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IGNOU MBA JAN JUNE 2017 Solved Assignments

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Course Code MS - 01 Course Title Management Functions and Behaviour

Assignment Code MS-01/TMA/SEM -I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Why are managers required to have / acquire different skills sets at various levels of their career? Explain the concept and its significance with suitable examples from the organisation you have served in, or you are familiar with.

2. State and explain the steps involved in MBO process. Also explain the pre-requisite for successful implementation of MBO quoting examples from the organisation you have worked in or you are aware of.

3. Briefly explain the sources of conflict and the impact it has on individuals, groups, and organisations. Cite examples from your organisational experience or the experience you are aware of. 4. What is control? What are the pre-requisite and characteristics of effective control system? Explain with the help of examples you have had in an organizational set up. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

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Course Code MS - 02

Course Title Management of Human Resources

Assignment Code MS-02/TMA/SEM -I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. What are the primary objectives, focus, and purpose of Selection Tests and Interview in the whole process of Hiring in organisational set up? Critically examine their usefulness and importance in the short term and long term functioning and culture of the organisation. Draw from the experiences you are familiar with. Describe the organisation and the situation you are referring to. 2. What are the major „problems/errors‟ which came in the way of „Effective Performance Appraisal Systems‟ of any organization? Describe and explain with the help of your organizational experiences or the ones you are familiar with. Briefly explain the organization, situation and its fall out too support your reply. 3. Critically evaluate the state of workers‟ participation in Management in the present day business scenario. Explain with examples your answer giving due details of the organizations and the sources you are referring to. 4. What are the “Principles of Learning” which are followed in developing „Effective Training Programmes‟? Critically evaluate the „Training Environment‟ you are exposed to vis-à-vis the „Principles of learning‟ followed/not followed or the ones you are aware of. Briefly describe the situation and the organization to logically support your replies.

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Course Code MS - 03

Course Title Economic and Social Environment

Assignment Code MS-03/TMA/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. a) Explain the reasons why a business manager be concerned with business environment?

b) Discuss how non-economic environment affects business decisions giving examples. 2. What are the major factors of widespread sickness among the SSI units? How can sickness be identified? Suggest measures to enhance economic viability of the segment. 3. Examine the progress of Indian economy towards globalization in the post reform years. Comment on the slow pace of progress of globalization and identify the major reasons. 4. a) What are the major problems of fiscal policy? Describe.

a) Is the growth of public expenditure in India justified? Discuss. 5. Explain major trends in volume, composition and direction of India’s foreign trade in recent years. Do you think that these trends portray a favorable trade environment in the country? 6. Write short notes on the following:

a) Balance of Payments

b) Role of Public Sector

c) Economic Development and Economic Growth

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Course Code MS - 04

Course Title Accounting and Finance for Managers

Assignment Code MS-04/TMA/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. “ Accountancy is an Information System” do you agree? Substantiate your answer with reasons. How does an Accountant help in planning and controlling a large commercial organisation? Explain.

The other expenses per month are: Rent Rs. 1,000, Depreciation Rs. 1,000, Misc. Expenses Rs. 500 and Commission 1% of sales. Of the sales, 80% is on credit and 20% for cash. 70% of the credit sales are collected in one month and the balance in two months. Debtors on March 31, 2017 represent Rs. 6,000 in respect of sales of February and Rs. 20,000 in respect of sales of March. There are no debt losses. Gross profit on sales on an average is 30%. Purchases equal to the next month’s sales are made every month and they are paid during the month in which they are made. The firm maintains a minimum cash balance of Rs. 10,000. Cash deficiencies are made up bank loans which are repaid at the earliest available opportunity and cash in excess of Rs. 15,000 is invested in securities (Interest on bank loans and securities is to be ignored). Outstanding liabilities remain unchanged.

3. Taking a suitable example and explain how the semi-variable costs will be segregated into fixed and variable using the Scattergraph Method.

4. Aditi Ltd. is considering the selection of one a pair of mutually exclusive investment projects. Both would involve purchase of machinery with a life of 5 years.

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Project 1 would generate annual cash flows (receipts less payments) of Rs. 2,00,000; the machinery would cost Rs. 5,56,000 and have a scrap value of Rs. 56,000. Project 2 would generate annual cash flows of Rs.5,00,000; the machinery would cost Rs. 16,16,000 and have a scrap value of Rs. 4,31,000. Company use the straight line method for providing depreciation. Its cost of capital is 15% per annum. Assume that annual cash flows arise on the anniversaries of the initial outlay, that there will be no price changes over the project lives and that acceptance of one of the projects will not alter the required amount of working capital.

You are required to: (a) Calculate for each project: (i) the accounting rate or return (ratio, over project life, of average accounting profit to average book value of investment) to nearest 1%. (ii) the net present value (iii) the internal rate or return (D.C.F. yield) to nearest 1%, and (iv) the pay back period to one decimal place, and

(b) State which project you would select for acceptance, if either, giving reasons for your choice of criterion to guide the decision. Ignore taxation.

5. “Dividend can be paid only out of profits”. Explain this statement and also discuss your role as a Finance Management in matters of dividend policy?

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Course Code MS - 05

Course Title Management of Machines and Materials

Assignment Code MS-05/TMA/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. “Product development and design is basically a research and development activity”. Elaborate the statement with suitable examples. 2. What is work sampling? Why is it called a fact-finding tool? Describe some uses of work sampling. 3. Practical job shops are much more complicated and may have hundreds of matching centres and thousands of jobs. Comment! Why do we resort to priority dispatching rules for sequencing jobs at each machine centre? Describe these rules.

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4. How can FAST diagram act as a Value Engineering tool. Explain the basic methodology of FAST diagrams with the help of an example. 5. Write a brief note on need and role of classification, codification and standardization in the context of materials management from the viewpoint of planning, control, purchase and inventory management.

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Course Code MS - 06

Course Title Marketing for Managers

Assignment Code MS-06/TMA/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. (a) Define Marketing and discuss its scope as an exchange process between the firm and its customers. Illustrate with two suitable examples of your choice. (b) Scan various secondary data sources available to you and collect relevant data historically to discuss the importance of Marketing in an emerging economy like India. 2. (a) Explain the term Market Planning. Discuss the elements of Marketing Mix and their role in formulating suitable strategy in the following situations. (i) Chain of Computer training centers (ii) Premium Unisex Talcum powder. (b) Define Market Segmentation and discuss its scope and the bases of segmentation that are relevant to the Indian Marketer. 3. (a) Who is a Consumer? Elaborate giving suitable examples. Why it is necessary for marketers to have a sound knowledge of the end user and their behavior. Discuss. (b) Distinguish between New Product Development with Product Life Cycle with an example. 4. (a) What is pricing? What are the major objectives of pricing for a marketer? Explain with suitable example the various pricing methods available to the marketer. (b) What make Distribution as one of the core function in a manufacturing concern? List out and discuss the major channels of distribution that you are familiar with suitable examples.

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Course Code MS - 07

Course Title Information Systems for Managers

Assignment Code MS-07/TMA/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. What is open source software? Where can one find Open Source software? Isn't it hard to get reliable support for open-source software? Explain the differences between commercial software, shareware, open source software, freeware, and public domain software. 2. What is change in the focus of operations management? Is this change in the focus is due to the increase of competitiveness in Business? Elaborate. Also illustrate, the capabilities expected of information systems in context of Operations Management. 3. Discuss the important features of Java. Describe the Java development tools and the six functional packages included in Java standard library.

4. What is the difference between a database and a data warehouse? Take a small representative database from any organization and try to convert it into a data warehouse. What are the visible advantages that you can make out?

5. Define Artificial Intelligence. Why is it said that some problems can only be solved through intuitive algorithms and thus are in the AI domain? Identify some latest managerial trends and issues related to applied AI technologies.

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Course Code MS - 08 Course Title Quantitative Analysis for Managerial

Applications Assignment Code MS-08/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. The net incomes of a sample of large importers of antiques were organized into the following table:

(a) What is the table called?

(b) Based on the distribution, what is the estimate of the arithmetic mean net income?

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(c) Based on the distribution, what is the estimate of the standard deviation?

2. The employees of Cartwright Manufacturing are awarded efficiency ratings based on such factors as monthly output, attitude, and attendance. The distribution of the ratings follows the normal probability distribution. The mean is 400, the standard deviation 50.

(a) What is the area under the normal curve between 400 and 482? Write this area in probability notation.

(b) What is the area under the normal curve for ratings greater than 482? Write this area in probability notation.

(c) Show the facets of this problem in a chart.

3. Advertisements by Star Fitness Center claim that completing its course will result in losing weight. A random sample of eight recent participants showed the following weights before and after completing the course. At the .01 significance level, can we conclude that the students lost weight?

(a) State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis.

(b) What is the critical value of t?

(c) What is the computed value of t?

(d) Interpret the result. What is the p-value?

(e) What assumption needs to be made about the distribution of the differences?

4. What is time series analysis? Decompose a time series into its various components and describe them.

5. What is a random variable? How is it used to define a probability distribution? Make the probability distribution of “scores facing up” in a throw of two dice.

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Course Code MS-09 Course Title Managerial Economics Assignment Code MS-09/ TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

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1. Opportunity costs are the ‘costs of sacrificed alternatives.’ Discuss with the help of examples. 2. How are income effect and substitution effect important in explaining the negative slope of demand functions? Explain giving examples from real world. 3. When there are 2 inputs K, L, given the price of capital (PK)= 10 and price of labour (PL)=20. Total Expenditure C=100. Draw and explain the effect on the isocost curve in case of the following:- (i) Decrease in price of labour (PL)=10 (ii) Increase in the price of capital (PK)= 20 (iii) Decrease in the price of capital (PK)= 5 (iv) Increase in the firms budget with no change in the price of labour and capital. 4. Explain the difficulty in sustaining collusion with the help of prisoner’s dilemma. 5. Briefly discuss the Chronology of Indian Telecom Deregulation from the year 2003 to present times. 6. Write short notes on the following:- (a) Market Demand curve (b) Optimal Input Combination (c) Peak Load Pricing

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Course Code MS-10 Course Title Organisational Design, Development and Change Assignment Code MS-10/ TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Describe various approaches to understand organisations and their relevance in the present day context. Give examples. 2. Describe and discuss any three types of organizational structures and their advantages and disadvantages with examples. 3. Briefly discuss the concept and purpose of organizational diagnosis. Discuss interview as a diagnosistic tool and it’s limitations with relevant examples. 4. What are the different stages of organizational development? Discuss T- Group Training as an intervention for organizational Development with an example. 5. Describe and discuss the competencies required for a change agent. Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 11

Course Title Strategic Management Assignment Code MS-11/TMA/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Select a specific type of business that you may wish to start. a) Develop a written mission statement for that business.

b) Formulate a set of goals for the business

c) Formulate specific and verifiable objectives in the lines of the goals.

d) Devise a statement of social responsibility for the business. 2. Explain the three generic strategies for a Small Business Unit (SBU). Also give an example of a business unit that competes with each strategy. 3. Assume that an airline company has changed its strategy from low-cost to low-cost-differentiation strategy. Describe an appropriate organization cultures for that company. 4. Differentiate between leadership and management. Support your answer with the help of examples. 5. Explain the concept of balanced scorecard (BSC)? As a strategist what challenges will you face while developing and implementing a BSC? Discuss.

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Course Code MS - 21 Course Title Social Processes and Behavioral Issues

Assignment Code MS-21/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Briefly discuss the evolution of the concept of Motivation and its importance in organizational scenario. Describe any two theories of motivation and their relevance. 2. Briefly describe the factors affecting interpersonal relations. Discuss “Johari Window” model with reference to enhancing interpersonal relations with examples. 3. Discuss the importance of Behaviour Modification in organisations and ethical issues involved in it. 4. What is the difference between a Group and a Team? Discuss the process of building effective teams and maintaining them. 5. Discuss Perceptual Selectivity and Perceptual Organisation. What are the Perceptual errors which occur in the organisation and how to overcome these?

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Course Code MS - 22

Course Title Human Resource Development

Assignment Code MS-22/TMA/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. What are various methods which could be employed to improve business ethics in an organisational set up? How could personal ambition be balanced with shared ambition? Explain with suitable examples. Briefly describe the organisation and the system you are referring to.

2. What is a profession? Briefly explain the characteristics of a profession, and differentiate profession with occupation? Explain with suitable examples.

3. Briefly define and discuss the dynamics of diversity, power, and mentorship in an organisational set up. Explain with suitable organisational examples. Briefly explain the organisation and the situation you are referring to.

4. Explain various facets of knowledge management and its approaches. How could professional knowledge and expertise be leveraged in an organisational set up? Explain with suitable examples. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

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Course Code MS - 23

Course Title Human Resource Planning Assignment Code MS-23/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Explain the concept of Human Resource forecasting. Describe the forecasting demand for employees in any organization you are familiar with. Discuss the issues in demand forecasting. 2. Explain the concept of job evaluation and objectives of job evaluation. Describe the various job evaluation methods with suitable examples from any organization you are familiar with. 3. Discuss the aims and objectives of career planning. Describe the process, structure and benefits of career planning. Explain at least two ways that career planning might benefit an individual. 4. Explain the concept, need and scope of HR Audit. Describe the essential steps involved in the auditing process being followed in any organization you are familiar with. 5. Discuss the role of human resource measures and audit in Human Resource Planning system. Describe the transformational process through social, economic, organizational and technological changes at work place.

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Course Code MS - 24 Course Title Employment Relations Assignment Code MS-24/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Explain the historical perspective of Industrial relations in India. Discuss the issues and challenges facing by the organizations related to industrial relations in an organization you are familiar with. 2. Explain the meaning, origin and growth of trade unions in India. Describe the present trade union scenario of an industrial area with which you are familiar. What are your suggestions for strengthing the trade unions in India. 3. Explain the concept and objectives of Workers Participation in Management (WPM). Describe the structure, levels of participation, degrees and forms of participative management in an organization you are familiar with. 4. Explain the meaning and context of grievance. Describe various approaches of grievance resolution in your opinion which approach is most effective and why? 5. Describe the new perspectives of 1990s. Discuss the implications of post modernism for employment relations. Explain the latest developments in HRM for industrial relations issues with suitable examples.

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Course Code MS - 41 Course Title Working Capital Management Assignment Code MS-41/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. As a Finance Manager describe the various factors that you would take into consideration before assessing the working capital requirements.

2. The Average Monthly Usage of a particular item in Reliable Industries Limited in the current year is expected to be 3000 units. The fixed cost per order is Rs. 1500/-. The purchase price is Rs. 2400 per box, containing a dozen units in each box. It, however, is not necessary to order for the full box of 12 units. The inventory carrying cost is 25% of the inventory value per annum. The quantity discount allowed per unit is 2%.

What will be the Optimum Order Quantity in each of the following three cases, on an Annual Usage Basis: When the minimum order size required for quantity discount is: (a) 1000 units (b) 3000 units (c) 10,000 units

Give reasons for your specific answers in each of three cases separately, duly supported by facts and figures.

3. “Trade credit is regarded as a spontaneous source of short term finance”, discuss and comment.

4. The management of Royal Industries has called for a statement showing the working capital to finance a level of activity of 1,80,000 units of output for the year. The cost structure for the company’s product for the above mentioned activity level is detailed below:

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Additional information: (a) Minimum desired cash balance is Rs. 20,000. (b) Raw materials are held in stock, on an average, for two months. (c) Work-in-progress (assume 50% completion stage) will approximate to half- a-month’s production. (d) Finished goods remain in warehouse, on an average, for a month. (e) Suppliers of materials extend a month’s credit and debtors are provided two month’s credit; cash sales are 25% of total sales. (f) There is a time-lag in payment of wages of a month; and half-a-month in the case of overheads. From the above facts, you are required to prepare a statement showing working capital requirements.

5. Discuss the critical decisions that you need to take in working capital management. Emphasize the important ways in which those decisions differ from those concerned with the management of the fixed capital of a business.

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Course Code MS - 42 Course Title Capital Investment and Financing Decisions Assignment Code MS-42/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. What is cost of Capital? How is it calculated for different sources of Capital? How is average weighted cost of Capital measured? 2. Discuss the various components of project planning. Explain the application of work breakdown structure in monitoring and controlling a project. 3. What are major global sources of financing? Distinguish between Foreign Direct Investment and Portfolio Investment. 4. What are the major factors that are taken into consideration for determining the dividend policy of a company? Compare Walter’s Model with Gordon’s Model and examine their rationality. 5. What is financial engineering? Briefly discuss the financial engineering process that you will follow while developing new products or solutions.

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Course Code MS - 43 Course Title Management Control Systems Assignment Code MS-43/SEM - I/2017

Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. What are the implications of the ethical dimension in Management Control? Explain with the help of organisation of your choice. Give your suggestions on how the Management Control System could be made more effective? 2. ‘Every Responsibility Centre Manager in an organisation is an Expense Centre Manager also’. Do you agree with this statement and if so, try to demonstrate the same by giving examples. 3. Explain Performance Reporting in detail? What are the uses and limitations of Performance Reports? 4. What are the difficulties that you may face while designing the Management Control System for service organisations. You may select any service organisation of your choice. 5. Study the ‘Thana District co-operative Fisheries Project (B)’ case given in Block 5 of this course and answer the questions given at the end of the case.

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Course Code MS - 51 Course Title Operations Research Assignment Code MS-51/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. Enumerate, with brief description, some of the techniques of O.R. Describe the various steps involved in O.R. study. 2. The final product of a firm has a requirement that it must weigh exactly 150 kg. The two raw materials used in the manufacture of this product are A with a cost of Rs. 2 per unit and B with a cost of Rs. 8 per unit. Each unit of A weighs 5 kg. and each unit of B weighs 10 kg. At least 14 units of B and no more than 20 units of A must be used. How much of each type of raw material should be used for each unit of the final product if cost is to be minimized? 3. Discuss briefly: (a) The general similarities between dynamic programming and linear programming. (b) How dynamic programming differs conceptually from linear programming? 4. What constitutes inventory ordering costs, carrying costs and stock out costs? Explain the behaviour and relationship of these costs. 5. One hundred unemployed people were found to arrive at a one-person state unemployment office to obtain their unemployment compensation cheque according to the following frequency distribution.

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The state office is interested in predicting the operating characteristics of this one-person state unemployment office during a typical operating day from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Use simulation to determine the average waiting time and total time in the system, and the maximum queue length.

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Course Code MS - 52 Course Title Project Management Assignment Code MS-52/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. What is the concept of concurrent engineering in project management and how can it be used to optimise project durations? 2. Economic analysis is done from societal point of view in contrast to financial analysis which is a private appraisal from the viewpoint of a producer. How does it bring about a change in the methods of evaluation? Describe with examples. 3. A project comprising of eight tasks (A to H) has the following characteristics:

(a) Draw an AOA network. Carry out all the calculations, determine the critical path and mark it in the network. What is the total project duration. (b) What is the probability of achieving the project within the deadline of 30 weeks? 4. ‘Contract Planning’ phase of project is often compared with constructing the foundations of a building – building will be as strong or as weak as its foundation. Justify. 5. (a) Explain the use and advantages of squared networks in project management. (b) What are network-based milestone charts and what are their advantages and disadvantage as compared to squared networks?

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Course Code MS - 53

Course Title Production/Operations Management Assignment Code MS-53/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. A principle feature of JIT and TQM is large-scale employee involvement and employee empowerment. What do these concepts mean? Explain with suitable examples. 2. What are the various methods of judgmental forecasting? Comment on possible errors that are associated with judgmental forecasting. Suggest some do’s and don’t for carrying out judgmental forecasting. 3. Capacity will be modified in response to demand. Demand will be modified in response to capacity. Which of these two statements is correct? Give reasons for your answer. 4. Discuss briefly the major differences between aggregate planning in manufacturing and aggregate planning in services. Give suitable examples. 5. Operations personnel usually have a large volume and variety of resources at their command- they should endeavor to make effective and efficient use of these resources to achieve the largest outputs. Comment! What are the approaches for enhancing the utilization of resources? 6. Discuss the impact of new technologies on the role of an Operations Manager in an organization? Give suitable examples.

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Course Code MS - 54 Course Title Management Information Systems Assignment Code MS-54/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. What is the relevance of the Nolan’s Stage Growth Model for the study of information systems in today’s organisation? 2. What are the various stages of a system development life cycle and how are the efforts distributed over these phases? 3. What are the various ways in which serial transmission can be achieved? Explain each way in detail. 4. List the five problems which may motivate an organization to move toward the database approach. Explain the significance of each one to a manager to an organization. 5. (a) “Compute virus is a major threat to compute security.” Justify the statement. (b) Why should there be law against benign computer virus maker? What harm can it cause to your computer?

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Course Code MS - 61 Course Title Consumer Behaviour Assignment Code MS-61/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Differentiate between organizational buying and individual buying. Taking any product of your choice for your personal purchase and for organizational purposes, explain the differences. 2. Briefly explain the concept of family life cycle. Which stage of the family life cycle could constitute a lucrative segment for the following? Giver reasons for your answer. Recommend a positioning strategy for each:

(a) Pizza (Takeaway and delivery only)

(b) Branded Gold Jewellery 3. ABC is a prominent company in the travel and vacation industry (both domestic and international).

(a) Describe how the company can use VALS

(b) Which segments should it target and why? 4. Explain the relevance of studying Howard Sheth Model of consumer behaviour for a marketer. 5. What is the need to study post purchase behaviour of consumers? Explain its implications for the marketers of consumer durables like refrigerators and washing machines. 6. Why is information search behaviour important to the marketers? Explain giving suitable examples. Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 62 Course Title Sales Management Assignment Code MS-62/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. (a) What are the major function of Sales Management in the following situations.

(i) Cement company with all India operations.

(ii) Leading automobile components manufactures.

(iii) Company assembling Desktop Computers Systems. (b) Explain the interdependence of Sales function with the distribution function by taking two examples of your choice. 2. (a) What is Marketing Communication? Discuss, Explain the various elements in the communication process and their role in the whole communication process. (b) What is a presentation? Describe the different types of Sales Presentations. Discuss why presentation skills are important for a Salesman. 3. (a) What is recruitment? Discuss the various sources of recruitment that a firm can adopt.

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(b) Explain the process of identifying training needs in the following situations. (i) Missionary Selling (ii) Space Selling (iii) Capital goods sales force. 4. (a) What are the major responsibilities of a Sales Manager? Discuss by taking an example of your choice the role and challenges of a Sales Manager. (b) What are the objectives of Sales Planning? Pick up an example of any FMCG Company and elaborate its importance. Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 63 Course Title Product Management Assignment Code MS-63/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. As a Brand Manager of a leading multi-speciality hospital with all India operations, what brand name would you suggest? Justify your choice. 2. Taking the example of toothpaste, explain how you can generate new product ideas using:

(a) Attribute analysis

(b) Focus groups 3. Explain the factors influencing product line decisions in respect of FMCG products. 4. Taking the example of a product of your choice, explain how a company’s marketing mix strategies may vary depending on different stages of its product life cycle. 5. Explain the various interpretations of the term ‘new product’ giving suitable examples. 6. What do you understand by the term ‘convenience products’ and ‘speciality products’? How does the buying behaviour differ for the two? Explain its implications for the marketers. Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 64 Course Title International Marketing Assignment Code MS-64/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. What do you understand by the term ‘International Marketing’? Explain the reasons for which firms enter international markets. 2. Explain the contents and significance of the following documents:

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(a) Commercial Invoice

(b) Packing List. 3. ‘Cultural diversities across countries impact the marketing strategies of an international marketer’. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer giving suitable examples. 4. Differentiate between the following:

(a) ‘Free Trade Area’ and ‘Customs Union’

(b) ‘Pre-investment’ and ‘Post investment’ planning for management of political risk.

(c) ‘Ethnocentric’ and ‘Polycentric’ orientations. 5. What is the effect of ‘terms of delivery’ on the price to be quoted by an exporter? Explain giving an example. 6. With the help of an example explain how a marketing manager can use ‘country attractiveness/competitive strengths’ matrix to define the directions of growth for the organization. Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 65 Course Title Marketing of Services Assignment Code MS-65/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. How is information search behaviour different in case of services as compared to goods? Explain giving suitable examples. 2. Discuss the importance of non-monetary costs in pricing decisions for services, taking the example of health care services. 3. ‘Customer waiting can be managed only by operations management’. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer giving suitable examples. 4. Is physical evidence equally important for all kinds of services? Explain giving suitable examples. 5. Why do customers switch service providers? Can you do anything as a marketer to prevent the customers from switching? Discuss. 6. Explain the Gronroos Model of service quality, taking the example of a restaurant. Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 91 Course Title Advanced Strategic Management Assignment Code 91/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

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1. a) Discuss the nature and process of corporate planning. b) Select a company of your choice and explain the behavioral implementation of corporate plan discussing details of the company. 2. Discuss the issues which result in bad Corporate Governance citing examples. What measures should be taken to correct such failures. 3. Discuss different market structures and their impact on competition. 4. What are the characteristics of innovative organizations? Giving the example of an organization, explain how creativity contributes to the success of the organization. 5. What are the various types of Social Audit? Illustrate and emphasize the need for social audit. 6. Write short notes on the following: a) Product Life Cycle b) Knowledge Management c) Corporate Philanthropy Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 92 Course Title Management of Public Enterprises Assignment Code MS-92/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. Briefly discuss the various organizational forms which a Public Sector Enterprise can take? 2. Explain the ideal way in which the Government should interact with Public Enterprises to facilitate their operations in public interest. 3. What is the need for setting up of State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs)? Discuss in detail with reference to any SLPE of your choice. 4. Describe the Composition of the Board for the Management of Administration of Public Enterprises. Examine how does it enjoy wider responsibilities than the Boards of Private Sector Enterprises? 5. What are the benefits from privatization? Explain how change of ownership improves efficiency? 6. Write short notes on the following:- (a) Navaratna Dispensation (b) Performance of Ports (c) Labour Redundancy Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Page 21: IGNOU MBA JAN JUNE 2017 Solved Assignments

Course Code MS - 93 Course Title Management of New and Small Enterprises Assignment Code MS-93/TMA/SEM - I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. Explain how Government can create conducive environment to facilitate the functioning of MSMEs. 2. How is technological process determined, once the decision to make the product has been decided? 3. Discuss the common errors identified while formulating the business plan. 4. What are the key strategic decisions in the selection of product, its development and design along with the development of prototype? 5. How do the entrepreneurs estimate their needs and plan their cash schedules? Explain. 6. Write short notes on the following :- (a) Employment Creation (b) Selection of Site (c) Family Business Mail us for getting excellent quality assignments-

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Course Code MS - 95 Course Title Research Methodology for Management Decisions

Assignment Code MS-95/TMA/SEM - I/2016 Assignment Coverage All Blocks 1. A social scientist sampled 140 people and classified them according to income level and whether or not they played a state lottery in the last month. The sample information is reported below. Is it reasonable to conclude that playing the lottery is related to income level? Use the .05 significance level. Income Low Middle High Total Played 46 28 21 95 Did not play 14 12 19 45 Total 60 40 40 140 (a) What is this table called? (b) State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. (c) What is the decision rule? (d) Determine the value of chi-square. (e) Make a decision on the null hypothesis. Interpret the result. 2. What is of more value to the corporate world –basic, fundamental, or applied research? Justify your reasoning! 3. Distinguish between secondary and primary methods of data collection. Is it possible to use secondary data methods as substitutes of primary methods? Justify your answer with suitable illustrations.

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4. What is a systematic sample? How is it selected? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a systematic sample? 5. Discuss the applications of rating scales in various functional areas of management.

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Course Code MFP-1 Course Title Accounting and Finance for Managers Assignment Code MFP-1/TMA/SEM-I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Explain different types of risks in the financial system. Point out the relationship between risk and return in Financial Markets. 2. What do you mean by ‘Application Supported by Blocked Amount’ (ASBA)? Describe the process involved for ASBA and discuss its advantages. 3. What is ‘Rolling Settlement’? Describe the procedure involved in Rolling Settlement and discuss its advantages. 4. Why do the investors need to have trading strategies while investing in Financial Markets? Explain the popular trading strategies and discuss the factors affecting them. 5. What is Arbitration? List down the documents that need to be enclosed with Arbitration Application. What are the Do’s and Don’ts that investors should bear in mind?

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Course Code MFP-2 Course Title Equity Markets Assignment Code MFP-2/TMA/SEM-I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. What are derivatives ? Discuss the major types of derivative instruments and elaborate the uses of derivatives. Explain the scrip selection criteria for derivatives segment.

2. List the various corporate actions due to which the prices of derivative contracts has to be adjusted. How is the future price adjusted for dividends, stock split and bonus issue ?

3. Explain the following : (a) Gamma (b) Theta (c) Delta (d) Vega

4. What is 'Clearing and Settlement' ? Discuss the settlement mechanism of option contracts.

5. What is meant by 'Mark to Market Margin' ? Explain the concept of Value At Risk (VAR)

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Course Code MFP-003 Course Title Commodity Markets Assignment Code MFP- 3/SEM-I/2017 Assignment Coverage All Blocks

1. Describe the regulatory framework for future delivery in commodity markets in India and discuss the statutory functions of Forward Market Commission. 2. Explain the various measures adopted by Commodity Exchanges for the purpose of the Exchange Risk Management. 3. What are the important base metals traded internationally on commodity exchanges? Write a note on any two base metals. 4. What is ‘Emissions Trading’? Discuss the use of Futures on carbon credits for mitigating risk of increasing costs in control of pollution. 5. How are commodity Futures Contracts priced? Explain the meaning of Cost of Carry, Contango and Backwardation?

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