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iLX-N T^Y^,.tw. DEVERY'S ORDER RESCINDED. · Superintendent McCullagh went before the regu-lar...

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PRICE THREE CENTS. DEVERY'S ORDER RESCINDED. iLX-...N o - 19.714. LONDON DAY BY DAY. MARKETS REFLECT CONFIDENCE IN M'KINLEY'S RE-ELECTION. MAYOR VAN WYCK ACTS PROMPTLY OX A WARNING FROM THE GOVERNOR. HE AND THE CHIEF PROMISE AN ORDERLY ELECTION. Rarely ha? Election Day in America had so much interest for people of this country, and the outcome of to-day's contest is being eagerly anticipated It is taken for granted that Me- * Kinley will be re-elected. BHUFFLING THE CABINET CARDS—SOUTH AFRICAN NEWS— NOBILITY IN MUNICIPAL POLITICS. tOopyrlirht; 1B00: By The New -York Tribune. 1 [bt cable to the tribcxe.] rlxmdon.r Ixmdon. Nov. 6, 6 a. m.— The pointers from to- day's story of the market indicate McKinley's election. Nearly all the American securities have risen during the last twenty-four hours in response to strong markets in New- York. Lom- bard Street Is convinced that there will be no change of Administration in Amerira and no interruption to the present course of industrial development. Chief Devery was yesterday Indicted by the Grand Jury an OM charge of Interfering with the State Supe. itendent of Elections. From the time thar John McCul'.agh was appointed State Superintendent of Elections he has been antagonized by the Tammany police authorities. Instead of ren-iertng him aid. they have In every way that was possible to them without com- mitting an own act opposed his efforts to pre- vent illegal registrations and Ufegal voting. Hitherto the hos<t:lity between the State officials and the Tammany police offletals has been of the veiled order. YpsterrJay open warfare de- veloped when Superintendent McCullagh secured the indictment <>f Chl«f Devery. Specifically ihe head of the police was accused of interfering with the Superintendent of Elections In the execution cf his duty and obstructing the work of his bureau. Th* charge was baswd upon the following order, printed in yesterday's Tribune, which Chief Devery issued on Sunday night to precinct commanders, and which the Chief late RDIXER PROFAXELY DECLARE 3IT JkSt OUTRAGE - DISAGREEMENT A3 TO TIME Or ARRESTING ALLEGED ILLEGAL VOTERS. CHARGED WITH INTEKFERING WITH M-CXLLAOirs WOUK. CHIEF DEVKRY INDICTED. order, which related to Chief Devery's order to the captains on Sunday regarding the McCul- lagh men and voters. The Mayor's mandate reads: William S. Devery. Chief of Police. Sir: You will at once revoke the order pub- lished in this mornings papers and issued from your office vn the 4th inst.. at 5:20 p. m.. rela- tive to the duties of the police force on Election Day, and you will Issue immediately such fur- ther orders as will require your subordinates to co-operate with and assist in the execution and enforcement of the Metropolitan Election Dis- trict law. Chapter «7t>, of Laws of 1898, and amendments thereto. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK. Mayor. When the Chief had read the order to the re- porters the Mayor spoke to them, saying: "There will be no Intimidation or violence at the election to-morrow. It will pass off as qui- etly as that of a country village. It will be as quiet an election as was ever held In this city. The Chief of Police will take charge of that, and The shuffling of the Cabinet cards goes on here without a fresh lead. I learn on the best possible authority that Mr. Wyndham will be Chief Secretary for Ireland, but will not have Cabinet rank. Hi* friends have counted upon his admission to the Cabinet as a certainty, but they are doomed to disappointment. Lord Cadogan will not resign the Vlceroyalty. and th« Chief Secretary cannot be in the Cabinet. Mr. Wyndham has Irish blood, and. what '.s better, knowledge of and sympathy with Irolnnd. Some of Mr. Wyn.ihanVs shrewdest friends arc In- clined to congratulate him upon escaping from the War Office during the n*>xt five years. They do not believe that the present Government will be thoroughly in earnest in reforming the military system, and are convinced in advance that half measures will be sternly disapproved by the country. Lord Roberts's fresh bulletin includes the rec- ord of a gallant march from Belfast by Smlth- Dorrien and the complete surprise of a Boer camp. Although this General's name has been seldom found in the dispatches. South Africans consider him one of the best men In command, and even credit him with having military genius. Dr. Jameson, for example, describes him as a really great genera) who has not made a single mistake during the campaign and has done much brilliant work. Two other generals whom Jameson praises are Inn Hamilton and Hunter, whom he knew at Ledysmith, and he also ad- mires French intensely. Dr. Jameson doee not court publicity. He has recovered from a ter- rible attack of fever contracted In the Ledy- smith hospitals, bat has had a return of older ailments and has oome to London to consult specialists. Dr. Jameson gives a thrilling ac- count of the siege of Ladysmlth, and laoks words In which to express his admiration for the rank and file of the British army. His com- ments on the generals are in a different key. He does not believe the guerilla operations will last long. CHIEF OF POLICE WILLIAM 8. DEVERT. who was Indicted by the Grand Jury yesterday. JOHN M"CULLAGH. State Superintendent of Elections. The hospitals Inquiry -was dosed yesterday, after a rattling 1 examination of Mrs. Richard Chamberlain, who served by her sarcasms and (jnlea retorts to Justify- Mr. .Tre-reVs famous epigram about the two plagues of Booth Africa, women and files. There airs several ladles of fashion tn the smart sets who would have en- joyed relating their adventures m South Africa Ifthe CommlaßV>n had allowed them to do so. Among the candidates for Borough Mayors are half a doaen peers. The Duke of Norfolk end Lord OzuOow are rivals for Westminster, Lord CheimsfoM la named for Kensington, the Duke of Bedford for Holborn and Lord Cadogan for Chelsea. Prominent members of the nobility have been mayors of provincial cities during the last fifteen years, and the custom of having titled figureheads in municipal offices has grown oat of. the recognition by the nobility of their public obligations In local government. Inan article on British railways, **The Ttmee," which has given tbe details of amazing speed developed by tfae Atlantic City flyers and loco- motives of the French Northern Railway, points out that It Is quite certain that the fastest trains In England are no longer by any rneang the fastest In the world. But British prejudice dies hard, in spite of the beld facts, and the state- ments will not receive general credence. An international shoe and leather fair opened In London yesterday. There waa abundant evi- dence of the fact that m leather, as in other trades, American manufacturers can easily hold their own against all comers. last night rescinded at the Mayor's direction af- ter the latter had been warned by Governor Roosevelt: Tactics and methods of intimidation perpetrated upon respectable citizens who have been un« year In the State, four months In any of the four coun- ties of Niw-York City, namely. New-York Kings, Queens and Richmond, who have resided thirty days in an election district and who are legal voters, by John McCullagh. Superintendent of Elec- tions, will not be tolerated or permitted by tha Police Department, and the commanding officers of the Department will give all complaints touching on such matters their special attention, and will Instruct the members of their commands to use all means within their power to protect the honest right and franchise of all citizens on Election Day. DEVERY INFORMED BY SULLIVAN. Accompanied by John H. Hammond, Special Deputy Attorney-General, who has been detailed to prosecute violators of the Election law. Superintendent McCullagh went before the regu- lar November Grand Jury yesterday morning. Upon the evidence which he presented to that body an indictment was Issued against Chief Devery. When McCull&gh emerged from the Grand Jury room he gave no intimation of what had happened, and merely Informed the reporters who awaited him that he had been engaged only on some election cases. It was not. in fact, until Devery himself reached the Criminal Courts Building some two hours later that knowledge of his indictment became generally known. The Chief, it seems, was apprised of his indict- ment by Senator -Tim" Sullivan and Michael F. Lyons, a Bowery restaurant keeper, and an elector on the Democratic State ticket, who by some means had learned of the action taken by the Grand Jury. They Immediately hurried to Headquarters and advised Devery to go at once to the Criminal Courts Building, In order to avoid the humiliation of being sent for by the judicial authorities. Lyons offered to furnish The visit of Prince George of Crete Is attract- ing much Interest. He comes from the Danish Court to visit the Prince of Wales, and will probably see the Queen. His appointment as High Commissioner has always been attributed to the Influence of the Empress's mother at B*. Petersburg and the Princess of Wales. I. N. F. The Mayor and the Chief were closeted to- gether for an hour, and no person was admitted or spoken to during that time. When the talk was ended Chief Devery sent an officer to the newspaper men to say that the Mayor had something to tell them, and the reporters were invited into the Chiefs office. The Mayor sat In Chief Devery's big chair, while the Chief himself said he had received an order from the Mayor, and he then read that The Mayor was driven in a cab to police headquarters, where he arrived about 10 o'clock. He went into the office of Chief Devery fifteen minutes after the Chief had arrived In the building. "No, no." said the Mayor gruffly, and turning upon his heel he left the messenger abruptly. Mr. Waldron Immediately left the club. The Mayor went to take counsel with Mr. Croker and Mr. Carroll. Inquiry was made for Corpora- tion Counsel Whalen, but it was ascertained that he was not at the club. Presently the Mayor left the club. As he was departing, he was asked ifhe would make any statement, and he said In reply: "No. not a word." Mr. Carroll would not talk about the Gov- ernor's letter. Mr. Croker shut himself in his room upstairs, refusing to receive newspaper men or answer their cards. Mr. Whalen said over the telephone that he knew nothing about the Governor's letter and could not talk about it. I therefore hereby notify yon that in the event of any wrongdoing: following upon the failure Immediately to recall Chief Devery'n order, or -upon any notion or »>»«*«***^jt »t' tho l>n -t of Chief Dover?-. I muiit r.. •m.rtly call yon to account. Yours, etc. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. A frown settled on the Mayor's face as he read the letter. When he had finished the reading. Mr. Waldron asked ifhe had any reply to send to the Governor. Governor Roosevelt last evening served notice upon Mayor Van Wyck that the Mayor would be held responsible for any violence at the polls In this city to-day that might result from failure to recall the order of Chief of Police Devery directed against the Sta'e Superintendent of Elections. Mayor Van Wyck was not slow to see the Importance of the Governor's demand for the recall of Devery's order. He was at the Democratic Club when he received the Gov- ernor's letter, and, after a hasty consultation with Mr. Croker and Mr. Carroll, he rushed away to take other counsel. Within a few hours he had placed himself In communication with Chief Devery and the Police Commissioners, and before midnight It was announced that the of- fending order of Ch : ef Devery had been recalled. Mr. Waldron, one of the Governor's mes- sengers, came to the city from Oyster Bay last evening, bearing a personal letter from the Gov- ernor to the Mayor. He went to the Fifth Ave- nue Hotel and asked for the aid of one of the employes of the Republican State Committee there in hunting for Mayor Van Wyck. The nat- ure of the communication which he carried was not divulged at ihe hotel, but one of the em- ployes at State Headquarters, who knew Mayor Van Wyck by sight, volunteered to help Mr. Wuldron find the Mayor. They found the>Mayor at the Democratic Club about 9 o'clock. The Mayor walked into the reception room to meet them, and there Mr. Waldron handed to him the Governor's letter. The Mayor broke the seal and read the following. Oyster Bay, N. V., Nov. 5. 1900. Hon. Robert A. Van Wyck, Mayor of New-York City. Blr: My attention haa been called to the of- ficial order issued by Chief of Police Devery. In which he directs his subordinates to disregard the Chief of the State Election Bureau, John McCullagh. and his deputies. Unless you have already taken steps to secure the recall of this order, it Is necessary for me to point out that I shall be obliged to hold you responsible, as the head of the city government, for the action of the Chief of Police. If it should result in any breach of the peace and intimida- tion or any crime whatever against the Election laws. The State and city authorities should work together. I will not fall to call to summary account either State or city authorities in the event of either being s-uilty of Intimidation or connivance at fraud or failure to protect every legal voter in his rights. ENVOYS AT PEKING AGREE. will preserve order. I have the utmost con- fidence In the Chief. He knows his duties bet- ter than I do. He Is a perfectly efficient Chief and understands how to maintain peace and order." Chief Devery then said that there would be no trouble whatever to-day, and that he would en- force the orders of the Mayor to the letter. Chief Devery sent out the following order late in the night: To All in All Boroughs. Pursuant to directions received by me from His Honor Mayor Robert A. Van Wyck and be- cause of the misconstruction placed upon the order which I issued at ">:2O p. in. November 4. 11MH», commencing with the words "Tactics and nit •ih'>ilp nf intimidation." en-., you are hereby notified that said order is revoked. You will in- struct the members of your command that it is their duty under Section 7 of Chapter (570 of the Laws of 189 ft, as amended, to co-operate and as-slst In the execution anrl enforcement of the Metropolitan Election District law and render aid and assistance to the State Superintendent of Elections and his deputies in the performance of their duties when called upon to do so. Read this at the midnight rollcall and at the rolicall in the morning prior to the men leaving their stations for duty at the polling places. WILLIAM S DEVERY. Chief of Follce. The Chief said afterv.ar.l- "To-morrow's election will be the fairest ever held in New-York City. I will do all that lies In my power to s~e that that end is accom- plished." The Chief thin said "Good night" and went home. It was rumored at the Criminal Courts Build- ing late yesterday afternoon that Samuel Un- termyer. counsel for Chief Devery. would bring a motion before Justice Fursman In the Crimi- nal Branch of the Supreme Court to quash the Indictment against Chief Devery found yester- day on the ground of the order now rescinded. As a coincidence. Justice Fursman had a Jury out In an Italian homicide case and they failed to agree up to a late hour. Justice Fursman ar- rived at the building at 11:25 p. m.. and the Jury through their foreman announced a failure to agree. They were discharged, and Justice Fursman left the building without taking any action on the Devery Indictment. It was learned that Samuel Untermyer. As- sistant District Attorney Unger and Chief Dev- ery held a consultation In the evening and de- cided not to flemand a dismissal at this time. There was therefore no action In the case. A CHEAP TAMMANY THICK. IN ACCORD ON ALL POINTS OF CHIEF IM- PORTANCE AS TO CHINA. Peking. Nov. s— The foreign envoys met again this morning ami virtually agreed as to the points of chief Importance. It was decided t<7leave minor differences for future discussion. London. Nov. o.— Dr Morrison, telegraphing to 'The Times" from Peking yesterday, says: Vice-Admiral Alexioff has addressed a com- munication to LI Hung Chang asking China's Intentions regarding Manchuria, and inviting her to resume the government of that territory under Russian protection, which, he says, will be of "mutual advantage to China and Russia." FRICTION AMONG THE ALLIES. A MIXED COMMISSION SENT TO BHAN-HAI- KWA.N TO MAKE PEACE. Peking, Nov. 4. A commission, consisting of the senior staff officer of the forces of each Power taking part In the Chinese campaign is proceeding to Bhar«-Hai-Kwan (on the Gulf of Llao Tong). In order to smooth the friction be- tween the allied commanders regarding the places to be selected for occupation by their re- spective forces. KILLED BY COM PAX ION'S GVX. It. They have as much right to vote as any others, and will be protected in the exercise thereof, us other voters. The trick became noised abroad early In the afternoon, and all the rest of the day the Republican headquarters were besieged by voters more or less directly interested In the matter, seeking Information and advice from the committees, and stating that their wives and families were much alarmed about the affair. The Republican managers at once put a de- tective at work. It was soon learned that the letters had been mailed at the Madison Square branch postofflce between 11 and 11:13 o'clock yesterday morning. Many, if not all of them, found their way into the box at the bottom of the letter chute in the building. O. H. P. Belmont, In whose district many of the fake letters were circulated. Is the owner of "The Verdict." a weekly Tammany newspaper with offices on the fifth floor of the Metropolitan Building. Mr. Belmont's campaign managers have done so many strange things since he was nominated that It was suggested that perhaps some one In 'The Verdict" office might know something about the fake letter. When a Trib- une reporter visited the office yesterday after- noon at 5 o'clock the only person there was a clerk, ,_ \u0084 ° "You'll have to see 'Billy' Clark, at the Metro- pole Hotel, about anything political connected with Mr. Belmont's campaign." said the clerk. In the afternoon yesterday a dozen or more men called at National headquarters to ask about the letter. Among those who received them were John W. Tree, of No. 002 Broadway; Edward H. Dutcher. of No. 66 West Thlrty- glxth-st., and C. H. Webster, of No. 52 West Seventeenth-st. It is believed that the Utter was circulated all through the city. I The Republican managers look upon this as the latest, but probably by no means the last, contemptible and cowardly Tammany roorback of the campaign, and, like Its predecessors. It will undoubtedly react injuriously on its per- petrators. DEKRFOOT FARM SAUSAGES. There is nothing more appetising and delightful for a winter's breakfast. Try a two pound package. Advt JOHN H. HAMMOND. Special Deputy Attorney-Oenerai. who presented Devery"« case to the Grand Jury. bail for Devery to any amount that might be asked for. Devery w»s obviously surprised at what had happened, and was excited and angry also. As he came down the steps of Pollc« Headquarters he cried to the reporters: •They're crazy! They're crazy! Here's McCul- lagh has had me Indicted by the Grand Jury for Interfering with him. They're craxy" ' Entering hi» cab with Lyons he was driven to the Criminal Courts Bulldin*. which they ' reached a few minutes before 3 o'clock. They ! went dlreetlv to Part I. where Recorder Golf Is sitting during the present term The Recorder had retired from the bench, but learning that he was In his chambers, thither the Chief and Lyons went, and were at once admitted. As- slstant District Attorney Unger was summoned, ' and all three were closeted with the Racorder for twenty minutes At the expiration of this period. Devery, still accompanied by Lyona came from the room, but when he was ap- proached he would reply to no inquiries. "See Unger," was all that he would say. It was learned afterward that he had given I bail In the sum of $1,000. Lyons being the se- !curity. It was said that tbe ball bond had besj| THE REV. 8. F. REED LIVES TWO HOURS AFTER BEING SHOT. Trenton, N. J.. Nov. 5 (Special).— The Rev. Stephen F. Reed, twenty-two years old. was ac- cidentally shot and killed this afternoon while gunning. Mr. Reed was one of the bent known young men in the county. He was graduated last spring from a theological seminary and was living- with his father, J. Wesley Reed, at Lew- rencevnie. N. J. His wife, whom he married six months ago, is a niece of John H. Scudder, president of tbe First National Bank. The accidental discharge of the gun of Jobsj. National Protective Association City, of New-^ork, No. 1 Madlnon-ave. Dear Sir: Aa you are registered aa a thirty day resident of your district I would suggest that >ou be accompanied to the polls on Election Day t>y a friend who will give bail for you. I understand there is a warrant out for your arrest, lours truly. JAMES P. THOMPSON. President. These documents are typewritten on plain sheets of paper, without any printed letterheads or any other official evidence of their origin. They ostensibly emanate frorr the "National Protective Association. No. 1 Madtoon-ave.." but there Is no such organization at that address or anywhere else In the city, nor is there any clew to "James P. Thompson. President." In fact, the letters were originated and sent out by Tam- many, most of them being* sent to the "brown- stone district," so called, where the sentiment for McKlnley Is very strong. The threat, of course, has no foundation In fact, and the Re- publican managers desire to sa> to the thirty Aa* jptera tbMl they moat not be Influenced by SPECIOUS EFFORT TO SCARE OFF RE- PUBLICAN THIRTY DAY VOTERS- EARMARKS OF "THE VERDICT." The Tammany campaign managers yesterday afternoon sprung what was intended to be a 'star' trick on certain thirty day Republican voters In the Xllth and XHlth Congress dis- tricts, where George B. McClellan and O. H. P. Belmont are trying desperately to stave off de- feat. The trick was designed to frighten away from the polls thooe who have registered as thirty day residents of this city. At 11:15 o'clock there were dumped Into the letter chute of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Building, at No. 1 Madison-aye.. several hundred sealed letters, of which the following Is an exact copy : In view of the numerous statements put out by the Democratic party leaders and the latest utterances by the Chief of Police of New-York City, I have deemed it wise to advise every Re- publican to be at the polls early and to main- tain his position in line until his vote Is cast. Ample provisions have been made in the city of Nevv-York and in Brooklyn for the protection of all legitimate voters, and. under the supervision of the County Committee, legal aid will be forth- coming at the request of all who may be In need of It. I earnestly request all the Republican workers throughout the city and the State to refrain from entering into any controversy with the Democratic workers, and to pay strict attention to the. business th->y are theie for— the getting out of the full Republican vote. Any attempt to Intimidate will be met hy the punishment which It deserves, and It makes no difference where the intimidation comes from. We are prepared to be firm In s^curini; our rights and to protect the law abiding citizens and also to aid in securing the punishment of those guilty of crimes against the election laws. "republican state committee. By Benjamin B. Odell. jr.. chatrman. TO RECEIVE THE RETURNS. Returns will be received to-night at the Re- publican National, State and county headquar- ters. The National Committees Eastern head- quarters, on the third floor of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Building. No. 1 Madison-aye., will hold a night session to-night, and Joseph H. Manley, Senator N. B. Scott, Cornelius N. Bliss. Franklin Murphy and Frederick S. Gibus will receive the returns there. They have is- sued a limited number of lnvitatl>ns. and would have sent out more if there was my room to accommodate people in the offices occupied by the committee. Th-J news will be received over the Western Union and Postal Telegraph wires and long distance telephone from Chicago. At county headquarters, on the floor above. General F V. Greene, chairman, and George k. Manchester, secretary of the County Comrn , t- tee, will keep "open house." The best °« ££'": ties have likewise been provided here In order to Be ßet^rM l a't 1 Sta 1 te n headquarters will be received In parlor D R of the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Sen- atorPlatt wilt receive the returns there, as usual. Benjamin B. Odell. jr., candidate for Governor, will remain at his home. In Newburg, where the peopfe wHI no doubt gather in the old f^ned way and serenade him and llßten to a speech as soon It Is apparent that he Is to be the ne» ;t Governor. Secretary R?uben L, Fox »nd Execu- live Chairman William Barnes. Jr.. win be at the Fifth Avenue Hot«l to assist In ••ndlojr out bulletins on the result In this State. Lleutanant-Qovernor Woodruff will receive V- returns InBrooklyn, . ' The sunshine of yesterday and the clear, cool wind last night doubtless did wonders in the way of drying up muddy roads^in the country and the vote in the country districts will be large, so that Mr. Bryan, when he hears the news from the old Empire State, will conclude that this is still "the enemy's country." Rain or shine, city Republicans will get out their full vote. MR. ODELL'S WARNING. Benjamin B. Odell, Jr.. chairman of the Re- publican State Committee, yesterday, at his home In Newburg. repeated hl3 prediction that the State would give the Republican ticket a plurality of 100,000 or more, and, In order to emphasize the need of watchfulness, he issued the following: The Tammany managers wound up the cam- paign with a trick described at length in an- other column. The prompt measures taken by the Republican managers probably prevented serious damage. More lies and tricks are ex- pected to-day, but Republican voters have been warned so often to be on their guard during the closing hours of the campaign that the Bryanttes will profit little from unfair and underhand methods. It is well for every voter to have a pencil with a black lead In his pocket when he goes to the polls to vote, and use that pencil. The law Is explicit In declaring that a ballot marked with pen and !nk, or with anything else than a pencil with a black lead, must be thrown out by the election officers as void. The Bureau of Elections supplies a pencil for the use of the voters In every voting booth, but Tammany might try to have blue pencils placed in the booths in Repub- lican districts. If you find a blue pencil in your voting booth don't use it In marking your ballot. Call the attention of the election of- ficers to the fact that an unlawful pencil Is placed within the reach of the voters, and re- quest them to have it removed. The official ballot Is handed to a voter within the guardrail at the polling place by a ballot clerk, and when the voter receives it the ballot should be folded properly. The voter should carry the ballot Into the voting booth before he unfolds it. When he has unfolded and marked the ballot he should fold it again as it was folded when he received it. The voter must fold the ballot before leaving the voting booth, and must keep It folded In his hand until he presents It to the inspector of elections at the ballot box. He should keep watch of the ballot until the Inspector has torn off the stub and has placed the ballot in the box. Then he may be sure that he has voted correctly, and that his vote will be counted as it was cast. CONGRESS GAINS EXPECTED. The tightly drawn election battle lines were much the same last night when the sun went down as they were a week ago. The skirmish- ing oT the last few days has rtdoun.l. ££•> the advantage of the Republicans fo a great extent. No political roorback sprung by the Democratic managers in city. State or Nation has been of sufficient magnitude or significance or trustworthiness to reach the level of an "issue." The Republican managers at National head- quarters contemplate to-day's struggle with ab- solute confidence. They believe that Bryan and Stevenson will be beaten, and badly beaten. In this State the indications point to a rousing plu- rality of more than 100.000 for the National ticket, and almost as much for the State ticket. "It will be ISiKJ over again," say the friends of honest money, with large gains In the Congress delegations In this State. LEAT>ERS CONFIDENT OP THE SUCCESS OF M'KINLET-MR. ODELL'S WARNING—HOW TO CAST YOUR BALLOT CORRECTLY. Vote early to-day! Tbe poll*nre open from (I ii. m. to S p. m. Official weather foreoa»t— Fair Tne»daj- and ivednenday, with moderate temperature; liffht and fresh north «lnd«. The registration for the election to-day Is un- usually large in many districts of the city, and delay In going to the polls may mean the loss of Republican votes In some of the districts. Be careful In marking the official ballot. If you vote a straight ticket, make orly one mark on the ballot— a cross mark within the circle at the head of the Republican ticket. If you vote a split ticket by placing a cross mark In the circle and then placing the voting mark In front of the name of a candidate not In the Republican column, be rure to place that voting mark within the voting space in front of the candidate's name. A mark In front of a name, but without the voting srace mak"a the entire ballot void. Any mark on the official ballot other than the voting mark makes the ballot 'void. See that the ballot handed to you Is unmarked when you take it into the voting booth. Ii! a marked bal- lot has been handed to you by a ballot clork, re- turn it at once and demand a new ballot. I«e only n pencil with a. black lead In marking the ballot. REPUBLICANS ADVISED TO VOTE EARLY AND ASSURED OF PROTECTION. THE BTG CONTEST TO-DAY. WHERE FLOWS THE) HUDSON RIVER There runs the New- York Central: through the moat delightful region In America. Fare. 3 cent* a mlie--AUvi, \u0084: GERM Ayr SEEDS ANOTHER LOAX. Berlin. Nov. 6. It la ascertained from a source apparently trustworthy that another, and even larger. Imperial loan is forthcoming. Leading financiers In Berlin and Frankfort corroborate this statement. The cost of the China expedition, which Is much more already than has hitherto been ad- mitted, must be covered by such a loan. Moreover, the expenses of the empire In various departments are much larger than was anticipated whan the budget was passed. Baltimore. November 4. Maryland will give McKlnley 11.000 majority or more, and, I believe, elect an entire Republi- can delegation to Congress. P. L. QOLDSBOROUGH. Chairman Republican State Central Committee of Maryland. CHAIRMAN GOLDSBOROUGH PREDICTS AT LEAST 11.000 MAJORITY FOR M'KINLEY. Washington, Nov. 5 (Special). Supplementary to the dispatches in The Tribune to-day from chairmen of State committees, assuring a great Republican victory in the National election, the Washington Bun au of The Tribune has received the following telegram: A CLEAN fiWEEP IN MARYLAND. OPENED BY GENERAL WOOD. WISE COUNSEL TO CUBAN DELEGATES— THE CONVENTION ORGANIZED. Havana, Nov. 5. The Cuban Constitutional Convention met in the Marti Theatre this after- noon at 2 o'clock. Long before that hour the theatre was crowded. Many thousands were unable to gain admittance, and the streets in the neighborhood were blocked with people. General Wood and hlB staff, accompanied by General Fltzhugh L«e and his staff, received an enthusiastic welcome on entering the hall, the band playing "America." Senor Cisneros and General Rivera escorted General Wood to the platform, and he almost immediately opened the convention, speaking as follows: As MiHtiwr Governor of titt? ""talawd of Cuba- and representing the President of the United States, I call this convention to order. It will be your duty first of all to frame and adopt a constitution for Cuba, and when that has been done to formulate what in your opinion ought to be the relations between Cuba and the United States. The constitution must be adequate to secure stable, orderly and free government. When you have formulated the relations which in your opinion ought to exist between Cuba and the United States the Government of the United States will doubtless take such action on its part as Khali lead to a final and authoritative agreement between the people of the two coun- tries, to the promotion of their common inter- ests. All friends of Cuba will follow your delibera- tions with the deepest interest, earnestly desir- ing that you Bhall reach just conclusions, and that by the dignity. Individual solf-restraint and wiee conservatism which shall characterize your proceedings the capacity of the Cuban people for ri'pre-ppntative government may be signally illustrated. The fundamental distinction between true representative government and a dictatorship Is that in the former every representative of the people, in whatever office, confines himself ptrlctly within the limits of his fiefin^d powers. Without such restraint there cannot be free constitutional government. Under the order pursuant to which you have been elected and convened you have no duty and no authority to take part in the present government of the island. Your powers are strictly limited by the terms of that order. General Wood then wished the delegates a speedy and successful conclusion of their work. He said that Chief Justice Perez would admin- ister the form of oath which the delegates might select, and he concluded by appointing Senor Flguereo, Under Secretary of Btate and Government, as temporary chairman. The convention organized with Senor Llorente, Justice of the Supreme Court, as president and Senor Vllluendo as secretary. The following oath was then administered: We, delegates elected by the people of Cuba to the National Constitutional Convention, swear faithfully to fulfil the duties of our office. We publicly and solemnly renounce allegiance to or compact made with any State or Nation, whether made directly or indirectly, swearing to the sovereignty of the free and Independent people of Cuba and swearing to respect the so- lution this convention may adopt, as well as the Government established by the Constitution. All of the thirty-one delegates were present. Seftor Aleman. who said that the convention was "Only a continuation of the fight for inde- pendence," moved that the regulations govern- ing the old Cuban Assembly at Yaya in I*9fl be adopted. A? nobody seemed familiar with them the convention a<ljourned until to-morrow at 2 p. m., wht iicopies will be furnished to the delegate?. The nnilrniKned delegates propose thnt the asHcmbly adopt tl:e following renolo- tlonni Firnt That a committee of the ajmemnly proceed. Immediately to cnll on General Wood and manifest the nattnfuetlnn vrlth which the delegate* have neen him carry oat the delicate miixlou Intrusted to him. Second— Thnt the same committee reiinest (rcneral Wood to telegraph to the President of the I'nlted States 11*. follc--wsi The li.-Irjfiin-n elected to the Constitutional Convention assembled at their Inanxpnral meeting greet with profound grrntltade and affection the President of the I'nited States of .North America, and they are satisfied with tbe honesty demonstrated in the fulfilment of the declarations made In favor of liberty and Independence of the Cuban people. WOOD, commanding. Havana. November !">. Adjutant-General, Washington. Convention opened promptly at 2 o'clock. Im- mense enthusiasm and cheering for the United Ftates. Absolutely harmonious. Every evidence that patisfaction of the people was entire and complete. WOOD, Military Governor. To-night Genernl Corbin received tho following additional dispatch from General Wood: The following resolutions, signed by a ma- jority of delegates a? seconders, were presented to the temporary president of the convention Just as it was adjourning, and doubtless will be passed next session: COMPLETE SATISFACTION EXPRESSED WITH THE COURSE OF PRESIDENT M'KINLEY AND GENERAL WOOD. Washington, Nov. 5. A cable dispatch re- ceived at the War Department late this after- neon from General Wood, Military Governor pf Cuba, reports the enthusiastic opening of the Constitutional Convention in Havana to-day. The dispatch Is as follows: ENTHUSIASTIC OPENING OF THEIR CON- STITUTIONAL CONVENTION. CUBANS SHOW GRATITUDE. Bahrenburg, thirty years old. kilted Mr. Reed. The two men were walking together near a pond at Lawrence Station, when Bahrenburg went to let down the hammer of his gun. The hammer slipped, and Mr. Reed received the contents of the gun in the abdomen. Mr. Reed lived only two hours after being »hot. He was attended by three physicians, all of whom pro- nounced his case hopeless from their first sight of the wound. Bahrenburg is nearly crazy from grief. It is said that Mr. Reed's brother some time ago nearly lost his Tlfe In a gunning acci- dent similar to this one. NEW- YORK, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1900. -TWELVE PAGES.- by^ C T^Y^,.tw.
Page 1: iLX-N T^Y^,.tw. DEVERY'S ORDER RESCINDED. · Superintendent McCullagh went before the regu-lar November Grand Jury yesterday morning. Upon the evidence which he presented to that









Rarely ha? Election Day in America had so

much interest for people of this country, and

the outcome of to-day's contest is being eagerly

anticipated It is taken for granted that Me-*

Kinley will be re-elected.




tOopyrlirht; 1B00: By The New -York Tribune. 1[bt cable to the tribcxe.]

rlxmdon.rIxmdon. Nov. 6, 6 a. m.—The pointers from to-

day's story of the market indicate McKinley's

election. Nearly all the American securities

have risen during the last twenty-four hours inresponse to strong markets in New-York. Lom-

bard Street Is convinced that there will be no

change of Administration in Amerira and nointerruption to the present course of industrialdevelopment.

Chief Devery was yesterday Indicted by theGrand Jury an OM charge of Interfering withthe State Supe. itendent of Elections. Fromthe time thar John McCul'.agh was appointedState Superintendent of Elections he has beenantagonized by the Tammany police authorities.Instead of ren-iertng him aid. they have In everyway that was possible to them without com-mittingan own act opposed his efforts to pre-vent illegal registrations and Ufegal voting.Hitherto the hos<t:lity between the State officialsand the Tammany police offletals has been ofthe veiled order. YpsterrJay open warfare de-veloped when Superintendent McCullagh securedthe indictment <>f Chl«f Devery. Specifically ihehead of the police was accused of interfering

with the Superintendent of Elections In theexecution cf his duty and obstructing the workof his bureau. Th* charge was baswd upon thefollowing order, printed in yesterday's Tribune,which Chief Devery issued on Sunday night to

precinct commanders, and which the Chief late








order, which related to Chief Devery's order tothe captains on Sunday regarding the McCul-lagh men and voters. The Mayor's mandate


William S. Devery. Chief of Police.Sir: You will at once revoke the order pub-

lished in this mornings papers and issued fromyour office vn the 4th inst.. at 5:20 p. m.. rela-tive to the duties of the police force on ElectionDay, and you will Issue immediately such fur-ther orders as will require your subordinates toco-operate with and assist in the execution andenforcement of the Metropolitan Election Dis-trict law. Chapter «7t>, of Laws of 1898, andamendments thereto.


When the Chief had read the order to the re-

porters the Mayor spoke to them, saying:

"There will be no Intimidation or violence atthe election to-morrow. It will pass off as qui-

etly as that of a country village. It willbe asquiet an election as was ever held In this city.

The Chief of Police will take charge of that, and

The shuffling of the Cabinet cards goes on

here without a fresh lead. Ilearn on the best

possible authority that Mr. Wyndham will be

Chief Secretary for Ireland, but will not have

Cabinet rank. Hi* friends have counted upon

his admission to the Cabinet as a certainty, but

they are doomed to disappointment. LordCadogan willnot resign the Vlceroyalty. and th«

Chief Secretary cannot be in the Cabinet. Mr.

Wyndham has Irish blood, and. what '.s better,

knowledge of and sympathy with Irolnnd. Some

of Mr. Wyn.ihanVs shrewdest friends arc In-

clined to congratulate him upon escaping from

the War Office during the n*>xt five years. They

do not believe that the present Government

willbe thoroughly in earnest in reforming the

military system, and are convinced in advance

that half measures will be sternly disapproved

by the country.

Lord Roberts's fresh bulletin includes the rec-ord of a gallant march from Belfast by Smlth-

Dorrien and the complete surprise of a Boercamp. Although this General's name has been

seldom found in the dispatches. South Africans

consider him one of the best men In command,

and even credit him with having militarygenius.

Dr. Jameson, for example, describes him as areally great genera) who has not made a single

mistake during the campaign and has done muchbrilliant work. Two other generals whomJameson praises are Inn Hamilton and Hunter,

whom he knew at Ledysmith, and he also ad-

mires French intensely. Dr. Jameson doee notcourt publicity. He has recovered from a ter-rible attack of fever contracted In the Ledy-

smith hospitals, bat has had a return of olderailments and has oome to London to consultspecialists. Dr. Jameson gives a thrilling ac-count of the siege of Ladysmlth, and laokswords In which to express his admiration for the

rank and file of the British army. His com-ments on the generals are in a different key.

He does not believe the guerilla operations willlast long.

CHIEF OF POLICE WILLIAM 8. DEVERT.who was Indicted by the Grand Jury yesterday.

JOHN M"CULLAGH.State Superintendent of Elections.

The hospitals Inquiry -was dosed yesterday,

after a rattling1 examination of Mrs. RichardChamberlain, who served by her sarcasms and(jnlea retorts to Justify- Mr..Tre-reVs famousepigram about the two plagues of Booth Africa,

women and files. There airs several ladles offashion tn the smart sets who would have en-joyed relating their adventures m South AfricaIfthe CommlaßV>n had allowed them to do so.

Among the candidates for Borough Mayors

are half a doaen peers. The Duke of Norfolkend Lord OzuOow are rivals for Westminster,

Lord CheimsfoM la named for Kensington, theDuke of Bedford for Holborn and Lord Cadogan

forChelsea. Prominent members of the nobility

have been mayors of provincial cities during

the last fifteen years, and the custom of having

titled figureheads inmunicipal offices has grown

oat of. the recognition by the nobility of theirpublic obligations In local government.

Inan article on British railways, **TheTtmee,"

which has given tbe details of amazing speed

developed by tfae Atlantic City flyers and loco-motives of the French Northern Railway, points

out that ItIs quite certain that the fastest trains

In England are no longer by any rneang the

fastest In the world. But British prejudice dieshard, in spite of the beld facts, and the state-

ments willnot receive general credence.

An international shoe and leather fair opened

InLondon yesterday. There waa abundant evi-

dence of the fact that m leather, as in othertrades, American manufacturers can easily holdtheir own against all comers.

last night rescinded at the Mayor's direction af-ter the latter had been warned by GovernorRoosevelt:

Tactics and methods of intimidation perpetratedupon respectable citizens who have been un« yearIn the State, four months In any of the four coun-ties of Niw-York City, namely. New-York Kings,Queens and Richmond, who have resided thirtydays in an election district and who are legalvoters, by John McCullagh. Superintendent of Elec-tions, will not be tolerated or permitted by thaPolice Department, and the commanding officersof the Department will give all complaints touching

on such matters their special attention, and willInstruct the members of their commands to useall means within their power to protect the honestright and franchise of all citizens on Election Day.

DEVERY INFORMED BY SULLIVAN.Accompanied by John H. Hammond, Special

Deputy Attorney-General, who has been detailedto prosecute violators of the Election law.Superintendent McCullagh went before the regu-

lar November Grand Jury yesterday morning.

Upon the evidence which he presented to thatbody an indictment was Issued against ChiefDevery. When McCull&gh emerged from theGrand Jury room he gave no intimation of what

had happened, and merely Informed the reporters

who awaited him that he had been engaged only

on some election cases. It was not. in fact, untilDevery himself reached the Criminal CourtsBuilding some two hours later that knowledge

of his indictment became generally known.

The Chief, it seems, was apprised of his indict-

ment by Senator -Tim"Sullivan and Michael F.Lyons, a Bowery restaurant keeper, and anelector on the Democratic State ticket, who by

some means had learned of the action taken by

the Grand Jury. They Immediately hurried toHeadquarters and advised Devery to go at onceto the Criminal Courts Building, In order to

avoid the humiliation of being sent for by the

judicial authorities. Lyons offered to furnish

The visit of Prince George of Crete Is attract-ing much Interest. He comes from the DanishCourt to visit the Prince of Wales, and willprobably see the Queen. His appointment asHigh Commissioner has always been attributed

to the Influence of the Empress's mother at B*.Petersburg and the Princess of Wales.

I. N. F.

The Mayor and the Chief were closeted to-

gether for an hour, and no person was admittedor spoken to during that time. When the talk

was ended Chief Devery sent an officer to the

newspaper men to say that the Mayor had

something to tell them, and the reporters were

invited into the Chiefs office.

The Mayor sat In Chief Devery's big chair,

while the Chief himself said he had received an

order from the Mayor, and he then read that

The Mayor was driven in a cab to police

headquarters, where he arrived about 10 o'clock.He went into the office of Chief Devery fifteen

minutes after the Chief had arrived In the


"No, no." said the Mayor gruffly, and turning

upon his heel he left the messenger abruptly.

Mr. Waldron Immediately left the club. The

Mayor went to take counsel with Mr. Crokerand Mr. Carroll. Inquiry was made for Corpora-

tion Counsel Whalen, but it was ascertainedthat he was not at the club. Presently the

Mayor left the club. As he was departing, he

was asked ifhe would make any statement, andhe said In reply: "No. not a word."

Mr. Carroll would not talk about the Gov-

ernor's letter. Mr. Croker shut himself in hisroom upstairs, refusing to receive newspaper

men or answer their cards. Mr. Whalen said

over the telephone that he knew nothing about

the Governor's letter and could not talk about


Itherefore hereby notify yon that in theevent of any wrongdoing: following upon thefailure Immediately to recall Chief Devery'norder, or -upon any notion or »>»«*«***^jt»t' thol>n -t of Chief Dover?-. Imuiit r.. •m.rtly callyon to account. Yours, etc.

THEODORE ROOSEVELT.Afrown settled on the Mayor's face as he read

the letter. When he had finished the reading.

Mr. Waldron asked ifhe had any reply to sendto the Governor.

Governor Roosevelt last evening served noticeupon Mayor Van Wyck that the Mayor wouldbe held responsible for any violence at the pollsIn this city to-day that might result from failureto recall the order of Chief of Police Devery

directed against the Sta'e Superintendent ofElections. Mayor Van Wyck was not slow tosee the Importance of the Governor's demandfor the recall of Devery's order. He was at theDemocratic Club when he received the Gov-ernor's letter, and, after a hasty consultationwith Mr. Croker and Mr. Carroll, he rushedaway to take other counsel. Within a few hourshe had placed himself In communication withChief Devery and the Police Commissioners, andbefore midnight It was announced that the of-fending order of Ch:ef Devery had been recalled.

Mr. Waldron, one of the Governor's mes-sengers, came to the city from Oyster Bay lastevening, bearing a personal letter from the Gov-ernor to the Mayor. He went to the Fifth Ave-nue Hotel and asked for the aid of one of theemployes of the Republican State Committeethere in hunting for Mayor Van Wyck. The nat-ure of the communication which he carried wasnot divulged at ihe hotel, but one of the em-ployes at State Headquarters, who knew Mayor

Van Wyck by sight, volunteered to help Mr.Wuldron find the Mayor. They found the>Mayor

at the Democratic Club about 9 o'clock. TheMayor walked into the reception room to meetthem, and there Mr. Waldron handed to himthe Governor's letter. The Mayor broke theseal and read the following.

Oyster Bay, N. V., Nov. 5. 1900.Hon. Robert A. Van Wyck,

Mayor of New-York City.Blr: My attention haa been called to the of-

ficial order issued by Chief of Police Devery. Inwhich he directs his subordinates to disregardthe Chief of the State Election Bureau, JohnMcCullagh. and his deputies.

Unless you have already taken steps to securethe recall of this order, it Is necessary for meto point out that Ishall be obliged to hold youresponsible, as the head of the city government,for the action of the Chief of Police. Ifit shouldresult in any breach of the peace and intimida-tion or any crime whatever against the Electionlaws. The State and city authorities shouldwork together.Iwill not fall to call to summary account

either State or city authorities in the event ofeither being s-uilty of Intimidation or connivanceat fraud or failure to protect every legal voterin his rights.


will preserve order. Ihave the utmost con-

fidence In the Chief. He knows his duties bet-ter than Ido. He Is a perfectly efficient Chiefand understands how to maintain peace and


Chief Devery then said that there would be notrouble whatever to-day, and that he would en-force the orders of the Mayor to the letter.

Chief Devery sent out the following order late

in the night:

To Allin All Boroughs.Pursuant to directions received by me from

His Honor Mayor Robert A. Van Wyck and be-cause of the misconstruction placed upon theorder which Iissued at ">:2O p. in. November 4.11MH», commencing with the words "Tactics andnit•ih'>ilp nf intimidation." en-., you are herebynotified that said order is revoked. You will in-struct the members of your command that it istheir duty under Section 7 of Chapter (570 of theLaws of 189ft, as amended, to co-operate andas-slst In the execution anrl enforcement of theMetropolitan Election District law and renderaid and assistance to the State Superintendentof Elections and his deputies in the performance

of their duties when called upon to do so.Read this at the midnight rollcall and at the

rolicall in the morning prior to the men leavingtheir stations for duty at the pollingplaces.

WILLIAMS DEVERY.Chief of Follce.

The Chief said afterv.ar.l-"To-morrow's election will be the fairest ever

held in New-York City. Iwill do all that lies

In my power to s~e that that end is accom-plished."

The Chief thin said "Good night" and wenthome.It was rumored at the Criminal Courts Build-

ing late yesterday afternoon that Samuel Un-termyer. counsel for Chief Devery. would bringa motion before Justice Fursman In the Crimi-nal Branch of the Supreme Court to quash theIndictment against Chief Devery found yester-day on the ground of the order now rescinded.As a coincidence. Justice Fursman had a Juryout In an Italian homicide case and they failedto agree up to a late hour. Justice Fursman ar-rived at the building at 11:25 p. m.. and theJury through their foreman announced a failureto agree. They were discharged, and JusticeFursman left the building without taking anyaction on the Devery Indictment.It was learned that Samuel Untermyer. As-

sistant District Attorney Unger and Chief Dev-ery held a consultation In the evening and de-cided not to flemand a dismissal at this time.There was therefore no action In the case.



Peking. Nov. s—The foreign envoys metagain this morning ami virtually agreed as to

the points of chief Importance. It was decidedt<7leave minor differences for future discussion.

London. Nov. o.—Dr Morrison, telegraphingto 'The Times" from Peking yesterday, says:

Vice-Admiral Alexioff has addressed a com-munication to LI Hung Chang asking China'sIntentions regarding Manchuria, and inviting

her to resume the government of that territory

under Russian protection, which, he says, willbe of "mutual advantage to China and Russia."




Peking, Nov. 4.—

A commission, consisting of

the senior staff officer of the forces of eachPower taking part In the Chinese campaign is

proceeding to Bhar«-Hai-Kwan (on the Gulf of

Llao Tong). In order to smooth the friction be-

tween the allied commanders regarding theplaces to be selected for occupation by their re-spective forces.


It. They have as much right to vote as any

others, and will be protected in the exercisethereof, us other voters. The trick became

noised abroad early In the afternoon, and all therest of the day the Republican headquarters

were besieged by voters more or less directly

interested In the matter, seeking Information

and advice from the committees, and stating

that their wives and families were much alarmedabout the affair.

The Republican managers at once put a de-tective at work. It was soon learned that the

letters had been mailed at the Madison Square

branch postofflce between 11 and 11:13 o'clockyesterday morning. Many, if not all of them,

found their way into the box at the bottom ofthe letter chute in the building.

O. H. P. Belmont, In whose district many ofthe fake letters were circulated. Is the owner of

"The Verdict." a weekly Tammany newspaperwith offices on the fifth floor of the MetropolitanBuilding. Mr. Belmont's campaign managers

have done so many strange things since he wasnominated that It was suggested that perhapssome one In 'The Verdict" office might knowsomething about the fake letter. When a Trib-une reporter visited the office yesterday after-noon at 5 o'clock the only person there was aclerk, ,_ \u0084

°"You'll have to see 'Billy'Clark, at the Metro-

pole Hotel, about anything political connectedwith Mr. Belmont's campaign." said the clerk.In the afternoon yesterday a dozen or more

men called at National headquarters to askabout the letter. Among those who receivedthem were John W. Tree, of No. 002 Broadway;

Edward H. Dutcher. of No. 66 West Thlrty-glxth-st., and C. H. Webster, of No. 52 WestSeventeenth-st. It is believed that the Utterwas circulated all through the city. I

The Republican managers look upon this asthe latest, but probably by no means the last,

contemptible and cowardly Tammany roorbackof the campaign, and, like Its predecessors. It

will undoubtedly react injuriously on its per-petrators.

DEKRFOOT FARM SAUSAGES.There is nothing more appetising and delightful

for a winter's breakfast. Try a two pound package.Advt

JOHN H. HAMMOND.Special Deputy Attorney-Oenerai. who presented

Devery"« case to the Grand Jury.

bail for Devery to any amount that might beasked for. Devery w»s obviously surprised at

what had happened, and was excited and angry

also. As he came down the steps of Pollc«Headquarters he cried to the reporters:

•They're crazy! They're crazy! Here's McCul-lagh has had me Indicted by the Grand Jury forInterfering with him. They're craxy"


Entering hi» cab with Lyons he was driven to

the Criminal Courts Bulldin*. which they'reached a few minutes before 3 o'clock. They

! went dlreetlv to Part I. where Recorder Golf Issitting during the present term The Recorderhad retired from the bench, but learning thathe was In his chambers, thither the Chief andLyons went, and were at once admitted. As-slstant District Attorney Unger was summoned,'and all three were closeted with the Racorderfor twenty minutes At the expiration of thisperiod. Devery, still accompanied by Lyona

came from the room, but when he was ap-proached he would reply to no inquiries. "SeeUnger," was all that he would say.

It was learned afterward that he had given

Ibail In the sum of $1,000. Lyons being the se-!curity. Itwas said that tbe ball bond had besj|



Trenton, N. J.. Nov. 5 (Special).— The Rev.Stephen F. Reed, twenty-two years old. was ac-cidentally shot and killed this afternoon whilegunning. Mr. Reed was one of the bent knownyoung men in the county. He was graduated

last spring from a theological seminary and wasliving- with his father, J. Wesley Reed, at Lew-rencevnie. N. J. His wife, whom he marriedsix months ago, is a niece of John H. Scudder,

president of tbe First National Bank.

The accidental discharge of the gun of Jobsj.

National Protective AssociationCity, of New-^ork,

No. 1 Madlnon-ave.Dear Sir: Aa you are registered aa a thirty day

resident of your district Iwould suggest that >oube accompanied to the polls on Election Day t>y afriend who will give bail for you. a« Iunderstandthere is a warrant out for your arrest, lours

truly. JAMES P. THOMPSON. President.These documents are typewritten on plain

sheets of paper, without any printed letterheadsor any other official evidence of their origin.They ostensibly emanate frorr the "NationalProtective Association. No. 1Madtoon-ave.." but

there Is no such organization at that address oranywhere else In the city, nor is there any clew

to "James P. Thompson. President." In fact,

the letters were originated and sent out by Tam-many, most of them being* sent to the "brown-stone district," so called, where the sentimentfor McKlnley Is very strong. The threat, ofcourse, has no foundation In fact, and the Re-publican managers desire to sa> to the thirty

Aa* jptera tbMl they moat not be Influenced by




The Tammany campaign managers yesterday

afternoon sprung what was intended to be a

'star' trick on certain thirty day Republicanvoters In the Xllth and XHlth Congress dis-tricts, where George B. McClellan and O. H. P.

Belmont are trying desperately to stave off de-

feat. The trick was designed to frighten away

from the polls thooe who have registered as

thirty day residents of this city. At 11:15o'clock there were dumped Into the letter chute

of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Building, at No. 1Madison-aye.. several hundredsealed letters, of which the following Is an exact

copy :

In view of the numerous statements put outby the Democratic party leaders and the latestutterances by the Chief of Police of New-YorkCity,Ihave deemed it wise to advise every Re-publican to be at the polls early and to main-tain his position in line until his vote Is cast.Ample provisions have been made in the city ofNevv-York and in Brooklyn for the protection ofall legitimate voters, and. under the supervisionof the County Committee, legal aid willbe forth-coming at the request of all who may be In needof It.Iearnestly request all the Republican workers

throughout the city and the State to refrainfrom entering into any controversy with theDemocratic workers, and to pay strict attentionto the. business th->y are theie for— the gettingout of the fullRepublican vote.

Any attempt to Intimidate will be met hy thepunishment which It deserves, and It makes nodifference where the intimidation comes from.

We are prepared to be firm In s^curini; ourrights and to protect the law abiding citizens andalso to aid in securing the punishment of thoseguilty of crimes against the election laws.

"republican state committee.By Benjamin B. Odell. jr.. chatrman.

TO RECEIVE THE RETURNS.Returns will be received to-night at the Re-

publican National, State and county headquar-ters. The National Committees Eastern head-quarters, on the third floor of the Metropolitan

Life Insurance Building. No. 1 Madison-aye.,

will hold a night session to-night, and Joseph

H. Manley, Senator N. B. Scott, Cornelius N.Bliss. Franklin Murphy and Frederick S. Gibuswill receive the returns there. They have is-sued a limited number of lnvitatl>ns. and wouldhave sent out more if there was my room to

accommodate people in the offices occupied bythe committee. Th-J news will be received overthe Western Union and Postal Telegraph wires

and long distance telephone from Chicago.

At county headquarters, on the floor above.

General F V. Greene, chairman, and George k.

Manchester, secretary of the County Comrn, t-

tee, willkeep "open house." The best °« ££'":ties have likewise been provided here In order toBeßet^rMla't 1


nheadquarters willbe received

In parlor D R of the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Sen-

atorPlatt wilt receive the returns there, as usual.Benjamin B. Odell. jr., candidate for Governor,

willremain at his home. In Newburg, where thepeopfe wHI no doubt gather in the old f^nedway and serenade him and llßten to a speech assoon a» ItIs apparent that he Is to be the ne»;t

Governor. Secretary R?uben L,Fox »nd Execu-live Chairman William Barnes. Jr.. win be at

the Fifth Avenue Hot«l to assist In ••ndlojr outbulletins on the result In this State.

Lleutanant-Qovernor Woodruff willreceive V-

returns InBrooklyn, . '

The sunshine of yesterday and the clear, coolwind last night doubtless did wonders in theway of drying up muddy roads^in the countryand the vote in the country districts will belarge, so that Mr. Bryan, when he hears thenews from the old Empire State, willconcludethat this is still "the enemy's country." Rainor shine, city Republicans will get out theirfull vote.


Benjamin B. Odell, Jr.. chairman of the Re-publican State Committee, yesterday, at hishome In Newburg. repeated hl3 prediction thatthe State would give the Republican ticket aplurality of 100,000 or more, and, In order toemphasize the need of watchfulness, he issuedthe following:

The Tammany managers wound up the cam-paign with a trick described at length in an-other column. The prompt measures taken by

the Republican managers probably preventedserious damage. More lies and tricks are ex-pected to-day, but Republican voters have beenwarned so often to be on their guard during theclosing hours of the campaign that the Bryantteswill profit little from unfair and underhandmethods.

It is well for every voter to have a pencil witha black lead In his pocket when he goes to thepolls to vote, and use that pencil. The law Isexplicit In declaring that a ballot marked withpen and !nk, or with anything else than apencil

with a black lead, must be thrown out by theelection officers as void. The Bureau of Electionssupplies a pencil for the use of the voters Inevery voting booth, but Tammany might try tohave blue pencils placed in the booths in Repub-

lican districts. If you find a blue pencil inyour voting booth don't use it Inmarking yourballot. Call the attention of the election of-ficers to the fact that an unlawful pencil Isplaced within the reach of the voters, and re-quest them to have itremoved.

The official ballot Is handed to a voter withinthe guardrail at the polling place by a ballotclerk, and when the voter receives it the ballotshould be folded properly. The voter shouldcarry the ballot Into the voting booth beforehe unfolds it. When he has unfolded and markedthe ballot he should fold it again as it wasfolded when he received it. The voter mustfold the ballot before leaving the voting booth,

and must keep It folded In his hand until hepresents It to the inspector of elections at theballot box. He should keep watch of the ballotuntil the Inspector has torn off the stub andhas placed the ballot in the box. Then he may

be sure that he has voted correctly, and thathis vote willbe counted as it was cast.


The tightly drawn election battle lines weremuch the same last night when the sun wentdown as they were a week ago. The skirmish-ing oT the last few days has rtdoun.l. ££•> theadvantage of the Republicans fo a great extent.No political roorback sprung by the Democraticmanagers in city. State or Nation has beenof sufficient magnitude or significance ortrustworthiness to reach the level of an "issue."The Republican managers at National head-quarters contemplate to-day's struggle with ab-solute confidence. They believe that Bryan andStevenson will be beaten, and badly beaten. Inthis State the indications point to a rousing plu-rality of more than 100.000 for the Nationalticket, and almost as much for the State ticket.

"Itwill be ISiKJ over again," say the friends of

honest money, with large gains In the Congress

delegations In this State.




Vote early to-day!

Tbe poll*nre open from (I ii. m. to S p. m.Official weather foreoa»t— Fair Tne»daj- and

ivednenday, with moderate temperature;

liffhtand fresh north «lnd«.

The registration for the election to-day Is un-usually large in many districts of the city, anddelay In going to the polls may mean the lossof Republican votes In some of the districts.

Be careful In marking the official ballot. Ifyou vote a straight ticket, make orly one markon the ballot—a cross mark within the circle atthe head of the Republican ticket.

If you vote a split ticket by placing a crossmark In the circle and then placing the voting

mark In front of the name of a candidate notIn the Republican column, be rure to place thatvoting mark within the voting space in front ofthe candidate's name. A mark In front of aname, but without the voting srace mak"a theentire ballot void.

Any mark on the official ballot other than thevoting mark makes the ballot 'void. See thatthe ballot handed to you Is unmarked when youtake it into the voting booth. Ii!a marked bal-lot has been handed to you by a ballot clork, re-turn it at once and demand a new ballot.

I«e only n pencil with a. black lead Inmarking the ballot.




WHERE FLOWS THE) HUDSON RIVERThere runs the New-York Central: through themoat delightful region InAmerica. Fare. 3 cent* amlie--AUvi, \u0084:


Berlin. Nov. 6.—It la ascertained from a source

apparently trustworthy that another, and evenlarger. Imperial loan is forthcoming. Leading

financiers InBerlin and Frankfort corroborate thisstatement. The cost of the China expedition, whichIs much more already than has hitherto been ad-mitted, must be covered by such a loan. Moreover,the expenses of the empire In various departmentsare much larger than was anticipated whan thebudget was passed.

Baltimore. November 4.Maryland will give McKlnley 11.000 majority

or more, and, Ibelieve, elect an entire Republi-can delegation to Congress.

P. L. QOLDSBOROUGH.Chairman Republican State Central Committee

of Maryland.



Washington, Nov. 5 (Special).—

Supplementaryto the dispatches in The Tribune to-day fromchairmen of State committees, assuring a greatRepublican victory in the National election, theWashington Bun au of The Tribune has receivedthe following telegram:





Havana, Nov. 5.—

The Cuban ConstitutionalConvention met in the Marti Theatre this after-noon at 2 o'clock. Long before that hour thetheatre was crowded. Many thousands wereunable to gain admittance, and the streets inthe neighborhood were blocked with people.

General Wood and hlB staff, accompanied by

General Fltzhugh L«e and his staff, received anenthusiastic welcome on entering the hall, the

band playing "America." Senor Cisneros andGeneral Rivera escorted General Wood to theplatform, and he almost immediately opened theconvention, speaking as follows:

As MiHtiwr Governor of titt? ""talawd of Cuba-and representing the President of the UnitedStates, Icall this convention to order. It willbeyour duty first of all to frame and adopt aconstitution for Cuba, and when that has beendone to formulate what in your opinion oughtto be the relations between Cuba and the UnitedStates.

The constitution must be adequate to securestable, orderly and free government. When youhave formulated the relations which in youropinion ought to exist between Cuba and theUnited States the Government of the UnitedStates will doubtless take such action on itspart as Khali lead to a final and authoritativeagreement between the people of the two coun-tries, to the promotion of their common inter-ests.

All friends of Cuba will follow your delibera-tions with the deepest interest, earnestly desir-ing that you Bhall reach just conclusions, andthat by the dignity. Individual solf-restraint andwiee conservatism which shall characterize yourproceedings the capacity of the Cuban peoplefor ri'pre-ppntative government may be signallyillustrated.

The fundamental distinction between truerepresentative government and a dictatorship Isthat in the former every representative of thepeople, in whatever office, confines himselfptrlctly within the limits of his fiefin^d powers.Without such restraint there cannot be freeconstitutional government.

Under the order pursuant to which you havebeen elected and convened you have no dutyand no authority to take part in the presentgovernment of the island. Your powers arestrictly limited by the terms of that order.

General Wood then wished the delegates aspeedy and successful conclusion of their work.He said that Chief Justice Perez would admin-ister the form of oath which the delegatesmight select, and he concluded by appointing

Senor Flguereo, Under Secretary of Btate andGovernment, as temporary chairman.

The convention organized with Senor Llorente,Justice of the Supreme Court, as president andSenor Vllluendo as secretary. The followingoath was then administered:

We, delegates elected by the people of Cubato the National Constitutional Convention,swear faithfully to fulfilthe duties of our office.We publicly and solemnly renounce allegianceto or compact made with any State or Nation,whether made directly or indirectly, swearingto the sovereignty of the free and Independentpeople of Cuba and swearing to respect the so-lution this convention may adopt, as well as theGovernment established by the Constitution.

All of the thirty-one delegates were present.Seftor Aleman. who said that the convention

was "Only a continuation of the fight for inde-pendence," moved that the regulations govern-ing the old Cuban Assembly at Yaya in I*9flbe adopted. A? nobody seemed familiar withthem the convention a<ljourned until to-morrowat 2 p. m., wht iicopies willbe furnished to thedelegate?.

The nnilrniKned delegates propose thntthe asHcmbly adopt tl:e following renolo-tlonniFirnt

—That a committee of the ajmemnly

proceed. Immediately to cnll on GeneralWood and manifest the nattnfuetlnn vrlthwhich the delegate* have neen him carry oat

the delicate miixlou Intrusted to him.

Second— Thnt the same committee reiinest(rcneral Wood to telegraph to the Presidentof the I'nlted States 11*. follc--wsi

The li.-Irjfiin-nelected to the ConstitutionalConvention assembled at their Inanxpnral

meeting greet with profound grrntltade and

affection the President of the I'nited Statesof .North America, and they are satisfied withtbe honesty demonstrated in the fulfilmentof the declarations made In favor of liberty

and Independence of the Cuban people.WOOD, commanding.

Havana. November !">.Adjutant-General, Washington.

Convention opened promptly at 2 o'clock. Im-mense enthusiasm and cheering for the UnitedFtates. Absolutely harmonious. Every evidencethat patisfaction of the people was entire andcomplete. WOOD, MilitaryGovernor.

To-night Genernl Corbin received tho following

additional dispatch from General Wood:

The following resolutions, signed by a ma-jority of delegates a? seconders, were presentedto the temporary president of the conventionJust as it was adjourning, and doubtless willbepassed next session:




Washington, Nov. 5.—

A cable dispatch re-ceived at the War Department late this after-neon from General Wood, Military Governor pf

Cuba, reports the enthusiastic opening of theConstitutional Convention in Havana to-day.

The dispatch Is as follows:




Bahrenburg, thirty years old. kilted Mr. Reed.The two men were walking together near apond at Lawrence Station, when Bahrenburgwent to let down the hammer of his gun. Thehammer slipped, and Mr. Reed received thecontents of the gun in the abdomen. Mr.Reedlived only two hours after being »hot. He wasattended by three physicians, all of whom pro-nounced his case hopeless from their first sightof the wound. Bahrenburg is nearly crazy fromgrief. It is said that Mr. Reed's brother sometime ago nearly lost his Tlfe In a gunning acci-dent similar to this one.

