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i I lJAST EnmON I DESERET Ii V ENING NEWSQ = E- TRlrrlf 7 A LIBERTY L tO PAGES WEDNESDAY JANUARY 5 1910 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FIFTYNINIIR YEAR AtLINoER- PINCHOT ROW Investigation of Controversy Or dered by Joint Resolution of Senate and House INWJIRY BROAD AND PUBLIC Committee Is Empowered to Make it Thorough and Most Complete Conduct of flcpartnciit of Izltcior nnd Its Various Bureaus to lie Gone Into Searchingly Washington Tan Inrestlgatlon ot the BallingerPincliot controversy is ordered by a joint rcsoluUon today In tloduced In the senato by Mr Jones nndIn the house by Mr Humphrey both of Washington As heretofore an flounced the prevision Is for tho broad- est kind of public Inquiry the reIolu- tion oj being ot the character requIring the signature or the president which gives to It nil the force of goneral law A committee of 12 Is to ho appointed to conduct the investiat1on six of whom shall be designated by VIce Pres- ident Shernia and six by Speaker Can lion Unquestionably Senator Nelson chairman of the senate committee on pUblic lands will head the list ot son fitors nrd this doubtless will result in 4 his selection as chairman of the joint eommltt e The scope of the Investiga- tion Is outlined as follows SCOPE OF INQUIRY The commIttee is hereby empowered and dIrected to make a thorough and complete investigation of the adminis tration and onductof the Interior de- partment Its several bureaus officers Imdcmplo cs and ot the bureau of- Jorestry In agricultural department Its officers and employes touchIng or relating to the reclamation conserva- tion management and disposal of the jUbIiC lands ot tile United Stat s or any lands held In trust by the United States tOL anY pUrIose including nil the n3tural resources oJ such tandi and said committee Is authorized and em- Pew redto mac any further nvcsti- gtFon touching said dcprtJttn It bureaus orficers or ernlloyes and of- sziItl bureau ot forestry Its officers or employes us It may deem desirable The authotlty to sit during session oi CongteSidin recesses to require tlit attendarido of witnesses and the productloll Qf lJLPer8 usual to con Iesslonal inqtlries Is granted by the ltO lull on It Is provided rutUlerthat any pemon refusing to obey the pro lOSI of the committee or to answer any question propounded shall be deemed guilty of contempt and jurisdiction Is conferred upon the court of appeals ot the District of Columbia to try and determine any such charges or contempt ASSISTANCJ AUTHORIZED Employment of assistance egal- or otherwise Is speclilcally authoriz- ed This Provision Is for the purrro3e- ot enabling the committee to procure the services ot able attorneys to tako charge ot the proving so far as the directing ot questions is concerned It Is the Intention ot President Taft to have the committee name some corn potent attorney to conduct to ease and ill possible that both of the principals to the controversy may be represented by counsel It was agreed by all persons who haVe giCfl closo attention to the Bal lingerPinclipt squabble that the In- vestigation should be oven to the public and this Is ordered by the re- solution Ono or the big rooms In the now senate office building wIll bo used lor this l urpose- BALLINGIfRS DEMANDS In presenting the resolution Repro- sentattve Humphrey declared the time had come when the country demanded investigation of the whole matter un- derlying controversy the oculcd PinchotBalng- CI Secy Bztlllngcr has 1cmandcd an in- vestigation and has Insisted that It snaIl be thorough and wIde enough to Include everything connected with him and his department said Mr Hum phrey who added The country demands thIs investiga- tion Let us have light As I have known Secy BalngeL for many years so I have Pincliot for sev- eral years r have been 0 frIend of both and am today I believe In their pUblic lives both have tried honesty to serve the public If the either or both have been guilty of nay act do- serving It let theta be promptly re moved torn the ftiblie service If there Is nothing In these charges then let us have an investigation that will mako the truth so plain that It forever will closo the lips of slander PI nONNEL OF COMMiTTEE Sieculation riCe as to the person- nel or the commitee to be named to make the Many names have ben consldertd but no decision- has reached The indications are that the following viii be Ielceted Sea I fttorsNelson Minnesota New York Flint Calforia Sutherland 1thli Payntet Ken tuck and either Clarke Arkansls or Ilughmi Colorado Democrats Member or the houfeDalzel Penn Stophens Minnesota Mnrtin South Dakota Republicans and Howard Georgia Moon TenneSc or Shirley 0 lentuck There Is some doubt as to the 0- pofntmont or Senator Flint but It Is reasonably certain the other Republ WANTED Copies of The Christmas News ThcChrlstmal News having been L sold out nd many orders still being received news dealers agntsor any other having copies are notified that full price 0 wIll b paid for same It returned In condition to The Dcseret News o 1 can members named will be chosen Senator Nelson will be tho chaIrman In the house tho rsolution was r furred to the but the senate reference was un- til psponed tomorrow Mr Jones the measure be referred to the committee on public lands but Senator Lgo re quested a postponement its importance and the request was te ceded to RAILROAD SCHEDULES BADLY DEMORALIZED Kansas City Jan 5RaIlroad sched- ules throughout western Missouri Kansas 5211 In most ot Oklahoma wer- odemorlzed today and telegraph and were laden with sleet and many ot thorn put out ot eomznls- sion The snow and sleet storm or yesterday was followed last night b- lower temperatures which however began to climb upward today The Golden State limited eastbound on th Rock Island was annulled this morning at nerrington Kansas being 12 hours late The Santa Fe also re- ported many ot Its eastbound trains from four to sIx hours late and more or less similar conditions prevailed on other road The gas supply In Kansas City Topka Wichita and In other was still weak today and much suffering resulted The mercury Icached the lowest of the season at Topeka this morning registering 3 degrees below zero At Kansas City It was zero Wichita reported 5 degrees above Oklahoma City 14 above and Ardmore- In southern Oklahoma 22 above zero This Is unusually cold weather for Oklahoma and vegetation there has TO ABOLISH GRADE CROSSINGS IN CANADA Ottawa Ont Jan Eliminatlon of level crossings In Canadt Is a poll to which the railway commission 3nitted itself yesterday All highways throughout the Dominion must pass either above or below railways In fu- tme F A HEINZE RETURNS TO NEW YORK TO PLEAD New York Jan 1F A Heinze the former copper king will return to Now York today only a few hours after the departure orAtlnt of Charles W Morse his and aocI ate lie also comes back to pay to the United States circuit curt where he wi be asked what has to two moro Indictments which a federal grand jury has found against him Tue Indictments were returned soy oral weeks ago and Mr HeInze was told that ho would be wanted when the January term of court opened The court was called for today and this morning It was announced that Helno- was on hIs vay here Both the indictments to which the copper man will have to say guilty or not guilty were sealed when found by the grand jury and have remained sealed ever since Helnze will have a dlstnglshedarra ot counsel at his in court ROYAL EDWARDS TIRES OF BEING FUGITIVE Seattle Wash Jon 5Sayin he was sick and tired ot being hounded by his guit conscience and of 11lng the arrest ever before Ro alEdwards aged 21 confessed I- nn police court here yesterday that ho a fugitive from justice and was wanted by federal autherities toi em bezziernent of money order funds from the postoffice at Harrisburg Pa Impressed by the prisoners appeal alice the police order his discharge from a disturbance charge whEn lie asked Edwards if ho had trouble before Loking tile judge squarely In the wards replied Ever since December a year ao J have been a fugitive from Justice for embezzling 1400 from a postoffice sub station I ani sick or being unobIe to loolt myself In the face and want to- go back to stand trial for the 1400 which I stole He was turned over to the Cederl- nuthorltles JOHN M HARLANS SERVICES For Assisting Judge Grosseup He Wants 272000 Chicago Jan 5John Maynard Her lan who assisted Federal Judge Gross cup to straighten out the tangled af- fairs or the defunct Chicago Union Traction company placed his services at a valuation of 272000 Of this amount he already has re- ceived 72000 which he drew In month 13 istalrncnts of 2000 an now h hag Jed with the court a 1n l bill for Mr Harlan was appoInted by Judo Crosseup as special counsel for the court In the Traction IUgtlon lit December 1905 He title capacIty for practically three years that is until one year agoalthough It was two years ago that the Chicago Railway company took over the prop ertics of the Union Traction company upon the reorganIzation plan and- practically nil activity In the courts ceased short afterwards WEDDING OF DEU MUTES Joliet lii Jan GA wedding at which both bride and groom were deaf mute was celebrated yesterday In when Miss Emma Jesson ot Beecher and Charles Bartois or Chi- cago wore married by 11ev L J F Going at the home of the brides- Mr and Mrs Louis Jesson The tact that the golden wedding an nlver of the brides parent was being observed on the to the novelty of the occasion ItECORD PRICE FOR HOGS Omaha Jan LTho price ot hogs at the South Omaha market reached an other high today when 057 per hundred pounds was paM for ono shipment or i hogs averaging 280 pounds eac1- 1MESSENGER BOYS TRICK SAVED GIRLS LIFE Denver Jan GThe inquisltlvenesc the life or of a mCi8engcr boy sCled Miss Eva 19 years who had taken several bichlorlde ot mercury tablets with suicidal Intent The girl wrote a note to a tonIc friend informing hIm ot her Intentions and gave It to a messenger boy to deliver The latter read the missive and hustled to the police station with It Pollee Surgeon was dispatched to the urd gIrls room found her In great agony Emltles gave relief and an 1101 later the girl was pronounced danger She refused to discusS liar attempt to end her life The note gave instructions to send word to father William Frazier Wa- terloo md 4 3ENSATON3PRUN AT OGDEN INQUEST John H Larsen Councilman From Second Ward Breaks Down On CrossExamination OUT ON A DRUNKEN JOY RIDE Found Dead Mans nat In Gear o- rtt anti 1layfnlly Tossed It Into Another Car Special to The News Ogden Jln 5A sensation was cre- ated this niorning at the Inqucstblng hell to investigate the < or Fhut who was run over and killed Saturday night by a speing- auto party who were out the new year In a white stcoer car Hugh Wood an Idaho stockman who owns nn automobile similar to the ono whIch killed Fut had establshe an absolute alb for ma- chine at time Faut n killed and the only machine of that kind that was out at the time of tho fatality was run by Wililant the Howel who was arrested- tor At the opening of the hering this forenoon Howels D Johnson preliminary talk- whitewashing his client In an effort to exonerate him from all blam He ad mated that Mr Howel and his party of Joy riders tho street nt the time the accident Is said to have- happned The party had not been drink Ing he said and the machine was being drison at a slow or moderte speed neither the driver nor the other occu pants of the car knew that an accident had occurred They had felt only a slight jar at the spot where Fut wa knocked to the pavement They did not learn of the casualty until they were accosted in n saloon where they next stoPPe by a policeman who took them garage with the ma- chine thence t the police station DAMAGING ADMSSIONS The only witness examined this morn lag was John H Larson councilman elect from the Second ward who In his direct testimony substantiated the statements of Attorney Johnson But when lie sas taken In hand for cross- examination by H H Henderson at- torney form Mrs Parker Faut the widow ho contradicted himself and later became confused that lie hardly knewhlsownname He amIted thll for a time on the day of the fatality and that for three or tour hours before tho killing or Fut they were driving arund the streets and visiting saloons and drinkng He mentioned six or moro that they nad sistted When the party arrIved at t1e garage he said he found the Ielms running gears of the he got It out and playfully tossed It Into the car bolonging to Hugh HoweiI Atthepolco station he told Howell done wih the hat Ilowell told him to tho garage and get it again this lie did and on the way back to the station lie threw It Into nn alleyway Larson was still on the stand when the hearing was adjourned until 2 oclock CHIEF GLORES FRIGID RIDE Tuml Out or Bed Drives Four Miles- To False Alarm How would you like to be sleeping soundly In a nice warm bed and then be suddenly awakened by the sound of a fire alarm jump out of bed and have to ride three or four mie In weather that threatened to the botom out or the thermometer Such was the experience or Clof Glove or the lire department early mornIng If there had been a teal hat iire perhaps he would not have minded so much hut the only fire discovered was In the furnace although there was a ret deal ot smoke alarm came from the home or H p Lytle Sit Ninth East street The man who lixed the fUloce forgot to turn on the drat and It was not long before the filled with smoke hlnking the place was on Ire Mrs Lytle turned In an alarm The appar- atus from No5 just a short distance from the Lytie home responded hut Chief Glare had to make a run from hedquarter When the chief retUnc l process Icllulled tmeHENG IN GOOD PLACE Is Appointed Curator of the UueS- aconnl lc ttrqucoiogea In Mexico Paul IIenitig tOIisome time 0 mem- ber or the University tacul ha re ceived an appointment curtor In the deportnient ot ethnology ot the famous museums ot Mexico tue- Musee Naelonal do Arqueologea Hen ning enters the position vcli equipped having spout many years In exploration- and research particularly In South Amerca He was the interpreter of U expediton to the souther continent ago cent years has accepted private com- missions along his special line of work Mr henning Is intensely interested In securIng clvii records In the southern continent which will iubstantiato to the world the declarations or the Book Qf Mormon with r gard to the people of the American contnents and In a ro cent letcr artist Falr- bani this city lie says that lie Is already sure his prezent position wI enable him to achieve this result has receiitiy had access to a collection In Mexico which he copied which has sited ranch light upon this sUbject Mr Hennln Is a German and became a member or the Church In Mexico and since hIs connection with It lie has been an ardent follower ot Its teachings He Dpealt Spanish fluently Fench Englsh Ger wel versed In Latin and ninny Indian bets W A1RIOR RETURNS David McAndrows formerly of New York City who played tulbok on the Dartmouth college for tour years and graduated there In 1890- is In tho city to occupy a positon with the audiors department Ore- gon Mr MoAndrows WUI an employc or lie Salt Lake few years ago nt thIs point hut to San Fncl9co where he was a yard- master Southern Pacific and coach for the football team ot the UnI- versity ot California j S I GOVERNOR DENIES TRIUNE FAKE Tells of Launching of the Battle ship Utah and Senator- Snioots Speech i NEVER MADE REMARIWIAED- Noflilng I Said ltegardlngJosephSmitlj- snirtliaayrtigagciiiciit I or Icut Commander Pearson Announecil r GOV SRYS DENIAL lhe report circulated by tIiebtress that Senator Reed Smoot made u speech saying that it was a fittln tribute to the memory of lie Prophet Joseph Smith to have the battleship launched on ersary of hIs birth was all non sense Senator Smoot made no such remark nor anything 111cc it The story caused some comment but- I take great pleasure in denying it- Governor William Spry to The Desert News Gov William Spry was busily en- gaged at his desk bhind stacks or mal and official morning three hour after lie returned from the east where ho and his family and of- ficlal arty attended the launching of the United States batleship Utah the largest manofwar special train was deiayed many hours by noV and the cold wave which has tine en- tire country In its grip arrIving here- about 6 oclock this mornIng Althouch Coy Spry was burled so to speak wIth the affairs or lila ot lice lie had time to talk of the success- ful launling the of the east battleship aid the The ceremonies were very simple but perfect While the workmen were knocking the supports away the Uth part stood on a small platform Ten the great steel hull began to tr the tattleship was named and it was released gilding majestically Into the water rRIU FAKE DENIED The report circulated by the press that Senator Reed Smoot made a speech saying that It was n fitting tribute to the memory of the Prophet Joscph SmIh to have the battleship launched the anniversary or lila birth wa all Smoot made no such remark or anything like It The story caused some comment but- I take great pleasure in deayingi Wihout a hitch the launching and features were carrie ott perfectly lie eclared TheUtalZ j now the largest battleShi jag a displacement 000 tons e- Sout Curolina Is the largest ship now tlS6 It having a displace- nient of tons While the Is now the largest manofwarU1e government contemplates the construe battleships much larger but they wi not bo In cOmmission sonic conic The Utah Is equIpped with all the modelnppllances 01 can be used as It is the only battleship with a battery which will destroy torpedo boats by shootng- under water The Irst battery ot 14inch guns secondary ba- tten ot smaller suns and rapid lire The shIp company was leponslhle for tue launching on that May the president of the company sid that the Utah was the heaviest ship that had ever been launched and to have waited until the turrets had ben In place and the heavy machln would have made It dangerous to launch The iivor near the shipbuld ing yard oftimes freezes and been delayed any longer the launching could not have taken place until March 0l April This would have delayed the worl materially The Utah weighed about 1000 tons when It was launched as I UTAHS SAILOR ENGAGED Liout While Commander we were In Phiadelphia was with tlto par Ills engagement to Miss Norris York was an- nounced at a dinner given by the company at whIch lie was one of the invited guests Miss Norels la a prominent society and club woman or New Yoik and very handsome and charming- Wiieii the battleship Is placed in commission I think it would be a ery fitting complement to Utah to- lasso Lleut Commander Pearson In command or the ship lie still holds to Utah as his home and Is exceeding proud or the battleship whIch curries the name of the state CALL ON BALLINGER While In Washington Senator Smoot Fanlt Pierce and myself cal 11 on Secy r In regard to lund In the southern part of the state which hail been withdrawn from entry because of the possible development ot oil There are two largo Irrigation pro- jects under coiitotnplation whIch would reclaillt this land Seey Balngel said that there was no any oil I mineral In tracts of this land that it would bo rinstated fo entry will Tho projects reclaim about 20000 ares of land and it could be taken up the Carey Land act The promoters Intend to take tho water from the RIo VIrgin ely or to apply on the land and mens n great thing for the southern of the state Senator Smoot and r also had a talk with Secy Ballinger In re- gard to mineral lands found In school sections Mr i3aliinger was willing that a friendly suit should be Instituted to see whietlier these lands reverted to the state or not and to determine what lands school should lands b accepted In lieu of Wnshingtoti nas ery quiet while I was there I vIsIted with Senator i3moot Senator Suthclnd and Con Howell Camles ANSSman all well and the n Is anxious to participate In the tat amount of legislation whIch will como up In this sessiOn of Congress sWITCHMENS UNION AGREES TO ARBITRATE THEIR DEMANDS Chicago Jan 5Mombers of tho- switchmens union iepresenting the western roads today agreed with the General Managers association to submit their demands for ad vance In wageS and changes In hours to abitrtion under the Enl man law asked tor- arblmton 1 l TO CREATE NEW JUDICIALCIRCUIT Rep Taylor of Colorado Intro duces Bill for Creation of One To be Known as the Tenth WOULD DIVIDE THE EIGHTH Stales Composing U Would he Utah Colorado Nebraska Jinn ns- AmI Oklahoma Special to The News Washington D C Jan 5Represent- atlwe Taylor of Colorado has prepared and tolay will introduce 0 bill amend- ing tim federal statutes so as to create a neW judicial circuit to be known as the Tenth circuit The purpose of this act Is to divide the present Eighth dis trlct In which Colorado Is locte ma- king a new dIstrict the states of Utah WyomIng Colorado Ne- braska Kansas and Oklahor To this proposed district New will be attached whenever it Is admitted to statehood The present district as now composed Includes besides the states mentioned as Intended to include the now Tenth tiistiict an arm of cmlraccg 10712 square populatIon approximately of H000CO0 people Sessions ot the circuit court ot ap- peals are now held at St Luis St Paul Cheyenne and Denver 11- 1gation arising from the western par ot this circuit court cannot all bo ed to at Denver withiout great dciay- To hasten cases and make oral aigu- nients thereon counsel are frequently called to St Lions or St Paul wltl is quIte a bprden or expense giints and time to counsel Mr Taylor is of the Impression that tubs hroPoSeddiis1on wI meet with the hearty endorsement the bar through- out the entire clewt of 12 states sucht to be divided division It derstood meets with the approval ot Justice Brewer to whose control the Eighth circuit Is assigned The creation or crcui wi entail a most trifling pease as there already exists In the present circuit four circuit judge two of whom have their the 1ioPOSed new circuit and the other two In tim old Eighth as embraced In the proposed bill No additional el cult judges would be necessary at onto though In a short time one ad- ditlonal circuit jqdge In each circuit may be required The only additional expense immediately called for would he one additional clerk and one a d- ton11 marshal VERNAL LAND OFFICE H J rj l tt I J tOIiter nC nCol01 tobe itecqlcer < Ia The News WashIngton D C Jan 5The pre Ident sent to the senate today the nom- Ination of Charles Demols of Utah to he register and Don B Colon of Utah to ereceiver of the lund omce Thomas H Bartlett of Omaha ns register of tho land omec at Lewis ton Idaho and the following Idaho postmastels roio M Sargent Gleans Ferry Nadina Jerome Hubert O Bell Mimer and Joseph W Fold at Hale Also Clyde B Walker ot Ida regIster of the land office at Juneau Alasl SENATE CONFIRMS OF THOS HULL Washington D c Jan iTho sen- ate today confirmed the nomination ot Thomas Hull to be surveyorgeneral of Utah PUTRID CODFISH SEIZED State Chemist Vlll Examine Samples- Tolen Today Food Cornmisaionor IInnsen seized Tuesday aftornoon a large lot ot drIed codfish shipped in here by tho Swedish Produce company of Chicago and the SeattleAlaska Fish company or Seat tie The entire consignment appears to be iotten front tile samples taken and handed over to the stte chemist for examination the putrid am monlo from the stuff beIng cry mark view of the sltaip watch main touted over food products shipped Into the1ialt Lake market It might be wel for coilaignoril to exercise a hitti ns to the character of the goods they are sending In here say the pure food officials DEATH OP M- S HATENSTIN Mrs E A Hlltensteln wife of for met Cuiichhiiian E A Hartenstoin died at 235 t11 morning at her home ln this city Canyon road ot pneumonic Mrs Hartomistein was the daughter ot WIlliam C and Hannah Dunbzu was born at the old Dunbar home In the Twentieth ward She was 47 ell ot age Daring the hast 10 yers healths has not been robust slv has bre liar ihiiessand surferlag with her lovable disposition lies surrounded her at all times with a wIde circle ot steadfat friends She i- ssurvive by During or her Ines sonic of the best medical this city Cal fornia and Europe have been In tendance upon her About her death- bed was a circle of relaUes gther and funeral will be heM tom S D Evans mortuary chapel In street Thursday afternoon at 3 oclock Friends are InvIted to attend f HATCHING FISH BY MILlIONS The state fish commissioner has no- w7oOeastr brook trout fry in the A large batch of German brown trout will be hatched out In three week and during month there b hatched out a million or rainbow These young fish are to b planted In U10 varoul streams of state next commlslone has now 400000 trout fry Creek hatchery to which a half million wi be added In 0 tow days ROUGH VOYAGE CAINSTtATJS Boston was a rough road that the siearner Culrntrath travoled- In her long voyage across the Atlantic from Mediterranean ports which has just ended at this porL Twlco she was forced to replenish her coal bunk- ers from the Island port of S1- r t Micliacls and Bermuda Sho lost deck tlngs and ventiators had abridgo smashed and torn away and at one time 150 tons of water In her tore peak She met an 103 gale early yesterday which covered her with Ice so that she seems like an animated berg ns she lies at her doelt here today MILK INVESTiGATION May Develop Facts to hc Picscntc1l to Grand Jury New York Jan 5DIst Atty Charles S Whitman has decIded that the milk Investigation iastitutcti bY th stato attorney generals office betermbno whether dealers In New York have conspired to control and increase prices might develop testmony which- would warrant action grand- jury lie has assigned his assistant Wilhlam A DeFord to attend the ses sions and to watch the progress ot pro- ceedings with a view to reporting the matter to the district attorney OPERATIN RESTORED SUDBRINKS SANITY Terre Haute lad Jan 5John Sod brink who has been Insane since he was Injured two years ago when work ing as a brakeman on the Dig Four has been restored to sanity by an opera- tion on Ills skull only to be told that ig000 damages obtIne front the company for hIm expended tratmentS- TARVING HERMIT HAD 22000 ON HIS PERSON Evan srihle lad Jan 5Deputy sherIs who yesterday went to the Marshall MeMurran ag GO 0 hermit near to remove State Insane hospital round tat the man had 22000 on his person lur ran was almost starved GOT HIS CHISTMAS GUN DIED OF LOCKJAW Waterloo Iii Jan 5Every Christmas for the last six ear Arnold NoteI teased his parents some a shootng weapon 3 a Cliristnias pleadings resisted by his prudent parent until the Christmas just past his father presented hIm with a blank cartridge pistol Arnold was 15 years of age died yesterday of tetanus after several days ot suffering The first cartridge hi- eattempted to shoot In his longdesired gift jamed In the breech and ho trIed It out with a nail vrhe cartridge exploded and drove the nail so deeply Into the boys hand that It had to he drawn out with forceps Five days later tetanus developed SERIOUSLY BURNED IN GASOLINE EXPLOSION Chicago Jnn5FIe persons wele burned one In a lire by an explosion ot gasolne In the com- mon kitchen of a lata nlbht Two men who wro starting In lie kitchen stove poured gasoli- neou4otacn on some kindlng whtic1 lied 6ii1gniteiL Th throw the contents of the can all over the room Three ot tile wonton burned were taken to the Cook County hospital Miss Pauline Savenski wJ probably dieThe fire did little damage to the house the fames beIng extinguished by FIreman who was pass lag at the time and heard time crIes of the women rushed Into the house- and tHe with h and other articles of clothing and blankets smotherl the names BARONESS WILMOWSKY NOT FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE New York Jan 5Ilaroa Ylmowsky ot Berlin and his wife who BarbAra Krupp daughter oi the great German sunmaker have left for Ger many aieI a three mouths sightseeing- trip In Unite SUttcs and Canad What us most baron just before depatting was the settlement work which we obsered In New York Chleg San other cItes tnlts great Inter- est in work Is carrying- btok wIth her many America Ideas and plans whIch she In Germany When the baroness was asked if she wa an advocate of woman suffrage she and her husband laughed and repled together not that ROCK ISLAND COMMON WAS UNLOADED FAST- Ness York Jan GUnloadlng or thousands of Rock Island common share today on the stock exchane the price down from GO and opened the floodgates or countless reports chief ot which was that G Reid one ot the con trolling Interests In the railroad was reducing his commiments prepare tory to a trIp Mr ReId was at lila office today and It was said there that he expect- ed to take his usual winter vacation next month Whether Mr Reid was any or his holdings In Rock selnl could not be learned The governors or the stock ox change will act next Wednesday on the report of the speclai committee appointed to Investigate the recent sensational skyrocltotinK of Rock Is- land stock which bounded from 51- to SI and back again In 15 minutes BIG SLEET STORM DELAYS TRAINS Jan 5Delny to steam and Chic railroad trains time stinging sleet sterns or last night A light rain which froze as It fell this moinln made walking difficult and Trains from the wet Impede tmfc to 20 hour late Overland limited on Chicago- Northwestern railroad was 20 hotmr3 late COURT OF CUSTOMS APPEALS NOMINATIONS Washingtomi Jan 5President Taft today sent to the senate the nonilna- tlon ot members ot the neW couit ot custom appcai8 law authorized under the To bo presiding judge Alfred C Coxe at present Unite States circuit- judge on the To bo associate judges William U Hunt at present United States judge for the Montana James F SmIth formerly governorgeneral f the Philippine Islands former judge the supreme court or the Philippine Is lands and former cletor or customs In the Philippines Barber at- Vermont a prominent lawyer or that- state MtIXISn at present chair man or ito board of general appraisers at Now York Jii1p 7 INSURGENT ARE n- At Reports That They Are tob Singled Out by AdDinistr I tion for NOT AGAINST TAFT Po iWii1 > RCJ Iallson Says Iroulmic wl i- Gctldrch amid Canimoim ttJ 7r Support TIicnm 1 < 1 l- rWahlnslon Jan 5With nthaz- mit j 1 some cases bordering cii t- aner the Insurgent nepubUc- bels men J ot the housl tQ e pub reports that hey were to be singled out by the mlilhlstrnton foUr puniahment for cn duct as members ot the mij party of the house Several of them were unsparbngin I their denunciation a policy hich sough to punIsh a man for lndpen j though anti action si th expressed atew tvcro loath to believe that Plesldcntstt woufl- lend his ail to lnist I castigation to them for shpportngthe l vcr principles and j claimed the party Itself stood pledged I INSURGENT POSITION Representatve Madison ot Kansas a ot the matter to j which several of his asociates stub scribed He said We Insurgents a we are called i are not against Taft Or his policies- C are unanimously I believe iii favor of every leading reform to which the soul time Repubih cnn party Is committed For instance I am In favor or postal banks conservation of natural resources re- gulation or injunction reform or federal coUrt procedure goernment regulation and control otlndutrla and carrying corporations the publcn campaign funds and ton oJ Most or the other Insurgent are for these same things It Is slanderous to ay that we can lie swerved front time course of sup- porting these reforms by the with- holding I of any official patronage by I anybody or be Induced to stijport this I or that proposition by the offering r- I olIelal sop ot ally kind Ve ore cciii to the principles which I litive- cnuniorated because we beleve they are rIght and not presl dent or anybody else Is for or against them It Is not the insurgents ot tie house but men like Aldrich and non whom the president will hmve io- I Induce to support lila jUcc in- surgelita are for th anc 1 have been all time time- Reprosentatie Norris or Nebraska added his of this deelarttiofl as did Represenlative Ilayes ot Call- fornia I who said his might was solely against the rules or the houseond its present oigauiiztttlomi Ott the latter said Mr hayes lie wa proposIton fight to the ilnishi It j I the Independence or the ropriusentativo- ill Congress which he was contendl I for MAY HOLD MEETINGT- ime Insurgents are discussing time dc- sirabihity I or holding an early rneeUng amid ascertaIning front President Taft where they stand The calngot the mneetiimg is In time hands en- tathe Hayes or Callforaia There was ito apprnt sIgn of the- insurgent senate It of the Capitol further than tho num ous eohfernc which insurgent Re the housit side nero holding with tIme senators frolic thtir states regarding time policy which they were to pursue Senator Cummins saId he had cxperi enced no dlfCleuly wIth the jostotlc other go In regard to his patronage deprtment REDY DEATH STUGGL Momit of the rdica Insurgent ers on the feel that with the a few months dis- tant eleetonsbut death struggle with them and consequent when forced Into the fra hesItation bout carrying time war to any extent lime effort to defeat Insurgent congressien by starting a fight a Well home districts as was reported yesterday begun In several dIstrIcts of the west lies lilt hardand the conressniefl so attacked will prob- ably make no choice ot weapons In de tendIng tlmoniselve- sIt was expected that some statements 1 would be forthcoming ode from the administration side as to Its attitude I time insurgent So far Post- master General bias remaIn ad silent under the statementeianat ing front to time effect that Mr titchi holdlng up the appintments- of 1nesoto postmasters immembers ot the house Publishmed intlitmations thatthl I course was beIng once to a number of congressnteml tror Minnesota amid WisconsIn lies so no formal authiorlt- yPostmasterGao denial com any ad- ministration HItChCOCk who iii regarded the closest poiL- tical generally a declined adviser of tIme to make any statement fur pubhicfltiOfl regarding time cjuciitlOrm lie did not deny having a conversation with BeP Miller or Min nt Otnno ot the In the hme Insurents him what the admni- flistrati6ns position was likely to be lie was Quite sure that whatever deter minatiomi mIght be pre Ident federal patronae- would rspctng merely the department but all branches or the Iovernmont SUGAR ADVANCED Now York Jest 5All grades of fined sugar were advanced 10 cent55 hundred pounds today I WATHR JOT iomiight amid Thursday Fair 4 Cntuct Cold WetheO- PA YS TEMIERtTUES- 7 11 to nni- Saan inm iT J it 12noon 130- ThSTEItDAT f to 1 pm 1 1t S RECORD lf








Investigation of Controversy Or

dered by Joint Resolution of

Senate and House


Committee Is Empowered toMake it Thorough and

Most Complete

Conduct of flcpartnciit of Izltcior nndIts Various Bureaus to lie Gone

Into Searchingly

Washington Tan Inrestlgatlon otthe BallingerPincliot controversy isordered by a joint rcsoluUon today Intloduced In the senato by Mr JonesnndIn the house by Mr Humphreyboth of Washington As heretofore anflounced the prevision Is for tho broad-est kind of public Inquiry the reIolu-tionoj being ot the character requIringthe signature or the president whichgives to It nil the force of goneral law

A committee of 12 Is to ho appointedto conduct the investiat1on six ofwhom shall be designated by VIce Pres-ident Shernia and six by Speaker Canlion Unquestionably Senator Nelsonchairman of the senate committee onpUblic lands will head the list ot sonfitors nrd this doubtless will result in

4 his selection as chairman of the jointeommltt e The scope of the Investiga-tion Is outlined as follows

SCOPE OF INQUIRYThe commIttee is hereby empowered

and dIrected to make a thorough andcomplete investigation of the administration and onductof the Interior de-partment Its several bureaus officersImdcmplo cs and ot the bureau of-Jorestry In agricultural departmentIts officers and employes touchIng orrelating to the reclamation conserva-tion management and disposal of thejUbIiC lands ot tile United Stat s orany lands held In trust by the UnitedStates tOL anY pUrIose including nil then3tural resources oJ such tandi andsaid committee Is authorized and em-

Pew redto mac any further nvcsti-gtFon touching said dcprtJttn Itbureaus orficers or ernlloyes and of-sziItl bureau ot forestry Its officers oremployes us It may deem desirable

The authotlty to sit during sessionoi CongteSidin recesses to requiretlit attendarido of witnesses and theproductloll Qf lJLPer8 usual to conIesslonal inqtlries Is granted by theltO lull on It Is provided rutUlerthatany pemon refusing to obey the prolOSI of the committee or to answerany question propounded shall bedeemed guilty of contempt andjurisdiction Is conferred upon thecourt of appeals ot the District ofColumbia to try and determine anysuch charges or contempt

ASSISTANCJ AUTHORIZEDEmployment of assistance egal-

or otherwise Is speclilcally authoriz-ed This Provision Is for the purrro3e-ot enabling the committee to procurethe services ot able attorneys to takocharge ot the proving so far as thedirecting ot questions is concerned ItIs the Intention ot President Taft tohave the committee name some cornpotent attorney to conduct to easeand ill possible that both of theprincipals to the controversy may berepresented by counsel

It was agreed by all persons whohaVe giCfl closo attention to the BallingerPinclipt squabble that the In-

vestigation should be oven to thepublic and this Is ordered by the re-

solution Ono or the big rooms Inthe now senate office building wIll boused lor this l urpose-


In presenting the resolution Repro-sentattve Humphrey declared the timehad come when the country demandedinvestigation of the whole matter un-


the oculcd PinchotBalng-CI

Secy Bztlllngcr has 1cmandcd an in-

vestigation and has Insisted that ItsnaIl be thorough and wIde enough toInclude everything connected with himand his department said Mr Humphrey who added

The country demands thIs investiga-tion Let us have light As I haveknown Secy BalngeL for many yearsso I have Pincliot for sev-eral years r have been 0 frIend ofboth and am today

I believe In their pUblic lives bothhave tried honesty to serve the publicIf the either orboth have been guilty of nay act do-

serving It let theta be promptly removed torn the ftiblie service If thereIs nothing In these charges then let ushave an investigation that will makothe truth so plain that It forever willcloso the lips of slander


Sieculation riCe as to the person-nel or the commitee to be named tomake the Many nameshave ben consldertd but no decision-has reached The indications arethat the following viii be Ielceted Sea

I fttorsNelson Minnesota NewYork Flint Calforia Sutherland1thli Payntet Kentuck and either Clarke Arkansls orIlughmi Colorado Democrats

Member or the houfeDalzel Penn

Stophens Minnesota Mnrtin SouthDakota Republicans and HowardGeorgia Moon TenneSc or Shirley

0 lentuckThere Is some doubt as to the 0-

pofntmont or Senator Flint but It Isreasonably certain the other Republ

WANTEDCopies of The Christmas News

ThcChrlstmal News having beenL sold out nd many orders

still being received news dealersagntsor any other having copies

are notified that full price0 wIll b paid for same It returned

In condition to The DcseretNews



can members named will be chosenSenator Nelson will be tho chaIrman

In the house tho rsolution was rfurred to the butthe senate reference was un-til psponedtomorrow Mr Jones themeasure be referred to the committeeon public lands but Senator Lgo requested a postponement itsimportance and the request was teceded to


Kansas City Jan 5RaIlroad sched-ules throughout western MissouriKansas 5211 In most ot Oklahoma wer-odemorlzed today and telegraph and

were laden with sleetand many ot thorn put out ot eomznls-sion The snow and sleet storm oryesterday was followed last night b-

lower temperatures which howeverbegan to climb upward today

The Golden State limited eastboundon th Rock Island was annulled thismorning at nerrington Kansas being12 hours late The Santa Fe also re-ported many ot Its eastbound trainsfrom four to sIx hours late and moreor less similar conditions prevailed onother roadThe gas supply In KansasCity Topka Wichita and In other

was still weak today andmuch suffering resultedThe mercury Icached the lowest

of the season at Topeka thismorning registering 3 degrees belowzero At Kansas City It was zeroWichita reported 5 degrees aboveOklahoma City 14 above and Ardmore-In southern Oklahoma 22 above zeroThis Is unusually cold weather forOklahoma and vegetation there has



Ottawa Ont Jan Eliminatlon oflevel crossings In Canadt Is a pollto which the railway commission3nitted itself yesterday All highwaysthroughout the Dominion must passeither above or below railways In fu-tme


New York Jan 1F A Heinze theformer copper king will return to NowYork today only a few hours after thedeparture orAtlnt of Charles WMorse his and aocIate lie also comes back to payto the United States circuit curtwhere he wi be asked whathas to two moro Indictmentswhich a federal grand jury has foundagainst him

Tue Indictments were returned soyoral weeks ago and Mr HeInze wastold that ho would be wanted whenthe January term of court opened Thecourt was called for today and thismorning It was announced that Helno-was on hIs vay here

Both the indictments to which thecopper man will have to say guiltyor not guilty were sealed when foundby the grand jury and have remainedsealed ever since Helnze will havea dlstnglshedarra ot counsel athis in court


Seattle Wash Jon 5Sayin hewas sick and tired ot being houndedby his guit conscience and of 11lngthe arrest ever beforeRo alEdwards aged 21 confessed I-nn police court here yesterday that ho

a fugitive from justice and waswanted by federal autherities toi embezziernent of money order funds fromthe postoffice at Harrisburg Pa

Impressed by the prisoners appealalice the policeorder his discharge from a disturbancecharge whEn lie asked Edwards if hohad trouble before Lokingtile judge squarely In thewards replied

Ever since December a year ao J

have been a fugitive from Justice forembezzling 1400 from a postoffice substation I ani sick or being unobIe toloolt myself In the face and want to-go back to stand trial for the 1400which I stole

He was turned over to the Cederl-nuthorltles


For Assisting Judge Grosseup HeWants 272000

Chicago Jan 5John Maynard Herlan who assisted Federal Judge Grosscup to straighten out the tangled af-

fairs or the defunct Chicago UnionTraction company placed his servicesat a valuation of 272000

Of this amount he already has re-

ceived 72000 which he drew In month13 istalrncnts of 2000 an now h hag

Jed with the court a 1n l bill for

Mr Harlan was appoInted by JudoCrosseup as special counsel for thecourt In the Traction IUgtlon litDecember 1905 He titlecapacIty for practically three yearsthat is until one year agoalthough Itwas two years ago that the ChicagoRailway company took over the propertics of the Union Traction companyupon the reorganIzation plan and-practically nil activity In the courtsceased short afterwards


Joliet lii Jan GA wedding atwhich both bride and groom were deafmute was celebrated yesterday In

when Miss Emma Jesson otBeecher and Charles Bartois or Chi-

cago wore married by 11ev L J FGoing at the home of the brides-

Mr and Mrs Louis JessonThe tact that the golden wedding an

nlver of the brides parent wasbeing observed on theto the novelty of the occasion


Omaha Jan LTho price ot hogs atthe South Omaha market reached another high today when 057per hundred pounds was paM for onoshipment or i hogs averaging 280

pounds eac1-



Denver Jan GThe inquisltlvenescthe life orof a mCi8engcr boy sCled

Miss Eva 19 years who had

taken several bichlorlde ot mercurytablets with suicidal Intent

The girl wrote a note to a tonIc friendinforming hIm ot her Intentions andgave It to a messenger boy to deliverThe latter read the missive and hustledto the police station with It PolleeSurgeon was dispatched to theurdgIrls room found her In greatagony Emltles gave relief and an 1101later the girl was pronounceddanger

She refused to discusS liar attemptto end her life

The note gave instructions to sendword to father William Frazier Wa-terloo md




John H Larsen Councilman From

Second Ward Breaks Down

On CrossExamination


Found Dead Mans nat In Gear o-

rtt anti 1layfnlly Tossed ItInto Another Car

Special to The NewsOgden Jln 5A sensation was cre-

ated this niorning at the Inqucstblnghell to investigate the

< or Fhut who was run over andkilled Saturday night by a speing-auto party who were outthe new year In a white stcoer car

Hugh Wood an Idaho stockman whoowns nn automobile similar to the onowhIch killed Fut had establshe anabsolute alb for ma-chine at time Faut n killed andthe only machine of that kind that wasout at the time of tho fatality was runby Wililant

the Howel who was arrested-tor

At the opening of the hering thisforenoon Howels DJohnson preliminary talk-whitewashing his client In an effort toexonerate him from all blam He admated that Mr Howel and his partyof Joy riders tho street ntthe time the accident Is said to have-happned The party had not been drinkIng he said and the machine was beingdrison at a slow or moderte speedneither the driver nor the other occupants of the car knew that an accidenthad occurred They had felt only aslight jar at the spot where Fut waknocked to the pavementThey did not learn of the casualty untilthey were accosted in n saloon wherethey next stoPPe by a policeman whotook them garage with the ma-chine thence t the police station

DAMAGING ADMSSIONSThe only witness examined this morn

lag was John H Larson councilmanelect from the Second ward who In hisdirect testimony substantiated thestatements of Attorney Johnson Butwhen lie sas taken In hand for cross-examination by H H Henderson at-torney form Mrs Parker Faut thewidow ho contradicted himself andlater became confused that lie hardlyknewhlsownname He amIted thllfor a time on the day of the fatalityand that for three or tour hours beforetho killing or Fut they were drivingarund the streets and visiting saloonsand drinkng He mentioned six ormoro that they nad sisttedWhen the party arrIved at t1e garagehe said he found the Ielmsrunning gears of the he got Itout and playfully tossed It Into the carbolonging to Hugh HoweiI Atthepolcostation he told Howelldone wih the hat Ilowell told him to

tho garage and get it againthis lie did and on the way back to thestation lie threw It Into nn alleyway

Larson was still on the stand whenthe hearing was adjourned until 2oclock


Tuml Out or Bed Drives Four Miles-To False Alarm

How would you like to be sleepingsoundly In a nice warm bed and thenbe suddenly awakened by the sound ofa fire alarm jump out of bed and haveto ride three or four mie In weatherthat threatened to the botomout or the thermometer

Such was the experience or ClofGlove or the lire department earlymornIng If there had been a teal hatiire perhaps he would not have mindedso much hut the only fire discoveredwas In the furnace although there wasa ret deal ot smoke

alarm came from the home orH p Lytle Sit Ninth East street Theman who lixed the fUloce forgot toturn on the drat and It was not longbefore the filled with smokehlnking the place was on Ire Mrs

Lytle turned In an alarm The appar-atus from No5 just a short distancefrom the Lytie home responded hutChief Glare had to make a run fromhedquarter When the chief retUnc l

process Icllulled


Is Appointed Curator of the UueS-

aconnl lc ttrqucoiogea In Mexico

Paul IIenitig tOIisome time 0mem-ber or the University tacul hareceived an appointment curtor Inthe deportnient ot ethnology otthe famous museums ot Mexico tue-Musee Naelonal do Arqueologea Henning enters the position vcli equippedhaving spout many years In exploration-and research particularly In SouthAmerca He was the interpreter of

U expediton to the southercontinent agocent years has accepted private com-missions along his special line of workMr henning Is intensely interested InsecurIng clvii records In the southerncontinent which will iubstantiato tothe world the declarations or the BookQf Mormon with r gard to the people ofthe American contnents and In a rocent letcr artist Falr-bani this city lie says that lie Isalready sure his prezent position wIenable him to achieve this resulthas receiitiy had access to a collectionIn Mexico which he copied which hassited ranch light upon this sUbject MrHennln Is a German and became amember or the Church In Mexico andsince hIs connection with It lie has beenan ardent follower ot Its teachings HeDpealt

Spanishfluently Fench Englsh Ger

welversed In Latin and ninny Indianbets


David McAndrows formerly of NewYork City who played tulbok on theDartmouth college fortour years and graduated there In 1890-

is In tho city to occupy a positon withthe audiors department Ore-gon Mr MoAndrows WUIan employc or lie Salt Lakefew years ago nt thIs point hutto San Fncl9co where he was a yard-master Southern Pacific andcoach for the football team ot the UnI-versity ot California

j SI



Tells of Launching of the Battleship Utah and Senator-

Snioots Speechi




Said ltegardlngJosephSmitlj-snirtliaayrtigagciiiciit


or IcutCommander Pearson Announecil


lhe report circulated by tIiebtressthat Senator Reed Smoot made uspeech saying that it was a fittlntribute to the memory of lieProphet Joseph Smith to have thebattleship launched on

ersary of hIs birth was all nonsense Senator Smoot made nosuch remark nor anything 111cc itThe story caused some comment but-I take great pleasure in denying it-

Governor William Spry to TheDesert News

Gov William Spry was busily en-gaged at his desk bhind stacks or maland official morningthree hourafter lie returned from theeast where ho and his family and of-

ficlal arty attended the launching ofthe United States batleship Utah thelargest manofwar specialtrain was deiayed many hours by noVand the cold wave which has tine en-

tire country In its grip arrIving here-about 6 oclock this mornIng

Althouch Coy Spry was burled soto speak wIth the affairs or lila otlice lie had time to talk of the success-ful launling

theof the

eastbattleship aid the

The ceremonies were very simplebut perfect While the workmen wereknocking the supports away the Uthpart stood on a small platform Tenthe great steel hull began to trthe tattleship was named and it wasreleased gilding majestically Into thewater

rRIU FAKE DENIEDThe report circulated by the press

that Senator Reed Smoot made aspeech saying that It was n fittingtribute to the memory of the ProphetJoscph SmIh to have the battleshiplaunched the anniversary or lilabirth wa all Smootmade no such remark or anything likeIt The story caused some comment but-I take great pleasure in deayingi

Wihout a hitch the launching andfeatures were carrie ott

perfectly lie eclared TheUtalZ j

now the largest battleShijag a displacement 000 tons e-

Sout Curolina Is the largest ship nowtlS6 It having a displace-

nient of tons While theIs now the largest manofwarU1e

government contemplates the construebattleships much larger

but they wi not bo In cOmmissionsonic conic

The Utah Is equIpped with all themodelnppllances 01 can be used as

It is the onlybattleship with a battery which willdestroy torpedo boats by shootng-under water The Irst batteryot 14inch guns secondary ba-tten ot smaller suns and rapid lire

The shIp company was leponslhlefor tue launching on thatMay the president of the company sidthat the Utah was the heaviestship that had ever been launched andto have waited until the turrets had

ben In place and the heavy machlnwould have made It dangerous to

launch The iivor near the shipbulding yard oftimes freezes andbeen delayed any longer the launchingcould not have taken place until March0l April This would have delayed theworl materially The Utah weighedabout 1000 tons when It was launchedas IUTAHS SAILOR ENGAGED


Commanderwe were In Phiadelphia

was with tlto par Ills engagementto Miss Norris York was an-nounced at a dinner given by thecompany at whIch lie was one of theinvited guests Miss Norels la aprominent society and club womanor New Yoik and very handsome andcharming-

Wiieii the battleship Is placed incommission I think it would be a

ery fitting complement to Utah to-

lasso Lleut Commander Pearson Incommand or the ship lie still holds toUtah as his home and Is exceedingproud or the battleship whIch curriesthe name of the state


While In Washington SenatorSmoot Fanlt Pierce and myself cal 11

on Secy r In regard tolund In the southern part of the statewhich hail been withdrawn from entrybecause of the possible development otoil There are two largo Irrigation pro-

jects under coiitotnplation whIch wouldreclaillt this land Seey Balngel saidthat there was no anyoil Imineral In tracts of this landthat it would bo rinstated fo entry

willTho projectsreclaim about 20000 ares of land andit could be taken up the CareyLand act The promoters Intend totake tho water from the RIo VIrgin elyor to apply on the land and mens ngreat thing for the southern ofthe state Senator Smoot and r alsohad a talk with Secy Ballinger In re-

gard to mineral lands found In schoolsections Mr i3aliinger was willing thata friendly suit should be Instituted tosee whietlier these lands reverted to thestate or not and to determine whatlandsschool

shouldlands b accepted In lieu of

Wnshingtoti nas ery quiet while Iwas there I vIsIted with Senatori3moot Senator Suthclnd and Con

Howell CamlesANSSman all well and then Is anxious to participate In thetat amount of legislation whIch will

como up In this sessiOn of Congress



Chicago Jan 5Mombers of tho-switchmens union iepresenting thewestern roads today agreed withthe General Managers associationto submit their demands for advance In wageS and changes Inhours to abitrtion under the Enlman law asked tor-


1 l



Rep Taylor of Colorado Intro

duces Bill for Creation of One

To be Known as the Tenth


Stales Composing U Would he UtahColorado Nebraska Jinn ns-

AmI Oklahoma

Special to The NewsWashington D C Jan 5Represent-

atlwe Taylor of Colorado has preparedand tolay will introduce 0bill amend-ing tim federal statutes so as to createa neW judicial circuit to be known asthe Tenth circuit The purpose of thisact Is to divide the present Eighth distrlct In which Colorado Is locte ma-king a new dIstrict thestates of Utah WyomIng Colorado Ne-

braska Kansas and Oklahor To thisproposed district New will beattached whenever it Is admitted tostatehood The present district as nowcomposed Includes besides the statesmentioned as Intended to include thenow Tenth tiistiict an arm ofcmlraccg10712 square populatIonapproximately of H000CO0 people

Sessions ot the circuit court ot ap-peals are now held at St Luis StPaul Cheyenne and Denver 11-1gation arising from the western parotthis circuit court cannot all boed to at Denver withiout great dciay-To hasten cases and make oral aigu-nients thereon counsel are frequentlycalled to St Lions or St Paul wltlis quIte a bprden or expensegiints and time to counsel MrTaylor is of the Impression that tubshroPoSeddiis1on wI meet with thehearty endorsement the bar through-out the entire clewt of 12 states suchtto be divided division Itderstood meets with the approval otJustice Brewer to whose control theEighth circuit Is assigned

The creation or crcui wientail a most triflingpease as there already exists In thepresent circuit four circuit judge twoof whom have their the1ioPOSed new circuit and the othertwo In tim old Eighth as embraced Inthe proposed bill No additional elcult judges would be necessary atonto though In a short time one ad-ditlonal circuit jqdge In each circuitmay be required The only additionalexpense immediately called for wouldhe one additional clerk and one a d-

ton11 marshal


rj l tt I JtOIiter nCnCol01 tobe itecqlcer

< Ia The NewsWashIngton D C Jan 5The pre

Ident sent to the senate today the nom-Ination of Charles Demols of Utah tohe register and Don B Colon of Utahto ereceiver of the lundomce Thomas H Bartlett of Omahans register of tho land omec at Lewiston Idaho and the following Idahopostmastels roio M Sargent GleansFerry Nadina Jerome HubertO Bell Mimer and Joseph W Fold atHale Also Clyde B Walker ot Ida

regIster of the land office atJuneau Alasl


Washington D c Jan iTho sen-ate today confirmed the nomination otThomas Hull to be surveyorgeneral ofUtah


State Chemist Vlll Examine Samples-Tolen Today

Food Cornmisaionor IInnsen seizedTuesday aftornoon a large lot ot drIedcodfish shipped in here by tho SwedishProduce company of Chicago and theSeattleAlaska Fish company or Seattie The entire consignment appears tobe iotten front tile samples taken andhanded over to the stte chemist forexamination the putrid ammonlo from the stuff beIng cry mark

view of the sltaip watch maintouted over food products shipped Intothe1ialt Lake market It might be welfor coilaignoril to exercise a hittins to the character of the goods theyare sending In here say the pure foodofficials

DEATH OP M-S HATENSTINMrs E A Hlltensteln wife of for

met Cuiichhiiian E A Hartenstoin diedat 235 t11 morning at her home lnthis city Canyon road ot pneumonicMrs Hartomistein was the daughter otWIlliam C and Hannah Dunbzuwas born at the old Dunbar home Inthe Twentieth ward She was 47 ellot age Daring the hast 10 yershealths has not been robust slvhas bre liar ihiiessand surferlag with

her lovable disposition liessurrounded her at all times with awIde circle ot steadfat friends She i-ssurvive by During

or her Ines sonic of thebest medical this city Calfornia and Europe have been Intendance upon her About her death-bed was a circle of relaUesgtherand funeral will be heMtom S D Evans mortuary chapel In

street Thursday afternoon at 3oclock Friends are InvIted to attend



The state fish commissioner has no-w7oOeastr brook trout fry in the

A large batch ofGerman brown trout will be hatchedout In three week and duringmonth there bhatched out amillion or rainbow These youngfish are to b planted In U10 varoulstreams of state nextcommlslone has now 400000 trout fry

Creek hatchery to whicha half million wi be added In 0 towdays

ROUGH VOYAGECAINSTtATJSBoston was a rough road

that the siearner Culrntrath travoled-In her long voyage across the Atlanticfrom Mediterranean ports which hasjust ended at this porL Twlco shewas forced to replenish her coal bunk-ers from the Island port of S1-


Micliacls and Bermuda Sho lost decktlngs and ventiators had abridgosmashed and torn away andat one time 150 tons of water In hertore peak

She met an 103 gale early yesterdaywhich covered her with Ice so that sheseems like an animated berg ns shelies ather doelt here today


May Develop Facts to hc Picscntc1l toGrand Jury

New York Jan 5DIst AttyCharles S Whitman has decIded thatthe milk Investigation iastitutcti bYth stato attorney generals officebetermbno whether dealers In New Yorkhave conspired to control and increaseprices might develop testmony which-would warrant action grand-jury lie has assigned his assistantWilhlam A DeFord to attend the sessions and to watch the progress ot pro-ceedings with a view to reporting thematter to the district attorney


Terre Haute lad Jan 5John Sodbrink who has been Insane since hewas Injured two years ago when working as a brakeman on the Dig Four hasbeen restored to sanity by an opera-tion on Ills skull only to be told thatig000 damages obtIne front the

company for hIm expendedtratmentS-



Evan srihle lad Jan 5DeputysherIs who yesterday went to the

Marshall MeMurran ag GO 0hermit near to removeState Insane hospital round tat theman had 22000 on his person lurran was almost starved



Waterloo Iii Jan 5EveryChristmas for the last six earArnold NoteI teased his parentssome a shootng weapon

3 a Cliristnias pleadingsresisted by his prudent parentuntil the Christmas just past

his father presented hIm with a blankcartridge pistol

Arnold was 15 years of age diedyesterday of tetanus after several daysot suffering The first cartridge hi-eattempted to shoot In his longdesiredgift jamed In the breech and hotrIed It out with a nailvrhe cartridge exploded and drove the

nail so deeply Into the boys hand thatIt had to he drawn out with forcepsFive days later tetanus developed



Chicago Jnn5FIe persons weleburned one In a lireby an explosion ot gasolne In the com-mon kitchen of a lata nlbhtTwo men who wro startingIn lie kitchen stove poured gasoli-neou4otacn on some kindlng whtic1lied 6ii1gniteiL Th throwthe contents of the can all over theroom Three ot tile wonton burned weretaken to the Cook County hospitalMiss Pauline Savenski wJ probablydieThe fire did little damage to thehouse the fames beIng extinguishedby FIreman who was passlag at the time and heard time crIes ofthe women rushed Into the house-and tHewith h and other articlesof clothing and blankets smotherlthe names


New York Jan 5Ilaroa Ylmowskyot Berlin and his wife whoBarbAra Krupp daughter oi the greatGerman sunmaker have left for Germany aieI a three mouths sightseeing-trip In Unite SUttcs and CanadWhat us mostbaron just before depatting was thesettlement work which we obsered InNew York ChlegSanother cItes tnlts great Inter-est in work Is carrying-btok wIth her many America Ideasand plans whIch she InGermany

When the baroness was asked if shewa an advocate of woman suffrage

she and her husband laughed andrepled together

not that



Ness York Jan GUnloadlng orthousands of Rock Island common

share today on the stock exchanethe price down fromGO and opened the floodgates orcountless reports chief ot which wasthat G Reid one ot the controlling Interests In the railroad wasreducing his commiments preparetory to a trIp

Mr ReId was at lila office todayand It was said there that he expect-ed to take his usual winter vacationnext month Whether Mr Reid was

any or his holdings In Rockselnl could not be learnedThe governors or the stock ox

change will act next Wednesday onthe report of the speclai committeeappointed to Investigate the recentsensational skyrocltotinK of Rock Is-

land stock which bounded from 51-

to SI and back again In 15 minutes


Jan 5Delny to steam andChicrailroad trains time

stinging sleet sterns or last night Alight rain which froze as It fell thismoinln made walking difficult and

Trains from the wetImpede tmfc to 20 hour lateOverland limited on Chicago-Northwestern railroad was 20 hotmr3



Washingtomi Jan 5President Tafttoday sent to the senate the nonilna-tlon ot members ot the neW couit otcustom appcai8

lawauthorized under the

To bo presiding judge Alfred CCoxe at present Unite States circuit-judge on the

To bo associate judges William UHunt at present United States judgefor the Montana James FSmIth formerly governorgeneral fthe Philippine Islands former judgethe supreme court or the Philippine Islands and former cletor or customsIn the Philippines Barber at-

Vermont a prominent lawyer or that-state MtIXISn at present chairman or ito board of general appraisersat Now York




At Reports That They Are tobSingled Out by


tion for


RCJ Iallson Says Iroulmic wl i-

Gctldrch amid Canimoim ttJ 7rSupport TIicnm 1<


rWahlnslon Jan 5With nthaz-mit

j1 some cases bordering cii t-

aner the Insurgent nepubUc-bels


ot the housl tQ e pubreports that hey were to be

singled out by the mlilhlstrnton foUr

puniahment for cnduct as members ot the mijparty of the houseSeveral of them were unsparbngin I

their denunciation a policy hichsough to punIsh a man for lndpen j

though anti action si thexpressed atew tvcro loathto believe that Plesldcntstt woufl-lend his ail to lnist I

castigation to them for shpportngthe l

vcr principles and jclaimed the party Itself stood

pledged I


Representatve Madison ot Kansasa ot the matter to j

which several of his asociates stubscribed He said

We Insurgents a we are called iare not against Taft Or his policies-

C are unanimously I believe iiifavor of every leading reform towhich the soul time Repubihcnn party Is committed For instanceI am In favor or postal banksconservation of natural resources re-gulation or injunction reform orfederal coUrt procedure goernmentregulation and control otlndutrlaand carrying corporations the publcncampaign funds andton oJ Most or the other Insurgentare for these same things

It Is slanderous to ay that we canlie swerved front time course of sup-porting these reforms by the with-holdingI of any official patronage by I

anybody or be Induced to stijport thisI or that proposition by the offering r-

I olIelal sop ot ally kind Ve ore cciiito the principles which I litive-

cnuniorated because we beleve theyare rIght and not presldent or anybody else Is for or againstthem

It Is not the insurgents ot tiehouse but men like Aldrich andnon whom the president will hmve io-


Induce to support lila jUcc in-

surgelita are for th anc 1

have been all time time-Reprosentatie Norris or Nebraska

added his of this deelarttioflas did Represenlative Ilayes ot Call-


who said his might was solelyagainst the rules or the houseond itspresent oigauiiztttlomi Ott the latter

said Mr hayes lie waproposItonfight to the ilnishi It jI

the Independence or the ropriusentativo-ill Congress which he was contendl



ime Insurgents are discussing time dc-

sirabihityI or holding an early rneeUngamid ascertaIning front President Taftwhere they stand The calngot themneetiimg is In time hands en-

tathe Hayes or CallforaiaThere was ito apprnt sIgn of the-

insurgent senate Itof the Capitol further than tho numous eohfernc which insurgent Re

the housit side neroholding with tIme senators frolic thtirstates regarding time policy which theywere to pursue

Senator Cummins saId he had cxperienced no dlfCleuly wIth the jostotlc

other goIn regard to his patronagedeprtment

REDY DEATH STUGGLMomit of the rdica Insurgent

ers on the feel that withthe a few months dis-

tant eleetonsbut death struggle with

them and consequent when forcedInto the fra hesItation boutcarrying time war to any extent lime

effort to defeat Insurgent congressienby starting a fight aWell home districts as was reportedyesterday begun In severaldIstrIcts of the west lies lilt hardandthe conressniefl so attacked will prob-

ably make no choice ot weapons In de

tendIng tlmoniselve-sIt was expected that some statements


would be forthcoming ode from theadministration side as to Its attitude I

time insurgent So far Post-

master General bias remaInad silent under the statementeianating front

to time effect that Mr titchiholdlng up the appintments-



postmastersimmembers ot the

house Publishmed intlitmations thatthl I

course was beIngonce to a number of congressnteml trorMinnesota amid WisconsIn lies so

no formalauthiorlt-


denial com any ad-

ministration HItChCOCk who iii

regarded the closest poiL-

ticalgenerally a declinedadviser of tIme

to make any statement fur pubhicfltiOfl

regarding time cjuciitlOrm lie did notdeny having a conversation with BeP

Miller or Minnt Otnno ot

the In thehme

Insurents him what the admni-

flistrati6ns position was likely to be liewas Quite sure that whatever determinatiomi mIght be preIdent federal patronae-would

rspctngmerely thedepartment but all branches or the



Now York Jest 5All grades offined sugar were advanced 10 cent55hundred pounds today


WATHR JOTiomiight amid Thursday Fair 4

Cntuct Cold WetheO-





inmiT J it

12noon 130-


fto1 pm 1



