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ILOUISYIIL Ma WMJSKJLY coura THinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7qv97zmk6t/data/0163.pdfTor aptrit Will thai!...

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L - i. WEEKLiY COUUIKH Tint m or i rno. llwU copy, eat year k I've eopiee, oa year 114 Th eoylae. eat year A wtr eopj Met grata lor imj club t lea. t ParaW alwayt U rtma. r Bniinuni Mf b atte by Mall at oar nak. jy It le seldom i have aa opportunity of publishing poem ofsuah genuine merit as tbc following. It Is beautiful and powerful: Par the Louisville Oonriar.l FlKIWtLL TO FKEEDOX. Farewell bright aptrlt! till Is Wlur Bare A aew bora nedee ahall thy temple nUc, Ib towering rraadaar aeatb tbetr native dint; Dlattrioat mad by lofty tool anbHrne, Tb iaaartl mhmU ef the noble free. Of those who kwght aad fell for liberty Of Uiom who wotakipat thy raised Oka, And know, though fcllea, tboa wilt riot ajaln. Farewell I aad while tat teapots Iroa rod PhaD emit the natlo that blaapbemea tu God, Diee Hia altar and aabvaru thy hum, A aatloa wicked, wail aad mat at. Tor aptrit Will thai! o'er thy waated lend, Iu gaardlaa geniae aad aveeg aland: Till proved by devattatioa, scourge aad Same, Thy caaateued children ahall thy reign preclalaa Aad reelect thy etatalr donx ea high. Bright Freedom' Pharos ia the weetera sky. Ala ! that aationt aboald forge thy worth, Aiea! that tyrants should encumber earth; That Biaa.aaaiiadfal of bit loftiest aim. The lotpiralfoa of immortal thaw, PUoold sink the brute, tb detpot or the tltve. The re nriing Tillies, or declining knave The wicked demoa to degrade bit race. Their deeds illustrious, and their work efface. Whet, thovgfc ae aiore thy ray. Beam e'er the land effulgent aa the day t What, though the cloade obeenre thy heavenly (ace, Aod a tgbl enshroud thine earthly dwelling place ? Tat eball thy spirit from the lowering aky Dispel tbe clouds, and bid the darkness fly Thy easclnc bolta lllvme the awakened lead. Denuded crime ia trembling terror ataad. Vet pertteo, refeaeratad Dee Thy eoaa triamphant wrth thy predon priae A aattae bleat, tliat ahall to future Hat Trasamit their virtue and thair deeda aobUma; Aad tear their rererd aod Immortal naaie, Tbe nobleat, brightest on the page of kmc. LOUISVILLE. General Prvtona letter Reply to tLonisville." Lkxikotoh, Dec 16, 1866. EJUert Louisville Courier: la aa article beaded "Harmony of tbe Dem- ocratic party Gen. Preston' LettCT,' which appeared ia the Conner of yesterday, a singu- larly ingenious attempt la made to pervert tbe meaning of that gallant gentleman's candid respot.se to Inquiry prompted by a sentiment eery general in a large aad influential element of tbc Kentucky Democracy. Intbia article It atattumed that General Preeton'a letter I calculated to dietarb tbe bencotiyot tbe parry ,and loteaded toenliet tbe parUao fclin In bia own fuvor. and declaring tea "UMrre a no lonnomuon lor tdc loea wet tbe eicluaion ot Cooled era'e aoldiera from of Bee waa the police of the &m ot May Con vention, tbe vriter rrpreeenta tbe letter aa en attempt to induce sorb an lirpreailoa aa to excite jeeiooay ana Oirtmat in advance, ana make Uie people believe that, if anooivr a doccn or more eandidatea tbe aoaiioation ebouid not fail upon Pretton, it will be en ect of proaenption and degradatioa irimil en cooiearraie aoiaiera. it it acafwly Dcceaarr tbia rratuitonf and otilmeive viudicaiioa of a body which, aa benerai rreatoa write and we all remember. wee characterised aa en eaten biage of "re- - turnra rebtta." It will be early crjonet to defend it after It bat been assailed. No Democrat will wmb or venture to condemn tbe action or qneailon the locpiratioa ot tbc Convent km wnich, on tbe 11 ot laet May, onraaized the prevent Democratic panr of fcleotockv, allbous-- It may be that aome denounced tm who indorse It presented tbe, perhaps, unprecedented a pectac J e of a convention thoroughly anacif- - ieh. anxione, aninflneciced by tbe prceence of private ambitiooa, to acbtcve Its high mis- sion, tbe redemption of tbe Plate, and It so appeared for the reason, aonbtleaa. of tbe small oer centaie of oolitictana la it or or is In P certainly net perpetual to aa be even ne than candidates or nobietl to for Beck. no ora. reason tLtl niea&e Lit atrorgly, above all uiat oDiaina toe wing itb in ot Democracy to which be belong, tbat there is a wuh, not upon part of men met st Lonievtlle on 1st May, bot entertained by certain Democratic politicians, te datoourage nomination of am who have eerved In Contederate arm for more important aad omcee in the girt of tbe people of h.entnchy. . of t lc lt be which wing the It to. com- - i a s I I I I i i I a Of I tot of I I "to votert the I ao and anehakea allegiance to the whicb Democratic party of Kentucky now seeks to preserve and ex- alt. It la to argue tbat tbe apprehen sion ia idle, tbat bo auch feeling againat either (Slate. great name, tkirtt folly turinif that, many many May whicb years bonor pure, shame blade they Pol'y willing universal Why mention compu- - witbdra or claims ot have very keep become decudve in they discern influence, now, cant the meat were open secret, instead timid ia disloyal sentiments aod practices which charged. It baa tbe formality at tend lug pnbltc party on DC to ait be in to in be on to la be be an to of the ex hs ILt la iu tae by its of of we are nr th our are to for eootue poe candidal menta John larreet of next February. eateemed. popslartnan onr aeetioa eery bukiumj, ml all ackuowlede. aMvi) native ha apirit for time, declares tu and eenu to become representative be teste no nrpe advance- ment or initiate suppression of class toaivKiBaut General the candidate of wing of party may, or be but thing ie tbat those wbo fered faithful edbereoce to principles which perhapa, mutukeu will, all past is forrottea Kentucky, tnaart being beard and recognised la coauciai policy ot professional tmtlemen be think tuetneeivce that tbe of must be Let recollect tbal "rebel'' Dartv. elected Dorali aana wa -- Warn m, slrpeaded or of are seriously with tendency to political why tbe sooner vigorous resorted the better. And In minds to Confederates rotne one1 tbe Radicals Democrats North; Northern people ns rebels, all outside Radical ranks. make no between them tboae malice. If Radicals prefer either Is chwa of rebeui wbo. to tt'ht, now practically understand difficulty of 'DreakiLg government, ized In practice. DIUMED. Joae D. D. ixfafors Oawrifr.- - of Bomber ef aaitablc lor IBS our aexi la Booth te more Impor ftapenBtameeat Pablia Iaairae-tton- . yoa of tbe onie aamimffnt. Believing office tbe aet bave beaitatloa ta the place the bead of una article, )uat potluun. hers and tbacd eminently aoahned, with diaUngaiahed aiiiiitr.and universal la 'ac- tio, appointment by trov. fowvii, loatracdMi. showed eiailarnlebrd hectB'ky know lr aiaiter. tbe fetair aaarccar. Rumor ol taoturbt of ing forward Duke their H Mm to ixtsition woaie oe otner tbat Kentucky beraelt etam tbat In have onon eocotcheon. can no of Duke ILOUISYIIL VOL. WHOLE NO l,OoG. Courler.l Oar eit t'ait4 Statet Senator. LcxisoToti, Dec 8, 1HGS. TUc test oatha exclude CoofuJerate aoldiera Fedrral officea. Tbc who led and honored the State, end who bold affectioDt of peo- ple, moat look to Washington public employmeDt. Tbia rule of exclusion followa rally from uiu.ueceiiul war.and Southern aoldiera approve it. Ebouid officer aeek election to bouc Federal Conffress, be will receive, canae be ment, tbc aneert of former couiradee. Eucb Southern aoldicr guard the honor of hit aud mutt bow look boo tbe It follows that DO Confederate, th 'uld will be, elected to Federal Senate tbia wider. Tbe teat once filled by now unfilled by aarca&m upon ipnu;:, dic:iar,:ciUM.Ml couteni, and Davis must dioeea by Kentucky ha colleapne will remain atiilaome veara in 8entte, distilling from Li tame fraudulent odor arose from Bullitt' Culver bauk and trom exprest cara athville Eaiiroad tbe Tbe tknalor mutt teioeiixl Irom Democrtit, wbo, while their tcel-in- with bonor rihla their Stale sirainrt Northern domination, have acta of come wiUiui of political thlt numter it aecma that Governor Powell prcitrred bonthern party, and, in otediencc dceire, be probably be eelcctcd. but it posaible tbat eomettiine mat occur as nnwillinpncs accept, preternce to acrre Suie rather than opntora, new political oocessitica compel clcctios of another. Neil to ov. Powell believe Mr. Beck ia tli beat to Kentucky mty Demoo- - racy alluded of course, Democracy In the f ederal Senate. nona aome Kenmckktne bim to any other. 1 leave entirely in- tellect, wuich belong to eminent etandiue at lawyer, and practice he leada iu tbe of friendship, and 1 have it by the eevereet eeta; jreoerou temper and perfect bonor; tbese all know. In lstil, when tiarreit other to Democracy guiding Yankee regiments by the ahorteat roads throuc'j Kentucky to filnnder I beard Mr. kindred Beck from tbe public stand proclaim the foul ve- nality of the Keutuckiang were toy- ing with enemas ot tlieir people, and rare eloquence appeal to ancient bonor of fc;ate. Dunne years of bayonet commencing harshly wn h Boyle and improving and concluding with voice bnthod tbe certainty of and impronment by detectives of Goodloe, but Contederuie aided to escape and rejoin command, and many purse made heavier, and many a Southern heart made lighter by bis profuse generosity. Tbe fine and manly speech made in Lexington in was tbe creed of the Democracy latt po- litical and to him more to any otter or any tbe lare majority cured freedom and borne to people, and baa driven disgrace party organised five ago Guthrie and Devia, now led by Goodloe one other almple it may some deeply persuarive to me, wby I Beck be Gov. Pow- ell candidate There loreitm country, poor,proud, not forgotten, an IllnsUioua exile, wbo moie to the and service of state than any child ahe borne or He receives with touching tenderness of remembrance from people, and heart, ita isolation, ia cheered by assurance of attachment from those loved and served so well. reat aa as a statesman, be greater as a aoKlier; and grand aa the field of be Is grander as cbnstlan gentleman. And whether In at- tempting bia misfoKnnea in the tbundera of Niagara, or whether 'in by Lanka ot Lcman, sor- rowing over of people and the country, comuandirg fig ure continues us patriot wnrjout pnee, soiaier whose Ga. doea convey tbe mebed reflects Who ebaoxioua deprecated tbc article, baae would not rather Brecklnridire. doea aimple lattice to tbe members witb nothing left not borne but bonor ot lot convention wneu prononncee That and patt. Garrett, Davit, the hero in nominations and of Camp Dick Roblneon, Guthrie, allowed most disinterested In-- 1 dratumsn of Bullitt's will I am difference. Mr. If for other ira oh ci iiimh, mnu nm man 11 Iiosom too idea (tor whicb then u fonn- - friend, whom I bonor men, I in know that making the eeiec tbe eueb as tbe of honorable to intended to DavVea Cawatr Haeaks naked 2L?LSIi theaeitle 1llMH sar exaje AVttora LouifZU Courier; anv name Jut) P. candidate ior aominaiiua posed ot tbe ei Confederates and Class butt iYeaturer, have concluded that bis antalnted determined wbo. thxonrb aomirabie card ol kentockv, and past of trial maintained pure accompanying editorial their principles ueleae the about of either arrest be btate p)eae UUW John reaawrer, not barirf tba ataior the Uie meniary to iiita. pablifbed in oar two ps- - pera, Mouiier bliieid, escaped I Iberelore, at on bit nameruBa friend eupportert in l b ia sectios of btatr. to lav hiciainia, Un.Xf, beior I aua many ol your radrs.arc ol to Con exists: H la too to be I tnitbialneuofbi uavinz so anv kmger Ignored. rn I before la; of May Convention, wbea wing party perceived it clearly I fT?" . ' ZCl T pbaae of development; U pjT t!u pan v miht unit, and leaders away from Lou villa I oot a radicaliam the una jeaiooeiy atrive to biai ot beuiucar. cmeb the movement turn iuaorarated; and Judf lmvai), by hi Inflaence, more dictating Inexpediency rominaung wbo and not positive the witb all bees announced witb tbe expression any upoa Mate false each end tbe tbe that i ottaera combined, became th !audard bearer oar blow to our po-- Utioal oppeoeiiia fiven. sp- - to peopie of our Stale, to Vbow ktaior D. Howard rmith, aa representative or tne mttay ineada of tbe cDe," indorsed tbir noble c in withdrawing tbeir J oar prciuaicee ol jonerva be to VleiT cu,Tw. one for State Treasurer and ether m mm mu luunfiru-- uu i for put, indoraed Feoruarv Con- tngredient of tbat wonderful poiiey," witb I vaotioa. Iu pan the Stale opposed wuicn tue party quacka are to altcmpl I pelittcal peat political offenaea, the which tbe regular practitioners I sod tuat aa "po.icy does no Jocg-- r not cure. I it, that each shall go beiore t' .."n a i , . I soLveotioe uoon hit aiauabilitv. " "'I ".'! "uu"ucr offer Major P. Thompson aa candidate how- - much party this wing occupies, rorUleui..n .Va re.ponelble poaition of hiate and It may be more exhibited on 1aaurr. peraonal acquaint- - the 22d la aa bu,'tly and more nnirera)iy The writer of thai In Courier anyyonug man in of tbe aniairlv describes General Preston at ar-- 1 rue: rapacity, ana n .1.1 , I euerer JrT-- -- lTLTrT I I Tbis county, gives , "i,". orawB Utirt Democratic vote In the e iroos tie with proper and manly Bver had th honor of a State offlcie; mdicatea the rxialeace of the proacrip- - I now. the firat aeks the people ken- - tive feeling, Impropriety, con the of his comrades. It the? prefer him But mani inclination to his own the oc Preefoa may, mav not be but the tbc nom- ination of a Confederate may not prceted, certaia tbe aoldiera suf at hrime for true and animated Confederates, to. action, now that toe legally in tbe ana toe party. Let tbe political aentiment tbe Consulted. them it waa a Convention which by thou- - Inspirit .l I a a tae b re- deemed u a a a I the a her 1 a in Davit a influence, I a a battle, a tbe r Owmaoao, mad a and vourrvauar. oa. e cbeertuliv a I fceutackr I lravtiL me ttvr overcome, " tbia a aUikmgly bestow iavorile citizen. Major P. oScc of Trc.isurer. Ou$bl it be JL&litii. la Caaaaertaad rewntv, da y t st lor tbe purpose ol appointing eoifoie person' represent st I t eoeveuiioB. J. In a abort sddre, object of the meetiuc. and bit motion totncciwi'-- , O. Cbair apiKiDteo roliewin? named gentlemen draft resolutions suiiarile lor trie ion: 11 r ton iame lord. alter retirirur reported resolutiuus. aaopteo: 1. endorse a con vention Frankfort d of for psrnose aominaung candidates lor vartoot V ill tbey aay many votes which helped I .nvtraned behoov. aa select oar to make majority if we in- - I lor sutions of public trott. aiet all issues ot record be dropped I view, we recommend to said eon ion wUJiia ti iiMnneratie mn v..t i n. nariow. ot Darren, L.ieuienaui uoveru aball be proscribed. Then answer tbat we T- P'eomng ourselves to support tne nominee o. ca. afford to them and .Ull bave ""ir time ha. 'bat cnoagu tor victory, a compact and or the declarations of Dri viiea contained reliable majority, althourb small, better I ia tbe piaiiorm declared In convention I baa a larre and loose ooe, wtact. m k 1 tm a i4, onr renewed to oa. aod whicb purcbsxed by tbe I toeir aoeeeaa. ol discipline and aacnnce ot jua- - i,"- - uLT,ry la said and principle, la the we I ",7, a wars in other we be beaten I rbeae proceedinp be In when we least expect It, our vicio- - I Loaiaviiie tooner, til otner nrienaiT brinr no bonor If tbe Kentucky so afflicted this specifics arc to conclusion let ns make np oar taboo not Hate or tbe th- - tbc regard at all alike, at least wbo arc of the They distinction those wbo arms eraiust or only bore the it rather bavinr went but wbo tbe up tbc how hard It la to them Bee. D, aotiee that the semes oolu rvrf aiaaiaa have mmfrMma ain er ect omera at tiiau election. Perhant then be tant taaa of of "If Uke cart the well and that the shoald aeek man. etas wt the other, we ao that whose aane ia at it the aata tar Be bat harlnc tiled the office g aa sat ilia aa of it lie tbe wise af whom still tohoaov. We BottiiBg of aiatibewa wlahea Ib thla arooebt be'orr Coavent1 rovTBBBa vt. W Madam ears tbat the cy bave tome tren. next elect this evidence, u ev idence were bad trom every ber eon-- 1 duct tbe war left ber Tbey bestow bad?e upon tbat doea (For the from men, In timet past etill tbc tbe than for nt the the be- - bit louLl to blute, each for or from tbe Clay, his ill, ueii aueccsMM' to GaiTelt bo tbe tbe trie that Irom the the war. new those were alwava and not by tbc war the rue Of by the to will ia death, hit to the that man tbc There wby pre or out the bia bow tbe Slate; bia tried bis and rera tbe were and murder our who tbe with the tbe four rnle, bis waa by tbe soldier waa his waa the ompaiKn, than man dne baa ti our into the by and and have reason, but with Mr. to elected if ebouid not be ia now but baa given hit other baa reared. tribute bis own each baa G was was be aUII noble, drown own eilence tbe his ot bis bis to before as tbe ana trie untar reeton luster. "idea" and bat tbe regard to Jamea tbe aad tbe vote will oauoaj bim tbe tbe the tbe the tnsv mav tion bia own him. Et Dec. 12, lm. Voa of the men years h'ghly city and must navt year boIk. our ak awa-- e led rates nalent denied The boa tac j" aaw the biow aui than by aad and all of nartv, sod tbe desiu in ws ceal, then, the entire and Col. lot wbo name ia behali tnst tne ml'ht do not desire have v,w,i.iu. Anduor. bv of we otaciam ilia sk now, the and We ol baa tb anee, article the uu.iu wuuuer-i- , ii- bis tbe jusuy tBlrd at, truer, holdinc and of or one forty profit peopie Majar torky npon her Jofan tbc btate not to doueT For tbe Heettae; KT., Dec. 11, ltm. the enuntv aaeembled tbe coort- - aoaae some tbis county the 2d of "eu- ro H.C. San dire. tbe ee ttont. tinott wsscaiiea snd M. Allen wss Tbe the to ocean Hand.rioe. Mi Smil.-T- . N. atone. Flowers and Her wbo. abort time, tbe wnteu were Tbat wa the call for tbe lai'V! tbe of the hiate ottiees tbat bv. tbet will be lost best men snd with that that ahall end la rem fniA jobs lor tot (re eonfirmed In the aue that is of the partv ul efforts Is the ooe case will win, luc may Xoet the ana very aad paper nes tbat ia bore wbo that out aaaa tbat wooid to is Print Bead W. for anv ot bis was rise Uie i AKiJ. at at aa u at if ot to n to te ill B. at on .o it to n, Tka chair annolnted J. H. C. Pandidi-e- . M Floweta. Jame Men lord. Miitoa Sinilcv. and N. B. and ail other Democrat friendly to the can that may aee proper to attend raid conven Uoa. tiOBl. txj-iv- i . .tnainnao. M. O. Aixbk, aecreury uo for "ws Vim were forciblv of the truth of the old adage when we tollowin In tbc boaton fosu it savs: -- li I. atawd that Hon. tieoree II. Pendleton Ohio, haa dnclared bimaelt In favor of impartial aa advocated by tbe Boston 1'oat aad Otrjer uemocrauc paper. wbo are acqnalnica wi'n Mr. t en dletoa'e viewa. and bow entirety be than tbe elaa wbo, entertaining all I negro suffiage to any lorm, r "of tbe 'eeceaeioa heresies," bave never real-- I me ariove the best Joke of the season. I Cm nut r comman-wxalt- look children," true saving that tried etwriintnatMe that ervitletnan. oeltFbia iee7, Democra Rentacky Governor. Decceearv, late I distinction 21. LoeitvUle eltewbere will . wilL represent hit excellence f det etill eenqnest and conservative Tbompeoa Tbompaoo, LouiaviUe Coarier.l Ptmat-iati- ConntvOoon Democracy Cumberland a explained appointed Secretary. lollowing anammonaiy February. puhltfbed kuoae, Abroad reminded perused the suffrage, tbose know political pudiatea aiasiaevra, cinnatl Enquirer. Braasviu.B. Far IMase Tieaaavcr. Clovcbfobt, Dec. It, 1S06. Sditen Le misville Courier: at r I r. Gannawav. of Brerkioridire. la a can didate for State Trenrer, anbjtet to tbe decision of tbt Cwvention ol the of February, and if elected will make an admirable officer. Breckin- - nrire, the eoontv in wntca ne naa uveu ior ao long, will rive bim ber auqualined support in the Coareerlon and at the ballot-box- . A faltbfal and true Itomoorat, an affable and excellent ren tie man. he deeervea the aominalien at tba haadt of the partv. i UKrA 1 I. raw Bedater aftae iMmi OOce, VAdnrt Ismim-tfl- Courier: a th time ia ani.roarmnr ior noiiunr a wim- - exalte Convention. It wonld he well to cat about and select mea for the various positions wbo hare tried la the neat ana louna noiwinimt in mull Democratic principle. Tbomse i. Fraaier waa elected Koglltw oi tne iana umc in Ml sopr he will aot object to having bis Bsne lni Bli lb, p,ition with ability and Bdelity. in February. I n la a reliable and alerting Democrat, and if he eoociueive t.meral he placid in rrmit hia name to be before tbe Cob- - ventioe of the tad lor that office, he will receive the support of iuiat iia,s 3T Msj. Willis F. Jones, of Woodford eouniv, was killed In tne trer.enes neiorc Richmond, in the tall of while Adintsnt General oikju Mai. Gen. Field's staff. No nobler, more r.i.iunt or srrnerous oean riven to tbe cause It loved, upon either side, dnrinr tbe last temhle war. than bis. His remains reached here last eight, ana will be bnried in tbe cemeterv bv tbe aide of not fully deserve. H m nnexcpTvttonable moral bia wife, wbo survived bim but a year, at iz thanatar. anltod ta the hitrbaat taitllrt I eioca at . would render Bis eenrkwe, rn thai capacity. I Religions eervieea will te perform ea at toe valuable the Pretw la elernnr nia ahe I w arm nia trienaa arv invrrea to oe prevenu arUl wBr beraeU. IMtmphal APpeeL I Ilcj. una. ana ep., win, A Scrap ol History LieatcnantWalah. New Oblksss, Dec. 9, 1W5. To On EJUor of the X. 0. Timet: The following I find lu the Damson (Tex.) Flag of the 27th ult.: "A lady friend Informed tbe editor of the RiWIgb Propreaa, that after long eudaavora aha baa louud ont the name of tbe pallaol Tex soldier wbo waa deliberately murdered by tome of bherman'a arciy fan It entered Raleigh. Tbe murdered man wa Lieut. Wal.luof the 11th Texaa cavalry. 1 he pa- pers of Texss are requested to give publicity to tbe tact, so tbal bis raiative mT know Uie fate he met. Ouc oi the moat aecorupliahed ladie of South drolina baa aoun to It tbat th grave of this baro ia not neglected." Referring to the above, I may be permitted to sav that I aaw Lieutenant Walsh eaptvred, but did not witness bis tzrevfiwa. Igivowhat I know of the case, tor the double purpose of exonerating the officer who have the honor of being be 'first iu Raleigh, and to correct tbe errors in which Nichols, iu his "Story ot the Great March," hss tallt-- Ou tbe morning of April 13lh onr army was advancing upon R.ileigb, VYalcotl'a div'uion beiDg iu tbe advance, with Kilpatrk-- on the flanks sud front There waa much rivalry be- tween the commands lor tbe honor of fir.t oc- cupying the cspiul of the btate. A number of sUff officers of Waleott'a com- mand, being anxious to be first in the city, arted at three in tne morning, tin arriving the breastworks they met a flag of truce. carried bv a deputation of citizeut in car nages, who bad come out to surrenacr tue Captain Benhum, of Walcott a etaff. (on behall of the United MaUs) received the n ud.-- r in General kilt at rick s name, as it was supposed be waa in the advance. A courier was at once sent to Kilpatrirk, in- forming him of the circumstances, and when he arrived at the place it was formally surrrn- - ercd, Ki'petrick pledging himsell to protect he live aud property of tbe inhabitants tie also received a note trom General Wade Hamp- ton, (whicb I pemsed) dated tbe niht beiore, I my memory Is correct, statin; that the cit izens, being anxious to prevent wooorieu, had gone out to surrender; therefore the Fed eral, could quietly enter and take possession, the Con.eduralcs having been witnarawn by him. Kil pat rick at once detailed the 5th Ohio cavalry as provost guard, baited his command at the Dreastworka, and turning to captain Brink, of bis staff, said: "Captain, take charge of these staff officer wbo ve received the city in my name, and enter in ad vance, lake with yon also tbese newspaper cor- respondent and introduce them to Mr. lioldun, of tne Btancara. The committee their camases and started, lollowed by Cspt. Messenger, of the signal corns, Capt, "Brink, ol Kilpalrick'a ataff, Capta. Stewart and Van Valkcnburgh, and hitteker, of Gen. Hobert s sua, Dr. Reeves, Mr. Biooks, of the New'York Times, Mr. Hitchcock, of the Cincinnati Com mercial, and mytelt, with eitrht or ton order lies. There are the names 1 find in my jour nal of tbat day's proceedings: The rain was pouring down in torrents, and tbe entire party, not suspecting an auibus- - ade, after assurances from the citizens that the Conledertitea bad been withdrawn, had their overcoats buttoned over their side arms. Arriving witbta one block of the the carnages filed right and left, and instantly a volley waa fired into us from tbe coiner near the State bouse. We fell back under cover of building, when Brink formed ns and ordered charge, which was made by the 111 tic partv. past the for hall a mile, pertiaps, eking np tnieaerate etraggiera oecaaionai-- . Arnvinr near fet. Mary a Seminary, we fonnd a Confederate line of battle ec:o the road, but we charged on. Mr. Brooks, of the Timet, and Captain Van Valkenburirh, being far in advauce. Lieutenant Walah, as he ran in toward bis line of battle, (of perhaps sixty men.) fe I f em bis borse, when Mr. Brooks raptured bim, with the assistance of Van and we at once retired. On rem mine to the btate uouse we met a umber of cititens, and they at once empbati-tll- v denounced the breach of laith on the part of somebody, and declared that the party wbo amhucaded ns had remained (or returned). after Gen. Hampton lelt, ana bad been pillag- ing stores all night. Out merchant, whose name appears in my journal, showed me sev- eral stores tbat bad been sacked by LitaL Waish'a party, but whether or not witb his concurrence "be did not know. Kil Patrick, bearing our skirmish In tbe city. hurried lorward tbe provost guard to onr as- sistance; but we bad retired to the capilol ball an hour before they arrived np. and lully that time before Kilpa trick came In; Nicbol's ft it emeu t tbat a Confeder- ate oflWr rode np and attempted to assassi nate Kilpatrick must be erroneous. 1 learned a few hours after that we bad cap tured fKvnfy ir inn and tbe lieutenant, all of whom, 1 believe, were turned over to Kil Provost Marshal. I know that Mr. Brook aod the eDtire party treated Lieuten- ant YValah as a prisoner, and offered him no violence. Later I learned Irom one of Kilpatrick i staff. (I believe his provost msrtbal,) that cit izens bad demauded ol Kilpatrick the sum- mary punishment of the lieutenant, aa they bad recognized bim aa the officer wbo, the previous nnzbt, had ordered his men to burst in doors ana uvip tnemscives, snd l tint Kil patrick bad ordered a party to take him out and hang mm. i coma not learn wuettwr be ever received a trial. While we were conversing, a cavalrvman came up, and with considerable gusto, spoke of the execution. Declaimed to be tbe one wbo adjusted the rope, aod laughingly de scribed tbc transaction, stntmg tbat tbe Lieu- tenant bad Baked permission tor a few tnin utea to write to bis mends, wblcb he refused. with tbe remark: "ho, you can go to bell and write trom there." A cold chill ran through me, and I turned away in diegun and loathing of the creature wbo could thua speak of a soldier, who, whether guilty or not of the charge made by citizens, had fought us brave- ly. I was a citizen correspondent, however, and, while 1 fully described tbe iucidents of the dsy in a letter to the journal I represented, made no more reference to tbe case of the Lieutenant than bia capture and subsequent execution, by order of Gen. Kl' pa trick. I have no doubt but the ataff officers men- tioned above will confirm my statements fully. That Lieut. Walsh waa hung by Gen. K.'s or der Is positive, also tbat tbe work was done by his own command and not by tbe infantrv, t'.e iiftiwr nf whic.li treated the lieutenant some were oven case. will nrf with corporal still had will iu m otherwise. no to ally atimulate slur upon Cincinnati b.eed with nerhana. railway our Blute, tnereoy ot and ; ni a trial waa. this time way. term. city of nnst noor Sir, oi uer "J. DOYLE. Tbe History of General Morgan's airy Extract Irom the narrative oi t.eneral Basil Doke. We make y extract from the forthcoming history, by Baail Duke, of General Morgan's cavalry: GrERRILLlS AND BTBHWHACKEBS. In the vicinity of this we saw, in the brief time that we remained, more active business like bushwhacking than before our entire' Tbe hills along the road seemed alive with tbrm, and from be hind every fourth or fifth tree, apparently, tbry were blaring away a ns. South- ern render will understand an once what sort of Individual is meant by a "bnshwbscker" that be is a of leisure, wbo lives in a wild and, generally, mountainous coun try, does not join the army, bnt a boot a, trom tbe tops ot bins or neuina trees ana rocks, at those who are so unfortunate as to differ with bim in politics. It la hit way of expressing bis opinions. Ilis stvle of fighting Is very similar to tbat of the outlying ol partisan cavalry, except tbat he esteems it a weakness and an unnecessary inconvenience to prisoners. and ecnerally kills bis captives. Sometimes, and especially toward the latter part the war. these fellows together tn vouaidermlyte uutiibere, aitkc MiUia iwnlioi of the impafsable, to strong aua en wnaart&ite expeditious into neighboring sections. There were 'Union bushwhackers" and , 'Southern buhwbackers." In Kentucky tbe former were most numerous. "It. is a grati- fying reflection," to use tbe language of one of Col. Clarence Prentice'a official reports, "tbat msny of them will whsck no more." In the Northern mind bushwhackers and guer- rillas are confounded together engregious iu It it probable tbat tbe bushwhacker ol this country would answer exactly to the guerrilla ot European warfare; but the of North America or rath- er was, (for happily be if not quite entirely extinct ), an animal entirely either. Formerly the Northern press styled all the Southern cavalry guerrillas because tbey trav eled about the country freely and gave their enemies aome trouble. Tbis, however, was when the cavalry used to ride with pillows on their saddles, were put to bed carefully every night by tbe General cem manning, and encamped on the march in the midst ot regiments, who were in struct ed to tee tbat tbeir horses did not bnrt them, Ac. When the hardy, dushine reirl- - ments ot the latter part of the war atter, in deed, the first months btgan to real service, tbe Jsortbero writers found that tbsy would be called on to recoid as operations the very kind of affairs which they had to chronicle as guerrilla Irreirulsnties. A guerrilla was, property speaaing, a roan wbo had belonged to some army, and de scried snd rone to making war on bis private account He waa necessarily a marauder, eometimea spared bis former friend, and waa much admired ty weak young women who were afflicted with a tendency toward suoaay romance. On tbia march through Casev county, Uie bushwhackers were unusually officious, ibe guard, which for aome reaaon rone on some distance in front, rescued lid ertv about two hours before tbe column, and during that time were faiiiy beeciged in tbe place, uoionei Dimseu maue a row escape. One fellow, more, darintr than the others, bad come down from tbe and bad ap proached eeventv yards or the roaxi lie fired Morgan, misifing him, but wound ed a little nee.ro boy. bis servant, who was riding by his side, receiving some Tbe man who fired at once ran back to tbe hill. followed by one or two of our fellows from tbe head of tbe He waa killed by pnvate, afterward Captain Ibomaa rranks, who made an excellent shot, hitting the bush tn tbe head while be waa running at top and ranks umseil wte going at rspla galle-p- . Ma IFor the Loulavlllc Courler.l State Capitol Removal. Tbe ouestiou of removing the aeut of gov ernment Irom the city of Frankfort has at tracted considerable attention for a number of years, and at the present time has assumed a shape that would really indicate that a decision might be arrived at during me approecuing session of the Legislature. This opinion baa gained strength from the fact that the appro priations asked lor during tne late session oi the General Assembly, to keep np the repairs on the State buildings has not been made. Tbe question has therefore narrowed down to about tbis: Anew capitol building, Govern- or's msnaion, and buildings for State offices must be erected at no very aisuioi pay, at frank tort or other point : the prw&enl State buildings at Frankfort are entirely for the purposes for which they erected, and, indeed, discreditable to the proud old CunimonweaiiD oi Keotucsy. There is no State in the Union, unless a tew of the recently added ones, but that can boast snperiur State and public buildings than Kentucky, and 1 presume it win naruiv be Questioned as to Kentucky being able with other States to afford edifices of tbe magnitude architectural beauty as marks htr progress in wealth and greatness. The settled conviction in the minds of the people of the State, especially those wbo have given the subject a moments unmssea renection, is that tbe seat cf government shonld be re- moved from the city of Frankfort. This little city, with all the advantages supposed to re- sult trom the location of the capitol and State offices in her fine river navigation, ex- cellent turnpike, snd of late jeara a railway passing through her streets, naa not increased in a ratio greater than fifty inhabitants per an- num (she biy had tbe capitol seventy-fou- r years, and aATitains this time a population of perhapa less than 4,000 people); in addi- tion to which her building sites for a State capitol are not at all commanding, and were a location lor a scat oi government now ior the first time suggested, Frankfort wonld hardly receive a thought, and now, should a removal of tbe capitol be determined upon, bcr people, who are just a clever as they can be, win turn their attention to some other branch of industry or business to occupy their time and talents fvWte montht in Vie year instead of waiting the annual or biannual sessions of the legislature for to turn np. "Her citizens seem to claim the as a perma- nent institution, and base as an argument that her people have acquired property iu her midst upon the presumption of the perma- nent l3cation of the seat ot government; and having retained the peaceable posseabion of tbis ''idea" for so great a length of time it wonld be acting In bad faith to ber large pop- ulation to remove it." This notion of theirs would provoke laughter were It not from the fact that it is suggested and terUnaly urged in a printed memorial and remon- strance addressed to the general assembly against tbe removal of tbe aeatof government A relocation of the State capitol ia a ques- tion of importance to every citizen of Ken- tucky; the accessibility, the conveniences facilities for the accommodation ol the large number ot may visit tbe capitol during the sessions of the general assembly, the attraction presented by State buildings appealing to tbe pride of our good old State, tbe advantages to the Mate generai:y in a commercial point of view ahould all be taken into account. The rival points spoken of as probablv competing for tbe sest of gov- ernment are the city of Lexington, Danville, Lebanon, Bowling Green, and Louisville, each ot whicb point has advocates; no one of which has any treat advantages as to except the latter city. Tbe build ing sites in either place are very good. If the pecuniary inducements offered by the dif- ferent points for the capitol shall be taken as of any value, Louisville is so abundantly able to out bid her rivals that upon th it score she will certainly bear off tbe prize. . Argu- ments, very poor however, are made against making a commeicial city a seat of govern- ment, that the immense influence ot money would effect improper legislation, and tbe corruptions incident to city life would bear heavily upon legislators from the rural districts, and all ancb clap-tra- when really tbe opposite of this is the Commercial men so occupied by their business pursuits give very little attention to politics or legislation, and, as a proof of this position, you find the people iu our State outside of the cities are better In- formed in reference to politics and national afiairs, and as a general thing much more represented In our legislative bodies. Com binations are much more easily made to effect Improper legislation small capital-tha- in large citiea. One shrewd, bad man or woman can do more to defeat or carry meas- ures through a legislative body, where tbe members are thrown so together oa in Frankfort, than twenty conld in a place the size of Louisville, taking it upon the ground that members of tbe legislature can be influ- enced by bribery, Ac, but I contend that the great body of men sent to our legislature trom the different connties in the State, would resent such an imputation upon their charac- ter for nrohitv and virtue. The city of Lou isville is now rapidly advancing in the scale of importance. Her geographical position should make her one of the and most flourish be be on nf In oi in minated ao on little to three wore of oi miniature perfect I me I to . host nriionera more dollar in her capacity, you be exDected men who find some Kentuckians their amhiifcealod liv an tnronirn iiuniuir, inu ranee or I desire endeavoring the memory ot be- - merchants or to aid tne ouiia braver. waa a across not aware city U verting of travel commerce with nr be this mildest am. trulv, . Louisville oy tne capiwi vo E. P. Cav. another and ever service. Every gentleman irom scouts take of would country except error classification. is, is almost distinct Federal do cavalry advance had morgan nar bills, within st order. column. whacker speed, greatlv amply and nr.dst, something capitol and perrons its urging ably village nearly largest n,r u,. j an j thst near f of counties con- venient to to LouiaviUe, consequently near verv their great) Remove seat and once every countv in ber educate present poBition auvancea named. News. except that business firm;" whicb himself years. borne vention 22d February. genial with dupes Grant Green. thoroueh-roin- s principles and party. in oowever, iota fuir and and object notice sny impressions suppositions. GxeatStalliok We believe tbe stallion race. a and desire famou stslliona, South, into favorite Lex , more in Kentucky, both North and might hope during Alabama stallion Colonel WMJSKJLY LOUISVILLE, KY., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18GG. PARIS FASHIONS. Correspondence New 1 Ptjus, Not. 23, ISCfi. Fashion has been very erudite tbis week ; baa astronomy and very In tbe European newspapers. tbe the left St. Compiegne great fcigna were heavens nothing less than a night which phenomenou gave rUe what I sure must tome fine writing, even the authors united calling aggregation atoms an in- explicable Meteors court ladies cloaelv a long sweep trains whicb I will fol- low the Theater at Compiegne where Scribe's Yerrt au waa this week played. On Is strictly a tew reguhtioue. guests hon- orary members assemble in the tasteful theater at the some time before tbe Emperor, and suite make Conversation is carried a low voice stall to and the bouse looks much like a room which the France and elite of bare glitter under tbeU jewels and There a alight when t he Princess tbe family and distinguished nobles appear in Emperor's box. wesr blue coats, short silk buckled shoes. When tbey aeated a great silence which U not broken an official aunonn-ce- a I'Empereur! Emperor then appears t bine gilt buttons, alone wears of the en tautoir under hU bis srm to Empress, wbo smiles aa ahe meant to enjoy every one's pleasure and her ovn In When tbey seated curtain is drawn and tbe performance begins. I muft forget two grand lords nave Em- peror and the beginning tbe to the when. I dare say, were in the power great lords change legs. applands the Em- peror hss given signal. Between tbe the retires a small room, ices, sherbets car- ried ronnd In tbe boxes, the end play chamberlain uually sent by tbe to congratulate actors and thank for tbe pleasure On occasions tbey invited to the box, which happened night the d"au. Madeline Brobao was particularly distinguished and highly com- plimented. On this evening the wore a white Lyons silk, brocade flowers. A black velvet ribbon studded with encircled her neck, and her hair dressed a f Empire. drena I mustkdescribe. a maize silk: under train, covered with double tulle skirts, the bottom which a plisee flounce the same tulle. On right fell a shower pink in perfect straggling and over the whole a white dotted over rain. The effect tbis toilet dazzling. look- ed as it had from cloud., while a passing spirit, bad hastily tbe flowers from a bush. Hang them random among folds. headdresses were principally composed a diadem satin gold fibres ; gold filigree leaves were also mixed with tinted and tbe the vine favorite abaped leaves. While pearls beautifully strung, and worn a small white ostrich on left tide. These pee rl strings colors; some others like steel, wound tbe chignon round the neck double rows and form other loops over besides. Leaves also mixed Tbe newest for the green and tbe deep China pink. These colors lovely an evenirje. the former in silk rers like sheet ocean when sun shines upon the foam or Mot one court ladlea yet worn one tbese robes, for tbe shadea just come several bave ordered for week's at Compiegne and foreign courts. gaze evening novelties and tbedeml-toilett- e find ailk and corslet bodies over low white dresses and bordered silk cord, whether round Vandykes, points or festoons. point which I insist and tbat ia tbe belt dressmakers beginning introduce gathers the waistbands of their robes, while front and sides plain. Tbis is done a view to whicb I prognosti- cated in my This blindly iuslt on flat plaits behind, and aa many again who .Klf.K .ntir.l. W T ik. ers, having compared tbe effect tbe styles Compiegne (te. and I declare train not look the the Princess eat of course. would unjust dispatch a courier York mentioniug a juvenile given by Mrs. Col. Norton honor little daughter s Dlrthasy. ing inland citiea on the continent, and every nrettiu&t aicht will that of a lafre citizen this State should proud ber course beautiful children assembled tor no growth and the part other purpose than that of enjoving citiea in nortiona Of the State ShOUld an tholr heart" either way to a natural otate pnae, groups under good elm In obstacles her way progresa iUDjmer or in winter to strains pouring tbe wealth tkeir districts into the excellent music, as they did this wetk at lapot a outside State, as they tbe Grand Hotel. hall waa illu- - doing for years, they should by for the crwn American child- - every legitimate means endeavor to build up own commercial city in their The ieft8t lhis growing generation, but tbat the wealth contributed by own in- - ,till tbe first this occasion, wsa the uusuy snail oe nnmoie uwu hostess, years! bbe a building up a rival city to Louis- - enatnme. all bine ailk. nnder a little, verv vllle, ouiside the State. The revenue ilttte cioud f white tulle, caught di cuv Louisviiie jeuemon counij minutive relieved by equals about one firth the entire revenue She received her gnests a ttieetaw, u increasing; rapiuij year, knowledge of her new but some-Tb- e city Louisville has contributed her times forgot the importancj her station by millions ior me uevei jjmicui oi suddenly taking garland, or oy of the State by and while ning help up a young dancer who had uer ktc.ii ni, tiuimu.ii, ii.cuiun tupped on a noor. wealth Kentucky, has never contributed Among the happy I noticed Miss Ray- - other consideration one than could from exhibiting l.n enemv no-- icaiousv at proeueiuT have throw to capitalists the Walsh, who and orrat He. Inc of that the was surrendered the tide that hi. without seem at to centering be from 1 vours removal tuo place in an eighteen been had at in at ol ber as as her know little great should tbe to yon at connect the State to tobacco Tork in to tbe boxes their other They enfues the order tbe op to from wss roaea was the tbe all the has our at we One on the lor who without It the old by the the ren. their our maue np mood. Daisy Derby, and (who tbe drets.) were many nooie loreigners present. but describe the deml-toi- - the mammas would the children in shade, did American nag noat irom tj'nse the 111 advised. The to trained the u,e windowa the Grand Hotel. General Dana guerrilla still lniantry accustomed wbo festivities will seen once the proposition Southern Presbyterian limp. Cincinnati and half population (or commercial metropolis. government Louisville stockings eutertainment department additional themselves, presiding IProra Presbyterian Index, Moblle.1 Fimals Semihabt, I Da. Rica: Knowing that the late curtailed tbe pecuniary resources ot ministers in church In South, capital and city. The leading aa a consequence of tbia that of men of each county, senators, members the ' " prercukcu innu rauuimi men legif latnre, Judgea, sheriffs, Ac, having daughters aa they to do, I would rive business the capital, and the com- - notice, through yon, that I will take my mercial point at tbe same time, will a school and four Preeby- - that never been the South half tbe K..r,,- r- j,i,,n.r ahnnlH not he felt. Fverv twusl for and tuition. only should on tbia question a little condition I make la that they be twelve and bid fair when Keep your wealth in yonr own State and If ahould so happen that by the educated to honorable naeful women. -i- V nf nonnlation and wealth The South should train own teachers and ahould assessed for State no longer dependent the North hall ar more of the entire State dues, she will tbese daya ol rapidly none the looser an the great bene- - fortunea, all fathers should their daush- - 4,,a tcra so as to enable them to take care of them- - selves. 1 ol no way doing better State Auditor. I to fit them to become the teachers Henderson Renortcr.i vouth. The education that fits them tbat Owensburg Monitor the nit, prepare them bj other pwltion no matter how high, which they called to - fill, and is the best tbat can be given "W. T. Samuels, Esq., Auditor and tnem nbeVcIrforllTf FeiZsrV MY next session open, on the first the nomination he and continues twenty weeks. The holds, sod the dnties of which he has per- - faculty consists of myself as two as- - so fsitb rally lor years. Be-- sistants In literary department, two teach sides being a conrteont and highly estimable gen- - mUsic, aud a teacher paint L.T'.T' ; i ir.fr. drawing- and embroidery. ii.. v.. nmmni in tha Convention, we learn. The course studv three Colonel D. Howard Smith, of Owen, and I after branches usually taught in common Green, Uendcrson, the lsiter having schools have Ima Where ministers me oosuion oeiore, wun great creoit vo i aDie 10 pay nan utuai price tucui aelf and Bute." I selves, some of their mieht them. We think onr friend or the Monitor is mis- - Twenty-fiv- dollar per lor snd taken regards Mr. Green. That ,ultion s tne fuu price. Music, Freneh, paint-i- s now sbsent in on business con- - and drawinir extra. The location nccted banking nrm, occupa- - tbe and pleaaantest in tion ia engrossing bis present attention, irl. from citv of not believe be aspirea to any OD the I m luia in ic, uui u,.,,! addicawed. Y. tor naa in praise oi tue gentleman above fKentuckv Tbe of the News is or mis represents Mr. Green in evervthing ia at present absent in Europe. is "on connected witb bis banking but directly for the interests in be was engaged. Tbe bauking business not I ing. the tu lor the reason that tn bout i superintended by present partner, J. I nf man whieb position be filled with credit to and bonor to otnee for lour lie will be at about tbe 1st or January, and hit name will before the con to meet at Frankfoit on the of A cleve., gentleman, thor- oughly acquainted the the fice, no man can De louud in state wbo is better qualified for the position than lie a Democrat, and has never faltered in bis support the nominees of the saying iuis mucn, we uo not with to detract one from the of tbe preaent incumbent to the office, W. Samuela. He ia an able and efficient officer, if the convention will receive our cordial and earnest support Tbe of this is simply to correct false tbat may be made unlounded Tub Rack. have every to that e I see race, all North or enter the test. The and son old in i: ton the famous Lightning a retired stal lion to all be brought once into the ring tie region of Kentucky. Kean Kichards, of has line stal lions, and there many that be entered. We tbat great and run the holidays. will repre only living ot kcconiute, the treat Bherrod, now property of K. Register. 2G, Herald. she been atudying learning some bard namea all day Empress Cloud lor seen in tne or aerolitea, startling to am be very and themselves of mystery. and are connect- ed by of Imperial these occasions etiquette some- what observed, and the following are of the All and of household of Chateau Empress appearance on iu from stall drawing in elite of the shoulders literally of diamonds. is of the nilt bnttons, laggings, snd are until The in coat and be Legion d'Uonnenr waistcoat. He give the If tbe bargain. are tot say that very of the land to stand tbe Empress of end, they wish it of to Tbe audience never the acts Eraprtta to drawing while and refreshments are all &c At of the a is Emperor tbe them af- forded. especial are np imperial on tbe of Verre Empress with diamonds was Another at of of the side of branches, tulle witb gold It If been caught tbe cut at the airy The of of leaves, with autumnal foliage. Tbe oak are are are with are in are bronzed, are from in graceful all head are these long chaplets. very court robea are pistachio are of looks one of glittering tbe it, reflecting of onr of have out; been both next for If we turn from these look skirt chemisette. Afternoon are velveteens poplins, both witb there is must on, tbat are to skirts perlectly leave room tournure, last. must not be followed, aa there are many wide than, of three at tbe but humbly tbat a robe well excepted, be most to fash ion to New without! ball in of ber lue ever con of of of grea'neea. Jealousy give mr.A A.V,n till form. ana insteiu graceful throwing of dancing of cf city of The brilliantly bave been very of oien State, of not our sited bv 1,1,, of with me aua elder berries, of of roges. with ana every dignities, of of aoiisn off her railways, ujuu mc tue of Miss Miss Christmas Miss Bancrott, wore handsomest there to nsme them or lettes of be throwing tbe and for them alone tbe advantage by of uctacumcmr, be by an examination to are of of be of Ministers tba Bellbwood 1S06. war has of most tbe our tbe and commercial fact many or all desire at visiting Into center daughters of winea. interest here haa felt terian clergymen of at rates board The Kentuckian be that shall sectional. years of age, it be and in.rearj, the its city be revenue one-- be on for Ita educators. In varying be State train JFFI'FKSON know this than of rrrnm the for The of 28th adora any may be the of for for the ruarv, now principal, formed trie tat lour the en vf of French, Ci ,n..r..T-e-"'"'"- '- 'ii of embraces years. bj (nam tbe of gentleman mteren. Beid mm- - are not tue aid month roard as gentleman England, are is with bis wnicu one of neajtbiest Ken ne twelve mi lea the Louis do omce TiIe- - Frankfort railroad, where may r,c iuc be w. Uli-- U editor mistaken, be He not there Democratic reputa- tion nominated to November Escape the Tend leton County Mur Alexander Plummer. Barnes, and exander the of Pendleton at Falmouth, tour and five o'clock yesterday morn Tbe two were convicted at engage of "present attention" it ,, his W. the be of of the is of T. by by reason con first of is are be by tbe f bush It of in f,- - oi of ot oerers Al Dunn made their escape from Jail Ky.. be tween former tne does much of tgrm amed great of 1126. fendleton circuit court oi a year ago, near Falmouth. Leonard whom they Thev were sentenced to be hung on r nday, November 23, ISoO, but the ease was taken to the Court ot Appeals on a writ oi error, ana was to have been argued on Tuesday last What decision that made we nave not beard, but, from our knowledge of tbe case, we do not deem it probable mat tne par ties would ohtaiu a new trial. The prisoners were aided in their by parties, wbo drilled a bole through wall ot the jail, and passed keys into them, whicb they used in getting out of their cells. Plummer Is about six feet one Inch In and well built. is about five feet tix inches high, sallow complexion, and hss loft the use of one eye. The Governor will of course offer the usual for tbeir recap ture. Cincinnati Gazette. The of 31 ollie Trnssell It be remembered that George , one of the owners of the celebrate hore Dex four mile beats, will be made up and run be- - u w kUled u, Wi migtress In Chicne fore tbe New tear, n would like very much such that well known niii;bt now tbe several others, South, the race will made, be sented son old the On behind before ahaded tunic, wbo feather look shades bebiud remain with doea tournure rival 2, fortune friends public James countv. robbed Moss, tribunal escape some outside tbe bight. Barnes reward Trial will some months ago. A Sundsy dispatch from Chicago says: The trial of Mollie Trnssell for killing ber paramour, George Truascll, was concluded last night about nine o'clock, wilh a verdict of manslaughter, fixing her punishment at one yeur in the peniientiary. A motion for a new trial was made by tbe prisoner's counse The verdict was generally unexpected, as th evidence conclusively showed that truese struck her several times, am thrust her ont doors beiore she shot bim r" John Brouirham waa ureventud from W. Smith, of Mobil. Mobile routmuW bia engagement at the Boston i neater last week, in consequence oi iiiness FROM TE.WESSEE. Correspondence of the Louisville Courler.l Clabksviixb, Ten., Dec. 10, lSOrt. A VISIT TO MISSISSIPPI. Having been on the wfug ior the past sev eral weeks, I bave beeu so delighted since my return, a day or two ago, in renewing my acquaintance with so old and dear a friend aa yourself, that I have taken this leisure moment to to yon ihc assuiance of my most distinguished condderatlon, dtc Iu what far land, what remote Antipodes have I been? that I bave not seen yonr sheets showered down o?r civilized climes, thick as leaves In Vallambrosla A most natural query, but I was not borne on tbe wings of tbe morning to the uttermost parts ol the earth. I heard of your presence all along my route, but I bave not bad time to lead a single newspaper during myjabsence. It has been, consequently, a most agreeable occupation to go over your accumulated numbers. Tour most complete and admirably arranged news columns have pnt me once more even with the world, and I can now go "marching on" without a link lout in the chain of history. I Intimated that 1 hadn't been out of the confines of civilized lite didn't I? Well, I mast sorrowfully confess that I bave been some distance down into the State, or Terri- tory (vide Tbad.'s dictionary) ot Mississippi. Yon remember she didn't like Tenmsseenns or Kentuckinns much during the war. She receives them much more cordially now, par- ticularly if tbey bave any money, and kindly consents to take care ot it for them. A taunted tue with tbe poor fighting qualities of my State during tbe war, and added that the battle of Franklin waa the only one that bad illustrated our valor. A humorous reply I hea.d from one of your edi- tors on a similar occasion arose to my lips. I told him that Tcnnesseeans deserved no credit whatever for their pluck upon that field, be- cause Gen. Hood bad given them to under- stand tbat if ttsj fight was lost be would carry his army to Mississippi, and Tenneeeeant wonld rather go to h 1 than there. But let me not, in jett even, say aught to revive this almost forgotten and always silly enmity. Nothing binds hearts together like a common sorrow. The blood ot many a noble ooe from both States has flowed upon num- berless crimson fields. 1 was ss far down as Tlolmea county, one ef the most productive cotton sections ol tbe State. thi csors. No plantation that I aaw had raised more than a third ol their usual yield very many not a fifth. As to corn, rode worth speaking of was planted. Of this and bacon tbey will stand in need of a far larger foreign supply than usual. Corn was selling in Holmes at II 50 per bushel while 1 was there. Most of tbe planters were owing their commission merchants for advance made to start them, and in a majority of instances their present short crop will all be required to reimburse these. Consequently they will begin their next plauting under serious disadvan- tages. THE rBEEDMEN. It is the general conviction that ths freed-me- would be cheaper than slaves, could they be made to work as well; but tbeir lazineaa under tbe present system, and the difficulty of procuring them, has bad much to do with the deficiency of the cotton crop, apart from tbe unfavorable season. Although be gets better wages than elsewhere, yet the Southern negro imagines there Is an El Dorado for him ''way up Norf," and so be wants to migrate thither. The negro In tbe border States has a terrible traditional horror of the cotton regions, and can seldom be persuaded to go there. These causes, 1 fear, will operate for some time to come in Increasing the scar- city of labor in those States. THE COTTON TIKI.D.. I beard a variety of opinioua shout the total cotton yield of the country. Some wbo bad been through all tbe cotton States did not it would exceed 1,000,000 bales. Other highest estimate was 1,500,000. Whatever it may be, were I a millionaire, I should not hesitate to invest my entire fortune In cotton. Just now, in tbe present state of my excheq- uer, I must confine my speculations In that article to tbe dimensions ot a modern belle's bodice. If what 1 have said is not satisfactory as to the amount of tbe cotton crop, I will add as further evidence of its failure, tbat I searched over a large portion of the State for a cotton heiress, and found the species entire- ly extinct. FENIANS. In perusing yonr past nuTabers, 1 find that my communication on Fenianistn has given a Mr "Mel" an opportunity to 'appear in pub- lic on tbestsge" several times. Mr. Baudolph waa once confronted by a fellow who said, "I nvver eie the way to a d d fooL" "I always do," said Mr. R., politely, and passed around bim. l nope my bomea iriena win una in this anecdote a satisfactory apology for not crossing swords with bim. TENNESSEAN. A THRILL INO NARRATIVE. Capture and Escape of a Young Lady Irom the Comanche Indians. The Leavenworth Bulletin elves an account the capture and escape of Miss Sarah Jane Luster from the Comanche Indians, which pos sesses mnch interest She was living In Texas, witb a lamily named Babb. Home months ago during the absence of Mr. Babb, a band Comanches came to the house. Thev were invited in by the children of Mrs. Babb, bnt refused nntil satisfied that there was no men about the preraues. 1 hen they went in and attempted to carry off one of the children. Mrs Babb, inspired by a mother's love for her children, resisted, and clung to ber child with desperation; wnerenpon oue ot the savages went behind, aeized her by the ir, drew her back ana cut ber toroat This horrid deed was committed under tbe eye of Miss Luster, who bad taken refuge in the upper part of the cabin, and so shocked her to cause a groan or agony, thus leading to the discovery ot her presence. She was im- mediately captured (leaving a sleeping babe the cabin), and taken in tne Indian camp. Miss Luster formed the heroic purpose of immediate escape from tbe horrors of ber captivity. She soon discovered a horse of great speed, kept lor running purposes by tbe Indians, conceived a plan to mount It, and leave in direction from whicb the Indians had brought green corn, from a six days absence; ns snowing a settlement witmn three days ride. Her preparations all complete, she was frustrated by the barking of dogs, and com- pelled her to retire to her lodge. Tbe second effort was made during a dark and stormy got tbat drove both ravages and dogs with in doors. She could not take both tbe rhil- - ren, but the eldest, a boy, mounted tbe horse and left. The first dav and night ex hausted the strength ot tbe boy, and be was lelt to find his way back, or perish upon tbe road! After three days and nights of contin- uous riding, she, becoming completely pros trated witb fatigue and anxiety, tied the horse by a lanet to her bonnet and laid down lor rest; she fell asleep, to awake a captive once more to the Indians; tbis time to the Kiowas. She was taken to the camp of her new cap- tors, only to reorgan ze her plana of f preferring death in an effort tor liberty rather than uie in ber horrid captivity. Once more she escaped with her chosen steed; and alter day of weary travel and u?uts or sleepless anxietv. reached the anta Fe road, sixty milea east of Cow Creek, CoL Leavenworth a headquarters. Ber escape was immediatelv reported by the Kiowas, to the Colonel, and, at tbe same time by a white man, who had seen her at the ranehe. Col. Leavenworth immediately sent an es cort bringing her to Council Grove. Miss Luster, together wttnanotneriiDerated captive named John Charles Fremont Hous ton, are at council drove now. Tbe latter was captured by a small band or comanches, or and waa rescued from loem rv lau-- a . bead chief of one of tfie or and dclived bim to Col. Leaven- worth, from whom we learn that both of these escaped captives are en route to this city. Frightiul Accident to Two Rope Walk- - era ia Man t rancisco. Saw Fbakcisco, Nov. 19 A shocking ca tastrophe, whicb may be attended with fatal results, occurred yeeterday afternoon at the w mows. Miss Kosa celcete. the well known funambulist, or rope walker, was advertised to wheel a barrow with Kennovan (the pedes- trian) in it along a cable stretched from a high platform to tbe top ot the pavilion. It ap pears that when tbe time came tor perform- ing the feat it waa found that Kennovan was distrustful of Mis Celeste's ability to wneei mm across in saiety. ana nan been nerv- ing himself with liquor. Miss Celeste declined to undertake the feat with a timid man; but as the audience, misunderstanding ber action. jeered her tor her want ot courage.she was stung into tne imprudence Ol attempting it. Before Miss Celeste had gone 10 feet from the plat form, and when she was 32 leet from the ground, her companion in the barrow changed his position. By tbe aid of her balancing pole she hsd nearly recovered the shock to ber equlibnum, aud again ecsayeu to go on, when the foolish man moved a second time, and Celeste, Kennovan and tbe barrow came t tbe Carth. Kennovan was undermost and btfldi'S bmUee from tbe tail, be waa terribly mangled by the iron work of the barrow, which tore his ear from the socket and l d the muscles ol his neck. Celeste clung to her pole, and one end of It striking the ground broke her fall beiore it snapped, and she struck on her elbow, bieaking it and her shoulder boue, but saving her bead, and thus escaping instantaneous death. There are doubts respecting the fate of both, as tbe medical attendants cannot tell what internal injuries have been received. ?T"Edwin Forrest, the rreat American For rest, returned to New York from California, week before hut. He is getting old, gouty and moody. He had a young lady with bim wbo supported him on the stage in California. uti tne steamer, coming borne, a fnend telli us, Forrest wouldn't let any body speak to ber, or wouldn't lut her speak to any body, lie only played hair of his Intended engag lueni, owing to uaa ncaitti. That Cioo Dakcino C'ram-Ris- Mi Annie Gibbons, of Chadwick's Theater, Chi cago, III., says: "I have accepted Mr. B Goldsmith's clog dancers' challenge In danc ing 1(10 different steps for tbe sum ol f 100 l,0UO, and have written him to that effect he accepts I will immediately tend on t money to you." coura OCR SEW YORK LETTER. The Skating Reason Revenue Fiauda lieath ot Horn. E. M. Hrace en A Great lame ol" Faro Ilea. VVood oa the Rampage Steth. ens, CO. I.R. Correspondence of tie Louisville Courier. Nrw To, Dec. 13,1306. Tbe weather has been bitter eold for several days, with a keen, strong wind tbat raises the dust and plays tbe deuce witb the drapery of the women as they go down and np our great thoroughfares, and otherwise comports iteeif with utter disregard of tbe proprieties. Bat we have splendid ice as tbe logical sequence of this state of affairs, and the dear ladies and the rollicksome boys will forgive the "mud and the weather," since it Introduces to them the season of fun and healthful enjoyment. The ice ponds were crowded and yesterday, and the drawing-rooma- , aye, and the ball- rooms, too, were deserted (we skate at night here), because It la fashionable to enjoy "the poetry oi motion ' on tne slippery steel. A Congressional committee Is holding ses- sions here for the purpove of ravestigaling alleged frauda on the revenue. Between -house matters, whisky operations, Ac, I fancy said committee will be able to present to tbe country rather a startling account of the "stealing" account current If they do tbeir duty they will find "oatha" bave been held dog cheap by some of our first citizens "pewholdeTs" at Brother Chapin's, Parson Beecher'e, or some other ol the reverend gen- tlemen. They will And, too, that bribery cor- ruption baa passed aa mere sharp practice, and large fortunes have been acquired through the diahonest connivance of rascally officials. Long before this can reach you, von will have been advised of tha sudden death of Hon. Eli M. Bruce. Tbat sad event haa caused peat sorrow ia our circle of Kentuekiana res- ident He was among tbe foremost business men of this country comprehensive, bold and daring in bia commercial operations. And altboagh be waa deeply engroated ia business, still be always fouad time to search out aod extend a generous aid to his friends, or tboae whom he thought worthy of relief. I need hardly refer to the (act that he gave away two or three fortunes to our Kentucky bovt in tbe South durinjr tbe war, since It is so well known. Yet ttys was but a small part of bia munifi- cent generosity. His loss will be deeply de- plored by all that ever knew bim. He died of disease of tbe heart, after a few days' illness, snd without premonitions of immediate death. At a recent election of tbe New York Cen- tral Railroad there was tbe largest ratherine- - of men wbo bad risen to wealth from indi- gence ever assembled at one time in tbia country. Among tbese Henry Keep repre- sented three millions of tbe stock, Tsnderbilt as much more, largo, of Buffalo, two mil- lions, dtc Keep waa a poor boy, in the ser- vice of tbe Michigan Southern Road, and Far- go was once a stage driver. Ytnderbilt was a waterman. These are tbe "upe" of life. 1 he papers are full of an exploit of Hon. Ben Wood, and aa they bave given it pub- licity, there can be no impropriety In writing aomething concerning it. Briefly, then, the Honorable Ben had a conflict tbe other night with 'the tiger," backed by Uoa, John Morrissey, M. C. elect, and after fourteen hours' play bfr. Wood retired the winner of ems kmndrefiand forty thousand At one time In the play, be was loser upwards of bnt fortune finally desert- ed tbe honorable MorrUsey, and hence the stamps found tbeir way into Beit's pockets. Yesterday tbe lncky winner bought "Tryon row," situate between Chatham and Center streets, and a moat valuable piece of proper- ty. It probably cost Mr. Wood a quarter ot a million. By the way this ia the biggest play at faro, and tbe biggest winning ever made in this country, and Ben. Wood is the biggest better in this or any other country. During tbia game be won a bet of fie.OOO on a card. All bllliardom ia excited about the mysteri- ous disappearance of Louis Fox, of Rochester, tbe great billiard player. He disappeared ten davs ago, and neither bia family or friends have heard of him since. It ia feared he has been made war with, as bis gcod condition pecuniary and otherwise, forbids the Idea ot suicide. According to the newspaper reports Mr. James Stephens. C. O. I. R.. Is a wonderful fellow, and is endowed with the faculty of ubiquity. V ithin tbe past week be haa been seen in London, New York and Paris. The British Government is somewhat curious on tbe subject and offers a fabulous snm to who- ever will tell under which thimble the little joker msy be found. Maybe he's in Ireland, 'A wr.rin' nf the Riven " Tbe Negro Bill. We give below in full the bill to regnlate tbe elective franchise in tbe District of Co lumbia, as it finally passed both n,oure of and now awaits the action of the President: LIVINGSTON. Suffrage Congress, Be it enacted by the Senate and Haute cf Reo- - rreentativet of the United Statet ef America in Vongreet atttmbled, Tbat, from and alter tbe passage of this act each and every male per son, excepting paupers and persona under guardianship, ot vbe age of tweuty-on- Years and upward, who haa not been convicted of auy infamous crime or offense, and excepting pertont wAo may have molwntarUy 'fieen aid and shall bav been born or naturalized in tbe United States, and wbo shall bave resided la tbe said District for the period of one year, snd three months in the ward or election pre- cinct in which be shall offer to vote next pre- ceding any election therein, aball be entitled to tbe elective franchise, ana shall be deemed elector and entitled to vote at any elec tion in said District, without any distinction on account of color or race. Skc. 2. And be it further enacted, Tbat any person whose duty it shall be to receive vote any election witnin toe uittnct ot lorum- - io, who shall wilfully refuse to receive, or ho shall wilfully reject the vole of any per son entitled to such right nnder this act, shall be liable to an action of tort by the person In- - red, and shall be liable, on indictment ana conviction, if snch act was done knowingly. a fine not exceeding one year in the Jail of said District or both. Sac. 3. And be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall wilfully interrupt or disturb sny such elector in the exercise of such franchise, be or tbey ahall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, oa conviction thereof, aball be fined In any sum not to ex ceed one thousand dollars, or be lmptvonea the jail in said District tor a period not to exceed thirty daya, or both, at the discretion of tbe court Skc. 4. A nd be U further enacted. That it shall be tbe duty or tbe several courts having enm lnal jurisdiction in said district to give thi act in special charge to the grand Jury at the commencement of each term of tbe court next preceding the holding of any general or city election in said district. Sic. be it further enacted. That the avors aud Aldermen or the cities of w ssh- betore the first day of March In each year, ahall prepare a list of the persona tbey judire to be qualified to vote in the severs! wards of said cttlea tn any election; and aaid Mavora and Aldermen shall be In open seesion to re ceive evidence of the qualification ot persons claiming the right to vote In any election therein, and for correcting aaid list on t dava in each year, not exceeding five daya prior to the annual election tor the choice oi ity otneera, giving previous notice oi uc time and place ot each session la some news paper printed In said district HEC. O. Ana oe further em artea, lost on or before the first dsy of March tbe mayor and aldermen o. said cities shall post np a list of voters thus prepared in one cr more pnouc lace In said cities, respectively, at least tea avs prior to said annual election. SBC. 7. And be it further enacted, Thst the officers presiding at any election shall keep aod use tbe check-lis- t herein required at the poll during tbe election of all officers, and no vote shall De received unless euverei oy tne voter in person, and not nntll the presiding ofBeer has had orrrtnnitv tn be aatmtled of his identity, and shall find hi nsme on the list and mark it, and ascertain tbat nia vote is tingle. Sec. 8. .41 be if further enacted. That it Is hereby declared unlawful for any person, di- rectly or indirectly, to premise, offer, or giae, or procure, or cause to be procured, ofiVred, or given, any money, goods, right in action. bribe, present or reward, or aay promise, un derstanding, obligation, or security for tbe payment or delivery of any money, goods. ightln action, bribe, present or reward, or aov other valuable thing whatever, to anv per son witb Intent to inflaence bis vote to be given at any election hereafter to be bald within the District of Columbia; and every person so offending shall, on conviction there of, be nned in any snm not exceeaing nwo thousand dollars, or imprisonment not ex ceeding two years, ot both, at tbe discretion of the court tec. 9. f f be it further enacted. That any person wbo shall accept directly or indirect- - lv. anv money. Broods, ngbt in action, orioe, present or reward, or any promise, under standing, obligation, or security for the pay ment or delivery oi any money, goods, rural in action, bribe, prevent, or reward, or any other valuable thing whatever, to influence bis vote at any election hereafter to be beld in the District of Columbia, shall, on conviction, be imprisoned not less than one year and be forever disfranchised Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, Tbat all acts and parts of acta inconsistent with this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Outwitted by the Mexicaas. Tbe Mexicans have the reputation of being the shrewdest diplomatist in tbe world. Tbey certainly will draw up the neatest pa pers, put it most oeautiiuuy in black and wnue, ana ago u wun more nouns net tnsn any other people we wot of. The only people wbo can approach them In the careful word ing of sentences, and In penmanship, are said to be the remans and Arabs. Tbe only reaaon we can give for tbl superiority is, that they are always cool cool aa bandits. No word. nor sound, nor stroke of the pen shows agita- tion or excitement In tbia way they so put forth the treatv with Gen. Scott that the Mex icans to this dsy believe Santa Anna got the better ol the hero of Lundy'a Lane, and sent the Americans home with a flea in their ears. So. a few days ago, on tha Bio Grande, thev outwitted Hen Sedgwick, snd got him flirt to help Escobcdo outside of Matamoros and then Caoalrs inside; drew those remarkable letters out of bim and Shendan; and then tbe two put their beads together and turned against bim aad tbe United State, like a couple ol rattle- snakes. Ton never catch a Mexican asleep, nor off hb guard, nor exerted; aad It yoa ever do rated him at ell, like th Dutchman's flea, b isn't there. fN. O. Plcayuac iDim co.sriRicT uses. FINAL DECISION OF TIIK SI'-P- R EXE COIRT. ' Trial of Citiaena by 2Lilitary Commi-iio- Unconstitutional Dissenting Opinion as, to Coagreeaiaaal Power. Special Dispatch to tha Clueinoatl 'taunt a WAAauoTOJi, Dee, IT. The Supreme Court iwuderwd Ita full decision in the Indiana conspiracy triaaa, otherwise known as the Bowie aad MUitgaa case ex parte. The decision waa, as win be remembered, made orally juat at aba close ot the last term of tbe court. Tha questions disposed of ia Ibis ease and two other caeca beard with it, were aa follows: 1st On the facta stated in said petition snd exhibits, ought a writ of habeas corpus to be isasKd according to tbc prayer of said petition? 2d. On the facta stated in said petition and exhibits, ought tbe said Combdin P. MillLraa be diacbanred trom custody, ae hia said peti- tion praved 3d. Whether upon tbe facta atated ia said petition and exhibits, tbc military commission mentioned therein, had Jurisdiction ? to try and sentence said Milligaa In manner and form as tn said petition and exhlbi's stated. As to the first two questiona, it Is answered in the affirmative, and aa to Lha third question, it is answered in the negative. Mr. Justice Davis read the opinion of tbe court. Justices Oiler, Nelson, Clifford, and Field concurring in whicb aa to the oajeetioa to tbe jurisdiction of tbe court in the matter, on the ground that there was no tuit pending before it It is held that a cause ia a suit, aad wherever there is a proceeding before a court brought to assert any nbt by aay peraoa, that proceeding ia a suit. In this ease Ultra was no sppearance by the Prosecuting Attor- ney on tbe part of the Government, bat that is Immaterial aa to tbe vacation of Jurisdic- tion, as the appearance waa not necessary to sustsin it This language ot th statute, providing for a certificate of division in aay case, where judare ar divided, upon th ap- plication of either party, ia Intended rather to enlarge the statute tbaa to restrict it ia a manner to exclude th right of appeal, la eases of tbia character, where only the aaae of oue party appears. On the meriu it ia beld tbat Congress against neb commissions, rather lha a in favor of them, by the act of 11 aad that Congress has aot the constitutional power to authorize such eommiaaion; that tbe Con- stitution ia expressly against them, aad it la the supreme law of the land la tame of wtr as ia time of peace. Mr. chief Justice Chase read an opinion, fa whieb Justices Wsvne, Swayne and MUler con cur, diesentiug from so much of tha opinion ol the Court ss held that Congress did not nave uc constitutional power to authorize military commiasiona, but concurring a to tbc answt r Riven to the q arations certified apon. 1 be uifrseuting opinion holds that tn time of war Congras may authorize military commis- sions to try offt ate such as charged lu the cat oeiore tne loun. Gaod Vae af Bad Materia U From lha Blchaoad Tint. The recommendation of Governor Worth. in bia mesaaa to tbe General Assembly af North Carolina, that all the negroes b sent North, aeema to have caused quite a I utter ia Radical circle. Tbe proposition ia one which ahould meet the aeriou attention of the Lar- - isiatnrea of all Southern etatea, and if by any mean we can inaugurate an earnest movement of the blacks toward tbe North, wc aball very speedily see the veil of hypocrisy torn from the face ot the New Englaud Moaanaae, As soon aa we have started a deluge of wooly head and aboebln to th land ef woodca nutmegs, we will lad that moat ot tba reapeetabia peopie of that quarter will either rapidly change tbeir opinioua about CntTee, or tbey will leave and come South to occupy the vacant cabins. Tbe presence of th negro in our midst ia now woat prevent free wait labor- ers from coming to aa. Tbe white soaa, ao matter whether be be a Yankee, Irishman ar German, will not immigrate to a eouatry where the competition fur labor throw bim In contact with tbe negro. The supertoritv of the white race unmistakably aaserted la tbia very tact, that tbe whit man aeekinr labor or land, will aot pursue either in tba South at prevent because of tbe pre new af tbe negro, whose asaociation aad eoatigalty in tbe eame community would be both aasnir-latin- and offensive. The prejudice of race and color are nowhere seen so strikingly a In tbe refusal of immigrant to come Poota, when no other reason can be aaaicned for their objections, sav that of the necro. No man, when seeking a home, ever thinks of locating tn a bad neighborhood, aad outsider regard tbe whole South a being of this char acter, simply because th negro ia here. We are very poor aod cannot afford outlays of any kind, but the firs: expenditures la which we can Indulge would be very wiaely Invested in tamlamng sach aegroea aa desire to go North with tbe means of so doing. Our soutnern state snoaia oner a oonua to every negro wbo would croas tbe Potomac; for very negro thua departing wc would get a whit laoorer ia return. Iaveatmeai ot th sort would pay better than subecriplion to raiiroad and canaie, ana wouia o tne oet contributioua which our peopl could make toward tbe restorauou ol aational peace and repose. W believe that the Kadxale are under perpetual alarm laat tbe uearoe should exercise the right of freemen and come among them. Thla apprraeneioD on their cart eiDtaio wbv thev are doing all they can to make Cunec contented wuer ae bv mey know that if tbe North, either by tuffrage or other superior attractiona, invitee the aegroe, tbat they will come. Thla tbey dread, and tbey want to bribe them to stay at home. Law and Jaatice ia North Caraliaa . farther Action al the Legieiatara. It will b remembered that we bav already published tbe resolutions adopted la th North Carolina Ledalatnre, denying the truth of the statements made by interested persona thst Union men and negroes were 111 or un- justly treated In tbat State. These resolution met with opposition from a member of tbe Legialatare; aod on tbe 10th the following preamble and resolution la reference thereto were produced by Mr. Wsugh In th UauA of Commons, and unanimously adopted : vV'hxuas, In the diacnaaioaof the resolution which passed the Bouee oa th 7th Inst, de- claring, among other things, that the eaargea of disloyalty, of persecution against those tyllag tbemaelvea th original L'nion men, and of tbe partial administration of justice, ar false, and known by Utoae who make them to be without a shadow of foundation, tbe mem- ber from Henderson (Mr. Biytbe) declared be could aot eonsclentioasly vote for tbe resolu- tion, because thev were an true ia that they aaserted, tbat the Union men ot thai State bad not been persecuted (which alleeatiuo Is un- derstood to refer to persecution stae th of civil government) coming trom a member of this House, require investi- gation : to the end. therefore, that tbe paraon or authority guilty ot such persecution, be duly punished, Jieetmeed, That the Committee on the Ju- diciary, be Instructed to request said mem- ber to appear before them, and furnish th facta on which he rested aaid allegation, and that aaid Committee, in order tbat a fair and full Investigation msy be made, have power to send for person aad paper, and that tbey report to thi House at an early dsy, by bill, resolution or otherwise. Sorratt to be Frightened into Teetify-ia- g A galas t 51 r. Davta. The Washington' correspondent of th Bal- timore flaeette aavt: In a recent letter I ventured the stiggesUoa that in view of tbe Insufficiency ot the evi- dence to convict Surralt f a capital otfena in a civil court, and consequently, by applica tion, throwing doubt upon the righteoasnas of tbe senfenee which military eomuiiaaioa upon hi mother, tbe kadical would attempt to relieve tbe eommiasioa from pa tr ue odium by an energetic proaecntioo ol th son, and attempt to caorge hia acquittal of sax an offense to Copperhead perjury and rebel tympathy. But bow greatly did 1 un- derrate the audacity and laipudonca of the faction now ruliug tba entire tjuutry witb aa Iron rodr-an- d wuo laugh in the bacee ot their credulous follower. Sorratt, w ar bow told i to be d into a witaa against Davis, or rather be ia to be manipulated bv the immacaiat Holt and through tbe machinations of tosit new Conover, (per- hapa the Canadian "trenUeman," who served in both armiet during the late war, and mora recently fumed up amorur tbe rope a Zou aves) aud under threat of death, induced to subscribe to some eork and bull story impli cating Innocent partiea In tbe asoaatiuation plot which, by the way. st now fast eaeuming the proportion of the fain oa "plant" of Titua Uates. roe chronicle of thi morning diettnetlv foreshadow thia scheme, "it m reported, ' eeya tbat intamoa sheet that Attorney-ti- neral Manbery ha decided apon the trial of J'ff. Dana at Richmond son time during tbe spring of 167. John Sur ralt recently captured in Egvpt, and now oa bis wsy to tbia country, will probably be placed upon the witneaa stand at tbe Dtv'a trial, bis complicity with the conspirator rendering him a valuable arttnea In regard to the part played by tbe In the aa-- sassinatlon scheme." Can the equal of tb compound Of audacity, recklaaanoas and vtl Wtinly be found anywhere In hietery, except, perhaps, tbe charge acstnetCfeartee the gVecind ot Implication in the plot to assassinate him self f The Keatneky State Debt. Tbe Frankfort Commonwealth says: We understand tbat the Quartermaster Gen eral of Kentucky haa been notifl-r- i, bv the proper National autbontiea, tbat T'COOO haa been made subject to the dra't of the State Government of Kentucky. W also learn thai, wlthiro a few werw V between tl.f1.- - 0(J and fJ.Oi'O.OCO more will b placed tdthe credit of the Stale. Our State Treasury is now in funds, and orobablv. bv the and of another mon'h. will contain between 4,000,ono to The Sine debt is between t000,OOU and o,000. OuO. We would urge upon the State authori- ties, the propriety aud expediency of appro priating thla money toward to extrngulab-me- ol the State debt It would be th beat naa which could be made of th money. SEW SERIES NO. L fEOH FLEUIAG C0CVTT. Tha Bute Caaveatioa Hob. R. TI. Slaataa Th Claims af Northeastern keaiacky Ilea. J. i.A. akieg. Crraaooilanea af us Louisville Coiuaar.l rLaanSQUCaO, Dee, 12, 16. Th approaching Democratic slat Conven- tion ia arousing aoaaiderabl interest in tha mind ot tbe people, and w frequently bear tba inquiry mad a to tbc person to be nominated for tba potiUou of Governor and Llaateuant Governor. 1 1 a J, so far sa 1 have tfalud tba aountW ia tbe northeastern part Of th State, a perfect unanimity among the Democracy, and a determination to tup-po- the aomiaeaa, whoever they may be, ytt th claims of Col. at S. Stanton, of bfaKa aonuty, will be strongly argj-- in suavantkoa by hi hot of fiieuu. There can be ao aneatloa that from the present ol pablie acuuuacut, he will get tbe vol of lb deiegaiioae from nearly every coun- ty in Nortaeaatera Kentucky. Bia friaudj arc in ears eat Tbey know tu man. and that be ia ra every way qualified for to office. He baa been a Democrat of the old Jaeksoolsu stripe snd poetesses the confidence of tbe party In Northern Keniackv. Hs has aever deserted hi principle, and wa oa ot th first victims ia Kestucky to Federal outrage at the bearlnuing of the war. la the fail of he, with a number of oth- er prominent Democrate of Masoa county, were arrested by a military order of General Nersoa, who, for the time, waa In command of the military force stationed In th part ol Kentueky. After thtir arrest they were hur- ried etf to that filthy hole. Camp Chase, and from that to Fort Laiayerte, wber they were con So ad for several month. No charges bad been brought or proven against them before or alter their arrest, wuich wa noth-o-g more than a piece of cold- blooded tyranny apon tbe part of Nelson, be- cause they refuted to surrender np their prin- ciple, aad rail down aud worship th great Bfeuttooa adaimat ration, which then aua the Oomernment, according to abolition lug'.c, Colonal otanton haa aever been a ciamorer after political poaition. Tbe people of bia Cougreaaiooal District boe him aa their rep- resentative ia Cougret for six years, sud h made them aa able and efficient representa- tive. Tbia ia th only tim he baa ever been before th pec Bit for office. H aa been a aiid eoualatent Democrat, and in th early yearf of hi manhood, when tbe Demo- cracy af Msaon waa largely in tba minority, ha waa tbeir acknowledged leader, ss he ia aow ; sad well worthy was be ol the trust re- posed in bins. H wa active during th lata political canvas, taking th stamp against Wada worth, wbo la acknowled to be one of th shrewdest politician ia northern Kentucky, on of th best debater la the 9 rate. adawonb came out second beat and even In bia awn aouartv (Maaonl, wtucu had aiway roue ia large titjonue againal tu, he failed to aronae former eat tiaautara, and the county went Democratic by TU) maturity, and now aha may be aet dowa a taoronghly Dem- ocratic. Thi. la a great measure, ia lb of popularity and exertion of Col. Stan ton and other prominent uemoerata, woo maue u moat c ganuc exert 'oue- - to accom- plish that (lortoua object, Th weight and Influenc of Wads worth, Harrison Taylor. Tom Green, the editor of th Ka le, waa thrown again them, and favor or ut radical eandidatea, bnt the peopl were determined to b hoodwinked no longer, and therefore voted the Democratic ticket. Cot Stanton ha never beaw a droa la a political eanva. aad hia In finance ia aiwaya felt Ha ha fought hi opponents fbr thirty years, against large odd, aod aow be gins to realise the fruit ol bat 'aoora ia seeing old hUaoo raneed nnder the Democratic ban ner. Hundred of bia friend expect hia nom ination. Tbey believe he riehiy deserve the position, aad if he ia made the standard tiaaiar of th DeBtoeraey Beit summer, they will rally aroaud him with the moat uu paral lel ed enthusiasm. He ia universally popular wherever ha known. Even bia toliucal opponent entertain for bim aa unbounded raaoeeL Th people of Northeastern Kentucky be lieve they arc entitled to the candidate for (roventor aot having bad one aince ijovamor Breathitt time, a penoa oi aooat forty veara. They bav aever Been clamor atretofor for anv of tbe State offleara, bat bav alwav eome ap to tbe work of tbe tne Uoa from which th candidate w taken; thereiore, they are aow determined to ore tbe Claim of their favorite, believing tincerely tbat he I entitled to the nomination. Fleming county, wuicn as aow Liemocratic, will eome to hia tup port ha tbe convention with in unbroken front, and. indeed, yonr orre prudent believe jvevy county in Eta larky will do likewise. No ceatleman ia Nor'uem Kentucky I spoken of lor Lieutenant Governor, aad little haa been aaid about It but aom or the De- mocracy believe tbe southern part of t htata ahould have th candidate for that posi- tion, aad th Boa. Joua t. A. King US) strongly spoken of at tbe proper person to be nominated. He I bold, talented aod popular wber h I known, and will make aa excel- lent presiding omcer of tbe Senate. Ta Democracy of Northern Kentucky are alive to the Importance of having good men, and from artaont indication, the detegaiiou wlil be large from tbia part of tba Suw. A FLKMlNii DEMOCRAT. Letter Fraan II oa. . S. Khaaklia. WaJHinoToa, D. C, Dc. Ttb, IStA Hon. P. 9k)ert, Frankfort: Dsaa Bra: Ton will aee by the newspapers tbe mrasura snd policy of the Radical party, s Indicated by the proceeding of the drat four days of the proarnt araaion, ar ta strip the President oft much of his Constitutional natrouag and aa many of ha right aa one of in arparvroeuio oi inc govern- ment a poaslble, Uiereby indicating (ia my judgment) a determination not to Imps eh or remove him, but to render tbat branch ol th uoveru ment helplea and powerlesa for either good or aril during th remainder of thi Had tbey determined to remove bim, and to place another in hi stead, they would bav been the last party on earth that would have desired to have taken from an Kxecnliv of tbeir owa selection, Irom tbeir own prtT, any power or ri-- either constitutional or otherwise. Tbey, a party, recognise ao eonatituUoaal restriction npoa theu acta. fariu neeeemty bmng dWir tupremt lam. in Biica ineaucu aave ueicrnunea to ehanirt the time of meeting of th next Con of KaBjlJ la Dz drat Co.t taveral several rate, month. of af will possible thereiore to confide my aspiration, and claim, (if aay for to friends in tbe District and ak theu see that ao ia do Tha Georgia Gold Xiaea Rich Tela la ration coaaty. Of Which, aonueaat- - mtervtia led wa quarts shown Holland, who haa bad thirty year ex perience a practical miner in Georgia, teat made bv toia rock about 50 ton. He costing 95,000, twelve aaa grind two hundred buaaala about fourteen ton) dav of twelve aoora, the being within diataaoe, annoy ance water. Tbia certainly aa unexpected and valuable djecoverv, and proof to of thi aa miuing liviopatnt ha not yat begun. Oar vely hrnoraat an taaa rat Weraily their AUansa front Frankfort point recent deeialoa ia to Court of Appe.: Aaams Kiprvee to. v. McDonald. Louisvtd mea Honerveo. Ta Appnanta' agent received hale of eottoa at Pulaski, he Naehvilre, wa th of ent railing ship, appellee brought to recover vain ol" to and recovered for with Heid Court That no flcient videue thai wa special contract liability common camera, aa doe aot appear were from shipping ae-- eoruuiK miiviwi, oer or the pa enemy, or by tatted Statea army, they were th value cotton; and wa ao error tn giving a tbat wa of Judi cial doea abased, augment A ot chica4 BVepuniiean telle we loin rich ttory: A well known jouraa.iet, wa formerly correspondent says wrme l ii cits, uie vir, woe aay wam 9ee retary Seward bia opinion of Hortee Greeley. Greeley, said Seward, mau msn tu full g' of power, if he baJ common we thould to bang bim; but thereiore barmiea comng New Tork. ionrnalist dining tbe editor of the rihnne, inquired Bis opinion Mr. Seward. "Mew anon, reply, aownary. Jf aaaa ha head; tb trerunj with Seward ia ha aa lafarmal THi: DAILY COuitUlii: BT W. a. TERM OP SCBSCBIPTIO. tne by wait It rr i i..iuti. V 'u.,i at tare BKiaia. bv mail i a wail a atvaaea. Orra. ur v, eenta a tbc carrier. Zo .HawAaata par cj. THE ISISZ BETOITTTIOS. Dahlia Nw Tack Herald. Dcbli, Nov. "Coming event cast shadow but ore. If the rence in Ireland during th ail da;, to be taken aa shadows of lb future, muat expect at. l very quickiy. The great tnat now ring u 'run on and oi tbe aland to th .a, "in . Jame Stertocaa, got aiit ye ." Though aianyven'ure to eonddently aifinn ., that ne tu.- - uiidat ot ua, tba train euiy known to th initialed, so lav Oa been carefully gnarled, li be not ire land yt. wuich i toe opinion or the aurowdi-a- t ouiid- - rs. tiiere no doubt be be acre wi'hia day or two. Public excitement ia very high; noiiimg talked of in newsroom, ub, oc on ChaLg- -, but the coming revoiu'luo; wbea to and wtiere tbe "dogs of war" drat be a ipped, ar canvassed with anx- ious lace. ventur to la nub off, or deny there will be movement Tue government ia stirring, and bracing up titair reaourcea to ooeet eve u La. men- tioned my iaal l,0u) reward was of- fered to th man who wooid pi event getting Into the country. Taat propoaed re ward aa largely increased, now any man, woman or who will causa toe body ot :rpbens to he delivered to lorn government alive or daad. can eiaira L5.JU0, and protection for the term of theit natural In. To wildest rumor about pas one to snother. various seaport roand th coast th telegraph ia hour bringing to lha Caat.e report of hi lanuuii and bring veeu various diaeruiaea; now brgirar- - man, by toe local eonataburv, who a ore lory lha or or minister ar detained becaua of ami V probable liken ea to lha organiser. Th latest rerort to official Quarter, aad on which likeiy to be founded on facta of aome tbat ha to get into Dublin; that two morning tgm landed at th North Bull bieaa. unguarded tract 04 sxecoast, snout tw mi e that ba since going thrones tb eity a th driver of sa ouuiue ear; that hi ageota and friend ia rum pre- tend to hira him, aad dnvas them by tomo unfrequented load. Tha communication ar earned on, and gives hi direction without being uapectad. It said that to , sotborilic propoa to ap all onr drivers inapectioa morning; but to da to they sbouid notice, not likely tne C. U would parade hiiaaeif. have y receivea inrormauon rrom moat reliable authority that tbe piao of Vk! t rmian leader are very forward of to C. otneera ap- pointed to lead th insurgents, managed to get th eountiv by two and'turoca, and are presd through tb variou diatrict ataigued to them. Tue manse ot the peopl. who have enrolled tuamarlvoa nnder tua naa-- nerof tbe exiieeied republic, only wait lh signal to tak the Held. The rami to taaa piace in tha night tame, and notice win r aaatnl diautct to diatrict by signal rock- - r and bouflre. In the country net th police barrack will be flrat asaanlted, tba po-- ilee routed, and inew station romaea oy aoo lnsnrganta Country mansioaaand large ta- wi,i daapoued and every on lore ; contribute, by money or materiaia, to maintenaoea at th In tb public baildinca moat likely ta be aole stand siege are to eeiied, aod at or np a rortreaee. I u prison, wow boaaea, Ilk will barrac Tu are to found in ine eailart t divided between io Feniaa executive tne army. How tbeee will eome to eaa sav, bot if their asaertioo are to oa e red .led th Is very cloa at band, and may have stirring scene to notice ia th , eonrae of the oofa.ng oaoata. government authuritiea ar working witu vigor aow. A.1 tha troop omprianig the Duhiin garOoa were kept under arm tbe past three nigbr Detachmn ol cavalry th oatiying districts of r tb city nnul day'ight, and on Saturday aa order wa diapatched to Chatham, Irom tb Admiralty, lor the immediate preparation transport ahip to convey revcral regiment f to Ireland. These reuuenta wer teuxtrapa-- ed lor to AMenbot, to prepare tor immedt ( embarkation. Two of that are to inert aua to Dublin gamaoo, which already very large indeed. oilier wiil be broken mto ' tev-r- al detach menta and d.apervd throuie th country. party of Roval Marine are aiao on irom Wooiwich to do duty in Ireland. The police force being atnr- - mented by men the Cug' iah branco, t nd . are ail armed with wane th eoostanuiary m eowniry a atr.cia are heiag uie-- with breech loading ride. Dublin Caalie, woere Jaraea Meunen naa promaed to eat his oa Chrtstma i being rapidly fortified aud ttrengtuenrd be tble to sitae. Tb Coder Secre for Ireland, Sir Tbomaa Larcom, ia s much Impressed wita the g'wvity of hi that he ha resigned b.a rvaidenc ia th Phrrnix Park, and com to reaide in th r Cattle, to be on tbe to I medic new, and be ready to kasoe prompt direeiioLr turn rvouired. . Th Commander-in-Chief- , Lord 9traith- - ( nairu iSir Hugo kVeei, urging on tho government lue ad v isaOility oi hai an, wuich aimpiy to encoungo the FenUna to break out, an pmmpily pour v ma, art of oa them, tnd maostcre ' on found part ici pat ing in tb avovet , ment Tha what niiht expeetevl ; the maa woo blew tbe oatlvat from thi eaaoon't mouth by tb score ia India, but it doea aot receiv tne full approbation of bit eoueague ia the Privy CouuciL t Several arrests aeisurea made within the week, and mav tell yoa oa reua-bi- e data, that there are least an Informer at prweut lodged the Cast.. It L believed f tbe authorities acted on informa- tion, and that raid will be made on a.1 marked iu iivklua beior another week .apae. It ia adviaabie to for few to tb country before taking atep, ao that, possible, f be mav be included in the batch, and some oi the ttaff who over with h.m. Mesa-tim- e have picking up mea in Bel- - Carr.ck macros, Tnm, Cork and other piacea. In Dublin, man lately ar--- rived trom who gav ht name as ' Jame MPberson McGiUvray. wa arraeteiw on Monday charged with an conspirator. About Jtl.OU) were ibun oa bia sod but ao documentary evidence oi He i detained to grats to th 4th day of hUrca next to . f x three session ta each term, the Two eate containing couple of hundred rat station to commence on uie a aay of ttMj r.ae, maa bavooeta. wic ..- - ) March next the second en the first et .j. U wer, inio December, 1S67, and the third oa the j Cofk naV. eore ta governmewt orend , in Decani ber, Ob yesterday uJ W(jre jarBaed to moat retrjeciaoie came ap in to Hoot to carry ont that A carpet manuiaoturer. nurpeee. tome debate, and an- - i Jot th Cor, corporation. And Ib- - Important ameudmeut were adopted, it waa .tiir4Un tM)ws tbat similar poarpoaed, but It will be pedily paaaed ba- - m ,opmrMlce been delivered to th ytiud doubt same ad dree within the past few It Under thi state of tbe ease the election w tboou, ttmt tB,, a,,, been received bf delegate frara Kentucky will take plac ia i elerk tne BBploymnt of th who as February aext and before tba tvanjvrJ to durance Vila A large the preaant Congreaa, and aefor M.,Iurc Q oui ef4 Mme eight to ten tbonaan l, for me to return to Kentucky, for bfn m Limenck, and the ma'erA. eanaot leave my post here, and the retponsi- - K)r lue m.UB!a. tue ol' at many mora. hi duUea devolvag apoa me one th oatural eooaequroee of the acta, the rprsenuuve of my State, eouid ,ic min(i eoMK.-,rbl- d.loi bed. Those secure my a a member of to with Aieoben aad tu plana. , Congret. am, ompelled, , .iliw,,, tBe new ot bia arrivsl. - my 1 have ) my to in-- Jaatie a. twtlvetUmp wheelbarrow following appellant seem correspondent Waabingtoa he's lULDKMtl. Correa-aadea- c that apprebeoded Tblemiaearte considerably adjournment th portion th community arf louaiy watchiLg the preparation adieu government will make for proteetu'.. Ail that tha aext month big with cat. acccd ia I field, seizing fww large j fortiflcationa, aad can out fbr utt.e Ws have been howu samnle ot - i K.i. u t rmmm m.iir at h m quart from lota Number 200, la 17th ,iooa to reason to doubt but that , district thi County, With nine w. nn.l km reir.mreenvrr.ta at i otoera lyiBg th direction of the baa wbo aiw ban. back beeaa tbey f Jut been purchased by Mr. Ed. W. Holland. Sooht hi bch. and hie ia ten uoa to dj I A. Anatoli and itr Pare. Tbeee are th,n extract money from hia dupe. bout ten aorta oi on A0 y oaovement waa not much aira near in. v,u.i iw.iiir form ot revolution; Hit were vein wa traced by boulder and turtaea Nsliew to be a war of tb Indication, two muea , tD ptook mors arty tort oireetion, pit lrnB pohtieal form, number wre obA at lea or twelve feet deep, k b,...i for half a mil Thi veins from t W1VB ,pirn iMnTl,.Btt " v " wrww. , ountry whien the arraur ol aad and It trom these wa obtained. Mr. tbe yield of rold in a bim of at also stair thai a mill, bout and men, about (or per rock with 11 uie or no ttum at very bur, another of latnteatt veina a aoantry. paopl aoorparat i or tha (old H lying beneath Iwt. Mew Baa. trF" VJ the T toman th of a tneaeery; Ami Judge. tevea to shipped thai day to and paid price sbip- - TO ta ait th cotton, the same Interest tm the sa there wa snf-- there any varying the ot a and It they rr ov vii av art I'l tiuu. bite a tb properly held liable for of the there interval, a matter discretion whieb aot to been j therefore affirmed. UoBAca GacBLsr ad Secns-ran- Saw tan. New York tha wing who a that aurioB; "Horace "is a a of oina, and tneb that a particle of sense bave a d d fool, and After to the with 1 oi aril brain waa tba to govern Mia ataarer ar tmtai but that w vtr, a pt J J. 1 j tavah at eraia 28, 1. taeir pest ar w ring time here queat.on it other :a m and ia is but will running t eoDjtnenee, will Few it lual a tooa. alo I in tbat Stephen since been and eu.i etiher bim from From y in ti ar have prize, a aanur ia tort managed a idu.i rag- - him a Ui is and b been b a it eall for give and it m I v in a atata. O.. aad have into f from dial uiea b i body. CUiee J a b titled aad each form their bank b and soon eveot paaa none pi-tivei- y K f km I Tbe .durtug petroled f it i Th their way ta from they revolvers. a. dinner n u. reaiat tary poa: tion t spot receiv m ia again auopiji; p is 1 then military very at oay b from and bave been 1 at m have their a a thought wait a daya get SteDhcns into tbia il eome tuev been that a America, agent o the P a revolver, connection. aad have regular a Monday Monday I060. a a i bill a arm, w it b 1 a f I thereby 40th i w scua'rai loyal of 4 their at X If Stephen getting ao army bit.) tbs a building aa hold a .h. tra in th r, im-- 1l .l ia vein, -,- 1 Gen. B miiea u eny. to o creva, anc'Siiatie other poor nQk Xbe " tbat have of a aot agia, i of a j reretabla ta iu f hout in a it tawtawaateriy- - ,o . of developed ro yr tbc a per la ar prevented oe a, as it ia A . feel still mat Patriotism atiil bum strong! r I ail Inabmen'a bearta. rich aa well a po but tbe former rannct tee that Stephen ts ' man to lead them wane he biaaona ob -- banner, "Murder and pillage." It he pro" tbat hi idea ar above Idea trimea, that a will respect life and property, he may Sod h banda eoneiderabiy strengthened. Dannie Dowling Muicaliy' ca s baa been rally argued, tha potuta I gave yon ia my eommauica ion commented oa al great ieajt but the judge bav guided taeir inteo: u to peatpooe any declaration of their optnioae till aext term. It at ganeraiiy thought uiai they will ba advert to ah wiaoa of lue onnel. . CO!vFI3CATIO' ILLEGAL. The Coarts against it. W learn that a very Important eana v. i Jnat been decided ia the Morgan coonly . Circuit Court 11 waa no lean irnporuu suit than ooe brought by Meter, uyler a. f. Bent. OI thi p ace, ior in poeaeaaioa ol certain tract of laad sold and eouaacated tbe L nttad State, during the war, aa reb property. The oecuoeot set up, bv way o answer, the doe re ot the United dtato Couri and tbe deed of the United state Marabai ro bim, which bmnght before th Court tb aver ita of the whole case. . The ease wee roily arned on two seTrt oreaaione, oa tbe laet ot which Judge Bear or one or the Swutriwver Circuit preauie. along W'ta Judge Eck'.ea, Pratidem Ju.ige J the, 6th circuit Alter mature delihorv. tbe Court came to the eono '' ttai ' sal waa noli and void, and tbat aa a en queue the plaintifx waa entitled to inmed a poaaeaelon of tha premisew. If thi conclusion of the two lea rood JoxLsy-wb- pr tided at thia trial be th law, aa a have no doubt it la, tboae aa'ortoaei women aod children who happened to live in iht South dunng tbe existence of the rebel. Ion. and who btd their reality lying ta the eonnscated, have aoitung to do bat being an it lor poattoaaion. and they will b in all their original right. But who will get tbe rent and pmflt dur- ing confiscation. This n a nice q neat ion; m: we presume theconrta will It to the rig it fill owner of the land, a anil being brought. Johnson County ta.l Press. I ! Tb Marlnetti Ravel Ptntom'-- Troupe, engaged by Sheridan Corbva, amv hi Aaa Fraaciaeo oa th Uth mat. and w . MintMBM with an aiuagwaaent at Wia Si e f'Ha Theater ta tb MtreoatraM at "6rta Moaatar
Page 1: ILOUISYIIL Ma WMJSKJLY coura THinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7qv97zmk6t/data/0163.pdfTor aptrit Will thai! o'er thy waated lend, Iu gaardlaa geniae aad aveeg aland: Till proved by devattatioa,

L - i.

WEEKLiY COUUIKHTint m or i rno.

llwU copy, eat year k

I've eopiee, oa year 114Th eoylae. eat year

A wtr eopj Met grata lor imj club t lea.

t ParaW alwayt U rtma.r Bniinuni Mf b atte by Mall at oar nak.

jy It le seldom i have aa opportunity ofpublishing poem ofsuah genuine merit astbc following. It Is beautiful and powerful:

Par the Louisville Oonriar.lFlKIWtLL TO FKEEDOX.

Farewell bright aptrlt! till Is Wlur BareA aew bora nedee ahall thy temple nUc,Ib towering rraadaar aeatb tbetr native dint;Dlattrioat mad by lofty tool anbHrne,Tb iaaartl mhmU ef the noble free.Of those who kwght aad fell for libertyOf Uiom who wotakipat thy raised Oka,And know, though fcllea, tboa wilt riot ajaln.

Farewell I aad while tat teapots Iroa rodPhaD emit the natlo that blaapbemea tu God,

Diee Hia altar and aabvaru thy hum,A aatloa wicked, wail aad mat at.Tor aptrit Will thai! o'er thy waated lend,Iu gaardlaa geniae aad aveeg aland:Till proved by devattatioa, scourge aad Same,Thy caaateued children ahall thy reign preclalaaAad reelect thy etatalr donx ea high.Bright Freedom' Pharos ia the weetera sky.

Ala ! that aationt aboald forge thy worth,Aiea! that tyrants should encumber earth;That Biaa.aaaiiadfal of bit loftiest aim.The lotpiralfoa of immortal thaw,PUoold sink the brute, tb detpot or the tltve.The re nriing Tillies, or declining knaveThe wicked demoa to degrade bit race.Their deeds illustrious, and their work efface.

Whet, thovgfc ae aiore thy ray.Beam e'er the land effulgent aa the day tWhat, though the cloade obeenre thy heavenly (ace,Aod a tgbl enshroud thine earthly dwelling place ?

Tat eball thy spirit from the lowering akyDispel tbe clouds, and bid the darkness flyThy easclnc bolta lllvme the awakened lead.Denuded crime ia trembling terror ataad.Vet pertteo, refeaeratad DeeThy eoaa triamphant wrth thy predon priaeA aattae bleat, tliat ahall to future HatTrasamit their virtue and thair deeda aobUma;Aad tear their rererd aod Immortal naaie,Tbe nobleat, brightest on the page of kmc.


General Prvtona letter Reply totLonisville."Lkxikotoh, Dec 16, 1866.

EJUert Louisville Courier:la aa article beaded "Harmony of tbe Dem-

ocratic party Gen. Preston' LettCT,' whichappeared ia the Conner of yesterday, a singu-

larly ingenious attempt la made to pervert tbemeaning of that gallant gentleman's candidrespot.se to Inquiry prompted by a sentimenteery general in a large aad influential elementof tbc Kentucky Democracy.

Intbia article It atattumed that GeneralPreeton'a letter I calculated to dietarb tbebencotiyot tbe parry ,and loteaded toenliet tbeparUao fclin In bia own fuvor. and declaringtea "UMrre a no lonnomuon lor tdc loea wettbe eicluaion ot Cooled era'e aoldiera from ofBee waa the police of the &m ot May Convention, tbe vriter rrpreeenta tbe letter aa enattempt to induce sorb an lirpreailoa aa toexcite jeeiooay ana Oirtmat in advance, anamake Uie people believe that, if anooivr adoccn or more eandidatea tbe aoaiioationebouid not fail upon Pretton, it willbe en ect of proaenption and degradatioairimil en cooiearraie aoiaiera.

it it acafwly Dcceaarr tbia rratuitonf andotilmeive viudicaiioa of a body which, aabenerai rreatoa write and we all remember.wee characterised aa en eaten biage of "re- -

turnra rebtta."It will be early crjonet to defend it after It

bat been assailed. No Democrat will wmb orventure to condemn tbe action or qneailonthe locpiratioa ot tbc Convent km wnich, ontbe 11 ot laet May, onraaized the preventDemocratic panr of fcleotockv, allbous-- Itmay be that aome denounced tm who indorse

It presented tbe, perhaps, unprecedenteda pectac Je of a convention thoroughly anacif- -

ieh. anxione, aninflneciced by tbe prceence ofprivate ambitiooa, to acbtcve Its high mis-

sion, tbe redemption of tbe Plate, and It soappeared for the reason, aonbtleaa. of tbe

small oer centaie of oolitictana la it





P certainly net perpetualto aa be

evenne than

candidates ornobietl

to for Beck. noora. reason tLtl niea&e Lit

atrorgly, above alluiat oDiaina toe wing itb in

ot Democracy to which be belong,tbat there is a wuh, not upon part ofmen met st Lonievtlle on 1st

May, bot entertained by certain Democraticpoliticians, te datoourage nomination ofam who have eerved In Contederatearm for more important aadomcee in the girt of tbe people of h.entnchy.





lt be which wing theIt to. com- -








i iI


Of I tot of II "to votert

the I aoand anehakea allegiance to the

whicb Democratic partyof Kentucky now seeks to preserve and ex-

alt. It la to argue tbat tbe apprehension ia idle, tbat bo auch feeling againat



great name,


















compu- -

witbdraor claims

ot havevery keep become

decudve in

they discern influence, now,cant themeat were open secret,

instead timid iadisloyal sentiments aod practices

which charged. Itbaa tbe formality attend lug pnbltc party















exhs ILt

laiu tae




we are

nr thour

areto for

eootuepoe candidal


larreetof next February. eateemed.

popslartnan onr aeetioaeery bukiumj,

ml all ackuowlede.aMvi) native


apirit for time,declares tu and

eenu to become representativebe

teste no nrpe advance-ment or initiate suppression of class

toaivKiBautGeneral the

candidate of wing of partymay, or be

but thing ie tbatthose wbo

fered faithful edbereoceto principles which

perhapa, mutukeu will,all past is forrottea Kentucky,tnaart being beard and recognised lacoauciai policy ot

professional tmtlemen bethink tuetneeivce that tbe of

must be Let recollecttbal "rebel'' Dartv.

elected Doraliaana




orof are seriously

with tendency to politicalwhy tbe sooner vigorous

resorted the better.And In

minds to Confederatesrotne one1 tbe RadicalsDemocrats North; Northern people

ns rebels, alloutside Radical ranks. make

no betweenthem tboae malice.

If Radicals prefer either Ischwa of rebeui wbo. tott'ht, now practically understanddifficulty of 'DreakiLg government,

ized In practice.DIUMED.

Joae D. D.ixfafors Oawrifr.--

of Bomber efaaitablc lor IBS

our aexila Booth te more ImporftapenBtameeat Pablia Iaairae-tton- .

yoa oftbe

onie aamimffnt.Believing office tbe

aet bave beaitatloata theplace the bead of una article, )uat

potluun. hers and tbacdeminently aoahned, withdiaUngaiahed aiiiiitr.and universal la 'ac-tio, appointment by trov. fowvii,

loatracdMi. showedeiailarnlebrd

hectB'ky knowlr aiaiter.

tbe fetair


Rumorol taoturbt of

ing forward Duke theirH Mm to ixtsition

woaie oe otnertbat Kentucky

beraelt etam tbatIn have onon

eocotcheon. can no ofDuke


Courler.lOar eit t'ait4 Statet Senator.

LcxisoToti, Dec 8, 1HGS.

TUc test oatha exclude CoofuJerate aoldieraFedrral officea. Tbc

who led and honored the State,end who bold affectioDt of peo-

ple, moat look to Washingtonpublic employmeDt. Tbia rule of exclusion

followa rally from uiu.ueceiiul war.andSouthern aoldiera approve it. Ebouid

officer aeek election to boucFederal Conffress, be will receive,

canae be ment, tbc aneert of formercouiradee. Eucb Southern aoldicrguard the honor of hit aud muttbow look boo tbe

It follows that DO Confederate, th 'uldwill be, elected to Federal Senate tbia

wider. Tbe teat once filled by nowunfilled by aarca&m upon

ipnu;:, dic:iar,:ciUM.Ml couteni,and Davis mustdioeea by Kentucky hacolleapne will remain atiilaome veara in8entte, distilling from Li tamefraudulent odor arose from Bullitt'

Culver bauk and trom exprestcara athville Eaiiroad tbe

Tbe tknalor mutt teioeiixlIrom Democrtit, wbo, while their tcel-in-

with bonor rihlatheir Stale sirainrt Northern domination,

have acta of come wiUiuiof political thlt numter it

aecma that Governor Powell prcitrredbonthern party, and, in otedienccdceire, be probably be eelcctcd. but

it posaible tbat eomettiine mat occur asnnwillinpncs accept, preternce

to acrre Suie rather than opntora,new political oocessitica compel

clcctios of another. Neil to ov. Powellbelieve Mr. Beck ia tli beat

to Kentucky

mty Demoo- -

racy alluded of course,

Democracy In the f ederal Senate.nona aome Kenmckktne

bim to any other. 1 leave entirely in-

tellect, wuich belong toeminent etandiue at lawyer, and practicehe leada iu tbe of

friendship, and 1 have it by theeevereet eeta; jreoerou temper and perfectbonor; tbese all know. In lstil, when tiarreit

other to Democracyguiding Yankee regiments by the

ahorteat roads throuc'j Kentucky to

filnnder I beard Mr.kindred

Beckfrom tbe public stand proclaim the foul ve-

nality of the Keutuckiang were toy-ing with enemas ot tlieir people, and

rare eloquence appeal to ancientbonor of fc;ate. Dunne years ofbayonet commencing harshly wn h Boyleand improving and concluding with

voice bnthod tbe certaintyof and impronment by detectivesof Goodloe, but Contederuie

aided to escape and rejoin command,and many purse made heavier, andmany a Southern heart made lighter bybis profuse generosity. Tbe fine andmanly speech made in Lexington inwas tbe creed of the Democracy latt po-

litical and to him more to anyotter or any tbe laremajority cured freedom and borneto people, and baa driven disgrace

party organised five ago Guthrieand Devia, now led by Goodloe

one other almple it maysome deeply persuarive to me,

wby I Beck be Gov. Pow-ell candidate There

loreitm country, poor,proud, notforgotten, an IllnsUioua exile, wbomoie to the and service of statethan any child ahe borne orHe receives with touching tenderness

of remembrance from people,and heart, ita isolation, ia cheered by

assurance of attachment from thoseloved and served so well. reat aaas a statesman, be greater as a

aoKlier; and grand aa the field ofbe Is grander as

cbnstlan gentleman. And whether In at-

tempting bia misfoKnnea inthe tbundera of Niagara, or whether 'in

by Lanka ot Lcman, sor-rowing over of people and the

country, comuandirg figure continues us patriotwnrjout pnee, soiaier whose

Ga. doea convey tbe mebed reflects Whoebaoxioua deprecated tbc article, baae would not rather Brecklnridire.

doea aimple lattice to tbe members witb nothing left not borne but bonorot lot convention wneu prononncee That and patt. Garrett, Davit, the heroin nominations and of Camp Dick Roblneon, Guthrie,allowed most disinterested In-- 1 dratumsn of Bullitt's will I amdifference. Mr. If for other

ira oh ci iiimh, mnu nm man 11 Iiosomtoo idea (tor whicb then u fonn- - friend, whom I bonor men, I

in know that making the eeiec

tbeeueb as tbe of



intended to

DavVea Cawatr Haeaks

naked 2L?LSIitheaeitle

1llMH sar exaje

AVttora LouifZU Courier;anv name

Jut) P.candidate ior aominaiiua

posed ot tbe ei Confederates and Class butt iYeaturer, have concluded that bisantalnted determined wbo. thxonrb aomirabie card ol kentockv, and

past of trial maintained pure accompanying editorialtheir








btate p)eaeUUW


not barirf tbaataior



meniary to iiita. pablifbed in oar two ps--

pera, Mouiier bliieid, escapedI Iberelore, at on bit nameruBa

friend eupportert in l b ia sectios of btatr.to lav hiciainia, Un.Xf, beior

I aua many ol your radrs.arc ol toCon exists: H la too to be I tnitbialneuofbi uavinz so

anv kmger Ignored. rn I before la; of May Convention, wbeawing party perceived it clearly I fT?" . ' ZCl Tpbaae of development; U pjT t!u pan v miht unit, and

leaders away from Lou villa I oot a radicaliam theuna jeaiooeiy atrive to biai ot beuiucar.cmeb the movement turn iuaorarated; and Judf lmvai), by hi Inflaence, more

dictatingInexpediency rominaung

wbo and notpositive the

witb allbees announced witb

tbe expression








tbe that i ottaera combined, became th !audardbearer oar blow to our po--

Utioal oppeoeiiia fiven. sp- -to peopie of our Stale, to

Vbow ktaior D. Howardrmith, aa representative or tne mttay ineadaof tbe cDe," indorsed tbir noble c

in withdrawing tbeirJ oar prciuaicee ol jonerva

be toVleiT cu,Tw. one for State Treasurer and ether

m mm mu luunfiru-- uu i for put, indoraed Feoruarv Con-tngredient of tbat wonderful poiiey," witb I vaotioa. Iu pan the Stale opposedwuicn tue party quacka are to altcmpl I pelittcal peat political offenaea,

the which tbe regular practitioners I sod tuat aa "po.icy does no Jocg-- r

not cure. I it, that each shall go beioret' .."n a i , . I soLveotioe uoon hit aiauabilitv." "'I ".'! "uu"ucr offer Major P. Thompson aa candidatehow-- much party this wing occupies, rorUleui..n .Va re.ponelble poaition of hiate

and It may be more exhibited on 1aaurr. peraonal acquaint- -the 22d la aa bu,'tly and more nnirera)iy

The writer of thai In Courier anyyonug man in of tbeaniairlv describes General Preston at ar-- 1 rue: rapacity, ana

n .1.1 , I euererJrT-- -- lTLTrT I I Tbis county, gives

, "i,". orawB Utirt Democratic vote In the eiroos tie with proper and manly Bver had th honor of a State offlcie;

mdicatea the rxialeace of the proacrip- - I now. the firat aeks the people ken- -

tive feeling, Impropriety, conthe of his

comrades. It the? prefer him But maniinclination to his own


Preefoa may, mav not bebut the tbc nom-

ination of a Confederate may notprceted, certaia tbe

aoldiera sufat hrime for true and

animated Confederates,to. action, now that

toe legally intbe

ana toe party.Let tbe political

aentiment tbeConsulted. them

it waa a Conventionwhich by thou- -


I a












a in






battle, a








e cbeertuliv



fceutackr I

lravtiL mettvr overcome,"




bestow iavorile citizen. MajorP. oScc of Trc.isurer.

Ou$bl it be JL&litii.

la Caaaaertaad rewntv,

da yt st

lor tbe purpose ol appointing eoifoieperson' represent st I

t eoeveuiioB. J. In a abortsddre, object of the meetiuc. and

bit motion totncciwi'--,

O.Cbair apiKiDteo roliewin? named gentlemen

draft resolutions suiiarile lor trie ion: 11

r toniame lord. alter retirirurreported resolutiuus.

aaopteo:1. endorse a con

vention Frankfort d offor psrnose aominaung candidates lorvartoot

V ill tbey aay many votes which helped I .nvtraned behoov. aa select oarto make majority if we in- - I lor sutions of public trott.aiet all issues ot record be dropped I view, we recommend to said eon ionwUJiia ti iiMnneratie mn v..t i n. nariow. ot Darren, L.ieuienaui uoveruaball be proscribed. Then answer tbat we T- P'eomng ourselves to support tne nominee o.

ca. afford to them and .Ull bave ""ir time ha. 'batcnoagu tor victory, a compact and or the declarations of Dri viiea containedreliable majority, althourb small, better I ia tbe piaiiorm declared In conventionI baa a larre and loose ooe, wtact. m k 1 tm a i4, onr renewed to

oa. aod whicb purcbsxed by tbe I toeir aoeeeaa.

ol discipline and aacnnce ot jua- - i,"-- uLT,ry la saidand principle, la the we I ",7,

a wars in other we be beaten I rbeae proceedinp be Inwhen we least expect It, our vicio- - I Loaiaviiie tooner, til otner nrienaiT

brinr no bonorIf tbe Kentucky so

afflicted thisspecifics arc

toconclusion let ns make np oar

taboo notHate or tbeth- - tbc

regard at all alike, at least wboarc of the They

distinction those wbo armseraiust or only bore

the it ratherbavinr went

but wbo tbeup tbc

how hard It la to them

Bee. D,

aotiee that the semes oolu rvrfaiaaiaa have mmfrMma ain erect omera at tiiau election.

Perhant then betant taaa of of

"If Uke cart thewell and

that the shoald aeek man.etas wt the other, we ao

that whose aane iaat it the aata

tar Be batharlnc tiled the office

g aa satilia aa

of it lie tbe wiseaf

whom still tohoaov. WeBottiiBg of aiatibewa wlahea Ib thla

arooebt be'orr Coavent1

rovTBBBa vt.W Madam ears tbat the

cy bave tometren. next

elect thisevidence, u ev

idence were badtrom every ber eon-- 1

duct tbe war left berTbey bestow bad?e

upon tbat doea

(For the

from men,In timet past

etill tbc tbethan

fornt the

the be- -bitlouLl to

blute, eachfor or from


hisill, ueii

aueccsMM' to GaiTelt botbe


thatIrom the

thewar. new

thosewere alwava and

not by tbc war therue Of

bythe to



to the

thatman tbc

Therewby pre or

outthe bia

bow tbe Slate;bia tried


and rera tbewere

and murder our


with thetbe four


bis waa bytbe

soldierwaa his


theompaiKn, thanman dne

baa tiour into

the byand and

have reason,but

with Mr. to elected ifebouid not be ia now

butbaa givenhit

other baa reared.

tribute bis own

eachbaa G

was wasbe

aUII noble,

drown own

eilence tbehis

ot bis bisto before as tbeana trie untar

reeton luster."idea"

and battbe

regard to Jameatbe aad tbe


oauoaj bimtbe






tion bia own him.

Et Dec. 12, lm.Voa of


years h'ghlycity

and must navtyear boIk.


awa-- e

led rates nalentdenied The boa

tac j"aaw

the biowaui than by



allof nartv, sod tbe desiu

in wsceal, then, the entire

and Col.

lot wboname ia behali

tnst tneml'ht do not desire have

v,w,i.iu. Anduor. bvof we

otaciamilia sk now,


Weolbaa tb

anee,article the

uu.iu wuuuer-i- ,

ii- bis tbejusuy tBlrd at,truer, holdinc and







torky npon herJofan tbc btate

not to doueT

For tbeHeettae;

KT., Dec. 11, ltm.the

enuntv aaeembled tbe coort- -

aoaae sometbis county the 2d of "eu-

ro H.C. San dire.tbe

ee ttont. tinott wsscaiieasnd M. Allen wss Tbe

theto ocean

Hand.rioe. Mi Smil.-T- . N. atone.Flowers and Her wbo.abort time, tbewnteu were

Tbat wa the call fortbe lai'V!

tbe of thehiate ottiees

tbat bv.tbet will be lost best men snd with that

that ahall end la remfniA jobs lor

tot (re eonfirmed In theaue that

is of the partvul efforts


ooe case willwin, luc may Xoet the

ana very aad papernes

tbat ia





to is

PrintBead W. for






Uie i


at at










at on

.o it to


Tka chair annolnted J. H. C. Pandidi-e- . MFloweta. Jame Men lord. Miitoa Sinilcv. and N. B.

and ail other Democrat friendly to thecan that may aee proper to attend raid convenUoa. tiOBl. txj-iv- i . .tnainnao.

M. O. Aixbk, aecreury

uo for "wsVim were forciblv of the truth of

the old adage when we tollowinIn tbc boaton fosu it savs:

-- li I. atawd that Hon. tieoree II. PendletonOhio, haa dnclared bimaelt In favor of impartial

aa advocated by tbe Boston 1'oat aadOtrjer uemocrauc paper.

wbo are acqnalnica wi'n Mr. t endletoa'e viewa. and bow entirety be

than tbe elaa wbo, entertaining all I negro suffiage to any lorm, r

"of tbe 'eeceaeioa heresies," bave never real-- I me ariove the best Joke of the season. I Cmnut



look children," true


that tried

etwriintnatMe that ervitletnan.oeltFbia
























LouiaviUe Coarier.lPtmat-iati-

ConntvOoon DemocracyCumberland


appointed Secretary.






perused the



political pudiatea


cinnatl Enquirer.


Far IMase Tieaaavcr.Clovcbfobt, Dec. It, 1S06.

Sditen Le misville Courier:at r I r. Gannawav. of Brerkioridire. la a can

didate for State Trenrer, anbjtet to tbe decisionof tbt Cwvention ol the of February, and ifelected will make an admirable officer. Breckin- -

nrire, the eoontv in wntca ne naa uveu ior aolong, will rive bim ber auqualined support in theCoareerlon and at the ballot-box- .

A faltbfal and true Itomoorat, an affable andexcellent ren tie man. he deeervea the aominalienat tba haadt of the partv. i

UKrA 1 I.raw Bedater aftae iMmi OOce,

VAdnrt Ismim-tfl- Courier:a th time ia ani.roarmnr ior noiiunr a wim- -

exalte Convention. It wonld he well to cat aboutand select mea for the various positions wbo hare

tried la the neat ana louna noiwinimt inmull Democratic principle. Tbomse i. Fraaier

waa elected Koglltw oi tne iana umc inMl sopr he will aot object to having bis Bsne lni Bli lb, p,ition with ability and Bdelity.

in February. I n la a reliable and alerting Democrat, and if he


t.meral he


in rrmit hia name to be before tbe Cob- -

ventioe of the tad lor that office, he will receivethe support of iuiat iia,s

3T Msj. Willis F. Jones, of Woodfordeouniv, was killed In tne trer.enes neiorcRichmond, in the tall of while AdintsntGeneral oikju Mai. Gen. Field's staff. Nonobler, more r.i.iunt or srrnerous oeanriven to tbe cause It loved, upon either side,dnrinr tbe last temhle war. than bis.

His remains reached here last eight, anawill be bnried in tbe cemeterv bv tbe aide of

not fully deserve. H m nnexcpTvttonable moral bia wife, wbo survived bim but a year, at izthanatar. anltod ta the hitrbaat taitllrt I eioca at .

would render Bis eenrkwe, rn thai capacity. I Religions eervieea will te perform ea at toevaluable the Pretw la elernnr nia ahe I w arm nia trienaa arv invrrea to oe prevenu

arUl wBr beraeU. IMtmphal APpeeL I Ilcj. una. ana ep., win,

A Scrap ol History LieatcnantWalah.New Oblksss, Dec. 9, 1W5.

To On EJUor of the X. 0. Timet:The following I find lu the Damson (Tex.)

Flag of the 27th ult.:"A lady friend Informed tbe editor of the RiWIgb

Propreaa, that after long eudaavora aha baa louudont the name of tbe pallaol Tex soldier wbo waadeliberately murdered by tome of bherman'a arciy

fan It entered Raleigh. Tbe murdered man waLieut. Wal.luof the 11th Texaa cavalry. 1 he pa-pers of Texss are requested to give publicity totbe tact, so tbal bis raiative mT know Uie fate hemet. Ouc oi the moat aecorupliahed ladie ofSouth drolina baa aoun to It tbat th grave of thisbaro ia not neglected."

Referring to the above, I may be permittedto sav that I aaw Lieutenant Walsh eaptvred,but did not witness bis tzrevfiwa. IgivowhatI know of the case, tor the double purpose ofexonerating the officer who have the honorof being be 'first iu Raleigh, and to correcttbe errors in which Nichols, iu his "Story otthe Great March," hss tallt--

Ou tbe morning of April 13lh onr army wasadvancing upon R.ileigb, VYalcotl'a div'uionbeiDg iu tbe advance, with Kilpatrk-- on theflanks sud front There waa much rivalry be-

tween the commands lor tbe honor of fir.t oc-

cupying the cspiul of the btate.A number of sUff officers of Waleott'a com-

mand, being anxious to be first in the city,arted at three in tne morning, tin arrivingthe breastworks they met a flag of truce.

carried bv a deputation of citizeut in carnages, who bad come out to surrenacr tue

Captain Benhum, of Walcott a etaff.(on behall of the United MaUs) received the

n ud.-- r in General kilt at rick s name, as itwas supposed be waa in the advance. Acourier was at once sent to Kilpatrirk, in-

forming him of the circumstances, and whenhe arrived at the place it was formally surrrn- -

ercd, Ki'petrick pledging himsell to protecthe live aud property of tbe inhabitants tie

also received a note trom General Wade Hamp-ton, (whicb I pemsed) dated tbe niht beiore,I my memory Is correct, statin; that the cit

izens, being anxious to prevent wooorieu,had gone out to surrender; therefore the Federal, could quietly enter and take possession,

the Con.eduralcs having been witnarawnby him.

Kil pat rick at once detailed the 5th Ohiocavalry as provost guard, baited his commandat the Dreastworka, and turning to captainBrink, of bis staff, said:

"Captain, take charge of these staff officer wbove received the city in my name, and enter in ad

vance, lake with yon also tbese newspaper cor-respondent and introduce them to Mr. lioldun, oftne Btancara.

The committee their camasesand started, lollowed by Cspt. Messenger, ofthe signal corns, Capt, "Brink, ol Kilpalrick'aataff, Capta. Stewart and Van Valkcnburgh,and hitteker, of Gen. Hobert s sua,Dr. Reeves, Mr. Biooks, of the New'YorkTimes, Mr. Hitchcock, of the Cincinnati Commercial, and mytelt, with eitrht or ton orderlies. There are the names 1 find in my journal of tbat day's proceedings:

The rain was pouring down in torrents, andtbe entire party, not suspecting an auibus- -

ade, after assurances from the citizens thatthe Conledertitea bad been withdrawn, had

their overcoats buttoned over their side arms.Arriving witbta one block of thethe carnages filed right and left, and instantlya volley waa fired into us from tbe coiner nearthe State bouse. We fell back under cover of

building, when Brink formed ns and orderedcharge, which was made by the 111 tic partv.

past the for hall a mile, pertiaps,eking np tnieaerate etraggiera oecaaionai-- .

Arnvinr near fet. Mary a Seminary, wefonnd a Confederate line of battle ec:o theroad, but we charged on. Mr. Brooks, of theTimet, and Captain Van Valkenburirh, beingfar in advauce. Lieutenant Walah, as he ran intoward bis line of battle, (of perhaps sixtymen.) fe I f em bis borse, when Mr. Brooksraptured bim, with the assistance of Van

and we at once retired.On rem mine to the btate uouse we met a

umber of cititens, and they at once empbati-tll- v

denounced the breach of laith on the partof somebody, and declared that the party wboamhucaded ns had remained (or returned).after Gen. Hampton lelt, ana bad been pillag-ing stores all night. Out merchant, whosename appears in my journal, showed me sev-

eral stores tbat bad been sacked by LitaLWaish'a party, but whether or not witb hisconcurrence "be did not know.

Kil Patrick, bearing our skirmish In tbe city.hurried lorward tbe provost guard to onr as-

sistance; but we bad retired to the capilolball an hour before they arrived np. and lullythat time before Kilpa trick came In;

Nicbol's ft itemeu t tbat a Confeder-ate oflWr rode np and attempted to assassinate Kilpatrick must be erroneous.

1 learned a few hours after that we bad captured fKvnfy ir inn and tbe lieutenant, all ofwhom, 1 believe, were turned over to Kil

Provost Marshal. I know that Mr.Brook aod the eDtire party treated Lieuten-ant YValah as a prisoner, and offered him noviolence.

Later I learned Irom one of Kilpatrick istaff. (I believe his provost msrtbal,) that citizens bad demauded ol Kilpatrick the sum-mary punishment of the lieutenant, aa theybad recognized bim aa the officer wbo, theprevious nnzbt, had ordered his men to burstin doors ana uvip tnemscives, snd l tint Kilpatrick bad ordered a party to take him outand hang mm. i coma not learn wuettwr beever received a trial.

While we were conversing, a cavalrvmancame up, and with considerable gusto, spokeof the execution. Declaimed to be tbe onewbo adjusted the rope, aod laughingly described tbc transaction, stntmg tbat tbe Lieu-tenant bad Baked permission tor a few tninutea to write to bis mends, wblcb he refused.with tbe remark: "ho, you can go to bell andwrite trom there." A cold chill ran throughme, and I turned away in diegun and loathingof the creature wbo could thua speak of asoldier, who, whether guilty or not of thecharge made by citizens, had fought us brave-ly. I was a citizen correspondent, however,and, while 1 fully described tbe iucidents ofthe dsy in a letter to the journal I represented,made no more reference to tbe case of theLieutenant than bia capture and subsequentexecution, by order of Gen. Kl' pa trick.

I have no doubt but the ataff officers men-tioned above will confirm my statements fully.That Lieut. Walsh waa hung by Gen. K.'s order Is positive, also tbat tbe work was doneby his own command and not by tbe infantrv,t'.e iiftiwr nf whic.li treated the lieutenant






nrf with corporal stillhad will

iu m

otherwise. no to ally atimulateslur upon Cincinnati

b.eed with nerhana. railway our Blute, tnereoy otand;

ni a trial waa. this time way.term. city of nnst noor

Sir, oi uer"J. DOYLE.

Tbe History of General Morgan'sairy Extract Irom the narrative oit.eneral Basil Doke.We make y extract from the

forthcoming history, by Baail Duke,of General Morgan's cavalry:


In the vicinity of this we saw, in thebrief time that we remained, more activebusiness like bushwhacking than before

our entire' Tbe hills along theroad seemed alive with tbrm, and from behind every fourth or fifth tree, apparently,tbry were blaring away a ns. South-ern render will understand an once what sortof Individual is meant by a "bnshwbscker"that be is a of leisure, wbo livesin a wild and, generally, mountainous country, does not join the army, bnt a boot a, tromtbe tops ot bins or neuina trees anarocks, at those who are so unfortunate as todiffer with bim in politics. It la hit way ofexpressing bis opinions.

Ilis stvle of fighting Is very similar to tbatof the outlying ol partisan cavalry,except tbat he esteems it a weakness and anunnecessary inconvenience to prisoners.and ecnerally kills bis captives. Sometimes,and especially toward the latter part thewar. these fellows together tnvouaidermlyte uutiibere, aitkc MiUia iwnlioiof the impafsable, to strong

aua en wnaart&ite expeditiousinto neighboring sections.

There were 'Union bushwhackers" and, 'Southern buhwbackers." In Kentucky tbeformer were most numerous. "It. is a grati-fying reflection," to use tbe language of oneof Col. Clarence Prentice'a official reports,"tbat msny of them will whsck no more." Inthe Northern mind bushwhackers and guer-rillas are confounded together engregious

iu It it probable tbat tbebushwhacker ol this country would answerexactly to the guerrilla ot European warfare;but the of North America or rath-er was, (for happily be if not quiteentirely extinct ), an animal entirely

either.Formerly the Northern press styled all the

Southern cavalry guerrillas because tbey traveled about the country freely and gave theirenemies aome trouble. Tbis, however, waswhen the cavalry used to ridewith pillows on their saddles, were put to bedcarefully every night by tbe General cemmanning, and encamped on the march in themidst ot regiments, who were instruct ed to tee tbat tbeir horses did not bnrtthem, Ac. When the hardy, dushine reirl- -

ments ot the latter part of the war atter, indeed, the first months btgan toreal service, tbe Jsortbero writers found thattbsy would be called on to recoid asoperations the very kind of affairs which theyhad to chronicle as guerrillaIrreirulsnties.

A guerrilla was, property speaaing, a roanwbo had belonged to some army, and descried snd rone to making war on bis privateaccount He waa necessarily a marauder,eometimea spared bis former friend, and waamuch admired ty weak young women whowere afflicted with a tendency toward suoaayromance.

On tbia march through Casev county, Uiebushwhackers were unusually officious, ibe

guard, which for aome reaaonrone on some distance in front, rescued lidertv about two hours before tbe column, andduring that time were faiiiy beeciged in tbeplace, uoionei Dimseu maue arow escape.

One fellow, more, darintr than the others,bad come down from tbe and bad approached eeventv yards or the roaxilie fired Morgan, misifing him, but wounded a little nee.ro boy. bis servant, who wasriding by his side, receiving some Tbeman who fired at once ran back to tbe hill.followed by one or two of our fellows fromtbe head of tbe He waa killed bypnvate, afterward Captain Ibomaa rranks,who made an excellent shot, hitting the bush

tn tbe head while be waa running attop and ranks umseil wte going atrspla galle-p-.


IFor the Loulavlllc Courler.l

State Capitol Removal.Tbe ouestiou of removing the aeut of gov

ernment Irom the city of Frankfort has at

tracted considerable attention for a number of

years, and at the present time has assumed a

shape that would really indicate that a decision

might be arrived at during me approecuing

session of the Legislature. This opinion baa

gained strength from the fact that the appro

priations asked lor during tne late session oithe General Assembly, to keep np the repairs

on the State buildings has not been made.

Tbe question has therefore narrowed down to

about tbis: Anew capitol building, Govern-

or's msnaion, and buildings for State officesmust be erected at no very aisuioi pay, atfrank tort or other point : the prw&enl

State buildings at Frankfort are entirelyfor the purposes for which they

erected, and, indeed, discreditable to theproud old CunimonweaiiD oi Keotucsy.There is no State in the Union, unless a tewof the recently added ones, but that can boast

snperiur State and public buildingsthan Kentucky, and 1 presume it win naruivbe Questioned as to Kentucky beingable with other States to afford edifices of tbemagnitude architectural beauty as markshtr progress in wealth and greatness. Thesettled conviction in the minds of the peopleof the State, especially those wbo have giventhe subject a moments unmssea renection,is that tbe seat cf government shonld be re-

moved from the city of Frankfort. This littlecity, with all the advantages supposed to re-

sult trom the location of the capitol and Stateoffices in her fine river navigation, ex-

cellent turnpike, snd of late jeara a railwaypassing through her streets, naa not increased ina ratio greater than fifty inhabitants per an-

num (she biy had tbe capitol seventy-fou- r

years, and aATitains this time a populationof perhapa less than 4,000 people); in addi-tion to which her building sites for a Statecapitol are not at all commanding, and werea location lor a scat oi government now iorthe first time suggested, Frankfort wonldhardly receive a thought, and now, should aremoval of tbe capitol be determined upon,bcr people, who are just a clever as theycan be, win turn their attention tosome other branch of industry orbusiness to occupy their time andtalents fvWte montht in Vie year instead ofwaiting the annual or biannual sessions of thelegislature for to turn np. "Hercitizens seem to claim the as a perma-nent institution, and base as an argumentthat her people have acquired property iu hermidst upon the presumption of the perma-nent l3cation of the seat ot government; andhaving retained the peaceable posseabion oftbis ''idea" for so great a length of time itwonld be acting In bad faith to ber large pop-ulation to remove it." This notion of theirswould provoke laughter were It not from thefact that it is suggested and terUnalyurged in a printed memorial and remon-strance addressed to the general assemblyagainst tbe removal of tbe aeatof governmentA relocation of the State capitol ia a ques-tion of importance to every citizen of Ken-tucky; the accessibility, the conveniencesfacilities for the accommodation ol the largenumber ot may visit tbe capitolduring the sessions of the general assembly,the attraction presented by State buildingsappealing to tbe pride of our good old State,tbe advantages to the Mate generai:y in acommercial point of view ahould all betaken into account. The rival points spokenof as probablv competing for tbe sest of gov-ernment are the city of Lexington, Danville,Lebanon, Bowling Green, and Louisville,each ot whicb point has advocates; no oneof which has any treat advantages as to

except the latter city. Tbe building sites in either place are very good. Ifthe pecuniary inducements offered by the dif-ferent points for the capitol shall be takenas of any value, Louisville is so abundantlyable to out bid her rivals that upon th it scoreshe will certainly bear off tbe prize. . Argu-ments, very poor however, are made againstmaking a commeicial city a seat of govern-ment, that the immense influence otmoney would effect improper legislation, andtbe corruptions incident to city life wouldbear heavily upon legislators from the ruraldistricts, and all ancb clap-tra- when reallytbe opposite of this is the Commercialmen so occupied by their business pursuitsgive very little attention to politics orlegislation, and, as a proof of thisposition, you find the peopleiu our State outside of the cities are better In-

formed in reference to politics and nationalafiairs, and as a general thing much morerepresented In our legislative bodies. Combinations are much more easily made to effectImproper legislation small capital-tha-

in large citiea. One shrewd, bad man orwoman can do more to defeat or carry meas-ures through a legislative body, where tbemembers are thrown so together oa inFrankfort, than twenty conld in a place thesize of Louisville, taking it upon the groundthat members of tbe legislature can be influ-enced by bribery, Ac, but I contend that thegreat body of men sent to our legislaturetrom the different connties in the State, wouldresent such an imputation upon their charac-ter for nrohitv and virtue. The city of Louisville is now rapidly advancing in the scale ofimportance. Her geographical position shouldmake her one of the and most flourish


onnf In



ao on littleto three wore

ofoi miniature



meI to.

hostnriionera more dollar in her capacity, you

be exDected men who find some Kentuckians theiramhiifcealod liv an tnronirn iiuniuir, inu

ranee or I desire endeavoring thememory ot be- - merchants or to aid tne ouiiabraver. waa a across

not aware city U verting of travel commercewith nr be this

mildestam. trulv, . Louisville oy tne capiwi vo

E. P.











country except

error classification.

is,is almost





advance had

morgan nar



















n,r u,. j an jthst near f of counties con-venient to to LouiaviUe,consequently near

verv theirgreat) Removeseat andonce every countv in ber




auvanceanamed. News.






vention 22dFebruary. genial

with dupes

GrantGreen. thoroueh-roin- s

principles and party.in oowever,

iota fuirand


object noticesny impressions


GxeatStalliok Webelieve tbe stallion race.

a and desire famoustslliona, South, into

favorite Lex



Kentucky,both North

and might hope

during Alabama




Correspondence New 1

Ptjus, Not. 23, ISCfi.

Fashion has been very erudite tbis week ;baa astronomy and

very In tbe Europeannewspapers. tbe the left St.

Compiegne great fcigna wereheavens nothing less than a night

which phenomenou gaverUe what I sure must tome finewriting, even the authorsunited calling aggregation atoms an in-explicable

Meteors court ladies cloaelva long sweep trains whicb I will fol-

low the Theater at Compiegnewhere Scribe's Yerrt au waa this weekplayed. On Is

strictlya tew reguhtioue. guests hon-orary members assemble in

the tasteful theater at thesome time before tbe Emperor, andsuite make Conversation iscarried a low voice stall toand the bouse looks much like aroom which the France and eliteof bare glitter under tbeU

jewels and There a alightwhen t he Princess tbe family and

distinguished nobles appear in Emperor'sbox.

wesr blue coats, shortsilk buckled shoes.

When tbey aeated a great silencewhich U not broken an official aunonn-ce- a

I'Empereur!Emperor then appears t bine

gilt buttons, alone wears ofthe en tautoir under hU

bis srm to Empress,wbo smiles aa ahe meant to enjoy everyone's pleasure and her ovn InWhen tbey seated curtain is drawnand tbe performance begins.

I muft forget two grandlords nave Em-

peror and the beginning tbeto the when. I dare say,

were in the power great lordschange legs.

applands the Em-peror hss given signal. Between tbethe retires a small room,

ices, sherbets car-ried ronnd In tbe boxes,

the end play chamberlainuually sent by tbe to congratulate

actors and thank for tbe pleasureOn occasions tbey invited

to the box, which happenednight the d"au. Madeline Brobaowas particularly distinguished and highly com-plimented.

On this evening the wore a whiteLyons silk, brocade flowers. A blackvelvet ribbon studded with encircledher neck, and her hair dressed a f Empire.

drena I mustkdescribe. amaize silk: under train, covered with doubletulle skirts, the bottom which a pliseeflounce the same tulle. On rightfell a shower pink in perfectstraggling and over the whole awhite dotted over rain.The effect tbis toilet dazzling. look-ed as it had from cloud.,while a passing spirit, bad hastily tbeflowers from a bush. Hang them randomamong folds.

headdresses were principally composeda diadem satin gold fibres ;

gold filigree leaves were also mixed withtinted and tbe

the vine favorite abaped leaves. Whilepearls beautifully strung, and worn

a small white ostrich on lefttide. These pee rl strings colors;some others like steel,wound tbe chignon round the neckdouble rows and form other loopsover besides. Leaves also mixed

Tbe newest forthe green and tbe deep China pink.These colors lovely an evenirje. theformer in silk rers like sheet

ocean when sun shines uponthe foam or

Mot one court ladlea yet worn onetbese robes, for tbe shadea just come

several bave ordered forweek's at Compiegne and foreigncourts. gaze

evening novelties and tbedeml-toilett- e

find ailk andcorslet bodies over low white

dresses andbordered silk cord, whether round

Vandykes, points or festoons. pointwhich I insist and tbat ia tbe

belt dressmakers beginning introducegathers the waistbands oftheir robes, while front and sides

plain. Tbis is done a view towhicb I prognosti-

cated in my This blindlyiuslt on

flat plaits behind, and aa many again who.Klf.K .ntir.l. W T ik.ers, having compared tbe effect tbestyles Compiegne (te. and I

declare train not lookthe the Princess

eat of course.would unjust dispatch a

courier York mentioniuga juvenile given by Mrs. Col. Nortonhonor little daughter s Dlrthasy.

ing inland citiea on the continent, and every nrettiu&t aicht will that of a lafrecitizen this State should proud ber course beautiful children assembled tor nogrowth and the part other purpose than that of enjoving

citiea in nortiona Of the State ShOUld an tholr heart" eitherway to a natural otate pnae, groups under good elm In

obstacles her way progresa iUDjmer or in winter to strainspouring tbe wealth tkeir districts into the excellent music, as they did this wetk atlapot a outside State, as they tbe Grand Hotel. hall waa illu- -

doing for years, they should by for the crwn American child- -

every legitimate means endeavor to build upown commercial city in their The ieft8t lhis growing generation, but

tbat the wealth contributed by own in- - ,till tbe first this occasion, wsa theuusuy snail oe nnmoie uwu hostess, years! bbe a

building up a rival city to Louis- - enatnme. all bine ailk. nnder a little, vervvllle, ouiside the State. The revenue ilttte cioud f white tulle, caught di

cuv Louisviiie jeuemon counij minutive relieved byequals about one firth the entire revenue She received her gnests attieetaw, u increasing; rapiuij year, knowledge of her new but some-Tb- e

city Louisville has contributed her times forgot the importancj her station bymillions ior me uevei jjmicui oi suddenly taking garland, or oy

of the State by and while ning help up a young dancer who haduer ktc.ii ni, tiuimu.ii, ii.cuiun tupped on a noor.wealth Kentucky, has never contributed Among the happy I noticed Miss Ray- -

other consideration onethan could from exhibiting

l.n enemv no-- icaiousv at proeueiuThave throw to capitalists

the Walsh, who andorrat He. Inc ofthat the was surrendered the tide that

hi. without seem at to centeringbe


1 vours removal tuo









at ol

ber asas

herknow little great should

tbeto yon at

connect the State to










the order

tbe op


















the oldby the





mood. Daisy Derby, and(who tbe

drets.)were many nooie loreigners present.

but describe the deml-toi- -

the mammas wouldthe children in shade,

did American nag noat iromtj'nse the 111 advised. The to trained the u,e windowa the Grand Hotel.









will seen once the proposition Southern Presbyterianlimp.

Cincinnati andhalf population

(orcommercial metropolis.government Louisville







IProra Presbyterian Index, Moblle.1Fimals Semihabt, I

Da. Rica: Knowing that the latecurtailed tbe pecuniary resources ot

ministers in church In South,capital and city. The leading aa a consequence of tbia that ofmen of each county, senators, members the ' " prercukcu innu rauuimi menlegif latnre, Judgea, sheriffs, Ac, having daughters aa they to do, I would rivebusiness the capital, and the com- - notice, through yon, that I will take mymercial point at tbe same time, will a school and four Preeby- -

that never been the South half tbeK..r,,- r- j,i,,n.r ahnnlH not he felt. Fverv twusl for and tuition. only

should on tbia question a little condition I make la that they betwelve and bid fair whenKeep your wealth in yonr own

State and If ahould so happen that by the educated to honorable naeful women.-i- V nf nonnlation and wealth The South should train own teachers and

ahould assessed for State no longer dependent the Northhall ar more of the entire State dues, she will tbese daya ol rapidly

none the looser an the great bene- - fortunea, all fathers should their daush- -

4,,a tcra so as to enable them to take care of them- -

selves. 1 ol no way doing betterState Auditor. I to fit them to become the teachers

Henderson Renortcr.i vouth. The education that fits them tbatOwensburg Monitor the nit, prepare them bj other pwltion no

matter how high, which they called to- fill, and is the best tbat can be given"W. T. Samuels, Esq., Auditor and tnem

nbeVcIrforllTf FeiZsrV MY next session open, on the firstthe nomination he and continues twenty weeks. The

holds, sod the dnties of which he has per- - faculty consists of myself as two as- -

so fsitb rally lor years. Be-- sistants In literary department, two teachsides being a conrteont and highly estimable gen- - mUsic, aud a teacher paintL.T'.T' ; i ir.fr. drawing- and embroidery.ii.. v.. nmmni in tha Convention, we learn. The course studv three

Colonel D. Howard Smith, of Owen, and I after branches usually taught in commonGreen, Uendcrson, the lsiter having schools have Ima Where ministers

me oosuion oeiore, wun great creoit vo i aDie 10 pay nan utuai price tucuiaelf and Bute." I selves, some of their mieht them.

We think onr friend or the Monitor is mis- -Twenty-fiv- dollar per lor snd

taken regards Mr. Green. That ,ultion s tne fuu price. Music, Freneh, paint-i- snow sbsent in on business con- - and drawinir extra. The location

nccted banking nrm, occupa- - tbe and pleaaantest intion ia engrossing bis present attention, irl. from citv of

not believe be aspirea to any OD the Im luia in ic, uui u,.,,! addicawed. Y.tor naa in praise oi tue gentlemanabove fKentuckv

Tbe of the News is or misrepresents Mr. Green in evervthing

ia at present absent in Europe. is"on connected witb bis

banking but directly for theinterests in be was engaged. Tbebauking business not I

ing.thetu lor the reason that tn bout

i superintended by present partner, J. I nf man

whieb position be filled with credit toand bonor to otnee for lour liewill be at about tbe 1st or January, andhit name will before the con

to meet at Frankfoit on the ofA cleve., gentleman, thor-

oughly acquainted the thefice, no man can De louud in state wbois better qualified for the position than

lie a Democrat,and has never faltered in bis support the

nominees of thesaying iuis mucn, we uo not

with to detract one from theof tbe preaent incumbent

to the office, W. Samuela. He ia an ableand efficient officer, if theconvention will receive our cordial andearnest support Tbe of this issimply to correct false tbatmay be made unlounded

Tub Rack. have everyto that

e I

see race, allNorth or enter the

test. The and son oldin i: ton the famous Lightning a retired stallion to all bebrought once into the ring tie

region of Kentucky. KeanKichards, of has line stallions, and there many

that be entered. Wetbat great and run

the holidays. will repreonly living ot kcconiute,

the treat Bherrod, now property ofK.




she been atudying learningsome bard namea all

day EmpressCloud lor seen intne oraerolitea, startling

to am be veryand themselves

ofmystery.and are connect-

ed by ofImperial

these occasions etiquette some-what observed, and the following are

of the All andof household

of ChateauEmpress

appearanceon iu from stall

drawingin elite of the

shoulders literallyof diamonds. is


nilt bnttons,laggings, snd


The in coatand be

Legion d'Uonnenrwaistcoat. He give the

Iftbe bargain.


tot say that veryof the land to stand tbe

Empress ofend,

they wish it ofto

Tbe audience neverthe acts

Eraprtta to drawingwhile and refreshments are

all &cAt of the a is

Emperortbe them af-

forded. especial arenp imperial on tbe

of Verre




at ofof the side


tulle witb goldIt

If been caught tbecut

atthe airy

Theof of leaves, with

autumnal foliage. Tbe oakare

are arewith

are inare bronzed, are

from ingraceful all

head arethese long chaplets.

very court robea arepistachio

are oflooks one of

glittering tbe it,reflecting

of onrof haveout; been both next

forIf we turn from these


chemisette.Afternoon are velveteens poplins,both witb

thereis must on, tbat

are toskirts

perlectlyleave room tournure,

last. must not befollowed, aa there are many wide

than,of three

at tbe but humblytbat a robe well

excepted,be most to fash

ion to New without!ball in

of ber lueever con

of of ofgrea'neea. Jealousy

give mr.A A.V,n till form.ana insteiu graceful

throwing of dancingof cf

city of The brilliantlybave been very of

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Escape the Tend leton County Mur

Alexander Plummer. Barnes, andexander theof Pendleton at Falmouth,

tour and five o'clock yesterday mornTbe two were convicted at

engage of"present attention" it ,,

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AlDunn made their escape from Jail

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of 1126.

fendleton circuit court oia year ago, near Falmouth.

Leonard whom they

Thev were sentenced to be hung on r nday,November 23, ISoO, but the ease was taken tothe Court ot Appeals on a writ oi error, anawas to have been argued on Tuesday lastWhat decision that made we navenot beard, but, from our knowledge of tbecase, we do not deem it probable mat tne parties would ohtaiu a new trial.

The prisoners were aided in their byparties, wbo drilled a bole

through wall ot the jail, and passed keysinto them, whicb they used in getting out oftheir cells.

Plummer Is about six feet one Inch Inand well built. is about five feet tixinches high, sallow complexion, and hss loftthe use of one eye. The Governor will ofcourse offer the usual for tbeir recapture. Cincinnati Gazette.

The of 31 ollie TrnssellIt be remembered that George ,

one of the owners of the celebrate hore Dexfour mile beats, will be made up and run be-- u w kUled u, Wi migtress In Chicnefore tbe New tear, n would like very much

such that

well known niii;btnow


others,South,the race will made,

besented son old























escapesome outside





some months ago. A Sundsy dispatch fromChicago says:

The trial of Mollie Trnssell for killing berparamour, George Truascll, was concluded lastnight about nine o'clock, wilh a verdict ofmanslaughter, fixing her punishment at oneyeur in the peniientiary. A motion for a newtrial was made by tbe prisoner's counseThe verdict was generally unexpected, as thevidence conclusively showed that truesestruck her several times, am thrust her ontdoors beiore she shot bim

r" John Brouirham waa ureventud fromW. Smith, of Mobil. Mobile routmuW bia engagement at the Boston

i neater last week, in consequence oi iiiness


Correspondence of the Louisville Courler.lClabksviixb, Ten., Dec. 10, lSOrt.

A VISIT TO MISSISSIPPI.Having been on the wfug ior the past sev

eral weeks, I bave beeu so delighted sincemy return, a day or two ago, in renewing myacquaintance with so old and dear a friend aayourself, that I have taken this leisure momentto to yon ihc assuiance of my mostdistinguished condderatlon, dtc Iu what farland, what remote Antipodes have I been?that I bave not seen yonr sheets showereddown o?r civilized climes, thick as leaves In

Vallambrosla A most natural query, but Iwas not borne on tbe wings of tbe morning tothe uttermost parts ol the earth. I heardof your presence all along my route, but Ibave not bad time to lead a single newspaperduring myjabsence. It has been, consequently,a most agreeable occupation to go over youraccumulated numbers. Tour most completeand admirably arranged news columns havepnt me once more even with the world, and Ican now go "marching on" without a linklout in the chain of history.

I Intimated that 1 hadn't been out of theconfines of civilized lite didn't I? Well, Imast sorrowfully confess that I bave beensome distance down into the State, or Terri-tory (vide Tbad.'s dictionary) ot Mississippi.Yon remember she didn't like Tenmsseennsor Kentuckinns much during the war. Shereceives them much more cordially now, par-ticularly if tbey bave any money, and kindlyconsents to take care ot it for them. A

taunted tue with tbe poor fightingqualities of my State during tbe war, andadded that the battle of Franklin waa theonly one that bad illustrated our valor. Ahumorous reply I hea.d from one of your edi-

tors on a similar occasion arose to my lips. Itold him that Tcnnesseeans deserved no creditwhatever for their pluck upon that field, be-cause Gen. Hood bad given them to under-stand tbat if ttsj fight was lost be would carryhis army to Mississippi, and Tenneeeeantwonld rather go to h 1 than there.

But let me not, in jett even, say aught torevive this almost forgotten and always sillyenmity. Nothing binds hearts together like acommon sorrow. The blood ot many a nobleooe from both States has flowed upon num-berless crimson fields.

1 was ss far down as Tlolmea county, one efthe most productive cotton sections ol tbeState.

thi csors.No plantation that I aaw had raised more

than a third ol their usual yield very manynot a fifth. As to corn, rode worth speakingof was planted. Of this and bacon tbey willstand in need of a far larger foreign supplythan usual. Corn was selling in Holmes atII 50 per bushel while 1 was there. Most oftbe planters were owing their commissionmerchants for advance made to start them,and in a majority of instances their presentshort crop will all be required to reimbursethese. Consequently they will begintheir next plauting under serious disadvan-tages.


It is the general conviction that ths freed-me-

would be cheaper than slaves, could theybe made to work as well; but tbeir lazineaaunder tbe present system, and the difficultyof procuring them, has bad much to dowith the deficiency of the cotton crop, apartfrom tbe unfavorable season. Although begets better wages than elsewhere, yet theSouthern negro imagines there Is an El Doradofor him ''way up Norf," and so be wants tomigrate thither. The negro In tbe borderStates has a terrible traditional horror of thecotton regions, and can seldom be persuadedto go there. These causes, 1 fear, will operatefor some time to come in Increasing the scar-city of labor in those States.

THE COTTON TIKI.D..I beard a variety of opinioua shout the total

cotton yield of the country. Some wbo badbeen through all tbe cotton States did not

it would exceed 1,000,000 bales. Otherhighest estimate was 1,500,000. Whatever itmay be, were I a millionaire, I should nothesitate to invest my entire fortune In cotton.Just now, in tbe present state of my excheq-uer, I must confine my speculations In thatarticle to tbe dimensions ot a modern belle'sbodice. If what 1 have said is not satisfactoryas to the amount of tbe cotton crop, I will addas further evidence of its failure, tbat Isearched over a large portion of the State fora cotton heiress, and found the species entire-ly extinct.

FENIANS.In perusing yonr past nuTabers, 1 find that

my communication on Fenianistn has given aMr "Mel" an opportunity to 'appear in pub-lic on tbestsge" several times. Mr. Baudolphwaa once confronted by a fellow who said, "Invver eie the way to a d d fooL" "I alwaysdo," said Mr. R., politely, and passed aroundbim. l nope my bomea iriena win una inthis anecdote a satisfactory apology for notcrossing swords with bim.


A THRILL INO NARRATIVE.Capture and Escape of a Young Lady

Irom the Comanche Indians.The Leavenworth Bulletin elves an accountthe capture and escape of Miss Sarah Jane

Luster from the Comanche Indians, which possesses mnch interest She was living In Texas,witb a lamily named Babb. Home monthsago during the absence of Mr. Babb, a band

Comanches came to the house.Thev were invited in by the children of Mrs.Babb, bnt refused nntil satisfied that therewas no men about the preraues. 1 hen theywent in and attempted to carry off one of thechildren. Mrs Babb, inspired by a mother'slove for her children, resisted, and clung tober child with desperation; wnerenpon oue otthe savages went behind, aeized her by the

ir, drew her back ana cut ber toroatThis horrid deed was committed under tbe

eye of Miss Luster, who bad taken refuge inthe upper part of the cabin, and so shocked her

to cause a groan or agony, thus leading tothe discovery ot her presence. She was im-

mediately captured (leaving a sleeping babethe cabin), and taken in tne Indian camp.Miss Luster formed the heroic purpose of

immediate escape from tbe horrors of bercaptivity. She soon discovered a horse ofgreat speed, kept lor running purposes by tbeIndians, conceived a plan to mount It, andleave in direction from whicb the Indians hadbrought green corn, from a six days absence;

ns snowing a settlement witmn three daysride. Her preparations all complete, she wasfrustrated by the barking of dogs, and com-pelled her to retire to her lodge. Tbe secondeffort was made during a dark and stormy

got tbat drove both ravages and dogs within doors. She could not take both tbe rhil- -

ren, but the eldest, a boy, mounted tbehorse and left. The first dav and night exhausted the strength ot tbe boy, and be waslelt to find his way back, or perish upon tberoad! After three days and nights of contin-uous riding, she, becoming completely prostrated witb fatigue and anxiety, tied the horseby a lanet to her bonnet and laid down lorrest; she fell asleep, to awake a captive oncemore to the Indians; tbis time to the Kiowas.She was taken to the camp of her new cap-tors, only to reorgan ze her plana of f

preferring death in an effort tor libertyrather than uie in ber horrid captivity.

Once more she escaped with her chosensteed; and alter day of weary travel and

u?uts or sleepless anxietv. reached the antaFe road, sixty milea east of Cow Creek, CoLLeavenworth a headquarters.

Ber escape was immediatelv reported bythe Kiowas, to the Colonel, and, at tbe sametime by a white man, who had seen her at theranehe.

Col. Leavenworth immediately sent an escort bringing her to Council Grove.

Miss Luster, together wttnanotneriiDeratedcaptive named John Charles Fremont Houston, are at council drove now.

Tbe latter was captured by a small band orcomanches, or and

waa rescued from loem rv lau-- a .

bead chief of one of tfie orand dclived bim to Col. Leaven-

worth, from whom we learn that both of theseescaped captives are en route to this city.

Frightiul Accident to Two Rope Walk- -era ia Man t rancisco.

Saw Fbakcisco, Nov. 19 A shocking catastrophe, whicb may be attended with fatalresults, occurred yeeterday afternoon at thew mows. Miss Kosa celcete. the well knownfunambulist, or rope walker, was advertisedto wheel a barrow with Kennovan (the pedes-trian) in it along a cable stretched from a highplatform to tbe top ot the pavilion. It appears that when tbe time came tor perform-ing the feat it waa found that Kennovanwas distrustful of Mis Celeste's ability towneei mm across in saiety. ana nan been nerv-ing himself with liquor. Miss Celeste declinedto undertake the feat with a timid man; but asthe audience, misunderstanding ber action.jeered her tor her want ot courage.she was stunginto tne imprudence Ol attempting it. BeforeMiss Celeste had gone 10 feet from the platform, and when she was 32 leet from theground, her companion in the barrow changedhis position. By tbe aid of her balancing poleshe hsd nearly recovered the shock to berequlibnum, aud again ecsayeu to go on, whenthe foolish man moved a second time, andCeleste, Kennovan and tbe barrow came ttbe Carth. Kennovan was undermost andbtfldi'S bmUee from tbe tail, be waa terriblymangled by the iron work of the barrow,which tore his ear from the socket and l

d the muscles ol his neck. Celeste clungto her pole, and one end of It striking theground broke her fall beiore it snapped, andshe struck on her elbow, bieaking it and hershoulder boue, but saving her bead, and thusescaping instantaneous death. There aredoubts respecting the fate of both, as tbemedical attendants cannot tell what internalinjuries have been received.

?T"Edwin Forrest, the rreat American Forrest, returned to New York from California,week before hut. He is getting old, gouty andmoody. He had a young lady with bim wbosupported him on the stage in California.uti tne steamer, coming borne, a fnend tellius, Forrest wouldn't let any body speak to ber,or wouldn't lut her speak to any body,lie only played hair of his Intended engaglueni, owing to uaa ncaitti.

That Cioo Dakcino C'ram-Ris- MiAnnie Gibbons, of Chadwick's Theater, Chicago, III., says: "I have accepted Mr. BGoldsmith's clog dancers' challenge In dancing 1(10 different steps for tbe sum ol f 100

l,0UO, and have written him to that effecthe accepts I will immediately tend on tmoney to you."


The Skating Reason Revenue Fiaudalieath ot Horn. E. M. Hrace en

A Great lame ol" FaroIlea. VVood oa the Rampage Steth.ens, CO. I.R.

Correspondence of tie Louisville Courier.Nrw To, Dec. 13,1306.

Tbe weather has been bitter eold for severaldays, with a keen, strong wind tbat raises thedust and plays tbe deuce witb the drapery ofthe women as they go down and np our greatthoroughfares, and otherwise comports iteeifwith utter disregard of tbe proprieties. Batwe have splendid ice as tbe logical sequenceof this state of affairs, and the dear ladies andthe rollicksome boys will forgive the "mud andthe weather," since it Introduces to them theseason of fun and healthful enjoyment. Theice ponds were crowded and yesterday,and the drawing-rooma- , aye, and the ball-rooms, too, were deserted (we skate at nighthere), because It la fashionable to enjoy "thepoetry oi motion ' on tne slippery steel.

A Congressional committee Is holding ses-sions here for the purpove of ravestigalingalleged frauda on the revenue. Between-house matters, whisky operations, Ac, Ifancy said committee will be able to presentto tbe country rather a startling account ofthe "stealing" account current If they dotbeir duty they will find "oatha" bave beenheld dog cheap by some of our first citizens"pewholdeTs" at Brother Chapin's, ParsonBeecher'e, or some other ol the reverend gen-tlemen. They will And, too, that bribery cor-ruption baa passed aa mere sharp practice,and large fortunes have been acquired throughthe diahonest connivance of rascally officials.

Long before this can reach you, von willhave been advised of tha sudden death ofHon. Eli M. Bruce. Tbat sad event haa causedpeat sorrow ia our circle of Kentuekiana res-ident He was among tbe foremost businessmen of this country comprehensive, boldand daring in bia commercial operations. Andaltboagh be waa deeply engroated ia business,still be always fouad time to search out aodextend a generous aid to his friends, or tboaewhom he thought worthy of relief. I needhardly refer to the (act that he gave away twoor three fortunes to our Kentucky bovt in tbeSouth durinjr tbe war, since It is so well known.Yet ttys was but a small part of bia munifi-cent generosity. His loss will be deeply de-plored by all that ever knew bim. He died ofdisease of tbe heart, after a few days' illness,snd without premonitions of immediate death.

At a recent election of tbe New York Cen-tral Railroad there was tbe largest ratherine--

of men wbo bad risen to wealth from indi-gence ever assembled at one time in tbiacountry. Among tbese Henry Keep repre-sented three millions of tbe stock, Tsnderbiltas much more, largo, of Buffalo, two mil-lions, dtc Keep waa a poor boy, in the ser-vice of tbe Michigan Southern Road, and Far-go was once a stage driver. Ytnderbilt wasa waterman. These are tbe "upe" of life.

1 he papers are full of an exploit of Hon.Ben Wood, and aa they bave given it pub-licity, there can be no impropriety In writingaomething concerning it. Briefly, then, theHonorable Ben had a conflict tbe other nightwith 'the tiger," backed by Uoa, JohnMorrissey, M. C. elect, and afterfourteen hours' play bfr. Wood retired thewinner of ems kmndrefiand forty thousand

At one time In the play, be was loserupwards of bnt fortune finally desert-ed tbe honorable MorrUsey, and hence thestamps found tbeir way into Beit's pockets.Yesterday tbe lncky winner bought "Tryonrow," situate between Chatham and Centerstreets, and a moat valuable piece of proper-ty. It probably cost Mr. Wood a quarter ota million. By the way this ia the biggest playat faro, and tbe biggest winning ever made inthis country, and Ben. Wood is the biggestbetter in this or any other country. Duringtbia game be won a bet of fie.OOO on acard.

All bllliardom ia excited about the mysteri-ous disappearance of Louis Fox, of Rochester,tbe great billiard player. He disappeared tendavs ago, and neither bia family or friendshave heard of him since. It ia feared he hasbeen made war with, as bis gcod conditionpecuniary and otherwise, forbids the Idea otsuicide.

According to the newspaper reports Mr.James Stephens. C. O. I. R.. Is a wonderfulfellow, and is endowed with the faculty ofubiquity. V ithin tbe past week be haa beenseen in London, New York and Paris. TheBritish Government is somewhat curious ontbe subject and offers a fabulous snm to who-ever will tell under which thimble the littlejoker msy be found. Maybe he's in Ireland,'A wr.rin' nf the Riven "

Tbe Negro Bill.We give below in full the bill to regnlate

tbe elective franchise in tbe District of Co

lumbia, as it finally passed both n,oure ofand now awaits the action of the





Be it enacted by the Senate and Haute cf Reo- -rreentativet of the United Statet ef America inVongreet atttmbled, Tbat, from and alter tbepassage of this act each and every male person, excepting paupers and persona underguardianship, ot vbe age of tweuty-on- Yearsand upward, who haa not been convicted ofauy infamous crime or offense, and exceptingpertont wAo may have molwntarUy 'fieen aid and

shall bav been born or naturalized in tbeUnited States, and wbo shall bave resided latbe said District for the period of one year,snd three months in the ward or election pre-cinct in which be shall offer to vote next pre-

ceding any election therein, aball be entitledto tbe elective franchise, ana shall be deemed

elector and entitled to vote at any election in said District, without any distinctionon account of color or race.

Skc. 2. And be it further enacted, Tbat anyperson whose duty it shall be to receive vote

any election witnin toe uittnct ot lorum- -io, who shall wilfully refuse to receive, orho shall wilfully reject the vole of any per

son entitled to such right nnder this act, shallbe liable to an action of tort by the person In- -

red, and shall be liable, on indictment anaconviction, if snch act was done knowingly.

a fine not exceeding one year in the Jail ofsaid District or both.

Sac. 3. And be it further enacted. That if anyperson or persons shall wilfully interrupt ordisturb sny such elector in the exercise ofsuch franchise, be or tbey ahall be deemedguilty of a misdemeanor, and, oa convictionthereof, aball be fined In any sum not to exceed one thousand dollars, or be lmptvonea

the jail in said District tor a period not toexceed thirty daya, or both, at the discretionof tbe court

Skc. 4. A nd be U further enacted. That it shallbe tbe duty or tbe several courts having enmlnal jurisdiction in said district to give thiact in special charge to the grand Jury at thecommencement of each term of tbe court nextpreceding the holding of any general or cityelection in said district.

Sic. be it further enacted. That theavors aud Aldermen or the cities of w ssh-

betore the first day of March In each year,ahall prepare a list of the persona tbey judireto be qualified to vote in the severs! wards ofsaid cttlea tn any election; and aaid Mavoraand Aldermen shall be In open seesion to receive evidence of the qualification ot personsclaiming the right to vote In any electiontherein, and for correcting aaid list on tdava in each year, not exceeding five dayaprior to the annual election tor the choice oi

ity otneera, giving previous notice oi uctime and place ot each session la some newspaper printed In said district

HEC. O. Ana oe further em artea, lost on orbefore the first dsy of March tbe mayor andaldermen o. said cities shall post np a list ofvoters thus prepared in one cr more pnouc

lace In said cities, respectively, at least teaavs prior to said annual election.

SBC. 7. And be it further enacted, Thst theofficers presiding at any election shall keepaod use tbe check-lis- t herein required at thepoll during tbe election of all officers, and novote shall De received unless euverei oy tnevoter in person, and not nntll the presidingofBeer has had orrrtnnitv tn be aatmtled ofhis identity, and shall find hi nsme on thelist and mark it, and ascertain tbat nia voteis tingle.

Sec. 8. .41 be if further enacted. That it Ishereby declared unlawful for any person, di-

rectly or indirectly, to premise, offer, or giae,or procure, or cause to be procured, ofiVred,or given, any money, goods, right in action.bribe, present or reward, or aay promise, understanding, obligation, or security for tbepayment or delivery of any money, goods.ightln action, bribe, present or reward, or

aov other valuable thing whatever, to anv person witb Intent to inflaence bis vote to begiven at any election hereafter to be baldwithin the District of Columbia; and everyperson so offending shall, on conviction thereof, be nned in any snm not exceeaing nwothousand dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding two years, ot both, at tbe discretionof the court

tec. 9. f f be it further enacted. That anyperson wbo shall accept directly or indirect- -

lv. anv money. Broods, ngbt in action, orioe,present or reward, or any promise, understanding, obligation, or security for the payment or delivery oi any money, goods, ruralin action, bribe, prevent, or reward, or anyother valuable thing whatever, to influencebis vote at any election hereafter to be beld inthe District of Columbia, shall, on conviction,be imprisoned not less than one year and beforever disfranchised

Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, Tbat allacts and parts of acta inconsistent with thisact be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

Outwitted by the Mexicaas.Tbe Mexicans have the reputation of being

the shrewdest diplomatist in tbe world.Tbey certainly will draw up the neatest papers, put it most oeautiiuuy in black andwnue, ana ago u wun more nouns net tnsnany other people we wot of. The only peoplewbo can approach them In the careful word ingof sentences, and In penmanship, are said tobe the remans and Arabs. Tbe only reaaonwe can give for tbl superiority is, that theyare always cool cool aa bandits. No word.nor sound, nor stroke of the pen shows agita-tion or excitement In tbia way they so putforth the treatv with Gen. Scott that the Mexicans to this dsy believe Santa Anna got thebetter ol the hero of Lundy'a Lane, and sentthe Americans home with a flea in their ears.So. a few days ago, on tha Bio Grande, thevoutwitted Hen Sedgwick, snd got him flirt tohelp Escobcdo outside of Matamoros and thenCaoalrs inside; drew those remarkable lettersout of bim and Shendan; and then tbe two puttheir beads together and turned against bimaad tbe United State, like a couple ol rattle-snakes. Ton never catch a Mexican asleep,nor off hb guard, nor exerted; aad It yoa everdo rated him at ell, like th Dutchman's flea,b isn't there. fN. O. Plcayuac

iDim co.sriRicT uses.



Trial of Citiaena by 2Lilitary Commi-iio-


Dissenting Opinion as, to CoagreeaiaaalPower.

Special Dispatch to tha Clueinoatl 'taunt aWAAauoTOJi, Dee, IT.

The Supreme Court iwuderwd Itafull decision in the Indiana conspiracy triaaa,otherwise known as the Bowie aad MUitgaacase ex parte. The decision waa, as win beremembered, made orally juat at aba close otthe last term of tbe court. Tha questionsdisposed of ia Ibis ease and two other caecabeard with it, were aa follows:

1st On the facta stated in said petitionsnd exhibits, ought a writ of habeas corpusto be isasKd according to tbc prayer of saidpetition?

2d. On the facta stated in said petition andexhibits, ought tbe said Combdin P. MillLraabe diacbanred trom custody, ae hia said peti-tion praved

3d. Whether upon tbe facta atated ia saidpetition and exhibits, tbc military commissionmentioned therein, had Jurisdiction ? totry and sentence said Milligaa In mannerand form as tn said petition and exhlbi'sstated.

As to the first two questiona, it Is answeredin the affirmative, and aa to Lha third question,it is answered in the negative.

Mr. Justice Davis read the opinion of tbecourt. Justices Oiler, Nelson, Clifford, andField concurring in whicb aa to the oajeetioato tbe jurisdiction of tbe court in the matter,on the ground that there was no tuit pendingbefore it It is held that a cause ia a suit, aadwherever there is a proceeding before a courtbrought to assert any nbt by aay peraoa,that proceeding ia a suit. In this ease Ultrawas no sppearance by the Prosecuting Attor-ney on tbe part of the Government, bat thatis Immaterial aa to tbe vacation of Jurisdic-tion, as the appearance waa not necessary tosustsin it This language ot th statute,providing for a certificate of division in aaycase, where judare ar divided, upon th ap-plication of either party, ia Intended rather toenlarge the statute tbaa to restrict it ia amanner to exclude th right of appeal, laeases of tbia character, where only the aaaeof oue party appears.

On the meriu it ia beld tbat Congressagainst neb commissions, rather lha a

in favor of them, by the act of 11 aad thatCongress has aot the constitutional power toauthorize such eommiaaion; that tbe Con-stitution ia expressly against them, aad it lathe supreme law of the land la tame of wtras ia time of peace.

Mr. chief Justice Chase read an opinion, fawhieb Justices Wsvne, Swayne and MUler concur, diesentiug from so much of tha opinionol the Court ss held that Congress did notnave uc constitutional power to authorizemilitary commiasiona, but concurring a to tbcanswt r Riven to the qarations certified apon.1 be uifrseuting opinion holds that tn time ofwar Congras may authorize military commis-sions to try offt ate such as charged lu the catoeiore tne loun.

Gaod Vae af Bad Materia UFrom lha Blchaoad Tint.

The recommendation of Governor Worth.in bia mesaaa to tbe General Assembly afNorth Carolina, that all the negroes b sentNorth, aeema to have caused quite a I utter iaRadical circle. Tbe proposition ia one whichahould meet the aeriou attention of the Lar- -

isiatnrea of all Southern etatea, and if by anymean we can inaugurate an earnest movementof the blacks toward tbe North, wc aballvery speedily see the veil of hypocrisy tornfrom the face ot the New Englaud Moaanaae,As soon aa we have started a deluge of woolyhead and aboebln to th land ef woodcanutmegs, we will lad that moat ot tbareapeetabia peopie of that quarter willeither rapidly change tbeir opiniouaabout CntTee, or tbey will leave andcome South to occupy the vacantcabins. Tbe presence of th negro in ourmidst ia now woat prevent free wait labor-ers from coming to aa. Tbe white soaa, aomatter whether be be a Yankee, Irishman arGerman, will not immigrate to a eouatrywhere the competition fur labor throw bimIn contact with tbe negro. The supertoritvof the white race unmistakably aaserted latbia very tact, that tbe whit man aeekinrlabor or land, will aot pursue either in tbaSouth at prevent because of tbe pre new aftbe negro, whose asaociation aad eoatigaltyin tbe eame community would be both aasnir-latin-

and offensive. The prejudice of raceand color are nowhere seen so strikingly a Intbe refusal of immigrant to come Poota,when no other reason can be aaaicned fortheir objections, sav that of the necro. Noman, when seeking a home, ever thinks oflocating tn a bad neighborhood, aad outsiderregard tbe whole South a being of this character, simply because th negro ia here.

We are very poor aod cannot afford outlaysof any kind, but the firs: expenditures lawhich we can Indulge would be very wiaelyInvested in tamlamng sach aegroea aa desireto go North with tbe means of so doing. Oursoutnern state snoaia oner a oonua to everynegro wbo would croas tbe Potomac; for

very negro thua departing wc would get awhit laoorer ia return. Iaveatmeai ot thsort would pay better than subecriplion toraiiroad and canaie, ana wouia o tne oetcontributioua which our peopl could maketoward tbe restorauou ol aational peace andrepose.

W believe that the Kadxale are underperpetual alarm laat tbe uearoe shouldexercise the right of freemen and comeamong them. Thla apprraeneioD on theircart eiDtaio wbv thev are doing all they canto make Cunec contented wuer ae bv meyknow that if tbe North, either by tuffrage orother superior attractiona, invitee the aegroe,tbat they will come. Thla tbey dread, andtbey want to bribe them to stay at home.

Law and Jaatice ia North Caraliaa. farther Action al the Legieiatara.It will b remembered that we bav already

published tbe resolutions adopted la thNorth Carolina Ledalatnre, denying the truthof the statements made by interested personathst Union men and negroes were 111 or un-

justly treated In tbat State. These resolutionmet with opposition from a member of tbeLegialatare; aod on tbe 10th the followingpreamble and resolution la reference theretowere produced by Mr. Wsugh In th UauAof Commons, and unanimously adopted :

vV'hxuas, In the diacnaaioaof the resolutionwhich passed the Bouee oa th 7th Inst, de-

claring, among other things, that the eaargeaof disloyalty, of persecution against thosetyllag tbemaelvea th original L'nion men,

and of tbe partial administration of justice, arfalse, and known by Utoae who make them tobe without a shadow of foundation, tbe mem-ber from Henderson (Mr. Biytbe) declared becould aot eonsclentioasly vote for tbe resolu-tion, because thev were an true ia that theyaaserted, tbat the Union men ot thai State badnot been persecuted (which alleeatiuo Is un-

derstood to refer to persecution stae thof civil government) coming

trom a member of this House, require investi-gation : to the end. therefore, that tbe paraonor authority guilty ot such persecution, beduly punished,

Jieetmeed, That the Committee on the Ju-diciary, be Instructed to request said mem-ber to appear before them, and furnish thfacta on which he rested aaid allegation, andthat aaid Committee, in order tbat a fair andfull Investigation msy be made, have powerto send for person aad paper, and that tbeyreport to thi House at an early dsy, by bill,resolution or otherwise.

Sorratt to be Frightened into Teetify-ia- gA galas t 51 r. Davta.

The Washington' correspondent of th Bal-

timore flaeette aavt:In a recent letter I ventured the stiggesUoa

that in view of tbe Insufficiency ot the evi-

dence to convict Surralt f a capital otfenain a civil court, and consequently, by application, throwing doubt upon the righteoasnasof tbe senfenee which military eomuiiaaioa

upon hi mother, tbe kadical wouldattempt to relieve tbe eommiasioa from pa true odium by an energetic proaecntioo ol thson, and attempt to caorge hia acquittal ofsax an offense to Copperhead perjury andrebel tympathy. But bow greatly did 1 un-

derrate the audacity and laipudonca of thefaction now ruliug tba entire tjuutry witb aaIron rodr-an- d wuo laugh in the bacee ot theircredulous follower. Sorratt, w ar bow toldi to be d into a witaa againstDavis, or rather be ia to be manipulatedbv the immacaiat Holt and throughtbe machinations of tosit new Conover, (per-hapa the Canadian "trenUeman," who servedin both armiet during the late war, and morarecently fumed up amorur tbe rope a Zouaves) aud under threat of death, induced tosubscribe to some eork and bull story implicating Innocent partiea In tbe asoaatiuationplot which, by the way. st now fast eaeumingthe proportion of the fain oa "plant" ofTitua Uates. roe chronicle of thi morningdiettnetlv foreshadow thia scheme, "it mreported, ' eeya tbat intamoa sheet thatAttorney-ti- neral Manbery ha decided aponthe trial of J'ff. Dana at Richmond sontime during tbe spring of 167. John Surralt recently captured in Egvpt, and now oabis wsy to tbia country, will probably beplaced upon the witneaa stand at tbe Dtv'atrial, bis complicity with the conspiratorrendering him a valuable arttnea In regard tothe part played by tbe In the aa--sassinatlon scheme." Can the equal of tbcompound Of audacity, recklaaanoas and vtlWtinly be found anywhere In hietery, except,perhaps, tbe charge acstnetCfeartee the gVecindot Implication in the plot to assassinate himself f

The Keatneky State Debt.Tbe Frankfort Commonwealth says:We understand tbat the Quartermaster Gen

eral of Kentucky haa been notifl-r- i, bv theproper National autbontiea, tbat T'COOO haabeen made subject to the dra't of the StateGovernment of Kentucky. W also learnthai, wlthiro a few werw V between tl.f1.- -

0(J and fJ.Oi'O.OCO more will b placed tdthecredit of the Stale.

Our State Treasury is now in funds, andorobablv. bv the and of another mon'h. willcontain between 4,000,ono to TheSine debt is between t000,OOU and o,000.OuO. We would urge upon the State authori-ties, the propriety aud expediency of appropriating thla money toward to extrngulab-me-

ol the State debt It would be th beatnaa which could be made of th money.



Tha Bute Caaveatioa Hob. R. TI.Slaataa Th Claims af Northeasternkeaiacky Ilea. J. i.A. akieg.

Crraaooilanea af us Louisville Coiuaar.lrLaanSQUCaO, Dee, 12, 16.

Th approaching Democratic slat Conven-

tion ia arousing aoaaiderabl interest in thamind ot tbe people, and w frequently beartba inquiry mad a to tbc person to benominated for tba potiUou of Governor andLlaateuant Governor. 1 1 aJ, so far sa 1 havetfalud tba aountW ia tbe northeastern partOf th State, a perfect unanimity among theDemocracy, and a determination to tup-po-

the aomiaeaa, whoever they maybe, ytt th claims of Col. at S. Stanton,of bfaKa aonuty, will be strongly argj-- insuavantkoa by hi hot of fiieuu. Therecan be ao aneatloa that from the present

ol pablie acuuuacut, he will get tbevol of lb deiegaiioae from nearly every coun-ty in Nortaeaatera Kentucky. Bia friaudjarc in ears eat Tbey know tu man. and thatbe ia ra every way qualified for to office. Hebaa been a Democrat of the oldJaeksoolsu stripe snd poetesses the confidenceof tbe party In Northern Keniackv.

Hs has aever deserted hi principle, andwa oa ot th first victims ia Kestucky toFederal outrage at the bearlnuing of the war.

la the fail of he, with a number of oth-er prominent Democrate of Masoa county,were arrested by a military order of GeneralNersoa, who, for the time, waa In commandof the military force stationed In th part olKentueky. After thtir arrest they were hur-ried etf to that filthy hole. Camp Chase, andfrom that to Fort Laiayerte, wber they werecon So ad for several month.

No charges bad been brought or provenagainst them before or alter their arrest,wuich wa noth-o-g more than a piece of cold-blooded tyranny apon tbe part of Nelson, be-

cause they refuted to surrender np their prin-ciple, aad rail down aud worship th greatBfeuttooa adaimat ration, which then aua theOomernment, according to abolition lug'.c,

Colonal otanton haa aever been a ciamorerafter political poaition. Tbe people of biaCougreaaiooal District boe him aa their rep-resentative ia Cougret for six years, sud hmade them aa able and efficient representa-tive. Tbia ia th only tim he baa ever beenbefore th pec Bit for office. H aa been a

aiid eoualatent Democrat, and in thearly yearf of hi manhood, when tbe Demo-cracy af Msaon waa largely in tba minority,ha waa tbeir acknowledged leader, ss he ia

aow ; sad well worthy was be ol the trust re-

posed in bins. H wa active during th latapolitical canvas, taking th stamp againstWada worth, wbo la acknowled to be oneof th shrewdest politician ia northernKentucky, on of th best debater la the9 rate. adawonb came out second beat andeven In bia awn aouartv (Maaonl, wtucu hadaiway roue ia large titjonue againal tu, hefailed to aronae former eat tiaautara, and thecounty went Democratic by TU) maturity, andnow aha may be aet dowa a taoronghly Dem-ocratic. Thi. la a great measure, ia lb

of popularity and exertion of Col. Stanton and other prominent uemoerata, woomaue u moat c ganuc exert 'oue-- to accom-plish that (lortoua object, Th weight andInfluenc of Wads worth, Harrison Taylor.Tom Green, the editor of th Ka

le, waa thrown again them, andfavor or ut radical eandidatea, bnt

the peopl were determined to b hoodwinkedno longer, and therefore voted the Democraticticket. Cot Stanton ha never beaw a droala a political eanva. aad hia In finance iaaiwaya felt Ha ha fought hi opponents fbrthirty years, against large odd, aod aow begins to realise the fruit ol bat 'aoora ia seeingold hUaoo raneed nnder the Democratic banner. Hundred of bia friend expect hia nomination. Tbey believe he riehiy deserve theposition, aad if he ia made the standardtiaaiar of th DeBtoeraey Beit summer, theywill rally aroaud him with the moat uu parallel ed enthusiasm. He ia universally popularwherever ha known. Even bia toliucalopponent entertain for bim aa unboundedraaoeeL

Th people of Northeastern Kentucky believe they arc entitled to the candidate for(roventor aot having bad one aince ijovamorBreathitt time, a penoa oi aooat fortyveara. They bav aever Been clamoratretofor for anv of tbe State offleara, batbav alwav eome ap to tbe workof tbe tne Uoa from which th candidate wtaken; thereiore, they are aow determined toore tbe Claim of their favorite, believingtincerely tbat he I entitled to the nomination.Fleming county, wuicn as aow Liemocratic,will eome to hia tup port ha tbe conventionwith in unbroken front, and. indeed, yonrorre prudent believe jvevy county in

Eta larky will do likewise.No ceatleman ia Nor'uem Kentucky I

spoken of lor Lieutenant Governor, aad littlehaa been aaid about It but aom or the De-

mocracy believe tbe southern part of thtata ahould have th candidate for that posi-

tion, aad th Boa. Joua t. A. King US)

strongly spoken of at tbe proper person to benominated. He I bold, talented aod popularwber h I known, and will make aa excel-lent presiding omcer of tbe Senate.

Ta Democracy of Northern Kentucky arealive to the Importance of having good men,and from artaont indication, the detegaiiouwlil be large from tbia part of tba Suw.


Letter Fraan IIoa. . S. Khaaklia.WaJHinoToa, D. C, Dc. Ttb, IStA

Hon. P. 9k)ert, Frankfort:Dsaa Bra: Ton will aee by the newspapers

tbe mrasura snd policy of the Radical party,s Indicated by the proceeding of the dratfour days of the proarnt araaion, ar ta stripthe President oft much of his Constitutionalnatrouag and aa many of ha right aa one ofin arparvroeuio oi inc govern-ment a poaslble, Uiereby indicating (ia myjudgment) a determination not to Imps eh orremove him, but to render tbat branch ol thuoveru ment helplea and powerlesa for eithergood or aril during th remainder of thi

Had tbey determined to remove bim, andto place another in hi stead, they would bavbeen the last party on earth that would havedesired to have taken from an Kxecnliv oftbeir owa selection, Irom tbeir own prtT,any power or ri-- either constitutional orotherwise. Tbey, a party, recognise aoeonatituUoaal restriction npoa theu acta.fariu neeeemty bmng dWir tupremt lam.

in Biica ineaucu aave ueicrnunea toehanirt the time of meeting of th next Con

of KaBjlJla Dz


Co.ttaveralseveral rate,


af willpossible

thereioreto confide my aspiration, and claim, (if

aay for to friends intbe District and ak theu see that ao

ia do

Tha Georgia Gold Xiaea Rich Telala ration coaaty.

Of Which,

aonueaat- -


ledwa quarts shown

Holland, who haa bad thirty year experience a practical miner in Georgia,

teat made bvtoia rock about 50 ton. He

costing95,000, twelve aaa grind twohundred buaaala about fourteen ton)dav of twelve aoora, the being within

diataaoe, annoyance water.

Tbia certainly aa unexpected andvaluable djecoverv, and proof

to of thi aa miuingliviopatnt ha not yat begun.

Oar vely hrnoraatan taaa rat Weraily their


front Frankfortpoint recent deeialoa ia

to Court of Appe.:Aaams Kiprvee to. v. McDonald. Louisvtd

mea Honerveo.Ta Appnanta' agent received hale

of eottoa at Pulaski, heNaehvilre, wa th of

ent railing ship, appellee broughtto recover vain ol" to and

recovered for withHeid Court That no

flcient videue thai wa specialcontract liabilitycommon camera, aa doe aot appear

were from shipping ae--eoruuiK miiviwi, oeror the pa enemy, or by tatted Stateaarmy, they were thvalue cotton; and wa ao error tngiving a tbat wa of Judicial doea


A ot chica4BVepuniiean telle we loin rich ttory:

A well known jouraa.iet, wa formerlycorrespondent says wrme

l ii cits, uie vir, woe aay wam 9eeretary Seward bia opinion of Hortee Greeley.

Greeley, said Seward,mau msn tu full g' ofpower, if he baJ common

we thould to bang bim; butthereiore barmiea

comng New Tork. ionrnalistdining tbe editor of the rihnne, inquiredBis opinion Mr. Seward. "Mew

anon, reply,aownary. Jf aaaa ha

head; tb trerunj with Seward ia haaa lafarmal

THi: DAILY COuitUlii:BT W. a.

TERM OP SCBSCBIPTIO.tne by wait Itrr i i..iuti. V 'u.,i attare BKiaia. bv mail i a

waila atvaaea.

Orra. ur v, eenta atbc carrier. Zo .HawAaata par cj.


Dahlia Nw TackHerald.

Dcbli, Nov. "Coming eventcast shadow but ore. If therence in Ireland during th ail da;,to be taken aa shadows of lb future,muat expect at. l very quickiy.The great tnat now ring u 'runon and oi tbe aland to th .a, "in .Jame Stertocaa, got aiit ye ."Though aianyven'ure to eonddently aifinn .,that ne tu.- - uiidat ot ua, tba train euiyknown to th initialed, so lav Oa beencarefully gnarled, li be not ire land yt.wuich i toe opinion or the aurowdi-a- t ouiid- -rs. tiiere no doubt be be acre

wi'hia day or two.Public excitement ia very high;

noiiimg talked of in newsroom, ub, oc onChaLg- -, but the coming revoiu'luo; wbea

to and wtiere tbe "dogs of war"drat be a ipped, ar canvassed with anx-

ious lace. ventur to la nub off, ordeny there will be movementTue government ia stirring, and bracingup titair reaourcea to ooeet eve u La. men-tioned my iaal l,0u) reward was of-

fered to th man who wooid pi eventgetting Into the country. Taat propoaed reward aa largely increased,now any man, woman or who will causatoe body ot :rpbens to he delivered to lorngovernment alive or daad. can eiairaL5.JU0, and protection for the term of theitnatural In.

To wildest rumor about pasone to snother. various seaport roandth coast th telegraph ia hour bringing tolha Caat.e report of hi lanuuii and bringveeu various diaeruiaea; now brgirar- -man, by toe local eonataburv,who aore lory lha oror minister ar detained becaua of ami Vprobable liken ea to lha organiser.

Th latest rerort to official Quarter, aadon which likeiy to be founded on facta ofaome tbat ha to get intoDublin; that two morning tgm

landed at th North Bull bieaa.unguarded tract 04 sxecoast, snout tw mi e

that ba since goingthrones tb eity a th driver of sa ouuiueear; that hi ageota and friend ia rum pre-tend to hira him, aad dnvas them by tomounfrequented load. Tha communicationar earned on, and gives hi directionwithout being uapectad. It said that to ,

sotborilic propoa to ap all onr driversinapectioa morning; but to da

to they sbouid notice, not likelytne C. U would parade hiiaaeif.

have y receivea inrormauon rrommoat reliable authority that tbe piao of Vk! trmian leader are very forward

of to C. otneera ap-

pointed to lead th insurgents, managedto get th eountiv by two and'turoca,and are presd through tb variou diatrictataigued to them. Tue manse ot the peopl.who have enrolled tuamarlvoa nnder tua naa--nerof tbe exiieeied republic, only wait lhsignal to tak the Held. The rami to taaapiace in tha night tame, and notice win r

aaatnl diautct to diatrict by signal rock- -r and bouflre. In the country net th

police barrack will be flrat asaanlted, tba po--

ilee routed, and inew station romaea oy aoolnsnrganta Country mansioaaand large ta-

wi,i daapoued and every on lore ;

contribute, by money or materiaia, tomaintenaoea at th In tbpublic baildinca moat likely ta be aolestand siege are to eeiied, aod at or

np a rortreaee. I u prison, wowboaaea, Ilk will barracTu are tofound in ine eailart t divided between ioFeniaa executive tne army. Howtbeee will eome to eaa

sav, bot if their asaertioo are to oae red .led th Is very cloa at band, andmay have stirring scene to notice ia th ,eonrae of the oofa.ng oaoata.

government authuritiea ar workingwitu vigor aow. A.1 tha troop omprianigthe Duhiin garOoa were kept under arm

tbe past three nigbr Detachmnol cavalry th oatiying districts of r

tb city nnul day'ight, and on Saturday aaorder wa diapatched to Chatham, Irom tbAdmiralty, lor the immediate preparationtransport ahip to convey revcral regiment fto Ireland. These reuuenta wer teuxtrapa--ed lor to AMenbot, to prepare tor immedt (embarkation. Two of that are to inert auato Dublin gamaoo, which already verylarge indeed. oilier wiil be broken mto 'tev-r- al detach menta and d.apervd throuieth country. party of Roval Marine areaiao on irom Wooiwich to do dutyin Ireland.

The police force being atnr- -

mented by men the Cug' iah branco, t nd .

are ail armed withwane th eoostanuiary m eowniry a atr.ciaare heiag uie-- with breech loading ride.

Dublin Caalie, woere Jaraea Meunen naapromaed to eat his oa Chrtstma i

being rapidly fortified aud ttrengtuenrdbe tble to sitae. Tb Coder Secre

for Ireland, Sir Tbomaa Larcom, ia smuch Impressed wita the g'wvity of hi

that he ha resigned b.a rvaidenc ia thPhrrnix Park, and com to reaide in th rCattle, to be on tbe to I medicnew, and be ready to kasoe prompt direeiioLrturn rvouired. .

Th Commander-in-Chief- , Lord 9traith- -(

nairu iSir Hugo kVeei, urging on thogovernment lue ad v isaOility oi hai

an, wuich aimpiy to encoungo theFenUna to break out, an pmmpily pour v

ma, art of oa them, tnd maostcre '

on found part ici pat ing in tb avovet ,

ment Tha what niiht expeetevl ;

the maa woo blew tbe oatlvat from thieaaoon't mouth by tb score ia India, but itdoea aot receiv tne full approbation of biteoueague ia the Privy CouuciL t

Several arrests aeisurea madewithin the week, and mav tell yoa oa reua-bi- e

data, that there are least an Informerat prweut lodged the Cast.. It L believed ftbe authorities acted on informa-tion, and that raid will be made on a.1marked iu iivklua beior another week

.apae. It ia adviaabie to forfew to tb country

before taking atep, ao that, possible, fbe mav be included in the batch, and some oithe ttaff who over with h.m. Mesa-tim- e

have picking up mea in Bel- -

Carr.ck macros, Tnm, Corkand other piacea. In Dublin, man lately ar---

rived trom who gav ht name as 'Jame MPberson McGiUvray. wa arraeteiwon Monday charged with an

conspirator. About Jtl.OU) were ibunoa bia sod but ao documentaryevidence oi He i detained to

grats to th 4th day of hUrca next to . f x

three session ta each term, the Two eate containing couple of hundredrat station to commence on uie a aay of ttMj r.ae, maa bavooeta. wic ..- - )

March next the second en the first et .j. U wer, inioDecember, 1S67, and the third oa the j Cofk naV. eore ta governmewt orend ,

in Decani ber, Ob yesterday uJ W(jre jarBaed to moat retrjeciaoiecame ap in to Hoot to carry ont that A carpet manuiaoturer.nurpeee. tome debate, and an- - i Jot th Cor, corporation. And Ib- -

Important ameudmeut were adopted, it waa .tiir4Un tM)ws tbat similarpoarpoaed, but It will be pedily paaaed ba- -

m ,opmrMlce been delivered to thytiud doubt same ad dree within the past few It

Under thi state of tbe ease the election w tboou, ttmt tB,, a,,, been received bfdelegate frara Kentucky will take plac ia i elerk tne BBploymnt of th who asFebruary aext and before tba tvanjvrJ to durance Vila A large

the preaant Congreaa, and aefor M.,Iurc Q oui ef4 Mme eight to ten tbonaan l,for me to return to Kentucky, for bfn m Limenck, and the ma'erA.

eanaot leave my post here, and the retponsi--K)r lue m.UB!a. tue ol' at many mora.

hi duUea devolvag apoa me one th oatural eooaequroee of the acta, therprsenuuve of my State, eouid ,ic min(i eoMK.-,rbl- d.loi bed. Thosesecure my a a member of to with Aieoben aad tu plana. ,

Congret. am, ompelled, , .iliw,,, tBe new ot bia arrivsl. -my

1 have ) myto in--

Jaatie a.










Correa-aadea- c






th portion th community arflouaiy watchiLg the preparation adieugovernment will make for proteetu'..Ail that tha aext month big with cat.

acccd ia I

field, seizing fww large j

fortiflcationa, aad can out fbr utt.eWs have been howu samnle ot - i K.i. u t rmmm m.iir at h m

quart from lota Number 200, la 17th ,iooa to reason to doubt but that ,district thi County, With nine w. nn.l km reir.mreenvrr.ta at iotoera lyiBg th direction of the baa wbo aiw ban. back beeaa tbey fJut been purchased by Mr. Ed. W. Holland. Sooht hi bch. and hie ia ten uoa to dj I

A. Anatoli and itr Pare. Tbeee are th,n extract money from hia dupe.bout ten aorta oi on A0 y oaovement waa not much

aira near in. v,u.i iw.iiir form ot revolution; Hit werevein wa traced by boulder and turtaea Nsliew to be a war of tbIndication, two muea , tD ptook morsarty tort oireetion, pit lrnB pohtieal form, numberwre obA at lea or twelve feet deep, k b,...ifor half a mil Thi veins from t W1VB,pirn iMnTl,.Btt

" v " wrww. , ountry whien the arraur ol aadand It trom these waobtained.


tbe yield of rold in a bimof at alsostair thai a mill, bout

and men, about(or per

rockwith 11 uie or no

ttumat very

bur, anotherof latnteatt veina aaoantry.

paopl aoorparat i or tha(old H lying beneath

Iwt. Mew Baa.

trF" VJ the T tomanth of a

tneaeery; Ami Judge.tevea

to shipped thai dayto and paid price sbip- -

TO taait th cotton,

the same Interesttm the sa there wa snf--

there anyvarying the ot a

and Itthey

rr ov vii av art I'l tiuu.bite a tb

properly held liable forof the thereinterval, a matter

discretion whieb aot tobeen

j therefore affirmed.

UoBAca GacBLsr ad Secns-ran- Saw tan.New York tha


a thataurioB;

"Horace "is aa of oina, and tneb

that a particle ofsense bave ad d fool, and

After to thewith 1

oi arilbrain waa tba to governMia ataarer ar tmtai

but thatw

vtr, apt J

J. 1 jtavah

at eraia

28, 1.

taeirpest ar

wring time here

queat.on itother

:a mand


is but will



willFew it

lual a tooa.alo

Iin tbat


since been andeu.i


bim fromFrom


in ti

ar have prize, a aanur

iatort managed

a idu.i rag- -

him a

Ui is and b been




give and it m

I v

in a atata.O.. aad


f fromdial

uiea b

ibody. CUiee

Ja b

titledaad each form their


and sooneveot paaa none pi-tivei- y

K fkm I




it iTh

their way


they revolvers.


dinnern u.



tion tspot receiv m

ia againauopiji;

p is1 then


at oay b


and bave been1


have theira

athought wait

a daya get SteDhcns intotbia il

eometuev been



agent othe P

a revolver,connection.aad

have regular a


Monday I060. a a ibill


wit b


a fI thereby

40th i w


loyal of 4

theirat X

If Stephen getting ao armybit.) tbs a building aa

hold a.h. tra

in th r, im--1l

.lia vein, -,- 1

Gen. Bmiiea u eny. to o

creva, anc'Siiatieother poor

nQk Xbe




of aaot

agia, iof a j

reretablata iu f

hout in a ittawtawaateriy- - ,o . of

developedro yr















still mat Patriotism atiil bum strong! r I

ail Inabmen'a bearta. rich aa well a pobut tbe former rannct tee that Stephen ts '

man to lead them wane he biaaona ob --

banner, "Murder and pillage." It he pro"tbat hi idea ar above Idea trimea, that a

will respect life and property, he may Sod h

banda eoneiderabiy strengthened.Dannie Dowling Muicaliy' ca s baa been

rally argued, tha potuta I gave yon ia myeommauica ion commented oa al great ieajtbut the judge bav guided taeir inteo: uto peatpooe any declaration of their optnioaetill aext term. It at ganeraiiy thought uiaithey will ba advert to ah wiaoa of lue


. CO!vFI3CATIO' ILLEGAL.The Coarts against it.

W learn that a very Important eana v. iJnat been decided ia the Morgan coonly .

Circuit Court 11 waa no lean irnporuusuit than ooe brought by Meter, uyler a. f.Bent. OI thi p ace, ior in poeaeaaioa olcertain tract of laad sold and eouaacatedtbe L nttad State, during the war, aa rebproperty. The oecuoeot set up, bv way oanswer, the doe re ot the United dtato Couriand tbe deed of the United state Marabai robim, which bmnght before th Court tb averita of the whole case. .

The ease wee roily arned on two seTrtoreaaione, oa tbe laet ot which Judge Bearor one or the Swutriwver Circuit preauie.along W'ta Judge Eck'.ea, Pratidem Ju.ige Jthe, 6th circuit Alter mature delihorv.tbe Court came to the eono '' ttai 'sal waa noli and void, and tbat aa a enqueue the plaintifx waa entitled to inmed apoaaeaelon of tha premisew.

If thi conclusion of the two learood JoxLsy-wb-

pr tided at thia trial be th law, aa ahave no doubt it la, tboae aa'ortoaei womenaod children who happened to live in ihtSouth dunng tbe existence of the rebel. Ion.and who btd their reality lying ta the

eonnscated, have aoitung to do batbeing an it lor poattoaaion. and they will b

in all their original right.But who will get tbe rent and pmflt dur-

ing confiscation. This n a nice q neat ion; m:we presume theconrta will It to the rig itfill owner of the land, a anil being brought.Johnson County ta.l Press.

I ! Tb Marlnetti Ravel Ptntom'--Troupe, engaged by Sheridan Corbva, amvhi Aaa Fraaciaeo oa th Uth mat. and w .

MintMBM with an aiuagwaaent at Wia Si ef'Ha Theater ta tb MtreoatraM at"6rta Moaatar
