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ILE - francois-garet.e-monsite.com

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illustration and descriptions useful to spot each Socionics type ILE revolutionary innovative : ILEs dislike the static conservative world, they despise people who want to conserve things as they always been. They see the mistakes in the system and can’t live with it’s imperfections and are advocate of global reconstruction (Black intuition grasping of the essence and desire of change White logic structural thinking ). John Maynard Keynes and Morpheus as typical ILEs both saw what was the problem in the previous system (the classical economy and the matrix) and fight for replace it by a new system. Uncompromising but tolerant as any white logic user ILEs defend their world-view with firmness and ferocity, they are skillful debaters able to defend the foundation of their though as much as competent for deconstruct others’s. But even if they are very critical about the ideas of someone they would never despise anybody because they have antagonistic views. They make a strict separation between ideas and individuals. For example John Maynard Keynes was a close friend with Hayek even if their opinion was totally opposed. Tactless but kind Diplomacy is not ILE’s cup of tea, they tend to say what’s in their mind and value honesty above everything. Because of this they often hurt people who care for them even if it’s certainly not their intention (vulnerable white ethic). They are comparable to child they always want to do the good thing. They are helpful, selfless individuals but unable to close their mouth. Albert Einstein and Gregory House can be quoted as good fictional example of this infantile personality traits very common in ILEs. Curious adventurer there is nothing ILEs dislike less than the unimaginative and repetitive everyday life, they want change, if not they feel bored and unchained, they want to experience new things, they want a new adventure for each day, they are curious of everything that is new (a new concept, a new civilization etc…). that’s why they are natural adventurer. Doctor Who and Christopher Columbus illustrate it perfectly.
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illustration and descriptions useful to spot each Socionics type

ILErevolutionary innovative: ILEs dislike the staticconservative world, they despise people who want toconserve things as they always been. They see the mistakesin the system and can’t live with it’s imperfections and areadvocate of global reconstruction (Black intuition graspingof the essence and desire of change White logic structuralthinking ). John Maynard Keynes and Morpheus as typicalILEs both saw what was the problem in the previoussystem (the classical economy and the matrix) and fight forreplace it by a new system.

Uncompromising but tolerant as any white logic user ILEs defend their world-view with firmness andferocity, they are skillful debaters able to defend the foundation of their thoughas much as competent for deconstruct others’s. But even if they are verycritical about the ideas of someone they would never despise anybody becausethey have antagonistic views. They make a strict separation between ideas andindividuals. For example John Maynard Keynes was a close friend with Hayekeven if their opinion was totally opposed.

Tactless but kindDiplomacy is not ILE’s cup of tea, they tendto say what’s in their mind and value honestyabove everything. Because of this they oftenhurt people who care for them even if it’scertainly not their intention (vulnerable whiteethic). They are comparable to child they always want to do the good thing.They are helpful, selfless individuals but unable to close their mouth.Albert Einstein and Gregory House can be quoted as good fictionalexample of this infantile personality traits very common in ILEs.

Curious adventurer there is nothing ILEs dislike less than theunimaginative and repetitive everyday life, they wantchange, if not they feel bored and unchained, they wantto experience new things, they want a new adventurefor each day, they are curious of everything that is new(a new concept, a new civilization etc…). that’s why they are natural adventurer. Doctor Who andChristopher Columbus illustrate it perfectly.

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peaceful hedonists who enjoy simplicity

SEI seek nothing more than a safe place without noise where theycould enjoy the pleasure of life with their friends (white sensing +black ethic). They don’t care about the “grandiose” projects, theydistrust this kind of things and often see this kind of movements asa potential threat against happiness and think that people shouldenjoy the sweetest aspects of life instead of seeing exclusivelywhat’s wrong in the society. Winnie the pooh is easily the bestfictional illustration of SEI’s kind simplicity.

Pragmatic peacemakerSEI dislike conflict and antagonism, they arenot at their ease in that kind of atmosphere, butfortunately for them they have the gift ofappeasing tension. They have the pragmatismfor understanding that compromise can behelpful to accomplish a common goal. For thisreason they are often the diplomatic core oftheir group. The french diplomatist Talleyrandand the fairy Flora in the Winx Club cartoon can be quoted as good example of this aspect inSEIs.

Realists who kept their sense of humor

even if SEIs rarely go outside what people call“common sense” their mind can be very inventivefor everything that could bring a positive laugh oran authentic smile, they are often gifted by a subtleand almost childish sense humor who can seemcontradictory with their earthy nature. The frenchpresident François Hollande and Sakata Gintokifrom Gintama are perfect examples of it.

Lovers of the nature SEI have positive view about the nature, they see it as a peacefulenvironment that must be protected and a perfect place where youcan think, laugh, dream and enjoy aesthetic beauty fully. Epicure’sgarden is the ideal for any SEI in the world

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passionate defender of the oppressed it’s almost impossible for an ESEs to go against hisemotion, but one emotion is particularly impossible towipe off in their heart, it’s the feeling of injustice, theycan easily use all their huge passion (black ethicpassionate soul) to defend those who visibly feel pain(White sensing pain avoiding) and become advocate of acause that they believe just. The french writer VictorHugo and Emiya Shirou from the saga Fate can be quotedas Example.

Hedonist entertainer as any white sensing ego ESEs love stimulate their senseat a high level, they enjoy a party more than anyonebecause it’s the place where passions (black ethic) andsensory pleasure mix. They are able to create anatmosphere of fun and entertainment because they aretalented actor as much as they are a “fun company”. Thisentertaining side of their personality can be illustrate byPenny in the big bang theory but also Robin Williams.

Grounded Idealistsas any sensor ESEs have a grounded nature, they can like to heardtheoretical solutions but for them utopia must be think from the “realworld” around them and have to be practical. The philosopher Engels’s“scientific socialism” answer against “utopian socialism” is a perfectexample.

Born motivator

Emotions (black ethic) and optimism (whitesensing) in ESEs are very strong and they are areable to share it to almost anyone. For this reasonsthey are excellent motivator, coach or publicspeaker. The coach Richard Hoover from littlemiss sunshine is a good example.

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LIIorganized seeker of the truth

LIIs want to understand the essence of the world inall it’s aspects, they have a natural curiosity whomay lead them to an obsession about meanings(white logic). But fortunately for them they areoften gifted of an organized mind who permit themto find clarity and truth from the mist (white logicand Black intuition). Neo from Matrix and thephilosopher Plato both know how to understandthe essences of things behind appearances.

Utopian justice seeker

LIIs believe in eternal Principe like truth, justice, honesty, fairness etc… theyare guided by those principle and want to turn those value into universalprinciple for a fair and harmonic society. For this reason they are oftenUtopian ideologist advocate of a better world. The french philosopher SaintSimon who wanted to create an Utopian christian-socialist society is a goodillustration of it.

Wisdom is the greatest virtue for them

for LIIs the seeking of knowledge is not a goal for itself,knowledge is a mean to find wisdom. They think thateveryone should learn temperance, patience and dedicationfor finding peace. They are often patient teacher but withhigh expectation(white logic is connected with exigence).Gandalf is one of the most famous LII mentor figure infiction.

A subtle mix of formality and childish innocence

LIIs may seem overly formal, severe and coldaccording to strangers probably because of theirprofessional temper but in contradiction to thistemper they also have an idealism almost naive andan playful and absurd sense of humor in a lessformal environment often used for an educativepurpose. Yoda show it as well as the cartoonistScott Adams.

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Determination and stubbornness at the service of an ideology

LSIs have a precise and uncompromising worldview anddefend it with ferocity (white logic). They want to see theworld bend to their worldview and have no problemusing brutal strength (black sensing) against everythingthat stand against their vision. Rorschach from thecomics Watchmen as well as the Russian dictator Stalinfit to this description.

Everything must be planned, defined and controlled

For LSIs there is no room for spontaneity, improvisation andindividual freedom, LSIs fear change, the unknown and theunpredictable and are certainly not uncommonly associatedwith paranoia (vulnerable black intuition).For this reason theywant to classify (white logic), plan and control (black logic)everything in their environment for feeling safe. The tsarNicholas I and Batman both share this characteristic typical of LSI.

Bestiality and ambition behind the exemplar being

LSIs look as a dutiful, cultured, strict and civilized gentleman in the eyeof any stranger. But this appearances often hide feeling far more “non-exemplar” like desire of vengeance,cruelty, need for domination,tribalism or strong sexual appetite . The LSIs roman emperor Domitianwas knew for his public dignity as well as his animal ferocity against hisopponents, his sadism and his sexual adventures.

Loyalty towards a concrete structure

Like any Ti base, LSIs believe that the world is all aboutsystems but unlike alphas white logic user their system ofpredilection are not abstract theoretical universal conceptlike formal logic, mathematics or progressiveinternationalist ideologies. LSIs as sensor live according toconcrete system like laws, belonging towards a specificaffiliation like a military structure, a political field or a national belonging, they often are thebiting dog of their system. Darth Vader and Stalin both fit to this description.

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Theatrical speaker

EIEs are gifted by excellent acting skill and grandioseoratorical performance, they know how to deliver aspeech with passion and bring exaltation into people’smind (black ethic), they are theatrical people whodon’t fear grandiloquence and abstract poetic figure(white intuition) . They are absorbed by their own roleand are able to captivate people’s mind. GellertGrindelwald from Fantastic Beasts and the russianpolitician/writer Eduard Limonov both used this gifts for meeting their ambitions.

Nostalgic but visionary

EIE have a particularly intense and personal sense of time (white intuition),they are often nostalgic about a “greater and powerful time”. Their mind arehaunted by symbol of the ancient figure and civilization that they idolize. Butthey are not nostalgic by conservatism but because they feel that the oldsystem is the best for a long term perspective. The french philosopher Josephde Maistre’s defense of monarchism is a perfect example of EIE’s kind ofreasoning (but not all EIE are royalist of course).

Childish Ambition

EIE dreams about changing the whole world and often are power hungry.Their quick-mind and their talent for intrigue often lead them to their goalwith efficiency. But EIE are disconnected from basic trivial matternecessary for ruling and only are interested by the abstract part of politicand their childish pleasure of commanding. Commodus from Gladiator isa typical illustration of it.

Always extreme

for EIE they are no such thing as balance, when in a good moodthey are joyful and enthusiastic people who love to entertain peoplewith an unique sense of humor, but at their worst they are submergedby negative emotions such as anxiety, hate, desire of violence anddepressive though, they are also always extreme in their politicalopinion, you can easily see an EIE at the far right, at the far left butyou could never see a centrist EIE. Obito Uchiha and Napoleon IIIwas both knew for their political extremism as well as their emotivenature .

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determination and force at the service of ambition SLEs are ambitious people who always seek to increasetheir influence. They believe in the force of will and seelife as an eternal struggle. They know how to enjoy itand love taste the feeling of victory and violence againsttheir environments (Black sensing). They combine theirforce of character with a tunnel-vision (white logic) tomeet their goal. Peter the Great and Emperor Zarkonboth fit to this description.

Authoritarian conquerors SLEs want to be at the top of their hierarchy and oftensucceed to meet their goal. Once they are in a powerposition they know how to mobilize every force of thegroup and how to use force to increase their authority.Their commanding style is rigid (white logic) butalways able to adapt itself to crisis to meet practicalgoal of expansion and influence. Because of this skillsSLE tend to succeed well in the strategic military fieldlike the colonel Mustang from Full-metal alchemist and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Argumentative punditSLE love controversy, they see it as an opportunity to awake their desireof confrontation (black sensing) and their ideological mind (white logic).They have a strong critical thinking and a tactless persona but unlikeILEs, they rarely want to stay in a speculative position they want to havean active practical role for fighting for their ideas, intellectuals of thistype are always active in politics . Lenin’s “What Is to Be Done?” is thekind of SLE’s intellectualism.

fear of weakness guide them SLE fear to be weak or appear as weak towards other. For thisreason they often hide their insecurities behind a mask ofrebelliousness and a rough communicating style, they also fearto create strong link with other that could hurt them and makethem weaker (vulnerable white ethic ). Asuka Langley fromNeon Genesis Evangelion is the perfect illustration of it.

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eternal fantasy loverwhen you met an IEI the first things that younotice about them it’s how they are “head inthe cloud” (white intuition) . Indeed IEIspend most of their time in their mind. Theyare often charmed by world of knight anddragons, their imaginary is full of passion,tragic forbidden love and heroic sacrifice (black ethics). They oppose thisimaginary to an industrial self-interested world that they despise. J.R.RTolkien’s critic of the industrial world in his lord of ring saga could bequoted as an example. Another famous fantasy lover is Belle from Beauty and the Beast .

passionate storytellerdespite being shy and passive most of time, IEI are ableto captivate the attention of people with metaphoricfigure (white intuition) and an hypnotizing and authenticcommunicating style (black ethic). But even if they aregifted in communication they tend to prefer writing overusing their oratorical ability because of their non-obstructive nature. They tend to be incredible story-teller and writer like the french pundit Henri Guilleminand Frodo Baggins from Lord of rings

elitists and critical in art, democratic and easygoing in relationship IEI are often interest towards arts (Black ethics), they often are writer, poets,filmmaker and art critic, they value those arts more than anything in the worldand feel as an insult toward art when someone fail to do a good performance intheir field of competence .For this reason they can be seen as elitist. This elitistnature is in contract with their tendency to threat everyone nicely and equallywithout judgment in their everyday life. Jean Jacques Rousseau was known forbeing a democrat (as the true sense of democrat) but also quite elitist about art.

the attraction towards evil behind innocence

IEI appear as nice and non-aggressive and often are but despise this imagethey tend to be hypnotized towards dark figure, absolutism and violence(like any Beta). Some IEI even don’t have anything against the negativepassions and see it as a part of human authenticity. They can even embraceit as a potential for good purpose when they went too far. Vakama from the bionicle saga who was temporally hypnotized by the dark side by Roodakais a good fictionnal example.

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cynical dreamer

ILIs spend most of their time in they head(white intuition). They are detached, aboutthe external world as much as they aredetached towards passion (vulnerable blackethic). They despise the superficial andordinary world and prefer to spend theirtime in their inner world. But unlike IEIs,ILIs’s world is full of cynicism (black logic) and pessimism and totally opposedto “good feelings”. They like to make fun about the emptiness and the lack ofconsistencies of those around them. Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from Clasroom of theElite and the writer George.R.R Martin are perfect example of ILIs’s detached cynicism.

Accumulation at the service of individualism

ILIs seek independence more than any other type.They don’t want to rely on anyone for this reasonsthey tend to accumulate a lot of knowledge andresources. But the seeking of knowledge and moneycan easily become a goal for itself in the eye of theILIs who can loose their most precious possessions because of it . The frenchwriter Balzac’s well known obsession about money and Nox obsession aboutthe heliacub in Wakfu that made him lost his family are good real and fictionnalexamples.

Skeptical adviser

ILIs are focus on any future possibilities (white intuition) and requireevidence (black logic), that’s why they are skeptic towards those who canmake promise that may reveal to be empty in the future. They are alwaysfocus about the “what could be” and the “maybe”. They are full of doubtand share those doubts for avoiding potential mistake. Despite beingasocial most of time they often play the role of reason in groups. Themathematician Ian Malcom from Jurassic Park have this role.

Unique sense of time

ILI are very attentive towards history (white intuition), they are able tolearn from the past to understanding future possibilities, they love totheorize about how the sense of history could change if x things happens.This passion about history make them often able to predict future eventsand potential danger. The Philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville predicted theascension of modern liberal “democracy” but also fear egalitarianism thatcame with it.

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success oriented

SEEs have a huge will that they use to accomplish theirgoal (black sensing). They want to be at the top of theirsociety and seek fame, influence and admiration (Blacksensing+ white ethic). They are able to easily create linkwith those could increase their position because of theirability to be charming and sociable (blacksensing+white ethic). SEEs are one of the mostambitious type and probably the least likely person able to support not being at the top. Franklin D Roosevelt and Frank Underwood from House of cards are two noticeable example of SEEs that match with this traits.

Charismatic leader

SEEs can be effective leader who manage peopleand resource with a great efficiency(blacksensing). But unlike SLEs they don’t feel theneed to create rigid rules and impersonalhierarchy, they prefer and are able to create anaura of trust that will make other following theirleadership by themselves. Their leadership tend to be mix of authoritarianismand laissez-faire. Sinbad from the anime Magi and the french presidentNicolas Sarkozy both share this leadership abilities.

Headstrong but diplomatic

SEEs have big skill of persuasion, their brutal headstrong and downto earth temper is useful to them in confrontation, but unlike SLEthey can easily being diplomatic and tactful. Unlike SLE they are notdogmatic people (vulnerable white logic). It help them to convinceother and create mutual understanding (white ethic). NarutoUzumaki’s ability to convince his opponents as well as hisheadstrong character is typical of SEEs.

Always overcome their limits

SEEs love a good fight, they are natural competitors who enjoystruggle but their seeking of combat is rather a seeking of adrenalineand a desire to overcome their own limits rather than a seeking ofviolence or destruction of their opponents. SEEs dislike any kind oflimits (vulnerable Ti) and see anything that limit them as obstacle thatthey have to destroy. Julius Caesar destruction of his political limits isa good example of this.

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Tradition keepers

ESIs (just like LSI) dislike change (vulnerable blackintuition), they tend to be careful about social norms(white ethic) and dislike when they are broken. They seekstability and see the traditional as more safe than theunknown. They are likely to be determined enforcer (blacksensing) of traditions but are unlikely to be violent in theirconservatism (unlike LSI). In France, the former primeminister François Fillon can be quoted as a good exampleof ESIs’s conservatism. Princess Allura’s desire ofconservation of altean tradition in the american TV show Voltron: Legendary defender suits to this ESIs characteristics as well.

perfect behavior is required

ESI seek perfection, they are hard-worker, honorable (for most), and polite incommunication. They dislike rudeness, cruelty and brutality (white ethic base)and don’t fear to confront those who act “badly” according to them (blacksensing). ESI tend to be moralistic person which can be quite annoying for theirsurrounding. Captain America is a typical ESI hero as well as George Washingtonis a typical ESI politician.

soft but strong ESI tend to be tactful, empathetic and nice with their surrounding (white ethic).But besides this soft character with others, they can become surprisinglyconfrontational and willful when someone oppose to them. This change is oftensurprising for a lot of people. Harry S Truman’s frontal opposition against theUSSR quite opposed to his personality is a good historical example.

a mix between strictness and kindness ESI are firm and strict and put discipline inhigh value (like LSI), but unlike their betacousin they see kindness as a naturalcounterpart of their rough style. They caneasily manage people’s emotion in puttinga balance between roughness and softness.Mufasa from the Lion King as much as Queen Elizabeth II parentalfigure came from this mix.

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optimists world reformersLIEs have a big enthusiasm about future, they have aclear vision of history (white intuition), they see theworld as a linear evolution towards progress, humanismand the expansion of scientific values. But unlike whitelogic user, LIEs see progressive change step by step asa better solution for an upgrade rather than globalreconstruction (black logic). They are often liberalreformists in politics for this reasons. Both J.F Kennedyand Wendy Testaburger from South Park belong to this type.

scientific mind at the service of progress LIEs have quality that are required for a scientific, they are skeptic, ableto deal with concept, require empirical data (black logic+ intuitive), theyseek neutrality more than any other type. They tend to see science as thebest defender of humanity and the best enemy against intolerance andprejudice. Francis Bacon is a good example of this character.

Grandiloquent entrepreneur LIEs have an eye on potential investmentmore than anyone(black logic), they don’tfear to invest in grandiloquent project whomay be risky, they feel that the future needa good use of resources for greatness(blacklogic + white intuition). They are amongthe most enthusiast about innovations. Forthis reason LIE often are entrepreneur. Both Elon Musk and Tony Starkare grandiloquent LIE entrepreneur.

Individualists but egalitarianLIEs like all gamma refer himself as an individual rather than amember of a belonging. They want to be independent and dislikeany attempt against individual freedom. But unlike most ILI, LIEsee the material wealth as correlate with the ability of exercisingfreedom, that’s why they tend to be in favor of social justice. RobinHood is a good example of LIE.

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down to earth productivistLSEs want to accumulate the most resourcespossible (Black logic) for assuring material well-being for themselves or/and their close one(whitesensing). They easily manage money and areable to understand the importance of innovationand risk despite their conservative and prudenttemper. LSEs unlike LIEs prefer to focus onconcreteness (white sensing) and dislike projectthat seem to grandiloquent or too theoretic (white intuition vulnerable). Theyare common in industrial field for this abilities. Scrooge Mc Duck and HenryFord both belong to this type.

Non confrontational but firm.LSEs want to be let in peace and dislike noise (whitesensing), they see confrontational and provocative behavioras potential trouble against efficiency (black logic) andharmony (white sensing), they despise rooster behavior anddon’t fear to be firm and authoritarian if they see somebehavior that might be an obstacle against their core value.Angela Merkel and Hermione Granger both share thischaracteristics.

Lover of beautyLSEs may look like insensitive and unimaginative because of the association oftheir down to earth and hard-worker temper but they are probably among thetype with the strongest aesthetic sensibility. They have an eye about physicalharmony (white sensing) and are receptive towards the sensuality of whateverare in their environment. Their strict and austere facade often hide coquettishtemper. Kim Possible’s focus about fashion is a good example.

Neutrality seekerLSE dislike extremism and any kind of excess. They fear brutal change(reactionary or revolutionary) that may be a threat against peacefulness(white sensing.) their skepticism (black logic) and their down to earthtemper (white sensing) lead them towards a suspicion against any kind ofidealist (common sense signification) proposition. Edmund Burke’scriticism of Jean Jacques Rousseau social’s contract and frenchrevolution is based on it’s abstract and “extreme” nature.

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generous idealists strongly opposed towards violenceEIIs believe in ideals of generosity, non-aggressiveness, kindness and correctness (white ethic),they believe in the hidden potentiality of the world andwant to awake those positive possibilities (blackintuition). EIIs want to change the world indeed, butthey are strongly opposed to any kind of cruel brutality(vulnerable black sensing) to achieve their dreams.This type is common for humanists (common sensesignification) like Nelson Mandela or Superman.

Caring and tactful teacherLike ESIs, EIIs tend to be commonly attracted towards the personaldevelopments of people around them (white ethic), they want to transmittheir ethical view towards people and tend to play the role of the teacher.But unlike ESI they don’t believe in punishment as a good method ofteaching and prefer encouraging freedom and prefer a more tolerantteaching style. Unlike LII they seek strong link with students and don’t wantto do strong criticism towards their student and see kindness as a motivatorfor the student. Remus Lupin is a good example of this type.

Relationship oriented nurturerEII are deeply concerned by relationship, they are a lot ofconcern by inter-subjectivity and creating harmoniousand intimate link with people. They easily spread theiroptimism in their surrounding (black intuition) and havegood people skill. They are not only interested asrelationship for itself but also see it as a way to stimulatetheir mind. J.K Rowling focused her books onrelationship between character and Teddy Duncan fromGood Luck Charlie put a big emphasis on relationship onvideo she made for her little sister.

talented people analystEII have the gift of understand people easily and instinctively (likeany white ethic ego), they are among the most likely to try tounderstand the most intimate dilemma and turn it into books.Dostoevsky’s whole work show many existentialist and inter-subjective dilemma quite typical of EII’s center of interest.

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news seeker who fight any kind of border IEEs dislike any kind of border (vulnerablewhite logic) they see limitation as an obstacleagainst their curiosity (black intuition mysteryloving). They are likely to believe in theimportance of communication (black intuition+ white ethic) and to fight for the journalisticfreedom. Many journalist fictional or realbelong to this type. Loïs Lane and Arianna Huffington both share thistype.

Natural seducer eager of intellectual stimulationIEE easily create link with people (white ethic) and know whengrabbing an opportunity (black intuition) for seduce them (notobligatory in a sensual/ sexual meaning of seduction). They havean intuitive understanding of people, it’s almost like they couldread in their mind. But unlike EII or ESI they don’t see this talentas a sacred things that have to be used only for ethical reason.Unlike SEE they are not interested at using this gift for earningpower. They are more likely to see it as a game to stimulate theirmind and having an interesting and sympathetic discussion(blackintuition). The french journalist Frédéric Taddéi is known for creating circle of link intellectual discussion in most of his shows.

Tolerant but judgmentalIEEs dislike those who try to impose rigid norms to other(vulnerable white logic). They dislike those who want toimpose their views on someone and think that everyoneshould be left free of their belief. But despise this temper theyare likely to have moralistic tendencies (white ethic). PhoebeBuffay from Friends is a typical exemple of this type’s kind ofdichotomy between tolerance and judgment.

Structure destroyerIEEs dislike structure and tend to be naturaladvocate of their deconstruction. But unlikeILEs they are unlikely to want to create anew structure to replace the old one. IEEare natural troubleshooter who enjoyspontaneity and the absence of control. Forthis reason they are often portrayed as advocate of chaos. Daniel Cohn Benditand the Joker both are portrayed as chaos bringer by their opponents.

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pragmatic comfort seekerSLI is the type the most likely to seekmaterial well being and tranquility (whitesensing). They know how the world work and know how to adapt themselves to it(black logic). Their ambition is rarely tochange the world, to be in the middle ofpassion (vulnerable black ethic) their ambition is more likely to have atranquil and even sometimes expansive lifestyle far from the look ofothers. Bronn from Game of thrones and the french politician PatrickBalkany were both knew to their dirty method to win comfort and wealth.

Practical logicSLIs tend to dislike unpractical intellectualism and strangeextrapolation and see it as a waste of time. They are more likelyto see logic as a mean to increase happiness and solve practicalproblem. Unlike ILIs, their natural ability to understand causalmechanism (black logic) is unlikely to be used in abstract fieldbut rather in technology building. Cid Highwind belong to thistype. The philosopher Michel Onfray wo is known for his criticof abstract philosophy and his practical philosophy belong to this type as well.

phlegmatic but efficientSLIs tend to behave like they were individual without any passion(vulnerable black ethic), they have the habits to enjoy the present momentand to not hurry (white sensing). This two characteristics make them looklike lazy and unproductive individual. But unlike SEIs they know how to getthe job done for earn tranquility and rewards (black logic). This apatheticand lazy but efficient temper characteristic of SLI is perfectly shown bySaitama in the anime One Punch Man .

Cynical “realism”SLI are likely to think that any kind of enthusiasm for changing the world isstupid and ridiculous. They have a pessimistic view of the world and don’tbelieve in the change of it’s mechanism (black logic + sensor). Their politicalviews tend to think that every politician is corrupted and think that there is noalternative coming from them. Gerard Depardieu’s actual political viewsperfectly reflect this reasoning.
