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Iliad Interlinear Book 1

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The Iliad of Homer a Parsed Interlinear Text is presented in its entirety together with morphological tags, lemmas, and English glosses. More info: http://www.amazon.com/Iliad-Homer-Parsed-Interlinear-Text/dp/1607252988
The Iliad of Homer A Parsed Interlinear Text COMPILED AND PARSED BY John James Jackson

Iliad of HomerA Parsed Interlinear Text



The Iliad of HomerA Parsed Interlinear Text

John James Jackson

2008 John James Jackson TX 6-846-539


CONTENTSchapter / book PREFACE NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page II III IV VIII 1 42 102 134 172 234 271 306 345 395 436 494 527 585 622 673 733 786 829 860 895 938 974 1035




PREFACEMy purpose has been to produce an interlinear that is both inductive and deductive in approach. The text is intended to serve as a living grammar and to provide a platform for comprehensive study. J. Jackson


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTo Mary Miner. Malcolm D. Hyman. (Harvard). for his work in producing the Arboreal program. http://archimedes.fas.harvard.edu/euclid/euclid_paper.pdf Gregory Crane. (Tufts University). for his Greek parser (Morpheus,) available through Donatus. http://archimedes.fas.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/donates Ahuvia Kahane and Martin Mueller. (Northwestern University). For the Chicago Homer, an excellent electronic resource. http://www.library.northwestern.edu/homer/ Special thanks to Michael Hannel for his ceaseless encouragement and feedback.


NOTESNouns (gender-neutral): Is it a steed or a mare, a bull or a cow? Gender has been assigned to forms of the noun that are normally parsed as gender neutral, such as , , etc. For example [IL.16.148-149 ] either and , the immortal steeds of Achilles, or , can form the basis for the assignment of masculine to . This is due to the agreement with the masculine adjective , or in the absence of the adjective, a contextual agreement1 with the two steeds . Adverbs of place: The forms , , , etc. and place names , , etc. have been assigned (Adverb, Place).2 The Article/Pronoun: , , , Many of the grammars neglect to give adequate treatment to the definite article, often presenting the article in a first lesson, some even reducing it to the equivalent of an English the. Do not be lulled into complacency by this treatment of the article and avoid the tendency to import our modern use of the definite article into Homer. In Homer, the line of distinction between article and pronoun is indeed a blurry one. In fact some have denied the existence of the definite article in Homer, while others have cited its sparse usage as evidence of corruption,3 or to support a theory of an original Iliad (Ur-Ilias).4 Homeric authorities taking account of , , , used as a definite article are generally in agreement on its assignment.5 In this volume you will find , , parsed as a definite article 385 times, and as a pronoun 3064 times.


an agreement, semantic or morphological that may transcend sentence boundaries. Apollonius Dyscolus. . (201.1): , , , . ... , . ... , Walter Leaf. (1900) The Iliad By Homerus, London Wolf, (1795). Prolegomena ad Homerum, Halle, W. Christ. (1884). Homer oder Homeriden, Munich.




5 Kotch. (1872),. De Articulo Homerico, Leipzig, (1909). Homer and the Iliad, Cambridge, Stummer. (1886). Ueber den Artikel bei Homer, Schweinfurt. But note that LSJ goes further in assigning , , , to the pronoun class i.e. (that venerable man Chryses), (he Tydeus' famous son), (Nestor that aged man).


The text of Monro and Allen's 1920 edition of the Iliad contains a total of 111,862 words, generated from 21,418 unique wordforms. These, when lemmatized, yield 18,430 unique dictionary headwords. Upon further analysis we find 12,766 unambiguous forms (those with only one morphological parse). Forms of this type were parsed by the use of an automatic parser1 thus reducing the corpus to 8,652 ambiguous wordforms. Additionally we find that wordform to lemma assignment exhibit fewer than 200 ambiguous relationships. In addition to an automatic parser, lexicon driven knowledge based systems were created to resolve areas not handled by the parser.2 Table 1, Homeric Lemma Index (example LSJ)Index Lemma Ref.

4416 6009 6041 2397 5757 5913 6281 4897 6368 410

Od.1.1 Od.1.1 Od.1.1 Od.1.2 Od.1.2 Od.1.2 Od.1.2 Od.1.3 Od.1.5 Od.1.6


Automatic morphological parsing system for Greek; Morpheus (Gregory Crane, Tufts University) Index used for automatic search and retrieval derived from electronic versions of LSJ and Autenrieth. (The use of


Homeric indexes of Gehring and Seber plus the concordance of Prendergast has also proven to be of great value.)


Table 3, Blank Verse CorrelationLeconte, French, 1874 Murray, English, 1924 Voss, German, 1793 Estalella, Spanish, 1908 Monro & Allen, Greek, 1920

Book 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Lines 611 877 461 544 909 529 482 565 713 579 848 471 837 522 746 867 761 617 424 503 611 515 897 804

235,236,237,238 188, 246 458,459,460,461 543 592 269 577 646 614,615 606 543 548,550,551,552 458,459,460,461 543



Abbreviationsaccusative = acc adjective = adj adverb = adv aorist = aor conjunction = conj dative = dat demonstrative = dem feminine = f first person = 1 genitive = gen geographic = geo imperative = imperat imperfect = imperf indefinite = ind_ indicative = ind infinitive = inf interrogative = int masculine = m negative = neg neuter = n nominative = nom optative = opt participle = part personal = per plural = pl preposition = prep present = pres pronoun = pro second person = 2 singular = sg subjunctive = subj third person = 3 vocative = voc


This interlinear text is based on the following Greek text:Monro, D. B. and Allen, T. W. (1920): Homer, Iliad, books 1-24, Oxford

English translation (text has been verse aligned to the Greek):Murray, A.T. (1924). The Iliad with an English Translation, London


BIBLIOGRAPHYAutenrieth, Georg. (1891). A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges, New York Claverhouse, Richard Jebb. (1887). Homer: An Introduction to the Iliad and the Odyssey, Glasgow Cunliffe, Richard John. (1924). A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect, Oklahoma Erbse, Hartmut. (1969). Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem (Scholia Vetera), Berlin Gehring, Augustus. (1891). Index Homericus, Leipzig Goodwin, William Watson. (1894). A School Greek Grammar, London Heyne, C. G. (1804). Homeri Ilias, London Hyman, Malcolm D. (2003). Greek and Roman Grammarians on Motion Verbs, and Place Adverbials, Harvard Liddell, H. G., Scott, R., Jones, H. S., & McKenzie, R. (1996) . A Greek-English lexicon, Oxford Meader, Clarence Linton. Editor. (1910). Latin Philology, London Middleton, Thomas Fanshaw. (1833). The Doctrine of the Greek Article, London Monro, David Binning. (1891). A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect, Oxford Mller, Friedrich Max. (1869). Lectures on the Science of Language, London Packard, David W. (1973). Computer-assisted morphological analysis of ancient Greek, Pisa Peile, John. (1877). Philology, New York Pharr, Clyde. (1959). Homeric Greek: A Book for Beginners, Oklahoma Prendergast, Guy Lushington. (1869). A Complete Concordance to the Iliad of Homer, London La Roche, J. (1873). Homeri Ilias, Leipzig Rutherford, R. B. (1992). Odyssey: Books XIX and XX, Cambridge Seber, Wolfgang. (1780). Index Vocabulorum in Homeri Iliade atque Odyssea, Oxford Seymour, Thomas Day. (1902). Introduction to the Language and Verse of Homer, Boston Smyth, Herbert Weir. (1916). A Greek Grammar for Colleges, Harvard Stanwell, F. Melian. (1909). Homer and the Iliad, Cambridge Scott, John Adams. (1921). The Unity of Homer, Berkeley Wagnon, A. (1880). Le pronom didentit et la formule du rflchi dans Homre, Genve



noun, f, acc, sg wrath, anger

verb, pres, imperat, act, 2, sg sing,

noun, f, voc, sg goddess,

name, m , gen, sg son of Peleus,

name, m , gen, sg Achilles,

The wrath sing, goddess, of Peleus' son, Achilles, that2

,adj, f, acc, sg destructive, baneful

rel_pron, f, nom, sg which,

'adj, n, acc, pl numberless, countless

name, m , dat, pl Achaian,

'noun, n, acc, pl pain,

,verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg set, put

destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the 'particle, but, and


adj, f, acc, pl many,

adj, f, acc, pl stout, strong

noun, f, acc, pl departed spirit, life

name, m , dat, sg Hades,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg send forward, send untimely

Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades many valiant souls4

,noun, m , gen, pl warrior, hero

per_pro_3, m , acc, pl self,

particle, but, and

noun, n, acc, pl booty, spoil

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg make ready, make

noun, m , dat, pl dog,

of heroes, and made them themselves spoil for dogs and5

noun, m , dat, pl large bird, bird of prey

particle, and,

adj, m , dat, pl all, the whole

name, m , gen, sg Zeus,

'particle, but, and

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg complete, fulfil

,noun, f, nom, sg will, council, advice

every bird; thus the plan of Zeus came to fulfillment,6

prep, from out of,

adv, where, him, her

particle, exactness,

article, n, acc, pl the, that

adj, n, acc, pl before, first

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, dual set apart, place separately

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, dual strive, wrangle

from the time when first they parted in strife Atreus' son, king7

name, m , nom, sg son of Atreus,

particle, and,

noun, m , nom, sg lord, master

noun, m , gen, pl man,

conj, and, also

adj, m , nom, sg god-like, divine

.name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

of men, and brilliant Achilles. Who then of the gods was8

int_pro, m , nom, sg who? which?,

'particle, and,

particle, straightway,

per_pro, acc, 3, dual they,

noun, m , gen, pl God,

noun, f, dat, sg strife, quarrel

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg bring or set together,

verb, pres, inf, mp, fight,

it that brought these two together to contend? The son of Leto conj, and, also


name, f, gen, sg Leto,

name, m , gen, sg Zeus,

noun, m , nom, sg son,

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

conj, for,

noun, m , dat, sg king, chief

verb, aor, part, pass, m , nom, sg make angry, provoke

and Zeus; for he in anger against the king roused throughout10

noun, f, acc, sg sickness, disease

prep, up, upon

noun, m , acc, sg encamped army,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg stir, stir up

,adj, f, acc, sg bad,

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, pl ruin, destroy

particle, but, and

,noun, m , nom, pl people,

the host an evil pestilence, and the people began to perish,11

conj, on which account, wherefore

article, m , acc, sg the, that

name, m , acc, sg Chryses,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg dishonour, treat lightly

noun, m , acc, sg one that prays, priest

because upon the priest Chryses the son of Atreus had wrought12

name, m , nom, sg son of Atreus,

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

conj, for,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg come or go,

adj, f, acc, pl swift,

prep, on, upon

noun, f, acc, pl ship,

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

dishonour. For he had come to the swift ships of the Achaeans13

verb, fut, part, mid, m , nom, sg loose,

particle, and,

noun, f, acc, sg daughter,

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg bear,

'particle, and,

'adj, n, acc, pl boundless, immense

,noun, n, acc, pl ransom or price paid,

to free his daughter, bearing ransom past counting; and verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg have or hold,


'noun, n, acc, pl wreath, garland

prep, in, among

noun, f, dat, pl hand,

adj, m , gen, sg far-darting, far-shooting

name, m , gen, sg Apollo,

in his hands he held the wreaths of Apollo who strikes from15

adj, n, dat, sg golden, of gold

prep, up, upon

,noun, n, dat, sg staff, walking-stick

conj, and, also

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg beg, pray

adj, m , acc, pl all, the whole

,name, m , acc, pl Achaian,

afar, on a staff of gold; and he implored all the Achaeans,


name, m , acc, dual son of Atreus,

particle, but, and

adv, very, exceedingly

,numeral_card, pl two,

noun, m , acc, dual commander,

noun, m , gen, pl people,

but most of all the two sons of Atreus, the marshallers of17

name, m , nom, pl son of Atreus,

particle, and,

conj, and, also

adj, m , voc, pl alius, another

adj, m , voc, pl well-greaved,

,name, m , voc, pl Achaian,

the people: Sons of Atreus, and other well-greaved Achaeans,


particle, indeed, although

noun, m , nom, pl God,

verb, aor, opt, act, 3, pl give,

name, n, acc, pl Olympian, of Olympus

'noun, n, acc, pl house,

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, pl have or hold,

per_pro, dat, 2, pl you,

to you may the gods who have homes upon Olympus grant that19

verb, aor, inf, act, destroy utterly,

name, m , gen, sg Priam,

,noun, f, acc, sg city,

adv, good, brave

particle, but, and


'adv, place, house, abode

verb, aor, inf, mid, come,

you sack the city of Priam, and return safe to your homes;20

noun, f, acc, sg child,

'particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

verb, aor, opt, act, 2, pl loose,

,adj, f, acc, sg loved, beloved

article, n, acc, pl the, that

'particle, but, and

noun, n, acc, pl ransom or price paid,

,verb, pres, inf, mp, take, accept

but my dear child release to me, and accept the ransom21

verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, pl stand in awe of, dread

name, m , gen, sg Zeus,

noun, m , acc, sg son,

adj, m , acc, sg far-darting, far-shooting

.name, m , acc, sg Apollo,

out of reverence for the son of Zeus, Apollo who strikes from22

'adv, there,

adj, m , nom, pl alius, another

particle, indeed, although

adj, m , nom, pl all, the whole

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, pl shout assent,

name, m , nom, pl Achaian,

afar. Then all the rest of the Achaeans shouted assent, to reverence23

verb, pres, inf, mp, be ashamed to do,

'particle, and,

noun, m , acc, sg priest, sacrificer

conj, and, also

adj, n, acc, pl splendid, shining

verb, aor, inf, mid, take, accept

noun, n, acc, pl ransom or price paid,

the priest and accept the glorious ransom, yet the thing ' neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,


conj, otherwise, but

name, m , dat, sg son of Atreus,

name, m , dat, sg Agamemnon,

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg please, delight

,noun, m , dat, sg soul,

did not please the heart of Agamemnon, son of Atreus, but25

conj, otherwise, but

adv, bad,

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg send forth, discharge


adj, m , acc, sg strong, stout

particle, but, and


prep, on, upon

noun, m , acc, sg word, delivered by word of mouth

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg make arise, accomplish

he sent him away harshly, and laid upon him a stern command:26

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

,per_pro, acc, 2, sg you,

,noun, m , voc, sg old man,

adj, f, dat, pl hollow, hollowed

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

prep, from the side of, alongside

noun, f, dat, pl ship,

verb, aor, subj, act, 1, sg reach, hit

Let me not find you, old man, by the hollow ships, either27

conj, if, or

adv, now,

'verb, pres, part, act, m , acc, sg tarry, be long

conj, if, or

adj, n, acc, sg latter, last

adv, back, again

,verb, pres, part, act, m , acc, sg go,

tarrying now or coming back later, lest your staff28

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

adv, now,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

verb, aor, subj, act, 3, sg ward off from one,

noun, n, nom, sg staff, walking-stick

conj, and, also

noun, n, nom, sg wreath, garland

noun, m , gen, sg God,

and the wreath of the god not protect you. Her


'particle, but, and

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg loose,

adv, until, formerly

per_pro, acc, 3, sg him, her, it

conj, and, also

noun, n, nom, sg old age,

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg be upon,

dem_pron, f, acc, sg her,

I will not set free. Sooner shall old age come upon30

pos_pron, m , dat, sg our,

prep, in, among

noun, m , dat, sg house, abode

prep, in, among

,name_geog, n, dat, sg Argos,

adv, at a distance, far off

,noun, f, gen, sg fatherland, native land

her in our house, in Argos, far from her native land,



noun, m , acc, sg anything set upright,

verb, pres, part, mp, f, acc, sg go towards, approach

conj, and, also

pos_pron, n, acc, sg mine,

noun, n, acc, sg couch, bed

verb, pres, part, act, f, acc, sg go for the purpose of meeting,

as she walks to and fro before the loom and serves my bed. But32

'conj, otherwise, but

,verb, pres, imperat, act, 2, sg go,

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

'per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

,verb, pres, imperat, act, 2, sg rouse anger, rouse to fight

adj, m , nom, sg safe and sound,

conj, thus, as

particle, perchance, may

.verb, pres, subj, mp, 2, sg go or come,

go, do not anger me, that you may return the safer. So he spoke,


',verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg declare, make known

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg fear,

'particle, but, and

article, m , nom, sg the, that

noun, m , nom, sg old man,

conj, and, also

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg prevail upon, win over

noun, m , dat, sg word, delivered by word of mouth

adv, thus, in this way

and the old man was seized with fear and obeyed his word. He went34

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg walk, step

particle, but, and


adj, m , nom, sg softly, silently

prep, from the side of, alongside

noun, m , acc, sg heap,

adj, f, gen, sg loud-roaring,

noun, f, gen, sg sea,

forth in silence along the shore of the loud-resounding sea,35

adj, n, acc, pl many,

'particle, but, and

'adv, thereupon,

adv, afar off, far away

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg go,

'verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg pray to,

article, m , nom, sg the, that

adj, m , nom, sg old,

and earnestly then, when he had gone apart, the old man prayed36

name, m , dat, sg Apollo,

,noun, m , dat, sg lord, master

rel_pron, m , acc, sg who,

adj, f, nom, sg fair-haired,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg bring into the world,

name, f, nom, sg Leto,

to the lord Apollo, whom fair-haired Leto bore: Hear me,37

verb, aor, imperat, act, 2, sg hear,

per_pro, gen, 1, sg ego,

',adj, m , voc, sg with silver bow,

rel_pron, m , nom, sg who, which, that

name, f, acc, sg Chryse,

verb, perf, ind, act, 2, sg go about or around,

god of the silver bow, who stand over Chryse and holy38

name, f, acc, sg Cilla,

particle, and,

adj, f, acc, sg very divine, sacred

name_geog, f, gen, sg Tenedos,

particle, and,

adv, strongly, stoutly

,verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg be lord, master

Cilla, and rule mightily over Tenedos, Sminthian god, if ,


conj, whether,

particle, at some time or other,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

'adj, m , acc, sg graceful, beautiful

prep, on, upon

noun, m , acc, sg temple,

,verb, aor, ind, act, 1, sg cover with a roof,

name, m , voc, sg the Sminthian,

ever I roofed over a temple to your pleasing, or if ever40

conj, if, or

conj, whether,

particle, exactness,

particle, at some time or other,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

prep, down, downwards

adj, n, acc, pl fat, plump

noun, n, acc, pl slices cut from the thighs,


verb, aor, ind, act, 1, sg light, kindle

I burned to you fat thigh-pieces of bulls and goats,41

noun, m , gen, pl bull,

'conj, and,

,noun, m , gen, pl goat,

dem_pron, n, acc, sg this,

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

verb, aor, imperat, act, 2, sg accomplish, fulfil

noun, n, acc, sg wish, longing

fulfill this prayer for me: let the Danaans pay42

verb, aor, opt, act, 3, pl pay a price,

name, m , nom, pl Danaans,

pos_pron, n, acc, pl mine,

noun, n, acc, pl tear,

pos_pron, n, dat, pl thy,

.noun, n, dat, pl missile,

for my tears by your arrows So he spoke in prayer,43

adv, thus, in this way

'verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg declare, make known

,verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg pray, offer prayers

dem_pron, m , gen, sg him,

'particle, but, and

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg hear,

name, m , nom, sg Phoebus, epithet of Apollo,

,name, m , nom, sg Apollo,

and Phoebus Apollo heard him. Down from the peaks


particle, but, and

'prep, down, downwards

name_geog, m , gen, sg Olympus,

noun, n, gen, pl head,

verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg be angry, wroth

,noun, n, acc, sg heart,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg walk, step

of Olympus he strode, angered at heart, bearing45

noun, n, acc, pl bow,


noun, m , dat, pl ulna,

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg have or hold,

adj, f, acc, sg covered on both sides, close-covered

particle, and,

noun, f, acc, sg quiver,

on his shoulders his bow and covered quiver.


verb, aor, ind, act, 3, pl make a sharp piercing sound,

'particle, but, and

'particle, straightway,

noun, m , nom, pl arrow,

'prep, on, upon

noun, m , gen, pl ulna,

,verb, pres, part, mp, m , gen, sg be angry, wroth

The arrows rattled on the shoulders of the angry god47

per_pro_3, m , gen, sg self,

verb, aor, part, pass, m , gen, sg set in motion, move

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

'particle, but, and

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg go,

noun, f, dat, sg night-season or night,

.verb, perf, part, act, m , nom, sg be like,

as he moved, and his coming was like the night. '


'adv, thereupon,

adv, afar off, far away

,noun, f, gen, pl ship,

prep, in midst of, among

'particle, but, and

noun, m , acc, sg arrow, venom

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg set going, put in motion

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg seat oneself, sit

Then he sat down apart from the ships and let fly49

adj, f, nom, sg fearful, terrible

particle, but, and

noun, f, nom, sg any sharp sound,

verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg come in to being,


adj, m , gen, sg silver, of silver

noun, m , gen, sg bow,

an arrow: terrible was the twang of the silver bow.50

noun, m , acc, pl mule,

particle, indeed, although

adj, n, acc, sg before, first

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg go towards, approach

conj, and, also

noun, m , acc, pl dog,

,adj, m , acc, pl swift, fleet

The mules he assailed first and the swift dogs,51

conj, but, yet

'adv, thereupon,

per_pro_3, m , dat, pl self,

noun, n, acc, sg missile,

adj, n, acc, sg bitter,

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg send to,

but then on the men themselves he let fly his stinging shafts,52

'verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg throw, hit

adv, always, for ever

particle, but, and

noun, f, nom, pl any place where fire is kindled,

noun, m , gen, pl dead body, corpse

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, pl light, kindle

.adj, f, nom, pl crowded, close-set

and struck; and constantly the pyres of the dead burned thick.53

adv, for nine days,

particle, indeed, although

prep, up, upon

noun, m , acc, sg encamped army,

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg be gone, have gone

noun, n, nom, pl shaft, arrow

,noun, m , gen, sg God,

For nine days the missiles of the god ranged among the


adj, f, dat, sg tenth,

particle, but, and


noun, f, acc, sg council, assembly

particle, but, and

verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg call, summon

noun, m , acc, sg people,

name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

article, f, dat, sg the, that

host, but on the tenth Achilles called the people to assembly,55

dem_pron, m , dat, sg him, his

conj, for,

prep, on, upon

noun, f, dat, pl midriff, thoughts

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg set, put

noun, f, nom, sg goddess,

adj, f, nom, sg white-armed,

name, f, nom, sg Hera,

for the goddess, white-armed Hera, had put it in his heart,56

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg trouble, distress

conj, for,

,name, m , gen, pl Danaans,

conj, that, when

particle, straightway,

verb, pres, part, act, m , acc, pl die, be dying

.verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg see,

since she pitied the Danaans, when she saw them dying.57

dem_pron, m , nom, pl they,

'particle, but, and

conj, after that, since

adv, really, at all events

verb, aor, ind, pass, 3, pl bring together, gather together

adj, m , nom, pl assembled,

particle, and,

,verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, pl come in to being,

When they were assembled and gathered together,58

dem_pron, m , dat, pl them,

'particle, but, and

verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg make stand up, raise up

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg speak among,

noun, m , acc, pl foot,

adj, m , nom, sg quick, swift

name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

among them arose and spoke swift-footed Achilles:


adv, now,

per_pro, acc, 1, pl ego,

verb, aor, part, pass, m , acc, pl wander back,

verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg suppose, think

name, m , voc, sg son of Atreus,

Son of Atreus, now I think we shall return home,60

adv, back again, in return

,verb, fut, inf, act, return, come home

conj, whether,

particle, perchance, may

noun, m , acc, sg death,

particle, at least, at any rate

,verb, aor, opt, act, 1, pl flee, take flight

beaten back again, should we even escape death,



conj, whether,

particle, exactness,

adv, one and the same, common

noun, m , nom, sg battle, war

particle, and,

verb, fut, ind, act, 3, sg overpower,

conj, and, also

noun, m , nom, sg plague, pestilence

name, m , acc, pl Achaian,

if war and pestilence alike are to ravage the Achaeans.62

'conj, otherwise, but

adv, come! come on! well!,

particle, exactness,

ind_pro, m , acc, sg any one, any thing

noun, m , acc, sg diviner, seer

verb, pres, subj, act, 1, pl ask, enquire

conj, if, or

noun, m , acc, sg priest, sacrificer

But come, let us ask some seer or priest, or conj, and, also


conj, if, or

,noun, m , acc, sg one occupied with dreams, dreamer

conj, and, also

conj, for,

'particle, and,

noun, n, nom, sg dream, vision in sleep

prep, from out of,

name, m , gen, sg Zeus,

,verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg be, exist

some reader of dreams--for a dream too is from64

rel_pron, m , nom, sg who, which, that

particle, perchance, may


verb, aor, opt, act, 3, sg speak,

rel_pron, n, acc, sg who, which

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

dem_pron, n, acc, sg so great, so vast

verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg be angry, wroth

name, m , nom, sg Phoebus, epithet of Apollo,

,name, m , nom, sg Apollo,

Zeus--who might say why Phoebus Apollo is so angry,65

'conj, be, exist

'particle, straightway,

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

'particle, at least, at any rate

noun, f, gen, sg prayer, vow

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg cast blame upon,

' ,conj, and,

noun, f, gen, sg hecatomb,

whether he finds fault with a vow or a hecatomb;66

conj, if,

particle, perchance, may

particle, in any way, at all

noun, f, gen, pl lamb,

noun, f, gen, sg the savour and steam of burnt sacrifice,

noun, m , gen, pl goat,

particle, and,

adj, m , gen, pl having reached its end, finished

in hope that he may accept the savour of lambs and unblemished67

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg will, wish

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg go for the purpose of meeting,

per_pro, dat, 1, pl ego,

prep, from, away from

noun, m , acc, sg ruin, havoc

.verb, aor, inf, act, keep off, ward off

goats, and be willing to ward off the pestilence from us. When68

adv, now surely, truly

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

'particle, at least, at any rate

adv, thus, in this way

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg speak,

'prep, down, downwards

'particle, straightway,

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg seat oneself, sit

dem_pron, m , dat, pl them,

'particle, but, and

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg make stand up, raise up

he had thus spoken he sat down, and among them arose Calchas


name, m , nom, sg son of Thestor,

'noun, m , gen, pl augur,

adv, far,

,adj, m , nom, sg best,

name, m , nom, sg Calchas,

son of Thestor, far the best of bird-diviners, who knew the things70

rel_pron, m , nom, sg who, which, that

verb, plup, ind, act, 3, sg know,

article, n, acc, pl the,

particle, and,


verb, pres, part, act, n, acc, pl be, exist

article, n, acc, pl the,

particle, and,


verb, fut, part, mid, n, acc, pl be, exist

prep, before,

particle, and,


,verb, pres, part, act, n, acc, pl be, exist

that were, and that were to be, and that had been before,71

conj, and, also

'noun, f, dat, pl ship,

'verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg go before, lead the way

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

name_geog, f, acc, sg Ilian, Trojan

adv, within, into

and who had guided the ships of the Achaeans to Ilios by72

pos_pron, f, acc, sg who, which, that

prep, through, by means of

,noun, f, acc, sg the art of divination,

rel_pron, f, acc, sg which,

per_pro, dat, 3, sg him, her

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg furnish, offer

name, m , nom, sg Phoebus, epithet of Apollo,

name, m , nom, sg Apollo,

his own prophetic powers which Phoebus Apollo had bestowed73

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

per_pro, dat, 3, pl they,

adj, m , nom, sg with kind or prudent mind,

verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg meet in assembly, sit in debate

conj, and, also

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg speak among,

upon him. He with good intent addressed the gathering, and


,name, m , voc, sg Achilles,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 2, sg urge on, exhort

,per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

name, m , dat, sg Zeus,

,adj, m , voc, sg loved, beloved

verb, aor, inf, mid, say, speak

exclam, O! oh!,

spoke among them: Achilles, dear to Zeus, you bid me declare75

noun, f, acc, sg wrath, anger

adj, m , gen, sg far-darting, name, m , gen, sg Apollo,

noun, m , gen, sg lord, master

the wrath of Apollo, the lord who strikes from afar.


dem_pron, m , nom, pl these,

conj, for,

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg I will say or speak,

per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

particle, but, and

verb, aor, imperat, mid, 2, sg put together,

conj, and, also

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

verb, aor, imperat, act, 2, sg swear,

Therefore I will speak; but take thought and swear that77

adv, in truth, truly

particle, indeed, although

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

adj, m , nom, sg with forward mind,

noun, n, dat, pl word,

conj, and, also

noun, f, dat, pl hand,

verb, fut, inf, act, help, aid

you will readily defend me with word and with might of


conj, for,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 1, sg suppose, think

noun, m , acc, sg man,

,verb, fut, inf, act, make angry, provoke

rel_pron, m , nom, sg who, which, that

adj, n, acc, sg big, great

adj, m , gen, pl all, the whole

adv, in truth, truly

hand; for I think I shall anger a man who rules mightily79

name, m , gen, pl of or from Argos, Argive

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg be strong, mighty

conj, and, also

per_pro, dat, 3, sg him, her

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, pl prevail upon, win over

name, m , nom, pl Achaian,

over all the Argives, and whom the Achaeans obey. For80

adj, m , nom, sg stronger, mightier

conj, for,

noun, m , nom, sg king, chief

conj, when,

verb, fut, ind, mid, 3, sg be angry, wroth

noun, m , dat, sg man,

adj, m , dat, sg worse, meaner

mightier is a king, when he is angry at a lesser man.81

conj, whether,

particle, however much, all

conj, for,

particle, and,

noun, m , acc, sg gall, bile

particle, at least, at any rate

conj, and, also

adv, on the self-same day,

,verb, aor, subj, act, 3, sg boil down, digest food

Even if he swallows down his wrath for that day, yet82

conj, otherwise, but

particle, and,

conj, and, also

adv, from behind, backwards

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg have or hold,

,noun, m , acc, sg grudge, rancour

conj, that, in order that

,verb, aor, subj, act, 3, sg complete, fulfil

afterwards he cherishes resentment in his heart till he83

prep, in, among

noun, n, dat, pl breast,

pos_pron, n, dat, pl his, her own

per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

particle, but, and

verb, aor, imperat, mid, 2, sg point out, shew

conj, whether,

per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

.verb, fut, ind, act, 2, sg save, keep alive

brings it to fulfillment. Say then, if you will keep


particle, but, and


verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg reply, answer

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg speak to, address

noun, m , acc, pl foot,

adj, m , nom, sg quick, swift

name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

dem_pron, m , acc, sg him,

me safe. In answer to him spoke swift-footed Achilles:85

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg be of good courage, take courage

adv, very, very much

verb, aor, imperat, act, 2, sg speak,

noun, n, acc, sg prophecy, oracle

rel_pron, n, acc, sg who, which

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

verb, perf, ind, act, 2, sg know,

Take heart, and speak out whatever oracle you know;86

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

particle, in affirmation,

conj, for,

name, m , acc, sg Apollo,

name, m , dat, sg Zeus,

,adj, m , acc, sg loved, beloved

rel_pron, m , dat, sg who, which, that

particle, and,

per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

name, m , voc, sg Calchas,

for by Apollo, dear to Zeus, to whom you, Calchas,87

verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg pray, offer prayers

name, m , dat, pl Danaans,

noun, f, acc, pl prophecy, oracle

,verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg make give light, make blaze up

pray when you reveal oracles to the Danaans,88

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

ind_pro, m , nom, sg any one, any thing

per_pro, gen, 1, sg ego,

verb, pres, part, act, m , gen, sg live, living

conj, and, also

prep, on, upon

noun, f, dat, sg earth, ground

verb, pres, part, mp, m , gen, sg see clearly, see

no one, while I live and have sight on the earth,


adj, f, dat, pl hollow, hollowed

prep, from the side of, alongside

noun, f, dat, pl ship,

adj, f, acc, pl heavy,

noun, f, acc, pl hand,

verb, fut, ind, act, 3, sg bring, put or lay upon

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

shall lay heavy hands on you beside the hollow90

adj, m , gen, pl all together, all at once

,name, m , gen, pl Danaans,

'conj_logical_cont, but not,

conj, see! see there! lo!,

name, m , acc, sg Agamemnon,

,verb, aor, subj, act, 2, sg speak,

ships, no one of the whole host of the Danaans,



rel_pron, m , nom, sg who, which, that

adv, now,

adj, n, acc, sg many,

adj, m , nom, sg best,

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg pray, offer prayers

.verb, pres, inf, act, be, exist

not even if you name Agamemnon, who now claims to be far the best92

conj, and, also

adv, at that time, then

particle, exactness,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg be of good courage, take courage

conj, and, also

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg utter sounds, speak

noun, m , nom, sg diviner, seer

adj, m , nom, sg blameless, noble

of the Achaeans. Then the blameless seer took heart, and spoke:


'particle, and,

particle, straightway,

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

'particle, at least, at any rate

noun, f, gen, sg prayer, vow

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg cast blame upon,

'conj_logical_cont, but not,

,noun, f, gen, sg hecatomb,

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

It is not then because of a vow that he finds fault, nor because94

conj, otherwise, but


prep, on account of, for the sake of


noun, m , gen, sg one that prays, priest

rel_pron, m , acc, sg who, which, that

'verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg dishonour, treat lightly

,name, m , nom, sg Agamemnon,

of a hecatomb, but because of the priest whom Agamemnon dishonoured,95

'neg_adv, but not,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg loose from,

noun, f, acc, sg daughter,

conj, and, also

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

'verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg accept from,

,noun, n, acc, pl ransom or price paid,

and did not release his daughter nor accept the ransom.96

'adv, for that reason, therefore

'particle, straightway,

'noun, n, acc, pl pain,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg give,

adj, m , nom, sg far-darting, far-shooting

'conj, and,

adv, yet, as yet

verb, fut, ind, act, 3, sg give,

For this cause the god who strikes from afar has given woes and97

'neg_adv, but not,

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

particle, at least, at any rate

adv, until, formerly

name, m , dat, pl Danaans,

adj, m , acc, sg unseemly, shameful

noun, m , acc, sg ruin, havoc

verb, fut, ind, act, 3, sg thrust away, push back

will still give them. He will not drive off from the Danaans98

adv, until, formerly

'particle, at least, at any rate

prep, from, away from

noun, m , dat, sg father,

adj, m , dat, sg loved, beloved

verb, aor, inf, act, give,

adj, f, acc, sg rolling eyed, quick-glancing

noun, f, acc, sg maiden, maid

the loathsome pestilence, until we give back to her dear father


,adj, f, acc, sg without ransom,

verb, pres, inf, act, lead or carry, convey

'particle, and,

adj, f, acc, sg super-human, mighty

noun, f, acc, sg hecatomb,

adv, without purchase-money,

the bright-eyed maiden, unbought, unransomed, and lead a sacred100

prep, into, to

name, f, acc, sg Chryse,

adv, at that time, then

particle, perchance, may

per_pro, acc, 3, sg him, her, it

verb, aor, part, mid, m , nom, pl reverence, appease

.verb, aor, opt, act, 1, pl prevail upon, win over

hecatomb to Chryse. Then we might appease and persuade him.101

adv, now surely, truly

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

'particle, at least, at any rate

adv, thus, in this way

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg speak,

'prep, down, downwards

'particle, straightway,

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg seat oneself, sit

dem_pron, m , dat, pl them,

'particle, but, and

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg make stand up, raise up

When he had thus spoken he sat down, and among them arose102

noun, m , nom, sg warrior, hero

name, m , nom, sg son of Atreus,

adj, n, acc, sg wide, broad

adj, m , nom, sg ruler, lord

name, m , nom, sg Agamemnon,

the warrior, son of Atreus, wide-ruling Agamemnon,103

verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg grieving, sorrowing

noun, n, gen, sg might, force

particle, but, and

adj, n, acc, sg big, great

noun, f, nom, pl midriff, thoughts

prep, on both sides,

adj, f, nom, pl black, swart

deeply troubled. With rage his black heart was wholly ',


noun, n, nom, dual the two eyes,

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 3, sg him, her

noun, n, dat, sg fire,

verb, pres, part, act, m , dat, sg shine,

verb, plup, ind, act, 3, dual be like,

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, pl fill full of,

filled, and his eyes were like blazing fire. To Calchas105

name, m , acc, sg Calchas,

adj, n, acc, pl before, first

adj, n, acc, pl bad,


verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg see,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg speak to,

first of all he spoke, and his look threatened evil:


noun, m , voc, sg diviner, seer

,adj, n, gen, pl bad,

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

particle, up to this time, yet

particle, at some time or other,

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

article, n, acc, sg the, that

adj, n, acc, sg good, agreeable

verb, aor, ind, act, 2, sg speak,

Prophet of evil, never yet have you spoken to me a pleasant107

adv, always, for ever

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

article, n, acc, pl the, that

'adj, n, nom, pl bad,

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg be, exist

adj, n, nom, pl loved, beloved

noun, f, dat, pl midriff, thoughts

,verb, pres, inf, mp, divine, prophesy

thing; ever is evil dear to your heart to prophesy, but a word


'particle, but, and

conj_logical_cont, and not,

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

particle, up to this time, yet

verb, aor, ind, act, 2, sg speak,

noun, n, acc, sg word,

'conj_logical_cont, and not,

verb, aor, ind, act, 2, sg complete, fulfil

adj, n, acc, sg good,

of good you have never yet spoken, nor brought to pass. And109

conj, and, also

adv, now,

prep, in, among

name, m , dat, pl Danaans,

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg prophesy,

verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg speak in assembly, harangue

now among the Danaans you claim in prophecy that for this110

conj, thus, as

particle, exactness,

'dem_pron, m , gen, sg this,

prep, on account of, for the sake of

per_pro, dat, 3, pl they,

adj, m , nom, sg far-darting, far-shooting

noun, n, acc, pl pain,

,verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg make ready, make

reason the god who strikes from afar brings woes upon them,111

'conj, on which account, wherefore

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

noun, f, gen, sg maiden, maid

name, f, gen, sg Chryseis,

'adj, n, acc, pl splendid, shining

noun, n, acc, pl ransom or price paid,

that I would not accept the glorious ransom for the girl,112

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, pl will, wish

,verb, aor, inf, mid, take, accept

conj, after that, since

adj, n, acc, sg many,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 1, sg will, wish

per_pro_3, f, acc, sg self,

the daughter of Chryses, since I much prefer to keep her113

adv, place, house, abode

verb, pres, inf, act, have or hold,

conj, and, also

conj, for,

particle, straightway,

name, f, gen, sg Clytemnestra,

verb, perf, ind, act, 1, sg prefer,

in my home. For certainly I prefer her to Clytemnestra, ,noun, f, gen, sg bedfellow, spouse


adj, f, gen, sg wedded,

conj, after that, since

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

per_pro, gen, 3, sg his, her

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg be, exist

,adj, m , nom, sg worse, meaner

my wedded wife, since she is not inferior to her, either115

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

noun, n, acc, sg frame,

conj_logical_cont, but not,

,noun, f, acc, sg growth, stature

'conj_logical_cont, and not,

particle, straightway,

noun, f, acc, pl midriff, thoughts

conj_logical_cont, and not,

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

.noun, n, acc, pl work,

in form or in stature, or in mind, or in any handiwork.116

conj, otherwise, but

conj, and, also

adv, thus, in this way

verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg will, wish

verb, aor, inf, act, give,

adv, back, backwards

conj, whether,

dem_pron, n, nom, sg that,

'particle, at least, at any rate

adj, n, nom, sg better, abler

Yet even so will I give her back, if that is better; I117

'verb, pres, ind, mp, 1, sg will, wish

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

noun, m , acc, sg people,

adj, m , acc, sg safe and sound, alive and well

verb, pres, inf, act, be, exist

conj, if, or

verb, aor, inf, mid, destroy utterly, kill

would rather the people be safe than perish. But provide118

conj, but, yet

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

'adv, forthwith, straightway

'verb, aor, imperat, act, 2, pl make or get ready, prepare

conj, that, in order that

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

adj, m , nom, sg alone, lone

me with a prize of honour forthwith, lest I alone of


adj, m , nom, sg without a gift of honour, unrecompensed

,verb, pres, subj, act, 1, sg be, exist

conj, after that, since

neg_adv, but not,

verb, perf, ind, act, 3, sg be like,

name, m , gen, pl of or from Argos, Argive

the Argives be without one, since that would not be proper.120

verb, pres, imperat, act, 2, pl look or gaze upon, see

conj, for,

dem_pron, n, acc, sg that thing,

particle, at least, at any rate

adj, m , nom, pl all, the whole

rel_pron, n, nom, sg who, which, that

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

noun, n, nom, sg gift of honour,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg come or go,

.ind_pro, f, dat, sg alius, another

For you all see this, that my prize goes elsewhere.



dem_pron, m , acc, sg him,

'particle, but, and

'verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg change, exchange

adv, thereupon,

adj, m , nom, sg swift-footed,

adj, m , nom, sg god-like, divine

name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

In answer to him spoke swift-footed brilliant Achilles: Most122

name, m , voc, sg son of Atreus,

,adj, m , voc, sg most glorious, most honoured

adj, m , voc, sg loving possessions, greedy of gain

,adj, m , gen, pl all, the whole

glorious son of Atreus, most covetous of all, how shall


conj, for,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

verb, fut, ind, act, 3, pl give,

noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

adj, m , nom, pl high-minded,

name, m , nom, pl Achaian,

interrogative, how? in what way?,

the great-hearted Achaeans give you a prize? We know nothing124

neg_adv, but not,

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

adv, somewhere, in some degree

verb, perf, ind, act, 1, pl know,

adj, n, acc, pl common,

verb, pres, part, mp, n, acc, pl be laid,

adj, n, acc, pl many,

of a hoard of wealth in common store, but whatever125

conj, otherwise, but

dem_pron, n, acc, pl those,

particle, indeed, although

noun, f, gen, pl city,

,verb, aor, ind, act, 1, pl destroy utterly,

dem_pron, n, nom, pl these,

,verb, perf, ind, mp, 3, sg divide among themselves,

we took by pillage from the cities has been apportioned,126

noun, m , acc, pl people,

'particle, but, and

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

verb, perf, ind, act, 3, sg be like, suit

adj, n, acc, pl gather collected again,

'dem_pron, n, acc, pl this,

.verb, pres, inf, act, gather together, collect

and it is not seemly to gather these things back from127

conj, otherwise, but

per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

particle, indeed, although

adv, now,

dem_pron, f, acc, sg this,

noun, m , dat, sg God,

verb, aor, imperat, act, 2, sg send before, send on or forward

conj, but, yet

name, m , nom, pl Achaian,

the army. But give back the girl to the god, and128

adj, f, dat, sg triple, threefold

adj, f, dat, sg fourfold,

'particle, and,

,verb, fut, ind, act, 1, pl pay back, repay

conj, if,

particle, perchance, may

adv, if ever,

name, m , nom, sg Zeus,

we Achaeans will recompense you three and fourfold, noun, f, acc, sg city,


verb, aor, subj, act, 3, sg give,

name_geog, f, acc, sg Troy,

. adj, f, acc, sg well-walled, verb, aor, inf, act, sack,

if ever Zeus grants us to sack the well-walled city130

dem_pron, m , acc, sg him,

particle, but, and


verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg reply, answer

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg speak to, address

adj, m , nom, sg ruler, lord

name, m , nom, sg Agamemnon,

of Troy. In answer to him spoke lord Agamemnon:131

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

'particle, but, and

adv, in this way or manner, so

adj, m , nom, sg good,

particle, however much, all

,verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg be, exist

'adj, m , voc, sg godlike,

,name, m , voc, sg Achilles,

Do not thus, mighty though you are, godlike Achilles, seek to132

adj, m , voc, sg steal, filch

,noun, m , dat, sg mind, perception

conj, after that, since

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

verb, fut, ind, mid, 2, sg go by, beside or past

neg_adv, but not,

per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

.verb, fut, ind, act, 2, sg prevail upon, win over

deceive me with your wit; for you will not get by me nor persuade133

adv, in truth, truly

verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg will, wish

'conj, that, in order that

per_pro_pred, m , nom, sg self,

verb, pres, subj, act, 2, sg have or hold,

,noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

conj, but, yet

'per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

adv, in this very manner, even so

me. Are you willing, so that your yourself may keep your prize,


,verb, pres, part, mp, m , acc, sg wet, miss want

verb, pres, ind, mp, 2, sg urge on, exhort

particle, but, and

per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

'dem_pron, f, acc, sg this,

verb, aor, inf, act, give up or back, restore

verb, pres, inf, mp, be seated, sit

for me to sit here idly in want, while you order me to give135

conj, otherwise, but


conj, whether,

particle, indeed, although

verb, fut, ind, act, 3, pl give,

noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

adj, m , nom, pl high-minded,

name, m , nom, pl Achaian,

her back? No, if the great-hearted Achaeans give me a prize,


verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, pl join, join together

prep, down, downwards

noun, m , acc, sg soul,

conj, as, in such manner as

adj, n, nom, sg worth just as much as,

verb, fut, ind, mid, 3, sg be, exist

suiting it to my mind, so that it will be worth just137

conj, whether,

particle, but, and

particle, perchance, may

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

verb, aor, subj, act, 3, pl give,

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

particle, but, and

particle, perchance, may

per_pro_pred, m , nom, sg self,

verb, aor, subj, mid, 1, sg grasp,

as much--but if they do not, I myself will come and take


pos_pron, n, acc, sg thy, thine

conj, if, or

name, m , gen, sg Ajax,

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg go,

,noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

conj, if, or

name, m , gen, sg Odysseus,

conj, if, or

your prize, or that of Aias, or that of Odysseus I139

verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg lead or carry, convey

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg grasp,

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

particle, but, and

particle, perchance, may

verb, futperf, ind, mp, 3, sg make angry, provoke

rel_pron, m , acc, sg who, which, that

particle, perchance, may

verb, aor, subj, mid, 1, sg come,


will seize and bear away. Angry will he be, to whomever140

'conj, otherwise, but

adv, now surely, truly

particle, indeed, although

dem_pron, n, acc, pl this,

verb, fut, ind, mid, 1, pl paraphrase, translate

conj, and, also

,adv, back, again

I come. But these things we will consider hereafter.141

adv, now,

'particle, but, and

adv, come! come on! well!,

noun, f, acc, sg ship,

adj, f, acc, sg black, swart

verb, aor, subj, act, 1, pl drag along the ground, drag

prep, into, to

noun, f, acc, sg lump of salt,

,adj, f, acc, sg god-like, divine

Let us now drag a black ship to the shining sea, and quickly142

prep, in, among

'particle, but, and

noun, m , acc, pl rower,

adv, enough,

,verb, aor, subj, act, 1, pl bring together, gather together

prep, into, to

'particle, but, and

noun, f, acc, sg hecatomb,

gather suitable rowers into it, and place on board143

,verb, aor, subj, act, 1, pl set, put

prep, up, upon

'particle, but, and

per_pro_3, f, acc, sg self,

name, f, acc, sg Chryseis,

adj, f, acc, sg beautiful-cheeked,

a hecatomb, and embark on it the fair-cheeked daughter


numeral_card, m , nom, sg one,

particle, but, and

ind_pro, m , nom, sg any one, any thing

noun, m , nom, sg leader, chief

noun, m , nom, sg man,

adj, m , nom, sg counselling, advising

,verb, pres, imperat, act, 3, sg be, exist

verb, fut, ind, act, 1, pl walk, step

of Chryses herself. Let one prudent man be its commander,145

conj, if, or

name, m , nom, sg Ajax,

conj, if, or

name, m , nom, sg Idomeneus,

conj, if, or

adj, m , nom, sg god-like, divine

name, m , nom, sg Odysseus,

either Aias, or Idomeneus, or brilliant Odysseus,146

conj, if, or

,per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

,name, m , voc, sg son of Peleus,

adj, m , gen, pl all, the whole

'adj, m , voc, sg terrible, fearful

,noun, m , gen, pl man,

or you, son of Peleus, of all men most extreme, so that on our behalf147

'conj, that, in order that

per_pro, dat, 1, pl ego,

adj, m , acc, sg far-working, epith. of Apollo

verb, aor, subj, mid, 2, sg appease,

adj, n, acc, pl super-human, mighty

.verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg do, act

you may propitiate the god who strikes from afar by offering sacrifice.148

dem_pron, m , acc, sg him,

'particle, but, and

'particle, straightway,

adv, from under,

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg see, perceive

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg speak to, address

noun, m , acc, pl foot,

adj, m , nom, sg quick, swift

name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

Glaring from beneath his brows spoke to him swift-footed


,per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

noun, f, acc, sg shamelessness, impudence

,verb, perf, part, mp, m , voc, sg put on besides or over,

,adj, m , voc, sg crafty-minded,

exclam, O! oh!,

Achilles: Ah me, clothed in shamelessness, thinking of profit, how150

interrogative, how? in what way?,

int_pro, m , nom, sg who? which?,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

adj, m , nom, sg with forward mind,

noun, n, dat, pl word,

verb, pres, subj, mp, 3, sg prevail upon, win over

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

shall any man of the Achaeans obey your words with a ready heart



conj, if, or

noun, f, acc, sg road,

verb, aor, inf, act, come or go,

conj, if, or

noun, m , dat, pl man,

adv, strongly, stoutly

verb, pres, inf, mp, fight,

either to go on a journey or to fight against men with152

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

conj, for,

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

name, m , gen, pl Tros,

'prep, on account of, for the sake of

verb, aor, ind, act, 1, sg come or go,

noun, m , gen, pl spearman,

force? It was not on account of the Trojan spearmen ,verb, fut, part, mid, m , nom, sg fight,


adv, hither,

conj, after that, since

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

adj, m , nom, pl blame, blameworthy

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, pl be, exist

that I came here to fight, since they have done no wrong154

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

'conj, for,

adv, ever yet,

pos_pron, f, acc, pl mine,

noun, f, acc, pl cow,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, pl drive, drive on

conj_logical_cont, but not,

particle, indeed, although

,noun, f, acc, pl horse, mare

to me. Never have they driven off my cattle or my155

conj_logical_cont, but not,

'particle, at some time or other,

prep, in, among

name_geog, f, dat, sg Phtia,

adj, f, dat, sg with large clods, very fertile

adj, f, dat, sg man-feeding, nurse of heroes

horses, nor ever in deep-soiled Phthia, nurse of men,156

noun, m , acc, sg wrist, fruit

',verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, pl hurt, do mischief to

conj, after that, since

adv, in truth, truly

adv, very, very much

adj, n, acc, pl many,

adv, betwixt, between

did they lay waste the harvest, for many things lie between157

noun, n, nom, pl mountain, hill

particle, and,

adj, n, acc, pl shady, shadowy

noun, f, nom, sg sea,

particle, and,

adj, f, nom, sg sounding, ringing

us--shadowy mountains and sounding sea. But you, shameless158

conj, otherwise, but

,per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

exclam, O! oh!,

'adj, n, acc, sg big, great

,adj, m , voc, sg shameless,

'adv, at once, at the same time

'verb, aor, ind, mid, 1, pl follow, heed

conj, that, in order that

per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

,verb, pres, subj, act, 2, sg rejoice, be glad

one, we followed, so that you might rejoice, seeking to


verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, pl receive for oneself, reap

name, m , dat, sg Menelaus,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

,particle, and,

,noun, m , voc, sg dog face,

noun, f, acc, sg worship, honour

win recompense for Menelaus and for yourself, dog-face,160

prep, motion from,

name, m , gen, pl Tros,

dem_pron, m , gen, pl these,

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

verb, pres, ind, mp, 2, sg turn oneself round, turn round

'neg_adv, but not,

verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg trouble oneself about,

from the Trojans. This you disregard, and take no heed of.161

conj, and, also

particle, exactness,

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

per_pro_pred, m , nom, sg self,

verb, fut, inf, mid, take from, take away from

,verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg threaten, menace

And now you threaten that you will yourself take my prize162

rel_pron, n, dat, sg who, which, that

prep, on, upon

adj, n, acc, pl many,

,verb, aor, ind, act, 1, sg toil, suffer

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, pl give,

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

noun, m , nom, pl son,

.name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

away from me, for which I toiled so much, which the163

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

particle, indeed, although

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

particle, at some time or other,

adj, n, acc, sg equal to, the same as

verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg have or hold,

noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

'adv, when,

name, m , nom, pl Achaian,

sons of the Achaeans gave to me. Never have I prize


'verb, aor, subj, act, 3, pl destroy utterly,

adv, good, brave

verb, pres, part, mp, n, acc, sg dwell, inhabit

noun, n, acc, sg town, city

name, m , gen, pl Tros,

like yours, whenever the Achaeans sack a well-inhabited165

conj, otherwise, but

article, n, acc, sg the, that

particle, indeed, although

adj, n, acc, sg more, larger

adj, m , gen, sg much-rushing, furious

noun, m , gen, sg battle, war

citadel of the Trojans. The brunt of furious battle


noun, f, nom, pl hand,

pos_pron, f, nom, pl mine,

'verb, pres, ind, act, 3, pl manage,

conj, but, yet

conj, see! see there! lo!,

particle, at some time or other,

noun, m , nom, sg division, distribution

,verb, aor, subj, mid, 3, sg come,

do my hands undertake, but if ever an apportionment comes,167

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

article, n, nom, sg the, that

noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

adj, n, acc, sg many,

,adj, n, acc, sg big, great

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

'particle, but, and

adj, n, acc, sg few, little

particle, and,

adj, n, acc, sg loved, beloved

particle, and,

your prize is far greater, while small but dear is the reward '


verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg have or hold,

prep, on, upon

,noun, f, acc, pl ship,

conj, after that, since

particle, perchance, may

verb, aor, ind, act, 1, sg work,

.verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg wage war, make war

verb, pres, ind, mp, 1, sg come or go,

I take to my ships, when I have worn myself out in the169

adv, now,

particle, but, and


verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg go,

',adv, place_personal Phtia,

conj, after that, since

adv, in truth, truly

adj, n, acc, sg many,

adj, n, nom, sg bravest, best

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg be, exist

fighting. Now I will go back to Phthia, since it is far170

'adv, place, house, abode

verb, pres, inf, act, go,

prep, along with, in company with

noun, f, dat, pl ship,

,noun, f, dat, pl crook-beaked, curved

conj_logical_cont, but not,

'per_pro, acc, 2, sg you,

verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg suppose, think

better to return home with my beaked ships, nor do I intend171

'adv, thither, hither

adj, m , nom, sg unhonoured, dishonoured

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg be, exist

noun, n, acc, sg riches, wealth

conj, and, also

noun, m , acc, sg wealth, riches

.verb, fut, inf, act, draw,

while I am here dishonoured to pile up riches and wealth172

dem_pron, m , acc, sg him,

'particle, but, and

'verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg change, exchange

adv, thereupon,

noun, m , nom, sg lord, master

noun, m , gen, pl man,

name, m , nom, sg Agamemnon,

for you. Then the king of men, Agamemnon, answered173

verb, pres, imperat, act, 2, sg flee, take flight

',adv, very, very much

conj, whether,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

noun, m , nom, sg soul,

,verb, perf, ind, mp, 3, sg put in motion against, set upon

neg_adv, but not,

'per_pro, acc, 2, sg you,

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

him: Flee then, if your heart urges you; I do not beg


'prep, on account of, for the sake of

per_pro, gen, 1, sg ego,

verb, pres, inf, act, stay at home, stay where one is

prep, from the side of, alongside


per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

conj, and, also

ind_pro, m , nom, pl alius, another

verb, pres, ind, mp, 1, sg beg, pray

you to remain for my sake. With me are others who will175

rel_pron, m , nom, pl who, which, that

particle, perchance, may

per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

,verb, fut, ind, act, 3, pl pay honour to, hold in honour

adv, very, exceedingly

particle, but, and

noun, m , nom, sg counsellor,

.name, m , nom, sg Zeus,

honour me, and above all Zeus, the lord of counsel.176

adj, m , nom, sg hateful, hated

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg be, exist

adj, m , gen, pl fostered, cherished by Zeus

noun, m , gen, pl king, chief

Most hateful to me are you of all the kings that Zeus nurtures,177

adv, always, for ever

conj, for,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

noun, f, nom, sg strife, quarrel

particle, and,

adj, f, nom, sg loved, beloved

noun, m , nom, pl battle, war

particle, and,

noun, f, nom, pl battle, fight

particle, and,

for always strife is dear to you, and wars and battles.178

conj, whether,

adv, very, very much

adj, m , nom, sg strong, stout

,verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg be, exist

noun, m , nom, sg God,

adv, somewhere, in some degree

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

dem_pron, n, acc, sg this,

'particle, at least, at any rate

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg give,

If you are very strong, it was a god, I think, who '


verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg go,

prep, along with, in company with

noun, f, dat, pl ship,

particle, and,

pos_pron, f, dat, pl thy,

conj, and, also

pos_pron, m , dat, pl thy,

noun, m , dat, pl comrade, companion

adv, place, house, abode

gave you this gift. Go home with your ships and your companions180

name, m , dat, pl Myrmidons,

,verb, pres, imperat, act, 2, sg be lord, master

per_pro, gen, 2, sg you,

particle, but, and


per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

,verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg trouble oneself about,

and lord it over the Myrmidons; for you I care not,



'neg_adv, but not,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 1, sg care for, take heed

verb, pres, part, act, m , gen, sg bear grudge against,

verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg threaten, menace

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

adv, in this wise, so

nor take heed of your wrath. But I will threaten you thus:182

conj, thus, as

'per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg take from, take away from

name, f, acc, sg Chryseis,

name, m , nom, sg Phoebus, epithet of Apollo,

,name, m , nom, sg Apollo,

as Phoebus Apollo takes from me the daughter of Chryses,


particle, indeed, although

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

prep, along with, in company with

noun, f, dat, sg ship,

'particle, and,

pos_pron, f, dat, sg mine,

conj, and, also

pos_pron, m , dat, pl mine,

noun, m , dat, pl comrade, companion

dem_pron, f, acc, sg her,

her with my ship and my companions I will send back,184

,verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg send, despatch

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

particle, but, and

particle, perchance, may


verb, pres, subj, act, 1, sg lead or carry, convey

name, f, acc, sg Briseis,

adj, f, acc, sg beautiful-cheeked,

but I will myself come to your tent and take the fair-cheeked185

per_pro_pred, m , nom, sg self,

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg go,

,adv, place, place for lying down,

article, n, acc, sg the, that

pos_pron, n, acc, sg thy,

,noun, n, acc, sg gift of honour,

'conj, that, in order that

adv, good, brave

verb, perf, subj, act, 2, sg know,

Brises, your prize, so that you will understand186

rel_pron, n, acc, sg quantus,

adj, m , nom, sg braver, better

verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg be, exist

,per_pro, gen, 2, sg you,

verb, pres, subj, act, 3, sg hate, fear

particle, but, and

conj, and, also

ind_pro, m , nom, sg alius, another

how much mightier I am than you, and another may shrink from187

adj, m , acc, sg equal to, the same as

per_pro, dat, 1, sg ego,

verb, pres, inf, mp, declare, make known

conj, and, also

verb, aor, inf, pass, make like,

.adv, against, over against

declaring himself my equal and likening himself to me188

adv, thus, in this way

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg declare, make known

name, m , dat, sg son of Peleus,

'particle, but, and

noun, n, nom, sg pain, distress

',verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg come in to being,

prep, in, among

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 3, sg him, her

noun, n, nom, sg heart,

to my face. So he spoke. Grief came upon the son of Peleus, adj, n, dat, pl hairy, rough


noun, n, dat, pl breast,

adv, two ways,

,verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg be full of cares, be anxious or thoughtful

and within his shaggy breast his heart was divided, whether190

conj, if, or

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

particle, at least, at any rate

noun, n, acc, sg sword,

adj, n, acc, sg sharp, keen

verb, aor, part, mid, m , nom, sg drag along the ground, drag

prep, from the side of, alongside

noun, m , gen, sg thigh,

he should draw his sharp sword from beside his thigh,191

dem_pron, m , acc, pl them,

particle, indeed, although

,verb, aor, opt, act, 3, sg make stand up, raise up

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

'particle, but, and

name, m , acc, sg son of Atreus,

,verb, pres, opt, act, 3, sg strip a slain foe of his arms,

and break up the assembly, and slay the son of Atreus,192

conj, if, or

noun, m , acc, sg gall, bile

verb, aor, opt, act, 3, sg make cease,

verb, aor, opt, act, 3, sg keep back, restrain

particle, and,

.noun, m , acc, sg soul,

or stay his anger and curb his spirit. While he193

conj, until, till

dem_pron, m , nom, sg he,

'dem_pron, n, acc, pl this,

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg revolve anxiously in the mind, debate

prep, down, downwards

noun, f, acc, sg midriff, thoughts

conj, and, also

prep, down, downwards

,noun, m , acc, sg soul,

pondered this in mind and heart, and was drawing from


'particle, but, and

prep, from out of,

noun, n, gen, sg sheath, scabbard

adj, n, acc, sg big, great

,noun, n, acc, sg sword,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg come or go,

'particle, but, and

name, f, nom, sg Athena,

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg draw, drag

its sheath his great sword, Athene came from heaven.195

adv, place, heaven,

prep, before,

conj, for,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg set going, put in motion

noun, f, nom, sg goddess,

adj, f, nom, sg white-armed,

name, f, nom, sg Hera,

The white-armed goddess Hera had sent her forth,


adj, m , acc, dual both,

adv, equally, likewise

noun, m , dat, sg soul,

verb, pres, part, act, f, nom, sg love, regard with affection

particle, and,

verb, pres, part, mp, f, nom, sg trouble, distress

particle, and,

for in her heart she loved and cared for both men alike. She197

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg make stand,

'particle, but, and

,adv, behind, at the back

adj, f, gen, sg yellow,

particle, but, and

noun, f, gen, sg the hair, hair of the head

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg grasp,

name, m , acc, sg son of Peleus,

stood behind him, and seized the son of Peleus by his fair


verb, pres, part, mp, f, nom, sg bring to light, make to appear

article, m , gen, pl the, that

'particle, but, and

ind_pro, m , gen, pl alius, another

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

ind_pro, m , nom, sg any one, any thing

verb, imperf, ind, mp, 3, sg see,

adj, m , dat, sg alone, lone

hair, appearing to him alone. No one of the others saw her.199

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg be astounded, amazed

particle, but, and


,name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

prep, in midst of, among

particle, but, and


',verb, aor, ind, mid, 3, sg turn or direct,

adv, forthwith, straightway

particle, but, and


verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg learn to know, perceive

Achilles was seized with wonder, and turned around, and immediately200

'name, f, acc, sg Pallas,

name, f, acc, sg Athena,

adj, n, nom, dual fearful, terrible

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 3, sg him, her

noun, n, nom, dual the two eyes,

verb, aor, ind, pass, 3, pl bring to light, make to appear

recognized Pallas Athene. Terribly her eyes shone.201

conj, and, also

per_pro, acc, 3, sg him, her, it

verb, aor, part, act, m , nom, sg produce sound or tone,

noun, n, acc, pl word,

adj, n, acc, pl feathered, winged

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg speak to, address

Then he addressed her with winged words, and said: Why now, daughter202

'adv, why pray,

',adv, again,

adj, m , gen, sg Aegis-bearing,

name, m , gen, sg Zeus,

,noun, n, voc, sg young,

verb, perf, ind, act, 2, sg come or go,

of aegis-bearing Zeus, have you come? Is it so that you203

adv, in truth, truly

conj, in that place, there

noun, f, acc, sg wantonness, insolence

verb, aor, subj, mid, 2, sg see, perceive

name, m , gen, sg Agamemnon,

name, m , gen, sg son of Atreus,

might see the arrogance of Agamemnon, son of Atreus? One thing ' prep, from out of,


conj, otherwise, but

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

,verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg I will say or speak,

dem_pron, n, acc, sg it,

particle, but, and

conj, and, also

verb, fut, inf, mid, complete, fulfil

verb, pres, ind, act, 1, sg suppose, think

I will tell you, and I think this will be brought to pass: through205

rel_pron, f, dat, pl who, which, that

noun, f, dat, pl confidence in arms, proud defiance

adv, quick, swift


particle, perchance, may

particle, at some time or other,

noun, m , acc, sg soul,

.verb, aor, subj, act, 3, sg destroy, make end of

his own excessive pride shall he presently lose his life.206

dem_pron, m , acc, sg him,

particle, but, and

adv, again,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg speak to,

noun, f, nom, sg goddess,

adj, f, nom, sg with gleaming eyes, brighteyed

name, f, nom, sg Athena,

Him then the goddess, bright-eyed Athene, answered: I have207

verb, aor, ind, act, 1, sg come or go,

per_pro, nom, 1, sg ego,

verb, fut, part, act, f, nom, sg make cease,

article, n, acc, sg the, that

pos_pron, n, acc, sg thy,

,noun, n, acc, sg might, force

conj, if,

particle, perchance, may

,verb, aor, subj, mid, 2, sg prevail upon, win over

come from heaven to stay your anger, if you will obey,208

adv, place, heaven,

prep, before,

particle, but, and

per_pro, acc, 1, sg ego,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg set going, put in motion

noun, f, nom, sg goddess,

adj, f, nom, sg white-armed,

name, f, nom, sg Hera,

The goddess white-armed Hera sent me forth, for in her209

adj, m , acc, dual both,

adv, equally, likewise

noun, m , dat, sg soul,

verb, pres, part, act, f, nom, sg love, regard with affection

particle, and,

verb, pres, part, mp, f, nom, sg trouble, distress

particle, and,

heart she loves and cares for both of you. But come, cease210

adv, come! come on! well!,

verb, pres, imperat, act, 2, sg stay, abate

,noun, f, gen, sg strife, quarrel

conj_logical_cont, but not or and not, nor

noun, n, acc, sg sword,

verb, pres, imperat, mp, 2, sg draw, drag

noun, f, dat, sg hand,

conj, otherwise, but

from strife, and do not grasp the sword with your hand.



conj, otherwise, but

adv, now surely, truly

noun, n, dat, pl word,

particle, indeed, although

verb, aor, imperat, act, 2, sg throw reproach upon,

conj, thus, as

verb, fut, ind, mid, 3, sg be, exist

particle, however much, all

With words indeed taunt him, telling him how it shall be.212

adv, in this wise, so

conj, for,

,verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg I will speak out,

dem_pron, n, nom, sg this thing,

particle, but, and

conj, and, also

verb, perf, part, mp, n, nom, sg complete, fulfil

verb, fut, ind, mid, 3, sg be, exist

For thus will I speak, and this thing shall truly be brought


particle, at some time or other,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

numeral_adv, pl thrice, three times

dem_pron, n, nom, pl so great, so vast

verb, fut, ind, mid, 3, sg be by or present,

adj, n, nom, pl splendid, shining

noun, n, nom, pl gift, present

conj, and, also

to pass. Hereafter three times as many glorious gifts214

noun, f, gen, sg wantonness, insolence

prep, on account of, for the sake of

dem_pron, f, gen, sg this,

per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

particle, but, and

,verb, pres, imperat, mp, 2, sg have or hold,

verb, pres, imperat, mp, 2, sg prevail upon, win over

particle, but, and

.per_pro, dat, 1, pl ego,

shall be yours on account of this arrogance. But refrain,215

dem_pron, f, acc, sg her,

particle, but, and

verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg reply, answer

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg speak to, address

noun, m , acc, pl foot,

adj, m , nom, sg quick, swift

name, m , nom, sg Achilles,

and obey us. In answer to her spoke swift-footed Achilles:216

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg it is fated, necessary

particle, indeed, although

pos_pron, n, acc, dual of you two,

,particle, at least, at any rate

,noun, f, nom, sg goddess,

noun, n, acc, sg word,

verb, aor, inf, mid, thwart, support

It is necessary, goddess, to observe the words of you two,217

conj, and, also

adv, very, very much

particle, however much, all

noun, m , dat, sg soul,

verb, perf, part, mp, m , acc, sg make angry, provoke

adv, thus, in this way

conj, for,

adj, n, nom, sg better, abler

however angered a man be in his heart, for is it better so.218

rel_pron, m , nom, sg who, which, that

particle, perchance, may

noun, m , dat, pl God,

,verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg be persuaded,

adv, very, very much

particle, and,

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, pl hear,

.per_pro_3, m , gen, sg self,

Whoever obeys the gods, to him do they gladly give ear. He spoke, conj, and, also


verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg I say,

prep, on, upon

adj, f, dat, sg silver, of silver

noun, f, dat, sg the handle of an oar,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg have or hold,

noun, f, acc, sg hand,

,adj, f, acc, sg heavy,

and stayed his heavy hand on the silver hilt, and back220

adv, back again, in return

particle, but, and

prep, into, to

noun, n, acc, sg sheath, scabbard

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg thrust, push

adj, n, acc, sg big, great

,noun, n, acc, sg sword,

neg_adv, but not,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg he disobeyed,

into its sheath thrust the great sword, and did not disobey221

noun, m , dat, sg word, delivered by word of mouth

name, f, gen, sg Athena,

dem_pron, f, nom, sg she,

particle, but, and

adv, place_personal Olympus,

verb, plup, ind, act, 3, sg walk, step

the word of Athene. She returned to Olympus to the palace of222

noun, n, acc, pl house,

prep, into, to

adj, m , gen, sg Aegis-bearing,

name, m , gen, sg Zeus,

prep, in midst of, among

noun, m , acc, pl god, goddess

.adj, m , acc, pl alius, another

aegis-bearing Zeus, to join the company of the other gods.223

name, m , nom, sg son of Peleus,

'particle, but, and

adv, over again, once more

adj, n, dat, pl mischievous, baneful

noun, n, dat, pl word,

But the son of Peleus again addressed with violent words the


,verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg speak to,

conj, and, also

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

particle, up to this time, yet

verb, imperf, ind, act, 3, sg stay, abate

noun, m , gen, sg gall, bile

name, m , acc, sg son of Atreus,

son of Atreus, and in no way ceased from his wrath: Heavy225

,adj, m , voc, sg heavy with wine,

noun, m , gen, sg dog,

'noun, n, acc, pl eye,

,verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, sg have or hold,

noun, f, acc, sg heart, mind

particle, but, and


,noun, f, gen, sg deer,

with wine, with the face of a dog but the heart of a deer,


conj_logical_cont, and not,

'particle, at some time or other,

prep, into, to

noun, m , acc, sg battle, war

adv, at once, at the same time

noun, m , dat, sg people,

verb, aor, inf, pass, arm with breastplate,

never have you had courage to arm for battle along with227

conj_logical_cont, and not,

noun, m , acc, sg ambush,

'particle, but, and

verb, pres, inf, act, go,

prep, along with, in company with

noun, m , dat, pl best man,

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

your people, or go forth to an ambush with the chiefs of


noun, m , dat, sg soul,

dem_pron, n, nom, sg that,

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

noun, f, nom, sg goddess of death,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, sg are visible, appear

.verb, pres, inf, act, be, exist

verb, perf, ind, act, 2, sg take upon oneself, bear

the Achaeans. That seems to you even as death. Indeed it229

adv, in truth, truly

adj, n, acc, sg many,

noun, n, nom, sg more desirable, more agreeable

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, sg be, exist

prep, down, downwards

noun, m , acc, sg encamped army,

adj, m , acc, sg wide, broad

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

is far better throughout the wide camp of the Achaeans230

'noun, n, acc, pl gift, present

verb, pres, inf, mp, take from, take away from

rel_pron, m , nom, sg who, which, that

ind_pro, m , nom, sg any one, any thing

per_pro, gen, 2, sg you,

adj, n, acc, sg set against,

verb, aor, subj, act, 3, sg speak,

to deprive of his prize whoever speaks contrary to you.231

adj, m , nom, sg devourer of the people,

,noun, m , nom, sg king, chief

conj, after that, since

adj, m , dat, pl of no account, worthless

verb, pres, ind, act, 2, sg be lord, master

People-devouring king, since you rule over nobodies; else,232

adv, in truth, truly

conj, for,

,particle, perchance, may

,name, m , voc, sg son of Atreus,

adv, now,

adj, n, acc, pl latter, last

.verb, aor, opt, mid, 2, sg treat despitefully, outrage

son of Atreus, this would be your last piece of insolence. But233

'conj, otherwise, but

prep, from out of,

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

verb, fut, ind, act, 1, sg I will say or speak,

conj, and, also

prep, on, upon

adj, m , acc, sg big, great

noun, m , acc, sg object by which one swears, the witness of an oath

verb, fut, ind, mid, 1, sg swear,

I will speak out to you, and will swear thereto a mighty


particle, in affirmation,

dem_pron, n, acc, sg this,

,noun, n, acc, sg staff, walking-stick

rel_pron, n, nom, sg which,

particle, indeed, although

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

particle, at some time or other,

noun, n, acc, pl leaf;,

conj, and, also

noun, m , acc, pl bough, branch

adv, yea, verily

oath: by this staff, that shall never more put forth leaves235

,verb, fut, ind, act, 3, sg bring forth, produce

conj, after that, since

particle, exactness,

adj, n, acc, pl before, first

noun, f, acc, sg the end left after cutting, the stump

prep, in, among

noun, n, dat, pl mountain, hill

,verb, perf, ind, act, 3, sg leave, quit

or shoots since first it left its stump among the mountains,236

'conj_logical_cont, but not,

verb, fut, ind, act, 3, sg sprout afresh,

prep, around,

conj, for,

particle, straightway,

per_pro, acc, 3, sg him, her

noun, m , nom, sg copper,

verb, aor, ind, act, 3, sg strip off the rind or husks, peel

nor shall it again grow green, for the bronze has stripped it on all237

noun, n, acc, pl leaf;,

particle, and,

conj, and, also

noun, m , acc, sg the bark,

adv, now,

per_pro, acc, 3, sg him, her, it

noun, m , nom, pl son,

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

adv, again,

sides of leaves and bark, and now the sons of the Achaeans carry it in238

prep, in, among

noun, f, dat, pl palm of hand, the hand

verb, pres, ind, act, 3, pl bear or carry constantly, be used to carry

,noun, m , nom, pl one who administers law, judge

rel_pron, m , nom, pl who, which, that

particle, and,

name, f, acc, pl customary,

their hands when they act as judges, those who guard the ordinances


name, m , gen, sg Zeus,

verb, pres, ind, mp, 3, pl thwart, support

dem_pron, m , nom, sg this,

particle, but, and

per_pro, dat, 2, sg you,

adj, m , nom, sg big, great

verb, fut, ind, mid, 3, sg be, exist

noun, m , nom, sg object by which one swears, the witness of an oath

prep, motion from,

that come from Zeus; and this shall be for you a mighty oath. Surely some240

adv, in truth, truly


name, m , gen, sg Achilles,

noun, f, nom, sg fond desire for,

verb, fut, ind, mid, 3, sg come,

noun, m , acc, pl son,

name, m , gen, pl Achaian,

particle, at some time or other,

day a longing for Achilles will come upon the sons of the Achaeans



adj, m , acc, pl all together, all at once

adv, at that time, then

'particle, but, and

neg_adv, | neg_particle, not,

ind_pro, n, acc, sg any one, any thing

verb, fut, ind, mid, 2, sg be able, capable

verb, pres, part, mp, m , nom, sg grieving, sorrowing

particle, however much, all

one and all, and on that day you will not be able to help them242

,verb, aor, inf, act, ward off from one,

'conj, when, at the time when

particle, perchance, may

adj, m , nom, pl many,

'prep, from under, by

name, m , gen, sg Hector,

adj, m , gen, sg man-slaying,

at all, for all your grief, when many shall fall dying before


verb, pres, subj, act, 3, pl fall, fall down

per_pro, nom, 2, sg you,

'particle, but, and

adv, in, within

noun, m , acc, sg soul,

verb, fut, ind, act, 2, sg scratch, tear

verb, pres, part, act, m , nom, pl die, be dying

man-slaying Hector
