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iISP - v1.0 - Seed Funding - 2013.03.17 - External, General

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iISP Trade your unused mobile data on your app smartphone! Jieh Tan, Zabal Khan Mar-2013 1 RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

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iISPTrade your unused mobile data on your app smartphone!

Jieh Tan, Zabal KhanMar-2013 1RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL


Executive SummaryRocketPigs iISP is an innovative mobile application that facilitate a platform for trading of mobile data bandwidth. This application supplements data demand and device growth. Furthermore this application is targeted for both C2C and B2C segments around the globe.

The following slides is intended for seed equity funding, it covers background information from ITU, Google, Cisco, Ericsson, Analysys Mason, IDC and Gartner. RocketPigs used these information to identified opportunity gaps, market size and target market.

Followed by analysing potential competitors, commercial factors (Including patent, MSI Grants, marketing plan and product roadmap), technical factors, risks, financials modelling, performance, sensitivity, return on investment and finally potential exit strategy.

RocketPigs is seeking seed funding in three stages in exchange for shares holding in RocketPigs. Initial funding of $XXX for Y% shares, second round funding of $XXX for Y% shares and contingent funding of $XXX for Y% shares; totalling $XXX. 2RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ContentBackgroundPropositionTarget MarketCompetitions CommercialsTechnicalRisksFinancialsExit StrategySeek FundingAppendix AppendixITUEuroMonitor AnalysisGSM VS Wi-Fi DeviceFinancial ModelCompetitors CommercialsCompany and Team overviewMiscellaneous




Background ITU RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL5

Trending Upwards

Background ITU RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL6

Trending Upwards

Background Google 7

Average Smartphone penetration rate is 37%, some countries has penetrated beyond 50%RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Background Google 8

Android and iOS are the two major operating systems for Smartphone. Accounting for more than 50% of market shareRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Background Google 9

Note the growth in Smartphone penetration rate ranged from 7% points to 21% points increased from 2011 to 2012. Another words that is 17%-233% growth rate.

21% point increased from 2011 to 2012

Staggering 233% increased (from 6% to 20%) RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Background Google 10

Opportunity GapMajority of users used their Smartphones significantly at home (>80%), there are ample opportunity to address this gap and provide connectivity.RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Background Cisco 2011 Year in Review2016 Forecast HighlightsMobile data traffic was 597 Petabytes per monthMobile data traffic grew 2.3-fold (133%)Average mobile connection consumed 92 megabytes of mobile data traffic monthly (up 99% from 46 megabytes in 2010)Average smartphone consumed 150 megabytes of mobile data traffic monthly (up 171% from 55 megabytes in 2010)Average tablet consumed 517 megabytes of mobile data traffic monthly (from 303 megabytes in 2010)Average laptop consumed 2,131 megabytes od mobile data traffic monthly (up 46% from 1,460 in 2010)

Mobile data traffic will reach 10,804 Petabytes per monthMobile data traffic will grow 18-fold, CAGR of 78%Average mobile connection will consume 1,216 megabytes of mobile data traffic monthly in 2016, up 1221% from 92 megabytes per month in 2011, CAGR of 68%Mobile data traffic will grow 3 times faster than fixed IP traffic from 2011 to 2016Mobile data traffic will account for 11% of Global fixed and mobile data traffic in 2016, up from 2% in 2011Mobile data traffic in 2016 will be equivalent to 5x the volume of the entire Global Internet in 200511Sourced: Cisco Global VNI Mobile Forecast Highlights, 2011 2016, http://www.cisco.com/web/solutions/sp/vni/vni_mobile_forecast_highlights/index.html, on Nov-12RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Background Cisco 12

Sourced: Cisco VNI Service Adoption Forecast Infographic, http://www.cisco.com/en/US/solutions/ns341/ns525/ns537/ns705/ns1186/vnisa_infographics.html, on Nov-12


Background - Ericsson13Sourced: Ericsson Mobility Report Nov-12, http://www.ericsson.com/res/docs/2012/ericsson-mobility-report-november-2012.pdf, on Jan-13

Ericsson data does not reconcile with Cisco , however the general trends are heading in the right directionRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Background Telecom Webinars

14Sourced: Telecom Webinars The Wi-Fi Monetization Opportunity, http://webinars.telecoms.com/webinar/wi-fi-research-study/, Jan-13


Background GSM VS WiFi

15Price Differences of $A140 with a 3G device. Approx. 33% price differences.

Sourced: Apple Store Australia, Dec-12

Price Differences of $NZ200 with a 3G device. Approx. 35% price differences.

Sourced: Apple Store NZ, Dec-12 RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Background Summary To sum it up:Individual want to be connected and wish to be connected to the world wide web! Cisco: Mobile data demand will grow by 68% CAGR (2016). Penetration of smart phones and data devices is increasing rapidly. Sales of more affordable Wi-Fi only devices will supplement as second or third device per user. There are opportunity gap for connectivity beside being at home. 16RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL



Proposition Unique Selling Point18RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALCommercial Wi-Fi Hotspot on Your Portable Terminal DevicesPortabilityFreedom To PriceZero Entry CostTrading Platform

Proposition Commercial Wi-Fi HotspotCommonly available throughout developed and developing countries. Free Hotspot are also widely available in developed countries, however experience with free hotspots are generally unfavourable (slow, congested, private information, security, monitored usage behaviour, etc.)Paid Wi-Fi Hotspot are generally expensive but do not have any of the unfavourable factorsPortable Terminal DevicesProliferation of Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops or any data-hungry devices.Google Android, Apple iPhones, Blackberry are all well known Smartphones operating system commonly used in more than 90% of Smartphones.Proliferation of Net/Microbooks with long battery life (>5hours). Common Technologies Wi-Fi widely available and well known. IEEE 802.11 standards most commonly available form of wireless connection across variety of platforms.Commonly available in most developed and developing countries. RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL19

Target Market


Target Market21

B2CC2CLimited by those without portable terminal device Peer-To-Peer Unused breakage Demand for data Multi Devices Alternative Complement Offering Up sell opportunity for Telco Affordable substitute (No Capex)RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Target MarketSupplement Data Demand and Device Growth Complement Existing Business22Drive Entrepreneurship




CompetitionsTelcos?Both a partner and competitor dependent on their state of life cycle and market (incumbent or underdogs). KeyWiFi (Different Product Proposition)Strongest competitor, however product proposition is currently fixed router based with web base interface. User require to signed up to share. Revenue share approach FON (Entry Cost & Product Proposition)Biggest crowdsourced WiFi networkOnly users who shared their network get it for free, else get a Fon PassRequire Fon router to be part of Fon network (Entry cost) 24RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Competitions Positioning 25RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Both fixed router with WiFi proposition. Not protable

Competitions Landscape 26RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

More information provided in appendix 5



Commercials Strategy & Positioning28RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALExpensiveAlmost FreeNationalInternational

Commercials Strategy & PositioningHigh volume and low cost approach Aims grow uptake and penetration rapidly Through simple, intuitive and usable user interfaceFree to download application Provide better margin to reseller than comparative solutionZero Entry or Access cost no additional investmentCost Controls Constantly negotiate with vendors for better termsEnsuring low cost channels are utilisedPredominately Below-The-Line marketing approach 29RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Commercials Marketing Marketing Plans: Increasing awareness, word of mouth and BTL marketing.Grace period of zero service feesPoster/Signage template to assist resellersApps competition and Apps magazinesSocial media (Facebook/Twitter)Tell-a-friend or Refer-a-friend promotionCross links with other sitesMain page placement and apps recommendation page WebpageCustomer Service ChannelAnalysis, Insights and Reporting! 30RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Commercials Distribution Distribution Model: Download via:Google Play Apple App StoreBlackBerry WorldWindows Phone StoreDownload via Server Peer Application, i.e. Proxy Server Incentive to download includes package customization instead of PAYG modelEach distribution made by Server Peer are entitled to financial reward TBC



Commercials Revenue StreamMulti-Session (TBC)CommissionBy default, apps is free to download from apps-store. However free-version only allow one-client session per server-peer.Additional simultaneous client-session can be purchase for $XXX (or equivalent) each.Unlimited simultaneous client-sessions can be purchase for $XXX (or equivalent). Subject to device capability. On successful client-session, RocketPigs is entitled to XX% of traded bandwidth revenue while the remaining YY% goes to server-peer.However free-version of the application commission will be charge at XX% and the remaining YY% goes to server-peer. Similar approach to apps-store commission.RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL32

Commercials Patents 33Provisional Patent applied for and granted until 15th Nov 2013In the process of submitting full patent, working with Commercialization expert from EverEdge IP to determine Freedom To Operate Risks. Applied for NZ Ministry of Science and Innovation Getting Started Grant. Expecting approval by end of March 2013Who is EverEdgeIP? Please refer to appendix 6 for more infoRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Commercials Product RoadmapRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL34Phase 0Seeding(Mar-13 to Jun-13)Phase 1Productionise (POC)(Jul-13 to Oct-13)Phase 2User Innovation Enhancement (Nov-13 to Apr-14)Phase 3Future Proof(May-14 to Apr-15) Obtaining full patent Freedom To Operate Business case Seek seed funding Commercial negotiation (RFI/RFP) Technology scoping - Research & Development Obtaining require technology resources (Static IP, SSL cert, Data warehouse, etc). Design architecture MSI Grants PAYG rating model Simple UI Reporting & monitoring of bandwidth Integration with Paypal/Asiapay & data warehouse P2P distribution Proxy Server Multi clients connection Access Controls Commercials minimum viable price Usage reconciliation View transactions Multi-lingual support Multi-currency Web-base login and view detail transaction queries Self-Help web page, forum, wikia and FAQs Enriched and friendly User Interface Complex rating Time Base, Packaged, Loyalty, Trusted, etc. Users limits Amount sever peer wish to sell or Amount client-peer wish to spend. Platform, device and network agnostic Future-proof (WiFi 2.0, WiFi Direct, NFC, Low-powered means) iOS/ Windows/ Blackberry platforms P2P distribution for Windows, Blackberry and iOS(?) Usability enhancements Additional payment merchants Additional currencies and languages support Etc, etc, etc



Technical High Level Architecture Diagram36RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

RocketPigsResourcesWiFi Hotspot

Technical Paypal Adaptive Payment Use Case37RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL



RisksTelcosUnlimited Plan (AYCE) more prominent in developed countries and competitive playersShared (Family) Plan more prominent in competitive market. Usually offer among SME segment since breakage are reducedTerm & Conditions prohibits teetering or hotspot. However US supreme court ruled in favour of consumer, not so in South Korea.Networks limited hardware capabilities and spectrum availability impact on speed and experience. Legal and compliance different requirement across countriesLimitations and Device CapabilitySmartphones are effectively less powerful PCsAndroid provide a common platform, however different manufactures of smartphones have different architecture and system behaviour. Competitions? KeyWiFi focus on fixed router with WiFi capability, web based interface.XCom Global MiFi solution for data roaming across 100+ countries


Risks Mitigation Proactively work or partner with Telcos to highlight and promote the positive impact of iISP upsell opportunity and differentiation (e.g. KeyWiFi) Telco Network capability are known locally, thus end-consumer known what to expect. Therefore iISP apps would also detail which Telco is providing the service. Extensive testing of each device and models are required to ensure consistent performance. Ensure full patents and protect Intellectual property rights. Furthermore determine freedom to operate. 40RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL



Financials Model Revenue 42RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALSmartphone Base By OSUptake Assumptions P2P & StoresServer Constant(Assumption)Shipment Mix (SP, TB, LP)App-ClientApp-Server(Resellers)Usage Demand by Device Type (SP, TB, LT)Breakage AssumptionSession Constant(Assumption)Demand Mix by Device Type(SP, TB, LT)Traded BandwidthAverage Lowest MBB pricing per MB * XTraded RevenueRocketPigs Commission AssumptionRocketPigs Commission RevenueExternal SourceInternal AssumptionKey:

Financials Summary43RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALQuoted in USD, NZD$1.00 = USD$0.80Modelled for Smartphone server base only. Upside for other devices (Tablets, etc.). Excludes Multi-Session Revenue.

Financials - OutgoingOpexCapexPeriodAmountNotesOct-13 XXXOffice overhead at NZD$500/head2014XXXMarketing Consultancy2015XXXIbid2016XXXIbidOct-13XXXPromotions2014XXXPromotions2015XXXPromotions2016XXXPromotions>2016?Headcounts

PeriodAmountNotesMar-13XXXEverEdgeIP and placeholderMay-13XXXSystem ConsultancyJun-13XXXApp Design & DevelopmentJul-13XXXWebsite and marketing May-14XXXFurther App design, development and enhancements TotalXXXExcl Grants


Financials Sensitivity (EBITDA)RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL45

Exit Strategy


Exit StrategyAbsorb into another software as a service providerIntegrate and complement with related industry provider47Sell off to Private EquityRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Expand and Grow

Exit StrategyTimeframe Expect to exit between three to five years (FY16~FY18)Likelihood Absorbed into other software provider?Sell off to another private equity?Expand and growth?Integrate and complement with related industry providers? Why?RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL48

Seek Funding


Seek Funding50RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALSeeking Two Stage fundingInitial funding of NZD$50,000 for 5.0% share of RocketPigs (Jun-13)Second stage of NZD135,000 for 13.5% share of RocketPigs (May-14)Contingent Funding Subject to Ministry of Sciences Grants Jun-13: Patent Grant NZD$5,000 (0.5%)Sep-13: Development Grant NZD$30,000 (3.0%) Total NZD35,000 for 3.5% share of RocketPigs

Seek FundingExpected Return:Discounted Payback of 22 months (Allowance for six months of development without cash-inflow)By end of Year 2 EBITDA Multiplier will reach 7.9xNo anticipated Capex for Year 3Strong exit proposition and positioning post Year 3.

51RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALYear 2Year 3EBITDA (USD$)$1.04m$3.45mMultiplier4. (USD$)$4.16m$6.24m$8.32m$13.8m$20.7m$27.6mEquity %22%Equity InjectedUSD$176,000 (NZD220,000)Share of EV (USD$)$0.92m$1.37m$1.831m$3.04m$4.55m$6.07mROI x5.27.810.417.325.934.5



Appendix 1 ITU 53

Trending upwards in all type of developments. Note the >100 post 2007 in developed worldRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 54

90% of the world population have cellular coverageRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 55

Note the opportunity gap in Arab States , Asia Pacific and Africa.

Developing CountriesRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 56

Note the upward trend People want to be connected, people wish to be connected! RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 57

Note the shift in the developing world from 2006 to 2011RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 58

With majority of connecting individuals from the developing world and low connectivity in the developing world per 100 inhabitants, there are ample opportunity here. RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 59

Compared to individual with internet access, active mobile broadband per 100 inhabitants is approximately half. RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 60

Note the trend, and compare this with individual internet access per 100 inhabitants. Given the opportunity, individual will want access to internet!RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 1 ITU 61

Sourced: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/facts/2011/material/ICTFactsFigures2011.pdf, on Nov-12Most countries have 3G coverage and 45% of population have 3G coverageRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 2 Average Mobile Phone RRP Actual & Forecast62

Sourced: Euromonitor International, Consumer Electronics, Jan-12RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 2 Mobile Subscribers by Regions Actual & Forecast63

Sourced: Euromonitor International, Consumer Electronics, Jan-13RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 2 Mobile Monthly ARPU ($USD) Actual 64

Sourced: Euromonitor International, Consumer Electronics, Jan-13RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 3 GSM VS WiFiCountryWiFi Only3G + WiFiDelta% cf. WiFiAustraliaAU$429AU$569AU$14035%New ZealandNZ$579NZ$779NZ$20033%USAUS$399US$529US$13032%SingaporeSG$528SG$698SG$17032%Hong KongHK$3,088HK$4,088HK$1,00032%Japan34,80045,80011,00032%Philippines18,99024,9906,00032%MalaysiaRM1,199RM1,599RM40033%IndonesiaRp4,199,000Rp5,599,000Rp1,400,00033%UAEAED1,599AED2,099AED50031%Italy 39951912030%Brazil R$1,299R$1,599R$30023%ChinaRMB2,988RMB3,988RMB1,00033%

65Sourced: http://store.apple.com, on Dec-12RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 3 GSM VS WiFi66CountryDeviceStoreWiFi OnlyWiFi + 3GDelta% cf. WiFiAustraliaSamsung Galaxy Tab 2 10 Sliver 16GBJB HiFiAU$397AU$538AU$14136%AustraliaSamsung Galaxy Tab 2 10 White 32GBJB HiFiAU$562AU$692AU$13023%NZSamsung Galaxy Tab 2 10 16GBDick SmithNZ$539NZ$749NZ$21039%NZ Samsung Galaxy Note 10 16GBDick SmithNZ$799NZ$999NZ$20025%EUSamsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 32GBMobiCity442.80514.6371.8316%SGSamsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) 8GB WhiteExpandsysSG$292.26SG$395.01SG$102.7535%PHSamsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) 8GB WhiteExpandsys9,68813,0933,40535%JPSamsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) 8GB WhiteExpandsys21,27728,7577,48035%


Appendix 4 Financial AssumptionsRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL67

Appendix 4 Financial Sensitivity68RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Sensitivity69RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model70RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model71RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model72RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model73RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model74RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model75RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model76RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 4 Financial Model77RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALEquity Injection

Appendix 4 Financial Model78RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALCAPEX Schedule

Appendix 4 Financial Model79RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIALOpex Schedule

Appendix 4 Financial Model80RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 5 Competition MatrixFactor/ Score12345Coverage/ Hotspot10,000>100,000>1,000,000>10,000,000PricingGlobal PricingMulticurrencyLocalizedLocalized multicurrency Freedom to PriceTarget MarketNational SegmentTransnational SegmentGlobal SegmentContinentGlobalFinancial Weight-ve FCF & Equity*2< Debt-ve FCF & Equity< Debt+ve FCF+ve FCF & Equity> Debt+ve FCF >USD$10mil, Equity> DebtDistributionIsolated islandVendors integratedVendors & reseller integratedTelcos, Vendors & resellers integratedTelcos, roaming agreements, vendors & resellers


Appendix 5 Competition Factor/ Score12345MarketingBTL - Social Media, Self-help, FAQs, Web PresenceBTL - SEO, DM, Social Media, Self-help, FAQs, Web PresenceBTL - SEO, DM, Social Media, Self-help, FAQs, Web Presence, Campaigns & PromotionBTL - SEO, DM, Social Media, Self-help, FAQs, Web Presence, Campaigns & Promotion, Push marketing via partnersATLKey PersonnelFounder(s) onlyFounders with key expertises from related industrySeasoned executives from related industry and founder still onboardSeasoned executives from related industry with key expertises from outside firmSeasoned executives from related industry, founder(s) still onboard and key expertises from outside firms


Appendix 5 Competition Factor/ Score12345Product FeaturesSecuredCommon Technology, SecuredCommon Technology, Secured, Ease of use (UI)Common Technology, Secured, Ease of use (UI), Platform AgnosticPortability, Common Technology, Secured, Ease of use (UI), Platform AgnosticEnd Customer FAQs & Web pages/sitesSelf-help FAQs, Web pages/sitesSelf help, FAQs, Web pages/sites, Community wikiInteractive self help, FAQs, Web pages/sites, community wiki, forum, reseller materialsDedicated customer care call centre


Appendix 5 KeyWiFi 84RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ElementsNotesScoreSnippetKeyWifi is a web based service that lets anyone safely rent or share their wifi with others, creating a wifi network of unlimited potential and a new marketplace for internet access. Cooperative ownership model - members who contribute bandwidth receive remuneration for usage by other members. Members who consume wifi via the network, pay an affordable monthly subscription rate (Targeting at $10/month). PricingShare revenue model starts off with 33% to KeyWiFi progressive to 10% as they grow. No indication of multicurrency, however Africa customers have expressed interested.5.0Product FeaturesWeb based interface, using RADIUS protocol. Targeted towards fixed router with WiFi capability not portable but may have large distribution and key partners.4.5Customer FocusUnknownC0overageUnknown, but assumed to be fragmented. Partners with housing project as test case. Target MarketMass market focus with interest from around the globe, especially small ISP players who wants to differentiate themselves. 5.0Key PersonnelFounders and industry vetarians on board (Adam Black, Tom Hughes, Shivkumar Jagnnath, Cristian Flemming, Jerry Spiegel)5.0FinancialUnknown, target for USD800,000 start up fund. MarketingUnknownDistribution Unknown

Highest Risk or Opportunity

Appendix 5 GoWiFi 85RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ElementsNotesScoreSnippetGlobal provider of secure Wi-Fi hotspot solutions. goWiFi deploys and manages hotspot wireless networks to provide easy to use and affordable wireless hotspot services for its customers and end-users at any desired location. Offers flexible solutions for pay and free Wi-Fi networks with exceptional 24/7 technical support. PricingUnknown, however US Navy pricing is determined by KeyWiFi consist of short term and monthly plan. Starting from USD$8/day to USD50/month (throughput). Reseller require to sign up to monthly fee and is charge a setup fee on contract term 1.0Product FeaturesCommon technology and equipments provided by goWiFi. Not portable. Secured and certified hardware4.0Customer FocusDedicated customer care line 24/75.0CoverageUnknown, however US Navy base coverage around the globeTarget MarketTargeted at resellers, contracted to provide Wi-Fi for US Navy personnel around the globe3.0Key PersonnelUnknownFinancialUnknownMarketingBLT, with dedicated sales lines, available on social media (FB, Twitter & LinkedIn)1.5Distribution Partners with iPass, Boingo, NetNearU, MikroTik vertically integrated3.0

Appendix 5 Boingo 86RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ElementsNotesScoreSnippetProvides global Wi-Fi software and services provider at more than 600,000 hotspots worldwide including hundreds of airports, thousands of hotels, and tens of thousand cafes and coffee shopsPricingRegional multicurrency (USD, CDN, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, CNY, MXN, NTD, THB), both PAYG and subscription plan4.0Product FeaturesApps for iOS to prepay additional credit from iTune account, WiFi finder apps for iOS/Android/Mac/PC, Common Tech, Managed Account & UI4.0Customer FocusDedicated customer care lines, 24/7 across nine countries with local toll free lines. FAQs and available on Twitter, FB, linkedin, blog, google+, Flickr and Pinterest 5.0Coverage~674,000 hotspots worldwide, across 100 countries. Roaming agreements with 140+ telcos and partners (Mar-13)3.5Target MarketGlobal business and leisure travellers4.5Key PersonnelFounder is chairman of the board, staffed with seasoned executives and board members from related industry5.0Financial Weight(Q3 2013) USD%57.3mil in cash & cash equivalent, Equity of USD$142.6mil and Liability of USD$61.7mil5.0MarketingBLT social media (above) and links referrals. Web site push campaign 4.0Distribution Links referrals to other providers, telcos and roaming agreements.5.0

Appendix 5 Tomizone 87RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ElementsNotesScoreSnippetTo offer low cost Wi-Fi Internet access through a self built network using the best built for purpose Wi-Fi Hotspot authentication and management system available with the best international partnerships to grow a large International network of HotspotsPricingPricing and bundles determined by Tomizone, 50/50 revenue share, 18 currencies denomination, 3 plans hourly, daily, weekly2.5Product FeaturesFocus on branded ADSL2+ routers (9 approved range) with standard Wi-Fi, step-by-step firmware upgrade, flexibility for who should be free and charge for. 4.0End CustomerRequired to be registered, can be both users and reseller. FAQs, Step-by-steps guide, 2.0Coverage~3,200 hotspot worldwide (as at 8th March 2013), majority in Australasia 1.0Target MarketCafe customers, frequent and business travellers, require login account5.0Key PersonnelCofounders on board of directors and day-to-day running of company, with industry veterans. 3.0Financial WeightUnlisted, cofounders on board as executive directors and funding from Sir Stephen Tindall?MarketingBelow The Line, with supplementary materials (poster, FAQs, resell strategy, etc.) 2.0Distribution Access via internet, with links to router sellers and sellers promotional materials 1.0

Appendix 5 FON 88RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ElementsNotesScoreSnippetFon members share a bit of their home WiFi, and in turn get free access at millions of other Fon hotspots worldwide. All the Fon Spots together create a crowdsourced network where everyone who contributes connects for free.PricingDetermined by FON, fellow-fon-user can trade bandwidth. Short term access pass, 25mins, 1hr, 1day and 5days. ?Product FeaturesFon Spots made up of two separate, dedicated WiFi signals. Fon dedicated router and connect using normal WiFi with Fon account. Secured, common tech, apps for android iOS.3.0Customer FocusContact-us webpage, Wikia, FAQ, & support redirect to partner telcos website (with social media email & dedicated call centres/FAQ website. 4.5Coverage7,733,754 Hotspots (10th March 2013), in JP, SK, TW, PH, EU, BR, US, CA4.5Target MarketGlobal mass market, however only people with Fon routers can resell5.0Key PersonnelFounder on board and staffed with industry vetarians 5.0Financial WeightHeavy weight investors (BT, Skype, Google, Atomico, Sequoia Capital, Index Ventures, Coral Group)?MarketingPartnership with Telcos, but has blogs and social media sites (FB, Twitter, G+) BLT4.0Distribution Partners with Telcos to onsell their FON routers (BT, Softbank, Belgacom, +8 others) 5.0

Appendix 5 iPass89RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ElementsNotesScoreSnippetiPass is the Global Wi-Fi Roaming Leader for enterprise employees and service provider subscribers. iPass knit the worlds commercial Wi-Fi together into a single Global Network. iPass is uniquely positioned to take advantage of exploding global demand for Wi-FiPricingDetermined by iPass? Unable to determine unless signed up as corporate customer.?Product FeaturesGlobal Authentication Fabric, Open Model Platform, Large Supply Chain, Common technology, secured, apps for iOS and Android as client, not portable.4.0Customer FocusDedicated sales, managed network and technical support line, including technical FAQs and trouble shooting. 5.0Coverage~1,396,000 hotspots around the globe, including 1,500 in-flight hotspots and 6+millions global community hotspots; across 120 countries (Q4 2012)4.5Target MarketPredominately on large enterprise and business travellers Global Segment3.0Key PersonnelStaffed with seasoned executives in leadership team, founders???4.0Financial Weight(Q4 2012) USD$26.8m in cash & cash equivalent, virtually no long term debts, USD$36.9mil (Equity) > USD$3.3mil (Long term liability) 5.0MarketingDirect Sale corporate customers, acquisition of 70+ corporate customers 4.5Distribution Roaming agreement with Telcos and Wi-Fi operators (146) and strategic venues 5.0

Appendix 5 Connectify 90RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

ElementsNotesScoreSnippetConnectify is a software company focused on developing networking software for consumers. Connectify's flagship product Connectify Hotspot, is a software router and has recently released Connectify Dispatch, a network load balancing solution for using multiple Internet connections simultaneously.PricingCharge end consumer, but no revenue sharing. USD59 for full suite1.0Product FeaturesNot applicable, only available on Windows laptops or PC; software based hotspot and load-balancingCustomer FocusBLT FAQs, Knowledge Base, Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Google+1.0CoverageNot applicableTarget MarketGlobal mass market5.0Key PersonnelUnknown, Alex Gizis (CEO & co-founder)Financial WeightUnknown, however previously funded by In-Q-Tel and has gone to Crowdfunding site Kickstarter to raise additional funds. MarketingUnknown, but been published and noted in well known IT magazine and RSS feedsDistribution Via website only www.connectify.me 1.0

Appendix 6 Commercials EverEdgeIP (http://www.everedgeip.com) A firm that works with businesses of all sizes, research institutions, public sector agencies, investors, innovators and start-ups to capture innovation and transform it into commercial success.EverEdgeIP has grown to become Australasias largest private sector intellectual property commercialisation firm.As Australasias only full service, ideas and technology commercialisation firm, EverEdge IP continues to break new ground. EverEdgeIP work with clients throughout New Zealand and the world. EverEdgeIP also own a substantial portfolio of patents, design rights, trademarks and copyrighted material, across a diverse range of technology and product applications. These are actively licensed or sold to major manufacturers and corporations around the world. The successful commercialisation of these technologies led to numerous intellectual property asset owners and developers contracting EverEdge IP to commercialise their intellectual property, resulting in the creation of our Advisory Services and Transactions division.Winner: Best Commercialisation of IP - NZ International Business Awards 2012.Winner: Outstanding IP Leader - IP Focus Awards, Shanghai, China, 2012.91RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 6 Commercials: Revenue Model Similar model to Google Play Store or Apple Apps Store XXX rule; Y% goes to server peer and Y% goes to RocketPigs. Volume based pricing will be considered as a form of rebate depending on success of launch. RocketPigs bears credit card and payment processing related costs. However minimum Pricing applies on per currency basis, yet to be finalised with Vendors. Indicative minimum pricing are:

92AppStore - https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/distribute.html, 31st Jan 13Google Play - http://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=112622, 31st Jan 13CurrencyMin $GM%CurrencyMin $GM%CurrencyMin $GM%ARSXXX Y.Y%GBPXXXY.Y%NZDXXXY.Y%AUDXXX Y.Y%HKDXXXY.Y%PHPXXXY.Y%BRLXXXY.Y%HUFXXXY.Y%PLNXXXY.Y%CADXXXY.Y%ILSXXXY.Y%SEKXXXY.Y%CHFXXXY.Y%JPYXXXY.Y%SGDXXXY.Y%CZKXXXY.Y%MXNXXXY.Y%THBXXXY.Y%DKKXXXY.Y%MYRXXXY.Y%TWDXXXY.Y%EURXXXY.Y%NOKXXXY.Y%USDXXXY.Y%


Appendix 6 Commercials: Payment Vendors PaypalAsiaPayPayPal is a global e-commerce company processing payments & money transfers to be made through the Internet.A wholly owned subsidiary of eBay. Paypal allows people to send money without sharing financial information, with the flexibility to pay using their account balances, bank accounts, credit cards or promotional financing. With more than 123 million active accounts in 190 markets and 25 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global commerce.PayPal has localized marketing websites in 81 markets around the world.AsiaPay is an electronic payment solution, technology vendor and payment service provider covering international credit card, debit card and prepaid card payments. AsiaPay has concurrent partnerships with other Asian debit and mobile payment providers allowing Asian consumers to shop online using their mobile devices, ATMs, and banking facilities.AsiaPay enables merchants of any size, whether Internet, phone or mail order, to securely process credit card and debit account transactions in real time.Currently operates in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, India and rapidly expanding to new Asia Pacific marketsRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL93

Appendix 6 Commercials: Marketing Plans Marketing Plans: The main theme is about increasing awareness, word of mouth and BTL marketing.Initial launch may include a three month grace period of zero service fees; depending on negotiation with AsiaPay and PaypalPoster/Signage template to help reseller (Server Peers) promote their offeringsEntering in apps competition and getting into apps magazines (e.g. PCMAGS, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, etc.) Social media (Facebook/Twitter) pages and websites94RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 6 Commercials: Marketing Plans Marketing Plans: Tell-a-friend promotion: each friend you refer earn you a small financial rewardCross links with other sites, e.g. Paypal, AsiaPay, etc. Since it is in their interest to increase volume Web Banners, etc. App Store/Google Play front page placement and Facebook apps recommendation page. Webpage to include FAQs, demo videos, etc. Customer Service Channel: Social Media, Email, Demo Videos and FAQs. Analysis, Insights and Reporting! 95RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 7 Company and Team OverviewRocketPigs LtdZabal KhanRocketPigs is a startup company focusing on mobile software-as-a-service offerings. Rocketpigs is currently staffed by Jieh and Zabal. RocketPigs is incorporate on 22nd Feb 2013 under New Zealand Companies Office, company number 4310878

Zabal has over 10 years experience as a consultant within the IT Industry with expertise across solution architecture & design, requirements definitions, pre-sales and development. Zabals experience goes from being engaged with start-up companies through to projects with multi-national companies across New Zealand, Australia and the United States. Zabal graduated from the University of Auckland with BCOM in Accountancy and a BSC in Computer Science.

RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL96Jieh TanJieh is a Seasoned telecommunication commercial consultant with expertises in pricing strategy, business performance, product development and decision support in the Australasia Telco Market (AU/NZ/PNG). Jieh graduated from the University of Auckland with PGDipSci in Computer Science and BCom in Accountancy, he is also a qualified Chartered Accountant (NZ).

Appendix 8 Background (I2G)97

Sourced: http://internet2go.net/news/data-and-forecasts/decline-voice-growth-samsung-wifi-tablets-and-other-carrier-data-1h-2012, on Nov-12Even in developed countries, Wi-Fi only devices growth is still strong. There is opportunity to address connectivity in this area.RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL

Appendix 8 Background Pricing

RocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL98Sourced: http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-1334A1.pdf, FCC International Broadband Data Report Aug 2012, on Mar-2013

Average PPP$45.36 per GB, Median $22.96, 25th Quartile $10.72, 75th Quartile $51.31

Appendix 8 Background PricingRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL99Sourced: http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-1334A1.pdf, FCC International Broadband Data Report Aug 2012, on Mar-2013

Average PPP$196.03 per GB, Median $10.22, 25th Quartile $4.77, 75th Quartile $14.82

Appendix 8 Background PricingRocketPigs - CONFIDENTIAL100Sourced: http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-1334A1.pdf, FCC International Broadband Data Report Aug 2012, on Mar-2013

Average PPP$163.31 per GB, Median $6.13, 25th Quartile $3.50, 75th Quartile $10.62
