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II I IB eCleanUp 3SEE t Grey checkY i Prices stripe sad...

Date post: 29-Oct-2019
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I ItJUDl 3LltCn J8 THE i PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAGE FIVE I + r J iJ tadks pattered Juits Wool or rajah Jilk It r Grey tan red and white checkY ri or stripe sad all the new spring I lt ahades a barge selection from which to choose and the most 1stylish models we have ever shown Price f 15 to 945 < An exceptionally large and classy showing at 2250 and 1 25 h sit 9udqs t THE LOCAL fBWSl S j I GET IT AT GILBERTS Dr Gilbert Osteopath 642 Broadway Phones 196 Rubber stamps seals brass stencils etc at The Sun office Linen markers for sale at this office t Frco city and farm scat relate prlco lIt Wblttcmnre Fraternity building Phone 8S3 For Rheumatism take Maya v 1 l t4BpoclAc sign writing O R Sexton 11honea 401 a fi For malaria and chills take I i Hays Specific Flower Seed that will lroIe enough to supply all Paducah now on sale Brunsona 029 Broadway I I For Stomach Trouble Indices C O tlon Dyspepsia take Hays Specific I t As we have no rush Jobs on band I at present we sic now more ivbly pro pared to irlvo you flno workbanshp carriage and automobile painting I j jon I t jja9bat h e phones 401 For Eczema or Impure blood 4 take Hays Specific For Constipation or Torpid Llr er take Maya Specific giroS I J find A wolcoma forUiclr gifts at UlI Charity club headquarters 214 I a It kf Seventh twat or by calling phone 743a oldI I I Surrey and harneaa for sale M Klshcr Phone 320 Wo have the reputation of serv I I lIuChlnnllns F A burglar alarm was received about 830 oclock last night byI Night Captain John Dorian at police I headquarter from Seventh IIndI IIand II trip but no trace o a burglar could I bo foundI I 41 4 CIIIIKNWH I Tt IU- iitalean r t l IHll In the llrlcliftlag to nwrvntJvpN rIlerllo March 18lIelT von Old onben conservative agrarian In the rolchstag Issued today which I Is vlrt- uall t > < a challenge to n duel to three 1 Progrot lat During a bitter deb Von Oldenberg ihoulod- RudcEctM cnUa forth rudcnev I am at tho dh po nl of Mueller Mdn hiBon and Hauwmnn at any time The EvenlnR Bunlab Went f 4 r Ilf Get it tsaA1 1 Atr I I r Gilberts i I Exclusive Agency 1for e- t s f fThe Gennine t K rr rettirr I4 Mullanes- p Candies f1 H Jil 1 Gilberts Drug- Store T I BroadwajI 0 WITH Till SICK Mr Farrar Winchester la confined to his home on Broadway from lllneta Mr A J Wjalt of Fountain ave- nue ¬ I Is seriously 111 of liver trouble School Trustee C G Kelly who has been 111 for several days was nblo to be out today Dr Lists condition Is reported rtlghtly Improved Ho has been crlt cally 111 with blod poisoning for some Lime Mrs Jake Stratfb who has been II3fr I II shows Improvement today Master Robert Woolfolk U suffer ¬ ing from a sprained back at too homo t if hia aunt Mrs W G Whlteficld Mrs Q 1 Shelton of Lone Oak Is of Inflamatory rheumatism IIU The condlUon of W M Bougcno I lof 300 South Third street who has I been tvrlously 111 for reveral weeks I haw bccooMi ctlticat ood his death it I expected at t > ny timer f i I FLIPPOSAUBI WILL ni rnisrTin IN COURT M ONMOXIIAY IhltIIIIOltl UN irntlrninii llurulnr I Hut Will ltjvc Ho Was In I In Confer I I In order that Ou Fllppo may I hae a chance to get witness from La Doctor to ectablith an alibi Ms hargo of houtebrecklng was contln led until Monday morning in tho- 1tIQ court today Fllppo was positive- ly licntlficd yetierday by Ml 8 Mar garet Park of 123 North Seventh street as the gentleman burglar who wan calmly treated In a rocking hair last Monday night going hrough the contents of tier trunk In her room Mrs Park was recng ilzcd to appear against Fllppo next Monday Fllppo rays his wltnenos at I A Center will corroborate hit itatc ment that tie was there Monday night and that ho did not leave thuro until Wednesday when ho came here Other Cn cM Other castS this morning wrru- FMt driving Philip Phlllts Oda tua ane l Maud Mntlvowp fined SF each preach of jioaco Joo Cannon con Inued until tomorrow Jean Kiluy Owed 10 Irrcach of ordinance An sin TolM er continued until loninr ow Herbert Hawkins fined 95 Im morality Frank Halo and Matilda lohnton fined ISO each Orand laf eny Nora White hold to grand ury under 30 bond and released on her own recognizance IThlt morning Sheriff George loutcr sold tho stock of tho Paducah klstlllerlM company to Adolph W9i1- or S 1400 The store was closed on m attachment taken out by 11 Well Son for money alleged duo i Mrs i i Girardey I I It now showing all the new styles in SpringI I Millinery I Second Floor Rudys I- y b t r 7 IN SOCIAL CIRCUS Memphis Wedding of Interest Here Tim Memphis CommerclalAppca makes notable mention of the mar I rlago of a former Paducah girl who IB prominently related hero as fol- Ios Mr and Mrs Charles Austlt Tindall announce tho marriage of their daughter Ryall Thomas toI Gilbert Watson Palmer Monday I I March 14 1910 Memphis Tenn The wedding was very quietly cele t brated yesterday afternoon In the attractive apartment of tho brldot parents In Marchel court Adams avenue Tho hall and parlor were c- hung with southern smilax with palms and ferns banking the walls whllo about the rums were tall cut I glass vases holding Drldo roses white carnations and easter lilies Tho brldo and groom stood under a canopy of southern smilax and bride roses during tho ceremony which took place at 4 oclock Roy W H Sheller officiating Tho pretty brldo wore a vory handsome braided tailor ¬ ed suit of tan satin pongee with a spring hot and accessories In hare mony Her bouquet was of valley lilies and white sweet peas The only attendant was Miss Lou Law ¬ rence Corbett of Chicago who was maid of honor She woro a white tailored suit with a picture hat Her flowers wero pink sweet peas Prof Boutello presided at tho piano ren- dering ¬ a beautiful program of wed- ding ¬ music Only relatives were privileged to witness tho ceremony following which a dainty wedding menu was served In tho dining room which was prettily decorated In white and green In the center of the table stood tho punch bowl rfulng from a mound of brldo roses and ferns About tho room were clusters of white carnations and ferns Tho green and white wed- ding ¬ motif was carried out in tho menu The Individual cakes bore the final Initial of the brldo and TP In green and tho IcesI I In tho form of roses Mr and lr8 Palmer left at 5 oclock to spend their honoymon on the gulf coast The brldo Is one of tho pret ¬ tiest and most attractive members of tho younger set who during tho winter has shared in many of the social favors enjoyed by tho debu ¬ f tante set Sho is a member of a prominent Kentucky family but has I for several years made her home in thls city whore she Is popular In a 1 wide circle qt friends The groom formerly of New York Is tho man ¬ in this city for a New YorkI I haslcmado April 1 Mm I Palmer and his brideI I will bo at liimoiatJG48 l Union ave- nue Popnlnr Paducah Girls Down in- 0mrtla J 1 hostess at a dollghlul 6rldIparty t on Friday morning In honor of Misses IayI I I Owen and Corlnne Winstead of Ken- tucky ¬ The two prizes were won byI I Miss Owen a pair of white kid gloves I and Miss Annie Prlnglo a pair oft t silk hose After tho game delicious refreshments were served Those t enjoying Mrs Edgars hospitality were MrsJ S Montgomery Jr Mrs M M Cooper Mrs W A Unit tale Mrs Chilton Huston Mrs 0 W Forrlll Mrs Frank Derry Mr Chilton Huston Misses May Owen Corlnno Winstcad Emma McIntosh Cornelia Smith Annlo Prlnglo Caro ¬ lina Atkinson Catherine Atkinson Catherine Cleveland May Hopkins Margaret Huston Mary Jerger 1011I riam Morchous and Mary Phillips Mr Ernest Ayer was host Wed ¬ nesday evening last t a few friends I at tho Elks club with n very delight ¬ ful bird supper In honor of Miss Car dine Atkinson of Brunswick theI guest of Miss Nellie Prlnglo and I Misses May Owen and Corlnno Win ¬ stead of Paducah Ky who are vis ¬ lUng Mrs John Montgomery The party after attending the theater repaired to tho club whero dancing was enjoyed until eleven oclock At that time n most delicious supper was served In the buffet of tho club covers being I laid for sixteen Tho occasion proved the most delightful I of tho winter entertainments Those present wore Miss Nellie Pringle Miss Caroline Atkinson Miss May Owen Miss Corlnno Winstcad Miss Huston Miss Araminta Culpepper Miss Marianne Watt and Miss Eliza- beth ¬ Pcnnlman Messrs John Watt Ed Porgcr Arthur Little Will Hop kins Chas Thompson Phil John ¬ son J U Jcmlson Den Ingram Hugh McKcown Tim Chlsholm and Bert Dokle Thomaavlllo Ga Times Surprise Party A delightful surprise party wn a tendered Miss Okidye Pitman at her homo 218 Clark street Thursdays evening by n number of her friends Cards were the feature of tho even ¬ ing Dellghtful piano selection wero rendered by Misses Nona Cothran Mayano Heath and Gladys Pitman At 11 oclock light refreshments wero served Among those present were Mini Nona Cothran Mr Lionel Mill i Miss Nancy Mellon Mr Clarence nedwlne Miss Hester Thompson Mr Slnimow Miss Maymo Heath Mr Clarence McFadden Miss Pearl Coth1¬ ran Mr Jess Fort Mlw Alma May i hew Mr Perry Qarvoy Miss Gladys Pitman Mr Ellis Orr Mr Thomas P Heath Mrs Della Pitman Mr and Mrs T B Garvey II S R Club Entertained Mtn Ora Pryor entertained the H 1 S It club very delightfully at her homo on South Sixth street Vast night Delicious refreshments con slating of punch and cake fudge nut custard were served It was an en 4t J s rHlr TERRIBLE OF fRAINI I I Followed In the Wnko of the Trou Wo Which Overtook Jlrs Four nlcr of Lake diaries J Lake Charles LaI was to sick II a result of womanly trouble that 3 thought I would dlc1TItcs Mrs E Foamier of 5 1C Kirby street a this city I used to suffer every month and no doctor could relieve me The month before I took the Car I could hardly walk and could not wear my corset I had backache headache pain In my legs chill falntlnfe spells sick stomach dragging feelings and no patience or courage Slnco taking Cardul I feel liko a different woman I have no moro pain can walk as far as I want and feel rood oil the time- I advise all sick ladles to try Cir dut the womans tonic Is You can buy many medicines and of tonlca for mens and womens Ills but only in Cardul can you get the benefit of the combination of herbe medicines peculiar to Cardul alone The principal herb Ingredients having been found of remarkable efficacy for womens Ills are now grown abroad especially for ui and used by us exclusively In the prep¬ In aration of Cardul which every drug¬ gist sells Try cardulT N DWrlte to Tallies Advisory Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat ¬ 0 tanooga Tenn for Special Inntruc lions and 4paee book Home Treat ¬ ment for Women sent In plain wrap- per ¬ on request joyablo evening Thore present were Muse Edna Mooney Mary Ellen Rog ¬ ors Rosalie Warfleld Ruth Koegel and Ruth McChcsncy the club mem- bers ¬ and Mesrra Rabb Noble Kirk- land Ed Gllcon Reeves Elliott ole Clalno Mitchell 1 Robert Graham andn Albert Savage Informal Party Miss Inez BoU entertained Inform a11 last evening at her home 529 Washington street In honor of a few friends Tho evening was spent with muss and games and a pleasant even- Ing ¬ enjoyed WoinanH Club Ilonor0StSSIrlrkr4 HI 1 buy t Tho Woman qetub met irregular session yesterday afternoon at thet I clu t building It was an especially interesting afternoons At tho business meeting In addi- tion ¬ I to the usual routine matters the i yearbook committee for thcCeneuIng I your was appointed as foHowsY Mrs I A R Meyers chairman Mrs Robert Beckon Phillips Mrs John WV Keller Tho report of the Philanthropic de poramtnt for the month was given by Mrs Diaries KIger the chairman and was a splendid showing of thoII good work done Mrs R If Und sey was elected to memborshpln tho i club In the absence of Mrs James A Rudy the president from lInessII Mrs Robert Becker Phllllpi first vlco presidentelect was In the chair The Informal Tea served between the business real on and uiopen meeting was a prettily planned com ¬ pliment to St Patrick The tea tablo In tho library was attractively appointed In green Green carna ¬ tions was the effective center arrange I treat of the tablo and crystal com poles of green mints emphasized the colornoto Slur Frank Fisher and Mrs B L Bradley presided at the I tea table An especially happy feat ¬ ure of thla hour was a vocal number by Mrs Stodard Robertson a recent l bride Mrs Robertson sang with charming ImpreWmwtt Tile Songs My Mother Used to Sing a medley of Irish tongs that al tho world loves Tho open meeting wns under the auspices of the Mustc department of r the dub and featured An Afternoon with the Children In a most dellght ful way Miss Novvell chairman of t tho department presidedand Intro- duced ¬ tho program with a charming little story of a WonderChild InII MusrlcIind delightfully told At ¬ tractive piano numbers wero given by Vivian Cosby Mary Terry Bur nett Edith Shorrill Etwy Berry Ruth Hinkle and Marie Horny Some pleasing vocal numbers were by Edith SherrlU Elizabeth hills Vivian Rubol Elizabeth Rhodes Mario Bon ry Mary Smith Vivian Owen Anna Breachett Owen May D Guedry A pretty feature was the two readings by Jittto Miss Virginia Hart with piano acconvpanlnment by Mrs Hart The closing number was a charming nursery medley A Childs Good Night suns by a number of qulto small children Mrs Lloyd Roswell returned from Fulton this morning where she vie ¬ ited relatives r Mrs H ft Reynold has gone to Louisville on a two weeks visit relativesMrs M P Campbell 719 Clay street returned last night from Wlngo after o visit to her father Mr W R Thomas and other rela ¬ tives T W Patterson county judge of Galloway county arrived In the clay this afternoon on business Mr U II Coley of Houston Tex Is tho guest of Mr and Mrs JM 1 Walton nt the Empire Flats Mr John K Fcrguon returned this morning from a business trip to Mlrelnrippl Mrs Robert Scott of Minneapolis Minn accompanied by her ayd Jser Baker arrived title morn Mrs Nancy a Nsisii7siTi7TiThere Reason Why t 3SEE ROCKH i w dew timerrreraao ravwtirYrj I I Ing to visit Mr and Mrs Robert Scott 512 South Third street Miss Lucy B Coffeo and Miss Iaryi i Bugg of Bardweil will arrive this evening to be the guest of Frank HIU of 824 North Sixth MrsI I Mr and Mrs Will Crpplni and daughter havo returned from a vlril to relatives In Woodvllle Miss Mary Cave arrived Wednes day from Danville for a two weeks visit with friends This week the 1 Is with Miss lichen huts Mis Clara Stewart of Broadway slowly recovering from tho effec a sprained ankle which was burt while stepplrrg from a train upon her return from Cairo last Sunday eveningMrs T W Dollberry of Potenu Okla will return home today after attending the funeral of her father Capt W C Clark Mr C O Beale of EvnnevMlc was I the city today on business Mite Jennie Edwards will leave for her home lo Alva Okla after spending the winter with Mrs 0 Covlngton Miss Margaretho Oarrragey arrived last night from Orconcastle Ind where she J Is a student at tho DePauw university Slie wHl spend tho tiprlns vacation with her parents Prof and Mrs J A Carnagey- Attornoyi Wv Mike Oliver returned last night from Owcmton where he has ibecn attending circuit court Mr D A Dunn Jr of Smlthland arrived In tho city last night on bust nessMr G L Peel of Murray was n the city today on business ilr J M Dyers of Morganfleld b- in tho city on business Attorney D H Hughes left Huh morning for Morganfleld on uxtnciK Mrs W J Wlnchegtor and Mrs Barber McEhnth of Murray are the gucete of Mrs W J Mecdy ilea I Jefferson street Mrs D C Johnson of Martin Teen win arrive today to complete the house part Dr Ed Fancy loft this morning for Princeton on business- Representative B F NIlcs and wife of Frankfort arrived this morn Ing to visit Dr and Mrs H P Sights Mrs Harry Fisher left this morn Ing to join hor husband in Louis Wile and make her homo in that city Hid for Fire Stntlon Seated bids will bo received by the Joint finance and public Improvement committee of the general council of the city f oPaducah until 720 p m March 2SJ910 at the council cham ¬ ber m the city hall for the erection of fire station No 5 Panr and specS Ideations are on file at the office of W L Bralnard architect The com- m ttee reserves the right to reject any and alt bids- Produce Houses Busy Local produce houses have been busy this week with tho rush of business occasioned by tho pleasant weather and tho big movement of produce In the city Potatoes and onion sets have been in demand and several large orders have been placed Green stuff of all kinds been selling lively Cabbage have been In demand while turnip greens has found a ready sale Fruits from tho south have been moving freely In a few days the early vegetables will bo received In tho city and the price Is expected to rank with tile price of meat until tho local farmers begin to compcto with tho southern shippers tT1I1J Audience Hrnrs Lecture A largo audience attended tho lee ¬ ture of the Rev E B Ttomrey on The Right Kind of Man toMnrry at tho Fountain Avenue Methodist church last night Tonight ho will I deliver his lecture on Tho Right Kind of a Woman to Marry Dr Ramsey was pastor of the Broadway Methodist church for four years and has many frknds In tho city to greet himf f TnT the Ras for Job Work LadiesS- ee ottr new line o- fFOSTERS Pumps and Oxford- sCOCBRANSHOECO IJu t Shoes Model Steam Dye Works Dyers and Cleaners of Ladies and Mens Garments 109 S Third St Phone 28oR I WART ADS II EIGHT horse motor for sale cheap I I at The Sun office r i I HAIR GOODS Mado to order Louvenia Miller Old phone 374a HAm WORK Phone 2114 L11 linn Robinson- I FOR SALEA fine yoke of work steers J C Barnett Ledbetter Ky WANTED One or twohorse mo tor The Sun FOUl JIBNT 014 Clay StAPPI 533 N 6th II FOR RDNTFive room cottage 218 North Sixth Old phone 1330 I FOR RENT Threo room house 923 Jackson Runges shoe stord I SURREY and harnessfor sale F 3t Fisher Phono 320 FORT RFT2 furnished rooms with Oath 418 Kentucky Ave I FOR RENl1 527 N Cth Inquire 533 N 6th- ItiIOD I ISLAND roosters hens eggs for sale J K Bondurant I WANTED Two experienced glrli Paducah Laundry CoI I FOIL SALE Barred Rock eggs CO1 cents for 15 Call old phone 1440 FOR 1 TsJx room dwelling 1020 Clay Apply Enplert Bryant FOR WALL paper cleaning old phono C793 Sam WakerI I WANTEDA good cook RTng 352 old D A Yeiser t RUNABOUT for sale good condi- tion ¬ Address Bargain care Sun WANTEDTo buy turniture and I stoves 0 W Baugh JOE South Third New phone 901 FOR BALDSliver Laced Wynn dotto eggs S 1 per setting J B Hall Old phono 1718 BLACK MINORCA eggs for sale U Per setting L E Theobold Old phone 142- 7FORRENT Rooms with team heat and all modern conveniences 502 Wasbingtonc FOR SALEHeal cheap buggies and wagons Sexton Sign Works 16th and Madison Both phones 401 CLOTHING cleaned by Dalton la always satisfactory Phone CSS DILl ton does the beat dyeing In the city FOUND At Barksdalo Brothers Co 131 South Third alt kInds of picture frames at lowest prices Anderson 601 W1DBAWAKE Trimble Manager Phono Pressing 1296a I cubI I FOR RENrThree furnished or unfurnished rooms water lights and phone rent paid Address O taro Sun Give phone number FREE OF CHARGE All White sewing machines adjusted treeof charge at F N Gardner Jr Co I Either phone 395 WE WASH lace curtains very caro hilly Get them cleaner and whiter than you could at home Star Laun dry Phone 200 I L FOR SALECotton seed feed at Illinois Coal and Feed company 30 a ton while it lasts Sixteenth ands Tennessee NEEDLES and repairs for all makes of sewing machlutU at F N Gardner Jr Co 114116 South Third street- YOUR LACE curtains need clean- ing ¬ You will make no mistake In sending thorn to tho Star Laundry 1 Phono 200- WANT I to do your watch and Jew ¬ i airy repairing All work first class- w il N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬ wayI IIWANTEDTo furnish your um broils with a now cover or handle W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad way WANTED we put now covers on umbrellas whole you walt Large stock of umbrellas EyeSee Jewelry Co 316 Broadwa- yWANTEDTau to get our propo sition We sell diamonds on easy payments EyeSee Jewelry Co 315 Broadway FURNISHED ROOMS modern t conveniences 2 260 and 3 per I week Gentlemen only 408 Wash I Ington Phone 780 11Wrlte 11 schedule Preparation free Frank ¬ lie Institute Dept 101 M Rochester IN YS H HO3T13N the tailor Clean- Ing pressing dyeing and repairing neatly done ladles skirts and suits A specialty 121 South Ninth Old phone 338a LADIES CLOTHES Best clean + ed repaired or dyed by our process All dust and spots removed gar meats delivered in covered wagon and promptly Harry Dalton poo- sISlK WU1CK DELIVERY SERVICE Any person wanting hauling dono on short notice telephone me Iwl1 send wagon and reliable driver at onto Horses already hitched and drivers waiting Baggage wagon meets aU trains and boats Skeltons Baggage and Delivery Service Both phones 2281 FOR RENTLodge room Third floor over Citizens Saving bank room residence 5th and Washington cty steam heat and all modern con ¬ veniences 6 largo offices or boJ toms over 206208 Broadway City heat and all conveniences Jas PI Kmlth Both phones 6- 7WAITEDMen to learn barber trade Few weeks required Splendid trade Bo your own boss Can start shop with small capital or work > 12 t020weeklr Further Information free Molar Barber College St Lopl Yo Here are some mor- eCleanUp U Prices Kara Linen Paper per lb 20c 500 Sheets Typewriter Paper for copies 25c Typewriter Ribbons for Oliver SmithPremier or Remington guaranteed 40c Standard Carbon Paper Black or Purple 8x13 worth J250 this sale for only box 9113 Box of 250 Envelopes size 6 XXX at box U5c 1 lot of Typewriter Paper at less than cost just to clean up These prices hold until April 1 First to come gets our choice offerings D Ea Wilsons BOOK AND MUSIC STORE 313 Broadway FOR RiEXT Modern unfurnished rooms 723 Madison- SHAMPOOING and dyeing Old phone 2114 712 S Sixth slree FOR RENT Three room house 612 Adams street Apply 501 South LOST Waterman s fountain pen at postoffcc Return to this office and receive reward FOR SALESA nice pon v Genoa and In good condition Will soil r Call at Hawlcys stablei WANTEDPoaalon by experienced male bookkeeper Address D this office FOR RENT One steam heated apartment In Cochran apartments 4 rooms and bath WE Cochran SALESLADY wanted Must be quick and honest Steady employ ¬ moot Call 317 Broadway fledleggs eggs 15 Both phones 104 rort SALE ORTRAD3 room house on 40x135 ft lot 031 Tbur man street Apply G P Feezor 631 Thurman street fllJ qThree uptodate fur ¬ IJoOR rooms Steam heat and alt Imodorn Improvements Old phone 1415 FOR RENTVro room house newly paporcdat0i two blocks from C shops J9 pet month Old phone 1415ASTSalyer e belt between Hlgn and downtown Return to Mrs P E5tutz 529 Jefferson for reward BLACKSM1TH1NG of all kinds wagon repairing horse shoeing a specialty Tom Harton 222 Ken ¬ tucky avenu- eIM B ROOF 4AINTArktute Rubber Roofing Tho kind that Noah would havo used Phono 1218A FOR SALE Eggs from wniw Leghorns also Pekln ducks CO cents setting A few choice hens at 1 George Rungp Runges tnoe store WANTED Good rerponzlble man to organize Lincoln Labor Union of America Address Room C Eagle building Sixth and Broadway LET MB CLEAN your wall paper and make It good as new Prices rcaronable Claudo Creason phone 2029 or leave orders with Frank Wahls wall paper store ATTENTION have your dirt emokey wallpaper made like new by a competent workman with the best process Send your name and ad ¬ dress to F V Epperson Paducah NOW Is the time to hatch winter layers Settings of Blooded WYAN DOTTE stock for sate reasonable Best layers on earth Buff golden and silvers Apply 417 Washington Phono 2130 G E Thompsont KID GLOVES cleaned lOc to 260 Neckties cleaned lOc hats SOc La ¬ dies and gentlemens garments cleaned pressed and repaired French Cleaning and Dyers Co 113 South Fourth Now phone 480 WE STARCH lace curtains Juel the degree of stiffness that makes them hang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square and stretch them smooth and even 6la Laundry Phone 200 RHODE Island Red eggs for sale S210 for fifteen From pen No 1 headed by Advance Jr sired by Ad- vance ¬ 111 first cockerell of Jamea town exposition 07 first cock Mad Ison Square Garden 08 My hints ron first and second prises Paducah fair 09 Eggs from pen No 2 150 7for fifteen Place your order early 0 L Faust KA2 Broadway Padu cab Ky phono 1509- ACARNATIONS 1 My Carnations can be had at R W Walker Cos drug store 35c dozen or 3 dozen for 1 G R NOBLE Commonwealths Attorney John G tIoett arrived In the city last tight t- on business f Ifi J + btyp
Page 1: II I IB eCleanUp 3SEE t Grey checkY i Prices stripe sad ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cc24qm16m/data/0550.pdfIItJUDl 3LltCn J8 THEi PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAGE FIVE I+ r J iJ tadks pattered


I + r JiJ

tadks pattered JuitsWool or rajah Jilk

It r Grey tan red and white checkYri or stripe sad all the new spring

I lt ahades a barge selection fromwhich to choose and the most

1stylish models we have evershown Price f15 to 945


An exceptionally large andclassy showing at 2250 and 125


sit 9udqst


IGET IT AT GILBERTSDr Gilbert Osteopath 642

Broadway Phones 196Rubber stamps seals brass

stencils etc at The Sun officeLinen markers for sale at this

office tFrco city and farm scat relate

prlco lIt Wblttcmnre Fraternitybuilding Phone 8S3

For Rheumatism take Mayav 1 l t4BpoclAc

sign writing O R Sexton

11honea 401 a

fi For malaria and chills take

I i Hays SpecificFlower Seed that will lroIe

enough to supply all Paducah now

on sale Brunsona 029 Broadway II

For Stomach Trouble Indices C

O tlon Dyspepsia take Hays Specific

It As we have no rush Jobs on band I

at present we sic now more ivbly propared to irlvo you flno workbanshp

carriage and automobile painting Ijjon It jja9bath e

phones 401For Eczema or Impure blood

4 take Hays SpecificFor Constipation or Torpid Llr

er take Maya SpecificgiroS I

J find A wolcoma forUiclr gifts at UlICharity club headquarters 214

I a Itkf Seventh twat or by callingphone 743a oldIII

Surrey and harneaa for saleM Klshcr Phone 320

Wo have the reputation of serv I



A burglar alarm was receivedabout 830 oclock last night byINight Captain John Dorian at police


headquarter from Seventh IIndIIIandII

trip but no trace o a burglar couldI

bo foundII 414 CIIIIKNWH I Tt IU-iitaleanrt l IHll In the

llrlcliftlag to nwrvntJvpN

rIlerllo March 18lIelT von Old

onben conservative agrarian In therolchstag Issued today which IIs vlrt-

uallt> < a challenge to n duel to three

1 Progrot lat During a bitter debVon Oldenberg ihoulod-

RudcEctM cnUa forth rudcnev I

am at tho dh po nl of Mueller MdnhiBon and Hauwmnn at any time

The EvenlnR Bunlab Went

f 4r Ilf Get it





Exclusive Agency



ffThe Gennine t


rrrettirrI4 Mullanes-p Candies


HJil1 Gilberts Drug-




Mr Farrar Winchester la confinedto his home on Broadway from lllneta

Mr A J Wjalt of Fountain ave-nue


IIs seriously 111 of liver troubleSchool Trustee C G Kelly who

has been 111 for several days wasnblo to be out today

Dr Lists condition Is reportedrtlghtly Improved Ho has been crltcally 111 with blod poisoning for someLime

Mrs Jake Stratfb who has beenII3frIII

shows Improvement todayMaster Robert Woolfolk U suffer ¬

ing from a sprained back at too homo t

if hia aunt Mrs W G WhlteficldMrs Q 1 Shelton of Lone Oak Isof Inflamatory rheumatism

IIU The condlUon of W M Bougcno I

lof 300 South Third street who has I

been tvrlously 111 for reveral weeks I

haw bccooMi ctlticat ood his death it I

expected att> ny timer f i




IhltIIIIOltlUN irntlrninii llurulnr I

Hut Will ltjvc Ho Was InI In Confer I


In order that Ou Fllppo may I

hae a chance to get witness from LaDoctor to ectablith an alibi Mshargo of houtebrecklng was contlnled until Monday morning in tho-

1tIQ court today Fllppo was positive-ly licntlficd yetierday by Ml 8 Margaret Park of 123 North Seventhstreet as the gentleman burglarwho wan calmly treated In a rockinghair last Monday night going

hrough the contents of tier trunk In

her room Mrs Park was recngilzcd to appear against Fllppo nextMonday Fllppo rays his wltnenos atIA Center will corroborate hit itatcment that tie was there Mondaynight and that ho did not leave thurountil Wednesday when ho came here

Other Cn cM

Other castS this morning wrru-FMt driving Philip Phlllts Oda tuaane l Maud Mntlvowp fined SF eachpreach of jioaco Joo Cannon conInued until tomorrow Jean KiluyOwed 10 Irrcach of ordinance Ansin TolM er continued until loninrow Herbert Hawkins fined 95 Immorality Frank Halo and Matildalohnton fined ISO each Orand lafeny Nora White hold to grandury under 30 bond and released

on her own recognizance

IThlt morning Sheriff Georgeloutcr sold tho stock of tho PaducahklstlllerlM company to Adolph W9i1-

or S 1400 The store was closed onm attachment taken out by 11 Well

Son for money alleged duo

i Mrsi





It now showingall the new styles in




Second Floor Rudys

I- yb t r 7


Memphis Wedding of Interest HereTim Memphis CommerclalAppca

makes notable mention of the mar I

rlago of a former Paducah girl whoIB prominently related hero as fol-Ios

Mr and Mrs Charles AustltTindall announce tho marriage oftheir daughter Ryall Thomas toIGilbert Watson Palmer Monday II

March 14 1910 Memphis TennThe wedding was very quietly cele t

brated yesterday afternoon In theattractive apartment of tho brldotparents In Marchel court Adamsavenue Tho hall and parlor were c-

hung with southern smilax withpalms and ferns banking the wallswhllo about the rums were tall cut I

glass vases holding Drldo roseswhite carnations and easter liliesTho brldo and groom stood under acanopy of southern smilax and brideroses during tho ceremony whichtook place at 4 oclock Roy W HSheller officiating Tho pretty brldowore a vory handsome braided tailor ¬

ed suit of tan satin pongee with aspring hot and accessories In haremony Her bouquet was of valleylilies and white sweet peas Theonly attendant was Miss Lou Law¬

rence Corbett of Chicago who wasmaid of honor She woro a whitetailored suit with a picture hat Herflowers wero pink sweet peas ProfBoutello presided at tho piano ren-


a beautiful program of wed-ding


music Only relatives wereprivileged to witness tho ceremonyfollowing which a dainty weddingmenu was served In tho diningroom which was prettily decoratedIn white and green In the centerof the table stood tho punch bowlrfulng from a mound of brldo rosesand ferns About tho room wereclusters of white carnations andferns Tho green and white wed-ding


motif was carried out in thomenu The Individual cakes borethe final Initial of the brldo and

TP In green and tho IcesIIIn tho form of roses Mr and

lr8 Palmer left at 5 oclock tospend their honoymon on the gulfcoast The brldo Is one of tho pret¬

tiest and most attractive membersof tho younger set who during thowinter has shared in many of thesocial favors enjoyed by tho debu ¬ f

tante set Sho is a member of aprominent Kentucky family but has I

for several years made her home inthls city whore she Is popular In a 1

wide circle qt friends The groomformerly of New York Is tho man ¬

in this city for a New YorkIIhaslcmadoApril 1 MmI Palmer and his brideII

will bo at liimoiatJG48l Union ave-nuePopnlnr Paducah Girls Down in-


1 hostess ata dollghlul 6rldIpartyt on Fridaymorning In honor of Misses IayII


Owen and Corlnne Winstead of Ken-


The two prizes were won byII

Miss Owen a pair of white kid glovesI

and Miss Annie Prlnglo a pair oftt

silk hose After tho game deliciousrefreshments were served Thoset

enjoying Mrs Edgars hospitalitywere MrsJ S Montgomery JrMrs M M Cooper Mrs W A Unittale Mrs Chilton Huston Mrs 0W Forrlll Mrs Frank Derry MrChilton Huston Misses May OwenCorlnno Winstcad Emma McIntoshCornelia Smith Annlo Prlnglo Caro ¬

lina Atkinson Catherine AtkinsonCatherine Cleveland May HopkinsMargaret Huston Mary Jerger 1011I

riam Morchous and Mary PhillipsMr Ernest Ayer was host Wed ¬

nesday evening last t a few friendsI

at tho Elks club with n very delight ¬

ful bird supper In honor of Miss Cardine Atkinson of Brunswick theIguest of Miss Nellie Prlnglo andI

Misses May Owen and Corlnno Win ¬

stead of Paducah Ky who are vis ¬

lUng Mrs John Montgomery Theparty after attending the theaterrepaired to tho club whero dancingwas enjoyed until eleven oclock Atthat time n most delicious supperwas served In the buffet of tho clubcovers being Ilaid for sixteen Thooccasion proved the most delightful I

of tho winter entertainments Thosepresent wore Miss Nellie PringleMiss Caroline Atkinson Miss May

Owen Miss Corlnno Winstcad Miss

Huston Miss Araminta CulpepperMiss Marianne Watt and Miss Eliza-


Pcnnlman Messrs John WattEd Porgcr Arthur Little Will Hopkins Chas Thompson Phil John ¬

son J U Jcmlson Den IngramHugh McKcown Tim Chlsholm andBert Dokle Thomaavlllo GaTimes

SurprisePartyA delightful surprise party wn a

tendered Miss Okidye Pitman at herhomo 218 Clark street Thursdaysevening by n number of her friendsCards were the feature of tho even ¬

ing Dellghtful piano selection werorendered by Misses Nona CothranMayano Heath and Gladys Pitman At11 oclock light refreshments weroserved Among those present wereMini Nona Cothran Mr Lionel Mill iMiss Nancy Mellon Mr Clarencenedwlne Miss Hester Thompson MrSlnimow Miss Maymo Heath MrClarence McFadden Miss Pearl Coth1¬

ran Mr Jess Fort Mlw Alma Mayi

hew Mr Perry Qarvoy Miss GladysPitman Mr Ellis Orr Mr ThomasP Heath Mrs Della Pitman Mrand Mrs T B Garvey

II S R Club EntertainedMtn Ora Pryor entertained the H1

S It club very delightfully at herhomo on South Sixth street Vast

night Delicious refreshments conslating of punch and cake fudge nutcustard were served It was an en4tJ srHlr



Followed In the Wnko of the TrouWo Which Overtook Jlrs Four

nlcr of Lake diaries J

Lake Charles LaI was to sick IIa result of womanly trouble that 3thought I would dlc1TItcs Mrs

E Foamier of 5 1C Kirby street a

this cityI used to suffer every month and

no doctor could relieve meThe month before I took the Car

I could hardly walk and couldnot wear my corset

I had backache headache painIn my legs chill falntlnfe spellssick stomach dragging feelings andno patience or courage

Slnco taking Cardul I feel liko adifferent woman I have no moropain can walk as far as I want andfeel rood oil the time-

I advise all sick ladles to try Cirdut the womans tonic Is

You can buy many medicines and oftonlca for mens and womens Illsbut only in Cardul can you get thebenefit of the combination of herbemedicines peculiar to Cardul alone

The principal herb Ingredientshaving been found of remarkableefficacy for womens Ills are nowgrown abroad especially for ui andused by us exclusively In the prep¬

Inaration of Cardul which every drug¬

gist sells Try cardulTN DWrlte to Tallies Advisory

Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat ¬ 0tanooga Tenn for Special Inntruclions and 4paee book Home Treat ¬

ment for Women sent In plain wrap-per


on request

joyablo evening Thore present wereMuse Edna Mooney Mary Ellen Rog ¬

ors Rosalie Warfleld Ruth Koegeland Ruth McChcsncy the club mem-


and Mesrra Rabb Noble Kirk-

land Ed Gllcon Reeves Elliott oleClalno Mitchell1 Robert Graham andnAlbert Savage

Informal PartyMiss Inez BoU entertained Inform

a11 last evening at her home 529Washington street In honor of a fewfriends Tho evening was spent withmuss and games and a pleasant even-Ing



WoinanH Club Ilonor0StSSIrlrkr4HI

1buy t

Tho Woman qetub met irregularsession yesterday afternoon at thet I

clu t building It was an especiallyinteresting afternoons

At tho business meeting In addi-

tion¬ I

to the usual routine matters thei

yearbook committee for thcCeneuIng I

your was appointed as foHowsY Mrs I

A R Meyers chairman Mrs RobertBeckon Phillips Mrs John WV KellerTho report of the Philanthropic deporamtnt for the month was givenby Mrs Diaries KIger the chairmanand was a splendid showing of thoII

good work done Mrs R If Undsey was elected to memborshpln tho i

club In the absence of Mrs JamesA Rudy the president from lInessII

Mrs Robert Becker Phllllpi firstvlco presidentelect was In the chair

The Informal Tea served betweenthe business real on and uiopenmeeting was a prettily planned com¬

pliment to St Patrick The teatablo In tho library was attractivelyappointed In green Green carna ¬

tions was the effective center arrangeI

treat of the tablo and crystal compoles of green mints emphasized thecolornoto Slur Frank Fisher andMrs B L Bradley presided at theI

tea table An especially happy feat ¬

ure of thla hour was a vocal numberby Mrs Stodard Robertson a recentlbride Mrs Robertson sang withcharming ImpreWmwtt Tile SongsMy Mother Used to Sing a medleyof Irish tongs that al tho world loves

Tho open meeting wns under theauspices of the Mustc department ofrthe dub and featured An Afternoonwith the Children In a most dellghtful way Miss Novvell chairman oft

tho department presidedand Intro-


tho program with a charminglittle story of a WonderChild InII

MusrlcIind delightfully told At ¬

tractive piano numbers wero givenby Vivian Cosby Mary Terry Burnett Edith Shorrill Etwy BerryRuth Hinkle and Marie Horny Somepleasing vocal numbers were byEdith SherrlU Elizabeth hills VivianRubol Elizabeth Rhodes Mario Bonry Mary Smith Vivian Owen AnnaBreachett Owen May D Guedry A

pretty feature was the two readingsby Jittto Miss Virginia Hart withpiano acconvpanlnment by Mrs HartThe closing number was a charmingnursery medley A Childs GoodNight suns by a number of qultosmall children

Mrs Lloyd Roswell returned fromFulton this morning where she vie¬

ited relatives rMrs H ft Reynold has gone to

Louisville on a two weeks visit

relativesMrsM P Campbell 719 Clay

street returned last night fromWlngo after o visit to her fatherMr W R Thomas and other rela ¬

tivesT W Patterson county judge of

Galloway county arrived In the claythis afternoon on business

Mr U II Coley of Houston TexIs tho guest of Mr and Mrs JM1

Walton nt the Empire FlatsMr John K Fcrguon returned

this morning from a business trip toMlrelnrippl

Mrs Robert Scott of Minneapolis

Minn accompanied by her aydJserBaker arrived title morn

Mrs Nancy



Reason Why


wdew timerrreraao ravwtirYrj I

IIng to visit Mr and Mrs RobertScott 512 South Third street

Miss Lucy B Coffeo and Miss Iaryi i

Bugg of Bardweil will arrive thisevening to be the guest ofFrank HIU of 824 North Sixth MrsII

Mr and Mrs Will Crpplni anddaughter havo returned from a vlrilto relatives In Woodvllle

Miss Mary Cave arrived Wednesday from Danville for a two weeksvisit with friends This week the 1Iswith Miss lichen huts

Mis Clara Stewart of Broadwayslowly recovering from tho effeca sprained ankle which was burt

while stepplrrg from a train uponher return from Cairo last Sunday

eveningMrsT W Dollberry of Potenu

Okla will return home today afterattending the funeral of her fatherCapt W C Clark

Mr C O Beale of EvnnevMlc wasI

the city today on businessMite Jennie Edwards will leave

for her home lo Alva Oklaafter spending the winter with Mrs

0 CovlngtonMiss Margaretho Oarrragey arrived

last night from Orconcastle Indwhere she JIs a student at tho DePauwuniversity Slie wHl spend tho tiprlnsvacation with her parents Prof andMrs J A Carnagey-

Attornoyi Wv Mike Oliver returnedlast night from Owcmton where hehas ibecn attending circuit court

Mr D A Dunn Jr of Smlthlandarrived In tho city last night on bust

nessMrG L Peel of Murray was n

the city today on businessilr J M Dyers of Morganfleld b-

in tho city on businessAttorney D H Hughes left Huh

morning for Morganfleld on uxtnciKMrs W J Wlnchegtor and Mrs

Barber McEhnth of Murray are thegucete of Mrs W J Mecdy ileaI

Jefferson street Mrs D C Johnsonof Martin Teen win arrive todayto complete the house part

Dr Ed Fancy loft this morning forPrinceton on business-

Representative B F NIlcs andwife of Frankfort arrived this mornIng to visit Dr and Mrs H P Sights

Mrs Harry Fisher left this mornIng to join hor husband in LouisWile and make her homo in that city

Hid for Fire StntlonSeated bids will bo received by the

Joint finance and public Improvementcommittee of the general council ofthe city f oPaducah until 720 p mMarch 2SJ910 at the council cham ¬

ber m the city hall for the erectionof fire station No 5 Panr and specSIdeations are on file at the office ofW L Bralnard architect The com-

m ttee reserves the right to rejectany and alt bids-

Produce Houses BusyLocal produce houses have been

busy this week with tho rush ofbusiness occasioned by tho pleasantweather and tho big movement ofproduce In the city Potatoes andonion sets have been in demandand several large orders have beenplaced Green stuff of all kindsbeen selling lively Cabbage havebeen In demand while turnip greenshas found a ready sale Fruits fromtho south have been moving freelyIn a few days the early vegetableswill bo received In tho city and theprice Is expected to rank with tileprice of meat until tho local farmersbegin to compcto with tho southernshippers

tT1I1J Audience Hrnrs LectureA largo audience attended tho lee¬

ture of the Rev E B Ttomrey onThe Right Kind of Man toMnrry

at tho Fountain Avenue Methodistchurch last night Tonight ho willI

deliver his lecture on Tho RightKind of a Woman to Marry DrRamsey was pastor of the BroadwayMethodist church for four years andhas many frknds In tho city to greethimff

TnT the Ras for Job Work

LadiesS-ee ottr new line o-

fFOSTERSPumps and Oxford-


IJu t Shoes

ModelSteam Dye

WorksDyers and Cleaners of Ladies

and Mens Garments109 S Third St Phone 28oR




EIGHT horse motor for sale cheapI

I at The Sun office r


HAIR GOODS Mado to orderLouvenia Miller Old phone 374a

HAm WORK Phone 2114 L11

linn Robinson-

I FOR SALEA fine yoke of worksteers J C Barnett Ledbetter Ky

WANTED One or twohorse motor The Sun

FOUl JIBNT 014 Clay StAPPI533 N 6th II

FOR RDNTFive room cottage218 North Sixth Old phone 1330 I

FOR RENT Threo room house923 Jackson Runges shoe stord I

SURREY and harnessfor sale F3t Fisher Phono 320

FORT RFT2 furnished roomswith Oath 418 Kentucky Ave I

FOR RENl1 527 N Cth Inquire533 N 6th-



ISLAND roosters henseggs for sale J K Bondurant I

WANTED Two experiencedglrliPaducah Laundry CoII

FOIL SALE Barred Rock eggsCO1 cents for 15 Call old phone 1440

FOR 1 TsJx room dwelling1020 Clay Apply Enplert Bryant

FOR WALL paper cleaning oldphono C793 Sam WakerI I

WANTEDA good cook RTng

352 old D A Yeiser t

RUNABOUT for sale good condi-tion


Address Bargain care SunWANTEDTo buy turniture and I

stoves 0 W Baugh JOE SouthThird New phone 901

FOR BALDSliver Laced Wynndotto eggs S 1 per setting J B HallOld phono 1718

BLACK MINORCA eggs for saleU Per setting L E Theobold Oldphone 142-

7FORRENT Rooms with teamheat and all modern conveniences502 Wasbingtonc

FOR SALEHeal cheap buggiesand wagons Sexton Sign Works16th and Madison Both phones 401

CLOTHING cleaned by Dalton laalways satisfactory Phone CSS DILl

ton does the beat dyeing In the city

FOUND At Barksdalo BrothersCo 131 South Third alt kInds ofpicture frames at lowest prices




Pressing1296a IcubII

FOR RENrThree furnished orunfurnished rooms water lights andphone rent paid Address O taroSun Give phone number

FREE OF CHARGE All Whitesewing machines adjusted treeofcharge at F N Gardner Jr Co I

Either phone 395WE WASH lace curtains very caro

hilly Get them cleaner and whiterthan you could at home Star Laundry Phone 200 IL

FOR SALECotton seed feed atIllinois Coal and Feed company 30a ton while it lasts Sixteenth andsTennessee

NEEDLES and repairs for allmakes of sewing machlutU at F NGardner Jr Co 114116 SouthThird street-

YOUR LACE curtains need clean-ing


You will make no mistake Insending thorn to tho Star Laundry 1

Phono 200-



to do your watch and Jew ¬ i

airy repairing All work first class-w

ilN Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬wayIIIWANTEDTo furnish your um

broils with a now cover or handleW N Warren Jeweler 403 Broadway

WANTED we put now covers onumbrellas whole you walt Largestock of umbrellas EyeSee JewelryCo 316 Broadwa-

yWANTEDTau to get our proposition We sell diamonds on easypayments EyeSee Jewelry Co 315Broadway


conveniences 2 260 and 3 per I

week Gentlemen only 408 Wash I

Ington Phone 780


schedule Preparation free Frank ¬

lie Institute Dept 101 M Rochester

IN YSH HO3T13N the tailor Clean-

Ing pressing dyeing and repairingneatly done ladles skirts and suitsA specialty 121 South Ninth Oldphone 338a


ed repaired or dyed by our processAll dust and spots removed garmeats delivered in covered wagonand promptly Harry Dalton poo-sISlK

WU1CK DELIVERY SERVICEAny person wanting hauling dono onshort notice telephone me Iwl1send wagon and reliable driver atonto Horses already hitched anddrivers waiting Baggage wagonmeets aU trains and boats SkeltonsBaggage and Delivery Service Bothphones 2281

FOR RENTLodge room Thirdfloor over Citizens Saving bankroom residence 5th and Washingtoncty steam heat and all modern con ¬

veniences 6 largo offices or boJtoms over 206208 Broadway Cityheat and all conveniences Jas PIKmlth Both phones 6-

7WAITEDMen to learn barbertrade Few weeks required Splendidtrade Bo your own boss Can startshop with small capital or work > 12

t020weeklr Further Informationfree Molar Barber College StLopl Yo

Here aresome mor-


PricesKara Linen Paper per lb 20c

500 Sheets Typewriter Paperfor copies 25c

Typewriter Ribbons for OliverSmithPremier or Remingtonguaranteed 40c

Standard Carbon Paper Blackor Purple 8x13 worth J250this sale for only box 9113

Box of 250 Envelopes size 6XXX at box U5c

1 lot of Typewriter Paper atless than cost just to clean


These prices hold until April1 First to come gets ourchoice offerings


313 Broadway

FOR RiEXT Modern unfurnishedrooms 723 Madison-

SHAMPOOING and dyeing Oldphone 2114 712 S Sixth slree

FOR RENT Three room house612 Adams street Apply 501 South

LOST Waterman s fountain penat postoffcc Return to this officeand receive reward

FOR SALESA nice pon v Genoaand In good condition Will soil r

Call at Hawlcys stablei

WANTEDPoaalon by experiencedmale bookkeeper Address D thisoffice

FOR RENT One steam heatedapartment In Cochran apartments 4rooms and bath WE Cochran

SALESLADY wanted Must bequick and honest Steady employ ¬

moot Call 317 Broadway

fledleggseggs15 Both phones 104

rort SALE ORTRAD3 roomhouse on 40x135 ft lot 031 Tburman street Apply G P Feezor 631Thurman street

fllJ qThree uptodate fur¬

IJoOR rooms Steam heat and altImodorn Improvements Old phone1415

FOR RENTVro room housenewly paporcdat0i two blocks from

C shops J9 pet month Old phone


belt between Hlgnand downtown Return to

Mrs P E5tutz 529 Jefferson forreward

BLACKSM1TH1NG of all kindswagon repairing horse shoeing aspecialty Tom Harton 222 Ken¬

tucky avenu-eIM B ROOF 4AINTArktuteRubber Roofing Tho kind thatNoah would havo used Phono1218A

FOR SALE Eggs from wniwLeghorns also Pekln ducks CO centssetting A few choice hens at 1

George Rungp Runges tnoe storeWANTED Good rerponzlble man

to organize Lincoln Labor Union ofAmerica Address Room C Eaglebuilding Sixth and Broadway

LET MB CLEAN your wall paperand make It good as new Pricesrcaronable Claudo Creason phone

2029 or leave orders with FrankWahls wall paper store

ATTENTION have your dirtemokey wallpaper made like new bya competent workman with the bestprocess Send your name and ad ¬

dress to F V Epperson PaducahNOW Is the time to hatch winter

layers Settings of Blooded WYANDOTTE stock for sate reasonableBest layers on earth Buff goldenand silvers Apply 417 WashingtonPhono 2130 G E Thompsont

KID GLOVES cleaned lOc to 260Neckties cleaned lOc hats SOc La¬

dies and gentlemens garmentscleaned pressed and repairedFrench Cleaning and Dyers Co 113

South Fourth Now phone 480

WE STARCH lace curtains Juelthe degree of stiffness that makesthem hang nicely and dry them upon

frames that make them square andstretch them smooth and even 6laLaundry Phone 200

RHODE Island Red eggs for saleS210 for fifteen From pen No 1

headed by Advance Jr sired by Ad-



111 first cockerell of Jameatown exposition 07 first cock Mad

Ison Square Garden 08 My hintsron first and second prises Paducahfair 09 Eggs from pen No 2 150

7for fifteen Place your order early

0 L Faust KA2 Broadway Paducab Ky phono 1509-


My Carnations can be had at R W

Walker Cos drug store 35c dozen

or 3 dozen for 1 G R NOBLE

Commonwealths Attorney John GtIoett arrived In the city last tight t-

on business f

Ifi J+btyp
