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II r 14 Sparta Pa se.,.

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II nk, ’he lrs. Ply of kt. laed L. nd- r 14 CaliforkaliSt Sacrament Sparta Pa SAN JOSE STATE COUE LibR Vol. 42 SAN JOSE. CALIF., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1954 No. 131 All Valley High Schools OriUntilti ,!j... hour. Initial plans 14sr the To Stage Meeting Here lllll r school graduates n ill Is’ held in Ntorris Haile% n. ’1/41 Thin-sit:I% at 1’1:30 , (.41.0Ch 1011(M hie, the regular gladuar r. %%ill he to hv pi-own!. Over 250 students and advisers from I I Santa Clara Valley high schools will converge on 441,7 SJS campus tomorrow for the first an- nual High School Rally convention. Registration and welcoming addresses by Shunji Ito, Rally com- mittee chairman; James Craig, adviser, and ASB President John Aitken will start the all-da; sesallt ’.ion, according to Paul Sakamoto,, 411 student chairman. Demonstrations by the SJS and high school song girls, majorettes yell leaders will follow the WI.Iconling ceremonies. After demonstrations the %In- dent% u ill devide themselves into 111 discussion groups nhich will he led by members of the SJS Rally committee, Sakamoto said. lew of the topes to he 111S- CliSSell are "How to Create Spirit During Spring Sports." "Should High Schools Use Card Stunts," "How to Plan Rallies," "Organiz- ation of a Good Rally Committ,c," and "Publicity and Community Support of Rallies." Students will attend from Camp- bell, Fremont, Menlo-Atherton, Gilroy, San JOS4s, Willow Glen, Lincoln, James Lick, Los Gatos, Santa Clara and Washington high The University of California HAIN: committee has said they nill ’and 11%., delegates to the comention. 5.1S students working on the cons.ntion are Norm Tompkins. Rli I)i,hhin, J Do le B J e I 10 I’S .4 100S e Fairgrounds For Banquet Library 9, se.,..ion Tonight Marks Opening t; rad s To Con ler 0 If Drama I resentat on An important meeting of all By GLORIA LORENZO The Little Theater curtain goes up tonight at 8:15 on what prom iset to be an excellent inteipretation of Henrik Ibsen s celebrated -1-lecida Gabler." Miss Elizabeth Loeffler is producer. The student cast includes, in order of their appea-ance. Miry Ellen Nicholson as Eerie: Thelma Miller as Juliane Tesman. Will:sm IIP.:ainet. Jell:, ,1.4..1 .,, lo I I ( ..1: r I A., I PRINCIPALS IN ’ithCs 1.11- - Ile Theater production of Hen- rik Ibsen’. "Ileilda 41.abler" are. Itelifritiii A tb(.1: (1111.1 .it 110 fr left to right, sandra Tame Ai. 11.11114’1’ nth 1/1 I.val III he I boot.. is 11,11141, . tiny lllll 11011.01 0111 II-. v111.’1441. .011d lists. The lion. %moon .o.i. 11,4) cla is bored .%erlatingl% %%111v he In 111.,11111 .111101:411 nt Ill., 11.1n1l, interet...1 ii,.. iii in the holm% ..1 I 1%111/.1110n she 110 111..nd Ia.,. I h 1...%ert%, :01131 /1.lo 111,1 i, !lapped 1.% t 0 11 t11,. ,h1’ t, , ,, 01111 .I I, I dila 1, 1114 alai 14. int-414.11 Fr% ’Wont he, I 19211.S. tiscehrvitialysts I telt I.% h. - c,e, ., .00d. ,!. ! 1 or a.1 k f .1.11 .4.14 ler11/0111 ti., ili.(141A. Richard Rivo.11 ri. Ejlert 1.mliorit and ( chi% Cross to1.1% I 001.1111i01.0 ,111i.L. Iii ’lb, 1.1.,% of Wail. Itv, n’ as Mrs. ER 0141, 0 111111(1 1 iiiir photo by Fred Hitettger put .110 on r And UA - emote Barlin. Vern Perry, Stan ever 10 be held at Sall J -se Stah’ bon in Iloilo 1, Don . lApositIon builditr.: at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds has been chosen tor the site of this year’s Senior Banquet to held Thursday. June 17. Bill Ilu w - sha. Senior class president, said yesterday. lie added that this change in the banquet site would mean a reduction in the ticket price. Traditionally. the Senior Rao- quet has been hiild at the Scottish Rite Temple: bosses or. his! iss said the temple held slight’I. than 1000 per.ple and the r fo changing the site e was to hos a larger banquet hall. The 10Aposition building will hold :shout 1500 people. Rushau led out that the increase would allow more parents and guests to attend the banquet. "rhis will be the biggestd an Bailey. Dave Doerr. Sam Yates. most successful SPilinr Rall(1111.1 Croonguist, Nada Stepovich. Jack - 15111 .101 1 Lad S ti, . Isah .1 41.fa - .1, .41 ’0’M’11K III. if’ Woods. Trish Nif’ers. Karla junction with Campus Das. Donna An/ . night srhool at the Jones and Ito. Harclerriad and Jean Ann Bailey ’maims (,orencit . San Francisco. will he thr sow,, are co-eh:tit:men of 111,, Campus al tonight s It, ligien . T!. llimwanca Group They Intend to send letters Cittirges False t., o’t lock at ff. I ! Da committee. ippoints Students For Camp Session College," flushaw promised. The banquet will held in 14 V11 - US Head With Banquet I to the parents. hrtsttan church, SO S. 5th St .41111 "Parents and .z.uests has,. been Dolint, Mathias: WruId 1311%,1- aeetatling to Betty Dwyei . pile pone discouraged from at in i- ,i I S.I I" week that (lc- giani chilli/min fin the baoquet Tick. tstilt ii, vious Senior Banquets because of n,,i IS faisi, chat Li’S The Mimwanca camp rommit- tee yesterday named four SJS stu- dents to attend the leadership training camp session in August. Those named were Carol Stell- ing, Vern Perry, Trish Meyers and Bill Dubbin, according to camp chairman Shunji Ito. They were selected ti a com- mittee composed of students who have attended the camp. Carol Stilling is freshman class scoetary and a kindergarten -Pri- mary major from San Jose, Vern Perry, a business education soph- omore, is candidate for ASH vice president and chairman of the So- cial Affairs committee, a member of the Rally committee and nest year’s Homecoming chairman. Trish Meyers is a dental hy- giene major from Lafayette. and was 1953 Homeeoming queen. Bill Dubbins is card stunt chairman. a member of the Rally committee, Spartan Shields and a Frosh camp counselor. Hob a ndsev and Celia Cross were named by the committee as alternates. Ito and Jean Ann Bailey will. attend the camp as counselors Radio To Feature ’Phantom Singers’ : An exclusive interview with the "Phantom Singers" will he aired’ over radio KEF:N, 1370 on the by the SJS Radio-TV Guild at 6 p.m. Sunday. according to Tom Winston Paul West has taped an inter- siew with five track stars for this! Audres flosford. Sundas’s broadcast, produced by Fred Engelberg. Ralph Rowland, assistant producer, will present music by the A Cappelli] choir. Winston asked "Should Ameri- ca send troops to Indochina?" for the Man -on -Campus recorded in the Coop. Diane Slater will present sOror- Barbecue Is ’Cat’s Meow’ the cross-ded conditions and pro- ren.. . . : hibitive ea< 1111,1i;INV said. I Pei lot , ...! ceeds ui WUS week activities In banquet. Diane Sully still plas- row Ilion ,, official hands. I Mendelssohn’s "On Winrs nt Suite to Satilida. S r,, ,, 11uvre. is a WI ’S seck account as a shdol solo. and Gw, I) Alt. I with the Graduate Manage tang of- uig !Ong -Coe Y nti Select ive N"er% ice (tee and each Mi.:NM/a/1On span- by Scott and "Th.. Ixwa., "It’s going to be the ciit’s sorine an activity r.spotisible by 51alotte Glad%s Lange will ,, meow!" for turning in their moncN "ii.. All women students are invited sian,d I Group singing led to. Gwr n to attend The Annual Cat’s Meow AWS-VAA hacheetn. Wednesday, 51;4% 3. in the Women’s G3 rn. Tick- ets. %% halt are 710 cent,-, are on sale in the patio of the Vi’ornen’s Gym and in the Library Arch. ac- cording to Marilyn Reistedt. AWS chairman. Dress for the al lair will be cas- ual -sport with rellal pushers pre- doniitiating. 1..ast chance to ’mud. lickci. still be Molida, Ma!, - addcd. AU’S 1;a1,didaies ;thud File Today Candidates fur Associated Wo- men Student, offiee, nre urged to tile petitions in the 1 ol Wo- men’s office before this after- noon’s 5 o’clock deadline. Applicants who hase filed to date are: president: Jan Adams and Betty Wiser; first ore presi- dent. Bernice Hatiocc.,. Marilsn Heisted? and Allen.- liammond; second %ice presldent: Belly f’ra. let-. Donna Larson and Juds Mang. Secretary: Pat Andirw, Donna Joost. Miki Murphy, Ruth oak - leaf and Maui ’en Daly: treasurer: Nancs Stevens, Ann Dutton and Registration Euidi Today is the last day for Kin- dergarten -Primary and Elementary otoier%vis to reels - ter for Education Hit.% n ith , Mrs. Ann Fabrizio In Room 161. I. She added that she intended to turn in a lepoit of ’VW’Sts o.k piocii-ds but w a delayed because AWS remit was not tin ned in until sesterday. ASH he...Avid John Aitken wood rhirillit Student Council meeting \Verfnesdas that Miss Ma- thias he requiled to thin in a ’complete breakdown" of %VI’S k benefit pr..e.i.ds Monday Last Day ;15.olableIII Following a ,Adi.oiin, by stall; Knew rd. I !cc, ’V) that Ole had not deposited pro- Cloonquist. toastmaster for the (Inn/am both soloists tentairg. and .1 11 "i ds : Ann 11:111,.. stmt. . haunt., el 1 /t111.9011-111-1.11. e I .11,, 111111.111. 11 III / II, ,11 ;gI aril. Miss lh and Nits I Vl ,t i.;.:, Ntt and Nirs Jars.. - IMiss P.4 any. s (int!. 1..; as patrons and pat , Itanquil The final noon Inlorrrial discus-. %ton for the n’is.b mill he heti’ Ai 12:30 p.trt torla% in Room R of If. Wrong it’s gym Mr (laud.. Sett!. s, Associat. prulessor of tinciolog,- %%01 lead the diseti,,fen on 11:1,141 o (In e Defermeni Exam on Ma .0 of 4.- 014111 rcst . Orlittig 111 S. It . i I 1 Nal Ifinal t. Ti..- 311543 Al test is foi It,..111 of studetila presented it. ties. or Whet- einergenc% from - o tendn: on. of the mg-tit:11h sche- duled examinations Not 1453 and April 22of this %ear ApplieatiOna to take thi Ma % .41 thv last row that will I..’ vir fit)arfl Sign -1.1). CanTi;, k.,1 riot MaN Ka. ell this ,141 /1111,1 111. 11,0. Monday is the la -s das for stir- I, Fit.’ it and Ix)" ni’.t. 1)r ti, siS ln . dents to apply bit the two open- Pat Collins and ings on the Revelries hoard, sue -in toe sem 11f cording to Chuck Ihicaria, Itoard sarions fait. are on displa). in - member. !cludim: 1, 1ok ot E ci nh sth. ,, 1.11c- boss.1. t, Applications must he made in. Ted Ralgoosen’s office by 3741, I, Ill 11111 s la -hue the board will take place Ma> 7) The. openings are for one fr- male and production rria- flaCrl lot the 1955 shrew (1:14. Breakfast Membets of the Collegiate Chris- tian FclItos ship and their friends a:e scheduled to rneet in front ’it Is’ St tid. nt Union at 6:13 n’elock it ui-slay morning for a Bible Stil- th Breakfast at Alum Rock park, ac.ording to Marjean Morns. pu- t-dints chairman Int (11- Anyone n. ding a ride is urged to contact Al Moak at AX 6-6447. hem Sit up dut its eI h ,1.14 DeathValle Group Schedule.. Reunion A reunion tor tlic to I .115 mad.- the I s-ath Valk nal . school trip stilt start at 7 7k, tclock tonight in the Student In inn, according to lo Carl I) I iiiii ran th- stud account.. still he settIed up. primula% going students a re- f itrul 11 theft. IS a stif plus. and pie- , lures will Ike hrtrueht (iii all to I see Retr,14imrstis still tic scr 1 Posters depictine 1)eath Valle% themes were displayed at 1011% canlpt1S 10Ca1lOnfi last quart. r. pi, - e. -dung the sprint, Sacation ’,sting id ice, : 1,1.i lin it .11v1.11, .1111 en. I1. ..1 Si I%i S. I iaullorwri toilents 1,t -Apt id giii 1111 :1111-1 Will.’ in "%la% the slow.- tuailing !s,, Spartans To Meet LOP., Test Marks %as Jaw %Wu It-i., Linen iuull rntertain f olleur of thr this arterne.is at 3 loi I.Al %pertain Held. Arcot-Mak to I Kan, 55. frt. ill irmst I lirrv n ord. will In. I hr,at, tic.? Ii, Hubbard is %pr. 4,d to 10 i the tni,Infle ’,cord 1114. h hurd hr Put it re rnhano a, And hns golivkr) Thera ’non! ars. ?spirt-4rd In fort nrn ro .’ rut. in their specialties.

II nk, ’he lrs. Ply of



L. nd-

r �14 CaliforkaliSt



Vol. 42 SAN JOSE. CALIF., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1954 No. 131

All Valley High Schools � OriUntilti ,!j... hour.

Initial plans 14sr the

To Stage Meeting Here

lllll r school graduates n ill

Is’ held in Ntorris Haile%

n. ’1/41 Thin-sit:I% at 1’1:30 ,

� (.41.0Ch 1011(M hie, the regular

gladuar r. � %%ill he

to hv pi-own!.

Over 250 students and advisers from I I Santa Clara Valley high � schools will converge on 441,7 SJS campus tomorrow for the first an-nual High School Rally convention.

Registration and welcoming addresses by Shunji Ito, Rally com-mittee chairman; James Craig, adviser, and ASB President John Aitken will start the all-da; sesallt ’.ion, according to Paul Sakamoto,, � 411

student chairman. Demonstrations by the SJS and

high school song girls, majorettes yell leaders will follow the

WI.Iconling ceremonies. After demonstrations the %In-

dent% u ill devide themselves into 111 discussion groups nhich will

he led by members of the SJS

Rally committee, Sakamoto said.

lew of the topes to he 111S-

CliSSell are "How to Create Spirit During Spring Sports." "Should

High Schools Use Card Stunts," "How to Plan Rallies," "Organiz-ation of a Good Rally Committ,�c," and "Publicity and Community Support of Rallies."

Students will attend from Camp-bell, Fremont, Menlo-Atherton, Gilroy, San JOS4s, Willow Glen, Lincoln, James Lick, Los Gatos, Santa Clara and Washington high

The University of California

HAIN: committee has said they

nill ’and 11%., delegates to the


5.1S students working on the cons.�ntion are Norm Tompkins. Rli I)i,hhin,� J Do le B J

e I 10 I’S .4 100S e

Fairgrounds For Banquet

Library 9,

� se.,..ion Tonight Marks Opening t; rad s To Con ler

0 If Drama I resentat on An important meeting of all


The Little Theater curtain goes up tonight at 8:15 on what prom iset to be an excellent inteipretation of Henrik Ibsen s celebrated -1-lecida Gabler." Miss Elizabeth Loeffler is producer.

The student cast includes, in order of their appea-ance. Miry

Ellen Nicholson as Eerie: Thelma Miller as Juliane Tesman. Will:sm IIP.:ainet. Jell:, � ,1.4..1

.,, lo I I (

..�1:� r

I A., I

PRINCIPALS IN ’ithCs 1.11- - Ile Theater production of Hen-

rik Ibsen’. "Ileilda 41.abler" are. Itelifritiii A tb(.1: (1111.1 .it 110

fr left to right, sandra Tame

Ai. 11.11114’1’ nth 1/1

I.val III he I boot..

is 11,111�41, . tiny lllll 11011.01 � 0111

���� II-. v111.’1441. .011d

lists. The lion. %moon .o.i. 11,4)

cla is bored .%erla�tingl% %%111v

he In 111.,11111 .111101:411 nt Ill.,

11.1n1l, intere�t...1 ii,.. iii

in the holm% ..1 I 1%111/.1110n

she 110 111..nd Ia.,. I h

1...%ert%, :01�131 /1.�lo � �

111,1 i, !lapped 1.%

� t 0 11 �

t11,. ,h1’ t, �

, �,, ��� 01111� �.I

� I, I dila 1, 1114� alai 14. �

� int-414.11 Fr% ’Wont he,

I 19211.S.


I telt I.% h. -

� c,e, �., .00d. ,!.

! 1 or a.1

k f .1.11 .4.14 ler11/0111

ti., ili.(141A. Richard Rivo.11 ri.� Ejlert 1.mliorit and ( chi% Cross

to1.1%� I 001.1111i01.0 ,�111i.L. Iii ’lb, 1.1.,%� of Wail. Itv,� n’� as Mrs. ER 0141, 0 111111(1 1 iiiir

�photo by Fred Hitettger put .110 on r And UA


emote Barlin. Vern Perry, Stan ever 10 be held at Sall J° -se Stah’

bon in Iloilo 1, Don .

lApositIon builditr.: at the

Santa Clara County Fairgrounds has been chosen tor the site of this year’s Senior Banquet to held Thursday. June 17. Bill Ilu

w -

sha. Senior class president, said yesterday. lie added that this change in the banquet site would mean a reduction in the ticket price.

Traditionally. the Senior Rao-

quet has been hiild at the Scottish Rite Temple: bosses or. his! iss

said the temple held slight’I. than 1000 per.ple and the

r fo changing the site e was to hos a larger banquet hall.

The 10Aposition building will

hold :shout 1500 people. Rushau � led out that the increase

would allow more parents and

guests to attend the banquet.

"rhis will be the biggestd an

Bailey. Dave Doerr. Sam Yates. most successful SPilinr Rall(1111.1

Croonguist, Nada Stepovich. Jack -

15111 .101 1

Lad S ti, . Isah .1 41.fa - .1, .41

’0’M’11K III.

if’ Woods. Trish Nif’ers. Karla junction with Campus Das. Donna An/ . night srhool at the

Jones and Ito. Harclerriad and Jean Ann Bailey ’maims (,orencit . San Francisco. will he thr sow,, are co-eh:tit:men of 111,, Campus

al tonight s It, ligien . T!.

llimwanca Group � They Intend to send letters Cittirges False t., o’t lock at ff. I !�� Da� committee.

ippoints Students For Camp Session

College," flushaw promised. The banquet will held in 14 V11 -

US Head With Banquet

I to the parents. hrtsttan church, SO S. 5th St � .41111 �

"Parents and .z.uests has,. been Dolint, Mathias: WruId 1311%,1- aeetatling to Betty Dwyei . pile pone discouraged from at in i�- ,i I S.I� I" week that (lc- giani chilli/min fin the baoquet Tick. t�stilt ii,

� vious Senior Banquets because of n�,,i IS faisi,�� chat Li’S

The Mimwanca camp rommit-tee yesterday named four SJS stu-dents to attend the leadership training camp session in August.

Those named were Carol Stell-ing, Vern Perry, Trish Meyers and Bill Dubbin, according to camp chairman Shunji Ito.

They were selected ti a com-mittee composed of students who have attended the camp.

Carol Stilling is freshman class scoetary and a kindergarten -Pri-mary major from San Jose, Vern Perry, a business education soph-omore, is candidate for ASH vice president and chairman of the So-cial Affairs committee, a member of the Rally committee and nest year’s Homecoming chairman.

Trish Meyers is a dental hy-giene major from Lafayette. and was 1953 Homeeoming queen. Bill Dubbins is card stunt chairman. a member of the Rally committee, Spartan Shields and a Frosh camp counselor.

Hob a ndsev and Celia Cross were named by the committee as alternates.

Ito and Jean Ann Bailey will. attend the camp as counselors

Radio To Feature ’Phantom Singers’ :

An exclusive interview with the

"Phantom Singers" will he aired’ over radio KEF:N, 1370 on the

by the SJS Radio-TV Guild at 6 p.m. Sunday. according to Tom Winston

Paul West has taped an inter-siew with five track stars for this! Audres flosford. Sundas’s broadcast, produced byFred Engelberg. Ralph Rowland, assistant producer, will present music by the A Cappelli] choir.

Winston asked "Should Ameri-ca send troops to Indochina?" for the Man-on -Campus recorded in the Coop.

Diane Slater will present sOror-

Barbecue Is ’Cat’s Meow’

the cross-ded conditions and pro- ren.. . . �:�� hibitive ea< 1111,1i;INV said. I Pei lot , � ...�!

ceeds ui WUS week activities In banquet. Diane Sully still plas- row Ilion ,�,� official hands. I Mendelssohn’s "On Winrs nt Suite to Satilida. S r,, � � ����,,

�11uvre. is a WI ’S �seck account as a shdol solo. and Gw, I) Alt. I

with the Graduate Manage tang of- uig !Ong -Coe Y nti� Select ive N"er% ice (tee and each Mi.:NM/a/1On span- by Scott and "Th.. Ixwa.,

"It’s going to be the ciit’s sorine an activity r.spotisible by 51alotte Glad%s Lange will ,�,

meow!" for turning in their moncN "ii.. All women students are invited sian,d I Group singing led to. Gwr n

to attend The Annual Cat’s Meow AWS-VAA hacheetn. Wednesday,

51;4% 3. in the Women’s G3 rn. Tick-ets. %% halt are 710 cent,-, are on sale in the patio of the Vi’ornen’s Gym and in the Library Arch. ac-cording to Marilyn Reistedt. AWS chairman.

Dress for the al lair will be cas-ual -sport with rellal pushers pre-doniitiating.

1..ast chance to ’mud. lickci.

still be Molida, Ma!, -


AU’S 1;a1,didaies ;thud File Today

Candidates fur Associated Wo-men Student, offiee, nre urged to tile petitions in the 1 ol Wo-

men’s office before this after-noon’s 5 o’clock deadline.

Applicants who hase filed to date are: president: Jan Adams and Betty Wiser; first ore presi-

dent. Bernice Hatiocc.,. Marilsn Heisted? and Allen.- liammond; second %ice presldent: Belly f’ra.

let-. Donna Larson and Juds Mang.

Secretary: Pat Andirw, Donna Joost. Miki Murphy, Ruth oak -leaf and Maui ’en Daly: treasurer:

Nancs Stevens, Ann Dutton and

Registration Euidi Today is the last day for Kin-

dergarten-Primary and Elementary otoier%vis to reels-

ter for Education Hit.% n ith

, Mrs. Ann Fabrizio In Room 161. I. �

She added that she intended to turn in a lepoit of ’VW’Sts o.k pioci�i-ds but w a delayed because

AWS remit was not tin ned in until se�sterday.

ASH he...Avid John Aitken

wood rhirillit Student Council meeting \Verfnesdas that Miss Ma-thias he requiled to thin in a ’complete breakdown" of %VI’S

k benefit pr..e.i.ds

Monday Last Day


Following a ,Adi.oiin, by stall; Knew ’ � rd. I !cc, ’V)

that Ole had not deposited pro- Cloonquist. toastmaster for the �

(Inn/am both soloists

tentairg. and .1 11 "i ds : Ann 11:111,.. stmt. . haunt., el

1 /t��111.9011-111-1.11.� e I .11,,

1111�11.111. 11 III / II, � �,11

;gI aril. Miss

lh and Nits I Vl ,t i.;.:,� Ntt and Nirs Jars.. -

IMiss P.4 any. s (int!. 1..; ���

as patrons and pat � ,


The final noon Inlorrrial discus-. %ton for the n’is.b mill he heti’ Ai

12:30 p.trt torla% in Room R of If. Wrong it’s gym Mr (laud.. Sett!. s,

Associat. prulessor of tinciolog,-

%%01 lead the diseti,,fen on 11:1,141

o (In e Defermeni Exam on Ma� .0


4.- 014111 rcst

. Orlittig 111 S. It .

i� I 1 � Nal Ifinal


Ti..- 311543 Al test is foi It,..111

of studetila presented it. ties. or Whet- einergenc% from -

o tendn: on. of the mg-tit:11h sche-duled examinations Not 1453

and April 22of this %ear

ApplieatiOna to take thi� Ma % .41 thv last row that will I..’

vir fit)arfl Sign-1.1). CanTi;, k.�,1 riot MaN

Ka. ell this ,141 /1111,1 111. 11,0.

Monday is the la -s das for stir- I, Fit.’ it and Ix)" ni’.t. 1)r ti, siS ln .

dents to apply bit the two open- Pat Collins and ings on the Revelries hoard, sue-in toe sem 11f

cording to Chuck Ihicaria, Itoard sarions fait. are on displa). in -member. !cludim: 1, 1ok ot

’ E ci nh sth. ,, 1.11c- boss.1. �t, Applications must he made in.

Ted Ralgoosen’s office by 3741, I, Ill 11111 s la -hue the board will take place Ma> 7)

The. openings are for one fr-male and production rria-flaCrl lot the 1955 shrew

(1:14. Breakfast Membets of the Collegiate Chris-

tian FclItos ship and their friends a:e scheduled to rneet in front ’it

Is’ St tid. nt Union at 6:13 n’elock it ui-slay morning for a Bible Stil-

th Breakfast at Alum Rock park, ac.ording to Marjean Morns. pu-t-dints chairman Int (11- Anyone n.�� ding a ride is urged to contact Al Moak at AX 6-6447.

hem Sit up dut its� eI h�


DeathValle� Group Schedule.. Reunion

A reunion tor tlic to I .115

mad.- the I s-ath Valk nal . school trip stilt start at 7 7k,

’ tclock tonight in the Student In

inn, according to lo Carl I) I iiiii ran

th- stud account.. still he settIed

up. primula% going students a re-

f itrul 11 theft. IS a stif plus. and pie-

, lures will Ike hrtrueht (iii all to I see Retr,14imrstis still tic scr� 1 Posters depictine 1)eath Valle%

themes were displayed at 1011%

canlpt1S 10Ca1lOnfi last quart. r. pi, -

e. -dung the sprint, Sacation

’,sting id ice, : � 1,1.i�

lin it .11v1.11, .1111 en. I���1.

..1 Si I%i � S. I

i�aullorwri �toilents 1,t

-Apt id giii 1111

:1111-1 Will.’ in "%la% the slow.- tuailing !s,,

Spartans To Meet LOP., Test Marks

%as Jaw %Wu It-i., Linen iuull

rntertain f olleur of thr

this arterne.is at 3 loi I.Al

%pertain Held. Arcot-Mak to I Kan, 55�.

frt. ill irmst I lirrv n

ord. will In. I hr,at, tic.? Ii,

Hubbard is � %pr. 4,d to 10 i the tni,Infle ’,cord 1114. h hurd

hr Put it re rnhano a, And hns

golivkr) Thera ’non! ars.

?spirt-4rd In fort nrn ro .’ rut. in

their specialties.

� �

Spartan Daily Candidates Tell Programs


�14. -

��� �1. teet...1 � ��������� .� %IS S ���� lara ����

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Ii MIS lift � ke � �

/:��/// � �Viatill / I’s

4.%111.11 L111411.1,

�� � ’ III ri my

..� .0 present to the

� s! .�:� � , .nail problems and

AMS 4, r.rr, el rung the A - s, ,ciat ed

�rjr-131 ’Pnt Women Students of S�1:-.

experience as a class represent,’

3 f"...,":’’:".7};".::17�4 14’th � rr.e rill the ,-,trident Council quail -

k144.14f ti i )1 tit1t.r 1-- HI 111111")

. hes me for this office"

II I ./ Pit 11. 1+1

rsow-4.: -z:..

earn $5000

be an offirer in

the air force...

get an exciting

head start in

let aviation...

.611 AND ’I

belong to a great flying team?



.t. ’0,0; �

I � �

%ors 2 P.."- -�

.,lintry : � 7: X I�

Anrr.orrr_iir. � it...se.- kers are �ler- , �

�����., Aipha T4,4 (Arras, Or-1 I wo...,�1 - � ’ sigrr.a Phi dent per,..� �.�,! .7.

L.It ie an Joe. maio.

":-.A�r. dcry,C h:a;.,pa Alpoa i to enter the PCC or �,�.rT � .�

Kappa T4 , Ken i Ht:bbard. member of Spa. � �

� ----.. rra A:pha iStirelds. wants better relation- �

�ear .--,artna Kappa tween faculty and students

- K ppa ht. � � DI , � -, or. -4 A. .presentative-at-

. stressed that �’lf

� 13‘16 elected I’ll dr, Of, hO-S? job I can. ,

7" �:.’"1---"".^ !Out I dor t Man, make any

false prommos Ker-tv-d:. IS a j;.mor !rosiness ad-

-ninistrat:or, rno;or and has served,

� frosh and -,,ph councilsmcils and ;



..a-1�����1’ 1�:�/�ro�

.-ophornore r.:s views � s -

; . ies:-prr-sirb r; of ANIS He *��� as a mcrntter of the now de.,

� and st�Irlent hIrYty groups are in at.- .r.c� 1:�,trarnural corn- ,

and h., Ho :44aPrihrTIS . f’atrn:’ positions which pint ideal


Marilyn Mat tke. sophomor.� can-

didate for representative -at -large,

:Id education major. lists expe-

.ence on the re�elries boar,LI,iii,-

�� Relations committee anal RAE:.

rt,rnm� reial art rt;;, ;. Ar: ’1;0�" l-nm Fletcher .

La’ 11L1 f; sti.

�; � IT y,r put of his plattorm

� -4,, ra...� el.�ctiona.

ot the Feetutier. thre.--b-rm sophom.,;.

� 1,10 sad* nt holds a second vg�

� i .r. � pr.-sident position with Alpha I’�

� � � ,� .-i� � � JAI( ril an.�:II and is a rn..mbi� t� of 1. :-.;toderit Union board_

II 1:1:1 I S1:1 111

’11’a,I:. Hill/ If a’


I I -; 1,01\ --at\

It,� empi�,-:/.al a..alotri�ori Iii-. goal

ir,on,�1 �� fa ,��;; ; ; . ac; far

a Les, II; ;al," /1,IC �I 1; !!�;,

lit " Nhip � ! A KO js ar

Thts ft.. .; r�w;al in somethin------- �Arte.l.gr to the I air n-i r ’Spar di

.1tr1ti)t1rteertte1tts I (:attetille(1

Let’s Go

Trinity [psi ono, Chard, ha� �

Sunda, �, I - I a, � la e-Ce���;e��, l’ea�to*�C,411.1p)

40010^, ? OS � �� rhoradow toto.1, Sloobwi s�<tor

� ...so. cs�pie� to St�e�er�


�,.)I tit I II III I I, I I I

1,1,11.�� S..11

a 11.4

II dia


on %oats II I 1111(1) so Re I

4 @dirge 4 Lee. 0 30

orehlp ’seri I. re at II 00

The Fr,���41v Cl.u�ch \A�’corn�. Y.a

- - -

I loth; ; on .41111,111 lissn

I � - I L.e, la I at, � ;pi.

%; ; l’al’

scheduled tor >est. gifts r a quo,

� �ip for the session.

; ,��� .; v.as in h.� � � ; � .ent ;Own of �-�:� .I,; t Council and �

To Church Every Sunday


You I Genuinely HecpfJ

Firi A Uwe College Group That You’ll Rook Enjoy



To Youth P�ito,. To You


FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Two blocks from campus 2nd and Son Antonio

l’ersonol min...ling I. appointment � 1 5-6991

;�;:a4 In her platform

�. ;�fitat to make sturknt ;tr-

.., appeal to ev,�ryone ’ala at!.

.;,’her plank i, it Sprint! E.;�-

ai for all students. and r,..���,

coordination is-Meen p

campus organizations

JAN WILSON "I believe that raN � \;� h.,

along with my interest in th.� �af-

fairs of student body governm.

make me a qualified eandidat,� fig

this (Afire. Good relationships by-

tween the �arintas ori4anizat

..... ..... HOUSE of PIZZA

T:ny R dr1 e George Kukar �PIZZA TO GO-

395 A�eeden Are (by Ci�ic Aud Weekdays til midn;ght Weekends ’CI 2 ra.T.

CV 7.9908 Free parking ..... - - -

, V. � . , �anal a itia�II to ;

� Sri?, i’ot/Itrfi

185 so. first street shop tbursday to 9

1338 lincoln avenue shop monday to 9

B. J. Bailey

WINS A $ 5


et s lack� coed .2"


San Jose State

campus club . JUDY ADAMS,

.�MAN $ Ca -pus Rea,

- - yea can 2.��� �.:2!

FRESHMEN! sophomores.’

feuatvtdi SENIORS!


The Tuxedo Shop 84 South First CY 3-7420

Itot� high ii;rh your dote by looking dapper end dlit,ngulihed In your

lormoi attire. Be assured that your with Is correct to the lost detail�

by taking odyantog� of OUR templet. rental service. It’s so

�corwimicol you’ll save enough to send your gid an elegant corsage!

"A Business with us � Not o sideline"



THAT SPRING IS HERE Come and get ’ern Men! A spark-

ling galaxy of styles and pat-

terns to please every taste . . .

from the conservative to the





Known Brands�


J�Sithiliams 227-233 SOUTH FIRST STREET

;oilers Win. 22-5 l’hree San Jose JV golfers el,.

(;eoi go shot 70, Bob Chartrand. ,leteated Modesto Je 22-5. Ernie partababes To Wind Up � ,,,� 7,1s this week as they

-.71. and Jack Samuelson, 74.

Jerry Vroorn, coach of the Jay -.es. announced that the team will

play Campbell High School Mon-! and Sends Cruz High Thurs-


earn 44 $5000

a year? Lt Robe,t Cabaniss and

Ar;ation Cadet SelecCon Tea, 101 4,e coming to San Jose State to show you how. They II be here ,n 4 days. Meet them at the outer -quad during their stay.


Friday. April 30. 1934

eason Today, Saturday Coach Don Lopes’ freshman ’Clifford in the batting race �alth

baseball team closes its 1954 sea- a MS av.Tagc. Another heavy hitting freshman son today and tomorrow with

three games scheduled. man. King, who has broken up Bellarmine Prep school hosts many games in the last inning

the Spartababes today at 3:15 p.m with clutch hitting and did the The Santa Clara Frosh provide same to %%in Wednesday’s game. the opposition for the season-dos- was hitting .375 at the start of ing games tomorrow at Ryan the week ( ihserters have predict - Field. The Spartababes and Santa ed that King definitely will help Clara face off in a doubleheader the varsity. starting at 1 p.m. Dick Arlington is hitting .318.

The Frosh has.. compiled an en- Bob Columho .312 and Dan Wilson \ :able 15 win, fl e loss record for .305 to round out the .30(1 inerag,� the season. hitters on the Spartabalie squad

Jerry Clif in is pacing the Spartan Frosh. according to sta-tistics released early this week by Lopes. Clifford was hitting at a .528 clip prior to Wednesday’s San Jose Junior Colbla� tilt. The Frosh eatchiT also led in tilphs with four and in home runs with three.

- Lopes said that the heavy hit -

king catcher is one of the OutZIMMERMAN standing men on his team and will

!help the \ arsity next year. Outti. I r Clyde Beagle follows and Dan Arena also hold pert.’.’

Dick Zimmerman is in the Spartan Spotlight

with his new


Regent �A n, the rayon that looks like

- washes like cotton, and wears an old friend. Choose from

mo,e than 14 special colortones.

$5.95 See it at:

HART’S M.arly?f and Santa Clara

The WARDROBE Second and Santa Clara


1330 Lincoln Ave., Willow Glen



.is Ed King, slugging first base -

tither hitters with their aver-aia.s at the start of the week ar, Bill Bauer. .250, Dick Roza, .245 Joe Cerruti. .240: Bob Christ.. .230: Tom Can di. ’214: Frank Murakami. .200: Jim Johnson .181; Dick Kernick. Ititi. Turk Halsey. .160 and Bill Kline. .00,1

In the pitching departindif Chriseo shows the way with a pt�

feet three. win no loss record eluding one no-hit shutout. B.e., ,

Charley Hardy Raider Nine StTks z11 her Leader Fifth Straight 1od In Title* Race From Santa Clara

I marks of one �ictor-y. \s hoe IL sey has posted to. On’. leads in stiik, outs, and hits piliimed Johnser has the most %s ins tow Chris., has gi�en up the most walks. I1 Kline has the most losses fee,

land Johnson has the most silo, Fouts to his credit. two.

Other undo iilual hafting II mu I are King find Halsey with To .. doubles. (’lit ford v,ith four tripl�and three home rims. Cetruti it

std. it bases v.ith six. in vkalks .ed strikeouts with .20

’ Do�A nt j, ,f, Joist. - Var�,1 , ’ �

I:1’d rvin Lopes. Charley I 1 - ’,all team will host the ely . his running male, has niso 41, Clara Broncos today at 2:3, into second place. Other leaders I on t he Municip:d Stadium

l� Leon ( ENeill, another end, mond. center Jerry Ruse, Tackle Jack The Golden


Rair1,-rs will be ’,.1wford and End Clarence Wyss-


, Leading for the "Mr. Pass Pro-tector- title is Tackle Jack Ad-ling pitcher.a ill he looking for hisl

, �� ants. Ruse and Crawford are in se\ nth straight ictorN

second and third place respective- oldham started on his string Id

ly Tackle Al Severino is fourth triumphs against Santa Clara last , .

looking for their fifth straight �� in. John ()ldhani. named by Coach 1’alt \Villiams as tin. start -

month when he bested them 5-2. ed Center John

Perkins lift-. Since then Oldham has throa%n ltoy Hiram is still the leading

two shutouts, one a one-hitter. hackfield downlield Mocker. if Oldham will be going against is followed by Clive Bullian, Al

R Brown, Fred Delgadillo. Pat Hit--

ay Stanley, Bronco pitcher with a one-win two-loss r,cord. am. Dave Fanner, Bill Beasky, ham’s mark is six wins and two Dai-rel Clement, Mel Soong, Benny

Pierce. Hoby Marvin, Tony Tere- losses. .

sa, Joe Ulm and Herm Stokes in Bill Carroll with 432 and Dan

that order. Wednesday’s football practice

was not as pleasing as Tuesday’s. according to }lead Coach Bob Bronzan. The coach did have praise for some of his playeis. how-ever.

Jack Crawford looked the b, st

he has all spring. Larry Meek, Frosh guard, improved. Merl, Flattely’s blocking improved and he’s definitely in the fight for a first string end birth. End Clar-ence Wessman has commenced to

; realize his potential.

, at Club Direct Bus Service


NOW ! ! Direct bus fare from the

Greyhound depot to Club Almaden.

Leaving Son Jose: 12:20, 3:20, 5:45

Leaving Club Almaden: 4:30, 6:45

Round trip ticket (includes

entrance to the grounds) � $1.00

Reservations for Clubs, Sororities.



I 21350 Almaden Road

and Fraternities.

CY 5-4141

Modena with .419 pace th,� Bronco attack. The Santa Clara nine is in a third place tie with the I’ iii

Ver,It in the CHIA

gonon’4 go/ender FRINAV

Varsity Track�C.11,v of the Pacific at Spartan Field 3 p.m.

Varsity Ilatteball�Santa Clara at Mumegial Stadium. :2:30 pm

Freshman Basehall�Rellarmine at Bellarmine. 3.15 p.m.

NATI�RDAV Freshman Basehall--Santa

:t Fs,oh at Ryan Field ’double-t:, ad, it 1 p.m.

SUNDAY Tennls�College of the Pacific

t San Jose, 1:30 pm.

MENU T�Bone Steak 1.40 Rib Steak 1.10 Half Fried Chicken 1.10 Italian Sausage 1.00 Veal Cutlet 1.00 Chicken Fried Steak .85

Served with Soup, Potatoes

or Spaghetti

Salad, Bread and Butter

Coffee and Dessert



Open from I I a.m. to I a.m. Closed on Mondays

SPARTAN INN Coffe� 10c � R�illl Sc

Across from campus on Fourth Street

l’ %IL 1 \ 11









Chowhounds and cl:ess A better table�cloth nd chess board, that comes in 6 brand new treezy colors...

Gingham-check Sport Shirt



Some Shrimp


Some Potatoes.

t4.4v.Ht pr,r ( a55 ’fl

The Burger Bar touch .

and you have the best Shrimp ’n Fries

in town!

Only 39e


4 ti.l’AllITAN DAILY

1 II 1 I ’


Ft Islay:. Atm id 30. Artists To Hold Mock Session

Conela% e Here , Passes ,Statute ���,.�;. meet at -an Jose! A bill sponsored by SJS student,

,.ite Saturday for a North,’ f������cting the rights of witnesses california Section of the Paeilie ,!, � ,�nvies�.C.nal investigations A it Associat ion convent ion and , � . !louse and S..n-.� oikshop meeting. Registration � �

� .11 start at 9 o’clock Saturday IP� . � � Is. The students were

morning in the Engineering build- pa .; in the Northern IAM Forensws Assn. Student

Fee for the 44 orkshop registra- !Corn - .s at San Francisco State �.:1 is $1 and $2 for the barbecue I Colt’ Saturday. ’Chi. hill was

!formulated Darbara McGee awl Dean Fred Ifarcleroad will wt-1, Janet Ellingson. SJS Forensic

ane the group. Dr. Mayo Bryce 1 members. r San Francisco State -will then Es-Congressman George ()11-p. :di in the lecture hall of the land and Dean R. Cresap. assis-

1 .11,41111,, illg hiuubdin tant professor of social science. � Nine svorkshops in the Art were critie evaluators for the building will include demonstra- Senate and House, respectr.ely. I ions in (’’’I 14111,5. Oil painting. wa- � Lawrence II ’.10,1:its director of

Arr.. t. r i�idor, silk sereen. jewelry. Forensics, sir d as moderator. 1, � Immo paper sculpture. and Eight NHS Wf�r.. proposed. two

Iniaiod display passed, one id sshich was the SJS II I 11,1,1 1 1,1 .1 Klt.III. are Stargar��t ...milli. I lel��ti bill on congressional svitnesses.

t� ....di- ma Roo Ks ilemon.lr.ling i tal.I.� � (.)111In:: to � ��.. ,.1, -Is!, tot the N.-await 4-1111��� lirsi II l’Io.d.rt� I,�

Arnold was sp��aker of .. II..t � It. I. Ii t lel I night :It %.�441111j111

0 IL. it.1( 1 Niav III, Mos, St talent tem.( senta-I tt�es of. the 1 101Ige alt-,’ Barnes

0 AD 0

bassi...Atm? �I �dn fl I�rart. 1 1441$ t ’

1:4,.,’: \ 10 1141 %11 II

It. II. 41

’II !I �

, � A

Ill �, I ti a41)4417111

11,41 1110f11 141 1 11 kitriwn . ,1.014 1 ma:4’1411y list I:, Fleet! 1.� 1:11/12.� and refin:

. bag, 141111 Nt�I a � .1 .1,1.� m���� 1ov m-hddri�n *�mm

’ � Kimm.,11 m�I Ca.)

I int, apt. 1 v, till. men. $.. 11;q1 � .11ml� �, }ruin m� 3 Mil 1Mi

I.irl� kitch..n � 0. � N." � r9.- 1,�� n hit- �

’III 1 1’ 7 941111-r ti 1 .--. /11�3�4war t tne�uing ?h, -o. im1d-ro

10444.(mm�mm awl

awl Dick liarnes Lodge 44111 II lit p m.. _ love,. ()shorn Al WI publicly, said ,esto�t�la

It has Imm.i II 101’.2:1111/. It Is lb.� Th. in Con,400 r,mplete with ae- Wintel pledge class ol Mph., itni- and FrIendly Serric�

- � , :2 S. 811, ..ritti Pi 455141,11 by. Gamma I’M at moderate rates 3 30 p.m it..ta pledges Ilarbara ()ma.

..4cneral chairnum. Saul -

.1’) I lid. I --,i.e. Top �m. It:., Sill �, t 1.10�1. awl Mary 13111-

.. !� ��t. it be_ I ler. ;amnia Phi [iota is clia t., 1

In I ord � ��11 . I lo .144 J.,. 1,, � �..�11��11. . oi It 1. I Fivi as fa Fr(tierititv �

5% 5\ 11)

t’hapnian. Ken Rtigg. N’irginia A" "II 14.1". 1""’" "III I"’ 1".41 Rarbara McGee. Donald

:-;atiirrla :41.. 4 1 At A.1..1��� Creek

� e)micron PI 414.14.� 1111b

10.11 i� .11’11 4 411 CY


� ‘1,11 4.11 I.144

’1 Iii � (�,..

4.1:41$ 1 � 1 t . � � � i

-amt. Is sit. i

I 11...1 � 4. 1

1 ’s t.

II SWAN. trall..r. na� .ald� Intiu turtat� 6 ’1,4

tttttt � .11,11 5147141 1".!


In The New And Beautiful


Santa Cruz BEACH

�1.11t. apt . %Sift kitchen. � �

1 au i,,�

Slide students � .itit 3111

pint I 1 4st.

%tit-lotion fillies 29 1154111 t:11 ’I .11" s

1.1111LwIr% %I.

Chi.% rolet un April 19. it I. ,.-441113 1-11 .11111 7111 St, , at 6:3,, p phnn, ("1. 8-3119 alt.

i� P. ’ � �

T 1. 11///1 II ’it’s .6.14 I. I I 110

stli � "t I sit I..1 ..s. 5.411 I ...Lit in

II (1. "II Iii,ssi1.111 1:1 ���1. m

Ai. I 111/.1

Tip Enter �.j ii llect .1 1.) shale

3 Eta RI... ;. hight

- �.� 1�111�r,. discuss the tratcrint’s set vnth �:1 Ian t Annual interenllettiate air meil

lingo 3 accortImg to !tot) Martini. treas-

17’8. twig.. ! The nweting will be tu�lil at

M tun’, horn,- at 3.32 7th St. at

, p 111 Tho group plan, It/ IllAkt� tt. tflr ti,.. Moil


11P A , � bouquets _ � co.sanes � floral g.lts ’ ,..h saktro and Santa Clara

Flower cr 2 0442 Shop

PIZZA in a

romantic wine cellar atmosphere

San Remo’s Restaurant

On Willow, off Almaden CYpress 4-4009

Tuesday thru Thursday ... 5 p.m. to 12 a.m.

Friday and Saturday ... 5 p.m. to 1 a.m.

10% Off on Every Pizza For Students

*her on the Peninsula, its SAM REMO No. 2 ’formerly Vary Jr’-), one quarter m;le south of the LOS ALTOS JUNCTION (San Antonio Rd) on El Camino Real. Phone lOrkshire 7-2570.

,Offei R’gfits Reserved)

1 Um Ante.. C 1.00,4



SAN JOSE’S Apaa, Denorthirm HOTEL

����� risw

J... -.mt.’


earn $5000 ayear...

be an officer in the air force...


get an exciting head start in jet aviation?

I L’lacbe,t Cabeniss end A.Iat’cn Cede, Selection Tern 101 are coming to Se., Jose State to show you how They’ll be here in 4 cla)s, tielpet them at the ou�er qJud ’ during their stay.


Miss Geri Zeis

Queen of the Campus Cotton Spring cot!cn, a dre���

to take you through spring parties with

.flylng color:. Mul’ihued green ,tripe -

on soft beige ba.:.kground, urtitaninCu

slut and portrait neckline make it

dream die s 4,-tr every occasion.



Ilsers - Junior Sloop - Second Floor
