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Iliopsoas Syndrome_ the Hidden Root of Pain

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  • 7/24/2019 Iliopsoas Syndrome_ the Hidden Root of Pain


    Iliopsoas Syndrome

    The Hidden Root of Pain

    by Stephen ODwyer, CNMT

    The Hidden Prankster

    The iliopsoas muscle is one of the most complex muscles in the body.

    When it becomes dysfunctional (either excessively short and tight, or

    overstretched and strained) it can be the source of a bewildering variety

    of mysterious and hard-to-diagnose pain.

    Among the most common problems caused by dysfunction of this muscle

    is lower back and hip pain. But many other regions of the body can also

    experience pain.

    In Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, by

    Janet Travell M.D. (personal physician to President John F. Kennedy) and

    David Simons, M.D., this muscle is referred to as "the hidden prankster.

    These two eminent and long-time pain researchers could hardly have

    come up with a more fitting label for this muscle.

    In my clinical experience I have found that dysfunction of the iliopsoas

    commonly referred to as Iliopsoas Syndrome is responsible for more

    unexplained back, hip and leg pain than any other single cause.

    Anatomy: Two Muscles in One

    The iliopsoas is actually comprised of two muscles: the psoas muscle and

    the iliacus muscle.

    Member Login

    Lasting Relief

    for Unexplained

    Back, Hip & Leg


    Healing the

    Hidden Root of


    Self-Treatment for

    Iliopsoas Syndrome

    (Instant Streaming or

    2-Disc DVD set)

    L e a r n m o r e . ..

    Your website is

    phenomenal! Thanks for

    helping anyone who might

    be confused when offered

    surgery as the only option!

    Carmen from Los

    Angeles, CA

    I tried all of your lower

    back stretches. They're


    Lee from Milwaukee,WI

    Sometimes you stumble

    on something like this and

    you say "EUREKA!"

    Laverne from Pearl

    City, Hawaii

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    The psoas major muscle attaches along the lumbar spine and

    intervertebral discs then descends obliquely to attach at the upper inner

    thigh bone (lesser trochanter of the femur).

    The iliacus muscle attaches to the upper two-thirds of the iliac fossa then

    descends to join the psoas major tendon, with some of its fibers attaching

    directly to the femur near the lesser trochanter.

    The primary function of both the psoas and iliacus is hip flexion,

    also known as flexion of the thigh. In other words, these muscles lift the

    knee to take a step in walking.

    But due to its attachment along the spine, the psoas plays a major role

    in maintaining upright posture. It can assist in extending the lumbar

    spine and, when excessively short, can contribute to excessive lumbar


    Cause of Iliopsoas Syndrome

    A very common problem for the iliacus and psoas is that they both can

    shorten over time, especially in those individuals who sit for long periods

    of time.

    Prolonged sitting in which muscles are in a shortened state for extended

    periods can lead to the muscles adapting to this position.

    Once in an adapted state, muscles have trouble returning to their

    normal resting length.This is a basic characteristic of muscle function.

    The Cross-Bridge Theory, which attempts to explain the contractile action

    of muscle tissue, asserts that, once contracted, a muscle cannot lengthen

    on its own.

    The contractile units of the muscle (sarcomeres) must be stretched back

    to their original resting length by an outside force (such as an opposing

    muscle group) before the muscle is able to actively contract and relax


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    In some cases, yes, if the proper type of stretching is done. For example,

    I have found the technique of Active Isolated Stretchingto be vastly

    superior to static stretching, especially in cases where muscles are

    stubbornly tight and short.

    But in some cases even this type of stretching must be preceded by

    manual therapy in order to enable the muscle to fully lengthen. The

    reason for this is that the fibers of a muscle can become adhered or stuck


    Sometimes this "adhering" is within the muscle itself, and sometimes one

    muscle can become adhered to another muscle.

    In both cases the attempt of the muscle to fully lengthen or fully contract

    is impeded. This results in a dysfunctional muscle which can be painful in

    and of itself, but also can result in compensatory muscle patterns

    throughout the body.

    This is one reason a dysfunctional iliopsoas muscle on the right side of the

    body, for example, could result in pain on the left side of the body. The left

    side might be getting severly overworked.

    But there are many reasons for the variety and complexity of pain from

    this "syndrome."

    Consequences of Chronic Muscular Contraction

    If a muscle cannot return to its normal resting length, it then resides in a

    state of chronic contraction and numerous undesirable consequences can


    1. Ischemia

    A chronically contracted muscle can become

    ischemic (low blood flow). Imagine the whiteknuckles of a clenched fist. No blood flow there. An

    ischemic muscle is often a painful muscle.

    2. Trigger Points

    A chronically contracted muscle can develop trigger

    points which refer pain (or numerous other possible

    sensations thermal, tingling, numbness, aching)

    either radiating out from the muscle or felt in other

    parts of the body.

    3. Distorted Movement Patterns

    A chronically contracted muscle can distort the

    movement of the joint it crosses. For example, a

    chronically tight iliacus could reduce movement at

    the front of the hip.

    4. Muscular Compensation

    A chronically contracted muscle can cause other

    compensations or distortions in the body. If a

    chronically tight iliacus, for example, reduces

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    movement in one hip, then the other hip or the

    spine or other parts of the body will be called upon

    to compensate or to change their normal pattern of


    5. Nerve Entrapment

    A chronically contracted muscle may be responsible

    for entrapment of nerves, another cause of pain. In

    the case of the iliopsoas, entrapment of the

    following nerves is possible: the femoral nerve, the

    lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, the femoral

    branch of the genitofemoral nerves, the

    iliohypogastric nerve and the ilioinguinal nerve.

    Potential Regions of Pain

    During my 25 years of treating iliopsoas dysfunction, clients have

    presented with pain in following areas...

    Lower abdomen



    Down the leg


    Lower back

    Sacroiliac joint

    Across the top of the hip bone (iliaccrest), sometimes wrapping around

    the lower back or buttocks

    The problem an individual may face when being examined by a

    physician not trained in muscular problems is that examination of

    any of the above areas of pain may reveal exactly nothing.

    Many standardized allopathic tests, including neurological tests, will come

    back normal because they are not tests designed to evaluate muscular

    problems. Such problems can only be properly assessed with skilledpalpation and knowledge of musculoskeletal dysfunction.

    Of particular difficulty in the case of the iliacus is the fact of its hidden

    location. This muscle is not easy to palpate if you dont have any practice

    at it. The psoas is more accessible but no less intimidating to palpate,

    much less treat, if youre unsure of what to do.

    What to Do

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    Due the outpouring of inquiries I've received about Iliopsoas Syndrome

    I've spent the last 6 months developing a self-treatment system for home


    This system mirrors the treatment progression I follow when treat ing

    clients at my office over the course of a number of weeks.

    This system is now available as a 2-Disc DVD set which I've titled,

    Healing the Hidden Root of Pain: Self-Treatment for Iliopsoas


    Click on the image or link below to go to the description page for this



    H e a l in g t h e H i d d e n

    R o o t o f P a in

    S el f - Tr e a t m e n t f o r I l i op s o a s

    S y n d r o m e

    2 - D i s c DVD S e t

    o r

    I n st a n t S t r e a m i n g

    L a st i n g R e l ie f f o r U n e x p l a i n e d

    B a c k , H i p a n d L e g P a in

    In the meantime be sure to check out my stretching videos, especiallythose for the hip flexors (your iliacus and psoas muscles are your primary

    hip flexors).

    Also, if you currently work with a skilled manual therapist (massage

    therapist, bodyworker, physical therapist), I have created instructions for

    therapistswhich provide a good starting point.

    And please join the Iliopsoas Syndrome Forum below. Share your story

    and learn from others.

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    Do You Think You Might be Suffering from

    Iliopsoas Syndrome?

    If so, please share your story here. You might be able to help others who

    are also suffering from this pernicious problem.

    I try to respond in this forum to stories that seem to be representative of

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    this issue. So please be as specific as possible about your history,

    symptoms, and the course of treatments you've tried.

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    What Other Visitors Have Said

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    Seven years of pain - is it the psoas?

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    sensation behind

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    So I'm not crazy?

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    My Doctor Thinks I'm Crazy

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    blades for years. It all started when I was pregnant with my daughter

    about 4 years

    Diagnosed with Psoas Syndrome

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    injured my thigh. I did not realize it was serious until I could not stretch

    or do exercises

    Hidden Prankster Sufferer

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    My Iliopsoas Dysfunction Discovery and Yoga

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    Disabled and suffering

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    which prevent me from exercising and stretching on a regular basis. From


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    traveling at speed and hip took full force because my shoes were clipped

    in. I

    Injured International Hockey Player

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    I got

    20 Months of Pain Getting Worse

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    right leg

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    10 Year History of Pelvic, Groin, and Low Back Pain

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    hip, and pelvic pain for about the past 10 years. I have tried many


    A Crash to the GroundNot rated yet

    Hello. I fell from a height of 2 ft. smack down on cement with my legs

    stretched out on Nov. 2. I was babysitting my 2 1/2 year old

    granddaughter and

    Standing too long!Not rated yet

    I had been wearing my beloved toe shoes for three years and standing on

    concrete floors too many hours. I developed a deep pain in the fold

    between leg

    Labral Tear with Iliopsoas SyndromeNot rated yet

    I suffered an anterior labral tear to my hip three years ago. I cannot take

    anti-inflammatory meds but swim and bike as much as I can. Recently, my

    Congenital Hip MalformationNot rated yet

    Unbeknowst to me, I was born with a congenital hip malformation. One

    side of my hip had no hip socket. The femoral ball attached itself to the

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    Longtime Runner Trying to Self-DiagnoseNot rated yet

    I have been running for close to 20 years, and my body is finally starting

    to break down from it's dysfunction and lack of strength and mobility in


    Sudden Pain Out of NowhereNot rated yet

    I had just walked into my home when out of nowhere a very sharp pain

    hit me in my hip. I was not sure what had just happened. All I knew is

    that I had

    My Self-Diagnosis of Iliopsoas SymptomsNot rated yet

    I sit for 4-6 hours daily. I get my exercise by walking, gardening,

    housework and outdoors activities (swimming, sailing, kayaking and

    hiking). I believe

    Pilates Trainer with Chronic Hip PainNot rated yet

    Hello. I'm 42, female and had fusion surgery 11 years ago in my lumbar

    region. I had a quick recovery, got into fitness training a year after my


    Father of Triplets Can't Stand UpNot rated yet

    I first noticed this pain in my mid-twenties while playing in a flag football

    league, but it was not as debilitating as it is now. Now Im 36 and one

    Runner with Hip and Lower Back AcheNot rated yet

    I've been struggling with an aching pain in my hip for some time while

    training for a marathon. The pain doesn't inhibit my ability to run but


    Belly Dancer with Back Pain Told to Strengthen AbsNot rated yet

    My first memory of back pain was when I was in my mid- teens. I was in a

    play and one scene was rehearsed again and again forcing me to stand for

    a couple

    My Sister Injured While SkiiingNot rated yet

    My sister fell while skiing in early December. She believed she injured herknee and the emergency room physician placed her in a universal splint


    Camel Pose and Table Pose Relieve PainNot rated yet

    From time to time I get the sensation of a slightly pulled muscle. This

    develops by the next day into a very severe pain which shoots from my

    lower left

    Suffered for 5 YearsNot rated yet

    My name is Jan and I've suffered for at least 5 years with psoas pain. It

    started when I had knee pain and went to an orthopedic surgeon. The

    MRI didnt

    I Thought it Was Sciatic PainNot rated yet

    The sharp pain in my sacral area started a few years ago. I get tingly feet

    and my legs feel fatigued as if Ive just run a marathon. When I stretch

    Lower Back, Lower Abdomen, Aching Legs Not rated yet

    I have had several bouts of lower back pain in my life. I'm now 48. I work

    a physical job so think nothing of it. Yes, it's my back. But I had a


    Pain at Top Corner of Pelvis, Hip Flexors, and Lower BackNot rated


    Pain in my hip area began about 8 weeks ago. I'm a runner, so I stopped

    running, as the pain was getting progressively worse. I took it to be a

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    Back Pain During PregnancyNot rated yet

    I've suffered with lower back pain for the past five years. After MRIs, CT

    scans, X-rays, Neurologists etc, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and


    Cl i ck h e r e t o w r i t e y o u r o w n .

    Extreme Lower Back PainNot rated yet

    After spending a month in the hospital and two months resting at homeafter having abdominal surgery, my lower back felt as if I had been hit by

    a 4 x

    Work injuryNot rated yet

    In April of this year I was injured in an explosion at my job. A piece of

    metal punctured my abdomen at high velocity like a gun shot. The

    projectile lodged

    This page has "me" written all over it!Not rated yet

    I'm going to try to be as brief as possible! I'm an 18-year-old female

    that's has chronic, severe tendonitis in my iliopsoas tendon for over 4


    Groin PainNot rated yet

    I have suffered with groin pain for about 3 years. I had cortisone shots in

    my hip and groin area 2 years ago. When it didn't work they gave me


    Running Out of Non-Surgical OptionsNot rated yet

    I am a low back (L5-S1) patient that has had everything done over the

    past four years without any success (only local 3-4 level pain when

    walking that

    Terrible Hip pain!Not rated yet

    During my 22 years in the Army I always had some back problem but

    nothing I could not stretch out and continue exercising and have normal


    Condition arose during pregnancy!Not rated yet

    I'm 7 months into my first pregnancy and I am in absolutely excellent

    health. I have not gained much weight and am just starting to show a

    belly. For

    TIGHT ILIACUSNot rated yet

    My physiotherapist diagnosed a tight iliacus and psoas last January. After

    only one massage treatment the psoas loosened up but it's been 4

    months and

    Feeling Much BetterNot rated yet

    Dear Stephen O'Dwyer, I can not find words to tell you how grateful I am!

    You literally saved my life from every day and every night pain. It all

    Dangerous Condition?Not rated yet

    Sounds like me, I have the symptoms almost to the core of what you say

    can present. Dr. hasn't figured it out yet. Haven't had MRI yet but hoping


    Distance Runner Hip PainNot rated yet

    I am a collegiate distance runner who has been out for 4.5 months. From

    December 20th to March 7th I was recovering from bilateral femoral

    stress fractures.

    Hip and groin painNot rated yet

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    I am a 55 year old woman. About 10 years ago I began having pain deep

    on my hip in the middle of the night. Sometimes it was my left hip, other

    times my

    Long Distance Driving Causing PainNot rated yet

    I am a 54 mother of three teenage children. I am 5'2" tall and weigh

    about 8 stone (128 lbs I think). Until the children started at secondary


    Pain and Weakness in My Right LegNot rated yet

    I'm not exactly sure how it happened, either by dead-lifting or by doing

    yoga. It started out as a little bit of tightness in my h ips and general

    Lower Back Pain for 4 YearsNot rated yet

    I got pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago and about 8 weeks later my

    lower back pain started. I was in pain my entire pregnancy, unable to

    enjoy any

    Goodluck to Me & My Iliopsoas SyndromeNot rated yet

    I just read about this iliopsoas on your site and I think this is what I have.

    I've been suffering for 10 years now from this hip pain and every time


    "Hip Pain"Not rated yet

    I'm an athlete who has been having this aching pain in my "hip" for

    almost a year now. Luckily it has not yet affected my performance

    because I don't usually

    Nerve Pain Might Be Iliopsoas SyndromeNot rated yet

    I am an accountant so I sit for most of the day. I am very active but I

    have been limited over the last few years due to my hip problems. I had


    Cl i ck h e r e t o w r i t e y o u r o w n .

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    6 Comments Sort by

    Gustavo Bessone

    Co-Founder and CEO at Taggify

    Hi, I have a similar pain for almost 2 years now (5th november

    2010 it started), done dozens of studies and seen dozens ofdoctors and nobody has a clue of what I got fo r now.

    Wonder if this might be related to it.

    It started one night in a bar where I had too much beer, really

    needed to pee and the line to the mens room was much longer

    than usual. Had to hold it until my bladder was about to explode.

    When I finally got to the urinal it just didn't come out. I tried to

    force it (i believe I might have injured something at this point).

    Later that night pee started coming out drop by drop until

    ... See More

    Like Reply Sep 24, 2012 12:33am

    Laverne Ishihara Higashionna

    Registered Nurse at Kuakini Medical

    Sometimes researching your own symptoms of pain u canstumble upon something like this and possibly say

    "EUREKA!".....glad to know I amnot alone in having low right

    sided pain near the SI joint AND hip/groin pain at he

    sametime...my ortho didn't see how having both were even

    related...go figure .

    Like Reply 2 Sep 12, 2012 1:05pm

    Sharen Clozza Malone

    Love this website. I've only recently started having back pain

    and terrible spasms. Everything I've read points to a contracted

    iliopsoas, so I'm hoping to fix this before it becomes

    debilitating. Thanks for this.

    Like Reply May 24, 2012 5:08am

    Norma Lundquist

    Anoka-Ramsey Community College

    I am reading this article because because I have been having

    pain that started between my spine and my hip on the L side.So

    far NOYHING helps it.I am a nurse and have had 2 back


    Like Reply Jan 25, 2012 4:44am

    Teresita U. Tiu

    that's very helpfull.

    Like Reply Jan 8, 2012 12:26am

    Facebook Comments Plugin


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