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7 - 9 NO VEMBER 2011 Balikp ap aN i NtERNa tiONal SpORtS & cONVENtiON cENtRE (DOME) Balikpapan, East kalimantan, indonEsia www.BalikpapanExpo.com organizEd By: supportEd By: indonEsian ministry of EnErgy & minEral rEsourcEs ministry of industry rEpuBlic of indonEsia Balikpapan provincial govErnmEnt indonEsia industrial automation cluB (iiac) pt firEworks indonEsia part of thE firEworks tradE mEdia group “IndonesIa’s InternatIonal oIl & Gas and MInInG event at the heart of the Industry!” official dirEctory: official magazinE: BalikpapaN  (BEx) 2012 EnErgy ExpO FEatuRiNg 2 iNDuStRy SpEciFic EVENtS:

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7 - 9 NOVEMBER 2011BalikpapaN iNtERNatiONal SpORtS &


Balikpapan, East kalimantan,



organizEd By:

supportEd By:

indonEsian ministry

of EnErgy & minEral


ministry of industry

rEpuBlic of indonEsia

Balikpapan provincial


indonEsia industrial

automation cluB (iiac)

pt firEworks indonEsia

part of thE firEworks tradE mEdia group

“IndonesIa’s InternatIonal oIl

& Gas and MInInG event at the 

heart of the Industry!” official dirEctory:

official magazinE:

BalikpapaN (BEx) 2012EnErgy ExpO


2 iNDuStRySpEciFic EVENtS:

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aBOut thE EVENt aBOut thE ORgaNiZER

ExhiBitOR pROFilES


FEatuRiNg 2 iNDuStRy

SpEciFic EVENtS at


oil & gas and mining nEtworking nitE

oil & gas and mining tEchnology sEminars

BalikpapaN ENERgy ExpO (BEx) 2012 isa unique international Oil & Gas and Miningtechnology event in Balikpapan, Indonesia, thatbrings together an international congregationof both upstream and downstream companiesand also its supporting industries gathered inBalikpapan, the heart of Indonesia’s largest Oil& Gas and Mining industry, to showcase thelatest products and technologies!


which have organized successul international Oil & Gasevents in the region such as Oil & Gas Thailand 2011, ASEANOil & Gas Expo (AGEX) 2010, Malaysia, Indonesia Oil & GasExpo (IGEX) 2010, Jakarta and Riau Oil & Gas Expo 2011 is theorganizer o this premier Oil & Gas And Mining technologyevent in Balikpapan!

pt FiREwORkS iNDONESia is part o the Fireworks

 Trade Media Group, a large conglomerate o media companies

which owns businesses ranging rom directories and magazines

to exhibitions and conerences. With more than eight years

o rich media experience under their belt, FireWorks seeks

to deliver exciting trade exhibitions with its strong industrial

networks and contacts. FireWorks Exhibitions & Conerences

is known or its trademark Oil & Gas events such as Oil and

Gas Thailand (OGET) 2011, Asean Oil & Gas Expo (AGEX) and

Indonesia Oil & Gas Expo (IGEX) in countries such as Indonesia,

Malaysia and Thailand. With a rich think-tank o ideas and

a young innovative team led by an experienced veteran,

FireWorks is set to light up the dull local industrial exhibitions

scene with its ery display o loud ideas at shows!

Visit us at www.asiareworks.com or more inormation.

Airlit, Helidecksand Logistics

Air DispersionAir PollutionMonitoring EquipmentAir QualityManagement

AlternativeEnergyBiouelBiological TreatmentBiotechnologyApplication

Bulk and MaterialsHandling SystemsCables, Umbilicalsand AccessoriesChemicals, Fluidsand LubricantsCivil, Mechanical & Electrical WorksContractors

Cleaning Equipment, Service, Materials & TechnologyCollectionCommunications

Computer Hardwareand SotwareControls, Consolesand PanelsCorrosion, CathilicProtection, CoatingsandInsulations

Dredging, Piling and TrenchingDrilling and Well CompletionEquipmentElectrical Suppliesand EquipmentElectrical Saving Devices, ElectronicsBallasts,

Motor Controllers& Capacitor BanksEmergencyControl and ShutdownSystemEnergy

EnergyConsultationEnergySaving EquipmentEnvironmental IT SystemsEnvironmental and Oil Sipil ResponseEquipment

Environmental TechnologyFebrication, Manuacturing and Repair YardsFireProtection Systemand Materials

FlareSystemsand EquipmentFPSO Vesselsand EquipmentHydraulicsand Electormechanical EquipmentHydrographic, Meteorological, Seismic, DP and


Industrial & ProcessAutomation

Inspection, Maintenanceand Repair

InstrumentationLandll ManagementLiting Equipment, Cranes& Winches

LightingLinings, Seals& GasketsLNGTerminalsMarineEquipment, Supplies& Service

Mining Equipment , Supplies& ServiceMooring, Chains, Ropesand AnchorsOdour Control SystemsOil & GasSupporting Companies

OshoreEquipment, Supplies& ServicePipelineInspectionand MaintenancePipelineand Piping Components

PollutionControlPower Generationand PropulsionMachineryProcessing, Separation, Filtrationand Water Treatment

Proessional Services, Training and ClassicationProject Management, Consultancy, R & DPumpsand CompressorsReservoir and ProductionMonitoring

ResourceRecovery and RecyclingRock DumpingRovs, Diving and Cameras

Saety& SecurityShipbuilding & RepairsSludgeTreatmentSolar Power

Steel, Special Metals, Compositesand WeldingAlloysSubsea, Productionand Well Equipment

Survival, Saetyand Protection Transportation& WasteValvesand ActuatorsWasteManagement

WasteTransportationEquipment & SuppliesWaste-to-Energy

Well Servicing Equipment

Approval, Testing & Inspection ServicesBuilding & ConstructionAutohoritiesChemicalsand Petrochemical ProcessingProessionals

Distributor / ManuacturersRepresentativeDrillingEducation& TrainingElectrical/ElectronicsManuacturers

Engineering, Construction& Contracting ServicesEnvironmental Control ServicesEstate& FacilitiesManagers

Geological & SeismicServiceGeological & SeismicServiceMining ManagersGovernment Ministries, Municipalities,

Environmental AuthoritiesLNG/ Pertrochemical PlantOil & GasExploration

Oil & GasProcessing / ReneryPipelineOperationProcessEngineering

Project ConsultancyRepair ServicesRig Febricator & OperatorShipbuilding & MarineEngineering

 Transportation, Storage & HandlingManagement ConsultantsHealth& SaetyAuthorities & EnorcementAgencies

Industrial ContractorsOil & GasFacilitiesManagers & RelatedProessionals

Pulp & Paper ManuacturersRubber & PlasticsProductsManuacturers Transportation, Storageand HandlingProessionals

Waste& Management Control AuthoritiesWaste& Management and Recycling ProessionalsWasteProcessing IndustryProessionals

Mining FacilitiesManagersand RelatedProessionals

pENEtRatE iNtO iNDONESia’S kEy Oil & gaS aND MiNiNg tOwN

Balikpapan is highly acclaimed as the “Oil and Gas Town”or “Mining Town”o Indonesia. The supporting industries andtechnologies to acilitate the intense mining and oil & gas activities o this town is crucial. I ts current status as an “Oil Town”alsoopened up opportunities in the oshore industry due to major oil elds located in oshore Tunu, Tambora, and Handil ownedby Total. Pertamina also occupies almost 40% o Balikpapan.

BalikpapaN cOal tERMiNal

One o the largest coal terminals serving the various coal concessions in the K alimantan area also provides ampleopportunities or the maritime technology companies who can support the huge feets o chartered vessels and inrastructureat this busy terminal.

ONE OF thE tOp 3 citiES iN iNDONESia

Highly acclaimed as one o the top 3 cities with potential or growth alongside Jakarta and Surabaya, enjoy a rst moveradvantage by moving in as the pioneers in the industry.

FiREwORkS’ SuccESSFul Oil & gaS EVENtS pROVEN tRack REcORD

ASEAN Oil & Gas Expo (AGEX), Indonesia Oil & Gas Expo (IGEX), Oil and Gas Thailand 2011 (OGET) are successul events andrenowned in the regional oil & gas industry. All events drawing more than 4000 visitors per event, comprising o key decisionmakers rom the oil and gas industry rom Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, China, India, UK, US and Germany.All events were totally sold out occupying more than 4000 sqm o space with more than 100 exhibitors rom 10 dierentcountries. The Fireworks series o regional Oil & Gas events is hailed by the industry as one o the leading targeted Oil & Gasexhibitions in the region.

Oil and Gas relatedequipment, technology,supplies and services

Mining related equipment,technology, supplies,and services

paSt EVENt tRack REcORD

Generated more than 5000 quality visitors per event in itspast oil and gas events in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia!Averaged more than USD 200 Mil lion worth o transactionsduring all the three day events!International visitors rom Malaysia, China, India, Middle East,

 Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, UK, US, Germany,France, Italy and many others!International exhibitors with big names in the industryincluding: Rockwell Automation, Vega instruments, BradyInstruments, IRPC, Ruwac, Alstom, ABB, Siemens and manyothers have took part in a Fireworks energy event!

highlightS OF

BalikpapaN ENERgy ExpO

(BEx) 2012

why JOiN BalikpapaN ENERgy ExpO (BEx) 2012?

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cOStS OF ExhiBitiNg




Raw SpacE ONly (iNDOORS)

Min 18sqmUSD 330 per sqm


Min 9sqmUSD 350 per sqm

Raw SpacE ONly (OutDOORS)

Min 72sqmUSD 90 per sqm

ShEll SchEME packagE


• 1 x 230V - Power Point

• Needle Punch Carpet Flooring

• White Laminated Plywood Panel

• 2 x Fluorescent Tube

• 2 x Upright Chair

• 1 x Information Counter

• Fascia Board With Company Name

BalikpapaN iNtERNatiONal



We are keen to:Exhibit Indoor Raw Area _____________ sqm (Min. 18sqm)

Exhibit Indoor Shell Scheme Area _____________ sqm (Min. 9sqm)

Exhibit Outdoor Area _____________ sqm (Min. 72sqm)

Visit The Show. Please register me early.

For provisional bookings please email this form to: [email protected]


Designation / title


Country Province


Tel Fax Mobile



PT FireWorks Indonesia

 Tel: (+62-21) 4290-0030 / 3228-8780Fax: (+62-21) 4290-0191

Email: [email protected]

Singapore (Head Ofce)

Fireworks Asia

 Tel: (+65) 6339-5596Fax: (+65) 6779-6160

Email: [email protected]


Fireworks Event (M) Sdn Bhd

 Tel: (+603) 6148-4688 / 6148 4088Fax: (+603) 6148-4811

Email: [email protected]


Fireworks Media (Thailand) Co.Ltd

 Tel: (+66) 2553-1371, 2553-1372Fax: (+66) 2553-1339

Email: [email protected]


Fireworks China

 Tel: (+86) 20 8364-9897Fax: (+86) 20 8364-9897

Email: [email protected]

 The new state-o-the-art, Dome is the ideal

place or holding conventions and exhibitions.

 The ample parking lots provided allow or more

visitors and is proven to be a be a better venue

than others. Situated near the heart o town,Dome stands out as one o the most unique

exhibition venues in Balikpapan.
