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Iit Physics

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  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics



    Study Tips for PhysicsI found these tips in the site given below. Many of them make good sense

    Study Tips for Introductory Physics StudentsCompiled and edited by Dan Styer, Oberlin College Physics Department;http://www.oberlin.edu/physics/dstyer/StudyTips.html;last updated 21 May 1997.


    This World Wide Web page gives tips that Oberlin College Physics faculty have found usefulfor their students, particularly for students in introductory physics courses. If you havesuggestions, please inform the compiler.

    Following these tips and suggestions will take more time and effort than does a casualreading of the text, but they will pay off in a savings of time when you do the problems, in a

    better understanding of physics, and in increased confidence on exams.

    General tipsKeep up with the course. Once you fall behind it is very difficult to catch up. If you ignorethis advice and do fall behind (it happens to the best of us sometimes), and if you cannotmanufacture the time to do a thorough job of catching up, then skim the passed-over coursematerial for its most important points and move on to a thorough study of the currentcourse material. Attempting a thorough study of last week's material usually results in beingone week behind for the entire semester.Do the reading before attending the lectures. This way way you won't need to take notes oneverything the lecturer says, because you will already understand some of the material and

    you will know that some of it is treated well in your textbook. If you follow this advice, thenyou can use the lecture for what lecture is good at: asking questions, following thedemonstrations, discovering how this week's material fits into the overall structure of thecourse, and gaining a conceptual understanding of the material under study. At the sametime you can use the text for what text is good at: presenting derivations and sampleproblems, and getting the details right.Devote a little time to studying physics each day, rather than a large amount of time once a

    week: this allows the material to sink in.Make some friends in the course and work through the material in small groups. Use thesegroups for discussion, problem suggestions, and companionship. Throw ideas into the

    group's "pot" as well as drawing ideas from it. Do not use your study group as a crutch.Attend the course's conference sessions to learn informal techniques that are not well-taught through the lecture method.Do not memorize. In almost all cases, the temptation to memorize indicates a simple a lackof understanding. In the words of Charles Misner: "The equation F = ma is easy tomemorize, hard to use, and even more difficult to understand."Tips regarding readingRead aggressively. The amount of reading assigned in a physics course will be far less thanthe amount of reading assigned in a literature or a sociology course, but the reading is much

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    denser and your teacher expects you to read it thoroughly, thoughtfully, and critically. Readwith pencil and paper in hand, and follow the algebra yourself. Keep a list of questions andof points that you don't understand.Take notes in your book. Mark the most important points and record why they areimportant. The act of deciding what is important is the first step in turning reading frompassive page-turning into active, aggressive--and rewarding--penetration. (Some studentstake notes by highlighting with a yellow marker. This is all right, but don't fall into the trapof highlighting everything in your book!)Examine the sample problems carefully.If the reading is too dense, try skimming it once to get an overview of what's going on, thencoming back and reading in detail the second time.The active, aggressive reading advocated here is very time-consuming. Reserve it for themost important parts of your textbook. You might be able to get your teacher to list for youthe most important sections, or you might have to decide for yourself.Tips regarding lecturesListen aggressively. What you get out of lecture is proportional to what you put into it. If youfollow the lecture, think about the material, ask questions, and care about what's going on,

    then lecture will be an active, productive learning experience for you. If you sit slumped inyour seat, then lecture will give you a backache and little more.Come to lecture armed with questions for your teacher, developed from doing your reading.Some students are used to rewriting their lecture notes or taping lectures and then listeningto them twice. We discourage such practices, not because they are useless, but because theyare less profitable than other practices advocated here. (In particular, taping a lecture doesnot record the all-important blackboard display.)On the other hand, many students do find it useful to review each lecture by making asimple list of the most important topics, and also a different list of the puzzling aspects thatneed clarification. This review can be done through your notes or in your memory or with

    your study group, but it is best done soon after the lecture.Tips regarding problems

    Do the reading and listen to the lectures before attempting the problems.Do not put off the problems until the night before they are due. In particular, take a stab atthe problems before conference sessions, so that you can ask well-formulated questionsthere.Read the problem carefully to make sure you understand what is being asked.Do not rush into solving a problem. Instead, first formulate a strategy for solving theproblem. Usually this is as simple as classifying the problem according to its method ofsolution. Is it a "constant acceleration" problem? A "work-energy" problem? A "Gauss's law"problem?If you find yourself writing pages of words or working reams of algebra, then you are off onthe wrong track. Stop, reread the problem, think, reformulate your strategy, and then startover again from the beginning.

    Think of the problems as mystery stories. How would Sherlock Holmes approach thisproblem?Don't search through your book for "the right equation". You will not be able to solve yourproblem by finding an appropriate equation and then plugging numbers into it. No self-respecting college-level teacher would assign such a problem.If the final answer called for in the question is a number, then you will ultimately have toplug numbers into an equation. But even in such cases it is almost always easier and lesserror-prone to keep the quantities as symbols until the very end. (For one thing, it is easier

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    to do algebra with the symbol "m" than with the value "2.59 kg".)Sometimes the problem statement will give you more information than is needed to answerthe question. Sometimes it will give you less information than is needed, and ask you not foran answer but for a list of the unknown information required to find an answer. Sometimesthe problem will be a short narrative from which you need to extract relevant information.Students often find such problems exasperating, but in fact they develop an importantproblem-solving skill called building a mathematical model. Problems that arise in the

    world outside of your textbook usually come with more or less data present than needed tosolve the problem. The ability to recognize which data are needed and which are irrelevantis an important practical skill.Review your problem solutions when they are returned (or when model solutions arehanded out). Why did you make the mistakes you did? How could you have avoided them?This review should be quick (after all, you have new material piling up) but five or tenminutes spent in this review can save hours by preventing similar mistakes in the future.More suggestions are available in the page Solving Problems in Physics.Tips regarding lab workSkim the lab instructions before coming to lab. You won't be able to understand things fully

    without the equipment in front of you, but you'll get a general overview that will serve youwell and ultimately save you time.Don't be afraid to fiddle with lab equipment unless you have been specifically warned awayfrom it. Many students are reluctant to play with electrical equipment because they're afraidof being shocked. Unless you are told otherwise, the stuff used in lab won't hurt you.Tips regarding examsKeep up with the course. Don't cram at the last minute.Get a good night's sleep. Even if you ignored the advice above and have to cram, limitcramming in favor of sleep.Prepare a one-page summary of the material being examined.Don't memorize. Your teacher expects you to work with ideas and solve problems, not plugnumbers into equations.

    Bring to the exam a calculator (fully charged) and several pens or pencils (sharpened).As you read an exam problem, place a check mark beside the given data and underline theunknown quantity to be found. This will help you prepare a strategy and help you avoidanswering a question that is similar to but different from the one that is asked.Make a sketch or graph to familiarize yourself with the situation. Make sure you understandthe problem before plunging in.

    WeaknessesIf you need help with mathematical background, consult either Arthur Beiser, EssentialMath for the Sciences (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969) or Daniel Kleppner and NormanRamsey, Quick Calculus (Wiley, New York, 1985).Guard against the two most common failings: reliance on memorization and on "plug andchug" problem technique.

    These pages from the same source are also interesting.http://www.oberlin.edu/physics/dstyer/WhyHowProblems.htmlhttp://www.oberlin.edu/physics/dstyer/SolvingProblems.html

  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics


    Learning PHYSICS for IIT

    JEECOMPANION SITES: www.iit-jee-chemistry.blogspot.com, www.iit-jee-maths.blogspot.com. A google search facility is available at thebottom of the page for searching any topic on these sites.

    H C Verma study-guide-chapter.

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 1INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICSH C Verma Book Sections

    1.1 What is Physics

    1.2 Physics and Mathematics

    1.3 Units

    1.4 Definitions of base units

    1.5 Dimension

    1.6 Uses of dimension

    1.7 Order of magnitude

    1.8 The structure of world

    Study Plan

    Study plan basically consists of 10 days of study and problems solving. Additional 10 days is

    for revision and for solving some more problems from the book, if you could not complete

    them during the first 10 days. Each day spend at least one hour for this subject for the main

    chapter and may be 15 minutes to 30 minutes for revising the earlier chapter. Thus you have

    to allot at least three hours and forty five minutes every day for your self study. It will be

    good when you are able to combine your self study with the lecture that is going in the

    school and coaching class. That way you will be able to complete self study in lesser time

    and get the benefit of reinforcement.

    Day 1


    1.1 What is Physics

    1.2 Physics and Mathematics

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    1.3 Units

    1.4 Definitions of base units

    1.5 Dimension

    Do example 1.1

    Do worked out examples 1 and 2

    Day 2


    1.6 Uses of dimension

    Do example 1.2

    Do worked out examples 3,4,5,6

    Day 3


    1.7 Order of magnitude

    1.8 The structure of world

    Do worked out examples 7 to 10

    Day 4

    Revise the chapter

    Answer Objective I and II

    Day 5

    Solve Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 6

    Solve Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 7

    Solve Exercises 11 to 15

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    Day 8

    Solve Exercises 16 to 19

    Day 9 to 20

    Keep revising principles, and have a look at difficult problems. If you come across any othertext book, answer problems in that textbook on these topics.

    By the end of these 20 days, you must be very thorough with this chapter. You are ready to

    write examination on this chapter at any time from today.

    Posted byKVSSNrao at 9:56 PM No comments:

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    Labels: H C Verma study-guide-chapter, Introduction to Physics

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 2 PHYSICS ANDMATHEMATICSHCV Chapter Sections

    2.1 Vectors and scalars

    2.2 Equality of vectors

    2.3 Addition of vectors

    2.4 Multiplication of a vector by a number

    2.5 Subtraction of vectors

    2.6 Resolution of vectors2.7 DCT product or scalar product of two vectors

    2.8 Cross product or vector product of two vectors

    2.9 Differential calculus: dy/dx as rate measure

    2.10 Maxima and Minima

    2.11 Integral calculus

    2.12 Significant digits

    2.13 Significant digits in calculations

    2.14 Errors in measurements

    Study Plan

    Day 1

    2.1 Vectors and scalars

    2.2 Equality of vectors

    2.3 Addition of vectors

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    Example 2.1

    2.4 Multiplication of a vector by a number

    2.5 Subtraction of vectors

    Example 2.2

    Day 2

    2.6 Resolution of vectors

    Example 2.3

    2.7 DOT product or scalar product of two vectors

    Example 2.4

    Worked out examples 1 to 4

    Day 3

    2.8 Cross product or vector product of two vectors

    Example 2.5

    Worked out example 5 to 10.

    Day 4

    2.9 Differential calculus: dy/dx as rate measureEx. 2.6, 2.7

    2.10 Maxima and Minima


    Day 5

    2.11 Integral calculus

    Ex. 2.9

    Worked out examples 11 to 13

    Day 6

    2.12 Significant digits

    2.13 Significant digits in calculations

    Ex. 2.10 to 2.12

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    Worked out examples 14 to 17

    Day 7

    2.14 Errors in measurements

    Ex. 2.13

    Worked example 18

    Exercise Problems: 1 to 4

    Day 8

    Objective I

    Exercise Problems 5 to 8

    Day 9Objective II

    Exercise Problems 9 to 12

    Day 10

    Exercise Problems 13 to 20

    Day 11 Your are entering into revision 10 days

    Exercise problems 21,22

    Day 12

    Exercise problems 23,24

    Day 13

    Exercise problems 25,26

    Day 14

    Exercise problems 27,28

    Day 15

    Exercise problems 29,30

    Day 16

    Exercise problems 31,32

    Day 17

    Exercise problems 33,34

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    Day 18

    Exercise problems 35

    Day 19

    Attempt Questions for short answer 1 to 7

    Day 20

    Exercise problems

    Attempt Questions for short answer 8 to 14

    Web siteslecture notes - Vectors


    Posted byKVSSNrao at 9:55 PM No comments:

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    Labels: H C Verma study-guide-chapter

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 3 REST AND

    MOTION - KINEMATICSInertial and uniformly accelerated frames of reference;-----------

    HCV Chapter Sections

    3.1 Rest and Motion

    3.2 Distance and displacement

    3.3 average speed and instantaneous speed

    3.4 Average velocity and instantaneous velocity

    3.5 Average accleration and instantaneous aceleration

    3.6 Motion in a straight line

    3.7 Motion in a plane

    3.8 Projectile motion

    3.9 Change of frame


    Study Plan

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    Day 1

    3.1 Rest and Motion

    3.2 Distance and displacement

    Ex. 3.1

    3.3 average speed and instantaneous speedEx. 3.2,3.3

    Worked out example 1

    Points to Note in the session


    Day 2

    4. Average velocity and instantaneous velocity

    Ex. 3.4Worked out example 2

    3.5 Average accleration and instantaneous aceleration

    Exercises: 1 to 5

    Points to Note in the session


    Day 3

    3.6 Motion in a straight line

    Ex., 3.7

    WOE 3 to 6

    Points to Note in the session


    Day 4

    3.7 Motion in a plane

    Ex. 3.8

    3.8 Projectile motion

    Ex. 3.9

    WOE 11,12, 14

    Day 5

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  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics


    Day 15

    Concept review


    Day 16

    Formula review


    Day 17 to 20

    Test paper problems 10 per day can be solved.

    Audio visual lectures


    Motion in two dimensions (plane)


    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch.4 THE FORCES

    One has to read the chapter fully. Study all solved examples and solve exercise problems.

    The points may be used as revision points later.


    No topic in JEE syllabus. But study of the chapter is necessary as there are full chapters on

    each of these topics later on and this introduction is essential to understand the in depth




    4.1 Introduction

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    4.2 Gravitational forces

    4.3 Electromagnetic (EM) forces

    4.4 Nuclear Forces

    4.5 Weak forces

    4.6 Scope of Classical physics


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    4.1 Introduction

    4.2 Gravitational forces

    Session important points


    Day 2

    4.3 Electromagnetic (EM) forces

    Ex. 4.1

    Session - important points


    Day 3

    4.4 Nuclear Forces

    4.5 Weak forces

    4.6 Scope of Classical physics

    Session important points


    Day 4

    Worked out examples 1 to 3

    Exercises 1 to 7

    Day 5

    Exercises 8 top 12

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    Objective I and II

    Day 6

    Questions for short answer 1 to 10

    Concept Review

    Formula Review

    Day 7 to 20

    Revision of all the four chapters completed so far.

    Don't waste the time available. Always use the time to revision the concepts, formulas,

    difficult problems and to do test paper questions. You have to sqeeze the time every day and

    use it in a focused way.

    Master each chapter as early as possible. That will give the energy to study one more

    chapter. Always feel happy after you do the planned work for a day. That will relax you. Thefeeling of happiness after you complete the day's task will relax you and make you feel

    energetic to eat and sleep and if some time is there to see the TV or read a paper or talk to

    your parents. It is important to focus, put in the required effort and then feel happy and

    relax every day.

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 5 NEWTON'SLAWS OF MOTIONNewtons laws of motion;


    Main Sections

    5.1 Newton's First law

    5.2 Newton's second law

    5.3 Working with Newton's laws

    5.4 Newton's third law of motion

    5.5 Pseudo forces

    5.6 The Horse and the cart

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    5.7 Inertia


    Subsections under each main section

    5.1 First law of motionInertial frames other than earth

    5.2 Newton's second law

    5.3 Working with Newton's laws

    5.4 Newton's third law of motion

    5.5 Pseudo forces

    5.6 The Horse and the cart

    5.7 Inertia


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    5.1 First law of motion

    Example 5.1

    W.O.E. 1 and 2


    Day 2

    5.2 Newton's second law

    5.3 Working with Newton's laws

    W.O.E. 3 and 4

    Points to be noted


    Day 3

    5.4 Newton's third law of motion

    W.O.E. 5,6

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    Day 4

    5.5 Pseudo forces

    W.O.E. 7,8

    Day 5

    5.6 The Horse and the cart

    5.7 Inertia

    W.O.E. 9,10,11

    Day 6

    Objective I

    Day 7

    Objective II

    Day 8

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 9

    Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 10

    Exercises 11 to 15

    Day 11

    Exercises 16 to 18

    Day 12

    Exercises 19 to 21

    Day 13

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    Exercises 22 to 24

    Day 14

    Exercises 25 to 27

    Day 15

    Exercises 28 to 30

    Day 16

    Exercises 31 to 33

    Day 17

    Exercises 34 to 36

    Day 18

    Exercises 37 to 39

    Day 19

    Exercises 40 to 42

    Day 20

    Attempt Questions for short Answer 1 to 17

    Audiovisual lecture

    Newton's first law


    Newton's second law


    Newton's thrid law


    Newton's laws - applications

  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics






    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 6 FRICTIONJEE Syllabus

    Static and dynamic friction;


    Sections of the chapter

    6.1 Friction as the component of contact force6.2 Kinetic friction

    6.3 Static friction

    6.4 Laws of friction

    6.5 Understandng friction at atomic level

    6.6 A Laboratory method to measure friction coefficient


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    6.1 Friction as the component of contact force

    Example 6.1

    6.2 Kinetic friction

    Example 6.2

    Day 2

    6.3 Static friction

    Ex. 6.3

    W.O.E. 1,2,3,4

    Day 3

    6.4 Laws of friction

    W.O.E. 5 to 8

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    Day 4

    6.5 Understandng friction at atomic level

    6.6 A Laboratory method to measure friction coefficient

    Ex. 6.4

    W.O.E. 9,10

    Day 5

    Objective I

    Day 6

    Objective II

    Day 7

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 8

    Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 9

    Exercises 11 to 15

    Day 10

    Exercises 16 to 20

    Revision Period

    Day 11

    Exercises 21 to 23

    Day 12

    Exercises 24 to 27

    Day 13

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    Exercises 28 to 30

    Day 14

    Exercises 31,

    Day 15

    Questions for Short Answer: 1 to 11

    -----------web sites

    lecture notes



    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 7 CIRCULARMOTION

    Sections of the chapter

    7.1 Angular variables

    7.2 Unit vectors along the radius and the tangent

    7.3 Acceleration in circular motion

    7.4 Dynamics of circular motion

    7.5 Circular turnings and banking of roads

    7.6 Centrifugal force

    7.7 Effect of earth's rotation on apprarent weight


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    7.1 Angular variables

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    Ex. 7.1, 7.2

    7.2 Unit vectors along the radius and the tangent

    Day 2

    7.3 Acceleration in circular motion

    Ex. 7.3,7.47.4 Dynamics of circular motion

    Ex. 7.5

    W.O.E. 3,4,5,7

    Day 3

    7.5 Circular turnings and banking of roads

    Ex. 7.6

    W.O.E. 1 and 2

    Day 4

    7.6 Centrifugal force

    w.O.E. 7, 8,9,10,

    Day 5

    7.7 Effect of earth's rotation on apprarent weight

    Ex. 7.7

    w.O.E. 11 to 13

    Day 6

    Objective I

    Day 7

    Objective II

    Day 8

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 9

    Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 10

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    Exercises 11 to 15

    Revision period

    Day 11

    Exercises: 16 to 18

    Day 12

    Exercises: 19 to 21

    Day 13

    Exercises: 22 to 24

    Day 14

    Exercises: 25 to 27

    Day 15

    Exercises: 28 to 30

    Day 16

    Short answer questions: 1 to 10

    Day 17

    Try some past JEE questions

    Day 18

    Try some past JEE questions

    Day 19

    Try some past JEE questions

  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics


    Day 20

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 8 WORK ANDENERGY

    Sections covered

    1. Kinetic enery

    2. Work and work energy theorem

    3. Calculation of work done

    4. Work energy theorem for a system of particles

    5. Potential energy

    6. Conservative and nonconservative forces

    7. Definition of Potential energy and conservation of mechanical energy8. Change in the potential energy in a rigid body motion

    9. Gravitational potential energy

    10. Potential energy oif a compressed or extended spring

    11. Different forms of energy: Mass energy equivalence


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Kinetic energy2. Work and work energy theorem

    3. Calculation of work done

    Day 2

    Ex. 8.1 and 8.2

    Worked Out Examples (WOE): 1,2,3

    Day 3

    4. Work energy theorem for a system of particles

    5. Potential energy

    6. Conservative and nonconservative forces

    Day 4

    WOE 4,5,6

    Exercises 1,2,3

    Day 5

    7. Definition of Potential energy and conservation of mechanical energy

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    Ex. 8.3

    8. Change in the potential energy in a rigid body motion

    9. Gravitational potential energy

    Ex. 8.5

    Day 6WOE: 6,7,8

    Exercises 4,5,6

    Day 7

    10. Potential energy of a compressed or extended spring

    Ex. 8.6, 8.7,

    11. Different forms of energy: Mass energy equivalence

    WOE: 7 to 10

    Day 8

    WOE 11 to 14

    Exercises: 7 to 10

    Day 9

    Exercises: 11 to 20

    Day 10

    Exercises: 21 to 30

    Revision Period

    Day 11

    Exercises: 31 to 35

    Day 12

    Exercises: 36 to 40

    Day 13

    Exercises: 41 to 45

    Day 14

    Exercises: 46 to 50

    Day 15

    Exercises: 51 to 55

    Day 16

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    Exercises: 56 to 60

    Day 17

    Exercises: 61 to 64

    Day 18Objective I

    Day 19

    Objective II

    Day 20

    Questions for Short Answer 1 to 17


    Sections of the chapter

    1. Centre of mass

    2. Centre of mass og continuous bodies

    3. Motion of the Centre of mass


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Centre of mass

    Ex. 9.1, 9.2

    2. Centre of mass of continuous bodies

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    Worked out examples (WOE): 1 to 3

    Day 2

    3. Motion of the Centre of mass

    Ex. 9.3

    4. Linear momentum and its conservation principle5. Rocket propulsion

    Day 3

    WOE 4,5,6,7,8

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 4

    6. Collision

    Ex. 9.47. Elastic collision in one dimension

    WOE 9 to 12

    Day 5

    8. Perfectly inelastic collision in one dimension

    Ex. 9.5

    9. Coefficient of restitution

    10. Elastic collision in two dimensions

    11. Impulse and impulsive force

    WOE 13 to 14

    Day 6

    Objective I 1ot 19

    Day 7

    Objective II 1 to 11

    Day 8

    WOE 15 to 20

    Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 9

    WOE 21 to 24

    Exercises 11 to 15

    Day 10

    Exercises 16 to 25

  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics


    Revison Period

    Day 11

    Exercises 26 to 30

    Day 12

    Exercises 31 to 35

    Day 13

    Exercises 36 to 40

    Day 14

    Exercises 41 to 45

    Day 15

    Exercises 46 to 50

    Day 16

    Exercises 51 to 55

    Day 17

    Exercises 56 to 60

    Day 18

    Exercises 61 to 64

    Day 19

    Questions for Short Answer 1 to 12

    Day 20

    Questions for Short Answer 13 to 25

  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics


    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 10 ROTATIONAL

    MECHANICSJEE syllabus

    1. Rotation of a rigid body

    2. Kinematics

    3. Rotational dynamics

    4. Torque of a force about the axis of rotation

    5. = I

    6. Bodies in Equilibrium

    7. Bending of a Cyclist on horizontal turn8. Angular momentum

    9. L = I

    10. Conservation of Angular Momentum

    11. Angular impulse

    12. Kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about a given axis

    13. Rolling

    14. Calculation of Momentum of inertia

    15. Two important theorems on moment of inertia

    16. Combined rotation and translation

    17. Rolling18. Kinetic energy of a body in combined rotation and translation

    19. Angular momentum of a body in combined rotation and translation

    20. why does a rolling sphere slow down


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Rotation of a rigid body

    2. Kinematics

    Exmples 10.1,2 and 3

    Day 2

    3. Rotational dynamics

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    4. Torque of a force about the axis of rotation

    Ex. 10.4

    Worked Out Examples: 1,2

    Day 3

    5. = IEx. 10.5

    6. Bodies in Equilibrium

    7. Bending of a Cyclist on horizontal turn

    WOE: 3,4

    Day 4

    8. Angular momentum

    9. L = I

    10. Conservation of Angular Momentum

    Ex. 10.6WOE: 5,6

    Day 5

    11. Angular impulse

    12. Kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about a given axis

    Ex. 10.7

    13. Rolling

    WOE: 7,8

    Day 614. Calculation of Momentum of inertia

    WOE: 9,10

    Day 7

    15. Two important theorems on moment of inertia

    WOE: 11,12

    Day 8

    16. Combined rotation and translation

    17. Rolling

    WOE: 13,14

    Day 9

    18. Kinetic energy of a body in combined rotation and translation

    19. Angular momentum of a body in combined rotation and translation

    20. why does a rolling sphere slow down

    WOE: 15,16

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    Day 10

    WOE: 17 to 29

    Day 11

    Exercises: 1 to 5

    Day 12

    Exercises: 6 to 10

    Day 13

    Exercises: 11 to 15

    Day 14

    Exercises: 16 to 20

    Day 15

    Exercises: 21 to 25

    Day 16

    Exercises: 26 to 30

    Day 17

    Exercises: 31 to 35

    Day 18

    Exercises: 36 to 40

    Day 19

    Exercises: 41 to 45

    Day 20

    Exercises: 46 to 50

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    Still 36 problems are there in the chapter that you have to do as a special task.

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 11 GRAVITATIONJEE syllabus

    Sections in H C Verma

    1. Historical Introduction

    2. Measurement of Gravitational Constant G

    3. Gravitational Potential Energy

    4. Gravitational Potential

    5. Calculation of Gravitational Potential

    6. Gravitational Field

    7. Relation between Gravitational Potential and Field

    8. Calculation of Gravitational Field9.Variation in the Value of G

    10.Planets and Satellites

    11.Kepler's laws

    12.Weightlessness in a Satellite

    13. Escape Velocity

    14. Gravitational Binding Energy

    15. Blackholes

    16. Inertial and Gravitational Mass

    17. Possible Changes in the Law of Gravitation


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Historical Introduction

    Ex. 11.1

    Day 2

    2. Measurement of Gravitational Constant G

    3. Gravitational Potential Energy

    Ex. 11.2

    4. Gravitational Potential

    Day 3

    5. Calculation of Gravitational Potential

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    Ex. 11.3

    Worked Out Examples: 1,2

    Day 4

    6. Gravitational Field

    Ex. 11.4

    7. Relation between Gravitational Potential and Field

    Ex. 11.5

    WOE 3,4

    Day 5

    8. Calculation of Gravitational Field

    Ex. 11.6, and 7

    WOE 5,6

    Day 6

    9.Variation in the Value of G

    Ex. 11.8

    10.Planets and Satellites


    11.Kepler's laws

    12.Weightlessness in a Satellite

    Day 713. Escape Velocity

    Ex. 11.10

    14. Gravitational Binding Energy

    15. Blackholes

    Day 8

    16. Inertial and Gravitational Mass

    17. Possible Changes in the Law of Gravitation

    WOE 7 to 9

    Day 9

    WOE 10 to 13

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 10

    Exercises 6 to 15

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    Day 11

    Exercises 16 to 20

    Day 12

    Exercises 21 to 25

    Day 13

    Exercises 26 to 30

    Day 14

    Exercises 31 to 35

    Day 15

    Exercises 36 to 39

    Day 16

    Objective I

    Day 17

    Objectve II

    Questions for Short Answer 1 to 5

    Day 18

    Questions for Short Answer 6 to 10

    Day 19

    Questions for Short Answer 11 to 15

    Day 20

    Questions for Short Answer 16 to 19

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    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 12 SIMPLEHARMONIC MOTIONJEE Syllabus

    Linear and angular simple harmonic motions------------------

    1. Simple harmonic motion

    2. Qualitative nature of simple harmonic motion

    3. Equation of motion of a simple harmonic motion

    4. Terms associated with simple harmonic motion

    5. Simple harmonic motion as a projection of circular motion

    6. Energy conservation in Simple harmonic motion

    7. Angular simple harmonic motion

    8. Simple pendulum

    9. Physical pendulum10.Torsional pendulum

    11. Composition of two Simple harmonic motions

    12. Damped harmonic motion

    13. Forced oscillation and resonance


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Simple harmonic motion

    Ex. 12.1

    2. Qualitative nature of simple harmonic motion

    Ex. 12.2

    3. Equation of motion of a simple harmonic motion

    Day 2

    4. Terms associated with simple harmonic motion

    Ex. 12.3, 12.4

    5. Simple harmonic motion as a projection of circular motion

    6. Energy conservation in Simple harmonic motion

    Ex. 12.5

    Worked Out Examples 1 and 2

    Day 3

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    7. Angular simple harmonic motion

    Ex. 12.6

    8. Simple pendulum

    Ex. 12.7, 12.8

    WOE 3,4

    Day 4

    9. Physical pendulum

    Ex. 12.9

    10.Torsional pendulum


    WOE 5,6

    Day 5

    11. Composition of two Simple harmonic motions

    Ex. 12.11WOE 7,8

    Day 6

    12. Damped harmonic motion

    13. Forced oscillation and resonance

    WOE 9,10

    Day 7

    WOE 11 to 15

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 8

    WOE 16 to 20

    Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 9

    WOE 21,22

    Exercises 11 to 18

    Day 10

    Exercises 19 to 30

    Revision Period - Half an hour per day

    Day 11

    Exercises 31 to 35

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    Day 12

    Exercises 36 to 40

    Day 13

    Exercises 41 to 45

    Day 14

    Exercises 46 to 50

    Day 15

    Exercises 51 to 55

    Day 16

    Exercises 56 to 58

    Day 17Objective I

    Day 18

    Objective II

    Day 19

    Questions for short answer 1 to 8

    Day 20

    Questions for short answer 9 to 16

    IIT JEE Study Guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 13FLUID MECHANICSJEE Syllabus

    Sections in Chapter

    1. Fluids2. Pressure in a fluid

    3. Pascal's law

    4. Atmospheric pressure

    5. Archimedes' Principle

    6. Pressure difference and buoyant force in accelerating fluids

    7. Flow of fluids

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    8. Steady and turbulent flow

    9. Irrotational flow of an incompressible and nonviscous fluid

    10. Equation of continuity

    11. Bernoulli's equation

    12 Application of Bernoulli's equation

    -----------Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Fluids

    2. Pressure in a fluid

    3. Pascal's law

    Day 2

    4. Atmospheric pressure5. Archimedes' Principle

    Ex. 13.2

    6. Pressure difference and buoyant force in accelerating fluids

    Day 3

    7. Flow of fluids

    8. Steady and turbulent flow

    9. Irrotational flow of an incompressible and nonviscous fluid

    Worked Out Examples: 1,2

    Day 4

    10. Equation of continuity

    WOE 3 to 8

    Day 5

    11. Bernoulli's equation

    WOE 9,10

    Day 6

    12 Application of Bernoulli's equation

    WOE 11

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 7

    Exercises 6 to 15

    Day 8

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    Exercises 16 to 25

    Day 9

    Exercises 26 to 35

    Day 10Objective I and II

    Revision Period 30 minutes per day

    Day 11

    Short answer questions 1 to 8

    Day 12

    Short Answer Questions 9 to 16

    Day 13

    Concept review

    Day 14

    Formula review

    Day 15 to 20 Revision or problems test paper books


    Sections in the Chapter

    1. Molecular structure of the material

    2. Elasticity

    3. Stress

    4. Strain

    5. Hooke's law & Young's modulus

    6. Relation between longitudinal stress and strain

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    7. Elastic potential energy of a strained body

    8 Determination of Young's modulus

    9. Surface tension

    10. Surface energy

    11. Excess pressure inside a drop

    12. Excess pressure in a soap bubble13. Contact angle

    14. Rise of a liquid in a capillary tube

    15. Viscosity

    16. Flow through a narrow tube: Poiseuille's equation

    17. Stokes law

    18. Terminal velocity

    19. Measuring coefficient of viscosity by Stokes' method

    20. Critical velocity and Reynold's number

    ----------Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Molecular structure of the material

    2. Elasticity

    3. Stress

    Ex. 14.1

    Day 24. Strain

    5. Hooke's law & Young's modulus

    Ex. 14.2

    Worked Out Examples 1 to 3

    Day 3

    6. Relation between longitudinal stress and strain

    7. Elastic potential energy of a strained body

    Ex. 14.3

    WOE 4

    Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 4

    8 Determination of Young's modulus

    9. Surface tension


    10. Surface energy

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    Ex. 14.5

    WOE 5,6

    Day 5

    WOE 7 to 10

    Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 6

    11. Excess pressure inside a drop

    12. Excess pressure in a soap bubble

    13. Contact angle

    14. Rise of a liquid in a capillary tube

    WOE 11,12

    Day 715. Viscosity

    16. Flow through a narrow tube: Poiseuille's equation

    17. Stokes law

    WOE 13,14

    Day 8

    18. Terminal velocity

    19. Measuring coefficient of viscosity by Stokes' method

    20. Critical velocity and Reynold's number

    WOE 15 to 17

    Day 9

    Exercises 11 to 20

    Day 10

    Exercises: 21 to 30

    Revision Period: 30 minutes

    Day 11

    Exercises: 31,32

    Objective I: 1 to 15

    Day 12

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    Objective I: 16 to 29

    Day 13

    Objective II: 7

    Day 14

    Questions for Short Answer: 1 to 10

    Day 15

    Questions for Short Answer: 11 to 18

    Day 16Concept review

    Day 17

    Formula review

    Day 18 to 20 Revision and problems from test paper guides

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 15 WAVEMOTION AND WAVES ON A STRING


    Sections of the chapter

    15.1 Wave motion

    15.2 Wave pulse on a string

    15.3 Sine wave travelling on a string

    15.4 Velocity of a wave on a string

    15.5 Power transmitted along the string by a sine wave

    15.6 Interference and the Principle of Superposition

    15.7 Interference of waves going in same direction

    15.8 reflection and tramission of waves

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    15.9 Standing waves

    15.10 Standing waves on a string fixed at both ends

    15.11 analytic treatment of vibration of string fixed at both ends

    15.12 Vibration of string fixed at both ends

    15.13 Laws of Transverse vibrations of a string; Sonometer

    15.14 Transverse and Longitudinal waves15.15 Polarisation of waves


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    Study sections

    15.1 and 15.2

    Day 2

    Study sections

    15.3 and 15.4

    Study sections

    15.5 and 15.6

    Day 3

    Study sections15.5 and 15.6

    Do worked out examples 1,2,3

    Day 4

    Study sections

    15.7 Interference of waves going the same direction


    15.8 Reflection and transmission of waves

    Read example 15.5

    Study worked out examples 4 and 5

    Day 5

    Study sections

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    15.9 and 15.10

    Day 6

    Study sections

    15.11 and 15.1215,11 Analytical treatment of vibration of a string fixed at both end.

    15.12 Vibration of a string fixed at one end

    Study worked out examples 6 and 7

    Day 7

    Study 15.13 and 15.14

    15.13 Laws of Transverse Vibrations of a string: Sonometer15.14 Transverse and Longitudinal waves

    Study example 15.8

    Study worked out examples 7,8,9

    Do exercise problems 1,2,3

    Day 8

    Study 15.15 Polarization of waves

    Study worked out examples 10

    Do exercise problems 4 to 10

    Day 9

    Do exercise problems 11 to 20

    Day 10

    Do exercise problems 21 to 30

    Day 11

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    Do exercise problems 31 - 35

    Day 12

    Do exercise problems 36 - 40

    Day 13

    Do exercise problems 41 - 45

    Day 14

    Do exercise problems 46 - 50

    Day 15

    Do exercise problems 51 - 55

    Day 16

    Do exercise problems 56 - 57

    Day 17

    Objective I 1 to 12

    Day 18

    Objective I 13 to 22

    Day 19

    Objective II

    Day 20

    Questions for short answer 1 to 8

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    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 16 SOUNDWAVES

    Sections of the chapter

    1 The nature and propagation of sound waves2. Displacement wave and pressure wave

    3. Speed of a sound wave in a material medium

    4. Speed of sound in a gas

    5. Effect of pressure, temperature and humidity on the speed of sound in air

    6. Intensity of sound waves

    7. Appearance of sound to human ear

    8. Interference of sound waves

    9. Standing longitudinal waves and vibrations of air columns

    10. Determination of speed of sound in air

    11. Beats12. Diffraction

    13 Doppler effect

    14. Sonic booms

    15. Musical scale

    16. Accoustics of buildings


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1 The nature and propagation of sound waves

    Ex. 16.1

    2. Displacement wave and pressure wave

    Ex. 16.2

    Worked out examples 1, 2

    Day 2

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    3. Speed of a sound wave in a material medium

    4. Speed of sound in a gas

    5. Effect of pressure, temperature and humidity on the speed of sound in air

    Day 36. Intensity of sound waves

    7. Appearance of sound to human ear

    WOE 3 to 5

    Day 4

    8. Interference of sound waves

    9. Standing longitudinal waves and vibrations of air columns

    Day 5

    10. Determination of speed of sound in air11. Beats

    Day 6

    12. Diffraction

    13 Doppler effect

    14. Sonic booms

    Day 7

    15. Musical scale

    16. Accoustics of buildings

    Day 8

    WOE 6 to 15

    Day 9

    WOE 16 to 23

    Day 10

    Exercises 1 to 10

    Day 11

    Exercises 11 to 16

    Day 12

    Exercises 17 to 22

    Day 13

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    Exercises 23 to 28

    Day 14

    Exercises 29 to 34

    Day 15Exercises 35 to 40

    Day 16

    Exercises 41 to 46

    Day 17

    Exercises 47 to 52

    Day 18

    Exercises 53 to 58

    Day 19

    Exercises 59 to 64

    Day 20

    Exercises 65 to 72

    special task 73 to 89

    Objective I and II

    Questions for short answer


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    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 17 LIGHTWAVES

    ----------1. Waves or Particles

    2. The nature of light waves

    3. Huygen's principles

    4. Young's double hole experiment

    5. Young's double slit experiment

    6. Optical path

    7. Interference from thin films

    Fresnel's Biprism

    9. coherent and incoherent sources

    10. Diffreaction of light11. Fraunhofer Diffraction by a single slit

    12.Fraunhofer Diffraction by a circular aperture

    13.Fresnel diffraction at a straight edge

    14.Limit of resolution

    15.scattering of light

    16. Polarization of light


    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Waves or Particles

    2. The nature of light waves

    Day 2

    3. Huygen's principles

    Worked out examples 1,2

    Day 3

    4. Young's double hole experiment

    5. Young's double slit experiment

    Day 4

    6. Optical path

    7. Interference from thin films

    8. Fresnel's Biprism

    9. coherent and incoherent sources

    Day 5

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    WOE 3 to 7

    Exerciese 1 to 5

    Day 6

    10. Diffraction of light

    11. Fraunhofer Diffraction by a single slit12.Fraunhofer Diffraction by a circular aperture

    Day 7

    13.Fresnel diffraction at a straight edge

    14.Limit of resolution

    15.scattering of light

    Day 8

    WoE 8 to 11

    Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 9

    16. Polarization of light

    Exercises 11 to 15

    Day 10

    Exercises 16 to 25

    Day 11

    Exercises 26 to 30

    Day 12

    Exercises 31 to 35

    Day 13

    Exercises 36 to 41

    Day 14

    Objective I 1 to 17

    Day 15

    Objective II 1 to 10

    Day 16

    Questions for short answer 1 to 11

    Day 17

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    Concept review

    Day 18

    Formula review

    Day 19, 20Additional test paper problems

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 18GEOMETRICAL OPTICS

    18.1 reflection at smooth surfaces

    18.2 Spherical mirrors18.3 Relation between u,v and R for spherical mirrors

    18.4 extended objects and magnification

    18.5 Refraction at plane surfaces

    18.6 Critical angle

    18.7 Optical fibre

    18.8 Prism

    18.9 Refraction at spherical surfaces

    18.10 extended objects - laterial magnification

    18.11 Refraction through thin lenses

    18.12 Lens maker's formula and lens formula18.13 Extended objects: Lateral magninification

    18.14 Power of a lens

    18.15 thin lenses in contact

    18.16 two thin lenses separated by a distance

    18.17 defects of images

    Study Plan

    Day 1

    18.1 Reflection at smooth surfaces

    18.2 Spherical mirrors

    18.3 Relation between u,v and R for spherical mirrors

    Example 18.1

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    Day 2

    18.4 extended objects and magnification

    18.5 Refraction at plane surfaces

    18.6 Critical angle

    Examples 18. 2,18.3, 18.4

    Day 3

    18.7 Optical fibre

    18.8 Prism

    18.9 Refraction at spherical surfaces

    Examples 18.5 to 8



    Day 4

    18.10 extended objects - laterial magnification

    18.11 Refraction through thin lenses

    Examples 18.9 to 12Exercises


    Day 5

    18.12 Lens maker's formula and lens formula

    18.13 Extended objects: Lateral magninification

    18.14 Power of a lens

    Examples 18.13 to 16



    Day 5

    18.15 thin lenses in contact

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    18.16 two thin lenses separated by a distance

    Examples 18.17 to 20



    Day 6

    18.17 defects of images

    Examples 18.21 to 24



    Day 7

    Examples 18.25 to 28



    Day 8



    Day 9



    Day 10

    Exercises 56 to 65

    Day 11

    Exercises 66 to 70

    Day 12

    Exercises 71 to 75

    Day 13

    Exercises 76 to 79

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    Day 14

    Objective I 1 to 18

    Day 15

    Objective II 1 to 7

    Day 16

    Questions for short answer 1 to 19

    Day 17

    Concept review

    Day 18

    Formula review

    Day 19, 20Additional test paper problems

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 19 OPTICALINSTRUMENTS

    Study plan

    Day 1

    1. The eye

    2. The apparent size

    3. Simple microscope

    Day 2

    4. Compound microscope

    Worked out examples 1, 2,3

    Day 3

    5. Telescope

    Worked out examples 4,5,

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    Day 4

    6. Resolving power of a telescope and microscope

    7. Defects of vision

    Worked out examples: 6 to 10.

    Day 5

    Questions for short answer 1 to 6

    Exercises 1 to 4

    Day 6

    Questions for short answer 7 to 12

    Exercises 5 to 8

    Day 7

    Objective I 1 to 11

    Exercises 9 to 12

    Day 8

    Objective II 1 to 5

    Exercises 13 to 16

    Day 9

    Exercises 17 - 20

    Day 10

    Exercises 21 to 24

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    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 20 DISPERSIONAND SPECTRA

    Sections in the chapter

    1. Dispersion

    2. Dispersive power

    3. Dispersion without average deviation and average deviation without dispersion

    4. Spectrum

    5. Kinds of spectra

    6. Ultraviolet and infrared spectrum

    7. Spectrometer

    8. Rainbow

    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Dispersion

    2. Dispersive power

    3. Dispersion without average deviation and average deviation without dispersion

    Day 2

    4. Spectrum5. Kinds of spectra

    6. Ultraviolet and infrared spectrum

    Day 3

    Worked out examples 1 to 3

    Day 4

    7. Spectrometer

    8. Rainbow

    Day 5

    Exercises 1 to 11

    Day 6

    Objhective I and II

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    Day 7

    Questions for short answer

    Concept review

    Day 8Formula review

    Day 9, 10

    Additional test paper problems

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 21 SPEED OFLIGHTNo JEE topics


    1. Historical introduction2. Fizeau method3. Foucault method4. Michelson method

    Study Plan

    Day 1

    1. Historical introduction2. Fizeau method3. Foucault method4. Michelson method

    Day 2Exercises 1 to 3Objective IObjective IIQuestions for Short answer

    Day 3

    Concept revisionFormula revision

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    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 23 HEAT ANDTEMPERATURE

    --------------------Sections in the chapter

    23.1 Hot and Cold bodies23.2 Zeroth law of thermodynamics23.3 Defining scale of temperature: Mercury and resistance thermometers23.4 Constant volume gas thermometer23.5 Ideal gas temperature scale23.6 Celsius temperature scale23.7 Ideal gas equation23.8 callender's compensated constant pressure thermometer23.9 Adiabatic and diathermic walls

    23.10 Thermal expansion


    Study Plan

    Day 123.1 Hot and Cold bodies23.2 Zeroth law of thermodynamics23.3 Defining scale of temperature: Mercury and resistance thermometers

    day 223.4 Constant volume gas thermometer23.5 Ideal gas temperature scale23.6 Celsius temperature scale23.7 Ideal gas equation

    Day 323.8 callender's compensated constant pressure thermometer23.9 Adiabatic and diathermic walls23.10 Thermal expansion

    Day 4Worked out examples 1 to 10Day 5

    WOE 11 to 17

    Day 6Exercises 1 to 10

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    Day 7Exercises 11 to 20

    Day 8Exercises 21 to 30

    Day 9

    Exercises 31 to 34Objective I

    Day 10ExercisesObjective IIquestions for short answer 1 to 13

    Revision Period

    Day 11Concept Review

    Day 12Formula Review

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 26 LAWS OFTHERMODYNAMICSJEE syllabus :

    Equivalence of heat and work;

    First law of thermodynamics and its applications (only for ideal gases) 26.1;-------

    Chapter sections

    26.1 The first law of thermodynamics26.2 Work done by a gas26.3 Heat engines26.4 The second law of thermodynamics26.5 Reversible and irrerversible processes

    26.6 entropy27.7 Carnot engine---------Study plan

    Day 126.1 The first law of thermodynamics26.2 Work done by a gas

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    Day 226.3 Heat engines

    Day 326.4 The second law of thermodynamics26.5 Reversible and irrerversible processes

    Day 426.6 entropy27.7 Carnot engine

    Day 5Worked out examples 1 to 11

    Day 6Exercises 1 to 10

    day 7Exercises 11 to 20

    Day 8Exercises 21 to 22Objective I

    Day 9Objective IIQuestions for short answer 1 to 8

    Day 10Questions for short answer 9 to 15

    RevisionDay 11Concept review

    Day 12Formula revision

    Days 13 to 20Problems from test paper books

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    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 27 SPECIFICHEAT CAPACITIES OF GASESJEE syllabus

    Specific heats (Cv and Cp for monoatomic and diatomic gases)27.1,27.2,27.3,27.4,Isothermal and adiabatic processes 27.5 27.6, 27.7

    27.1 Two kinds of specific heat capacities27.2 Relation between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas27.3 Determination of Cp of a Gas27.4 Determination of Cv of a Gas27.5 Isothermal and adiabatic processes27.6 Relations between p,v, t in a reversible adiabatic process27.7 Work done in a adiabatic process27.8 Equipartition of energy

    ---------Study Plan

    27.1 Two kinds of specific heat capacities27.2 Relation between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas27.3 Determination of Cp of a Gas27.4 Determination of Cv of a Gas27.5 Isothermal and adiabatic processes27.6 Relations between p,v, t in a reversible adiabatic process27.7 Work done in a adiabatic process27.8 Equipartition of energy


    Concepts coveredDay 127.1 Two kinds of specific heat capacities27.2 Relation between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas

    Day 227.3 Determination of Cp of a Gas27.4 Determination of Cv of a Gas

    Day 3Worked out examples 1 to 5

    Day 427.5 Isothermal and adiabatic processes27.6 Relations between p,v, t in a reversible adiabatic process

    Day 527.7 Work done in a adiabatic process

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    27.8 Equipartition of energy

    Day 6WOE 6 to 12

    Day 7Exercises 1 to 10

    Day 8Exercises 11 to 20

    Day 9exercises 21 to 30

    Day 10Exercises 31 to 35Objective objective I

    Day 11Obejctive II

    Day 12Questions for short answer

    Day 13Concept Review

    Day 14Formula Revision

    Days 15 to 20Additional problems from test paper books

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 29 ELECTRICFIELD AND POTENTIALSyllabus

    Coulombs law; Electric field and potential; Electrical potential energy of a system of point

    charges and of electrical dipoles in a uniform electrostatic field; Electric field lines; Flux ofelectric field;-------------

    Verma - Topics

    29.1 What is electric charge?29.2 Coulomb's law29.3 electric field

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    29.4 Lines of electric force29.5 Electric potential energy29.6 Electric potential29.7 Electric potential due to a point charge29.8 Relation between electric field and potential29.9 Electric dipole29.10 Torque on an electric dipole placed in an lectric field29.11 Potential energy of a diple placed in a uniform electric field29.12 Conductors, insulators nad semiconductors29.13 The electric field inside a conductor

    --------------------Study Plan

    Day 1

    29.1 What is electric charge?

    29.2 Coulomb's law

    Day 229.3 electric fieldEx. 29.1, 29.229.4 Lines of electric force

    Worked out examples 1,2

    Day 3

    29.5 Electric potential energyEx. 29.3

    29.6 Electric potentialEx. 29.429.7 Electric potential due to a point chargeEx. 29.4

    WOE 3 to 5

    Day 4

    29.8 Relation between electric field and potentialEx. 29.5

    WOE 5 to 10

    Day 529.9 Electric dipole29.10 Torque on an electric dipole placed in an lectric field29.11 Potential energy of a diple placed in a uniform electric field

    Day 6

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    29.12 Conductors, insulators nad semiconductors29.13 The electric field inside a conductor

    WOE 11 to 15

    Day 7WOE 17 to 19

    Day 8

    Exercises 1 to 10

    Day 9Exercises 11 to 20

    Day 10Exercises 21 to 30

    Day 11Exercises 31 to 35

    Day 12Exercises 36 to 40

    Day 13Exercises 41 to 45

    Day 14Exercises 46 to 50

    Day 15Exercises 51 to 55

    Day 16Exercises 56 to 60

    Day 17Exercises 61 to 65

    Day 18Exercises 66 to 70

    Day 19Exercises 71 to 75

    Day 20Exercises Objectve I 1 to 9 and Objective II 1 to 8

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch.30. GAUSS'S LAW

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    Flux of electric field 30.1;Gausss law 30.3 and

    Gauss's law's application in simple cases, such as, to find field due to infinitely long straightwire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell30.4, 30.5.

    Sections of the chapter

    30.1 Flux of electric field30.2 Solid anlge30.3 Gausss law30.4 Applications of Gauss's law30.5 Spherical charge distributions30.6 Earthing a conductor

    Study Plan

    Day 1

    30.1 Flux of electric field30.2 Solid anlge30.3 Gausss law

    Day 230.4 Applications of Gauss's law (A) and (B)

    Worke out examples 1 to 5

    Day 330.4 Applications of Gauss's law (C), (D), (E)Exercises 1 to 4

    Day 430.5 Spherical charge distributions30.6 Earthing a conductor

    Day 5Concept Revision

    Day 6WOE 5 to 8Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 7Exercises 11 to 20

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    Day 8Exercises 21 to 24Objective I 1 to 7

    Day 9Objective II 1 ot 8Questions for short answer 1 to 7

    Day 10Formula revision

    Days 11 to 20 - Revision periodAdditional test paper problems of chapter 29 and 30 can be attempted.

    IIT JEE Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 31

    CAPACITORSJEE syllabus

    Capacitance; Parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectrics; Capacitors in series andparallel; Energy stored in a capacitor.


    31.1 Capacitance;31.2 Calculation of Capacitance31.3 Capacitors in series and parallel;

    31.4 Parallel plate capacitor31.5 Energy stored in a capacitor.31.6 Dielectrics31.7 Parallel plate capacitor with dielectrics;31.8 An alternative form of Gauss Law31.9 Electric field due to a pont charge q placed in an infinite dielectric31.10 Energy in the electric field in a dielectric31.11 Corona discharge31.12 High-voltage generator.


    Study Plan

    Day 131.1 Capacitance;31.2 Calculation of Capacitance

    Day 231.3 Capacitors in series and parallel;

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    Worked out examples 1,2

    Day 3

    31.4 Force between the plates of a capacitor31.5 Energy stored in a capacitor.31.6 Dielectrics

    WOE 3 to 5

    Day 431.7 Parallel plate capacitor with dielectrics;31.8 An alternative form of Gauss Law

    WOE 6 to 8

    Day 531.9 Electric field due to a pont charge q placed in an infinite dielectric

    31.10 Energy in the electric field in a dielectric31.11 Corona discharge31.12 High-voltage generator

    Day 6WOE 9 to 18

    Day 7WOE 19 to 23Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 8

    Exercises 6 to 15

    Day 9Exercises 16 to 25

    Day 10exercises 26 to 35-------------

    Audiovisual lectureLesson 34: Capacitors



    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 32 ELECTRICCURRENT IN CONDUCTORS

  • 7/27/2019 Iit Physics


    JEE 2008 syllabus

    Electric current;Ohms law;Series and parallel arrangements of resistances and cells;Kirchhoffs laws and simple applications;Heating effect of current.--------

    Verma - Topics

    32.1 Electric current and current density32.2 Drift speed32.3 Ohm's law32.4 Temperature dependence of resistivity32.5 Battery and EMF32.6 Energy transfer in an electric current32.7 Kirchhoff's Laws

    32.8 Combination of resistors in series and parallel32.9 Grouping of batteries32.10 Wheatstone bridge32.11 Ammeter and Voltmeter32.12 Stretched wire potentiometer32.13 Chargin and discharging of capactiros32.14 Atmospheric electricity--------------------Study Plan

    Day 132.1 Electric current and current density

    32.2 Drift speed32.3 Ohm's law

    Day 232.4 Temperature dependence of resistivity32.5 Battery and EMF

    Worked out examples 1 to 3

    Day 332.6 Energy transfer in an electric current32.7 Kirchhoff's Laws32.8 Combination of resistors in series and parallel

    Day 4WOE 11 to 15Exercises 1 to 5

    Day 532.9 Grouping of batteries32.10 Wheatstone bridge

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    WOE 4 to 10

    Day 632.11 Ammeter and Voltmeter32.12 Stretched wire potentiometer

    WOE 16 to 20

    Day 732.13 Chargin and discharging of capactiros32.14 Atmospheric electricity

    WOE 21 to 25

    Day 8WOe 26 to 33Exercises 6 to 10

    Day 9

    Exercises 11 to 20

    Day 10Exercises 21 to 30

    Day 11Exercises 31 to 35

    Day 12Exercises 36 to 40

    Day 13Exercises 41 to 45

    Day 14Exercises 46 to 50

    Day 15Exercises 51 to 55

    Day 16Exercises 56 to 60

    Day 17Exercises 61 to 65

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    Day 18Exercises 66 to 70

    Day 19Exercises 71 to 75

    Day 20Exercises 76 to 80


    BiotSavarts law 35.1 andAmperes law;Magnetic field near a current-carrying straight wire, along the axis of a circular coil andinside a long straight solenoid;Force on a moving charge and on a current-carrying wire in a uniform magnetic field.

    -----------------Topics covered in H C Verma

    35.1 Bio Savart Law

    35.2 Magnetic field due to current in a straight wire35.3 Force between parallel currents35.4 Field due to a circular current35.5 Ampere's law35.6 Magnetic field at a point due to a long straight current35.7 Solenoid35.8 Toroid


    Study Plan

    Day 135.1 Bio Savart Law35.2 Magnetic field due to current in a straight wire35.3 Force between parallel currents

    WOE 1Exercises 1,2

    Day 2

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    35.4 Field due to a circular current35.5 Ampere's law35.6 Magnetic field at a point due to a long straight current

    WOE 2 to 5

    Day 3

    35.7 Solenoid35.8 ToroidExercises 3 to 10

    Day 4WOE 6 to 10Exercises 11 to 15

    Day 5

    WOE 11 to 15Exercises 16 to 20

    Day 6Exercises 21 to 30

    Day 7Exercises 31 to 40

    Day 8Exercises 41 to 50

    Day 9Exercises 51 to 61

    Day 10Objective I and IIQuestions for short answer

    Revision Period

    Day 11Concept review

    Day 12Formula review

    Days 13 to 20

    Test paper problems

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    Electromagnetic induction: Faraday's law, Lenz's law; Self and mutual inductance; RC, LRand LC circuits with d.c. and a.c. sources.--------------Sections in the book

    38.1 Faraday's law,38.2 Lenz's law;38.3 The origin of induced EMF38.4 Eddy current38.5 Self and mutual inductance;38.6 RC, LR and LC circuits with d.c. and a.c. sources.38.7 Energy stored in an inductor

    38.8 mutual inductance;38.9 Induction coil


    Study Plan

    38.1 Faraday's law,Ex. 38.138.2 Lenz's law;38.3 The origin of induced EMFEx. 38.2

    Worked out examples 1,2

    Day 238.4 Eddy current38.5 Self and mutual inductance;Ex. 38.3,38.4

    WOE 3,4

    Day 3

    38.6 RC, LR and LC circuits with d.c. and a.c. sources.Ex. 38.5, 38.638.7 Energy stored in an inductorEx. 38.8

    WOE 5,6

    Day 4

    38.8 mutual inductance;Ex. 38.8

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    38.9 Induction coilWOE 7 to 10

    Day 5WOE 11 to 20

    Day 6WOE 21 to 29

    Day 7

    Exercises 1 to 10

    Day 8Exercises 11 to 20

    Day 9

    Exercises 21 to 30

    Day 10Exercises 31 to 40

    Day 11Exercises 41 to 45

    Day 12Exercises 46 to 50

    Day 13Exercises 51 to 55

    Day 14Exercises 56 to 60

    Day 15Exercises 61 to 65

    Day 16Exercises 66 to 70

    Day 17Exercises 71 to 75

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    Day 18Exercises 76 to 80

    Day 19Objective I

    Day 20Objective IIQuestions for Short Answer 1 to 13

    Special task Exercises 81 to 98

    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 39


    RC, LR and LC circuits with d.c. and a.c. sources.

    Based on the above topic candidates have to understand something on AC circuits.Moving coil galvanometer, voltmeter, ammeter and their conversions.

    Sections in the Chapter

    1. Alternating current2. AC generator or AC dynamo3. Instantaneous and RMS Current4. Simple AC circuits5. Vector method to find the current in an AC circuit6. More AC circuits7. Power in AC circuits8. Choke coil9. Hot wire instruments

    10. DC dynamo11. DC motor12. Transformer

    Study Plan

    Day 1

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    1. Alternating current2. AC generator or AC dynamo3. Instantaneous and RMS CurrentEx. 39.1

    Day 2 This topic is in JEE syllabus4. Simple AC circuitsEx. 39.2

    Worked out examples 1,2,3,4,5

    Day 35. Vector method to find the current in an AC circuit6. More AC circuits7. Power in AC circuits


    Day 4

    8. Choke coil9. Hot wire instruments10. DC dynamo11. DC motor12. Transformer

    Day 5Exercises 1 to 10

    Day 6Exercises 11 to 19

    Day 7Questions for short answerObjective IObjective II

    Day 8Concept review and formula review



    Study guide H C Verma JEE Physics Ch. 44 X-RaysJEE Syllabus

    Characteristic and continuous X-rays, Moseley's law;---------------------sections of the chapter

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    44.1 Production of X-rays44.2 Continuous and characteristic X-rays44.3 Soft and Hard X-rays44.4 Moseley's law44.5 Bragg's law44.6 Properties and uses of X-rays-----------------------

    Study Plan

    Day 1

    44.1 Production of X-rays44.2 Continuous and characteristic X-rays44.3 Soft and Hard X-rays

    Worked out examples 1 to 3

    Day 244.4 Moseley's law44.5 Bragg's law44.6 Properties and uses of X-rays

    WOE 3 to 6

    Day 3Exercises 1 to 10

    Day 4Exercises 11 to 20


    Exercises 21 t0 27

    Day 6Objectives I and II

    Day 7Questions for short answerConcept reviewFormula review
