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IHSAN Safety Wear

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Manufacturer & exporter of Seamless Knitted Gloves since 1978 on fully computerized Shima Seiki Japanese machines and Nitrile / Latex dipped gloves. We have 300 sets of 7gauge, 10gauge, 13gauge and Terry knitting machines from Shima Sheiki Japan, besides we have 2 sets of state of the art PVC dotting / Logo printing machines from Korea to cater the needs of our valued customers in Europe, South Africa, Japan, Russia, India, South America and USA. We knit gloves from 100% cotton, mixed fibers cotton, polyester, polyamide (nylon), Thermal and DuPont Kevlar, Honeywell Spectra, gloves and sleeves for cut protection in various sizes according to customers’ requirements with and without PVC dots. We too have one dipping line and are making various qualities of Nitrile/Latex dipped gloves on cotton interlock and jersey liners with knit wrist and safety cuff. www.ihsansafety.com
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as per European quality to meet the international quality requirements & standards.

gauntlet liners all of which are CECertified and we useall chemicals from REACHcomplaince suppliers

and full coated gloves on seamless, interlock, safety cuff jersey as well as crinkle coated and on

In 2007 IHSANsetup Latex / Nitrile dipping plant and this unit is currently producing high quality half

meet the international requirement for Dotted Criss-Crossgloves.

markets. With the addition of PVCcoating equipment in 1996, IHSAN expanded its product range to

machines, in 1978 which have since been increased to 250, consisting 7,10,13 & 15 gauge including

terry. The unit Initially produced plain knitted gloves for the Japanese, German, Australian and UK

IHSAN set up a Gloves Knitting unit with the installation of 15 computerized Japanese Shima Seiki

About Us


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QIHSANP Ii It 1ST " N·( EEH388 ~

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7__ KrII

~·Cddw.mgColdS_PacI<ogi1g' '2.,.,o..»a1y bog, 120 '"W pais per caseSizes. 7,8,9.10

Style 8.,dt Acryfk/lycntSuetchilbte)


....- .. - HondngI--..r.gPac:I<agns '2 pai'sIpoIy bog. 240 or 300paQ per eeseSize> 8,9, '0,11

Style Heavy BriSht Grip Nylon/Cotton

7_._Ktl_KnlWisl-....- ... G<netaI HancIr1gFood~~ 12pen.»aiybag, 240« 300pahpercase_7.8.9,10

Style 4032 Mixed F"tberswith Blocks

1000Aa)tc Red PVC _ 1",_

gip - Hoovy ~fl<Nel.ongV\tist~caticns: General HBndi1gPacI6ng: 12pai-s per case -120 pairsperea se

Stvle Acrylic7Gwith Red don.

7gauge. 1000uga. 13gaug! SeaniessKnIlUnt Free. WlshableAppllcad"".: Hygiene ~-..,PrOd"" Inspec1Ions Small seseAssembly _nicsPackaging: 12 paifS/pOlvbag, 240 ..300 pairs per caseSizes: 7, 8, g, 10, 11CE EN388

Slyle Seamless Nylon PVCdot

7_._.ssKrllRllbedI<ril WistPVC Ooc lorEnhanced G'I> l1l<I_.Awli"_" Gen era 1HandWlgPockaong: 12 paifslpolybog, 240 .. 300pen pm caseSize!!" 7,8, 9,10

Style 4012 Mixed Fibers NavyBlue

Style Hich Vhlbillty SUlne Knit100M. Acrvllc_and ....... P\.C doo~ 12poio/pot;bOg, 120« 2AOpais pet ca:teSos;7,8,9,10


7_. l1lga.,ge,13gauge$e;lniesl;Knt Utt Free.WtshctIIe~ ItjgIene RulesFinished_....,..,.,.... Sma' SCale~-PocI<ag01g 12 pai'sIpoIybag, 240 '" 300pails per caseSi:zes·7,8,9.10.11 CEEI'4388

Slyte Seamless Nylen (1ove

7_.~.$e;lmle$$ KnI1PI.CCrisIs 0000 _lor enhanced glp.......,_ .. Genet1II HandIr1g~ 1W9'Bo\l1ilg OOU'*YPIIcIoJgrv 12pon1po1y beg, 240 pEli ..per ....&zoo 7.8.9. '0.11

Style Orange Criss Cross

13gauge$t;anitlssKnll,llwwmaI/lyaaApplications:ColdIIIbt 1<Ing, Cold SloresPacl<aglng '2 palr>/potf bOg, 120 panper ceseSizes: .....oo(S1r->

Style Thcrmollte «love

7_, 11lga"90& 13gaugeSeamlessKtlRllbedKnllV\iist &11_ ""pt04eCllon"W'c;otioo$: _. c.Aliogboo.og~ foodptoceosi1gPackaghg: 12 .,....fpolybog, 120 pai:$per caseSizes:7,8, 9,10

Style Spectra Cut Re-skt-antstove

7_. Sea_ Kno RIlbedI<rilWistI31ackPVC Dot lorEnhanoed G'I>l1l<I_PnlIic;otioo$:Generol Handi1g FoodProcessingPackagng: 12pai's1po1ybog,ZOO .. 3OOpNl$1)OI CMO

&lot. 7.8,9. '0

Style 4032 Mixed Fibers dots


Seamlessknitted ,loves art mlnufl<'lured on automatic aJovesknittingmachines.Seamless,loves 3rt knlned In7, 10.13.1S Gauee usln, Conon.NVlon(Polvamlde) PoIv<Onon. Po1yM11W.Aery"c, Paro:·ammld. blended knlttina yllrns 35 per user's requirement of pug.. we""'1 and .. nath ofs,oves, Seamless aloves liso known IS It"'"knits If. Genel'al/Nlulrl Purpose aloves. The seamless conslfucdon wllh Halsdeknit w,1s1fit handsperfectlv Increa.slna the dextenty.a1krN1"I ciltullbon of all' and breath ina, 8eln8 seamless, reven;lble and ambldexlroUi can beworn In any handirrespecrive ot risht and leh hand, IhusMS double surfnce U1e.

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" .,,'......,

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10ga.ge. So_I<nlRi>bed1W w;Q-...",._. - ttoodIr1g~ 12~bag. 2400l'JOOpeR"",....,SIleo 7.8.9 10

$lyle 21'2 Mb:M flbcts 'NI1hPVCpalmcoadnc

Roogl Frish iof_ IWAppicaior&: GEro!raIHanding.CherrioaI~F'od<r1!< 12 paios P\:II)bag144pa;1SIcase

styte 202 - JRr (Rc:lulh Finish) CottonSupported J«rsey Raded Uner

c-.~Jefsey_1.hot__ DIyGIi> EMancodCl'oemcal

-.oe EMancod PI,,_;c.I R-."""...........,.__HandFq'~1T_Oispos<II~-.g.12.,... P\:II)bag- 144.... p"

c... ca. EN420. 9'1388

Style 102 - J N'"ttfiJe Heavy We-laf'rtBlue Ful Dip Knit Wri$l

13~uoeSeamlessKnllApplicflliorV(1'~nef. Food ProoeningPRckaging: 12paj~ bag, 120 Of

240paJs pol caseSizes: 7,8,9, 10

Stvle 2181 Ught wela:'" lOOKCottonBleilchad

Rou!I1F...", for be1k!r gipAppkalions: Generaiiandilg,OlemI::al_ ng

Pacl<llg: 12p... PoI)bag - 144 .,.per cese

Style 212 - JRF(Rough Finish, COttonSupported Jersey R.l,ed Une,

Collen ~ Ineerlock UnerRalIlnt10 ,,_._ .. _ ond.r_ deep

GJ'twlowef arm~~ GMerllIHMdfng. ChelricalHMdfng~ 12.... Fl:lybag- 1.. pail'S percase

Style Hlulle Dipped Gauntlet

Cdm ~ed JefseyRaised Li1e1_ andDlyGli> Emanced ChelTicai-.oeem..-lPlly*al _

...........,._ GMerllI HMdI"9'Physlcal-tispooaI~Pac*ilg: 12pair$ Pdybag-144 pail'$ case_ 8. 9.10.11 ce CaUl EN 420.EN388

style 2.12- J HI'dle Heavy welCh'Btue Fu" OJp Safety Cuff

TasksI~1ions Tasks~ 12.,...P\:II)bag-I44ponJ"",. Poc"ng: 12.... PoIy1log-1......&too. CEC ... 1EN429. EN ca..388 &'lea' 8.9. 10. II CE

COUlOn&4Jp0l1ed J_ Ro_u-.erWet and DIyGil> Enhanced Chemi;aIResistance,Iif:lpIcations: GeneralHandilglPhysical

c-.~_li1er_ andDIyGIi> EMancod CI'oemcaI _EMancodPl,,_;c.l -............"'_Handi1g/~1

HottvyV1fol1l11 plom DIP Foamed ~Co1Lon Stlppo.lcd JetMy l.ileI Wet and 01

IW·Packing' 12 poll1PoI)'bag -144 peRcaseSI,.. :8. 9. 10.11

Style211~FNitrile F~med

CotlonSupported Jersey_li1erW:rt a"IdCkyGrip Enhanced 0lerricaIResistI'loe Enhanced Physical Resist:noeApplications; General H:IocIr'1g PhysicalTasks/OisposaIOperaions..Packing: 12 pailS f'dttla9 -144 pairscos.Slzeo:8. 9. 10. 11ce c.t 11EN420.EN388

Style 211- J Nitrile He-avyWeICht81ue Palm Olp Safety Cuff

Cotlon Supported 1n1erioci< li1erVIllIandQ-y G..., Enhanced 0lernic:a1 Resisun::eEnhanoed Physical Resistance.Appl<otions: Goo.. '" Han<I<v"""",",Tooks!OIspoooll OpeI>1ionsPnc~"g. 12 polo PoI)'bag 144"'_SIz.. : 11cecan BH20.EN388

Stvle 201-1 Ught Weight N"'ltrilePalm Styte 202 -I Up. Wtiaf'lt Nitrile Full Style 201-J Nitrile Heavy WeishtDip KnitWrist Dip Knit Wrk,1 81ue p.. lm Dip Knit Wrist

The synthetic rubber provides r~st ...nce acalnst a wide mnat of solvents Andhazl.'lrdous(hemiC' Is. oils, ,reMM. c:.au*s ...nd petroleum b~sedproducts.Excelientrl'Si$tlnee .,amst abrasions. (uts, snllS and punctures, Ideal Icr aeneral handllnl applications.


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Style Arm Cove" whh Nylon/Conon81encl«d

L_ J~

100%Nylon "'" ErI1anced_r_Hgl~..,._....-~-.-handingI'8<mg: 12pairs IPdjbog -120 ps;" I case

Style Hhr1le ful DIpon 1SG5eamleuOner

.o.aytc_ .....~cm~.F__ KniWi

~ CddSDeA:;dd Room~ HandOlg IRetuse Ccm:Iion'.tainIienanoeITi& iSpOOtalioi Ip-.g: 6 pairs I Pdjbog - 60 pairs I


Styte tDOoFe Flurosccnt Acrylic 7Gand Terry SeamtIHS liners-brushedinside with latexpalm coating

Style Fine erlChl Grip WIthMICROdots10ga"SO.,d 13gougeNylon,Sea,_KnitEmanoed s:WUlI Free ~Appic3""'" _,_ Smal

scalc assembly","<,",gnO" 12psl'_~ bog, 240 ....percaseSi;eea;S- Xl.

DyneemalNylon shell;PolyuelhancePalm Coat Ema,'oe:d CUlle\'eA KnItWIstAppIca"""; General HMdlng ITransportal.ionsSh~Packing: 12 pairs 1Po1ybag-144 pairsfcaseSites: 7,8.9. 10,11

Style PUCoated glove 13G & 1SGSeamless Dyneema/Nylon Iinetswith PU co.ftna

Grey 'M!Mge !her latex Palm coatingQinl4e FinishRi_ Kn'Wist CooingCdors: Red I BlueApplicadons:~e Handing,GeneralHandilg, ConstrucionPacking: 12 pan I PoIybag -1« pai'sIeeeoSiz_(l$:1.8.9, 10, 11

Style tOO·Me lOG Stlmle$$ Poly/cotton Mel,"se grey uner with utc"palm coating crinkle finish

_Rloro<;-..s.a_Knh_I<IiIWisI......-"'~ ...... !IOY• ., ePac:I:autng. 12poinIpdy bog, 240 poIrs....,SIzes;$noI. Medun, Large

Sty" L"h'wei"", 1SGfln,erleSJ

13G& 15G~ NIri. p,*" CoorcIHIgt DexlA!rily EnhancedIIbrasIonIQ.cRcslscano&Appllc8'ons M.ln_~CMslNCIiooF.bricatiol\'~_HMdlnO'Generol A ... UsePacking: 12 pairs lPoIybeg - 146 pairskaseSi~:7,8.9, 10.11

Style Kev~r wl1hNlttlle co""'

Packing: 12 pairslPofybeg-1'" pais Icese caseSizes: 7,8.9.10,11 Sims. 7.8.9. to. 11

PdjIboIItn V_dyedliner latex P....Cooling _ KRlWIst CoolingColors. C\'aoge Ia..,Gfeen~·6aggoge_ng.Gen""'l~Conmlaionp-.g- 12pairs~g -144 pant

Styte ll)O..YllOG Seamleu Poly/cotton premtum quality Uner withUte. palm COItinc

~_Nbie PaImCoali1g_O<nIWGeo.&1gColors. Red/8lJe..""...... .. Boggage_0.GenomlHancIi1g.~, TmnSl)(WtldonPacmg 12pairs perl P<IIvbag-144 ps;" I


styte l.DO-NBR lOG Seamleu Poly!cotton liner Natu",lliner withNrTRlL£palm coating

13G&15G~NiIr'ieP""~Hg\ 0exttI1ty EnhMeed IIbrasIonIQ.cRest_coAppIicalions:MajnlEOanOel~Consouc1iooFab_~Materia Handing' GeneralPIart Use

Style Nitro Touc:h Nylon 13G and lSGSeamless nnets \Yhlte/Bladc shellswith Grev/Black Nitrite <:OJdna

Po~_ !her ~ Pam CoatlgRibbed KnhWIstCoatlgColors; Red I Bluei><>plioatiOO1$;6aggoge Hao<Ing, Ge1et8Halding, ConsirudionPacking' 12 pairs I ~ 1" pan ICOO"Sites: 7,8.9. 10, 11

Style l00·NR lOGSeamtC$l PotylcottonlinerN.tu",lliner with LIte.palm Goating

SEAMLESS LATEK I NITRilE DIPPED GLOVES\\llth an eXlen~lve glove COlltct\On '~udlns I"ex dipped. ant-cut Sloves VOUwill definitely find the ptl"e<t product 'or the task IINOO.

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Style:Oe:.ntmAnd Potvln.r Apron Wit"Poc....

Seanies< TaryHea1_ ..-DIy_.._... and "-""'-­~-'ll{tO'MedumF_~IiaIlcqPao:bj;jng (l6 poorsIpoIy beg. 120perspercase

Style S044 leftY Cotton withcoloured wrist

_,_ Tary,,-«,_ Fibre~-­"........._SIci'9~~sISau!tferhouse -CldngIOlgilee:iv'~""""""'" 6 poorsIpoIy bog.1iO p....per esse,

Style Mega KevlarTerry

10()AlAlColon $eaC"'OiS BI&tic on bof\ends Natullll Cc*lu,Applications: GenOiBI purpose warmhandingPtlckloging06pa~ bog, 120"....per case

Style TorryCotton SleC\lH

Packagng: 06 pai'&.-'pcff bag.120 panper cese

_,,-T"'I' Co",," Conv..CUI__ .... Dy_.

~I<lIdIona, Ll1>I/Me"'mF__ ~

HorIdtlgF'acIcogng 06 poorsIpoIy bag. 120pairsper .....

Style Terry Wlth Gauntlet

Seortelll TenyExce41en1 T_ ~Loather patch '0"belle, co-entlrce-men1Dan 0081Nillulal CoWApplk:atio". I<ich..,.~ IMediumF8blCMlonMellllHanding!G1ass.-llnglHolWJ,k.Ptlokloglng06poi~ bog, 120penper case

Style 604S Terrywhh LeMherPa.ch

seamleSS7G<X>IIOI1 .... _ PI.(;_ Seamoss TaryHeatR_I- OtyroreMM<:edgrip CdcuReversi>I.

Appllcoti""s.General F'l>oposeW>rm ~. -. Ll1>U MedUnHendfng Fabricalion MeCaI ~ Hanclhg AppIicalXlns: Kichens. UltirfMedumPackagng:06 paif'Sot>otjbag,60 pai's Icase ~ OSp;:i'sIpoly bag.120 pairs Fatri::ationMetalHanding JGIass

percase -clog

seamlessTeo)'Hc.IR....... -DyVJashable Melange Grey ColourR_.Style S04SKMelangeTerry Cotton

Seamless7G, lOG, 13G KevlarFbePVC dot; lor enhanced gipOA!HealResistant WlshableApplico.... :SI'*'!Iruting CJpaationsISlaughtefhou>e Fltlsdc:sCU~Englnccltlgl_mOOi~Ptlokloglng12po~ bag,12Openper cese

Style Kevlar Gloves

Styie S045KTerry Cotton

KINIiw Fbe lh.urb HotIlNt5habie"I.a1jI15 Hr.1.'W.2T_"'tWene_ood"'_ Manu~Engineerlng~6po~bog.I2OpaI ..per""",

Style l(nIar Sleeve with thumbhole

Style Mega Cotton Double cJove

Ke...tlrFibre Thurm Ii:lIeWtshable L.eaIlerPtJtch - &tlanc:ed OJtHeat Resistn::e4Le~10'. '."18".22'"""1~lcotions:~lesIFoodProcessing ,.tinJfactJri'lg~Ptlokloging6 poi~ bog.120peneeee

Style Kevlar Sleeve with leather Patch

KEVLAR AND TERRY GLOVES/SLEEVESKevlar sloves and Sleeve-slive tktelenl (fStSlaIKe 10elliS and lIbraslons. The nddmon orPVCc:oin1n,s Improve arip and teJlher ~ltch ,Ives benerenforcement.

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WITH A WORK FORCE of 2000 dedicatedprofessionals and the best technical facilities the3rd generation of IHSAN, uphold its firmcommitment to satisfy over 200 internationalcustomers globally.

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IHSAN Sons (Pvt.) Ltd.,F·207Te.xtileAvenue, Off. PolytechnicCollege,S.I.T.E.,Karachi· 75700 Pakistan.Tel: 0092 21 32576691 • 94Fax: 0092 21 32573828gloves@ihsanpakistan.comwww.ihsanpakistan.comwww.ihsansafety.com
