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historicnewspapers.sc.edu · i.i J'*-1 M. L THEPRESS. _>u 'i '- -iJl'.'-l. 1 jA.bbcville, ' O. '1...

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i.i J'*-1 M. L THE PRESS. _>u 'i '- -iJl'.'-l. 1 jA.bbcville, ' O. '1 W. a. LEIt, "EnrroiC ^ii -.J.-f : v- r " : t 'ac= TERMS.Three ftollavn i\ year in b<1vhu?»« £2?"" Subscriptii>ua takvu far a »borler tunc llinn ts)\ tnoutlie. Friday, December S$4,1889, The Abbeville Senatorial Election. The mallei* lias linally been settled jii the Senate by declaring tho Abl>e Yillo Senatorial election null aud void, by a. volo of J 8 to G. Tlio subject carac up on the report of the Committee on Privilogcs and iiloclious, (sign ed by Hoyt, Powers and llosc,) on th<j report of the county cauvassors foi Abbeville Count}*, in an election whicli was hold on 25th of May, 1S(J0, tc choose a senator for the said county and recommending that as L. L. (Julfin would have a'clear majority of for ty-eight, if the Calhonn Mills precinct where the votes was illegal, be llirowi: out, he should be admitted to a seat it: the Senate; and excited a warm discussion. lloyt said that he had takon the beet legal advice, in regard to the pro prietj- and legality of the recommendation. Leslie doubted his law, and called upon Corbin to expound it. Corbin was of the opinion that nci'her Colonel Cothran nor CJuftin was entitled to the seat; that there was no law which would warrant the Senate in acting upon tho recommendation o' the committee, lie" then offered a resolution providing that tho Abbeville election be declared null and void, and that neither Colonel Cothran nor Uufiin bo entitled to a seat. To quote from tho report of the Charleston "Maxwell- commencoed to speak in support of Corbin :a resolution, and recommended a new election. He was interrupted by lToyt, who desired to know if he knew . how many lives had hecn'-Bacrificcd at tho lust election, and how many more would bo sacrificed if another wore 1 1 J i I » -w iiciuj to which Jiaxwcll replied that lio hud fcaid, when tlio question was up before, that if it cost §200,00U it should be held, as a precedent must be estab lished which would redound to the honor of the State. There must bo no more lives lost. Wo must let the people of the State know that they will bo protected in tho expression of their opinions. If the people daro to at' tempt anothor act like that at Abbe vi-lc, it will not stop with tho sacrifice of one or two lives. To prevent sucl wvuni;iii;v;o i c^ilirvs Ulliy UOlOrmUlCU manly action ou the part of the now oppressed people. If we order anoth cr eleetion tbo Republicans of tbni county will be inspired and will carr\ it. Ilivyno wanted Corbin^j resolutioi adopted. :Since the ratilication of tin constitution, the people of AbbovilU had not been aUowed to give a frc< expression,of op in inn at thq bullot-bos Tn liia coiiiity (Marion)* they'used' tc have murders and outrages upon tin people, but sincc itrwas understood b} -the -l>einoeratft thrff for '-eTery nnu killed by tklSfn two of them must die ejwrtffms passed off rpiietlyy-ftnd the people, enjoyed lbeir. .rights*. > He be lieved iu f'tii IbriAt/^rJio wate willing to go to Abbeville (tudthelprld soeurc t,jie rights of tUc oppressed rpeoplo (CJuin.interruntiutr Iiim. Will vnu i^< tho lust luan V"-.)ih© hndi&fiujlc gunpowder before*, aud was willing to smell i again." , Nash was opposed to holding an other olection, and proceeded tospeal contemptuously, of tbp promts mjult to protect Ujo colored people, wheji Ik was interrupted by Uayne with the question; "Dou'tyou think tjio S^ati can do with the people of AUbovillc nt tnc United States did with tho .South crn States.whip them into.it?" Tc which Nasli replied, that the State was different from tho Trmted States besides, it didn't want to use force, it didn't want to use nov but itir.t m<>ni. f r ~ urcs to control tho people." The yeas and nays were called For on the resolution, and Inkcju jvith the following result: Yeas.Coj'bin, Armin, Allen, Barber, Biom^n", Cain. 3)lcks6'n, Duncan, Po^er, Hays, llaj-ne, Johnston, LtslTe, ^tax'well, Heid, Itofce, "Rodders, Slnia (18.) Xa3*s -i-DonaldsOn, jfalson, Montjgttrfopy Nft^h, llftiney, "WimbuMi (<5.y < u Qn© Sctrntof1 tvas bo cbhf^n^.'hni ~ihd: report of the comntittefwOiild be - adopted thAt he sent hito the lionise V-^ the Bfble of that'body to Bwcai « i Gdfilti in* Guffin wafc proseht during thvflcbat*- c r f finffln, we learn, says thift he 'owet his defeat' to4fee^fatefc that he woulc cnot-lend: himself tbufao schemes of tlx pwiy in power~44re.preferred to "«uf .|Jcp affliction, than to enjoy the pteas tires of sin for ai feeasoni"I He sacri , ficed offico to principle^ Wo commend his example to tho imitation of all political aspirants. i ' fti! ^ i } .r vf>../s, S&r Soo the advertisement of Mr TJart the agent, anjapupcinc tfcat b< will rent oh Satnrdrfy, the, 1st Janii ary next, the fit racing lands of Mrij Alston, near tb.e Village.also, thi honse and let $n tbto ^fltage-falBC that ho will sell at prtvftte^ sale the handsome parlor and chamber fiirni iflFfooiftft j i.»;v ', /< 0'11.1i oil X i M r. - *< pSP Tnihohier'^inmp Miu PeronWeAQ 6t her v«obtoft<atHhtf&pidco^ >rereta0ge> 10q tl>^(«cconci Mea<i»ty iu Jtusuary next. , 3^£croupc*a ,x**nnox£<pfciwd *r)d age of the public. *4 L'-L' 1 **«]>! ^ jj <»*» « »«« . i . i Legislative. I i # . The Scnt^W has paused and tho Gov-! ernor bus signed tho Uouae biH for "pitying the interest of the' State bonds ,in coin, The bonds have already i gone up In the Xew York market to Its. i I A joint resolution is pending, direcMting tlio Auditor of the iStato to levy ju tux of one-half of one per c»nt. on >jull taxable property in the Stato to! meet appropriations for t ho fiscal year: !lS69; and tho county commissioners J of each of the counties to levy a tnx not exoccding three mills on a dollar J ijof all taxablo property in their ro*-t poctivc counties to meet tho expenses' !of the said counties for the fiscal year jof 1809, except tho counties of Beau-j jfort and Pickcus ; in the former the] 'j'county commissioners may levy a tax' 'jof live mills on a dollar, and in the. 'jlatter seven, if in their judgment soj i: much be necessary. In tho House, a joint resolution lbr *j tho appointment offish commission-! s'ors; a bill to change tho location of 11the county scat of Harswell to Barn-! i (.\yoll A'illa^e; a hill to rccharler the: ; Bly tho's (Jap Turnpike Road ; a bill: j to. designate what officers sludl soil J j propwiiy; a bill to incorporate the ( Unity Friendship Socieiy of (JhurlesI ton; a bill giving to .Dickinson the' I..r,r <- -> .'1 »aj unu HIV OaVUUUilll mill Charleston Kail road, received their j third reading aud were scut to the, Senate, Some time apco Xash introduced in | the Somite a bill to pro toot tho State' police from arrest for alleged offences committed bv them in tlio dischar^oj v # i of their duties, which provided that they coiik! not bo arrested upon any | alleged oSfenee whatever, and also; !providing that any magistralo who' issued a warrant for the arrest of any * one of them itpou any alleged ottencoj ,should be fined or imprisonod. The! .bill was referred to the Judiciary j Committee, which reported unfavora-i , lily. The report was taken un iu the I * .Semite and adopted without a dissent- jiug voice. .So ends Lho bill. There is j j some talk of abolishing the police.j i between tho constabulary, and the | - ' negro "mulish" wo prefer tho formor j I.the frying pan to tho fire. A bill has been introduced by Xea-i jglo providing that thcio shall be ;appointed by the Governor a Judge, j for cach county, ,vho shall servo for! four years, and receivo feos like ins-1 I . " . i tices of the peacc, nud who shall have jurisdiction over all case* of bastardy, I |all ofteuces less than felony, and to, > j decide and set aside all contracts be-j »j tween emplo3*ers and employees.. ,, There will be considerable opposition to this bill. j Two bills arc pending, giving corII tain persons therein named, thocxclu-j "jsive right of digging phosphates in, > the beds of navigable rivers of the. State. There is much opposition to j these bills in and out of tho Legislature.and very justly. They are do:! jsignpd to create an. overgrown' ino>inopoly.to benefit tho few nt tho ^ ,|WD?0 of the many. "J. A joint resolution is pending, rei pouiuiendiug that the. timo within : ! which claims of touchers for servicesj j routtered during the your commencing I October 31, IBG7, shall be presented ;jior payment, bo extended to tho first ' pi i8jfq,recejved, its.second "(j reading in. tho .Senate j also ^Johnstone's resolution, providing that ".j the Treasurer of the State bo author-, 1 jizjp'l to pay tho accounts, of school .j teacher?, for services rendered ii\thej |3'CQr 1S09, at a rate not less than five :: cents per day for each scholar. The bill to provido for tho better; J protection of laborers was postponed to January C- It is thought that it! | wi'l npt pass. i >j Notipc-was givpn of the following I bills: By Brodio, the repeal of the ^a^L appointing tho Land Commission; j ^ by Runsier, providing that the rcinc-i lidv in all cases, civil or criminal that' may bo carriod to ,tho Courts .of the! Stutc heretofore applying to white! pp^sons ,anlyr iwnle.r.Ll?e old statutes, f jshyj.l appjy' to ti^ll sv^ljout regard to i jrace, ,&e.. .... j A, rosqlulion appointing ft commit-i |tep to .pr<?/jMT charges, against Jmlgo I kAiumvnU was yeferrud to, the Judiciary | r .; » A ' [ .Legislature hav<j agreed to; takc.no por.diem front tfre 23d of De I I'cqmbcrto tho $ib of! January. ! i i 7/ 1 j, ""' ' ; > j ! Mossm. ' MiNer L Hoborltou ,-j are now receiving large additionB to rf.<1\cir Btock of-Staple and FHncyDry; >; Good*.1 Their clothing hats arid Air, rilshirtg goodfc, owing to the1 advance I in the 6enfton,:tliey are offering" at rednced rates. They call especial it-, terition to their plantation BtoClc, embracing n fall assortment of hardwire I Ac.,.also to some superior red clov«r I seed. In thetmillinery department, I Mr6. Lythgoe is prepared to fjrnish the very best styles and qualities, at prices to suit the times. Defaulting debtors will pl«aee read their appeal y ><ht"Pay what thou .owest" and thy «t*4it shall bo long in the land. I ) » . *^-V, .T, , i j|P" fifo refereeco to tbeadvertisei 'frteht wafiothcr coVomn it will bo seen that; Mr. In C. DuPt-o has become a^BQCi^UMl'inorbbsinofai . ni«UlM|lUU W* 3c Co.,' apd the firm vill heqccforth t>o kbowpi as ''N^r^ood, Du"Pro & Coi". 'Wd tbitigfaimAtei&tBe gcntlimfcfo tth; on thettfr [ne^'MirinesB cortfieotioh- Mr. XHuiPee ie.well Jraown as a goaUefUftfi.^higb *,tfe«r«!gli bUBiuoBi man, autl with a largo circlo 1 ' of .friends and acquaintances. . : H I i A Reconstruction In Georgia. The Act to promote reconstruction in Gcorgifi, has passed the House und jjocb to the President. The Act- re-! neats the expelled negroes, and makes the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment, n prerequisite to the admission of! its Senators and .Representatives in Congress. According to B. II. Hill! and others, Congress l as only antiei-j paled the action of the Georgia Leg- islature in these particulars. The Act authorizes the Governor to summon by proclamation, the Legislature elected in 1SC8, to meet on a day designated in Atlanta. directs tho Legislature to perfect its organization by administering to its members the oaths required by the Fourteenth Amendment.-imposes penalties upon all who shall obstruct the! members in taking these oaths.j makes ^'the exclusion of any upon the ground of race, color or previous condition of servitude revolutionary, and llegal," &c. Gov. Bullock wroto a letter to Butler, assuring him that upon the passago of the above bill, he would issue :i proclamation convening tlic Legislature on tho 12th of January. BingJiam and Farnsworth only of tho Ke. publican*, voted nay, . ... Soi:th Cauouna Confkrknch.. This large and influential body met in the Presbyterian church of Cheraw on the IGth inst. About one hundred of tho clergy, and twenty laymen, answered to the roll-call on the first day. Tho Bess ion was opened by Bishop IT. 11. Ivavanangh, of lvcutueky. Rev. F. M. Kennedy was eiccicu secretary, and Rev. O. A. Dnrbv, Mr. T. S. Moorman and Rev. W. C. Power, assistants. The following Committoes wore appoin ted : On Books and Periodicals..lievs. V. A. Sharpe, S. A. Weber, A. J. Canthen, Dr. 11. N. Kirklaud and J. S. Punches. On Memoirs .Revs. Dr. Smith and G. IT. Wells. On tho Bible Canse..A. Porter, C. S. Beard, T.A.Carlisle, J.C.Eagle. Col. D. li. Barton, Samuel Brown, aud P. B. Darwin. On the Publication of tho Minutes. .Rev8. \Vm. Martin, K. W. Thompson, and J. B. Johnson. On I'inanec.-A. A. Gilbert. IT. T Wright, 1). A. I'\ Williams, Revs. K. J. Mavnardie, A. J. Stokes, and T. Raysor. On Public Worship..Iiovs. S. Lcard and J. Tattle. On the Interests of the Columbia Female College.. Ilevs. IT. M. Mood, W. C. Power, C. If. Pritchard, T. G. Herbert, and E. T. Ilemhcrt. To Audit the Accounts of the Treasurer of Wofford College..Revs. U. A. C. Walkor and Bobo. On the second day of tbo meeting Dra. Branch and Prosely of our District appeared before the Conference as delegates from tbo Convention of A 1 nr..-i t\ liiu v.-u cics oi l'rayer recently gs6cmi blod hero. They, wefo cordially reIceirpci ghij delivered impressive ad; dresses. Wo publish elsewlicro a list of the appointments. i o i Tnr State Taxes..Tho State tax for; thej-ear 1S69.1S70, is to be at the rato of onr-hulf of one per cent, against three-fourths of one per cent last year. The taxable property of the State is estimated, at $16-4,000,000, upon which a tax of one-half of one per cent, will amount to $S20,000. 'The Comptroller estimates tho expenditures of the year at $036,293. but as the interest of the debt is to be paid in gold, the premium upon which at 120 per c^ht. (the l'rtterent being $338.it»93,) will be $67,738, and there is also a deficit in the estimate of Legislative expenses of about $60,000, tho Charleston News calculates that, there will bo a deficiency lii tho income of the year of uo lees than $264,(>00 at lonet. To meot this Mr. Kimpton tho financial agent has $3,000,000 of tho Stato bonds in bis hands for sale. Whilst thercforo the rate of taxation is lr.o« «i.« .v^, uic v-jiptfiiuiiurcHiaro ovoa greater than.last year. ; j ] "W^.oj'c indebted to Mr. JJ. Zackary, of Cashier's Valley, foraomp tine cabbages,and ^uppjitir cabbage and turnip seed. 3Ij\ Zackary, (nnd bia JiiLhcr boi'<p>re Jjipnhave, been dealing for years past in this community. They nrowoll known <»n4 ..peed; >»o recommendation. ifr. Zackary has made the culture of cabbage, turnip and other soed a specialty, and is prepared to furnish tho best rarieti^s. All of our friends who are desirous of getting a genuino artiple, and that will d6 all that he promises, can patronize him with safety. For cabbage and turnip seed call at Trowbridgoj & Co*8. ' 10^ Our friend, Mr. Ilonry S, CaBon, the Sheriff, has submitted to our inspection two mammoth turnips, a present irom Maj. A. II. Dickson, one of the most successful farmers in the District. The turnips weigh each some fifteen pounds. Can any one beat this ? If so we would bo glad to See him at the next District Pair, and think'- wo can encourage him with the liope of getting & promium. Bat until we see the superior of these turnips we shall j.in our faith to Maj. Dickson. ' ' >'>' rj ' - > + Wo aro requested to-say that the Greenville & Columbia Bailroad will grant half-faro oxcursion ticket^, which will bo good during tho mas holidays.that ia to say, until the fclst December. <7 ui. ...... Wliy Emigrants Should Go South. A friend has handed us a Copy of tlio Brooklyn (New York) Utuou from which, wo copy tho following well-timed remark* on tho subject of Southern emigration. Public sontimeut at (he South has experienced u change on tho Kuhji-ot of diveiaitlod labor that is destined to render that section the most prosierouh of any portion of our country. Formerly thev i»refi*i*is»«i ...... * . !'»/ «<"« profits on manufactured products and transportation, rather than encourage tho artisan at home. All their energies with slavo labor wcro directed to the cultivation of thoso rich products of cotton, rice, and sugar, for which their section enjoys a monopoly. From tho recent speech of General Wade Hampton, nt tho Georgia State Fair, well as from every representative of publo opinion, wo perceive that the people see alive to their true intoresta, that of encouraging not only the cultivation of their old staples, hut of evory other product fbr which their soil and climate is peculiarly adapted livery portion of tho South produces corn equal to the West, and lsome sections grow the host wheat In this country. There is no section so (rich in (ho various natural advantages as tho Sent hern States, Almost everything that is grown in the Northern and Western States flourishes there, and hosides their soil and climate, ther are rii;h in ber.4.ho hard pine, every variety ot oak, ash, poplar, cypres?, and other wood*, nre abundant. And along the Alloghanies, from Virginia to Alula: buum, in probably the riehct-t section ol the world For the variety of its minerals ; eoal, copper, zinc, marble and lime, have been.developed in a rude.wlave labor.way for many, years. Skilled labor, science, and capital nr« now directing their attention to this* region. But porhaps the greatest advantage tli,e South possesses over overy other soetion of our vast eotinfrv is J its imtnen«o water power, scattered almost everywhere throughout tho hillj' sections of the interior, surrounded with tlje raw material for working into manufactured products, and contiguous by rail and river to tho market* of the world, not requiring throe bu«hols of corn to scud one bushel to tnuric ot. True there aro localities along the low flatlands of tho coast, near swamp ttnd sluggish water courses that art sickly, hut tho wholo interior and hilly sections are more free from local diseases and epidemies than tho West or North. In proportion to the population moro old persons can be found throughout tho South than in anyjoth er section. Wo loam that in many of our citief organizations of eolonies aro being formed with a view of exploring the Southern Slnt',u, nnfl of ootnblioliiUfJ at suitable localities, the nucleus ol .V. » > ..loiiiuuktui llij^ LOW US liliu CIlltJH (These combinations among artizansol the different callings is a much mort sensible mode of improving thair con dition than trades' unions coerce high or wages. The contributions required to support strikes, if applied to send ing delegates to spy .9^ i'ho fertih fields nnd inviting opportunities await ing their err^raco8) would enable ma nY JL-rdftiily now struggling for exist enee in. the crowded North to becomt independent in a few years in the suu ny South, whero now there is no clasi inoro welcome than the manufacture] and the skilled laborer. IT. W. R. From the Abbeville l'rna and BaoDer. Tribute of Respect. ai a ueguiar Communication o Eureka Lodge, No. 47, A. F. M., belt on Thursday night. November 18th 1869, the following Cottimitteo wort appointor to prepare a fcuitablo trib nto of respect on the dentb of brothci John Sadler, whs adopted : WHU-ett*, It has pleasud'and all win< Providdnce to rumdve from our mids our beloved brother, Jolui Sadler who, after a very short lilnoss, \va called to the Celestial Lodge above be it therefoi^ Resolved, That in the death of hro ther John Sadler, tho community hat lost a worthy citizen, this Lodge s highly respected brother, and hii family, a kind hushand and father. Jieiolvcd, That thiK Lodgo pj-mpath ir,e with the family of our deceasct brother, and that we tender them oui condolence in their sad bereavement ) t rni i - - I jicMwoeu, iiai in iGKcn oi our res ipoct a blank page of our Journal fc< j dedicated to tho memory of our de j parted brother. Tho Lodge bo cla( | in mourning, and the numbers there of wear the usual badge for thirty days. t . JietotiM, That a copy of tho abov< Preamble and Wwolution bo tranwmit ted to the widojy of our doc-eanod bro ther, and tliat the.-barpo be publiohcc iu the Abbeville Prrtf ovd B'in*rr. ' J. A. STUAtlT, W. M. 1 !! JAS:; KO&J5K$, " 33. A. JONKS, ; 1:« «-j: ' Committeo. A- true extract from the min^tos. JOil>' 31. GAMBRELL, Sec. _ l_ ., Judicial Appointment*. . Th< President has nominated Attornej General 'Hoar, for the vacancy -on the Supreme..Bench occasioned by ih< death of. Judge Wnjne, and Seoretar^i Stanton "to fill the vacancy causcd bj the rctircmoiit of Judge Grier. Of the bine circuit Judges appointed undei Jate act of Congress,.George A. Pearco, of Maryland, hasreccivedthe appoint merit of the fourth Circuit, which embraces South Carolina, ^ NT* See the notice of tho disBolution of the copartnership of "Jno. Knox &, Co." Tho business will be continued at tho old Btand bV Mr. John Knox, who solicits a continuance of the past liberal patronage. The business will henceforth, bo conducted strictly on cash principled, and he pledges himself to make it to the interest of his customers to tra/fs \rftlr him. Givo him a 6*11. < r^-r ,7 IQ,. See advertisement of Warido ano Etiwan, Fertilisers by Stovall and Howland, the well known agents of Arigusta, 6a. These fertilisers have acquired a', reputation for parity, among the moat valuable of thia kind. Give; them a trial.: ' > The Ijegialatarti h*a adjourned for tho holiday&^wontiJt the 5th Jan'y. They resolved not to draw pay dfnring. thrf reeesfl. # 1 CnniSTMAB..To-morrow is Christmas day. We suppose our readers aro aware of the laet, yet still it is pleasant to make the announcement, though we impart no information. We arc snro that tho youngsters need no reminder on tho subject.on tho contrary they havo made us all feel- i ingiy alive to tno approaching Festi-1 vul. Festival! did wo say,.indued there has been such a fusilnde of crackers, pop-guns, rockets, lionmn j candles, and tiro works generally that two began to think the end of the world was approaching, rather than the advent of that inorn which ushered in "Peace on earth." Nevertheless, Christmas is coming "that comes but once a year".only tho ghost of its former self-j*et still worth a hunjdrcd thanksgiving days I We extend to our frionds tho best wishes of the season. WST Senator Drake has introduced a bill into Congress which proposes to destroy tho chief powers of the Su-I preme Court as a co-ordinate branch ol tho Government.to deprivo it of tho right of determining tho constitutionality of an Act of Congress. It makes tho will of Congress the supreme law of tho land. lleturns from one hundred and twenty counties in Texas irive Davis j (Radical) ft majority of six hundred and ttvonty. There arc only seven more counties to hear from. t i A private dispatch from Paris says ithat tbo expatriation of the Jews from litis 11 has commenced* Markets. Aubkville, December 17.Cotton 22 @ 22}. Nrw York, December 22.Xoon. .Gold 20J. Cotton heavy. 25J. 7 P. M..Cotton favors buyers ; sales 2,000 bales, at 251. Gold closed active at 20J {irl 21. Charleston December 22..Cotton dull and easier ; sales 200 bales. middling 23J@2t ; roccipts^ 2,007 ; exports coastwise, 478. AfonsTA, Dcrombcr 22..Cotton market activo. but at lower rates ; sales 95(1 bales; receipts 1,343.midIdlings dosed at 22J(rt,23. Savannah, December 22..Sales of cotton 350 bales.middlings23i : mar- | ket dull. j XjI veri'OOI., Pecenbcr 22 Evening. llCotton sales to-day 10,000 bales.up;land, lli; Orleans 113. Exports and .! HpeculationB 2,000. > COISTSIONEES. r Tho following numpd porHOns have > freight in the Depot at Abbeville ; ; ti. A. Vizanska, W. D. Mam & Co Win. Cook, J. CrriflGn, J. M Lattinior, W. II. Parker, A G. Floyd, White f Brothers, Jay & Bradley, Wni. Moore & Co., Calhoun & L. Mosely & WUf*3" Mavs, Barnwell <!fc Co., O. & : EXPRESS..J, C: Haskell, A. J. I Winsto^ Jas. jJt Prcssley, Dr. I. -iiraneh. Mary Pattoson, care W. II. ' Parker, Baker & Clinkseales, O. J. Ols - iver, M. Owen, W. P. DuBose, W. H: - Parker, Seal, Sign tfc Robertson, K. T. -jllutaon, W. H. Wardlaw, 3 | TV T> CAVT>T T7V A/. JL\. k>V-l X/iJ Ll I j Aijent.. 3 1* 1Jeto.ni> a Hocut.More <lini'n»e» are the result of n derangement of the IJvor limn from any other cause. Wht>n that organ ia ditvas ><1. every part of tlie *y*teni tjnmpntliigrs with it. anil p«*i»e.rnl prowtiation and decline i the result. The Iiesi, safest and »peedie*t remedy for Lirer Complaint., and all tho diseases f thai follow, is TutU Vej:at.al>lc Liver Pills. . they are pecularly adapted to the climate ol * ho South. They are sold by Druggist eTeryi where. B This Taluahlo preparation is for »nlo I»y . Parker «fc Thnmeou «nd W. T. Pecney, Drug glrtta, Abl»«-vill»*, S O I>eo»mber 3, 1869, "S2.'it [ .. Embroidered Yokes. EM BllOthERED LTXEN" YOKES received to-day, 24th Dec., at » tho , EMPORIUM OF FASHION. j | '.ABBEVILLE 1'OKT OFFICE, 11 Doc. 24,1869. , * r |MI IS Ofiico will be opened during X Christmas from 9 to 10 A. M., ' and from 3J to 4 J P. M. Postage ' received for newspapers at all hour*. r By ordor of the POST MASTRR. j Dee. 24, 1809, 35.It ij HISS ~ PEROHHEAU WILL re-open her School for young ' ladies on the second Monday ' in January, at the Episcopal Parsonage. Children of all ages will, bo rcJ ceived. 1 December 24, 1SC9, 35.3t. Tlte Season for ' ' ' ' >!' rAXinu ur. > TX/'E leave io remind our^twtomVV era timt ihey liave liiui * Inn# i xenson for buying, and NOW we think > that the thne for paying up has arrived. ' Be prompt end preserve your goad uredit. ! Miller & Robertson.v i T»fc 24 1889. 35.if State of South Carolina, _A hhp.vi 11a flmi n fw .T In ih$ Probate Court.. Citation. WHEREAS J. 0.' YOUNG bus made suit to tne, to grunt him LeUers of Administration of the Estate of Jo««ph Preewell, deaessed, lete of ***icl couniy. ,. These nre, therefore, lo cite end tnonreh sit end singular the kindred nod creditors of the said Juteph Cieswvll, (We'd, thet l.__ I.. j . i -r s_ .1 iiwjr mo on a «|>prnr ubmiib nie. fn ine Court of Probate, to be held Ml Abbavllfe C. H., oo Friday, 7th Jan. 1870, after . publie*lk>a Ltttfof, at U o'clock in tbe foronooD, to ebo«r cau*e, if. any Uiey have, »»J>jMbo ®aid Administration tboutd not be gttMtd. A "*' ,7A(;f '* " I 6ive* coder my haed, thia 23d day of Qre#pri>er. Aepo Domini I860, r FubfUbetl on i,he 24th day of December, I860; iir'tfoe 03d year of Americah loafeftUntmi ». rot j WH. HILL, /. W A. a. £L. S.1 1 Dee. 24, 1M0, 93.ft " V. + . - H ... L'.L.JL L "-.I! tmm m*% NORWOOD, Dl TIIK undesigned would announce with themselves in busincftB, Mi will henceforth bo tarried on under tli They would respectfully solicit a contii bestowed on tbo old firm. mcdona; December 24, 1BC9, 35.tf =SCN@/~ ca3 rpiIE subscriber would respectfully I tronn generally, tbat bo is now n firm of "Norwood, DuPre & Co," an relations with them. They will alwaj maud hiij best atteutionB. December 24, 1869, 3fi.tf GROCERIES A!S1 rpiiE ubtcribtr li;ivine nurr.haned the j JL Mo. k ot the UtR Firm of '.Ino. Knr tins oh] Mao()v and would respectfully solicit age. Tlio l.u«itie*8 will he conducted hen is cotifi«)cnt thnt ho can offer such iuducemi interact to tr»de with him. m Deoerwher 24, 1869, 35.tf STAPLE aud FANCY my mux * WVUWMI WE ar« now receiving LARGE addition to our stock of Dry Goods in evory department. MILLER & ROBERTSON. Dec 24.1 809. 35.tf CLOTHIHa, HATSAND H KMSHI.\(i GOODS! We are now prepared to offer a full,. Urge and complete tlock, and on account of ilia advanced reason vr« will sell at greatly reduced price*. " MILLER & ROBERTSON. Dec 24, 1869, 35.if PLANTATION GOODS, Collins' Ax*», - * /D-.l T .1. . \ vnj'|>« me*, ^mu Trnci Chains, limine.*, Plow Lines, Tncwtlisr with a eortpleU aloclc f HARDWARE. MILLER & ROBERTSON. Deo 24, I860, 35.tf Clover Seed. A choice lot of Red Clover Seed At llier & Rotatson's. Dtc 24, 1869, 35.tf mm - mi Our stock was never larger than at this season. Miller & Robertson. Dec 24, 1809, 35.tf **/ millinery. We row proposa lo reil.tb* remnant of our wioter slock at eoM. Mm. M. J [jYTHGOK will always, bd fo.urtd iu our Milliuerv'departinent to attend lo (be calls of her frienda. MILLER & ROBERTSON. Dec 24, 1809, 85.tf i ; 4' Baugh's Raw Bone Snper Phosphate of Lie. i .i < I AM now receiving my supplies of (his I Manure and planter* can rely upon ' getting to artioJ^ fully »p te (La standard hi per analysis. AH borfght frofa myself or authorized agent* I will guarantee, at Mvcry cargo so told analysed on arrival here nod U>a bigb ck*r*<.ur«of (iia^ftuirutra fullj ke|>t up, J p <l. : aik J. N. EOBSON, Sole Agent for So. CV, Nos. 1 & 1, AHi.nlio Whurf, CliarIe»toi), 0. 0, TROWBRIDGE ft CO.. . Abbeville C. H. te. JNO. . STUART, i f ! a-r.U-:-fWiuety 8i*, a Agent* for Abbevi^Qojj))tyv " Prof. Shepbard uaya of tbe analysis made October 18, )8M< "4-J * ("^*>1® *n«nure * and decidedly eofcerldr 'td Udb article of '' X*%JWS '"i" '* K %rvr, iV 0 Experiment naade by M, C. NT* Unt»~? A iooikI, ot lieecli I<kad, a. 0.: .. h. < . No manors,'889 H>v Heed Ooiton fttf * acre. 175. Ibf. Periiyiao Guaftb;132i roe.' Sesd Cotton per acre. 175 lb*. Baocb'a 1480 lb#. Seed Cotton per" ketU *r?P5 Dee 24,1800, 35.3m t* XJUU L IL I'JJJgra ft wmm 5PRE & GO. that they have this day associated :. J. F. U. PuPrc, and tho bnninens e name of "Norwood, DuPro & Co." auanoo of tho past liberal patronage U>, NORWOOD & CO. 3-D. announce to his okl friends and passociatcd in business with the now id would bo glad to renew business s veccive a. warm welcome aud comJ. F. C. DUrRE. 1) PRCS. interest of Mr. J. J. Cunningham in the >x Sc Co.," will continue lite husineM at n continuance of the past l»b«-r »l patroniceforlh *>tricfly on cnah principles, and he sots io Lt3 patrons as will make it to their 0. &S®SC, DISSOLUTION OF Copartnership. THE co-pnrtncrabip heretofore ox* isting between the undersigned in the name of "Jno. Knox fc Co.," liafi this day been dissolved by mu tual consent. JNO. KNOX. ' J. J. CUNNINGHAM. Dec 24, 1SG9, 35.tf Wando and Etiwan ccutii i'/riic imiiLi/ftiij. Agency at Augusta, 6a. WE have now a supply of the*e celebrated Fertilizer*. Experience ha*proven lli*m superior to Peruvian Guano for the climate.tiiey ttumain and d< not burn up tlie plant in a long drought Having for (heir La»e the famous Phos plitlie matter and manufactured by out own citizens of wcIUknown integrity tlicir purity and vn!ue is guaranteed. Stovall & Rowland, Agents, Augusta, Ga. Dec. 24, 1869, 35. Ira t!~ a-- tl a cam to Aeni, ON Saturday, the 1st of Jannar next, at" public auction, I tvil lease for the year 1870, the farming lands of Mrs. Alston, near the town o Abbeville. The rent munt be wel secured, and paid at the end of th< lease. I will loase the Alston houso un< lot, in the town of Abbevillo, to a nnit able tenant, tor the next year. Tin handsome sets of furniture for parlo mid chamber, now in tho house, an ofiorod at private sale. ARMISTEAD BURT, Agent for Mrs. Alston. December 24, 186$, 35.tf. Ho ! Ho ! Ho! Look out Little Folks and ev ery-body! ! KRI3 KRINOLB txpretei ererr da! an<l would have bv«n lirre before if thi old Steamboat hod sot rehuod to bring bite oi the Laat Trip. Linen Toy Book», Alpb*''et C*i"J*, Mothe Goose, Rohinton Criuon, Swiiw Family Ro»<inion, Cliarlfj Watson, Little Feat Colter* C«leo Elder, Tr««t and Trp, dtrintma* Corner Grate, Ac , £c. taniona Fairv Tale* Vuehti, Harpers 25 cent novels, llarptr'a 5C eent dovtl*, sheitou <tc. <fce. Also, , Fir* Cracker*. No. I. Torpedoe* and Jlomao Candle-*, Drawing Slate*, I'alot Box**. Backgammon Board* Mogul Card*, Harmonicas, Children*' K»i*ea and Furka Glo»« ud Hand kerchrif Bexaa, China Cop* Fanay,, Mags. Work floxe*. China Kg ptian Fi/u-ea. China Ewptiin Bible*, I It Dolla. China lta«liu Doil* solid I. R. Ball* Musical Balls. China r«a Helta. Tin Horn*. K«tt)«* Toy Watefcra, Britaniii Ba»k< ts.KalrjdoteQpe* Picture Btocki Papor Doll-, Magnetic Toy* Toy Pistols with raps. Maaka. assorted. Crying Babies. Tn Jtove*. Ao., &*., with a large-variety of French ^aidiea and Kruita, a* . Parker & Lee's. Dae. lt> 1IG9, 34.St Take Nptiee. A LL person* interested will take notice C\. that a FINAL SETTLEMENT of he fSntate of John W; Bo«xm*n, dee'd, vill be made' in tlit Court of Frdbnte for CVo4tJ, .ori the 7th day of Jan tty tie*t, (Prtd»t.)' Thoee htfvibf demand*' gaitmt tbe E»tfcte toott hand tn the etilenee of tbe name W before tbatday ad tbote indebted are ftoqaiTed to <k>me jrward aad pay on or before tbe let day f Janua^^f. # y JfXJA ^ Tbe administratrix will demand Letter* nmim&ry tM dfcitaMfat a above .^dvertiottl. V ~.U . , ''I T I) : Xdnsnutratrix. Dee, 34. H . 1 I > tmi«j.si,r iuiiim j??.ar LOOK FOR TUB LAST COLUMN OI>r THE EDITORIAL PAGE! m ARRIVALS! WHITE BROTHERS Will receiva during tlie coming we«k almost an entirely Kew Stock of Goods, Peculiarly adapted lo the Christinas trauo. Toys ! Toys ! The litilo folks can Hud a great variety of the above at the store of WHITE BROTHERS. Reading Books, To? Brans ani Beisteafis. Tin Horses on Wheels, Express and Mill taps, TEA SETTS, Toy PHtols, Toy Churns, Dolls, Sand Toys, &C«j &c. WfflTEBROTHERS IlttT* just received another lot of thoia Famous Factory Cheese, Which ihey nlw«j8 k«ep. Also, 3 Boies Best Mian Maccarn To arrive to-iuorrowor Monday, . 1 Bale Extra Heavy Bam, Weighing 2J lb». lo the yard. White Brothers. ; WHITE BROTHERS Ilnve on binds a few M UPPS, Wbi«b tbej will tell al coat to ol»d« ib«m out. Dec 17, 1669. 34-*fcf Notice ' SM'fil TOT fl wfBMwmiw Aim i WE ha*e made arrangements for shipping Cotton, Kj w Iiich will ad^ vi\uce liberally on all Cotton* put into our | bund* for bhipinent. and charge onljr HatT en per cent Interest on the tn<>n«y xdvanaI* ed. Wtj will haro the Cotton held *t tkft ] discretion of the owner. Planters whi> e are not patikfied to sell their Cotton at present price*, and yet need money to j meet tbeirengag inents with Merchant*, can ?hip their Cotton through us, draw suffij rifnt funds for meeting present demands, r and take therUkof realizing better prices. c i»f Holding nk long us they deiire. The Commiuidf Merchants to »hom we ship nrt second to none in point of rr*pon«ibility, prucence and buiineM capacity. White Brothers. Dec. 17, 1869, 34.tf l;: ESTATE OF H. WILSON, DEC'D, PURSUANT to order of Court in this E>t«ite. 1 will sell lit Abbeville C. IT. \ 8. C.. the book*, law-book*, book eatea, i office furniture, Arc., of enid deceased, e& Sntnrdtiv, 8ih of January Dtxt. r TERMS CASIT. MATTHEW. McDonnU. » r n » 11 Citrk't Office Abbeville C. H. ) " " » S. C.. Dec. 15th 1869. { 34.3t SMOKING TOBACCO! If jrou waut the beat and fioM Tobacco, call sttd get Fruits and Flowers, Lorillard'e White Puff Tobaooo, May Queen Tobacco, Cigars, at Parker & lee's. Dec 17, I860, 34-.4t CARD. 5 HA.msTftAtt'i Ojrici, \ , Greenwood, 8. C. j Certain unprincipled parties taking advantage a Vilo elaudor porpatrated against me, aucceedc^fiqr %time, in having mo suspended froni office as Magistrate. "But truth crashed to MPtb Hill RM In.t':' TKn vlitkiiw -& .y and fraud have bfeen exposed, anil X trate by his ^c^lleBcy ,. Gov. IT. K. Scott { j r»,| > .{ ,< > ,'<>)'/. I'.! W 1 > aii y*>tMk receive prqmpp^Ueotton,,, Ifj, J»ferr eiMM «m, all' good. -<!* * am ' lfagiaUnat#«cir. c. **vl , I -nvv it .i j K:"TAB'f . Pee. n, 18W, 3i, t* #
Page 1: historicnewspapers.sc.edu · i.i J'*-1 M. L THEPRESS. _>u 'i '- -iJl'.'-l. 1 jA.bbcville, ' O. '1 W. a. LEIt,"EnrroiC ^ii -.J.-f : v- r " : t 'ac= TERMS.Threeftollavn i\ year in

i.i J'*-1 M. L

THE PRESS._>u 'i '- -iJl'.'-l. 1

jA.bbcville, ' O. '1

W. a. LEIt, "EnrroiC^ii -.J.-f : v- r " : t 'ac=

TERMS.Three ftollavn i\ year in b<1vhu?»«£2?"" Subscriptii>ua takvu far a »borler

tunc llinn ts)\ tnoutlie.

Friday, December S$4,1889,The Abbeville Senatorial Election.The mallei* lias linally been settled

jii the Senate by declaring tho Abl>eYillo Senatorial election null aud void,by a. volo of J 8 to G. Tlio subjectcarac up on the report of the Committeeon Privilogcs and iiloclious, (sign

edby Hoyt, Powers and llosc,) on th<jreport of the county cauvassors foiAbbeville Count}*, in an election whicliwas hold on 25th of May, 1S(J0, tcchoose a senator for the said countyand recommending that as L. L. (Julfinwould have a'clear majority of forty-eight, if the Calhonn Mills precinctwhere the votes was illegal, be llirowi:out, he should be admitted to a seat it:the Senate; and excited a warm discussion.

lloyt said that he had takon thebeet legal advice, in regard to the proprietj- and legality of the recommendation.Leslie doubted his law, andcalled upon Corbin to expound it.Corbin was of the opinion that nci'herColonel Cothran nor CJuftin was entitledto the seat; that there was no lawwhich would warrant the Senate inacting upon tho recommendation o'the committee, lie" then offered a

resolution providing that tho Abbevilleelection be declared null and void, andthat neither Colonel Cothran nor Uufiinbo entitled to a seat.To quote from tho report of the

Charleston "Maxwell-commencoedto speak in support of Corbin:a resolution, and recommended a

new election. He was interrupted bylToyt, who desired to know if he knew

. how many lives had hecn'-Bacrificcd attho lust election, and how many morewould bo sacrificed if another wore1 1 J i I » -w

iiciuj to which Jiaxwcll replied thatlio hud fcaid, when tlio question was upbefore, that if it cost §200,00U it shouldbe held, as a precedent must be established which would redound to thehonor of the State. There must bo nomore lives lost. Wo must let the peopleof the State know that they willbo protected in tho expression of theiropinions. If the people daro to at'tempt anothor act like that at Abbe

vi-lc,it will not stop with tho sacrificeof one or two lives. To prevent suclwvuni;iii;v;o i c^ilirvs Ulliy UOlOrmUlCU

manly action ou the part of the now

oppressed people. If we order anothcr eleetion tbo Republicans of tbnicounty will be inspired and will carr\it. Ilivyno wanted Corbin^j resolutioiadopted. :Since the ratilication of tinconstitution, the people of AbbovilUhad not been aUowed to give a frc<expression,of op ininn at thq bullot-bosTn liia coiiiity (Marion)* they'used' tchave murders and outrages upon tinpeople, but sincc itrwas understood b}-the -l>einoeratft thrff for '-eTery nnukilled by tklSfn two of them must dieejwrtffms passed off rpiietlyy-ftnd thepeople, enjoyed lbeir. .rights*. > He believed iu f'tii IbriAt/^rJio wate willingto go to Abbeville (tudthelprld soeurct,jie rights of tUc oppressed rpeoplo(CJuin.interruntiutr Iiim. Will vnu i^<tho lust luan V"-.)ih© hndi&fiujlc gunpowderbefore*, aud was willing to smell iagain." ,

Nash was opposed to holding another olection, and proceeded tospealcontemptuously, of tbp promts mjultto protect Ujo colored people, wheji Ikwas interrupted by Uayne with thequestion; "Dou'tyou think tjio S^atican do with the people of AUbovillc nttnc United States did with tho .Southcrn States.whip them into.it?" Tcwhich Nasli replied, that the Statewas different from tho Trmted Statesbesides, it didn't want to use force, itdidn't want to use nov but itir.t m<>ni.

f r ~

urcs to control tho people."The yeas and nays were called Foron the resolution, and Inkcju jvith thefollowing result: Yeas.Coj'bin, Armin,Allen, Barber, Biom^n", Cain.3)lcks6'n, Duncan, Po^er, Hays,llaj-ne, Johnston, LtslTe, ^tax'well,Heid, Itofce, "Rodders, Slnia (18.) Xa3*s-i-DonaldsOn, jfalson, MontjgttrfopyNft^h, llftiney, "WimbuMi (<5.y <u Qn© Sctrntof1 tvas bo cbhf^n^.'hni~ihd: report of the comntittefwOiild be

- adopted thAt he sent hito the lioniseV-^ the Bfble of that'body to Bwcai

« i Gdfilti in* Guffin wafc proseht duringthvflcbat*- c

r f finffln, we learn, says thift he 'owethis defeat' to4fee^fatefc that he woulc

cnot-lend: himself tbufao schemes of tlxpwiy in power~44re.preferred to "«uf

.|Jcp affliction, than to enjoy the pteastires of sin for ai feeasoni"I He sacri

, ficed offico to principle^ Wo commendhis example to tho imitation of allpolitical aspirants. i ' fti!

^ i }.r vf>../s,S&r Soo the advertisement of MrTJart the agent, anjapupcinc tfcat b<will rent oh Satnrdrfy, the, 1st Janii

ary next, the fitracing lands of MrijAlston, near tb.e Village.also, thihonse and let $n tbto ^fltage-falBCthat ho will sell at prtvftte^ sale thehandsomeparlor and chamber fiirniiflFfooiftft j i.»;v ', /< 0'11.1i oil X iM r. - *<pSP Tnihohier'^inmp Miu PeronWeAQ6t herv«obtoft<atHhtf&pidco^ >rereta0ge> 10qtl>^(«cconci Mea<i»ty iu Jtusuary next.

, 3^£croupc*a ,x**nnox£<pfciwd *r)d

age of the public.


L'-L' 1 **«]>!^jj<»*» « »««.

i . iLegislative. I



The Scnt^W has paused and tho Gov-!ernor bus signed tho Uouae biH for"pitying the interest of the' State bonds,in coin, The bonds have alreadyi gone up In the Xew York market toIts. iI A joint resolution is pending, direcMtingtlio Auditor of the iStato to levyju tux of one-half of one per c»nt. on

>jull taxable property in the Stato to!meet appropriations for tho fiscal year:!lS69; and tho county commissioners Jof each of the counties to levy a tnxnot exoccding three mills on a dollar J

ijof all taxablo property in their ro*-tpoctivc counties to meet tho expenses'!of the said counties for the fiscal yearjof 1809, except tho counties of Beau-jjfort and Pickcus ; in the former the]'j'county commissioners may levy a tax''jof live mills on a dollar, and in the.'jlatter seven, if in their judgment soji: much be necessary.

In tho House, a joint resolution lbr*j tho appointment offish commission-!s'ors; a bill to change tho location of11the county scat of Harswell to Barn-!i (.\yoll A'illa^e; a hill to rccharler the:

; Bly tho's (Jap Turnpike Road ; a bill:j to. designate what officers sludl soil

J j propwiiy; a bill to incorporate the( Unity Friendship Socieiy of (JhurlesIton; a bill giving to .Dickinson the'I..r,r <- -> .'1

»aj unu HIV OaVUUUilll mill

Charleston Kail road, received theirj third reading aud were scut to the,Senate,Some time apco Xash introduced in

| the Somite a bill to protoot tho State'police from arrest for alleged offencescommitted bv them in tlio dischar^ojv

# iof their duties, which provided thatthey coiik! not bo arrested upon any |alleged oSfenee whatever, and also;!providing that any magistralo who'issued a warrant for the arrest of any


one of them itpou any alleged ottencoj,should be fined or imprisonod. The!.bill was referred to the Judiciaryj Committee, which reported unfavora-i, lily. The report was taken un iu the I


.Semite and adopted without a dissent-jiug voice. .So ends Lho bill. There is jj some talk of abolishing the police.ji between tho constabulary, and the| - '

negro "mulish" wo prefer tho formor jI.the frying pan to tho fire.

A bill has been introduced by Xea-ijglo providing that thcio shall be;appointed by the Governor a Judge,j for cach county, ,vho shall servo for!four years, and receivo feos like ins-1I .

". itices of the peacc, nud who shall have

jurisdiction over all case* of bastardy, I|all ofteuces less than felony, and to,

> j decide and set aside all contracts be-j»j tween emplo3*ers and employees..,, There will be considerable opposition

to this bill.

j Two bills arc pending, giving corIItain persons therein named, thocxclu-j"jsive right of digging phosphates in,> the beds of navigable rivers of the.State. There is much opposition to

j these bills in and out of tho Legislature.andvery justly. They are do:!jsignpd to create an. overgrown' ino>inopoly.tobenefit tho few nt tho

^ ,|WD?0 of the many."J. A joint resolution is pending, reipouiuiendiug that the. timo within: ! which claims of touchers for servicesj

j routtered during the your commencingI October 31, IBG7, shall be presented;jior payment, bo extended to tho first


pi i8jfq,recejved, its.second"(j reading in. tho .Senate j also^Johnstone's resolution, providing that".j the Treasurer of the State bo author-,1 jizjp'l to pay tho accounts, of school

.j teacher?, for services rendered ii\thej|3'CQr 1S09, at a rate not less than five

:: cents per day for each scholar.The bill to provido for tho better;

J protection of laborers was postponedto January C- It is thought that it!

| wi'l npt pass. i>j Notipc-was givpn of the following

I bills: By Brodio, the repeal of the^a^L appointing tho Land Commission; j^ by Runsier, providing that the rcinc-ilidv in all cases, civil or criminal that'may bo carriod to ,tho Courts .of the!Stutc heretofore applying to white!pp^sons ,anlyr iwnle.r.Ll?e old statutes, fjshyj.l appjy' to ti^ll sv^ljout regard to i

jrace, ,&e.. ....

j A, rosqlulion appointing ft commit-i|tep to .pr<?/jMT charges, against Jmlgo IkAiumvnU was yeferrud to, the Judiciary |

r .; » A'

[.Legislature hav<j agreed to;takc.no por.diem front tfre 23d of De II'cqmbcrto tho $ib of! January.

! i i 7/ 1j, ""' ' ;

> j ! Mossm. ' MiNer L Hoborltou,-j are now receiving large additionB torf.<1\cir Btock of-Staple and FHncyDry;>; Good*.1 Their clothing hats arid Air,rilshirtg goodfc, owing to the1 advanceI in the 6enfton,:tliey are offering" at redncedrates. They call especial it-,terition to their plantation BtoClc, embracingn fall assortment of hardwire IAc.,.also to some superior red clov«r

I seed. In thetmillinery department,I Mr6. Lythgoe is prepared to fjrnishthe very best styles and qualities, atprices to suit the times. Defaultingdebtors will pl«aee read their appealy ><ht"Pay what thou .owest" and thy«t*4it shall bo long in the land.

.» I) ». *^-V, .T, ,i j|P" fifo refereeco to tbeadvertisei'frteht wafiothcr coVomn it will bo seenthat; Mr. In C. DuPt-o has becomea^BQCi^UMl'inorbbsinofai .

ni«UlM|lUU W*

3c Co.,' apd the firm vill heqccfortht>o kbowpi as ''N^r^ood, Du"Pro & Coi".'Wd tbitigfaimAtei&tBe gcntlimfcfo tth;on thettfr [ne^'MirinesB cortfieotioh-Mr. XHuiPee ie.well Jraown as agoaUefUftfi.^higb*,tfe«r«!glibUBiuoBi man, autl with a largo circlo 1' of .friends and acquaintances. . :


Reconstruction In Georgia.The Act to promote reconstruction

in Gcorgifi, has passed the House undjjocb to the President. The Act- re-!neats the expelled negroes, and makesthe adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment,n prerequisite to the admission of!its Senators and .Representatives inCongress. According to B. II. Hill!and others, Congress l as only antiei-jpaled the action of the Georgia Leg-islature in these particulars.The Act authorizes the Governor to

summon by proclamation, the Legislatureelected in 1SC8, to meet on a

day designated in Atlanta. directstho Legislature to perfect its organizationby administering to its membersthe oaths required by the FourteenthAmendment.-imposes penaltiesupon all who shall obstruct the!members in taking these oaths.jmakes ^'the exclusion of any upon theground of race, color or previous conditionof servitude revolutionary, andllegal," &c.Gov. Bullock wroto a letter to Butler,assuring him that upon the passagoof the above bill, he would issue

:i proclamation convening tlic Legislatureon tho 12th of January. BingJiamand Farnsworth only of tho Ke.publican*, voted nay,


Soi:th Cauouna Confkrknch..This large and influential body metin the Presbyterian church of Cherawon the IGth inst. About one hundredof tho clergy, and twenty laymen,answered to the roll-call on thefirst day. Tho Bession was opened byBishop IT. 11. Ivavanangh, of lvcutueky.Rev. F. M. Kennedy waseiccicu secretary, and Rev. O. A.Dnrbv, Mr. T. S. Moorman and Rev.W. C. Power, assistants.

The following Committoes wore

appoin ted :

On Books and Periodicals..lievs.V. A. Sharpe, S. A. Weber, A. J. Canthen,Dr. 11. N. Kirklaud and J. S.Punches.On Memoirs .Revs. Dr. Smith and

G. IT. Wells.On tho Bible Canse..A. Porter, C.

S. Beard, T.A.Carlisle, J.C.Eagle.Col. D. li. Barton, Samuel Brown, audP. B. Darwin.On the Publication of tho Minutes.

.Rev8. \Vm. Martin, K. W. Thompson,and J. B. Johnson.On I'inanec.-A. A. Gilbert. IT. T

Wright, 1). A. I'\ Williams, Revs. K.J. Mavnardie, A. J. Stokes, and T.Raysor.

On Public Worship..Iiovs. S.Lcard and J. Tattle.On the Interests of the Columbia

Female College.. Ilevs. IT. M. Mood,W. C. Power, C. If. Pritchard, T. G.Herbert, and E. T. Ilemhcrt.To Audit the Accounts of the

Treasurer of Wofford College..Revs.U. A. C. Walkor and Bobo.On the second day of tbo meeting

Dra. Branch and Prosely of our Districtappeared before the Conferenceas delegates from tbo Convention ofA 1 nr..-i i» t\liiu v.-u cics oi l'rayer recently gs6cmiblod hero. They, wefo cordially reIceirpcighij delivered impressive ad;dresses.Wo publish elsewlicro a list of the

appointments.i o i

Tnr State Taxes..Tho State taxfor; thej-ear 1S69.1S70, is to be at therato of onr-hulf of one per cent,against three-fourths of one per centlast year. The taxable property ofthe State is estimated, at $16-4,000,000,upon which a tax of one-half of one

per cent, will amount to $S20,000.'The Comptroller estimates tho expendituresof the year at $036,293. but asthe interest of the debt is to be paidin gold, the premium upon which at120 per c^ht. (the l'rtterent being $338.it»93,)will be $67,738, and there is alsoa deficit in the estimate of Legislativeexpenses of about $60,000, thoCharleston News calculates that, therewill bo a deficiency lii tho income ofthe year of uo lees than $264,(>00 atlonet. To meot this Mr. Kimptontho financial agent has $3,000,000 oftho Stato bonds in bis hands for sale.Whilst thercforo the rate of taxation islr.o« «i.«.v^, uic v-jiptfiiuiiurcHiaro ovoa greaterthan.last year. ; j]

"W^.oj'c indebted to Mr. JJ.Zackary, of Cashier's Valley, foraomptine cabbages,and ^uppjitir cabbageand turnip seed. 3Ij\ Zackary, (nndbiaJiiLhcr boi'<p>re Jjipnhave, been dealingfor years past in this community.They nrowoll known <»n4 ..peed; >»orecommendation. ifr. Zackary hasmade the culture of cabbage, turnipand other soed a specialty, and is preparedto furnish tho best rarieti^s.All of our friends who are desirous ofgetting a genuino artiple, and thatwill d6 all that he promises, can patronizehim with safety. For cabbageand turnip seed call at Trowbridgoj& Co*8. '

10^ Our friend, Mr. Ilonry S, CaBon,the Sheriff, has submitted to ourinspection two mammoth turnips, apresent irom Maj. A. II. Dickson, oneof the most successful farmers in theDistrict. The turnips weigh eachsome fifteen pounds. Can any onebeat this ? If so we would bo gladto See him at the next District Pair,and think'- wo can encourage himwith the liope of getting & promium.Bat until we see the superior of theseturnips we shall j.in our faith to Maj.Dickson. ' '

>'>' rj '- > +

Wo aro requested to-say thatthe Greenville & Columbia Bailroadwill grant half-faro oxcursion ticket^,which will bo good during thomas holidays.that ia to say, until thefclst December.


ui. ......

Wliy Emigrants Should Go South.

A friend has handed us a Copy oftlio Brooklyn (New York) Utuoufrom which, wo copy tho followingwell-timed remark* on tho subject ofSouthern emigration.

Public sontimeut at (he South hasexperienced u change on tho Kuhji-otof diveiaitlod labor that is destined torender that section the most prosierouhof any portion of our country.Formerly thev i»refi*i*is»«i ......

* . !'»/ «<"«

profits on manufactured products andtransportation, rather than encouragetho artisan at home. All their energieswith slavo labor wcro directed tothe cultivation of thoso rich productsof cotton, rice, and sugar, for whichtheir section enjoys a monopoly.From tho recent speech of GeneralWade Hampton, nt tho Georgia StateFair, n« well as from every representativeof publo opinion, wo perceivethat the people see alive to their trueintoresta, that of encouraging not onlythe cultivation of their old staples,hut of evory other product fbr whichtheir soil and climate is peculiarlyadapted livery portion of tho Southproduces corn equal to the West, andlsome sections grow the host wheat Inthis country. There is no section so(rich in (ho various natural advantagesas tho Sent hern States, Almosteverything that is grown in theNorthern and Western States flourishesthere, and hosides their soil andclimate, ther are rii;h inber.4.ho hard pine, every variety otoak, ash, poplar, cypres?, and otherwood*, nre abundant. And along theAlloghanies, from Virginia to Alula:buum, in probably the riehct-t section olthe world For the variety of its minerals; eoal, copper, zinc, marble andlime, have been.developed in a rude.wlavelabor.way for many, years.Skilled labor, science, and capital nr«now directing their attention to this*region. But porhaps the greatest advantagetli,e South possesses over overyother soetion of our vast eotinfrv is

Jits imtnen«o water power, scattered almosteverywhere throughout tho hillj'sections of the interior, surroundedwith tlje raw material for working intomanufactured products, and contiguousby rail and river to tho market*of the world, not requiring throe bu«holsof corn to scud one bushel to tnuricot.True there aro localities along the

low flatlands of tho coast, near swampttnd sluggish water courses that artsickly, hut tho wholo interior and hillysections are more free from localdiseases and epidemies than tho Westor North. In proportion to the populationmoro old persons can be foundthroughout tho South than in anyjother section.Wo loam that in many of our citief

organizations of eolonies aro beingformed with a view of exploring theSouthern Slnt',u, nnfl of ootnblioliiUfJat suitable localities, the nucleus ol.V. » >..loiiiuuktui llij^ LOW US liliu CIlltJH

(These combinations among artizansolthe different callings is a much mortsensible mode of improving thair condition than trades' unions coerce highor wages. The contributions requiredto support strikes, if applied to sending delegates to spy .9^ i'ho fertihfields nnd inviting opportunities awaiting their err^raco8) would enable manY JL-rdftiily now struggling for existenee in. the crowded North to becomtindependent in a few years in the suuny South, whero now there is no clasiinoro welcome than the manufacture]and the skilled laborer. IT. W. R.

From the Abbeville l'rna and BaoDer.Tribute of Respect.

ai a ueguiar Communication oEureka Lodge, No. 47, A. F. M., belton Thursday night. November 18th1869, the following Cottimitteo wortappointor to prepare a fcuitablo tribnto of respect on the dentb of brothciJohn Sadler, whs adopted :

WHU-ett*, It has pleasud'and all win<Providdnce to rumdve from our midsour beloved brother, Jolui Sadlerwho, after a very short lilnoss, \vacalled to the Celestial Lodge abovebe it therefoi^

Resolved, That in the death of hrother John Sadler, tho community hatlost a worthy citizen, this Lodge s

highly respected brother, and hiifamily, a kind hushand and father.

Jieiolvcd, That thiK Lodgo pj-mpathir,e with the family of our deceasctbrother, and that we tender them ouicondolence in their sad bereavement

) t rni i - -

I jicMwoeu, iiai in iGKcn oi our resipoct a blank page of our Journal fc<j dedicated to tho memory of our dej parted brother. Tho Lodge bo cla(| in mourning, and the numbers thereof wear the usual badge for thirtydays. t .

JietotiM, That a copy of tho abov<Preamble and Wwolution bo tranwmitted to the widojy of our doc-eanod brother, and tliat the.-barpo be publiohcciu the Abbeville Prrtf ovd B'in*rr.' J. A. STUAtlT, W. M.1 !! JAS:; KO&J5K$, "

33. A. JONKS,; 1:« «-j: ' Committeo.

A- true extract from the min^tos.JOil>' 31. GAMBRELL,Sec.

_ l_ .,

Judicial Appointment*. . Th<President has nominated AttornejGeneral 'Hoar, for the vacancy -on theSupreme..Bench occasioned by ih<death of. Judge Wnjne, and Seoretar^iStanton "to fill the vacancy causcd bjthe rctircmoiit of Judge Grier. Of thebine circuit Judges appointed undeiJate actof Congress,.George A. Pearco,of Maryland, hasreccivedthe appointmerit of the fourth Circuit, which embracesSouth Carolina,

^NT* See the notice of tho disBolutionof the copartnership of "Jno.Knox &, Co." Tho business will be

continued at tho old Btand bV Mr. JohnKnox, who solicits a continuance ofthe past liberal patronage. The businesswill henceforth, bo conductedstrictly on cash principled, and hepledges himself to make it to the interestof his customers to tra/fs \rftlrhim. Givo him a 6*11. <

r^-r ,7IQ,. See advertisement of Warido

ano Etiwan, Fertilisers by Stovall andHowland, the well known agents ofArigusta, 6a. These fertilisers haveacquired a', reputation for parity,among the moat valuable of thia kind.Give; them a trial.:' >The Ijegialatarti h*a adjournedfor tho holiday&^wontiJt the 5th Jan'y.They resolved not to draw pay dfnring.thrf reeesfl.


CnniSTMAB..To-morrow is Christmasday. We suppose our readersaro aware of the laet, yet still it ispleasant to make the announcement,though we impart no information.We arc snro that tho youngsters needno reminder on tho subject.on thocontrary they havo made us all feel-

i ingiy alive to tno approaching Festi-1vul. Festival! did wo say,.induedthere has been such a fusilnde ofcrackers, pop-guns, rockets, lionmnj candles, and tiro works generally thattwo began to think the end of theworld was approaching, rather thanthe advent of that inorn which usheredin "Peace on earth." Nevertheless,Christmas is coming "that comesbut once a year".only tho ghost ofits former self-j*et still worth a hunjdrcdthanksgiving days I We extendto our frionds tho best wishes of theseason.

WST Senator Drake has introduceda bill into Congress which proposes todestroy tho chief powers of the Su-Ipreme Court as a co-ordinate branchol tho Government.to deprivo it oftho right of determining tho constitutionalityof an Act of Congress. Itmakes tho will of Congress the supremelaw of tho land.

lleturns from one hundred andtwenty counties in Texas irive Davis

j (Radical) ft majority of six hundredand ttvonty. There arc only sevenmore counties to hear from.

t i

A private dispatch from Paris saysithat tbo expatriation of the Jewsfrom litis 11 has commenced*

Markets.Aubkville, December 17.Cotton

22 @ 22}.Nrw York, December 22.Xoon.

.Gold 20J. Cotton heavy. 25J.7 P. M..Cotton favors buyers ;

sales 2,000 bales, at 251. Gold closedactive at 20J {irl 21.Charleston December 22..Cotton

dull and easier ; sales 200 bales.middling 23J@2t ; roccipts^ 2,007 ;exports coastwise, 478.AfonsTA, Dcrombcr 22..Cotton

market activo. but at lower rates ;sales 95(1 bales; receipts 1,343.midIdlingsdosed at 22J(rt,23.Savannah, December 22..Sales of

cotton 350 bales.middlings23i : mar-

| ket dull.j XjI veri'OOI., Pecenbcr 22 Evening.llCotton sales to-day 10,000 bales.up;land,lli; Orleans 113. Exports and.! HpeculationB 2,000.

> .»

COISTSIONEES.r Tho following numpd porHOns have> freight in the Depot at Abbeville ;; ti. A. Vizanska, W. D. Mam & CoWin. Cook, J. CrriflGn, J. M Lattinior,W. II. Parker, A G. Floyd, White

f Brothers, Jay & Bradley, Wni. Moore& Co., Calhoun & L. Mosely & WUf*3"Mavs, Barnwell <!fc Co., O. &

: EXPRESS..J, C: Haskell, A. J.I Winsto^ Jas. jJt Prcssley, Dr. I.-iiraneh. Mary Pattoson, care W. II.

' Parker, Baker & Clinkseales, O. J. Ols- iver, M. Owen, W. P. DuBose, W. H:- Parker, Seal, Sign tfc Robertson, K. T.-jllutaon, W. H. Wardlaw,3 | TV T> CAVT>T T7V

A/. JL\. k>V-l X/iJ Ll I j

Aijent..31* 1Jeto.ni> a Hocut.More <lini'n»e» are the resultof n derangement of the IJvor limn from

any other cause. Wht>n that organ ia ditvas><1. every part of tlie *y*teni tjnmpntliigrswith it. anil p«*i»e.rnl prowtiation and decline ithe result. The Iiesi, safest and »peedie*t remedyfor Lirer Complaint., and all tho diseases

f thai follow, is TutU Vej:at.al>lc Liver Pills.. they are pecularly adapted to the climate ol* ho South. They are sold by Druggist eTeryiwhere.B This Taluahlo preparation is for »nlo I»y. Parker «fc Thnmeou «nd W. T. Pecney, Drug

glrtta, Abl»«-vill»*, S OI>eo»mber 3, 1869, "S2.'it

[ .. Embroidered Yokes.EMBllOthERED LTXEN" YOKES

received to-day, 24th Dec., at» tho ,


11 Doc. 24,1869. ,* r|MI IS Ofiico will be opened duringX Christmas from 9 to 10 A. M.,' and from 3J to 4 J P. M. Postage' received for newspapers at all hour*.r By ordor of the

POST MASTRR.j Dee. 24, 1809, 35.It

ij HISS~

PEROHHEAUWILL re-open her School for young' ladies on the second Monday' in January, at the Episcopal Parsonage.Children of all ages will, bo rcJceived.

1 December 24, 1SC9, 35.3t.

Tlte Season for'

' ' ' >!'

rAXinu ur.> TX/'E leave io remind our^twtomVVera timt ihey liave liiui * Inn#i xenson for buying, and NOW we think> that the thne for paying up has arrived.' Be prompt end preserve your goad uredit.

! Miller & Robertson.vi T»fc 24 1889. 35.if

State of South Carolina,_A hhp.vi 11a flminfw

.TIn ih$ Probate Court.. Citation.

WHEREAS J. 0.' YOUNGbus made suit to tne, to grunthim LeUers of Administration of the Estateof Jo««ph Preewell, deaessed, lete of

***icl couniy. ,.

These nre, therefore, lo cite end tnonrehsit end singular the kindred nod creditorsof the said Juteph Cieswvll, (We'd, thetl.__ I.. j . i -r s_ .1iiwjr mo on a «|>prnr ubmiib nie. fn ineCourt of Probate, to be held Ml AbbavllfeC. H., oo Friday, 7th Jan. 1870, after

. publie*lk>a Ltttfof, at U o'clock in tbeforonooD, to ebo«r cau*e, if. any Uiey have,»»J>jMbo ®aid Administration tboutd not begttMtd. A "*' ,7A(;f '* " I

6ive* coder my haed, thia 23d day ofQre#pri>er. Aepo Domini I860, r

FubfUbetl on i,he 24th day of December,I860; iir'tfoe 03d year of Americah loafeftUntmi». rot

jWH. HILL, /. W A. a. £L. S.11 Dee. 24, 1M0, 93.ft




. - H ... L'.L.JL L "-.I!

tmm m*%

NORWOOD, DlTIIK undesigned would announce

with themselves in busincftB, Miwill henceforth bo tarried on under tliThey would respectfully solicit a contiibestowed on tbo old firm.

mcdona;December 24, 1BC9, 35.tf


rpiIE subscriber would respectfullyI tronn generally, tbat bo is now nfirm of "Norwood, DuPre & Co," anrelations with them. They will alwajmaud hiij best atteutionB.

December 24, 1869, 3fi.tf

GROCERIES A!S1rpiiE ubtcribtr li;ivine nurr.haned the

j JL Mo. k ot the UtR Firm of '.Ino. Knrtins oh] Mao()v and would respectfully solicitage. Tlio l.u«itie*8 will he conducted henis cotifi«)cnt thnt ho can offer such iuducemiinteract to tr»de with him.

mDeoerwher 24, 1869, 35.tf


my mux* WVUWMI

WE ar« now receiving LARGE additionto our stock of Dry Goodsin evory department.

MILLER & ROBERTSON.Dec 24.1 809. 35.tf

CLOTHIHa, HATSANDH KMSHI.\(i GOODS!We are now prepared to offer a full,.

Urge and complete tlock, and on accountof ilia advanced reason vr« will sell atgreatly reduced price*."

MILLER & ROBERTSON.Dec 24, 1869, 35.if


GOODS,Collins' Ax*»,

- * /D-.l T .1. . \vnj'|>« me*, ^muTrnci Chains,limine.*,Plow Lines,

Tncwtlisr with a eortpleU aloclc fHARDWARE.

MILLER & ROBERTSON.Deo 24, I860, 35.tf

Clover Seed.A choice lot of Red Clover Seed


llier & Rotatson's.Dtc 24, 1869, 35.tf

mm -miOur stock was never larger than at

this season.

Miller & Robertson.Dec 24, 1809, 35.tf


millinery.We row proposa lo reil.tb* remnant of

our wioter slock at eoM. Mm. M. J[jYTHGOK will always, bd fo.urtd iu our

Milliuerv'departinent to attend lo (be callsof her frienda.

MILLER&ROBERTSON.Dec 24, 1809, 85.tf i ;


Baugh'sRaw Bone Snper Phosphate of Lie. i

.i <

I AM now receiving my supplies of (his IManure and planter* can rely upon '

getting to artioJ^ fully »p te (La standardhi per analysis. AH borfght frofa myselfor authorized agent* I will guarantee, atMvcry cargo so told i« analysed on arrivalhere nod U>a bigb ck*r*<.ur«of (iia^ftuirutrafullj ke|>t up, J p <l. : aik

J. N. EOBSON,Sole Agent for So. CV, Nos. 1 & 1,

AHi.nlio Whurf, CliarIe»toi), 0. 0,TROWBRIDGE ft CO..

. Abbeville C. H.te. JNO. . STUART, i

f ! a-r.U-:-fWiuety 8i*, a

Agent* for Abbevi^Qojj))tyv "

Prof. Shepbard uaya of tbe analysis madeOctober 18, )8M< "4-J * ("^*>1® *n«nure *

and decidedly eofcerldr 'td Udb article of ''

X*%JWS '"i" '* K %rvr, iV0

Experiment naade by M, C. NT* Unt»~? AiooikI, ot lieecli I<kad, a. 0.: .. h. < .

No manors,'889 H>v Heed Ooiton fttf *acre. 175. Ibf. Periiyiao Guaftb;132i roe.'Sesd Cotton per acre. 175 lb*. Baocb'a1480 lb#. Seed Cotton per"ketU *r?P5Dee 24,1800, 35.3m



ft wmm

5PRE & GO.that they have this day associated

:. J. F. U. PuPrc, and tho bnninense name of "Norwood, DuPro & Co."auanoo of tho past liberal patronage


3-D.announce to his okl friends and passociatcdin business with the nowid would bo glad to renew businesss veccive a. warm welcome aud comJ.

F. C. DUrRE.

1) PRCS.interest of Mr. J. J. Cunningham in the>x Sc Co.," will continue lite husineM atn continuance of the past l»b«-r »l patroniceforlh*>tricfly on cnah principles, and he

sots io Lt3 patrons as will make it to their


Copartnership.THE co-pnrtncrabip heretofore ox*

isting between the undersignedin the name of "Jno. Knox fc Co.,"liafi this day been dissolved by mutual consent.


J. J. CUNNINGHAM.Dec 24, 1SG9, 35.tf

Wando and Etiwan

ccutii i'/riicimiiLi/ftiij.

Agency at Augusta, 6a.

WE have now a supply of the*e celebratedFertilizer*. Experienceha*proven lli*m superior to Peruvian Guanofor the climate.tiiey ttumain and d<not burn up tlie plant in a long droughtHaving for (heir La»e the famous Phosplitlie matter and manufactured by outown citizens of wcIUknown integritytlicir purity and vn!ue is guaranteed.

Stovall & Rowland,Agents, Augusta, Ga.

Dec. 24, 1869, 35. Ira

t!~ a-- tl acam to Aeni,

ON Saturday, the 1st of Jannarnext, at" public auction, I tvil

lease for the year 1870, the farminglands of Mrs. Alston, near the town oAbbeville. The rent munt be welsecured, and paid at the end of th<lease.

I will loase the Alston houso un<lot, in the town of Abbevillo, to a nnitable tenant, tor the next year. Tinhandsome sets of furniture for parlomid chamber, now in tho house, anofiorod at private sale.

ARMISTEAD BURT,Agent for Mrs. Alston.

December 24, 186$, 35.tf.

Ho ! Ho ! Ho!Look out Little Folks and ev

ery-body! !

KRI3 KRINOLB i» txpretei ererr da!an<l would have bv«n lirre before if thi

old Steamboat hod sot rehuod to bring bite oithe Laat Trip.Linen Toy Book», Alpb*''et C*i"J*, Mothe

Goose, Rohinton Criuon, Swiiw Family Ro»<inion,Cliarlfj Watson, Little Feat Colter*C«leo Elder, Tr««t and Trp, dtrintma*Corner Grate, Ac , £c. taniona Fairv Tale*Vuehti, Harpers 25 cent novels, llarptr'a 5Ceent dovtl*, sheitou <tc. <fce.

Also, ,

Fir* Cracker*. No. I. Torpedoe* and JlomaoCandle-*, Drawing Slate*, I'alot Box**. BackgammonBoard* Mogul Card*, Harmonicas,Children*' K»i*ea and Furka Glo»« ud Handkerchrif Bexaa, China Cop* Fanay,, Mags.Work floxe*. China Kg ptian Fi/u-ea. ChinaEwptiin Bible*, I It Dolla. China lta«liuDoil* solid I. R. Ball* Musical Balls. Chinar«a Helta. Tin Horn*. K«tt)«* Toy Watefcra,Britaniii Ba»k< ts.KalrjdoteQpe* Picture BtockiPapor Doll-, Magnetic Toy* Toy Pistols withraps. Maaka. assorted. Crying Babies. TnJtove*. Ao., &*., with a large-variety of French^aidiea and Kruita, a*

. Parker & Lee's.Dae. lt> 1IG9, 34.St

Take Nptiee.A LL person* interested will take noticeC\. that a FINAL SETTLEMENT ofhe fSntate of John W; Bo«xm*n, dee'd,vill be made' in tlit Court of Frdbnte for

CVo4tJ, .ori the 7th day of Janttytie*t, (Prtd»t.)' Thoee htfvibf demand*'gaitmt tbe E»tfcte toott hand tn the etileneeof tbe name W before tbatdayad tbote indebted are ftoqaiTed to <k>mejrward aad pay on or before tbe let dayf Janua^^f. #y JfXJA

^Tbe administratrix will demand Letter*nmim&ry tM dfcitaMfata above .^dvertiottl.V ~.U . , ''I T I) :

Xdnsnutratrix.Dee, 34.H

. 1 I


tmi«j.si,r iuiiim j??.ar




Will receiva during tlie coming we«kalmost an entirelyKew Stock of Goods,

Peculiarly adapted lo the Christinas trauo.

Toys ! Toys !The litilo folks can Hud a great varietyof the above at the store of


To? Brans ani Beisteafis.Tin Horses on Wheels,

Express and Mill taps,TEA SETTS,

Toy PHtols,Toy Churns,Dolls,

Sand Toys,&C«j &c.

WfflTEBROTHERSIlttT* just received another lot of thoia

Famous Factory Cheese,Which ihey nlw«j8 k«ep. Also,

3 Boies Best Mian MaccarnTo arrive to-iuorrowor Monday,

. 1 Bale Extra Heavy Bam,Weighing 2J lb». lo the yard.

White Brothers.

; WHITE BROTHERSIlnve on binds a few

MUPPS,Wbi«b tbej will tell al coat to ol»d«ib«m out.

Dec 17, 1669. 34-*fcf

Notice' SM'fil TOT fl wfBMwmiwAim


WE ha*e made arrangements for shippingCotton, Kj w Iiich w« will ad^vi\uce liberally on all Cotton* put into our| bund* for bhipinent. and charge onljr HatTen per cent Interest on the tn<>n«y xdvanaI*ed. Wtj will haro the Cotton held *t tkft] discretion of the owner. Planters whi>e are not patikfied to sell their Cotton at

present price*, and yet need money toj meet tbeirengag inents with Merchant*, can?hip their Cotton through us, draw suffijrifnt funds for meeting present demands,r and take therUkof realizing better prices.c i»f Holding nk long us they deiire. TheCommiuidf Merchants to »hom we shipnrt second to none in point of rr*pon«ibility,prucence and buiineM capacity.

White Brothers.Dec. 17, 1869, 34.tf l;:


PURSUANT to order of Court in thisE>t«ite. 1 will sell lit Abbeville C. IT.

\ 8. C.. the book*, law-book*, book eatea,i office furniture, Arc., of enid deceased, e&

Sntnrdtiv, 8ih of January Dtxt.r TERMS CASIT.


r n »

11 Citrk't Office Abbeville C. H. )" "

» S. C.. Dec. 15th 1869. { 34.3tSMOKING TOBACCO!

If jrou waut the beat and fioM Tobacco,call sttd get

Fruits and Flowers,Lorillard'eWhite PuffTobaooo,

May Queen Tobacco,Cigars, at

Parker & lee's.Dec 17, I860, 34-.4t

CARD.5 HA.msTftAtt'i Ojrici, \ ,

Greenwood, 8. C. jCertain unprincipled parties takingadvantage a Vilo elaudor porpatratedagainst me, aucceedc^fiqr %time, inhaving mo suspended froni office asMagistrate. "But truth crashed toMPtb Hill RM In.t':' TKn vlitkiiw

-& .yand fraud have bfeen exposed, anil Xtrate by his ^c^lleBcy ,. Gov. IT. K.Scott { j r»,| > .{ ,< > ,'<>)'/. I'.! W 1 >

aiiy*>tMkreceive prqmpp^Ueotton,,, Ifj, J»ferreiMM «m, all' good. -<!* * am


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