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iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO....

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0 fl 0 w. iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XX VL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN 1897. ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS GOOD RAGING AN EDITION GONE J. Q. WOOD. Attorney at Law AND: NOTARY PUBLIC. were six entries in the first heat with handicaps all the way from 20 to 50 yards. Fred. Damon was scratch man. Giles won first place and Damon, sec- ond. Time, 1:13 1-- 5. There were four entries in the sec- ond heat. T. V. King was scratch man. Jackson's handicap of 50 yards proved too much for the bunch and he won out in 1.13 1-- 5 with King, second. In the final Giles, Damon, Jackson and King were entered. Damon proved his clain to the title of a fast rider, win- ing: ii l:ll with H. Giles a close sec- ond. Thi races of the evening were run off in an entirely satisfactory manner, the rklers appearing on the track when the jidges' bell sounded and the off- icers of the track doing their work qulcky, precisely and with very little ado. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. IF YOU BUY A SINGER, . You will receive careful instruction from' a competent teacher at your home. You can obtain necessary accessories direct from the company's offices. - You will get prompt attention in any part of the world, as our offices are ev- erywhere and we give careful attention to all customers, no matter where the machine may have been purchased. You will be dealing with the leading company in the sewing machine busi- ness, having an unequalled experience and an unrivalled reputation the strongest guarantee of excellence. Sold on easy payments. Repairing done. .( B. BE RGERSEN, Agent 16 Bethel Street, Honolulu. The City Carriage Company possess only first-cla- ss hacks and employ only careful, steady drivers. Carriages at all hours. Telephone 113. JOHN S. ANDRADE. wheels that were ever gotten out will give an idea of what the wheels of th hack will be bound with. George Wei la of the Hawaiian hotel hack stand Is the man who has the honor of introducing this novelty in Honolulu. Wright is just now painting the wheels. Old Circus Friends. Mrs. Worth and daughter Muriel are now living quietly at Sidney, N. S. W. Mr. Worth left his family in comfort- able circumstances. Pat Montgomery and his daughter Katie are in Java with a circus and will eventually be in Honolulu. The young lady has improved very much as a rider. Lahl Sing, who was such a great fav- orite here, is believed to be in Calcutta, at present, though he was all through India with Montgomery. Gospel Meetings. The Y. M. C. A. has something ex- cellent to offer at the Gospel meetings for the month, of November. The fol- lowing subjects with the leaders will prove the assertion: Nov. 7, "What Is Worth While?" by Rev. T. D. Garvin; Nov. 14, "What reward are you seek- ing?" by F. J. Lowrey; "What will yon do with Jesus?" by Rev.'G. L. Pear- son; "Whom ought we to obey?" by Wm. A. Bowen. All men are invited to attend. Good music will be furnished1. .0 Mr. A. Maps' Bool Tie Human Aura." PREPARING A TRANSLATION Praise From Many Lands Count- ess and Mrs. Thirds. Aloha Branch. Mr. A. Marques, who lately returned from the Coast after an abseno. of nearly two years, is engaged upon his successful theosophical work "The Human Aura." He is preparing the second edition and a French transla tion as well. The first edition is en- tirely sold out Besides therfavorable press . notices in the great and small magazines and newspapers, Mr. Marques has received letters from all over the world in regard to his work, his analyses and his deductions. The fact that Mr. Marques is very well known as writer by prominent peo- ple in the capitals of Europe and in India and other countries does not change him at all, but will be news to many Honolulu people. The Countess Wachtmeister, who lectured in this city, is now on the platform in the east in the United States and attracts the attention Of scholarly people everywhere. She was for quite a time one of the writers for the "Mercury," the Theosophical pa- per at San Francisco. Mrs. - Thirds, who was here for a long time as a lecturer and visitor, is still in San Francisco, though for some reason no longer at Theosophical headquarters. Many who heard her here declared that she was the ablest woman to whom they had ever listened. As for Mr. Marques, he considers Mrs. Be-sa- nt, as a speaker alone, if as nothing else, the greatest woman before the public today. At one time some months ago Mr. Marques had arranged to go to Yuca- tan. He had been selected to study an ient stone inscriptions in that countrv. Dl9iculties or events intervened and th-tH- p Was postponed. ftir. JViarquea nresided last evening at the first meeting for the term of Alo- ha branch of the Theosophical Society. On account of the rain the attendance was uut. iarg;e. It was anxrUnced ih f wnrv n be taken up ww,fl bo M Reaanta Age or wisaom. via , ciiwl tiHnnt the last Kir -- ! to H. P. Blavatsky's "Secret ijf 0; t is somewhat more aavancea The Ocean of Theosophy" and consid u tt,nn aiT,ott'a "TT-crv- - I teric Buddhism." The motive of "Age of Wisdom" is to whet the intellect for ruth, to dispel superstition With nowledge. The Aloha lodge will meet every Tuesday evening. T C-w.- nt etc. Both Professor Koebele and Jos. Marsden are expected back here in a few weeks. They are to meet soon upon the Coast for some work for this Government. Very soon after the pair land they will depart from Honolulu for the coffee districts of Hawaii and Maui. Professor Koebele. who has lately been in Mexico, will give some new methods on dealing with blight and some new ideas on coffee culture. Mr. Marsden will further advise the1 planters and will as well gather ma terial for addition to his biennial re port Genuine Genius. An ex-jud- ge of the city remarks on the publication here of a tearful arti- -' cle to the effect that after annexation all the stores would close for the rea- son that purchases would be made from the Coast through resident "drum mers." The attorney says the owner nf this tininue idea should have It patented and exhibit it as curiousity in insanity. He continues that all in- telligent men will be surprised to learn that any municipality, county, terri tory or state can be without authority to make such police regulations con cerning "drummers" as it sees fit. Rubber-Tire- d Hack. On Monday morning, bright and early, Honolulu will see the first rub ber tired hack that has ever been put on the streets of Honolulu. A glance back at the tires of the first safety Skntn , liii -- Hut . Smil tie Sdot 1 WERE A FEW SURPRISES Martin's Speed Henry Giles In Front Record Making Postponed. There was a very good attendance at Cyclomere Park last night notwith standing the inclement weather. A slight sprinkle before thev beginning or tne events was all the water that fell on the track during the program The Hawaiian National band, stationed toward the front at the Waikiki end of 1 GEO. MARTIN (BRONZE). (Pboto by Williams). the grandstand, furnished the music during the evening. The next events will occur on Saturday night. Bright moonlight and positively no rain, are among the things promised for that night The evening opened with the mile greenhorn race in which there were six entries. Tom Lloyd's quick pace did not amount to much and G. Erick- - sen won in 2:45 3-- 5; Lloyd, second. In the first heat of the two-thir- ds of a mile proressionai iuartin nmsnea winner in 1:48 4-- 5. Whitman, second. Whitman surprised Sylva by one of his own style of spurts taking Martin along with him. Sy'.va could not recover in time to face tie situation and finished last. In the second heat Jones, Sharrick and Sylvester were entered. It is need less to say, the race was between the first two men alone. Although Shar- rick crawled up beautifully on Jones' big. lead he could not catch him. Jones, first, 1:50; Sharrick, second. The final leat was paced by Lishman and Harvey on a tandem. Martin, Jones and vhiman contested. Jones winning out in beautiful style. Martin, second. Whitman met with an acci dent in the first lap. He fell and his wheel went partly into the water. A scratch on the arm was the only hurt sustained. Time, 1:31. There were five entries in the first heat of the cne-thi- rd mile amateur. H. Giles came in first; F. Damon, sec ond. Time, 50 seconds. Jackson, Walker and King were in the second heat. King did not allow his opponents to come anywhere near him at the finish and won in 53 seconds with Walker second. In the final heat, Damon, King, Giles and Walker came to the scratch. Walk- er got a big lead and won in 59 sec onds; King, second. The exhibition races by Damon and Martin, respectively, were declared off The track was in no shape for record making. "Trilby" Fowler appeared in excel- lent spirits and brought forth the usua applause at his clever tricks. The last race on the program was the half-mil- e amateur handicap. There OFFICE: Corner King and Bethel - Streets. Dr. 0. B. High . ; .. Dentist Philadelphia Dental College 1 W2. ! Masonic Temple, Telephone 318. A. C.. WALL, D. D. S. Dentist. . LOVE BUILDING, : FORT STREET. fl. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Dentist. 98 HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. A. J. DERBY. Dentist. CORNER FORT AND HOTEL STS. MOTT-SMIT- H BLOCK. Telephones: Office, 615; Residence, 789. Hours: 9 to 4. GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. Dentist. fX)RT STREET, OPPOSITE CATHO- LIC MISSION. Hours: From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DRS. WAUGHOP & WAUGHOP. : OFFICE: Masonic Temple. Tele- phone 943. RESIDENCE: 416 Punchbowl St. John WL. Waughop, M. D. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Sundays 9:30 to 10:30. Philip R. Waughop,.M. D. 11 to 1, 4 to 5:30. Sudays 2 to 3. , ' " - - v - DR. E. F. KING. Office and Residence, Hotel and Ala-ke- a strrets. Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone 996. Practice limited to surgery and diseases of women. C. L. GARVIN, M.D. Office: With Dr. F. R. Day, Beretania Street, near Fort Office Hours: 1 to 4 p. m. Residence Telephone, No. 393. DR. G. WALDO BURGESS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence: 438 Punchbowl St Tel. 852. Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 7:30 p. m. dr. t. McMillan, Of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh, Etc. OFFICE: Beretania Street, Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. HOURS: 9 to 10 a, m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone, 244. SAMUEL J. MACDONALD. Counsellor at Law 204 MERCHANT ST. (One Door from Fort Street.) Honolulu. J.L.KAULCKOU. J. M. KANEAKUA. KAULUK0U & KANEAKUA. attorneys at Law and Notaries Public Also, . Titles to lands in any , part of the i r i i : ; WA ...V. rw4 orwJ nor fpct abstracts therefor are furnished. Office : Occidental Hotel, Cor. King & Alakea Sts LYLE A. DICKEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 14 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone, 682. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson. Importers and Dealers In Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material. NO. 82 FORT ST., : : HONOLULU. t. O. Box Telephone 480 D 2t E 478 New and First-Cla- ss SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE , OF ALL KINDS . SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH, iiighest Cash Price paid for Second-Han- d Furniture at X L Corner Ki?S and Nuuanu dtreets. A Road Change. Depity-Marsh- al Hitchcock and oth- ers were down in the Ewa district all of yesterday on road business. A slight change was made in the line between Waianae and Ewa plantation. This was tc avoid a hil and to secure an easier grade. The necessary petition signed by forty freeholders had been presented to the proper officials. Su- perintendent Rowell was along repre- senting the Interior department. The jurors were: Geo. Nawaakoa, C. P. Iaukea, Henry Waterhouse, Jr., Frank Archer, K. R. G. Wallace and P. R Keomaka. A NATURAL CAUSE. Disclosure of the Autopsy Ov$r Mrs. Ledoeke. -. Dr. N. B. Emerson's report to the police authorities sets at rest all spec- ulation as to the cause of the death of Mrs. Anna Ludecke. Fatty degene ration of the heart was the trouble. The autopsy was made yesterday morn ing. The former husband and the re- latives of Mrs. Ludecke are entirely satisfied with the result of the iavesti-Matio- n ordered by Attorney-Gener- al Smith. Frank Franks is of course re- lieved of all suspicion. There was an error in stating that he was locked up Monday night. There were no fears that liewould not be found when want ed -- if wanted at all. It appears that Franks tried to telephone to the sta- tion when he learned that the police, foot and horse, were scouring the city m search of him. Quite a number of persons of pecu liar curiosity yesterday visited the scene of the death of Mrs. Ludecke. They semf?d to derive some sort of ease or satisfaction in gazing at the spot on the groin-- i in Nuuanu valley, wnere tne womaa athed her last. The place is within a i-- r, Df the terminus of the Tram line. The remains of the woman we jn terred yesterday. An inquest wih ,e held today. The verdict will of courst conform to the facts here given. The jurors are: Geo. Grau, J. Brown, J.. A. Gilman, E. O. White, Frank Mclntyre and Q. H. Berry. Loaded Lichees. Thirty-thre- e lichee nuts loaded with opium, half a dozen horns of the stuff and two Chinamen were brought to the police station by Vida and Chilling- - worth last night. A number of Chinese escaped. All were m a place on Nuu- anu between King and Hotel. Rank Coffee. A number of experts have been call ed to view a rank growth of coffee on a small plantation near town. There are clusters of berries so close that maturity cannot ensue and a species of rot is threatened. Besides neavy plucking in the rank growth a pruning has been advised. The Third Child. Word was received from Pearl City yesterday of the death of a third child in the family of Station Agent R. W. Filler. These bereavements have oc- - cnred within a fortnieht Mrs. Filler is now verv ill and the head or tne familv is showing: the effects of the sad successive blows. Mrs. Filler has Deen brought to Honolulu for treatment. Takes a Rest. City Editor Shingle of the Star hav ing returned from Hawaii, Editor At kinson is now taking a vacation. He left with a lively party by the Kinau vesterdav. Mr. Atkinson will go over some familiar ground and will rest the better part of a week at Waimea guicn Hawaii. Appraiser. An appointment of an appraiser or deputy has not yet been made in thecus toms service. Messrs. Bindt and Hare are acting temporarily. Their work is confined lareelv to examination o goods carted from the wharves to the warehouse. There are several candi dates for the appraiser's department Another inspection tour will be made by Collector-Gener- al McStocker in the early spring. GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 215 Merchant St. Hawaiian and Mlcronesian curios in great variety lauhala and cocoanut hats, calabashes, fans, hula drums, seed and shell leis, etc, etc Home- made poi, jellies and jams a specialty. Floral designs or cut flowers furnished on half a day's notice. Manicuring and glove cleaning. Tel. 659. WILLIAM C. PARKE. ATTORNEY AT LAW -- AND- AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDG- MENTS. . Office: Kaahumanu St, Honolulu. Best Mineral Water in the Market. E. R. ADAMS, Telephone 184. 407 Fort St H. HACKFELD & CO. wi mm m. Cor. Fort and Queen Sts., : Honolulu. M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS - WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IN -:- - Leather and Shoe Findings. AGENTS Honolulu Soap Works Company and Honolulu Tannery. LEWIS & CO., If si oil mil in la 111 FORT STREET. Telephone, 240. : : P. O. Box, 29. JOHN A. BAKER. Office with A. G. M. Robertson, Mer chant Street, opposite Post Office. Real Estate Broker, Collector and Employment Agent. O. B. BRADDICK, Stenographer. Law Cases, Depositions, Etc., Reported. Correspondence Given Utmost Secrecy and Despatch. With Paul Neumann. : Telephone, 415, CHARLES F. PETERSON. Attorney at Law AKD NOTARY PUBLIC. 15 Kaaiicmaku St. 1 om Giplele PUgii Pmloi IN HONOLULU. J. J. WILLIAMS, The Photographer. FORT STREET, : : HONOLULU. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL Piano, Voice, Singing, , 1 ,.'V CUSTOMS OFFICERS, Slight Changes and New Assign- ments for the Month. The Custom House inspectors were figuratively speaking, all shaken up in a hat and changed about yesterday. Inspectors Johnston and Macauley were relieved from day work at 10 a. m. and ordered to report for night duty at 4:30 p. m. Then, the following assignments were placed on the black- board: Assistant Port Surveyor W. F. Storey. Discharging officers J. W. Short. Carl Rhodes, W. F. Drake, W. Char lock and M. H. Drummond. Day guards S. Kahiapo, G. Baker. J. Hemeku, B. Kaunahi. Night guards J. Kanuu, A. Nunes. J. Kekahlo, J. Kaluawal, C. Dudoit, G. Kaomea, F. IL Kaumahi and S. Hano-han- o. A Live Citizen. Rev. Mr. Pearson, the new pastor of the city Methodist congregation, is direct from Arizona. He had been on the frontier in the territory for fifteen years, going out there an invalid, but becoming a very robust man. Rev. Mr. Pearson says that while he likes Honolulu and the people very much so far he misses the swing and bustle of the breezy west The new pastor in- tends to preach popular Sunday even- ing sermons and will soon announce a series. Heedless Driving. A cabman whose number could not be learned did some very careless driv- ing on Nuuanu and Hotel yesterday. He almost ran down a Japanese wom- an, who in her fright collided with a cyclist The woman was considerably bruised and several Japanese endeav- - . . "JfVl AT I i 1 1 4:- - un? nacK wiiii me avow- - nding satistdctloiu Cur-nc- y Wanted. A number of bufness me . . inquiring for more uthe new g glvep certmcates ana tor so.e of tfae certificates. None o ftht,0.fo . yet been issued. The series :r out is of very handsome design. Tf learned at the Treasury depn.0f that the gold certificates cannot be pected for some time yet. Hawaiian Sugar. The imports of sugar into the United States, during the six months ended june, 1897, amounted to 3,253,347,161 nounds. of which 255.9G3.502 pounds was Hawaiian, 31.4 per cent of which was above No. 1G, and 1,363,190,080 pounds was beet S. F. Commercial News. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and dellclouc mm. Absolutely Puro DOVAl BAK1NO POWPf CO.. mw vowc and Harmony. Love Bldg., Fort St E.COOK. f
Page 1: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS

0fl 0

w.iii i irw w w r 4W1



Attorney at LawAND:


were six entries in the first heat withhandicaps all the way from 20 to 50yards. Fred. Damon was scratch man.Giles won first place and Damon, sec-ond. Time, 1:13 1-- 5.

There were four entries in the sec-ond heat. T. V. King was scratchman. Jackson's handicap of 50 yardsproved too much for the bunch and hewon out in 1.13 1-- 5 with King, second.

In the final Giles, Damon, Jackson andKing were entered. Damon proved hisclain to the title of a fast rider, win-ing: ii l:ll with H. Giles a close sec-ond.

Thi races of the evening were runoff in an entirely satisfactory manner,the rklers appearing on the track whenthe jidges' bell sounded and the off-icers of the track doing their workqulcky, precisely and with very littleado.


IF YOU BUY A SINGER,. You will receive careful instructionfrom' a competent teacher at yourhome.

You can obtain necessary accessoriesdirect from the company's offices. -

You will get prompt attention in anypart of the world, as our offices are ev-erywhere and we give careful attentionto all customers, no matter where themachine may have been purchased.

You will be dealing with the leadingcompany in the sewing machine busi-ness, having an unequalled experienceand an unrivalled reputation thestrongest guarantee of excellence.

Sold on easy payments. Repairingdone. .( B. BE RGERSEN, Agent

16 Bethel Street, Honolulu.

The City Carriage Company possessonly first-cla- ss hacks and employ onlycareful, steady drivers.

Carriages at all hours.Telephone 113.


wheels that were ever gotten out willgive an idea of what the wheels of thhack will be bound with. George Wei laof the Hawaiian hotel hack stand Is theman who has the honor of introducingthis novelty in Honolulu. Wright isjust now painting the wheels.

Old Circus Friends.Mrs. Worth and daughter Muriel are

now living quietly at Sidney, N. S. W.Mr. Worth left his family in comfort-able circumstances.

Pat Montgomery and his daughterKatie are in Java with a circus andwill eventually be in Honolulu. Theyoung lady has improved very muchas a rider.

Lahl Sing, who was such a great fav-orite here, is believed to be in Calcutta,at present, though he was all throughIndia with Montgomery.

Gospel Meetings.The Y. M. C. A. has something ex-

cellent to offer at the Gospel meetingsfor the month, of November. The fol-lowing subjects with the leaders willprove the assertion: Nov. 7, "What IsWorth While?" by Rev. T. D. Garvin;Nov. 14, "What reward are you seek-ing?" by F. J. Lowrey; "What will yondo with Jesus?" by Rev.'G. L. Pear-son; "Whom ought we to obey?" byWm. A. Bowen. All men are invited toattend. Good music will be furnished1.


Mr. A. Maps' Bool Tie

Human Aura."


Praise From Many Lands Count-ess and Mrs. Thirds.

Aloha Branch.

Mr. A. Marques, who lately returnedfrom the Coast after an abseno. ofnearly two years, is engaged upon hissuccessful theosophical work "TheHuman Aura." He is preparing thesecond edition and a French translation as well. The first edition is en-

tirely sold out Besides therfavorablepress . notices in the great andsmall magazines and newspapers, Mr.Marques has received letters from allover the world in regard to his work,his analyses and his deductions. Thefact that Mr. Marques is very wellknown as writer by prominent peo-ple in the capitals of Europe and inIndia and other countries does notchange him at all, but will be news tomany Honolulu people.

The Countess Wachtmeister, wholectured in this city, is now on theplatform in the east in the UnitedStates and attracts the attention Ofscholarly people everywhere. She wasfor quite a time one of the writers forthe "Mercury," the Theosophical pa-per at San Francisco. Mrs. - Thirds,who was here for a long time as alecturer and visitor, is still in SanFrancisco, though for some reason nolonger at Theosophical headquarters.Many who heard her here declaredthat she was the ablest woman towhom they had ever listened. As forMr. Marques, he considers Mrs. Be-sa- nt,

as a speaker alone, if as nothingelse, the greatest woman before thepublic today.

At one time some months ago Mr.Marques had arranged to go to Yuca-tan. He had been selected to study anient stone inscriptions in that countrv.

Dl9iculties or events intervened andth-tH-

p Was postponed.ftir. JViarquea nresided last evening at

the first meeting for the term of Alo-ha branch of the Theosophical Society.On account of the rain the attendancewas uut. iarg;e.

It was anxrUnced ih f wnrv nbe taken up ww,fl bo M ReaantaAge or wisaom. via ,

ciiwl tiHnnt the last Kir --!

to H. P. Blavatsky's "Secret ijf0;t is somewhat more aavanceaThe Ocean of Theosophy" and consid

u tt,nn aiT,ott'a "TT-crv-- I

teric Buddhism." The motive of "Ageof Wisdom" is to whet the intellect forruth, to dispel superstition Withnowledge.The Aloha lodge will meet every

Tuesday evening.

T C-w.- nt etc.

Both Professor Koebele and Jos.Marsden are expected back here in afew weeks. They are to meet soonupon the Coast for some work for thisGovernment. Very soon after the pairland they will depart from Honolulufor the coffee districts of Hawaii andMaui. Professor Koebele. who haslately been in Mexico, will give somenew methods on dealing with blightand some new ideas on coffee culture.Mr. Marsden will further advise the1planters and will as well gather material for addition to his biennial report

Genuine Genius.An ex-jud- ge of the city remarks on

the publication here of a tearful arti- -'

cle to the effect that after annexationall the stores would close for the rea-

son that purchases would be made fromthe Coast through resident "drummers." The attorney says the ownernf this tininue idea should have Itpatented and exhibit it as curiousityin insanity. He continues that all in-

telligent men will be surprised to learnthat any municipality, county, territory or state can be without authorityto make such police regulations concerning "drummers" as it sees fit.

Rubber-Tire- d Hack.On Monday morning, bright and

early, Honolulu will see the first rubber tired hack that has ever been puton the streets of Honolulu. A glanceback at the tires of the first safety

Skntn , liii -- Hut . Smil tie



Martin's Speed Henry Giles InFront Record Making


There was a very good attendance atCyclomere Park last night notwithstanding the inclement weather. Aslight sprinkle before thev beginningor tne events was all the water thatfell on the track during the programThe Hawaiian National band, stationedtoward the front at the Waikiki end of


GEO. MARTIN (BRONZE).(Pboto by Williams).

the grandstand, furnished the musicduring the evening. The next eventswill occur on Saturday night. Brightmoonlight and positively no rain, areamong the things promised for thatnight

The evening opened with the milegreenhorn race in which there weresix entries. Tom Lloyd's quick pacedid not amount to much and G. Erick- -sen won in 2:45 3-- 5; Lloyd, second.

In the first heat of the two-thir- ds ofa mile proressionai iuartin nmsneawinner in 1:48 4-- 5. Whitman, second.Whitman surprised Sylva by one of hisown style of spurts taking Martin alongwith him. Sy'.va could not recover intime to face tie situation and finishedlast.

In the second heat Jones, Sharrickand Sylvester were entered. It is needless to say, the race was between thefirst two men alone. Although Shar-rick crawled up beautifully on Jones'big. lead he could not catch him.Jones, first, 1:50; Sharrick, second.

The final leat was paced by Lishmanand Harvey on a tandem. Martin,Jones and vhiman contested. Joneswinning out in beautiful style. Martin,second. Whitman met with an accident in the first lap. He fell and hiswheel went partly into the water. Ascratch on the arm was the only hurtsustained. Time, 1:31.

There were five entries in the firstheat of the cne-thi- rd mile amateur.H. Giles came in first; F. Damon, second. Time, 50 seconds.

Jackson, Walker and King were inthe second heat. King did not allowhis opponents to come anywhere nearhim at the finish and won in 53 secondswith Walker second.

In the final heat, Damon, King, Gilesand Walker came to the scratch. Walk-er got a big lead and won in 59 seconds; King, second.

The exhibition races by Damon andMartin, respectively, were declared offThe track was in no shape for recordmaking.

"Trilby" Fowler appeared in excel-lent spirits and brought forth the usuaapplause at his clever tricks.

The last race on the program was thehalf-mil- e amateur handicap. There

OFFICE: Corner King and Bethel- Streets.

Dr. 0. B. High. ; . . Dentist

Philadelphia Dental College 1 W2.

! Masonic Temple, Telephone 318.

A. C.. WALL, D. D. S.




Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

DR. A. J. DERBY.Dentist.


Telephones: Office, 615; Residence, 789.Hours: 9 to 4.




Hours: From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


: OFFICE: Masonic Temple. Tele-

phone 943.RESIDENCE: 416 Punchbowl St.John WL. Waughop, M. D. 9 to 11,

2 to 4, 7 to 8. Sundays 9:30 to 10:30.Philip R. Waughop,.M. D. 11 to 1,

4 to 5:30. Sudays 2 to 3., ' " -- v -

DR. E. F. KING.Office and Residence, Hotel and Ala-ke- a

strrets.Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 7 to 8 p. m.Telephone 996.Practice limited to surgery and

diseases of women.


Office: With Dr. F. R. Day,Beretania Street, near Fort

Office Hours: 1 to 4 p. m.Residence Telephone, No. 393.



Residence: 438 Punchbowl St Tel. 852.

Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and7 to 7:30 p. m.

dr. t. McMillan,Of the Royal Colleges of Physicians

and Surgeons of Edinburgh, Etc.OFFICE: Beretania Street, Opposite

Hawaiian Hotel.HOURS: 9 to 10 a, m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8

p. m. Telephone, 244.


Counsellor at Law204 MERCHANT ST.

(One Door from Fort Street.)Honolulu.


KAULUK0U & KANEAKUA.attorneys at Law and Notaries Public

Also,. Titles to lands in any,

part of thei r i i : ; WA ...V. rw4 orwJ nor

fpct abstracts therefor are furnished.Office : Occidental Hotel, Cor. King & Alakea Sts



Telephone, 682.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson.

Importers and Dealers In LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material.NO. 82 FORT ST., : : HONOLULU.

t. O. Box Telephone480 D 2t E 478

New and First-Cla- ss



iiighest Cash Price paid for Second-Han- d

Furniture at X L Corner Ki?Sand Nuuanu dtreets.

A Road Change.Depity-Marsh- al Hitchcock and oth-

ers were down in the Ewa district allof yesterday on road business. A slightchange was made in the line betweenWaianae and Ewa plantation. Thiswas tc avoid a hil and to secure aneasier grade. The necessary petitionsigned by forty freeholders had beenpresented to the proper officials. Su-perintendent Rowell was along repre-senting the Interior department. Thejurors were: Geo. Nawaakoa, C. P.Iaukea, Henry Waterhouse, Jr., FrankArcher, K. R. G. Wallace and P. RKeomaka.


Disclosure of the Autopsy Ov$rMrs. Ledoeke. -.

Dr. N. B. Emerson's report to thepolice authorities sets at rest all spec-

ulation as to the cause of the deathof Mrs. Anna Ludecke. Fatty degeneration of the heart was the trouble.The autopsy was made yesterday morning. The former husband and the re-

latives of Mrs. Ludecke are entirelysatisfied with the result of the iavesti-Matio- n

ordered by Attorney-Gener- al

Smith. Frank Franks is of course re-

lieved of all suspicion. There was anerror in stating that he was locked upMonday night. There were no fearsthat liewould not be found when wanted -- if wanted at all. It appears thatFranks tried to telephone to the sta-tion when he learned that the police,foot and horse, were scouring the citym search of him.

Quite a number of persons of peculiar curiosity yesterday visited thescene of the death of Mrs. Ludecke.They semf?d to derive some sort ofease or satisfaction in gazing at thespot on the groin--i in Nuuanu valley,wnere tne womaa athed her last.The place is within a i-- r, Df theterminus of the Tram line.

The remains of the woman we jnterred yesterday. An inquest wih ,eheld today. The verdict will of courstconform to the facts here given. Thejurors are: Geo. Grau, J. Brown, J.. A.Gilman, E. O. White, Frank Mclntyreand Q. H. Berry.

Loaded Lichees.Thirty-thre- e lichee nuts loaded with

opium, half a dozen horns of the stuffand two Chinamen were brought to thepolice station by Vida and Chilling--

worth last night. A number of Chineseescaped. All were m a place on Nuu-anu between King and Hotel.

Rank Coffee.A number of experts have been call

ed to view a rank growth of coffee ona small plantation near town. Thereare clusters of berries so close thatmaturity cannot ensue and a speciesof rot is threatened. Besides neavyplucking in the rank growth a pruninghas been advised.

The Third Child.Word was received from Pearl City

yesterday of the death of a third childin the family of Station Agent R. W.Filler. These bereavements have oc- -

cnred within a fortnieht Mrs. Filleris now verv ill and the head or tnefamilv is showing: the effects of the sadsuccessive blows. Mrs. Filler has Deenbrought to Honolulu for treatment.

Takes a Rest.City Editor Shingle of the Star hav

ing returned from Hawaii, Editor Atkinson is now taking a vacation. Heleft with a lively party by the Kinauvesterdav. Mr. Atkinson will go oversome familiar ground and will rest thebetter part of a week at Waimea guicnHawaii.

Appraiser.An appointment of an appraiser or

deputy has not yet been made in thecustoms service. Messrs. Bindt and Hareare acting temporarily. Their work isconfined lareelv to examination ogoods carted from the wharves to thewarehouse. There are several candidates for the appraiser's department

Another inspection tour will bemade by Collector-Gener- al McStockerin the early spring.





WOMAN'S EXCHANGE.215 Merchant St.

Hawaiian and Mlcronesian curios ingreat variety lauhala and cocoanuthats, calabashes, fans, hula drums,seed and shell leis, etc, etc Home-made poi, jellies and jams a specialty.Floral designs or cut flowers furnishedon half a day's notice. Manicuringand glove cleaning.Tel. 659.




Office: Kaahumanu St, Honolulu.

Best Mineral Water inthe Market.

E. R. ADAMS,Telephone 184. 407 Fort St


wi mm m.Cor. Fort and Queen Sts., : Honolulu.



Leather andShoe Findings.AGENTS

Honolulu Soap Works Company andHonolulu Tannery.


Ifsi oil mil in la111 FORT STREET.

Telephone, 240. : : P. O. Box, 29.

JOHN A. BAKER.Office with A. G. M. Robertson, Mer

chant Street, opposite Post Office.

Real Estate Broker, Collector andEmployment Agent.

O. B. BRADDICK,Stenographer.

Law Cases, Depositions, Etc., Reported.Correspondence Given Utmost

Secrecy and Despatch.With Paul Neumann. : Telephone, 415,


Attorney at LawAKD

NOTARY PUBLIC.15 Kaaiicmaku St.

1 om Giplele PUgii Pmloi


J. J. WILLIAMS, The Photographer.



Piano, Voice, Singing,

, 1



Slight Changes and New Assign-ments for the Month.

The Custom House inspectors werefiguratively speaking, all shaken up ina hat and changed about yesterday.Inspectors Johnston and Macauleywere relieved from day work at 10 a.m. and ordered to report for nightduty at 4:30 p. m. Then, the followingassignments were placed on the black-board:

Assistant Port Surveyor W. F.Storey.

Discharging officers J. W. Short.Carl Rhodes, W. F. Drake, W. Charlock and M. H. Drummond.

Day guards S. Kahiapo, G. Baker.J. Hemeku, B. Kaunahi.

Night guards J. Kanuu, A. Nunes.J. Kekahlo, J. Kaluawal, C. Dudoit, G.Kaomea, F. IL Kaumahi and S. Hano-han-o.

A Live Citizen.Rev. Mr. Pearson, the new pastor of

the city Methodist congregation, isdirect from Arizona. He had been onthe frontier in the territory for fifteenyears, going out there an invalid, butbecoming a very robust man. Rev.Mr. Pearson says that while he likesHonolulu and the people very much sofar he misses the swing and bustle ofthe breezy west The new pastor in-

tends to preach popular Sunday even-ing sermons and will soon announcea series.

Heedless Driving.A cabman whose number could not

be learned did some very careless driv-ing on Nuuanu and Hotel yesterday.He almost ran down a Japanese wom-an, who in her fright collided with acyclist The woman was considerablybruised and several Japanese endeav--

. ."JfVl AT I i 1 14:- - un? nacK wiiii me avow--

nding satistdctloiu

Cur-nc- y Wanted.A number of bufness me . .

inquiring for more uthe new g glvepcertmcates ana tor so.e of tfaecertificates. None o ftht,0.fo .yet been issued. The series :rout is of very handsome design. Tflearned at the Treasury depn.0fthat the gold certificates cannot bepected for some time yet.

Hawaiian Sugar.The imports of sugar into the United

States, during the six months endedjune, 1897, amounted to 3,253,347,161

nounds. of which 255.9G3.502 poundswas Hawaiian, 31.4 per cent of whichwas above No. 1G, and 1,363,190,080pounds was beet S. F. CommercialNews.

Royal makes the food pure,wholesome and dellclouc


Absolutely Puro

DOVAl BAK1NO POWPf CO.. mw vowcand Harmony.

Love Bldg., Fort St E.COOK.


Page 2: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS



Planters File Their Re-quest- s

for Permits. !pL ij yj mtOl IPf& wM Hi ill I m i Luff It, STAMPED DOYLIES AND TEA

CLOTHS, NEW PATTERNS.Cabinet Win Consider A SeriousProblem Japanese

Distribution.IS IN






A Model Plant is not conrolete with$


out Electric Power, thus dispendnffwith small engines.

Why not generate your power fromone CENTRAL Station? One gener

The following disposition has beenmade of the Japanese immigrants ar-

rived on the tramp steamer Riojun-Mar- u

a few days since:Ewa Plantation 151 men and 38

women.Honomu 100 men and 25 women.Haiku Sugar Co. 50 men and 13

women.Dr. "Wight 13 men and 4 women.Olowalu 15 men, 3 women and 3

children.Ookala CO men and 14 women.Paauhau 26 men and 3 women.The immigrants have all been des-

patched, the last having been sentaway on the Helene to Maui yesterdayafternoon.

A special meeting of the Cabinet onImmigration matters was held yester-day. The applications of planters forpermits were received. It is the de-

sire of the employers to bring overquite a large amount of labor. Thesugar acreage has increased and manycontracts have expired. A great num

We have been unable to waitSPECIAL MENTION.

We Have at the Present Time theLargest Stock Assortment of Rugs

Ever Shown in Honolulu.

All the Above Are Fresh


ator can furnish power to your Pump,Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail-ways and Hoists; also, furnish lightand power for a radius of from 15 to20 miles.

Electric Power being used, saves thelabor of hauling coal in your field, also


on all the customers asbut have more help fromon.

water, and does away with high-price- d

engineers, and only have one engine toIook after In your mill.

Where water power Is available Itcosts nothing to generate ElectricE.I. JORDAN'S

Mo.1Qs?ggTber of the Japanese have gone into thecoffee districts as hired workers andas cultivators on their own accounts. is being sold asEverything

advertised.The Government positively refuses

to allow the importation of any moreChinese for the present. This is be


THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM-PANY Is now ready to furnish ElectricPlants and Generators of all descrip-tions at short notice, and also has onhand a large stock of Wire. Chande

Ii ' Nowcause the annexation treaty is pending, is your n

The executive council will consider rata :& Covery carefully the proposals now made 1 rchance Cor. Nuuanu and Hotel Sta.

liers and Electrical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt at-tention, and . estimates furnished forLighting and Power Plants; also, at-tention is given to House and. MarinaWiring.

by the planters. It is the pronouncedpolicy of the Government to see thatno more labor is brought than is ab-solut- ely

necessary for the actual work.A number of leading plantation

owners and representatives were in-Tit- ed

to meet with the Cabinet yester-day. There was serious considerationof the business without reaching finaldecisions. Immigration statistics werestudied and there was not a little seri-

ous expression of opinion. The peti-

tions will be passed upon before thenext steamer leaves for the Orient.

THEO. HOFFMAN, Manager.--yEH




Gnard Against Burglars and Fire StCIRCUIT COURT.

Iisilll MilII.Chance for tbe Children.CREPE SHIRTS.We have just received a few dozen of th BROKERS AND FIRE INSURANCE

AGENTS.neatest thing in the way of a WIRE JUMPING STRAW HATS. Murata's Straw

Hat Manufactory, Nuuanu Street,Next to Ahana's.MS 10 ISin

ROPE, and we are going to sell all of this litat Ten Cents Each. The regular price in Ne vYork stores on this article is 15 cents, and u

usual conditions would cost more than th t

Stocks and Bonds bought and soldon commission.Sales Are. VT IT R A TA CifS Arties desiring to either buy or eeUITiy.lin KJO JKJm Bonds' and Stocks wnnld An. tAhere; but this lot goes for 10 but only a fe consult us, as we have facilities . for

purchasing or selling at the best ore--dozen. Let the litt'.e ones Skip and be happy.You can. have one at the HONOLULU vailing market rates.E. 0. Hall & Son, Ld,D Safe Deposit Boxes to rent by the

month or year.Mnnfiy to loan on approved security.MMAll sizes and prices. The investment II MYwill be safe for you to make.

Godfrey Rhodes' Estate LandSuitMurder Case.

The will of Godfrey Rhodes has beenadmitted to probate. The estate con-

sists of $24,000 real and $500 personal.Judgment was entered in the case of

Julia Spooner Rice vs. JonathanSpooner yesterday. The plaintiff is torecover the land under dispute excepta portion to which the plaintiff hasfiled a discontinuance, and $1,629.72damages. The defendant has filed amotion for new trial.

Ekekela Malani has filed demurrerto the complaint filed by James M.Monsarrat.

W. A. Wright, a bankrupt, has fileda petition for discharge of his debts.

In the case of the Republic vs. AhPing, unlawful possession of opium,appealed from the District of Hono-lulu, a nolle prosequi was entered anddefendant discharged.

J. H. Fisher, defendant in the suitbrought against him by J. M. McChes-ne- y

for trover, has moved the Courtfor leave to file a second plea.

The suit brought by Theo. C. Porteragainst J. A. King, receiver, and J. K.Sumner, has been continued to theFebruary term, 1898.

The case of the Republic vs. G. Ma-lin-a

and six others for murder in thesecond degree was before Judge Perry.At 11 o'clock a. m. the membersof the jury were taken in carriagesto the scene of the killing.

ien IDW. W. Wright, Proprietor.01 Queen Street, : : Honolulu. H.I)

Startling 1Limited. nnouncement! Carri32e MAND REPATRKR

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-m- ea

Sugar Company, Honomu SugarCompany, Walluku Sugar Company,Waihee Sugar Company, Makee Su-gar Company, Haleakala Ranch Com


Tw next Australia, Nov. 9th, will bring us a large shipment of wheelsOr space is limited and we must make room for them. Ve are eoine to eive AU orders 6,0111 e otner Islands Inyou a chance to secure a HIGH GRADE WHEEL, at th w iJtJLaZ th Carriage Building, Trimmings and pany, Kapapala Ranch.nrViAAl Tf toIII ha . iijii .... ... . . vo Ut " 1M0 I Tofntfncr Tina. toMI maa nrfU I P1nTltra Tina Con tV.i.l.. T lnuv.. j.. ni mj3 uio vuaiiuc ui a. iiieuiue. out will last Oilv until QtYi I "vj, "uu ta uitoi, mui yiuuiui. -'- iH "mu, tjuu fiouwow rac&cig,T?frst mma TiMrot oorvo . "U' 9ia- - I attention. Charles Brewer & Cos Line of Boa.Stationers, --P. O. BOX 321.-- ton Packets.

Agents Boston Board of"Overland Specials" $85. Grade, $65.Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un"Sylphs" - - SI OO. Grade, - - derwriters.



i O



F. -

4'i -


. .1 :l 1 91

I it . 1

v-- !

1 '- - ' c


News and MirsicDealers,

Have Just received ex S. S. Australia

Public Moonlight Concert.On this Wednesday evening at

Island.. PART I.

128 AND 130 PORT ST.v

City Feed Store.L. H. DEE & CO.


r. 1. jones, President; George H.Robertson, Manager; E. P. Bishop.Treasurer and Secretarv: rvi w i rrMarch The Iron King...

Honolulu Bicycle Company.Telephone 909. POUT MISTAKE THE PLACE. 409 Fort St.

When Gambrinus, on a keg of beer, unfurled hisstandard to the air he looked around the place and said:

Allen, Auditor; C. M. Cooke, H. Waterlhouse, G. R. Carter.' Directors.Overture A -- Summer wenr Verdi

Miserere--i. i rov -Grand Selection-Lucr- ezia BogJ, SCIENTIFIC KITES,

BICYCLE PUZZLES,Hay, Grain and Feed, WM. G. irwin & coPART

vlUIKIlUlll OeUU, MM fXllHourf....Steinhauser LIMITED.POCKET KINETOSCOPES, Seed, Kaffir Cornhlitz Is Boot!cornet -r- les Kreuter.A ;Vn of Spades Suppe 99ir. Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manages

Claus Spreckels vi Pfmm!.Night Abuaiiaa-- 3 Speed Bohm


Punchbowl and Beretanla Streets.Telephone 921.

There are many kinds of Beer; W. M. Giffard. Secretary and TreasuresOfficial Intercollegiate Footballs,TjTnnf"sA Ant. hem.Hawaii Ponoi. xw. . curler AUdltOS

SUGAR PACTORSBates' Automatic Humuering Machines,--ANDVrv an American. Hammocks, Tablets, Envelopes,f

Sailor men will remember the Eng Central Meat Market, commisson agentslish shin Kilbrawnan which went

But Beer M0IM Is Beer

ashore near Port Townsend about two 214 NUUANU STREET.MUSIC GOODS, AGENTS FOR THEyears ago and came near being smash-ed to pieces. It might be interesting

BILL BEARING INKSTANDS, Etc., Etc.to know that she has been entirely re CII0ICE BEEF, VEAL, MUT-- 0ceanlc steafflsWp Company.I' Of San mfitted and is now the American ship

All of which we offer yon at rnj vmyiT a t w a vo uaLMarion Chilcott bound from TacomaAVll XX, A Villi. 2Ll Yf illO

IIknky St. Goae.REASONABLE RATES.on her way to Europe with a full cargoof wheat. Captain. Weedon, formerlyof the Seminole on her last trip here

Edward Pollitz,ON HAND. Members Stock and Bond ExchangeNot Below Cost.from Newcastle is master of the Marion SAUSAGES, LIVER, BREAKFASTBOLOGNE AND HEAD.



COMMISSION BROKERS ANDDEALERS IN INVESTMENTUmbrella Maker.There is now a proposition that a

baseball team of officers from the threeAmerican men-of-w- ar in port play an 9 BERET ANIA ST.

- SUUUKITIES.ParUcular attention given to Mr-cha- se

and sale of Haw&ifonother composed of the officers of theUmbrellas and Parasols of All DescriD- -



nported Dry Goods!English, American and Chinese.

Bennington on duty in the surveyingparty at Pearl City as well as some ofthe residents of that place. The gameis a go but the date of playing hasnot yet been agreed on. However, itwill not be more than a fortnight.

UKno mauc iu vruer, Jvepaireuor Re-coyere- d.




stock. rBullion and Exchange. Loans Ne-gotiated. Eastern and PordmStocks and Bonds. :403 California St, r San Francisco. Cxi,

BEAVER LUNCH ROOMS.Fort St; Opp. Wilder & Co.

H. J. NOLTE, Prop.

First - Class Lunches ServedWith Tea, Coffee, Soda WaterGinger Ale or Milk. Open '

from 3 a. m. UU 10 p. m.Smokers' Requisites a Speclsitj

Contractor and Builder,

Insane Convict.Milimili, a native, was adjudged in-

sane by Dr. Emerson yesterday morn-ing and sent to the Insane Asylum.Milimili is a convict who, for the pastsix months, has shown signs of in-sanity. Recently he became unman-ageable and was sent to the police sta-tion for examination.

Carpenter & Cabinet Maker.

DRESSMAKINGA Specialty. Low Prices to snit the times.

Come and see our new stock and store.NUUANU STREET. NEAR HOTEL.

(Opposite W. W. Ahana.)Syihis firm was formerlv known as

IACFARLANE & CO., Ltd;.Furniture of all kinds constantly onnana . ana maae to order.

137 Nuuanu St, cor. Kukui Lane. Shim Loy, Fort street.Telephone 157.SOLE AGENTS.

t r i. .

mm-:-:- :


i- . - -

Page 3: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS


FureBlood Tusfom MakesFaircMld's Honolulu Shoe Houseis the 60UTC0 of good health.

.Strange LawsNest of Kauai Lawbreakers Broken Up.1

Twenty-Nin- e Prisoners Had De

fied the Officers ,'Bi!Iy,,

Sheldon's Fine Work.

Ayer's SarsaparillaMake3 pure blood, strengthensthe nerves, sharpens the appe-tite, removes that tired feeling,and makes life worth living.Thousands of people have testi-fied to the healing virtue ofAyer's Sarsaparilla. Their let-ters come in every post. There'sno attempt at theory. They allassert the great fact, "Ayer'sSarsaparilla cured me."

Weak, Weary Women

who have been bed ridden,vexed with a scrofulous taint,





IK the matter of dress. It was not so long ago that if aman worn a white collar with a colored shirt, his friend c2

once came to the conclusion that it was an old shirt, the coils?to match, which, was worn out Now if a man were to wear acolored collar to match his colored shirt, Ins friends would thinkthat he was wearing a "back number."

The colored shirt has become the shirt of business, and sincawhite collars are the proper things to wear with them they eremore popular than ever.

We are showing an exquisite line of colored shirts in stylesexclusively our own, each of which we can guarantee has thabest quality possible for the money.

"Bill" Sheldon, is now deputy sheriffat Hanapepe, on the Island of Kauai.Wherever stationed he has provenhimself an alert and active official.Mr. Sheldon won his spurs on the Ho-onlu- lu

Police force many years ago.Since that period he 'has been Sheriff emaciated, afflicted with dis--at Waialua and Waianae, Oahu, and . .In men's shoes we are offering spe .oq eoa rrvmmnn to ineir sex.chief customs officer at Lahaina, Mauicial prices.

It was while at Waianae, on this islMEN'S CASCO CALF BALS, NEW

COIN TOES. This line we mean to and, that Mr. Sheldon was so promin


write gratefully of a perfectcure. If you wish to profit bytheir experience, and becomehealthy and strong, take thegreat strength giver and

LADIES' ALL. PATENT CALFFRENCH HEEL OXFORDS. HandTurned Soles made by Laird, Schober& Co.; never sold before for less than

5.00 now 3.95.


ently indentified with the capture ofclose at $2.45.the schooner Henrietta and her cargoof opium. Most of the men who hadcharge of the craft and the drug are M. McINERNY.

HABERDASHER.still "on the reef" and Mr. Sheldonreaped the joys of a goodly share inthe large reward. It was also during AVER'S

Sarsaparillathe stay at Waianae, that thi3 officerstoppeed liquor dealing and manufac-ture and the smoking of opium, to theextent that old residents of the- - dis

We have a line of Men's Tan LaceShoes in pointed, square and Yaletoes. All new blocks. Small sizes,4s, 5s, and 6s. We have cut them to$2.95. Exceptional value.

You know the Tan Shoes you havebeen paying $6.50 for here in town?We will sell the same shoes in allshapes and toes three .shades for$3.95.

Come eet the benefit of our "Open

FORDS, Cloth and Kid tops. Pointedand Square toes, patent leather tips;all sizes reduced to $ 1.95 per pair; soldelsewhere for $3.00.


FORDS. Pointed and square toes, atSOc, 95c. and $1.45. Easily worthdouble.

MISSES TAN GOAT, SPRING HEELBUTT. Best wearing shoe made; re-

duced to $1.85 pair.

Equal bargains in infants' and chil-

dren's shoes.

trict thought the milenium had arrived. At Lahaina he kept track of thesmueelers and their eoods. It is said Handthat a hui of very heavy dealers in the

BtwARB of imitations. The name AyrSareaparilla is prominent on the wrapperand blown in the glass of each bottle.


contraband at one time put a price onSheldon's head and talked seriously ofimporting a highbinder form San Franing prices." We give values and cutcisco to nut him out of the way.prices to the core Something has now been accomplisn- -ed bv Sheldon on Kauai that beats all fiat t totted TDiTfL PAirniVV rillTTm Madrecords in the particular field. A cer-- HUWjIOIHA lnuu vvMrnui, uuuiijv,tain che fa and opiumming and dealing AGENTS.combination defied at least two oi tnisUnuQr officer's predecessors and had thingsentirely their own way for nearly tenin iIII i ii mm vears.

1IUUU 'Thfi house used bv the Chinese wasin me temci wi a lii ui " .426 and 426J Fort St., Corner of Hotel St. dred acres of rice patches. The land wwwww w wwwvsU rnis miitfi level and the view from tne (s

E. J. MURPHY and J. S.' LYNCH, Managers. -hpnrtrmarters was entirely clear. A policeman could be seen half a milenwnv. Officers disguised as women

EX "IRMGARD:" Always looks well.Will outlast half, a dozen sets of Store Shoddy.Our Harness is guaranteed first class.

failed on the job and on one occasionthe bold gamblers beat a policeman andcarried him to the edge of their com-pound.-

Sheldon somehow managed to gettwo policemen secreted near the houseon a dark night. One was in a smallbanana patch and the other in an out-

building. Before they began gamblingoperations for the evening the Chinese


WARE C. R COLLINS.A New Shipment of

the Famoussent their guards out SKirmismng.Two of the sentries found the man in TELEPHONE 662.

OF pvrv dMfrintinn. from athe banana patch, out ne covereu King St., near Mann St., Ho::Wi.

Hilo, Hawaii.1 J l 7 ZS.

P. O. BOA 490.

Andthem with a pistol and marched tnemaround to where his companion wdbvviriri ThP officers then quicKiy con 0 our large stock.

If you do not find it there, there'll ?vinced the Chinese that the latter hadbest lead them into the nouse. en-

trance was made quietly and a com be very little need of looking else- -

plete surprise effected. me wiuuy where.is Lots of new pieces have lately A Great Variety ofwas panic stricKen. lweutrprisoners were taken by the two nativepolicemen. Such a haul was never be- -

come in. manv new wrinkles, othe Islands. A considerfore made in -

snm of money was found, all the s which we will be glad to showsramhlme tools Known iu iuc um r . w

Stoves aidThere has been such a shaking up thatBBUDWEISER it is believed the days of tne notoriousIn another vveek or so, H. F.

WICHMAN returns from hisannual purchasing trip, and we.Ml den are over. Sheldon, it is reponeu

B in official circles is to be promoted.C nave inaicauima ui xw uuujuaiiOne of his aides was Robert waiaie-al- e,

who was at one time a policemand who afterwards quali READ OUR LIST:attractive line of

Guaranteed to be Absolutely WithoutAdulteration- - fier! trt nrnntiPA before the lower courts.


He is an exceptionally ungiu uuuSnative.

Coffee Investigation.New

GoodsH. HACKFELD & Co., A W. Cornelius, tne man wno ca-m-

SOLE AGENTS. here from Alameda, Cal., for the pur-

pose of looking into the coffee industryKntli nn his own account and that of his


friends at home, left for San Franciscoincluding some not heretofore car-- 0ROBERT CATTON. on the barkentine S. G. wilder yester-

day afternoon. In a conversation, Mr. ried by us..Cornelius expressed nimr"i as uigui

() vuaiuy yuu www, v.tupleased with the prospects nere uuicould not say whether he would return sacrjfce for pricef and all goods

h Tsinnris or not His recommen- - .

nnw on the wav will be uo to the situv ,212 Queen Street. Honolulu.

AGENT FORmrnr tttt?t t?!7S WATRON 'fc YARYAN CO.. Ld.

dation to people in the states, inve-

sted in coffee, will be a good one. Farmers' Boilers and Extra Gastings for all Stoves.

full standard; the highest grade--v made any where. w

It'll be worth while waiting for


Coffee Shipped.Sugar Machinery,,The S. G. Wilder's cargo for Saniififronw T ATDT AW CO them.

Francisco is as follows: 13,612 bagsCentrifugals and Cream Separators.sugar weighing 1,624,209 lbs.; valued at

JOHN FOWLER & CO. (Leeds), Ld. .......... . .

Steam Ploughs and Portable Railway. TEL. NO. 3175-7- 9 KING ST.$50,100.50 and shipped as follows: 6,-3- 31

bags by F. A. Schaefer & Co. and275 do by Theo. H. Davies & Co. toWilliams, Dimond & Co.; 1,000 do by lit.THE RISDDN IRON WORKS General Engineerings 1Castle & Cooke and 7,00b do Dy j. uMARCUS MASON & CO., Coffee and Rice Machinery.Brewer & Co. to Welch & Co.; also 922

bags coffee by Theo. H. Davies & Co.J. HARRISON CARTER. Disintegrators.to order.

ft ft ft ftAt Oahu.Catton, Neill & Co. Oahu plantation had a pumping plant

H- - H. WILLIAMS.".Undertaker and Embalmer,

LOVE BUILDING, 534-53- 6 FORT ST.Telephone 810.

Residence, King St. near Richards: Telephone 819.

accident yesterday. Manager Ahrensnmade things move with a jump till the

hrM.lt was renaired. Planting is goingFOUNDERS AND flACHINISTS,on down there now at the rate of aDoux.fifty acres a day. Both stockholders

213 QUEER ST. (fS'g.l"1) HOSOLULU,and the railway company are alreaaybeginning the figure on the nrst crop.

Invite Enquiries for General Ironwork.FORjvn URASS CASTINGS. SHIPS' BLACKSMITUING. The Favorite

IS THE FAVORITE place for the native Call and SeellVUil rm..- -

Repairs Will Be Promptly Attended to.TELEPHONE NO. 410 finest liquors only, and the best dls--

1hiipts nf the United States Canada and Great Britain are represented. JEWELRYChoice Eggs For Best brews of Beer, either on draft or

The New Revolving Copper Wirein bottles, may be had at all times.-- IN-HatchingI W. M. Cunningham, Proprietor or

this well-know- n resort, has been inthe business for many years, and is aconnoisseur in liquors. His establish- -



NITRATE OF SODAAn Excellent Fertilizer for

Rattoons and Early Cane,And In the Dry Season.

Advance orders filled as received fromthe wharL



ment ia always orderly, and, with1 luwuicu runu. MOW SCREENBrown Leghorn, White Leghorn and services of his assistant, Mr. Thomp- - Wuarrea fiymuuia itocKs, at $.ou yi son customers are promptly suppueu.

Andulasian and Wyandotte-Dorkln- g COrner for the lovers of cold Beer orWICKER CHAIRS.

Tahles. Couches, etc: White and 6. W. LINCOLN'S PATENT.

uross, ui o.uu per aozen; .ngnsn d. fine Wines and Liquors.G. Dorking, $5.00 per dozen; Pekin mmmmDuck, ?L00 per setting of 10.

Favors from the other Islands will In the Police Court yesterday morn-receiv- e

careful packing and be filled In ing Haaheo was found "guilty of assaultthe order in which they are received, and battery and was sentenced to payA few choice fowls for sale. a fine of $10 and costs. Lam Poo, ar-- W.

C. WEEDON, rested for unlawful possession of opi-Honolu- lu.

um, was discharged.

For further details addrew

Hawaiian Fertilizing Company

A. F. COOKE, Manager.P. o. Box 186. Honolulu.

Correspondence solicited.

Colored Matting, Fancy Goods, Man-

ila an-- ! Havana Cigars.

WING WO TAI & CO.214 NXJUANA ST. At King and Alakea Sts.

Page 4: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS


trdon't you see,they say that HawaiiTETK PACIFIC ment can make the people richcannot stand alone, and if she cantand happy if it chooses to do so.govern herself how is she fit to becflme

If prosperity exists during an Administration, it is credited with it. fi

W.N.ARMSTRONG. - EDITOR. If adversity exists, it is chargedwith it. accused of incompetenceand turned out of ollice. TheNOVEMBERWEDNESDAY

. LasI and all the time Hood's Sarsaparillahas been advertised &a a blood purifier.The great cures by IIood?s Sarsaparilla

; have been accomplished through purifiedi blood. Scrofula, salt rheum, eczema,rheumatism, neuralgia, yield to Hood's

' Barsaparilla, because it eradicates thelolding of the Government, which

THE BOND ISSUE.is after all, only the people, re

a part of the United States? is she fitfor annexation?" As both the Postand our cotemporary choose to inten-tionally misunderstand the Ministersand the Advertiser, we can only say ofthem as the farmer said of his pig,"whichever way I point he always goescontrary."

Perhaps somebody will buy and takeaway that parrot, swinging andscreeching "anti-annexatio- n, anti-annexatio- n,"

with a strong British ac-

cent, in its cage, hanging in Fort streetIf it had the Yankee twang, we wouldhave recognized a pretty honest sortof bird.

sponsible for prosperity or ad-cersit- y,

prevents the study ofIity lbeconomic laws, and brings about

vacillating legislation.

Owing to the new conditions of

Vestige of those impurities which havebeen developing, perhaps for years, inthe blood. Hood's Sarsaparilia curesnervousness by feeding the nerves uponpure, rich blood. It absolutely and per-manently cures when all other medicinesfail, because Hood's Sarsaparilla

sugar production, its fast develJAPAN COAL INCREASES.opment in Europe, the cheapness

witli which it can be produced, The production of Japanese coal, re-marks the Nippon, has considerablythe wide spread interest taken in

the sugar beet in so many of the increased in consequence of the grow-ing demand for it in the interior andin foreign countries. In the 24th yearAmerican States, the question ofof Meiji the amount produced did not

The GovernmentJoan, taken ata premium, indicates that men

who have money to lend have con-

fidence in the stability of the Gov-

ernment, in its present form, or

nnder any other form it may as-

sume in the near future. Con-

ceding the stability of the Gov-

ernment, the rate of interest paid

is fair, and about the same as

that paid by the younger Ameri-

can Htates. No doubt there is alarge amount of money held forinterest, by residents of 4 theseIslands, and the course and prac-

tice of all wise financial men is to

invest where they reside and cankeep their eyes on the investment.The success of the loans showsexcellent management of ourfinances by the Minister of Fin-

ance, aided by a kind Providencewho vouchsafed a profitable su-

gar crop last year.

the value, of sugar stocks, as a exceed 3,175,000 tons, of which 2,233,- -000 tons were exported, realizing a val Real Estate and Financial Agents.permanent investment, is a very

serious one." It is especially so to ue of 4,749,000 yen only. In the 29thyear, however, the figure was raised Telechone 678. 3U FORT STREET, HONOLULU.those who are providing, for old

Strikes at the root of the disease, whichis in the blood. Thousands testify thatthey have been absolutely cured of blooddiseases by Hood's Sarsaparilla, althoughthey had become discouraged by the fail-ure of other medicines to, give any relief.No other medicine has such a record ofcures as Hood's Sarsaparilla, because

to 5,200,000 tons, of which 2,000,000tons, valued at 8,000,000 yen, were exe, or for widows and children.ported. Coal now enjoys the thirdIf .possible, the investment for the rank among the staples of export. Thevalue of the export from January tobenefit of such persons should be

We are ready to purchase Large Estates near Honolulu and Hllo, andCoffee Lands on Hawaii. 5:-- -

Loans placed and negotiated; Estates taken charge of and managed.Choice Lots for sale at Kewalo, at Punahou and the growing City of Hllo

on the installment plan. Houses built for investors. No trouble to showproperty to intending purchasers.


August this year amounted to 7,150,900yen. The internal consumption is alsomade here so as to avoid the suf cicisfering and poverty of so many

thousands of old people andwidows in America, whose limitedresources have been invested in cSfcrw X? Cures while iSarsapariila

la tfc best in fact the One Trne Blood Purifier.

steadily increasing. In 1S91 the amountwas limited to a little less than 2,000,-00- 0

tons, but it increased to 3,000,000last year.

Mr. N. N. Osburn, well known atWoodstock, Mich., was troubled with alame back. He was persuaded to useChamberlain's Pain Balm. It gavehim relief in one night. This remedyis also famous for its cures of rheuma-tism. For sale by all druggists anddealers, Benson, Smith & Companyagents for the Hawaiian Islands.

apparently good securities, butwhich, judged coldly by wide fin Xg& you SleepSUGAR STOCKS.

nOOU S KllIS with Hoocls Sarsapariliaancial experiencehave a most un-

certain value.The very agreeable way of mak HOBRON DRUG COMPANY,Wholesale Agents.

Whooping Cough, Asthma, Group, Catarrh, Colds.

CrOSOlenO when raporiztd iaihenck room will gire immediate relief.ing inonev bv "short cuts" andOur evening cotemporary need notwithout work is attracting the at

be disturbed about that frightful "anti--annexation" article of ours, which the

9f contagious diseases by acting m a powerful disinfect, kanaka t Um

youngest child. Sold by druggist. ValaaMt booklet free.

HOLLISTER DRUG CO., Honolulu, n. l Arats.

tention of men in this town. Thedealings in stocks are not large,but the speculative feeling is

Springfield Republican quotes. Thesame article was alluded to by the N. Y. TIMELY TOPICSEvening Post (and Nation) at the timespreading.it published Mr. Damon's speech onTt cnnnot be checked. It is a


Japanesethe ratification of the treaty by thepart of the business life of the pre senate; and added that "the other I0LLISTER & CO,members v the Cabinet followed in thesame strain." It called the attention

sent generation qf Americans. Afew make money, but the great

of the annexationists in America tothese speeches, and shouted: "There,

majority lose it. This fact influences only, a few, who are by nature conservative and have the Beetle Imccoists,power to realize the danger of theoperation. Any baki.vy powder

lighten vour cake, it that'sThe question of "investment"stocks in these Islands is a veryserious one. The surplus earn-

ings, the principal sums of estatesCor. Fort & Merchant Sts.

you want. Some are strongerthan others, some more whole-

some.Schilling's Best is both and

more too.A Schilling; & Company

Saa Francisco 2C01

Previous to four years ago the gar-dens in and around Honolulu present-ed a picture to lovers of flowers andfine shrubbery; in fact, it was a verycommon remark by tourists that theresidences of Honolulu were withoutrival from a plant-lif- e standpoint.


must be invested so as to return a

fair rate of interest. But in acountry whose affairs are iu atransition state, there is not the

Cifraiirssecurity for the repayment ofmoney, that there is in conimun SprayGRAND


TTTQT NftW Both Rice andUU01 HUH Sugar Plantersare forming plans for the en-suing season and lookingabout for the best imple-ments for preparing theirlands for next year's crop.

Orders are coming in fastfor the famous ADVANCEDouble Furrow, roller Coul-l- er

plow, voted last year, thebest implement for the pur-pose ever introduced onthese Islands.

Profiting by previous ex-perience, we have ordered anew supply, in anticipationof a run upon them.

We also carry the wellknown "Perfect" doublemould board plows in threesizes, viz: 12, 14 and 16 inchfurrows and also the "Per-fect" breaker plow in 12, 14and 16 inch sizes.

The merits of these plowsare too well known to needbooming up. They performtheir work in the mannertheir name implies.

We have a large assort-ment of Rice plows, in sizesranging from a 6-i- nch to auj-in- ch cut, also Cultivators,Harrows, and a full line ofAvery's sugar land imple-ments, including stubblediggers, cultivators, fertili-zer distributors, etc., etc.

Planters are invited toopen up a correspondencewith us or call in and lookour stock over.

La Intimidad,La Espanola,

La Africana,Henry Clay & Bock & Co.

How does .It look today? Ask thelady of the house, who formerly tookgreat pride in the appearance of thegarden and grounds surrounding thehome, and she will shake her head indisgust if you remark about the no-

ticeable change. She has given up try-ing to have a fine flower bed or growfine plants, simply because the Jap-anese Rose Bug has repeatedly killedher plants. '





ities where there is a settled orderof things. The managers of thetrust companies in the East andin London, who have many mil-

lions which they are directed toinvest safely, are confronted withthis most serious financial prob-lem. There is no sadder chapteron the miseries of life than thatwhich records the investmentwhich records the unfortunateinvestments made by trutees,on behald of old people,of widows and orphans, inmortgages on Western farms andin rising and promising townsand cities. The great trans conti-

nental railway lines have sunkand lost millions of the earningsof the poor and those in moderatecircumstances. --

It is a curious incident connect-ed with large dividend-payin- g con-

cerns, that, as a rule, those whoshould invest in them with mostcaution, are those who make theirinvestments, whqn prices are highand perhaps inflated. Many greatfortunes are made by the shrewdmen wTho sell out to those with

The scientific person knows that forevery pest there is an enemy, and theresult of application will effect a rid-

dance.We have learned from a very reli

General admission, 25c. Admissionand Grand Stand, 50c. Boxes for par-ties of six or nine.

Seats on sale at Wall, Nichols Co.able source that by spraying the plantswith a solution of WHALE-OI- L SOAPthat the Rose Bug, and, in fact, all in HiliHUjliiriilflsects, will either die or leave the plant'BUSSES RUN TO THE GATES.


the Teeth and leaves them

White and Beautiful.

Hardens the

Gums and Imparts3



PlantsBUSFOR RENT! The practice is cheap and simple.

We have a convenient package, con-

taining sufficient of the soap to spray JrtONOLULU.Hawaiian islands?a full acre, the price being only 25c.All Descriptions of Repair

Work Executed by a Practi-cal Machinist.

less experience or knowledge of 1 lii ion Co. Prepared Only Bythe relative values of securities.Concerns that pay a large profitare exceptions and the tendencyis, in all business, to equalize

286 FORT STREET.ill Benson, Smith & CoJ. T. LUND,Opp. Club Stables. Fort Street.

Hew NewleiSuitings! Coatings!

JUST ARRIVED EX "MIOWERA."We would call your attention to the fact that in case of Annexation the price of all Woolen Goods will

I morosso Just One Hundred Por Cent.NOW is the time to make your purchasesl

As every one knows, or ought to"fcnow, the sugar industry here de-

pends for its prosperity upon Am-

erican legislation. In the event ofannexation, it will continue to belargely dependent upon legisla-tion. In order to reach a correctestimate of the value of the sugarinterests, or of sugar stocks, inthe future, a close study of econo-mic legislation is necessary. Thatlegislation is mainly dependenton popular will and not on wiseeconomic laws.

There is, beyond doubt, a widespread belief of the average Am-

erican people, especially in theyounger States, that the Govern- -

66 FAKE A Or You Will Get Badly Left STUMBLE,"

Page 5: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS

3"I.,. v


AwardedC. D. CHASE. HAS GONE TO HILO Highest Honors World's Fair. i.Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.

LIMITEDReal Estate Agent Mr. James T. Stacker Ac

cepts New Position. OFFER FOR SALE:Notary Public.


.REFINED SUGARSFormer Associates on AdvertiserTelephone 1S4.407 Fort Street


anPresent Him WithUmbrella.in Cube and Granulated.

PARAFINE PAINT CO.'STaints, Compounds and Building

Papers.Mr. James T. Stacker, for the past

WANTED. two years City Editor of the Advertiser. left on the Kinau yesterday forSuit Clubs, $1. Per Week. PAINT OILS,Hilo, to become the Editor of the HaA nicely furnished house for a few

months for a very desirable tenant MOST PERFECT MADEwaii Herald. He will enter upon theJust arrived, a nice line dntip nf hSa npw nnsitinn immpd ;n tilv i L nnre Grane Cream of Tartar Powder- - Free Lucol -- Raw and Boiled.

Linseed Raw and Boiled.MEDEIROS & DECKERMr. Stacker's ability as a news- - IIom A"""u"u' A1U'1' UI "7A House containing 9 or 10 roomsof medium priced

with good yard. gamerer ana a writer, an au-rou- na in au tne great noieis, mc iwumKnewspaper man, made him a valuable Clubs and the homes Dr. Price's Cream IJMjUJtliMi,THE HOTEL STREET TAILORS.

Waverley Block, 11 Hotel Btman for the Advertiser. He had the ua 6 r "

Oak A House containing 5 rooms with faculty of making many friends, whose 40 Years the Standardstable in yardWASHINGTON FEED CO. esteem he won, and of gaining the con

Water - proof cold - water paidInside and outside; In white andcolors.

FERTILIZERS,fidence of business men and GovernBedroom Suites, LEWIS & CO.,

Agents. Honolulu. H.ment officials who knew that they I.could discuss their affairs with himfreely, traits absolutely essential to THE FIRST NEWSPAPER.success as a newsDaner man.

Has removed to the commo-dious building formerly occu-pied by W. S. Luce, Auctr.COR. FORT & QUEEN STS.They have on hand a choice

and fresh stock of flour, feed,etc., and will be pleased to seeall their old customers andmany new ones.

His ability was recognized in other Pekine's Kin Pan Is the oldest newsDown parts of the Islands as well as in Hono nnnpr in the world, having been publulu, and when, on a recent visit to

Alex. Cross & Sons' high-gra- ft

Scotch fertilizers, adapted forsugar cane and coffee.

N. Ohlandt & Co.'s chemical fer-

tilizers and finely ground BocaMeal.

lished continuously for nearly a thouHilo, the owners of the Hawaii Heraldsand vears. savs the New York bun.made him a better offer to become r mPillow Cushions, Hot tt'o n(iifrr thon tha nnp't nrp. I it hpffan as a monthly, became a week

vinnsiv mnrip hp rented nnd at once lv in 1361. and since the beginning 01WASHINGTONi FEED CO.

HousesFor Rent.

BuildingLotsFor Sale.

rocivnoH Viia nncitinn rn the. Advertiser. I tViP npntlirv has been & daily. It nOWAny size made to order.He leaves many friends among the imw w uum apuDiisnes , nTmi nvim-nTvr- n

Honolulu, Oct 4, 1897. newspaper fraternity and his associates order to prevent cheating by tne ven- - J1AM rlrii IAJ V iLIilllUiand the Honolulu public. QUI S, pilllUS IUCU1 ViA ya.y.i. ui u...-..- v

Previous to Mr. Stacker's departure colors, the first being yellow, tne sec-

ond white and the last gray.Reed's patent elastic sectional plpa

covering.for Hilo yesterday morning, the emftmm Liveiy m m mm Art Tickingfor Draperies

Dloves of the Gazette Company presented him with an umbrella as a reCor. Merchant and Richards Sts. Mors than 2.000 people mysteriously FILTER PRESS CLOTHS.membrance of hie work with them and dissappear from London every year,a reminder that there is not always . h d of aeain

Linen and Jute.LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all

hours. TELEPHONE 400.sunshine on the big Island. On thehandle of the umbrella was engravedthe following: "Presented to James T. THIS DAY 1 CEMENT, LIME & BRICKS.Upholstering a Specialty Stacker bv the enmloyes of the Hawal

C. D. CHASE. ian Gazete Company, Ltd., November2. 1R97" AUCTION SALE

OFMr. C. G. Ballentyne, Manager of the

si i-- n.nir mqdn on iinnrfmrintp


Matting and Wicker ChairsWill come by S. S. City of Peking on

September 14th. Call and examine.



San Francisco, Cal.Rotate Afirent an Cl and also presented Mr. btacKer

We have chairs and tables tteat wyith the foii0wing letter, printed on Shares of Stock.Notary Public.of good quality, to nire tor "Honolulu, H. I., Nov. 2, 1897.

"Mr. J. T. Stacker.'Telephone 184. On Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1897AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,entertain--1 407 Fortstreetor "npnr Sir and Friend: Your asso BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS,

Philadelphia, Penn., U. & 11balls, partiesmerits.

ciates in the service of the HawaiianH. MAY & CO., At my salesroom, Queen street, I willGazette Company regret very mucnthe termination of our close pleasant sell at public auctionThe Queen Hotel

K Shares of Ewa Plantation.GrocersRetailend relations. We wish to congratulatelie SO Shares Hawaiian Sugar Co., (Ma-- NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO.(Manf. "National Cane Shredder"),you upon your election to a higher poNUUANU AVENUE.

STREET. -:- - sition and upon the prospects wnicuwe are confident your ability will turn

kaweli).31 Shares Inter-Islan- d S. Nav. Co.10 Shares Honolulu Soap Works.

New York, U. S. 1-:- - 98 FORT

Telephone, 22. : J. H0PP & CO.; : P. O. Box, 470. Large and well ventilated rooms, hot to advantage. We have found you a10 Shares Pacific Sugar Mill.and cold baths. Excellent table ana friend worth having and as a sngnt .

evidence of the esteem in which we 25 Shares Oahu Plantation, (assessable N. OHLANDT & CO.,attendance.HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,Furniture Dealers. San Francisco, CaLhold you, we ask you , to accept the

Steam Engines, TERMS: 57.50 and Upwards.BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOLERS, JAS. F. MORGAN,token here presented, witn it goeb

our heartiest 'Aloha' for the welfareof yourself and family. IRISDON IRONKING AND BETHEL STREETS.BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS,


San Francisco, Csl.And machinery of every description WORKS,"Your irienas,

"EMPLOYES HAWAIIAN GAZETTEManager.made to order. Particular attentiontudd to shirts blacksmithing. Job COMPANY, LTD. AUCTION SALEP. O. Box, 46LTelephone, 809.wortxecntedthesho notice.


Tcraaf TTnl den Probably was theSir


Crown Silver, Glass,AND


thp si- - .Tames Gazette recently published the fact, that we are indebted to

Ghinaware.sir Tsnao Holden for the Invention or Silk Dress Goods,one of the most useful conveniences ofdaily life the lucifer match. Such,however, according to Sir I. Holden'sandie Silk HandkerchiefsUnder instructions from the HawaiianOrg own statement, "appears to be tne iact.

Designs InOther SilkThe story of the discovery was tnus Goods. NewBeautifultold bv Sir Isaac before a select com

mittee of the House of Commons:

Government, I will sell at publicauction, at my salesroom,

Queen street, Honolulu,

On Thursday, November 18,


"I beean as an inventor on a verysmall scale. For what I know, I was Plates and Dishes


KIMONOSthe first inventor of lucifer matches;inIn entirely new designs, are the latest conceits but it was the result or a nappythought. In the morning I used to getnoo r.nric fnr tho nresent season. THEY WILL Glassware,up at 4 o'clock in order to pursue myU I COO WMwr w ...w I "

BE NEW IN PARIS NEXT SPRING. studies, and I used at that time tneflint and steel, In the use or wnicn 1

frmnri vprv Great inconvenience. I Ml V 111 MChinaware,Silverware,

ovrhiQivp and come onlv in 12 gave lectures in chemistry at the timeThe patterns are w w w w w -

at a very large academy, or course, ia suit. Call andyard lengths-ju- st enongh for knew, as other chemists did, tne ex-- All at Bedrock Prices.Inspect.


material that was necessary in and other Historical Articles from theorder to nroduce instantaneous light; Reigns of the Kamehamehas and Kala- -

Our store is headquarters for LADIES' CLOTHmt it was vprv difficult to obtain light I kaua.U U V vnj )

in on wood by that explosive materai, anoand COLORED CASHMERES. We have these nut tinrlA1i A. M AArticles on view at mv salesroom ontne idea occurreu iu uic w """

x:i?..i i V--rl o crropn hfiinff eSDeCiail V I v.Q ovnincivp mivtiiTR sulDhur. I did WEDNESDAY, November 17, from 10Waverley Block. Hotel Street

J. M. Webbucau 111 Ul oiiauwi I j ni,Ki;ch u in mv next lec a. m. to 4 p. m.. ... have tuau, ciiiu " -.We tnrp unr? showed it. inere was abeautiful. This line is entirely new.

young man In the room whose fatherwill not be --OF THE--secured advance shipments and they

worn on the Coast until next year.was a chemist in London, and ne im-

mediately wrote to his father about it,and shortly afterward lucifer matcheswere issued to the world. I believethat was the first occasion that we had

RULEGOLDEN BAMthfl nresent lucifer match, and it was


AUCTION SALEOf the Property of the

Hawaiian M n Tea Co.


nnp nf timse inventions that some peo Has displayed In his FORT STREETple think ought not to be protected by



Hawaiian Sonvenir PinsFlorida's nranere croD for 1897-9- S willsoon be going forward to market, andImported to replace the old style chenille curtainsa good many estimates are being maaeas to what the crop will figure up.Last season it amounted' to about 125,- - and Cuff Buttonsthat are to be found everywhere.000 boxes. That was thee first year s

Made of HAWAIIAN SILVER C0IN3fruit after the freeze, and the crop wasaccordingly very small, especially ENAMELED in COLORS. Takd a look

at them when on Fort Street. SchoolNew when it is recollected that the proauctof the State had been numbered in mil-

lions ratherthan in thousands of boxes.The Supplies, Books, Stationery Office ands Typewriter Supplies.Acareful estimate made by a gentleman who is well informed as to tnerron thronzhout the State places it inround numbers at about 200.00U boxes.uAMncnwr cHAHP.fi and DESIGNS. If VOU areliniiwwvrmw w - - - - - It is believed that these figures are ALL PRICES &XtYSconservatives, and that the crop winis the ooDortunitv to securego above rather than below the figures

I have received instructions to sell atpublic auction at my sales

room in Honolulu, on


All the property of the above Com-pany, comprising about 790 acres ofleased lands and 482 acres in Fee Sim-ple. Of the above area, about 200 acresare planted in coffee, the trees varyingfrom about 1 year to 5 years in age.

There is a large mill on the place,fully equipped, from which an incomecan be derived in cleaning and market-ing coffee from the adjacent planters.The place is well equipped with watertanks, tools and Implements, wagons,horses, mules, manager's and laborers'houses, piping, office furniture, etc.,etc.

The coffee fields are well fenced androads built to the various portions ofthe estate.

A large portion of the coffee trees arenow in bearing and are nearing theage to produce maximum crops.

For further particulars in regard toleases and all necessary information,apply


l ci vii iiioiiiiibi - -

absolutely new styles. named.

Refrigerated PoultryHOW TO CURE BILIOUS COLIC.

I suffred for weeks with colic andpains in my stomach caused by biliousness and had to take medicine an tnewhile until I used Chamberlain' Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whichcured me. I have since recommendedCo it to a eond manv rteonle. MRS. P.RBo hler: BUTLER. Fairhaven. Conn. Persons


Metropolitan Meat Company;

Telephone 41.

who arft snhiprt tn hilions colic canward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms ap-ne- ar.

Sold hv nil dmererists and dealFort Street ers, Benson, Smith & Company agentsfor tne Hawaiian Islands.

Page 6: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS


WE GAVE IS JUST 45 TODAYftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Taking Chances.


PHOTOGRAPH CO., Ltd., The Anniversary of Jap-

an's Emperor.SOME of the merchantsa "BRUSH" last weekwewill give you twenty kinds of

BRUSHES this week, (?c.

upwards), Paint or

JOSH BILUXGS once said, "If I wuz called uponto weap over the body of a ded mewl, I would shed mi

tears over his hed." Even though every appearance in-

dicated that the mule was dead, Josh wasn't taking any

chances, by getting near the dead mule's heels.


there is a certaintv to be had. Buy your Shoes from

Mclnerny Shoe Store, and get every cent of value foryour money, and you'll have no need for weeping.

Mclnerny Mammoth Shoe Store:

The Wing'George Sharrick, with a sprained foot, took

second in the Third-mil- e, and third in theTwo-mil- e Handicap, starting from scratch.

George Martin took Second place in the Mile.Fred Damon won the Half-mi- le Amateur,

and Mile Amateur, starting from scratch.STERLING ROADSTERS are as strong

and easy-runni- ng on the road as the Racersare on the track. Sold on the instalment plan,or a discount for cash.


Castle &F. C. ATHERTON, Af?ent.

Try the 'Sterling' Tandem




Is open for business. Portraits ofeverv description upon the bestPapers, Platinum, Iridium, Mezzo-tin- t,

Carbon, and all other papers known inPhotography. Best work guaranteed atmoderate prices.

CABINETS from $6.00 per Dozen.Pictures made Life Size direct.

Appointments made by Telephone 492.Sole proprietors of the Bas-Reli- ef andIridium processes. Large collection of re-ct- nt

Island Views.Specimens can be seen on the ground


As we knownothing less 4

good than bestin clothes, sotoo are wedoing hats,

furnishing, andneck-wea- r.

A find this week,in all our goods.


9 Hotel St., Vaverley Block.

Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linen-Mes- h

Underwear. Send for Catalogue.



To lovers of hard, crisp Ginger-snap- s

and nice, soft Ginger-brea- d, we wish tostate that we have them to perfection.We also carry and make cakes of allkinds.

Give us a trial. Our goods are not aconcoction of cheap talk and ignorance,but are the result of 16 years of ex-

perience, and only good material isused. '

Our Bakery is kept scrupulouslyclean, and you certainly will appre-ciate this.

Yours, the

GERMAN BAKERYThe Only Progressive Bakery in

Honolulu.Manufacturers of Quaker, Steam,

Ralston Health and Rye Breads.833 Fort St. Telephone 677


Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler

and Optician,

Begs to state to the citizens of Honolulu and the Islands that he is preparedto manufacture any article in the Jew-elry and Medal line, fit Spectacles to allsights, repair fine and complicatedWatches: also, ordinary Watches,Clocks and Jewelry.

Prices as low as the lowest consistent with good workmanship and quality of material. All work guaranteedto give satisfaction and done promptlyon time.

Mall orders solicited. P. O. Box, 287.

B07 FORT ST. : HONOLULU, H. I.4727-l- m

till $11 litLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000

Paid Up Capital " 7,500,000Reserve Fund " 5,464,000



Kobe. London. Lyons. New York,San Francisco, Shanghai,

Bombay, Hong Kong.

Trnsaots a General Banking andExchange Business.

Agency Yokohama Specie Bank:

New Republic Bldg., : Honolulu, H. L




WING WO CHAN & CO.210-21- 2 Nuuanu St.

liiQ 00 Works -LIMITED

Esplanade, Cor. Allen and Fort Sts.


! 'Cleveland' I

1 Bicycles! fS A



1 IW: RIGHT FROM f? mnn ninmnniT $

1 m iawum i

ittioriiii$60.00 CASH


t &

Whitman and TrilbyFowler ride "CLEVE-LANDS- ."

H. E. WALKER,Masoxic Temple. AGENT. l

Alakea St;




If You Wantthe Best Wheelon the Marke-t-

bar noneTake a


"Crimson Rim"


Highest Grade,Best Material


Longest Lifeof Any WheelMadel



Famous as Executive and Soldier.Idol of His People Court

In Mourning,

Today is the anniversary of thebirth of Mutsuhito, the able and popu-lar Emperor of Japan. He is almostadored by his subject both at homeand abroad. U. S. Senator Cannonwhen here on his way home from Jap-an spoke of the warm feeling in thatcountry for the occupant of the throne.He said the political intrigues therewere deeper and more bitter and de-

termined than in the United States orin any other country that he knew any-thing about. He continued that whilethe parties and factions battled furi--


ously and with earnestness and hatred,they were united and intense in devotion to the dynasty and to its presentrepresentative.

The Emperor became famous earlyin his reien as a nrosrressive executive.He fostered education and industry anduiu awaj Willi iiiaujr ausui i 11 auiuuuo.During the war with China the Emperor became a soldier and as a wearerof the uniform was an idol.

There will be no celebration of theEmperor's birthday here this year.The announcement is made from thelegation. This is for the reason thatthe court is in mourning. Those whohave enjoyed the lavish hospitality ofMinister Shimamura on former stateoccasions will regret not a little thatboth themselves and the diplomats areto forego the pleasure of toasting HisImperial Majesty.

It is the Emperors 45th birthday.


B and D Men Who Will Competefor a Trophy.

On Saturday of this week and Sundaythere will be some tall shooting at theN. G. H. range. The occasion is thefinal test for the Elvin trophy. Theprize offered by the sergeant is a handsome rifle. It is to become the prop-erty of the company whose membermakes the highest score on either ofthe two days. As stipulated by Elvinthe contest will be between B and D.

There must be fifteen entries fromeach command. To date the teams areas follows:

B Atherton, Trum, Frasher, Angus, Hapai.Olsen, Riley, Winant, White,Giles, Ward, Ordway, Cockett, weedon,Scott, Ganzel, Foster, F. H., Edwards.

D Johnson, Sam, Burnette, P. H.,Bersstrom, O., Cooke, H., Harris, w.W., Lemon, Bonnie, Vida, Frank, zerDe,H. Smith, W. H., Butler, W. G., Devauchelle. Boyd, W. W., Blackly, Abreu,Timmons. ' Treadway, Joe, McGinn,Powell, Short, Mitchell.

There has been quite a lot of practice and the finishing touches will beput on during the week. Capt. Whitesays he has selected only men who willdo 45 or better.

Maui's SheriffSheriff Baldwin of Maui left for Mo- -

lokai on the steamer Mokolii Mondayevening. He went direct to Molokaito attend to business matters. Fromthere, he will return to his home onMaui. Sheriff Baldwin was down Hereto be nresent at the damage suit, entered against Mr. King and bimseirbv S. Ahmi. The case naving goneover until the next term, Sheriff Baldwin made haste to return to his duties.

Maui Posoffices.Postmaster General Oat left for La

haina on the Kinau yesterday. Fromthat place he will take the Helene toother ports on Maui, his intention be--in ar to make a tour of insDection oithe branch post offices on that Island

The three-year-o- ld boy of J. A. John.m A T 1 1 Ason, or nn uenier, iu.t is suDject w

attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says heis satisfied that the timely use oChamberlain's Cough Remedy, duringa severe attack, saved his little boy slife. He is in the drug business,member of the firm of Johnson Brosof that place; and they handle a greamany patent medicines for throat andlung diseases. He had all these tochose from, and skilled physiciansready to respond to his call, but selected this remedy for use in his own family at a time when his child's life wasin danger, because he knew it to besuperior to any other, and famous thecountry over for its cures of croupMr. Johnson says this is the best selling cough medicine they handle,


11 A !l 1 1! J A mmmat it gives syienuiu saiisiaction In aicases. Sold by all druggists and dealers, Benson, Smith & Company agentslor .Hawaiian lsianas.

Which we have had manufactured for this market It lalight, well balanced, and specially tempered.

The great success attained by the


Planters' HoeGives us confidence to recommend this new Cane Knife.

We have lately received a large supply of Carpenter's andMechanics' Tools, Shelf Hardware, Portable Forges, Anvils,Vises, Road Scrapers; Stone, BlackSmith and Drill Ham-mers, Etc. Also a line of

Special Sale Goods one

to each customer:

Medium-size- d Hammers, 15c.Medium-size- d Hatchets, 15c.

Steel Screw Drivers, 5c, 10c, 15c,20c.

8-o- z. Tinned Carpet Tacks, 5cRim Knob Door Locks, 20c8-in- ch Steel English Shears, 25c.0-in- ch Steel English Shears, 15c.6-in- Nicholson's Saw Files, 5c

C-in- ch Rule Carpenters' Pencilsfor 5c.

A Carpenter's Pencil for a

cent is one of our bargainsyou should not miss.

Don't risk sending aroundfor these bargains, but come

yourself --"There are others."

We are setting a scorch

ing pace in our line. Don't

We deserve yOLir patronage? I

ft ft ft ft ft

W. 1. DIMOHD & CO.



Ladies' and Gents'

KIHOHOS.All Sizes and Prices in Crepe

or Silk.

Table Napkins,In Beautiful Designs.

K. IWAKAMI.Hotel St. Robinson Block







KING BROS'Art Store.



Livery and Feed StablesHack Stand Telephone, No. 319.

Stables' Telephone, No. 477.C. H. BELLINA, Manager.

Still Leads !


Cooke, Ldthese Moonlight Nights.



IIS 11In one of our windows we are dis-

playing a few samples from which ourHoliday" Stock of


Santa Glaus HeadquartersHas always carried the largest and

most select stock of TOYS in the city.This year we have had the advantageof buying early and direct from themanufacturers.

We have large invoices of Dolls directfrom Europe's Doll Centre and otherson the way from Eastern Markets.

The S. S. Australia will bring us ourfirst invoice, comprising in part, FineLeather Goods, Novelties, Books, FancyGoods, Tissue Paper, Stylish Station-eryNew Games, Etc., and everythingin the Toy line.



We respectfully ask our patrons toexamine our extensive stock beforepurchasing elsewhere.


Toledo Razor-Blad-e Pocket KnivesKINDLY CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK.

Pacific Hardware Co., Ld.

To the Public



BIS NOT offered to the public

in competition withcheap brands.

It Is Absolutelythe BestI

And for purity, it stands unchallenged, and is sold

at fair market ratesBY

t KOIt


Page 7: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS


Mystic Lodee. Kniehts of Pythias,LOCAL BREVITIES. meets this evening and will have work. Y on ' Earth liesill ICLl 1H I'll J UUC O UUI,



Regular weekly session of the Board ; there will be much actively in buildingof Health at 3 p. m. today. j now till after the end of the year.

The next racing at Cyclomere park J An effort is being made to arrange avrill be on Saturday evening. match between the swift wheel riders

FairchikVs Honolulu shoe house ; Jones and Sharrick, best two in three-quot- es

new prices in shoes today. ; mile heats.David Kaapa says he is searchingS "Josh" Tucker is now with the. Peo-f- or

the vacation retreat of the burglars. !k)le's Ice company, having a respo-nse atHealani club's moonlight lan-Tj- W

Llectric Light works.cing partv will be on Friday evening

Should anyone wear poor shoes? They injurethe health, and that's expensive: They hurt "the feet,and that's unprofitable; They make one uncomforta-ble, and there's no use being so: They look unsightly,and that's inexcusable!

The shoe be it any price is an ornament ot thefoot, and our shoes represent the Upper Four Hundredof footwear in Honolulu or anywhere else. For qual-ity, service, ease and style our shoes have no equals.

We sell only Good Shoes that are manufac-tured expressly for us at prices, in say Ladies' OxTies, from Si.oo up to the very finest and most artisticshoemaking.

next.Wm. L. Peterson has a new cottage,

furnished or unfurnished, to let, at Pa-lam- a.

At Morgan's sale of stock today 5shares of Ewa Plantation will beoffered.

High GradeG. P. Wilder went to Maui on busi- - j

Diamond Head,October 31, 1897.

Weather clear; wind, light N. E.ness yesterday. He will be back onSunday.

Opening of the Cyclomere track has; DM GOODS,had the effect of increasing the valueof Kewalo lots.

An effort is being made to organize j


Lace CurtainsHARDWARE,

ir1and Curtain Materials. I) FORT ST.

a new social club as the successor of ;

the Hagey club. !

Adjourned quarterly meeting of the I

Union Feed Co., Ltd., at 10 a. m. today j

at company's office. I

The Frawley advance sale opened J

yesterday. It did not take many hours !

to dispose of sixty season tickets. j

Sam Johnson, of Company D is still

groceries:Extra Fine Curtainso Cents on the Dollar.


1 MAPS PI Dagger" BrandMullet.iota

anxious to meet the crack shot or tneBennington for glory or for a purse.

The moonlight concerts are on andthe band will not play on the Execu-tive building grounds this afternoon.

C. E. Rosecrans, acting principal inLahainaluna school, was a passengeron the Helene yesterday afternoon.

This is the evening for the annualroll call at Central Union church. Let-ters from members abroad will be read.

Manager Ahrens of the new planta-tion, was in the city yesterday. Hereports everything booming along atOahu.


Nottingham Curtains,Extra quality, 3 1- -2 yards

long, full width, at $1.50and $2.00 a pair.

Extra, special value inFINE PARLOR CURTAINS,

Point de Esprit,Brussels Net,

Battenburg and Antique, j

In white and ecru.

O)(o J;


Powder.Especially Adapted to CentrifugalSt. Andrew's church' is to establish a j

chanel in the Punahou district. The ! Machinery and High SpeedEngines.I ChiMreebuilding will be of frame, to cost about i

2 000 These were bought 50 Cents on the' Dollar, and we will elve vou the benefit: tojas. r . Morgan win noia a saie 01 . - . , . - FlSlR CURTAINS

plantation and other securities at hisrooms today noon. See list in adver

IIU f fcW v j m mm-- v m . - . --

and pay no more th'ju you would forordinary ones. j

N. S. SACHS, j

20 Fort street, Honolulu.

CAPITOL CYLINDER.For Cylinders, "Etc.


SUMMER BLACK.For Car Boxes. Etc.

will receive with each purchase a beautiful litho-

graphed map of the Hawaiian Islands. Thisoffer to hold good until our supply of maps Manila(o

exhausted.' Gi(6 is gars--ALSO

Our maps are very convenient for refrence,

and are particularly useful to children studying

Hawaiian geography.

Free to anyone else purchasing a bottle of

tisement.The bicycle men from the Coast were

all down to say good-by- e to C. S.Desky at the Kinau wharf yesterdaymorning.

Fred. J. Lowrey is building a stonehouse, having torn down the frame re-

sidence occupied by the family formany years.

There is no news of any outside ef-

fort to save the life of the native nowat Oahu prison under sentence to behanged next month.

Cleveland (18S7 model) bicycles forladies or gentlemen, $60 cash at H. E.Walker's, Masonic Temple, Alakeastreet. Only a few left.

All outstanding accounts due J. J.Egan must be paid at once or theywill be placed in the hands of an attor-ney for immediate collection.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Dudoit died at the family homein the city yesterday morning. Thefuneral . was held in the afternoon.

The Board of Directors of the LeilauiBoat Club will hold a meeting at Ha-

waiian Hotel this evening at 7:30



Goal Tar,Aloha Tooth Wash or Powder. 1


Union Express Co.TELEPHONE OO.

Office, King St. Opp. Wall, Ricbls to.

We move Safes, Pianos and Furni-ture. We check Baggage at your Resi-dence, and place Small Baggage IsStaterooms. We remove Garbage andYard Sweepings by the month or load;haul Freight from and to Steamen.We have large Wagons and smallWagons, large Drays and small Drays.

VE WILL 110YE ANYTHING 1I0VABI&Competent men and low prices. '

W. LARSEN, Manager.

Honolulu Sanitarium.1082 KING STREET.

1 StockholiThe maps alone are worth what you're asked

for the best Tooth Powder and most delightful

Tooth Wash ever sold. Pure and wholesome.o'clock. A full attendance is requested.

l MM PJ JtUM WTnn at Kaneakna. the lawyer, is tne Fire Clay.Price 25 cents.latest native to decline the honor of

a place on the royalist commission thatis being organized for a trip to wasn- - (oington

ft ft ft ft ftMaj. J. W. Jones has ordered a drillof the First battalion for Thursday ev-

ening. There will be no regimentaldrills so long as the weather is

DIXON'S : GRAPHITE.Hobron Drug Co.King & Fort.

Bids for some proposed road building i A quiet, hygienic home, where Invalids can obtain treatment, consistingof Massage, "Swedish Movement

on the Island of Hawaii were an aDovethe estimates and the Government maydo the work itself instead of letting acontract.

0)(o Baths (both Electric and Russian) adBUTTERICK PATTERN 9262.

The Above or Any Other Pattern of ministered by Trained Nurses.GRAPHITE COMPOUND.For Bearings.

Mike "Tricks," the little bit of a Portuguese boy employed at Hall & Sons j EU iTERIUKYs CO VLUMKS to b had of Strict attention given to diet.

DR. C. L. GARVIN, in Charge.DR. S. C. RAND, Manager.

Telephone, 639.Mrs. M. HANNA.is becoming an expert fancy bicycle

rider and will in time make a public DIXON'S BELT DRESSING.oFashionable : Milliner.

JOIN THEappearance.

On account of First Battalion drillthis week the Y. H. I. installation cere-

monies and social announced havebeen postponed to Thursday evening,the 11th inst.

Wpnrv Kailimai a Dromising young

Containing nothing injurious to theleather; Strengthens it and pre-

vents from slipping.

GRAPHITE PAINT.For Iron Roofs, Smokestacks, Boilers,

All iron-wor- k exposed to heat or


Dandruff KillerlA New and ThoroughlyEfficient DestroyerFor All

DANDRUFF IN THE HEAD.Guaranteed to Cure the ScalpOf All Skin Diseases. .

- Pat up in one size bottle only.

Hawaiian, who attends the Royal !

school, has been appointed organist at ;


t BETTER WORK cannot be done

wet; Also for exposed wood-work suclh as bridged,

houses, piles, etc.

Color Cards and Directions on appli-cation.

GRAPHITE is one of the purestAND YOU MUST PAY HIGHER PRICES forms of carbon and is impervious to

WALL, HICHOLS CO., Proprietors.

Greatest Amount of Knowledge forthe Least Money.

ONLY SI --OO A WEEKAnd You Soon Become the Owner of

This Great Work.

heat, cold, alkali, salt air, acids andrust, and it is claimed will last longer

the Kaumakapili cnurcn, ana com-

menced his duties last Sunday.The bluejacket convicted in District

Court of the larceny of ?40 from EstherBaker, the lei girl, is at large. Bailwas furnished by friends and his casehas been appealed for a jury trial.

The band will play tomorrow (Thurs-day) evening, at Thomas Square, amoonlight concert, and not at Hawai-

ian Hotel on account the veranda ofthe Hawaiian Hotel being painted.

Joseph Dias, the young man whohas been collector for the Mutual Tele-phone Company for quite a long timehas accepted a better position and hisplace has been taken by R. Bicknell.

Tereza Carvalho was arrested yester-

day on the charge of being a commonJulia Cabral. another Por- -




Fort St., Opp. Pantheon Etables. - .


Wood and CoalALSO

White and Black Sand

Which we will sell at the very lowcsfcmarket rates.

Telephone No. 414.

m I

a BICYCLE, wE CAN make



VCRMBm. I Z i'S( 'KJ' mT A14Z


tuguese woman, was arrested on the;charge of assault and battery on Maria I

Cabral. j

On account of the fact that the Im-- ;perial Family of Japan is in mourning,Japanese Consul Shimamura has de--,clined the offer made by Minister;Cooper to have the band play at theConsulate. i

. tr.oiriiinrtprs the Tin- - I

Hawaiian Cycle & Mfg. Co.312 Fort St. Opposite Lewers & Cooke.

m.mA.mmmm.mmm--G-M-999,V- ' WWw-- t3

, W. Schmidt ii Sons I


New Goods in Every Line.Also, Another Large Shipment of


GoodsGents' Furnishing Goods, Fancy

ssanta iaus cau4-- -r' -.

town Book Store, is displaying in one

of its windows, samples of holidaygoods here and on the way. See an-

nouncement this morning for furtherparticulars.

Watch W. W. Dimond & Co.'s spacewill not regretin this paper and you

it. Here is a sample of the special salegoods this week: Eight-inc- h steelEnglish shears, 25 cents; a carpenterspencil, 1 cent.

W H. Crozier, well known hereamong the athletes, left for Hilo on theKinau yesterday morning. He willprobably enter into business in theRainy City. At any rate, he will notreturn to Honolulu soon.

Among the departures for Maui andHawaii ports on the Kinau yesterdaymorning were the following: A. T.Atkinson, Tv S. Kay J. G. Rothwell,H P Walton, C. von Hamm, Oooa-acr-e

'W. Mutch and wife, A. B. Lose,

C C Kennedy and Bro. Bertram.

IIand General Merchandise.

Yamatoya Silk and Cotton Pajamas, Shirts, Sox.Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Shawls, Etc.


24-- Editors;301,865 Vocabulary Terms;

5.000 Illustrations;2.23S Quarto Pages.

Books on Exhibition and Further In-formation at


N. B. Oux solicitor, Mr. H. E. Kelsey,will sooa tall on you with pros--

Machine Oil and Cans; Needles for "White," "Domes- -

I tic," "New Home," "Singer" and "Household"Machines, Etc., Etc., Etc. ''AS ADA COMPANY.

Hotel st.. bomkoh mock. wholesale Provision and General Merchants.

Page 8: iii ir · 2015-06-02 · 0 fl 0 w.iii i ir w w w r 4W1 Established Jaly sj, 158. KOI. XXVL, NO. 4755 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. PRICE FIVE CENTO. WAS

1" :-'4k




Ciii-fliiff- l on &qsc ilie nans gohkrua kuhbwIssued Every Morning, Except


Von Holt Block, King Street.

4 s,vC. G. BALLENTINE,Manager.

has finished her work' at the railroadwharf. ' ..r.

Alex. Grants a runaway sailor fromthe ship Tillie E. Starbuck, was cap-tured yesterday. He promised to re;turn to duty.

The Aloha, Archer and Mohican arenow loading general merchandise inSan Francisco for this port. They willsail in a few days.

The American barkentine S. G. Wil

'The baking powderthat does the most workto the cent.

Schilling s BestXyour grocers.




" oi

Day. rr

a.m.' p.trt. p. Ill a.m.! p.mMem y.Jd6, 'J. 5 4.53 J. .5 6.03 5.24 0 47Tue i 10.30 H'.5S 5.:Jii 3.15 6.01 5. Zi 1.26Wed 3 11.27 6.12 4.55 6.05 5 23 .01

a.m. p.m. B.fff'e a5.22'Thar...., 0.50 0.13 6 45 2.34Frid l.iU 1.10 7.16 7.30 6.U5 5.- - 3.7Bat 2.12 7.38 8 10 6.06 5 21) 3.41Ban 2.& 8.00 9.30 6.07 5.21 4.17


The tides and moon phases are given InStandard time. The time of sun andmoon rising and setting being given forall ports in the group are in Local time,to which the respective corrections toStandard time applicable to each differ-ent port should be made.

The Standard time whistle sounds at12h. 0m. 0s. (midnight), Greenwich time,which is lh. 30m. p. m. of Hawaiian Stan-dard time.

METEOROLOGICAL RECORD.By the Government Survey. Published

Every Monday.

BAEOM. THERMOitB o 1to CO SB 2 c c

t3 n09B B

s 30 .06 30 00 72 81 07 5 KNKs 30 04 29.98 68 83 01 6 8M 30 .03 29.97 69 0 10 ST 29 9929.92 71 08 8 WW 30 00:29.92 70 0 8 8WT 30 0029.98 69 84 31 H E8E-EN- K

F 29 30 04,30.00 70 84 14 9 ENE

Barometer, corrected for temperatureand elevation, but not for gravity.




Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE:The Fine Passenger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive at and Leave

This Port as Hereunder: i . . .






In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents areprepared to Issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by anyrailroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and fromNew York by any steamship line to all European ports.

For furthur particulars apply to

NAVAL.U.S.S. Bennington, Nichols, Cruise.U. S. Gunboat Yorktown, Commander

Stockton, Yokohama, October 16.TJ. S. Gunboat Wheeling, Sebree,

Cruise, October 22.


(This list does not Include Coasters.)Am. bk. Columbia, Gore, Seattle, Wash.,

October 14.Am. bk C. D. Bryant, Colly, Laysan

Island, October 15.Br. bk. Aethelbert, Garriock, Junln,

Chile, October 18..' Am. schr. Maaweema, Smith, Seattle,

Washington, October 22.


General Agents Oceanic S. 5. Co. .

i Am. sp. Tillie E. Starbuck, Curtis, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.






Oriental Steamship Go.

call at Honolulu and leave this port on


9BELGIC Nov. 6

COPTIC ... Nov. 25



general information, apply to

t Newcastle, October 23.: Haw. bk Diamond Head, Ward, De


in Co

Steamers of the above line, runningin connection with the CANADIAN-PACIFI- C

RAILWAY COMPANY be-tween Vancouver, B. C. and Sydney,N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, B. C,Honolulu, Suva (Fiji) and Wellington,N. Z., are


Due at Honolulu:On or about the dates below stated, viz:

From Sydney, Wellington, N.Z.,and Su?a

For Victoria and Yancouver, B.C.




From Yancouyer and Victoria, B.C., For

Suva, Wellington, N.Z., and Sydney.



Through tickets issued from Hono-lulu to Canada, United States and Eu-rope.

For Freight and Passage and allgeneral information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ld.



New York Line.The Bark AMY TURNER will sail

from New York to Honolulu,


If sufficient inducement offers. Ad-vances made on shipments on liberalterms. For further particulars, addressMessrs. CHAS. BREWER & CO., 27Kilby Street, Boston, or

C. BREWER & CO., Ltd.,' Honolulu Agents.

FORJ5ALE.House and lot on Young street; lot

has a frontage of 75 feet, by a depthof 155 feet 4 Inches; house containsparlor, 3 bed rooms, hallway, largelanai, dining room, kitchen, pantry,patent w. c, bath and servants' quarters; stable on premises, 28x30 feet,containing box stall, open stall androom for three carriages. Inquire at

L. H. DEE & CO.,City Feed Store, Punchbowl and Bere

tania Streets. 4744-- tf


J. M. MONSARRAT has for sale thefollowing properties:

1. Premises off Vineyard Street, Honolulu, with two Cottages thereon.This is a fine property. Cottages willlet for $15 and $12 per month, respectively.

2. Premises on Ewa side of LilihaStreet, between School and KuakiniStreets. Has a frontage of 137.3 feetand a depth of 170.8 feet One Cottageon mauka end of the lot. Lets for $15per month.4680-- tf J. M. MONSARRAT.

Coffee Lands For Sale

or Lease.

Fine COFFEE LANDS IN KONA.For particulars address

MRS. J. A. RODANET,Kealakekua,

4713-- W S tf Hawaii.

NOTICE.Owing to the illness of Jas. Nott,

Jr., his tinsmith and plumbing business will be closed until further no-tice.



Notice is hereby given by the undersigned on behalf of the Company, thatthe Wailuku Sugar Company, will takeup on the 1st of January, 1898, all itsoutstanding bonds, and the bondhold-ers are hereby notified that they shallpresent such bonds at the office of C.Brewer & Co., Ltd., agents for redemption on said January 1st, 1898, and thatthe said bonds will not bear interestafter that date.

GEO. H. ROBERTSON,Treasurer Wailuku Sugar Co.

Dated Honolulu, November 1, 1897.


Notice is hereby given that theStock Ledger of the Company will beclosed to transfers from December 1st,to December 31st, (inclusive), for thepurpose of apportioning new issue ofstock as provided for at the annualmeeting of the Company held on theISth day of October, 1897.

Dated Honolulu, November 1, 1897.GEO. H. ROBERTSON,

Treasurer Wailuku Sugar Co.4753-l- m



Milium nQii once GoN6W ERflH I Illilulil Lllb Hi ou


Eli me Insurance Gomponj



eon lineiiAGENT for

(sen iq me in MDOO

oi New York

The Greenwich Fire Insurance Gompony

of New York

210 King5t. Tel. No. 256

Sun Insurance OfficeOFvLONDON.


The largest and oldest purely Fire In-

surance Company in the World.

Capital : : . : : : : $ 12,000,000

Net Surplus : ; ; : : : 8,000,000

BISHOP & CO.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


fire Bin! He liiwe Co.

The Largest Massachusetts Co..ASSETS $4,105,374.75


(U B. Kerr's.)


BISHOP & CO.Bankers


Commercial and Travelers' Letter cfCredit issued, available in all the

principal cities of the world.

Glaus Sprkckklb. Wm g. Ikwih.


Bankers,HONOLULU - - - H. I.

San Fbancipco Agents The Nevada Bankor San Francisco.DRAW EXCHANGE ON

San Franclsco-T- he Nevada Bank of San1 rancifcco.

London Thp. TTninn RnnV nf Tsttirtnn (l.tANew York American Exchange National

Bank.Chicao Merchants National Bftnk.I'ans uomptoir rational a'JLbCompte deParis.Berlin Drcsdner Bank.llongkontr and Yokohama Hongkong and

HhftTllThni Rnnklno rinmnraHnn- -

Xew Zealand and Australia Bank ofiew z,eaiana.

Victoria and Vancouver Bank of Brit--isn isorm America.

Transact a General Banking 5 Exchange BusinessDeposits Received. Loans made on Approved

SeCUritV. OommprriAl n1 Trarolori.' CrttAltmIssued. Bills of Exchange Bought and Sold.Collections Promptly Accounted For

Great ReduciioninPrice oi salt

The underslened is Drenared tn furnish fine and coarse salt in bulk or inbaes. at from $6.00 to 110.00 tv t tanof 2,000 pounds. J. I. DOWST.

Honolulu, October 16, 1897.' 474(4m


The California Fruit Market IP. fiCamarlnos & Co.) will purchase allkinds of produce, fruits and poultry ineither large or small quantities. Persons resldine on Oahu or any of thAother Islands having turkey, chicken8,eggs, butter, oranges, limes, alieatnrpears or any other kind of marketableproduce, fruits or poultry, can sendthe same to them and get the market- -

price.Honolulu 7th Sept., 1897.

4707-- tf 1897-- tf

der, McNeill master, sailed for SanFrancisco early yesterday afternoonwith a cargo of sugar.

The Noeau, sailing today, will take aload of coal and a consignment of waterpipe for Lahaina. On the return tripshe will bring a load of cattle fromKona.

Late last night, a foreign vessel an-chored off Waikiki. She is supposed tobe the brig W. G. Irwin, now overduefrom San Francisco with a cargo ofgeneral merchandise.

Jim Kupihea of the water front policereceived 10 yesterday as a rewardoffered by the Captain of the U. S. S.Bennington for the capture of J. J.Cinch, a bluejacket who had brokenliberty. Jim had no trouble in takinghis man.

Inspector W. F. Storey has lost hiswheel. Disappearance took place fromright under his eyes. No one has yetvolunteered to return it and they dosay along the water front that the im-petus given it by the explosion of theback tire sent it into the harbonStorey has offered a reward but he isso afraid that some one will returnthe wheel, he refuses to state theamount.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIRSTCircuit of the Hawaiian Islands.

In the matter of W. A. Wright, of Wai-me- a,

Kauai, bankrupt.Upon reading and filing the petition

of said W. A. Wright, alleging thatmore than six months have elapsedsince he was adjudicated a bankrupt,and praying for a discharge from allhis debts.

It is ordered that Friday, the 19thday of November,. 1897, in the CourtHouse, at Honolulu, Island of Oahu,at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in Cham-bers, be and the same is hereby ap-

pointed for the hearing of said peti-tion, at which time and place all cred-

itors who have proved their claimsagainst said bankrupt may appear andshow cause, if any they have, why theprayer of said petition should not begranted.

By the Court,P. D. KELLETT, JR.,

Clerk.Dated Honolulu, November 1, 1897.

4755--4t W & S.


New Cottage at Palama, furnished orunfurnished.

Apply to WM. L. PETERSON,15 Kaahumanu street.



All outstanding accounts must bepaid at once or the same will be placedin the hands of our attorney for col-

lection.J. J. EGAN.

Honolulu, November 1, 1897.4755-t- f


Two furnished rooms, 523 Beretania4,

near Punchbowl. 4754-- 3t


Offices to rent, corner Queen andFort streets. Best location in the city.Inquire WASHINGTON FEED CO.,Phone 422. 4746-l- m


During my absence from the countryMr. T. Quan Yee of Honolulu, will actfor me under full power of attorney.

LEONG SHEE (w.),Honolulu, October 27, 1897. 4752-2- w


House and lot on Green street, nextto residence of Rev. D. P. Birnie.



An unfurnished cottage, with at leastthree bedrooms, parlor, dining room,etc., and stable, handy to town, iswanted to rent. Apply Z,4744-2- w This Office.


The Cottage on Judd Street, knownas the Dickson Cottage, recently oc-

cupied by Mr. S. M. Ballou. Apply toW. F. ALLEN,

Over Bishop & Co.'s Bank.4732-l- m


Fine residence on Green street, nowoccupied by Dr. G. P. Andrews.Grounds, 1 acres; beautifully laidout Commands fine view. Vacant 1stAugust R. I. LILLIE.46Mf Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.


In the Matter of the Estate of E. A.Jacobson, of Honolulu, Oahu, aVoluntary Bankrupt.

Creditors of the said Bankrupt arehereby notified to come in and provetheir debts before such Judge of theCircuit Court of the First Circuit asshall be sitting at Chambers, at theJudiciary Building, on Friday, the 5thday of November, 1897, between thehours of 10 o'clock in the forenoonand noon of said day, also to elect anAssignee of the said Bankrupt's Es-tate.

By the Court:J. A. THOMPSON,

Clerk.Honolulu, October 25, 1897. 4748-t- d

Occidental &

Steamers of the above companies willor about the dates below mentioned.



DORIC Dec. 10

CHINA Dec. 19

For freight and passage and all


For Three Weeks Jrs;tl!:gT!

parture Bay, Oct 28.Am. bk. Martha Davis, Friis, San

Francisco, October 28.Am. schf. Jessie Minor, Whitney, Eu

reka, November 1.


Tuesday, November 2.Stmr. Kinau, Clarke, for Maui and

Hawaii.Stmr. Helene, Freeman, for Maui

ports.Stmr. Kaena, Parker, for Waialua

ports.Stmr. W. G. Hall, Haglund, for Kau-

ai ports.Am bktn. S. G. Wilder, McNeill, for

San Francisco.Stmr. Mikahala, Thompson, for Na-wiliw- ili,

Hanamaulu, Kilauea, Kalihi-w- ai

and Hanalei.


Stmr. Noeau, Pederson, for Lahaina,Honokaa and Kukuihaele.


Departures.For San Francisco, per bktn. S. G.

Wilder, November 2 D. W. Cornelius.For Maui ports, per stmr. Helene,

November 2 G. P. Wilder, ChongChung, Mrs. Julia Ake, Miss Saffery,Rev. O. P. Emerson and wife, Mrs. H.Painani, Mrs. Kolomoku and 2 child-ren, Mr. Fagerstrom and C. E. Rose-cran- s.

For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr. Ki-nau, November 2 A. T. Atkinson,Mrs. Bailey and 3 children, Mrs. K.Hind, Jr. and child, E. A. Fraser andwife, T. S. Kay, W. G. Walker, H. E.Webster, C. S. Desky, J. G. Rothwell,J. T. Stacker, H. P. Walton, A. L.Gibbs, Mr." Nagashima. H. Macfarlane,Mr. .Peachy, C. von Hamm, G. Good-acr- e,

W. Mutch, wife and servant, Mrs.J. Nawahi, W. B. Nail ima, .Jr., A. B.Lose, wife and daughter, Mrs. W. H.Rickard and child, Yuen Chong, J. M.Oat, C. C. Kennedy, W. H. Crozier,Bro. Bertram, Wm. Abbey, Jr. and wife,and 60 deck.


DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STA-TION, November 2, 10 p. m. Theweather is cloudy; wind, light NE4

The Helene sailed on her 23rd tripyesterday.

The Martha Davis will be throughdischarging today.

The Inter-Islan- d steamer Ke Au Houarrived late last night from Kauai.

The Ceylon is 19 days out; the AliceCooke is due and the Amelia is on herway.

The Noeau will sail for Lahaina,Honokaa and Kukuihaele this after-noon.

The schooner Heeia, arrived in portfrom the other side of the island lastnight

The ship Tillie E. Starbuck has be-"g- un

discharging coal at the Oceanic.rirtiarf.

Reduced PriceFans, Lanterns, Vases, Crockery Ware, Fancy

Articles in Endless Variety.New Hats in Latest Fashions. New Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Etc

I SOS HIM A.King St., Next Castle & Cooke.







Groceries, Provisions and Feed

New and Fresh Goods Received by Every Packet from California,Eastern States and European Markets.

Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City. Satisfaction Guaranteed.Island Trade Solicited.



The general merchandise business ofT. S. See "Wo at Hanalei, Kauai, con-

ducted during the absence in China ofTarn See, by Con Chee, is again underthe control and management of TarnSee

T. S. SEE WO.Hanalei, Kauai, October 30, 1897.

4754-- 3t

P. O. BOX 145.


ItjThe Government dredger is doingVery effective work for the new slipsnear the fish market.

Purser Grube and freight clerk Tuft"nptn leit on me MiKanaia yesterdayafternoon. Both have been ill.

The Columbia hauled over from therailroad to Allen & Robinson's wharfyesterday afternoon for the purpose ofdischarging some heavy timber. She

The adjourned quarterly meeting ofthe Union Feed Company, Limited,will be held at the office of the Com-pany on Wednesday next, the 3rd prox.,at 10 o'clock a. m.

Honolulu, October 27, 1897.F. R. VIDA,

4753-- 3t Secretary.


