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iHT2 Health IT Summit in Seattle 2012 – Case Study "Connectivity in Health Care: A Foundation for...

Date post: 20-Aug-2015
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Presented by: Kim Lamb Executive Director Oregon Health Network OREGON HEALTH NETWORK A Case Study: “Connectivity in Health Care: A Foundation for Quality and Coordination”

Presented by: Kim Lamb

Executive Director Oregon Health Network


A Case Study: “Connectivity in Health Care: A Foundation for

Quality and Coordination”

Oregon Health Network


Before we begin…Let’s Connect!

Hashtag: #iht2SEA


• The Challenge: National Landscape Complexities & Initiatives

• The Goal: Better Health Care at Reduced Costs

• The Solution: The Critical Role of Health IT

• Oregon’s HIT Landscape: An Overview

• About Us: Oregon’s 1st Statewide Health Care Highway

• Questions

The Challenge: Landscape Interdependencies Health care plays a critical role in solving our nation’s largest problems:

Economic Health Care Workforce

• Health care costs represent one of the greatest drivers in our national debt crisis

• Access to quality health care part of any community’s ability to attract/ retain businesses & citizen base to achieve viability

• Health care operates in silos

• Cost of care going up for patients, physicians, providers, payers

• Insured population

• Medicare/Medicaid population going up; reimbursement going down

• Quality of care going down

• Flat/depleted pool of trained physician, allied health, health IT expertise

• Aging physician


• Higher Ed facilities can’t keep up with the demand, as well as new types of health IT related training/skill sets

The Challenge: Simplifying a Complex Landscape (Is this how YOU feel?)


Who knows what the Triple Aim is?

(Please raise your hand!)

THE GOAL: Better health care at reduced costs

Top-down vision and efforts

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Goal: Triple Aim Improve Population Health

Improve Patient Experience /Outcomes Reduce Costs

Goal: National Connectivity Solution to Support Integrated

Health Care Delivery

Navigating toward a SOLUTION…

Then (& Now)…

• Core operational infrastructure systems operate in siloes

• Decision and policymakers not focused on broader context

• Health IT used only by those with money & resources

• Health IT viewed as optional


• Core operational infrastructure systems are fully integrated

• Decision and policymakers focus on broader context

• Health IT used by everyone

• Health IT is a core requirement

How many of you feel that your organization is putting sufficient resources (people, time, money)

toward the development of better health information technology (HIT)?


Oregon’s HIT Initiatives and Resources

• 501(c)(3) nonprofit, membership-based organization with 7.5 full time employees

• Oregon’s Statewide Health Care Highway

• Designed to support all Oregon providers in providing the next generation of patient-centered health care

Our Model: Who We Serve (Members)

Hospitals/Health care Systems

Government Agencies

• State

• City/Regional

• National

Payors & Pharmacies

Allied Health & Distance Education

Post-Secondary Education Facilities

Long-Term Health &

Assisted Living



• Urban & Rural


• Tribal

•Mental Health

•School-based health


•Naturopathic & Chiro etc.

Current Service Offering

Connectivity for Integrated, Patient-Centered Care

Hosted Services

• Scalable, reliable, high-speed, high-quality broadband connectivity to support your current and future Health IT applications & services

• 24/7 monitoring of your connection by our Network Operations Center (NOC)

• Network foundation for State’s HIE & HIT initiatives including and best positioned to support the new Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO’s) – Oregon’s version of the ACO’s

• NEW! OHN’s Telehealth Video Conferencing solution

• New solutions and services, as identified by the OHN community, and which OHN is in a “unique” position to provide OHN’s expanding membership

Best Practices

• OHN network and business models designed to help Oregon’s providers effectively, efficiently, and affordably serve the Triple Aim goals of CMS and Oregon’s DHS & OHA

• Enhance economic and workforce development by keeping patients and providers in the community

• Access to growing best practices


• Federal and State advocacy on connectivity and collaboration; including the selection and possible administration of connectivity and health IT federal and state programs such as the FCC RHCPP and new Rural Health Care Support Mechanism (reformed RHCP)

Current Service Offering (cont’d)

Strategy: The Path to National Coordinated Care

Past: FCC RHCPP Focus

Today: Focus on Standard members, additional funding

Strategy: 12 Health IT Best Practices


Are you an Oregonian?

Are you a member of OHN?

How can you see networks like OHN helping you solve some of your HIT


Our Model & Status: Sustainability




Value & Use

Our Model & Status: Membership

• Hospitals and specialists as “anchor tenant” members Status: On track

• Retain FCC RHCPP members post 2014 Status: Pending FCC

program reform results

• Strategic addition of new member types/groups Status: In process

• 300 to 500 members by FYE 2014 Status: On track (230+)

* Includes connection to State Data Center through to 14 Dept. of Corrections and 31 Oregon Youth Authority Facilities

Interactive Map: www.oregonhealthnet.org

Our Model & Status: Financial

• Organizational Model

Status: On Track – Designed to accommodate an HIT organization vs. a non-profit administrative organization

– Not grant-driven

• Product Line: Moving past the FCC RHCPP program on to consulting, hosted services, reporting and best practices.

Status: On Track

• Membership: Moving past FCC RHCPP eligibility to rest of health care provider/education community.

Status: On Track

Our Model & Status: Financial (cont’d)

• Expenses

Status: On Track, with 7.5 FTE and hosted MS CRM/SharePoint infrastructure

– Staffing: Scalability/flexibility of expertise to adapt to the changing needs of the organization with strategic investment in communications

– Internal IT: Investing scalable internal/external systems such as MS CRM/SharePoint to maximize staff resources, industry reporting and expanding customer service needs.

• Revenue: Cover 100% of our current operational costs through membership and hosted services/solutions by FYE 2014

Status: On track to close revenue gap by FYE 2014 through membership fees, hosted services and/or sponsorship.

Our Model & Status: Network

• Leased services network model proven successful Status: On track, successful

• 10 telecom service providers serving OHN members; most local/small

• 96.14 miles of new fiber deployed as a result of the OHN-RHCPP subsidy, and 321.16 miles of existing fiber utilized/leveraged

• OHN Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) Status: On track, successful

• 99.9% average availability achieved

• Multiple Paths to Connect > New OHN PoP solution

Status: On track, successful

• Improved access/services for members who utilize Tier 1 Telecom service providers

• Redundancy Status: Pending/in process and based upon FCC Policy Reform efforts

• Connection to other state networks (RHCPP’s) Status: Pending market readiness, federal funding, reimbursement/licensing


Status: FCC Rural Health Care Pilot Program (RHCPP)

Status: FCC Rural Health Care Pilot Program (RHCPP)


Our Model & Status: Value and Use

• Broadband Utilization Status: On Track for spike

utilization goals and best practices

• Telehealth Status: On track,

• Improved delivery/receipt of radiology/PACS/images

• Telehealth: Stroke, NICU/PICU, Mental Health

• Education: Grand Rounds, CME, Training+

• Operational Efficiencies/EHR

• State Health IT strategies initiatives and funding Status: On track,

referenced/included in Oregon’s draft HIT strategic plan


Oregon Health Network


Thank you!

Hashtag: #iht2SEA
