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Indian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 40A, April2001 , pp. 368-373 Synthesis and characterisation of platinum(II) complexes of 1-methyl-2- {(arylazo )imidazoles} and their dioxolene derivatives Goutam Kumar Rauth, Sanjib Pal, Debasis Das & Chittaranjan Sinha* Department of Chemistry, The University of Burdwan, Burdwa n, 713 104, India Received 29 August 2000; revised 30 January 200 / 1-Me th y l-2 -(ary lazo)imidazoles, p-R-C 6 H 4 -N=N-C 3 H 2 Nr 1-CI-1 3 , (RaaiMe (1); R = H(a), Me(b), Cl (c) have been tr ea ted with K 2 PtCI 4 to sy nthesise brown-red Pt(RaaiMe)CI 2 (2) complexes. Addition of dioxolene in th e presence of Et 3 N to CHClr MeOH so luti o n of Pt(RaaiMe)C I 2 yie ld green coloured mixed complexes of th e compos iti on [Pt(RaaiMe)(O.O)] (0,0 = catecholate (cat) (3); 4-terr-butylcatecholate (tbcat), (4); 3,5-di-rert-butylcatecholate (dtbcat), (5): tetrac holorocat e- cholate (tccat), (6) ). The complexes have been characterised by elemental analyses. JR . UV-Vis-NIR and 1 H NMR spectral data. Th e so lut io n electronic spectra ex hibit ligand-t o- li ga nd charge trans fer (LLCT) transition at red to NIR regio n: th e po- s iti on and sy mmetry of th e band depe nd on the substituent type on th e di oxolene and arylazoimidazole frame s. Thi s is qu a lit atively assigned as LUMO(RaaiMe). Cyc li c voltammogram shows consecutive ox idation of catechols to semiquinone and semiquinone to quinone and azo reductions. The difference in first ox id ati on and r ed uc ti on potemial is lin ea rl y related with LLCT transition energy. The comparison of th e physical properties of prese nt se ri es of complexes with palladium(II )-analogues show the involvement of Pt(II )- dn orbitals to stabili se th e complexes. R R (i) (i i) R (iii) We have focused o ur attention on functiona li sed tran- sition metals coordinated to dioxolene moiety where functional group is n-acidic diimine/azoimine sys- tem1 · 5. Parallel development in platinum(ll) chemistry is scarce. The current research in the field of plati- num(ll) chemistry with N-donor ligands is in the de- si gn of cisplatin analogues 6 . We have been engaged for the last few years to design N,N'-donor li gands in azoimine family , the members in this group being ary lazopyridines (i)\ arylazoimidazoles (ii) 4 and arylazopyrimidines (iii) 7 . Arylazoimidazoles have drawn special attention because of the synthetic sim- plicity of the system and the biochemical ubiquity of imidazole 8 . Platinum(Ir)-azoimidazoles are scarce 9 and this has encouraged us to undertake this work. In this paper we wish to report the synthesis, spectral characterisation of dichloro-{ 1-methyl-2-(arylazo) imidazole }platinum(ll) complexes. The reactivity to- wards dioxolene of these complexes are also exam- ined and the ternary complexes are characterised by spectroscopic and electrochemical data. Materials and Methods The reagent H 2 PtC1 6 , xH 2 0 wa s purchased from Arrora Matthey, Calcutta, India. K 2 PtC1 4 was pre- pared from the reported method 10 . I -Methyl-2- (arylazo)imidazoles were synthesised according to published proecdure 4 · 5 . Pyrocatechols (H 2 cat), 3,5-di- /ert-b ut ylcatechol (H 2 dtbcat) and tetrachlorocatechol (H 2 tccat) were obtained from Aldri ch. 4-ter/- Butylcatechol (H 2 tbcat) was purchased from Fluka. Catechols were purified before use by recry stallisa- tion from benzene. Dichloromethane and acetonitrile were further purified by distillation over P 4 0 10 . [Bu4N)[Cl04] was prepared according to the reported method 4 . Nitrogen gas was purifie d by bubblin g through alkaline pyrogallol solution and cone. Silica gel (60-120 mesh) for column chromatogra ph y was co ll ected from SRL. Triethylamine and other chemicals and solvents used for th e preparative work were of reagent grade and were used as received.

Indian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 40A, April2001 , pp. 368-373

Synthesis and characterisation of platinum(II) complexes of 1-methyl-2-{ (arylazo )imidazoles} and their dioxolene derivatives

Goutam Kumar Rauth, Sanjib Pal, Debasis Das & Chittaranjan Sinha*

Department of Chemistry, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, 713 104, India

Received 29 August 2000; revised 30 January 200 /

1-Methyl-2-(ary lazo)imidazoles, p-R-C6H4-N=N-C3H2 Nr 1-CI-13, (RaaiMe (1); R = H(a), Me(b), Cl (c) have been treated with K2PtCI4 to sy nthesise brown-red Pt(RaaiMe)CI2 (2) complexes. Addition of dioxolene in the presence of Et3N to CHClr MeOH so lution of Pt(RaaiMe)CI2 yield green coloured mixed complexes of the composition [Pt(RaaiMe)(O.O)] (0,0 = catecholate (cat) (3); 4-terr-butylcatecholate (tbcat), (4); 3,5-di-rert-butylcatecholate (dtbcat), (5): tetrac holorocate­cholate (tccat), (6) ). The complexes have been characterised by elementa l analyses. JR . UV-Vis-NIR and 1H NMR spectral data. The so lut ion electronic spectra ex hibit ligand-to- li gand charge transfer (LLCT) transition at red to NIR region: the po­sition and sy mmetry of the band depend on the substituent type on the di oxolene and arylazoimidazole frame s. This is qualitatively assigned as HOMO(dioxolene)~ LUMO(RaaiMe). Cyclic voltammogram shows consecutive ox idation of catechols to semiquinone and semiquinone to quinone and azo reductions. The difference in first ox idation and red ucti on potemial is linearl y related with LLCT transition energy. The comparison of the physical properties of present seri es of complexes with palladium(II )-analogues show the involvement of Pt(II )-dn orbita ls to stabili se the complexes.


(i) (i i)



We have focused our attention on functiona li sed tran­sition metal s coordinated to dioxolene moiety where functional group is n-acidic diimine/azoimine sys­tem1 ·5. Parallel development in platinum(ll) chemistry is scarce. The current research in the field of plati­num(ll) chemistry with N-donor ligands is in the de­sign of cisplatin analogues6

. We have been engaged for the last few years to design N,N'-donor ligands in azoimine family , the members in this group being ary lazopyridines (i)\ arylazoimidazoles (ii)4 and arylazopyrimidines (iii) 7

. Ary lazoimidazoles have drawn special attention because of the synthetic sim­plicity of the system and the biochemical ubiquity of imidazole8

. Platinum(Ir)-azoimidazoles are scarce9

and this has encouraged us to undertake this work . In this paper we wish to report the synthesis, spectral characterisation of dichloro-{ 1-methyl-2-(arylazo) imidazole }platinum(ll) complexes. The reactivity to­wards dioxolene of these complexes are also exam­ined and the ternary complexes are characterised by spectroscopic and electrochemical data.

Materials and Methods

The reagent H2PtC16, xH 20 was purchased from Arrora Matthey, Calcutta, India. K2PtC14 was pre­pared from the reported method 10. I -Methyl-2-(arylazo)imidazoles were synthesised according to published proecdure4·5. Pyrocatechols (H2cat), 3,5-di-

/ert-butylcatechol (H 2dtbcat) and tetrach lorocatechol (H2tccat) were obtained from Aldrich. 4-ter/­Butylcatechol (H 2tbcat) was purchased from Fluka. Catechols were purified before use by recrystallisa­tion from benzene. Dichloromethane and acetonitrile were further purified by distillation over P40 10 .

[Bu4N)[Cl04] was prepared according to the reported method4. Nitrogen gas was purified by bubbling through alkaline pyrogallol solution and cone. H2SO~.

Silica gel (60-120 mesh) for column chromatography was collected from SRL. Triethylamine and other chemicals and solvents used for the preparative work were of reagent grade and were used as received.


Table 1-Analytical data

Empirical Formul ae Found (Cnlcd.), %

c H N

C10H10N4PtCI2 (2a ) 26.6 2.3 12.3 (26.5 ) (2.2) ( 12.4)

c II H 11N4PtCI2 (2b) 28 .5 2.5 12. 1 (28 .3) (2.6) ( 12.0)

C 10H9N4PtCI3 (2c) 24.5 1.9 11.4 (24.7) ( 1.8) ( II. I)

C1r,H1 4N402Pt , 0.5 H20 (3a) 39.0 3.0 11.5 (38 .6) (3 .0) ( 11.3)

C1 7H1 6N~02Pt , 0.5 H20 (3b) 41.0 3.2 10.8 (39.9) (3 .3) ( 10.9)

C1 6H uN~02CIPt , 0.5 H20 (3c) 37.0 2.6 10.8 (36. 1) (2.6) ( 10.5)

C2oHn N402Pt. 0.5 H20 (4a) 43.1 3.9 10.1 (43.2) (4. 1) ( 10.1)

C21 H 2~N~02 Pt. 0.5 H20 (4b) 45.0 4.3 9.9 ( 44.4) (4.4) (9.9)

C20H21 N~02C IPt , 0.5 H20 (4c) 41.0 3.7 9.6 (40.8) (3.7) (9.5)

C2~H,oN~02 Pt, 0.5 H20 (Sa) 48.0 5. 1 9.5 (47.3) (5. 1) (9.2)

C2, H ,2N~02Pt , 0.5 H20 (Sb) 49.0 5.3 8.9 (48. 1) (5.3) (8 .9)

C2~H29N~02CI Pt , 0.5 H20 (Sc) 45.8 4 .7 8.6 (44 .8) (4.7) (8.7)

C 16H 10N~02CI~Pt. 0.5 H20 (6a) 30.3 1.7 9.0 (30.2) ( 1.7) (8.8)

C 17H 1 2N402CI~ Pt. 0.5 H20 (6b) 32.0 2.0 8.5 (3 1.4) (2.0) (8.6)

C1r,H9N~02CI , Pt , 0.5 H20 (6c) 29.4 1.5 8.6 (28.7) ( 1.5) (8.4)

IR spectra (KBr di sk, 4000-200 cm-1) were re­

corded on FfiR JASCO model 420; UV-Yis-NIR spectra were recorded on JASCO model V-570 UV­Vi s-NIR spectrophotometer; 1H NMR spectra were recorded on Brucker AC(F)200 and 300 MHz Ff­NMR spectrometers . Thermal studies were carried out by Shimadzu-TG40/DT40 thermometric balance. Electrochemical studies were performed on a com­puter-controlled EG&G PAR model 270 VER­SASTAT electrochemical instruments with Pt-di sk and GC elec trodes . All measurements were carried out under dinitrogen environment at 298 K with refer­ence to saturated calo mel e lec trode (SCE) in acetoni­trile. [Bu4N][CI04] was used as the supporting elec­tro lyte. The reported potential s are uncorrected for junction potential. Microanalytical data were obtained from a Perkin-Elmer 2400 CHN elemental analyser.

Preparation of dicltloro{ 1-methyl- 2-(p -tolylazo) imi­dazole}plalin llln(11), Pt(MeaaiMe)Cl2 ( 2b)

To MeCN-H20 (I : I, v/v; 40 cm3) solution of

K2PtCI4 (0.85 g, 2.05 mmol) , 1-methy l-2-(p-toly lazo)

imidazole (0.42 g, 2.10 mmol) in the same solvent ( 15 cm3

) was added dropwise and the mixture refluxed for 30 h. The brown precipitate was obtained on slow evaporation of the solvent. It was then filtered and washed with cold MeCN-H20 ( I : I , v/v; 3 x 5 em\ The dried mass was dissolved in minimum volu me of CH2CI 2 and chromatographed over si lica ge l column. The desired compound was eluted as red-brown band by C6H6-MeCN (2 : I , v/v) . Yield, 0.48 g, 50%.

Other complexes were prepared under identical conditions and the yield varied in the range 45-50%.

Preparation of cateclwlato{ 1-methyl-2-(p-tolylazo) imidazole}platinum(ll),[ Pt( MeaaiMe)( cat)} (3b ), 0.5 H20

Pt(MeaaiMe)C)z (2b) (0.345 g, 0.74 mmol) was dissolved in CHCb-MeOH mixture (I: I , v/v; 30 em' ) and the solution was degassed by bubbl ing N2 th rough it. To this solution pyrocatechol (0.090 g, 0 .82 mmol) in MeOH ( I 0 cm3

) was added slowly followed by tri­ethylamine (2 mmo l) under N2. The solution was stirred for I h and the colour was changed from brown-red to green and then N2 gas was bubbled slowly for another I h to reduce the solution volume one-third to that of its original vo lume. Dark green precipitate was filtered , washed with cold MeOH and dried in vacuo. The dried mass was di ssolved in a minimum volume CH2C)z and chromatographed over silica ge l column and the desired green band was el uted by 3:2 (v/v) C6H6-MeCN mixture. Evaporation of the solvent in vacuo afforded the pure crystalline product. The yield was 0 .208 g ( 41 % ) .

All other complexes were prepared by an identical procedure and the yields were varied in the range 40-55%.

Results and Discussion 1-Methy 1-2-(ary lazo )imidazoles (Raai Me, I ) are

N,N1-chelating li gands. They react with K2PtCI~ in MeCN-H20 mixture under refluxing condition for 30 h and afford brown-red complex Pt(RaaiMe)C I2 (2). Upon addition of Et3N to the mixture of 2 and dioxolene in CHCb-MeOH (I: I, v/v) under N2 changes the colour immediately from brown-red to green and the product separates on s low bubbling of N2 for a period of I h or more . Th e re moval of sol­vents and chromatographic purification have yielded green catecholato complexes . The reaction strategy and abbreviation of the complexes are g iven in Scheme 1. The complexes are diamagnetic , ESR si­lent and non-conducting. The composition of the


R 1

R = H (a ), CH 3 (b), Cl (c)


p = x = y = z, [Pt(Raa i Me)(c at)] 0.5 H20 ( 3); p = y = z = H,

x = But, [Pt (RaaiMe)( tbcat)] 0.5 H20 (It); p = y = Bu', x = z = H,

[ PI( RaaiMe)(dtbcat)] 0.5 H20 (~); p:x:y : z:CI, [Pt(RaaiM<')

( t cc at ) ] 0.5 H20 ( 6)

Schemt 1 . (i) Ml'CN-water(l :l , v/v), ref lux , 30 h

(ii) Catechols, Et3N in CHCI3 - MeOH, stirr, under

N2 atmosphere

complexes are supported by C,H,N analyses and the data are given in Table 1.

The infrared spectra of Pt(RaaiMe)CI 2 (2) exhibit a sharp band at 1380 -1390 cm-1 for N=N vibration, which is lowered by 30 cm-1 from that of free li gand values (ca 1410 cm-1

). In the catecholato complexes (3) - (6), the N=N stretch appears at I 345 - I 350 cm-1

and the reduction of the frequency may be attributed to the ex tensive dn ( Pt)~ 7t* (RaaiM e) back bonding or 3b1 (cat) ~ 7t*(RaaiMe) charge transfer2


• The complex (2) give a strong stretch at 345 cm- 1 with a weak shoulder at 330 cm-1

• They are corresponding to two Pt-CI bond vibrations 12 in cis-PtC12 motif. In the catecholato complexes, these stretches di sappear and new bands appear at ca. 540-550 cm- 1 corresponding to v(Pt - 0) which supports catecholato binding. The appearance of a broad band centred at 3450 cm-1 sup­ports the presence of coordinated H20. Upon heating t e complexes at above 140°C, the green colour changes to brown-green and the IR spectra shows the disappearance of v (H20).

The absorption spectra of the complexes were re­corded in CHCI3 solution. The complexes Pt(RaaiMe)CI 2 (2) exhibit three absorption bands in the vis ibl e region ca. 415, 480 and 545 nm. The tran­sitions <400 nm are due to intraligand charge-transfer transi tions. The absorption spectra of the catecholato complexes (3) - (6) are entirely different from that of the parent complexes (2). The most s ignificant feature of the spectra is the appearance of a strong band with


E ~ 9.0

"' 7.0


, - , ' \

. r · ,'

/ / . ,- i / \_.···

/) - , ' .. . , , ·... . . \

\ -··· ·· ... ... . .

., 1.0 l.,---2::..:.:.:;-;S--~---;8;7;00.,--:~-~100JoO__o_.._.·-"' ... _ ;z(1Z00

.oo }..(nm) __..

Fig. 1- Eiectronic absorption spectra of [Pt(HaaiMe) (cat )] (- ): [Pt(HaaiMe) (tbcat)] (- - -); [Pt(HaaiMe) (dtbcat)] ( . . . . . ): and [Pt(HaaiMe) (tccat)] (- • -) in CH2CI2 at 298 K

a higher energy shoulder in the red to near-in frared region (Table 2, Fig. I) . The position of the band and its symmetry is dependent on the nature of the sub­stituent(s) in catechol and RaaiMe. In [Pt(MeaaiMe)(O,O)] (3b - 6b) the band moves to the shorter wavelength region while the reverse move­ment is observed in [Pt(CiaaiMe)(O,O)] (3c- 6c) with respect to [Pt(HaaiMe)(O,O)] (3a - 6a). Thi s is cer­tainly due to the effect of the substi tuent in RaaiMe; e lectron-donating-Me enhances the energy difference between the two states involved in the charge trans­ference process while electron-wi thdrawing -CI re­duces the gap compared to Haai Me. The wavelength movement of the absorption maxi ma fo r a particular RaaiM e in [Pt(RaaiMe)(O,O)] follows the order tccat < cat < tbcat < dtbcat. The transi tion is ass igned to ligand-to-ligand charge-transfer transi tion (LLCT) : HOMO(cat) ~ LUMO(RaaiM e). The electron­releasing effect of Bu' group expectedly increases the energy of HOMO. In the tccat, HOMO has lowest energy in the series because of electron-withdraw ing character of -CI groups. The LUMO is dominated by azoimidazole function. Thus the band originates from the charge transi tion from HOMO characteri sed by catechols to LUMO of hybrid functi on o f platinum(ll) and RaaiMe 3.4 .

The 1H NMR spectra of the complexes were re­corded in CDCI3 at 298 K. The signals are ass igned


Table 2-UV-vis spectralb and cyclic voltammetric datad

Compound" Amax(nm)(E, dm3 mor'cm' 1) Rcq/Rsq Rsq!Rq azo· /azo azo·2 I azo·


112• E2

112• -E3

112• -E4

112. VLLcrg eY f>E h l /2t

V(f>Ep) V(E>Er) V(f>Ep) V(f>Ep) v (2a) 542(493}", 480( 1216), 412(3680) 0.411 1.05[


(2b) 543(308)<, 412(727), 420(2270) 0.423 1.03[


(2c) 549(600f. 483(1273), 412(4136) 0.396 0.945[ (75)

(3a) 81 0(6769), 630(3338)<, 405( 18703) 0.432 0.822c 0.795 l . li 1.532 1.227 ( 120) (90)

(4a) 853(7159), 635(3543)<, 405( 12265) 0.377 0.651c 0.835 1.29 1.455 1.212 (100) ( 120) (140)

(Sa) 929(6370), 665(2240)c. 466(260W 0.290 0.548e 1.042 1.34 1.336 1.332 ( 100) (100) ( 120)

(6a) 725(5644 ), 590{3512)<, 407{ 11390) 0.682c 0.564 0.889 1.71 2 ( 120) ( 140)

(3b) 780(9483), 618{4352)<, 417(18766) 0.424 0.804c 0.842 1.19[ 1.591 1.266 (90) ( 120)

(4b) 830(5843), 630(2782)<, 417( 11280) 0.342 0.629 0.888 1.33 1.495 1.230 (95) ( 100) (110) (140)

(Sb) 896(3798). 650(2476)c,421 (II 079) 0.264 0.526 0.892 1.40[ 1.385 1. 156 ( 100) (95) (120)

(6b) 71 8(3608), 585(2308)<, 421 (8416) 0.616c 0.644 1.032 1.728 ( 130) ( 120)

(3c) 827(4132), 640(2893)c, 411(11781) 0.451 0.750e 0.628 1.061 1.501 1.079 ( 100) ( 125) (115)

(4c) 888( 4993), 653(2 136)<, 408( I 0930) 0.434 0.668 0.795 1.142 1.397 1.229 ( 100) ( 100) (130) ( 140)

(Sc) 957(6826), 670(2479)<. 474(4996), 0.323 0.567 0.833 1.295 1.297 1.156 406( 1 I 123) (100) ( 100) ( 120) ( 140)

(6c) 741(1215), 598( 1001 f , 407(3273) 0.740c 0.740e 0.593 0.593 1.675 ( 140) ( 140)

" All the compounds gave sati sfactory C, H, N analyses; " solvent is dichloromethane, c shoulder, d working electrode Pt-di sk, auxil -iary electrode Pt-wire, reference electrode SCE, supporting electrolyte [Bu4 N][CI04](0. 1 M), so lute concentration - I o·' M, pot en-tials are expressed in V, E 112 = 0.5(E.,a + Epc). f>EP = (Epa- Epc), mY c Epa is anodic peak potential , V; r Epc is cathodic peak potential. Y; ~LLCT = 1241 /A. (n m) eV; ht,E 112 = (E 1

11z- E3112) Y.

on the basis of spin-spin interaction and changes there-of on substitution. The proton numbering pat­tern is shown in Scheme I . The 1-Me signal in the complexes 2 appears at 4.1 - 4.2 ppm. Imidazole 4-and 5- H appear as singlet at 7.3 and 7.2 ppm, respec­ti vely and are downfi eld shifted by >0.2 ppm com­pared to the free ligand values5

. Thi s is in support to the binding of imidazole-N to Pt(ll) . Thi s is again supported by the coupling of 4-H with 195 Pt and the coupling constant is J= 20-22 Hz. The aryl protons (8-H - 12-H) are also downfield shifted on coordination to metal centre relative to the ligand values and are moved in usual manner4

• In the catecholato complexes (3) - (6) the RaaiMe protons, in general , suffer sig­nificant upfield shifting compared to that of Pt(RaaiMe)Ch by 0.1 - 0 .2 ppm. The upfield shift is

owing to the charge delocali sation from HOMO(cat) to LUMO(RaaiMe)4

• Only exception is the presence of a doublet at down fie ld, 7.9 - 8.4 ppm. This is as­signed to 8-H and may be accounted by considering the asymmetric orientation of the pendant aryl ring of the coordinated RaaiMe around the metal ion. This magnetically differentiates the 8-H and 12-H, whereas 8-H is considered stereochemically nearer to the metal centre5

. The coordination of RaaiMe to Pt(II) is again supported by the coupling of 4-H with 195 Pt (I = Y2, abundance 33 .7%). The coupling constant 3Jr,.H lies between 20 - 25 Hz9


. The catecholato ring protons appear in the upfield side in the spectra and is ex­pected due to electron releasing effect of catecholato oxygens. The Bu'-group appears at ca 1.30 ppm 111

[Pt(RaaiMe)(tbcat)] and ca 1.3, 1.4 ppm m

372 INDI AN 1. CHEM., SEC A, APRIL 200 1

[Pt(RaaiMe)(dtbcat)] complexes . Other protons in catechols ring appear in the usual manner3

.4 .

Thermal study of five complexes, Pt(RaaiMe)Ch (2b) and Pt(RaaiMe)(O ,O) (3b - 6b) were carried out in air under noni sothermal conditions. The complex 2b starts mass loss above 250°C and was not studied fu rther, while 3b- 6b exhibit weioht loss in the ranoe b b

120 - 140°C and the weight loss is equi valent to 0.5 mol of H20 followed by second mass loss above 250°C. This supports that the catecholato complexes include one mo l of H20 per couple of Pt(RaaiM e)(O,O) in their coordination zone.

Redox studies The catecholato complexes (3) - (6) exhibit three/

fo ur successive redox responses within the potential range + 1.5 to -1 .5 V versus SCE using g lassy carbon working electrode in acetonitrile under dinitrooen at-e mosphere in the presence of [Bu4N][CI04 ) as sup-port ing electrolyte. The redox data are g iven in Table 2. Two couples negative to SCE refer to azo reduc­ti ons and correspond to [N=N] I [N-N]" and [N-N]" I [N-N]"2

, peak-to-peak separati on (~Er > 90 mY) sup­ports quas ireversible character of the redox process. The redox responses positive to SCE are due to cate­chol oxidation (Eqn . I , Fi g. 2).

A~ ~ ... (l )

(Rcq) (Asq) (Aq)

First couple is ass igned to the redox pair catecho­lato (Rcq)/semiquinone (Rsq) and second couple cor­responds to semiquinone (Rsq)/quinone (Rq) . The degree of reversibility of the Rcq /Rsq couple vari es with the substituent(s) present in the catechol ring3

.4 .

The data in Table 2 reveal that E pa (anodic peak po­tential) is shi fted to more pos iti ve values due to the presence of electron withdrawing -CI g roups in Pt(RaaiM e)(tccat). Reversibility of tbcat and dtbcat compl exes may be due to the stabili sation of cation radical produced after oxidation via electron density fl ow fro m Bu1 group(s) into the catechol ring 11

• The di fference in potential fo r first reducti on and first ox i­dation is correlated with the LLCT transitions (Eqn. 2). Thi s supports the involvement o f same redox or­bi ta ls in charge transfer transition and redox reac tions.

VrT= 2.20 ~E 112 - 1.22 .. . (2)

Co111parison with pa//adiwn(/1) analogues The spectroscopic and redox property of

[Pt(RaaiX)(O,O)] are comparable with previously

---' ___.__,__ · 1.3 - I .1 -0 .9 -0.7 - 0.5 0.0 0.2 O.t. 0.6 0.8


Fig. 2-Cyclic Yo ltammogram of [Pt(HaaiM e) (Cat)] ( - ); (Pt(HaaiMe) (tbcat)] (-- -); [Pt( HaaiMe)(dtbcat)] (- · -); and Pt(Haa iMe) (tc cat)] ( . .. . ) in MeCN using GC-disk e lectrode

Table 3--Spectral and redox potenti al comparison of M(Meaai Me)(O,O), ( M = Pd , Pt )



Pd(MeaaiMe)( tbcat)


Pt(MeaaiM e)(cat)

Pt(MeaaiMe)( tbcat)






11 20




Rcq /Rsq (N::Ny I (N = N) E ,n _Y E112_Y (t.EP,mV)


0.5 1 (80) - 0.40 (80)

0.43 (70) - 0.46 (80)

0.34 (80) - 0.40 (70)

0.42 (90) -0.84 ( 120)

0.34 (95) - 0.88 ( 11 0)

0. 26 ( 100) - 0.89 ( 120)

reported Pd(RaaiX)(O,O) system4. Although the

spectral pattern of both the seri es of complexes is similar, the magnitude of the spectral transition en­ergy of platinum(II) complexes are higher than that of pall adium(ll) complexes. A represemati ve case is shown in Table 3. Thi s is also supported by the dec­rement o f Rcq/Rsq and increment of (N~Nr I (N = N) and (N- N f 2

/ (N~Nr redox potenti al data. Thi s may be due to the participation of Pt(ll ) drr-orbitals with the rr* (RaaiX) levels whi ch is relati vistically less effi-. . p ( 14 ctent 111 d II )-system . Thus metallo-li gand orbitals

are better stabili sed in bonding and equi valently de­stabili sed in antibonding molecular orbitals in Pt(lf)­complexes compared to Pd(ll)-complexes. The LLCT band is assigned as HOM0--7 LUMO charge shi ft ing and the energy difference is increased in [Pt(Raai X)(O,O)] than that of Pd(l l)-analogues. Similarly, electron ex tracti on from HO MO and ac­commodati on to LUMO are equally high energy de­manding in pl atinum(ll)-compl exes relati ve to analo­gous pall adium(Il ) complexes .


Acknowledgement We thank the CSIR, New Delhi for financial

assistance. Our sincere thanks are due to Prof. G N Mukherjee, Calcutta University for recording UY­Yis-NIR spectra and Prof. N Roy Choudhury, lACS, Calcutta, India, for thermal studies.

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