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Illustration Destination Survey

Date post: 10-Mar-2016
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The Illustration Course in the School of Art, Design and Media initiated a destination survey of their students. This short report details why and how we have gathered the information and how we may use it. It also outlines our alumni professions and some useful quotes from students who have left over the last ten years.
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A Journey Through The Illustration Course Destination Survey
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A Journey Through The Illustration Course

Destination Survey

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The course has a strong research identity and encourages thestudents to develop a breadth of knowledge and expertise in avariety of fields which include; illustration; typography;photography; drawing; artist's book; web design; animation;graphic design and print making.The emphasis on research alsosupports the students in their choice of media and specialisms.As part of the course the students also gain experience of;verbal presentations; working to deadlines; working withingroups; organising exhibitions and related publicity as well asdeveloping their own independent learning programme.

Because the course seeks to question and debate the overlapsthat occur between specialisms, there was always a strongfeeling that our students, with their research background andartistic freedom would cross boundaries in their professionallives after university.

We [the staff] decided to carry out a destination survey becausewe realised we actually had few records about the sorts of jobsand career paths that our students were following.We alsowanted to use the findings of the survey to support andencourage our current and future students in their choice ofcareers.

We have kept in contact with many of our students fromprevious years, but we chose to mail-out a letter to 180 ex-students, asking if they could get in touch via email or postand give us a short history of their time after university. Wewere after information about where they were workingcurrently and also to provide online examples of work ifpossible.

The Illustration Course in the School of Art, Design and Mediainitiated a destination survey of their students.This short reportdetails why and how we have gathered the information and howwe may use it. It also outlines their professions and some usefulquotes from students who have left over the last ten years.

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We were delighted when we received a large number ofresponses and we are currently working towards structuringthis information into a lecture for all current students. We willalso be creating a comprehensive website that will build into adatabase of student destinations, which will link to our ownIllustration Course website (that also houses 14 years ofarchived Degree Shows).http://www.envf.port.ac.uk/illustration/ip/index.htm

The survey is beginning to evidence that our graduates havegained employment in a wide variety of fields from freelanceillustration across the whole spectrum of art, design and media.Some of our students have gone on to complete teachertraining and the research emphasis of the course has alsosupported a large number of students to continue on topostgraduate study.

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EducationTeaching in SchoolsTeaching English as a Foreign LanguageTechnician in Schools and FE and HE InstitutionsLecturing in FE and HE Institutions

ArtExhibiting WorkExhibition DisplayCommercial Illustration Comic Book IllustrationMedical IllustrationCartographic IllustrationResident ArtistsBand PromotionArt BuyerMuralsSelf-PublishingChildren's booksPhotographyCard DesignProduct ManagerHand Made Toys

DesignDesign CompaniesGraphic DesignersClothing Graphics and T Shirt DesignsGraphics OfficerGovernment DesignMagazinesBook PublishersMarketing and Public RelationsAdvertising

There follows a list of careers taken directly from the surveythat highlights where our students have found themselves.

David Lupton

Richard Buckler

Magictorch Design

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MediaWeb DevelopersGame DesignAnimation BroadcastingCDROM DesignMultimedia

Other DestinationsStudent Voice Dissemination WorkerLocal Authority Art Related PositionsCommunity ProjectsFunding and Arts Council GrantsSales and PromotionRAF

Frazer Irving

Magictorch Design

David Lupton

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It is interesting that so many ex-students in their responses talkabout the jobs that they did to survive whilst striving to gettheir 'ideal' job in art, design and media.The ex-students havealso given some really good advice to current students throughmany interesting quotes about 'life after university'.

“What is apparent is that you really need to keep looking and pushing and that ifyou want it you will get there. You cannot afford to sit back and hope that the jobswill come to you”.

Matt Thomas Graduated 2000Educational Illustrator/Designer at the University of Cambridge

“If I had to give any advice to students it would be to get as much work out thereas possible and just keep trying!!!! Do work for free no matter how big or small,get work experience and try to think commercially. Target who you want to workfor!!!

Richard Lock Graduated 2003 Designer for Plastic Head. Music Distribution Company

“I do very little with my art and design these days but I do feel the reason than Ido so well in sales is because I'm creative and think outside the box”.

Shirleyanne Kirby Graduated 1999Executive Medical Representative, Abbott Immunology

“Looking back I can see that my time at Portsmouth was well spent; not only forprofessional development but for personal development (at work and in the socialenvironment) and prepared me for the road ahead.”

David Wayman Graduated 1999Flying Officer, RAF

"I graduated from the Illustration Course in the summer of last year (2004) with afirst class honours. Since then I have worked for the Cosgrove Hall, BBCi and ITV asan animator. I have also exhibited work in the Southampton City Gallery, Fabrica(Brighton) and my graduation film "switches" is about to feature in a exhibition inEspace Croise gallery in France. To talk about just my successes wouldn't be a fairreflection of my time since I left the course as there has been a lot of signing onand a bit of working in petrol stations!”

Luke Marsh Graduated 2004Artist/Illustrator

‘Life After University’ a few interesting quotes.

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“From a freelance illustrators point of view, I would advise that at no time let yourguard down on your own work or finding work. Always look for it, advertise, coldcall, get yourself onto an agency while you are at University and while you have themoney. DO IT NOW !!!! Don't end up out in the cold on your own, use all thehelp you can get through your course and start to get your self involved with workrelated articles. Being a freelancer is VERY hard work. There are an awful lot ofnew people each and every year turning out of University. Keep your work freshand appealing and study the market. Read, go out and look at what is the 'InThing’. Don't get pigeon holed into one style, go for a variety and most of all...KEEPan EYE on TRENDS as it moves extremely quickly and before you know it you aresix months behind in your style or approach to your work.”

Sarah-Jane Waller Graduated 2003M.A Digital Design University of Portsmouth

It has been lovely to hear from our students and the staff havebeen delighted with the responses.This has been a reallypositive exercise and emails are still arriving daily. We need toreflect on how this information and data can be used mosteffectively. A lecture entitled ‘A Journey Through the IllustrationCourse Destination Survey’ is now complete and work on anonline database is underway. Already the information has led toopportunities for work experience and employment.This surveyis revealing so much about our course and the students thathave completed it. There are exciting jobs across the field of art ,design and media and what this survey proves is that ourstudents are gaining employment in all of these exciting andrewarding positions.

Maureen O’Neill
