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IIBA Certification Program - Home - BBC | Building ... · •...

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© International Institute of Business Analysis IIBA.org Helping Business Do Business Be.er October 2012 By: Michael Gladstone, EVP CerCficaCon Suzanne Bertschi, CerCficaCon Product Manager IIBA Certification Program
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© International Institute of Business Analysis


Helping  Business  Do  Business  Be.er  

 October  2012  

 By:  Michael  Gladstone,  EVP  

CerCficaCon                  Suzanne  Bertschi,  

CerCficaCon  Product  Manager  


IIBA Certification Program

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© International Institute of Business Analysis


Vision  and  Mission  

Develop and maintain standards for the practice of business analysis and for the certification of its practitioners

Vision The world's leading association for

Business Analysis professionals


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Certification Team •  Michael  Gladstone  

–  Execu3ve  Vice  President,  Cer3fica3on  •  Suzanne  Bertschi  

–  Cer3fica3on  Product  Manager  •  Gabe  Deutschlander  

–  Cer3fica3on  Administrator  

•  Cer3fica3on  CommiBees  –  Cer3fica3on  Body  –  Appeal  CommiBee  –  Role  Delinea3on  CommiBee  

•  Item  Wri3ng    •  Cut  Score  Study  


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What  is  ‘Professional  CerCficaCon’?  A  designa3on  earned  by  an  individual  iden3fying  that  they  have  demonstrated  a  standard  level  of  skills,  experience,  and  exper3se  within  their  field.  •  Earned  from  a  professional  society  •  Granted  based  educa3on,  experience,  and  knowledge,  rather  than  solely  by  passing  an  exam  

•  Developing,  administering,  and  maintaining  the  cer3fica3on  is  done  to  interna3onal  standards.    

•  Many  professional  cer3fica3ons  are  used  as  "post-­‐nominal  leBers",  meaning  that  they  are  included  aNer  one's  name  


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IIBA  Career  Roadmap  


Star3ng  New/Novice  •  Enroll  in  IIBA  

Academic  and  ConCnuing  EducaCon  RecogniCon  Programs  

Advanced  Beginner  •  General  understanding,  

some  on-­‐the-­‐job  experience  

•  Study  BABOK®  Guide,  gain  experience  

•  Enroll  in  IIBA  ConCnuing  Ed  RecogniCon  Programs  

Competent  •  At  least  2½  -­‐3  years  

prac3cal  BA  experience  •  Apply  for  CCBA®  

professional  cer3fica3on  

Proficient  •  At  least  5  years  of  

prac3cal  BA  experience  

•  Apply  for  CBAP®  professional  cer3fica3on  

Expert  •  Extensive  BA  

knowledge  and  experience  

•  Apply  for  CBAE™  cerCficaCon*  

*  To  be  developed  

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CCBA  &  CBAP  Recipients  CCBA®  •  The  industry  standard  designa3on  -­‐  recognizes  established  BA  prac33oners  

CBAP®    •  An  elite  designa3on  -­‐  recognizes  the  most  experienced  BA  prac33oners    

  •  Full-­‐%me  BAs  with  at  least  5  years  of  BA  experience  

•  Trainers,  Managers,  etc.  with  the  req’d  BA  experience  

•  Full-­‐Time  BAs  with  ~3  years  BA  experience  

•  Hybrid  BAs  •  Seasoned  professionals  

with  BA  experience  

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Global  RepresentaCon  •  Developed  by  business  analysis  prac33oners  from  around  the  world    

•  Designed  around  global  standards  •  As  of  January  1,  exams  offered  worldwide  in  160  countries  through  Prometric  

•  Cer3fica3on  numbers  as  of  September  30:  – CBAP®  -­‐  2291  recipients  in  52  different  countries  

– CCBA®  -­‐  196  recipients  in  21  different  countries  


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Benefits  of  IIBA  CerCficaCon  For  the  Individual  •  Recognizes  individuals  who  have  invested  in  their  BA  careers  and  encourages  them  to  con3nue.  

•  Provides  individuals  with  personal  sa3sfac3on  of  accomplishing  a  milestone  in  their  BA  careers.  

•  Ensures  BAs  con3nually  improve  and  refine  their  capabili3es.  

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Benefits  of  IIBA  CerCficaCon  For  the  Organiza3on  •  Provides  recogni3on  and  poten3al    advancement  opportuni3es  for  staff.  

•  Demonstrates  to  customers,  compe3tors,  suppliers,  staff  and  investors  the  use  of  industry-­‐standard  prac3ces.  

•  Improves  staff  responsibility,  commitment  and  mo3va3on.  

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CerCficaCon  Process  1.  Candidate  submits  an  online  applica3on  for  

cer3fica3on.  The  online  applica3on  includes:  •  Applica3on  form  and  applica3on  fee  •  References  •  Code  of  Conduct  form  

2.  Applica3on  is  reviewed  in  accordance  with  the  IIBA  Cer3fica3on  Body  guidelines  to  determine  if  the  candidate  meets  all  the  requirements  

3.  If  approved,  the  candidate  pays  the  examina3on  fee  and  registers  to  take  the  exam  

4.  Candidate  takes  the  exam  and  is  no3fied  of  the  result  

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CCBA®  DesignaCon  Req’ts  •  Minimum  3,750  hours  of  prac3cal  BA  work,  aligned  with  the  BABOK®    Guide,  in  the  last  7  years.  –  These  hours  must  include  one  of  the  following  (the  Knowledge  Areas  requirement)  :  

•  900  hours  in  at  least  2  of  the  6  BABOK®  Guide  Knowledge  Areas  •  500  hours  in  at  least  4  of  the  6  BABOK®  Guide  Knowledge  Areas  

•  Minimum  21  hours  of  Professional  Development  in  the  last  4  years  

•  Minimum  high  school  diploma  or  equivalent  •  Two  professional  references    •  Signed  Code  of  Conduct  •  Successful  comple3on  of  the  CCBA®  Exam  

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CBAP®  DesignaCon  Req’ts  •  Minimum  7,500  hours  of  prac3cal  BA  work,  aligned  with  the  BABOK®    Guide,  in  the  last  10  years.  –  These  hours  must  include  900  hours  in  at  least  4  of  the  6  BABOK®  Guide  Knowledge  Areas  (the  Knowledge  Areas  requirement)  

•  Minimum  21  hours  of  Professional  Development  in  the  last  4  years  

•  Minimum  high  school  diploma  or  equivalent  •  Two  professional  references    •  Signed  Code  of  Conduct  •  Successful  comple3on  of  the  CBAP®  Exam  

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CCBA®  &  CBAP®  Exams                The  CCBA  and  CBAP  exams  are  different!  •  CCBA:  primarily  recall  ques3ons  with  some  “applica3on”  ques3ons  

•  CBAP:  much  higher  number  of  “applica3on”  ques3ons  •  Both  exams:  150  mul3ple-­‐choice  ques3ons,  3½  hours    Prepara3on  materials  found  at  www.IIBA.org:  •  CCBA®  and  CBAP®  Handbooks  •  Exam  Blueprints  •  FAQs  

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RecerCficaCon  •  Recer3fica3on  is  required  every  3  years  •  60  Con3nuing  Development  Units  (CDUs)  are  required:  

–  Formal  Academic  Educa3on  •  Academic  course  related  to  business  analysis  

–  Professional  Development  •  EEP  Vendors;  Other  training  providers;  Chapter  Mee3ngs;  Conferences  

–  Professional  Ac3vi3es  •  Author  ar3cle/book;  Speaker/Instructor  @  Conference/Chapter  

–  Self  Directed  Learning  •  Informal  discussions/coaching;  study  of  books;  archived  webinars  

–  Volunteer  Service  •  IIBA/Chapter  Board  or  CommiBee  member;  BA  work  for  not-­‐for-­‐profit  

–  Professional  Experience  

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Recent Successes •  CBAP  

–  Recipients  –  surpassed  the  2000  mark!  –  Applica3ons  -­‐  increased  significantly  over  the  last  year  on  monthly  basis    

•  CCBA  –  Recipients  –  will  surpass  200  this  month!  –  Number  of  applica3ons  con3nuing  to  increase  on  a  monthly  basis  

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Projects Underway •  Move  to  Prometric  for  test  delivery  

–  Effec3ve  January  1,  2013  – More  than  8000  CBT  loca3ons    –  160  countries  covered  – Migra3on  currently  underway  –  on  target  

•  Addi3onal  transla3ons  of  CBAP  exam  –  Targeted  for  1st    Half  of  2013:  

•  Portuguese      •  Japanese    •  French  •  German  

–  Transla3on  of  CCBA  exams  to  follow  

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Planned Projects •  By  end  of  2013:  

–  Program  assessment  improvements  –  Automa3on  of  CDU  Tracking  –  Automa3on  of  Recer3fica3on  Applica3on  –  Other  cer3fica3on  payments  via  online  shopping  cart  (e.g.  exam  fees)  

•  In  2014:    –  Upda3ng  all  exams  for  BABOK®  Guide  v  3.0    

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Q  &  A  


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