brook. Walton, nephew of M. D. Butler of this place, met with a tragic death last weekend. Several families from this place attended the funeral. The community ex- tends sympathy to the bereaved family. HALCOTT CENTER By Mr«. K. V. DeHott Halcott Center, Oct. 26 The baked ham supper at the hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of Greene Valley Grange was a dedded success. A fine crowd and dinner, complete in every detail. It netted $100. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morse are spending the week in Columbus; Ohio., visiting their brother-in- law and sister, Capt. and Mrs. Ray Travis. Robert Johnson is building a two-room addition on his house. Darwin Faulkner is assisting him in the work. Mrs. Fred Bouton entered Mar- garetville hospital Tuesday fqjr surgery. Mr. and •Mrs. Louis Crosby were called home Thursday from their vacation trip at Blade lake, by the death of their brother-in- law, Marion Bellows. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Elderkin' and daughter, Laurie, are spend- ing the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elderkin, West Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wells and famUy and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Herring and family of Ulster park spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kelly. J. C. Johnson purdiased a new John Deere tractor of the Maple- crest agency this week. • Barbara Jansen and Herbert Sh^tis Married Saturday ' Phoenida, Oct. 24. — A Ipvely wedding was solrannized in the Phoenida Methodist church Sat- urday afternoon when Rev. Larry Wincentsen united Miss Barbara Jean Jansen and Herbert Shultis Jr. in a douUe ring ceremtmy. The bride, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ’niomas Jansen of M t Tremper, was attired fa» a bronze taffeta ballerina length frock and a rust velvet cap and veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of bronze and white pompons. Her sister, Mrs. August Simpson, was matron of honor, She wore a steel blue taffeta frock and car- ried a similar bouquet of rose and yellow pompons. Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shultis Sr. of Chichester, had James Keaton of Hurley as best man. John Jansen gave , his Stster in maitiage. The ushers were Wi}liam”ahd Clarence Jan- sen, brothers of the bride, "nie churdi was decorated with brpnze, yellow and white pompons. Mrs. Larry Wincentsen presided at the organ. A reception for the imme- diate families was held at the h(Hne of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jaiisen. The bride’s mother wore a pur- ple dress with black accessories and a corsage of yeDow rosebuds. Mre. Shultis wore a fall brown Suit, black accessories and a cor- sage of pink roses. The bride’s going-away cos- tume was a maroon suit, grey hat with blade accessories and a cor- sage of yellow pompons. Soon aft^ the reception the yoimg coi5 »le left for Niagara Falls and points north. HUBBELL mr.T. HubbeU Hill, Oct. 24 Mr. and Mrs. Willisun Henning of Cairo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; Alfred Mathis. Elbert Hull has been iH with pneumonia at his liome this week. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mathis of Shore Acres, N. J., and Mrs. John Schultz of Dumont, N. J., spent Saturday vidth the Alfred Mathis family. Mr. Mathis’ par- ents will leave for California for a three-month visit with their other son, Arthur, and family in a few weeks. Mrs. Tessie Kaptiko was in Kingston F rid^ with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carter and daught^rs.- Mr. ^d Mrs. F. Lynch of Poughkeepsie arrived in Margaret- ville Saturday. Mr. Lynch re- turned home Sunday ' and Mrs. Lynch wiU remain with her daugh, ter, Mrs. Alex IQipitko, and fam- ily for the week. Mr. and Mrs. William D ubov^ and diildren, Kathy aiid Nidde, attended the diristening of Anne Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EdwarJ Berinato of Schenectady. Mrs. Berinato is the former Elizabeth Duboveck of Margaretville. Mrs. Elsie Eignor of Roxbury spent a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. WiUiElm Stahl, and fam- Uy. County Legion Auxiliary Elects Mrs. Baker Mrs. Harold Baker of Margaret- viUe was elected chairman of the Delaware county committee of the American Legion AiudUary at the county meeting Friday night in DownsviUe.. Also elected from this vicinity were Mrs. Donald Elwood of Andes as se<^nd vice-president, Mrs. Louis Hanraray of MargaretviUe as secretary and Mrs. Reid Webster of MargaretviUe as chUd welfare chairman. Attending from MargaretviUe were Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Hamway, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. vraiiam MU- ler, Mrs. Oreon Haynes, Mrs. Harold Garrison, Mrs. John Haynes and Mrs. CarUton Finch. Horace Lamb of- Binghamton and' coffee were enjoyed. Fifteen ____ . . . Mr Md Everett Wickham members o fthe general committee method to "conducfi^r t h r c ^ “ of Lake Delaware. —» ----- - Legion Announces M em bei^p Contest The Delaware County commit- tee of the American Legion an- nounced at the monthly meeting held Oct. 19 at ^’ranklin, that they are sponsoring a real active con- test to increase membership in the local posts throughout the TOunty for 1956, TTie contest started on Oct. 19, 1955, and wiU close Jan. 18, 1956. The foUowing prizes are being offered to the. posts showing the greatest increase percentagewise over last year’s membership. First prize: ?25; second prize, $15; third prize, $10. Each post »iay select their own and guests attended. paign. Moose Hunters Come Home With 12 Bags of M eat James Minnerly of Roxbury and S. B. Fredenburgh of PrattsviUe went to the wilds of northern Quebec on Oct. 13 to hunt moose in the general area of T jiW a Delahy*. They secured^ a moose Ucense for $100 and a bear license for $10, total $110, at Maniwaki be- fore they went in. They were able to drive thefr car to the lake mentioned. From there they went back into the forest bjj canoe and portage to a trapper’s log cabin far in the hinterland—a region seldom visited by man. The season opened on Oct. 15. That day they were sitting on an islMd some 150 paces ifrom the mainland when a buU moose came along. It had been agreed that Fredenburgh should have the fu«t shot. He is a good marksman and has shot many deer, but the moose is bigger. The fkst shot tore off the monster’s lower jaw. But a foUowing weU-placed buUet kiUed the buU. AU day was required to dress the buU, cut the meat off the bones and put it in bags. Other bulls had been seen in the vicinity. The two men and their guide took the meat back to the outfitter at Maniwaki and had it frozen. They bought another moose license, went back to the wUdemess cabin and on Thursday Minnerly shot a bull. v The meat was taken from this in the same manner as the first bulL The men got up early two iMmings later, loaded the second six bags-of meat'-and arrived in Roxbury after midnight. They had 12 bags of meat and two sets of antlers. They are enthusiastic about the trip and the big game. They en- countered considerable rain, but little cold. Twelve bags is a lot of meat! Real Estate Transfers Colchester: Pangbum Gray w d wife to Thomas A. Flannery. Middletown: ClovesviUe Com- munity Church to ClovesviUe Bible Baptist Church; Glenford VermU- yea and wife to James H and IClton C. WUbur; Marlon, BeUows and wife to Charles W. Kempf; Sena Harrington to Bertha Hub- besU and Effie Mead; Pakatakan Colraiy, Inc., to Hudson Trust Co. I ItodHiry: Milton Pangman and wife to W. S. H inkl^ and Sons, Inc. ACCURATE, IS - THE WORD F OR ALL OUR WORK In the compounding of drugs there can be no compromise. Each ingredient used in your prescription is measured to th^ exact ^ o u n t. You can depend oh us for ac- curacy, checked and double checked. Preacriptlona Carefnlly Componnded Kelly’s Drug Store DIOK MITXKR, P r ( ^ Plume OOSl MargsretviUe, N. T. “CHEMI-COAT" treatment idenHfles it as the Best Hard Coal you can buy. o rd er N O W IfUP' Arkville Feed & Coal C!o. Phone 2121 Arkville, N. Y. POPLAR INN ROXBURY, N. r . STEAKS, CHOPS, CHICKENS, SEAFOOD FAMOUS FOR PIZZA AND RAVIOLI AUL LEGAL BEVERAGES Phone ROXBURY S261 VOTE FOR ETTA ELUOTT Ddnocratic Candidate for Town of Middletown WHY? 1. I am a property owner and taxpayer in the Town of Middletown. 2. I am familiar with your tax problems. 3. I have served as your Collector for two years. 4. Your Collector is held accountable for approxi- mately $ 175,000 of your money each year. This is no small job. MAY I COUNT ON YOUR VOTE NOV. 8 ? LOG CABIN Restaurant ROUTE 28 SHANDAKEN Famous for SAUERBRATEN SCHNITZEL STEAKS BROILED LOBSTER DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Open Daily TELEPHONE 8038 For Sale Entire Household Goods of Arthur S. Reynolds at West Cbnesville, N. Y. Second House From ^ u rc h Some. very choice household goods, such as dressers, tables, chairs. Nm 9 x 12 rug.. Some antiques. Tools of all kinds. Easy washer, vacuimi cleaner, sewing machine, radio. Very nice small mahogany table. Many articles too niunerous to menticm.
Page 1: IfUP' - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1955-10-28/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · • WESTINGHOUSE • WHIRLPOOL • BENDIX ... Mr. and Mrs. George-W. Harris


DO IT NOW* r . ■

Winter Service Your Qu* Be Safe

Davidson’sPhone 1191 M argaretville

SARAH A. HULL< R epublican C andidate

Asks for Y our V ote for

TOWN CLERKT ow n of M iddletow n


Qnalificaiioiis:Business courses in M argaretville Hig^ School and Spencra*-

Business College In Sdienectady, -Kept books and recoirds four years in a . general store and

seven years for Stout-C raft Motors. - '. ^Since 1 ^ secretary of Delaware County Pomona Grange

No. 18, which comprises 24 subordinate Granges virith a member­ship of more than 2,500 in the county. This office requires the keeping of records of meetings and dues of the members. Was elected to this office in December, 1933, and reelected ecudi.tram . since. Was reelected again for two years ’(1956-57) a t the last ' election of officers.

Secretary of Wawaka Grange No. 1486 fo r several years. Also vras lecturer of the same Grange unit. »

Treasurer of the Women’s Republican Club of the Town of Middletown for two years.

Was a member of the ^Jxecutive Committee of the Delaware County Home Bureau. ' '

Made a 'F a rm Survey of Delaware County in 1948 fo r the United S tates Departm ent of A ^ cu ltu re ,

Vote Row A All the Way



from $149• W E ST IN G H O U SE

• W H IR L P O O L




from $325• K E L V IN A T O R ^



• P H IL C O

• D E E P F R E E Z E

FR E E Z E R S and R E FR IG E R A T O R S

T A I T ’ SHome Appliemce Center

G rand G orge, N . Y . Phone 4391

Stajte Democrat Leaders !^?eak at Coqnty Dinner

Left to right, Commissioner Joseph Kelly of the Bureau of Motor Vehides; Harold Finch of Mar­garetville, director of the Bureau of Food Control; Alexander Falk of Margaretville, chairman of the Civil Service ccHnmission; IVDchael Prendergast, chairman of the srate Democratic committee; Paul Williams of Walton, chairman of the coimty Democratic committee; F red Smith of Marga­retville, town of Middletown committee chakman. P arty leadeis spoke Friday evening a t the county rally a t the Kass inn.

Mrs. M ai^aret P farrer is en­joying a week of vacation in New York from her duties vwth the M argaretville Telephone exchange.

,Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberts and son, Alan, were Sunday din­ner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs*. W ard Roberts, Halcottville.

Mr. and Mrs. George-W. H arris a n d ‘sons, Marc and Jeffrey, a t­tended the Dartmouth-Harvard football game a t Hanover, N. H„ Saturday.

The W^estminister junior high Youth Fellowship Halloween party has been postponed^ to Saturday evening, Oct. 29, at' 8 o’clock a t the Presbyterian church.

Clarke* ' Sanford, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roswell R. Sanford, underwent an operation for hernia a t Margaretville hos­pital Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boudrieau and. sons, Paul and Richard, of Garwood, N. J., were weekend guests of her brother-ih-law and siste^ Mr. and Mrs. Don Conine.

and Mrs. Mike Cerquozzi left Saturday to be guests over the weekend of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al­bert Levo, and daughter, Jennie, a t Saratoga.

The W estminister Junior Hi Youth Fellowship will have Halloween party a t the iT rst Presbyterian churdi Saturday, Oct. 29, a t S p. m. This date has been dianged fnm i Friday, O ^. 28.

Principfd Elton F. S. Shaver of M argaretville and Roderick C Dorrance of Roxbury attended a regional meeting of the New York S tate school boards association a t Syracuse from Sunday through Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sper­ling had as weekend gueats her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Elihu Payne, of Binghamton and the Paynes’ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Salak, formerly of B ii^am to n .

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Blair

There will be. sevwng a t the hospital Friday from 2 to 4 p. m.

/Miss Josephine Turrell of One-

onta was a weekend guest of Miss Anne Holdridge.

Mrs. E. J. Hager of Stamford spent the weekend a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bell.

Mrs. Mary McCOurt, RN, of Brooklyn was a weekend guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Buck.

John Clark, who is a student a t Albany College of Pharmacy, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Q ark.

By L ^aad TItch

of Lebanon, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold M arriott of Delhi called Sunday on Dewitt G. Day, a patient a t M argaretville hos­pital and on Mrs. D ^ . Both fam­ilies are former residents of the village.

Dr. and Mrs. Glbert M. Palen, Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gbbs and Dr. and Mrs. Wllam C. GaUo were in Elmira Wednesday to attend a meeting of the New York state Medical society. Sixth district. The ladies attended- the Auxil­iary meeting a t the same time.

Mr. and Mrs. A rthur N. Smith and sons, A rthur Jr. and Gordon, of Canton were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Smith. Miss June Litzel, Miss Susan Butler and Michael Bram- ley, all of Ridgewood, N. J., were weekend guests a t the Smitli home. ‘ '

Mrs. Otto H. Spehr of Arkville returned Monday. She was called to Brooklyn by the sudden death' of her brother-in-law, Gustave Munch. Mrs. Munch was a pa­tien t a t Peck Memorial hospital, Brooklyn, and was not able to be discharged until after the death of her husband.

Dr. and Mrs. F. W. BrueU have returned from a six-week vacation in Europe. The Pan-American Airways plane in which they flew ftx)m New York to Paris on Sept. 9 made a record hqp of nine hours 37 minutes. This was bet­tered 17 minutes a week la ter by Capt. Bruce Mead of Roxbury. Dr. and Mrs. Bru^ll spent most of their vacation a t Baden Baden in the Black Forest visiting rela­tives and friends. Miss Edna Hawkins, m̂ o is stationed a t B oebling^ near S tuttgart, was one of the guests.

Archie Bryden of Perch lake has been a patient a t M argaret­ville hospital since Oct. 18. He is a brother of Mrs. W ard Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bryden of Sidney Center and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bryden of Frdnklin called Monday on Mr. Biyden in the hos­pital and on the W ard Shavers. Sunday callers were Mr. rad" Mrs.

Shavertown, Oct. 24̂ George Hoag has been putting

a Hunder block foundation under the little house by the Shaver­town (diurcdi. The btiilding was formerly the garage on the Adam Finkle place. Mr. Hoag had the Halliday Co. move it to this site.

A large load, of cinder blocks was delivered to the site of Sam­my Conldin’s new house. Mr. Conklin is planning to move his house tra ile r permanently to this d te and erect a substantial addi­tion. Much of the lumber for his buildtog came from the Arena area and houses he h e lp ^ de­molish there.

Uoydrick Butler helped- Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Adickes an d , W inner w ith his bulldozer last

children of Kingston spent Sun-j week, building an entrance road day with his parents, Mr. and and w ater system. Mrs^ W nner’s Mrs. Richard J. Adipkes, | brother has been helping them on

Mrc ® sizcaWe vwng recently added toiJL w n K ^ ! , t h e south end of the new house,

and fnend, Mre. WoUaber, spent - ^ime next week, Nov.H M 6, of the hour of worship to 2

and Mrs. Douglas KeUy. 4p ^ the place of the eveningThe Presbyterian Missionary servire a t the Shavertown Pres-

society wiU m eet Wednesday eve- byterian church.ning, Nov. 2, a t 8 p. m. a t the home of Mrs. J. H. Gladstone.

ciErnest Polley of Rockland

county is enjoying a two-week vacation a t the home of his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cedi Polley.

Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bellows and Orvil Rosa are enjoying a vacation. The men will hunt in the Adirondacks. Mrs. Bellows will visit relatives.

A t the home - of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Cowan f6r the weekrad were their daughters, B etty of Potsdam Teachers college and Mary Frances of B ingh^ ton , eilso H arry Koloski of Chenemgo Bridge.

The WSCS of the Methodist church will m eet Tuesday, Nov. 1, a t the home of Mrs. Dewey Bell instead of the home of Mrs. Eu­gene Crabb. Mrs. E verett P latt will have the program. Meeting, time, 1:30.

Reguleu: meeting of DUV, Fan­nie Gordon tent, will be held to­day a t 8 p. m. Department pres­ident Della Burchard is making her offided visit. Dinner in her honor will be served a t 6 p. m. a t the lodge rooms.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bell of Schenectady spent the weekend a t the home of his brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have returned after spending the summei; in Colorado^ and California.

After the Rebekah lodge Mon­day night there was a surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynn, who were celebrating their 50th wed­ding anniversary. Ice cream and cake were served. October birth­days were also observed. Mrs. Elmer Davis made the birthday cake.

A fdlhily b irth d a y dinner for George M erritt was enjoyed by all a t the home-of Mr. and Mrs. Herman-Wickham Oct. 20. Those who helped him celebrate were Mr. and Mrs.. Odell Rose' and Mr. Rose’s sister, Mrs. William Gag­non, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. George Rose and two children, Mr. and Mrs. W alter M erritt and daughter, Nancy, Blake M erritt of Middletown and Harvey Wickham.

Mrs. Lottie Winnie, Mrs. LueUa Felfer, Mrs. Carrie Germond, Mrs. Helen W iliams, Mrs. M ary'R ae- der, Mrs. Mabel George, Mrs. Ella Lawrence, Mrs. Lillian Griffin, Mrs. Doris Gray, Mi«. Florence Wynn, Miss Katharyn Ackerly, Mrs. Mary Odell, Mrs. Lizzie Davis and Mrs. M ild r^ Barringer visit­ed Rorf)ury Rebekah lodge Mon­day night. The ladies are mem­bers of the Arkville Rebekah’ lodge.

The general committee of the Girl Scouts of M argaretville met m the sdiool cafeteria Oct. 19. Miss Virginia Smith of Walton was guest speaker. Miss Smith attended the Edith Macy training school for leaders in W estchester coimty for two weeks this sim ­mer. She brought many worth­while suggestions on troop organ­ization, troop activities, handi­crafts, hiking equipment and or­ganization. A fter a question- and discussion period, cookies and

Ronald Biedecap of Third Brook. Walton, nephew of M. D. Butler of this place, m et with a tragic death last weekend. Several families from this place attended the funeral. The community ex­tends sympathy to the bereaved family.


By Mr«. K. V. DeHott

Halcott Center, Oct. 26The baked ham supper a t the

hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of Greene Valley Grange was a dedded success. A fine crowd and dinner, complete in every detail. I t netted $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morse are spending the week in Columbus; Ohio., visiting their brother-in- law and sister, Capt. and Mrs. Ray Travis.

Robert Johnson is building a two-room addition on his house. Darwin Faulkner is assisting him in the work.

Mrs. Fred Bouton entered Mar­garetville hospital Tuesday fqjr surgery.

Mr. and • Mrs. Louis Crosby were called home Thursday from their vacation trip a t Blade lake, by the death of their brother-in- law, Marion Bellows.

Mr. and Mrs. W arren Elderkin' and daughter, Laurie, are spend­ing the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elderkin, West Lawrence.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wells and famUy and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Herring and family of U lster park spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kelly.

J. C. Johnson purdiased a new John Deere tractor of the Maple- crest agency this week. •

B arbara Jansen and H erbert S h ^ tis M arried S aturday' Phoenida, Oct. 24. — A Ipvely

wedding was solrannized in the Phoenida Methodist church Sat­urday afternoon when Rev. Larry Wincentsen united Miss Barbara Jean Jansen and H erbert Shultis Jr . in a douUe ring ceremtmy. The bride, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ’niom as Jansen of M t Tremper, was attired fa» a bronze taffeta ballerina length frock and a rust velvet cap and veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of bronze and white pompons. H er sister, Mrs. August Simpson, was m atron of honor, She wore a steel blue taffeta frock and car­ried a sim ilar bouquet of rose and yellow pompons.

Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Shultis Sr. of Chichester, had James Keaton of Hurley as best man. John Jansen gave , his Stster in m aitiage. The ushers were Wi}liam”ahd Clarence Jan­sen, brothers of the bride, "nie churdi was decorated with brpnze, yellow and white pompons. Mrs. Larry Wincentsen presided a t the organ. A reception for the imme­diate families was held a t the h(Hne of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jaiisen.

The bride’s m other wore a pur­ple dress with black accessories and a corsage of yeDow rosebuds. Mre. Shultis wore a fall brown Suit, black accessories and a cor­sage of pink roses.

The bride’s going-away cos­tume was a maroon suit, grey hat with blade accessories and a cor­sage of yellow pompons. Soon a f t^ the reception the yoimg coi5 »le left for Niagara Falls and points north.

H UBBELL m r.T .

HubbeU Hill, Oct. 24 Mr. and Mrs. Willisun Henning

of Cairo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; Alfred Mathis.

E lbert Hull has been iH with pneumonia at his liome this week.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mathis of Shore Acres, N. J., and Mrs. John Schultz of Dumont, N. J., spent Saturday vidth the Alfred Mathis family. Mr. Mathis’ par­ents will leave for California for a three-month visit with their other son, Arthur, and family in a few weeks.

Mrs. Tessie Kaptiko was in Kingston F r id ^ with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carter and daught^rs.-

Mr. ^ d Mrs. F. Lynch of Poughkeepsie arrived in M argaret­ville Saturday. Mr. Lynch re­turned home Sunday ' and Mrs. Lynch wiU remain with her daugh, ter, Mrs. Alex IQipitko, and fam­ily for the week.

Mr. and Mrs. William D u b o v ^ and diildren, Kathy aiid N idde, attended the diristening of Anne Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EdwarJ Berinato of Schenectady. Mrs. Berinato is the former Elizabeth Duboveck of Margaretville.

Mrs. Elsie Eignor of Roxbury spent a few days with her daugh­ter, Mrs. WiUiElm Stahl, and fam­Uy.

C ounty Legion A uxiliary Elects M rs. Baker

Mrs. Harold Baker of M argaret- viUe was elected chairman of the Delaware county committee of the American Legion AiudUary a t the county meeting Friday night in DownsviUe..

Also elected from this vicinity were Mrs. Donald Elwood of Andes as se<^nd vice-president, Mrs. Louis Hanraray of MargaretviUe as secretary and Mrs. Reid W ebster of MargaretviUe as chUd welfare chairman.

Attending from MargaretviUe were Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Hamway, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. vraiiam MU- ler, Mrs. Oreon Haynes, Mrs. Harold Garrison, Mrs. John Haynes and Mrs. CarUton Finch.

Horace Lamb of- Binghamton an d ' coffee were enjoyed. F i f t e e n ____ . . .Mr M d E verett Wickham members o fthe general committee method to "conducfi^r t h r c ^ “ of Lake Delaware. — » ----- -

Legion Announces M e m b e i^ p C ontest

The Delaware County commit­tee of the American Legion an­nounced a t the monthly meeting held Oct. 19 a t ^’ranklin, that they are sponsoring a real active con­test to increase membership in the local posts throughout the TOunty for 1956,

TTie contest started on Oct. 19, 1955, and wiU close Jan. 18, 1956. The foUowing prizes are being offered to the. posts showing the greatest increase percentagewise over last year’s membership.

F irst prize: ?25; second prize, $15; third prize, $10.

Each post »iay select their own

and guests attended. paign.

Moose H unters Come H om e W ith 12 Bags of M eat

James Minnerly of Roxbury and S. B. Fredenburgh of PrattsviUe went to the wilds of northern Quebec on Oct. 13 to hunt moose in the general area of TjiWa Delahy*.

They secured^ a moose Ucense for $100 and a bear license for $10, to tal $110, a t Maniwaki be­fore they went in. They were able to drive thefr car to the lake mentioned. From there they went back into the forest bjj canoe and portage to a trapper’s log cabin fa r in the hinterland—a region seldom visited by man.

The season opened on Oct. 15. That day they were sitting on an islM d some 150 paces ifrom the mainland when a buU moose came along. I t had been agreed that Fredenburgh should have the fu«t shot. He is a good marksman and has shot many deer, but the moose is bigger. The fk st shot tore off the monster’s lower jaw. But a foUowing weU-placed buUet kiUed the buU.

AU day was required to dress the buU, cut the m eat off the bones and put it in bags. Other bulls had been seen in the vicinity. The two men and their guide took the m eat back to the outfitter a t Maniwaki and had it frozen. They bought another moose license, went back to the wUdemess cabin and on Thursday Minnerly shot a bull.v The m eat was taken from this

in the same manner as the first bulL The men got up early two iM mings later, loaded the second six bags-of m eat'-and arrived in Roxbury after midnight. They had 12 bags of m eat and two sets of antlers.

They are enthusiastic about the trip and the big game. They en­countered considerable rain, but little cold. Twelve bags is a lot of meat!

R eal E state T ransfersColchester: Pangbum Gray w d

wife to Thomas A. Flannery.Middletown: ClovesviUe Com­

munity Church to ClovesviUe Bible Baptist Church; Glenford VermU- yea and wife to James H and IClton C. WUbur; Marlon, BeUows and wife to Charles W. Kempf; Sena Harrington to Bertha Hub- besU and Effie Mead; Pakatakan Colraiy, Inc., to Hudson T rust Co.I ItodHiry: Milton Pangman and wife to W. S. H in k l^ and Sons, Inc.

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S om e. very choice household goods, such as dressers, tables, chairs. N m 9x 12 rug.. Some antiques. Tools of a ll kinds.

E asy w asher, vacuim i cleaner, sewing m achine, radio. V ery nice sm all m ahogany table.

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