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ILO - Gender and Decent Rural Emloyment_disc

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  • 8/22/2019 ILO - Gender and Decent Rural Emloyment_disc


    ADB-FAO-WOCAN Regional High-Level Consultation onGender, Food Security and Nutrition Ensuring the Other Half Equal

    24-26 July 2013, Bangkok

    en er an ecen wor n rura

    development: ILO guidelines and tools fors ra eg c,equitable and evidence-informed national

    po c es an n erven ons

    Nelien Has els


    International Labour Office, Bangkok

    The views expressed in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or thegovernments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this paper and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The countries listed in thispaper do not imply any view on ADB's part as to sovereignty or independent status or necessarily conform to ADB's terminology.

  • 8/22/2019 ILO - Gender and Decent Rural Emloyment_disc


    Issues for discussion


    ILO decent work agenda in the rural economy

    G-equality & decent work in rural development: Evidence, guiding principles and strategies

    Equal rural employment and incomes

    Social protection for rural populations Safe work in rural areas

    Social dialogue and organizing

    u ng equa ty expert se


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    Challenges - 1

    Rural economy: Large share of total employment indeveloping and emerging economies but:

    Emerging exi e an casua emp oyment re ations intraditional and non-traditional agricultural export(NTAE) jobs in agri-business and industry

    Difficulty of self-employed small farmers to earn aliving wage

    underemployment in other regions

    Negative effects of world food crises, unsustainable

    ,speculation in agricultural trade on rural poor &disproportionally on rural women and girls due to


    gen er norms an ro es

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    Challenges - 2

    Significant decent work challenges for rural womenand men but more pronounced for rural women:

    In Sout an East Asia s are o agricu ture inwomens employment significantly higher than inmens

    Most rural women workers: Unpaid familyworkers or self-employed, exposed to low incomes& casual low roductivit obs in narrow ran e offemale-dominated occupations

    Time poverty: Longer working hours for rural

    Gender pay gap: Rural womens wages paid onaverage 25% less than men


    Gen er inequities in access to e ucation, training

    and services (financial, business and technicalsupport)

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    Challenges 3

    High incidence of child labour among girls and boysand out migration of male and female youth

    Care wor an ami y uties a main y on women:Pregnancy and family responsibilities - considerableemployment discrimination

    Lack of social protection increases womens careburdens

    economic activity and not included in GDP andemployment statistics

    Lack of agency and representation among rural poorwo/men in decision making


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    ILOs decent work agenda

    Decent work is work undertaken in conditions offreedom, equity, security and human dignity

    Decent wor agen a is an integrate pac age o mu ti-sectoral support services to promote: Ri hts at work

    Fair and productive employment and income for

    women and men

    Social dialogue and right to organize

    Gender e ualit and non-discrimination are

    crosscutting priorities


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    ILO priority: Decent work in rural economy

    1 of 8 Areas of Critical Importance from 2013onwards

    New programme to ena e wor ing poor in rura areasto improve their productivity and incomes throughboth agricultural and non-agricultural work

    ILO support to constituents governments, employersand workers organizations and other partners tocollect evidence and build ca acit in line withinternational labour standards to promote:

    More productive small farms, including

    Start-ups and expansion of non-agriculturalbusinesses


    Emp oyment-intensive in rastructure investments

    Social protection to small-holders & micro-enter rises

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    G-equality & decent work in rural development - 1

    Fight hunger and food insecurity through job-rich, equitablegrowth: Evidence: Wo/men can work themselves out ofpover y

    Equality essential tool for achieving higherproductivity and growth not a luxury that must waitunti t e economy as een eve ope

    When women and men receive the same levels ofeducation ex erience and farm in uts there are nosignificant differences in male and female farmersproductivity

    employment outcomes unless accompanied by highereducation and better access to assets Avoid


    Work to live or live to work?

  • 8/22/2019 ILO - Gender and Decent Rural Emloyment_disc


    G-equality & decent work in rural development - 2

    Guiding principles based on good practices:

    Decent work and gender equality integrated ineconomic, emp oyment an socia po icies t rouggender mainstreaming and gender-specific measuresto close gaps:

    Action based on gender analysis: Informed evidencefor tailor made support

    beneficiaries but agents of economic transformation:

    Consultation, participation, ownership and

    Enhance womens voice, representation andagency in decision making in the family,


    community, wor p ace & at a governance eve s

    & mechanisms

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    G-equality & decent work in rural development - 3

    Strategies based on good practices:

    Multi-sectoral, integrated & equitable economic and

    inclusion Sensitize women and men at all intervention levels to

    gen er an equa y ssues engen er a ns u ons

    Tackle all grounds of discrimination (sex, race,

    ethnicity, colour, social origin, religion) at the sametime, as wo men ave to cope wit cumu ativedisadvantage due to multiple forms of discrimination

    In e ualit we trust rotection onl if we must:

    Adequate protection of reproductive rights andfunctions of women and men


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    Rights for rural workers 1

    Ratification and application ofinternational labourstandards in sound national laws and regulations in


    Fundamental principles and rights at work: Elimination of discrimination in employment and

    occupa on, an equa remunera on or wor oequal value C 100 & 111

    Prohibition of child and forced labour Freedom of association and the right to organize

    Adequate maternity protection and measures for

    Standards related to wage protection, human resourcedevelopment, social security, safety and health, labour


    nspec on, coopera ves, en erpr se eve opmen ,

    private employment agencies, indigenous peoples,domestic work

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    Rights for rural workers 2

    Practical measures for promoting sound national laws andregulations in practice:

    Deve opment an en orcement o equita e et icastandards, codes of conduct and decent work in agro-industries

    Raising awareness and competencies of all rural femaleand male workers on the essential human workers,womens and child ri hts in s ecific rural areas

    Capacity development, policy advocacy andpartnerships between and among relevant government


    Ensure effective compliance and monitoringmechanisms, eg labour inspectorate, legal aid services


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    Reproductive rights for rural workers 3

    Maternity protection and reconciliation of work-familyare crucial to achieve gender equality in rural areas. Vitalmeasures:

    Adequate maternity protection for all rural women tosafeguard the health and economic security of womenan t eir c i ren

    Promote more equal sharing of paid and unpaidwork between women and men: Engage fathers in all parental support programmes

    and avoid targeting mothers only


    Support to (unpaid) family care for the disabled,


    e er y an ot er epen ants

    Encourage work-family balance measures inwork laces for wo/men

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    Equal rural employment and incomes - 1

    Gender equitable employment creation:

    Stimulate higher value-added rural activities in-

    gender concerns into capital investment, humanresource and market development, price control of

    Reduce constraints in access to land, finance, market

    information and technology ensuring womensequ a e access o an con ro over asse s

    Enhance rural infrastructure reducing workloads ofwomen and men in labour intensive household work

    Invest in gender equitable quality education & training,financial & technical services


    external shocks and provide core public goods

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    Equal rural employment and incomes - 2

    Education and skills development in rural areas:

    Analysis of any gender inequalities at all stages and levels ofe ucation & training & esign gen er-responsive a our supp ymeasures geared at gainful work: Aim: Basic & advanced relevant ualit education for all

    Address harmful occupational segregation by sex,

    channeling wo/men into a narrow range of suitable jobs, ,green technology & enterprise development

    Gender parity: Ensure all girls/boys complete education

    Curricula, free from gender bias Practical measures eg female trainers, gender training for all



    Life-long learning: Retraining during life-cycle

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    Equal rural employment and incomes - 3

    Enterprise development:

    Build enabling environment for womens- ,

    regulatory processes, gender mainstreaming in allentrepreneurial business development & targeted-

    enterprise decision making

    Strengthen networking and advocacy on womenen repreneurs p an suppor women s groupformation and representation

    Improve rural womens entrepreneurial skills and

    increase gen er-responsive inancia an usinessservices

    In trade olicies: Avoid market distortions in favour of


    male, urban, large-scale entrepreneurs

    Integration of women entrepreneurs in growth

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    Equal rural employment and incomes - 4

    Agricultural value chain development (VCD):

    Enabling environment for pro-poor and pro-women

    Gender analysis & women specific action in private sectorinitiatives eg in CSR (corporate social responsibility), fairra e or consumer ac on

    Womens participation in producer and workers

    organizations and in decision making processes Reduce gender inequalities in modern agricultural VCDs

    Reduce entry barriers for women farmers and

    Improve womens returns in traditional value chains &respect food security choices of producers


    Rein orce agricu tura eve opment measures wit socia

    policies and services to protect the poor and reducegender inequalities among them

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    Equal rural employment and incomes - 5

    Gender equality in rural infrastructure works:

    Design and implement gender-sensitive public works

    decisions on the type of infrastructure works Consult women on the type of work they can do, as the

    range o o s can ranscen e ra ona gen er a ourdivisions

    Decent work standards for all, eg equal pay for work ofequa va ue

    Use targeted gender strategies and expertise, eg consult onreferred a ment in kind food or cash ender trainin

    for all, extra training for women, women-only workcrews (if needed), advertize jobs in media accessible towomen


    Gender-sensitive small rural contractor procurement

    Ensure womens voice and representation in community

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    Social protection for rural populations -

    Gender equitable extension of the social protection floor(essential health care and basic income security paid by

    ublic funds in rural areas:

    Improve gender equality in access to quality basicservices (education, health and child care, maternity

    Adequate maternity protection crucial in any food

    security and hunger eradication initiative Use a gen er ens in esign an avoi negative

    unintended gender effects of practical measures

    Pro ressive extension of ender e uitable social securit :

    Priority for protection against occupational accidentsand diseases special protection for single adult


    Eliminate discriminatory measures in social security, egbenefits only to male head of household

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    Safe work in rural areas

    Rural occupational safety and health (OSH):

    Include agriculture in national OSH policies and

    Strengthen OSH provisions in rural workplaces withexplicit attention to occupational hazards inagr cu ure or g -r s rura o s

    Introduce rural workers and families to practical

    measures to improve safety, health and workingcon itions see ILO we site on WIND

    Prevent and redress violence and (sexual) harassmentin workplaces


    Con uct gen er-sensitive HIV programmes

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    Social dialogue and organizing

    Inclusion of rural gender concerns and food securityon social dialogue agendas and in social dialogue

    mec an sms e ween governmen , emp oyers an

    workers organizations Enhance womens voice, representation and agency

    in socia ia ogue mec anisms an ecision ma ing

    Increase the engagement and outreach to women byem lo ers workers and other membershi -basedorganizations eg cooperatives

    Promote womens participation and leadership in-

    Ensure freedom of association and the right to freelyjoin organizations of their own choice among rural


    wor ers

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    Building equality expertise

    Gender equality advocacy, building commitment andexpertise, allocation ofbudget & good governance byrura wo men among po cy ma ers an mp emen ers

    Increasing agency and representation of rural womenin social dialogue and bargaining on economic, socialan emp oyment po icies

    Create, invest in and utilize centers of genderex ertise in food securit and in rural areas amongovernment, universities and in civil society coveringrural populations

    and/or human rights commissions to ruralemployment and rural areas


  • 8/22/2019 ILO - Gender and Decent Rural Emloyment_disc


    Thank you & Resources



    Womenandlabour marketsinAsia:Rebalancin for endere ualithttp://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/asia/ro









    p: www. o.org a ar a n o pu c n _ angen n ex. mWork,incomeandgenderequalityinEastAsia:Actionguide(Chin.Bahasa,Engl)


    Workimprovementinneighbourhood development WIND. . _ _

    73.pdfMaternityprotectionresourcepackage WIND



