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Image for Income

Karen Brunger

Maximize your success quotient Optimize your




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Copyright by Karen Brunger. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,

or be resold without the express written consent of the author.

June 2016 Edition

Karen Brunger 1

Image for Income

The Power of Image

What are 7 simple secrets professionals know to help them avoid sabotaging their prosperity? To experience an abundance of good health, love, joy, money and peace is what I am personally aiming for! As a Holistic Image Consultant, I am excited to share how image can facilitate having a wealth of whatever you desire. First, we need to establish that everything is energy frequencies, including your image, which is comprised of:

Your body is a physical manifestation of your entire energy system. As you change as a person, your body changes.

Your posture, movements, and facial expressions all have vibration. How we act most of the time, we tend to become.

Fabric, colour, style, and details have frequencies. When you put on clothing, you put on an attitude; it can amplify or diminish your frequencies.

Your image can propel you toward abundance – or scarcity!

Physical Characteristics

Body Language

Clothing & Grooming

Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success. ~ Richard Feynman

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Image for Income

If your image communicates:

Scarcity - you may find that you struggle to get what you want, resent that you need to prove yourself, and justify a lack of opportunities.

Getting by - you may feel comfortable and secure, but perhaps also bored, or as if you’ve hit a ceiling beyond which you are not able to expand.

Abundance - you may feel excited and confident about expanded possibilities and opportunities.

An image of abundance appears successful, comfortable with wealth, and easy with relationships and leadership.

Isn’t this a great difference?


Getting by

A great image helps you experience your greatness. ~ Karen Brunger

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Image for Income

What is Your Image Personal Branding is the process of establishing an identity where the external image or appearance represents the personality or character. Personal identity has two components:

how you see yourself, and

how others see you.

Your image establishes your personal identity, as it communicates your character or personality. To assess your image, you can ask yourself - or people that you trust - the following questions: What is my perceived…










Level of success

Activity or occasion

Then make a list – what is your ideal for each of those? An image that is authentic is one that matches what it is you truly want for yourself. So how can you develop the highest level personal brand that is authentic to you? If you believe that “what you think is what you are”, then you may have chosen a path of personal development to become the best possible you. You can also use your external image as a tool to help you move into your potential. Whatever it is you truly want for yourself can be reflected as current reality in your appearance and behaviour. An image that gives an impression of being limitless can actually facilitate greater levels of awareness and accomplishment. When the colour, style, fit, attitude and quality of your clothing supports your potential, optimizes your physical being, and inspires your soul, you will achieve a personal style that is authentic, confident, inspiring, effortless, successful and appealing.

Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you say. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The truth of who you are lies in your potential, not your limitations. ~ Karen Brunger

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Image for Income

From Sabotage to Savvy If you have ever asked “What should I wear”, you’re not alone! The choices in styles, colours, and fabrics available for women seem to be limitless. Yet it can be an incredible challenge to find the right combination of styles, colours and fabrics that are best suited not only to your physical characteristics and personality, but to the situation as well. As an image consultant, I have seen that most women sabotage themselves in their image - both professionally and personally. When I am called into organizations to give image help, a typical scenario is that the women are dressed at least one level below the men! Since there are still cases where women are earning less than their male counterparts in the same job, we don’t need to let image be a contributing factor. Your image can propel you toward a higher income – or help keep you from it! The following pages outline 7 simple secrets to follow for an image of abundance.

Joyce’s Story

When Joyce entered politics she struggled with getting her ideas heard and gaining support. Her casual, ill-fitting, cheap clothes, out-dated hair, and ill-applied make-up were sabotaging her chances – in a very big way. Fortunately, she came to me for help!

We changed her image so that her clothing styles and colours harmonized with her body type and colouring, gave her a flattering hair style, and showed her how to apply her makeup in her palette.

Joyce called me to tell me she won the nomination. “There is no way I would have won if I hadn’t changed my image”, she reported.

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High Quality Like attracts like. High quality clothing and accessories are a magnet for wealth. Even if you don’t see the difference that quality makes, others do. How do you tell quality? Look for…

Fabric that is refined and feels soft

An impeccable fit; try it on – the cut and drape should be ‘wow!!’

Fine construction

In western cultures with a good standard of living, you are justified spending 1 – 1 ½% of your gross annual income on one outfit, excluding accessories. Some of you may need to pause to take a breath. Remember you can always buy discount!

Authentic Style Your magnetism can attract whatever you desire! If you wear the colours, styles, and fabrics that match your physical features, you will look your most healthy, stunning, powerful, and sexy. Make sure your hair and makeup is right for you! If you have not had a professional colour analysis, it’s a good idea to find your ‘wow’ palette. This is important to look your healthiest and best – especially if you wear makeup or colour your hair. Your best colours harmonize with your natural colouring. Once you discover the colours and styles that suit your body type and face, you can fine-tune further for your personality style. Here are some simple guidelines.



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Image for Income


Angular, sharp features; tall, slim, straight and angular body; extreme hair.

Striking, sophisticated, avant-garde, high-powered, theatrical, bold, authoritative, and glamorous.

Fashion is avant-garde, extreme, strong, severe, high quality, geometric.


Sensuous, full body; rounded face and features; curly or flowing hair.

Flirtatious, warm, welcoming, charming, nurturing, pampered, sophisticated, voluptuous, sexy, ravishing.

Fashion is flowing, sensuous, curved, silky, luxurious, and elaborate.


Tall with strong bones and features.

Casual, sophisticated, solid, practical, traditional, reliable, efficient, established, wealthy, country club.

Fashion is tailored, comfortable, good quality, elegant, traditional, equestrian, substantial, natural fabrics.


Fine-boned, elfin look, large eyes.

Sensitive, dreamy, charming, gamin, youthful, fresh, artistic, ethereal, intuitive, imaginative, original, animated.

Fashion is offbeat, unique, nostalgic, whimsical, bohemian, flowing, meticulous, and stylish.


Short to average, medium body build; straight lines in face and body; short, casual, hair.

Carefree, creative, breezy, practical, unpretentious, grounded, intelligent, political, activist.

Fashion is comfortable, affordable, casual, natural, easy, rustic, athletic, and simple.

Classic Medium proportions in both body

and face.

Refined, poised, gracious, meticulously groomed, organized, efficient, formal, graceful, calm, mannerly.

Fashion is classic, coordinated, meticulous, refined, elegant, organized, neat, clean, precise, and appropriate.

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Appropriate Image Dress for whatever it is you want to attract or feel. When you put on clothes, you put on an attitude. If you want corporate success – dress corporate. If you want health and fitness – dress for athletics and get moving! If you want dates – dress tastefully alluring. Make sure your look is updated – especially your hair, eyewear, and shoes. You can look outdated and passé ... or credible and savvy. I suggest having a makeup lesson once a year to help keep up with current trends. Choose the highest level of dress appropriate for your business and clients. You generally cannot make a mistake by dressing a level or two above the style of your clients, but you certainly can sabotage your success by dressing a level or two below your clients. This Image Chart shows levels of dress from High Power to Creative Relaxed. You can use this as a guideline to identify the image that is right for your situation. A high power image is suited to ‘left brain’ industries – finance, investment, medicine, and politics. A relaxed or creative image is appropriate for ‘right brain’ functions – design, the arts, beauty, and marketing. Many industries are balanced between these two extremes – being both professional and progressive. Choose the elements from each to position yourself appropriately.


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Image for Income

Highest Power Most Relaxed or Creative

Sharp looking, classic style matched suit Unconstructed, soft, loose, flowing, unusual lines

Dark, cold, neutral colour: charcoal gray or navy blue

Light, bright, warm colours: yellow, pink, peach

Fine wool suit with a tight weave Rustic fabric, loosely woven

Knee-length, pencil skirt Trousers, extra-long or extra-short lengths, gathered waist

Solid or pin-stripe suit Patterns that are large, contrasting, or floral

Crisp white shirt with collar, long sleeves, and cuffs

Sleeveless, collarless top, lower neckline, dark or bright colour

Dark classic pump Open, embellished, light or bright; sandal, sneaker

Sheer nude hose Hose that is opaque, patterned, textured, or non-existent

Jewellery in white, yellow, rose gold, semi-precious or precious stones

Jewellery of any material

Jewellery that’s minimal and non-distracting Large statement jewellery pieces or multiple pieces

Hair worn above the shoulder and neatly styled in a natural colour

Long, curly hair, or an unnatural colour

Classic, neutral make-up with red-hued lipstick one shade darker than natural lip colour

Strong makeup, unusual makeup, clean face, frosted or glittery makeup

Nails clear-polished or French manicured Unnatural nail colours or embellishments

Narrow briefcase or portfolio in fine leather Casual tote bag

Eyewear with wire frames and non-tinted lenses Plastic frames

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Image for Income

Confident Body Language Your body language is always in alignment with your emotions and thinking. If you focus on being the very best version of you, your body language will communicate an authentic confidence. Confident body language includes:

a straight, relaxed posture with weight evenly distributed on both legs

open body language

confident controlled movements

the chin parallel to the ground – not raised or lowered

a positive facial expression. Confident body language also means being appropriate for the situation – whether it’s a social greeting, business presentation, or dinner date.

Confident Tonality A confident tonality incorporates inflection, pace, pitch, and volume appropriately. Here are some tips. An upward inflection is when you speak as if you’re asking a question. If this is

used when you want to make a point, you sound as if you don’t believe what you’re saying! A downward inflection is powerful and authoritative – but if used to excess you can sound overbearing.

A low pace can be equated with a slow mind, but a rapid-fire pace can seem nervous and out of control. A moderate pace with some variation is usually the most confident.

You’re never fully dressed

without a smile. ~ Martin Charnin



Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.” ~ Ben Stein

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An extra-high pitch voice can sound like a young girl, and a low pitch voice has authority. A monotone sounds boring, and a varied pitch can keep people’s interest.

A low volume sounds self-effacing; a high volume can be insensitive. A moderate volume with variation when appropriate is the most confident.

Positive Inner State

The Law of Vibration has become mainstream, thanks to ‘The Secret’, and celebrities who talk about it. High frequency vibrations raise us up to be more in our personal power. Positive thoughts and feelings, a sense of gratitude, and focus on the desired outcome allow us to be in a higher state to attract more of what we want. As a transmitter and receiver of vibration, you can affect and be affected by the vibrations around you. High vibration emotions such as love and joy will raise you to higher confidence and personal power, and will influence those around you to feel the same. You can fill a room with high frequency, positive energy! You can also transmit and receive specific thoughts.

“The Amazing Kreskin” was a USA-based show in the 1970’s, in which Kreskin did guessing tricks that stumped audience members. A few years ago I saw him interviewed on a television show. At the end of the show Kreskin said to the interviewer “I have asked people from your studio to bring in objects, and during our talk they have been sitting on your desk. I would like you to pass your hand over the objects, and when it feels right, pick up an object.”

The host picked up a watch. Kreskin reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a sealed envelope, opened the envelope, took out the enclosed paper, and on it was written the word ‘watch’.

He said “I did not predict you would pick up a watch. I made you pick up the watch. Through our interview I was focused on ‘watch’.

Are you single and looking? Or perhaps want a new job? Check it out!


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Service to Others

The more our focus is on being of service to others, the more likely we are to enjoy prosperity. From a pragmatic perspective, it makes sense that the more people we serve, and the greater our service, the higher our income! From a personal development perspective, we can be of service either through ego or heart.

The ego takes pride in being of service, and we come from the state of “I am helping you”. The focus is on the doing and perhaps the accolades that come from doing.

The heart in humbleness may not be aware of being of service, because we are not separate from others. We are actually ‘being-giving’ or ‘being service’.

We are also of service to others when we seek authentic connections and win-win outcomes. Relationships are built on trust, openness, harmony, encouragement, and a willingness to share. Outcomes are based on values of integrity, ethics, accountability, and commitment to excellence.

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. ~ Lao Tzu

Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness - great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy. ~ Jim Rohn

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Image Insight Scale Here is a simple and fun Image Insight Scale to check your score. Image is comprised of Appearance, Behaviour, and Communication, so this scale has 3 sections.

Rate yourself for each point as follows:

3 = I’m doing great and there’s no room for improvement

2 = I could do with some fine-tuning

1 = Help!!

Appearance ____ My personal hygiene is impeccable

____ My hair style and colour suits me and is current

____ I know the makeup colours that suit me and I know how to apply makeup to look current and my personal best

____ My teeth are white and straight

____ My nails are manicured and in good condition

____ I know my ‘wow’ colour palette

____ I know the styles that suit my face and body characteristics

____ I feel great about each item in my wardrobe and have something for every occasion and mood

____ I know how to coordinate items and accessories to get the look I want

____ I shop with a specific plan and know exactly what I need and how much I am justified spending

____ I love my body, and feel great about my physical condition

Total for Appearance _____

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Behaviour ____ I am confident in greetings and know how to make introductions

____ I am comfortable meeting people and making conversation

____ I am comfortable and confident in any business or social situation

____ I know the correct manners for hosts and guests

____ I can competently navigate any table setting

____ I always know how to eat any type of food

____ I am competent ordering wine, when required

____ I can easily feel calm, peaceful, and happy

____ I am confident and have a high self-esteem

____ My life is balanced and I manage my time well

____ I am achieving the results I want, and I am excited about my potential

Total for Behaviour _____


____ I am confident in interviews and negotiations and typically get the result I want

____ I am adept at handling conflict

____ I am confident speaking to any size and type of audience

____ I am able to get my message across clearly and effectively

____ My digital media presence is positive and credible

____ My relationships are generally always positive and supportive

____ I can relate easily to anyone and create win-win results

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____ I am able to use words to move from victim to results

____ I am able to use tonality to move from victim to results

____ I am able to use body language for positive power and influence

____ I am effective being both a leader and a team player

Total for Communication _____

If your score for any category is

30 – 33 – Congratulations! You are full speed ahead.

22 – 27 – You could use a tune-up to make your journey easier. Who can help?

11 – 21 – You’re in sabotage! Check out consultants, coaches, and courses to get you going.

7 Secrets successful women know to help them avoid sabotaging their prosperity








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Image for Income

Meet Karen Brunger Hi! I am happy to share a glimpse of the power of image. I am passionate about people stepping into their full personal power, and being, doing, and having all they desire. As I grew up, I was shy and had low self-esteem; I believed I was ugly and had no value. I loved the story of the ugly duckling who turned into a beautiful swan. My dream was to take all the other people who wanted to be more, and we could all transform together. I am excited about the possibilities of what we each have to offer, and that our potential is beyond

what we can imagine. To me, transformation is about liberating ourselves from our own blocks so that we can create a life of love, joy, peace and abundance. Karen Brunger, BHEc, AICI CIP, is Founder and President of the International Image Institute Inc., and a recipient of the Award of Excellence from the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI). An international Past-President of AICI, she also served for four years as the international VP Education, and on numerous international committees. She is a founding member and a Past President of the Toronto Chapter. A pioneer in the industry, Karen has facilitated the transformation of thousands through her holistic approach. Her systems and products are currently used in over 70 countries, and she has presented on 5 continents. Karen has also conducted workshops for over 100 organizations and various levels of government. Karen is the author of 9 books, co-author of Executive Image Power and Bushido Business, has contributed to numerous other books, and is a contributing writer to three magazines. She is a regular guest expert in the media with over 200 interviews.
