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ih. TPTPTfi I JoLJCLi i JLJ l · 2017. 12. 16. · bet and pools is hii over, and wi'l ba givon t....

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w m -- r"f "W-t-- s B? T"f rv ih. v TPTPTfi 1 I "i" 1 . I J r r t 1 JL JoLJCLi Li L i JLJ Jul JiA LA l j lL . s JESTAJBLISEGEI? 1840. MEMPHIS, TENK, THUESDAY, 1. 1879." VOL. XXXVIII-KUMB- EE 10 2 n.O-- l HAT KM yesterday of co'. ton : Liverpool cotton, G .femnit cotton. It 3 Se; Xet Orlettna cot- ton, 11 3 Sc: Srw lot Je cctioa. 11 3 4c. WRATBEU IKBICATIOSS. Wn Dkpaktmknt. Omri Cn. Sio. OrncitB. I WuuiMurtm. May 1, 1 am. f For Tennessee and the Ohio raitey, north and e.ist i(i,t?i, partly cloudy weather and occoziokuI rain, rising barometer and lower temperature. WRATUEU OUSKKVATIOSS. WlR Pkp't. PIOSH. SKRVim. V. S. A RUT I WiiiaV, April !i(. l7t. lO:i'!S P.m. 1 Wind. Weaib- - Bar. riier.i Ouvsrtai'on Dir. Kottm. er. I1VM!(.'.... iil.lUI 74 S. iKresn. Kalr. l!.J.rii;i-- . . Hit; 72 S. luentle. Fair. i.uuikiu-- .. . ;io.x' 54 N Gentle. Cloudy. Mfioph's. ... Mrt! N.tC Kiwh. Cloudy. N.hvHli" ... .hU0: N W. Light. Cloudy. 7 7. S.W. j Gentle. Clear. cnrHveiHKl... !:iii M'.ij 7' 9. mentis. Clear, Vlcks'v.i'V.. . .: v4 r S. K. iiienilf. Clear. cnati- - no.gx aw. sui N. Mientle. Cloudy. GEO. H.KOHE. Sea'ea.nt, S:eual Corps, U. S. A. In s Canada Tawn-Ktvc- aty Houses (untamrd, Rendering a 31 any FaoilHcM Homeless and Helpless. Montreal, April 30. ASreisnow ragictt at St. .It-a- lijptile, in tha northeastern quarter of this city, which threatens to the whole villa see, there beinjr nn water. Forty dwellings have been destroyed no far. Too lira was extinguished at tea o'olook, r.ftJt- - ilestr.-nin:- over forty houses, chiefly two story awel!io;-5- , roadstiar. seventy farti-i'.i- n anJ with ho loss of most of their 1 poods. Total loss about fifty thousand doi!ari, partially insured. ttlrea h rnple f KrniPM by riscky Bask Cthler Thtevea Curry On a Parfcige f S30J. Pitijdueu. Arrn ut. A bold bat uesac-ceis'- ul ul?eTpt whs ica.le at noon to-da- y to rib the Wcikinirmua' cuviDga bank, on 0 .110 street, Allehauy. Tho bock-keep- of the banlt hail p..n t J dinner, leaviogr the oishier, lieurgo C. V .titer, nlone. Two men entered t!.u bank, and one of them, advancing t-- j the r?nr of tue counter, rsked silvtr for a do'.lnr b.U. When thecisbier advacced with the change io h: hnnd, he was confronted with a loaded revolver, and told to make bo noiss Le would le shot Dropping the sli- ver, Walter seize I tho revolver and suc- ceeded in wreuchintf it from Ins assailant, who then clambered up and jzot inside the connt4;r, and was reaching for the money on thecatinter when Walter opened fire on him, firing tw ) shcU at hiui, and also two at the other robber, who, in toe meantime, had climbed over tha front counter, and was ad- vancing to tha rear of the room. The ftrati;ers, by the warlike reception rhy received, turned toward the door and H H, and have not yet been arretted. The ottieers of tho bank say they sustained no -- OS3. Later deve!opnier.ti in the assault on tbe Workinpmen'd savieu;3 bank lo-da- v ore that the thieves succeeded in carrying off twenty-thre- e hnndred dollaro. but in their hurried fhjjbt dropped a package ci litaiuinjf seven hundred doliatg, which wa.i pickpd up on the utreet ncd r: turned to the otiiosr. The thievcH nn Uavinp tho birk tuado for tne river and sj .cteded in eetUHg to thia side, whore all c'ne to t:.eir whereabout was lost. ltenntlful Weather ncd a rait Track 31ak Ieltartful Mport for the aiattltade Attcndlas tbe Merasd ly at Brtt-Ib- U Turf. Nash viiab, April 33. The 6econd day's raeinR over the Koah villa Blooi horse assoc- iation's track. Tua weather was delightfully pleiwant and the track in funt order. Ihe attendance was largo, all the stands beinu densely packed und the crowd nrreadout over the held innide the quarter-stretc- h. First llace. Tne Louies stakes, for two-year-o- fillies; dash of one-'uu- lf mile; 25 entrance, p. p., ansociatioa to add $25; secan d horse to have $)0; fourteen eu:r;e, of which ight faced the starter, ai fellows: Daiden's iold D ju, CnrU r'.) IMtndiun.Carter'a (JhiUUesa's SalHe Mjc. NichclW'a Tipsey, CtttreU's Crick, Cottrell's Moderation and Ndwmaa'a Brunette. The race was won by Carter's y, a full bister to Brarble, aiter ac!oe and exitin(? race. Time, 0:oj; Sec-m- hare. Naahviile cup, handicap tor aliases; 5l) entrance, half torleit; aaajcia-tio- n in dd 5')0: dish of twj and one-ha'- .f miles; Becoi d horse to have 1100; s'xteea mmiiia'ions, of whir.h only Kmgr Williim, Oharlii Howard and U .'lle ot iMiUoa cami 10 tho post. Obarlie Howard took tho letd after coictr n hundred yards, and w.s never - vvjr d',9;ft,nce! B"lle of Nilton Kf.cor.d. A'dj? William bolted at the half-mil- e post in tuo lost mile, ran into the leuc knocking it dowo, ami rolUsjr over into the field, himiclf irathcr severely. Third Rice. Aoclalion pu-s- e of $300; to s.cond. Suliie "oik, Charlie Bush, Dill Dillon. Babe, Jim BjII and Silver Maid started. The first heat was won hand'ly by Bill Dillon, Stiver Maul fieooJ and Sillie l'oik third. Time l:47,l4 In the second heat tho starter rau tht t :l for the hoM-- s to come to the stria. Sdiie Polk only re- sponded to the call, ths orhera latrginff back near the distance polo. The drum was tup- ped with her kb tao ouly starter, thfl others uoi realizing the poiiti in unt;! she was one buadfbd yards away. The result was a fore- gone eooclueion, Sallie Polk dixtanciniif all the rest aal winn:nf. Tuue 1 :47 " . There was much expression of dissatisfac- tion among the auiionee ut the couvsa pur-u- d by the jude. Tua r?ce was awarded to Sallia I'ofk. Tue decision iu resj ird to bet and pools is hii over, and wi'l ba givon t. In the t rje ran this afternoon, iu which Kallie. l'alk fii tHnoed Ui Hold on M count of the other ik,. ;es not comiug ud at tbe Ix'll tap, tl e ,iu.ly:i- - dtculed all poolo, bets and combinations in the books etf. It seems that the oth- - r tjirses had been noti-.He- d three m pa i ate times to coniH to the pist, and that rrrk!nnt FracKl n adhered s'rictiy to tie rule v.hii.h uemar.ds that the slart hall b madj htKr a lapse of between heats n u a rat of that character. POOLS 01 RACKS ilileh-uUIr- M lrp'iy. Marc'ii-ones.$!- 0: Bsaiifide, ( Walton, ilile dah M.itau'ordi, if : (iruBby, f27; Jo Khoct.iH, !f 2 ; U-- n LJord, f 9; Wonder, f 6. Miln and a iuaiter dash Clernii (j., f W: l. K. Kenner, $Jr; OmeS. $20; Tol -- Aii i, lo; Kd ia 1J., $10; Stella, 5. v;i;..lS-1TC- Tins Newmarket. LonhOn'. April oO. The rae-- ? for the two thousand fciHriea nUkes, to day, at New- market, wi 7ijn by L rd Falmouth's Chari-ber- t, (i..;ter'n t'oduj m Kei.'tid, ami Cour.t de 1j iKruiin's Jtayo" i'Or third. There were tift'-e- starters. In thi b'ttinir tLcre was tweuty to cns against the wu, ten to one iiffain'-- t the hihouJ Loise, and s'x iu one nruin-- t the third hore. Theie Was twenty-tw- o to on" aiainst Uucas. !u the bettnusr on the Caester liades cup, Wednesday next. I'arvl- - is q'loti d live to four, sometimes ev?u against tc? field. A Job by Itoad Atcut Pana out It idly. Sax FitANt ist o, April 30. A Eureka, Nevada, disuatch kiivs the Iiuby Hill ntai;e was fctopiied i.ear Kurtka last uicht by three men, and thn pafhenvrers and express-bo- x rubbed. Iu Ivjii'ka two en went to a livery stable, bulldc.:d the hostlers, took two of Ut best hois's ami started c If. They were pufscc-- d by a alx-nt- t s i0Kse and over taken this tuoruini at K'lilroad canyon. The tbievtHi khowed fcujit. One of them, named John Sullivan, was tillnil, and the other wounded and taken to jl. Sullivan is a Massachusetts uiao, when i ).u a wile. tjKRKNUiciKit, or weUiuwil purposes, can joot bo onuaJcd. 311SS WEEKS'S WEAKNESS. Born or Parents or the Free Thinking Persuasion, and Educated In a Circle or Spiritualists, She Eas-ll- y es the Victim of a Scoun- drel Named Brown, who To Cover up his Criminal Intimacy, Con- cocts a Scheme to Astonish the World with a "Blessed Mother " and "lilessed Child" Sensation A Wood Strong Kopa Wanted. Toledo special to the Cincinnati Enquirer, April 28.h: While tho Waite Jones case atiain abates in suddenly sensational features, interest has not abated, and information is eagerly sought. In all its details it is doubt- less the most extraordinary one on record. Opinion is pretty well fixed that the whole mischief is tbe resale or vicious association, and shows the danger of allowing youni? girls to get under the influence of visionary persons ot their own sex. It is now as plain as the daylight to all of Dr. Jones's family that to the young woman whom Waite calls "Mantia Weeks" is to be traced all the woe which has befallen them. Through Dr. Jones himself, to day, your correspondent gathered considerable information relative to her and her STRANGE FANATICISM. Miss Weeks is tbe daughter of parents who lived here up to a tew years. They were Qaaker people, and in business. Mr. Weeks was a photographer, occupying the corner of Ojk and Summit streets. In re- ligious views they were ot the free-think- er sort, and the little circle in which they moved were Spiritualists. Relatives by marriage were the families of J. Secor and the Ben- netts, Calvin and Henry, very wealthy and influential famiiu s, and also that of David Ketcham. Mr. Secor and Mr. Ketcha:n are each the head of large business houses. Man- ila wiu tLc BcooBd t,la. Vlr father sold his business to a Mr. Alley, and soon atter was taken fick and died. The family mjved to Adrian, but soon after returned and went to live with Mr. Ketcham, who waa Manila's uacle. Her friet.ds got her a position as teacher in the city schools, eh9 having been well educated, and it was while teaching that her acquaintanca with Ada Jones began. Two j ears ago her health failed, and ber uncle, in k.nd generosity, sent Ler eubt tor her health, and the, through friends, came under the professional care of DR. BOW1CN. who hves ia Jersey City, and who was the physician of the circle in which ebe resided. This circle were all Spiritualists, and Dr. Bowen the shining head. Another was a MifS Hotchkiss, who was a fanatic in that faith, and believed in human perfection, and a life without hid, as expounded, it is said, by Bowen. Miss Weeks'a letters to Toledo talked strangely of the same (tuff. Some of the Brooklyn people were relatives of the Ketchams and tbe Bennetts, which accounts fcr Mantia's oing there. Finally, the Tole- do relatives were astonished by letters from Miss Hotchkiss, speaking of Mantia as tbe "BLK99KD MOTHER," WHO 8HOCLD BEAR THE "BLEBSED CHILD," and the like, indicating an astonishing state of aiijura. They at oace sent for her to como borne, and on her arrival found her crazy upon the notion indicated. Inquiry proved that Bowen was at the bottom of all the mis- chief; that he had been operating with a number of girls, amojg them Miss Weeks, and had brought them to believe in a new era of good will, fr?e love, Spiritualism, etc., the kuding idea ot which was that he should be the head of a new spirituality, and that the "Bitsstd Mother" should bear by him A SECOND CHRIST. The friends at once secured admisoion for ber to the Northwestern insane asylum here. She did not rapidly mend, and the Columbus asylum being opened about that time, Mr. Secor, who was a director in the institution, had her transferred there. Miss Jones, in spite of fcer r areuts who, however, did not seem to be fully aware ot the real situation followed the bend of her ideas received from Miss Weeks. Her father observed she grasped eageily atter reading matter of the kind, and one time discovered she was closely reading Plato's works. Sho also read almost constantly of highly romar.tic and sensational novels, tor which her tnir.t seemed insatiate. At last HER MIND GAVE WAT. She was at once sent to tbe Columbus asy- lum, and so got egain iuto the closest mti-ma- with the Weeks woman. This seems to have been an oversight on the part of the Toledo friends, cr else they relied on the management of the institution to know what was best for all tbe patients. Not long atter a letter of Ada's (to her father) was received, so filled with her theme and so extravagant in ber expressions toward MifS W eeka, whom she called "blessed mother," e . ut tno doctor became alarmed and went to see about it, however delaying a day or two until the meeting ot tbe btat medical association, ot wlich he is a member. In the meantime, Miss Wetks, whose theory was that she was cou fined in persecution against the boly head of the new church, conceived a cunning and fcuceeeBful PLAN FOR ESCAPE, t ie inmates contributing the money to the amount of fifty dollars, and Miss Jones head-iu- g the list with a good sum. The escape does not eeem creditable to the efficiency of the institution at the time. Tbe Toledo rela- tives made diligent search for the escaped "vngip." Dottctives traced her to Jersey City, and heard of her being s?en with liowea, but here lost the trace. Finally, Dr. Jones intercepted a letter to bis daughter, beuring the postmark, "Ansonia, Connect- icut," and signed by Miss Hotchkiss. It bore tbe "j'oyoui tidings" that the "Blessed Mother of the Blessed Child was safe in An- sonia." "Blessed Child" is supposed to mean tlio child expected, s there is no information that any child has yet been born as a result of the BOWEN LIAISON. which has now covered a considerable pe- riod. All the information touching Bowen puts him in tho light of a designing liber- tine among tbe girls of tho Brooklyn circle. He has a wifo, who seems to know too much of him to believe in his religious sincerity, as sh became very jealous of him at tbe time of Mantia's first arrival in Brooklyn, and on her arrival in Jersey City, on her es- cape, Mrs. Bowen made a disturbance and began efforts for a divorce. The Toledo friends now despaired of doing anything tor poor Mactia, and she has sinco been living from place to plaoe among New YorK Spirit- ualistic sects, including those at Saratoga, Port Edwards and Ulen Falls. Duriug last season she was one of a number of Spiritual- ists who occupied a cottage at Saratoga, where, . supposed under Bowen 's manage- ment, they illustiated TUB "HIGHER PLANE OF I.IFK AND THE PERFECT PRINCIPLES OF FREE-LOVE.- " Sheridan Waite's connection with the af far began abiut tbe tiuo of Mautia's first to Brooklyn. He chanuea to go to tee Hot'-hkis- s place at the same time for his health, and was also treated by the same Dr. Bowen, and became at once very intimate ?ith Miss Weeks. He visited her at Colum- bus asylum, aud there met Miss Jones, into whose uncertain mind if'i Weeks poured his most extravagant praises, d8Mibing him as scmethinar crod-l:k- e and superhuman. In this way was the poor girl well prepared to ba infatuated with him in tbe sudden and rouiantw events which followed. Such is the history of a principal in what must be one ot the strangest cases in medical jurisprudence. If the situation of Miss Jones declared to be A LUNATIC, married to a man she shall never see if her friends prevail is sad. what shall be said of Mantia Weeks, with virtue, or at least good nnme, gone with her reason, and not even the sanctity of marriage to cover the multi- tude of Bins, the world will see her awful niihfoi'tune can only be uieaeured by those who knew her. She was a beautiful girl, with a biiht, frank, optn countenance, large, lov ing eyes and attractive form and figure. There was a sweetness in ber face often re- marked as almost spiritual. Surely, death loves a shining mark, whether it be moral or mortal distinction. THE STARK VILLE SENSATIOX Considerably 31 od tiled - rbelVexro Carn Tblef aad Btrabararr was not L.) nelied. Hut ta lleld for Trial. Special to the Appeal. Starkville, Miss , April SO. The infor- mation that prompted the special to the ef- fect that the negro, Ntviin Porter, who burned Jordan Moore's barns, had been lynched, proved to be untrue. He was, how- ever, arrested, confessed, implicated his ac- compli es, and has been lodged in jail. Johnson Spencer, who aided him, has just been bound over to the circuit court. Por- ter's case will be np The people ar trinsed to the necessity of the euforco-ma- ct of the hugs. Olit UK 1ST COfll'ltOHlSE Accepted by Two-Tblr- d of the Tea. ateaaee JBoadholaera tiaveraor Xtnrba will Issue a Pro-tarnati- on Ordering thei Ratify Ins Kloetloa. Nashville, April 30. The committee ap- pointed by the governor to so ta New York to secure the acceptance by the Tennessee bondholders of the fifty cents and four per cent, interest compromise proposed by the legislature, made a report to the governor to-da- annonncing that two-thir- of the State s creditors will accept tbe proposition. It is understood that Governor Marks will is- sue a proclamation calling an election by the people to ratify the proposi- tion. THE COX-AL.STO- N CASE. The Jury Organized and tbe Trial Be- gan Tbe Defease will Met up the flea of Conspiracy to Kill Cox. Atlanta, Ga., April 30. The jury was completed to day in tne Cox-AUt- case, and the trial commenced. A part of tbe line or defence will be an effort .to establish a con- spiracy to kill Cox, and prove that Murphy furnished Alston with a pistol; that Murphy and Howard during tbe fight were concealed in a dark room of the treasury office, coming out immediately after, and Murphy securing the pistol used by Alston, and that Howard abked at once that nothing be saij about their being in sid room. The theory of the dtfense is that Cox was hunting Murphy ou leaf e business, and not Alston ; that Alston drew and fired without any demonstration from Cox to warrant an attack, and thit Cox was fortunate in caving his own life by taking Alston's in e. Important aud unexpected testimony is looked fcr to- morrow. ii ustsviLjLk, ajla . Meveu Prisoners IMg Oat of Jail Glasses and Inkstauds oa the Wins In a Coart-ioo- A Huntaville correspondent of the Nash- ville American writes, under data of the twenty-sevent- h: "Seven trisoners confined in our jail escaped on Tuesday night by pick- ing a hole in ton wall. An exciting scene oc- curred in the United States court-roo- re- cently, betwepn District-Attorne- y Mayer an l Hon. L. P.Walker. It grew out of the ex- amination of a witness in an election fraud cusp. Solicitor MDjer remarked that Ueneral Walker bad intimated something he should not have said by a question put to the wit- ness. This General Walker emphatically denied, and upon Mr. Mayer repeating the assertion General Walker told him be lied, whereupon Mr. Mayer seized a glass near at hand, but was prevented from throwing it by friends. General Walker hurled au inkstand at Mr. Mayer, striking him but doing him only eiitfht injury. Judge Bruco promptly adjourned court, and upon reassembling the next morning used tome very emphatic and pointed language in regard to the occur- rence, and notified the parties concerned that tbey would hear from him again on tho sub- ject before the adjournment of court." A 11I21XOU9 ciiins:. Rula of a Yoam Girl by a Musician Tbe Guilt Confessed and Tkreata f ly nching; Xtadc. St. Louis Republican, 28th: "J.H.Don aldson, a singer widely known in western towns as conductor of musical conventions, was arrested at Washington Courthouse to- day on tbe charge of seducing a thirteen- - vfar-ol- d daughter ot a ptoruinent ot Xenia. Donoldson has been in Xenia for some time, rehearsing the oratorio of The young girl whose ruin he ef- fected wtw ia inr in his ehorus. On Wed- nesday evening last he overtook ber as she was walking iu the outskirts of the city and persuaded ber to continue her walk with him into a piece of woods. Three young boys who were near saw them, but fearing trouble said nothing until Friday eveniug when tbey told the girl's brother. Last night she was questioned about it and made a confession to her mother that Donaldson had seduced her. The news Boon leaked out and created great excitement uptown, Donaldson denied it, and offered fifty dollars to any one who would bring him face to face with bis ac- cuser. An appointment was made, but the singer did not meet it. He had taken flight. He was followed by the girl's brother and cfficeis, aud after twenty-fou- r hours pursuit by rail and across the country, he was found at Washington, the capital of Fayette county. Us confessed his crime, and said be would make every reparation iu his power if the Xenia people wou'd not lynch him. He was taken back to Xenia t. Feeling there is very strong against him. Kentucky Lottery Indictments Dls-naiase- d,' Louisville, ADnli0. Judge Jackson, iu the circuit court, to-da- y rendered a lengthy decision in the lottery cases which have been pending before tbat court for a year or more. The opinion is to the effect that the grant un- der which Murray, Miller & Co. claim to act is illegal, and the managers of the same were fined five hundred dollars each; the venders of tbe tickets in this lottery were also fined five hundred dollars each. The court held further, that the city of Frankfort was by act authorized to raise one hundred thousand dollars by means of the lottery, which grant baa not been exhausted, and tnat Simmons, Dickinson & Co. and tbe Commonwealth dis tribution company were owners of that grant, una tbey had a legal right to their lotteries. The indictments against them were dis- missed. Liberal Donation for (Sanitary Pur poses. Boston, April bO. William E. Baker of- fers to donate property valued at two hun dred thousand dollars, provided the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars addi tionul is guaranteed, for the benefit of tbe Massachusetts public health association, for the purpose of parrying out the recommenda tions of the board of health, by inspection and advice as to improvements in bouse ven tilation and drainage, for the suppression of adulteration in tood, and tor tbe establish meat ot schools of cookery and diet kitchens tor tbe sick. The UPPer Lakes Htlll Closed by lee Buffalo, April SO. Five propellers started from here to-da- v bound for the upper lakes, but were only able to get about three miles out owing to the accumulation of ice, which extends above Erie. Four steam barges, bound for this port, are near Point Abino. unable to make further hcmliav. The wind ij blowing from the southwest and very cold. Tugs were sent out to assist the incoming cratr, but were unable to get through tae tea. Public squares are a great blessing to the community. We cau say the same of Dr. Ball's baby syrup; it is tha best remedy far the cure ot all diseases babyhood has to en counter. Price only twenty-fiv- e cenU. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Veto Message the Stimulus or Can-cas- es by All Parlies Represented In Cougress The Indian Territory Trespassers to be Sup- pressed. The Greenbackers Caucus "Not Alto- gether Harmonious "Tho National Party will Not Stand as a Unit on the Question In the House. Washington, April 30. Subscriptions to tha four per cent rtfundine certificates since yesterdav's report, 1400,080; subscription! to date, $4,311,810. SHERMAN GOING HOME. Secretary Sherman baa sartd for bis home ia Ohio, by way of New York, where he has some private business. DEMOCRATIC CAUCU8 ON THE VETO MESSAGE The Democratic senatcrs held a caucus this morning, lasting about an bour, but uo ac- tion was taken except to determine, inform- ally, that the legislative, executive and judi- cial appropriation bill shall not be brought forward for discussion in the senate before next week, and in the meantime the Demo- cratic senators will meet their party friends of the house in joint caucus for consultation cancemincr the Drooer course to be pursued in regard to the President's veto of She army appropriation bill, and the political situation eenerally. The veto message was not dis cussed. NOMINATIONS CONFIRMED. The senate confbmed the following-nomination- s: United States consuls John D. Arguyamba, of New York, at Dania, Spain; Robert P. Wilson, of Pennsylvania, at Mos- cow; George W. Roosevelt, of Pennsylvania, at St. Helena; Francis P. VanWyck, of Illi- nois, at Turks Island; G. W. Griffio, of Ken tucky, at Auckland; Eii P. YauPrang, at Paramaribo. Howard White, of Nebraska, Indian agent, Omaha agency. THE INDIAN TERRITORY TRESPASSERS. Orders have been issued by the eecretary of war to Ueneral 1 ope, commanding tne de partment of Musoun, to furnish such mili tary force as may be required to enable the Indian department to Keep trespassers out of the Indian Territory, and to enforce the President's recent proclamation on the sub ject. Ihe force in the Indian .territory and vicinity is ample lor the i.urpo&e, and the administration is determined to enforce the President s order and protect the treaty and other rights of the Indians. CAUCUS OF DEMOCRATS OF THE HOUSE. Immediately after the adjournment of the house to day a well attended Democratic caucus was held for the purpose of determin- ing what course should be pursued in regard to the Presidents veto ot tbe army appro- priation bill. After some discussion upon a uroposition to refer tne veto messigeto tne judiciary committee, or to a special select committee, witn me view ot ootaiuing a re port which should exhibit what was alleged to be its ineorrect interpretation of the pur- pose and effect of the sixth section of the bill, it was decided to onng tne measure to a direct vote without debate or reference. A resolution embodying this con- clusion was finally adopted with great una- nimity, end ia as follows: Kesolred, 1 hat it is the eenae ot ibis con vention tbat tbe bill making an appropriation for the support of tbe at my should pass, not- withstanding ihe ut jaoUrma of the President, and thnt we will proceed ta tube thfl vot."" to morrow without debile. The caucus then proceeded to consider a question ot wider scope and greater impor tance, namely : w nat inrtner action snouid oe taken by tbe Democratic party concerning the two aDDropriation bills after they shall both have been defeated by Presidential ve- toes. - The veto of tne legislative, executive and judicial bill with its political sections being. ot course, toresnadowed oy tne rresiaent 8 message, an animated discussion ensued, in which, among others, aiessrs. rtmuau, ,ox, Blackburn and Stephens participated. It finally determined to refer the whole subject to the caucus committees of the house and senate wnicn originally iramed tbe political sections now in contro versy. The house caucus committee being revived lor this purpose and in- structed to confer with a similar committee of Democratic senators, and, after mature consideration, to report their recommenda- tions to tbe joint caucus. Tbe membership of this committee is as follows: Oa the part the bouse Representatives Chalmers, Carl- isle, Cox f N. Y.l. Ewing. Sprineer, Tucker, Atkins, Clymer, Ueagao, iiicknell and rnelps. On the part ot the senate Senators Thur- - maa, Wbyte, Kernan. Saulsbury, Jones Fla.J, Bailey, Lamar, Yoorhees and Vance. At the commencement of to day's prcceed-iecr- s. a strict iri inction of secrecy was im- - DOed noon all the members, but this was subsequently removed to the extent of per mitting the publica'ion ot the conclusions reached by tee caucus. A NATIONAL GREENBACK CAUCUS. The National Greenbackers of the house aleo held a caucus of three hours duration to- day on the subject ot the Presidential veto. A general interchange ot views occurred. but no definite action was reached as to what course they should pursue. Information ob- tained from a trustworthy source iudicates that the meeting was not altogether har- monious, there being a great diversity of opinion existing as to the proper steps to be taken, and in the course of the debate the fact was developed that the National party will not stand as a unit on the question when it comes before the house, but will divide, some sustaining the veto, others opposing it, and the third faction refraining from voting ither way. Congressional Proeeediaxs. IN THE HOUSE. Immediately after the reading of the jour nal, the speaker presented the veto message of tbe President upon the army appropria- tion bill, and it was read by the clerk. On the conclusion of the reading of the message, which consumed thirty-fiv- e minutes, Mr. Sparks offered the following order: It is ordered that the message of the Presi- dent, just read, be entered -- at length on ihe journal, as required by the constitution of the united states, and tbat tne bouse will proceed to consider said message, and thereafter to reconsider the bill making appropriations for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending June 30tb, and tbat said message be printed. Order adopted. Mr. Washburn, from the committee on public lands, reported a bill extending for two years from the act of 1&73 the time for the payment of rs on certain pub- lic lands iu Minnesota. Passed. Mr. Heibert, from the com uittee on judi-- c' -- y, reported a bill amending section 5440 ot the revised statute?. He explained that, under the existing law the penalty for con- spiring either to commit an offense agAinst or defraud the United States, was a fine of not less than one thousand and not more than ten thousand dollars, and imprisonment for not more than two years. At amended, the penalty would be a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than two years, or both, at the dis- cretion of the court. Tho bill was passed. Mr. Jj3fevre, from the committee oa agri- culture,' reported a bill to prevent the impor-- l ation of diseased cattle and the spread of in- fectious diseases among domestic animals. Ordered printed and recommitted. The following bills passed: Appropriating the requisite amount to pay J. B. Eads the urns due or to become due for constructing the jetties at the South pass. Amending the section in tbe revised statutes prescribing the penalty for conspiring against the United States. Mr. Warner, from the committee on coin-ac- e, weights and measures, rerorted a bill amending certain ' sections of the revised statutes relating to the coinage of coin and to bullion certificates. Mr. Warner also reported a resolution makiuz the foregoing bill the special order for Saturday, and from day to day till dis nosed of. Mr. Garfield suggested that the resolution should be so amended as to prevent tbe bill (rom interfering with the appropriation 1518. ' f Several Democrats TLey aro already out of the way. KThe vote wast"kan on th? resolution, and fasulted in yeas, 103; nays, 102 Tee speaker Cast the deciding vote. f The ayes and nays were then ordJred on the bill, pending which the house iv'jour.ied h A Democratic caucus was anucuueed to take place at once. IN TITE SENATE. was resumed of the house 1 for certain expenses of the tserit session of congress and for other pur-fee- s, the pending question being whether 'was in order to amend a3 proposed bv Sen ator Plumb, appropriating one hundred and thirtv-si- x thousand dollars to pay mileage for the present session. The amendment was decided in order yeas, 33; nays, 23; discussed aud agreed to. Tbe bill was then passed. The bill to prevent the introduction of con- tagious diseases into the United States was then considered. Senator Hamlin opposed the bill, and moved to recommit, with instructions to frame a code of rules and regulations to carry the object of the act into effect. He could not support the present measure of 4ia severity again vt our commercial and because it made the National board of health a legislative body in the making of rules and regulations. This was too grave a duty to be intrusted to them. S.nator Kernan opposed the bill. Senator Garland, of the committee, called attention to the fact that the bill required all rales and regulations framed by tbe National board of health to be uniform, and subject to the approval of the President. He said the committee did not want the bill recommitted, as they had already done all they could to present the bill in an acceptable shape. Senators Hoar and Cockling opposed the l:.eaBure Without further proceedings the "senate went into executive session, and soon after adjourned. TIIE 1CIIHAL Ji 1KCJEST Case Terminates with the Liberal Meateaee of Seven Years Imprison, nient for the Uanatural Parent, he Pleadlnjs Guilty as Charged with Incest with his Own lanxbter. Cincinnati Enquirer, 29th: Frederick Ich-bau- who waa indicted by the last grand jury fcr incest with his daughter, Elizabeth ichbaum, in the eastern part of the city on on the sixth of May last, was yesterday brought before Judge Johnston, of the court of common pleas, and withdrew the plea of not guilty, which he put in when arraigned, and pleaded guilty to the indictment. He was represented by Judge Lindemann and Colonel Bond. The former, speaking on be- half of the prisoner, said: Your honor has seen fit to appoint Colonel Bond and myself to defend this prisoner. Both of us were satisfied that it would be improper on our part to go before a jury without at least a tangible theory of this ease. We have used every means to ascer- tain whether we could make a defense or not. We have examined the prisoner and his daughter, and have come to the conclusion that there is no defense in the case. Feel- ing that a history of this man would possibly enable you to look upon this crime witn 6ome leniency, I will state it: "He was born in L?ngelos, in the canton of Metz, Lorraine, France, and, whe i twelve years of age, removed to Canada. In the following year bis parents died, throwing him upon his own resources, with neither means nor edu- cation i After remaining a short time in Canada, he went to Buffalo, New York, and lived upon a farm eif ht years. Subsequently he came to Cincinnati, and married bis wife in thvv;Uage from where be was taken to jail. The lamily lived together in circum- stances so po r that the children were unable to attend school. The girl with whom the crime is allege-- ' to have been committed is the oldest of the six children. She is now eighteen years of age, and has no education whatever. Tbe family all slept in one room, and since the mother's death, three years ago, no change has been made. This was an unfor- tunate circumstance. Had the family ar- rangements been different, it is probable that the defendant would not have been a prisoner hereto-da- y. "The man frequently indulged in drink, and the daughter admitted that, at the first commission of this wrong, she de- tected liquor upon his breath. It is well known that surrounding circumstances have a powerful influence upon a person's actions, and we think the surroundings of this man some extenuation of bis conduct. Colonel Bond and myself thought that it would not be right to put the county to the expense of a triil of the case. We have come to the con- clusion that he is guilty of the crime, and ojnsidered it to be our du'y only to make a fair statement of the case to the court, and to leave the prisoner to your honor's mercy." Colonel B --ul remarked that the legisla- ture of the Stite had, ia its wisdom, vested a wise discretion in the court, and said you may sentence this man to one year in the penitentiary or ten. There is pothmg left us in this cae but to appeal to that mercy which was lodged in the breast of the court by the legislature. Judge liindeman has given you the history of this man. Remem-berin- sr that fatherless and motherless, poor and uneducated, he was drifting upon the ocean of life, and knowing th -- t the legisla- ture has said that you may sentence him to serve a term of one year or ten years, I ask yoar honor to exercise tne leniency toward this unfortunate man wnicn you are given the power to exercise. Tt was stated that four of the children are living, the daughter being in the county in firmary, and tne Qiaest acq, agea tmrceen, is living with Dr. Gaines in California; the other two eons, aged ten and six years, aiso residing in the town. The prosecutor, air. urew, stated that ne had conversed with the prisoner's neighbors in reference to the case, and had learned that Mr. Ichbaum was a hard working man, but that he sometimes indulged too freely in drink. Nothing very unfavorable was said of him, except concerning the present charge against bim. Ihe defendant s boys, who were before the grand jury, were very bright, and bad been sent to school considerably more than the girl. The daughter is in the county mfirmaiy. in confinement with her father s child. Mr. Urew stated that he had conversed with the daughter about the charge made against her father, and she said that the first criminal act between them was done under her father's compulsion, and that since that time she had lived with him for two years in the relation of a wife. I he prisoner, upon the interrogation ot the court, stated that ho had nothing to say in his own behalf. The court proceeded to pro- nounce sentence upon bim, saying that the crime is n moat grievous one. The offense was ot such a revolting nature that it would eeem that no human being could become so degraded as to commit sach an offense, Beasts of the field commingle their blood, for they do not kuow any better; but this is a case of a human being, who, for two years, bad carnal intercourse with his own daugh- ter, and she is nowbearing upon ber breast a child, tho fruit of that intercourse. She is equally as guilty as her father, but perhaps her tender years at the time illict intercourse commenced are a protection in some respect tor ner. ine case acinus ot but very few extenuating circumstances, perhaps of but one, and that is the checkered course of the prisoner's lite. This, in connection with passion, perhaps, is the only extenuat ing circumstance ofiered here. The court at fars5 felt that the daughter neeaea a protector, and tor that reason felt that a short sentence should ba sriven: but, judging of the future from the past, she would need piotection from the prisoner. She has been unable to protect herself against the prisoner's lust. She is of age and able to protect herself. Fortunately, perhaps, the rest of the prisoner's children are males, and it is a pleasure to know that some of them are well provided for, and it is to be hoped that the other children will be equally pro- vided for by a generous community. I feel that it would be but an act of justice that while not the full nenaltv of tho law. which is ten years, should be enforced, the prisoner should be confined long enough to enable these children to get beyond tho reach of his inUaence and partially forget the offense. It ia the j'odgment of the court that the prisoner be confined ia the penitentiary lor seven years. The prisoner waa then removed to the county jail. CABLE CLICKIiVGS. Russia Allowed Further Occupation of Portions or Kouuiella Frightful Disaster at Sea England Asked to Interfere with Russian Prison Cruelties. One Sasslan Town Destroyed and An other Nearly So by Fire Many Lives Lost and Much Suf- fer log Other News from Yarions Points. London, April 30. It seems to be the im pression at (Jonbtaotinoplo and bt. 1'eters-bur- g that several powers are willing to con sent to Russia retaining a portion of her troops at some central point in Rouinelia. This last portion only to commence evacua- tion August 3d. Terrible Disaster at Sea. London. Am-i- l 30. The steamer Nile. from Elva for Newport, with a caro ot ore, has been lost, i hree only were saved out of a crew of twenty-thre- e. England Asked to Hltla-at- PrUoa Cru elties in linsdla. London, April SO. In the house of com mons ht Sir Robert Peel (liberal con- servative) will ask tho government, inasmuch as some years ago, in the interests of hu- manity, Gladstone, owing to an appeal made to the government, took steps to mitigate the Bufferings of state prosecutions in Neapolitan prisons, whether her majesty s government will take any steps in tne interests of hu manity to mitigate the horrors and atrocitiss amid which the reign of terror is now car- ried on in Russia ever eighty million of peo ple. The Proper minister Dodged Sir Rob ert reel ttueatlon. London, April 30. In the bouse of com mons to-da- y Sir Robert Peel complained that there was no minister present to answer his question relating to recent events in Russia, of which he bad given notice publicly jes-ter- d ly. He also complained that the speaker had altered the wording ot the question. The speaker explained that the question, in the form submitted, being argumentative, couid not be put. and it must be raised in the form of a motion. O'Gorman, of Waterford City, said that the absence of the minister, when notice bad been given of the question to which he should reply, waa disrespectful to the house. The subject waa then dropped. A Kusniaia Town Nearly Destroyed by Jt'lre. St. Petersburg, April 30. A great Gre occurred in the city of Orenburg, on the Ural river, Monday and luesday last, destroying the principal part of the city. The loss is enormous, and more than half of the popula tion are destitute ot tood and shelter. A number of persons were injured. A dispatch from the governor of Orenourg, to the minis ter oi me interior, savs : -- a violent storm as sisted in spreading the flames, and Monday night the best quarters of tbe town were in ashes. Among the buildings destroyed are two churches, the artillery barracks, town hall, engine headquarters, auction mart, telegraph station, seminary fcr teachers, customhouse, central omce and district military courthouse. 1 be public lands and a greater part of the official archives were saved. The loss to the inhabitants is enormons. Three charred bodies have been found in tbe ruins. Per- sons Buffering from burns and other lrjavies are being attended to in the bairacka outside the town, and in the summer gymnasium. The governor of Samara h-i- s been telegraphed to for a supply of bread. Measures have been taken in the neighboring villages to re- lieve the distress of the sufferers. Tne num- ber, however, is so great tbat the looal re- sources will fail far short of what is re- quired." The governor appeals to the minister for speedy pecuniary assistance. No riots or excesses occurred during the con- flagration. A large number of government officials were among the iniured. The minis ter of the interior has sent one hundred thou sand roubles to the sufferers. Another Town Totally Destroyed.' St. Petersburg, April 30. The village of uratctieriBro, on tne Volga river, has been totally destroyed by firs. The Kx-laee- n of Hanover alust Va- cate. London. April 30. A Berlin dispatch says tne rs.-rli- government has agreed to pay to! the ex-- o ieeu of Hanover the value of her settlement and private property from the Guelph fund, but adheres to the previous refusal to permit her to reside in tbe castle of Marienberg. The Khedive Won't Accede to the De- mands of the Two Powers. London, April 30. A telegram from Con- stantinople states that the khedive's envoy has informed tbe Porte that the khedivo has refused to assent to the appointmeut of for- eigners as ministers of finance and public works, but tbat he would nil"e other conces- sions to meet the views of France and Eng- land. Prolongation of Rusfclan Oeefcpation of Houmella. London, April 30 The Pott, in its leader this morning, says: "It is stated that all the powers except Austria and England have consented to the prolongation of the Russian occupation of E istern Roumeiia for three months beyond May 3d." A Communist Detected. London, April 30. A dispatch from Ber- lin says tbat a person disguised in the uni- form of a colonel recently attended an official reception held by General Drentelm. When asked to st tte bis business he began to fum- ble in his pockets, apparently for papers. General Drentelm seized bim and a loaded revolver was found in bis pocket. The Char's Life Closely Guarded. Paris, April 30. The most rema kible precautious were taken daring tha czar's ra-ce- nt journey t Lavidia. Sentinels were placed along the whole length of the line, trafti; was stopped, and access to the line prohibited for twenty-fou- r hours before the departure of the royal train. The Treaty of Bcrliu to be Impact. London, April 30. Tha Marq'iis of Salis- bury, 8"crrttary of state for the foreign de- partment, speakng at a banquet declared tbat the government waa deter- mined not to depart in any part from the treaty of It had given up a great deal for the eake of paca, bub could give up no more. So far as he knew, the great pow- ers, without exception, were firmly resolved to execu'e the treaty. If the Eastern Rou-melia- ns accepted tha autonomy which was guaranteed them their position would be an enviable one. If they refused it repres- sion must follow, and their blood would be upon their own beads, but he did not believe tbey would choose the latter alter native. The Upper House of the Pennsylvania Legislature ladorscs the Veto. Harribburg, April 30. In the senate to- day the following resolution was introduced: Resolved, That (if the house concur) the general assembly of Pennsylvania gives hearty indorsement to the President's veto of the revolutionary riders attached to the army appropriation bill, and hereby instructs sena- tors and requests members representing Penn- sylvania to sustain the course of President Hayes upon this measure and others calcula- ted to assail the constitutional prerogatives of any branch of the government, or to open the door to fraud in the national election. A motion to refer was lost ayes, 12; nays, 26. On adoption of the resolution the yeas were 30 and nays 12, a strict party vote, except three Greenbackers, two of whom voted with the Democrats and one with the Republicans. A White Wlfe-Marder- and a Black Baplst to be Hanged, Louisville, April 30. In tbe circuit court to-da- y Judge Jackson overruled the motion for a new trial in the cases of Robert Ander son (white) and Charles Webster (colored), under sentence of death, the former for the murder of his wife, and the latter for raping a girl under twelve years ot age. June 27th next was fixed by the judge as the day of execution. Elizabeth City, N. C, April 30: Ex Con gressman L, Cobb died to-da- TELEURAl'lllC BREVITY. Paris, April 30: General Felix Donay, insp- ector-general of the army, is dead. New Yoik, April 30: Arrived Wyoming and Sythia from Liverpool, Canada from London. Seville, April 30: King Alphonso ha9 ar- rived here to attend the funeral of Princess Christiana. London, April 30: Steamships Maria from Boston. August Andre and Bihvia from New York, arrived out. ; London, April 30: Artbnrsome, Ridley & Co., warehousemen and manufacturers, have failed. Liabilities, 50,000. London, April 30: Seventy-fiv- e guineas premium is now asked by the underwriters on the missing sUahier Berina. Valencienn? April 30: Troops cave been sent benc& Lonroches to hold the collieries, because-o-f a strike amon.the miners. London, April 30: Bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to day, one hundred and eighty thousand pounds. Buffalo, April 29: O. B. Howe & Son, grain commission merchants of this city, have made an assignment. Liabilities esti- mated atraorenry-MT- e thousand dollars; assets unknown. . Paris, April 30: The publishers of LaFran-cais- t have boon condemned to three months imprisonment and to pay a fine of one thou- sand francs, for publishing a letter justifying the commune. Paris, April 29: Tbe Rappel says that after the recess the cabinet will itself pro- pose the return of the chambers to Paris, and at the same time submit bills guaranteeing freedom of debate. Cleveland, April 30: Wm. H. Vanderbilt and party, on a special train, passed here at fifty-sev- en minutes past eleven o'clock this morning. The train is to make the run from Buffalo to Chicago in twelve hours. Tirnova, April 29: It is sfated on good au- thority that the Prince of Batinberg stipu- lates that the Russians employed in Bulga- ria shall retain their posts five years, and afterward be naturalized if they so desire. Tirnova, April 30: In the assembly to-d- a telegram from the emperor and empress of Russia was read, thanking the deputies for tbe election of Prince Alexander. The as- sembly adjourned until reconvoked by the prince. Louisville, April 30: The Kentucky State Democratic convention will assemble in this city for the purpose of nominating a candidate for governor and other State officers. Indications are that a large crowd will be present. London. April 30: A dispatch from Rome says tbe Vatican has instructed its delegates to Chili, Peru and Boliijia to interpose their good ctfises with a view to ending the war. or at least causing it to be waged with the least possible cruelty. Odessa, April 30: Adjutant-Genera- l Obrut- - echoff passed through here to day on his way to Constantinople as bearer, from the czar to the sultan, of a proclamation of the czar to the Bulgarians, calling upon them to abstain from disorders and to conform to tbe stipula- tions of the Berlin treaty. A PostoOlee Contraetor Arrested. New York, April 30. George Reed was arrested to-da- on a warrant from Chicago, by a United States deputy-marsha- l. He is under indictment in that city for conspiring to defraud the government in a matter of contracts on the new poatoffice building there. Reed was taken before a United States com- missioner, waived examination and agreed to proceed to Chicago in charge of an officer. Gettlns it Down Vine, Boston, April 30. The civil damage bill passed by the lecialature, which permits the recovery of damages resulting from the sale of ii'iucr from the owners of buildings where- in liquor is sold, has been signed by Governor Talbot. DIKD. TIPPING The remains of Mrs. Ann M. Tipping will be Interred at Klmwood Cemetery this (THURS- DAY) aftemooa, at 8 o'clock. The friends T. J. Walker and family are Invited to attend. BICBARDSON Aurll 30, 1879, at 2:30 a.m.. Miss Ada Bichabdoon, late teacher in tne Pe&body school. Funeral fr?m Calvary Cnurch tbls (THURSDAY) morning, at 10 o'clock. Services by Rev. Dr. White. Carriages in attendance. Assignee Sale OF VALUABLE Ah MI1IS TAKE NOTICE! THAT In pursnance of tbe powers vested tn me by of Trust executed by the Empire Coal and Transportation Company, I will, on Monday, June 2, 1879 at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse doer. In the CITY OF HQPK1NSVILLE, KY. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder, the unexpired term of fifty years, nem oy tne said company on tne two nunarea acre tract of land at Empire. Ky., and known as tbe a. a. srasner tract, 'mere is an inexfiausiioie stratum ot SUPERIOR COAX. underlying said land, wtih a valuable mine tn good wowing condition, now open, wtin a railroad trnek connecting with St. Louis and Southeastern Ken- tucky, and witn a royalty cf only ten cents per ton on tbe coal that may be mined. I will also, at said time and place, sell trie Uxtures of said mlneo, min ing-car- s aud mining implements, consisting or drills, picks, shovels, crowbars, etc., blacksmith tools, carts, wagons and mules; also, such Interest as the said company may nave tn various other leases adjacent to tlie above. TRM3 made known on day of sale. May 2, 1K7'.. v. r. uijabuvw, Assignee. Landes & Clark, Attorneys AND CONFECTIONS. Our Saloon ts now open for tbe of ladles and gentlemen. Our cream Is of the best Quality, and thn price as low as tbe lowest. Families and parties will be supplied at shoit notice. we respectiuuy asa me patronage or tne puonc. SPECHT & WALTER,37 Madison. S. Forrisg & Co. (Colored) Undertakers, MANUFACTURE M.3 reT-ST- - nm n' "r cor. Gayoso and Desoto s a.. Memtm s. we Keen on band full lines of solid walnut and rosewood, fin- ished la all stylos. Orders by mall promptly at tended to. and nne-.- i c. . . Memphis, Tennessee, April SO, 1870. Planters Ins. Co. Office in Company's Building, No. 4 1 JTI adison Street. iSemph Is. D.T. PO KTKK. President. ti- - H.J CD AH, Vice-Preside- U.U.KAIKK, setrftary. CAl'ITAL MTOCIt 9 150,000 DIRECTORS. D. T. PORTER, G. H. JUDAH, N. R. SLKIMjS, W. B. H4LKRBATH, B. RISEMAN, 8. H. BROOK.6, JOHN OVERTON. JR. R. L. CAW XIX Q. V. RAMBAUT. rwinsures against loss by Fire, Marine and River risks. Rtsfcs on Private Dwellings Especially Desired. MR. RAINB is agent aso for tbe following leading Northern and Foreign Companies. Worth Ucrnin, of Hambarg, eruaany. Manhattan, ef Sw York. MaDBfartarer, of Hitn. Connecticut Kire. or Hartford. t'ranklla.' PhllnrtelnMa. Q 3T OP2E2S CEXTRIL Baptist Church Sunday School ! MEMBERS of the school are requested to meet promptly Rt 7 la o'clock tbls. (THURSDAY) evening, to attend tb Ait Exhibition at tbe Ureenlaw iera)tii'n. W. 8. TAYLOR. Siuvrintndent Attention, Knights of Innisfail. REGULAR mooting this (THURSDAY) evening. Every member is expected to ba preset t, in full uniform, as business nf l;nr rtance Is to be transacted. A. WALSH. Recording Secretary pip tern. IVotice. ALL ex Confederates are requea'ed to meet at the Smith it Collier, 275 Main etrct tbls (THURSDAY) afternoon. May 1 st. at 4 o'clock, for tbe pu: pose of making arrangements to decorate the graves of the Confederate dead. WM. A. GOODMAW. President. Dissolntloa or Copartnership. NOTICE Is given that tbe firm of n 4 Elaln has ben dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be conducted by Charles A. Damraann. who Is alone authorized to settle up tbe old firm's business, and to use th- - firm nam In liquidation. CHAS A. DAMMANN. Memphis, May 1. 1879. tiABK KLEIN. In retiring from the firm. I bvg leave to request all roy friends and customers to continue their business with the new Urm. GABE KLEIN. NEW FIRM We nave this day associated our- selves uu'k-- r the firm name of Cdhs. A. Darainann A '. Co., for the purpose of continuing the business of Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers In tbls city. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the former customers of Dammann A Klein and the trade gen- erally. CHA8. . DAMMANN CO.. 175 Mnln sf. DISSOLUTION! BY the death of A L. Harris, the Arm of Harris. Mallory A Co. is dissolved by law. but the busi- ness will be continued uninterrupted by tbe surviv- ing part-e- r, W. B. MaHory, under the firm name of W. B. MALLORY k Co. All claims aralnst the firm of Harris, Mallory A Co. will be promptly set- tle! by W. B. Mallory, the surviving rartner. W. B. MALLORY. May 1. 187fl. Surviving Partner. Dissolution of Copartnership. m THE firm of H. B. Eggers & Co. waa this day dis by mutual consent, H B. E'gers having sold his entire Interest tn said firm Vj John Reld, Who will sign In liquidation. H B. FGGERS. Memphis, April 80. 170. JOtlN REIO. EpThe undersigned will conltnuo the business, at the old stand, as heretofore. JOHN H E 1 1). HENRY PENTEL Una removed his popular H&losn and Restaurant to 302 MAIN STSEET, fTlHK OLD STANB, and la now open for the areom- - JL modatlon of hi old customers. He pledges himself to his utmost efforts to pleasa In every D- epartment as heretofore, having In his employ the best cooks and dining room attendants that can be employed, who will be found ready to serve the nub- ile day and night. Meals, according to order, served at any time during the twenty-tou- r hours. Tbe bur ts. as usual, furnished with tbe choicest liquors, of every character, the accommo mtion ot wine parties being a specialty. In a few da;s special arrange- ments will be perfected for the acrommodailon of tbe ladles, i he parlors belug turnlsbed iu elaborate style. F. LAVIGNE! FAXCY GOODS, LADLES' HATS, Ladies' Bonnets. ' French Bonnets Hair Braids. Hair Goods, Feathers, Flowfrs, LAVIGNE Curls El'.ss, FRENCH MILLINERY Laces, LAVIGNE Satins Coquets, Gauzes, Ornaments, Klhhona. Millinery, Hair Puds, Children's BonuoM, Children's Bats. OPENIVG OF NEW AND ELEGANT EP Imported seeds. Great bargains In every de-I- part men t. Strangers should cot fall to e our 'assortment. Orders by mall will Ei- r- receive prompt attent.oa. Housekeepers' CJoods AND KrtCIA.L.TlES Bold at Low sure. for Cash, with One Price to All Rich and Poor Alike. spending li considerable time East among AFTER and their aenls, as well as awaiting the arrival of British Goods ordered by me last Jauuary. I am now ready to show the following lines of go-jd- COS: PLK TE, und at a y considera- ble saving to tbe consumer. You are Invited to test tbe Cash System; and should any purchase prove un- satisfactory, our money wilt beretaaded. J. G. WATKIIS, 277 STKKKT. HonthwevC Corner of Court Nqnare Bainesley Linens, Doited Muslins, Scotch Dimasks, MMgKSalia, Wine Cloths, Counter pnnea. Napkins, Mummy Table Cloths, Irish Linens, Handkerchiefs Crashes, g Ties, Stair linen. Laces, Glass Linen, Tidies, Serge Towels, Toilet Mats, Huuk Towels, Corsets, Damask Towels. Ladles' Suspenders, Egyptian fcath Towels, Soap, Baskets, Ink "My Own." Chairs, Bay Rum. Gold Band," j Scotch Fern Aprons, Perfumery, Napkin Kings, Piques, Table Mats, Sln Stripes, Knife Boxes, English Welts, Tarlatanes, Nottiuubam Curtains, Moussellne dea Indes, Kmbroiuenes. ih me b. T. Taylor isrstem of fitting Is In use In my establishment, which pioduces the highest grade ot woiKin tne country, me novel- ties shown at recent Eastern openlugs are now being Introduced by me for Bridal trousseaux. J. G. W. MKS. M. K. CKOWLEY (Successor to Mrs. R. O. Smith), ISO. M Ilt'.ALE STKKKT, Fashionable Milliner AM) DKESS51AKER, constantly on hand a complete KEEPS of Millinery Goods, and all the novelties of the season. Bleaching and Pressing a specialty. It will be a guarantee to" the pu. lie to know, that Mrs. Sallle Sullivan, a ladyrf twenty rears experi- ence In the millinery busluess, on Main street, will take pleasure In ber former frlerds and patrons of tbe city and country, In shouting them all the late Parisian styles in the iniiil eiy line. We guarantee the lowest prices In the eliy. U. U. HALL. AND' THE VIKW TO OPENING A COTTON AND GENERAL C9u,-,0,r0,fJl1,C- 5 WITH on first or August next, we have this day dissolved tha firm ot Guy. Cotlln. and associated in business with us Mr. M. G. HALL late of Courtland, Miss. Our bus ness will be conduced under the firm names of IMItard, Coffin & Co.. Memphis, and y't Z,,i.tl With tbls combination, and increased facilities, we are prepared to meet iiiteiests fir and the trade generally, whose patronage we solicit. JOHN W DILLARD R. h. COFFIN. DILLARD,C0FFIN& CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS 260 and 6 FRONT 8TKEJKT. ...HK35iilISt TISNN.
  • w m --r"f "W-t-- s B? T"f

    rv ih. v TPTPTfi1 I "i"1 . I J r r t 1JL JoLJCLi Li L i JLJ Jul JiA LA l jlL .s


    yesterday of co'. ton : Liverpool cotton, G.femnit cotton. It 3 Se; Xet Orlettna cot-ton, 11 3 Sc: Srw lot Je cctioa. 11 3 4c.

    WRATBEU IKBICATIOSS.Wn Dkpaktmknt. Omri Cn. Sio. OrncitB. I

    WuuiMurtm. May 1, 1 am. fFor Tennessee and the Ohio raitey,

    north and e.ist i(i,t?i, partly cloudy weatherand occoziokuI rain, rising barometer andlower temperature.


    WlR Pkp't. PIOSH. SKRVim. V. S. A RUT IWiiiaV, April !i(. l7t. lO:i'!S P.m. 1Wind. Weaib- -Bar. riier.iOuvsrtai'on Dir. Kottm. er.

    I1VM!(.'.... iil.lUI 74 S. iKresn. Kalr.l!.J.rii;i-- . . Hit; 7 2 S. luentle. Fair.i.uuikiu-- .. . ;io.x' 54 N Gentle. Cloudy.Mfioph's. ... Mrt! N.tC Kiwh. Cloudy.N.hvHli" ... .hU0: N W. Light. Cloudy.

    7 7. S.W. j Gentle. Clear.cnrHveiHKl... !:iii M'.ij 7' 9. mentis. Clear,Vlcks'v.i'V.. . .: v4 r S. K. iiienilf. Clear.cnati- - no.gx aw. sui N. Mientle. Cloudy.

    GEO. H.KOHE. Sea'ea.nt, S:eual Corps, U. S. A.

    In s Canada Tawn-Ktvc- aty Houses(untamrd, Rendering a 31 any

    FaoilHcM Homeless andHelpless.

    Montreal, April 30. ASreisnow ragicttat St. .It-a- lijptile, in tha northeasternquarter of this city, which threatens to

    the whole villa see, there beinjr nn water.Forty dwellings have been destroyed no far.

    Too lira was extinguished at tea o'olook,r.ftJt-- ilestr.-nin:- over forty houses, chieflytwo story awel!io;-5- , roadstiar. seventy farti-i'.i- n

    anJ with ho loss of most oftheir 1 poods. Total loss about fiftythousand doi!ari, partially insured.

    ttlrea h rnple f KrniPM byriscky Bask Cthler Thtevea

    Curry On a Parfcige fS30J.

    Pitijdueu. Arrn ut. A bold bat uesac-ceis'- ulul?eTpt whs ica.le at noon to-da- y to

    rib the Wcikinirmua' cuviDga bank, on0 .110 street, Allehauy. Tho bock-keep- ofthe banlt hail p..n t J dinner, leaviogr theoishier, lieurgo C. V .titer, nlone. Two menentered t!.u bank, and one of them, advancingt-- j the r?nr of tue counter, rsked silvtr for ado'.lnr b.U. When thecisbier advacced withthe change io h: hnnd, he was confrontedwith a loaded revolver, and told to make bonoiss Le would le shot Dropping the sli-ver, Walter seize I tho revolver and suc-ceeded in wreuchintf it from Ins assailant,who then clambered up and jzot inside theconnt4;r, and was reaching for the money onthecatinter when Walter opened fire on him,firing tw ) shcU at hiui, and also two at theother robber, who, in toe meantime, hadclimbed over tha front counter, and was ad-vancing to tha rear of the room. Theftrati;ers, by the warlike receptionrhy received, turned toward the door andH H, and have not yet been arretted. Theottieers of tho bank say they sustained no-- OS3.

    Later deve!opnier.ti in the assault on tbeWorkinpmen'd savieu;3 bank lo-da-v ore thatthe thieves succeeded in carrying off twenty-thre- e

    hnndred dollaro. but in their hurriedfhjjbt dropped a package ci litaiuinjf sevenhundred doliatg, which wa.i pickpd up on theutreet ncd r: turned to the otiiosr. ThethievcH nn Uavinp tho birk tuado for tneriver and sj .cteded in eetUHg to thia side,whore all c'ne to t:.eir whereabout was lost.

    ltenntlful Weather ncd a rait Track31ak Ieltartful Mport for the

    aiattltade Attcndlas tbeMerasd ly at

    Brtt-Ib- U


    Nash viiab, April 33. The 6econd day'sraeinR over the Koah villa Blooi horse assoc-iation's track. Tua weather was delightfullypleiwant and the track in funt order. Iheattendance was largo, all the stands beinudensely packed und the crowd nrreadoutover the held innide the quarter-stretc- h.

    First llace. Tne Louies stakes, for two-year-o-fillies; dash of one-'uu- lf mile; 25

    entrance, p. p., ansociatioa to add $25; secan dhorse to have $)0; fourteen eu:r;e, of whichight faced the starter, ai fellows: Daiden's

    iold D ju, CnrU r'.) IMtndiun.Carter'a(JhiUUesa's SalHe Mjc. NichclW'a Tipsey,

    CtttreU's Crick, Cottrell's Moderation andNdwmaa'a Brunette. The race was won byCarter's y, a full bister to Brarble,aiter ac!oe and exitin(? race. Time, 0:oj;

    Sec-m- hare. Naahviile cup, handicap toraliases; 5l) entrance, half torleit; aaajcia-tio- n

    in dd 5')0: dish of twj and one-ha'- .fmiles; Becoi d horse to have 1100; s'xteeammiiia'ions, of whir.h only Kmgr Williim,Oharlii Howard and U .'lle ot iMiUoa cami 10tho post. Obarlie Howard took tho letdafter coictr n hundred yards, and w.s never- vvjr d',9;ft,nce!B"lle of Nilton Kf.cor.d. A'dj? Williambolted at the half-mil- e post in tuo lost mile,ran into the leuc knocking it dowo, amirolUsjr over into the field, himiclfirathcr severely.

    Third Rice. Aoclalion pu-s- e of $300;to s.cond. Suliie "oik, Charlie Bush,

    Dill Dillon. Babe, Jim BjII and Silver Maidstarted. The first heat was won hand'ly byBill Dillon, Stiver Maul fieooJ and Silliel'oik third. Time l:47,l4 In the secondheat tho starter rau tht t :l for the hoM-- sto come to the stria. Sdiie Polk only re-sponded to the call, ths orhera latrginff backnear the distance polo. The drum was tup-ped with her kb tao ouly starter, thfl othersuoi realizing the poiiti in unt;! she was onebuadfbd yards away. The result was a fore-gone eooclueion, Sallie Polk dixtanciniif allthe rest aal winn:nf. Tuue 1 :47 " .

    There was much expression of dissatisfac-tion among the auiionee ut the couvsa pur-u- d

    by the jude. Tua r?ce was awardedto Sallia I'ofk. Tue decision iu resj ird tobet and pools is hii over, and wi'l ba givon


    In the t rje ran this afternoon, iuwhich Kallie. l'alk fii tHnoed Ui Hold on Mcount of the other ik,. ;es not comiug ud attbe Ix'll tap, tl e ,iu.ly:i-- dtculed allpoolo, bets and combinations in the books etf.It seems that the oth- - r tjirses had been noti-.He- d

    three m pa i ate times to coniH to the pist,and that rrrk!nnt FracKl n adhered s'rictiyto tie rule v.hii.h uemar.ds that the slart

    hall b madj htKr a lapse of between heatsn u a rat of that character.


    ilileh-uUIr- M lrp'iy. Marc'ii-ones.$!- 0:Bsaiifide, ( Walton,

    ilile dah M.itau'ordi, if : (iruBby, f27;Jo Khoct.iH, !f 2 ; U-- n LJord, f9; Wonder, f6.

    Miln and a iuaiter dash Clernii (j.,f W: l. K. Kenner, $Jr; OmeS. $20; Tol --Aii i, lo; Kd ia 1J., $10; Stella, 5. v;i;..lS-1TC-

    Tins Newmarket.LonhOn'. April oO. The rae-- ? for the two

    thousand fciHriea nUkes, to day, at New-market, wi 7ijn by L rd Falmouth's Chari-ber- t,

    (i..;ter'n t'oduj m Kei.'tid, ami Cour.t de1j iKruiin's Jtayo" i'Or third. There weretift'-e- starters. In thi b'ttinir tLcre wastweuty to cns against the wu, ten to oneiiffain'-- t the hihouJ Loise, and s'x iu onenruin-- t the third hore. Theie Was twenty-tw- o

    to on" aiainst Uucas.!u the bettnusr on the Caester liades cup,

    Wednesday next. I'arvl- - is q'loti d live tofour, sometimes ev?u against tc? field.

    A Job by Itoad Atcut Pana out It idly.Sax FitANt ist o, April 30. A Eureka,

    Nevada, disuatch kiivs the Iiuby Hill ntai;ewas fctopiied i.ear Kurtka last uicht by threemen, and thn pafhenvrers and express-bo- xrubbed. Iu Ivjii'ka two en went to alivery stable, bulldc.:d the hostlers, took twoof Ut best hois's ami started c If. Theywere pufscc-- d by a alx-nt- t s i0Kse and overtaken this tuoruini at K'lilroad canyon. ThetbievtHi khowed fcujit. One of them, namedJohn Sullivan, was tillnil, and the otherwounded and taken to jl. Sullivan is aMassachusetts uiao, when i ).u a wile.

    tjKRKNUiciKit, or weUiuwil purposes, canjoot bo onuaJcd.


    Born or Parents or the Free ThinkingPersuasion, and Educated In a Circle

    or Spiritualists, She Eas-ll- y esthe Victim of a Scoun-

    drel Named Brown, who

    To Cover up his Criminal Intimacy, Con-cocts a Scheme to Astonish the World

    with a "Blessed Mother " and"lilessed Child" Sensation

    A Wood Strong KopaWanted.

    Toledo special to the Cincinnati Enquirer,April 28.h: While tho Waite Jones caseatiain abates in suddenly sensational features,interest has not abated, and information iseagerly sought. In all its details it is doubt-less the most extraordinary one on record.Opinion is pretty well fixed that the wholemischief is tbe resale or vicious association,and shows the danger of allowing youni?girls to get under the influence of visionarypersons ot their own sex. It is now as plainas the daylight to all of Dr. Jones's familythat to the young woman whom Waite calls"Mantia Weeks" is to be traced all the woewhich has befallen them. Through Dr. Joneshimself, to day, your correspondent gatheredconsiderable information relative to her andher

    STRANGE FANATICISM.Miss Weeks is tbe daughter of parents wholived here up to a tew years. Theywere Qaaker people, and in business. Mr.Weeks was a photographer, occupying thecorner of Ojk and Summit streets. In re-ligious views they were ot the free-think- ersort, and the little circle in which they movedwere Spiritualists. Relatives by marriagewere the families of J. Secor and the Ben-netts, Calvin and Henry, very wealthy andinfluential famiiu s, and also that of DavidKetcham. Mr. Secor and Mr. Ketcha:n areeach the head of large business houses. Man-ila wiu tLc BcooBd t,la. Vlr father sold hisbusiness to a Mr. Alley, and soon atter wastaken fick and died. The family mjved toAdrian, but soon after returned and went tolive with Mr. Ketcham, who waa Manila'suacle. Her friet.ds got her a position asteacher in the city schools, eh9 having beenwell educated, and it was while teaching thather acquaintanca with Ada Jones began.Two j ears ago her health failed, and beruncle, in k.nd generosity, sent Ler eubt torher health, and the, through friends, cameunder the professional care of

    DR. BOW1CN.who hves ia Jersey City, and who was thephysician of the circle in which ebe resided.This circle were all Spiritualists, and Dr.Bowen the shining head. Another was aMifS Hotchkiss, who was a fanatic in thatfaith, and believed in human perfection, anda life without hid, as expounded, it is said, byBowen. Miss Weeks'a letters to Toledotalked strangely of the same (tuff. Some ofthe Brooklyn people were relatives of theKetchams and tbe Bennetts, which accountsfcr Mantia's oing there. Finally, the Tole-do relatives were astonished by letters fromMiss Hotchkiss, speaking of Mantia as tbe"BLK99KD MOTHER," WHO 8HOCLD BEAR

    THE "BLEBSED CHILD,"and the like, indicating an astonishing stateof aiijura. They at oace sent for her to comoborne, and on her arrival found her crazyupon the notion indicated. Inquiry provedthat Bowen was at the bottom of all the mis-chief; that he had been operating with anumber of girls, amojg them Miss Weeks,and had brought them to believe in a newera of good will, fr?e love, Spiritualism, etc.,the kuding idea ot which was that he shouldbe the head of a new spirituality, and thatthe "Bitsstd Mother" should bear by him

    A SECOND CHRIST.The friends at once secured admisoion for

    ber to the Northwestern insane asylum here.She did not rapidly mend, and the Columbusasylum being opened about that time, Mr.Secor, who was a director in the institution,had her transferred there. Miss Jones, inspite of fcer r areuts who, however, did notseem to be fully aware ot the real situationfollowed the bend of her ideas received fromMiss Weeks. Her father observed shegrasped eageily atter reading matter of thekind, and one time discovered she was closelyreading Plato's works. Sho also read almostconstantly of highly romar.tic and sensationalnovels, tor which her tnir.t seemed insatiate.At last

    HER MIND GAVE WAT.She was at once sent to tbe Columbus asy-lum, and so got egain iuto the closest mti-ma-

    with the Weeks woman. This seemsto have been an oversight on the part of theToledo friends, cr else they relied on themanagement of the institution to know whatwas best for all tbe patients. Not long attera letter of Ada's (to her father) was received,so filled with her theme and so extravagantin ber expressions toward MifS W eeka, whomshe called "blessed mother," e . ut tnodoctor became alarmed and went to see aboutit, however delaying a day or two until themeeting ot tbe btat medical association, otwlich he is a member. In the meantime,Miss Wetks, whose theory was that she wascou fined in persecution against the boly headof the new church, conceived a cunning andfcuceeeBful

    PLAN FOR ESCAPE,t ie inmates contributing the money to theamount of fifty dollars, and Miss Jones head-iu- g

    the list with a good sum. The escapedoes not eeem creditable to the efficiency ofthe institution at the time. Tbe Toledo rela-tives made diligent search for the escaped"vngip." Dottctives traced her to JerseyCity, and heard of her being s?en withliowea, but here lost the trace. Finally, Dr.Jones intercepted a letter to bis daughter,beuring the postmark, "Ansonia, Connect-icut," and signed by Miss Hotchkiss. It boretbe "j'oyoui tidings" that the "BlessedMother of the Blessed Child was safe in An-sonia." "Blessed Child" is supposed to meantlio child expected, s there is no informationthat any child has yet been born as a resultof the

    BOWEN LIAISON.which has now covered a considerable pe-riod. All the information touching Bowenputs him in tho light of a designing liber-tine among tbe girls of tho Brooklyn circle.He has a wifo, who seems to know too muchof him to believe in his religious sincerity,as sh became very jealous of him at tbetime of Mantia's first arrival in Brooklyn,and on her arrival in Jersey City, on her es-cape, Mrs. Bowen made a disturbance andbegan efforts for a divorce. The Toledofriends now despaired of doing anything torpoor Mactia, and she has sinco been livingfrom place to plaoe among New YorK Spirit-ualistic sects, including those at Saratoga,Port Edwards and Ulen Falls. Duriug lastseason she was one of a number of Spiritual-ists who occupied a cottage at Saratoga,where, . supposed under Bowen 's manage-ment, they illustiatedTUB "HIGHER PLANE OF I.IFK AND THE


    Sheridan Waite's connection with the affar began abiut tbe tiuo of Mautia's first

    to Brooklyn. He chanuea to go to teeHot'-hkis- s place at the same time for hishealth, and was also treated by the same Dr.Bowen, and became at once very intimate?ith Miss Weeks. He visited her at Colum-bus asylum, aud there met Miss Jones, intowhose uncertain mind if'i Weeks pouredhis most extravagant praises, d8Mibing himas scmethinar crod-l:k- e and superhuman. Inthis way was the poor girl well prepared toba infatuated with him in tbe sudden androuiantw events which followed. Such is thehistory of a principal in what must be one otthe strangest cases in medical jurisprudence.If the situation of Miss Jones declaredto be

    A LUNATIC,married to a man she shall never see if herfriends prevail is sad. what shall be said ofMantia Weeks, with virtue, or at least goodnnme, gone with her reason, and not eventhe sanctity of marriage to cover the multi-tude of Bins, the world will see her awfulniihfoi'tune can only be uieaeured by thosewho knew her. She was a beautiful girl, witha biiht, frank, optn countenance, large, lov

    ing eyes and attractive form and figure.There was a sweetness in ber face often re-marked as almost spiritual. Surely, deathloves a shining mark, whether it be moral ormortal distinction.


    Considerably 31 od tiled - rbelVexro CarnTblef aad Btrabararr was not

    L.) nelied. Hut ta lleld forTrial.

    Special to the Appeal.Starkville, Miss , April SO. The infor-

    mation that prompted the special to the ef-fect that the negro, Ntviin Porter, whoburned Jordan Moore's barns, had beenlynched, proved to be untrue. He was, how-ever, arrested, confessed, implicated his ac-compli es, and has been lodged in jail.Johnson Spencer, who aided him, has justbeen bound over to the circuit court. Por-ter's case will be np The peoplear trinsed to the necessity of the euforco-ma- ct

    of the hugs.

    Olit UK 1ST COfll'ltOHlSEAccepted by Two-Tblr- d of the Tea.

    ateaaee JBoadholaera tiaveraorXtnrba will Issue a Pro-tarnati- on

    Orderingthei Ratify Ins


    Nashville, April 30. The committee ap-pointed by the governor to so ta New Yorkto secure the acceptance by the Tennesseebondholders of the fifty cents and four percent, interest compromise proposed by thelegislature, made a report to the governorto-da- annonncing that two-thir- of theState s creditors will accept tbe proposition.It is understood that Governor Marks will is-sue a proclamation calling anelection by the people to ratify the proposi-tion.


    The Jury Organized and tbe Trial Be-gan Tbe Defease will Met up

    the flea of Conspiracy toKill Cox.

    Atlanta, Ga., April 30. The jury wascompleted to day in tne Cox-AUt- case, andthe trial commenced. A part of tbe line ordefence will be an effort .to establish a con-spiracy to kill Cox, and prove that Murphyfurnished Alston with a pistol; that Murphyand Howard during tbe fight were concealedin a dark room of the treasury office, comingout immediately after, and Murphy securingthe pistol used by Alston, and that Howardabked at once that nothing be saij abouttheir being in sid room. The theory of thedtfense is that Cox was hunting Murphy ouleaf e business, and not Alston ; that Alstondrew and fired without any demonstrationfrom Cox to warrant an attack, and thitCox was fortunate in caving his own life bytaking Alston's in e. Importantaud unexpected testimony is looked fcr to-morrow.

    ii ustsviLjLk, ajla .Meveu Prisoners IMg Oat of Jail

    Glasses and Inkstauds oa theWins In a Coart-ioo-

    A Huntaville correspondent of the Nash-ville American writes, under data of thetwenty-sevent- h: "Seven trisoners confinedin our jail escaped on Tuesday night by pick-ing a hole in ton wall. An exciting scene oc-curred in the United States court-roo- re-cently, betwepn District-Attorne- y Mayer an lHon. L. P.Walker. It grew out of the ex-amination of a witness in an election fraudcusp. Solicitor MDjer remarked that UeneralWalker bad intimated something he shouldnot have said by a question put to the wit-ness. This General Walker emphaticallydenied, and upon Mr. Mayer repeating theassertion General Walker told him be lied,whereupon Mr. Mayer seized a glass near athand, but was prevented from throwing it byfriends. General Walker hurled au inkstandat Mr. Mayer, striking him but doing himonly eiitfht injury. Judge Bruco promptlyadjourned court, and upon reassembling thenext morning used tome very emphatic andpointed language in regard to the occur-rence, and notified the parties concerned thattbey would hear from him again on tho sub-ject before the adjournment of court."

    A 11I21XOU9 ciiins:.Rula of a Yoam Girl by a Musician

    Tbe Guilt Confessed and Tkreataf ly nching; Xtadc.

    St. Louis Republican, 28th: "J.H.Donaldson, a singer widely known in westerntowns as conductor of musical conventions,was arrested at Washington Courthouse to-day on tbe charge of seducing a thirteen- -vfar-ol- d daughter ot a ptoruinent otXenia. Donoldson has been in Xenia forsome time, rehearsing the oratorio of

    The young girl whose ruin he ef-fected wtw ia inr in his ehorus. On Wed-nesday evening last he overtook ber as shewas walking iu the outskirts of the city andpersuaded ber to continue her walk with himinto a piece of woods. Three young boyswho were near saw them, but fearing troublesaid nothing until Friday eveniug when tbeytold the girl's brother. Last night she wasquestioned about it and made a confession toher mother that Donaldson had seduced her.The news Boon leaked out and created greatexcitement uptown, Donaldson denied it,and offered fifty dollars to any one whowould bring him face to face with bis ac-cuser. An appointment was made, but thesinger did not meet it. He had taken flight.He was followed by the girl's brother andcfficeis, aud after twenty-fou- r hours pursuitby rail and across the country, he was foundat Washington, the capital of Fayette county.Us confessed his crime, and said be wouldmake every reparation iu his power if theXenia people wou'd not lynch him. He wastaken back to Xenia t. Feeling thereis very strong against him.

    Kentucky Lottery Indictments Dls-naiase- d,'

    Louisville, ADnli0. Judge Jackson, iuthe circuit court, to-da- y rendered a lengthydecision in the lottery cases which have beenpending before tbat court for a year or more.The opinion is to the effect that the grant un-der which Murray, Miller & Co. claim to actis illegal, and the managers of the same werefined five hundred dollars each; the vendersof tbe tickets in this lottery were also finedfive hundred dollars each. The court heldfurther, that the city of Frankfort was by actauthorized to raise one hundred thousanddollars by means of the lottery, which grantbaa not been exhausted, and tnat Simmons,Dickinson & Co. and tbe Commonwealth distribution company were owners of that grant,una tbey had a legal right to their lotteries.The indictments against them were dis-missed.

    Liberal Donation for (Sanitary Purposes.Boston, April bO. William E. Baker of-

    fers to donate property valued at two hundred thousand dollars, provided the sum ofone hundred and ten thousand dollars additionul is guaranteed, for the benefit of tbeMassachusetts public health association, forthe purpose of parrying out the recommendations of the board of health, by inspectionand advice as to improvements in bouse ventilation and drainage, for the suppression ofadulteration in tood, and tor tbe establishmeat ot schools of cookery and diet kitchenstor tbe sick.The UPPer Lakes Htlll Closed by lee

    Buffalo, April SO. Five propellersstarted from here to-da-v bound for the upperlakes, but were only able to get about threemiles out owing to the accumulation of ice,which extends above Erie. Four steambarges, bound for this port, are near PointAbino. unable to make further hcmliav.The wind ij blowing from the southwest andvery cold. Tugs were sent out to assist theincoming cratr, but were unable to getthrough tae tea.

    Public squares are a great blessing to thecommunity. We cau say the same of Dr.Ball's baby syrup; it is tha best remedy farthe cure ot all diseases babyhood has to encounter. Price only twenty-fiv- e cenU.


    The Veto Message the Stimulus or Can-cas- esby All Parlies Represented In

    Cougress The Indian TerritoryTrespassers to be Sup-


    The Greenbackers Caucus "Not Alto-gether Harmonious "Tho National

    Party will Not Stand as a Uniton the Question In the


    Washington, April 30. Subscriptions totha four per cent rtfundine certificates sinceyesterdav's report, 1400,080; subscription! todate, $4,311,810.

    SHERMAN GOING HOME.Secretary Sherman baa sartd for bis

    home ia Ohio, by way of New York, wherehe has some private business.DEMOCRATIC CAUCU8 ON THE VETO MESSAGE

    The Democratic senatcrs held a caucus thismorning, lasting about an bour, but uo ac-tion was taken except to determine, inform-ally, that the legislative, executive and judi-cial appropriation bill shall not be broughtforward for discussion in the senate beforenext week, and in the meantime the Demo-cratic senators will meet their party friendsof the house in joint caucus for consultationcancemincr the Drooer course to be pursuedin regard to the President's veto of She armyappropriation bill, and the political situationeenerally. The veto message was not discussed.

    NOMINATIONS CONFIRMED.The senate confbmed the following-nomination- s:

    United States consuls John D.Arguyamba, of New York, at Dania, Spain;Robert P. Wilson, of Pennsylvania, at Mos-cow; George W. Roosevelt, of Pennsylvania,at St. Helena; Francis P. VanWyck, of Illi-nois, at Turks Island; G. W. Griffio, of Kentucky, at Auckland; Eii P. YauPrang, atParamaribo. Howard White, of Nebraska,Indian agent, Omaha agency.

    THE INDIAN TERRITORY TRESPASSERS.Orders have been issued by the eecretary of

    war to Ueneral 1 ope, commanding tne department of Musoun, to furnish such military force as may be required to enable theIndian department to Keep trespassers outof the Indian Territory, and to enforce thePresident's recent proclamation on the subject. Ihe force in the Indian .territory andvicinity is ample lor the i.urpo&e, and theadministration is determined to enforce thePresident s order and protect the treaty andother rights of the Indians.

    CAUCUS OF DEMOCRATS OF THE HOUSE.Immediately after the adjournment of the

    house to day a well attended Democraticcaucus was held for the purpose of determin-ing what course should be pursued in regardto the Presidents veto ot tbe army appro-priation bill. After some discussion upon auroposition to refer tne veto messigeto tnejudiciary committee, or to a special selectcommittee, witn me view ot ootaiuing a report which should exhibit what was allegedto be its ineorrect interpretation of the pur-pose and effect of the sixth section of thebill, it was decided to onng tne measure toa direct vote without debate orreference. A resolution embodying this con-clusion was finally adopted with great una-nimity, end ia as follows:

    Kesolred, 1 hat it is the eenae ot ibis convention tbat tbe bill making an appropriationfor the support of tbe at my should pass, not-withstanding ihe ut jaoUrma of the President,and thnt we will proceed ta tube thfl vot.""to morrow without debile.

    The caucus then proceeded to consider aquestion ot wider scope and greater importance, namely : w nat inrtner action snouid oetaken by tbe Democratic party concerningthe two aDDropriation bills after they shallboth have been defeated by Presidential ve-toes. -

    The veto of tne legislative, executive andjudicial bill with its political sections being.ot course, toresnadowed oy tne rresiaent 8message, an animated discussion ensued, inwhich, among others, aiessrs. rtmuau, ,ox,Blackburn and Stephens participated. It

    finally determined to refer the wholesubject to the caucus committees of thehouse and senate wnicn originally iramedtbe political sections now in controversy. The house caucus committeebeing revived lor this purpose and in-structed to confer with a similar committeeof Democratic senators, and, after matureconsideration, to report their recommenda-tions to tbe joint caucus. Tbe membershipof this committee is as follows: Oa the partthe bouse Representatives Chalmers, Carl-isle, Cox f N. Y.l. Ewing. Sprineer, Tucker,Atkins, Clymer, Ueagao, iiicknell and rnelps.On the part ot the senate Senators Thur- -maa, Wbyte, Kernan. Saulsbury, JonesFla.J, Bailey, Lamar, Yoorhees and Vance.

    At the commencement of to day's prcceed-iecr- s.a strict iri inction of secrecy was im--

    DOed noon all the members, but this wassubsequently removed to the extent of permitting the publica'ion ot the conclusionsreached by tee caucus.

    A NATIONAL GREENBACK CAUCUS.The National Greenbackers of the house

    aleo held a caucus of three hours duration to-day on the subject ot the Presidential veto.A general interchange ot views occurred.but no definite action was reached as to whatcourse they should pursue. Information ob-tained from a trustworthy source iudicatesthat the meeting was not altogether har-monious, there being a great diversity ofopinion existing as to the proper steps to betaken, and in the course of the debate thefact was developed that the National partywill not stand as a unit on the question whenit comes before the house, but will divide,some sustaining the veto, others opposing it,and the third faction refraining from votingither way.

    Congressional Proeeediaxs.IN THE HOUSE.

    Immediately after the reading of the journal, the speaker presented the veto messageof tbe President upon the army appropria-tion bill, and it was read by the clerk. Onthe conclusion of the reading of the message,which consumed thirty-fiv- e minutes, Mr.Sparks offered the following order:

    It is ordered that the message of the Presi-dent, just read, be entered --at length on ihejournal, as required by the constitution ofthe united states, and tbat tne bouse will

    proceed to consider said message,and thereafter to reconsider the bill makingappropriations for the support of the armyfor the fiscal year ending June 30tb, and tbatsaid message be printed. Order adopted.

    Mr. Washburn, from the committee onpublic lands, reported a bill extending fortwo years from the act of 1&73 the time forthe payment of rs on certain pub-lic lands iu Minnesota. Passed.

    Mr. Heibert, from the com uittee on judi-- c'-- y, reported a bill amending section 5440

    ot the revised statute?. He explained that,under the existing law the penalty for con-spiring either to commit an offense agAinstor defraud the United States, was a fine ofnot less than one thousand and not morethan ten thousand dollars, and imprisonmentfor not more than two years. At amended,the penalty would be a fine of not more thanten thousand dollars or imprisonment fornot more than two years, or both, at the dis-cretion of the court. Tho bill was passed.

    Mr. Jj3fevre, from the committee oa agri-culture,' reported a bill to prevent the impor-- lation of diseased cattle and the spread of in-

    fectious diseases among domestic animals.Ordered printed and recommitted.

    The following bills passed: Appropriatingthe requisite amount to pay J. B. Eads theurns due or to become due for constructing

    the jetties at the South pass. Amending thesection in tbe revised statutes prescribing thepenalty for conspiring against the UnitedStates.

    Mr. Warner, from the committee on coin-ac- e,weights and measures, rerorted a bill

    amending certain ' sections of the revisedstatutes relating to the coinage of coin and tobullion certificates.

    Mr. Warner also reported a resolutionmakiuz the foregoing bill the special orderfor Saturday, and from day to day till disnosed of.

    Mr. Garfield suggested that the resolutionshould be so amended as to prevent tbe bill

    (rom interfering with the appropriation1518. '

    f Several Democrats TLey aro already outof the way.KThe vote wast"kan on th? resolution, andfasulted in yeas, 103; nays, 102 Tee speakerCast the deciding vote.f The ayes and nays were then ordJred onthe bill, pending which the house iv'jour.iedh A Democratic caucus was anucuueed totake place at once.

    IN TITE SENATE.was resumed of the house

    1 for certain expenses of thetserit session of congress and for other pur-fee- s,

    the pending question being whether'was in order to amend a3 proposed bv Sen

    ator Plumb, appropriating one hundred andthirtv-si- x thousand dollars to pay mileagefor the present session.

    The amendment was decided in orderyeas, 33; nays, 23; discussed aud agreed to.Tbe bill was then passed.

    The bill to prevent the introduction of con-tagious diseases into the United States wasthen considered.

    Senator Hamlin opposed the bill, andmoved to recommit, with instructions toframe a code of rules and regulations tocarry the object of the act into effect. Hecould not support the present measure

    of 4ia severity again vt our commercialand because it made the National

    board of health a legislative body in themaking of rules and regulations. This wastoo grave a duty to be intrusted to them.

    S.nator Kernan opposed the bill.Senator Garland, of the committee, called

    attention to the fact that the bill required allrales and regulations framed by tbe Nationalboard of health to be uniform, and subject tothe approval of the President. He said thecommittee did not want the bill recommitted,as they had already done all they could topresent the bill in an acceptable shape.

    Senators Hoar and Cockling opposed thel:.eaBureWithout further proceedings the "senate

    went into executive session, and soon afteradjourned.


    Case Terminates with the LiberalMeateaee of Seven Years Imprison,

    nient for the Uanatural Parent,he Pleadlnjs Guilty as

    Charged with Incestwith his Own


    Cincinnati Enquirer, 29th: Frederick Ich-bau-who waa indicted by the last grand

    jury fcr incest with his daughter, Elizabethichbaum, in the eastern part of the city onon the sixth of May last, was yesterdaybrought before Judge Johnston, of the courtof common pleas, and withdrew the plea ofnot guilty, which he put in when arraigned,and pleaded guilty to the indictment. Hewas represented by Judge Lindemann andColonel Bond. The former, speaking on be-half of the prisoner, said:

    Your honor has seen fit to appoint ColonelBond and myself to defend this prisoner.Both of us were satisfied that it would beimproper on our part to go before a jurywithout at least a tangible theory of thisease. We have used every means to ascer-tain whether we could make a defense or not.W e have examined the prisoner and hisdaughter, and have come to the conclusionthat there is no defense in the case. Feel-ing that a history of this man would possiblyenable you to look upon this crime witn6ome leniency, I will state it: "He wasborn in L?ngelos, in the canton of Metz,Lorraine, France, and, whe i twelve years ofage, removed to Canada. In the followingyear bis parents died, throwing him upon hisown resources, with neither means nor edu-cation i After remaining a short time inCanada, he went to Buffalo, New York, andlived upon a farm eif ht years. Subsequentlyhe came to Cincinnati, and married bis wifein thvv;Uage from where be was taken tojail. The lamily lived together in circum-stances so po r that the children were unableto attend school. The girl with whom thecrime is allege-- ' to have been committed isthe oldest of the six children. She is noweighteen years of age, and has no educationwhatever. Tbe family all slept in one room, andsince the mother's death, three years ago, nochange has been made. This was an unfor-tunate circumstance. Had the family ar-rangements been different, it is probable thatthe defendant would not have been a prisonerhereto-da- y. "The man frequently indulgedin drink, and the daughter admitted that, atthe first commission of this wrong, she de-tected liquor upon his breath. It is wellknown that surrounding circumstances havea powerful influence upon a person's actions,and we think the surroundings of this mansome extenuation of bis conduct. ColonelBond and myself thought that it would notbe right to put the county to the expense of atriil of the case. We have come to the con-clusion that he is guilty of the crime, andojnsidered it to be our du'y only to make afair statement of the case to the court, and toleave the prisoner to your honor's mercy."

    Colonel B --ul remarked that the legisla-ture of the Stite had, ia its wisdom, vesteda wise discretion in the court, and said youmay sentence this man to one year in thepenitentiary or ten. There is pothmg leftus in this cae but to appeal to that mercywhich was lodged in the breast of the courtby the legislature. Judge liindeman hasgiven you the history of this man. Remem-berin- sr

    that fatherless and motherless, poorand uneducated, he was drifting upon theocean of life, and knowing th -- t the legisla-ture has said that you may sentence him toserve a term of one year or ten years, I askyoar honor to exercise tne leniency towardthis unfortunate man wnicn you are giventhe power to exercise.

    Tt was stated that four of the children areliving, the daughter being in the county infirmary, and tne Qiaest acq, agea tmrceen, isliving with Dr. Gaines in California; theother two eons, aged ten and six years, aisoresiding in the town.

    The prosecutor, air. urew, stated that nehad conversed with the prisoner's neighborsin reference to the case, and had learned thatMr. Ichbaum was a hard working man, butthat he sometimes indulged too freely indrink. Nothing very unfavorable was saidof him, except concerning the present chargeagainst bim. Ihe defendant s boys, whowere before the grand jury, were very bright,and bad been sent to school considerablymore than the girl. The daughter is in thecounty mfirmaiy. in confinement with herfather s child. Mr. Urew stated that he hadconversed with the daughter about thecharge made against her father, and she saidthat the first criminal act between them wasdone under her father's compulsion, and thatsince that time she had lived with him fortwo years in the relation of a wife.

    I he prisoner, upon the interrogation ot thecourt, stated that ho had nothing to say inhis own behalf. The court proceeded to pro-nounce sentence upon bim, saying that thecrime is n moat grievous one. The offensewas ot such a revolting nature that it wouldeeem that no human being could become sodegraded as to commit sach an offense,Beasts of the field commingle their blood,for they do not kuow any better; but this isa case of a human being, who, for two years,bad carnal intercourse with his own daugh-ter, and she is nowbearing upon ber breast achild, tho fruit of that intercourse. She isequally as guilty as her father, but perhapsher tender years at the time illict intercoursecommenced are a protection in some respecttor ner. ine case acinus ot but very fewextenuating circumstances, perhaps of butone, and that is the checkered course of theprisoner's lite. This, in connection withpassion, perhaps, is the only extenuating circumstance ofiered here. Thecourt at fars5 felt that the daughterneeaea a protector, and tor that reasonfelt that a short sentence should ba sriven:but, judging of the future from the past, shewould need piotection from the prisoner. Shehas been unable to protect herself against theprisoner's lust. She is of age and able toprotect herself. Fortunately, perhaps, therest of the prisoner's children are males, andit is a pleasure to know that some of themare well provided for, and it is to be hopedthat the other children will be equally pro-vided for by a generous community. I feelthat it would be but an act of justice thatwhile not the full nenaltv of tho law. whichis ten years, should be enforced, the prisonershould be confined long enough to enablethese children to get beyond tho reach of hisinUaence and partially forget the offense. Itia the j'odgment of the court that the prisonerbe confined ia the penitentiary lor sevenyears.

    The prisoner waa then removed to thecounty jail.


    Russia Allowed Further Occupation ofPortions or Kouuiella Frightful

    Disaster at Sea EnglandAsked to Interfere with

    Russian PrisonCruelties.

    One Sasslan Town Destroyed and Another Nearly So by Fire Many

    Lives Lost and Much Suf-fer log Other News

    from YarionsPoints.

    London, April 30. It seems to be the impression at (Jonbtaotinoplo and bt. 1'eters-bur- g

    that several powers are willing to consent to Russia retaining a portion of hertroops at some central point in Rouinelia.This last portion only to commence evacua-tion August 3d.

    Terrible Disaster at Sea.London. Am-i- l 30. The steamer Nile.

    from Elva for Newport, with a caro ot ore,has been lost, i hree only were saved out ofa crew of twenty-thre- e.England Asked to Hltla-at- PrUoa Cru

    elties in linsdla.London, April SO. In the house of com

    mons ht Sir Robert Peel (liberal con-servative) will ask tho government, inasmuchas some years ago, in the interests of hu-manity, Gladstone, owing to an appeal madeto the government, took steps to mitigate theBufferings of state prosecutions in Neapolitanprisons, whether her majesty s governmentwill take any steps in tne interests of humanity to mitigate the horrors and atrocitissamid which the reign of terror is now car-ried on in Russia ever eighty million of people.The Proper minister Dodged Sir Robert reel ttueatlon.

    London, April 30. In the bouse of commons to-da- y Sir Robert Peel complained thatthere was no minister present to answer hisquestion relating to recent events in Russia,of which he bad given notice publicly jes-ter- d

    ly. He also complained that the speakerhad altered the wording ot the question.The speaker explained that the question, in theform submitted, being argumentative, couidnot be put. and it must be raised in the formof a motion. O'Gorman, of Waterford City,said that the absence of the minister, whennotice bad been given of the question towhich he should reply, waa disrespectful tothe house. The subject waa then dropped.A Kusniaia Town Nearly Destroyed by

    Jt'lre.St. Petersburg, April 30. A great Gre

    occurred in the city of Orenburg, on the Uralriver, Monday and luesday last, destroyingthe principal part of the city. The loss isenormous, and more than half of the population are destitute ot tood and shelter. Anumber of persons were injured. A dispatchfrom the governor of Orenourg, to the minister oi me interior, savs : --a violent storm assisted in spreading the flames, and Mondaynight the best quarters of tbe town were inashes. Among the buildings destroyed are twochurches, the artillery barracks, town hall,engine headquarters, auction mart, telegraphstation, seminary fcr teachers, customhouse,central omce and district military courthouse.1 be public lands and a greater part of theofficial archives were saved. The loss to theinhabitants is enormons. Three charredbodies have been found in tbe ruins. Per-sons Buffering from burns and other lrjaviesare being attended to in the bairacka outsidethe town, and in the summer gymnasium.The governor of Samara h-i- s been telegraphedto for a supply of bread. Measures havebeen taken in the neighboring villages to re-lieve the distress of the sufferers. Tne num-ber, however, is so great tbat the looal re-sources will fail far short of what is re-quired." The governor appeals to theminister for speedy pecuniary assistance. Noriots or excesses occurred during the con-flagration. A large number of governmentofficials were among the iniured. The minister of the interior has sent one hundred thousand roubles to the sufferers.

    Another Town Totally Destroyed.'St. Petersburg, April 30. The village of

    uratctieriBro, on tne Volga river, has beentotally destroyed by firs.The Kx-laee- n of Hanover alust Va-cate.

    London. April 30. A Berlin dispatchsays tne rs.-rli- government has agreed topay to! the ex-- o ieeu of Hanover the valueof her settlement and private property fromthe Guelph fund, but adheres to the previousrefusal to permit her to reside in tbe castle ofMarienberg.The Khedive Won't Accede to the De-mands of the Two Powers.

    London, April 30. A telegram from Con-stantinople states that the khedive's envoyhas informed tbe Porte that the khedivo hasrefused to assent to the appointmeut of for-eigners as ministers of finance and publicworks, but tbat he would nil"e other conces-sions to meet the views of France and Eng-land.Prolongation of Rusfclan Oeefcpation ofHoumella.

    London, April 30 The Pott, in its leaderthis morning, says: "It is stated that all thepowers except Austria and England haveconsented to the prolongation of the Russianoccupation of E istern Roumeiia for threemonths beyond May 3d."

    A Communist Detected.London, April 30. A dispatch from Ber-

    lin says tbat a person disguised in the uni-form of a colonel recently attended an officialreception held by General Drentelm. Whenasked to st tte bis business he began to fum-ble in his pockets, apparently for papers.General Drentelm seized bim and a loadedrevolver was found in bis pocket.

    The Char's Life Closely Guarded.Paris, April 30. The most rema kible

    precautious were taken daring tha czar's ra-ce- ntjourney t Lavidia. Sentinels were

    placed along the whole length of the line,trafti; was stopped, and access to the lineprohibited for twenty-fou- r hours before thedeparture of the royal train.

    The Treaty of Bcrliu to be Impact.London, April 30. Tha Marq'iis of Salis-

    bury, 8"crrttary of state for the foreign de-partment, speakng at a banquetdeclared tbat the government waa deter-mined not to depart in any part from thetreaty of It had given up a greatdeal for the eake of paca, bub could give upno more. So far as he knew, the great pow-ers, without exception, were firmly resolvedto execu'e the treaty. If the Eastern Rou-melia- ns

    accepted tha autonomy which wasguaranteed them their position would bean enviable one. If they refused it repres-sion must follow, and their blood would beupon their own beads, but he did not believetbey would choose the latter alter native.

    The Upper House of the PennsylvaniaLegislature ladorscs the Veto.Harribburg, April 30. In the senate to-

    day the following resolution was introduced:Resolved, That (if the house concur) the

    general assembly of Pennsylvania giveshearty indorsement to the President's veto ofthe revolutionary riders attached to the armyappropriation bill, and hereby instructs sena-tors and requests members representing Penn-sylvania to sustain the course of PresidentHayes upon this measure and others calcula-ted to assail the constitutional prerogativesof any branch of the government, or to openthe door to fraud in the national election.

    A motion to refer was lost ayes, 12; nays,26. On adoption of the resolution the yeaswere 30 and nays 12, a strict party vote,except three Greenbackers, two of whomvoted with the Democrats and one with theRepublicans.

    A White Wlfe-Marder- and a BlackBaplst to be Hanged,Louisville, April 30. In tbe circuit court

    to-da- y Judge Jackson overruled the motionfor a new trial in the cases of Robert Anderson (white) and Charles Webster (colored),under sentence of death, the former for themurder of his wife, and the latter for rapinga girl under twelve years ot age. June 27thnext was fixed by the judge as the day ofexecution.

    Elizabeth City, N. C, April 30: Ex Congressman L, Cobb died to-da-


    Paris, April 30: General Felix Donay, insp-ector-general of the army, is dead.

    New Yoik, April 30: Arrived Wyomingand Sythia from Liverpool, Canada fromLondon.

    Seville, April 30: King Alphonso ha9 ar-rived here to attend the funeral of PrincessChristiana.

    London, April 30: Steamships Maria fromBoston. August Andre and Bihvia fromNew York, arrived out. ;

    London, April 30: Artbnrsome, Ridley &Co., warehousemen and manufacturers, havefailed. Liabilities, 50,000.

    London, April 30: Seventy-fiv- e guineaspremium is now asked by the underwriterson the missing sUahier Berina.

    Valencienn? April 30: Troops cave beensent benc& Lonroches to hold the collieries,because-o-f a strike amon.the miners.

    London, April 30: Bullion withdrawn fromthe Bank of England on balance to day, onehundred and eighty thousand pounds.

    Buffalo, April 29: O. B. Howe & Son,grain commission merchants of this city,have made an assignment. Liabilities esti-mated atraorenry-MT- e thousand dollars; assetsunknown.. Paris, April 30: The publishers of LaFran-cais- t

    have boon condemned to three monthsimprisonment and to pay a fine of one thou-sand francs, for publishing a letter justifyingthe commune.

    Paris, April 29: Tbe Rappel says thatafter the recess the cabinet will itself pro-pose the return of the chambers to Paris, andat the same time submit bills guaranteeingfreedom of debate.

    Cleveland, April 30: Wm. H. Vanderbiltand party, on a special train, passed here atfifty-sev- en minutes past eleven o'clock thismorning. The train is to make the runfrom Buffalo to Chicago in twelve hours.

    Tirnova, April 29: It is sfated on good au-thority that the Prince of Batinberg stipu-lates that the Russians employed in Bulga-ria shall retain their posts five years, andafterward be naturalized if they so desire.

    Tirnova, April 30: In the assembly to-d-a telegram from the emperor and empress ofRussia was read, thanking the deputies fortbe election of Prince Alexander. The as-sembly adjourned until reconvoked by theprince.

    Louisville, April 30: The Kentucky StateDemocratic convention will assemble in thiscity for the purpose of nominatinga candidate for governor and other Stateofficers. Indications are that a large crowdwill be present.

    London. April 30: A dispatch from Romesays tbe Vatican has instructed its delegatesto Chili, Peru and Boliijia to interpose theirgood ctfises with a view to ending the war.or at least causing it to be waged with theleast possible cruelty.

    Odessa, April 30: Adjutant-Genera- l Obrut- -echoff passed through here to day on his wayto Constantinople as bearer, from the czar tothe sultan, of a proclamation of the czar tothe Bulgarians, calling upon them to abstainfrom disorders and to conform to tbe stipula-tions of the Berlin treaty.

    A PostoOlee Contraetor Arrested.New York, April 30. George Reed was

    arrested to-da- on a warrant from Chicago,by a United States deputy-marsha- l. He isunder indictment in that city for conspiringto defraud the government in a matter ofcontracts on the new poatoffice building there.Reed was taken before a United States com-missioner, waived examination and agreed toproceed to Chicago in charge of an officer.

    Gettlns it Down Vine,Boston, April 30. The civil damage bill

    passed by the lecialature, which permits therecovery of damages resulting from the saleof ii'iucr from the owners of buildings where-in liquor is sold, has been signed by GovernorTalbot.

    DIKD.TIPPING The remains of Mrs. Ann M. Tipping

    will be Interred at Klmwood Cemetery this (THURS-DAY) aftemooa, at 8 o'clock. The friends T. J.Walker and family are Invited to attend.

    BICBARDSON Aurll 30, 1879, at 2:30 a.m..Miss Ada Bichabdoon, late teacher in tne Pe&bodyschool.

    Funeral fr?m Calvary Cnurch tbls (THURSDAY)morning, at 10 o'clock. Services by Rev. Dr. White.Carriages in attendance.

    Assignee SaleOF VALUABLE

    Ah MI1IS


    THAT In pursnance of tbe powers vested tn me byof Trust executed by the Empire Coaland Transportation Company, I will, on

    Monday, June 2, 1879at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse doer. In the



    to the highest bidder, the unexpired term of fiftyyears, nem oy tne said company on tne two nunareaacre tract of land at Empire. Ky., and known as tbea. a. srasner tract, 'mere is an inexfiausiioiestratum ot

    SUPERIOR COAX.underlying said land, wtih a valuable mine tn goodwowing condition, now open, wtin a railroad trnekconnecting with St. Louis and Southeastern Ken-tucky, and witn a royalty cf only ten cents per ton ontbe coal that may be mined. I will also, at saidtime and place, sell trie Uxtures of said mlneo, mining-car- s aud mining implements, consisting ordrills, picks, shovels, crowbars, etc., blacksmithtools, carts, wagons and mules; also, such Interestas the said company may nave tn various otherleases adjacent to tlie above. TRM3 made knownon day of sale. May 2, 1K7'..

    v. r. uijabuvw, Assignee.Landes & Clark, Attorneys

    AND CONFECTIONS.Our Saloon ts now open for tbeof ladles and gentlemen. Our cream Is ofthe best Quality, and thn price as low as tbe lowest.Families and parties will be supplied at shoit notice.we respectiuuy asa me patronage or tne puonc.

    SPECHT & WALTER,37 Madison.S. Forrisg & Co. (Colored) Undertakers,MANUFACTURE M.3 reT-ST-


    nm n' "r

    cor. Gayoso and Desotos a.. Memtm s. we Keenon band full lines of solid walnut and rosewood, fin-ished la all stylos. Orders by mall promptly attended to. and nne-.- i c. . .

    Memphis, Tennessee, April SO, 1870.

    Planters Ins. Co.Office in Company's Building,

    No. 4 1 JTI adison Street. iSemph Is.D.T. PO KTKK. President.ti- - H.J CDAH, Vice-Preside-U.U.KAIKK, setrftary.



    Q. V. RAMBAUT.rwinsures against loss by Fire, Marine and River

    risks.Rtsfcs on Private Dwellings EspeciallyDesired.

    MR. RAINB is agent aso for tbe following leadingNorthern and Foreign Companies.Worth Ucrnin, of Hambarg, eruaany.Manhattan, ef Sw York.MaDBfartarer, of Hitn.Connecticut Kire. or Hartford.t'ranklla.' PhllnrtelnMa.


    Baptist Church Sunday School !

    MEMBERS of the school are requested to meetpromptly Rt 7 la o'clock tbls.(THURSDAY) evening, to attend tb Ait Exhibitionat tbe Ureenlaw iera)tii'n.

    W. 8. TAYLOR. SiuvrintndentAttention, Knights of Innisfail.

    REGULAR mooting this (THURSDAY) evening.Every member is expected to bapreset t, in full uniform, as business nf l;nr rtanceIs to be transacted. A. WALSH.

    Recording Secretary pip tern.

    IVotice.ALL ex Confederates are requea'ed to meet at theSmith it Collier, 275 Main etrct tbls(THURSDAY) afternoon. May 1 st. at 4 o'clock, fortbe pu: pose of making arrangements to decorate thegraves of the Confederate dead.

    WM. A. GOODMAW. President.

    Dissolntloa or Copartnership.NOTICE Is given that tbe firm ofn 4 Elaln has ben dissolved by mutualconsent. The business will be conducted by CharlesA. Damraann. who Is alone authorized to settle uptbe old firm's business, and to use th- - firm nam Inliquidation. CHAS A. DAMMANN.

    Memphis, May 1. 1879. tiABK KLEIN.In retiring from the firm. I bvg leave to request all

    roy friends and customers to continue their businesswith the new Urm. GABE KLEIN.

    NEW FIRM We nave this day associated our-selves uu'k-- r the firm name of Cdhs. A. Darainann A '.Co., for the purpose of continuing the business ofWholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers In tbls city.We respectfully solicit the patronage of the formercustomers of Dammann A Klein and the trade gen-erally. CHA8. . DAMMANN CO.. 175 Mnln sf.


    BY the death of A L. Harris, the Arm of Harris.Mallory A Co. is dissolved by law. but the busi-ness will be continued uninterrupted by tbe surviv-ing part-e- r, W. B. MaHory, under the firm name ofW. B. MALLORY k Co. All claims aralnst thefirm of Harris, Mallory A Co. will be promptly set-tle! by W. B. Mallory, the surviving rartner.

    W. B. MALLORY.May 1. 187fl. Surviving Partner.

    Dissolution of Copartnership.


    THE firm of H. B. Eggers & Co. waa this day disby mutual consent, H B. E'gers havingsold his entire Interest tn said firm Vj John Reld,Who will sign In liquidation. H B. FGGERS.

    Memphis, April 80. 170. JOtlN REIO.EpThe undersigned will conltnuo the business,at the old stand, as heretofore. JOHN H E 1 1).

    HENRY PENTELUna removed his popular H&losn

    and Restaurant to302 MAIN STSEET,fTlHK OLD STANB, and la now open for the areom- -JL modatlon of hi old customers. He pledges

    himself to his utmost efforts to pleasa In every D-epartment as heretofore, having In his employ thebest cooks and dining room attendants that can beemployed, who will be found ready to serve the nub-ile day and night. Meals, according to order, servedat any time during the twenty-tou- r hours. Tbe burts. as usual, furnished with tbe choicest liquors, ofevery character, the accommo mtion ot wine partiesbeing a specialty. In a few da;s special arrange-ments will be perfected for the acrommodailon oftbe ladles, i he parlors belug turnlsbed iuelaborate style.


    Ladies' Bonnets. ' French Bonnets

    Hair Braids. Hair Goods,Feathers, Flowfrs,

    LAVIGNECurls El'.ss,


    Laces, LAVIGNE SatinsCoquets, Gauzes,

    Ornaments, Klhhona.Millinery, Hair Puds,

    Children's BonuoM, Children's Bats.

    OPENIVG OF NEW AND ELEGANTEP Imported seeds. Great bargains In every de-I-

    part men t. Strangers should cot fall to eour 'assortment. Orders by mall will

    Ei-r- receive prompt attent.oa.

    Housekeepers' CJoodsAND KrtCIA.L.TlES

    Bold at Low sure. for Cash, with OnePrice to All Rich and Poor Alike.

    spending li considerable time East amongAFTER and their aenls, as well asawaiting the arrival of British Goods ordered by melast Jauuary. I am now ready to show the followinglines of go-jd- COS: PLK TE, und at a y considera-ble saving to tbe consumer. You are Invited to testtbe Cash System; and should any purchase prove un-satisfactory, our money wilt beretaaded.


    HonthwevC Corner of Court NqnareBainesley Linens, Doited Muslins,Scotch Dimasks, MMgKSalia,Wine Cloths, Counter pnnea.Napkins, Mummy Table Cloths,Irish Linens, HandkerchiefsCrashes, g Ties,Stair linen. Laces,Glass Linen, Tidies,Serge Towels, Toilet Mats,Huuk Towels, Corsets,Damask Towels. Ladles' Suspenders,Egyptian fcath Towels, Soap,Baskets, Ink "My Own."Chairs, Bay Rum. Gold Band," jScotch Fern Aprons, Perfumery,Napkin Kings, Piques,Table Mats, Sln Stripes,Knife Boxes, English Welts,Tarlatanes, Nottiuubam Curtains,Moussellne dea Indes, Kmbroiuenes.ih me b. T. Taylor isrstem of fittingIs In use In my establishment, which pioduces thehighest grade ot woiKin tne country, me novel-ties shown at recent Eastern openlugs are now beingIntroduced by me for Bridal trousseaux. J. G. W.

    MKS. M. K. CKOWLEY(Successor to Mrs. R. O. Smith),

    ISO. M Ilt'.ALE STKKKT,Fashionable Milliner

    AM) DKESS51AKER,constantly on hand a completeKEEPS of Millinery Goods, and all the novelties

    of the season. Bleaching and Pressing a specialty.It will be a guarantee to" the pu. lie to know, thatMrs. Sallle Sullivan, a ladyrf twenty rears experi-ence In the millinery busluess, on Main street, willtake pleasure In ber former frlerds andpatrons of tbe city and country, In shouting them allthe late Parisian styles in the iniiil eiy line. Weguarantee the lowest prices In the eliy.

    U. U. HALL.


    THE VIKW TO OPENING A COTTON AND GENERAL C9u,-,0,r0,fJl1,C- 5WITH on first or August next, we have this day dissolved tha firm ot Guy. Cotlln. andassociated in business with us Mr. M. G. HALL late of Courtland, Miss. Our bus ness will be conducedunder the firm names of IMItard, Coffin & Co.. Memphis, and y't Z,,i.tlWith tbls combination, and increased facilities, we are prepared to meet iiiteiests firand the trade generally, whose patronage we solicit. JOHN W DILLARD

    R. h. COFFIN.


    260 and 6 FRONT 8TKEJKT. ...HK35iilISt TISNN.
