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II kursi-bakalanriati

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    , , ,

    semestri( II)

    ECTS II-10 (90. 160 )

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    - II-90

    1 Personal Identification

    Topical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part1.1999

    Reading Text1-AgeText2- What is in a name?

    Speech practice Find out about yourgroupmates( their

    countries of residence,birthplace, nationality,age, family, etc.)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Writing Write a description of aperson you rememberfrom your childhood.

    Vocabulary Clothes S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-

    intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    4 Character andsdispositionTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part1.1999

    Reading Text1 Boys and babiesText2 Boys underpressureText3 What are theBritish like? Text4 What are yourcharacter traits?

    Speech practice Choose five or sixadjectives from thevocabulary list which youthink best describe eitheryour own or your friends character.

    Role play Play the magic shop

    gameWriting Write a brief (about 100

    words) description of yourideal partner.

    Vocabulary Describing character S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    5 Feelings and RelationsTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part1.1999

    Reading Text1 Read the followingtext and discuss itText2 Happiness andsadnessText3 Angry, sad, happy?-Blame the wearther!

    Speech practice Think and say whenpeople feel good, pride,

    and joy, happy, inspired,exited, enthusiastic.

    Role play Interpret the following

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    pictureAccording to the plan

    Writing Write a paragraph to eachof the followingstatements expressingyour approval or

    disapproval.Vocabulary Human feelings and

    actions.S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    6 Occupation and jobsTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part1.1999

    Reading Text1 Talking to a careersteacher.Text2 Looking for a job.Text3 Finding a job inBritain.


    practiceFind out about yourgroupmates and oyherpeoples occupations. Usethe following dialogues as

    models.Role play Choosing the right

    profession for theirchildren is one of themost important decisionsfor parents. Act out ascene where two youngmothers discuss theproblem.

    Writing Read the givenadvertisementsFor different vacanciesand make a writtenapplication forA job. Attach your CV toit.

    Vocabulary Work and jobsThe career ladderIn the officeBusiness and finance

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.

    20037 Success and failure

    Topical VocabularyL. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part1.1999

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    Language functions

    Reading Text1 A self-made manText2 CompetitivewomenText3 The golden eagle

    Speech practice Think of somethings(facts, events,phenomena) that seem tobe surpassing, excelling,dominating over others.Report them in the class.

    Role play Act out the game givinga successful talk.

    Writing Write a paragraph basedon the results of yourinterview(see p.201).Saywhat the person youinterviewed has done inhis/her life.

    Vocabulary Everyday problemsMoney

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    8 HousingTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part1.1999

    Reading Text1 My favourite roomText 2 Housing in BritainText3 Types of housesText4 One billion peopleneed shelter

    Speech practice Describing your flatmaking varioussubstitutions

    Role play Play a game findingsomewhere to live

    Writing Write a letter to yourrelativesDescribing the flat/houseyou live in

    Vocabulary The place where you liveCity life

    Life in the country

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in Use

    Pre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.

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    20039 Daily chores

    Topical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part1.1999

    Reading Text1 Brittish food

    Text 2 Clean up yourroomText3 Housework

    Speech practice Say what you usually doin the morning/afternoon/ evening.Ask your friend how longit takes him/her to do thisor that work.

    Role play Roleplay the givenconversations, taking theparts of the husband andwife.

    Writing Write a paragraphexpressing yourunderstanding of thefollowing saying from theBible: And the raindescended, the floodscame and the winds blew

    and beat on that house;and it did not fall, for itwas founded on therock( Mattew, 6,7). Thinkwhy cant one build thehouse on the sand? Writean essay explaining yourunderstanding of firmfamily relations.

    Vocabulary Daily routinesAround the home(1)Around the home (2)

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePreintermediate&intermediate. CambridgeUniversity. 2003

    10 At the multipleestablishmentTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Tex1 Read the given

    short conversations andfind the right answers tothe questions for

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    comprehensionText2 Read the givenhumorous story and thinkof its titleText3 The advantagesand disadvantages of

    living in the twentiethcentury.

    Speech practice In pairs, act out thefollowingepisodes you can hear atthe multiple serviceestablishments. As theother pair performs thedialogue note down allactive words from thetopical vocabulary.

    Role play In pairs compose and actout short conversationstaking the roles of acustomer and areceptionist.

    Writing Write a 150-worddescription of theservices provided by theshoe repair shop.

    Vocabulary Bureaucracy S. Redman, English

    Vocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    11 At the doctorsTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Text1 The public healthserviceText2 Maladies of the 21st

    centurySpeech practice Act out the following

    dialogues until you canperform them withoutreading:Making an appointmentAt the doctors surgery

    Role play Dramatise your visit to

    the doctors surgery.Writing Write some

    recommendations to

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    follow for a person whowants to prevent anydisease, to stay fit andhealthy.

    Vocabulary Health: illnessHealth: physical injuries

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in Use

    Pre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    12 At a shopTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Text1 Shops andshopping areas in Britainand in the USAText2 Daily bread Text3 Spendingmoney:shopping


    Practise the dialoguesuntil you can performthem without reading:Buying clothesBuying foodBuying shoes

    Role play Take the roles of the

    customer and the shopassistantand make thecomplaints.


    Write a true or imaginarystory how you were oncepressed into buyingsomething you didnt like.

    Vocabulary Shops and shoppingS. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    13 At the post-office/bankTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Text1 Postal service in

    the postText2Autobanks Text3 Money

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    Act out these dialoguestaking the roles of apostal clerk and acustomer:At the post-office

    Role play Practise using thetelephone to ring to:

    a) the police: youveseen a bankrobbery;

    b) the ambulance:your friend hasfallen and hurt hisleg;

    c) the fire brigade:youve seen ahouse on fire.

    Writing Write a paragraphexplaining thebackground for each ofthe given telegrams.

    Vocabulary Notices and warnings S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediat

    e. Cambridge University.2003

    14 Around the cityTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Text1 The village ofGatleyText2 Small towns andbig citiesText3 Only madmanwould choose to live in alarge modern cityText4 San Francisco


    Act out the givendialogues and answer thequestions that follow asfully as possible.

    Role play A friend is telling you, onthe phone, how to get tohis house. Make a map

    showing the way from thecollege to his house.Writing Do questionnaire and

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    write a transport surveyabout

    1) the transportservice in your city;

    2) how people usetheir city transport.

    Vocabulary On the roadTransport

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    15 Around the worldTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Text1 Different means oftravelText2 TorquayText3( the letter)Text4 Carless Sark


    Read the followingtext(Airline travelling) andadd some information towhat you have had abouttravelling by air in Britain.

    Role play Make up and dramatize

    the dialogue about yourpreparations for ajourney. Follow the giveninstructions.

    Writing Choose one of thefollowing topic sentences,and develop each into ashort piece of twoparagraphs(80-100words):1.Travelling is amoderndisease.2.The purpose oftravelling.3 A change is as good asrest.

    Vocabulary Tourism S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.

    200316 Entertainments and

    hobbiesL. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

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    Topical VocabularyLanguage functions

    Reading Text1 Enjoying yourself in

    BritainText2 Leisure theactivities in the USAText3 Holidays and howto spend them.


    Examine the given chartand dascribe the mostpopular entertainmentsfor men and women

    Role play Do the given quiz tolearn more aboutyourself.

    Writing Write a project about yourinterests and say how youlike to spend your sparetime.

    Vocabulary Leisure andentertainment

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediat

    e. Cambridge University.2003

    17 Eating outTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Text1 A funny thinghappened to me.Text2 Read the givenstory about Joe and Al,college roommates fromthe USA.Text3 Three men in aboat.


    Act out the followingdialogues with yourpartner and make similarconversations:1)At a restaurant------reserving the table,ordering a meal, checking

    your bill;2) Reply the waiter

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    Role play Practise booking a tableat the bistro restaurant,odering a meal andchecking your bill.

    Writing You have been taken tolunch by an old friend of

    yours who was in yourtown for the day. Write,thanking her/himfor themeal.

    Vocabulary FoodCooking and restaurants

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate. Cambridge University.2003

    18 Going out: at thecinema/theatre/concert/concert hallEvents and theircelebrationsTopical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,Highlights, part2. 2002

    Reading Text1 Theatre andcinemaText2 Is heavy metal

    good?Text3 John Lenon(1940-1980)

    Speech practice Make up dialogues usingany of the given remarksas key questions.

    Role play Take travellers andbooking clerks roles andact out the givensituations.

    Writing Write an essay describingyour impressions of aconcert youve been tolast. Here is the outlinefor giving impression.

    Vocabulary Communication andtechnology

    S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate

    19 Sport

    Topical VocabularyLanguage functions

    L. V.Khvedchenya ,

    Highlights, part2. 2002

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    Reading Text1Read theinformation on sports andcomplete the grid.Text2 Sport has played animportant part.Text3 From the history of

    the Olympic Games.Speech practice Look at the given

    pictures. What activitiescan you see?

    Role play Organise apressconference todiscuss some problems insport.

    Writing Describe about any sportor game you enjoy mostas a participant or aspectator.

    Vocabulary Sport and leisure. S. Redman, EnglishVocabulary in UsePre-intermediate&intermediate

    (A)--- 90%-,

    (B)-- - 81-90%,(C)-- 71-80%,

    (D)-- 61-70%,(E)-- 51-60%,

    (FX)- - 41-50%, ,

    ,(F)-- 40% ,

    --------5 -15 -20 -20 -40 -100

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    1 L. V.Khvedchenya , Highlights. Course book, part1. , . . ,


    2. L. V.Khvedchenya , Highlights. Course book, part2. , . . ,2002

    3 S. Redman, English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate&intermediate.Cambridge University.2003

    4.A.. J.Thomson, A. V. Martinet;A practical English Grammar. OxfordUniversity Press. 1986

    5 A.. J.Thomson, A. V. Martinet;A practical English Grammar, Ex-es 1, 2;Oxford University Press. 1986

    6.LLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English.LDC

    D1. B.S. Asar, English Grammar Understanding and using. Longman. 2003

    2 M. Broukal, What a life!: Stories of amazing people, Intermediate. Longman. 2000

    3 N. Dogonadze, T. Jojua, The English verb (finite forms) practice book for future language

    specialists. Tbilisi, 2000

    4. C. Gough, English vocabulary organiser, 100 topics for self-study.Commercial Colour

    Press plc, the UK.2003

    5.Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture


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    1. 2. (

    )3. 4.





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