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VOL. XXI. ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 Refolationa Gawtnuag Sale of r ^ r i a ^ Manassas Laid D m m ^ VT Town CoundL An adjourned meeting of the )WQ council was held in the town '•i Monday evenins: at which were present Mayor Wageoer and • * CouBciimcB Ooniiei, C u i e m « n, St uviuu, Narit, Newman, Sp«ideB. Wheeler and Wenrich. Dr. H- U. Roop^ president of I College, appeared before the body and asked to have the taxes on Eastern College re- duced. The matter was held ^«rer «stil the next meeting. Gbrence W. Wagener. on be- h^of the Woman's Auxiliair of the Northern Virginia Farni- en* Institute, appeared before the oonncii and adced (hat said council contribute one-third of the nnming ezpenaes of a proposed rest room to be estaUished in Manassas. This matter is to be discussed by tbe eoondl at its next meeting. MANASSAS, VA-, rtlDAY, MARCH 4EFT^WO WILL for Uttan at tmfaa •• 1103,500 EMate. IHDR9» Herman H. Portner, son of the j late Bi^Mrt Portner, millionaire brewer, who died in New York, I February 8, left no will. Hcraaftar tlie Board ol Wm Meal isc WarraBta. Ataregulafmeetingof the Board _^ ..„„ Appli-J«>^ Supervisors of Prince William cation has been made to the Pro-1 county, held at the courthouse of bate Court for letters of adminia-j the said county on Thursday, the tration on his estate by Aivin O, Pdrtti(»r dn<rorh1a'FroyffeFi 9th day of March, 1916. tiere ^^^^•a, wuc ui uia uruiaera. jWere pre8enirJ:X.T)aw8on, Oc- There are eight other sisters and; coQuut district, Clftrmao; J. P. " " ~ " Tistrirt; T. married. | M. Rossell. Coles district; O. C. His estate comprises a one-j Hutchison, Gainesville diatrkt; tenth interest in the property of! J> T. Synooz, Dumfries district, his father, estimated at $1,035,000 !«^ J- J. Conner. Manassas dSa- The sonlj interest is estimated ai^^"**- (1O3.S00. In addition, the de- i r O R E DONE MONTGOMERY TO SPEAK EffectiTe Legisladon. En- acted by Past SeMioa of Vw- LecUatnra. (By C. J. lie«tM. DeJeicate fraa Prince WillUm) The iai6 «««ioi^ of UteVir- ginia legislature, ^ i c h has just closea, was a very important one. « great many good meu- ores which could not be acted up- on for tha hu-ic />f tjf^ ^^a^^ tn hr Saturday of next week, March 25lh. J, H. Montgomery, secre- tary of the State Cooperative Ed- ucation Association, will come to TYLER NEW COilNn CLERK Former County Sapermtcadlcnt of Schools WiU FBI The Un- expired Term. the representatives of the school pnrroBs' loagaoo of Prince Wii ceued floaowned thirty siiues tipcHt of U K. U. Johnson in regard to settleme&t with Stefpett^ad-Hearing's attorney for balance doe on ccmtract for I Jfae installation ci the town's deettic light system was made and adopted. In settlonent of &dr acooant a warrant of the town for the smn of $800.00 was ordered drawn at onoeyid anad- ^tional warrant for $1,900 on or before ApriM. 1916. «s settlement in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaiost ibe town of eootntet. ' An ordinance regulating the sell ingnf miHr within the corporate of the Portner Realty Compan/ and 284 shares of the stock of the Robert Portno- Brewing Com- pany, and had about $5,000 in cash. His debts will not exceed $3,500, the court }B informedl Attorneys Hoehling, l*eelle an^' Ogilby rejwesent the estate.— Waahmgton Star. ^ CAPT. J. L HERRELL DEAD County Cfak and- VeteBBB Pk«Md Away Last Saliiniay Monung. At an early boor last Saturday mwning Captain James E. Hee- rell. county derk of Prince Wil- liam, passed away. Captain Her- rell, who was nearly 73 years of age. had bete in failing health for the last few years but abonta month before his death b e b ^ a a to fail r^idly and early last week it was seen that little ooold be ORDEBS It Wis ordered-thatXL. Daw- son be paid $5.80 tor (»e day's service for signing county war- rants altowed at January. 1916; meeting. It was ordered that C.H.Emery be appointed deputy superintoid- ent of roads for Dumfries district. The assistant superintoictait of roads for Coles district was ordered to adrertiae foi bids iui puUing the road in good travel- ling condition akmg the propoty of Mrs. George Berndonm Coles distriel. In ibe matter of ipftfla- where it passes over tbe land of Eppa Barnes be (qiened at the cost of said appficantsr The report on the application nfOtBd nrjBh aiiitf piiiafd whidi is tago into effect May 1. 1916^ eafls for the milking to be done in a ciean and saiutary man- ^Qglailk to be <iooled to BP F. imraedOatdjr after nrillnngv tn he iiRHvftr»»H m ptpaw^ acaMed bottiea or othar v having dose fitting tops, that milk come from cows in healthy eondl&«,'t&U"tK dairies premises of all pearaoos selling Mflk ia Manassas be imqpectedat to bmld a l»idge ova Boll Ran. near Woodyud's Ford, was le^ reived and mrdered filed until further order of this board. passed by without action, much in the way of good work was done. -J will eode«v<v to «rive a resume of some of the important legislation enacted which is ex- pected to serve the common- wealth in a guod way. The Torrens land r^istration bOI, which makes the state re- sponsible for clouds on any defec- tive titles of real estate, is a great step in the right directira. It is believed that by the adoption of this law we will be able to get in- to our state many good citizens who are kwking for .good farms and homes, Du^ who have hesi- tated to porchaae forJjie reason that many of oar land titles are defective; The past Legislatare (vaeticaiiy pat into effect the plan of segre- gation laid down by {jovenxa- Stuart Those who were exposed to this syston of taxation yielded their q;Hni<»s to those who dif- tkm to change said road at point, and to repent to the sakt meeting of the board. In the matter of H. Cole's ^>- plication to open road, it ^ ^ ^^^ ordered that the old locationjfered^lh them in order'to ^ve the Governor's plan a f u r trial The merchante' licoise tax re- mains srit was in 1915, although there was an effort to increase Tbe treagum' Jled g r fe. jHirHianM W monthly report of receipts - and disbarsanents finoB DecmdlKr 1« 1915. to Pdmiary 1. litlfi^as pro- vided by law. It was ordered that tbe coan^ the Uemae fnm $ 5 to $10 on all porehases o p to $2;000 and to in- erea-se fh^ rate f mm 10 to i^^ntt an ewfy Sl.fllO over VM,Wi in The d i r e c t inberitaaee tax. whiift "is a new item of taxation Ham. This afternoon . meeting of the patrons is being held at the Ruffner Building to me^eurangmsotaJaiutbcuaaaU log scheduled for the 25th. Mr. Montgomery's visit to Ma- nassas has for ita purpose the ol- tinuite federation of the various school leagues throughout the county into one big county organ- ization, which can work for the interest of the whde of Prints ^ Upon the death of Captain of vamesB.-Herrett. derk of the cir- cuit court of Prince William coun- tj. last Sauinliy. Jnflge J. B. ippdmledX^eorge G. Tyler, of Hayraarket. this county, to fill thf! aaeifljijed-.tarm of - William, The plan is by no means a new one, Jt.havittg been tried out in several counties of the state, and it has proven to be most successful as a means of looking after the interesta and the welfare of the schools. It is hoped that a large number of pa- t e n s from ^1 over Use county will avail themselves of tiie op- portonity to hear Mr. Montr gnmery speak on Satnrday, county cleric. This tom expires December 31. 1919. Mr. Tyler, who since 1909 has served as di- vision superintendent of schools for Prince WiUiam^^iaaKfiedat- once and assumed the duties of his new office Tuesday morning.- The appointment of Mr. Tyler was received~with maeh pleasure by the people of Manassas imd Prince William, who at the same time r^Tet exceedingly the los- ing of such a valuable superw- tindent of county schools. March 2Stfa. "DDE SOCIAL" LAST FRIDAY Extended 63 New Membelfi of W. C T. U. Eg- raOed m RMent Coatast. The "due sodal" andreeeption for new members of the Woman's C h r i s t i a n Tempoanee Union, which was held at the hospitable home of Mm. J L R ^i^ last FWday aftenwon. was a great Tbe boose was deco- boose was rated with a large W. CT. U. welcome pennuit and white rib- biHibuwH. in all. about seventy- flrr mrmhrm irrTTTyMlilit, town of ^ y m a r k e t tiie district -Igaiit once every six months by the town HoJth Officer, who i s to b e yaid $L00 for each examination Iqr the party for wbom the exam- ^*be"obSi^ %fwlTstf SS!!^**^^ ««? ^J^ milk in Manassas wbkh shall sig- wfy that the above regak^iens have been eoapUed with and which permit shall be good until revoked by the Health Officer. penalt^ for violatioo of 'tiiw ordinjuke is not leas than |L00 nor more than $6LOQL Boilding permita were gnmted follows! t b W. HiD'Brown toe the eree- '^^^oo of a <me-8tory frame garage "^.M hts home on Fairview avenue. ~>C. li. HarreU for the erec^ road fond eoUerted on property in add town for 1916 by reaam .^—^of 4 « i d tBHi» a a a a g q « » H r f ^ | i . 1-8 to l i centsonigwBiaeomeL owBroaals. -Whereasfe Aiioestion has arisen as to the Koper iasoanee <rf^er- When adiiU he moved to Prince Witliam^ where at the outbreak of the avil War be entered the service of the CcMofederate S t a t e s of America:—FVom the position {_ IT:__: •_ ^ , . . . "*F «'"»' raiiwmi* oi uw reeeni House and Senate. AtpT'«"?ff doe on all inheritances of $14000 or over. : An act was passed which in- The reodving line ebnaibed oT the officers <rfthe^ieeal Uuonand ti^ two captains of the reeent] Spies and Mrs. Kate Randall. creases the franchise tax cm rail- gaads and canal ewporations from Tbe "oomibas" tax faOI im>- Contiaoed on Seeood Fage of second aer8«u>t of the Prince William Rifles. Go. F., 17th Va. Infantry, he was momoted to the first beateoancy in April 186& andio the ca^itainey In Aogost, 1864 In many of the iMg cam- •paigns of the great euufliut; Oap- tna Hemir saw s^a&nt service. 7w'r'w\gi,.ii^iZrti^^j,s.\^J^^*^ ckiee of thp avij War, iion of a 16X16 shed on his lot ^^f*'^ Herrdre^gagwJ ua jaev- the depot. *'*^ merehantile enterprises in npper Prince William mad after- wai'da served the eeun ^ r of a one-stmy fraaegaitge ^Jithis home on West street An ordinance was adopted by Mianimoqsconsent whereby 'tofldiiig pq uiits aie to be gianled . b y a Building Committee of the "^town eoandi; said eonmittee to repml at each eoondl me^ng - p a m i t o g r a n t e d . When said . eommittee is in doubt as to the 13>opriety of granting a permit it . JB to be referred to the erandl for final action. The committee is appointive by the Mayor. 1^ f dlowing have been appointed as members of the Building Com- mittee: C. R. C. Johnson, a EL Nash and E. R. C<mner. An (Midinanee making it a mis- demeanor for any person to board 1lrea«igXowii" and "Mr. Bob^Wcra WeB Slw. The win^ifiy jHilf. jn ^ nmtFlft first gave their part at Ute pro- -grwati : ——- Rev. J. Halpenny made tiie opening pwyg^^whieh^ Gcorge G. I^ier. s o n otf Capt Robert H. and Mrs. ». S. Tyta, was bom on Febniary m ISOtr lowed by the angingolthe "Pro- hifaition Campaign So^g" to the Onwtinaed M Seeood Pi«c Captain flerreu w«. bom inJEASTERKS PLAJS JlEJiMIMYEIERARCmED^ To a very small aodicnec Eaat- e m CoU^re Dramatic Club pre- sentedtwoof the best-acted irfays evCT given by stodente of Eastern last Satorday evening. Theeot- sivdy as depo^ sheriff, dqmty ciCTk. eow^ytreasmer andeoan> lyderk. The deceased is sorvived by his widow, wbo^was a Miss Faith- fol, of Richmond; eneson. Robot E. 0(9'fdl,' and six daoghters, Mrs. Jamas E. Beala, of Hayaar- ket; Mrs. A. L. Henry. Mrs. W. A. Newman, Mn. F. Norvdl Larkin, Miss Elixabeth HeneU and Miss Jaaie S. HeneU. all of Manassas. I^e orchestra, composed of Sve pieces, gave several good sdec tious before the plays and be tween UE& BoOk' play* were iwesented onder the very able sopervfakm of MiaB JBSA' Vee Martin, instractor in oratory and expression at Eastern, to wfaotn •farthefisislifd manner ia wbidi tb^ Mowtan Sayraa, of Wednesday N«ht-Fi Satvdayat2P.IL Newtou 3ayres, of Aden, wdl known farmer and Confed»ate •eteran. died ia Alexandria Hoo- pitai Wednwrtay pvmii^ aftw iDasas of abont weeka'daration. Mr.Sarr«swas summoned to Atexaadria for jory Mrrice aad abottiy afiar. lus itelSen arrival in tiiedtyie with chrsaie Bricfat'a a^odi ptovidlitfid la tfaae. The deceased, who w a s b a n an Ftiiftltry Ti. Um, for oevag ,^ F u n e n l s e r v i c e s w e r e Con- or alight from any standing or ducted at St. Paoi's Episcopal g^-i^- m^ti^itt within tbe town oflCfaurch. Baymarket, Monday IfafXhwr laasas. not having bcease or nsoming, the Rev. Robb White ^^ iness on said trains, was offidating. assisted by Rev. J. F. imously p&ssed. The penalty Burks. The burial was in charge :bed for violation nf this or- of Manasseh Lodge. A. P. A A. I? from $1.00 to S&.00 M.. assisted by Drinkard Lodge. trom ".s»e. nee for each <rf Uais or ply to r&;i-»ad «rpjoyeea. TiiP -.-ti.njr was then ad- }n«med jntii therefroiar monthly meetmg of March 27, 191& r.jie. The provwoBS of Haymarket. Interment WM oems a gooa cnance vo oispiay •nftne^ fthoBld — ap aaade i»^t Pan!'a fhamh ^nt thrir hmtnnniff l*»Hty. Amonf of Haymarket. Interment The pallbearers were: Tbo& H. Lion, D. J. Arrington. O. C Hat- chison, J. E Ndson. Bryaa Gor^ 4km and T. R. Gallaher. tied out **THB MtSBSOfG GOWN" In "Hie Dressing Gowa," a one-act farise. there was some very dever acting. #htle all theae taldag part did well, tbe^ palm went to Miss Ernestine Moser. the star actress ot the College. Those taking part and the characters rcpreacnted were: Mr. P««be«r C P. Sowiud Mn. PMMT Mia MaM J«Ms Sank, tkm mtU .Wm Knmtim Mtmet W. B. Froak tiM tntktt. "MB. BOB" The two-Mt eamedy. "Mr. Bob," S*ve several of the sto- dente a good dianoe to display the beat acting done m this play that of Miss Arriatta Ssaith, mBUkHft been living with te Mrs. ThosL Baggott. He is sorvivad by eight ehildrea. two sons and six dmgfatetB. The sou an Lee. of Kkhnond. and Beajanria. of Aden, and the dxvhters, Mis. Tfaoa. Banoct; Mrs. O. W. Hedriek and M m J. P. Kerlin. of Aden; Un. George Heath, of CXfton Fof«e; Mrs. Bbnehe Beach and Mrs. Rebecca Herbert, both of Alexandria. Mr. Sayres was a brother (rf t h e lateFnmk Sayrea, ef Ftaaoil D. Baker and Miss Isabel KeUey and Mrs. J. M. Bdl read '*Malto Time for Good Things." Among other enjoyaUe fen- torea of the program wereaaolo by Mrs. G. W. Merchant, I'Wfais- |wiiugIIiHNilt;"*bother solo. "Spring Haa Come,", by Mias Kelley; a duet. "Jast Fifty Years Ago." song by Mi-, Kpm Bnnnr and Miw Anna RHI Rev. Alfofd KeUey was called open for a speech and be replied by uailngflfmifl». things for the ten^erapee cause , The program then doaed with a ahartP>« «4nng of "Biliy" Soaday's temperaaee song, ''Pare VThite Rtt>bans." While this wassbdag wiObebeUat A<len tonmrow (Saturday) a t 2 PL m., the Rev. Marka '^n**^'^ hr Rav. E. A. Road^ of -Mr.SdbyHMrri dale, Vs., enrolled this week «a stodeot of theeommereiaidepart- «fEa*aniCoU«K ia time with the mosic. At diis point the treasaro' of the UniQiL <aynfr J n bfoliful white bnslet trimmed with white ribbon bows. In this basket the does of each membo- were placed and at the same time ch one reeeived a raemberslup card. Rev. J.M. Bdl then made an appnyriate prayer,after which aU were iavked into the diniiw room where the defeated side gave their part of the ptogna. being tbe fourth of elevoi diH- dren. His falser, who died in 1901. served as captain of Conah pany €., ^ggT^rgtoufSegimant^ daring the <Svil War. He also represented tbe county of Prince William vay ably in two sesdons of the Virginia Legislature. Mr. Tyler's mother is still liriug at the Tyiw home at Haymarket Tbis sabject of tfais^ s k ^ d i ' st-^ tended adiool at Hiekoiy Grove, near whidt village he was bona. He later took a coarse at the Btyant-Stratton BosinessCdIege. Baltimore, aftpr wh«4. h* f«>m^ severd years. For two sessions, 1898^1900. he taoght sebod at Gainesville and Hidcory Grove. for five years, and aa deputy two years. Abeot t ^ or fifteen years age^ Mr. Trier's health began to fail and fer sevoal7«an he was kept from veiy active work. Darii« this time he spent two sammeni Pnaapecto at first were not so pleating, when the first coarse, pop com and white ribbon bows, was followed by a second coarse, consisting of toothpidn. But things brigfatwied gp as the third coarse came in sight This con- dsted of ham saodwiches.ehicken COM iFUia la Montana. In the meanwhile be was serving on the eoanty scbod board, of which he was five or six years. Upon the redgnatkai of Dr. B. M. darkson. in 1909, Mr. Tyler was appointed division soperin- tendent of schools for Prince Wil- liam. In I9I3, be was reappdnted for a term of foor ysara.- His ton of office has witnessed attay great advances in t h e eoanty schods and his unfailing devo- tion to the work has been very irigiriy comoentBd upon by aR intereated in the pronMCion pablie education. -Judge J. B. T. Thornton has appointed Dr. W. I. Robey, cf Hemdon, coroner of Fairfax tfaatf-tn snrreeri the lata Dr. S. L. Detwiler. who bad been ap- pointed at the beginning of tne yeor.
Page 1: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An

V O L . X X I .


Refolationa Gawtnuag Sale of r ^ r i a ^ Manassas Laid D m m

^ VT T o w n CoundL

An adjourned meeting of the )WQ council was held in the town

'•i Monday evenins: at which were present Mayor Wageoer and

• * CouBciimcB Ooniiei, C u i e m « n, St u v i u u , Narit, Newman,

Sp«ideB. Wheeler and Wenrich. Dr. H- U. Roop^ president of

I College, appeared before the body and asked to have the taxes on Eastern College re­duced. The matter was held

^«rer «s t i l the next meeting. Gbrence W. Wagener. on be-

h ^ o f the Woman's Auxil iair o f the Northern Virginia Farni-e n * Institute, appeared before the oonncii and adced (hat said council contribute one-third of the nnming ezpenaes of a proposed rest room to be estaUished in Manassas. This matter is to be discussed by tbe eoondl at i t s next meeting.

M A N A S S A S , V A - , rtlDAY, M A R C H


for U t t a n at tmfaa • • 1103,500 EMate.


Herman H. Portner, son of the j late Bi^Mrt Portner, millionaire brewer, who died in N e w York, I February 8, left no will.

Hcraaftar tl ie Board o l W m Meal i s c WarraBta.

Ataregulafmeet ingof the Board _ ^ . . „„ Appli-J«>^ Supervisors of Prince William

cation has been made to the Pro-1 county, held at t h e courthouse of bate Court for letters of adminia-j the said county on Thursday, the tration on his estate by Aivin O, Pdrtti(»r d n < r o r h 1 a ' F r o y f f e F i

9th day of March, 1916. t i e r e ^^^^•a, wuc ui uia u r u i a e r a . jWere pre8enirJ:X.T)aw8on, Oc-There are eight other sisters and; coQuut district, Clf trmao; J . P.

" " ~ " Tistrirt; T. married. | M. Rossell. Coles district; O. C.

His estate comprises a one-j Hutchison, Gainesville diatrkt; tenth interest in the property of! J> T. Synooz, Dumfries district, his father, estimated at $1,035,000 ! « ^ J- J. Conner. Manassas dSa-T h e sonlj interest is estimated ai^^"**-(1O3.S00. In addition, the de-


EffectiTe Legisladon. En­acted by Past SeMioa of Vw-

LecUatnra .

(By C. J. lie«tM. DeJeicate fraa Prince WillUm)

The i a i 6 «««ioi^ o f UteVir-ginia legislature, ^ i c h has just closea, was a very important one.

« great many good m e u -ores which could not be acted up-on for tha hu-ic />f tjf^ ^ a ^ tn hr

Saturday of next week, March 25lh. J, H. Montgomery, secre­tary of the State Cooperative Ed­ucation Association, will come to

TYLER NEW COilNn CLERK Former County Sapermtcadlcnt

of Schools WiU FBI The Un­expired Term.

the representatives of the school pnrroBs' loagaoo of Prince Wii

c e u e d floaowned thirty s i i u e s

tipcHt of U K. U. Johnson in regard to settleme&t w i t h S te fpe t t^ad-Hear ing ' s attorney for balance doe on ccmtract for

I Jfae installation ci the t o w n ' s d e e t t i c l ight sys tem was made and adopted. In se t t lonent of & d r acooant a warrant of the town for the smn of $800.00 was ordered drawn at o n o e y i d anad-^t ional warrant for $1,900 on or before ApriM. 1916. « s sett lement in full of all e la imsof said Sterrett and Fleming asa ios t ibe town of

eootntet. ' An ordinance regulating the sell

i n g n f miHr within t h e corporate

of the Portner Realty Compan/ and 284 shares of the stock of the Robert Portno- Brewing Com­pany, and had about $5,000 in cash. His debts will not exceed $3,500, the court }B informedl

Attorneys Hoehling, l*eelle an^' Ogilby rejwesent the estate.— Waahmgton Star. ^

CAPT. J. L HERRELL DEAD County C f a k and-

VeteBBB Pk«Md A w a y Last Sal i in iay Monung.

A t an early boor last Saturday m w n i n g Captain James E . Hee-rell. county derk of Prince Wil­liam, passed away. Captain Her-rell, who w a s nearly 73 years of age . had b e t e in fail ing health for the last f ew years but abonta month before his death be b ^ a a to fail r ^ i d l y and early last week i t was seen that little ooold b e

ORDEBS It Wis ordered- tha tXL. D a w -

son be paid $5.80 tor ( » e day's service for s igning county war­rants altowed at January. 1916; meeting.

It was ordered that C.H.Emery be appointed deputy superintoid-ent of roads for Dumfries district.

The assistant superintoictait of roads for Coles district was ordered to adrertiae foi bids iui puUing the road in good travel­ling condition akmg the p r o p o t y of Mrs. George B e r n d o n m Coles distriel. In ibe matter of ip f t f la -

where i t passes over tbe land of Eppa Barnes be (qiened at the cost of said appficantsr

The report on the application

nfOtBd nrjBh aiiitf piiiafd

whid i i s t a g o into effect May 1. 1916^ eafls for the milking to be done in a ciean and saiutary man-

^ Q g l a i l k to be <iooled to BP F. imraedOatdjr a f t e r

nrillnngv tn he iiRHvftr»»H m ptpaw^

acaMed bottiea or othar v having d o s e fitting tops, that milk come from cows in healthy e o n d l & « , ' t & U " t K dairies premises of all pearaoos selling Mflk ia Manassas be imqpectedat

to bmld a l » i d g e ova Boll Ran . near W o o d y u d ' s Ford, was le^ re ived and mrdered filed until further order o f this board.

passed by without action, much in the way of good work was done. -J will eode«v<v to «rive a resume of some of the important legislation enacted which is ex­pected to serve the common-wealth in a guod way.

The Torrens land r^istrat ion bOI, which makes the state re­sponsible for clouds on any defec­tive titles of real estate, is a great s tep in the right directira. It is believed that by the adoption of this law we will be able to ge t in­to our state many good citizens who are kwking for .good farms and homes, Du^ who have hesi-tated to porchaae forJ j i e reason that many of oar land titles are defective;

The past Legislatare (vaeticaiiy pat into effect the plan of segre­gation laid down by {jovenxa-S t u a r t Those who were exposed to this sy s ton of taxation yielded their q;Hni<»s to those who dif-

tkm to change said road at point, and to repent to the s a k t meet ing of the board.

In the matter of H. Cole's ^>-plication to open road, i t ^ ^ ^^^

ordered that the old l o c a t i o n j f e r e d ^ l h them in order'to ^ v e the Governor's plan a f u r tr ial

T h e merchante' l i co i se tax re­mains s r i t w a s in 1915, although there was an effort to increase

Tbe treagum' J l e d g r fe. jHirHianM W monthly report o f receipts - and disbarsanents finoB DecmdlKr 1« 1915. to P d m i a r y 1. litlfi^as pro­vided by law.

I t was ordered that tbe c o a n ^

the Uemae fnm $ 5 to $10 on all porehases op to $2;000 and to in-erea-se fh^ rate f m m 10 to i ^ ^ n t t a n e w f y Sl.fllO over VM,Wi in

The d i r e c t inberitaaee tax. whiift "is a new item of taxation

Ham. This afternoon . meeting of the patrons is being held at the Ruffner Building to m e ^ e u r a n g m s o t a J a i u t b c u a a a U

l o g scheduled for the 25th. Mr. Montgomery's visit to Ma­

nassas h a s for ita purpose the ol-tinuite federation of the various school leagues throughout t h e county into one big county organ­ization, which can work for the interest of the w h d e of Prints

^ Upon the death of Captain of vamesB.-Herrett. derk of the cir­

cuit court of Prince William coun-t j . last Sauin l iy . Jnflge J. B.

ippdmledX^eorge G. Tyler, of Hayraarket. this county, to fill thf! aaeifljijed-.tarm of -

William, The plan is by no means a new one, Jt.havittg been tried out in several counties of the state, and it has proven to be most successful as a means of looking after the interesta and the welfare of the schools. It is hoped that a large number of pa­t e n s from ^1 over Use county will avail themselves of tiie op-portonity to h e a r Mr. Montr gnmery speak on S a t n r d a y ,

county cleric. This t o m expires December 31. 1919. Mr. Tyler, who since 1909 has served as di­vision superintendent of schools for Prince WiUiam^^iaaKfiedat-once and assumed the duties of his new office Tuesday m o r n i n g . -The appointment of Mr. Tyler was received~with maeh pleasure by the people of Manassas imd Prince William, who at the same time r^Tet exceedingly the los­ing of such a valuable superw-tindent of county schools.

March 2Stfa.

"DDE SOCIAL" LAST FRIDAY Extended 6 3 N e w

Membelfi of W . C T. U. Eg-raOed m R M e n t Coatast.

The "due soda l" andreeeption for new members of the Woman's C h r i s t i a n Tempoanee Union, which was held at the hospitable home of M m . J L R ^i^ last FWday aftenwon. was a great

Tbe boose was deco-boose was rated with a large W. CT. U. welcome pennui t and white rib-biHibuwH. i n all. about seventy-flrr mrmhrm irrTTTyMlilit,

town of ^ y m a r k e t tiie district

-Igaiit once every s ix months by the town H o J t h Officer, who is to be yaid $L00 for each examination Iqr the party for wbom the exam-

^ * b e " o b S i ^ % f w l T s t f S S ! ! ^ * * ^ ^ « « ? ^ J ^ milk in Manassas wbkh shall s ig-w f y that the above regak^iens have been eoapUed with and which permit shall be good until revoked by t h e Health Officer.

penalt^ for violatioo of 'tiiw ordinjuke is not leas than | L 0 0 nor more than $6LOQL

Boilding permita were gnmted follows!

„ t b W. HiD'Brown toe the eree-'^^^oo o f a <me-8tory frame garage "^.M hts home on Fairview avenue.

~ > C . l i . HarreU for the erec^

road fond eoUerted on property in a d d town for 1916 by reaam

.^—^of 4 « i d tBHi» a a a a g q « » H r f ^ | i . 1-8 to l i centsonigwBiaeomeL owBroaals.

-Whereasfe Ai ioest ion has arisen a s to the K o p e r iasoanee <rf^er-

When a d i i U h e moved to Prince Witliam^ where at the outbreak of t h e a v i l War be entered the service of the CcMofederate States of America:—FVom the position

{_ IT:__: •_ ^ , . . . "*F «'"»' raiiwmi* o i u w reeeni

House and Senate. A t p T ' « " ? f f doe on all inheritances of $14000 or over. : • —

A n act was passed which in-

The reodving line ebnaibed oT the officers <rfthe^ieeal U u o n a n d ti^ two captains of the reeent]

Spies and Mrs. Kate Randall.

creases the franchise tax cm rail-gaads and canal ewporations from

T b e "oomibas" tax faOI im>-

Contiaoed on Seeood Fage

of second aer8«u>t of the Prince William Rifles. Go. F . , 17th Va. Infantry, he was momoted to the first beateoancy in Apr i l 186& a n d i o the ca^itainey In Aogost , 1 8 6 4 In many of the iMg cam-•paigns of the great euufliut; Oap-t n a H e m i r saw s^a&nt service.

7w'r'w\gi,.ii^iZrti^^j,s.\^J^^*^ ckiee of thp a v i j War, i i o n of a 16X16 shed on his lot ^^f*'^ Herrdre^gagwJ ua jaev-

the depot. *'*^ merehantile enterprises in npper Prince William mad after-wai'da served the eeun

^ r of a one-stmy f r a a e g a i t g e ^J i th i s home on West s t r e e t

An ordinance was adopted by M i a n i m o q s c o n s e n t w h e r e b y

'tofldiiig p q uiits a i e to be g ianled . b y a Building Committee of the "^town eoandi; said eonmit tee to

r e p m l a t each eoondl m e ^ n g - p a m i t o g r a n t e d . When said

. eommittee is in doubt as to the 13>opriety of granting a permit it

. JB to be referred to the erandl for final action. The committee is appointive by the Mayor. 1 ^ f d lowing have been appointed as members of the Building Com­mittee: C. R. C. Johnson, a EL Nash and E. R. C<mner.

An (Midinanee making it a mis­demeanor for any person to board

1lrea«igXowii" and "Mr. Bob^Wcra WeB

S l w .

The win^ifiy jHilf. jn ^ nmtFlft first g a v e their part at Ute pro--grwati : ——-

Rev. J. Halpenny made tiie opening pwyg^^whieh^

Gcorge G. I^ier. son otf C a p t Robert H. and Mrs. ». S. Tyta, was b o m on Febniary m ISOtr

lowed by the a n g i n g o l t h e "Pro-hifaition Campaign So^g" to the

Onwtinaed M Seeood Pi«c

Captain flerreu w«. bom inJEASTERKS PLAJS J l E J i M I M Y E I E R A R C m E D ^

To a very small aodicnec Eaat-e m CoU^re Dramatic Club pre-sentedtwoof the best-acted irfays evCT given by stodente of Eastern last Satorday evening. Theeo t -

s i v d y as d e p o ^ sheriff, d q m t y ciCTk. e o w ^ y t r e a s m e r andeoan> l y d e r k .

The deceased is sorvived by his widow, wbo^was a Miss Faith-fol, of Richmond; eneson . R o b o t E . 0(9'fdl , ' and s ix daoghters, Mrs. Jamas E . Beala, of H a y a a r -ket; Mrs. A. L. Henry. Mrs. W. A. Newman, Mn. F. Norvdl Larkin, Miss Elixabeth HeneU and Miss Jaaie S. HeneU. all of Manassas.

I ^ e orchestra, composed of S v e pieces, g a v e several good s d e c tious before the plays and be tween UE& BoOk' play* were iwesented onder the very able sopervfakm of MiaB JBSA' Vee Martin, instractor in oratory and expression a t Eastern, to wfaotn

•farthefisisl ifd manner ia wbid i t b ^

Mowtan Sayraa, of Wednesday N « h t - F i

S a t v d a y a t 2 P . I L

Newtou 3ayres, o f Aden, w d l

known farmer and C o n f e d » a t e •e teran . died ia Alexandria Hoo-pitai Wednwrtay p v m i i ^ a f t w

iDasas o f abont weeka'daration. Mr .Sarr«swas summoned to Atexaadria for jory Mrrice a a d abottiy af iar . lus

i t e l S e n arrival in tiiedtyie w i th chrsaie Bricfat'a a^odi p t o v i d l i t f i d la tfaae.

The deceased, who was b a n an Ftiiftltry Ti. Um, for o e v a g

, ^ F u n e n l s e r v i c e s were Con­or alight from any standing or ducted at St. Paoi's Episcopal g^-i^-

m^ti^itt within t b e town oflCfaurch. Baymarket, M o n d a y I f a f X h w r laasas. not having bcease or nsoming, the Rev. Robb White ^ ^ iness on said trains, was offidating. assisted by Rev. J. F.

imously p&ssed. The penalty Burks. The burial was in charge :bed for violation nf this or- of Manasseh Lodge. A. P. A A.

I? from $1.00 to S&.00 M.. assisted by Drinkard Lodge. trom ".s»e.

nee for each <rf Uais or ply to r&;i-»ad «rpjoyeea.

TiiP - .-t i .njr was then ad-}n«med jntii therefroiar monthly meetmg of March 27, 191&

r.jie. The provwoBS of Haymarket. Interment W M o e m s a gooa cnance vo oispiay •nftne^ fthoBld — ap aaade i » ^ t Pan!'a fhamh ^ n t thrir hmtnnniff l*»Hty. Amonf

of Haymarket. Interment

The pallbearers were: Tbo& H. Lion, D. J. Arrington. O. C Hat-chison, J. E N d s o n . Bryaa Gor^ 4km and T. R. Gallaher.

t ied o u t **THB MtSBSOfG GOWN"

In " H i e Dressing Gowa," a one-act farise. there was some very d e v e r acting. # h t l e all theae ta ldag part did well, tbe^ palm went to Miss Ernestine Moser. the star actress ot the College. Those taking part and the characters rcpreacnted were: Mr. P««be«r C P. Sowiud Mn. P M M T Mia MaM J«Ms Sank, tkm mtU .Wm Knmtim Mtmet

W. B. Froak tiM tntktt.

"MB. BOB" The two-Mt eamedy. "Mr.

Bob," S*ve several of the s to­dente a good dianoe to display

the beat acting done m this play that of Miss Arriatta Ssaith,


been l iving with te Mrs. ThosL Baggott.

H e i s sorvivad by e ight ehildrea. t w o sons and s ix dmgfatetB. The s o u a n Lee. of K k h n o n d . and Beajanria. of Aden, and the d x v h t e r s , Mis. Tfaoa. B a n o c t ; Mrs. O. W. Hedriek and M m J. P. Kerlin. of Aden; Un. George Heath, of CXfton Fof«e; Mrs. B b n e h e Beach and Mrs. Rebecca H e r b e r t , both of Alexandria. Mr. Sayres was a brother (rf t h e l a t e F n m k Sayrea, e f

F t a a o i l

D. Baker and Miss Isabel KeUey

and Mrs. J . M. B d l read '*Malto Time for Good Things ."

Among other enjoyaUe fen-torea of the program w e r e a a o l o by Mrs. G. W. Merchant, I'Wfais-| w i i u g I I i H N i l t ; " * b o t h e r solo. "Spring Haa Come ," , by Mias Kelley; a duet. "Jast Fifty Years A g o . " song by Mi-, Kpm B n n n r and Miw Anna RHI

Rev. Alfofd KeUey was called open for a speech and be replied

by uailng flf mifl». things for the ten^erapee cause

, The program then doaed with a ahartP>« « 4 n n g o f "Bil iy" Soaday's

temperaaee song, ''Pare VThite Rtt>bans." While this wassbdag

w i O b e b e U a t A<len t o n m r o w (Saturday) a t 2 PL m. , the Rev. Marka '^n**^'^

hr Rav. E. A. Road^ of

-Mr.SdbyHMrri dale, Vs . , enrolled this week « a s todeot of theeommereiaidepart-

« f E a * a n i C o U « K

ia t ime with the mosic. A t di i s point the treasaro' of

the UniQiL <aynfr J n b f o l i f u l white bns l e t trimmed with white ribbon bows. In this basket the does of each membo-were placed a n d a t the same time

c h one reeeived a raemberslup card. Rev. J . M . Bd l then made an appnyriate prayer,after which aU were iavked into the diniiw room where the defeated side gave their part of the p t o g n a .

being tbe fourth of e l evo i diH-dren. His falser , who died in 1901. served as captain of Conah pany € . , ^ggT^rgtoufSegimant^ daring the <Svil War. H e a l s o represented tbe county of Prince William v a y ably in two se sdons of the Virginia Legislature. Mr. Tyler's mother is still liriug a t the Ty iw home a t Haymarket

Tbis sabject of tfais^ s k ^ d i ' st-^ tended adiool at Hiekoiy Grove, near w h i d t village he was bona. H e later took a coarse at the Btyant-Stratton BosinessCdIege. Baltimore, aftpr wh«4. h* f « > m ^ severd years. For two sessions, 1898^1900. he taoght sebod at Gainesville and Hidcory Grove.

f o r five years, and aa deputy

t w o years. Abeot t ^ or fifteen years age^

Mr. Trier's health began to fail and fer s e v o a l 7 « a n he was kept from veiy active work. D a r i i « this time he spent two sammeni

Pnaapecto at first were not so pleating, when the first coarse, pop com and white ribbon bows, was followed by a second coarse, c o n s i s t i n g of toothpidn. But things brigfatwied gp as the third coarse came in s i g h t This con-dsted of ham saodwiches.ehicken


la Montana. In the meanwhile be was serving on the eoanty s cbod board, of which he w a s

five or s ix years. Upon the redgnatkai of Dr. B .

M. darkson . in 1909, Mr. Tyler was appointed division soperin-tendent o f schools for Prince Wil-liam. In I9I3, be was reappdnted for a term of foor ysara.- His t o n of office has witnessed a t t a y great advances in t h e eoanty schods and his unfailing devo­tion to the work has been very irigiriy comoentBd upon by aR intereated in the pronMCion o£ pablie education.

- J u d g e J. B. T. Thornton has appointed Dr. W. I. Robey, c f Hemdon, coroner of F a i r f a x tfaatf-tn snrreeri the lata Dr. S . L. Detwiler. who bad been ap­pointed at the beginning of tne yeor.

Page 2: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An


IfiESUMEJlfJQRKDONE Some Effective Legislation En­

acted by Part Sessbn of Vir­ginia Legisl*ture.


Continued From First P«ge

an increase in taxation on heat, liglit and power CQppani^from 1 t o l i per cent on gnaa incomea, three-fifths to jfo to the state and two-fifths to the localities.

Another act which was passed provides that the examlTrers of records shall be appointed and re­moved by the State Tax Board, which-was forawrlyJtnowaas 4b« St«tft-A.4<Han>v Board af laxatioa

tain warrants, esfpet'iully as fco-. warrant 691 to S-0 mclubive.

The Thornton Literary Scx;iety [ therein re. be it entertained the Tyler Literary! Kebolv.-.i. That J. L. Uawsoti g^jpty an<i th'^ fa'-'^ny r,f Bethel j and J- P- Leadmiaa be a^poail^d j High School Friday. March 10th. la committee to investigate

as well as advisory. Among other bills passed was

the manHfacttirera' tai hill whifih defines net capital, allows a de-ductiorfaof money borrowed with­in 6 months prior to February 1st each year and provides a system of bookipeepingr fur makiuK accu-rate returns for taxation.

The Gate remitter bill allows the state to go back to 1903 in making assessments on property hitherto omitted and to place such property on the books for collection of taxes. Localities are allowed to go back as far as 1912 by this bill.

The game bill was passed and \t ia thought bv manT to be a

ol Interut to PupUi Patron*^ Thii Hi«h School


EVERY SECOND THURSDAY, ^^^^^^^^' ~^ ContiiiueJ From First Page ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I Big Spnng Openmg IFLOUR, FEED

- ^

The program, which consisted of songs, recitations, readings, es­says and debate, was well ren­dered. Both societies have done good work this year.

The Bethel High School Athlet­ic Association met Friday after­noon and after the usual business meetingf- the- society tiiscussed^ hQvino n tflnnJB poiirt fixed a n d

to investigate the j -qtiestiofi faietd and to make re- j port to the board at the next I meeting. ' |

It was ordered that the sum of $2.00 per month, each, be allowed the following persons in Gaines­ville district as paupers: Ed Landsdown. William Mickey and William Mickey's wife.

It was ordered that the meet-Tlie tax board io modooupeyyigiFjr thp sliidMtfl nrf pngf rly innking

forward to the tennis season On Saturday, April 15, at one

o.'clflck-.Ji. .m»~Uie iiag jaising will be observed at Bethel High School. The O r d e r Fraternal Americans is expected to be pres­ent. There will also be prominent sp^ikers on hand and a good pro­gram will be rendered by the stu­dents. Refreshments will be sold for the benefit of the school fund.

At 2:30 o'clock last Friday aft­ernoon. The B e t h e l Patrons' League met Several members were absent of account of sick­ness, but the meeting was lively and many interesting subject were discussed.

Miss Erojlv Johnson, county

I will hold my annual spring opening on


March 23 and 24 ings of the board be held on the second Thursday of each month.

The following accounts were

« t i f f lewflt be-rfrown the la les l crea>iuu» iu

1 Car Bran and Middlings .1 Car International Cow Feed 1 Car "Dan Patch" Horse Feed

2 Cars Good Hay 75 Barrels Flour

100 Bushels Corn 100 Bushels Oats 50 Bushels Wheat

great stride in the right direction in the protection of our game, which ia fast being depleted and deatroya^ by an ahsnlntp d i » ^ gard to and ignorance of the law.

A very important measure was gotten through just at midnight when the session cloaed. This was a bill in regard to the pay-' ment of capitatiwf .Wrta. The bill makes compulsory tiie pay­ment of capitation jaxes foi five years prior to 19J^^ a i^ its suc­cessful w o r ^ g wcAOdiAeanaboat $200,000 for tha gablk achools of

agent; addressed the League and school, on the work of the can-ning clubs, If '« ti»po^ thnt a I MAnaaaaJi

and ordered to be certified to the County Treasurer for payment: County f u n d -Sam RMidolph. $ LfiO J. J. Carter, board for paupers

and salary 78.38 C. L. Garriaon (Mrs. Roy Payne)

poor claim 3.00 C. L.Garrison (Mrs.Lena Payae)

poor claim 8.00 Macon Cave, poor claim 6.00 Mrs. J. L. Meetze, poor claim .. 4.00 Willie Fair, poor claim 10.00 Maddox & Byrd. poor clum 16.00 J. L. Busbon^, poor claim 6.00 Mrs. Rufus Davis, poor claim .. 8.00 Mrs. Charles Dumi, poor claim . 8.00 Asfaby Yates, poor claim 15.00 •J. 0 . Daibee, puui vMin ...,..'.—10.00

Inrgo'- "InK igill h o oahitillghftrl n<-

the state. It is'said-, however, that the bill is defective and in «)nflict with tha Statg CoHHfitn-tieft —In view of those facts it is likely that Attoraey-GeBCTal P<^ lard will request GovenKW iituart to veto it.

The Mapp Prohibition Biif, which provides HHt machinerr for carrying out the will of the

Bethel tliis year than in years I»«viou8.

Mr.' L. Ledman. of' Occoguan, also gave a most interesting taljc on schools and their needs. %i

millinery; "Wdttotii and Drew Trtmmiuin. WlUo a complete line of Crepe de

Chiigie j n eyening shades. Your inspection and patrohage~il~~~~^

respectfully solicited.

M R S . R. J. A D A M S O N

WASHBKTOMANSTOHBf BinMing of Pike From Fairfax

ToBoc^and to Start Wtth-a i A FW# Woafcs.

T. M. Russell, poor claim 10.00 J. E. Herrell, express 63

:CQk_J&Jffi^_ Virginia PnbliahingX3o. 12. SO Ev«rett-Waddey Co. S I T SL Z. Sanborn (rital statistics) . 16.00 Geo. G. Tyler lO.iO Dr. William Caton, professional

services . . > 2.60 Dr. C L. Starkweather, iffbfes-—wegal BefviecB •. 2.60 Special road fnnd— Pahner Smith ; . . . ." . . 3.80 F. Bt Sanders • ,10 R. Lee Johnson . . . . , . 12.00 J,, SJEvans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Egbert Harrell 9.00

A n iug Ion, reTiewing road 1.00

Also a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Call in and

get our prices.

Maddox & Byrd

-5%fr [Special Bolletio] -

March n^eeting of -tb» buarJ of dirtigLors of the Warren-ton and Fairfax Turnpike Com-pany. Inc., was Held last week 1& the offices of R. Walton Uoere, Cuk>nul6 Buildinfir. Washingtun.

people as expressed at the poUa on Sept. 22, 1914, is expected to work well, and, with the appoibtr ment of Rev." J. Sidney Petsew as commissioner of moral welfiare by the Legislature, it is expectegl that the will Jf the people will be carried out,

I am well pleased ,witfa the

Mtteheti i lamsbn, preradent of the company, presided. • The, re-


I. Oi Pnffie, reviewing r o a d . . . . Nat Gnunp, revtewing raad -Charies Dni^road oomfflissioner Uaipesville eotdfUttfl-

1.00 1.00


T.l. Caton. . . 2p.0p L. i . Mcintosh . . . . 20.06 Chailie Deny ....,,,i...:—4Ja Varshall BlackWeU .^: . . . . : 14.12 ManaasaH road fnnd—

-s&m EgbertHarrell ^.... S.70 Brentsville road £ m d —

~ tJocks, doorknobs, hinges and other hardware fixtures for the old or new homl^jaed care-ful attention.

From our stocVjpfx builders^

M PARCE POST JLDozen size 2-DlzeB size 3-Dozen size

10c 15c 20c

y hardware you cany select fust what VQU want for making re^ pairs or fomse mWiWi^^milding^ ^

You look at iliem before you Ji44y- nnd^ hack of them is x>ur

RmceWO^mPtiannag' Manassas, Virginia i

Everything Good to Eat

My line embraces Staple ports of several committees w«re read and accepted.


Ban«tt Mfg. Co.. O. W. H e d r i ^ . . . O. K. M i U e r . . .

SIS. 89 18.40


work of the 1916 House. I do not hesiute to say that the peraonn(d and work of this Boose were far superior to those of the other three to which I have had the honor to bek»^. I tnist that this rather hasty resume of the im-portant woric done by the past session of the Virginia L ^ ^ a -ture will be received with inter­est by the people of Prince Wil liam with the awaninceg of my willingness to aerfU tiian at >U times in every way posajfate.


KB Arerace ti Twi1J>Tl»e Capi taa

From the available d a t a it vould appear that the annual per .apita consumption of alcoholic neve rage amounts to twmty-two .-allons. It also appean that the annual conramption has steadily r.creased f r o m approximatdy ojr g a l l o n s in 1856 to over

' vrenty-two gallons in 1 ^ ^ tins a.s been followed by a slight de-rpase since that time. This statistical record is found

:. a public health 'Sulletm of vnich Martin C. Witbert, techni->

.:2i aaaiaHint r<igiaif>n af p h a r m a .

made a specisit report on the eon-^tk>a of ^ e l»ke fr<i» Fairfax to Auckland, t^e portion

L. L., Payne Dom&ies iroad fond—' Gecnge W. € a l e s . . .

t h a t J a l Occoquan road fond—



and Fancy Groceries Queensware, Tin and

Enamdware •.

to tie unpmviw;!. ytatmg that Tie W. a Dewey 19.17 ejqiected to have the constructicm

a t work w i t h i n a f e w weekft.

Sapervisor, mileage abd attendance— J. L. DawBon 6w80

gaosj The finance committee reported

i, T. SyneoK .

that about two-thirds of the nec-^ s a ^ amount bad' l&ees sab-scribed for and that plans were under way to obtain the balance from WashingunriEBOtofistB antf bus in ess m^ n. Their reports ataxedtSaT been made to.have a adieitor call upon Washingtonians and en-deavOT to interest them in a amall

J. P. Kerlin ^ . C. HatefaisoB T. U. RoaeeU . .


aubscriptioB towards the building of the link between Washington and Warrftnton.

The directors present at the meeting were - Mitche.l Harrison. J. Donald Richards, G. Lditham Fletcher, C. E. Tiflfany. M. E. Church. ThoB. R. Keith. Ormood Stone, H. H. Wescott, C. E. Joi^ dan and R Walton Moore,

logy, hygienic laboratory of r.e public-health s e r v i c e , is

. jthor. The bulletin is entitled: .Sale and Use of Intoxicating

i..iq,ior8" and discusses the in­crease in restrictive legislation arrd rtrc practltsibllliy of aspecIaT classification of dealers in alcohol for medicinal and m e c h a n i c a l purposes.


Seed Oats frotu crops n a t are

Siwwu aad lisi volsul \it ficst<^Ma coBdltioB. T h e y are carefallr r*-deaaed and of high teated ge>Mlna-OoA, aad « « of riRiclrbetter qairihy than oats as orAaacflr aoU.

Onr Maine-grown

15eed Potatoes are inspected while growing and ahippxt to B« wndef the State Pe-partment of Agricuirare Maine Seed Improvement Certificates.

WOOD'S SCSD POTATOES have long had a reputatioo for sapeHorl-t r tn qoality and prodactiveness, and onr trade in iheae is one of tlie largest in the Sooth.

Write for W«od'a Crop Spec i a l , giving pnces oi S « « 4 g n t a t n — , Set'id^Oala and all S a a s e n a M a tmim S a a d s . Mailed on reqaeet-

T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. SEEDSMEN, . RkhaMnd, Va. , /

6.20 • K.20

4.70 i . J. Cornier < 4.26

The next m e t i n g wilt there­fore, take place oa 6p^ 13* Idifi.


3^x31 Bright Steel Bi«ts,acrewa .10 3 |x3 i Antiqae Copier fiott«r^ews 15

— AaythmgElse i n l l ^ Way of Hajrdware

W r W A O F N E R , Mana««>«, V A


W. WITHEFta MILLER Preatdaia or at* Folk-ltOler Ora*^

Oompanj, Biohuood. Va., Is aotlK>rit> for the fiDllowInK eztranrdlaar; state

I ment: i ~I estimate ttiat the bQ!<li>e)e« aaea ol

tKls cooDtrr (M>Dki iorreaae their effl cleocy fuily teu per ctnt.by taking ac nmilnniil riTsflrn snil iinr n>rtls«'»liiB the bowels as must of tbeoi M "

He also saM ttiat tf tbe DetMrtmeDt of C<imm»rr» In—SHaaUnfftoB--wecM-present earb t>nxlDe«M mac In I he cocn-tr7 wltb a box of Rezall Orderlies. It wonid be of great beneBt to the &a yooal welfare. Rexall Orderlies arc prompt to irtion. pleastant to take aod Bever grtpe. can be aned by men. wom-ea or children, and are Ju«t the thing lor toaing op aJogglsh UTsn.

guaranty of qtuMy. COIE IN AND BE CONTWCEB

F i n e Upright R i m Kncib-Locka.. , ~35 Wi^^ P*¥*T lw»M^ l.fwk .Seta—M«wti«a. . .SO


Good Grade Saah Lifta, do«M» . . . . . . ^ . 3 0 All Steel Saah Locka, dozen. ,. -JITrirrT,,^.._........... 1.00

Steam and Hot Water Beatiiqi, Ssmitary

Phimbiiig, Gas^i&JQ ^

market But y o u can have it in either l inks or bulk, and of a vari-ety that will meet every -tastc; 4ti-


K I L T I E S , " R O U G H


Telegraph and Telo-

phone Poles and Piling for which we p a j caah.

I . LYNCH A CO., VirgTBta

it there is us^d oftly t h e _ b e s t _ a n i most carefully selected meats! U will tempt your af>petite.

Saunders' Meat Market

^ OS to send yoo oar _ i I e w % l e B o d [ '~

We hsre the exrlaslre selUag rlghta for this great laxatlra.


It s h o w s m a n y of R i c h ' s f a s h i o n ? for nr-n , w o m e n and f:;:: ,rtr. .:"(•; ou can b « v fr«>fn i t T»-'r^ r--i-y g j i surar .ce of ^aii ,--faction.

"Songs of LoveandWar,"$1.00 Postpaid^. Rkh-Vson T h e ManmtMMB J o u r n » l P u b l i a h i n g C o m p a n y . M f t n « . » « .

Page 3: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An

• V -* •J—w '5f K


COMPANY, Incorporated

EnU-red at the Post Dihc-.. at Mana««ui, Virginii. . . S e c o n d Class Mail Matter "»""»» • • t>«4^>^



;-J£iriCf I


Cvrtafcraach •• h for t h e ti rat inHertlan »w i"! DiBcounU u> YeuHy Advu.


3 r MARCH 17, 1916.

CITY FATHERS, WE CONGRATULATE YOU Jf it ig only rijjridly pntg«gA an oHinnnn idilUx

was passpri Monday ovcning bj Uie Tuwii Council of Manassas can prove to be one of the greatest instruments for public health that our town has ev«r practically every citisen of the town as well as several livinj? nearby, for all are, in one way or another, consumers of milk. The provisions of the new ordinance in regard to milk sold in Manassas, which becomes effective May 1,1916, wiU be found summarized in the report of the town council pro­ceedings in another column. It is our desire here to insist upon the Very strict enforcement of this new ordinance, both in letter and in spirit.

For many years it has been generally recojfnized by scientists and medical students that milk is a fine culture for bacterial growth. Along with the favorable conditions^afforded ^erm life by milk, «ue can idany umes ftncl7 unless gi'eat care and

L- cleanlfnew are exercised, numeroiia wMwyoff 'f in'

FEDERATION OF LEAGUES NEEDED When J. IT. Montgomery, secretary of the State

GooperatTve Educatron Association, comes to Ma­nassas on Saturday of next week at least one rep­resentative, with authority to act. from aach aed every school patrons' league of Prince William should be on hand to hear him make suggestians a* to bow-a fedtfration of these leagties of the couir-ty can be effected. Ah-eady many of the leagu^ are doing notable work in their respective com­munities but there is no concerted action in work which applies to the whole county. At present. inc i T ual community needs are, in many cases, receiving careful attention but the big problems of county interest are being neglected because there ia nn wganfwrtfnn wrhoga functicn it ia to OORBJ^^


acaz as a J

itema of goncfal eoncein.—The plauB uf federation to be su^ested by Mr. Montgomery have been

__ tried out with success in several counties of the is-wre whictr affects «t«teHnd"Tt1a hop«a'?hlTffi1^lfnr3e tn^out In

"Be he rich or poor^ give each his equal due."—Wgishington.


fection in places where milking is done and where it i« latw handled.—The premises of a gjcat many dairymen are anything but sanitary. Dirt is seen on clothing and hands and on the cow's udder while milking is being done, the vessels used in milking and in which delivery is later made are often dirty to the eye; how much more dirty they most be in reality! After May Ist it is promised that these things are g(Mng to be looked after in all eases where nulk is sold in Manassas.

This matter of clean, wholesome milk is of mnch

Prince William Members of the school patrons' leagues of Prince

William, the responsibility in this niatter of feder­ating the various leagues of the county rests with you. An opportunity for wider service awaits you if you will only shoulder it, and we feel confident that you will.

Without prejudice, plain justice at the bank gives equal favors, equal fair­ness, equal privileges to high or low.

At tius Bank^^ are treatei^ with equal


ARE WE PROFITING BY THE WAR? All this talk about the benefit the European war

is to this country is just so much tomfoolishness. Whenever you hear a man say that the United States is profiting by the gigantic struggle going on now acioas the AUauft i ybu can mark him down as belonging to either of one or two ftasses. He is a stockholder in, an employer of, or in some other way directly intprpstad in > buoincss saeh as am*

-impiHtanee to ail, but it is of special impniance to babies, small children, sick persons, and invalids.

S These are the oneg who will be most benefited by the_new law. Inf«fcted milk is often consumed by healthy adults with apparent impunity, whereas the same milk, if drunk by babies and weak persons^ may prove highly iajdrrouis. With the view of pro-

tbeTtown council has paas6d this ordinance, which

munition making or shoe manufacturing, or he is one of that vast anny of people who do a great deal of talking but little thinking. Let us look tiie present situation in which this country finds itsdf squarely in the face and see what facts ^ n be ieund that will bear oat the contentions aade above.

We h^r a great deal about the great business boom the country is enjoying but are things "look-

"~lfi^fesFMowH^n Sftvings Acxounts

Safe Deposit Boxes

United States Depository for Postal Savings

Bank of Manassas -THE BANK OF P E R S O N A L SERVICE-


INSURANCE IS A PROFESSION S«le<^ your acent and coinpanias as yon would your ~ Banker, LAwy«r or Doctor, shicftt-your f in^cial eust-•nce may depend <m Ais and the best costs no more than & e pooi-est, a :: y s a s K

ing up" so weU outside of the cotters where war prodnets are beiag manufactui^ for foreign con­sumption? Noj taken as a whole, the counter is eiijuyiuy m great bualneaa boom not-^ inonej" circulating as would be suppMed fft«h -the #8y some aie talking. The fyosperity of a nation can not be judged from the^prtwpAW^ wf afejw'gfits "'* *" There is np hotter indicator of how a coun

is a decided step forward and 'SD&iffc which the city fathers are to be congratulated.

COUNTY CLERK GEORGE a TYLER The appointment of George G. Tyler, of Haymar-

ket, to the clerkship of the circuit court for Prince William County upon the death of Clerk James £. Uerreli Jasc Saturday has met with WKie8i»-ead ap> proval, and rightly so. Without any reservations whatsoever. TEE JOURNAL acclaims itself glad thai Mr. Tyler's meritorious services to the county va. various capacities during years past have been given just recognition and it confidentiy predicts that is. the years to come Mr. Tyleir's services as county clerk wiH b« rej arded as most exemplary.

But a heaw cloud hangs over Prince William. Will the mnnty hft able to find a wortby successor to Hr^ Tyler, who from. 1909 ontU last Saturday ttoviMwi fwrfwrf' ^hflfiftifMitJir Jut - i l ivuaAn nnrwri*iwfriftstjlA»fc4

schuulB fur Pfiuce WilHam? Working flang

try really stands than the conditions found in its small town and oouAjry dutricts. H^wthen is the European war affecting the i aral population-of the United States? — — ———'-

> far, theTJnlyaifng tlst tte Eiiropean w«r h u _ done for the pe<H)le of the rural districts is to in-crease tne cost ot living. With the exception bfa


Home people adjust your firea—i^p ftiwiB^ pay you Yorfc

-of practiea], constructive lines, George G. Tyler has unified and built up the schods of Prince William in a notoworthy manner JBO that today no citizen of ^ ™'' ^axtsh. relief, either living or dying the county need hesitate to point to the fine edoca-tioaal facilitico feoad hew. At all times be has been in close touch with <»unty <^5ciala. teaehm» and even the pupils, and bis gracioaa mannof and kindly bearing have endeared him to the hearts of all.

AH in all. Prince William County soffer^ a severe loss in Mr. Tyler's appointmmt to the clerkship of the eircnit court' When we reeognixe that nothing is of greater importance to any eoramonity that tiie proper edocatioo of its boys and girls, we are bought face to face with the high and extremely important position occupied by a county superint«id«)t of schools Mr. Tyler's seven years of faithful labor

raise of a few cents paid the farmer for sorai of his products of the past swmon. te has norHegr deriving any benefit fnmi the disturbed condition of world affairs. On the o t t o bmd. thp farmer. as well as the pe^eof oar towns anddties, are now brought face to ftice with a gigantic scarecrow in the announcemaat that the price of neariy every­thing is on the jump. Food, dothing, supplies of all kinds for the home, fawa and shop are daily ad* vandng and the dealers say that there is no let-up in sight Sted has advanced 12fi per, cent, wira, 80 per cent: naper. 25 to fin pAi- lyn^; 3 000 per cent Many drags are sdling at i;ri<»8 several hundred per eeut highar than b^W6 th6-war and are hard to obtain at any price. Why, even o(^ns have advanced 40 per centt so that thoe

While all these advances are bdng announced. •fmninini

-te-taJfcit^ over and gnt €%\\x

fasunnce ttirinttfitnttMi»n»iiutiBtfi»

Wisbury'^ flour t. We nave ius iesfeeef

Jave added even grMtCT preitigfc AOjLimportMtrB ^ ^ ^ " ^ to the position and while we congratulate him on his promotion, as it were, we are aorfy that it is at the cost of the county public scboc^ system.

to come," there_ue sgiLaQm enough to venturethe remark, "TheBon^ean war ia proving a ben^t to this coontiy." From the way the wind btows here and Axxn idiable reports the country over, whoever makes k statement sim­ilar to that quoted above knows as little about the true conditions our country finds itself in as did Msthnsslsh about flying macbioss. What the ul­timate effect of the European war upon the United States will be we do not venture to predict but we have no hesitancy in affirmiiy that its effects at preamt are anything but coododve to our general

They can talk all they want about planting po­tatoes on St Patrick's Day but any man who plants sr K-i- today ought to be passed up for examination a.- t<, ;..s mentality.

If Villa were only a villa the United States not be pouring troops into Mexico now.

Now that the Legislature is over the next act will be the ushering in of Mi&S S])riag 0& Tnea3syr

If you want to find out whether March is windy come to Manassas and see how fast mud is bdng turned into dust

handle your oi Ker. We ako have a good stock~of Feed on hand.


Groceries A Bne line of Fresh Meats—Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork

and Sausage. Staple and Fancy Groceries in great vanety. Cash paid for all Idndit rrf

Country Produce. Live Stock wanted



Page 4: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An


BRIEF lOCAL NEWS —Service Sunday morning at

N'okesville, at 11 o'clock. The Junior Bridge Club was

' ntertained Thursday afternoon > MlaaTCatliarrrie Lewis:

Service at St Ann«*8 Me-lorial Chapel, Nokesville, every hursday nijfht during Lent, at o'clock.

Miss Orma Brown has been rnployed as a stenographer in

nffit^ af Hnn. f!. J."Heetige week.

-Mr. Chas. Patton, who lived; —This evening, b e g i n n i n g between Nokesville and Green-! promptly at 8 o'clock, Eastern wich dropped dead Wednesday i College Orchestra will give a re-moTning, his deatb being due tojcit&T fit the cotte^e auditonum. heart failure. Mr. Patton, who In addition to several nurnb-rs ity \ lia about Beventy years of age;

. • l i t i

Liouti G*»i>ga C. gaund haa en quite ill for the past week

it is reported as somewhat im-•-aved now.

Mr. W.N.Lipscomb, who has • en confined to the house ^or rveral days with the grip, is lie to be out again. —Work oa the town horse rack

[J the Methodist Church lot at rie corner of Mam and Church -reets was begun this week.

-A young son of Mr. James tVoodyjuxi, of Brentsville, is very -ehously ill due to a kick in the tomach sBStained several days.

:igo. .

—Service Sunday night at Ttin-:y Church, Manassas , at 8 clock. Sunday School meets

;.,romptIy evary Sunday at 9:46 •\. m, I

leaves three brothers. West, Joe and Larkin, and one sisttt-. Mrs. John Keys, of Brentsviire. Fu-"neraTsei vlces wefelield yester­day and interment was at the old Manuel burying ground.

-The Northern Virginia farm­ers' Institute is holding its regu­lar March meeting at the court­house today. The principal ad-dr^» is on "County Demonstra­tion Work." byT. 0^ Sandy, who alw gpt'uku"oir"" 'Pwi|<UF»tToti

and Land Corn. Chofera

for Corn ' An address

Planting pn "Hog

by Dr. C. H. Hays, state special­ist in h(^ cholera work. A full report of tkia meeting will be given in next week's issue.

^The^tate Corporstion Com­mission has granted a charter to the National Loan and Construc­tion Corporation, of Alexandria, with a maximum capital of $2,-000,000 and a minimum of $10,-000. The object is to conduct a building and loan business. The officers are C. E. Nicol, jr., pres­ident, and Gardner L. Beothe, secretary, both of Alexandria. Mr. .Nicol IS the younger son- of JudgeC. E. NkoC of Alexandria and Mfinw—«. and is well known


•loiiiKht - Florence Reed in the• fanioui emotional dranm, "The, D .1 n c i n f Girl. " A Paramouri£ piouuctiim in five parts.

-Mttttml ptufftam of, I

tba•wrehestra. seittctiouii wiil be, Saturday-rendered by Mrs. Dunn and xMrs. • five n-t-ls. Roop.soloistsMiss Martin,reader, Mumi.iv "IM- 'A'olf .Man." A Mr. Mosher,-Violinist, Miss Mar-•**"'««' MH teriMciurtf pre.sunUng

Ralph LeAi.s MMII li.ilie West. Tuesday - "Tile Diainund From garet -Roop, p i a n t st. arid MF.

Kramm. monochordist. Admis­sion will be 25 cents, the pro­ceeds to go to the tennis associa­tion. The program promises to be an e x c e l l e n t one and it is hoped that the people of Manas-sas and vicinity will attend. ^At the regular bi-weekly meet-

Jitecfttjc-aecietjtofJiao-naaaia HUfh schwl during SB-seinby hour Wedn^day iporning. Rev. Alfopi Kellev delivered a, fine address cm "The Elements of Success." A debate was given on "Resotved, That immigration into the U. S. should be further restricted by a literacy test" Misses Annie Laurie Swart and Sallie Larkin upheld the afl[irma-tive, while Misses Eleanor Jo&as and i)orothy Johnson were the members of the negative side. The decision was rendered in fa­vor of the affirmative. The de­bating on the pakt of all four was fine. Points especially noticed were great earnestness, fluency, and good diction. Clvde Smmons.

the Sky." Cnapier XXIII. Wednesday -Victor Moore in a

picturization of the funniest so­ciety comedy ever wr i t ten , "Snobs." The story of a milk­man who becomes a genuine duke with lots of m<uiey.

Thursday Harold Lock wood and May Allison in "The Buz­zards Shadow." A mi 1 j tar y drarna hi Ave acts. Matilftl 9&s-


-Mrs. B. C. Ccwnwell, whore-ently underwent a serious opera-on at a NA ashingttm hosiutal. eturned home Sunday very much mproved in health.

-Mr. R. S. Smitti, wlu> bas :>een suffering fnnn a fractore of :he right knee, was ia^mmiiB: qp 'X) yesterday, wboi 8 # ^ i i g jbio* v an to set in agaiiD.

—Dr. D. H. Kern, preaidiag^ eider of the Alexandria District^ Methodist Episcopal Chareh, ^outhj will preach Grae^ 1L£-'hurch"Sunday momilig i ^ ^ 'clock.


-Mr. Harry R. Thomas, of Iff yyBrtmr ~j

unty Clerk T Ier sevieraT days -acn week until the latter bec(Mne8 well acquainted wi th hJT W^

ics. For the present Mr. Ty-wiU noLask for any depnty.

aul's Church. Baymark^ will nduct the service at Trini^

. '.hurch, . Manaaaii Wfi i ht. March 22nd, at 8 o'dpck.

r n e service next Friday at 4 p. r. will be MMidiieted by the ree-: >r. Adults and chUdrea are iii-"ited to attraid.

-The annual Baltimwe Ccm-c-ence of the M. E. Church,

~ uth. will be held in Atexandria or five days, beginning next

-ve-}ncaday. We undei stand that any local Methodists will attioid :? conference and at the same

•-wi go to BaltiiaoFe tp. hcag Suad^l^-

-u^ ""r"'ina •hiirh ha i n the Manaaaaa Preabyter-hurch ev«7 ereniag Has have been well attended

, V. .J

...-tan ..urch^ W'at'ingtff", yJH

nrdial invitatioB is extended to be present at Una meeting. County Oerk Geo. G. Tyler

's morning ncefved a tetter -om R. a :ent of Pobtic lustfuctiwi. -lowledging receipt of his resig-ition as division aoperintendent f schools with regies. Mr. eames states tiiat he will cad meeting of the State BoMd of iucatioB within the next thirty

' sixty days at whidt time Mr.

-During the last busy minutes of the Virginia L^ldature which adjourned last Saturday, time Was taken to bestow tokens of appreciata&n unon several offi-eiate: —A handsome silver sarvice was given ;>eaker Hoostoa, of the House, ,othar gifts were made and Hon. C J. Meetze brooght to the frcmt two dabo-ntdy caparisoned nnrbrellas, presenting one to First Door-keeper &-M/ Newhonse and the other to SecMid DooriEeeper 0. A.

msB 6n thft wt&hittgwft myatsff of the Southern Railway, who have exceeded twenty-five years of oontinaoas service with the railway, were presented with bnmze medals by Fairfax Ham-soH, president of the Southern, yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the OdH FeUows Hafi in Alex­andria. Ainoog those reedving medafai were C. N. Amos, ^igi-neer; B. F. Iden, oompany sur-


-SttWaattltuuMMBPwaby- "w-da wpw nwardfH, tcgrian Cihareh. Bev. Alford Kd-

4vedE will be as follows: Sunday—Soi day School at 10 a. m., - subject: ^ThUip and the EI h iop ia lu" Preaching at 11 a. m. subject: "Little Gain-Great Luna."

The Rev. Robb White,_rf i^4Pr«»ching at 7:aO> m., subject: "little Loss^^roatGain." Wed nesday—Prayer meeting at 7:30

=;{ irnR. aat <et:-:*?I1ia Nearness of the Ward." Special music will ha fnmiHhpd at thft prftaif.hiny ^ervicea. A welcome is extraded all visitors.

—Cards have been reedvod kt Manassas announcing the mar riage of Miss Liieiie Dowdl Wdsh and Rev. Francis llarion Richard­son, which took place Tuesday at Uoekville. Hd. The bride is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mr. Mrs. WdUngton Welsh, of Rode- dria, yillB, Md.. and a imuiddaughtegidCT of the late Rev. and Mrs. Robert

-Rev. Mr. Rieh»dsen is now pastor of the Methe^st E p i s c o p a l QHffch, Sooth, at Bockvilie. He is a

jch enjoyed. This evening| brother of Ml&_BLJ!i! GcaeiE C. Palmer, of the Wash-i rife of a former pastor of-Grace ftgiglita Prasb;

and Emma Akers vs. Board of Saperviaora of Prince WUUam and Pahner Smith, the ScQHcme Court of Appeals yesterday aflbned tite

Steames, &iperinten-[deeisi<m<rf Judge J. & T. Thorn­ton in hdding that the oomptain> ants owned the land' in qoestion ojBLPagdand Ijine and that Pal­mer Smith is liaUe to them for damages in destroying an andoit line of cedars oo this land. The supreme court amended the de eree by

;er 8 ' nted.

soeeeasor will Be ap Several names has been

Alfred Prescott and Boxr Button servec as judges.

—One hundred and twenty-fivo

^wr Mct ien. aectMm gwn; fcMreman; D. O'Ndl. superviacr; J. G. Ronaldne. watdmian, and

meriy redded hoe car are .wdl known-to local people, aregfe. H. Adanos. operator, Cliftoi^T^^ Ayre, agent. Clifton; G. J.. Cox. clerk.—roadmaater, Alexandria; j or association whcf sludl fail to R. L. Goods, engineor, Alexan-dria; 0. W. Goods, engineer. Sbrasburg; J. T.-^yde. section foreman. 'Bristow; S. J. Irby, engine^', A lexandr ia ; J. W.

C. Linn, engineer. Alexandria; Joe. Ritcnbnr, pamper. Bristow; W. B. Saiithsrs. oonductur, Alex-andria; Dan McCarthy, asent, Ndtasville. '-


Mr. Jdm T. DeBdl. of Center^ viDe, i» in town todayt

Owen Lyucn, of AJexan* in Manassas Wednes-

~Mi£iL"Sii£_ E^wMt, of^BRnd Run, vltiia! frlw»to In M g i a ^ this week.

Mrs. R. C Bock is the guest of her son. Mr. Fkank N. Bock, in PurlSBKJQtlE f Mi«» Anna -Bnth Johnann, of BahimoR, last week g ^ ^ o f l f i f t L. A. Larl»^


Dr. George B^ger Coke, of PeterabBig. was a wedc-ead guest IB tbe hoase m Mr. and ifaa. C K Nash.

Mr. Aspen Todd left Monday night for Hraiaker, Rgtmell eonn-^ , wboPsheeapiBelsto'teeafce-as a farmer.

Hon. C. J. Meetze, returned home Sunday from Rkhmond

. . where he has served in the 1916 IDCreaamg tho Hamagoa -f.,;i,ln^i*_ -

Miss Mary H. Lipscomb left yesterdiur for a visit of several weeks to relatives and frienda in

to the amount reported by Com-miatwHaer C A. Sinclair. TUa

:vrgested for the vacancy caused case has attracted conaderaUe Mr. Tyler's reeignation, among! attention, especially in the upper I m being the following, any part of the county, and has been ;^®^ Y*"* ^^^ •"<* Plainsfiekl,

.; of whom we understand will in court several years. The board i^' ' wi^pt. if appointed- Whpafley ialaupecviisors and Palmer Smithy Mrs. George J.Russell, of Mar-nrs n. Manassas; Rev. J. R.were represented by Common-?shall. visited her son-in-law" an?

r..',Greenwich: J. D.Wheeler, wealth's Attorney Thos. H. Lion daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence -.m; Chaa. R. -McDonald, and Manuel and .\Ktr5 ry Attor- W Wagene'r. the first of the

s-rr.rr-in. neys [»3v;ps and i! .tc.i.s .n, week

terpieture Friday—Charlotte Walker in a

picturization of Charles Kenyon's St&ttiS, **KtnSnnZ"ATaMmdm^ production in five parts.

A matinee is givoi at this The-atre every Saturday at 3:15 for the benefit of those who can not come at night.


Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Manassas, That it shall be unlawful to sell or otherwise dispose of milk with­in the corporate limits of the town of Manassas, regularly or as a bosiness. except under the f dlow-ing conditions

1. That the milking be done in a clean and stnitary manner.

2. That all of Eaid milk be cooled immediately after milking down to 60 degrees F.

3. That said milk be ddivered in dean, scalded bottles or other vessels having close-fitting tops.

4. That no milk be furnished or 80 sdd or di^wsed of except f r ^ cows in h^thy condition.

5. That the dairies or premises of all persons so disposing of milk in slkid town be inspected by the h&mti officer of said town, at

as often as said dRoear shall de-dde best.

& That no milk shall be so dis-" «f in said to¥m except and kthe party w parties so -have a permit

officer sped" from

that aU have of |he f<R«goMig

been complied wi miV dudf be good 'ontil revoked by said health dfic«r.

7.. Any person or corporation

comply with said regulations^ or any one of them, shall be gmlty of a misdemeanOT, and upon con vic&>n thereof shall he fined the suo^of not less than ILOO nor more than $5.00.

&1 F o r a'I fmminuHnna to ho made be sud health <^Seer.. as bodnbefore provided, ehdl be paid the anm of |1.00i to bo pdd by tiie party for wh«n said eX' amisation is made.

9. This (ndinance sbaO be in foH force and effect on and after the Ist day of May, 191&


March 9—From H. T. Davies TmRtrnti to C. H. Pord-7-ft intw-lest in "^ acres —gonajdCTation $1^.00. FVom A. L. Emfiop^l^ al lu C. D. Taliaferw^ul—ewi-

March 14-Frt>m W. a Bdl to Mary E. Bdl—146 acres—eostSM^ eration $10.00^

—March 15~'From A.~N. King' et Qx to Ida B. Carr—2 acres— aeaddasatien SaOOiOO.


A humorous minstrel play en­titled "How De Coons Court on Coon Creek" will be given by the members of Red Hul Dramatic Club in the new sehodbouse near Bun Ron P. 0.. Monday even­ing. March 20, beginning at 7-.90 o'clock. Several musical selec­tions wiH be given and reftedi-m«Bts win be so^ed by the school league. Tbe proceeds wiO beappBed to school equipmoit.


How'«Tbis? W* otfer One Ran(}r<>d D o n k n l l» -

vart l for u>} e*ae of Cai^rrh tliat oaa-not b* cared by Ha.irs Oatarrk Cure-

HaU'a Cat&rrh Cure tiaa t>«ea t&k«a by catarrh sufferfTs for the past thirty-five yeara. and has become knoirik as the mo.«f rpii^Me remedy for Cktarrh. H a l l s Catarrh c-ure n c u t b m the Blood pn ihp S l j . o u s 5 jr facea rx-pel . ing •..••.e I . .s.:::. ixc-zr. ;:.c Blood and heahnjr ih--' >'..s, i.- i-t p.^r; ..ns

ArtPr y.-i.j ^ --• ;: .kin H.xll s I'^ra-rh

irreat imr-'-'VT <•-• ;n >^jr .- - ral hfaith. S-A-t - K k n r !?a;i"s * -,-irrh Curp at - : r T -id of >-»:irrh. S^nr l f ^- ' • " ' = :'

-' - ' • - ; : ' ' , , . A , \ i Toledo, r -v. S.i.ci ^ ' a . ; I ' - i : t c - •,-

Your Wife Should

have a bank account and pay her bilU by check. It's the modern, business-like, economical way. It tends toward careful management, ^]\es a bet­ter idea of the relation of income to outgo, pro­vides a receipt for each payment, as well as a record of date, amonnt, etc. And it often leads to the creation of a substantial reserve fund with which to realize a fond ambition or meet an emergency- The lady of the house is ijoyited to nn|] lyn^ fnnm hmn PflRJly Rhp may open an a(>^; count in this strong bank, and the conveniences which we place at her command absolutely with-

Our.slogan is, "It is a pleasure t© serve.*

The Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Saidr-lloor$<'Wiiidows When yoo put up a honse- or my other kind qi: stractme you want material that will give entire sat^ faction. The stock of millwork which we aelTB 'guarant id to s Tve

^the best of service ~ because it is m a d e right. . ^ '_ ~

:i^^Froiii Uisr you are assured of liigh quality at a fair price. Tell us your building plans and well tell you how to secure the most foryour money and avoid wastes


Our Business Methods Make New Friends Every Day

lit\ati^^^Tmi{jf^l^Y^tA Plaster,LiB Brick^&ad, Stwe, Umbei, Mitt Wwfc, fahaoizcd l a ^



•TTffiToriB are not noted 1 iwrtimhnly for deanlinpsa,

and their bakery products would not be cxmsidered ap-

feoang m tius country. In th^^ as in many odier tilings, we are different.

Our Bakery Products are iMiepared in a dean, modom, sanitary bakery— a fact diat is known to every resident of this com­munity An ever-incTpafgng demand is an indispo-tableevideDce that wepidouce"good things toeatJ*

^ (^Kiljtji and dennfiam en lite twin tnoUom ^^ of thit hokery *l all tima.



For a Quick limch at any hoor oar Ser. ^

iCt IS Ln.' u.pd.ii ed t>ailie :>(.reet BELLS BAKERY M^na.ssa*

Page 5: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An

- • • ^ • . - - t ^ r ^ 'W'U. lOTHVMIBPililif

;;.-i^. "C*!-

; i i ^ - '

S3*r 1 -


EASIERIfJL J U K m Continued Froa First P«ge

48 - T a t t y , - - a n T ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ Kramm as "Mr. Brown " The £|ayinii ofbothnfthfl»aawBbo» of the ca«t was very ngtaral and hijThlj commented upon: The dra­matis personae: Philip Bay«w.r:........ wfE. WhaTey

Aunt Becky Mm. Bettie Shermabrook

, "^ MiMArrietU Smith ^J^"'r J. HallUmw, * ' ^«^'" Wayw Kramm


It is thought that this latter l*4ay wtH be firiven al CuTpepe'r in

_the. n a r . ' ' ~•

SCHOOL lEVffiS ARE ASirot — — " A ^ ^ ^ '^-£^'^^.^^' ^^^PAY. MARCH 17, 1916

CoiMity Sdiud g o a a A f i ^ T o G»w $60 Toward. Colored

Sup«rvi»or of Schools.

probablY*will hp rarrigd to Ilaji. market Another play 19 now under way, ip whioh will .pp^^gfi about the same cast as that of "Mr. Bob." It is expected that the new play will be given here within the next ffew weeks.

The Pnnc« Wi l l i am County bchool Board held its regular semiannual mwting at the court-house on Thursday, March 9th. Ihose m attendance were Presi­dent Corbin Thompson. Vice-Pres­ident George G. Tyler and the following members: , Coles District-Thos Woolfen-den, B. W. Stark and Jas. Luck, jr. Occogoan-C.Thompson. L.

anrf Wiiiiioy Kid^wetl. galneavillf'-B A, Rwt and W:


Pr»»h!fUnmm» lavitm OOtmn "Spadal Triy to Balli«Mw^

to Mm in

L. Sanders. Dumfries-Dr. D. C._Cline. B r e n t s v i l l g — J , 3; inory:XlR:C«)kandR. H.Davis! Manassas-C. E. Nash, Boston Steele and D. J. Arrington.

The minutes of the last regular and special BMetinr .wet« read and approved. After this a com­mittee, composed of D, J. Arring-tpn. L r<pdman and Goo. G.

DOE SOCM" LAST F R l i ^ _ ^ C o n t i n u e d Froga FiiaLPajj*

salad, Saratoga chips, pickles and ^ e e . The last course was ice cream and cake.

At a late hour the crowd dis­persed, att voting the afternoon a moat decided success; the win­ners thanking the ladies of the defeated side for their delightful entertainment The most impor­tant and interesting feature of the exercises was, of course, the addition of 63 new members to the local Union, 55 having*" been _?nrollMiJj: the winping sldeand 8 by the defgated aidB.—Most Of iha-

Any one wishing to hear "Bil ly" Sunday, the noted evangelist who is now preaching several times daily to immense crowds in Baltimore, is requested to leave w « d at THE JOURNAL office by early next week to that i i'oper reservationa can be,made An unusual-opportunity is afforded all who desire to hear Sunday by Joining witn tbe members of the local Presbyterian Church, who are acting in conjunction with the Presbyterians of Washington and vicinity.

The party will leave Manawas Wednesday morning, March 2Mti ^xte to'arrive in Baltimore about noon, tboB aff<«din? ev»y one the oppwtonity of hearing die noted evangelist b ( ^ in the afternoon

_.imd evcMng. At both oogyicoe

Tyler, appointed at a f o r m e r meeting, offered a resolution upon the death of Dr. H. M. Clarkson. 8 former superintendent of coun­ty schools. '

The following levies ware asked for district school porposes for 1915-16: . Brentsrille District...;....'.. .22J oento Coles District . . . . . . .20 cents Dumfries District 17i centk Haasssu District ..22i cents

C«»«y S cepts On motion of President Thomp­

son an appropriation of $75.00 was continued for the girls' cm-ning clubs' work in this county.

On motion of Mr. Nash, which

special t«eervati<MM wiH be ftuAe^ the paxtfland special titdiey

from Washington JtiBinrB and rfttorn are prom«

motion was amended by Mr. Cook, 160.00 was appn^niated towards the salary of a cdored soperyisor of the-colored schoda of tfaeoooh-ty. TTie total w l « y of said 8U-t>ervi8or is to $480.00 per year.

The foOotRioff biUr v e r a al­lowed:

JS ?be fare frmn^ Wadihig^

twi to faltimore and retora will be ^ 0 0 tor tbe round tarip and

willbehrBDghtl Washington th at n i g h L Any wishing to ti^e in only part <^ the program outlined above can s m n g e to do sa Good, hot hincfaes can -be had right at the taboDaeie at a v o y reaaonaUe tbnse, thus catering to the con­venience of thoee from a distance.

aaw mambefB weie ladies who will be active members, but

A g o ^ ' y Pjjmbcf jgerft, ,m«m w will be honorary members. The men who took part in the program were among the honorary mem­bers recently enrolled.

The Manassas W. C. T. U. now has over 100 members, which is an unusually large number, al­though all ladies intsreated in good morals should endorse the the noble work by beMuniag 1 ^ filiated with the Union.

Oh Thursday and Friday, March 23rd md 24th, we will hold our formal ^enihg~5£~Sprmg MaBm are cordially invited to inspect a beau-

BDSINESS LOCAI^ FIVE CENTS A UNE FOUT INSER. "'^"''—''^"*''•"ttrri •iratfQuiiHT

Furniture repairing and uphol stering. J. A-«Bouflaer. 3-17-tf

LML—PuuuUiiupuiL Aewud. THE JOURNAH I t

Wanted.—All kinds of j u n k -brass, copper, iron, bones, lead and zinc; paying one cent per pound for alt kinds of rags de­livered here. J. H. Burke & Co. 17-f

1" or saie. -No. 8 cook stovei hi good condition; |7.00. Mrs. JLE. Jordan. 3-17-9?

iiful lats mrect from Phila-and New York—the most

artbtic creations ever showii.


I i »1 » ^

Yhymfai Jmmial nf Hrlnf tiwi $<0.B0 ¥SIMIIIII— JoMwJ 47.00 7irifeiK9abSamgX)tt:..:...... 10.00 6. 6. Trier, salary for 7 montts 21&7S

-or nK>tKHk tbe clerks of the JMreaaQwedt2.QQ

each tor tbmr attendance npon tills meeting:




The following •* tbe roU of booor of the Manassas Graded School for the month of February, 1916:

mgSS Grade—LUlT'Asblqr, t«i3er lloran, Elizabeth CoTin^toa, Carrie Keentx, Kathleen Spiea,LUHan Wheel«»t Banhain Ajnt, LeMcr CaiJKS, JoaeB Jasper, Fred Sh«ik, Leosard Utter-back and Ralph Laisen.

—Seventh Grade—Riee Green. Herman Lonaford, Caroline BMchley. Lucy Breeden, Myrtle Kinchetoe, LiUianliar-km and » e a i ^ Whiimer. '""

Kidney and Catarrhal TnwblM

For Sale.-Wkite lodiui Rna. drakes-prise wionng rtoc

Only few left. 11.00 e a c l t e - l , . L Staere, Manassas, Va. 3 -17^t j

Automobile for Sale.—1912 "G. M. F ." Stndebaker-in good coo-dition.—New ting) and one enixt moanted on Jim^. lMtg» PMeto^ lite tank, full set of tools, etc. Will seU cheap. AA1»>«« T^fc Box No. 264. Manassas, VaTS-lT-tf

- Wanted.—gettiedmarriedTiag owning horse or auto, to sell Teas, C<^ees. S^ces. Extracts and Rice

:|toconoomcr. Chance for pleas-ing. profitable and permanent oc­cupation. 427-429^' cupation. Grand Union Tea Ca,

ington, D. C, 3-17-3t*

Known Soffelk Man.

Prune and Spray Now—Com plete stock of imining tods; bar •Fcl.lgiapBack and bucket spmytira -lowprices. W.C.Wagener.l7-2t

Mr. H. M. O'SheUds. a weU known man around Sofblk, re-siting at 418 &iad Street, recent­ly said that he considered Tanlac a wonderful remedy. To quote M r . O ' S h a i l r i f l f T a j - f l i r a n hAmf^am.

wards wrote to a party in Nor<-folk, he said:

I was suffering severely from stCHnacb and kidney trooUes and catarrhal affection. I suffered mtaisely with my bead, acute twuns In my back thru my left side. _ i bought Tanlac becsiuse

^i!r^^^nfS. !r*5J SdFiS ^ ^ frand Roaenberger, Ebzabetb aanlan,6eotsia Barrel] and Elisabeth Fope.'

Fifth Grade — Chariea Baaserman, Faol Bryaai, ASiaoB HotrfT, EUtabCO) 0'N«l, Elisabeth Conwetl. Alma LoBs-ftml awl Lula Ai»y.

Foorth Gr«ie—Thelina Utterbadc, Gay WhitEBW, AnsBn fteaveca and Ben-Betl Ktmebtrmcgtr.

Third Grade—Lola Hizaoa, Viirinia Boekinfhain, Haiel Sandera, Edith Qngan, Elizabeth Cotanaa. Warr^ Hoaenberger,' Bowline Hooff. G«of(* iotaMoa, Hawea Dariea, Ardatb Evaaa, Mary Arringrtoo. Voginia GraaB. ^atb McDonald. Horace AdaaMon, Edgar Wilson and Edgar Arey.

Primary—Ruby Atbey, Etta Hottal, Mary Athey, Rath Babb, Anna Waters. Frances Conner, Dorotbea Randall, Cora Retd, Paanne Pearsoa, Edwin Beaehley, KtuTiie Habe, Gilbert Allen, Mary Lake, Paul AUwjv CarglyDe Jackson. Ralph Babb Anna Fately, WilKam Warren, EvHyn CamweO. Daboey Waters, Etta C-ourie. Keen Wells, Gladys Conner, Walter Rexrode, Marioa Broaddns, Julian Hector, Robbie Weir, Norman Muddimai), Jesse Warf, Eogxne John. son, WiUic Renoe, FrankKn Hibfae, Krpfl Hensley, U«=mard Cross.

Jenkyn Davies aod

I was domfoonded at the speedy results I obtained. All my bad symptons were goae and I conse-quenUy feel like a new man. In f wnnimending the iiew meSeiEe I am bound to any it is the quick-Bit reuiwly I ha>e «>« j heud efc I think T u l a e oiore than worthy of luraise and a traly remarkable pfepaiwiioB.

Tanlac'a fame is spnmdiog tar and wide. Its repotation tor ac­tion in idl cases of ntod^m ail-mentshaa made it the most wide­ly known preparation. It is the Master Medicine. Go today to Dowdl's Pharmacy and get a bottle <rf "niiilae. | 1 per bottlei


P w Sale—Farm of 88 acres; iP»d baUdlngA; well-watered; 1 mile from school and church, l i miles from atme;. |2»600. Caii on or address J. M. Beil. Manas-aaa. Va. 3-10-tf.

Eggs for setting.—Pore White Ptymooth Rock stock—60c fw lS : J. J: Conner. Manassas. 2-2&-tf


cordially requesto yow p ^ at thS^ SPMN& TAILORn^ i ^

MARCH 20th and 21st /•fift' dbyt


Wanted.—A married man work on farm-white or colored —hmise furnished. W. Holmes Bobertson, Gainesville. Va.3-3-tf

Fire Insurance.—Before that fire comes let me write you a pulicy in thai ukl.vied FauqulCT Mutual C^npany. The rates are cwtain to please you. J.M.'Ktine. Manassas, Vs.., r. f. d.2-18-3mos*

For Sale.—6-room boose (prop­erty of Mrs. D. Corbin), small bam and ootboildings—on Maple iitrieeC Apply to Mrs. WmT Bettis, Manassas, Va. 2-25-6t'

Frod&o&n tit slfigEest ftp Meawire C3oUie»

- /


f^^ele .—Pair of i a y mvea, 1150 pounds each; pair of muka, 1100poundseadi. GoodworkersL £ . R. Coraer. 2-18-tf

For Sale.-Wood by the l o a d -\oog or stove length. E. R. Con­ner. 2-18-tf

If you wish to save money on your fire insurance notify Fairfax Mutual Co., Alexandria. Va.. and they will give you rates and in-fwmation. 1-28-tf


a i i While M

Also h n v e Codfish, r » h ROTr,S«haoB, SaniJnea, T i a n F i d ^ JMTCXI fxCI I'1US» etc*

WiB b e f k d to fiH j o o r or . Aer for a a j t U a g ia Ike

. f i o a r u d f e a d f a w

.^overal fiocics of wild geese ^ -I -• - ', join? over town this • •••'eK on ineir way north.


t « * « * ^ |

GEO. D. BAKER Haiatiktr tai Uceised EaUlacr

Las Arc., nut ^''Orrniom ^ i X 4 « u i i . V i Pw>tnpt attention (TTwn »ii orderm. Pries*


Ta. b

the it Every Working Day

Prompt mad •»ti«f »ctor7 M m o e Meared ; »• low as ifnod »emre and icatenai -wtH j ^ -H«Mr«»fmraiah»d fairanyri«ioa«liUdii»«aai I bfy. M«taJ>c C ^ ^ a U c w r i ^ i s S tock

rOS GRAY BAOL 7>B bait ptet of water a<M 1 ox Bay

S a m , a mntH box «f Barbo OnfxxHvt •ad K ox. of c l y c r l i w AvplT to t^» hA:r twioa a week unti: It b«com«a th« ^ta:r^. ahada. Any *irugg1»t ran put Uiia up or yoa can mix it at honie at rery flttla oo^t Pull directions for ina^:-^ and UMe ccrr bi each box r-r BarNo r.-,mpoaii4. It W. »radtiaIlT <1«r)teTi atrvtalied. fad«d gray fcalr, i n i rf-Tr>iT»« auiOmir~ TTtt ^rrpt-~ lent for f.il :r.c hair and wtn make harah ha!T aoft and g-loaay. It will not ooior the aoalp^ la not atieky or n w y . aad doas sot

n p H B H ^ t trzctor has come to s tay. M ^ p d 8-16^ ^ which we think is the best of them all, has motm

than a year of splendid sKoess beliind It. l laay ^easeadr-aic now in everyday use.

Oatarwt wbere tfaae Med to be aiz, cigfat, mud t€0 botMS, Oien u s BOW froa two to foor, joat eooagh to handle Ote caltivatLv aztd O«»»«Y U^wotk. Matiri ••Misdoing tbe work of tbe n e t

TbenanbottworMuooeforthik. Tbe M<vnl • mora depeodafale ttMn bone* for beavy farm work. M f l » - 1 < <lMe tbe havrr « « k better and cbeaper than borsea.

Coote iK and see na, and we wQI sbow yon whr M^rf S.je dooa. hmrj farm woric better a»d cheaper. W«r have « a lmple c i ^ bare » P*!^*""- «" t h a t y n n can atwthaarfnaf ii»a/>hiTw. ~ ^ * ^ . y p l y T T , j abtmt IL We are open every day, and it is no trooble, in fact, it a a rliramni. *w>pwypatfag>t8«t>»e«>e-bMniaKlh—la-Mtoctartbatwe^naJ tat9anf.o.».r^—

lb«£«» Feei Sep^ a d Im efflent Co.,LhL FLOUR, FEe>, HAY


Page 6: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An



The ^an Piaiio Co. H D WENSICU. L M U Bapn italii

A B ^tictnal Ci>nvef»*IionBetw««»" A Knocker UKI A Dcfcatler !

of PralubitioB. j

Hictunood Virginian)

H: -Ql'Ce more read the biJj and rtt-tt- irt^t > ou c-antMjt ^et any' dniiK-', for ivse or rr*one>. :o 1 jdgeruODia or clubj.. Tlie •" 7 ?'*

:a dr> L.ill. I K (beconun*{ exciuJi ^ r.f n your bill is a cruei ana .'^ira ^

Knocker—WeH, neighbor. I see j ^^^j^ ^j^^, t ^ g j away ali a mai. s you temperance folks have passed. p^j.^jj^] liberty. VVe nave ••' aj your bill at last! 'combination of preacher-faiiii s

Defender-The Lejfialature has I gyp^^j^jj^j^ women. Sunda>-eaacted a prohibition law. in re- j ^^^^ teachers and pohliciati.- rob sponse to the mandate of 30,000jyg of our constituiionai liberties. majori^ of the State voters. U ^^ ashamed of the Democratic

K—Tlien why didn't the S e n a t e ' y ^ ^^ ashamed of Virjrinia of the people-pass a-prohibition j ^ ^ ^^^ ironclad prohibition law! law instead of a mike-sfaiftt


D- In mhm/kiogttd sodeteebV«!

ia tha law It's octrageousl

P ( W l t h cututJUbuigt' •Wtiy.liuw

AiBCTJcam Adding


Machine ieighi coluM.


X^-Why. It allows evCTy man a quart of liQwr a month, besides

q u i h t ^ oT"TiiBa'~iteDllotic beveraxes. and that means all old soaks can keep tanked-ap all the t ine. M i ^ as w d U w Y e j the barnxxna and save the State's reveniie. It's a farce!

D—Have yoo read the provi-• n m i nf t h r KJH^

K - N a ; b(rt I andefstand thia b a f a c L

D-^Betto- poet op a Ixt before yoa criticixe too banhly. The "qoart" pernuasKHi is for eectun "one's" penonal use. not to be given away to any one or used o^adecrfUsownhoaie. Penon-aUy. i am a tettbtler. bat aoBie men iioneattr. though nustakenly. diink that a iimttsd junpillit of tigaaria i i^nnitka." If the law abntate-ly d e b a r r e d this p r i v i l e g e , wooldn't yoa have said that our fight to dissolve the partnership of the State and the bevnage li-qnor traflBe ^oA not contemplate any sach drastie move as to pn> hibft yoo from the oae of aqy li-qnors under any eooditiaBS? Note pattienlaxtr. not "eveiyone'' have tte qoait. either. - iE=-15eas I admit t h a t r ^ ^ n A it wonld bsve been v o y o w l to

isl^is? You started put with the proposition that the prohibiuon bill was a miserable jmake-shift, and have argued that it would noT prohibit. Now you denounce the

For Com, Wheat anJ Clover Ume

B e r K e l e y H y d r a t e '•' ' " Corn, wheat ajid clover are xnost successhiily

grown in a sod that is "swt^t" and free from acids.

Btrrkrley Hydrate correci* *oil aciidiiy and mcicasei. the yieW QUICKLY.

ll u grtMxud to liotU'iike f»i>rfwfcs &ii<l, t..uikM.leruiX Ui? Uoor oi h*i>dlu>s »nd a p r c a d u c it <• tbe nio»J eoonom.

'i\xa, tivere i» SOc worth oi avaiiable |ii»«Mh ia DM-h U>tt ior •riucii BO c h a i f c i s ^ m ^

Wa mmuuian-MmtK U^oe in BU <onB>—CroiuKi I p L m c Groiioii Lnoe, wad Hjr<jlr«lc>d limta

S e c a r l t y C e m e n t a n d l i i r C « L , B a g ^ r s t o i v B , I M .

\r OULtN 4 M A R T I N CO SN

WashingtMi's Leading Store

—For China, Gli —Silverware', E t c

^'RTC: "BT^

F. O . B . M a y « o o d , f l l

Sold on one

measure as ironclad and subser­vient of the paoftle's liberties. On wlueh side are yoo?

K—I'm on the side of personal libarty and against all fanatical prohibitODT it^isialiuo: A w a y with yoor domineering Anti-Sa-kwn League, any way.

D—Then really no prohibition Inn wookl have suited you. and your s t a t e m ^ that you desired the wiD ol tlie people eairied out wasinsinea«?

K—I mean I don't like any-


b n e gone diat far: but yon leave a loophole for violation of the law. aikl UKae wiD be afl kinds of "pootiiK of qoarts" and a OldtyytflB' Uie dfinkiug-foBESr You've made a miwtafcpi. I no prohibitinnisti, but I hrfiBTit in tempeiance; and while I voted wet. I want to see the w M ^ the

J . «. people faitiifolly ezeeoted.

credit or 6 per cent «law-abidingciti»en. discount

M-A11; C O U P O W T O D A Y

D.—Even a cuiaK> i^ance^-at tie^!penK»al-use fko^^cw^win serve to disillosaon you in regard to the tonptation for "pooling

A m e r i c a n C a n C o m p a n y

Please send bookiet tive of Listing Machine.

thing yon temperance cranfcH <K and hope to live to see tbe day that you get snowed undo*.

abuse is not argument. Torn position as a desirer of tranper-anee and of the execution of the peo|de*s wiH iseondemned out of your own month. We expect to often eDOOunter such solicitous friend< and have been wise enough to frame a pnihiUtion law not at all after their eonnsel xr.fiking. - - - _ _ K — O . wtdl; youTl g«t to e n i o f y a a r

D—And that end will be the national. prohihitinh 4>f. age liquor traffic and the remdvil <rf any occasion for the peraonal-uae quart, winds yoa alleged at the outset was one of your chief <ft>j«irtinwi tn the hflL The de-eifdve trrad of the world is in the direction of "pn^bition on the part of the State, mpA total ab-stinenee on the part of the indi-viddaL" And your usual good aeuae should futbtd you Ui alkiw youiaelf to be classed-with maligneR of the good, mwdfish

quans ei. After you have read the

law's v « y sliingent yon will deem it very iadisereet^ to attempt the dodge stunt.

the Fedenl Court has not upon the partimly j p n t

as to whether a Sttfe msjr pro-faflat a man tmm brmg faig into itB buri*** Ktpinyfei tiM owaper-

pe emdd not af­ford to risk any impanmeBt of

people who have labored so long and f«mn«*;fTfrM*4w*" the State tram the ravages of rum, and who have now such a signal vic-

ffiff iiMftitMlion^-^ the hjme and tne

Anything Electrical IN OUR COMPLETE STOOC

iiu >^-^t:.iiiM^i — l i t fi^LuMUQK hr^r? r-zf f>e*-n r r t .*; t T r i r ^ fu f v w u - ^

1... . - : j ^ i : . ; r :-a,:'..Tf, e XclUM V t i v i o w e i

Fiueal 1'U.lttl W«r» |-U(h-L.r&be C v t U r y

Tja>lr Ut»»»w«re R i r b Cul U U M TcMlel i e H

^ l .

Bra«i ••uo <- «>I>P«* * tkJ**

C'L-(,.^j i,>i,bet Ckaiinc L>t*b Aoc<«a«ne«

P»rT<»f L*mp» K i i c k e > U l e a s J b RatlM-oBM l- izture* E,Mr ft^*W>ntor..



Nt Im CwpinrwiA ai Ekdik faw-Ahrajs Hit

Y«NB- h o o i e w 3 l b e s a f d y wired hfju a t a l o w M o d e m fiztmea t o p leaae yoor e y e a n d y o o r pocicet.


T-IJ. ill "• • f^ ' / ' • - - - * - • Ac

1215 F St. and 1214-18 G St. W A S H I N G T O N ^ D . C.

T w o Carloads = B u g g i e s 5 =


fdtcs hm y&M U $1M.M

We have just received one car-lo*d af Blue ^Killibuu Buggies, and one carload of the famous Haydocks—each made of the

heat material available, -retT" boogfat in Uie white wood and painted as per our instmetiiHis.

A l s o a l l k i n ^ o f





l i wm be wmUi yuui w M e ta inspect oar s t o ^


(A faithfid rqaodnetian of a conversation that aetnally took phee, and winch is dotdttleas a aaaaple of many.)

W. M. BiCKEBS. Ricfamond. Va.. llareh a 1916.


T H E J . i . R A N D A L L C O .

mAi»»n A wacoT MANASSAS. VA

p e n a l t y . The "drag

with die enafafe them to Bf Tor akoEni. and


ranmfaar Saw MBIli and Steam Ljigincs.

Tlic Nonpareil Broadcast Lime and '" Fcitliizcr Sower—

towns have; at made entirely exempt from the drog-Ftore clause. There is ab-aohitely no leak here.

I - X ^ Rot "tt» "fraternity lodfre-' moms and cijbswOlbe barrooms.

- - and there will be all kinds of i^mteresting wnisikey-drnidog. You have let

AT 'i*" dowT. the t»&rs

is the snnplestand best ma-cnme~orica^Km9~os Txtefls^f* kec. W e are the wrhotearie agents for this machine, and can oner dcuiaMe terns to agents in sect ioos vrhere w e are not already represented.

Farm Imptraients. Gasofiae Eo^iaes. Feocuii. :yr anjr FarBB Supftbes required.

Bk[ Values in S h M Waists

At each price we iier wastiwMlh at feast a l W

wtti'm^mwmk fairedfcyIkuicfaiACAWI. - M g IHR dp Aese wasb tAf yn u i he M R ibi

« i i Ae pAy a i s ^ « i •diatf4ri« «1 jmfaet l i i

Waists at $2.00

dns I k price asfcei

TLare'afw gno4


I era fancy.


aariy iVfiaS stirtes in

are plain taSored, otb-

Waists at $3.95 Tkere are about 5 0

Ai Crepe d e

w a n t s Satin •iildiini waists Tailored hemstitched m o d e k Black lace OTcr white waists Combination {reor^ette crepe iai U c e Black and siKer U c e over white

Tn l>eaatiful s.t>le4 trom the stnct ly tailored business model to tbe e laborate tnnuned a f t emoon blouse.

Page 7: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An






»^k iroH Ku . «. irirtilLi to so toiiiiis

up*. ^TMt were th. .^ ,tia;^ liT to- Tbr'

«1»«T- WITT ii,^i, , a a U«e «unw«v tear* •

•« ooe or ui« i^^ u , ^ , ^ jj j ^^^ ^

Tfce ^tiatidi^Hu^ ciMp wag "u; . .ai'

* t a w w « w f t . a i a * train p«t<-ht had ' a<» U>« stHv to take ai* «i-x-umie la» ] P«>«*« «rf U»e youa« tnaa s f.oe, tHe i Bsfct tjemg lUKUtlcieBt. bm the acar j

Mr tiaiKti«ft and M r. I>t-<aUauu: j »«T eood. Ui? kaj Jouied U.«a la a r»me ut tkree cu&lik>a UiiUi/rO* lUe pn-Tkias aJcbt. ajMl Uiej bad placed n-KmitaUf »*ii rt anusMl him to t*i"* tliat If Lhe.T meit Uu«buig in tfcefa- u«et(« tl»ef» wms ruom eaoagh in U B for a sujile

'^tOvV tip Krtit sTDppnir *eTw* «ta!li IWAUii! IHJhi "l larj lock yoo

«P U^ rathc^s OUcM . . pvut bia llatiiax (rip CrmMitori w t u CMa^ I X ^ «r

COS • Idecraa atatl^ that Ite i v o ^

"Krias Vooll g « out (fr

itself oat. If 1 weie jroa I d • T •*« ipJ'«" «• tl>e w a j . T1MI«'S bees lee tiwr^N^od teas wiU har^ ip>.u «- -

" T H ^ ^Wi to nwet i l r . Bass, laid Mc. Douaisan. lArokiiif his mmmtMcbt-

"Tlttf» tbe troable with the water • P Wre." saU Mr. HuBciMa. fobUag M i a e w w v e c -iirtataabiactaamOs. b«t It i i lovs too mack."

"To« have fidied here befprer *t>h. DO: The KOide Itas beca teUlos

• f c IHaw about a UtOe g a i ^ ^ bO-m s a •nejr^ibmerr'

•*>OUlLui- tl-T/UrtJt- CIST" -

Lim.M S i t - , J :,. aL'.'thfr uaiat-J liau^' vt.^! 1-1 ^ •i-:::3pd tveiOj'-row boon. 4 I i J. iHj .. ..-I nr) Vuur Bpecifir of ^

•-M,-Li - a lw , , , - r jr j 1'.. .J :. . -.1 h rv.iu tke iiiufi injct-

• j ^ ^ - i * ^ " - - J UL- eje» » icleiM-d. I -1 gwnm it t b e j ^ back yon down ;

Uu-fe in WaaUoston I <aa. Rxcvse n»e for a iao<aenL~ The kmr waa tmft, los- Be sat do« a and took tbe aaa-{ sasc: !

When Ite IXIM? from the board he was ""tHng ~A xilglit ineaaace frum jonr' "naa. Hancb**!. Uotel Carlton." - be ! read; •' I'idsln tudax: come at 4; weath- j fT ln:tTiiiiluj^' it 1 ""Ttfrnitfl " t

- I t f e what I har«-T»«i--:.1H,.r IB? j

• ,•• 1 1 .

U L ;

Thaiili i..u .:nnrt »ty«.f

OnwCgvd proceeded bKo *«la<I tOL tfeeoOlee.

Xr. Haachett. aoUled. aod Mr. Dea-ailKktiT beUnd U s haad.

'Not a tBBiite.' a n m a r a d Mr.


c ttAXFORO aad the s M at t oa the ledse a t T t t b e f t polBt.

'XSeat a ^anoe at tfala old <«Bber c i l l o i i l ^ la." Diaaa

"WwiiiL water then . i1 W e n art a

0 « « « « h . a H K

> foot ahoot the other. They Idee two cbOdrea.

roH of

*T*ere"» wbere rou're wroa«. neogadwd m e - b o w I doA't '""'"eat he laid eyes 00 me. Just a UtOe atart. bat It waa twangh for me. Raw he (hiaka w e tUak he doeaat

•aWg-Piu gu l igny

? He doeaa't drtnk. aad 1h» aiiirs arooad the hotel aCter dark.

" W i l l t i .

>*alUt^ma alghl WeH watth. "Aa attiaetiaB a«t ^tt^r

tJood BerrcB. Wc may tave

Cor that. What do yvm • a j ta 4 Ht^e-came tf piBocUer'

•TWIar « haadhted iMiUBr' . rAajrtUas to paaa the Itme. He

w B aot s o oat tonight We fkke a aMMase."

"He a n j kaow be "H-ai! Aaybodr yoB feaow?* "Haw A w i U I know terT* Mr. Haa^

<Aea ahrasaed. - O M M oa. Iet% set XMT

By tbe Onie tbe operator had seoaed tbe <tenoiiil»ani>a of tbe Mil tbe Ifiwtl — had <tii>ai<t>eared.

She baMeoed coward Cbe town Umita. A bleek. h f y a d ^ ^

pot ber oataide tbe a n Ugbt aooe. The algbt waa oa l j alarUt. and when tbe ^dewalk ended abe took to tbo nmd. atcppios cantloaaly <U1 ber eyes be-caaie acrnatnnied to tbo ^ x k . t l v dU-tereoee betweea aabatanee and slmd-ow. WUb that rennukafale afaniptneea wttb wUeb at

tbrs Dr U. thf ^r-^i, .. X tarrr 11 ;..«t.»-. mmi and v.<-ni . jL "t Lujil mr i Xot a (raid ••; au.v tiiiuit- »r«- .MHiV

She did uot aiisnrr. ~*'elL tbefv iit-ier was any »-u»ar»!

ice on loor -;d«- .«• niliie ~ -MoraJr"

V * t f f l ~ TJte reJaie «-»inr«n>4ag tai *•*••**•' yoo rhr iiiuia^r of rrmr rir tnea tliafl,- Dijuar l ie Uurl«-d "i*© yioa reatTr.e that yoc arv our of IIK two ttrlatr lb:u«a I icire7~

"Tbe other?" "Irooy. eb> >4<i>«-if. yuu would su-r

geaf? .\a. Tmib K. rn. I de«i>iM- wy aelf as heartily as } ou do "

Qokrkly be , auuLi ht^ by (J>e «I*JU1 <lera. ~Wh>it is this maa Craufunl ioiDg} Is be otaUag )«re to yoa? Asawetr Ue shook tec _

"be -pBt "off* ^ .. M


. /

Toa lore U m f

•kid qaicdy. "There'a a loag aaxf

ber the ra^iie oatUae at a maa. He waa w a l U w swtfOr MJM Hepaaaed.

-wr At tbe sMud of that rotee.

tboach ahe had e j e c t e d booity to bear It, an ladpieat paratyaia laid bald or her. The aoiU earth aeeaxJ to

crlD "Tit. U tt y o a r Paeleaa to ran.

aot pot aU tbe blame on a>e. I'm not alooe. The pater la ia g'~ir-fi i U be had hia way Craaford wosld ga oat to aea. drUtlac. I told him I aaw y M ? Bottea old world! Do yoa raaOr hate mef" be added.

1 bate the life yoa load.' •Wercr eamlBK b a e k r •TSererr '_ _ _ He awoac aboat abrqptty. t te ata



"What -asiS' *re yoo _ . _ • loa asked iaipetaoosly and at oaee hM tbe adraat^se of the t e c n r - k b appeataane bad iavired ta ber

^ M s • : : •ymartas

t h a t r "Hare yoa aay itght to -^otty.

1 beUere I have:- m a volee

raeoe: kaew tbe beorta of tlMaa aa a HollaM kapwa the attlncB of H> la-

_ to play fiUa

alwaya tfelak CMt aAen r m playtas a Hcr« w<w laot atiiaea. aa< Pwe so t ta do aoom caBja «Kht. aoft tooefa oC^tbe bow.

WV he bad faaad it to be Al-

HarUe, Grafee ad a CaMfcij



Place Order No w Gire us your order now for that Ford Rtmaboot or Touring Car jrou intend 4 o « e t thia ^imng. W e can detirer TWITnTjmwisrigM it »"**« *^ '^iitL. iClflNMl—jtlil4«yoalike. IXm'twaSl'

-untiLifaej '

CENTRAL GARAnK W. E. McCOY. Proprietor

•Sfreal ilaaaawa.Va.

Sportiiig ^WfaeO yPOthillk of Parehasintr a watPh. a ringr a amrf

nr r w w i o h ran mm A4-lwn> -i^.tox^l—^ _ _ « . ! . oriHooch pm, or oiber jeweby, remember we can sopply your wants. Host anyttune in the

sporting goods line wiU be fooiid Itese— at an attractiye priee.

Wdd^tq^imd fiUi^ • Ghsses


Offiee: No. US N. Uaion Street. fiMtary: Ko. l U M . Lee^tnec


Tbe way to make two blades of nasB sroWB where one does now: Bay the edeteatcd M^TT—i-r Ume fwma Lwibugft Low COL. the fimethat has been sold hi LoadonD and Fkkfax for the past tweatr-five years, and oat pto-Aieed them aD. aad the reason for it is beesnae it eontaiBS Mas-

oflma-iB right

K. rieid-cfc. UorS^^tadis, ti«^

OF ALL t l lNDS. E S n U A f g S FURWISWgP



> ^ 1^* pwyortiun to Caldim CMJbonate ,^^ tmi Oe UniBed Ststes Acrieri-" " " " tmal DepaitaMBt in Year Book

•^nu p^t l ^ ^ l i i i ilial " asnanis afaaohiteiy neecssi piaat nowth and "'^^'i't .w..

,wartJpe its pbefc . Sgd «dew -V^ ' w« f • "XTSO^BMBBBDV "alSBBflBBfl^

•a . . «r direct to OS and a n w wiB hvre

Ledbri IJM Ci., he BL V.WHITE.


Hawing dotUBMBcd toderoteour wiwle time to the Real Estate and Insdranee businesB. we herdby •didt jdt tmperfy for Sale and nqnest thoae harmr prqterty to fiat the same with us laiaauUy.

Manassas Transfer Co.

- a.wi«niM.odi*». ^ ^ ^

~«-mlva n H I M R I A m M l l n H y

sl5w j n a n n

iTXD DavosrroaT or n i UMTKD StAIML

-Kzecpt for two cbapa . . . j ^ ^ j ^ .

B t h

. itred at tbe farm. ^ •^omaRaw.-abeaaU.aadTvraediar' ' "talked toward tbe

plBf oaiy vhea abe reacbel tbe door. ^^oa

Bow fatiakly he atxode away! wandered if he waa wbistiiac- The raaAner ta wklch he held trotted M. He "Bid l.laiiil ber. bat a

been oolr a boy aad ftrl trim clumsy, awtw-ard. <titbrtmt, hoaeat. j

1 ; * OK'iistii of It w-armed t h;:ie. He hadat kMcat to do it.

Oar new ^ v ^ Stock <rf aU kinds of Waa Paper has arrived. Prices are low and quality h i ^

m ASB "imfunr DiaacrncMit

«.! , . aooTKK. ». a. Maa^tw. tt.a. w&kFiKLa. J. p o l n a " iKOBnaTa. a. BAaa.ra

LaSBSTOAKT . 1 1 . K B ta al l '


Dufasili of VkfBB

M«T she at", tr Be7oreed to acp^t trB>- * • t t Imm aay LtA- kisa. Uedid Uak,riite*i be did.

Aa CnMteri m n i W d tke

I aac tor* bar; he «aty

wooU W f e mnm • maDtb-s to coabde to Ua btofiy J h e j aem to coaer*

BiKbcly adreat ta Uadiacy akapaf tWai -Oh. t b ^ tts myatcrfcias yoaae womaa. j vack to da. I


W. WKSTBTBT « . « ASM* .

BIDS WANTED Bids will be received hr the

^ ^^ ih.. i Mknsssas School IV«rd urn! .^t-^ ^ ^ "^;nrd*y. .\pril a 1916. for hjiWing

', M. tw<vmom ootrstixj 9cho( hQa»e i*t GfT>veton. Specifieatiotui can

and be seen at the store of C E. Nash rear i or by ealliac: oa tbe ooderagned.

iS-10 D. J. AuDfGTOM, Oert.

jfoo&sVaflf^fiMse B u i aoi'im ?«"Txi 'rr -sta'-T^'

BOWASD WD«>»TO>. f!> -i.^

WttMre, Lya £ AUd Ca. 122S F Street N. W.



Aiiaunatrpprj for f*i:r l«aa Ertraetaon of Te«>t>.

D R . I A . F . I lOUCii DENTIST

SLOO Lne ye<i.-K\A:

• arce.

Page 8: IHDR9» irORE DONE TYLER NEW COilNn CLERKeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · in full of all elaimsof said Sterrett and Fleming asaios ibet tow onf eootntet. ' An

— 8 - ^ — ^ ^ ^ — ~_^___


J i x x o i!ajr\.irftx%3a*%x- «< N^ «->«


l.KAOrK NOTES. The J uniorSchool Improvement Le»pje

wili hold an •ntwtauiawot «t tha achoolj^*^ hm home h«re. bouse on Friday, March 24, at 8 p. m. The program will cotnsJat of ptenty o f «»rlt«t, w e H t « u « « t » a t •'Oakahisie" guod music and four good playa, whldi will be as follows: "A Proposal," "Six American B«auties," "Si and I ," "Ax-in' Her Fadder." Af ter t^e »faoye pro-

" KraiFrS^rcflln6«irtFwnTTW teOd. Ad-misaion: Adults, 15 cents and children, \^ cents. If not fair on the above date tbe eDtsrtainment will b« postponed imtil Friday, March SI. "Come to Greenwich and you will come again."

A lengthy but veiy interesting pro­gram was given by tfie Civic andSchooT Improvement League on Friday, March 10. The school auditorium was packed with a reeerd e r o w d . —

n t e violin solos by Mrs. C. J. Sharpe

sented Shriver & Co., of Baltimore.was in town Monday en raut«; to Alexandria,

Mr. E. E. I'lckett, who is now em- : where he has ti fjosition with a meat pi<»y«4-afr Quantiga, «{>«ot.-tiut. auatk-xiui^vu^.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shirley, of Hay-

on Sunday last Miss Virginia Bell^ of Washington,

H>ent a few days at "B«fl Haven" re­cently. ' ~Mr8. J. T. BHBBlidg, «l»terptMr. O. W. Shirley and well known in this neigh­borhood, has been very ill at her home in Washington. At this witting she is slightly improved.

Mrs. K. E. Pickett spent Tuesday in Manassas.

Mr."©. W. Shirley waaa Washington visitor OB Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

_ There was ;quite a crowd in attend­ance at Antioch on Sunday last to en-

aally exQwisite nndatera greatly Tv* IIVIL - J.lt -i-L 'i k i g enjoyed by all; the full richness of Miu

Maz^ fiftcktfilla'a ""!ff*> h^\c{ thft »Md'-enee spellbound, while the choruses were well selected and excellently sung, w h i ^ mAAaA v^ry m i i n h t / i t h o p l M g r a m

Tha lecture by Rev. Robb White, of Uaymarket, on the most absorbing topic of the day, "E^parednow," delivered in his usual entertaining style, with raj-e touches of humor intermingled, was'a genoiiie treat.

Former Superintendent Geo. G. Tyler ^M>ke briefly in his accustomed hearty, sincere manner that has won his way into the hearts of his people, giving words of encouragement and commen­dation to both the League and School

The crowning number on the program, boweverj was the debate: "Resolved, That the farmera' wives woric harder than the farmera tbemselvea." The affirmative waa ably supported by Miss Alice Metz and Mr. G. H. Washington. The negative waa suMwrtcd by Rev. J. R. Cooke and Mr. J. a FuUerton, the latter being tihe champion debater of Orange, never hagi^y ^t—^ defeated before. Mr. Washington (qjt^ed the debate with • mafhina gnn fire of ari gumenta. Though Mue^^jrvn repBcd to by Mr. FoUerton they had already done their mnrdetonswoik. MlsaMeta's handling of tiM sobjeet ^ainly showed that she had g ivo i the subject some very ear«rfnl minAj and w i m witjian^

the able asaistaace of Mr. Waahlngtoo she would have been vKtorioas. The judges. Rev. Robb White, Snpt. Geo. G. T> ler and Miss Cora % Moeuy . i en -dered a deeinodin favor of tha-aiBma-l ive .

The npTt meeting of the Iiesgne JKilL be held on Friday, April 7, at 8 p. sa.


Messra. WiU Masiralj —1 umMmt rae, of CharlottesviUe, spent the week­end at "The_L»srni

Mm. JuUn Toi visiting relativeaat CStfton.haB retomed to her home here.

Hiss MeUie Croas, of Oiftoo. is viait-ing at "The MilL" . 1 i _ _ _

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cockerille spent Wednesday and Thoxaday erf last wade with Mr. and MM. Robert AUlis, of Warrenton.

Miss Mary VUaA,jk ttaai^K at ^ Catholic iBstttBt^-spatttbe-waek-eaBd at her home here.

Messrs. C E. Wood aad SaynMmd Nails have gone to War i^; ton to se-aira positions Wa wish - t J w s s - — f c

jg^^^eexoellentagnnnn { v the nastor. Rev. W. L TOifW^lggWW rof Jeau»." _ _ _ ^

Miss Flora Smith has >een in Wash­ington for ji few dayslthis week shop­s '

Mr. J. W. Bell, who has been quite ill for some time, continues, about the same.

John and Horace, small sons of Mr. W. M. Foley, have been quite sick for the past WMk with whooping cough.

Mr. and Mrs. James Pickett, of Sphngfleki. were gueste of Mrs. AUie Goasom on Sunday l a s t S.



The Hay market Civic League met Friday evening of last week for its reg-.|. alar semi-monthly meeting. While the attendance was smaller than tisafcl, those present sp«i t a very enjoyable

A numb«- of songs were sung. One that received a full measure of applanse was a duet by Mr. Parsons Rnrtnr and Miss Keena Rector. Miss Bertha Watts lead a huinuiuus moBolegae much to thelSelight of a l l .

Probably tbe most enjoyable feature of the evening was a baseball spelling match. Sides of hine each were dxisen and Miss Bessie Watts played the role ef pitcher as pranonacer.—^le win­ning side scored six runs in the first inning. This lead proved too much for tbeir opponents. alU>oUgfa a strong fig^fat was made. Miss Watts' (Mwue-twist-ers prevmted even the heaviest idtters from reaching first base.


There was a called, meeting of Drink-ard Lodge. No. 318, A- F. & A- M., on Monday moming last to assist J&anasseE' Lodge. No. 188, A. F. & A. M., in pay-

- nng the last solemn rites to their- de-ceased brouter, <Japt J. E«. Het¥«lL , The following were ^Fesent from Msnssseh Lodge; A H. Prascott, H a g y

—Mr. and Mw. Jeneph CwniieHllt spent Sunday aftemooo with Mr. and Mrs. I>. A. Marsteller.

Miss Alice Metx, it£ I'Kney BandL" school, spent the weak-ead with Miss Mary Reid.

On account of sen ices tiiis week the business meetirtg oi the Earnest Work­ers was postponed ontit 'Wadasaday. March 22.

Messrs. M. M. Washington'and J. F. I 'ockerille spent sevcnd days this week at Cslverton buying horses for the U.

GovgrnmenL Tbtg wia h> shipped ^tec^to the "rnnT irnJaTrsBsuift sU.

tion. ' '_

Miss Anna K. M a y h a p ^ e n t Soaday ^ ith Miss Mary Raid.

•dCMtoi -aeae-^ t h e bes t -yean ^ his Ufa. — -

Mrs. C . X ^ h a r p e spsat T^Mstbr at The Grove." K B M S n s .


M rs. G. B. Lowe is vety ill witii the

Mr. i UhAU% wlUi -ecmonia. Mr. and Mrs. T. L Sullivan aad graad-

-r-n, Madison Holmes, ipsat Saaday m '.anova, Va., calling on relative*.

Mrs. Mary Williams, of Porestbag, • rently spint a few days with her

ifyhter, Mrs. George W. Carter. Mr. Joe Florence aad daughter, of

.>Dlia. aad Ms aari Mas Chas. Cspiim f Kopp. spent Sanday at Mr. Geoige open*. We are glad t o hear that Mr. Ed.

Keys is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. T. L SoUivaoare praod

.^rents of another great granddaugh-•fT. little Miss Barry, of Washington.

Mr. Archie Gsrrison'i two tittle sons, Wattace and Elwoed. net long ago were -rackmfT walnuts on a stump, not know-.T\K that a dynamite cap had bean placed ^ tha atump. Tbe cap-a»ploded aad njnred the boys very badly about t h ^

'si^efi Rrd arms. .^flie Merrill, who is attending school

r Maniuuias. spent the week-end with . L. parer.:s. Mr. andMn. L. F. MerrtU.

Mr Walter Woolfenden, of Kixip, -..>it Sunday with his aiater, - i f ar .. » n.-,- ..uck.

We »rp sorry to h«»-"Of Capt -"ir« death.

Mr. Worth Starke spent the weak-end with his mother, Mrs. L. M. Starke.


P. Davis, W.J'< Merchant, G. H.SQrith, J; B. B r a d f i e M r € ^ ^ Warit. fe G. Al­len. M. M. EUU. J. P. LeacluBaa,Thos. H. Lion, F. B, Bswsdell, a E. NUml,

Mr. H. M. Oixige left Satuniaj- fur Chicajfu, where he expects tu j-einaui for about ten days.

Mrs. W. M. Jordan was a Ba.itmiore visitor during the week.

Mr. E. S. Carter was in WaahiiiKton several days this week. He returrie<1 houie Wednesday.

Mr. Don Rector made an auto trip lu Warrenton Tuesday. He reports the roads in very fair condition.

Messrs. C. D. S. Clarkson and W.H. Shirley were Warrenton visitors Wed­nesday. Mr. Shirley had some dental worit done while in Warrenton.

Mr. A. R. G. Bass spent the week­end in Washington.

Mr. E. R. Rector motored to Manas­sas Monday in his Ford.

Mr, Jamcu Armel, ?f WiH'rl"J'l*'n" fl TftCCBt g n m M M» >OH: Mr. L!. E. Arm el, of Arnael^s M i f e n«ar this yil-iage.

Mr. W. H. Ellis and brother, James, of Greenwich, were in town Monday,

Mr. E. H. Hunt visited his parente. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hunt, s r . ' a t Wool-sey, Satnrday evening and Sunday.

Mr. O. D. Ellis, of Greenwich, waa a pleasant caller here the last of the week.


March winds and snows are the most pragresatre parties in vogue herevat this date.

Mrs. Mary Paul and Miss Blanche Dane are visiting the latter's eister, Mrs. Rush Hereford.

Mr. T. J. Davis, traveling salesman, spent-Wednesday night at the homftof Mr. C. E. aarke .

Mr. R. C. Elnnis was a guest at the home of Mrs. E. J. Alexander Sunday evening '

Misses Blanche Dane and L u c i l e Clarke, accompanied by Mr. Gnnrer I)aviB, were cftllers <m Miss Estella AlftTamfer ^nnd^y afteranon.

"^ Mr. D. O. Alexander waa a gaeat at the home of Mr. C E. Clarke Sunday evening.

Miss Osie Bailey and Mr. Beanie Reid were visitors of Mrs. Hayme Reid, of Dumfries, Saturday aad£unday>,^ „

Mr. and Mis. C. E. Clarke and eeo, Jsbn, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Paul and Miss Maud N<H7nen, motored to the District workhouse Sunday and viewed all Imildings of interest there. . ,

Miss Estella Alexander was a g^iest of Mrs. Luther Windsor M o n d ^

Mesdames Katie Clarice and Marx Paul were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C'F. Bailey, of DuBkfeies, Thorsday

Mrs. C 1!« uiarke caiiea at the bon»|t of Mrs. Lodier Windsor Wedneadfj evening and reported thfe latter's eon-ditlon allgliUy iupnivui. ~ ^;—^ ' Miss Blanche Dane and Mrs. Groyfer Dayio were guests at the home of Mrs. C -EL Clarke 8nnday-pvenit\g

Mi'. August Naudrassey, of Peuusyl-vaniay died at Staunton Friday a. m..

H. L. Qoaries, A,~F. Raymond andC. J. Maatae. —

tard Lodge was represented by the following: £ . E . H m t , L. A. Hoi-Mi> J- E. Jazdan, W. C^Payae, E. K. Reetiv, C. L. ReeOMr, C H. Keys«r, Abaer Fletcher. Geo. G. Tvler^ J L . g , . White , A R Itnut, Mirt A a h l y B. C ^



The residents of Haymarket are just­ly {wood to learn that eee <rf their best known citizens has b e ^ called to the elokship of Uie eoonty. As we offer our congratnlstinws we express our re­grets in kMdng aneh a faithfnl and effi-cieart svperiatendeot of eoonty schools.

Mr.' Tyler cheets aaet hearts some­what by tdhag ns that whSe he will not be conaeeted offidaUy with the s c b o ^ his heart aad sympethies wpl still be in the woric to which he has

'aad was buried at Greenwood Presby­terian Qtnrch Tuesday af terneoo. For fhe part few yeara h« ha* ir nAy \,^

very sorry to learn that Mr. Curtis De "Vangiin does not improve in health.

Mr. Nelson Abe! was in Alexandria Thursday of last week on business.

Miiiata V. M, Abel and JE, iL Payia viiuted Misses A. C. and A. M. Dunn Saturday.

The F'orest Hill School League meets at the Bciiool houKe tliLs (FridayJ niK^t at 7:30 o'clock. Wt- hope thirre will be inany preactit. ONCh: IN A W HILK.


Staple and Fancy Groceries AND NOTIONS

Fresh Meats a Specialty


Wall Papier Sanitas, Burlap»,-Paper ^mArjt^

era and Room Mouldings, '^* Nyoleum Floor Cover­

ings for Kitchens, Etc., Etc., fAc.

No. 6748 Raport of tfa* CoiulitiaD of Tb« Paiepl«> Naliaaal

B o k . a t M*ajuu«. in tk* Sut« of VIraiaU.U e^m eloM af bwia«^Manh 7.1916.

ui Xbans und dlseeuau UaiS^XSoi»

thown on 6) tOtjn V> /v™-i.«f.. J 8ocur«i tree tt

U. S. Bondl: H U. S. B<md> depotltsd to ae-

cur« circulfttkNi <p«r valoa) 80.000 00 U. B. Boodi pladgad toiacur*

U. S. DepoalU (par vsloa) 1,000 00 Total U. & bond! StOOO 00

S u b a c r i p t t o n to Stock of Fedarml RMcrvaBank.... CfiCO DO

Lew amount unpaid 1,3<0 00 1.2S0 00 Valua of tMuikina bouaa (if unaneask-

berad) IIOOOOO Furniture aod Bxturea 2.T00 00 Raal aatalaownad other than haakint

houae 897 40 Net amount doe from Fedatal Wwiii <a

Bank U H 47 ,Nat amount due from ap­

proved reaerva asenta fai Kew York, Chlcaao, and St. Louia Wn 14

Net amount due from ap­proved reaerva-aaenta in other Reaerrtfcitiea 1.800 80 8.272 08

Net anoount due from baoka and faaak-era (other than Included in above)... 1,(19 49

Other ehecka on banka in th* fame city or townaa r«l>orH. g bgi fc , O g j i .

Ontskle cHedia and other eaah itema fMO 08-

.Fr«cttoi>al currency, niekela -and eenta.,, 181 44 82S 47 M , r f ^ / . f . . H . i n . M . H « » « m . « l r . glU OU Fedetml Reaenre Dotaa Coin and cettiBratra isal t i d a a aataa ,

jtlen fund witii U. 8. Ti aaauiai and daa ft«B U. S Ttaaaurer




t o t A .

Capital atoek paid la. $80.000 00 Snrplua fond 12,800 00 Undivided prafita . . 84.412 24 Heaerved for ta»«a. 800 00 Reserved for ex-

chanse 180 01 88,012 18 Leaa current ezpenaea, inter­

est, and taxea paid 1.838 88 8,702 88 Cireolatinc nutea outatandina 80,000 00 Net amoQi t due to approved leaerre

ascBta in otiier leaaite eitiea . . . . 384 86 Doe to banka aad baalura (othar taaa

included in above)........ . . . . . . . . l ,4n 66 Dividenda unpaid. 1800 Demand depoaii a:

Tbe First Year 0% Cask System iCaH and »«« m exptam t© roul Apply to G. G . BRADY.PnBter, has JUM ended and we take pleaame in OUT A l u m i n u m w a r e p r o p o s i t i o n ! ^.1- HAYMARKET. VA. aiHiouriciiifr that it has proven entirely satisfactory, and we thank our friends, one and all, for the liberal patronage accorded us.

We shall continue the STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM and carry at all times our u^al complete and varied assort­ment of general merchandise at prices that make the cash system attractive. At low aa th* lowaat and fiv« par cent haiiJea.

Jordan & Jordan, Inc.

N o t i o e . - I a m prepared to do wal l p a p nn^ and pai iuinj^ aKaiii, P r o m p t a t t e n t i o n K! veil ali urdiTs . D r o p m e a card. Geo. L. Larstjn, M a n a s s a s , Va . 1 28 t f

" S o n g s of L o v e a n d W a r , " a c o l l e c t i o n of t h e beat p o e m * of t h e l a t e D r . H . M . C l a r k s o n , $ 1 . 0 0 p o s t p a i d . A d d r e s s T H E

j J O U R N A L , M a n a s s a s , V i r g i n i a .


Annimnceinent to Ladies On March Ist we succeeded to the old firm of Crigk-r & Camper Co. It is our desire to thank the many cu.stom-ers of the old firm for their libera) patronap:e durinj? the years past and we solicit aeontinuanee of the same dur­ing the years to come. We will endeavor to maintain the same high standard which has been maintained in the past and to prove ourselves worthy of your patron­age. We will continue to operate the Coupon Cash Sys­tem, which we have found to he very satisfactory, both to our customers and to oarselves. Under this system you do not have to help pay for the goods the other fel­low buys. Our line consists of Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings and Shoes. We make a specialty of ladies' dress supplies of all de8Gripti3ns. Our new spring stock has arrived and we invite your inspection of our very complete stock.

CAMPER & JENKINS Sueea—ow to Crigjar A Campar Co.



[adiWdnal depoaita aBhjeet t» ahaefc .,—44,0 Certifleataa of d«(iaait doe in leaa tkaa

SOdaya „ l«.lt4 28 Certified eJweka l U OO United Stateadeooaita. Uf

Total demand depoaita. 181,400 43. TftBT-; dep<iu (uayMB af Ur SB dajsr

or Bobjeet to'90 daya or morenotiea): Tatal of time depoaita...... lOMR 46

Bedlanmnti with FWeisl Raaam bsnka 14,M1 »

BillapayMiiimiiaiHiniitH—rtmaup itinc moiMT banmrad.

home near Minnia^ tanate m kwing his mind aboat cite year ago aad waa iinoiediately taken X» jthe Western State HospitaL Mr. Nan-diassojf waa a Llglily reipwied d d a g l of nnr f«wininintty.

Mr. J. L. Hinton baa recently par-

OBNXRai. MBW8 N O t t &

fleiricea at S t Paai'a Onueii every weaasaa^y ana ma»jjnt^a^-ima^ Lent op to .Holy W e d c During Holy Week there wiB be—prieea erery erea-,

« % t k e r M « f l A B«v. RobbWUta. M- tbe J ^ t i s t Cboxeb Sanday: Sa»-

day sc^Mot at %-jl& a. HL, and t»«yer jMetiBg at 7d0 p. m. Svezy one is in-riteJ lu a U w L '

Ahna Brady met widi a Teiy painfol aeeUent while rotkr skating laat Monday evcuag. Sb» fell, spnm-lag ber ankle tiidly. Inanx^ b s r l n ^ j ^

' sttikiac on tka b a A ef ber bead.

Wbca tbe two SOM of Mr. S. W.

Monday meniMg tbe berae tiicy were d n r a ^ beeame frigbtened and ran away. Tbe boggy waa t o n to pieces, but f sHamUlj nsttber rftbe boya was hurt.

The piece of road near GaiaesriUe wbiebia befaganAafDrataatwtttaaaB be coiB|>letad.

Mr. C. A . ^ « n A e n , jr., has received ail the tamber fat Us aefw bnil^ig hi the east end of town. Mr. G. G. Brady will assist ,ia tbe sreetieB of this new bmlding.

The Urre frait orebsid of Mr. W. H. ghirley has reeeatli beea nieeiy ti iauaed

fita-—y^ and pninad.

Deiuj Altera, wTiA "hiW been spending some time with relatives here. baa secored a poaitiao at Qnantieo.

Mr. Simfkoci, who fonaerty repre-

diased from Mr. J. N. Carter bis un­dertaking bosinesa and .baa opened np a place of faosiness here.

Tbe sympathy e f MinnieriHe-is e « -tended to tbe Horel l family fai their recent aad bereavemeot.

Mrs. James Kison passed away at her home Monday morning after an ilhigBn' of a few days. She is sorvrved by ber husband and e i ^ t chiklren, idiof w h o a were able to attend the f aneraL

Greenwood School and Rond Improve­ment Leaj^ue held its regular meeting w i t h M m . C . Jfi. U a r k e F t i d a y n a m n s r M. MC- m i l l fcisi^ ^ T T ^ U I I N VS- I B W n ^ K ^ ^B^B^

after transaetMB e f faannese, a d u n t y Inacheon waa served, after which games g u ' t r i a y e d antfl the wee henw *§.

20.000 00

imiiaiffi Stau oJf^ rtrgwxa. County o / Pmct H aatm0»: a s i c u r p a . CaiEier^a~(Ea

abawa atafoMBt iatniato fliabaatef my kmnrk

IMUND iUl'ULlirVK. aad awara tobafenjB* tUa M4b dSr

M. Jonas.

tSoaaaw • ' ' A I T


No. 6082 aajarteltUr—^ttiaae^TK^

A. W. SINCUUS. B. H.HiaBa. A-A. Hoow%


Loaaa and Diaeooata ( a z e a ^ thoaa a n o n on A) „ • • M 4 B a i

U. S. Bonda: - - = - n U, S. Booda depoaltad to aa-

careeirenlataon(paT«mla^) SIUOO OS U. S- Booda pladsed to • »

care poatal aavlnca de­poaita (par vahw) UaOS SS -

Total oa U. S. Boada Z8,600 00 Saeorioea oOcr tJbav U. S. Baada (aa*

inelodinc atadia) oarnad nnpladgad. Sniiaeriptjoa to atoefc tt

Padarai Itaaii 11 Baaii.. . . «4.Sge » ittiapaid ZAoas

Vatoe of baabie faooaa <if naeaeaa-

M A X C B H A B B .

yuRmnuRi; HEWS M n . J. E. Tiqiaeottbasgaaeto Berry

Tille to spend a riwrC time wiai 'her -ffether

Mr. and Mia. Grorer Abel spent San­day afternoon with Mr. and Mra. ) M -•on AbeL

-MIB. Hiteben Bettis «aa»~aliWHMaa trip to Frederickaburg Monday.

Mr. J. F. Pick in>ent Sanday afteiw noon at Mr. R. B. Abei'a

gnests of Mrs. Bertie Abel, at Joptin, Wednesday.

Mr. Jamas Amiden is bailding a large store aad dweffing booK near forest barg.

Mrs. Roth Kincheiee and two cbil-d r a Ttaited Mrs. Nora Davis Sanday evening.

Mr. Horace DeVaoghn, of Washing-tno, i s visiU]iK b i s daoghter, Mrs. Thomas Anderson.

Mr. J. E. Tsnscott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Williams.

There are a frreatmanj' people in thia section who are qnite ill with the ^Tip. We hope they will aoon be out again.

A gT>>at rr.Any autoaiobiles are pass­ing ihroufjh t^ig section since the roads are getting pvxJ.

Mrs. May Dtnimieh, of Washington, is spending a few days with Mrs. Thomas Anderson.

The people of this neighborhood are

Fund tore and ftjccorea

^ n la Natanooat doe troaifadarat'l

Baali . Nat amount dae from ap­

proved ileaarve Aseats in Mew Tartu CWeaso aad St. Umk.

JW SitoBaf da* rre*"

atkar reaerre eitiea 6.aSl H Nataawantdnefran baakaaad Seafe-

UAI Capital itodi paid ia flmplua luad — Oadi vised prcata.

for Kz dianee

nt eat and taxn paid X,tSl IS TO 01

Clrcaiatinff TM>tea ootataadhis 12,010 00

cB m ecfier reaarw cnMa ISa 4o Diridenda unpaid 10 00 D^aand depcaia: ladindnl ilepoaita aobiaetta ehaek . . ui .«R 14 OartiAeatea of Sapoait dae ia leaa thaa

a>daja 1.000 00 CartiAed r)«Kka 4 {( Paatal aaTiim detxiajta MS t l

TataJ demand dapaaita. WlliMI SS — -Tiair dapeatta (oaraMa aft» SO dara.

or aofa^aet t» V daya ar aura aociea): • •• ••• i n j t t SS

ra ian i • • • ! ! S4.(S« 11

Horses Are Going Up-Land is GoiBg Dp-Wag^ of Hdth-^CMng^fti

I d AM Ive^nutof^ Yflp Wiirk 8-16 H.R Tractor, pulb two ta eta«p plowa* $760 eaah,

F. O.B. Peoria, IlL ^^^Jh^' Tractor, paMa oa^iity^wa i^'tn, $2954)0 cmitr

F. O. B. Feoria, a i : — " TIS-CHATTANOOGA PLOW-the plbw i^ik thai*

viicr» others faSl. Come m aai see then.


" • ^ • •iii""" • ——«J

.««(« 9f VIrviMia. rowntv »,f J^rlttf, WOliam. u •

I U PKAXX PATTIB. CSaabier of tVa aho*a-named bank, de aiilmiulj twear tiiat tbe abave •tatamwrla t n e te the beat ef aur kaowie^a aad baBef.

U n tANX PATTDS. C«SKm. I SobacriiMd and awera te bafaro a a tbh Utb dar

a^Mareb. i>l6 "^mmr

ATTarr C EN..TO Warrwrton Hnrcauaoir a R COHMaa.



A KODAK Jl^ .^gj^t that k e e p s t h e p i c t u r e s tory of e v e r y youLh-f t r i i n t e r p s t - s c h o o l d a y s and s p o r t s , t h e w i n t e r a n d s u m m e r outmjra, t h e c i t y b o y ' s trip t o t h e c o u n t r y a n d t h e c o u n t r y b o y ' s t r ip to t h e c i tv . In all t h e s e t h e r e 18 fun in t h e p i c t u r e t a k i n g a n d a f t e r w a r d s DOtn f u n a n d s a t i s f a c t i o n in p o s s e s s i o n .

Our Chri.tmaa atock of K o d a i u ano Brtj-wniaa " ParticnUriy c o m p l e t e . Let „• »tiow y o u


