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IHH Humanitarian Relief Magazine 42

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Wherever he or she is, distressed, victimized by war, disaster, etc, wounded, disabled, homeless and subjected to famine, oppressed, it is the IHH’s main objective to deliver humanitarian aid to all people and take necessary steps to prevent any violations against their basic rights and liberties.
HUMANITARIAN RELIEF July-August-September 2010 / Issue: 42 Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load Together We Can Change The World (20) For a good future (50)
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July-August-September 2010 / Issue: 42

Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load

Together We Can Change The World (20) For a good future (50)

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+90 212 631 21 21

Give a hand to end orphanhoodSupport an orphan, raise the happinessFor over 16.000 orphans from 27 different countriesWe provide financial support by the sponsor family systemThe intention is to help 60.000 orphans together with you

or35 50$

Monthly donation

for an orphan is

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July - August - September 2010

Issue: 42

Owner on behalf of

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation

Atty. F. Bülent YILDIRIM

Executive Editor




Editorial Board

Ahmet Emin DAĞ






Jane Louise KandurDesign



Kelebek Matbaacılık

Tel: +90 (212) 771 54 54


Büyük Karaman Caddesi

Taylasan Sokak No: 3


Tel: +90 (212) 631 21 21

Fax: +90 (212) 621 70 51

[email protected]


Dear readers,

We have finished our preparations that will be sent to hundreds of thousands of people in the month of Ramadan. We have determined where to carry out our activities during Ramadan both within the country and abroad, taking up the slogan “Together we can change the world!”. We aim to reach more than a million people through the distribution of care packages, iftar activities, educational support and clothing for orphans. Comprehensive information about our Ramadan and aid activities can be found below.

Since its establishment, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has been aware of its responsibility and has worked to carry out long-term development projects, struggling to help people live in a better peaceful world. In this context, IHH has developed joint projects with NGOs that are working towards similar aims throughout the world. Thus, we set out from Istanbul on 22 May 2010, drawing the attention of the world on the embargo imposed by Israel on Gaza, to take humanitarian relief to the people in need in Gaza with the slogan “Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load” The six ships of the flotilla carried the conscience of the world to Gaza; however, these ships were halted with a bloody attack on the 31st of May. This time Israel carried out the massacres it has been inflicting throughout Palestine on the conscience of the entire world. Nine volunteers were martyred, more than 50 volunteers were injured, and hundreds of others were arrested. And now Israel is trying to deceive the world, despite the testimony of 800 people. A new era started in the world, and nothing will ever be the same again. Now there are new ships which weigh anchor in the heart of every single human being; ships for a world of justice. Thousands, hundreds of thousands, indeed, millions of volunteers join hands to stand up against injustice… We share with you articles about the purpose of the flotilla and its result in our bulletin of quarterly activities. With the hope that good will spread throughout the entire world…


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The conscience of the world


ACTIVITIES Water wells in Ethiopia,

Somalia and Cameroon have

connected people to life

20Together we

can change the world!




Zakat and alms as an individual and social volue


AGENDA - Humanitarian aid flotilla (6) / Occurrence of the attack (8) / What relief makes for Gaza (10) / The legal struggle initiated against the Israeli attack on the humanitarian aid flotilla (11) / Our volunteers put their hearts into the humanitarian aid flotilla (14) / SPOTLIGHT: RAMADAN - IHH 2010 Ramadan activities (16) / Ramadan 2010 Turkey (24) / ACTIVITIES - Mosque and school in Somalia (25) / Opening of a mosque in Zanzibar (30) / Support for activities to mark the mawlid (blessed birth) (31) / Istanbul Culture and Training Center opened in Bosnia-Herzegovina (34) / 40.151 cataract


Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load

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For a good future

3216.003 orphans are no longer

alone IN THE FIELD IHH works with the Qatari Red Crescent and OIC Somalia


FOCUSTurkey rises up for İzzet Şahin


DEEDS On the Way for

Humanitarian Relief


Aid for chechen immigrants

patients have seen the light (35) / Support for earthquake victims in Chile (36) / The tragedy of the people of Arakan persists (37) / Support by IHH for autistic students (38) / A helping hand to Hakkari, Şanlıurfa and Muş (40) / Volunteer activities (42) / FUTURE PROJECTS IN BRIEF - Palestine Gaza psychological support project for children (46) / Lebanon purchase of medical equipment (46) / Sudan Darfur project to meet the needs of newborn babies (47) / Turkey Elazığ fountain construction project (48) / Palestine Al-Quds project to repair houses around the Al-Aqsa Mosque (48) / Thailand Patani orphanage project (49)

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Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load4 AGENDA

Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our LoadPalestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load


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Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid Our Load AGENDA 5

The occupation that has been imposed on the Palestinian territory for more than 60 years

continues with new suppression, oppression and mass destruction. Gaza, where one million immigrants have to find ground to live on, is the focus of this new process. The embargo imposed on Gaza constitutes a fundamental threat to human life. As a result of the 22-day Israeli attack, carried out eighteen months ago, the territory suffered a substantial loss of its already quite limited economic resources. Gaza is an isolated area where power resources are greatly restricted; even the most fundamental medicines cannot be found and the health infrastructure has collapsed. It is an area where education has to be provided in the streets as schools were targeted in the attack, where people are

homeless, living in tents, and where social facilities are non-existent. The people of Gaza face death at every moment; patients cannot be cured and the entry of food, medicine and medical

supplies is blocked. As construction materials needed for

constructing buildings to replace the hospitals

and schools that were

razed to the ground during the Israeli attacks are also not allowed into Gaza due to the illegal embargo exercised by Israel, such organizations cannot operate either. The embargo has to be ended immediately so that all such problems in Gaza can be eliminated.

The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which has been carrying out efforts to help Palestine for many years, organized an international convoy in January to try to lift the illegal embargo that has been imposed upon Gaza by Israel for more than three

years. The intention was that this convoy, which consisted of hundreds of vehicles, would reach Gaza by land, breaking

through the embargo; the flotilla that set out in May was to reach Gaza, this time from the sea, with nine ships of humanitarian relief.

The “Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Aid our Load” flotilla, the Turkish participation carried out by IHH, was organized by six international NGOs, consisting of The Greek Ship to Gaza Campaign, The Swedish Ship to Gaza, The Free Gaza Movement, The International Committee to Lift the Siege on Gaza, The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG). It was also supported by hundreds of NGOs all around the world.

The flotilla was to create a new relief corridor for Gaza, to help lift the embargo. It was hoped that at least the people of Gaza, who had been living in deprivation for so long, would be helped.

The flotilla carried more than 10.000 tons of humanitarian relief supplies, consisting mostly of construction materials; the aim was to bring the issue of Gaza onto the international agenda once again, and thus to create a strong initiative to lift the embargo. The fundamental needs of the people of Gaza would be met, the patients would be treated, and the schools, hospitals and medical centers that had been razed to the ground during the Israeli attacks would be reconstructed with the relief supplies that the flotilla carried. Shelters for the homeless, rehabilitation centers and playgrounds for children would be built. In order to do this, hundreds of participants, people from different countries, religions and races, ranging from Latin America to Africa, the Balkans to Central Asia, and from the Middle East to the Far East, joined this flotilla for the common goal of taking humanitarian relief to Gaza. Members of parliament, academics, journalists, authors and NGO representatives, as well as religious officials and artists from 36 different countries were among the passengers of the fleet. In this sense, the flotilla was, so to speak, representing the conscience of the world to Gaza.

The humanitarian relief flotilla was perceived as an important chance to prevent the occurrence of new Gazas throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East, and to achieve peace in the territory. It was hoped that the arrival of the international ships of peace would help lift the atmosphere of war and chaos that encircled the Middle East, and as a result, a new atmosphere of moderation would occur, and a new breeze would be brought to the solution of the problems. However, the flotilla was prevented from carrying out its task by a bloody attack carried out by Israeli soldiers in the international waters of the Mediterranean.

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Humanitarian Aid Flotilla6 AGENDA

Humanitarian Relief Items In The Flotilla

Basic Needs


Textiles (clothes, towels, bedding, shoes, fabric, carpets, kitchenware, quilts, blankets, couches and beds)

Medical Supplies

Medical equipments, ultrasound scan devices, x-ray devices, electric patient beds, dentistry units, dentist’s gear, doppler echocardiography devices, wheelchairs, electrical wheel chairs, disabled electric mobility scooters, stretchers, deambulateurs, autoclaves, mammography device, microscopes, blood circulating machine, hemodialysis machines, radiology monitors, crutches, ENT units, cat scan machine, operating beds, gynecological couches and various medical supplies.


Constructional Materials

Iron – 750 tons

Precast homes – 100 units

Construction supplies: Tiles, timber, fiberboard, cage, plumbing supplies, electric equipment, plastic window frames, glass, steel cables, measuring tools, hand carts, nails, mountings, bathroom fittings, paint, power distribution units, ladders, isolation materials.

Cement – 3500 tons

Ceramic Tile Adhesive - 50 tons

Children’s Playgrounds - 16 Units

2 trucks of wood


2 electrical power generators

Hardware supplies (Electric hand tools, machines, ovens)

Power Units (5 units of 85 kws – 2 units of 145 kws – 6 of 150 kws – 3 of 165 kws – 1 of 100 kws and 1 unit of 35 kws)

Power Units (80 units of 1-2-5 kws)


2 desalination units

20 tons of paper

Ships In The Flotilla

Name Country Number of Person Type

Mavi Marmara Comoros 577 Passenger ship

Defne Kiribati 20 Cargo ship

Gazze I Turkey 18 Cargo ship

Eleftheri Mesogios Greece 30 Cargo ship

Sfendoni Togo 43 Cargo ship

Challenger I USA 20 Passenger ship

Challenger II USA 20 Passenger ship - Due to the breakdown, its passengers were transferred to Mavi Marmara.

Rachel Corrie Cambodia 20 Cargo ship

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The conscience of the world AGENDA 7

Among the participants of the “Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load”

flotilla, there were members of parliament, academics, journalists, authors, NGO representatives, religious representatives and activists.

In the flotilla there were members of parliament from Germany, Kuwait, Israel, Ireland, Sweden, Greece, Southern Cyprus, Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, and Algeria, there was the 89 year old archbishop Helarion Capycci, as well as intellectuals and representatives of NGOs, activists from the Middle East, Europe, America, the Far East and Africa. The flotilla was carrying the conscience of the world.

In the flotilla there were representatives of

important media organizations, TRT, Press TV, Al-Hiwar, TRT Haber, TRT Arabic, Anadolu News Agency, TV 5, TV NET, Ülke TV, Kon TV, Doğan News Agency, Al-Jazeera English, Kuwait News Agency, Venezuela Telesur TV, Al-Jazeera Internet, Suara Hidayatullah, The Brunei Times, Al-Aqsa TV, Al-Jazeera Arabic, Al-Quds TV, Pakistan AJ-TV, Gulf News Agency, TV One, The Brunei Times, Al-Jazeera Indonesia, Culture and Resistance Network, Sydney Morning Herald Journal, Islamic Magazine, Vakit, Yeni Şafak, Sabah, Star, Zaman, Taraf, Gerçek Hayat, Vuslat Dergisi, Radio 786, Özel FM.

Nationalities of the participants in the flotilla: Algeria, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada,

Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Yemen.

The conscience of the world Among the participants of the “Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load” flotilla, there were members of parliament, academics, journalists, authors, NGO representatives, religious representatives and activists from

36 different countries

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ATTACK POSITION 31.05.2010 04.30

MEETING POINT28.05.2010 16.00















THE MOMENT OF ATTACK31.05.2010. 04.30


THE SHIPS SET OFF30.05.2010 15.54


Occurrence of the attack 8 AGENDA

The ships of the flotilla from Turkey, Mavi Marmara, Gazze 1 and Defne, fromGreece Challenger 1, Challenger 2, Eleftheri Mesogios and Sfendoni and

Rachel Corrie from Ireland, all set for Gaza.

In the attack on 31 May, 2010 there were 4 battle ships, 3 helicopters, 2 submarinesand 30 zodiac boats belonging to the Israeli navy.

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MEETING POINT28.05.2010 16.00















THE MOMENT OF ATTACK31.05.2010. 04.30


THE SHIPS SET OFF30.05.2010 15.54


Violations by Israel that were beyond the attack, the occupation, the killings and cause of injuries, and the subsequent complaints

1. Prevention and interruption of communication2. Illegal interrogation and detention 3. Illegal seizure of passports4. Wrongful seizure of the ships and relief supplies 5. Wrongful seizure and destruction of personal belongings 6. Torture, dishonorable treatment, maltre atment and beating

Occurrence of the attack AGENDA 9

The ships started to come to the meeting point in the open waters of the Mediterranean on friday, 28 May, 2010. The ships that arrived at the meeting point set out for Gaza on 30 May, 2010. The Israeli navy started to harass the humanitarian aid flotilla on 30 May, Sunday around 22.30. The ships, which were sailing through international waters, were subjected to a violent attack by the Israeli navy on 31 May, 2010 Sunday morning, 4.30.

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Had the relief ships been able to reach Gaza, a new relief corridor would have been opened for this

territory in which 1.5 million people live.

The fundamental needs of the people of Gaza would have been met, patients would have been treated, and the schools, hospitals and medical centers

which had been razed to the ground during the Israeli attacks would have been reconstructed if the flotilla had been able to dock in Gaza.

The people of Gaza would have been able to rebuild their lives with the materials and tools that were to be used in the construction of houses.

Ultrasound and x-ray devices, electric hospital beds, dental units, wheelchairs, battery-operated cars, stretchers, microscopes, dialysis machines, radiology screens, crutches, Otolaryngology units, gynecology exam equipment, Doppler

and echocardiography equipment, deambulator, sterilizing units, mammography device, operating equipment was all headed for the hospitals. Prefabricated houses were to be set up for the families whose houses had been demolished, and the necessary household equipment would help them carry on their lives.

What relief makes for Gaza...10 AGENDA

What relief makes for Gaza...

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The legal struggle to secure a trial and punishment for those responsible for the attack on the

flotilla that was bringing humanitarian relief to Gaza and to abolish the illegal embargo on Gaza has been initiated at the request of the aggrieved persons and bodies. After the arrival of the passengers in Turkey by plane, procedures were commenced by every passenger undergoing forensic examination. The autopsy of the corpses was carried out at the forensic medicine institute upon the arrival of the bodies in Turkey; lawyers also participated in the autopsy. It was also established that the luggage and bags of personal belongings of the humanitarian relief volunteers had been pilfered; the electronic goods were broken,

smashed, and some private belongings had been confiscated.

In the file of the investigation that was started in Turkey, the testimony of the victims was recorded and the examination of the evidence, including forensic reports and visual records and photos was begun. At the same time, the lawyers of victims applied to bring lawsuits in the countries of jurisdiction to put the responsible Israeli authorities on trial. In particular, efforts are in progress to bring the

matter before the International Criminal Court (ICC). There have been studies in several countries, not only in the countries of the victims, to initiate an investigation under the auspices of the ICC.

The lawyers of the aggrieved took actions to sue for damages, and applications to international mechanisms, such as the UN High Commission for Human Rights, have been made.

The legal struggle initiated against the Israeli attack on the humanitarian aid flotilla In the file of the investigation that was started in Turkey, the testimony of the victims was recorded and the examination of the evidence, including forensic reports and visual records and photos was begun.

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The Palestinian issue, the Gaza issue, and what people experience there comprise a summation of the injustices that are suffered

all around the world. Particularly, life in Gaza is not something that one can sit back and watch. The conditions in Gaza have lasted for an extended period of time, and it has been intentionally ignored by our governments and the people in power. Being honored with such an opportunity, I thought it would be a crime if I missed it, and I joined the flotilla. Both before and after the attack, the atmosphere on the

ship was great. There were some people with whom, even though we could not communicate orally, we could talk to with our hearts. There were people of different colors, religions, languages and races on board the ship. Everybody knew well that whatever we were to overcome, we would do that together. Everybody was united, everybody was full of love. There was only peace. The large-scale protests, demonstrating international public opinion, after the massacre by Israel proved very clearly that Israel cannot stand by itself.

Testimonies12 AGENDA

Erkan Bayfidan Cameraman / Turkey

We were attacked by the Israeli army during our routine live broadcast that night-these were something we did

throughout the trip. We were on air at the time of the raid, but our broadcast was cut off by Israel. When our live broadcast was terminated, we switched to our backup frequency, and continued our broadcast. I was trying to film how the Israeli soldiers were arriving in zodiac boats, and how the soldiers were coming down from the helicopters. I was doing my best to record everything I could see with the camera on my shoulder. I saw some action to the left of the ship; soldiers began to take over the ship. Meanwhile, I was trying to film the Israeli soldier in the corridor. The soldier was kicking a volunteer. Other volunteers, trying to prevent him, got in front of me, and then the soldier opened fire. Because I was standing in parallel with the direction of fire, I was shot in my right arm, the bullet penetrating my arm. The soldiers attacked using firearms against the unarmed people onboard.

Mine Karakaş - IHH Orphan Unit Coordinator / Turkey

IHH currently supports 10,000 orphans in Gaza. We provide financial support to the orphans every month. However, we wished to take

gifts from here to them, as hope for the children of Gaza, and to enable our sponsor families to

send gifts to the children. Thus, sponsor families prepared gift packages for the orphan children of Gaza, their siblings. The gift packages contained quite valuable presents, the most valuable of all being the letters expressing the feelings of the children here. The children wrote that they wanted to go to

Gaza, that one day Gaza would be free and that they wanted to meet there. These gift packages were with us onboard the Mavi Marmara. We placed the orphans’ gifts, precious things that had been entrusted to us, on the seats in order to prevent them coming to any harm, and lay down on the floor. When the soldiers were forcing us to disembark in Ashdod after the attack, I saw that our private belongings and the orphan gifts had all been jumbled together. What upset me most was not being able to take the gifts that had been entrusted to us to the orphans, and not being able to see the happiness in their faces.

Maryam Luqman Talib Student / Australia

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Paveen Yaqub Activist / Britain

My purpose in joining the flotilla was to contribute to the humanitarian relief that was being sent to the Gazan people, and

to provide health and education support for people like children, widows and patients. I participated in this flotilla to do something practical, to become a part of this experience and to further increase awareness about Palestine, instead of just sitting and doing nothing in Britain. There was a spirit of solidarity and unity on the ship. Everything was very orderly and inspiring. We were all full of hope. People from all around the world had come together for a single purpose. We had the honor and privilege of being part of such a fleet. This was a historical, great and symbolic trip to Palestine. When Israel attacked madly, I was thinking

that what we were going through was not real, but a movie. I was trying to assist the injured. Then I was told to make an announcement and sent the messages “Please cease fire, people are dying!” and “We need medical aid” to the Israeli army. I begged them to stop for an hour or more, but they cut off the

announcement system. Everybody in the ship was seized by the Israeli soldiers. While they were searching us, they teased and tried to humiliate us. Every time we moved, they threatened us. They even hit some people. They slapped or harassed those who talked to or looked at

one another. Today I am even more willing to go to Gaza. We saw the terror that the Israel government and army inflict on people from different social statuses, and even VIPs, at first hand. We are now much more determined to defend the justice and back up the rights of every human being in the world.

Fatima el-Murabiti Psychologist / Belgium

Palestine is a part of my life. Every day of my life I have been hearing from my parents, since I was four or five, what people go through in

Palestine. Now I am 26, and nothing has changed in Palestine until today. I ask myself, “How can this be happening?” Besides, I also hate torture and injustice. Thus, I thought I should contribute to this convoy. I collected some aid for the Gazan people, and took part in the flotilla. Everybody in the flotilla found a place, somehow everybody contributed to the organization. Like a big family, everybody had a responsibility. Women, men, everybody worked together.

Testimonies AGENDA 13

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Support from all throughout Turkey rained down on the

flotilla which departed to take humanitarian relief to Palestine on Saturday, May 22, 2010. They included handicrafts made by our volunteers, and goods ranging from construction equipment to stationery and medical supplies, from gifts to playgrounds.

We thank our volunteers for their support to the flotilla, raising money with more than 100 activities like sales, conferences, and photographic exhibitions throughout 60 provinces and several districts in Turkey.

Public fund-raising sales and photo exhibitions

IHH volunteers supported “Palestine Our Route Humanitarian Relief our Load” flotilla with fund-raising events arranged in tens of provinces and districts all throughout Turkey. In this context, events were arranged in Adana, Adıyaman, Adıyaman-Kâhta, Ağrı, Ankara, Antalya, Balıkesir-Bandırma, Bingöl, Bitlis-Tatvan, Bursa-İnegöl, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Hatay-İskenderun, Istanbul-Bağcılar,

Istanbul-Bağlarbaşı, Istanbul-Başakşehir, Istanbul-Güngören, Istanbul-Ümraniye, Istanbul-Kâğıthane, Istanbul-Kartal, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kilis, Konya, Malatya, Mardin-Midyat, Osmaniye, Samsun, Siirt, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Şanlıurfa-Siverek, Tokat, Uşak, Van and Van-Erciş.


Volunteers also organized meetings in Afyon, Amasya, Ankara-Çubuk, Aydın, Bolu, Bursa, Bursa-İnegöl, Edirne, Edirne-Uzunköprü, Istanbul-Mecidiyeköy, Istanbul-Pendik, Istanbul-Ümraniye, Konya, Konya-Seydişehir,

Our volunteers put their hearts into the

humanitarian aid flotilla

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Malatya, Manisa, Mersin, Sakarya, Sakarya-Hendek, Sinop, Sinop-Ayancık, Sinop-Boyabat, Tekirdağ, Tekirdağ-Çerkezköy and Tekirdağ-Lüleburgaz.

Fund-raising organizations

Fund-raising breakfasts and teas were organized by volunteers to support the flotilla in Antalya-Alanya, Balıkesir-Biga, Balıkesir-Gönen, Eskişehir, İzmit and İzmit-Gölcük. In Istanbul, fund-raising breakfasts were arranged by AYSİT Istanbul, Anatolian Side NGO Platform, the İsar Solidarity Group, Miraç Group, Nisa Group, volunteers of the Ümraniye Yeşil Vadi , Üsküdar volunteers and Sultanbeyli volunteers. A breakfasts with an auction was arranged in Beylikdüzü.

Charity bazaars and photo exhibitions

Charity volunteers from all around Turkey did their

best to raise funds for the humanitarian relief flotilla with several fund-raising eventssales.

Our volunteers in Balıkesir-Gönen cooked waffles in the marketplace every Tuesday and donated the income to IHH for Palestine. Women of the Batman province gave the income raised from a fund-raising event that lasted for three days to IHH. The fund-raising sale arranged by our volunteers in Isparta and Tokat-Niksar lasted for a week. IHH volunteers who arranged fund-raising sales in three different spots in Ankara and İzmir, also arranged kermises in Adapazarı, Adapazarı-Geyve, Adıyaman, Ağrı-Patnos, Ankara-Çubuk, Antalya, Antalya-Alanya, Bartın, Bolu, Bitlis-Tatvan, Bursa, Çankırı, Çorum, Çorum-Sungurlu, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzurum, İskenderun, İzmit, İzmit-Derince, Kırşehir, Konya, Konya-Beyşehir,

Konya-Seydişehir, Malatya, Muş, Silivri, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Uşak and Van. As for Istanbul, fund-raising events were held in Avcılar, Beyoğlu-Cihangir, Eyüp, Güngören, Maltepe, Pendik, Sarıyer and Zeytinburnu. The İsar Solidarity Group, various groups in Güngören, Katre-Der, Miraç Group, Küçükçekmece Saadet Party Women’s Branch and the BİLİMDER Women’s Commission supported the Gaza flotilla with fund-raising events they organized. Some of the fund-raising events also included photo exhibitions.

Our volunteers also established promotional stands in Istanbul, Bursa-İnegöl, Çorum, İzmit-Derince, Kilis, Manisa and Şanlıurfa. In Sakarya, a photographic exhibition was organized with a Palestinian theme, and a promotional stand, and a large model ship was constructed.

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16 SPOTLIGHT: RAMADAN Zakat and alms as an individual and social value

Zakat and alms as an individual and social value

Dr. Fatma Akdokur

Zakat, one of the fundamental principles of Islam and recognized as one of the pillars of Islam, which help us to successfully conclude our journey on the earth, is of great importance.

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SPOTLIGHT: RAMADAN 17Zakat and alms as an individual and social value

Islam is the only religion that has the fundamental principles required for people to complete

their journey on earth in peace and well being and to achieve happiness and complacency in the Hereafter. Allah, charging all people, men and women, as His vicegerent on the earth, has notified us through Islam of the principles that we need to abide by to fulfill this sacred task in the best manner.

Zakat is a financial duty that ensures financial and spiritual purity and maturity. Allah has made zakat a duty for us, ordering the wealthy to give a certain portion of their property and/or money to the poor and needy every year; this is considered to be the right of the poor and the duty of the wealthy. In the Qur’an, Allah speaks about how people of taqwa

(piety) behave on the earth, telling us: “…and in their property is the right of those in need and deprived.” (al-Zaariyaat; 51/19) “They do not forget that those in need and those deprived have a certain right on the properties they own.” (al-Maarij; 70/22-25); thus Muslims were prepared for this holy task even in the Meccan period. People who fulfill this duty purify themselves and the society they live in in conformity with the literal meaning of zakat: “Take alms (zakat) from their

property. By that, you shall have them cleansed, purified and improved.” (at-Taubah; 9/103)

Zakat is also referred to as “alms”. Alms is a broader term than zakat, which involves all forms of donations and grants made voluntarily for the sake of Allah. Zakat, in a limited sense, and alms, in the broadest

sense, also express an economic system whereby Islam uses these donations as means of social solidarity to meet the financial and spiritual needs of individuals and society.

There can be no doubt that humans are social beings, and have a variety of relations with other individuals in the society into which they were born. In this network of relations, the person is one who takes and

gives; in other words, they benefit and make contributions. For the healthy survival of the society, such exchanges should continue at a certain degree of balance and harmony. Islam, which aims at a society in which everybody can live the most humane life, establishes social security organizations which balance the economic differences

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among people, reducing the imbalances to a minimum; this economic balance is the most important factor to ensure peace and brotherhood among people. Thus, zakat and alms, and charitable organizations and foundations that are established in connection with these, provide social services such as schools, bridges, communal kitchens, accommodation centers, water wells, and orphanages, contributing not only to a more humane life, but also proving indispensable for social peace and harmony.

These forms of social solidarity that have been developed with the zakat and alms are targeted at reducing the imbalances that might arise from the differences in wealth between the rich and the poor to a minimum. Islam is opposed to the monopoly of wealth in only a few hands. With the importance it attaches to zakat and alms Islam indicates that such an imbalance that

might occur between the rich and the poor, expecting not only the wealthy, but also everybody with a certain economic power, to develop a moral sensitivity for looking after those who are worse off: “…so that it will not be a perpetual distribution among the rich from among you…” (Al-Hashr; 59/7)” The realization of this target is also an important step toward ensuring the happiness of the individuals and the well-being of the community. Islamic scholars note that all those who have such possibilities are responsible for the social discomfort and disadvantages that might arise due to an inadequate contribution of alms in society. As a matter of fact, although the presence of both wealthy and poor in a society is natural, it is the most fundamental task of humanity that those who are economically comfortable act to prevent the already existing economic difference between the rich and the poor from turning into a greater gap, and to prevent

conditions where the rich will become richer and the poor poorer.

Zakat and alms constitute the two most important religious services that remind us that the True Owner of all blessings is Allah. Those who are well off should be aware that when earning remuneration for their efforts on the earth that such earnings have been granted to them as a result of Allah’s favor. This awareness is a driving force that causes one to thank the True Owner. We need to return that which Allah has favored us with to other people and the creatures: “Say: “Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Sustenance to such of his servants as He pleases: and nothing do ye spend in the least (in His cause) but He replaces it: for He is the Best of those who grant Sustenance.” (Saba’; 34/39) Those who do so are aware of the thanks and gratitude for being able to make such benefices, as well as being grateful for their security;

18 SPOTLIGHT: RAMADAN Zakat and alms as an individual and social value

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they experience the peace of being able to meet their needs by their own hands and to help their brothers in need; indeed we are all like parts of the same body.

Man is a weak being. In particular, the ambition to own property and wealth, which are some of the blessings of life on this earth, are part of our character that needs to be disciplined. Thus, the religious services of zakat and alms are aimed to eliminate the ambition for property and wealth. Human beings become free by ridding themselves of the passion to own via contributing to others. Consequently, the aim is our love for Allah, and the desire to fulfill our responsibilities to the other individuals in the society they live in.

Zakat and alms are seen to be a means of relating, communicating and sharing between people. As a matter of fact, the Muslim who pays zakat is concerned about the poor people in the community, they search for and find needy people and try to help them. Prophet Muhammad drew our attention to the importance of communication between Muslims,

which should be kept alive at all times: “All Muslims are as one; if one has a headache, they will all have a headache, if one has a pain in their eye, then they all will have pains in their eyes.” (al-Jami al-Saghir) “A believer who sleeps full when their neighbor is hungry is not one of us.” (al-Targhib wa al-Terhib, III. 358).

As a result, zakat is an important religious service which not only develops and matures our individual personalities, but also creates social peace and well being in society; it teaches us that doing something for others is also the key to our individual prosperity.


1. İslâm’a Giriş, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları. 2. İlmihal, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları. 3. Döndüren, Hamdi. Ticaret ve İktisat İlmihali, Altınoluk Yayınları. 4. Şentürk, Lütfi-Seyfettin Yazıcı. İslâm İlmihali, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları.

SPOTLIGHT: RAMADAN 19Zakat and alms as an individual and social value

How our foundation makes use of zakat and Ramadan alms in its activities

The IHH Humanitarian Relief

Foundation has been accepting zakat

and Ramadan alms since it was first

established. The criteria of Islamic law

are taken as the basis in accepting and

distributing religious donations. There is

a special operation team that fulfills the

religious services of our donators. Our

team classifies and reports the received

donations in line with their purpose. If

the donated zakat or Ramadan alms

have no special condition attached,

then the donations gathered for use

in the projects - in compliance with

the zakat condition - suggested by the

foundation. However, if the donated

zakat or Ramadan alms bear a special

condition (for orphans, education,

cataract surgery, water-wells, schools,

vocational courses, mosques etc.), then

the donation is used to that end.

The donations are not used in any

activity that lies outside the script of

the donator or the preconditions of the


The amounts of money donated to

the funds that are related to the fields

of activities of the foundation - water-

wells, orphan sponsorship, Ramadan

campaigns, qurban by proxy, zakat,

alms, school construction/repair,

mosque construction/repair, vocational

courses for women and young people,

the construction of orphanages,

agricultural support, etc. - are classified

and used in the relevant charity.

Our foundation is careful in the

acceptance, determination and

classification of religious donations

like zakat, qurban and Ramadan alms,

and is sensitive about making sure that

those in need receive their donations.

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We look after children who have lost one or both parents due to war,

disaster etc... IHH, which, as of June 2010, has taken on the care of

16.003 orphans in 27 countries and regions, prioritizes orphans at

Ramadan as well. It takes your greetings, affection and love to them at

the iftar tables, laden with eid gifts.


Millions of people are living under harsh conditions in different places

around the world; people are forced to be refugees due to leaving their

homes because of war, invasion or natural disasters. Such people have

been substantially deprived of fundamental needs, such as jobs, food,

education, health and accommodation. At IHH, we are also continuing this

Ramadan, taking humanitarian relief to refugee camps and refugee tents.

Elderly in need

The elderly are not abandoned during Ramadan; they are not left

desolate or alone. We visit them, spend time with them, and meet

their needs.

Poor families

In today’s world, several people are fighting poverty, caused

either to war or natural disasters, or social imbalance caused by

political, economic or social reasons. With your support we can

contribute to social solidarity and sharing, to try to eliminate the

disadvantages that leave people in need and to strive to spread

goodness all around the world.

With the support of volunteers the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has

carried goodness to five continents for approximately 20 years; IHH has

taken humanitarian relief to 120 countries and regions of the world…

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IHH 2010 Ramadan activities

IHH 2010 Ramadan activities22 SPOTLIGHT

You can take on the cost of an entire iftar meal organized with our mobile kitchen, or cover the iftar cost of one or more people.

With its Ramadan activities in 2010, IHH Foundation for Humanitarian Relief will organize iftars, food pack distribution, aid for orphans, clothing and educational assistance, as well

as activities in 60 provinces throughout Turkey and in 61 countries and regions all over the world. Within the scope of such activities support will be provided to those in trouble and projects will be developed to solve the problems.

This year, IHH will again take the zakat and donations from Turkey to those in need in regions that are suffering from war, disaster and poverty.

Within the scope of IHH Ramadan activities in 2010;

Contents of the food packs

Rice, bulgur wheat, dried chick peas, haricot beans, granulated sugar, tea, instant soup, spaghetti, vegetable oil, flour, tomato paste, salt, olives and jam. Iftar events

Iftar events will be organized in regions where the poor and needy live throughout the world and in Turkey. Food pack distribution In 61 countries and regions throughout the world, in 60 cities in Turkey Mobile kitchen and iftar events In 23 provinces in Turkey Aid for orphans and those inneed In addition to the continuous support for orphans by IHH, food, clothing/eid clothing, educational and occupational support will be provided throughout Ramadan for orphans in various regions.

Zakat and alms relief IHH supports those in need by sending your zakat, alms, Ramadan alms and donations to the needy in regions affected by war, occupation and natural disasters.

Educational aid Stationery materials are provided to students who are in need, studying within the country and abroad.

The cost of a food pack for one person: 30 Eid clothing for one child: 35 Iftar amount for one person: 2,5 Stationery amount for one student: 12,5

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AlbaniaBosnia-HerzegovinaBulgariaKosovo Macedonia


Abkhazia Adjara Adyghe Azerbaijan Chechnya Dagestan Georgia


Afghanistan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Uzbekistan Tajikistan Tatarstan



SOUTH ASIAAcehArakanBangladeshPhilippines-MoroPakistan Sri Lanka Vietnam





TURKEYBurkina Faso Algeria Chad Djibouti Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Guinea Cameroon Kenya Madagascar

Malawi Mauritania Nigeria Rwanda Sierra Leone Somalia Sudan Tanzania Uganda Zimbabwe


61 countries and regions all over the world, 60 cities in Turkey!

IHH 2010 Ramadan activities SPOTLIGHT 23

Ingushetia Kabardino-Balkaria Karachay-Cherkessia Crimea Ossetia

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Ramadan 2010 Turkey24 SPOTLIGHT

Ramadan 2010 TurkeyCITY

1 Adana

2 Adapazarı

3 Adıyaman

4 Afyonkarahisar

5 Ağrı

6 Ankara

7 Antalya

8 Ardahan

9 Aydın

10 Batman

11 Bayburt

12 Bingöl



14 Bolu

15 Bursa


16 Çankırı

17 Çorum

18 Denizli

19 Diyarbakır

20 Edirne

21 Elazığ

22 Erzincan

23 Erzurum

24 Eskişehir

25 Gaziantep

26 Hakkâri

27 Hatay


28 Isparta

29 İstanbul

30 İzmir

Food aid box


Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service


31 İzmit


32 K. Maraş

33 Kars

34 Kastamonu

35 Kayseri

36 Kilis

37 Konya

38 Kütahya

39 Malatya

40 Manisa

41 Mardin

42 Mersin

43 Muş

44 Nevşehir

45 Ordu

46 Osmaniye

47 Samsun

48 Siirt

49 Sinop

50 Sivas


Şanlıurfa- Siverek

52 Şırnak

53 Tekirdağ

54 Tokat

55 Tunceli

56 Trabzon

57 Uşak

58 Van

59 Yalova

60 Zonguldak

Food aid box


Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

Mobile kitchen iftar service

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26 Social aidACTIVITIES

Water wells in Ethiopia, Somalia and Cameroon have connected people to life IHH has opened water wells in eight countries, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Chad, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Djibouti and Ethiopia; within the last six months 9 wells have been opened in Ethiopia, 17 in Somalia, and 22 in Cameroon, countries that are fighting against drought.

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The wells that have been opened are very important for African countries in which access to clean drinking water resources is limited; many people lose their lives every year due to illnesses caused by dirty water, and inadequate irrigation means that efficient agriculture cannot be carried out. The increase of water resources plays an important role for the contribution to peace in crisis regions as well.

IHH has constructed water wells in eight countries, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Chad, Somalia, Sudan, Sierre Leone, Djibouti and Ethiopia until today, and within the last six months nine wells have been constructed in Ethiopia, 17 in Somalia, and 22 in Cameroon, which are countries undergoing a merciless fight against drought and thirst. The water wells that will be used by thousands in Ethiopia are as follows: Aliye Şenaltun Kayseri-IHH, Meryem Şenaltun Kayseri-IHH, Hacı Cemal Demir, Istanbul Imam Khatip 1982 7A, Halil İbrahim Kılıç, İshak Hafızoğlu, Mehmet Fazile Açılan, Sabit Kavukçu and Saadet Elmadağ.

The 17 water wells constructed in different regions of Somalia are as follows: Afiyet, Akar, Darusselam, Emir Ömer Toğay, Erdemliler Derneği, Geyve, Hacı Ahmet Uzuner, Hızır Aleyhisselam, Kamil Saade, Kılınç Ailesi, Mevdet, Murat ve Halise Aksu, Özay Emren Aytekin, Özcan Ailesi, Özden, Şifa Barış and the Tarsus Merve Eczanesi Water Well.

The names of the wells opened in Cameroon are: Murat-Vedat-Fuat Özkaymak, Sakarya Altınovalı Hanımlar, Zemzem-Nokta Ayşe Acar, Merhum Sefer Acar, Terzi Hatice Bekçi, Ümmeti Muhammed, Hüseyin-Emine-Huriye Şahin Ailesi, Bir-i

Nur Ömer İpek, Şehit Metin Yüksel, Zehra-Sara-Munise Çekmegil, Kâğıthane Ekrem Cevahir Çok Programlı Lisesi-İmam Hatip Bölümü, Suphi Beradi-Sevim Gündüz, Duaya Muhtaç Bir Kardeşiniz, Mustafa Well, Recai-Ayfer Kaya, Fuat Karadoğan ve Ailesi, Zeytinburnu Batı Trakyalılar Merhamet Well, Lütfi Danabaş, Zeytinburnu Gönüllüleri

Rahmet Well, Arif-Asiye Boynukalın, Kardeşlik Köprüsü and the İsfalt AŞ Çalışanları Well.

The IHH teams continue their activities to establish a water well in Kuseri, another region where water shortage is being experienced in the Cameroon.

Thanks to IHH from The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon has sent a letter of thanks to IHH, stating that they were pleased that their brothers from Turkey have shown such close interest in Cameroon.


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New mosque and school in SomaliaThe IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has increased its aid activities in Somalia in recent years, not only carrying out cataract surgery, but also maintaining projects for constructing schools, hospitals, mosques and water wells.

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The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has increased its aid activities in Somalia in recent

years, not only carrying out cataract surgery, but also maintaining projects for constructing schools, hospitals, small mosques, mosques and water wells. In June, IHH opened the 1.700 m2 Hz. Hatice Islamic Center Complex, consisting of a school and a mosque in the Lower Shabella region of Somalia. Approximately 300 students will benefit from the primary school with five classrooms that has been constructed

in the Qalimow town of Lower Shabella as part of the project. 1.500 families are expected to benefit from the mosque.

IHH has opened a new mosque in the capital city of Mogadishu in March. The Mahmud Esad Coşan Mosque, constructed on an area of 117 m2 in the Ahemmedhuu village, 65 km to the west of Mogadishu, was opened for religious service with a ceremony attended by local executives. A total of 1.450 families are expected to benefit from the mosque.

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In May, IHH opened a new mosque on Zanzibar Island in Tanzania in Africa. The Rabia Aytül and Safiye, Binnur, Süreyya Altunok Mosque

with ablution fountain and toilets, is being used by the people of the Muangani village of Zanzibar, an area with a 99% Muslim population; the mosque was constructed over an area of 208 m2. 20.000 copies of the Holy Qur’an were distributed during a ceremony that was arranged at the opening of the mosque. Approximately 4.000 people will benefit from the Rabia Aytül and Safiye, Binnur, Süreyya Altunok Mosque. The mosque will act as a social gathering place for the Muslim population and a center where basic religious knowledge will be taught in this settlement, which has no other place of worship.

Opening of a mosque in Zanzibar The mosque will act as a social gathering place for the Muslim population and a center where basic religious knowledge will be taught in this settlement, which has no other place of worship.

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In the Balkan geography and in several parts of Central Asia there is a great enthusiasm for the “Blessed Birth”; in these regions Mawlid

activities are arranged. The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation also supports NGOs that are willing to arrange activities for the Mawlid in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Kazakhstan.

In the Balkans and some Central Asian countries where Muslims are limited in their ability to express themselves, the activities of the blessed birth are of great significance for reinforcing feelings of unity, togetherness, brotherhood and solidarity.

Support for activities to mark the Mawlid*


In the Balkans and some Central Asian countries where Muslims are limited in their ability to express themselves, the activities of the mawlid (blassed birth) are of great significance for reinforcing feelings of unity, togetherness, brotherhood and solidarity.

*The birth of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)

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From June 2010 the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, perpetually meets the needs of

16.003 orphans in 27 different countries and regions with the Sponsor Family Project. Monetary grants have been provided for orphans at certain intervals

within the framework of this project, which works towards building morale and motivation for the orphans with organized activities.

Over the past months, a number of activities have been carried out for

orphans, including Sponsor Family Project for those who live in Diyarbakır, Lebanon and Albania. In April, in Diyarbakır, an introduction breakfast was organized with 40 orphans who were being cared for. The IHH Orphan Unit employees and the representatives of

32 Social aidACTIVITIES

16.003 orphans are no longer alone Over the past months, a number of activities have been carried out for orphans, including

Sponsor Family Project for those who live in Diyarbakır Turkey, Lebanon and Albania. In April, in

Diyarbakır, an introduction breakfast was organized with 40 orphans who were being cared for.

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some NGOs were involved in carrying out the activities in the region. Several gifts were delivered to the orphans during the breakfast. Again in April, a Mawlid was carried out in Albania for orphans. 72 orphans participated in the activity during which various gifts were distributed.

For the 90 orphans resident in Istanbul, a visit to Turkish historical city Çanakkale tour was arranged with the support of the Küçükçekmece Municipality in April, along with their families and volunteers.

IHH Orphan Unit in Lebanon

IHH Orphan Unit Project Coordinators, Emrin Çebi and Nübüvvet Akbay, attended the meeting entitled “Rights of the Children under Occupation and the Provision of International Protection”, which was organized in April in Lebanon. In the meeting, which lasted for three days, Çebi and Akbay made a presentation about the condition of orphans in Gaza. After the panel, visits were made to the Burc al-

Beracine Refugee Camp in Beirut and the Palestinian camps in Ketermaya, as well as sister-organizations that are involved in related activities. The IHH delegation was given information about orphan activities by these organizations. Then some families that were receiving permanent support were visited. Our foundation, takes on the care of a total of 355 children in Lebanon via the Sponsor Family System; 55 of these children are from Lebanon, while 300 are Palestinian refugees.


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On March 29, 2010 IHH, which makes contributions to religious, cultural and

social life with its projects in Bosnia-Herzegovina, opened the Istanbul Culture and Training Center in Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The members of the IHH Administrative Board, Osman Atalay and Emin Şen also participated in the opening. The opening of the center, in which courses in religious sciences, Turkish and English are to be taught,

as well as computer courses, attracted great interest. After the carrying out of some research, relief for the families of martyrs, orphans and families in need will also be provided.

The center was also visited by Emine Erdoğan, the wife of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Mrs. Erdoğan, after listening to what activities were to be pursued in the center, said that she hoped similar efforts would be made in other Balkan countries.

Istanbul Culture and Training Center opened in Bosnia-Herzegovina

34 Social aidACTIVITIES

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The Africa Cataract Project, which was realized over three years with the cooperation of the IHH

Humanitarian Relief Foundation and the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), has brought light to a number of cataract patients.

IHH, maintaining health care in Mekelle, a city in the Tigray state of Ethiopia, first carried out ophthalmologic examinations on 1.000 people in the

region. Patients were monitored, and were given eye drops and various medicines. After the initial examination, 210 cataract patients were operated on. The number of surgeries performed in cooperation with TIKA in Ethiopia numbered 4.010; the target is to perform 10.000 surgeries.

Because of the lack of medical personnel and financial opportunities in African countries, cataract patients live imprisoned in darkness. Although there

are approximately 500.000 cataract patients in Ethiopia, there are only 200 ophthalmologists working in the country.

IHH, which has financed cataract operations in 10 different countries -Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Chad, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso- has brought light to the eyes of a total of 40.155 cataract patients in Africa with this project. It is hoped that this figure will reach 100.000 within two years.

40.151 cataract patients have seen the light

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After Haiti, IHH has now brought relief to Chile in Latin America. IHH teams took emergency aid to Chile, where on 27 February an earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale and the subsequent

tsunami created great damage. Two lorries of food, water, diapers and emergency aid supplies were distributed to the earthquake victims during the distributions that took place in Concepcion in March.

Support for earthquake victims in Chile

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The drama of the Arakan people, under the occupation of Myanmar since 1948,

continues. Nearly half of the four million population of Arakan has taken refugee in neighboring countries like Pakistan, Thailand, India, Malaysia and Bangladesh. There are about 100.000 refugees from Arakan in the

three refugee camps that are located by the Bangladeshi border and in other unofficial refugee camps. But these people hold neither refugee nor citizenship status in Bangladesh and therefore cannot work to earn a living. In March, 52 children and 30 women, a total of 130 people have lost their lives due to starvation in

Kutupalong, one of the Arakan camps in Bangladesh; in this camp thirst, starvation, epidemics and poverty are common. After the deaths in the region, IHH teams carried out investigations in the refugee camps at the end of March; as a first step they distributed 10 kilos of rice for each of the 10.000 families.

The tragedy of the people of Arakan persists


In March, 52 children and 30 women, a total of 130 people have lost their lives due to starvation in Kutupalong, one of the Arakan camps in Bangladesh; in this camp thirst, starvation, epidemics and poverty are common.

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Autism is known to be a developmental disorder that begins before the age of three

and lasts throughout life, affecting the formation of social and communication skills. A majority of autistic children suffer from different levels of mental retardation and have difficulty in perceiving the world around them. There are only eight schools in Istanbul which educate autistic children. 62 students of different ages and levels are educated at the Autistic Child

Educational Center in Kağıthane, which is regularly supported by IHH. IHH provides a support of supplies, consisting of annual cleaning materials, a refrigerator, a washing machine, a teacher’s closet, a large table for meetings, and 2 whiteboards, as well as materials such as skill cubes, concept sets, wooden number scales, and sewing game sets.

Support by IHH for autistic students A majority of autistic children suffer from different levels of mental retardation and have difficulty in perceiving the world.There are only eight schools in Istanbul which educate autistic children.

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Periodic aids are provided for Chechen families that are living in camps in various provinces of Turkey, with the rent, accommodation, food, education,

health and various needs of the families being covered.

IHH provides regular aid to Chechen families living in Istanbul and Yalova on a monthly basis, providing dried foods, meat and cleaning materials for the immigrants. 116 people from 33 families have benefited from this aid.

Aid for Chechen immigrants IHH provides regular aid to Chechen families living in Istanbul and Yalova on a monthly basis, providing dried foods, meat and cleaning materials for the immigrants.

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40 Domestic aidACTIVITIES

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As a result of a project carried out by IHH in the Kaval village, 60 km from Hakkari, which can only be reached

through the Levni Mountains, a drinking fountain was constructed. The fountain that serves the village of 50 houses and the people of the neighborhood who use that route was opened in June.

A fountain was also opened in June in the Bayırözü village, in the Siverek district of Şanlıurfa; the fountain serves 150 houses. The fountain that was constructed in the Bayırözü village on the Siverek-Çermik road

will fulfill an important need for the local people.

Playground for our children in Muş

IHH established a playground for Muş Korkut Nursery School, which provides educational service to 73 children from the 3-5 age group, and which reports to Muş Korkut District Directorate of National Education. The playground, constructed for the nursery school that was lacking a playing field and which was operating with limited possibilities, was commissioned in June.

A helping hand to Hakkari, Şanlıurfa and Muş Building a drinking fountain in Hakkari and Şanlıurfa, IHH also has established a playground for Muş Korkut Nursery School, which provides educational services for 73 children from the 3-5 age group; this school reports to the Muş Korkut District Directorate of National Education.


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Volunteer activities

Volunteer activities 42 ACTIVITIES

Our volunteers continue to support the Sponsor Family Project which aims to meet the educational and daily needs of orphans.

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Taking orphans hands to share

Our volunteers continue to support the sponsor family activities that aim to meet the

educational and daily needs of orphans. The Ayder Women’s Branch granted a variety of food to be put on sale at the IHH’s Orphan Support Center. The women volunteers in Alanya sent local

food products to the Orphan Support Center and sold them to raise money for orphans. The revenue from a fund-raising activity sale in Sivas was also donated for the orphans. A fund-raising breakfast event was arranged for Palestinian orphans by IHH volunteers in Bolu. Our volunteers in Başakşehir held a fund-raising event over two weeks to raise money for the orphanage in Moro, the Philippines.

Wells for our brothers and sisters who are longing for water

Because access to clean drinking water is difficult in Africa, and as a result many diseases and deaths occur, people in Turkey, aware of this problem, have supported our well projects. Our volunteers in İzmit had one well opened in Sudan and one in Mongolia, and two built in Ethiopia from the funds they raised. Our volunteers in Van opened two wells in Burkina Faso; and the Erzurum Anatolian Youth Association had one well opened in Somalia and one in Cameroon each. Our volunteers in Istanbul-Yenibosna joined hands to open wells and organized a bake sale that lasted for three days.

For a more beautiful world

Small mosques are highly important in solidifying the unity of Muslims. Our volunteers from İzmit raised the funds for a small mosque to be constructed for our Muslim brothers in the Sudan to increase the number

43Volunteer activities ACTIVITIES

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of places where they can pray together. Moreover, our volunteers not only sponsored the distribution of 2.500 Qur’ans in Sudan, but also supported education projects for imams in Kyrgyzstan.

In Erzurum, the AGD Women’s Commission donated for Gaza. The volunteers are sponsoring 13 orphans and have raised funds for five cataract surgeries in Africa.

The Hilal Group arranged a fund-raising event to raise money to pay for the construction of schools, mosques and houses in Gaza.

Kocaeli volunteers arranged for a fund-raising event for the Palestine Yermuk Refugee Camp in Syria.

Binding the wounds in Haiti

After the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, our volunteers mobilized to bind the wounds of the people living in the region. The members of AYSİT Istanbul Anatolian Side Women’s NGO Platform and the personnel of the İsar Solidarity Group Regional Directorate of Anatolia donated the revenue they earned from the fund-raising breakfast to our foundation to be given to the earthquake survivors in Haiti.

Arakan and Eastern Turkistan

Associations on the Anatolian side of Istanbul took action to raise money for Arakan, a country which has suffered under the severe destructive policies of Burma for more than 60 years. Volunteers in the Ümraniye Yeşil Vadi Mansions organized a bake sale and sent the revenue to the refugees from Arakan. The İsar Solidarity Group, MEKDER,

Volunteer activities 44 ACTIVITIES

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SÜREYYADER, ÇINARDER and HÜRDER also arranged public conferences. Women volunteers raised funds to send food packs to the refugees in Arakan, and volunteers from Beyoğlu-Cihangir also arranged a bake-sale.

The violations of rights and the persecution of the people of Eastern Turkistan who have been under Chinese occupation for more than half a century were discussed in meetings arranged by YEKDER and the Eastern Turkistan Educational Association. The Esenler BBP

Women’s Branch also organized a conference on Eastern Turkistan, and opened a photographic exhibition.

Our little volunteers with big hearts

A presentation was made to the students at Mavi Bulutlar Nursery School, as well as home school students and their parents; after the presentations, the students donated their money boxes for the orphans in Arakan. A presentation was made to the students of the private Sultan Fatih High School, who worked to open a well in Africa. The students of Büşra Nursery School donated

their money boxes for orphans. A presentation on Haiti and Palestine was made for students at the Esenler Municipality Information House. In addition, the students of the Human Foundation Home School, who visited our foundation, were informed about the activities of IHH. For the students of Sadabad Private High School, a presentation was made about the flotilla to Gaza, while bulletins and models of the ships were distributed; the students donated as much as they could from their allowances. Students from the private Şefkat High School also

supported the flotilla with the fund-raising events they held; the students visited our foundation and were given information about our foundation and the flotilla. Students from the Ravza Nursery School visited our foundation and a presentation was made to them about the importance of sharing. Students from the Çınar Children’s Club visited our foundation to donate their allowances to orphans.

Our young volunteers

Students from the Bakırköy Vocational Religious High School (IHL) were given information and a lecture about the Gaza convoy

and IHH’s activities. Students from the Boğaziçi University arranged a fund-raising event that lasted for two days to support the flotilla. Students from Alfred University also organized a fund-raising event and a photograph exhibit that lasted for three days to support the flotilla. Students of the Marmara University Faculty of Theology sponsored 13 orphans and organized a lecture about “Orphans in the World”. Students from Kâğıthane IHL organized a fund-raiser to support the humanitarian relief flotilla. Photographs of Palestine

were exhibited accompanied by a cinevision demonstration on Palestine. Students from the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty opened a photograph exhibition on Palestine at the university campus. Kadıköy IHL students distributed promotional materials at their schools to support the humanitarian relief flotilla.

Students at the Emniyettepe Girl’s Qur’an Course held a presentation on the Sudan. The students started an activity to support the Qur’an Distribution Project in Darfur. Students at the European Islamic University raised funds with the sale of Turkish Delight to support the humanitarian relief flotilla.

45Volunteer activities ACTIVITIES

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IHH projects are underway in Gaza, a city that was razed to the ground in 2008-2009 and which has been

under siege from the air, land and

sea since 2007. Part of the support project planned for children includes the support of 1.000 children at pre-school and primary school level. The

cost of the project, which involves social activities, consisting of sports and education for children, is 63.500 dollars.

Lebanon is a Middle Eastern country in which there is a large number of Palestinian refugees.

There are 450.000 Palestinian refugees living here and they are deprived of the most fundamental human rights, like education, working

and receiving treatment. IHH has carried out various projects to support the refugees here; in this context, there have been efforts to raise money to purchase an echo-doppler device for the Khalid bin al-Walid Health Center in the Ayn al Hilwah Refugee Camp.

As there is not enough equipment at the center, which serves thousands of refugees, the possibility to receiving treatment here is very restricted. The cost of the project, which will also benefit the Palestinian refugees, is 60.000 dollars.


Palestine Gaza Psychological support project for children

Lebanon Purchase of medical equipment

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Nyala, the home to 1.5 million people from different tribes and the capital city of the

Northern Darfur region in Sudan, is a city with a large amount of migration, due to the civil war that has lasted for years. More than half of the population can survive only on the aid that comes

from social relief organizations, and there are several refugee camps in this city. In the camps, where there is hardly any medical service substructure, the newborn mortality rate is high. As part of this project IHH has organized relief activities for many years, aiming to meet the

fundamental requirements of the newborns in the camps of the region, such as medicine, clothing, diapers, baby food, towels etc. It is intended that this project will last for a year and the fundamental needs of an average of 2.000 babies will be met. The total cost of the project is 50.000 euros.


Sudan Darfur Project to meet the needs of newborn babies

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Okçular village, a village consisting of 160 houses in the Kovancılar district of Elazığ,

is one of the settlements that were

affected greatly by the earthquake that occurred in the region in March. A new fountain is to be built so that the villagers who suffered from the

destruction of the fountain can meet their water needs, as they survive with agriculture and animal husbandry. The total cost of the project is 4.000 Euros.

Al-Quds, the most important city in Palestine, was the original qibla and is one of

the most sacred places for Muslims. Al-Quds has been under occupation since 1967 and is in danger of losing

its true identity as a result of Israeli policies. The restoration of five houses around the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds, the political and demographic structure of which is under threat will be undertaken as part of this project.

The cost of the project, involving the restoration of a total of five houses at the Liglag Constellation Quarter, Mucahideen Quarter, Saide Quarter and Cabshe Quarter; these are the oldest quarters of Al-Quds.

Turkey Elazığ Fountain construction project

Palestine Al-Quds Project to repair houses around the Al-Aqsa Mosque

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Pattani is the territory in the south of Thailand, consisting of the states of Yala,

Narativat, Satun and Pattani; 80% of the population is Malay Muslims. The people of Pattani have suffered from the assimilation policies of the Thai regime since 1938, and their

freedoms have been violated in several aspects of their daily life; they have fought for independence for over 70 years. The estimated number of orphans in Pattani, which has a population of three million, is in the tens of thousands. This project aims to construct an orphanage

with four dormitories, classrooms, a kitchen and a dining hall, and is planned for the Narativat region of Pattani. The total area that can be utilized in the planned building consists of two floors and measures 400 m . The cost of the project is 98.000 dollars.

Thailand Pattani Orphanage project

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50 FOCUS For a good future

The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, since the day it was first established, has always

given importance to educational activities, and bases its services on education. While carrying out humanitarian relief for more than 100 countries over five continents, IHH has considered educational assistance to be an integral part of these fundamental needs. Thus, IHH has supported children and young people in countries and regions

with educational activities to ensure development in the relevant areas.

Naturally, the importance of individual training is great, as this ensures unity and development in a society. To prevent corruption in societies is only possible if the fundamental values are preserved. It is extremely important that individuals be educated to desire for others what they desire for themselves. The summer courses arranged by IHH in different countries

and regions are important in that sense; they are sacred steps that are taken to establish the values of self-sacrifice, love and solidarity.

IHH, by arranging summer courses in various regions, has made good use of the summer months. Summer courses give the children the chance to rest after a year’s hard work, and by providing time enriched with social, cultural and sporting activities the idleness of the summer is overcome to

For a good future

Ayşe Olgun

The summer courses arranged by IHH in keeping with the requests from different countries and regions are important in establishing the values of self-sacrifice, love and solidarity.

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FOCUS 51For a good future

help with the intense educational year that lies ahead.

The summer courses organized by IHH involves classes that have religious and moral content as well as supporting classes in social sciences; general knowledge competitions, language and computer courses, soccer tournaments and picnics. In this context, the participants learned important values like solidarity, fraternity, cooperation and sharing. Through the summer courses activity IHH has changed the perception of holidays being a time for rest, rather acting in the awareness that the summer months constitute a period of great benefit in the lives of young people. As a matter of fact, a calmness of body and spirit can only be ensured via a disciplined education; it is common knowledge that a stagnant life destroys the mind and the body. An educational program consisting of miscellaneous social activities is essential to use time wisely, as well as ensuring personal development and benefit to the society.

The summer courses not only contribute to the development of the spiritual, moral and intellectual skills of the children, but also help to reinforce what they have learned over the year.Summer courses fulfill an important need for children, young people and even adults who are living in the regions that suffer due to war or natural disasters, and where educational activities are below par due to economic troubles. Such courses provide short-term alternative educational services in places where schools are frequently closed temporarily or where there are no school buildings for educational purposes. The courses arranged in regions where missionary activities

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52 FOCUS For a good future

are intense function to protect and revive them lost cultural values through social and cultural activities. The goal of IHH’s summer educational activities is to ensure that the individuals in several countries and regions, from the Balkans to Africa, from the Middle East to South East Asia maintain their historical and cultural values,

and are educated as individuals that can provide useful services to the humanity.

Some of the regions in which summer courses are offeredThe IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation arranges summer courses in Palestinian refugee camps in

Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Albania and Turkey. Several refugees, orphans, young people and children who are in need benefit from the courses.

LebanonMillions of Palestinians that have sought refugee in neighboring countries like Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon as a result of the Israeli invasion of their territory in 1948 deprived of their most fundamental rights. The Palestinians in Lebanon have been denied of their most fundamental rights, for example, education, for over 60 years because of the refugee policies of that country; they are not allowed to study at the universities in the Lebanon. IHH aims to mitigate the problem of education in the region through its summer courses. With this project, female and male students can pass their summer holidays effectively, educational

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FOCUS 53For a good future

programs contribute to their spiritual and moral development, and thus the new generations will be educated for the future.

IraqOne of the countries in which IHH carries out summer course activities is Iraq. In Iraq, occupied by the USA in 2003, families do not want to send their children to school due to the poor economy and security. While school repairs are under way in several regions, school buildings can be used for non-educational purposes. In Iraq there are 5 million orphans; summer camps for the orphans, which are supported through the sponsor family system, classes are offered by IHH in Islamic sciences, the Qur’an, memorization of the Qur’an, computer, Turkish and Arabic.

AlbaniaIHH carries out summer courses in Albania; this is a Balkan country in which missionary activities are intense and religious education is poor, having suffered long years of war. Educational programs have been arranged in

regions of Tirana, Shkoder, Vlora, Durres and Gjirokaster in Albania, the population of which is 75% Muslim. 2.419 Albanian students took advantage of 35 courses in 2009 within the scope of summer courses.

TurkeyOrphans in our country also benefit from the summer courses activities of

IHH. Orphans attend the summer courses organized by IHH wherever they reside. As for the orphans in Istanbul, they are channeled towards the summer courses carried out by different

non-governmental organizations which arrange social and cultural activities in cooperation with IHH. The orphans attend to general knowledge competitions, football tournaments and picnic programs as part of these courses. Chechen immigrants who are living in camps in Beykoz, Ümraniye and Fenerbahçe in Istanbul also take advantage of the summer camps arranged by IHH last year; they take part in classes like mathematics, Turkish, foreign language and sporting contests,

swimming, Istanbul tours and picnics.

Summer School Activities

Vocational coursesEducational activitiesLanguage courses

Camps for teenagers and children

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54 FOCUS Turkey rises up for İzzet Şahin

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FOCUS 55Turkey rises up for İzzet Şahin

In November 2009, İzzet Şahin, and IHH representative, went to Palestine to organize a qurban project in the cities of

Al-Khalil and Nablus on the West Bank. He started to live in Al-Quds to work towards opening a local office of the foundation and to learn Hebrew. He was engaged in corporate activities and learning Hebrew at the Hebrew University of Al-Quds. Şahin completed the necessary activities to open the IHH office, and was trying to find out the needs of the Palestinians on the West Bank, and to prepare the necessary projects.

Living in Al-Quds…

İzzet Şahin lived in a house twenty minutes from the Al-Aqsa Mosque; he regularly wrote his impressions about the region and shared what he experienced there with us. In one of his letters, he described life in Al-Quds, saying: “Al-Quds is the stage for tens of different lives simultaneously, maybe unlike any other place on the world. Blast bombs,

F. Zehra Bayrak

Turkey rises up for İzzet Şahinİzzet Şahin was kept under inhumane circumstances in a little cell for 21 days. Şahin was psychologically tortured and was released on May 17 as a result of intense reactions from the Turkish and world public opinion, and the efforts by senior members of the Turkish government.

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56 FOCUS Turkey rises up for İzzet Şahin

ambulance sirens, the Qur’an being recited on the streets, gongs, middlemen, sine qua non of the markets of the East, and fireworks climbing high from the wedding houses: All can be heard at the same time. Pain, sorrow, fear, anxiety, trust, joy, enthusiasm... All together...”

But he, a representative of a relief organization from Turkey, was neither inside nor completely outside of the events in this atmosphere of chaos….He said: “I feel that I am somewhere between high and voltage lines. The passport I hold and the religion I believe in cause the psychological pressure imposed on me.”

Al-Quds witnessed a number of extraordinary days. And İzzet Şahin was there at one of these times. While foreign tourists visited Al-Aqsa Mosque, fanatical

Jews tried to go inside with them, and attempted to harass the people in Al-Aqsa; the Palestinian youth stayed in Al-Aqsa, at the cost of their lives. While the entries from the Temple Mount and streets were full of hundreds of policemen and soldiers, children were blocked from going to school and the long-suffering officers of Al-Aqsa waited in

desperation. On another day the Jews opened the Hurva Synagogue, which had been constructed for the first time by Rabbi Yehuda Ha-Hasid in 1700.

According to a Jewish prophecy, this synagogue, which the Rabbi had dreamed about, was to be destroyed twice and constructed again for the third time; one day after it would be opened, the foundations of the so-called third temple will be laid. Therefore, Muslims are vigilant on the day that the synagogue opens, and so are the invaders... There are once again barricades on the streets of Al-Quds, hundreds of soldiers, and more pain…

That which fell to his share…

İzzet Şahin was at the very center of these events. İzzet Şahin said “I am among people who gave their children, who gave everything, for Palestine”. “They made every possible sacrifice to protect the entire Islamic world. They awaited help from Allah. They have no weapons but their beliefs. They have great concern about tomorrow. They are not worried about saving their own lives, only preventing any harm being inflicted on Al-Aqsa…”

And on April 27, 2010, İzzet Şahin was detained by Israeli security forces at a check point on his return to Al-Quds from Bethlehem, where he had gone

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FOCUS 57Turkey rises up for İzzet Şahin

İzzet Şahin, was born in 1970 in Sivas; he went to the West Bank on 28 November 2009 as the

officer in charge of examination for IHH, to inspect humanitarian relief projects and IHH activities that were in progress for the Palestinian people, particularly orphans in need, and to carry out a number of transactions. Şahin had a visa and residency until June.

İzzet Şahin was a humanitarian relief officer and humanitarian relief officers are to be protected and supported all kinds of circumstances; however, he was detained by Israeli security forces at a checkpoint near Bethlehem on April 27 2010 in the course of his activities. Şahin was detained for 21 days under inhumane circumstances in a 4 square meter cell. Nevertheless, according to international law, only prisoners who have committed a serious crime can be kept in a cell for a period of 7 days at most. Şahin was not a prisoner, but he was still kept in a cell for 21 days, while his trial was in progress. None of his daily needs were met in the first 30 hours of the detention, Şahin was deprived of food and water and was taken to the courtroom at the detention center of Shabak, the organization that is responsible for the Internal Intelligence of Israel, with his hands and feet chained and his eyes blindfolded.

Two attorneys, MAZLUMDER Istanbul Branch Chairman Atty Cihat Gökdemir, and Atty Gülden Sönmez, as well as a translator, Hafize Zehra Öztürk, went to Al-Quds to observe the state of İzzet Şahin. The attorneys discovered that Şahin was being kept under extremely inhumane conditions, in a room in which the window had been painted out, with the floor and ceiling painted black; he was being held in a military prison, and was being subjected to severe

political pressure throughout the trial.

Şahin appeared before the court three times, but his hearing was postponed every time on grounds that the investigation was continuing; his only crime was to take part in relief activities. Finally, before the court

date of May 20, İzzet Şahin was released on May 20 as a result of efforts made by the Turkish government. Major demonstrations were made in Turkey for the release of İzzet Şahin, and NGOs and press and media organs gave great interest to the incident.

Şahin returned to Turkey on the evening of the same day and his statement was brief: “Turkey tried hard and saved her glory. But the glory of humanity is still imprisoned in the Israeli prisons…”

İzzet Şahin in Israeli prison

to see the IHH orphanage project, and to visit the artifacts from our ancestors; he was kept in Al-Quds for one day, and 20 days in a small cell near Tel Aviv under inhumane circumstances. Şahin was psychologically tortured and was released on May 17 as a result of the interference by senior members of the Turkish government.

In his very first moments in Al-Quds, İzzet Şahin said “the troubles we may encounter on the path to freedom of Al-Aqsa, and then Al-Quds and all of the Palestinian territory matter not in the least.” And he prayed “I hope my Lord allows me to duly fulfill our duty.”

Şahin was not a prisoner,

but he was still kept in a

cell for 21 days,

while his trial was in progress.

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58 IN THE FIELD IHH works with the Qatari Red Crescent and OIC in Somalia

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Somalia, a country on the African Horn, has been struggling against civil wars, political

conflicts, economic instability and famines for 18 years. There is no security of life, and almost three million people have to seek refuge in the neighboring countries, Europe or the USA, and thousands moved within the country. In the first four months of this year, in the capital of Mogadishu

alone, 94.900 people were displaced; 62.400 left the city, in contrast to the 32.180 who migrated along the Afgoye Corridor to attain some humanitarian relief. The remaining 32.500 people left their houses in the capital city and had to move to different districts or quarters where the security was better.

Due to security issues in the region, a 13% decline was experienced in the rate of the international relief entering the country from September 2009. The number of victims increased from 1.8 million to 3.2 million. More than half of that number consisted of children below the ages of five. The number of those killed in the conflicts between

IN THE FIELD 59IHH works with the Qatari Red Crescent and OIC in Somalia

IHH undersigned a humanitarian relief organization to take aid to Somalia along with the OIC, the biggest organization in the world after the UN, and the Qatari Red Crescent.

IHH works with the Qatari Red Crescent and OIC in Somalia

Murat Uyar

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60 IN THE FIELD IHH works with the Qatari Red Crescent and OIC in Somalia

the government and rebel groups increases every day. The rebel groups target units affiliated with UN which is carrying out humanitarian relief in Somalia, such as distribution of food and medical goods.

Finally, the al-Shebab group announced that they would not allow food distribution by the World Food Program of the UN, and threatened that any distribution would jeopardize their

security of life. After this, the delivery of aid by other international relief organizations, particularly IHH and the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), came onto the agenda.

IHH expanded its activities in Somalia

IHH undersigned a humanitarian relief organization to take aid to Somalia along with the OIC, the biggest organization in the world after the UN, and the Qatari Red Crescent. The

details of the coordination center to be opened by OIC for humanitarian relief activities were negotiated at a meeting held on 2 and 3 May, 2010 held with President Sheikh Sherif and Prime Minister Omer Sharmarke. After the meeting, OIC, IHH and the Qatari Red Crescent notified the official bodies that they would pursue common activities to take aid to all those in need in Somalia, and that they would open a coordination center to manage the

humanitarian relief operations in the region. In addition to these, 10 more organizations will provide support for the donators. A joint decision was reached to take the aid to all the people of Somalia, without any discrimination on ethnic, cultural or regional bases.

IHH has been with the African people since the first day it was established. We have never abandoned it’s the brothers in Africa and have continued to build several projects, like wells, schools, mosques and small

mosques, vocational courses etc. This coordination center, established after the last meeting, will allow a more systematic organization of the humanitarian relief activities by IHH in Somalia. The objectives of the center were first shared with 17 local non-governmental organizations, and then with the local and foreign press. The coordination center is intended to be a historical mission to prevent domestic migration that occurs as a result of the civil conflicts and instability, which have increased in recent years, and to ensure unity and integrity in the region.

After the withdrawal of the UN World Food Organization from the region due to security reasons, the Somali people were in even greater need of humanitarian relief. In the region known as the Afgoye Corridor, people are trying to survive while deprived of their fundamental needs and of medical treatment. The daily amount of water for a family of six is six liters, elsewhere this might be only two liters. One toilet is used by 212 people, and several people are even deprived of this possibility; 26.000 or more toilets need to be built in the region. 650.000 people live in the Afgoye Corridor; but since March medical service is provided only in three hospitals. 10-15% of the patients who go to the hospitals are children under 5. One out of every six children faces the risk of death due to malnutrition.

At the same time, agriculture and animal husbandry are also under severe risk due to the political instability of the country. Accommodation problems need immediate solution. It is hoped that by taking humanitarian aid to these regions the conflict between Muslim groups will come to an end and an atmosphere of peace will be created .

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In May 31, 2010 Israel attacked to Mavi Marmara the passenger ship in humanitarian aid flotilla and 9 people were martyred, over 50 people were wounded. One of the woundeds is still under intensive

care. We wish patience for the families of our martyrs, and a quick recovery for our woundeds.We thank warmly all conscientious people who has been supporting the Humanitarian Relief Flotilla.


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Setting one’s heart on good is the salvation … It is to make someone smile, make hope

spring, and be a partner to a prayer… It is to expend time, property and labor only to make Him content. Sometimes it is to keep one’s nose to the grindstone. Sometimes it is keeping one’s distance. It is to consider goodness at every chance. It is leaving without a second thought. Going is harder, harsher, and more honorable than staying… The best of all rewards…

“And if you are slain on the way of Allah or you die, certainly forgiveness from Allah and mercy is better than what they amass.” (House of Imran; 3/157)

They chose their own way to spread goodness on the earth through IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation. Those people who first completed their internal journey, set off to act by choice; there was no destination without a path… For some, the ship was Buraq, and for some a plane… Their route was Palestine,

Afghanistan, did it matter?… The important thing was to travel on the holy path… Their names were İbrahim, Furkan, Bahattin, Cengiz, Cevdet… What difference does it make? They are called “martyr” in the highest heaven…

A ship sails slowly to Gaza… It carries the generous hands of humanity, a child’s good news with smiling eyes, the melody of freedom… Somewhere, somewhere deep in the blue, it still cruises…


On the way for humanitarian relief

F. Zehra Bayrak

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Ali Haydar Bengi

Ali Haydar Bengi was 39. He was from Diyarbakır, and he had four children. He graduated from Al-Ezher University, Faculty of Islam and Arab Language Studies. He was the president of the Association for Rights and

Freedoms, Education, Culture and Solidarity (AYDER). He worked night and day for the bright future of the ummah…

Teacher Ali Haydar was studying scientific subjects, and was beloved by everybody for his good morals and lifestyle. In recent years, he frequently emphasized that the unity of Muslims should be ensured, and efforts should be directed to the freeing of Al-Quds; he repeated the following prayer: “O, Allah! Fill our heart with your eternal light, revive us with your mercy, honor us with martyrdom to your cause.”

Cengiz Akyüz

Cengiz Akyüz was from Mardin Midyat; he was 41, the father of three children. He was a sympathetic, helpful person with a sense of humor. When he was filling in the attendance form for the ship, he summarized

his reason for participating in the relief flotilla as “For Allah”. Only for Him…

He took part in the activities as IHH volunteer and served in several foundations and associations, particularly the Iskenderun Humanitarian Relief Association. He was always smiling; he told delightful jokes and passed happiness on to everybody. Cengiz Akyüz, sang hymns and accompanied songs with his tambourine; he was fond of folksongs about martyrs, telling his friends: “You will write a folksong of martyrdom for me.” Maybe his folksong is already being written somewhere in the sky…

Cengiz Songür

Cengiz Songür 47 was born in Konya, and lived in İzmir. Cengiz Songür was a businessman since a young age; he was known to be a helpful and responsible person who was tidy, faithful to his word, sincere and

sociable. On his participation form, he answered the question about why he wished to participate in the flotilla as “Because of my responsibility to my belief, and as a witness to my time…” he set off to stop the violations in Gaza, as one of the witnesses, taking on the responsibility of justice.

His daughters placed a letter in his pocket with the following sentences: “We know that you are taking aid to our Muslim siblings in Gaza. Go father, even if it is only your name that comes back!”

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Çetin Topçuoğlu

He was born in Adana, had lived a life of righteousness and justice, and shut his

eyes 54 years later on board a ship to Palestine, Gaza, and freedom. He had worked as a civil servant in Çukobirlik for years; he had played soccer as an amateur at Adana Demirspor for two years and was elected referee of the year twice; he was skilled in taekwondo, which he had started at 17 and in which he had been world champion several times. Topçuoğlu was always on the side of the aggrieved and the persecuted, and participated

in activities as an IHH volunteer; he took up a front linie position with his wife Çiğdem Topçuoğlu in

commission activities in the Adana Humanitarian Relief Association, in relief activities and in all activities related to Palestine. He was in the Gaza convoy that went via land in December 2009. At a meeting after the return, he said: “We put our heart on this path. We are ready for death, which might follow.” His most obvious characteristic was his discipline, determination and willingness to fulfill any task he might undertake in the best way possible. Çetin Topçuoğlu replied to the question as to why he wished to join the flotilla as “Like the crippled ant, to support our side.” And he supported his side, everybody witnessed this…

Cevdet Kılıçlar

Cevdet Kılıçlar wanted to document the attack on the relief volunteers with photographs when the cruel bullet hit him in the middle of his forehead. He was a journalist who had studied at Marmara University

School of Press and Publication and then in Germany in computer sciencs. He worked for the Milli Gazete, Selam and Vakit newspapers, and had begun to work as web editor for the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation in 2008.

Cevdet Kılıçlar (40) was known for his helpfulness and self-sacrifice, and he had gone to visit various countries and regions for IHH. Mr. Cevdet from Kayseri was married with two children. He filled in the question about field of contribution with the reply “anything”. Indeed, he did anything that he could on him on the ship, making great self-sacrifice without resting. It was his share to attain martyrdom by giving his life on the path for truth and justice, for humanity.

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Fahri Yaldız

Fahri Yaldız became acquainted with orphanages in the very first years of his 43 years. He was born in Adıyaman, and lost his father when he was young. He worked as a fireman in the Adıyaman Municipality, and also

owned a pastry factory. He set aside a share of his earnings for the needy; he used some of the revenue from his factory for charitable activities. He arranged a fund-raising event in Adıyaman for the relief flotilla, and having collected the donations of the charitable citizens, set out on the Mavi Marmara ship for Gaza. Fahri Yaldız, the father of four, depicted his longing for martyrdom before setting off for the journey; it was as if the Palestinian martyrs were calling him. It was as if he felt that the way to Gaza, the way to freedom passed through death… And that love of martyrdom was the means for the acceptance of his prays.

Furkan Doğan

One of the youngest participants in the flotilla, Furkan was only 19. He was born in New York; he lived in Kayseri and was in his final year of high school. He started this journey to carry out good acts. And his father

spoke: “We have no regret, no “if only”. Our child was a martyr in a good cause. We are now the father of a martyr. This will be conducive to good developments, if Allah wills”. Maybe Furkan sensed the odor of martyrdom while the fully equipped navy and the armed soldiers were rapidly approaching the ship?...

İbrahim Bilgen

İbrahim Bilgen joined the flotilla from Siirt. He was 59. He expressed the fields in which he could help by saying that he could help in electricity and installation. He carried out the electrical wiring for those in need, and accepted prays only

as his price. Charity was a part of his life. Wherever there was any activity for good, İbrahim Bilgen was there as a volunteer. He gave only two words as the reason he wished to join the flotilla: Humanitarian relief. That was all… He was shot because he looked like Raid Salah, one of the names on the death list of the Israeli soldiers. The soldier who shot him radioed to say that Raid Salah had been killed after the incident. Perhaps İbrahim Bilgen lost his life for the salvation of Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa Mosque instead of Raid Salah, the Guardian of Al-Quds. For the salvation of new lives…

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Necdet Yıldırım

Necdet Yıldırım was known for his mercy; it was as if he had been silently invited to the sky to be raised to the level of martyrdom… He received that invitation when he was 32. He embraced his child for only two years… He

was from Malatya, but had been born in Istanbul. His charitable identity was in keeping with the ideals of the IHH where he began to work there in 2005; charity became an integral part of his life. Necdet Yıldırım was working in the pharmacy section of the foundation, in a warehouse in Çorlu. Necdet, who has been described as smiling, calm, patient and very merciful by his relatives, was a highly beloved and appreciated person by his circle. He was very happy to volunteer onboard the Mavi Marmara ship. When the ship began to be surrounded and the soldiers of the invading state started attacking the ship, he ran upstairs with his friends, but he never returned. On the contrary, he was raised high… By the most Merciful of Merciful…

Farewell for the martyrs of Mavi Marmara

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Bahattin Yıldız

Bahattin Yıldız was an IHH volunteer. A lover of charity… He devoted his heart to Afghanistan. He coordinated the projects of IHH in Afghanistan. He was born in 1956 in

Sivas. He graduated from Erzurum Atatürk University Faculty of Business Administration. His articles were published in magazines like Mavera, Güldeste, Gurbet and Milli Gazete. He wrote for the web site dunyabulteni.com. He was the father of five; he spent his years fighting shoulder to shoulder with his Afghani brothers. He wrote several books; Savaşan Afganistan-Fighting Afghanistan, Cihat Günlüğü-Jihad Journal, Kar Çiçeği-Snow Flower, Kardaki Ayak İzleri-Footprints on the Snow and Güllerin Vedası-Farewell of the Roses, and he had many articles, ideas and dreams about Afghanistan. He wanted to go to Afghanistan, where he had a connection, at every chance; when his friends told him that it was chaos there, he used to say “We have not yet been able to achieve martyrdom, maybe we will during this visit.” The journey he set off to establish an orphanage for IHH in Afghanistan was his own farewell this time…

Faruk Aktaş

Faruk Aktaş, the IHH person in charge of the Asia Desk, set off to find land for the orphanage that was to be opened in Kunduz in Afghanistan; Bahattin Yıldız worked as an IHH volunteer to coordinate projects carried out in Afghanistan. Both died in a tragic accident. Yıldız and Aktaş took the Pamir Airlines plane to Kabul on May 17 to return to Kabul after having completed the necessary activities in the region; they died when the plane fell near Kabul. The General Director of the partner organization of our foundation in Afghanistan, Ahmet Igbal Yoldaş, and the Foreign Relations officer of Hedef Foundation, Aynuddin Yoldaş lost their lives in the same accident. We wish mercy from Allah to our valuable brothers Bahattin Yıldız and Faruk Aktaş, and offer our condolences to their families.

Charity lovers…

Faruk Aktaş departed with Bahattin Yıldız… He was the Asia Desk Officer of IHH. Aktaş was born in 1974 in Iğdır, and

had lost his father when he was very young. He graduated from Pakistan Islamic University, Faculty of Law in 2002. He could speak English, Arabic and Urdu. He had a six year-old child. He was an easy-going man who caused no harm to anybody. He was raised as an orphan, looked after orphans, went to Afghanistan to attain some land for the orphan’s house that was to be constructed by IHH, and lost his life for this cause, along with his companion Bahattin Yıldız, with whom he liked traveling most. When the plane they got on to returned to Kabul, after having found the land for the orphanage in Kunduz, it was their turn to fly for martyrdom together…

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TOGETHERWE CAN CHANGETHE WORLD!For 20 years every Ramadan fast-breaking dinners are offered, food packs and aid are handed out; orphans are made happy and needy families are gratified. These philanthropic works are perpetuated with your support in five continents 120 countries; charity is getting to prevail all over the world. Let’s live this Ramadan together again, because together we can change the world.



