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Illustrations and Illustrators

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Illustrations and Illustrators.
 Bulgarian Children’s Books I llustr ations Artists included: Victor Paunov Regina Dalkalacheva Y asen Guzelev Y ana Levieva

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Bulgarian Children’sBooks Illustrations

Artists included:

Victor Paunov 

Regina Dalkalacheva

Yasen Guzelev 

Yana Levieva

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Exhibition of Bulgarian professional illustrators,organized in the Museum “Earth and Man”, Sofia

by Association “Child’s Friend”

he !oster

"uring the months of !ro#ect im!lementation, $e did our best to engage large grou!s of children,

young !eo!le and $hole families, in artistic acti%ities under the guidance of famous artists and

$riters& 'e ha%e organized a number of $or(sho!s, e)hibitions, readings, concerts and theatre

!erformances, as $ell as discussion meetings, round tables and !ress*conferences to hel! children

and society as a $hole become familiar $ith the art of creating boo(s&

'e initiated reading, $riting and dra$ing com!etitions among school children, $ho ha%e been

encouraged to create their self $ritten and illustrated boo(s&

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+ictor auno%

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+ictor auno%

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Regina Dalkalacheva. -./012S!ecialized 3llustration and artistic design of boo(s in Austria, 4ermanyand France&

5%er 67 author’s E)hibitions in Austria, S$itzerland, 4ermany, France, South 8orea, etc9

Created more than 7 !icture boo(s and lots of educational !ublications for children&

Assistant !rofessor at the ;ational Fine Arts Academy&

A$arded by “3;E< E=;3C 3;33A3+E F5< =>MA; <34=S F5>;"A35; ? >;ESC5” best

children’s illustrated boo( on the theme of Ethnic Multiculturality&

he “A(ademie f@r !olitische ildung” a$ard for the e)hibition “1 ArtBosizionen”, 4ermany&

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<egina "al(alache%a

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<egina "al(alache%a

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<egina "al(alache%a

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3assen 4uzele%3llustrations and

4ra!hic "esign&

Author’s e)hibitions in

4ermany, 3taly,

Scotland, Czech

<e!ublic, Slo%a(ia,

ai$an, ougosla%ia

and the >SA&

3n 7.7 ? a$arded the

!rize for est

3llustrated oo(& -Alice

in 'onderland2

Sil%er medal from the

Association of3llustrators, ;e$ or(,



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3assen 4uzele%

“Alice in Wonderland” 

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!ana "evieva -./0D24raduate of the ;ational Academy of fine Arts * 3llustration and 4ra!hic design& GHIJKJL

Created the design and illustrations for numerous children’s boo(s, many of them a$arded the

A number of ;ational rizes for best children’s boo(s illustartions&

ecturer in the ;ational Academy of Fine Arts -3llustration and 4ra!hic design2

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From 5ctober to "ecember 7.1,

se%eral !arallel e%ents $ere at the

centre of !ublic interest:


5!ening of the e)hibition&- Concert in the e)hibition hall&

- E)hibition of children’s

dra$ingsB and illustrationsChildren’s oo( e)hibition&

Celebrating !rize $inners Concerts and children’s !erformances&

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ress conference

;ational <adio 3nter%ie$s

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